EALS -WIN TWIGE! San Francisco Defeats Han ford and Reds. RAIN SPOILS 9-0- GAME Modeato and ITanford Camps Sceos of Doable-Header for Hay City Hoys, Who Make Good Show ing In rim Contests. ' JfODESTOw CaL. reb. S fSpaetal.) The stay-in-cap Peals dlJ themselves proud today when, with a burt of speed and Umlr batting they downed the Reda T to 1 Alt told tt a too J ball game, snsse hat oae-sided, but never without r.op for the Modesto fana until the last man was retired. Tommy Madden opened tha ram with a two-bagger, but forced at third. la the eerond. Powell walked ard stole. McCauley tanned, but Har ris drove Into cantor, scoring Fowell. Madden got tU aronH two-bsgeer and la addition to tallying, tha soldier went to tnlrd aa Campbell let tha ball ( by him. Madden tallied on MeArdle's rta and lwta was fanned. Two mora rune were added In tha third. .lhr walked, and whan llerry at- rptad a eacrlflve. Ferlln. tha Brat arr. thraw tne bai ba-k of tha automoblla stand and "Captain" Kldd was tome with llerry on third. 1'ow. :i ta.Mad t.".e ratrhar and tha Inning nlM with no mora rma Pareopfort started In tha fourth by giving C'atwrna a lo-bcr. and nl- ilenu tha fanner rea.-hed third, wltn a out. ha wsa hold there. Another .i rea.-h.d thlr.l In the firm on a iuble and a wild pitch but could not mak tha circuit. Tha etsth saw anion of both sides. I'a-r:j beat out a hit that went with lofa of speed to tha pitcher and stole. "ire nf, fort finned and Madden Bled to center, but Mc.rd walked, and a bit In time by Jimmy I.ewls scored Harris. McArdia stealing home. Tha Brat of tha bumplngs by M -deate cam- in the last of tha same Inning. With one down. M'edlrig was hit and Talm singled. Ferlln followed with a drive Into left that Powell failed to gat under and Meedlng was home. M earthy forced Ferlln. but Mohler triad to double the old-timer out at Brat and his wild throw gave another run. In tha last of tha elchth Osborne walked, stole, was sacrificed to third and come homa on Talma safe one. Tha s-ore: R. 1L F t R. H. K. Pan Fran.. 1 l!o.!esto ...1 1 Pattartes Melkle. threnpfort and Barry; Mebley. fperry and lalm. RAIN SPOILS GAME OP SEALS Bp Score of to O, San Kranol.aco Ids Steal- Ilanford lwj. HA.VFORP. Cal. Feb. I Special. A cold shower of rain brouaht tha much advert?..! iint between Ilanford and tha Seals to an abrupt ending tc-dav after at a Inntnce had been played and te emm sat Urn of hoatlirtles waa welcomed by ail concerned. Tt Ilanford bona found themeclrea wef.rr out Cf con.lltlon and even wltn the help of soma of the Heal squad, tha affair waa turned Into a e after Kerry Putor quit pltcMns; for tha opposition, lie aaa rellered In tha fifth Innlns by a Mar lefthand country boy named Xuca.;a. who waa wild and ftven to atendins on Ms head every time a batted ban rama In bla direction. As a reault t.ie Seaai were soon ambllns around the bases aa If nothing waa ever srotns; ta stop them, winning tha into, s to a. To make matters worse, tap tala and Catcher Jehl. of tha e-al team, waa hit ea the head by a pitched ball In the fourth Inning while at bat and had to retire. Tha third baseman donaed tha mlt and meek and d'd tha bat ha could, handicapped by buckles, .-era: R-H3:r R.H E. ha Fran .. t 0 Ilanford 1 Batteries Ilenley. Prowntng and Rjraa; 8'itor. Buckles) and J a hi. Martin. liAAEBAU. COMW WITH 5PIUfU IiVal Weathe-r Condition Brtna; Ont Araatrar Plamond Stars. Portland waa gripped by tha Iron hand of baaeball yesterday. All day long In tie North. South. Eaat and Weetera sections of the city and eren In t.le down-town streets, players wsra coasplruoua Many Impromptu games were played aad tody sore arms and bruised fingers will be the rule. lry fieics and tha Hummer-like weather drew the ambitious players e.rt from their Winter habitations. Many ef those prsctlclns; yestertlay war prominent local semi-professional p.stera T"e o 1 Eaat Portland or Rurkmaa's , "!el !. Eaat Thirteenth and Ials ' t-eets. waa crowded with ball teams t 'u mora until sundown; ths North P. 'sa b'.ck diamond was at a premium; the Weet Knd field waa liberally pa i tn.nl ted and tha South Portland bot ltr5 were lined with players all day. Ferywhera could b heard tha era k cf horse.ilda against wood, the shouts o( the players and tha enthnalaatto rooting of the assembled fans. Yesterday waa really the first day sufficiently good for baaeball Portland has had thie year and advantage waa taken of It to "limber up." One of tha featurea of ths day's sport wsa tha p-aytng or two Japanese ball toaaera on the North I'laia block. These men learned tha game In their native land after watching the touring American co.lega teams and plan to sign with soma of tha faat local aeml professlonal teams Several members of tha Portland ttlanta (colored) also wsra out for a fling on tha Plssa block. The colored lada expect a stronger team this year than they have ever mustered together. Last year they met tha best af tha state and