9 TITE MORXIXG OREQONTAX. TUESDAY. FEBRUARY SI, 1911. CITY NEWS IN BRIEF or.rcoxiA.x Tturaoxt. Trfn l f b a - rwm .Mtn TT lt rr?ulatla ......... X T" Manif.Di Kdltar Jrfaia T'J un.!y K.lltnr Vila T'T fcnc. ku.ld.na . Haio Tg: . euJl HKII.1.-. THEATER foth anJ Tflw Jml T ( u r and ompn Ln-.r mua.-.l ntar. -Matuh." TonHbt. S.1J. Niittj -r n itt M r ji h in1 MoT n Th il.k.r tt-a lompMT Tlerre of th I'lains. Tonlsht al :IJ u,--.-onr -run-i-i o .Tw.trtH and Mar. ri.in Richard Jt In ,,sUiii Tnrla. TnlM t o'clock. ORPHKUM THKATfR-fVorr1ti. bln imo at 3.J1 and lonla.lt at :1S Vu . T u fmvb and Waahlll in Vkndtt tl.a. Thta aftaraoott at 2:13. tiaiahl at J -iJ and tt. jTr.n the. TFR-fFourth ant S'ark v-u.iHri Thii .r iHiijn at 2:t". to a ihl at T JO and JLYHIC THEATER -nth an AHwl l.yrie c'omolT ttmpiiy In Mcirthj Troubles. " Thla afternoon at S.lo and t aunt at T 30 and . TAR THEATER Park and Waslnton to 1ft 10 P. VI. Assessments Are Put-Ajufsaiwnli for ttx w:Vlnt of Sandy boulevard from Kut TMnr-e;a-Mb street to the city limit, at Kant ki shty-iiecond street. wT. be due today, and If they are not paid wtthia JO U- the property s)aunst hl.-h thee are levied will be Bold by trie city. All property on each aide of the boulevard for a dlxance of "v ret has been aesed for U;la purpose. The Imt of those who are assessed wl!l be tuM!iied to-lay In the city official paper, and thorn ho are Interested In the project are anxious that all who are as- aeaaed will pay promptly to avoia com plli-atiomv Lnl-ea the money necessary f.r the wKVnin of the street Is raised wuhln the required tlm. tlie proceedlnss will be droDDed. and the money paid In will be returned to those from whom It waa collected. rtinxt WiMixr Is Tsst-EP. "Word waa received br the Chief of Police yesterday from !pokane that a. felony warrant has been laued there a:iiat Koyal -.rs., arreexed here lat Saturday by lc- tlvea Hellyer and Moloney on a cliarce rt conductinc a fake clrtl service train Ina- irhnoi. Clark aald that he had con ducted the same business In the Wash- Injrton city, and It Is sippod tht n . wanted there for a similar offense. Nw rlctlms of Clark and 'Dr.- Davis, who wax arrested with him. have ap peared, and the latter ball was raised yesterday from TZrt to fM. It la found that Id addition to the civil service scheme. CWk ran advertisements1 for partner srtth small capital. Timbkkxex's Honrs Fixed. The appeal borxui In the Government's S'l!t SKalnst the Linn I.ane Timber Company and A. Smith, the millionaire Minneapolis I'lmberman. were fixed at f yesterday These caM affect about tu, worth of timber owned by the company and II r Jenttb, The Oorernment. represented by I nlted States Dattrlct Attorney McOourt. brought suit on the (round the timber land was acquired by collusion. The I.k1 court found In favor of the Oor ernment. The company and Mr. Smith will app-al to the U'n ted Statea Circuit Court of Appeals. The time fr the heartnas has not been fixed. Oun Pats Pt-'altt rot Chive. For Itv!n( upon the Illicit earnlmt of his wire. M k Gillette, a Greek, was liven the maximum penalty, a fine of SMO and Imprisonment for six months; in Muni cipal Court yesterday mornlnx. The wife was the principal witness axainat lnm. She told of be nc quartered In the house of "Mother" Olcese. on North f-e- ond ereeL and aald that ehe arave Cllllette as hl.i as tl a day. She married Ita two years aso at Vancouver. Wash whra efe was IT years oil. and Gillette a re fAisery to secure the license. VioerttLl !ntrp. creamed salmon, areen peasv crab cocktail, fried mush rooms a la Poulrtte. iamb ahopa. maraed potatoes, hot waffles, maple syrup, real frkcaAaee and rice, Vlrkinia baked hsun and cabbase. cold roast beef and potato ealad. al.lorf salad, a "para a ua salad. stuffed tiers, plnepple pie. atamed