17 TIIE MORXIXG OREGOXIAX, TUESDAV, FEBRUARY 21, 19lf SQUEEZE III GOFFEt I Expected Movement by Bulls Has Started. MARKET LIFTED A CENT Arhoril Bojs np all the Spot Storl In r York and Everything Afloat From Iirsjll Trail Is cited. Ti!mnu rcivd from Nw Tork yestsr day woo .4 Indicate thai tha ball are cio g.ttlna- reedy to boost thetrofTee. nar..t. la fa.-, en of tn Uuint operator oo tiatarda. bought up oil tho available sup pi. ea. bMH spot and afloat, and Iho market promptly advaacl oaa coat a pound on Foatno. to 11 cent aad aealy ano coat aa Ri-x to 11 coata Europaa as 4 r.raxillsn markets naturally advanced, la tympithr an It la Just pos !&: the lon-talkd-of aqaeez la Marea may ko begtnatriff to form. CaMoa received from a rponltlo Saaloe natsM state) that a syndicate baa bought p Liee.OO bag and sdde tbat tbla mora la practicable, poaaiblo and probable. Thla. wlta tko buying of Now Tork spots aad anuata, aatarally puta ibo boll eleraeal la a very strong poaiuoa. aa It I gwieralty erarodod that stock la Now Tork axo ItgM aad ' tbat oao month' ool aavta wosld eloaa ap all desirable coffees. 10913c per pound-. .r-en onions, 20e per dor; heed latluce. Moc por dox.; peppers, 2e pr lb.: pumpkins, 2c per lb.; radiabea. 3UQc per dosen; sprouts, Sc; tomatoes, 11.75 t2. Pr box. POTATO!-:. Oregon, buying price. fl.3 I1.40 pr hundred; sweet potatoes. 84 per bond--.! OMuXS Buying prlca. $2 80 por hundred. T.tr. tic 9W CosToa Marine Kxrltaat. JtrT TORK. Feb. I. Coffee futarsa closadi a shade oS from lbs boat nnder re aitalcg bat steady at a sat advance of rra M u It poiata. Sales. 11.04) bag. I V-bruary aad March. It 70c: April. It.TSc; Sly. June aad July. 10 tie: August. lO.Tte; eptambor. l.e: October. l.lc; Novem f bar. 1 4-; December and January, lt.'to. r ftp. ooCee. No. 7 Rio. i:kttle; X. f 4 Saatoa, 11 tic ili'.i eetr qulst. Cor dova. ll913a. MALI. DEMiXD IX GRAIN M1MCT. Ll4lhl rrtc Grain, rtonr, Frrd Whtt Trsrk prices: p:urtm. rlub. 7o: rd Kuuitu, 76977c; Vaile;. 4o fo'.l TV f T V. UAkLXV "od. f23ttXf per to; brsw Ina. aomtnsL iri.ijiTLFr ntu. tiims per ton m'.Mlm. I.T ii sborts. i tj 2i: rolled barley. HZ.JUit Ji.:.X KIeK 1'atenis. $4.It per barrel strsiibts. ITPi: oxoorta. t3.t: Valley. graham. $4 whnli wheat, quarter. $4.9. ri'RS Whole, ; rrarlted. i-9 per too. OATS Vo. 1 whlta. 4'7 ft L'T .V) per ton. HAT Track crlr: Timothy. Extern nrrrM N'v 1 llUt2l? mixed. 1 1 "f I fills. tl'.'e12&u; grlia bay, IUI1J.M clover. CliiU Dairy and Cow try frodara. POT-LTRT Liver Hne. 11C-. .Orrlncs. i:f i:'ac. dreeeed turkej-a, choice. w;s Orrian ranch, candied. SIDK'ic per 1"xn. mrrrtll Ctty creamery extra. 1 and poacd prints, la boxeo. 33e per pound; Icai ihin bii.i. ri rtoika ond delivery extra. CHEtSK Full cream, twine. lStilCo por pound; jrouas America. HH vlic POUK Fancy. llttllSo per pound. VKAL Isncr. SJ to Impounds. 13Vi14w per pound. Provlelons. KAM3 10 to 11 pound. ITHc: IS to 14 Pouads. 17L,c: 14 to Id poonda. 17Hc skinned. 