-nnvi y-v a -a rAVT 4 V T7TTTTT 1? V 07 1 (1 1 1 f . 7ZI 1 " avrs-Ti-.rarT: 1 HKLP WANTED MALE OK FEMALE. , FOB KEXT. . - f vinr am I OR RAI.C. I y 1 r. i ..fa.i r. o I I . 10 On TO ACRES of our WILUVLTTK VALLKT IRRIGATED Lend ' la Marios County. S. F. of Halem l Ba:f Vkiu I the first 1"0 bomebulld-r. rirst com. Brt arvad. Appiy l lm la n 1 department of HtHDIA.N A THOMPSON". Parkar. ( UfflUr of Ummrrci Hldg.. Iwrtland. or at aor Branch Ortica aa the Crouada at WrsT "TATTOV. Or. Take 4: IS I'. M. A tr. train at L'nl-n Depot or ii s.. P. M. from H Morrison st- direct to Wet fltartoa, vt Woodbura. ACREAGE. More thaa 4o"JO acres c'os to Portland nil cat into 1. i ft. lO and 0-ecre Irene fine reeds, ail graded and la Urit-: condition. In front of evrv trjct. We hi born li year la Wiliam. tte a. and i " y-ar of th's ttmo In farm ana areac aualncti la Portland. Wa know tno soil, too make a arw.-ia.ty ot .--In arms' and our 40w-cra platting- 1 of I ho moot fertile aoil In tn atnto. See crop or part year. iou roea i " - .. ' m.ti o.i rroM do tbo ret. P" ant emp.nyment end voovanl'nt to ail tho alniu of Portland. Tl.e ebaapet arroaao tracts arouna rorT.inu. J1"' and ..--ation reneUered. and auid u lio- raj i-rnw. i" v - -- -- THL' aU.HV-KtAK IUMM.SV. li-a Fourta nr. Mala J-V A IV. Ift-ArKE tracta of eaella cleared land. ' r-t-ohot ' sou. specially adapted to fruit. ves e'ablee aad Holtrr raiaui. a't aieen. but praclK-a.ir all U'labie. pt.ro ninnlm wa tor. plenty of timbre: Bear prhnol an I count ruod. mile from railroad aad snlie fr..n Portland; $ U an aero, part ro. faa anew yoo any any. palruer. au o-n pioi BR.lvhKiMa 4 acre pavrl-tin land. H ml' from frUnit Crook aJl In cultltl"n. with, wuar ba produced ) rrp ral iao In n. year, prlto of tata for abort time. l' OO par ei re, OKI .! ZDOW. IT Poard of Trado 4:n and Oak. a r. A alo rlttlo ac-raaaa aa otootrta llnok clooo to dapwt aa4 clooo to portiaad. Kta ar tiamtM. 444 i-umtoor AUcaaaa !;; . TrE m.ta wfr. oaat of l-nta. to m'a. ul-a' walk lirle Uno. $:. caia. bo.anco paymaata. Marahall Xl'Ji. too do. 41fV4lAvi aa or uhoyA o-pao ao Slvoo maul of oovornmoat land opoa to omoatoad, la aack count la tao a-ataa of urM and vv tiMni t 'O, aad daacria ttoa of aama. C- bomoataad. aaaork tiatbor. atooo. coal aad raiaa-al lawa. I J amapa of Urocaa la color. Jlitt. !bib( 14. K. la opoiatloa. ooo ahoo ir.j all pro nuaad fek H. aad oloctrto Uaoa. laclndlac .aatora and Coairal Urxoa :ao aaca. or Ao tbroo . Map of Uaanrnctoa la aot aro. S 114. 1MV .laa. Maaop at C4. i amnion ld. " lac aaOP fmhl 1 aorta BHITIill COLUMBIA fruit farma ylald 444 4 to $W par acra: Cuaarood or cbarda la Arrow Laka diatrlck Waat K.oimi. roqaira no irriatui; aptaodid markata Idoal cUmata. food tranaportation, cobd aoclal adtaataaoa. obolcoat land only it por acra. aaar montaiy taroia without tntaroak Kraa oowk.ot " layaatoro Iruat A Mort in Corporation. Ltd . 114 Aiaauas ak V ak Vancoatr, H. C m kx i orpoRTv n fr r. Tho land of plnrappl-o and banaaaa: a oo.mtry alth a lolintful cll.nai. ua parail'lod cbancaa for aafc. prntalla In vaotmanta: cwut and aoo ua and Icara tut truth aout tma tropical country; laaua aallln( from 14 ;i por arro opatrdl KAHIt A P ATT ON, S'.? I.nrnb-rrona Tt'd.. Mb and Stark. vK oAl.E A faw and lu-arra Krat-ciaaa orchard tracca. Hod Klrar Valley; li) por rant In raah. balanco In work on ad. joining fruit rancn. Conaulf W. IX. Ilooton. loa. or. vr trod a. Uoutoaa. liurluis- l tn. loo a. I R : I T LAND. 4A arroa. 3 mlloo from WMta Salmon. InntathlDf ovtrn flno aad otay lorma. Vanduya A Walton. 41S Chamber ua marc a. II ACRC-4. f no fruit land, for I Thia to a barraln; caa bo boue-ht amaUl amount aowa, oaav monthlr pavmonta W"Xr i SSAi'llRrjiT. 319 lUllwAy Eicbang. A BARUAIV. Foaltv of rliuti'iai ltacro Pplttonbora; appl tracts In Orrrua; $loA down, bal a.tro SIS por meth. Inciudoa. car ttva vaoro: a:l or half P 4IT. orrgontan. av ACHKi opUndld fruit land. a In corn aaarcl al orcaa r.l. 4 1 tftl J iu. QraAoalaa. for nolo farm a. ' DO T"ir WANT LAND that you caa I R R 1 O A T C Murine tho dry Sammr. oe ro caa doo hio or trobla your ylalda? If on. art In on tho around Boor of our Wlllamatto allrr tma-atad land la Marlon Ca. cV. K. of oalam. Plrat com Aral eorred. Apply at (arm land d-partmant of IIARTMAS A THilvrwX. nankara. Cbambor of CommTco lllda.. rortlaad, or al oar Tiranrh OTIca oa tbo Groonda al WE5T KtATTOS. Il.Ai.TCAMA Coontr farm; " arroo: 40 K-ra cl-ar; aaw barn and bouao; flrat rlaao condition; aprina: wator. no rock. 3 mi.ao from r n city; ilu.txu. part caah. ttrml oa balanco. Ala Proom houao and 4lnO lot In .v.i.inn to aT. h-na fur land or vacant lota: prtco lvt . Alan vacant h.ta alolnlnr aita of Raw Int:tute avoraao fa. larma Alan rnarkamae t'oontv liotbor claim oa t'lacktraaa Hior: ut io timbor claim. Trinity County. CaL; 3.o A Lao ttmbar claim la Joaophlaa County. Or.. 4-v Jonf w. Unor.H. Owror Both pnonaa irooa city. Or. COt'NTRT Nnut IS aero, within 4 mlle of Vaacoavor forrT and 11 mil from Portland, oa cartina. within ! f-at of tho atatl. n. fair pouaat aad amall barn. a-Mt wall, on county road, a arao la cu'tlvatloa. fncd. aoo.i aoil. no ri.-k or cati. land all around lh!a oalllna f JC mro monay; mut bo ould th:a month, prlca 4"tAa 4UV tata. balanco auar trnia J. IL atkinjov, 41 nAlMrilun otrart. Phono. 014 and lan. Vancouver. IVaan. AI TTh AlK. aiOirrt farm la Lincoln County. Oro aoa. jolna aoo towa and railroad. Ilvin oater oa avary 4U acraa; 50 arrre of rt'h bottom load la rultKatwn. lvv arroa can bo plowod wlta 1 1 1 ' La alDonee. noma (ood pillnc. ail f M a r A" land: two a-ood or. rnarua fatr bulLlirc. t.i-thor wltn ll w.irtk offino t.Kk aad farm Implomaota. Ibla pia-o la rheap at lli.0aj. uintk Oonar. 4trZ l.urrbof EschanfO A rlAROAIV. BVacro farm, ono of tbo Boot In Wll lamotl Valio. n-t far from Portland, noor bank. -hooie and churchoa. baa naw a-room bouao aad barn and amall or chard: fir.o water Thia farm la all la crop, on fine county ruad; only illtt per acre; very anay Ufn4 Wov.I A fKA'HRE-tT. 4JO Hallway Ktcbange. tlKST FARM. lOn acraa : all la crop, rood bulldlnc. oa aood ararai rod. 1 s mi:o from k.mI town, oa railroad, bear milk condrnaer. only 41 mlieo from I'ortland. Tho land lo rich. tl-o null. prtWucoa beavilr Tho prtco la )i' pr a'-ro. I.at ua aauar you. tH'r a fEtriiKEsT. 331 Hallway Kichance llUc. J0O tMAl L FARM In Tamhl'.l County; ty trma. we have oroe special barsalna. Catl at our office and wo will give I'm full Inf irm4t!Aa a regard to farma sultahlo for 1 ruttralaina. nut culture, dairying and dt-varain-d farming; pric from 4.' por acra up. ca.lara-Murtoa Co.. od t?pa;d:ng b.dg. : 4-l4 ACREA. Caa be divided into 4 farms: 1:1. 