local teams and at the season's and had a majority of vic torias. Workmen began laboring yesterday to get McKenna Park. Portsmouth, Into condition for this year's play. Tha Portland team la tha Northwestern League plans to pWy Its Sunday exhi bition games on that diamond until Kecreatioo Fark la placed in playing condition. CHEMAWA 1XDH.VS NOW TIED e Flfht for Second Place On in Basket ball Ler-agne. CHFMAWA. Or. Feb. (Speda!. Iffce Chemawa Indians by defeating Mo- Ltftnnvllle College IB their laat baaklball ama on Friday have practically tied up second piece between themarlvea. i yi.orr.atl and alcMinnvi.ia. McMlnn- has stl'l one game to p. ay. mat :h Iallas couese. l r.e ias same oe ea I'ac flo University and Fallaa has 5 a cacca4 at tha reueax o(acui. which baa not won a ram a and tha can cellation will not affect tha final stand ins; of tha team which at this time la as follows: LmL P. Del 'a. CoMere Mc:nnvlll. CelWe . ' i-K.ma. i.Ai... a 4 .3o Philomath Coil.e 4 4 .J' Pael&a Untvr.lt 0 7 .WJO IXDIAXS DEFEAT DC5IB TEAM Second Quintet Score S9 FolnU to It by Opponent. e-TTrvaw A Or.. Fab. M. fSceclal.l The Muta School quintet was easily de feated by tha Chemawa second team at basketball yesterday on tha floor at tha Indian School. Tha first half closed with tha score 14 to in favor of the Indiana The final score wss O to 11 Tha Indian forwards and center played a pretty same and threw baskets almost If TV 4 4 : it n A. J. Ssdawa. af Xartb Takli U..k PrnlJeat Of tha Ft Aaaaal Partfla Karthweat LIT steek Shaw. at will, while their guards protected their opponents' basket. Tha lineup: Chemawa Second a Mute sVhoelL Poeaey F ; Toll .....,. r Mall C... .!.... .a..., Ma'.oney Tueaing Hawlay Tat rvitc h walker ... VorlfI's Rwlntmlns; liccord Ilroken. FTDNET. Aus.. Feb. t. Tha Aus tralian swimmer. Longworth. today cov ered 111 yards la one minute and five seconds. This la a nsw world's record. TREATY PLEASES JAPAN i Oriental Lumber Bnjer Saya HenTj Export Trado Will Result. . Ichll. of Tokohama. Jspan. repre senting large Japanese lumber-Importing Interests. Is at the Portland hotel on his annual trip to tha United Statea to place an order for lumbev. Last night ha ssid this ysar will be special ly favorable to ths lumber Industries of the Vnlted States for exporting to Japan. -1 think tha new Japaneae treaty wilt glva commerce between tha L'nlted Mates and Japan a great Impetus, said Mr. IchlL "I know tha people of Japan are rejoicing over the treaty and I think It will not be long until every one In the l'nlted Statea will be convinced that tha mora cordial re lationship eatsbltshed by tha document will be appreciated In both countries. Tha treaty will undoubtedly establish a closer commercial relationship. aa well as friendship, and. as they In crease, so will sentiment that might hava existed against the trosty in slther country gradually dla out. From hers Mr. Ichll will go to Eu rope. DAILY MrTKOBOLOCICAL KKPOSVT. PORTLAND. Feb. Maximum temper aJ decreee; minimum. U desrera. R.r.r ra-ritn, .1 A. M . 3 a feet: 'bans, la l..t 24 hours, 01 foot riae. Tola! ra.afa I i V M to P. M . nr: loltl rainfall a.fce 'September 1. 110. IV 1 Inch.e; aormai ;...f.:i a.ac. a-ptamber t. St So Wchea de-ft.-.encr o rainfall alace September 1. 110. I vk4 tarhee. T-ial aonanme rebreary li koera; peealble suneblna. 11 hor- P"r cmeier (reduced le ea-letel at P. M.. s it iachaa Tilt WEATHER. l! 1VIS4 Slave ef aeataer STATIOSa r... Itoarea relsarv M.ao.. ....... tteaoer t . allnae. Ivlutb. .... rlureka . ......... Oa.ieetoa. Il'leaa JarkeoertUe Kanaa City Varehfleld. .. -... w.atreal New I rrleaoa. . ... New Tor Nrth Head .... North lakima... fboenta......... rtx-atelle....... porllanS. Rneebura-. eatramtaW l. Uuit., PI. t'aol fUlt t ake caa IH'o. ........ fa n fra nclece. ... Staa I roe . Spokane. ........ Ta.'oma Tetooeh trtand... trai l VCaJla. ... . wumniioa. ... . . Winnipeg Xi o 14 0 42 O 2 O lo S') 4 0 T o 1 T 0 0 44 ) 44 l It 44 0 4HO ISO so o 14 0 4T 0 42 0 it s- o - o 1 0 . o so 0 ! O 44 O 44 O 4 0 go. 0. 0 4 0. O" 4 OO 14 IWV S : i: AH It OO 11 OU 14 04 l' 4 1 OO IV CO 4 w to fVv 10 1 1 .-tV i .otidr W U'loudy NWCIoudy N I'lear rw Clear X 'Clear tW Cloudy .udy CC 4iear irieudy .Clear Cloudy Cloudy K'lear 'Clear clear N NE a e) NE Nt S W E . OO ll 00 13 4 Ct SO 001 4 Oil 4 OO IS 04 14 00 12 O" 12 0 2 2 02 v 9 001 4 I't. .'loud) snow Clear N C.ar NE (Cloudy N W Cloudy .ear f-now Clear NW W I Halo NE k'loudy lvl 4 0".l rH..2a 00 4 ! 