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About Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 23, 1911)
TIIE MORNING OREGONIAN, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 23, 1911. Feet Tired MASONIC LODGES SPEAKERS AT EAST SIDE MASONIC MEETING LAST NIGHT. So Tired? OBSERVE HOLIDAY TLZ Makei Sick Eeet Well No Mat ter What Ails Them. Bodies Named for First Presi dent and His Wife Hold Special Services. CUSTOM OF YEARS KEPT a Minn jj r 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 p . T V ' . ' V :i " . Y 'J - . .. - i v " 5 ; f v . UN : "P II II " Tlzrrrj IVckw-fth, E. G. Jone. J. II. Ackerrnan. Penumbra Kelly and Mr. C. H. Kelles Are Amon Speaker of Evening. Washington lode of Mason an! Martha Wiihlnfloa Chapter of tha Ordr of tha Eastern Star. Joined last eight, following the ctitom of many yearm, la memorial services for Oeorita Washington. Many prominent mrm- bera of both orjranlxatlona vera present and several addresses of eulojty wera made. l O. Jones. Harvey Beckwlth. J. IL Ackrman. Penumbra Kelly and Ira. C. II. Heller wera among tha speaker. Mr. Jonea' topic waa "Tha Women of Maaonry. Among other thing, ha aal-l: 1 am wondering If It occurred to tha prominent member of our bodlea who waa kind enough, to tell ma how . to talk to women, tha depth of whose aaturea even a George Washington could not fathom, that beneath thla veil of a Ilgatneaa of spirit, and that trait of womankind generally, which men so often refer to aa a aeemlng 'Irresponsibility of utterance, there is , In all tha realma of the eternal fem ' Inlne. a seuled purpose, deep rooted, and of tha most reaching premedlta tlua. which compasses In tha end tha complete mastery of tha very men who tell ua not to take women seriously. Vine Become Giant Creeper. "A woman In her relationship with man la tha clinging vine: but under tha stress of that Individual atruggle for exlstenoe. which the rank growths of deep. Araasonlan forests make Imper ative, the little clinging vine develops Into tha glanl creeper Uiat finally levels to the ground even the tallest and most majestic treea of those trop ical forests. The brute strength of the strongest of men. and the ag gressiveness of those, even of the best mental endowment, cannot eope In the world's open battle of the struggle for existence with the diplomacy of that finished product that seeks Its end al ways along tha lines of least resistance. Woman a powers make up the finesse of real accomplishment In any direc tion. If any man present doubts tha full truth of this statement Just let him trltle with the awakened powers of any of tha womenfolk who may look easy to him. "Tou may have noted tha extreme caution that Is the dominant trait In tha makeup of every man who has been highly successful In life. What any of ua may think la tha truth la never more than a mere approximation of tha truth. We never see things, or do things exactly right. Our every act Is open to Just criticism from soma source. It la for thla reason that the big man who always alma to be Just In his Judgments so seldom Judges harshly. The second reason why big men show caution la that In the rough and tumble of business life every man's hand Is raised against every other man. It Is an open battle for ex istence where man must play con stantly on the defensive If ha plays successfully at all. Observance la Old CnMom. Reviewing the history of tha observ ance of Washington's birthday by Ma sons. Mr. Beckwlth told how St. Johns lodge of Newark. N J., had Inaugurated the custom In 17:. several years before Washington died, and had continued It without Intermission ever since. Mr. Berk with spoke also of the early history of the lodge In Portland and aald: "Many of you consider the old hall In the Hurkhard building as your former Masonic home. L however, roust go fur ther back, to tha little hall on I'nion avenue between Ankeny and Pine atreeta. it here It was my pleasure to mwt first with thla organization In celebrating Washington's birthday In ISM. The hall waa unpretentious, with a seating capacity of possibly 75. At that time the committee waa composed of Companions Ackerman. Dempaey and Keen an. The Eastern Star was repre sented by Mrs. Birdie Smith. We aim recall at those enthuaiaatic though mall. gatherings, many of thoje who have