404 proat by so doing; coat 1:1 111. Ilttl caah. ba.aaco 4 per cant: fully 44444 rata Items with farm: In livestock 4:44a: Implements, food, grain, 414a. Phono kUat aT4l. FARMHi orcbard tracta. g ad aaoortmanu Beo -iroa Karma Co.. 41. llothcblld bid. WVTtn-TIHrlEB I.AI?. TIMiiSH loads wanted. C i. MaCrackaa. 104 HiKii bl.!g. rOR RFVt 1 ARM", TO L.E Vtlii Trkeat farm of uii acres In Walla TTalla County. Wash. Also lo-a-ra vr brat farm la 'raaklla County. Waso, Apply at cata jos. c. ointiox co. tot Oerllngar bllg.. Portland. Or. ACREAGE rt'It RENT. 3t acroa la cultivation rloso to Ttgsrti oa aoJera Klocvtc; orchard, running wa ter, tie. Vandyua A Uaiian. 41a Cbam tr Commcrco. gitA ACRE" aear electric, best buy to sub divide; 4l0t per acre: also fh-if farma Addrcsa C M. OittcaiidS. Hut bard. or. OWNER will sell two ouarte r ikUobi eC 1 aboat 14 UU4.C0O faet of excellent timber Bear Crania Fan. or., for II per M. P. O boa 44 s. Viacojitr. WasB. 7 Tl M F EH LANDS BOUUHT AND SOLD. C. J. M CHACKEN. 101 McKay Bld. TIMBER CLAIMS, bomoatea rsllasalak anenta. tl Worcoatar kldg. IVANTEIs Rr.AL rTTT. WANT, acreage property on slertric lino, in exchange for l"0 equity In pleaaln 44'Xmi Koao City park homo; 6 rooms, K 41. Otrgoolau. VANTIU. . , Grand or Colon ave. quarter or single lot np to about 44o.oH for which must take cloea In unincumbered acreage on rarllns as part payment. Will pay cash, for balance. M hi 7. Oregonlsn. m ONE of our clients wants nice close-In Kat n'.le T or 5 room house in vicinity ot Ladd Addition. Price within 41'" HARTMAX THOMl'MliN. Chamber cf Coo.mcrce. WE want aa good a piece of buaineaa prop erty as ran be purchased for 4 .ovu caaa. HiVO a walllr.g pun htwr. U A It T MAN A THOMPSON. ' Caamber of Commerce. W'ANT-Ta""buy "on-small-payment down or aroom modern bungalow, furnished preferred. I;ics lo lt: will take un fumtshrd If price and terms ara reason able, al Oregonlan 1 WANT ToTtlT r.iiillT from to l acres, wltnla about lOOO feet of 4 to --ent carfare, suitable for acra homes, some trees prr feral. le. !lvo loca tion, price, terms. T it'. Orogonlan. I WANT farma. both largo and small: hara cus fraors at right prlcaa; senj them from anywhere. I ran sell thsm. Zimmerman. 314) Hoard cf Trado bMg. WANTED About" to 13 acres of good land with Improvements, buildings and soma fruit, within 12 nitlee of courthouse; owa rs on'y AH 7". Orrgonian. HAMkl' o oieclrlo lino cloao to Port land, about 4 a- res wltn noma Improvo- mentv: give full particulars; BO agenta. Alt Ml. twegonlan. W ANT tin Modern II or 4 -room bungalow; price must le reaeonaMe: terms easy; prefer Huoo CUT park or Pledmonk Own ers only. AP oregoplan. WANTED llomaatead or limber claim re llnciulahment In tho Kogue Hlver Vallev. fine full partlculara la first totter. M 113, Orego&laa. WANTED from ownrr. one or two lola Mophana add., aear business district. 414 H-vwthorie a v. m WA1 to buy a houae Iq Irvlngton. south of Knotl at : deacribo and quota prlca. Al) tiregonlan. 1K I.NoT IN lot wanted, on or between 1Mb and I4ih sm. south of Hrae: will deal only with owner. AD tireconlan. WANTED 5 or 4-room bungalow; sua loweat terms aad location. ii 414. Uro gonlao " WANTED from owner for home, a to lu arrta improved, wttbln 4 miles of buvlnrag center of Portlan.l. AF l. Oregonlan, WjTsf EL Acreage overlooking river or cloak to Portland: stats lowest price and partlculara flrvl letter. J ?. Oregonlan. TO EimtNGR. A SNAP If takeo at once: boat bargain in Portland: roofectlouery. rafetorta. bakery and restaurant all combined: cost $oio, good bualneea Man aad wife can clear over .la per month. Central location. Low rent owner leaving the city at once Vrlre face; will take good real ea tata and araume mortgage. Address room IT. No. ltUv, 4tb ak. Rusael bldg., or phono Esst Soil. HAVE three fine bulli'.tng lots In eiclualva realdenco district my equity gltevi. will exchange all or part for medium-priced building lots sultahlo for building, or small flees screago close to electrlo line. Main Sl or A 1414. aak for Mr. riurllngame. W1I.L oarhanga my at 4-room house on corner, value IJ7S0. mortgage 4I-J0. 1 ears. for good vacant lota, suitable for building purposes or for small piece acre age close to elecfrta line Main 14l4 or A 1414. ask fur Mr. Horllngama. FINEST boras on East Side; gtona Bouss and three acres of ground. Rose City Prk district; flT.Ooo. or owner authorises ma to s-ll house and 3 acres for 414 '"; on handy road. &o3 Commercial block. 1-bons Main 1413. 4 ACRE farm.' 6 miles from R. R. station, near goad achontbouve; about 4o acres will bo In grata this year; In GIMInm Ctuptv. Oregon; orlce $?o per acre. What hare you to offer? PS East lat at, city. INCOME hearing property In good thriving town near Portland to exrhanga for Im proved ranch near Portland; close to transportation; prtto aot to exceed foOrax Kaultmana A Moore. 32i Lumber El change. WILL exchange my new 4-room bungalow, price 4;ou. mortgage I1J&4. 4 years, for good building lots, suitable for b Hiding purposes. Phono Mala livl. A 141a. aak for Mr. nurlingamc. V AI RES H1TE SA1.HOX LAND. Near Ulsvlr place. 4"W; will inks buncalow I'JoiiO: small amount cash. Ial. mortxage. 4 per rent. Fred W. German. j.w rturneina t s,.n. ALL or an,' part of au acraa of Irrigated orchard, free of debt, to trade for city pro;ert; give location, price and amount of Indebtedness la Drat letter. it TMA, oregoplan. H VIEW LOTS. Columbia HclaMs Addi tion. Vancouver. Uaeh.; value 4404M); will exchange for Portland lota or acreage. Cellars-Murton t'o, a 4 epaldlng Mdc. FOR SALE or exchange, a seven-room lioue and lot at Fcaaide. Oregon, as part pay ment oa small rancn. Address V 757. Ur cgonla n . 44x14. good 3 room house, near Omaha. Neb., rented for 4 month, for vacant lot or equity la house. 1'eterson's. T.'l Falling hl-l KrSlDENCE Hot 44x! In Hants Clara v'ouolv. California, nrar Stanford Univer sity, for I'ortland property; value 4ti4. AC 71. Oregonlsn FtH PALE !. acres of g.od bottom Isnd. Improved; will trade for store In smsll loan; terms. Address W. IL lTAugoerly. Sweet Home. Oregon. Folt eALE- or will exhanga for a bunga low, n.y equity In loo by -OO comer. Irv lngton Para. If Interested, sea owner at clrurvtore. 5h and lmrns:Jc. TIM ItE II claim lo trade for mortgage or any kind eoulty cuntract: aaaume niort gaca. tioggaaa A ta, 1 Sg Morrison. rooia 4. XnOOO FEET white pine In btevens Coan tr. Washington, fur orrsll business of ecj tial value; valuo of 4ot; no agents. X !;. tregonlan. TWO house a. coiner lot. 112. 