4 oo-is E M lear NE Clear Nfi ci-ar S "lear W CKar NW 'Clear VeaTHER CONDITIONS. The preaaure baa dacreaaed along the Im mediate pac.no Coaat. aad alao along tna Atlant a Coaat. while over the (manor of the eeuotrv tnere baa been an Increase whlca waa aulte marked In the M!elea.ppl Valley. A larse hlh preaaure ftald la .pr.aa.ns root h.eat ward over the etatee weal ef the atuaie.ipp' River and la causing colder waathar ganerally tnroushout tha Weateta htatae. Vreclpltallon baa occurred In Cali fornia. Neve.la. Utah, fouthera Idaho, la the Plelns niataa. In Teaaa Lou.elana. T.nniiiTi and In the ftt. Lawrence Vnil. W.et ef a ""a drawn from Weetera Taxes to North.ra Michigan tamperaturee are n ereliv below the normal, while to eastward of ikile Une the temperatur.e are .ootiJlna.T above normal. The southward advance of the hlh preaaure ar.a from North.ra Canada ta caueing Increaalnc wm.la ever the Paget Hound country and Borlh.sat storm warnings were ordered dle piaved at T:to P. M. oa the sound and tha Jiralt of Juaa De Fura. The wind norm la sot expected to be damartnc and the veara Uisa ara Intaort te be mainly advlairy. Condltiona are favorabl. for ge.ieral'.r fair weaio.r Monday throughout tnia dietrtct. except that anow Curriee are .xpected for boulhera Idaho and colder weath.r will ob tain eaat ef the Cascade Mouatema North eeeter.y wlada will prevail, betng high to brtak along tha Waehlcgloa Coaat aad aver Puget Bound. FORECAST St ' Port '.aad and vicinity Fair aad aoiula wad oeol: aortheaalerlv wtnda Ornn Fair; nortneaeterly wtnda Waanlnftoo Fair, cokler eeat portion; aortneaaterly wlada. high te bnaa la north weet portion. Idaho Fair north, anow flurries south por tion . col.ler. THEOPOHC F. PRAKE. cajserver. The aptaaera and manufacturer of Eng land are combined Into the Maater Cottoo Splnnere and Maautaetwrera' AaaeclaUon. whicn embrarea about su per seat af the sjlndlege af tha koaadem. THIS 1L.IV. 1a VT Un.UU.llA.1, JlUJlAXi xAimmm" - . J I 1 TEW TODAT. REAL ESTATE. STOCK SHOW AIDED James J. Hill Indorses Plan for Big Exhibit. PURPOSE IS EDUCATIONAL Students' Judging Contest asJ lc tnreg on lMyegtock Topic Are to Bo Especially ValaaWo as Practical Aids. Without gata fea and purely educa tional In Its objscta, tha drat Annual factflo Northwsst IJvsstock Show to ba held In Portlsnd. March JO-SJ. haa re ceived ths Indorsement of James J. Hill, chairman of tha axecutlva board, of tha Oreat Northern, In a recent letter. It Is his opinion thst Oregon, and Portland in particular, can do no greater work than by pushing tha show to a success ful conclusion. Not only does hs glva It his Indorsement, but In addition ha will lend it his financial support. President Bplawn. of North Yakima. Wash, haa written: "This will ba the first livestock show and comprehensive exhibition of fat stock that has been held west of Denver or St. Psul. It Is absolutely educational as there will be no gata fee, and from present Indica tions tha capacity of tha Portland Union Stock Tsrds will ba taxed to take cara of tha exhibits. "James J. Hill, of tha Crsat Northern, and Robert H Lovett. of the Harrlman lines, have lent their names and Influence to tha show, as they appreciate the great educational force of ths project. Thera will be a great dlaplsy of draft horses In bsrness. In which an object lesaon will ba given showing what tha draft horsa Industry means' to the Pa cific Northwest. There will be raj display of thoroughbred beef cattle and there will bo on exhibition thoroughbred sheep and hogs. Tha premium lint does not Include prises for thoroughbred stock. "The student's contest, which tshes plac on tha first day. to ba followed by lectures on livestock topics, will draw the attention of hundreds of people who ara Interested in better livestock. In actual benefit and as a direct "1t" ance In attracting settlers of tha kind who build up the country, nothing that has aver been given In the Pnrlflc North west will mean as much as the exhibi tion of the Paclflo Northwest Livestock Exposition." . Students from the aRTlctiltursl colleges of Oregon. Washington. Idaho. Montana and California will take part In the students' contest. ihls Is one of the leading features of the show from an educational viewpoint. These ln stock Judging will compete and Judgt-s from tha Kast of National reputation will pass upon the work of the students. President Kerr, of Corvallis. will attend and will aid In making the livestock show a auccess. GOOD ROAD FRIENDS REVIVE Work to Be Broadened With Eio on Coming Legislature. Tha Oregon Good Roads Association . . ? i the Beck building win li'.ni ai . 1 Tuee.'.av night for tha purpose of reor ganizing Its- nnnnca. - ---" . V u.-.- .he auhacr Dt on II a month, the fund, will quickly grow it is believed thst in aoing au -membership may be attained and the work broadened and widened when the nsxt two year, have rolled around tha force will ba of such "nth that only frienda of tha cause will be ln lhAm,on.,,thnUm.mber. of the .association 1,1, felt that .oma of the members of the Legislature who were obstructionists wltl- h.v. occasion to regret their stand w '" -k,,i aak for re-election. They assert that soma opposed every effort of the association and put nii. sary blocks to tha progTSss of tha mova- nnt' .v. roads movement .re ".Ulva in their amnion, that tha loss of some sort of a law haa brought .:. . the rltlsens of tha disappoint"." " , , , . . ?t.t;. They believe that this a keen one ann sure n . -- . .v.