ft pu!.!tne and wine swuoe. devllfood caka. Wonian's Exchanfe. l."4 Fifth street. Rasa Smothexs rx V. crx The Infsnt daughter of Frank Ameolea, C&3 Division street, was found smothered to death b. tween the parents when they awakened )eaterdy. Contrary to the usual custom, the child had been taken from ita crib on account of lut restlessness), and be- romlnc crowded In the nlKht. waa suf focated. The parents came here a year aco from Italy. Simo Goes to Bausk. Mayor Simon will be absent from the city today, as he Is iminr to Salem to attend the fu neral of ex-Oovernor Lord- By virtue of has po t ion as president of the City Council. Henry A. Beldlnir will be Acting Mayor for one day. but he will exercise none of the prervsatlvea of the executive office. I order that the employes of the Wil lamette Iron Steel Works may attend the runeral of W. H. Corbett. which will be held at Trinity Church. Tuesday, tie plant will remain closed until Thursday. February L Men desiring- to attend the funeral serviceei will meet at the shop at 12.30 o'clock on Tuesday. tocnD Rates Ghaxted. P.educed rates have been granted by all roads entering Portland to the First Annual livestock Show to be held In this city from March 30 to s. A one and one-third fare on the certificate plan will be ad vertised for a reasonable period In ad vance of that time. Mntxx.roijs Sctioot. ijtADrn to Taajc Mrs. Ida Hord Clark, supervisor of handwork in Minneapolis schools, will give a stereoptlcon lecture open manual training, at Iho Young; Women's Chris tun Aejeviatlon.. at 8 o'clock Tuesday evening. Teachers and mothers are espe cially Invited. lAnrtxt or Boat Costs Teas. R. TV. TS est on. who rented a canoe from the Merrill boat house over a week ago and went down the Columbia Hiver In It. was sentenced to a year's Imprisonment. In Munlrtpil Court yesterday for the larceny of the boat. Wasted TO r.EXT. A well-furnisbed seven to t.'n-roum house for family of three; mwl be In desirable locality; Wear Side, and everything the Tery best; wairig to pay all ft is worth. Addivas B 73t. Oregonlan. e Havb Need rem AtrmMomi. Want flve-paaserger. khorsepower. four-cylinder. In good condition: give note one year and put deed line busman Income prop erty in escrow to secure payment. M ''. Oregonlan. e PrslRASLJi rtiinesw and Japanese curioa being sild leas than coat, at 4 Oak St.. from the bankrupt stock of Andrew Kan Co. No retail sales after February Buy now. Oraxtxo Tast Oak Stkeitt fji.t Oak street Is being Improved between tat K-s-hteenth and tiist Twenty-fourth streets, where two nils were necessary. rv?f T be sorry bye and bye because you bought not a walnut grove; when cheap. 9v-e T. TVIthycombe. 4a Ham ilton bide. Isaac I- Write has moved bis Insur ance office to No. 7a Selling building. Sixth and Alder. D. B. FUcgixotm. architect, baa re moved to lot Lumbermen's building, flfto and Stark. CoLt-XTBtA River 8MZ1.T t centa a pound, st every market of the Frank L Smith Meat Company. Hear Dr. Shaw today. 15 a) noon. T. M. C. A.: tonight. 7:30, at First Presbyterian Church. Powaaa A Errs;, drugs. Oregonlan bhdg.; open all nixht. Main S3. A Diamustds. C. Chrlateosea, second tloa Corbett building. Tske elevator. A-rmaxET rruT has returned 3 Board f Trad t:Jf. , Mrs. KuiArrH Laxpom's Ft'HtRil, Hklax The funeral of Mrs. Kllxabeth Iandon, an old resident of Multnomah County, waa held Sunday In the Gresham Hapttot Church. Rev. George C. Csrl. of Portland, assisted by Rer. J. II. w ood. conducted the serylceat Burisa was made In the Douglaa Cemetery. She waa born In Washington County. Tennessee, Feb ruary 8. 