TIIE 3I0RMXG OHEOOyiAX. TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 21. 1911. ' rAmn,iB.iAnai .hail brt elected from EOXTJiarTLAL MEMBERS OF HOUSE AT RECENT SESSION REPRE SENT SIX COUNTIES. SENATE DIARY TIED , uu vuiii.i.'.'-'""". east of the Cascade Mountains and the LAWMAKERS PUT SIX ACTS TO VOTE OPEN A REGULAR MONTHLY ACCOUNT Thi U Our Trade-Mark other two from west oi me luc.u. Mountains is too vague and uncertain. Is a question that haa been submitted to the Attorney-General by Railroad Commissioner Campbell, but has not a yet been passed upon. In an offhand opinion the Attorney General stated ha believes that the bill should enumerate the various counties to be Included in the district, a H will be difficult to determine Jst what is meant aa east and west of the moun tains. It Is also contended by members of the Railroad Commission that under the primary- law it will be difficult to determine where their petitions should be circulated when they ar candidates for nomination. A peculiar situation arises under th new bill as It will mean. If it become a law, that either Commissioner Camp bell or Commissioner Altchlsou must g". As both of these men are from the west of th mountains and the term of ach expires at the aci time, it will be necessary for on ef them to b Oe. tested. Poaitioa Eagerly Sought. SALEM, Or., Feb. ?0. (Special,) Numerous applications have been re ceived by the State Board fof th no. sltlon of purchasing agent under th provisions of the Bean-Calklp dmln. Istratlon bill. Members of th Board stat that no selection lias been made Under the set, whleh will be approved by the Governor, undoubtedly, the State Board. Including the Governor, Tres' urer and becreiary of State. Is con stituted as the Slate Purchasing Board. This Board seleets a man to act as state purchasing agent. The term is not all that It Implies, as such purchasing HK-ent does pot actually make the pur chases, thla being done by the Board itself. The agent acts rather in an ad vlsory capacity. TAX HEN ARE ACTIVE Court Restrains Two From Re vising Journal. It Stands For Lowest Prices. It Stands For Pure Drugs. 1- j e if op;. Woman Suffrage, Tax Amend ments and Lieutenant-Governor Approved. CHIEF CLERK FLAGG WINS See That It Is on Your Purchase . , Upper Body Selects Pair to Go Over Book for $6 a pay and Leaves Out Complainant. Who Fights for Power. MAJORITY POLL INDORSED ; -I H v ? -j 1 - ',- - I HPMBw"... sav TT T T a 1 171 U T W t VJ Proposed Changes to Find Plac on Ballot at Flrctlon. Jn ?ToTembr, 1 1 X Lory by Paopla ,Tber. selvr Is Advocated. . SALKM. Or.. Fb. 10. Spclal. TVsldr Indorsing th woman ufrr- amendment, the lata Legislature adopted resolutions submitting la tha electors or tha stale la tha general election In No TmKr. five proposed amendment to tha state constitution. Principal among these Is ona annulling tha sin gle tax smendtuent adopted by tha peo ple In tha last election. Of the other four amendments to voted u;on. two ara companion, amend ment to tha anti-slngl tax measure, ona provides fur tha offlca of Lieutenant-Governor, and tha other require majority of ail vote caat In tha elec tion before an amendment to the atate constitution submitted to the people shall become effective. Single-Tax Men I-ote. Tha 5en!a committee on assessment nd fsialloa drafted the three antl . a.riK'e tax amendments. In addition lo ' making nuaatnry the single tax amend- rrent aropted In the election laat Novem ber, granting to each c-njnty tha right , to prescribe its own method of taxing iymperty. one of the proposed amend ments restores to the Legislature and 'the people, through the Initiative, l..e riant to provide by law uniform rules . of taxation. Adoption of this resolu tion wjis fought by the sin! tssers ' tn the IxlaUture but tbey re route! t by decisive votes In both the Sensie and the House, the resolution psssitig bulb, houi'l with en.'y a mere handful of op pa!ng voices. This rasolullna propose that section 1 of article DC of the slat ? constitution shall be amended to reJ k follows: Tax I ft to People. Section 1. The Legislative Assembly hall, snd the people through the Initia tive may. provide by law uniform rule of tax t Ion. except on property speci fically taxed. Taxes shall be levied on such property as shall be prescribed by Man. The Legislative Assembly, or th people Ihroufcn the Initiative, may pro vide for the levy and collection of taxsa for slate purpose snd for county end (or other municipal purposes on different rlssses of property, and may provide for the ai'-eriainmrnt, determination and application of an average rate of levy and tasnt;on on property