passed beyond Companion! Stroud. Judge and Oscar Bellinger, Ir vine. Hall. Newell and many others, and It to with tha greatest pleasure that wa are able to recall those that are atlU with oa Companions Bullock. BrlckelU Ilurltmrt. Kelly and many others, who are present tonight. "It Is to these old-timers that the thanks of this organization are due fur their untiring seal and fidelity In tar ing the foundation upon which thla great structure has been erected, making it possible for so great an andlenc to meet In Its own home thla evening." Masons Jodged by Impulse. Mr. Kelly eulogised Washington. Mra. Keller expressed tha appreciation of Martha Washington Chapter of tha con sideration shown lis members by the Washington bodlea and told of tha prosperity of the Eastern Star organiza tion. Mr. Ackerman. speaking of tha Mason's rating, aald. In part: "In tha great world of commerce, every man engaged In mercantile busi ness la rated by Brads tree t as to hla financial and business integrity. Thla rating Is based on Information gathered from many sources, but In a great meas ere from the rating given blm by those with whom he haa bustneaa relations. "A Mason's rating, so to speak. Is made up of a multiplicity of seemingly trifling acts which point nnerrlngly to his real heart Impulses. May I speak for yon when I say that the brethren of Washincton Lodge have . often been tried and never found wanting. Her rating for warm hospitality, good cheer and for all that goes to make the world better Is state-wide." DR. SHAW'S VISIT ENDING EiangelUt Addresses Men at Y. f. C. A. on DeIler. "The thoughts and theories of a man's maturity that causa him to view the faith of h' you.h aa a childish thing he.'p him not at all In contemplation of eleml'y." said Or. John Balcom Shaw, in hla ad.lreea to men yesterday at noon in the Young Men's Christ'an Asaocla tlon auditorium. The great question confronting every man la tha same question Christ put to the blind man at tha pool. 'Dust thou be lieve? "The blind man believed and tha llgbt f , V V 17 HI. ' .v.. X ' . V i T rfeYx-i- j&l Mil 3E J- . ' . of day replaced his night- And to any man that believes shall come the light of the love of God. brighter than the light of day and giving him a view of a great er and brighter eternity. Simple faith makes theory and "hlrher thought' fade." Dr. Shaw will epeak for the Inst time In Portland at the First Presbyterian Church this evening. The noon meeting In the T. M. C. A. auditorium will be the last particular service for men. The afternoon meeting will be his last dls cuss'on of the problems of religious life. Dr. Shaw expcta to leave Portland tomorrow to return to his pastorate, the Fecond Presbyterian Churfh, Chicago. While In Portland he spoke under the auspices of the Prorbj tetinn congrega tlona of the city, abjuring the usual evangelistic methods of terorlrlng sin ners. "To create a ssnsatlon. to terrify r ple snd thus Induce them to confess Christ aa a solace lo their fears, rather than as a surrender of will to loyalty and love and service. resSlts in more harm than good." Dr. Shaw argued. Fire Causes $730,000 Loss. DONALDSOXVILLE. La.. Feb. iJ. fire swept the business aectlon of this city today, causing a loss of 1750.000. CHICAOO OBADI ATR KI.KCTED A9MTAT I PERISTKUE.T OK rORTUNU SCHOOLS. v.:yc-. t': : Charles A. Rica. Charles A. Klce haa been elected second assistant superintendent of the Portland public schools, at a salary of l.'SOO a year by the Board o( Education. He will as sume his new duties at once, lis Is a graduate of the Illinois Wea leyan. at Chicago, and did post graduate work at the University of Chicago. He has been con. nected with the local schools four years, during two of which hs was principal of tha Sellwood school. Prior to that hs was principal of Clinton-Kelly and Couch schools for one year each. L. H. Morgan was elected to the vacancy at the Sellwood school, oelng transferred from the Chap man school; H. B. Blough. of the Woodstock school, waa trans ferred to the Chapman school: Arthur Prldeaux waa trans ferred from the South Mount Tabor to the Chapman, and Miss Edna Strange, a teacher In tha Woodstock school, was temporarl; ly transferred to the South Mount. Tabor prlnclpalahlp. Tha second assistant superinten dent became necessary because