15 THE MORXIXG OREGOXIAN FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 24. 1911. y VBW TOPAT. IRYINGTON Fully improved with asphalt pavement, cement walks and curbs, parked streets, gas and water rn'Ti and a complete and adequate sewer system. Improvements bonded and to be assessed. Lots 50x100, $1250 Up Terms: 15 per cent cash and 2 per cent per month. This is the best and cheap est property in Portland. A.OIAM0ND&C0. 210 Railway Exchange Bids, of . Irvington Office Cot East 13th and Knott Sts. A Fine Home It's for sale. The price is right and terms can b made by the purchaser. Leaving Portland and propose selling this property quick. Tha lot in lOOx 100, a corner, in the best section of Irving-ton. The house is of splendid design, has nine rooms, two larsre sleep ing porches, rarage. and modern in every way. This property is worth $12,750 right now, and is in the direct path of rapidly advancing values. I want to talk to the man or woman who wants to own a fine home in a beautiful section of the city. I will make the price right, and, as stated above, allow the purchaser virtually to dictate his own terms. Arrange to see the property today. Telephone E. 4344. $14,000 Half Cash Russell Street Half block east of Mississippi a re tina. Russell street is the only street running from the river to Grand ave nue, therefore it is the highway of Northeast Portland. I can sell you 77x135 feet in the above location with an income of $122 per month; 8 per rent net, with building that will stand a raise of 25 per cent in rents and ground that is worth NOW $300 per front foot. That is what apartment house property is bringing, and this is retail property, improved, on one of Portland' principal streets. W. B. and G. E. Streeter 212 Lewis Building. Thone Main 5661. A 1399. IRYINGTON Elvbt-roora house, well built, all modern, olden oak finish; furnace, fireplace, beautiful lawn, bard surface -rmnt- .Offered at a low price for a short time only. MERCHANT SWINGS Jt TRIST couMxr. Wo Colbx-t Resjfals. $9500 Today NOB HILL Thto Is Just One Thousand Xollar below the price It has been held at. and Hi 00 will bur this If sold In a day or Owrr leaving? city. A fine SoilOO lot on Flanders street In vicinity of list: no better place for apartment site. Present Income about 3& to $40 month ly. This Is an extra fine location and far below regular values. roRTU5D-rAririr hstestmext CO 3d PAST. SIS Railway Eacsiaaco. SWAN ISLAND YATER FRONT CCfl TT.TT WATERFRONT. OPPO- D3U fits swan inland. WITH TRACKAGE. , Call for Details. The Spanton Company see oak at. Union Ave. 18500 coR-xrn so100 South of en J Near BurnslJe btreet, Karnopp & Kopf r3 Rf. RifS. Kids. Make Tour Owi Terms t Owier Have two lots near E. 0th St.. on sf-nuevUla car. Will sell one or both; 4 each, worth SStfO. CTR, IM Wirtiltf Blda NEW TOD AT. CHOICE ACRES NEAR Rose City Park TIIK A CTT A I. VAI.TR CTT ' AND bLAMitD DOWJ TO $5000 AM I.EAVIXO CITY, ANI JUST MAHfcl atU'K IALE J 793 Oreaoalam. Rr. At rSTATK DKALXR9. wuiiam o.. sit renins bide blrr.ll. A. H. a- Co.. 102-8 Mcki Bl. Reau tats, meuraaee. nnortxages. loaoa eta Brn baker A Benedict. 602 Meal ay bldg.. M. 648. tsapia A Beiiow. 8 chamber Com sins Leas. B. A A Cow. Ml Corbett kids J.enlnsa A Co. Mala IB xv Oftoi!i PALMjiH'JONtS OA. H. P.. SIS Ciae clal Club kids. . The Ores-os Heel Bsrato Co.. Orasd aee. sues Kolinomih t. (Holladar Addltlosvi Sf. few IHOHIHO.f CO. cor. 4th and Oak BtA RXAL ESTATE. " For ftale-lLots IRVINGTON. $4tno lOOxloo on Thompson eu : Improve ments all In and paid tor; bard-surfaoa streets; a snap. . . li 2m st.. 150 feet north of Thomp son; Improvement paid tor; 100 below value. s-oo Tillamook street, near 3d; 60x100 feet; choice lot; cash. LAUKKLhL HST. $9."0 Choice 5"xl00-foot lot. on pared street, easy terms. CIUS. RINGLER A CCfc. ill Lewis Bldg. ONE-AfRK TRACTS. S8TH ST.. ll tSI SIDE. Be ear fare. 15 minutes from business cntr; on carllne; cleared or uncleared; $1X0 per sere. Don't bo foolish and buy lots when yoo cen set an acre at lot prlres and cloeer In. Easy payment. NATIONAL. REALTY A Till ST CO 3211 Washington st. Room $ld t-OTS. LOT 3. LOT9. Bar now. Lots $50. West Stark and streets of City Park; only 13 minutes from Washington su; beautiful view lots; money-makers: terms 92 psr month. NATIONAL, REALTY A TRUST CO- :t21 i Washing-ton at. Room 511. LOTS ! DOWN. HAL. MONTHLY. Clow to the car adjoining the reatrlcted residence district oi Hues City l'srk. at prices that will sell them quickie; $375 to $o0 each; tetter scours ens while they are cheap; fins for horns or for Invest ment; sice homes bundles all around. Jss. C. Logan. $20 Washington su T-..-n 4m. KArfT YAMHII.L-PT. LOT. A fine lot. Cirxluo. north front. In a fins re.ldcncs dlatrlct on E. Ysmhlll. near TSih st.. Imiyroved street, cement sidewalk; pries e-40. tlXMi cash, balance yearly. ORl FHI A ZAIWW. SIT Board of Trade Bide. Sth and Oak. OCEAN-FRONT LOTS. Almost two lots on board walk, faces ocean, two blocks north Moors Hotel, none better In Seaside. Oregon; worth e2": title perfeoi. abstract furnlsned; pries tli'.'S. owner. 171 Third st. VERY CHEA1-. Lot. cor. K. 1T21 snd Frankfort; tax for lmprorlnc Frankfort at. paid; also district sewer tax paid. Price f 0 Terms. SubCARD A W1EDRICX. mark it. CLOHB TO UNION AVE, Very choirs lot on Roeelawn aes.. ISO feet from Union. $2J, esey tsrnis. Also lot. ssme street. uUDUAHO A W1EURICK. IMS Stsrk st- I WILL sell my vacant block of f lots In outh I'ortlsnd at a dead cheap price; flns vlsw snd soout IS miles from . Morrison st ; worth SiiO: will taks ItovO; Isavlns town. AJ 7J. Oregonlan. H ALL STREET. A W. cor. of 17th. lonxioo. splendid elew; .i:."o. VEKCll ANTS ATIN'it a TKUST COM PANT. LOTS, a snd lO. block M. Fslrport Addi tion, for sals by owner; price 1750; ons blo'-k from carltns; must sell; leaving city. A.l.lrees B. T. Uoldswortb, An sonla Tlotel. UNION AVE. Lot 6Ot!O0. raring east, closs to Skid mors. Price f!