taxed for stata purpose. The Legislative Assembly, or trie people through the Initiative, may provide by reasonable and equitable rule for the apportioning of any state tax among the several counties as county obligations to th slate." Vnlfurm Plan Proposed. One of the other proposed amend ments rhsnses section 12 of srtlc'j 1 pf tl.s constitution to read as follows: "No tax or duty shsll be Imposed with out the ronsent of the people or their representatives In the legislative As sembly. Taxes shall be levied and col lected for public, purposes only, and the power of taxation shall never be sur rendered, suspended or contracted away. JV1 taxes shall be uniform upon, th same rlaas of property within the ter ritorial limit of th authority levying the tax" The third of th tax amendments rhangea section 1 A of article IX vt the stsi constitution by providing thst "ni poll or hrsd tax shall be levied or collected In Oregon. The Legislative As sembly shall not declare an emergency In any act regulating taxation or ex emption.'" Lieutenant-Governor Wanted. The text of th resolution creating the offic of Lieutenant-Governor, fol lows; Thst Section I of Artie! V of th Con stitution of the State of Oregon be and th same la hereby amended so a I read as follows: . "Section S. in case ef th Impeach ment of the Governor, bis death, resigna tion, absence from the state or Inability to perform the duties of his office, the same shall devolve upon the Lieutenant Governor, who shell serve until th dls aoUny be removed or a Governor be elected. The lieutenant-Governor shall be elected at the same time and In the same manner, shall serve for th earn lengf h of time and shall possess the same auaurtcatlons as the Governor. He shall ea t as President of the Senate, and shsll enjoy sueh powers as may be conferred vroa him by law, but ahall have no vote open the passage of bills er resolutions. He shall receive the same compensation s th Speaker ef the House during the sessions of the Legislative Assembly, but hail receive no other compensation ex cept whsa called apen te serve as Oov ernor. when be shall receive the salary ef that office. Senata President to Act. "In ease of th Impeachment, death, resignation, absence from th state or tnaetliry te act ef btn th Oevernor taj Lieutenant-Governor, th President pro tern rf the Senate shall serve as Governor until the disability be removed or a Governor elected, and In case of th Impeachment, death, resignation, ab sence frbm the atate or Inability to act en tie part of the Governor. Lieutenant Governor and the President pro trm of the Senate, th Speaker of the House stall serve as Governor until th dib aMI'tv be removed or a Governor elected. "t'pon the adoption of this amendment, th President of tha Senate shall art as Lieutenant-Governor, until th people at the general election In th year 1U choose a Lieutenant-Governor. "Be It further resolved that th pro posed amendment be submitted to th people for approval or rejection at th general election In th year 1912; and "He It further resolved that the Secre tary of State be authorised and directed set aside two pages In th official pamphlet fer th publication of argu ments In support of this amendment, snd that a committee ef on Senator and two Representatives be appointed to prepare said snruments fer publication In said pamph'et. Majority Voto Needed. JUKtnney's resolution, requiring a rrsjorlty of sUi votes cast In th elec tion for the adoption of all amend ments to the constitution, proposes the amendment ef section 1 of article XVII te resd as follows: "Section 1 Amendments to constitu tion, how msde. Any amendment or amendments to this constitution may b proposed In slthsr branch of tn Legislative Assembly and If tb same eU b agreed to by a majority of all V r 1 jfsa W. LAIB TMOwrOJf T. J. MAIIOSf EV. 8ALEU Or Vab XO -(Spsclal.) Influential among the members of th House In the recent session of the iglslature were Representatives W. Lair Thompson, of Crook. Grant. Klamath and Lake, and T. J. Mahoney. of Morrow and Umatilla. These men were not alon active and aggressive In commute work, but they exerted an Influence on the floor ef the House In th consid eration of legislation. As a member of th Joint committee on ways and means. Slahonev (rave invaluable s.rvlcea In surblng appro prlatinn bills to a figure consistent with efficient public service. Thompson ably assisted Mnhoney on the floor. Of the House In seeing- to It that all appropriations remained ae they wer recommended by the ways and mean ommlttee. defeating numerous and In sistent attempt to Increase such bequests. Thompson wax easily