4S 4 : 4404 caah or trade, balance per cent; can be made Into Oata paving 14 per csnk 4il.vvs. owner. East Z741. WILL exchange new EUlsoa and Victor ta.klng machines for our old band In struments belberllng-Lucaa Mua.s Co.. 114 2d St. tKoli farm at lreaiaiii. a'oc-k and ln:ple maota. sell or trade for Portland business Income property. O. W. I. Land Co., 1st and Aider. LOT taken Drat pamenl 4.T4 bungalow; oatu. pantry. aiic. woooiki. naaemenk balance 4.'S monthly. Oenrr. East 1741. WE exchange your proirty for wnat yoa dostra. portiaad Exchange. H xloard of Trade bldg. bee Mr. Wlesk 1 WANT a good cow: will trade splendid lot for same anu give or taae difference In cash or Installments M Mil, OreguDlan. Ill, eachango ydtir property rrgardleas of location for tliat which ouita you better. North weal EicHaait,M Henry bldg. 1M EQCITT In 5 -room bungalow to trado lor lot, gooa awnci, ear. xturk room T. :JVa Third. ICO ACRKd goo-1 Uniber on Tll amo.k Ka for unincumbered city property or ama'l farm. It TW, oregonlan. sTmiLI.ION sugar aad yo. ow pine for house and lot: ao agenta. A 779. Oregouian. T)K SUE. Yetierlee aasl Hsrsew 14 GiD mules for sls for 4.1'Hm( a,ao some work horses. bcbmltt Broa.. 'Creawsll. Or. BOR8ES. xnarea, rigs and harress for eaie. ltd and up: teams and dump wagons for tire. 4V4 Montgomery. FOR PALE Ono &-year-old black mara weighing 1300. ono team young, well bred horses, weighing lebOO. S:a I.uaaell HI'l HAKiiAlS. 3 mares. 2-l'r lha.. 7 and S years old. true pullers, hamees and wagon, all for T42 Orand ava. XI A ROA1N Team, mare and horac. 'J :0 lha.. harness and wagon, all for 1123: taka Woodatovk car to ",7th and 4Ud avaA l'hone Pell wood !?. WANTED To sell cheap, one-orated family phaeton, rubber tires, good condition, r-tu-c-er-sker: can bo seen at nunnyalde Htables, I"-; E. S4th St.. or call up Tabor 1SUO. CAR of flno heavy horses at rensonabla prices. Rosa City Park Stables. J.M and sandy ttoad. Itoaa City car. Adams as t 'am ppelk THREE 7am mares I17S. st Inth and Bel mont; late Sunnvalde or Mount Tabor car, gsl oft at 2tn, ong. block south. Horses. chicle and Marnea IIOKSKS FOR SALE. 1 span, niaro and horse; & years. -J-"" ins. 1 span, gray geldlnrs, S years, :."0 lbs. 1 span, bsy geldlngB. S years. :U!.." lbs. 1 span, bay geldings. 8 years. J4U0 1B 1 tay geldlpg. 4 years. lll.Vl Iba. 1 gray gcldlug. 7 years. 1400 lbs. gray mars. T years. ISoO lbs 1 gray mare, with foal. 7 years. lWlM. li head mam and geldings. 1100 to 12:.) Ihs all of these ars subject lo trial aad will be guaranteed by us. HAWTHORNE STABLE. 4''0 llswthorna Ave. PORT LAND fTAULKS, 2rt N. liTH ST. ii hones, from loOO pounds to loOO pounds, prices from Hii to 12 ".d per horre: several well-matched teams of horses and mares, all sold with a written guarantee to be as represented or your money re funded: farm and delivery wagons, bug gies, and all kinds of harness aleo for sals; bank and business references furnished. R. I. EVANS. FOR SALE Draft and gen-ral-purposa horses: I!" head will arrive today, reb ruary XS; all ftrst-claas horses, guaran teed as represented, welching froto looo to iso; mostly all 6 and 6-ear-old: op ma g.md mated wmi; bays and grays, r ul lon cnr. UWO Macadam gk; through week. --7 Salmon st. Marshall isii.1. Main "134. WK have a carload of good delivery and farm horfes and marcs, everything broke, gentle; will weigh from lluo to 14.".o lbs.; eer sale guaranteed Jnst as represented. Prices ranging from I'JOO to Jo(H a span. Call 3.14 Front. Todd g Sals Barn: open Sunday. I'hons 6-'-7. FOR BALK Twj norm, weight aearlf lotio gcunds each, and good travelers; light hark with harness, all naw. In cluded, it sold separately. If taken aaw will ba ofT-rrd at a bargain. Address A. P. Langenberg. Clackamas. Or., or la vulro at room gno oregonian bldg. OOos wagons, from ona to flvs-toa capacity, always In stork. ll'U'MH!A CARRIAGE ACTO WKS.. Mam zna-sn nont 11 Birds. IHm and ret Stock. WE sell thoroughbred poultry and g of all breeds, bee tiism at our store, ir'tfft mora at tho farm. Choirs cockerels, triog or pens, very reasonable. Try our high quality chirk f.xnl. Houtlcdga Seed A Floral Co-100-!d sk FOR PALE Imported and American-bred ranary birds, foods, cages, nests and stip- . . i . i, Lin.l, iiniilliih ant aoun- riuma P.outlsdga Seed Floral Co.. 1W ccuid 7lloKorc.HMP.KD While Leghorns. p,rsls tent Winter layers; cirgs 4- per setting. Telephone U 2."l. or rail 8IO F.aat o'th St. liARHED Plvmouth Rocks, good ones only, malea and females; ergs for listening from sele-'ed stock. Lad'l. ISO Front St. FOR SaTbTwo fuTl-blood B. P. Hock cockorels: rti"ip. l'hone K. 4oa3. ABtomobties. IS?.'.. MAXWELL 30 liwio model, fine condition, run only mllea equipped with l-'IO worth of brsnd new tires, top, glasa front, speedometer, prestollis tsnk. brsss bumper, tiro pro lector, lamps: a great bargain. Wa hava only lO days In which to sell this; must gst quirk action. E. M. K. NORTHWEST CO. Clispmen snd Alder sts. I If AVE Just received my lull Pa. kard and mv S-pasaenger Packard overhauled and repainted la for sale, tluaranteed by lack ard people. No trades. May be seen at Packard tlarags. 4i North .ld sl 14 you want to buy. aeu or trade aa auto, see Vance, the broker. 1 have many ex tra, good buys. l'hona Mala tint. Set Third sk EI FTrmc rsr. In first-class condition, will sxecaags for diamonds. ao3 Spalding bldg. CHALMERS 30. fully equipped; only run aooo miles: good ss new. No trades. May l.e seen at Packard Garage, tie North :.td st- Al ToMOHlLES from 411,i" to e.VeOO to tra-le for city property: give location and Indebtedness of property In first letter. H 7Wi. oregonlan. llAH'.AlNS In autos: Z Hart Kraft wagons. 1 Everett A-pssacnger :ar; also 1 4-pas-senger body. Hart-Kiaft Motor Car Co.. Iiol llth st. phones: Mnln M12. A CM. NEIA 4-pasaenger 30-44 H. P. auto la excel lent condition for cash or closa-ia real estate. O 74B. Oiegonlan. WILL exch inge roaJ estate for automobile, a.to Lutubermena bldg. Phuno Marshall 2tf7. WHITE gas. torpedo body, csr In excellent condition; run very little: cheap for cash. AM 77. Oregonlan. A. roj4i lili.c,, bougnt and sold. Call or write for bargain list. Custoin-Houee Auto Co.. 831 Everett st. Msln 1IH. FOR SALE One-cylinder cheap. Cottel Drug Co. ltoo runabout. 8ANITART steel couch with psd f.V.VI; up liolstere.1 cniichrs fl.od to $4.Ao; Morris chairs 43 and liL.TO: rocking chairs 11.2.1 to 4-l.; straight clialra 3.Vr to 44; full slse dressers 1.1 to I'.'