-tH. OODDARU A tS'IEDRICK, :-Z F'.srk it. NOB HILL BARGAIN. loxleO lot. en Overton, near 24th st S&OOS; good terma 8. rE I. A MER. S3 Chsmber of Commerce. Main V74. pEST BUY ON PORTLAND HEIGHTS. OCAKTER HNVK ON KI'I.LV ! PROVED STREET. KINK VIEW. $-iO BELOW MARKET V ALL AC MAIN 8061, A 3l. lOUlliXl. Comer Rodney ave. and Going; vary flns reeldence ;ts; price f Toon OODDARD A WICDRICIC. 213 P'.srk su SWELL FEASirS 1-OT. heso for cash; cU.ee to ocean; full sse. fine location: Seaside. Or.: worth SiooO: pries now (075. Owner, 171 Third street. HOSB CITY PARK LOT. Xast facms. below the hill. 1450. C. DE YOU NO. 432 Chamber of Cnmmerve. 1 J5'. SOxloO lot on Alberts St.. 150 ft. from rsr: street grsded. cement walks sll paid, soms terms Owner, call at I27 Alberta at. FINE lot 5il0. on East 2":h. near i'rra- cott; grana Vlw or cuy; sw csen. DsJ sncs terms, by owner. Phoos Marshall 674. PORTLAND MElrjnTS PROPERTY. Horn, iota querter blocks, trssts aaA acreage; all parts of heights, all Views sad sncs.soro be-rgalnsstsiB S55l. A 11 a CORNER lot. 6"TlO0. IJOOO. ovsrlooking Ite.mont si.; wslktng diatsnce: no other lor iu vinnltv ,-sn be purchased uru'er (H04; best resldsnc district. Tabor 2sA F 1 N B V I E W P R O p E RTY. 2 lots, nesr E- lth snd Hsrnaon; bar gain if so.d Immediately; no ageota. AJ 7tl. Oregon Isn. jVn PI TS s.ghtly lt la Wavsrleish Heights: Improvsmenls In; $-00 below 0 prlre; don't fell to see this If you are ;:.' HAi'U will buy 2 tins lota 50x100 feet each, on E. Vth at. This Is a flns buy tor cah. t.sll 414 Spalding bldg. FO: SALE Choice SuxIiiO in Rose Illy park: a bargain. lutiulrs at room All. Spalding bldg. MT choice lot. 50x111. restricted dlatrlcU near carllns; sp'endld view of mountains snd city: pries R 7v2. Oregonian. V1I 1. sacrifice sn mo lot for $540: Rosa City carllae; part cash, balance payments. I'hone "Uarehail 11HI. COUNCIL CREST PARK Son, very one vlsw sites st very reasonaola prices, w. J. Baker. 1 Board of Trade. BARGAIN S lots. 5'xlo,. one block Atlrn mond Hrhool; l$ZO takes them. M Tud. Ore con lan. A ft'INE 7-room beautiful houte la Overlook. I:w4 down, bs.ance like renu Inquire 417 Board of Trade. COUNCIL CP K.ST PARK equity for ssle or trade for auto. Frits Absndroth. Jeweler, &43 Waehlr.g-.on st. TINE lot SS5U. two blocks from Hswthome svs.. $175 cs9o. $5 month. Owner, Xr. H. N. Lacy. viQH Belmont st. IGlilLY corner :il'o. East Salmon and :ith. Charles Zoianger. owner, SIS Cor- bett bldg. 10OX10U HAWTHORNE 17JOt On 4'ih. IS blocks to car: tsrme. Fred or. German. S2 Hurnalds. Msln 277A BEAUTIFUL comer lot. one block from new Mu Hood carllne; cor.. 60x100: ). ay terma W. J. Baker. 61 Board of Tra-le. SNAP Full lot. with shack, east frunu graded. $6 if taken su on;e; terma R. While. li.1T Esat 17:h N. WILL sell at a b.rgain for rash, a nice -IOx loo ft. lot on East 17th and Salmon: good apsrttnent dletrlcU K 7B7. Ore Ionian. iMleSNAPtt IN IRVINGTON LOTS. CARLOCK A MUKLHAUPT. 1032 Chamber of Commerce. TWO acres on Portland Heights; very rea senab'.e; unaurpaaaed view. Jolna four treats. TV. J. Baker. Sll Board of Trail". tlo CASH and i per month, beautiful lul ne.-kr Mt. Scott 5c car. HIGLET BISHOP. 1S2 Third ft. LAI KELHl'KST. 5xlOO. squlty for original amount paid: bought year ago. AG 74d Oresontsa. $J,K DOWN $10 monthly bura good lot with 2-room houe-: pries $100. Portland Moines Co.. 2o4 Morrison SU t-ROOMS. house pisetered. bsta. lou Kern park. $14') cash, quick sale. Mala lX Corner East and south front. 17th and prescott; vast Phona owner. A 22'. ISO FERT oa n:monl. cheap for culck sats. Ownsr. lti E.17th. nesr Belmont. KILLINOSWORTH see. lot. 50x100- a flns buy st $I5J. Csll 414 ypslrttng bldg. WILL buy your equity in good building let If aheap, el 10th. A S7Pv. . , I Wwv TTC 1 MAI. ESTATB. I TO EXCHANGE. i i c " ", J Z 1 For SaleFarms. or s, lin. I tor hale Houtfi. I Acreage. I BARTMAN THOMPSON REALTY PtPV. CHAMBER OF COMMERCE. BOSS CITT PARK LOTS. If you want a building lot. consult our Rose City Park DpU snd get Informstlon sbout prices In lbs prettiest section ot Portland. Rose Cltv rsrk lots are very popular, the sldewslks sre all In. the treets sre In good condition: curbs, electric lights, etc.. compl-te: thoneands of happy reople live in Rose City Park. Price, very low NOW; values advancing rapldiy. IIARTMAN A THOMPSON. Rose City Psrk Dept.. , Chamber of Commerce. For rs I e Hou.ee. NO FIRST PAYMENT RE'JI IRED. JUST PAY 10 A MONTH AND TOU OWN THE HOUSE. A strictly modern 5-rooru bungalow wltn svery convenience; big log flreplacs. beam celling. set-In bookcases, full basement, wssh trays, etc. t . In a restricted district, first-class neigh bors. Full slsed lot. Price $i7o0; pay $30 a month (which Includes Interest i. My client Is mors after party sble to pay reuulsrly svery month than bs Is for ths big f irt-paymsnt man. A. N. SEA RLE. Taks M-v car; get off E. 7Sth st. Office on the comer. HAWTHORN K-AVE. PNAP. BEST BUY IN CITY. AND ONLY $.VK DOWN. And bslancs monthly; a besutlful mod ern bungalow, double constructed, 5 rooms and larss sttlc. nicely tinted, complete Elumblng. dandy fireplace, cove celling. ufTet, bookcaees. mirror doors. heavy arches, panel tllnlng-room. Dutch kitchen, bath and bedrooms In whits enamel, ce ment floors and wash trays In basement, cement walks: free of sasessments; nice elevation: block to Hawthorns car and only $3oo0. L. K. NIXER, SOS Oerllnger Bids Phons M. 73U: evenings Tabor sr.l. HAWTHORNE AVE. AOTH. 61ST. 4JO STS. See our naw bungalow Juat building. S and T rooms. Price $3(Klt. $34t0 Slid $:Wno. Terms Thess are altrartlve. well built bouaee. with every modern con venience, street Improvements all m Beat car servlcs In city, clois to the fine mansions on tha west slopo of Mount Tabor. If the houses we are building do not suit you In every particular, we have a few vacant lots and alll build for you to order. rtRUBAKER A BENEDICT. 