of "the growth In the school system. tV x J ..' v v - -1 -, ,- 'l lit - -j y v - y -, 1 1 -7, tfasMS BIG PIPE BREAKS New Bull Run Line's Damage Totals $20,000. TWO ACCIDENTS SERIOUS Contractors and Portland City Water Hoard Make Inspection and Would Fix Responsibility. Test Causes Breakl GRESHAM. Or., Feb, 12. (Special.) Two serious accidents to the new Bull Run pipe line have caused a monetary damage estimated at S20.000 and a great amount of vexatious worry to the con tractors and the Portland City Water Board. Tiow endeavoring to fix the re sponsibility. The pipe Is being tested as each two-mile section is laid, and tha nrat accident occurred when twelve Joints of the big olDe collapsed under outside atmospheric pressure. When the test had been completed, with a pressure of 100 pounds to the square Inch, the order was given to turn the water out. but the engineer In charge, working under the contractors, the Schaw. Batcher Company, failed to open the air-valves. As the water went out at the lowest end of the two-mile aectlon It created a vacuum at the highest point In the line, with the result that twelve joints of the pipe were flattened sbgether and twisted into such fantastic shapes that It was completely ruined. Soma of the lengths flattened vertically, some hori zontally and others just caved In on one side In a half-moon shape. The Schaw, Batcher Company estimated the loss at SSU0O and aasumed the responsibility. Slore Serious Break Noted. Another break of a similar nature, but far more serious, occurred on Mon day last, when 25 joints In another sec tion went In the same way. ' While the results are the same as in the first accident, tha cause waa different, yet tha collapse was due to the absence of air In the high places when tha water sent out. The soene of the last break was at tha foot of Lusted Hill, where one of the lap-weld jolnta gave way just aa the high preasure test had been fin ished. Biff Plpo Explode. Tha big -pipe exploded under 96 pounds, tha water rushing out from the opening for a distance of two miles above, wltn a fores that tore the surrounding banks of the trench away and seriously under mined a considerable length of the pipe, which mill have to be laid over again because of the riveting forcing Itself apart. Besides this damage, there are the 25 flattened jolnta to be replaced and the testina- all done over again. An examination of the defective joints which exploded leads to the conclusion that the factory in New Jersey which supplied the pipe may have to stand the loss, which la estimated at about 115.000. Officials of the City Water .Board, a representative of tha factory and the contractors made an Inspection of the breaks yesterday and secured photo graphs which show tha extent of the damage. Cost of Repairing Heavy. The cost of repairs will be greater than that of laying the pipe originally, as the heavy machinery and testing ap pliance will have to be reassembled at those points before the work can be done. A serious problem for the City of Port land to confront was pointed out by one of the Water Board If such breaks should occur after the pipe is in sctual service, as It would mean several weeks' delay and great inconvenience. MAYOR &IMOV PIjACES BLAME City In Xo Way Responsible for Ac cident, Says Executive. Mayor Simon, after an investigation, declared that the damage to the pipe must be borne by the contractors. "Ths city merely furnished the water supply for ths test." said ine mayor, "and whatever damage resulted must be borne entirely by the contractors. The city Is in no way responsible for V TIT acts at once and makes tired. aphlnp nvniim feet remarkably fresh and sore proof. It's the sure remedy, you know, for everything that gets the matter with your feet. It's for sore feet and for sweaty, bad-smelling i feet, and for corns, callouses and bunions, too. "Por years I have beea troubled with sore and tender feet l suffered Intense pains. Have had the assistance of physicians without relief. I bought a box o TIZ. which worked a perfect cure, as It hsa with a great many of my frleada. I would not be without It. All It requires Is to be known to be universally used." A. F. Breutser, ChU caao. TIZ Is not a powder. Powders and other foot remedies clog up the pores. TIZ drawn out all poisonous exudations which bring on orneM of the feet, and Is tNe only remedy that does. TIZ cleans out every pore and glorifies tha feet your feet. Tou'll never limp again or draw up your face in pain, and you'll forget about your corns, bunions and cal louses. Tou'll feel like a new person. TIZ Is for sale at all druggists, 25 and 50 cents per box, or It will be sent you direct. If you wish, from Walter Luther Dodge A Co., Chicago. 