.l; chlffonleres $n.30 to Slrl; westbered oak dining suite, con sslng of 6 chairs, extension tnbls and buffek sll solid nok, cost originally lill. ail for $:l.l; china closet, weathered ouk, u: oak cupboard. gleis front, St; pxl'J Itrussels rugs 110; 0x12 art squsres I.': csrpets and linoleum, various sixes; 3x12 Axmlnatsr hall rug $7 .10: walnut hall rack 1.1: oak hallrack 47. AO: renter tables II and np; library and office tables 1.1..10 up to II.".: roll lop desks 122 JM to I2H; flat top desks 4! to ILL.oO; genuine ma hrary dressing tshle 410; genuine ma hogany d re sacra 117. on; genuine mahogany Sarlor tahle. extra large sixe. !17,".: it. hen sufe t.l.on; J40 steel range l-"J .'.o; heating stoves S1.7f to SI; gns range, four-burner. Jewel l. 5u; gas water heater II. Iron and brass beds II 75 to S27..10; 1 1x40 mirror 14: easel mirror 112; crock ery, cooking utensils and a largo assort ment of all kinds of household furnishings at very low prices. Clva ua a call. It will par ou. WESTERN ft AL V AOR CO, M.1-M7 11 sshlneton. between loth and IHTh sts. Moth phen.-s. Main llO-'v. A 37WH. Miscellaneous. FOR "S A L E. ' Two lOO-TI. I', horiaontsl return tubular boilers, complvts with Inclosed type feed wster beater, 6x3 Smith valva feed pump, llodgs Injectors. safety valvea. crown valves, n-lnrh header and all angle talvea and Williams feed water regulator, with safety water columns. In food con dition. Alio one 13-H. P. veailcal submerged head tubular boiler complete with safety valve and fittings. Including HulTalo In jector; almost new: only used a ehort time. For further partlculara Inquire at room 201 Oregonlaa nldic. LOOOINUNUINUJi, Kear and Secoad-HaoX We have aeveral slightly used -logging anginea with equipment for Immediate de livery. WlllE ROPB AND LOOOI.NO TOOLS. F. B. M ALLORT A COMPANT. 2.1.1-7 Pins Street. Portland. Or. MENS" SVITS. Tonr last etiance to buy a medlum w ear lit suit at less than wholessla cust: Spring goods arriving dally, must maks room: 114 buys a suit that would cost you 1 70 at a high rent store on the streek Jimmie lunu. IX Oregonlan bldg.; ele vator to id floor. FOR PALE 1110 Loxier. equipped with top. glass ftonk epeedometer. extra tires, sic; Coat 4oh.ni, will sell for eaooo; In A-1 con dition. Tip Top Motor Car Co., Hood Liver. Or OLD Jewelry exchsngad for watchee aad diamonds: unredeemed pledges for half original pri.ee. Cncis Myers. Tl oth sk. between Oak and Pine. SArLS New an.) 2d-hand. all sixes; tow prices; eaay trrmr. Pl'KCELL SAKE CO., AND PORTLAND SAKE CO, M 4th street. Msln 43QH. FOR SALE Ona standard roll-top daak and chair. PORTLAND LAND CO- OoT (.'ommercial block. FANCY oat hay, also fine timothy for aals In carload l"t. Csll or address M. E. 1.1 . , ,.'ll lm FOR P4.LE Showcases, wallcasea, countara. Oenaral fixtures in stock snd msrle to order at lowest prices. 223 tlrand ate. H. fACTORT rebuilt typewriters. 110 to 4i. NORTHWEST TYPEWRITER CO.. 0 Fifth St. M. SJS. A 1474. GOOD goose-feather pillow for sals. 4 73 Main at WATCH MAKER'S tools and material I lo. Inquire 327 Larrabee St. Phone C 1020. ROOMarspered ox tinted. Including ma terial. t.V up. O H21, Oregonlan. WANT:n-MISfEIXATHS. MONEY LOST Taiasa you call tha Ford Auction Co. and Ept their prlca on what you hava to aa.L aln fcuol. A S448. WB pay the highest caah price for second hand furnlturu. Statur at Martin. Phoaa East tl34. IH Hawthorns ave. WANTEIVTeam to use for their feed; will tske good cars of them; light work oa farm. M t-x. Oregonlan. IF YOU have ocjeeooiu furniture to ee.t, call up tieorge JJaxsr Co.. lit Park sk rloth phonea. WB Hl'Y MOST ANTTHINO AND PAT THH PRICE. PRONE MARSHALL 1001. ilAR.lAIN wanted; four to alx good of lice chairs. M las Vaudsmsa. Main iiil. Wanted Man's castoff clothing and shoes and bicycle; highest prices paid; wa also buy ladles clothing. Call up the Globe second-hand store. Phone Main 20aO. 2ii0 1st sk WANTED 5000 yearly subscriptions to tho Madras Pioneer, the only news and ad vertising medium In Northern Crook County. pioneer Publishing Company. Midras. Oregon. . WANTED To buy for cash, a good" soda fcuntaln and fixtures., also tables, chairs, scales and a gasoline candy stove. AL 121. Oregonlsn. BARGEHS AUCTION HOUSB want a household goods, furniture for cash or commission. East 1U22. 388-470 . Morrison sk That's slL KELP WANTED MALE. WANTED MOV1NO-PISTL7RB OPERATORS , In avery city throughout tha world. Ivow Id Yol'R OPPORTUNITY to learn a GOOD-PATINO TRADE. OUR SCHOOL. HECOCSMZLU In tha East sa tho STAN DARD. Wa are the factory Jobbera for Powers' Camsrgraph and Monograph, also Edison and Pathe machines In stock. Many thousand beautiful films for rant Each student examined by sxpert, LAEMMLE for Square Deal. 6U8 Couch Building. 4th and Waehlngton. . Get our standard operators' nano-ooolt, 60c . ABLE-BODIED men wanted for tha U. 8, Marine Corps, between the ages of 14 and 44; must be native bora or hava first pa pers: monthly pay 114 to 4: additional compensation posslbls: food, clothing, euarters and medical attention free: after to years' service can retire with 71 per cent of pay and allowances; service oa board ship and ashore In all parts of tha world. Apply at V 8. Marina Corpa Re cruiting Ornce. -Breedca bldg.. 4d aad Washington sts., Portland. Or. WE HAVE a proposition of eery high char acter to offer a young man who Is de sirous for a future In a business, tha mss tarrhlp of which offers unlimited possi bilities; If you ara ambitious, honest and believe to yourself, wa would like to hava you call before Ml A. M. and wa will as sume, with no risk to yourself, the respon sibility of your success. Kooms 13 and Id, Madison bldg.. Third and Madlsop sts. MEN wantsd. agea 14-14. for Bramsn. 4104 monthly, and brakemen, ISO, on nearby railroads; experience unnecessary ; aa strike; positions guaranteed competent men; promotion, Ksliroad Employing Headquarters. Over 400 meat sxnt to po sitions conthly; slate ags; seed stamp. Railway Association, cars Oregonlaa. I'.'OONLY-" 20. Special price of 420 for a complete course In operating moving pictures (this week only). Call and see the largesk finest equipped school In Portlsnd. Our grsduates secure best positions; operators earn t-' to (IO per week. N. Y. Film Co, 62CS Wash near 17th. WANTED A young married farrr.ar: must bo a hustler and understand handling A mountain farm among the stumps; nne other need apply: location of place :w miles esst of Portland. Call between Id and 12 A. M. at the Pacific Coast Biscuit t o. office, 12th and Davis. "wanted. Applications for laundry drivers, steady Job commission and salary; established routes Marrtsd men preferred: must be liusllers and permanent. tjlve present and past occupation: references, ara and phone number. Address AC 81.1. Oregonian. WANTED Man who understands farm and acreage properties and who la espable of managing the sale of such properties for responsible real eatsta firm- A fine opportunity for tha right man. K 77'J. Oregonlnn. WANTED Young mnn as driver for city do ll very wsgon; must be good driver snd ac quainted with city: fine chance for ad vancement for right party; prompt reply with reference necessary. D 417. Ore gonlan. AGENTS WANTED Men of good standing; and appcsritnce. In Oregon and Washing ton. Cartercar automobiles. 