50U McKay Bldg., Sd and Stark. SWELL BUNOALOW." MT. TABOR. Strictly modern, very swell and up to dsts S-foora bungalow, full cement bsae nient. wash traya. refrigerator, book cases, furnace, fireplace, den. paneled dlnlng rotm. beamed celling, tins fixtures. In fact nrthtng missing: on a lot o3xu with fine view; price. Including $:t00 worth of car pels. $l7.1ii. half cash. If you wtnt a swell horns, worth the money, you should see this. Will take good lot as part payment. GKUStil A ZADOW. SIT Board of Trade Bldg.. 4th and Osk. EL'ILU NOW. WI CAN SAVE YOU MONET. THIERS IS A REASON. LET US TELL TOO WHT. OUR REPUTATION FOR FAIR DEAL ING AND OIV1NO ALL WB AORBB BRING US MUCH BUSINESS. PLANS LHEB IP WE BUILD. IV YOU OWN OT WB WILL FINANCE IT FOR YOO. L. R. BAILEY CO.. INC $24 ABIXOTOS BLDG. BUNGALOW. Brand new ft-room bungslow, with flro place and hardwood floors and all other modern and up-to-date conveniences; In Irvlngton. ocrncr E. 11th snd llsncock. A snsp st $4150, $12O0 cah and $5 per month; nothing In Irvlngton like It for the price. GRTTSSt A 7ADOW, 1T Board of Trads Bldg.. 4th snd Qk. ONLY Sr.oO CASH. 7-room houss with sleeping porch, ons block to csr, rsceptlon hall, living-room with fireplace, paneled dining-room, built in buffet and bookcase, cabinet kitchen, 1 lsrge bedrooms, hardwood floors, full baienient. cement floor, furnace, wash rays an. I wood lift: $4300. Call Mr. Cam eron. Marshall 1 1U.1. A 7111. PACIFIC UNION TRI ST CO. BRAND XEW'S-KOOM HOUSE. SO.tluO corner lot. good car service, lo cated In fet. Johns; good sidewalk. 2 blocks schoolhouse: ahade trews snd plenty of wood; houss .well built, but not finished Inside; water in houae; save rent; $750 only, $."0 cuah. $10 per month. Own- er. 811 Lewis bldg. plvE-ROOM modern bungalow, nsw, fire place, bookcases walla tinted, full ce ment basement, lot buxlOO, being lot B In block 20. Terrace Psrk. This Is a flrlt cl:iaa boms, can bs had on essy terms. $100 dawn. $3U per month. Call or ad dress. Horns Inatsllmcnt Company, 60S McKay Bldg. Marshall 25C0. " TOD WILL BE PROUD. to own My 4-rootn bungslow In ROSS CITY I'ARK. I am leaving the olty and must sell at a bargain price. If Interested, phons Mar shall ti$7. HARD TO BEAT. Lot 71x100. about 20 bearing fruit trees, with a nearly new S-room modern house, located In the most desirable part of Rois City l'srk: close to carllne; only $3oo; mui-t be sold quick: owner leaving city. C. It. l.urss. 511 Corbett blrtr. CLOSE TO UNION AVENUE. $3250 will buy brand new 7-room houss with full cemen'. basement. laundry, fur nace, combination light fixtures, bathroom with latest plumbiug. Isrgs front porch, tsrme. OODDARD A WEIDRICK. 243 Sturk Streeu HOSE CITY PARK. BY OWNER. Modern six-room bungslow cottage; full slsed beeement. cement floor, large atllc. You must see Interior to appreciate IU For a few days $::l.'.o. For terms phono Tabor 5IS. No seenta " BEUE'S YOUR CHANCE, m acres, has on It a small house, two ehlcken-houses snd runs, sll kinds of fruit set ouu closs In. on Orve;on City carllne. fast-growing neighborhood; will ea.-rlfl.-s on account ot sickness. C. B. Lucas. 611 Corbett bldg. $350 DOWN, $15 monthly, buys swell new bungalow, ready to movs right In; e rooms, bathroom and baaemcnt; modern plumb ing, electric wlretl: china cupboard, lovely Dutch kitchen; near car; price only $1000. Portland Homes Co.. -t'4 Morrison st. FORTLAND HEIGHTS FCT.CED HALK loOxlOO. besutlful level corner, trees snd ShruLbery. grand view of city, fully Im proved streets with modern, almost new, desirable residence for little mors than value ot lota. Alain S .'." 1. A 38:iM. 4-ROOM COTTAGE. ANABKL, $IW0. Concrete foundation, flns lawn, flowers, stc. ; fenced. See photo at office; $500 cash, balance S to 5 years. 6 psr cenu Fred W German. $20 Burnslds su Phons Msln 2774 RESIDENCE lot snap Finest lot In Merlow, Roes City rsrk, 7Uxloo. cement sldewalka. streets graded and Bull Run water: e,julty sscrltlced by owner. So2 Lumbermen's bklf. Tabor 2643. S-KOOM house, corner lou $.', $00 down. $12 a month: 5-room house, modern, 2 ' lota, $21K. $100 down. $15 month. Ban nett A Wells Stewarts station, Mu Scott line. Tsbor 60. IBVINGION RESIDENCE. 1 will sxchangs a beautiful residence In Irvlngton for a small ranch or timber land. McKeniie. ,V'S Ablngton bldg. aoxlou. B-ROOM bungalow, 21 fruit tr.es. small fruits, nlcs fence. 2 blocks from rsr; pries $1-5, terms 417 Board of Trade. LN IRVLNGTON For sale, modern real dsncs; will sxchangs for first -class securi ties. For particulars Telephone C 2384. SNAP for quick sale, new 5-room bungalow, exceptionally well built, fireplace, book ease. Ilnsn closet, wood elevator, good location, closs In. Ownsr. Tabor 2101. BEAUTIFUL 7-room house In Overlook; fine lawn, lots of roses: $L'5 down, bul ai ce like reuU Inquire 417 Board of Trade. SMALL payment down and $25 month. In cluding tnteresU buys 7-room new buu galow and corner lot on Portland Heights. OODDARD. 115 Board of Trsde. 1BV1NGTON. something new, beautiful heme: artlstlo Interior, ideal location; easy terms. Phone East 894. No agents. $3500 I'ortlsnd He'ghts: pretty, modern 5 room bungalow, furnished. J. W. Danlsla, 415 Alder. FoK SALK A 6-room furnished house, closs In. modern In svery particular; near two carllnea Phone Eaat 1175. ELEGANT new S-room modern home, very choicest location In Irvlngton, $73d0; terms J ?! Oregonian. FOR SALE by owner 7-room modern house In Irvlngton. yard and fruit trees. 