- m.1,1. whenever they ..! anoprtunlt," tVpr. their .en,.- me rite ACCTION "AUS TODAT witaon-e auction .boo... corner Pond end TamhlJ. Kaie at 10 A. . -auctlon..r. At pHvate reaia.nce. hi WaVhlngtoa ec - G- Paaer A CO., soctlonxre. rt xr-HAt. xorirra. Wl.rf-lnM.c!.y vaTi'v "Funeral will take place frvm J" a , ucFntee's cUapal tomorrow "i '.i .i JO A. i . thence to tne I narl.e . - .. . L.vn. the balovad soB of t. J. PiJ, oj V?ia Mllwaukle at. Frienda are Invited Jo'attlod "e fua.ral earvleea which will V. b.4 a the grave today tMondayl. SIk i: at P. M. Int.rm.nt at Klv.r ri.w C-mef-ry. Remains at Z.llar-n.-... rnmuii'i bat lore. OAV1H ln this city. February 3, at the A' - m i-iifton it.. Karma. family r -"., .. A Mrs C O. Utile a UiiIKi" .-.7"- Thnl la wia aaeu Don."' ' - , v ' . . w . .... . . iim ahove real- r.at I P. M. tomorrow tTueaday). rebraary S. Interment Rlvervlew Cm- BLUlV-ft this city, jawjn J Andrew ,ui"takV place at Dunning A McKntee's morrow iTueeday). Feb. -8. at a V. m. Frieads and acauslntano.a sre reapeet full, .invited te attand. Interment Wee tUllJ V-weaAw.aw.e4T. WRIGHT In PorUnd. rebruary 26. M. C . . e m..nt rsl it dsya hu-d Jaan.'. C Wright. 7a,h.r ot Ilr" vvnght. Fun.ral seivlcs st Hl Tnana chap.1 tomorrow ITueaday) Fab. J 3 P. M. Friend, tavited. Intar " . u ..nl.e nrlvate. B.'ker la thta city February 14. Annie teloted wlte of 'Jacob Kaker. Frienda In vlled to attend funeral aervlcea which will be held at Ilolmsn's Chapel at 1 :ao P. M. today (Mondarl. February 27. Interment . u' ,-it- u.metarr. t-rrtCH At Cottage Orove. Or. Fab. 1. 1.1. ni-n . . urn. Lurch rrlndl invited to attend the funeral aervlcea, which will be held at Holm.na chapaU Third and Salmon eta., tomorrow (Tuee imr )7 Fab. SS. at 10 A. M. Intermaat la Tieth-larael C.m.tery. TONSFTII FLORAL CO.. MA Kill' AM Bl.l.d.. tLOKAL OK-.lt.NS. Fheaeal Mala slOx; A HOt. T7.-..ln A Mctniee. ruaerai .vireciera. tth and 1'tna. Phone Main 430. Lady aa .l.i.nt. Oftlc ef County Coroaer. "TiiWARO HOI-MAX CO.. Funeral Dlrect ri. ile 4 at. Lady aaetatant. Pltoae M. Sv7. nvi rv A HO. id aad Madlaea. Lad, attendant. rhn Mala . A I4s. v . e-e iiinT Funeral Illrevtora, .iiceeaaera te i Dunning. Inc. F- St. B tits. F.RJCSOS fO. l ndertakera. ljr Bealau Jt tO Alder. M. 4 US. A tU&. TEI.I FR-UVKMli t o.. Kanetat Dlrectora. u Ullllama ave-i both phoneo, lady aaat. I (.Kill. Isnertaker. cor. Eaat Alder ana sixth. Lee ISA. At Asee. aevr awaian. -. -.-.-- a .- "rrt-v-T "V TT,T7T?T? TT A T? V 1 0 1 1 - AMTaEMETS. HEILIG THEATER 7th and Taylor WiiMja Vale t feid A112S. TO VTO HT EVE R T NIOHT THIS WETTfC BPBCIAL PRICK MATS WED AND SAT. WAOENHAL9 A KEMPER PRESENT TUB COMEDY HIT PAST SO TEARS. "7 DAYS" Plxrellent Caet Complete ProditcMoa. Ev.nlnga: Lower Boor 11.50, $1; balcony, first s rows i, next rows 75c laat 11 rowa 50c: gallery, reaerved 85o; admlaalon 23e. Bom Matinees; Lower floor II. 75c: balcony, oral 0 rowa 75c. rear of flrat 5 rowa 50a; Oall.ry 5c 25c. AirVlVLi 1A. M)rH. .nd Elevawtk Mala t aad A BSM. Oeorga L. Baker. Manager. Fxtraordinsry attraotlon all this w-eew. Bakar stock company In a aplendld revival of Hall Calne'e remarkable play, THK CHRISTIAN . Oreatn. s.naatlon than ever berore. Tonight, all weak. Mate. Wad. 2c. Bat. . 80c. Evenlnga. Io. !." Next w..k "The Wolf." Bungalow Theater la 11' lM O.orge L. Bsk.r. General Msnsger. Tonight sll this week. Mats. Thur. and Bv MAX DILL. Of Kolh DIM. In the graateet of mualoaa comedy aucceaa. DREAM CITY." Ji.et from 100 nights' engagement 'n a. .jr. eplendtd Company end Production. Evenlnga. Next' week "Brown's In Town. ;a,wwV.U' IXSTI THEATrTR T8-VrVr.l WEEK FEBRrART 17. The Kolfonlaoa. "the Lawn tele"i the bix Flying Banvarda, Jarrow. Mllo Bel doe A Co.. LUie Duraad. Brown A Ajer, Kuroa Family. GRAND Week of Feb. 27 -A retlow ef Infi nite Jest JAMES J. MORTON "The Bey Comic." Ytrden and DusJag Robert Roland Edith A. Montrose "No. 44" Orandaacopa Pro.ll Trie U.llnu ever S'SO' IBf MkL 1 3 L Pvenlng performanc't at T'lO and :i: balcony, lie: lower oor. aso: box eaat A SOe. ANTAGES Fweonaieel anur . WEEK COMMENCING MOVDAT MATIME. Al.thela and Alego, wnrld'r greateat mental telepathiaia: Oeorga Smedley. Nevln. and Oirdon. pvlvla De Frankle. Ollle Mack and Company. The International Quartet. Popular prices Matinee Dally. Curtain 2:30. 7:30 and 8. LYRIC PORTLAND'S FAM ILY PLAYHOUSE. Week Commencing Monday Matinee. Keating A 'lood present the Lyrlo Mualcal Comedy Company; Dillon King "IN HONOLULU." Three performances dslly. 2:4.1. T:18, Frndey night. Chorus Girls' Conteit After Kah Performance. Vert we "Alaharn." MJETLXO NOTICES. MULTNOMAH COUNCIL ROT Ai. ARCANUM meets at K. P HalL 11th and Alder atreeta. tha eacond and fourth Monday ot each month at S P. M. Vial tors cor dially welcomed. H Claueaanlua, Jr.. secretary. 