10 to 10:40 A. M. CARTERCAR SALES CO. 7th and Ouk. WA.N1ED Young man to attend to fruit pantry and make coffee. Apply Portland Commercial club, Tilti and Oak sts.. be tween p and 11 A. M., superintendent's office. RAILWAT mall clerks, postofflce clerks, letter carriers, custom-house and Internal revenue employes, to prepare for exam inations: free book, pacific 6tatea School, McKay bldg.. city. WANTED loung man to taks special 111 automobile course, driving snd repairing; ptactttal experience; complete Inatiuctloa; big wages; steady work. Call 324 a Washington St.. room 415. WANTED An elderly man of good stand ing capable of handling loans and mort gages for a reliable real estate firm. A good proposition to right man. AK. T7v. Oregonlnn. SWISS or German man and wife with some knowledge of English language: work on ranch, some general farming In connec tion with stock. Soil per month and board. Csll at 0.10 Belmont St. LOOK Anyone wishing to uioke a tr.p into Central Oregon will find it to their ad vantage to call at room 2.1 il. Lewis bldg.. before going. Investigate this. WANTED Solicitors and wagon men; pre mium inducements: splendid opportunity for the right parties. Grand Union Tea Co., lit lvs.hlngton st. WANTED Experienced stationery man, capable of handling stock for wholesale house; state experlsncs. W 7S9, Orego nlan. WANTED High-grade salesmen to sell se curities In one of Portland's going con cerns; none but dignified result-getters need apply. O 744. Oregonlan. YOI7 are wanted for Government position, 40 month. Write for list of positions open. Franklin Institute. Depk S10-D. Roches ter. N. Y. SALESMEN, making I;oq monthly selling Rockport lots, I lOO each; deep-water har bor. Sartaln at Montgomery, San An tonio. Tex. WE want temperate hustler of good habits, disposition, brains and capital; extending our business, need you. Write K 423. Ore gonlan. WANTED experienced all-around rore msker; also a moulder who can do floor and bench work; open shop out of town. -T v2X Oreyor.lnn. WANTED Experienced draftsman for de tailing reinforced concrete structural work: state experience and salary ex pected. K R20. Oregonian. TOl'NO man with some bookkeeping ex perience for light work from dilii) to lOillO p. M. State age and present smploymcnk AM 22. oregonlsn. t SALESMAN wsntedl experience In selling paper or blank books preferred; state age and experience. The Kodgera Paper Co., Salem, or. A TOl'Nd man, work a few hours dallv for board; restaurank 207 Couch sk Call at U A- M. WANTEiV Man and wife for amall farm on carllne. seven miles from centor of city. AG 24 Oregonlan. WANT EI Doctor, registered in Oregon: good salary to right man. V 7Stl. Ore gonlan. DISTRICT managers wsntee); small cspltal required; good proposition. call S to 1 L W. to., room .121 Labbe bldg. EXPERIENCED ladles' tailors, wages 42.1 week. V. Kae-per, 4ol Merchants Trust biiiutm g. A FIRST-CLAPS marker and distributor; must be sober. Apply E. 6th and E. Oak. International Laumlry. WANTED -tstenard for flrst-clsas grill: win furnlh reference. Address P, A. Foley. La Grsnde.Or. LOCAL OFFICE International Correspond ence Schools. 333 Aldsr sk, opea till I p. m. Send for free catalogue. WANTED A mnn for Inside work In prl vste family; foreigner preferred. Phone Main I-2M. I WILL furnish nice. Ilghk room In shop, free rank to coat or pants maker doing shop piece work. B SIS. Oregonlan. WANTED At once. 72 men to learn to drive and repair automobiles. Call at Hawthorne garage. 44.1 Hawthorns ave. W HOI.ESA LB grocery house wants a hlgh grads salcemun. thoroughly conversant with .the line. V 817. Oregonlan. WANTED A dentist to locate In a grow ing town. A good location. U 7DS, Ore goiilan. EXPERIENlED operators, prrssers on pants. b3 6th. room 401. Welnsteln. BARBER wanted, good wages, steady work. :it)2 First sk WANTED A man to drive transfer wagon. CaU early. 247 'j Madison sk EXPERIENCED tailoring salesman wanted. Apply English woolen mills. I4S r.th. WANTED Ladles' tailor, coalmakar. c. W. Yours, 161 K, 17th. JBOY to work for room and hoard few hours dally. asSia Mill. WEAK a Kenshsw 2 hat; all styles. 440 Washington and 100 4 th ats. WANTED A physician for a small, but live and growing town. AL 822. Oregonlan. PHOTOGRAPH coupoa and portrait agents, Baw offer. Cutberth atudlo Dekum bldg. ORGANIZERS and solicitors wanted: first class proposition. AM 7S9, Oregonlan. MULDERS wanted Call 222 Commercial Club bldg.. 3th and Oak. BaBBEB want steady! Job. 200 First su I I WANT LIVE SALESMEN? TO SELL LOTS AT ONE OF THE OLDEST AND BEST SEASIDE RESORTS, ABOUT 85 MILES FROM PORTLAND. FIRST TIME ON THE MARKET. SEE MRS. PHELPS, AFTER TODAY, ROOM 100 PERKINS HOTEL. IXCIDF.NT. Office Secretary Employment Depart menk T. M. C. A. . , Young man, stranger, out of work (l-u his total cash assets) If I pay you 43 for special employment membership 1 wall only hava (lo left between me and ntarva tlon , , Secretary If you pay $5 for special employment membership you will have the T. M. C. A., with all Its resources between you and starvation. What happened T , ... . Young man took membership. Inslds of two hours ba found satisfactory cmp.oy-me-nk , During January. J9H. l others found employment In a like manner. Employment or refund of membership fee guaranteed. See secretary Employment Department, I. K. C A - FIRST-CLASS TAILOR ON LADIES' AND MEN'S Sl'ITS. STUN f BROS,, 304 WASHINGTON ST. WANTED Steady man to take Interest In manufacturing good article: will pay you 12.1 weekly: 1125 required. Partlculara 84 Sixth st.. room Mo. SALESMAN who Is not broke to sell real estate for reliable firm. W 7S2. Oregonlan. IIF.LP WANTED FEMAIA WANTED Tounr ladle for telephone op erating, with or without experience. Ap ply Paclflo Telephone Telegraph ko lb. and Kast Ankeny at. REFINED healthy girl or woman to assist with light housework and aa companion, one who prefers good home rather than high wages; reforences required. Coll -J I.ounndale sk Phone Main 3.12ft. FIRST-CLASS SEWERS ON LADIES TAI LORING. STONE BROS.. 3o4 WASH INGTON ST. EXPERT lady accountant, permanent po sition: give experience and references. X 821, Oregonlan, A FIRST-CLASS stenographer, by one of Pc-r!and'B largest business houses: wftges 415 per week; steady position If satis factory. Apply In own handwriting. O 704. Oregonlan. YOUNG lady for laundry office, one who can operate typewriter and has had ex perience preferred. Address AM Sib, Ore gonlan. stating experience. WANTED An" experienced girl for general housework; no washing, small family. Call mornings, 70 Lucretla street, near E verett. EXPERIENCED cafeteria waitress, 2- hours at noon. 2.1c per hour and lunch. Peer less Cafeteria. 