111. Rec ommended and sold by the Owl Drug Co. the accident and will not share any of the coat of repairs or for new pipe." . APPLE ORCHARD IS THEME Ii. II. Brings to Address Frultmcn In V. M. C. A. Hall. L H Brlggs. manager of the Lewlston Land & Water Company, will be the speaker at the weekly meeting of or chard Is ts In the auditorium of the Port land Young Men's Christian Association at 8 o'clock next Saturday night. His subject will be "Developing an Apple Orchard on Irrigated Land," and the ad dress will be Illustrated by stereopticon slides. R. O. French, educational director of tha Y. M. C. A., announced last night that an early address of importance be fore the orchardlsts will be delivered by Dr. James Withycombe. director of the Oregon Experiment Station. Dr. Withycombe will speak on The Ten-Acre Farm and its Possibilities." The date of the lecture has not been announced. Two other free public lectures will be delivered in the Y. M. C. A. building next Saturday night. Dr. James H. Gil bert, of the University of Oregon, will speak on "The Railroads and the Pub lic." and Andrew G. Thompson will lec ture on "Options, Distinguished From Authority to Bell." WALLA WALLA SNOWSWEPT Afternoon Thaw Follows and Fear Expressed or Streams Overflowing. WALLA. WALLA. Wash.. Feb. 22. (Special.) One of the worst snow storms of the season hit Walla Walla today, covering the valley with a four inch fall. Late this afternoon a thaw began and the conditions underfoot are the worst of the year. Tonight the weath er is warm, and indications are for rain before morning, which, with the snow already melting, would bring the mountain streams out of their banks. Walla Walla Is the only weather sta tion In the Northwest reporting snow today, and what is even more peculiar, the barometer la high and all weather "dope" is for clear skies. Fair weath er is predicted tomorrow. Iuckbuntcr Shot In Hand. FLORENCE. Or., Feb. 21 (Special.) While duck hunting Saturday afternoon, G. Gorup. of Maple Creek, accidentally CATARRH A SYSTEMIC BLOOD DISEASE Catarrh is not merely an affection of the mucous membranes; it is a deep-seated blood disease in which tha entire circulation and greater part ot the system are involved. It is mora commonly manifested in the head, nose, and throat, because of the sensi tive nature of these membranes, and 1m hvinw tViev are more easilv '. reached by irritating influences from the outside, ine symptoms oi a tarrh, such as a tight feeling in the head, nose stopped up, throat clogged and dry, hacking cough, etc., show that the tiny blood, vessels of the mu cous membranes are badly congested and inflamed from the impurities in the circulation. To cure Catarrh per manently the blood must be purified and the system cleansed of all un healthy matter. Nothing equals S. S. S. for this purpose. It attacks the disease at its head, goes down to the bottom of the trouble and makes a complete and lasting cure by PURIFYING the blood. Then the inflamed to heal, the head is cleared, breathing becomes natural and easy, the throat is no longer clogged, and every un pleasant symptom of the disease dis appears. S. S. S. is the greatest of all blood purifiers, and for this reason is the most certain cure for Catarrh. Book on Catarrh and medical advice free to all who write. THS iWITT BPXCmO CO.. AUaata. Os, Men Cured Quickly NATURE'S DANGER SIGNALS Examine Yourself Thousands of young and middle-aged men are annually swept to a premature fraye through nervous complaints and blood ail ments. If you have any of the following symptoms, consult me before It is too late. Are you nervous, weak, specks before your eyes, with dark circles under them, weak back, kidneys Irritable, palpitation of the heart bashful, sediments In urine, pimples on the face, eyes sunken, hollow cheeks, careworn expression, poor memory, lifeless, distrustful, lack of energy and strength, tired