125 11th at. HARMONY LODGE. NO. IX A. F. AND A. M Spec I il communi cation thla (Monday) evening at s a o'clock. Work In tha F. C. degree. Vlaltora are cordially In vited. W. M. Dlfi A.l.-l. OTC. MARTHA WASHINGTON CHAP TF.K. NO. 14. O. E. S, Stated meeting thla fMonday) evening. K. fth and Burnaida Social. Or der W. M. BKLLB RICHMOND. Bee CLASSIFIED AD. RATES D-lly " 8Und"7- Pw, Una- One time 11 lZ Mm ad two eooeeratlve tlmea J-o Mme nd Utree ropieoiiilTt tlmea soe Kama ad six er aeven cenaecutlve tlmee 6e Kemitteara jnoet acowmpaay eut-of-lowa ertlera. Ms ward, counts as one line oa eaah -vertteement. aad Be ad counted for leea than Iwe llnee, hea an ad vert lac men t la not mo coaaecu tlve lime, the one-time rale applies. Oa charge ef book advertisement, the rhara-e will be baaed ea the actual Dumber ef llnee appearing la the psper. regardleaa ef the nuiuUer ef worde lo each line. In New Toder all advertieemenle are charged by nieaeurs ealy. 14 llnee ta the inch. the above rate, apply to advert I omenta nader "New Today" and ail ether cieaalftca. Uona exceptlns the following I rutanttone Wanted. Male. Mluatlona M anted. Kemala For Rent. Rooms. Private Families. pooma and Board. Private Families. Koueekeeplng Kooma, private Families. the rale en the above claeelflraUoa is 7 eenta a Use each Inaertloa. la ewae hex office addreaa le required, const thla aa part ef the ad. Anewera to advertl.emenla will be forwarded te pntrOna, provide! eelf-addreeaed ea.elopee are in rloaed. OREGON HUMANE SOCIETY OFF1CB CITT HALL Mala SUA A IBS. MUMANw OFFICER. BA8T4714 NEW TODAY. Capitol Hill ON THE WEST SIDE 6-CtlNT CARFARE. On 10th Street Electric Line Capitol Hill only 15 minutes' r.da from the business center. Kvery lot cleared, high and level. Tojr cl.oloa of these beautiful lots, except rornerr. for 1501 Water piped In tlia s'.riots in front of these sightly lots. Sldewalka and streets graded. Adlninlns; lots sta selling from 1700 to I10U0. Capitol Hill Is the beauty spot on the West Hde; title absolutely perfect. Terms lr0 down. 10 per month on each 60x100 feet. Clohessy & McGuire SIS Ablaatoa Blag. Both Pbon -Mala IDsH, Allld. FREE EXHIBITION! OF East Indian Brass Arts Commencing Froaa Twesday the 31s. We have Juet received a large stock of various sorts of brass arts from Hindustan. Public are cordially wel come at 111. Couch street, between Fifth and Sixth. $600 Equity for $200 Fine corner, south and east front. 1000 sq. ft. almost two lots. Price paid li'SOO Payments 136 per month Must sell within ten days. Address F 791, Orcgonlan. Union Avenue Vacant Quarter Lying between Alberta and Beech, 112,600; about 15000 cash. CULVER, 1 McKay Bldg. 750 EQVITT IX TWO LOTS FOR 3S0 Splendid location, building; restrictions, beautiful view. ' Low price, easy terms. Addrees O 78. Oregonlan. EXCHANGE FOR ACREAGE Have throe lots with 1800 payment on each which I wish to trade for a small tract of land. What have you to offer. Address AE 785. Oregoman. MORTGAGE LOANS 1P JOHX E. CROXAX, J O teua Spalding Bldg. fl J J Main S. A lets. r MAT1MI AVEBIDII sa vSBW a la- X. TA W 3S waa v m wa 5& I , $600 Per Acre FOR 60 acres of 6-year-old orchard at Dri- lur, Oregon. Do yon know that Dufur Valley tha best ariDla section in Oreffont Do you know that the soil in Dufur Valley is as good as tne Desi Orpcon I Do you know that the climate is one long dream of pleasure T T) von Vnnir tViat Dllfnr IS iust rVi nf Tha Tlnllpe. 12 miles south from the famous Spitzenburg . .a rt a lI.t. a-. orcnara 01 x. u. urace, ior wuicu u offer of $3000 per acre was refused t For further particulars inquire of THE HART LAND CO. Room 912, Cham, of Commerce Bldg. Portland, Or. PLAT THIS! 144 ACRES ON OREGON ELE0TRI0 100 yards from station; 35 minutes' ride. Just ripe to plat into five-acre tracts. We can sell them for you from $300 to ?i00 an acre. Price $180 an Acre Easy terms. Ask for Mr. Ward. Columbia Trust Co. 84 Fourth Street. STORE FOR RENT 60x100 FIVE STORIES AND BASEMENT Large elevator, first-class shipping facilities, heavy mill construction; very low insurance rate, absolutely first-class. This building is situated within one block of principal freight houses, and within half block of new Postoffice site. Will lea6e for five years at a very reasonable rate. The W. G. Mg Pherson Co. 328 Glisan Street. Are you in the market for a subur ban hornet We have a very choice 5-acre tract V2 m"6 south from Stun- ly station, on the 0. W. P. carhne. Good 7-room house ; lV acres in bear ing orchard, 1 acre in grapes, balance in meadow; city water, telephone; ru ral mail route. Very sightly. Best of soil. Price $7o00. i or further par ticulars inquire of THE HART LAND CO. 912 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. The one PEPT place In Portland to huy. GEOGRAPHICAL, CENTER and MOST DESIRABLE residence property 01 tna city. SEFrVG IS BEI.IEVIXG BETTER ro and see the many CHOICE resi dences under construction ana tne im provem.nts going on. The Oregon Real stats Company GRAND AVE. AXD MILT.VOMAH ST. Ladds