81 Slh sk WANTED Experienced markor. Apply Star Laundry, Union ava. and East Ank eny. MRS. HOWE'S LADIES AGENCY. S2SV4 Wsshington St., Room 314, Main 88.18 or A 8286. WANTED Refined, capable woman for re sponsible position, Vlavl Co.. 60 Rota child bldg- 4th and Washington, STENOGRAPHIC school, night only: satis faction guaranteed. $5 month. 6474 1st st. M. l312. WANTED Experienced operators to word on shirts. Apply Standard Factory. 4 Grand are. and East Taylor. A GOOD "woman for general housework: good wages. Apply Monday morning. 485 East 2mh .North. t BY wholesale house, a practical woman who la ambitious. Experience not required. G 812. Oregonlan. til KL going to school to assist In house work, for room and hoard. Call 620 Northrup St.. mornings. Marshall 818. HANSEN'S LADIES' AGENCY. ttZ Washington Sk. Cor. 7th. upstair, Phone Main 26B2. OPERATORS, finishers on custom pants, buttonhole-makor on vests. 83 5th. room 401. GIRL for houseworlt and help with cook ing, family of adults. 321 6th sk, cor. Clay. COMPETENT girl for general housework, small family, good wages. 591 Thompson, corner of E. 15th. Irvlngton. East 3000. EXPERIENCED girl for general housework and conking. 704 Irving sk A 1182, Jlaln 82:13 WANTED Girl for general housework, 2 In family. Call Tins llin sk. top flak WANTED Teachers for mission schoc!, A..,.. I ,,,11 . ' I . ... . x w :uoX Bnviiu bu can .''- - WANTED A waitress at the Sargent Hotel, Grand ave. and Hawthorne. Girl to assist with housework and care of one child. C 1375, 631 Clackamaa sk WANTED A young nurse girl, German pre- f erred. Main 5S43. GIRL, cook and housework; family of 3. Apply 604 East Alder St., corner 20th. WANTED Olrl for housework. 2 In family. IVoodlawn 144. 871 Capital ave. GIRL wanted for trimming Ice cream cones; piecework. .32 Johnson St. YOUNG lady of ability tq sell real estate. W 7S1. Oregonlan. WANTED At Sisters' Hospital in Chios. Cel.. pupils to enter school of nursing. WANTED An experienced waitress at The Hill, -lid and Washington. Main 7784. HELPERS and apprentice girls. Teeadale. 406 Msrqusm bldg. OIRLforgenoral housework; small family; good wager. 586 Tillamook st. WANTED Experienced girl; must be gc.od plain cook. Cull forenoon. 800 Marshall. "WANTED Girl for bookkeeping, 0 hours a day. 21 E. 3d North; PRIVATE School. SHORTHAND and TYPE WRITING: 43 mo. 29 14th sk Main SS93. WOMAN for general housework at Flower Mlrslon Day Nursery. 25 North Oth sk GIRL wanted general housework. 660 Flanders, flat 5. Call mornings. PRIVATE lersona given in shorthand; b,est method. 473 Alder st Main 43o3. WANTED Partner In massage parlor. Call after 1 o'clock. 252 11th sk J help wanted male or fekalb. Tdont"add" FIGURES. READ THEM as easily as reading print. 30O per cent more rapid 200 per cent more accurate 90 per cent less mental effort than tho old tiresome method. Day and evening classes. We guarantee results. 619 Marquam bldg. 10.000 POSITIONS for graduatea last ysaur; men and women learn barber' trade In 8 weeks, help to secure position; gradu ates earn from 15 to 125 weekly; expert instructors; tools free; write for cata logues. Mohler System of Colleges, Si North 4th sk. Portlsnd. Or. EXPERIENCED man and wife to take charge of cattle and sheep ranch on the coast. In Curry County: wife to do cook ing. Apply Kessey. Humason a; JefTery, 232 Chamber of Commerce. WANTED Office assistant and familiar wth bookkeeping and stenography; state ace, experience and salary expected. T 702, Oregonlan. MAKE mousy writing stories for newspa pers; big pay; send for free book! at; tells bow. United Press Synd., San F-anciaco. Fibre TEACHiiKS' ASSOCIATION. Oil Swel land bldg. SITUATION WANTED MALE. Bookkeepers and Clerks. WANTED Position as bookkeeper; have had ten years' experience as bookkeeper and cashier In larce mercantile estab lishment: run furnish A-l reference. J 823. Oregonlan. BOOKKEEPER, young man 28 years old. over g years' experience, with best of ref erences, wishes position. X 7.8. Ore gonian. . WILL audit, open, close or write up books, prepare bulances and statements, install systems. Consult me. Gllllngham, au ditor, 411 Iwls bldg. Marshall 42L STENOGRAPHER, experienced, young man, wants position; reference. AC S20, Orego ninnj Mlacel tan eons. WANTED Position as sales manager or of fice man; four years' experience as state manager for building and loan company; can furnish office if necessary. S 768. Oregonlan. YOUNG man. age 20. wants position In of tice; have had commercial course, but no practical experience; can give references. Address C. H. Johnson, 434 Yamhill sk, Portland. Or. WANTED By physician, assistantship or position where six years' practice In medi clno and surgery would be of use. AL 815, Oregonian. Go ll cutter and fitter wishes steady posi tion : 20 years' experience in tailoring ; when necessary will help In shop. S At Oregonlan, ADVERTISING solicitor, rteady. reliable man. successful in other location, wlsnes position in Portland; free about jiarcn x. ts tVl. oregonian. JAPANESE couple wants place, man as good cook, wile wait on table and house work. Address this office. AL 823, Ore gonlan. DRUGGIST, experienced and graduate of tlon In good country drugstore, AK 707, oregonian. EXPERIENCED man wants position in tai lor shop; pressing and repairing. Geo. Boussey. Gordon Hotel, West Park and Yamhill. ' W ANTED Position as foreman on wheat or stock ranch by man wltn imaii mnmj, understand Campbell system. Address loch bow 180, lone. Or. YOUNG man. 21. wishes work by day, sweeping, dusting or garden work: best of references. Phone, evening or mornings, E. 4831, add. 7S6 E. Yamhill. JAPANESE wants any kind Job between : and 12 A. M. or after 6 P. M.; AE S24, Oregonian. MACHINE draftsman, six years' experience In shop, three years' experience In office, looks for Job. Q. T., lap Grover St.. city. POSITION as cashier by lady, 5 years' ex perlence. Government work. N 704, Ore gonlnn. YOl'XO man desires place to work before and after school, good references given. Call or address K-G. R.. 148 Fifth st. CHIEF engineer and machinist with first class references wants position. 