mornings, restless nights, changeable moods, premature decay, bone pains, hair loose, sore throat, etc.? If so. I can promise you a permanent cure or no pay. WHEN OTHERS FAIL Call and let us give you a careful, pains taking examination absolutely free. Our opinion and advice will cost you nothing. Perhaps a little' advice is all you need. X-ray examinations, when necessary, free. No money required to commence treatment, and you oan arrange to pay fee when cured. MANY CASES CURED FOR $5 to $10 FEE Remember, There Is No Man Too Poor to Get Cured by Us We Treat Ailments of Men Only and Nerve Weakness cured in a few weeks. Improvement from tne staru If you suffer from loss of energy and ambition, reel tired when you arlee in the morning, lame back, du llness, spots before the eye, and feel you are not the man you once were. I will cure you for life. Call and 1 will explain why it cures when all else falls. A friendly chat will cost you nothing. Call at once, don't delay. Contracted Ailments Wa cure these ailments by a method peculiarly our own Our cure removes every obstruction from the urinary passage, allays inflammation, cleanses and heals theP bladder, kidneys; Invigorates and restores health and soundness to every part of the body af- w- CJB? PHOMPT.V, , Ar.,r BtIClG ITClIKd rd IXfLaM ATION. XERVOl 5E, LOSS of STRENGTH A.lmenr, oi men. OI.p.all.t. for cure. a linoTcaa' wHUfo?rourREB BOOK. Hours. . A. M. to . F. M. fcvenlngs 7 to 8. Sundays, It A. M, to 12 M. only. THE OREGON MEDICAL-INSTITUTE nhot himself In the hand. He-waa carry ing a shotgun and In some way It was j discharged, wounding the third finger of , hla left hand so badly that it was neces- i sary to amputate It Just above the sec ond Joint. , Ptomaine Poisoning, Jury's Verdict Ptomaine poisoning was the cause of the death of little Mabel King, who died at her home on Williams avenue over a week ago, and the same agency made four other membere of the family seriously 111. While the Coroner's Jury which investigated the case yesterday morning reached this determination from the medical testimony adduced, it was unable to decided from what article of food the poison came. Dr. C. D. Bodlne and Dr. 8. T. Croddy were positive. In theory, that the poison must have come from tho liver eaten by the family, for the reason that all the other articles of the diet had been in constant use and had given no trouble previously. There's No Risk If This Medicine Does Not Bene fit, You Pay Nothing A physician who made a specialty of stomach troubles, particularly dyspep sia, after years of study perfected the formula from which Rexall Dyspepsia Tablets are made. Our experience with Rexall Dyspep sia Tablets leads us to believe them to be the greatest remedy known for the relief of acute indigestion and chronic dyspepsia. Their ingredients are sooth ing and healing to the Inflamed mem branes of the stomach. They are rich in pepsin, one of the greatest digestive aids known to medicine. The relief they afford Is almost Immediate. Their use with persistency and regularity for a short time brings about a cessation of the pains caused by stomach dis orders. Rexall Dyspepsia Tablets will insure healthy appetite, aid digestion and pro mote nutrition. As evidence of our sincere faith In Rexall Dyspepsia Tablets, we ask you to try them at our risk. If they do not give you entire satisfaction, we will return you the money you paid us for them, without question or formality. They come In three sizes, prices 25 ' cents, 60 cents and 1.00. Remember, you can obtain them only at the Owl Drug Co., Inc., Cor, 7th and Washington sta. MEN CURED $10 IS OUR FEE Pay When Cured We hav every known remedy ap pliance for TREATING YOU. Our ex perience is so great and varied that aa ens of the ailments of Men Is new to ua CVUE IN A7D TALK IT OVER. General Debility, Weak Kerves. In somnia Results ot exposure, overwork and other Violations ot Nature's lawr. Lilaeaaes o ...cider and Kidneys. Vari cose Veins, quickly and permanently cured St small expenae and no deten tion, from business. SPECIAL, AM i tm Nwly con tracted and enromo cases cured. Ail burning, itching - and Inflammation stopped in 24 hours. Cures effected la seven days. Consultation free. If ua, able to call, write for list of questlona Office Hours A. M. to 8 P. M. Sun