402 E. 7th N. C.!l 3-ft Commonwealth bldg. FOR SALE A flat, s nne vlw. good loca tion snd good Income, bee owner, 410 Commonwealth bldg. $1$ MONTH LT buys t-room bungalow, bath, pantry, base menu Ownsr, Esst 74L HARTMAN THOMPSON. Realty Depu, Chsmber of Commerce Bide. Phones: Private Ex. 20. A 1U50. ROSE CITT PARK HOMES. If vou want a home or a building lot. call upon our Ross City Psrk Department House Prices $6500 down to $2S0ft. $4500 Handsome 8 -room residence, lot lt)xloo; there Is not a more beau tiful Interior In any $7500 house In Portland; hardwood floors, splendid tlreplsce, buffet, etc; you will not be disappointed; tha house opposits sold tor $7uoo lsst week OS2. $i;iO A very attractive new home In Rose city park; 6 rooms and aleep inir porch; lot 50x100; very near carllne; house now bulldlni,: this builder usually sella , his houses be fore they are completed and finishes them to suit buyers' tsstes. See this house and then see the ones he has sold and let him finish It to suit you. Terms If deslrsd (l;67j. $3100 A splendid $-room house; new, modern and up to date; lurnted In Icoso City Park within one block of ths $n;.oo home advertiaed above; lot COxliX): land valuea advancing; you wilt sea why, when you Investi gate (664;. Stnoo snd rlei SSoOO and $500 houses that are on our list; full details on application. TERMS are usually possible for buyers of our homes. HARTMAN A THOMPSON, Roan City Park Department Chamber of Commerce Bldg. BUY NOW. ROSE CITY PARK. EASY TERMS. 7 rooms, SOxloo lot; Improvements In and paid; Berlin buffet and bookcases, solid oak floors, bath, furnace, fireplace, laundry trays, mirror doors, gas, etc; terms s3O0 down, balance $2". per month. NATIONAL REALTY A TRUST CO.. B-'IH weshington su Room .516. A HAWTHORNE QUARTET. Four bungalows In the Hawthorne dis trict at prices from $3200 to $3700, and every one Is a good buy and a beautiful home. R. E. NICHOLS A CO.. ?70H Stark St. INCOME property, west of Williams tvo., south of Hancock, a good 8 per cent In vestment. Who will be the lucky buyer? S7.rou, half cash. For particulars phone C 2429. or call 836 Eugene su LARGE, new Irvlnsyton home: built by own er for home, looxloO, corner; nothing as good for tha price; are you wanting a nice place? Phone East S96, c 103; evenings C 1508; no agents. J. E. Doien. $500 DOWN, balance easy terms; strictly raodern. up-to-date California bungalow on corner; a beauty; only ten minutes on Sunnyslcle car. Phone owner. B 1783. FOR SAL2 $!00 equity In S-room modem house; Clark's station. $700 rash, balance month; from owner; no agents; luo feet from car. Tabor 775. $100 CASH. $15 per month, new 6-room modern bungalow, near Grays Crossing. 5c fore: level lou SOxloo. HIGLEV & BISHOP. 132 Third BU 8 BEAUTIFUL homes, slegantly finished, oak and ma hogany, choice locations, Irvlngton. C 1806, East273Nosgents.W.H. Herdrasn. ELEGANT bungalow, choicest part of Irv lngton; rich surrounduigs; Broadway and Irvlngton carllnea. Owner. A 778, Oregonl an. I x Irvlngton Park; new, modern seven-room house, 1 block from carllne. Owner's phons Woodlawn i)0. ' ' BY OWNER. Bargain 7-room modern houae. 265 E. Sd su North. Phons Main 91:52. 6ROOM houae and lot, 15 minutes Union ave. car ride; cheap for cash. Inquire at Jones Hook Store. 2S4 Ohk st. $':60 FOR A lots and 1-room houss. 89 Cook a vs. Bualneea Property. 11 PER CENT INVESTMENT. Two lota with 8 stores and fine 6-room biiagalow, leased at $t!0 per month; pay- ng over 11 per cent on eaie price; mia I; roperty is locaiea at jircner rues, on 311. cott car: a eood business district, and the nr.tn.ri v la actually worth 97&0O: our price for a short time, only $tt;0O, $:t5o0 cash and $25 per month. Owner must ralss some money and must sell quick. ORUSSI A ZADOW. S17 Board ot Trade Bldg.. 4th snd Oak INSIDE business corner on 7th St., close to Morrison su and Helllg Theater. For price and terms address AG 780. Ore gonian. XAM not able to pay monthly Installments on waxehoiiss property In South Portlsnd snd will sell part or all of my equity for half. R 7e!. Oregonian. WILL build to suit tenant on BtisselL near Williams ave.; long lease. AF 781. Ors- gonlsn. APARTMENT-HOUSE SITE Cheap for cash, phone owner. East 17SO. Acreage. Its ACRES. $376. Two blocks from electric carllne. 45 minutes Irom Portland's business center: best deep soil, no rock or gravel, sums brush and! rough land; price $375 for the trscu $50 cash, balance aasy payments. 146.) 1 4-10 ACRES. $40O. I,ocated on electric carllne, two blocks from depot; 40 minutes from Pnstofflce; best deep soli, no rock, land lies well: .some brush, essy clearing; pries for tract only $4P0. f.'.u cssh. bulnnce easy terms. J. W. HIT.KFEKLIN REALTY CO., U4 2l:i Corbett Bldg. Phones Marshall 8W, A 464. $U.0o0 52 ACRES, between Beaverton and lltlleboro, near electric line; Improved snd well equipped; living stream of water; this Is a bargain. 2 acres, ailjotnlng station on S. P. R. IU. In Polk County; flns land. 80 acres In cultivation; only $K0 per acre. 7. 8. 11 and 20-acre tracts, near Port land, on good roads, at right prices. Don't phone, but coma and aee me about these bargains. I. O. DAVIDSON. 81$ Chambor of Commerce. WE CAN6ELL YOU LAND FOR $30 PER ACRE. All cleared and ready to planL We will plant It to fruit itr you for 12b per acre and will guarantee to resell It for you for $200 per acre. Ton should Investigate. NORTHERN TRUST COMPANT, 170 Stark Su 10 ACRES, a beautiful suburban homeslte; fine view of Columbia River and Mt. 6t. Helens and Hood; located 1 mile from city limits, on O.-W. R. A N. rosd. on Buck ley ave. and Columbia boulevard; house, barn and all kinds berries and faml'y orchard: fins rosd; price $7500 If sold soon- other similar tracts held at $1000 per acre. Phone C 1183 or call 629 Ham llton bldg. tj ACRE, fruit. berries, 6-room modern bungalow, full basemenu S minutes' walk. O. W. P. cars; $3u0: another half acre, little further ont. with small building, fruits, flowers. $1500: 3 acres fine fruUs. $3750, terms; snd 3 acres with new house, barn and fruits. $5000. terms. Many other bargains. Address W. E. Thresher, Mll waukle. Or. ' A SNAP. X nice little acreage on el ec trio line, closs to depot and closs to Portland. Kin. nay A Stamphsr, $31 Lumbar Exchange blSg. THE Bunnsll tract at Oak Grove now for sale; Vs to 40 acres; all In cultivation; close to car. Prices and terras to sutu See W. E. Thresher. Alllwsukle. Or. 8$ ACRES, close to Oregon Electric carllne and only 18 miles from Portland, for $lno an acre: easy terms. Western Land Co., Hty, stark st. TO SELL 1 acre, close In. Well-Improved, new house, lovely house. Owner, 527 Chamber of Commerce. ONE acre, south slope Mount Tsbor, sdjoln lng park. high, beautiful view. Tabor lt09. " CHEAP FOR CASH. . plvs and 10-acre traota. Improved, on Powell Valley road. Owner. 