000 Sal mon st. Phone Main BOOL COLLECTOR will save you money on cur rent collect ions: references and bond. Phone C 1703. Address AU 792, Oregonlan. YOUNG 'man desires to work for room and board after school. Call or address H, I). B. 118 5th St. GOING to Chicago March 13. wish to per form services for part expenses; references furnished. AE 818. Oregonian. POSITION by man and wife and 2 boys on ranch, farm or camp; experienced; best reference. Perry Hill. L'dall. Kan. CARPENTER, cabinet-maker, competent to run Job, whnta steady Job. AM 816, Ore gonian. it . GOOD butcher wishes position In country town; an all-round steady, safe man. Ad dress AB 732. Oregonlan. YOUNG "Japanese boy wants short hours work from 6:3QP. M. AG 8 10 Oregonlan. PAINTER, paperhanger wants work. ex- perlenced. Meves. Phone Woodlawn 477. MAN and wife cooks desire position In camp. Q 778, Oregonlan. MAN wants position; understands house and yard work. Phone B 1183. WORK wanted on lawn or In garden. 420 Florence st. , Srrt'AtlON WANTED FF.MALE. Bookkeepers and Stenographera. STENOGRAPHER and private secretary, 1.1 years experience, desires posmun, leave city. Phone A 7227. AM bl7. win Ore- gonlan. BOOKKEEPER and stenographer would like work to do evenings. G 813, Ore gonlan. AN experienced young lady stenographer de sires permanent position; real estate office preferred. Phone Marshall 2883. BY EDUCATED lady, clerical work at home; good penman. C 818. Oregonlan. LADY wants position as stenographer; mod- erate salary. Main 3017. A 017. Dressmakers. VIENNA ladles' tailor and dressmaking, suits strictly man-tailored, reasonable; work guaranteed. Corner Oth and Madi son. Main .l.i2. STYLISH dresses, .l up; waists. el.BO up: fine work. 629 East Mill. East 52.16. DRESSMAKING- Children's clothes a spe cialty, pnone .ast ooiu. DRESSMAKING, alteration, repairing neat ly done. Main 7043. Nurses. NURSE wishes more engagements, maternity preferred; extensive experience: doctors' references. Main 5S03. NURSING bylady, 25 years' experience; ma ternity preferred. Phone Main 3388. WANTED By maternity nurse, a case. Main 147. Housekeeper WIDOW, good housekeeper and cook, wishes a position aa housekeeper for bachelor or widower, or take charge of a rooming house In city; best reference. T 703, Ore gonian. LADY with boy 1 year old, wishes a posi tion as housekeeper or housework, not particular of wages. 748 Missouri ave. CAPATILB German woman to do housework in family that understands German. 704 East Aah st- PhonoK. 484. Miscelliuieons. MISS ELISE ROLAND, formerly at the Waldorf-Astoria, New York, specialist in manicuring, facial and scalp treatment, halrdresslng- and shampooing, will do work for ladles mornings and evenings at their homes; latest electrical appliances. Office. v t' C A Xtuln 1'II.V A 6144. WANTED Position by experienced Janl tress. Call Mrs. Williams, phone A 2s85. References. YOUNG Inexperienced Swedish girl would like to work in private family. 411 Skid more st. FIKST-CLASS laundress would like work Tuesday and Wednesday. Woodlawn 1U1L References. YOUNG woman with experience wishes gen eral housework; wages 25. AM 820, Ore gon lan LADY with best references would assist with housework part days In exchange for board and room. T 791, Oregonlan LAUNDRY work to carry home. Phone Main 6713. WANTED AC. F-NT a. WANTED Salesmen to sell the most com plete line of nursery stock In tho North west: cash weekly. Capital City Nursery Company. Salem. Or. ACliVK canvassers can make 130 weeauy selling trees for the Oregon Nursery Com pany. Liberal propos.tloa; good territory. Address Orenco, Or. WANTED TO RENT. WANTED Room and board for girl 14 years old In exchange for work: referonces ex-changed,- AE 82Q. Oregonlan. " Houses. WANTED To rent by March 15. 7 or 8 room unfurnished hcuse in Sunnyside; state rent and location In first letter. AN 704. Oregonian. Koonu. - IN MODERN private home, a comfortable room desired by lady alone, a teacher; quiet and unobtrusive In habits, but de sirous of pleasant home surroundings Irvlngton or West Side preferred; slate' price and full particulars In answering. AF 816. Oregonlan. WANTED To rent by single lady, two or three unfurnished modlern housekeeping rooms: give phone and address, price and location; West Side preferred; references exchanged. AN 787. Oregonlan. MAN and wife want comfortable room with teople who can care for 6-year-old girl during day. AF 819. Oregonlan. A LITTLE lady. 5 years old, wants a nice place to stay while mamma is working; also room for mamma. AG 821, Oregonlan. Room With Hoard' " WANTED Refined young man desire room and board In private home with home privilege, near Multnomah Club. AF 814, Oregonian. WANTED By couple employed, room and board In private family, close In. modern, reasonable. F 820, Oregonlan, PAPTMNn ROOMING BUP-EAU. xio'ima flats, a iiar Lmenlx. furnished, ua furnished, board, all parts ot the city; save you money, time, trouble. Let us lo cate you. 26to Wasnlngtoa sk. R. SOIL, Marshall 2180. A 524A. DON'T OVERLOOK THIS TODAY. "MILNER BLDG.." 3.10 MORRISON ST. MODERN, CENTRAL REASONABLE. Furnished Uouma. NOW OPEN! NOW OPEN! NOW OPENf Those three beautifully furnished hotels. LOTEL HOTEL HOTEL MINOOK, PARSONS, ROWLAND 213 H 4th st. 211 is 4t& St. 207 7i 4'-h sk On Fourth st., running from Taylor to Salmon sk Brand new brick, elegantly furnished; steam heat, private baths, hot and cold water In all rooms; strictly ' up-to-date In all respects, and at popular prices. If you want something out of the ordinary in the heart of the city at reasonable prices, give us a call as w know you will like ik Rooma by the day. week or mouth. Tourist trade solicited. HOTEL CAPL.ES. Residential. 