tha leader In th House, his ability as a ready de bater and thorough knowledge of parliamentary law making-of him an espe cially effecuve member. He alao gave valuable service in the legislation of the House a a member of th committee on judiciary. the members elected to each of th two bouses, such proposed amendment or amendments ahall. with th yea and nay thereon, be niured in thair journals and refsrred by th Secre tary of Stat to th popl for tnair approval or rejection at th past regu lar general lctlrn, except wben th Legislative Assembly shall order a P. cial election for that purpose. If a majority of the total number of lec tor voting er easting ballot In th election shall vote In favor of any such amendment It shall thereby be com a part of this constitution. Th votes for and against audi amend-, mint er amendments, severally, wheth er proposed by the legislative Assembly or by Initiative petition, shall be can vassed by the Secretary of State In the presence of the Governor, and If It shsll appear to the Oevernor thst tits majority of the total number of lector voting or castlas ballot at said lection bave voted In favor of said amendment or ' amendments, severally, It shall be hi duty forthwith, after such rsnvess. by his proclamation, to declare the aald amendment or amend ments, severally, having received tn majority of th total number of vote or ballot cast In U lection, to hsv been adopted by the people of Oregon a part of the constitution thereof, and the same shall b In effect a a part of th constitution from tha date ef such proclamation. When two or more amendments shall be submitted In th msnner aforesaid to the voter f this stat at th sam election, they shall be so submitted that each amendment ahall be voted on sep arately. No convention shall b called to amend er propose amendments to this constitution, or to propose a new constitution, unless the law providing for such convention shall be first ap proved by the people on a referendum vote at a regular general election. This article ahall not be construed to Im pair the right of th people to amend this constitution by vol upon an Inl liatlv potitlon therefor." Woman fcuffrage Approved. Anolhar resolution, offered by Mc Kinney and requiring a majority of all votes before any measure submitted under the Initlatlv or the referendum rould be adopted, was defeated In the House. The resolution received 10 votes, or on les than enough for adoption. Moth houses also wsnt on record aa Indorsing tha woman suffrage amend ment, the Initiative petition for which has already been filed with the Sec retary pf State. This proposed con stitutional amendment will be on th official ballot again In th election of November. 1 1 1. The resolution adopted by both bouses on this subject was in troduced by Senator Joseph and de clared that we hsv carefully con sidered th qusl suffrag amendment, aa submitted by inltlailce petition to th legal votsrs of tb state, and can see no reasonable objection to It adoption, and we cordially recommend Its retiflcslioa at the November elec tion In 11S." BILLS ARE IN BALANCE COVNTY JMVISIOX MEASVRE !AY BE VETOED. Spring Creek Hatchery Also Likely to Il KJMrd Dlrulck.' Liquor Act lilt Depot Saloon. SALEM. Or, Feb. . (Special.) Sana tor Wood eouaty division bill will un doubtedly bar Ita Wng cllppsd by th saecutlvs ax la th next day or two, and It I expected that a veto message from tb Governor will accompany It when It t ni'd with th Secretary of State. Thi bill provides that counties shall vote upoa their own division and annexation Instead of leaving It to the people of tb stat. The Governor also has undsr ssrlous consideration M.rrytrmn's bill for a hatchery at Spring Creek In Klamath County, and, according to present Indi cations, this bill will be given It quietus. Considering th fsct that a Board of Fish and Game Commissioners Is to be crsatsd with full power and ample funds to con struct hatcheries, ha U1 no doubt veto the Merryman bill, and In thla connec tion It la lust aa probable that b will ssnctlen th bill cresting tb Board of t'lib and Gm Commissioners. peculiar condition ha srlsen con cerning th Plmtck bill prohibiting the use of liquor In or about any locomotive. ; passenger train or depot. While he will probably approve to dui. in auesnon will remain aa to what disposition It will make of the saloons located In and about th Oregon Lleatrlc depot In Port land. Whether the home rule amend ment will hold good In thla respect, or whether a former Supreme Court de cision that the sta'. has sovereign power over municipalities and to deprive th state of this sovereign power would ... - ,iaia within a atal. will ba ' construed as th correct law In th case. Is something to be yet decided. It I expressed as an opinion that the ques tion may arise as to tbe legality of allowing saloon In depots, such a exist In th Portland depot mentioned. Only Oa BOMO itTlK.s Thst Is I.AXATTYE RROMO QVIVINB. Look r th. ...nature l L W. GHOVE. t'sed the World e'er te Car a Celt la Oa Pay, Its. aai JEl'l BOARD ACTS Engineer Is Chosen to Start Work on Asylum. PENDLETON SITE HOLDS Assistant at Salem Hospital Will Go Over Ground and Lay Water Main a First Mo vo Hoard Will Visit the Properly Soon. EALKJJ. Or.. Feb. 20. (Special.) . Governor West and Stat Treasurer Kay are taking immediate step to go ahad with work on th Eastern Ore gon Branch Hospital at Pendleton and Aaslstant Engtnasr Murphy, of th Oregon Stat Insan Asylum force, ha been selected by the board to be It personal representative on the pro posed work and to hav charg of It mechanical featura. air- Murphy left for Pendleton today and will first sxtend a water main from the city waterworks to th site, (his being deemed th first essential. Itcconiiiiended blto Holds. Th alt will be tlie on recommended by th legislative lnvestlgstlng com mittee, as th board believe that tlis responsibility of th (Its should be placed upon tha shoulder of th Leg islature. Stat Treasurer Kay says that En glnesr Murphy will go over the ground, determine the nature and 4cpth f ,ha soil, and unless something radically wrong develops which all! make the sit as selected by the Investigating committee manifestly Impossible, the board will follow out the dictate of that committee. Th members of the board Intend to visit Pendleton within a week or two and ascertain tha advance being mad by Murphy and at that time probably will make final decision as to what ac tion Is to be taken. Engineer Murphy was formerly a captain In the State Militia and was a plumbar and contractor in Salem for 11 years. When In tha Philippine he waa sslscted as one of the engineer In th Government service and on his re turn took charge of th work at th School for Feebla-Mlnded, wher h was employed four year and later was a member of th engineering force at tbe asylum. Th board I confident that Murphy la a highly competent man for the po sition and he will act for them almost entirely at Pendleton until the asylum Is wsll along toward completion. Th board haa a yet taken no steps toward the aecurlng of an architect or contracts for til propoed Asylum building. COURT SENDS MOURNER Judge McGinn to Represent Circuit Bench at Lord Funeral. Th flv Judge of th Circuit Court In th Portland district had plannad to at tend th funeral of ex-Governor Lord In Salem today, but because of the con gested condition of the docket Presid ing Judge Gsntenbeln considered it un wise to adjourn court. lie therefor appointed Judge McGinn, who will be one of th pallbearers, to represent th court at th funaraL Aa a mark of respect for th 1st ex Governor, th Judge of th local banch will assemble In Department Js'o. I at tb Courthous In Portland at 1 o'clock, where 1L. H. Northrup will deliver an address. Th meeting will last but 10 minutes. Members of tb bar- ar In vited to a present. MAYOR OUSTS OFFICIAL Civil Service Commissioner Removed - by Seattle Executive. SEATTLE. W'-V. Feb. 10. Frank S. Qrlfflth was re ed from bla ssst on th Civil Eervlce Commission tonight by Mayor George W. Dllltng, who preferred charged of pernicious political activity against Griffith. Tha Council sustained th removal and elected R. C. Erkakin. a real eatate dealer, whom Mayor DUUng had selected for th post, io fill tb vacancy. Grif fith waa appointed by ax-Mayor Hiram C GUI and waa actlv In urging hi election In the recall campaign. Draft Horses Bring ft 35 a Head. ELGIN, Or., Feb. 10. (Special.) Ona of lbs most Important horse deala closed here recently wa completed when Gal loway Bros, sold J. T. Williamson, of Portland, seven head of draft horses, re ceives t:6W for th sam. or K2i pr head . t SALEM. Or., Feb. 20. (Special.) Judire Galloway tonight issued to Chief Clerk Flsgg a permanent restraining order against W. D. 8. Mercer and John P. Hunt, selected by Sen ate resolution to revise the Journal, the Injunction being to restrain them from going on with their work. Chief Clerk Flsgg, of the Senate, takes the position that tha Senate cannot change a statute by resolution snd th statute provides that the Chief Clerk snd Cal endar Clerk shall remain after the session aa long as Is reressary to re vise the Journal properly. Judge Galloway's Injunction plves Chief Clerk Flagg full right and privilege to complete revision