days. 10 A. M. to I P. M- only. Pacific Coast Medical Co 22Vk WASHINGTON STREET. I8ASS?K' ?LZ MEN CURED BY MY SPECIAL METHODS Tbe Leading Specialist. In all my work I am thorough, painstaking and careful to give Just the right treatment required In each individual case. For 25 years I have been proving my ability and my business methods have always been strictly reliable. My unqualified success Is due to a thorough medical education, sup plemented by years of experience in men's special ailments only. My treatment is as correct as modern science can make it. Others may offer inducements such as cheap treatment or quick treatment, but my foremost claim is for thor oughness, which in the long run in EVERY CASE means the cheapest and the beet. MY SPECIALTY INCLUDES VARICOSE VEINS. CONTRACTED AILMENTS. OBSTRUCTIONS. SPE CIFIC BLOOD POISON AND PILES. I also treat and cure promptly and thoroughly. KHEE CONSCLTATIOS. Call at the office if possible for Free Advice, Examination and Diagnosis. Men out of town, In trouble, write if you can not call, aa many cases yield readily to proper home treatment and cure. VOi: CAS PAY HE CIRED. CALL, OR WRITE TODAY. Hours 9 A. M. to 8 P. M. Sundays The DR. TAYLOR Co. 2.14 IX MORRISON STREET, COR NER SECOND, PORTLAND, OR, THE DR. GREEN OFXEK TO MEN Our offer No money Required Until Satis fied is your absolute protection. Consul tation, examlnarlon and diagnosis free. Our speciality Is All Ailments of Men. What you want la a cure. Come to ua and get It. Hours dally. 9 to 8. Even ings. 7 to 8. Sun days. 10 to 1. DR. GREEN CO. 363 Washington St., Portland. Or. Guarantee Cures varicose veins I daily demonstrate that varicose Telns can be cured, in nearly all cases, by one treatment, in such a satisfactory way that a healthy circulation Is rap idly re-established, and Instead of the depressing con ditions I guarantee you a cure or refund the money. Blood and Skin Ailments If you have sore throat, sores and ulcere, bona pains, falling hair or any other symptoms of this ailment, you should consult us and be forever rid or It Our treatment cleanses and eradicates every taint and every Impurity of the blood and system. All dan ger of transmission or recurrence Is removed. Why take poisonous drugs for years when a thorough oura can be obtained without? Consult us at once. 291 1-2 Morrison Street Bet. 4th and 5th, Portland, Or. DON'T BE DISCOURAGED Dont Give Up Hope There Is Help for You ACT TODAY I will treat some of your ailments for as low a fee as $5 nnd 10. I will make you an ex ceptionally low fee on any ailment you may be suffering from. With this low fee and my long and successful ex perience in treat ing ailments .of nien you need not suffer another day. I don't care who yu. ana has failed I will give you a anre cure and a small foe. Don't give up before seeing me. By the latest method" known to MEDIfAL science I successfully treat VAKJLCOME tXSS. flLiSH. NEBV Ol S AILMENTS. SKIN .A1J.MKNT9. KIDNKV. BI.ADPKK. LI (1 AND BIXIOI) AILMKNTS. RII, LIVKK AII.MKNTS ANI ALL CHRON IC AILMENTS OF MEN. Come In and see me. Have a confi dential talk and be examined without cost or obligation. I will cure you. DR. LINDSAY The Old Reliable Specialist. Corner Alder and Second atroeta. En trance Second street, Portland, Or. Office hours B A. M. to 8 P. M. Sundays, 10 A. M. to 1 P. M. L. T. YEE & SONS The Old. Reliable Chines. Doctor spent lifetime study ot herbs and research In China; waa granted diploma by the Emperor: guarantees curt alt aliments of men and women when others fail If you suf fer call or write to YEE RON'S MEDICINE CO.. Y lrt. Cor. Alder. Portland. Or. S. H. WAf JING GO. Chinese herb ana root medicine for men and wo men with any Interna;, ex ternal or eruptive disease. Our Chinese doctor lately from New York Oriental Hos pital also has 30 years' ex perience. If you suffer, when others fail, we wish you to call or write to 3"1 V, First St.. Portland. Or. Fres con sultation ana examination BaorrcHiAL Troches are prepared in convenient form of shnp.a medicinal substances, most beneficial in the treatment of throat affections. Free from opiates or other harmful intrredients. Price, 25c. 50c and $1.00. Sample free John!. Brown A Son Boston. Mass. MEN T-t.aaSflsa.'i-J E - to-night Tj Isasssssuss i i m-jwa..ii-nsisssjisi1mTsy i