1M2. and died at the borne of her daughter. Mrs. George Pullen, at KS years of ace. In 1& aha waa married to u. W. Landon, and cam to Multnomah County In lM the family making Its bome near Uresham. July 35 1SW, ane suffered a stroke of paralysis. Mns. Landon Is survived by ber husband and six children: J. London, of Litllo Falls, Wssh.; Mrs. G-'orse Pullen. lira William Stanley. Mra lward Spath. of Greaham; lOusene D. Landon. of Portland; Airs. William Booth, of Cottrell. and U grand- chUdren. Daces Mat Be Per strrTEn. Invita tion dances wilt be permitted on council Crest in the grounds conducted by A. Duchamp. If the City Council adopts tha recommendation or tue license committee, a-hlch met yesterday afternoon. A motion by Councilman Dunning, to amend the present ordinance regulating the conduct of parka of the sixth clans so that private dance may be held, waa carried unani mously. Public danclnr waa stopped oy action of tha Council last Summer, on complaint of residents of Council Crest and Portland Heights, althoush Mr. Duchanip maintained that It was nnjust to him. The Oaks pavilion was permitted to conduct public dances, to which he objected, and In his attitude he waa supported by some of the Councllmen. Mt.-t.Txox am Bioonrr Camp o.v Coast. Multnomah Camp. No. TT. Woodmen of the World, whose hall Is on FAtst Sixth, near East Washington street, has nearly lfU) members and will soon be as. It Is the biggest camp on tha Coaet and exceeds the Seattle camp, which boasts of a large membenahlp. One week from next Friday night It la expected that tha mark will be reached. A special effort la being made to raise the mem bership to that mark at that meeting. Names of 4uu unattached members whose membership In scattered over the whole country who live in Portland have been secured and these have been Invited to join Multnomah Friday night, March X Clerk Wilson expects moat of the num ber will respond. Pipe Bet.xo Laid on Pbctioh Road. Pipe for the second Bull Run pipeline has been distributed between Gresham and Mount Tabor, and excavating for the trench has been started In places along thin road well out toward Gresham. The pipe will be laid along the north erde of tha road. Trarel will avoid the Sec tion road until the pipe haa been covered. Not knowing that work had started auto mobile parties went out over the Section road Sunday. Several operating crews are camped along the road, and will lay the pipe rapidly after tha trench has been finished. Tha contracting firm Is pushing work at all points on the second pipe line, snd tha indications are that Portland will soon have this second pipe line. Mrs. Pimni Friei, Disa. Mra. Phoebe Frlel died st her home near Cherryvllle, on the Mount Hood wagon road. Feb ruary 13. from apoplexy. She suffered a stroke three yesrs ago and had never recovered. Beerides Jier hunband, J. T. Frlel. she In survived by the following children1. Mrs. W. R. Allen. Mrs. Glenn Mclntyre. Mrs. It- C. Murrsy. Mra. B. F. Hurt. Mrs. T. E. Klrby. T. J. and Jerry Frlel Mra. Klrby resides In Portland, and the oWiem near tha old family home near Cherryvllle. Mae Vitiax Weave Buried. Mlna Mae Vivian Weaver, tha young woman who committed sulcklo Inst Friday night, waa burled yesterday. Tha funeral wan held at Dunning at MrEntee's chapel. It S P. M., Rev. A. A. Morrison officiating. Tha pearl-gray casket waa banked with flowers. Miss Weaver having made many friends by her genial disposition. Young men who formerly lived In Iowa, and r acquainted with ber there, acted as pallor are rn. D. A. Giu.Tr to Lkctvre. D. A. Grant 111 deliver a lecture on Nathaniel Green, tha Revolutionary General, to night at S:l& oclock. In tha Scottish Rite Cathedral, on MorrVaon street. The lecture is One of a serWs now being given at that place under the auspices of tha Scottish Rita order. The public la In vited. William C Crtuc's Fv-vcrai, Held The funeral of William C. Cole waa held yesterday from the Pilgrim Congrega tional Church. Shaver