248 Main su ACRES with fine modern bungalow on Oregon City carllne, a fine buy on aasy terms Call 4J4 Spalding bldg. IS ACRES. 1 1 acres claarsd. running water, near Bsavsrtom by owner. Tabor 1560. " ' ' " ... 10 ACRF9 GARDEN LAND, $400 CASH AND ONLY $.S0 A MONTH MUCH CHEAPER THAN A CITY LOT AND IT t - WILL MAKE YOI! A LIV ING FOREVER. 10 acres garden land, deep mellow soil. 8 a-res In cul tivation. two acres fine nr timber. Just enough lor perpetual fuel supply. This soli will grow all kinds or garden truck: no rock or gravel, good drainage end tne land Is always warm and mel low. You can plant this land early In-tho Spring and plow It any time. SOIL IS 20 FEET DEEP. An elegant piece of laud for apple orchard and small fruit. Less than 10O feat from elec tric railway, close to town, station and borders on main county road: school and all con veniences less than mile. Price 2oot. only $400 down. This 10 acres will Insure you against want forever. It beats life Insurance, because It earns you a living. With this 10 acres vou are In business for your self. "HlKh cost Ot llslng don t mean anything to you on a piece of rich garden land like this. Put $4O0 Into It now, plant It to potatoes and let It work for you. ... If rou wish we will split this ten acres, sell you Ave acres for $1000, $200 cssh and balance 150 a year. Interest 6 per cent. RALPH ACKLEY LAND CO., U05 Corbett Bide- RICH BLACK SOIL. BEAUTIFUL RUNNING STREAM ON TRACT. 10V4 acres, all thoroughly cleared and In cultivation, on Improved county road; t mile from station and near Forest drove: ons beautiful spring on tract and another flowing through tract. Every foot In cultivation. ONE CROP WILL EASILY PAT FOR TRACT. ONLT $185 PER ACRE VERY EAST TERMS. PACIFIC N.-W. DEVELOPMENT CO., 403 Couch Bldg; IT TAKES every cent to pay the grocer, ths woodman and the rent. Buy thla 10-acre piece of garden land on the electric line, ail In cultivation, only $400 down and $lu0 a year: soil Is 20 fet deep. Buy it now and start It making money for you. You do not necessarily have to go on It at once. Plant It and plan to apend your vacation on It. School within U mile. Price $J000. Ralph Ackley Land Com pany. 605 Corbett bldg- 0, 10 AND 20-acre trade, all cleared and under cultivation, on electric line, close to school,' in flns valloy close to Portland and Vancouver; price $150 per acre to $00; easy payments See us. THOMPSON & SWAN. 206 Rothchlld bldg.. Portland. Or., bet. 4th and 5th and Washington st.. and tith and Main als., Vancouver, Wash. GUARANTEED A-l. 18 H acres, sacrificed on account of sick ness In the family; near ststlon on S. P. R. R. and only a short ways from electric line; must see to appreciate: only $185 per acre for quick sale; $1000 handles this. HALL A ATCHISON, 213 Gerllnger Bldg ACREAGE More than 4000 acres In our platting, completed roads along one or mora sides of each lot. Close to Portland; no rock, gravel or hillsides, but deep, black soil and abundant supply of good water at 21 feet. See ths crops for proof ss to soil. THE SHAW-FEAR COMPANY. Main 85. 102 4th st A 3500. "IDEAL LOCATED TRACTS." 8. 10, 20 and 30 -acre tracts, close to Portland. $50 to $100 under market value for quick aale; some cleared, balance tim ber enough to pay for them; 20 per cent down will handle thess; A-l title to prop erty. See my agents. HALL A ATCHISON, 218 Oerllnger Bldg.. 2d and Alder ON FEBRUARY 1 I purchased 10 acres one half mile from North Yamhill station. Price $15tK. 1 paid $150 cash and balancs to be paid $25 monthly. I must sell, as I am leaving city. Will take $100, losing $00. This is choice fruit land, all In culti vation, line soli, elegant view and no rocks. If not as represented will pay all expenses. AF 700. Oregonian. 10 ACRES. $J00 DOWN. And balance easy terms handles a beau tiful tract of cleared land on electrlo line, close to Portland. One crop will pay for tracu PACIFIC N-W. DEVELOPMENT CO., 405 Couch Bldg. CHOICE acreage, river frontage, and lots and blocks at Rlslay Station, on Oregon City carllne; also modern 6-room bun galow at Oak Grove; all on aasy terms Call on H. O. Starkweather at Rlsley Station. Phons Oak Grove. Black 17. Postal address Mllwaukie. R. F. D. No. L FINE ORCHARD LAND. 40 acres close to town uf White Sal mon, commanding superb view; sll tilla ble and first-clase suil; some good tim ber; only $100 per sc-s on -ry easy terms Vanduyn A Walton, S15 Cham ber commerce. ACREAGE CLOSE TO PORTLAND. & and 10-acre tracts convenient to Ore ' gon Electrlo carllne; land nearly all In cultivation; rich deep soil and the price $150 an acre: easy terms WESTERN LAND CO.. 248 H Stark St. CONCORD. OREGON CITY LINE. SVi acres In cultivation; $3750. S 1-3 acres all In cultivation; $3380. C. W. Risley, owner, P. O. Mllwaukie, R, F. D. No. L Phone Oak Urove,Red 12. 10. 20 AND 40-acre tracts, all good soli, no rocks or gravel. M mile from sawmill, 1 mile from graded school, 4 miles from R. 1U station, good road, 28 miles from Port land. Address P. O. box 56, Houlton, Or. FIVE ACRES OF THOROUGHLY CLEAKto LAND ON ELECTRIC LINE. NEAR PORTLAND. A DANDY INVESTMENT, VERY EASY TERMS. 408 COUCH BLDG. t ACRES; will sellone or all; $2000 per acre; will sacrifice at $1600 per acre; half cash. Owner, 527 Chamber of Commerce. Homestead. ADVANTAGES OK OREGON lou-paga 000k gives amount of Government land open ts homestead. In each county In the ststes ot Oregon and Washington, and descrip tion of same; ffives homestead, desert, timber, stone, coal and mineral laws; two maps of Oregon In colors JlxJI. showing IU K. In operation, one showing all pro posed H. K- and electrlo lines, including Eastern and Central Oregon. 200 each, or ths three (to. Map of Washington In col ors 11x28. 20c. Kliumo, Huney A Co, Hamilton bldg. RELINQUISHMENT 2H miles to town, sawmill. scUool; 2 million timber: 30 acres clearod ; $700 worth cascara bark, house, furniture; $tiO0 if taken quick. 