of the Senate Journal. The Senate adopted a resolution authorizing- Mercer and Hunt, with Cal endar Clerk Rimer, to do tbe work and left out Flagg. tha resolution reading that thee clerk should b paid ft a day "in lieu ef th compenatlon now provided by law." By Inference thla eliminate any compensation for tbe extra work for Flagg and consequent ly he fought the action of th Senate. By advlc of th Attorney-General th question I brought squarely to an Issue and it will be necessary for th court to decide who shall hav char of th work. Attorney-General Crawford advised Colonel Mercer to keep the manuscript of the Journal. This brought the ques tion snauraly to an Issue and Chief Clerk Flng-g sought the courts at once. BILL FOUNT) IX "JCXK" HEAP Legislature (.'Jerks Busy In Search for Missing- Measures. SALEM. Or.. Fb. JO. (Ppsclal.) With a scurrying Ilk children at a fiaanut hunt, clerks of both Houses iav been seeking; lost bills during th lsst 12 hours, and so far all of th lost have been found and tb dark ar of th opinion that th missing bill are now all well in hand. One of most Importsnce which caused trouble related to Increasing the sal aries of ail Circuit Judtes from IS0U0 to 14000 annually. Another that was cresting constsrnatlon was the bill which provide for the districts from which Railroad Commissioners shall be selected and prescribe that on of th Commissionsr shsll come from East of th Cascade Mountains. Both of thes bill were finlly dlcarded In th Ben at In a pile of discarded and lost meas ures labeled "Junk." Great care 1 being exercised follow ing this session to sea that all bill are enrolled properly, signed and cared for, that no error may creep In, uch following th last session, when a bill Improperly handled waa tha cause of a pedal aesslon. KRHOU K"OCKS OCT $3000 Senate BUI Boesn't Say to Whom Whito Plague Sloney Goes. SALEM, Or., Feb. JO. (Special.) Dis covery wss made by Oovernor West to day that the Lock Senate bill appro priating i000 to fight th bubonic plague 1 faulty. Inasmuch as it p proprlates 15000 to be paid from the state treasury, but falls to state to whom it should be paid. The money was appropriated for the purpose of educating Chinese health officers Jn eliminating tuberculosis, but as th bill stands the appropriation cannot become available. West has filed th bill with th Secretary of State. NAVAL RESERVE MAY GO GOVERNOR SAID TO tXTEXD TO VETO BILL. $C5,000 Appropriation Obtained by Ruse, Went Alms to Cut Fund lyKilllng Act. 6TATB CAPITOL. Salem, Or., Feb. JO. (Special.) Governor West will affix hi signature to a veto meag In connec tion with the cretlon ef the Oregon naval reserve, according to a statement made by him this morning. Thla come following some of th most adroit legislative manipulation seen during the e!on and a cnarge ox om of th Senator that those supporting the Naval MUltla broke faith In pulling their measures through. When Jossph's bill originally cam be h. sn.t. he waa asked by aev- eral Senators on the floor if the Naval Militia measure would carry an appro priation and h waa emphatio that it would not. according to allegation made by. member of th Bnat. in thut last wesk of tha aesslon an ap propriation of l,000 for th militia wag slipped into th gnral appropriation bill and passed bom nouses. i was sam bsfor tb way and muns committee that tb reaaon for putting this appro priation In separata and apart from tb bill creatine- th rserv was th chance of th referendum being exercised and In that case they oauevea mat wouia kill th wbol bill and th reaarv well. With thla In view member of th way and mean committee mad but light protest, when In committee of the whole In th Senate. Abraham waa suc cessful in having th 5,000 appropria tion Inserted. Oovernor West now take th attitude that the appropriation was secured through manipulation and ag It la mani festly Impossible for him to veto tbe gen eral appropriation bill, ba will veto th bill creating the reserve and consequent ly nullify the appropriation so It must necessarily remain in the general fund. "There must b a halt called some where In the enormous amount of money which has been thrown around for ap propriation purpoeeo," declared the Gov ernor. 