street and Mis souri avenue, and the burial was made in Rlvervtew Cemetery. Mr. Cole was CJ years of age, and he died February It, at the home of W. W. Thompson. Covell station. MiM.xo Met To Meet. There will be a meeting of the mining men at 4 o'clock today at the assembly room of the Com mercial Club to lay plans for the coming mining congress and transact such other business as may be submitted. The meeting la called by N. B. McKiney, F. I M. Bachelor. A. H. Northop. L. Q. ale- Gibbon. W. Malesworth. Parents and TEACirsaur cmcua Meets. The Parents and Teachers' Circle wij meet today at S P. M.. In the Stephens school. East Eighth and Ptephera streets. Mrs. Shatto. school nurse, will speak. Aao a Washington birthday programme will be given In connection with this meeting. Ladies. Oscar Norman, my assistant. Inform me that he baa bad tha rare op portunity of purchasing a number of the lateat London novelties, which will ar rive soon. Mr. Norman expects to be home In about two weeks. Ktlmund Gurney. ladies' tailor. Mohawk bldg. None. Owing to death In the family of chairman of the entertainment com mittee, there will be no basket social at I. O. O. F. hall. East Eightieth and Eaat G linen afreets. FKBsn Enos. S dot. c. at Woower'a New Bills Open at tb Vaudeville Houses WHERE JO DINE. An tha Aallemctae af tha season at the Portland Restaurant. Fine private apart menta for ladles ft Wash., rear Sea at, Orpheum. LEFT to Itself to pick an choose, tha Orpheum audiences this week won't know on which act to pin the blue ribbon. For ther are several things be It known of Interest. Head lined Is "The Four Huntings" in a merry tomfollery called "The Fool House." In which a quartet of comedians and dancers Indulge In pleasantries, each mistaking the other for an Inmate of tha bughouse. It's Just a happy, rlght-off-the-reel answer to The query, "Who's looney now" and tha Huntings, law. Tony, John and Mollle answer It to tha complete satisfaction of the audi ence. Lew's acrobatic stunts and the dancing of Mollle O, are most commend able. A great big roar la Willie Weston, a character alnger, and Mike Bernard, a ragtime pianist. who combine their talents in a dandy hlt-the-bull's-eye act. Willie s songs are put over with dash and vim, and he should by all means, have his facial expreaalona copyrighted. Thev're too good to be left lying around where some one might "crab them." Funny, too. Is the rural skit "At Hensfoot Corners." with Mr. and Mrs. Jimmy Barry doing the alfalfa types. Mrs. B.. as a damsel from the city. Is not called upon to exert herself other than smile, wear a "change of costume" and be the feeder for Mr. B.'s excellent line of palter. And his two songs, one about the city chap, and another "Glory Halleluja" are corkers. "After the 8how" Is the name of a keen little skit, replete with bright lines and gay badinage presented by that Ir repressible Frank Otto, and a talented assistant, Lola Merrill. Spontaneity and sparkle are the earmarks of their offer ing. "The Fire Commissioner" is a tabloid drama dealing with graft and the "sys tem" aa seen In politics, presenting In particular the corruption of the fire departments In a big city. Frederick Watson, a capable actor, portrays the leading role with real dramatic skill. He la assisted by Herbert Sears, as a rather colorless minister, who "drives home" lessons; Marlon Day. aa tha commissioner's daughter, with an In growing voice nd sprightly ways, and Milton Boyle, a really excellent actor, in the role of a young fireman. Corinne Frances, an ultra-refined bit of femenlnity, sings delightfully in a quiet, unpretentious manner, and makes everyone want to hear more. She dances, too. as lightly and nicely as she alngs, and Is altogether pleasing. The opening act is presented by frank and Ros