313 Marquam bldg. Phone Pfarshall t&4. A GOOD homestesd for you In Central Ore gon. 320 acres deep rich soil; we can lo cate on thia. 2&0 Third au, Portland, Or. For Bale I run I alios, BRITISH COLUMBIA fruit farms yield $500 to $1000 per acre; Edgewood or chards In Arrow Lake districu Wsst Kootenay, require no Irrigating; have splendid markets ideal climate, good transportation, good social advantages; choicest land only SSO per acre; eaay monthly terma without intereau Free booklet V." Investors' Trust A Mort gage Corporation. Ltd., 1X4 Hastings SU West, Vancouver, B, C. " MOSlErL" 1I0 acres apple land with MOSIER CREEK running through the center; gen tle slope on each side to the water; three million feet of timber on tho place, which will pay for clearing: Ideal to plat into live and ten-acre tracts. Price for quick sale $50 per acre. LOUIS SALOMON A CO.. 233 Stark SU 150 ACRES of choice fruit land In the j rougn; muii o buiu . . wuvo, m uu .'.(tuO. Call Immediately at 414 Spalding bldg. an ACRES splendid trult land. 80 In com msrclal orchard. 112.0m 0. J 705. Oregonian. For Salo Farms A GOOD farm at a bargain; 240 acrea as follows about 60 acres alfalfa land on trout creek at $80 per acre, and 180 acres of upland, part of which Is farmed at $10 per acre; If Interested writs cars S 703. Oregonian. ' : $4-100 ACRES. Can be divided into t farms; $25,000 profit by so doing; cost $23,241, $8000 cash, balance 8 per cent; fully $4t94 cash Items with farm; In livestock $2840; implements, feed, grain, $1805. Phone East 2741. $0 ACRES of finest land on the West Side; I must sell this on account of sickness at a sacrifice of $5500; naw buildings; only $ miles from city limits; aU garden land. AB 791. Oregonian. """ FINE 10 ACRES. All cleared bottom land, one hour from Portland, on main line N. P.; six-room house and good barn; $35o0. easy terms; no trade. C. C. Alford. Woodland. Wash. ARMS. orchard tracts, good assortmenu See Oregon Farms Co.. 417 Rothchlld bldg. A GOOD FARM BUT. 82 ACRES. EIGHT MILES OUT. This .place is all that could be desired In a farm home. There are 52 acres, 46 acres In Ishrh stats of cultivation, balance nice grove of fir; best of loose, mellow, loam soil, no rock or gravel, splendid 8 room house, best-built bam In the coun try, 60xHO; large granary with cement cel lar for spuds, capacity 1500 sacks: machine shed 40x0 with horsepower Rrain (trlndcr. chicken-house lathed and plastered, hog bouse with plank run and cement cook vat: buildings ea3ily worth $5000; 2 acres splendid orchard, all kinds grapes and ber ries; pure spring water piped to house and barn. PERSONAL PROPERTY" 3 cows, wagon, mower, rake, all Implements, o hogs. 40 hens lots potatoes, 20 tons hay, household goods, crop all in except pota toes; price for all. $10,500. $3u00 cash, balance 6 per cenu Just S miles east from the city limits of Portland, Vi mile school, churches and stores. HARGROVE A SONS. 122 6th su North, cor. 6th and GUsan, Main 43SL A 7259. CHOICE FARMS. 10 acres with 5 acres cleared ard nndor cultivation, some wood, all fenced and cross-fenced, family orchard, house, barn lSxi'4. chicken-house and outbuildings. R. F. D-, fine well, good soil, horse, wagon, cow, harness, some chickens and all tools; price $25U0. 70 acres, 85 acres under cultivation, some timber, all level, fenced, well and living stream. 6-room house, barn 50x60. all other . buildings, close to store and school, in good locality, only 15 miles from Port land; price $6500, terms 90 acres with 60 acres all cleared: lies good; 35 acres first-class beaverdam, on electric line, only 3 miles from Vancouver. 10 miles from heart of Portland; good buy, terms. THOMPSON A SWAN. 203 Rothchlld bldg.. Portland. Or., bet. 4th and 5th on Washington at., tith and Main sts.. Vancouver. Wash. THE CHOICEST CHUNK OF EARTH GETABLE. There are 70 acres of the very finest soli and it has all the trimmings, consisting of an 8-room house, largo barn, chicken house, toolhouse, stone cellar, an artesian well at the door; large spring In the nelds, and you can get the whole thing for $175 per acre. This farmer is forced to sell Immediately and you would guess as much when we tell you It Is only 2 miles east of Oregon City, for you know what land Is worth in that vicinity. Don't procras tinate, but look this up now. IU E. NICHOLS & CO., 270 4 Stark St. FARM FORT GEORGE. B. C. 820 acres virgin black soil. 30 miles west from Fort George. B. C-. frontlnir on River North where steamers pass. Grand Trunk Pacific survey made throvgh south end. One-third clear; balance light'y cov ered, cottonwood and willow. South one half section 15. township 12. range 5, Coast District. Price $0000. Richard Obee, 407 Wells-Fargo bldg. SO ACRES, all in "cultivation; crop all in": good Improvements; will take $5000 worth of Portland properly, balance ot $7000 at 6 -er cent Interest for five years; place will pay for Itself In 6 years; price $12,000, Including stock, hay and Implements; 2 miles from Canby; one of tho best farms In Clackamas County. B. R. Lee. Canby, Or. THE best bargain offered this year 62 acres in Yamhill County, 4 miles from Amity: 74 acres In cultivation; house, barn and other buildings; good team, wagon and harness. This Is excellent land fur any crop grown In the temperate zone, and Is especially good for walnuts and fruits Price. 84500 cosh. 508 Ablngton bldg. SPECIAL 40-acre farm, IS acres In culti vation, balance pasture and tine timber: only mile from railroad town and "0 miles from Portland, in Willamette Val ley, has 7-room house, barn, orchard and price only $2500; will make terms; will also sell the stock and Implements cheap. Western Land Co., 248V, Stark sU FOR SALE TIMBER LAMP. OWNER will sell two quarter sections of about 10,000,000 feet of excellent timber near Grants Pass. Or., for $1 per M. P. O. boa 448, Vancouver, Wash. TIMBER LANDS 1 BOUGHT AND SOLD. C J. M'CRACKEN. 