17e; picnics. lac; coitsso roll. bliOKED HEATS Beef tonsKea. "So dtief beef seta. Tic; eutsluee. aom.; Ins Ides, J4-; knuckles. - - BACON Ksnry. He; staadard. Strpa ehilee. IJtec: Kncisn. l'4r. bill SALT CLlttt Itexiilar short clear. dry salt. 14 e; smoked, to c; backs, light, salt, l4o; smoked. H"c; barks, heavy, salt. l4sc; smoked. UVi; esporta, salt. lc; smoked. l. Wc - l-ARl Kettle rendered, tlereeo. I4Via tubs. 14 c: stsn-txrd D'ire. tierces. 13s4C tubs, 13e; rbolre. tierces. 12c; tubs, liwc; shorl.nlng. tierces, lOe; tuba, lotac Ben, T4Tool. rlloea. Fte. Ilnw 1 : crop. Iilv-: l'v crop, 11 V14e: contract. 134 lc. WoOL eastern oreroa. i:lc per lb. sc.or.!iii to sarinkssa. Valley. 17 011M per pound. KltAIR Choice. SOe per pound. Illl.ta Baited hides. 7 Ho per pound aaltod calf. 13c; salted kip. TVtr: saltoi siscs, 6c: imi hld-a. le less; dry hides, 17c; dry calf. 17sJ lie; dry stacs, 11 0 llo IEX.T3 lrr. iutsc; salted. butcbera take-otr. f0e. CA.H. AHA 11ARK .V? per pound. GRAIN BACKd Car I" IS. T semi Offevlass are Very larkoatred. The grain market opened for tbo week without new development of any kind. There waa a lack of demand for wheat and practically bo onTerlBgs. but la aplta of the Irxctlvity tJ-.e undertone waa qulie steady. Oais and barley were quiet and anehaaced. Loral receipts, la cars, wera reported by tho Merchants Exchange aa follows: Wheat Barley Flour Oata Hay Monday v 49 14 54 -ar sso 31 4 24 2 21 lo dill M'.1 4.-IT 1414 KtO TJ leer as- 77. 1 1 4-4 14V4 ;T 2--vl Ih" weekly wheat ata-lsncs of-lhe Mor chiLs Exchange follow: American Vlsibls Supply Puehele. 111 4?.47H.uiM F-hruary I"-Nrtsry -ft. r'ei-riirr 2:;, rbruary .'I, February 2. Khrirr Frusry ;7. h-t.rusry - ll'lo.. I"1". . 1 '.. 1'7 . . ItHM. . l'J. . v4. . February 34. 1JV2 .. .2.VS7.' .. .S.le;'.tHe ...44.47')- .. .41 il I. Oi HI .. .41.1"2 " .. .2-1. 3.1.4. - . . .S-t.?.1- ...&t.eb.XMI Dwrrease. .VVO-wJ 1 3"4 IX-O l.l. "2.0 3.lk. V2U.O-4 1.37l.koj l.UT.wti Ir. Quantities on Fassage Week erifttng Feb. II For rtushela . K 23.7-:--" Week ending . mtuaent . l'..l.J.U-JO Wk ' onllng Feh. 1 rb. 2. Tltieheie F'uahels l2.!WO.k.J :i.2.V.tS-0 Totala ...40.220.000 3S.SIO.rXM el.4UO.O--0 n vns s foipra-nis Itiour incioa-nir . Week tMle. LTNP K TO OIX. Faro raw. In barrsla, 11.07; kettle boiled. In barrels, tl.00; raw. In rases. l 12: kettle boiled. In rases. 11.14. I ota of S&o gallooa. 1 per cent less per gal lon. COAL OIL Water While. Iron bbls. I wood bbls. 10c; I'earl oil. casea. 1W; Headlight, tr. n bbis. 11c: cases. 15c; wood bt-is.. 13c; Enceae. caeca, in 4: special White. Iron bMs. 12 -tiC. wood bbla 18 Sc; Elaine, cases, 27c; extra Blar. exsee, luc; V. si. 4s F. naotus. Iron bbls. lie; cases. 22c. OASOLINE Red Crown and motor t ollne. in Iroa bbls. 14xc casee. "JSc; e4 gssollna. Iron bbls. 3t. cases. a7we; englaa dlstlllata. Uoa bbls, THr. cases. 14xc, Week ending Feb. II From rtushela C n.. Caa.. 2. 1 i.kwi Argentina .. i.4.i-r Asstrwlla, .. XV-; 0o. IaMsa p'ts .."-." Ruesta . . . 1,( 4 InJia ...... 3.