'Today I . have been bealeged by people who have been urging me to allow the appropriation to etand, but I hav Informed tbem that telegrams and mes sage will be but a needless expense a I Intend to vto th bill at th first opportunity." ' v AUTHORITIES ARE PUZZLED rommlwsdon Bill Doe Xot Define "East of Mountain." SALEM, Or.. Feb. 10. (Special.) Whether the bill requiring that one Rall- COMMITTEE FAVORS CIIAXGE OF BOUNDARIES. System Urged by Puah Club for Re. organisation. Acros River and Xo Councllmen at Large. STATE CAPITOL. Salem, Or., Feb. 1. (Special.) Already members of tha State Tax Commission are making f reparation for their task in connec ion with a Joint committee from the House and the Senate which Is to meet and prepare such constitutional amend ments and initiative hills as they may deem proper for submission to th peo ple at the next general election. The commission has secured a large number of copies of all of the pro posed tax measures ami resolutions for constitutional amendments which were Introduced In the Legislature. None of these was given serious consldera Hon by that body with the exception of three because of the fact that the com mittee to work In conjunction with the State Tax Commission would have sol power over the subject. Under the constitutional amendment as passed by the people at the last election all measures relating to taxa tion or exemption, no matter from what source they mlsht arise, must be referred to the people. Th tax measure a proposed were killed on after another. Among those of greater moment were the bills pro viding for a change In the inheritance tax Uws. These were for the purpose of Increasing materially the revenue from Inheritance tax sources and will be considered by the commission and the legislative committee. They met with no opposition in either house, only with the exception that they should be placed before the commission for consideration. The Joint committee Includes Sena tors Joseph. Hawley, Calkins, Barrett of Washington and McColloch, and Representatives Church, Neunr, Col lins Blgelow. Mariner, Johnson and Derby. As far as is known -none of the members of thla Joint committee Is In favor of single tax and It Is known that the State Tax Commission Is di rectly opposed to such a plan of tax- 'Vhe tax commission will start gath ering data for the meeting of the Joint committee immediately. The. commit tee will probably not meet for several months as ther are .till nearly two years before the election, but the com mission Intends to hav a complete and thorough array of facta and figure for its use when the time arrives to pre pare measure to be ubmiUed to the people. WIRELESS INQUIRY ASKED Seattle Man Wants Fraud Proved or Disproved. OREGONIAN NEWS BUREAU, Wash ington. Feb. JO.Senator Jones today a-J A tka RanntA letter f 10711 prviouiwu - - , Attorney E. J. Adams, of Seattle, de manding a uongreio"o. '"" ' Into th operation of th United Wire less Company. , , . Mr. Adam tat that th peopl o' th Northwst hav Inveatad several ii... .took of this con- PIU1ID1I UU'lr, " - - eern. paying 110 to 140 Pr har. Aa a reult of charge mad against the eoneern by the postal authorities this f tock ha dpreolated to IJ.S0 per share. Adama demands invnuM" .. .v,o. I, will ahaalutelv cut the wireless out of business. If It I - A .111 paif Ar r fraudulent concern, mum w ,-. m .t..i. iMii thin nrotact Northwestern Investor 1 th cargss of th department ar not well founded, jon.s took no action further than to present th letter. HOUSE KILLS COLVUXE FEE. Extra, SI, 000,000 for Attorneys Not Due, Says Conferees. urvtiv..in" " " Ington. Feb. 20. The House Pf Repre sentatives today refused to concur In .w. c A mon,imnt tn the Indian appropriation bill withholding 1100,000 of th fund dua tne coivme inuwn order that their attorney may col lect an additional fee of ,90,000. Chairman Burke explained to tha House that these attorneys wer paid 60,000. which was th amount awarded them by th court oi wiaims, ana main tained that any additional payment waa . . hi. ...m ti, tha House refused to accept th Senate amendment ana sent tne pin dsck to conference. , FEUD ENDS IN MAN'S DEATH Hand-to-Hand Encounter Result of Recent Divorce Case. SEATTLE, Wash- Feb. 10 William Miller, aged 40, killed Joseph Pitcher In a hfcnd-to.hand fight nsar Knum Claw. 80 mile southwest of Seattle yestarday. A family feud had existed between th mn for flra years. Two years ago Pitcher' wife, who Is the mother of Mrs. Miller, got a dlvoros from Pitcher and was awarded proper ty worth 110,000. Pitcher wss grsatly embittered to ward Miller as a result of tha divorce. Yesterday Miller, Mrs. Miliar and Mr. Pitcher wer walking; la tho country medicine you are taking is the kind called for by the physician who wrote the prescription, and you sort of have a hankering to see the powerful drugs you re to take into your system. Our prescription counter -150 feet in lengthis open to public view its entire length. You can see what happens to your prescription in our store. We Have Compounded Over One Million Prescriptions Since 1865 is the kind vou Small... 