304 McKay Bldg. TIMBER CLAIMS, homestead rellngulsh me ills. 218 Worcester bldsr. AVANTF7D TO RFNT FARMS. WANTED To rent. 8 or 4-room cottage, furnished or unfurnished, with two or three acres of land, handy for garden and chicken ranch, close to Alameda or St. Johns carllne. V 79iJ, Oregonian. WANTED to rent lo to bo-acre farm that will pasture 10 cows, with privilege ot buying. C. C. Gibson, 290 Marguerite ave., Portland, Or. FARMS WANTED. FARM wanted. 240 acres. $75 to 80; give location. P 791. Oregonian. WANTED TIMBER I..AX1W. TIMBER lands wanted. C. J. McCracksn. 804 MaKay bldg. WANTED REAL ESTATE. HOME WANTED. We have party having $500 cash and can pay $40 monthly on a nice 6-room huncalow if located right: not to exceed $4000; must bs on East Side and sightly; no agents. BRONO-STEELE CO.. Ground floor Lewis bldg. WANTED. A 6 or 7-room house In good, close-in district; I will trade good vscant prop erty as part payment and assume up to $5000 difference if price is O. K.; my vaiues are cash price; prefer owners R 780, Oregonian ONE of our clients wants nice close-In East Side 7 or 8-room bouse In vicinity of Laud Addition. Price within $500. HARTMAN A THOMPSON, Chamber of Commerce. WE want as good a piece of business prop erty as can be purchased for $7000 cash. Have a waiting purchaser. HARTMAN & THOMPSON, Chamber of Commerce. WANTED Grand or Union ave., quarter or single lot to value of 840.000; must take some close-in unincumbered acreage on carllne as part payment. M 766. Ore gonlan. . I WANT a first-class lot, not exceeding $1000, for building home: will give best make player piano for one, or equity In same. G 7f4, Orcgronian. WANTED In Irvlngton. an Inside lot. be tween 11th and 21st sts and Tillamook and Stanton sts.; quote lowest pries Ad dress AL 700. Oregoninn WANTED- Well located corner lot or quar ter block on West Side, for Immediate pur chase, vacant or Improved: state descrip tion and price. AJ 793. Oregonian. " LOT WANTED. Rose City Park or Rossmere; give de scription and best cash price. J 791, Ore goniam APPLE and walnut acreage of proven qual ity wanted by two experienced salesmen. We resell In small tracts Ac 791, Ore gonian. WANTED to buy or rent, modern 0 or 11 room house on April 1, Nob Hill districu G 787. Oregonian. IRVINGTON lot wanted: state lowest cash price and location In reply. K 7S6, Or egonian. , I WANT a 6-room bungalow $5300 to $1500 not too far out; $100 cash, balance $25 monthly Answer D 793, Oregonian! CHEAP ranch, some timber, hay, fruit; no attention paid unless given legal descrip tion snd Dries AK 768, Oregonian. WANTED Acreage overlooking river or close to Portland: state lowest price and particulars first letter. J 797, Oregonian. WANT to purchase, house with large lot and fruit trees, near carllne, for home. 232 Worcester bldg. CASH paid for equities and contracts' real estate. 819 Board ot Trade. TO EXCHANGE. TWO houses corner lou $12,600; $4000 cash or trade, balancs 7 per cent; can be made Into flats paying 10 per cent, $21,000. Owner. East 2741. FOR SALE or trade. $1000 equity in strictly modern new 7-room house, only 15 min utes out in an A-l , district; no commis sion paid. Owner, AL 794. Oregonian. WE exchange your property for what you deslrs Portland Exchange, 617 Board ot Trade bldg. See Mr. Wleau WE exchange your property regardless of location for- that which suits you better. Northwest Exchange. 22S-9 Henry bldg. $600 EQUITY In $2000 neV 4-room house and comer lot: will exchange for run about. M 79 4. Oregonian. t ACRES, Unn County, fruit land; trade for vacanU F 793. Oregonian. SPOKANE bualnees or residence lots to sell or exchange. Mr. Johnson. 350 Clay. riE-sir? a m.E EXCHANGES. 12 acres of very line land, nearly all cleared; best location at TiKardville, 10 miles from Portland; it is worth 4300 per acre. I will trade it for a good home in Portland of equal value. New 5-room modern home, best location, near Alberta street, not far out: It is worth $:1250: I owe $1100 on same; I will trado my equity for vacant lota or for a nice small piece of close-tn acreage. 140-acre farm: 40 acres being cleared; fair buildings; It is worth $75 per acre; I will exchange same for Portland prop erty. 1 have many desirable properties to ex change. J. E. Smith, 513 Chamber Com merce, Portland, Or. DON'T YOU PREFER THIS TO TOUR CITY property: A fine little 40-acre farm with house, barn and oreoard. only 8 miles from ths Courthouse, to trade for Portland prop erty. It's sll cleared and in cultivation, and Is going at a bargain. R. E. NICHOLS & CO.. 270H Stark SU APARTMENT-HOUSE WANTED. Valued from $3000 to $5000, In exchange for 120 acres of land located In the Mount Hood Orchard district; house and barn on. place; 15 acres In cultivation, running water, good lying land and well located ; on county road, price $55 per acre. Call and see us If vou wish to exchange. MOUNT HOOD LAND CO.. 1012 Chamber ot Commerce. FINET00-acre farm mile from Jefferson, with stock and Implements to trade for city property or acreage close to Portland; price $13,500. General merchandise: flrst-class stock, located in Portland and doing good busi ness; to trade for good valley farm or Portland property: value about $10,000. Both will sti.nd close investigation. F. FUCHS. 2'J1 Morrison St. OTHER business compels sacritlce of ele gantly furnished 70-room apartment-house In 2, 3 and 4-room apartments, furnished and unfurnished, occupied and making bis money; must Bell at once; $2500 cash; terms: will consider desirable city prop erty or close In acreage In part trade. D 794, Oregonian. EQUITYof""$3500 In 200 acres 3n miles from Sprlngwater; half excellent apple land: good 5-room house: full value $tlo00, balance mortgage due 5 years, in terest 4 per cenu Want Portland resi dence property or vacant lots X 790, Ore gonian. m EQUITY ot 3U00 in 20 aorta, 4 mile front Witch Hazel station, on S. P. 4th-street line; all clear and fenced, excellent soli: full price uOOO, balance $3000 due 4 years. 6 per cent interest. Want Portland property, vacant or Improved. D 791, Oregonian 460-ACRE farm, ti miles from 11. R. station, near good schoolhouse; about 400 acres will be In grain this year; in Gilliam, County. Oregon: price $20 per acre. What have you to offer? 