Addition ll-room house, new, just completed ; built by owner to live in. Price $8500. Will sacrifice $1000 for quick "sale. This house on Ladd avenue is a par ticularly attractive home. MERCHANTS SAVINGS & TRUST COMPANY 880 EAST YAMHILL. Nina-room house on lot worth $3000. House costs 12500. Owner Is willing- to sell for (5000, $1000 cash. Offered for a short Uma only. MERCHANTS SAVINGS at TRUST COMPANY. We Collect Rentals. WANTED House and Lot at Seaside Will Pay Cash. Must Be a Bargain. D 7S5. Oregonfan. Bay City Terminus United Rys. Deep-Water Shipping Point. P. R. & N. R. R. lots S65 VP. Easy Payments. For Full Particulars fes BAY CITY LAND CO, 701-2 SpnldlnsT Bids;. CENTRAL OREGON VANORA, tha future power city on the Deschutes, has exceedingly good ad vantages. If you contemplate making a trip over the new railroad join our party for Central Oregon. Inducements offered to peopla seeking business op portunities. VANORA TOWNSITB COMPANY, aid Lewis Bldg. Main 4071. Store For Rent Front Street. Bet-ween Madison and Jefferson, 25x100. GOOD LOCATION REASONABLE. A. II. BIRRELL CO, Z03 McKay Bldg, Third aad Stark. Holladay s Addition South Portland Southwest Corner 4th and Hooker Sts. Ideal flat or apartment site. 80x100 $75QO Realty Dept. Chamber of Commerce. CLOSE IN, EAST PORTLAND Near K. Burnslde, west of th. full corner lot, some income now;. If Im proved with a four or five-story apartment-house, built modern, like the one at southeast corner E. Couch and 8th, would yield an Income of 12 to 1 per cent; an elegant location and correct frontage; $10,000, $6000 cash. CCLVER, 615 MeKay Blds HEAL E8TATB HEALERS. fi.clt. William O.. 13 PaJllns bids. blrr.lL A, H. A Co., J02-3 McKay olds. Reel estnts.lsaursnce. nsrtcsg.a. loan, ate. Br u bakar A Benedict. 60s JtfcKay bld M. 640. .Lyin A Harlow, $S Chamber Commerae. look. B. B. A Co.. SOS Corb.lt blds J.notni. A CO.. Main IKS & Ora(onJaa. FALlliX-JONES CO, H. r, 11 Conuaar- clal Club bids. . Tba Orf son Koal ate Co.. Orsnd se. ana slultnomah at. fHolladsr Addltloa. St. E. THOMPSON CO.. cor. 4th and OaK sta REAL ESTATE. Por Sale Lota. GOOD WAREHOUSE OR FACTORY SITE. 2200. Located on the O. R A N. R. R-. close ln. oppojlte large manufacturing plant, lot 60x135: this kind of property la eom Ing very scarce and will be very valuable sa the city growa; will diacount price for caah; ea.y terms If desired. Phone me after SO P. M. Wooalawn 2997. Mr. Delahunty. 1144 hi Union sva. North. 6EE THESE TWO LOTS AT ONCE. Corner $1170. Inside 910; these lots are In Lsurelhurst, the finest addition to Portlsnd. located two blocks from the beautiful Lsdd Park and two blocks to car. If you see these you. will look no further. Phone after :ao P. M.. lawn J997. Mr. Delahunty. 114414 Lnlon ave. North. 71 FEET FRONTAGE, 14 FEET PEEP. PRICE S7S. On a burhly restricted district, foot and half above grade, south exposure. Can you beat ltT This price until Tuos day only: JST.60 cash takes It. Phms Main 1303. A 1I1S, ask for Mr. Burlln- gatne. $S40 WILL HANDLE Beautiful corner lot ln restricted district. Improvements all ln. 1 block to streetcar. i minutes from 6ne of Portland s finest parks: will aell st this price for 10 days only, as lot Is easily worth. I30O more than price I am asking. Call for Mr. Hanrahan. Main 150S. A 161S; "BEAUTIFUL BUILOINO SITE ON LI S117U. Full SOilOO-foot lot, close to canine, three feet above grade: high building restrictions; my price for few days 11": easy terms. phone Main ISM. A 1616. Ask for Mr. Burllngame. INVESTIGATE. Mr. Homebullder. for a short time I can deliver te you 60x100 high and sightly Lsurelhurst lot, orly one block from the Ladd Park, for $1400 on easy terms; ad jacent lots selling for 12000 and up. Ad dress H 810, Oregonlan; FIFTY-reasons why you should buy a lot; first. Uneeda Homa Forty-nine other reasons giv.n If you will call at the office of the Uneeda Home Co.. 718 Chamber Commerce Houaas. lots and Coos Bay property, BUILDERS Hawthorne district, 60x100 cor ner, hard-surface street to city, sewer, suitable 2 houses; $1500; take small mort- fa(e. Henderson. Marshall 1374. 620 hamber of Commerce. TITLE eWVVESTMENT COMPANY. INC.. OREGON CITT. OR. Clackamas County lands and lots sb stracted from the records; prices right. John W. Loder. president. CORNER LOT CHEAP. Fine corner lot. 50x100. right on car. at Creston; price $700. half cash. GRUSSI A ZADOW. 817 Board of TradeBldg., 4tn andOak iboxlOO PORTLAND HEIGHTS building site beautiful unobstructed view, near Ainiworth School; $5000. terms. Cellars-Murton Co.. 8U Spalding bldg. PORTLAND HEIOHTa PROPEKTX. Homes, lota quarter blocks, tracts sad acreage; all parts of heights, all views aad prices; some bargains. MalnS35L AS8lk siBtO--FULlT lot. East 12th st. North, near Braree' splendid view, choice location. This price la $200 under value. Cellars-Murton Co.. St Spalding bldr. " $10 DOWN, $5 MONTHLY F1RLAND. $375 and 1400 on terms quoted above make th.se worth Investigation. Fred W. German. 