25 you have given it a fair trial. It's a simon- QuS'si.OO Pure oil and we swear by it. Our guarantee In Stone Jugs th every bottle. lYaSiiilo AT THE DRUG COUNTER. Fourth and Washington Streets when Pitcher appeared from ambush and attacked Miller, knocking him down. The women fled to town to get aid for Miller, they say. While the women wer gone. Miller slew pitcher with a round stone, beating his brains out as he lay on the ground alter being felled. MUler surrendered to tb authorities. BLAST SHUTS OUT SIGHT Indiana Man, Dynamiting gturnps, Injured at Stevenson, Wash, STEVENSON, Wash-. Feb. 20. (Spe cial.) While clearing stumpaga land her with dynamite today. Harry Cole man, a recent arrival hero from Mitch ell, Ind.. wa blown 0 ft by a blast, and was picked up unoonseloua. with his sight probably permansnUy injured. Coleman wa it years old and had ben working for a farmar near here for sometime. He had warned several bystanders, watching hi operations, not to go too close to th dynamite, but he apparently failed to heed his pwa. warnings. Ha was brought hero to night and Is under the doctor's care, but may lose his sight. Youth Confesses Larceny. Charged with the theft of wedding gift belonging to Royal W. Raymond, manager of the Industrial bureau of the Commercial Club, who was recently married, C. A. Foulk. a billiard attend ant In the employ of th club, waB last night arrested by petectlves Carpenter and Prlee. Failing to raise SI 00 cash TO PHYSICIANS When the needs of Your Profession Require a pure Tonicai Stimulant Nothing can be Purer or better than 1 I BALTIMORE j 'BYE' I A Bold M ll rrtlM eafts " by Jobbei A II T-lf '' lulnituitw. MA, II ARE SICK You want to get well quick lyyou want to feel sure in umir own mind that the Pure Olive Oil Is the only kind anyone really intends to use, but it's sometimes hard to find like prescrip tions, in a way you've got to trust your drug gist We believe our own brand of oil, "Woodlark" will use in your cooking, once ball. Foulk spent the night in the City Jail. The presents were sent to the Commercial Club during Mr. Raymond's absence on his honeymoun and upon, his return were missing. Suspicion was di rected toward Foulk for the reason that shortly after Mr, Raymond'a marriage he went to San Francisco, yesterday lie confessed and ha took tha detectives to his room at Thirteenth and Salmon streets, where they recovered soma lipen belonging to Mr. Raymond an4 sev eral silver spoons. Only one person In ever faur In London Is earning more than 13 a week. Turkish Bath Quick Rheumatism Cure Qulekly Cures Kidney Trouble, Jfervou rrostratloa and AH Skin piaeases. Well-known physicians ay that tho Ttohlnsou Thermal Bath at home. Is about to become an almost universal eonoueror of disease. Any man or woman can prove its results Insid or H hours, In some cases 30 minutes, In cases of rheumatism, espselally, tha urio acid poison is extracted from , the system through the pores, almost as liquids ar sucked up through a etraw. Drugs merely smother the poi son or sase the pain. They do not ex tract tho poison from the body. Any one can now take Robinson Thermal baths at home and at a eost ef only about !o a bath. The only way to take thse baths is by the use of tho Robinson Thermal Bath Cabinet, whloli Is a unique and marvelous Invention. The Hcbinson Thermal Bath Cabinets can now be seen and examined in Port land at Woodard, Clarke ft Co. Ask the dealer also for a copy of that great bock, "The Philosophy ot Health and Beauty." The regular price Is S. 00, but you can get one free now for only a limited time. If you cannot go yourself, just send your name and address to the f:oblnon Manufacturing: Company, Suite 000. Snowflake Bid., Toledo, Ohio, for full Illustrated information, free. For Dyspepsia You Risk Nothing by Trying This Remedy. W want everyone troubled with 1P dlgastion and dyspepsia to come to our tore and obtain a box of Rexali Dys pepsia Tablets. They contain B smutc Subnitrate and Pepsin prepared by a process which develops their greatest power to overcome digestive disturb ance. Rexali Dyspepsia Tablets are very pleasant to take. They soothe tha ir ritable, weak stomach, strengthen and Invigorate th digestive organs, re lieve nausea and Indigestion, promote nutrition and bring: about a feeling ot comfort. If you give Rexali Dyspepsia Tab lets a reasonable trial we will return your money If you are not satisfied with ths result- Three sizes. 25 cents, (0 cents and $1.00. Remember, you can obtain Rexali Remedies only at Tha Owl Drug Co., Xno. a. "i.A Hlb- Ington Sta,