300 Taylor. Transient. Bek 7th and Park Sts. Opposite new Heiilg Theater, one block from Portland Hotel; brick building. Just completed; handsomely furnished; every modern convenience. elevator service, steam heat, telephone and hot and cold water in every room; single rooms and suites wlt'.t or without private baths, etc: centrally located, near postofflce; Just off nil carllnes; very quiet; low rates by day, week or month. Phone Marshall 2200. SARGENT HOTEL, corner Grand ave. and Hawthorne, recently . renovuted and now under the management of Martin A Nicholson, formerly of the Portland Hotel. Beautifully rurnlshed roc ms. single or en, suite, with private baths, hot and cold water, sleam heat and private phone in every room; first-class- grill and bar In connection. Special rates by week or month. Transients solicited. HOTEL ALDER. Permanent' and Transient. We are devoting several of our choicest rooms to permanent guests for the Win ter; will make special low rates by the week or month: transient guests given the best of service and snown every courtesy; located In center of shopping districk con venient for out-of-town people; rate by the week. 4TH AND ALDER. ANGELA HOTEL. Permanent and transient. Just opentS brick building, beautifully furnished; every thing new; .steani heat, hot and cold run ning water and telephone in all room; tine lobby and ladies c.arlnr; suites and utriRl rornni with and without priat baths; very reasonable rates by day, week or month, phone Marshall 10o0. 6?5 VAiHl.NiJA tol. FRANKLIN" HOTEL, 13th and Tashingrton tj .. t (-! isj. fia pnUVirl rcirirn ar ra ?rn abl rates; phone, hot and cold water la Vviy room. Clean nnu hiuuci it. TRANSIENT SOL.ICXTE1J. THE WEAVEK. " lO Washington at., nar King; a perfect modern home; private lath, steam beat, hot and cold water, and telephone n every room; finest part of the city: the maximum of convenience, the minimum of expense; we make yoa feel at home; dining-room In connection i best n the citr the money. HOTEL SAVO.V. " 129 Eleventh St. New. modern brick building, steam heated, private bat ha, hot and cold water In rooms, beautifully furnished, coxy and comfortable. Rents very reasonable. Call and see ua. Regular and transient trade solicited. HOTEL BTRGOYNE, soutiiwost cornel Twelfth and Si ark streets, brick build- ing, new and handsomely furnished, ateam heat, hot and cold running water and telephone in every room, elevator, close in, reasonable rates by tho day, week or month. Phone Main 5703. HOTEL BURGOYNE, southwest corner Twelfth and Stark streets, brick build ing new and handsomely furnished, steam heat, hot and cold running water and telephone In every room, elevator, close In, reasonable rates by the day week or month. Phono Main 5753. GRAND UNION 1IOTKU 887 14 East Burnslde st. Modern throughout, hot and cold run ning water, stoam heat, rooms single 01 ensuite. rooms with private bath; transient rate 75c to $2 per day; weekly, 42.50 to $7. East 5U-.0. -p jj0-. BUSH MARK HOTEL. 17th and Washington Newly furnished rooms, slnele or en suite; privato baths, steam heat, hot and cold water and phone In all rooms; rats reasonaDle; transients solicited. AUDITORIUM HOTEL. 2U8t Third street, between Taylor and Salmon sts. Hot and cold -a-atcr. sleam heat, elevator; rates H no and up. Sua day and up. Alain 2574. A JBliOT; FOIl the best rooms close in try the Maxim's phone and bath in each room; steam heated; Sa.oU por week. 14U 7th, bet. Alder and Morrison. LARBABEE "HOTEL, 227 Vi Larrabee St. Now and modern, nicely furnished, free baths and phones, double rooms, 3.r0 and UP- r HOTEL ANSONIA. I'M 14th St., cor. Washington, Furnished and unfurnished rooms: pri vate baths, free phones In all rooms. SSHi FIRST Furnished rooms, steam heat, everything new, J1.75 and up; sinels; housekeeping". THE HOLLY HOTEL. 10J 12th New and modern In every way; elegantly furnlshsd. rates reasonable; transients solicited. THE B1SAVEK. llim and Marshall sis., well lurnlshed sleeping rooms. 2.J0 per week; electric lights, hot baths free. FURNISHED room with private bath. Man ager Rose Friend Apt., S. W. cor. 7th and Jffersor . MODERN rooms with dining-room In con nection, Just opened; strictly flrst-clasi 1 every detail. 34ii' Washington St. NEW' nicely furnished front rooms; steam heat, hot and cold water; rates reasonable. 2H'.l,4 5th st- opp. t-'lty Hall. EDGKRTON HOTEL Furnished rooms, steam heat, bath and phone.l 117 hi Knott su, cur. Mississippi ave. Take L car. ( ToDERNoutslde rooms, (3 to 5 per week, including baths; also housekeeping rooms. 64S Washington sL THE HAZEL Nicely furnished, fteu'-U best, running water, ad and Montgomery. THE DORMER, 2H3 13th. corner Jefferson. Steam heated room, very homelike. NICELY furnished rooms; heat, phone, ti and up per week. 328 4th at. NICELY furnished rooms; heat, phone; S2 and up per week. 32 4th at. Furnished Rooms In private Families. TOUNG attorney wlshea roommate; pleas ant room; eietuitu, .. bath. 86 15th t., N.. 1 blocks from W ash. PLEASANT furnished room, sultaoie ror oi'j gentleman, with references. 2U8 14th cf ROOMS for rent. 283 7th st. Reference changed. TWO newly furnished rooms. SS3! Mi l at. rtione ainin ooox. NICE room, cheap. 2C8 12th. Fnrnl!ihedRooins In Private Families. . FOR RENT Rooms, suitable for married couple or 2 srentlemen, with or without board; good table, fine location, pleasant surroundings, within 10 minutes' walk of postofflce. Phone A S5U8. NICELY furnished room in strictly private family; all modern conveniences, good home for your.g lady, gentleman or mar ried couple without children; reasonable. Phone Marshal! 1019. THREE sjlendid rooms, complete for living or nouseaeepiins, mm distance, large lawn, heat, llghis, bath. hni. r,7.i couch. N. E. cor. ISth. LARGE, pleasant front room for 2 young ' . .Antr.nl.nrM walklne distance, home privileges. C 1922. 681 DAVIS Newly furnished room, nice modern flat; privilege of cooking break fasts; $3.50 week. SINGLE room for young" man, all modern conveniences, walking distance. 427 Clay. between lvth and 12th. NICELY furnished single room, modern conveniences; centrally located. 213 Thir teentn gt- yOUs-'G law student wishes room mate; pleasant room, electricity, gas, furnace heat. bath. E6 North 15th at. LARGE pleasant room, rent reasonable, ail conveniences. 711 Washington st. Phone Marshall 267S. Fl'RNISHED rooms, modern conveniences, walking distance, board optional- 2o9 I4th near Jefferson. LAKGE. newly furnished front .room, all modern; also other rooms, very reasonable. 422 Jefferson, near 11th. FOR RENT Furnished room, private home; furnace neat. wouuiawu o--. ; ROOM MATE with gentleman of refine ment. 1 lit igrm itiu. a'u iki. WORKING man will And good warm base-1 ment room; gas stove. .,an oa aomwn. LARGE, well-lighted room, fireplace, fur-j nace neat, snower uam, ai oo6 r lanuers. CLEAN rooms, $1.50 to $3 per week; gend men vreferred. 305 12th st- El.EGANTLY furnished rooms for 2 or gentlemen, w raynji FURNISHED flat. 3 rooms, bath; no ohll dren. sou tn sc.