229 Burnslde. WE have some great bargains ln city lota; builders will benefit greatly by looking Into this sale. J. H. Tipton A Co., 110a- 1110 Spalding bldg. LAURELHt'PST. 50x100, enuity for original amount paid; bought year ago. AG 7ii. Oregonlan. A SNAP 650 for large Portland Heights lot In Greenway Addition; terms. Owner. Tabor zavo. SOME SNAPS IN IRVTNGTON LOTS. 1033 CnamDer OI .mnrngrcq. COUNCIL CREST PARK equity for sale or trade for auto. Frits Abendroth, Jeweler, Bi9 waahlna'on at. $470OFULL lot on Ovarton St., near 23d; Cellars-Murton Co.. 308 Spalding bldg. MUST sell a splendid lot In Waverlelgh Heights; sell for less than oost me 2 years ago. K, 818. Oregonlan. isOO EQUITY, 100x100 corner, Swlnton Ad dition; will sell for $4iO cash. O 705. Oregonlan. LOT BOxlOO a1 blocka from Rose City car, $230 cash, balanoe easy terms, by Owner. Marshall 674. S350O FULL lot cn Union ave., near Fkld more; cheapest lot on street; buy today. Cellars-Murton Co.. 80 Bpaldlng bldg. IRVINGTON PARK SNAP. $423 cash buys (0x100 near Alnsworth ave Owner. X 817, Oregonlan. ADJOINING Mt. Tabor Park, 158x115; view property; on carn-io, n -- vmu, u.i. AL 818, Oregonlan. IRVINGTON bargain lot on 20th; east front; above grade. Phone Eaat 110L . UjO Corner East 17th and Prescott; east ana s m , --.p. Pur Sale Honaes. FOR SALE A fist, s fine view, good loca tion ana s """ i Commonwealth Dlag. FOR SALE At a bargain, my v-room mod- am nOUa. 1U . v.. . . . . . . : . ... Bvv. View. Lot lOUXDU. raw .o. DOWN, balance like rent; new 7-room ' . . iM iriaimnnlinA. V O T . i . - t -rla hid a. 200x100 ON Mount Pcott une, wltn excellent 6-room nouse, wuaucs xa par month. Phone B 280L 3500 Portland Heights; pretty, modern 6- room bungalow, furnished. J. W. Daniels, 453 Aider. ELEGANT new 8-room modern home, very OhOlceSt location in iiriuswu, f uav, terma j to. v,,oa"j' 626 MONTHLY buys 6-room bungalow, bath, pantry, basement. Owner. East 2741. terms. J 798. oregoman. FOR SALE by owner, l-room bungalow. Hi E. aatn st. FOR SALE House and three lots. 16b9 Tay lor, Ferry roaa. unon- For Sale Houses. HAWTHORNE AVE. 60TH. 51ST. i2D STS. See our new bungalow Just building. B and 7 rooms. Price 3000. $34000 and $3fi00. Terms. These are altrartlve, well built bouses, with every modern con venience. Street improvements all in. Best car service In city, close to the fine mansions on the west slope of Mount Tabor. If the houses we are building do not suit you in every particular, wa have a few vacant lots and will build for you to order. BRUBAKER A BENEDICT. 602 McKay Bldg..3dand Stark. " WE HAVE GOT THEM. B-room bungalow, one block east of Union ave., new and modern, $2300; $600 down, balance like rent. New modern home of 7 rooms. This is s very attrac tive place, only 1 block from carline, beat of terms: 5-room bungalow; this borne is . modern throughout; on Alberta St., 22SO; t500 cash; 6-room house. 4 full lots, 4 blocks carline, $3000; $300 caah, balance o years. DUBOIS & CROCKETT. Room S. Washington bldg. SUBURBAN HOME. FORCED SALE. CHICKEN RANCH. 4 acre, cultivated, strictly modem bun galow, furnished or unfurnished: 3 new chicken-houses and yards; bearing fruit tieea. berries, fine lawn with rose nedge: cement basement and walk from street. BEST OFFER BEFORE MARCH 1 GETS IT. Ask tor Mr. Knuth. 318 Board ot Trade. SU1LD NOW. WE CAN SAVE YOU MONET. THERS IB A REASON. LET US TELL TOU WHI. OUR REPUTATION FOR FAIR DEAL ING AND GIVING ALL WB AQR1S BRING US MUCH BUSINESS. PLANS TREE IF WE BUILD. IF TOU OWS ' LOT WE WILL FINANCE IT FOR OU L. R. BAILEY CO.. INC 324 AB1NOTON BLDG- HOMESON MOUNT SCOTT LINB. rt-room house, new. modern, IS50. 4 rooma. plastered, a dandy ,130. 4 rooms, plastered, concrete foundation. $1300. 4 rooma strictly modern. $1800. 5 rooms, an extra good one. $2100. Very easy terms on all these. Fred W. German. 31'3 Burnslde. M. 2776. FIVE-KOOM modern bungalow, new. fire place, bookcases, walls tinted, full ce ment basement, lot 50x100, being lot S In block 20. Terrace Park. This la a first class homo. Can be had oa easy terms. $lcO down. $30 per month. Call or ad dress. Home Installment Company. 0 McKay ,Bldg. Marshall 230O. BUNGALOW. IRVINGTON. The finest G-room concrete block bunga low In Irvlngton; has all the latest im provements and extra well built; mist be seen to be appreciated; room for s more rooms up stairs. See us about it. GRl'SAI & ZADOW. 31" Board of Trade Bldg.. 4th snd Oak. $560 DOWN PRICE $3300. New, sir rooms, bath snd sleeping porch, on S. w. .-op. JUd and Clinton, high and sightly location. On WR carline. 20 minutes' out. Key next door. Phono evenings Rellwood 1.177 or Main 6427. Goudsell Bros., 433 Worcester bldg. CLOSE TO UNION AVENUE. $3'J50 will buy brand new 7-room house with full cement basement, laundry, fur nace, combination liKht fixtures, bathroom, with latest plumbing, larga front pore terms. GODDARD A WEIDRICK. 243 Stark street. 9 ROOMS AND 100x100. 