Gordon, frolicsome and frisky, who dance and sing with comedy Inter ruptions. Grand. POUR premier xylophonle artists lead off a good bill at the Grand this week. These musical Avoloa play a selec tion of their own which they entitle the "Avolo March," and which lias a dash and vim worthy of .the battle Held. Among their other number they execute the "Hero" song from "The Chocolate Boldler" with good spirit. Soraghan and Lennox also add to the fun with a clever skit called "Dornton's Substitute." which as well recorded on the programme as a protean travesty, and displays the Ingenuity and wlftnens of character changa. Eva Murine, too. Is among the bent of this week's actors, producing the "Seashore playlet" which made vier so popular in the East. Enter ing first as a seanjde belle snd sfter seem ing to neat liersulf behind a large um brella, cornea upon the stsge as a French dude, who also tarries back of the sun shsile. while. In her third Impersonation Mine Mudge enters ss a suffragette, who spies the protruding feet and nlnga scorn ful tines thereat. Tha other two changes show the attractive actress as a news boy and then as her own dainty self in a most becoming bathing suit. For pretty women, the bill is particular ly strong. Mile. Silverado doea some stunts on a brass-bar suspended over the stage which. In themnclvea not so very wonderful, seem tripled In their import ance by the fact that they are performed by a beautiful woman of small stature. W eston and Toung, In a nupponeo-to-De funny act scheduled as "A Modern Flirta tion," are Impossible. Not only are tneir Jokes out of date and trite but also do they verge upon the vulgar. A feature Just a bit out of the ordinary la shown by Virgil Holmes and Marjorie Riley. Holmes ntands with the or cliratra and leada while hin assistant amgs upon the stage. Both voices are excellent and the act Is certainly not to be overlooked when nice things are being aald about the show. Pantages. SIX rollicking "hobos' win the glory at the Pantages showbouse this week, but they are generous enough to hare It with winsome Miss Kitty Vin cent, whose hit Is her double-voice song, a duet between a man with a deep bass and a maid with a high so prano. The "hobos" do all their old stunts, which won applause for them when they tarried in Portland before. They also crack late Jokes and sing late songs that vie with the excellence of their volcea. As for the rest of the bill, the Crom wells do a clever act of Juggling, and Anderson and Evans act out the sor rows of two youths out of work. They win the audience when they decide the only way to have a clean shirt Is to wash the soiled one, and put the de rision Into practice. Ray Samuels Is a finished minstrel, running off a lot of faet negro chatter that cannot fail to attract flattering attention. Mr. and Mra Hap Handy, who offer a number of Jokes and better feats with soap bubbles, are the open ing feature of the programme. Rlccl's quartet gives saxaphone se lections from the "Chocolate Soldier" and "Madams Sherry." NEW CHURCH IS RECEIVED Wavericlgh Ilclfibu Congregational Admitted to Fold. The new Warerlelgh Heights Con gregational Church was recognised by the Congregational Council of, Portland churches last night at a meeting In tha hall on East Twenty-sixth and Clinton streets. Ministers and repre sentatives were present from all the Congregational Churches of Portland and vicinity. Rev. W. C. Kantner. of University Park, was elected chairman, and Rev. F. S. Wlney. pastor, announced that the new church was ready to be re ceived Into the fellowship of the Port land Congregational churches. On mo tion the new church was received. Rev. D. B. Gray, city missionary, and Rev. George A. Paddock, state missionary, delivered addresses of welcome. Rev. E. S. Bollinger, of