93 East bth su. city. $10,000 TO $2.1.000 worth of unincumbered property In Toledo. Ohio, for property in Portland. Oregon: will bear personal In- vestigatlon. Address F. B. Respass Toledo. Ohio, 834 West Grove Place. WILlH GIVE-$2'-'."0 6-pasaenger touring car, 1910 model, nrst-class ordr. for which A have no further use now, for sightly building lot In desirable neighborhood. Address G 785, Oregonian. WOULD like to exchange 32 view lots in Southern Portland, valua $14,000. subject to mortgage of $3000. duo 5 years. 4 per cent Interest, for home. Irvlngton pre ferred. AD 705. Oregonian. ALL Or anv oart of bO acrea of irrigated orchard, free of debt, to trade for city properly: give location, price and amount of Indebtedness In first letter. B 789, Oregonian S0 ACRES wild land. Molalla country; price $3200, subject to mortgage of $1200, due 1915, 5 per cent interest; for Fortland property, preferably vacant. AG 794, Ore gonian. FIFTEEN lots, one and three blocks from Myrtle park. Mt. Scott line, to soli or trade for houses. Lockbox 462. Arleta, Or. Phone Tabor 56. WILL trade finest player piano and musio rolls and If necessary pay part cash, for unencumbered building lot, not exceeding $1000; good location. Address N 789. Or.- $300 EQUITY In East Side business lot for acres not far from city limits, or cheap acreage; 111 wit be free from incumbrances. AL 7U5. Oregonian. 180 ACRES Improved Hood River wheat land to trade f.r house and lot In Port land, value $3500. W. Ormsby. 41st and Holgate. Phone Sellwood 823. FOR SALE or exchange, a seven-room housa and lot at Seaside. Oregon, as part pay 7nent on small ranch. Address 7S7. Or egonlan. RESIDENCE (lot 60x100) In Santa Clara County. Cnllfornla, near Stanford Univer sity, for Portland property; value $1,50. AC 7S3. Oregonian. LOTT taken first payment $27f0 bungalow; bath, pantry, attic, woodllft, basement, balance $26 monthly. Owner. Eaat 2741. 4 MILLION sugar and yellow pine for house and lot; no agents. A 779. Oregonian. FOR SALls. Horses, Vehicles and Harness. PORTLAND STABLES, 2ll N. 13TH-ST. 25 horses, from loOO pounds to 1500 pounds, prices from $05 to $250 per horse; several well-matched teams of horses and mares, all sold with a written guarantee to be as represented or your money re funded; farm and delivery wagons, bug gies, and all kinds of harness also for sale; bank and business references furnished. R. L. EVANS. HANDSOME combination horse, golden sor- s rel. 6 years old. weighs 1090 lbs., per fectly sound, very stylish, well mannered and fearless of all city sights, rides or drives; make a very high-clasa family horse; also nearly new rubber-tire run about and harness, whip, robe, blankeu horse clothing, all complete, price $226. Call at once. Boarding stables, 15th and Alder sts. 40 HEAD MARES' AND HORSES. I have Just arrived with 40 head of horses and mares weighing from 800 to 1450 lbs., all well broken and suitable for ranch, express, delivery, contractors, bakers and pleasure or riding. Call and Inspect my stock before buying elsewhere. New York Club Stables. 15th and Alder. FOR SALE 1 pair horses, suitable for farm. 1 pair mares, suitable for farm. 1 fine pony. 2 fine drivers. Several delivery wagons and harness, 4 buggies, 53eral saddles ' PACIFIC COAST STABLES, 9th and Couch Sts. FOR SALE Two horses, weight nearly 1000 pounds each, and good travelers; light hack with harness all new. In cluded, or sold separately. If taken nosy will be offered at a bargain. Address A. P. Langenberg. Clackamas. Or., or la quire at room 200 Oregonian bldg. PAIR matched bay mares $150. full sisters, fat and handsome, white faces, cherry bays, long flowing manes and talis ride or drive; finest all-purpose team In Port land. Call New York Club Stables, loth and Alder sts. ;prlce $150, BARGAIN fi -year-old family horse, weight 105O lbs.; gentle and true anywhere, with buggy harness. Sellwood car to Insiey ave. : walk down to last bouse by tho railroad track; number 781. PAIR aorrel horses, weigh 2650 lbs., true to pull, fast walkers, good honest work team, also heavy breeching harness: price $1S6: also farm wagon, 8-inch; $80. 50a Alder at. BLACK mare. 8 years old. 1100 lbs., $55; black team geldings, 11O0 lbs. with har ness, price j135: 5-year-old bay horse. 1050 lbs. price $65: two bay horses, 1250 each. $75. 505 Alder su BIG BARGAIN. Team of mares 2300 lbs.. 7 snd S years old; harness and wagon; all for $175. Take Woodstock car to 5 7th SU, cor. 83d ave. Phone Sellwood 17S8. PAIR matched dapple grays, weigh 1100 lbs. each, good workers single and double, also set good new breeching harness, col lars, everything goes $125. Call 505 Al der st. Mr. Benson's team. WOODBURN farmers' big horse sale will be held at Farmers' Feed Barns Wood burn, Saturday, Feb. 25. with the largest ' lot ot horses ever offered- D. M. Rat cllffe. manager and auctioneer. FARM team. 5 and 7 years old, weignt V00, sound and true. $350: guaranteed as represented or money refunded. 334 Front, corner of MarlceU 23 HEAD Just arrived from Newberg; soma extra good ones from 4 to 8 years old; all must be sold this month. 13th. be tween Overton and Pettygrove sts. FOR SALE One 5-year-old black mare weighing 1600; one team young, well bred horses weighing 2800. 226 Russell 8 tree U 15 GOOD mules for sale for $3000; also 101114 work horses. Schmltt Bros., Creswell, Or. GOOD, heavy work horse and wagon with top. F. KUnnor, Box 136, Route 1. Hills dale. HORSES, mares rigs and harr ess for sa.e. $40 and up: teams and dump wagons for hire. 294 Montgomery. WANTED Mars for farm, weight 1200 to 1100. young; must be cheap. Baldwin. 88 Washington Bt. MARES and horses suitable for farm, reasonable. Wood Tard, 810 East 6th st. Automobiles. AUTOMOBILES bought and sold. Call or write for bargain llBt. Custom-House Ante Co.. 8S1 Everett U Main 1649. WHITE steamer auto. Inquire room 521 Corbett bldg. V