0-room house, moclern. with two fire places, on 2 lots, east front, fine view; on E. 33d at., near Clinton; price a bar- . gain, $5oOO. some terms. GRUSSI A ZADOW, 317 Board of Trade Bldg- 4th snd Oak. NICE new home on 52d and Hawthorne. 8' rooms, full basement and attic. Cheap: ( easy terms. The Carpenter Lumbar Co., j phone Tabor 82, or see C P. Bush, 266 , f.lth st. - , HOLLADAY HOME S. W. corner lot. E. 13th and Broadway; 8 line rooms, large ; basement and attic, nice yard, choice loca- ; tlon: 6400; a splendid bargain. Cellars- ' Murton Co., 300 Spalding bldg. ' HELP, quick. $12o will buy my 1250 equity In new 5-room cottage on the new boule vard. E. Glisan St.. $20 per month In- eludes Interest. Owner. AG 820. Orego- ni-in. FOR SALE. MODERN COLONIAL FLATS. , .Near Ladd s Add.; 18 rooms; price $8s00, l A.rIR RItter, 224 Lumber Exchange bldg. : 123O0 6-room modern cottage, completely ; furnished. Including piano; only block. from carline. In restricted residence dls- tr'ct: part cash; a real bargain. Palmer. ! 612 Couch bldg. : iTsoo-FOR a 5-room cottage, one-half block from car; JS00 down, balance like rant. This is good. BLANCH ARD CLEMSON. I on t:ixtn at. I c-.T KAi.tt nn msv Davmenta: $500 down. no rate of interest on balance 5-room modern house. 15 minutes walk 1 rom I POBtoffice. Phone Main 239L 812 finer-1 man st. i IRVINGTON, New 9-room house, 50x100 lot, facing east 521 E. 20th St. N., near Brasee. D. Gnndsell. Jr. Phones Main 8427; res. East: 2058. . WEST SIDE residence, large and modern, fine view, best of locations, teimi If de sired. 802 Spalding bldg. $2100. $100 cash and $25 monthly. Including , Interact; 5 rooms, modern, cement base ment; a decided bargain. Phone Main 6738. A 5737. -7.,'0 7ROOM new horse, 909 E. 14th. North, near skldmore; Alberta car; a good cheap home; bath, gas, electricity. Cellars-Murton Co.. 306 Spalding bldg. 1S50 FOR a 2-room house, fine lot. 1 block from car; a snap, terms. BLANCH ARD A CLEMSON. 66 Sixth St. 100CASH, $18 a month. 4 rooms, 60x100 lot, fruit trees, strawberries on place. Price only $12M). Phone Main 5738, A 5737. ELEGANT bungalow, choicest part of Irv- lngton; rich surroundings: Broadway and Irvlngton carllnes. Owner, A 778, Oregoni- , an. , : 7 BEAUTIFUL homes, elegantly finished, oak and ma-' hogany. choice locations. Irvlngton. C ; 180(1. East 273. No agents. W. H. Herdman. $1250 5-ROOM cottage with bath. 60x100 j lot. fenced; strawberries, fruit; very easy l terms; near Mt. Scott car. Cellars-Murton i Co., 806 Spalding bldg " $300 CA6H. OR LESS. 6-room house, full lot, 4-year-old fruit I trees, strawberries, on St. Johns carline. i Phone East 25"4. HOLLADAY HOME 6 rooms. 50x100 lot. j 9th near Weldler. 4750:' buy this snap. Cellars-Murton Co.. 306 Spalding bldg. Tirvlngton Park; new. modern seven-room J "house, 1 block from carline. Owner's phone I Woodlawn OIK). BY OWNER. Bargain 7-room modern house. 265 B. 8d st. North. Phone Main 9252. 4-ROOM house on E. 88th st.; new and In. a sightly locality. This is a bargain at . tn.kL Call 414 Spalding bldg. TO BUILDERS who want reliable plana I j am otiering ii.'i ' ' 1 J ' ,hort time. Call 501 Hallway Exchange. Buttlneea Property. WAREHOUSES AND FACTORY SITES on railroad, or lease or aale; west or East Side. Bransford. 617 Worcester bldg. Marshall 1647. OTTARTER block. Eaat Seventh and Clay, near cars. 302 Spalding bldg. Acreage. CHOICE acreage, river frontage, and lots snd blocks at Risley Station, on Oregon City carline; also modern 6-room bun galow at Oak Grove; all on easy terms Call on H. O. Starkweather at Risley station. Phone Oak Grove, Black II. Postal address, Mllwaukle. R F. D. No. L ' ' CONCORD. OREGON CITY LINE. u acres ln cultivation; 63760. a 1-8 acres, all ln cultivation; $3380. C W Risley, owner, P, O. Mllwaukle, R. 'F. b. No. L Phone Oak Grove, Red 11. 10 20 AND 40-acre tracts, sll good soli, no rocks or gravel. M mile from sawmill. I mile from graded schcol, 4 miles from R. -R station good road. 28 miles from Port land. Address P. O. box 65. Houlton, Or. : 7ACRES. 17 minutes from center of olty, ! right on carline; fine view, all cleared, ' fine for platting; lots adjoining It selling from $30o to $500 each. 518 Board ot ; Trade. I7.10 CHEAP $730. S acres, near Vancouver; all level, good , soil Just the thing for chickens or fruit; terms to suit. Owner, Box 65L Portland, Oregon. , THE Bunnell tract at Oak Grove now for sale' hi to 40 acres; all ln cultivation; close to car. Prices and terms to suit. See W. E. Thresher. Mllwaukle, Or. 18 ACRES. IB acres cleared, running water, near g-arton: by owner. Tabor 1560. "0 ACRES fine soil near Vancouver, close to " -lecu-ic survey; house snd barn; (2800, terms Wright. . 330 Sherlock bldg. TEN ACREST-$10,500; city limits, adjoins Montavllla. Charleston ,A Co.. 411 Com merclal bldg. OWNER forced to sell 2hi acres Just out side city limits; need cash and will take - $700 for quick sale. L 804, Oregonlan. i i