the Highland Church, made the recognition address. Talks were made by Rev. Luther M. Dyott, Rev. J. J. Staub and other. It was announced that Rev. Mr. Wlney had been elected pastor, that there are 20 charter members and that the Sunday school has an enrollment of 100. Meetings will be held In Waverly Hall until a church is built. Ground is now being selected for this purpose. The council was composed of (Rev. T- M. nvott. Rev. G. A. Paddock. Rev. D. B. Gray. Rev. Daniel Staver. Rev. J. . i 1 1 " t-v m T'Vmma T" IT TV- C. Kantner. Rev. J. R. Knodell, Rev. H. N. Smith. Rev. W. H. Meyer and Rev. E. Bollinger. ANDREW KAN IS BANKRUPT Man Owing jMO.OOO Hasn't Money to Pay Fees of Application. t Following the recent failure of An drew Kan & Co.. Kan himself has gone bankrupt. He filed a petition in volun tary bankruptcy In the Federal Court yesterday, saying his liabilities are more than $60,000. and that he did not have the mor.ey wherewith to pay the filing fees of the application. Among Kan's creditors, as given in his petition, are the Insolvent company, to which ho owes $10,500; Mrs. Mary Jones, of Portland, who holds a mort gage for $4500 on Kan's property in Sunnyslope Addition; Herman Klaber, holding a chattel mortgage for $1S.71 on 100,000 pounds of hops; Ben Jones, of Salem, who has a mortgage of $14,000 on horses and wagons worth $400 and the 1911 crop of hops, not yet grown; C M. Crolsau, of Salem, who recently secured a Judgment of $3000 against Kan in the County Court; Moy Back Hin, $1000, and tha Sherlock estate, $2500. COLLINS H0J SPRINGS. The management wishes to state that, regardless of the little controversy be tween the old and the present manage ment, the hotel at Collins. Wash., is still open, where all old as well as new cus tomers are welcome and will be served with true Western hospitality. F. A. Young, Manager. Rock Springs Coal. The best house coal. Liberty Coal & Ice Co.. exclusive agents. 25 North Fourteenth street. Main 166!. A (1S(. Edlefsen's coals can be seen at Meier ac Frank. Phone E $03 or C 230$ for Plant ?bson roses. Phone Sell wood 950 The Ess-Albumen contained in Crescent sustains the dough 'while cooking and pre vents falling. Full Pound 25c Vrrmcmt Cotter. Trm. Maple lnt, hp tret. Flavor-in it J-:x-trac-ta. etv, enjoy m Je iverved reputation. tUrooers erery where sell them. CRESCENT MIX-. CO- Seattle. DESKS DESKS THE KIND THAT WILL LEND DIGNITY TO YOUR OFFICE Quartered Oak and Mahogany. Dull brass drawer pulls and brass leg sockets. Thorough In construction and finish. , M I ' . s" ----- , il i' 't '- )Wy I . ,.' . -j y At just me dium prices. Our desks are direct J from the makers. We save you the middlemen'? profit. BUSHONG & COMPANY OFFICE . APPLIANCES DOTH PHONES PRINTERS, LITHOGRAPHERS AND BLANK BOOK MAKERS 87-91 PARK STREET AT INSURANCE ADJUSTERS' VALUATIONS 'n7QI"Q Roll Top, Flat Top, Typewriter, Bookkeeper in PU ATPQ Revolving, Arm, Stenographers in Oak and JTliHLl Mahogany. TABLES A11 Sizes--In C)ak and Mahogany OAK AND MAHOGANY SETTEES i Umbrella Stands, Costumers, Book Case Sections. RECORD FILING CABINETS' "Y and E" Sectional Filing Cabinets "Y and E" Vertical System of Filing "Y and E" Card Index Systems "Y and E" Card Ledger Systems "T and E" Commercial Report Systems Grennine Shannon System of Filing "Y and E" Cleck Filing Systems' "Y and E" Legal Blank Systems "Y and E" Document Filing Systems "Y and E" Rapid Roller Letter Copier FILING SYSTEM SUPPLIES FOR ALL MAKES OF CABINETS Vertical Guides Vertical Folders Vertical Transfer Cases Shannon Transfer Cases Shannon Indexes Shannon Boards and Arches Handy Card Index Outfits Handy Card Ledger Outfits Document Storage Files Deposit Ticket Files Commercial Report Supplies Card Index Cards Card Index Guides Card Ledger Cards Card Ledger Guides STATIONERY Ledgers, Journals, Cash Books, Pencils, Pens, Writing Inks, Waste Paper Baskets, Desk Lei ter Trays, Clip Boards, Office Shears, Ink Stands. OFFICE APPLIANCES Thexton Envelope Sealers, Adjustable Telephone Arms, Staat's Money Changers, Lamson Money Changers, Beebe Check Protectors, Climax and Lakeside Pencil Sharpeners, Numbering 1Lsl ' chines, Check Cancelers, etc. . . Bankers' Note Cases - Attorneys Leather Brief Cases Gold and Silver Money Trays . Burroughs Adding Machine Ribbons, $4.00 Per Dozen This sale is absolutely without reserve.. The stock is the largest in the Northwest, and many lines are not dam aged. There are wonderful . bargains in high-class goods. Everything marked in plain "Fire Sale" prices- The Printing, Bookbinding and Legal Blank Departments in Full Operation GLASS 65-67 SEVENTH STREET One Block North of Oregon and Imperial Hotels Colonist Fares . TO Oregon From March 10th to April 10th very low rates from Eastern points will be In effect via the CANADIAN PACIFIC AND SOO LINE THROUGH TRAIN SERVICE THE SCENIC ROUTE For rates and full particulars apply at 142 Third street, or ad dresa Frank R. Johnson, General Agent. Portland. Gat the Criminal and Genuine fsORiieo MALTED MILK The Food-diM for All Ages. For Infants, Invalids, and Growing children. Pure Nutrition, up building the whole body. Invigorates the nursing mother and the aged. Rich milk, malted grain, in powder form. A quick lunch prepare- in a minute. Take no substitute. Ask for HORLICK'S. la No Combine or Trust Model M, 25-Ilorsepowrr, Four-Cylinder, Flve-Pnssrngrr To urine Car. FRANKLIN Model M is the car the majority of users want ninety per cent of the time; it is just right for touring, it is also the ideal car for city use. The' Model M can go as far and as fast in a day as six cylinder cars of other models. It is powerful for its size. It is fast on the road and remarkably able on hills. It is the car that every man who owns an automobile needs. MENZlES-DuBOIS AUTO CO. SEVENTH AND DAVIS STS. A-3881. Main 4880. PORTLAND, OR. F.M.S.,ofR.I. desires to know ad dress of M. L. F. without delay Traveling Salesmen Do you want a clean, good paying sideline? Why not investigate t . NETH & CO.. 631 Worcester Bldg. 1 I F e Pweif u' Influence A' juL of Impressive Stationery fft.y V is seated through the Art, Skill, Experi- wffFy VV enee an Mera Equipment that make -iir Vfrifiii j Kilham Quality Printing so superior. :J iV,W KILHAM I U V L---- FIFTH AND OAK 1 1 - " ' Painless Dentistry la ear prid rar fcobbr-r wtudy for yan an bow our raooM nd own la the be piaJe- work to bm found anjwhera, no -matter how nuuxh yoa pay. Compare our Frioaa, UIBVu.. TT V BnTa PIS BUI DrtUaC WWaTJk of - town patronn in j ona day If desired. 3 Painleaa axtrmotioii . f srnan ml ata n bridge work Is order d. CooMiltation free. "v. :jr V'-.' 1 1 h lHolArOrn,t S5.00 A"i 22k Bridtt TMtl4. 0 0 '46oU.-Hlift 1.03 r .i c I nr.... 1 fin '!' V .'"i ;,V ' .-isnwrFmiiin .50 r $.S.ii&4' PI,,M 5.00 7-50 ML W. A. WISE. hrasoT im Mimms Plnl ExtVlws .OU a mi or uma ramus BUT MRTHODS AM work fuUy ruaxanteed for fifteen rears. Wise Dental Co.,mc Painless Dentists f ifflni Bulldlnc Third t ml Wtjhinztos. PORTLAMO. ORl Oliisaloara: A. At. to P. M. ImuUjl, lUt California Metal Plating Works Methlvler, prop. GOLD. :LVER. BRASS AMD KICKEb FLATIXG. Metal Coloring a Specialty. S4S BbXOXO STRE3T. Vain 72X8 Portland, Orsfoa Days of Sunshine As the days go by, think how much happier you can . make your life by laying up funds in reserve. Why put off what you can do now toward establishing your financial independ ence t Now is the time to start an account with us. i PER CENT INTEREST PAID ON SAVINGS ACCOUNTS Corner Second and Stark Streets, Portland, Oregon. Open 8 A.M. to 5:30 P. M. Saturdays until 8 P. M.