-I.COV Week ending sndiuc r-h. i fah. 2. '--a Ttu-ihels 2 274.0.M 5. t-'2.ls 2.720. n 3.l2.fkH P04.000 uh 1.417 X 2.4-n.'k-t l!W4 40.uta Totala ...llST.000 World's shipments. L 0t3.ooo to Total atnea July 2 IO. r. and Canada.. 77 scAnoo Argentina 37. 7?eVO-' uetrsl; ? Oicl Tanuhiaa pwtnta. .. ati.7W.e Rurste, 144.7'MO-al 2 ad la 30.7-axiN kOOU 1 1.0; data: Same period la-tt Mtsa li.-. J 19 o. il.7.,4..l-- 2,.14.0-o .3.-V"0i 144.'.hV-m( 3V.472.Ovt) V Totala ...... .Sa 1.418. 000 roH m.sos 127.60C.00O FOl'XIMl HOPS. roxTm.4XT v Tiaenwo; taj tho t-se la It wwa reported yesterday tbat a contract for SO. OOO poanda of llt hope at 14 come had boea made wita 1-ee Loy and Ilea tThaatr. of Caarapooc by the Chlmaanx. Thara was aot trading la spot bops, ao far aa could be learned. Jterahsrd I1 1 eg wrttoa from Nuremberg. onder data of Jaauary IS, at tha Cermaa -Bark at: "Frlcea have risen rapidly la tha last wseka aad wa sow actually pay f.sr all grajis ef hop to to 13 per rent higher than some weeks ago. Thosa who predicted at tha begiantng .of tho season a coa-ilerabla Increase af prtrea In view of tba import ant rwitftcUoa of acreage of hop cultlva. tMn wera right. Our various producing points ara entirely sold out aad tha atock of tba market is smaller than la otbir 7 tars at tha corresponding time." Gracwrira. Dried Frails, Elr. DRIED Fill." ITS Apples. 11011He per lb.; carrsnts. 13Sc; sprtcots. 14Sillc; dates, packago. IdVer per lb.; figs. bulk, whila or black, by sack. 7 0 be. 6-s. tl.oott 1.73; I2-12e. 3c; 1412s. (X23; lo-ls. :; fimrynss. lttc PAL.il ON I'olumb'a River. 1-pound tails. S2.la Dc r doi-B : 1-pound tails, 1114: 1- pound fls's. 42.40; Alaska pink. 1-poaad talis, COUtt Roasted, la drums, 23 3 34a per pound. NI'TS Walnuts. 174ejio per pound: Praxll nuts. 14 IS 14c; filberts, 1u; almonds, 149 11c; pecans. lc; cocoanuts. Vuoutl per dosea; chestnuts, ISSe per pouad; blckory nut-, sfailoo per pouad. bAI.T tlranulated. 1 13 per ton: half, ground. 1ms. ! .",0 per ton; 30s, '. per ton. IltANS Small white. 4 4c; large white. 4-c: Lima. a.voc; pink. 4Vc; red Mexicans. 4Uc; bsou. tc. KIi'K No, Japan. 4ic; che-peP gradca, 93.-y4 33; Kouthcrn head. 2 V t 7a. HONEY rChoico. 4X73 per case: strained. 9 Ho per pounds. St'tiAR Dry granulated, fruit and berry, tV3; best. 14 10, extra C 44. ku; golden C S4.7o; yellow D. $4.4"; cubes Ibarrela), I4.U3: powdered. 94.4.V. Terms on rcuilt--tancea within 1 days, deduct 'tc per pound. If later thsa 13 davs and witbla 30 days, deduct He per pouad. Maple augsr, l&ts lbe per pound. KGT-cl DFXTJNE TO LOWMT riUCK. wis Is Made oat Frwwt Strewt a4 11 Cents. Poultry -trarc. -Arthongh the consumption of orgs la heavy, local retailers ara holding their pur chases down to day-br-day roquiramenta. As tha arnvala ara la azcesa of this conserva tive buying, prices continue to fall. Tba general, quotations for aingla casea yeeler l dsy wera 22 and 22 s cer.ta, bbt orre blok ox 23 casea waa gold on aa atrz-of-towa or der at 21 cents. Tha Eastern egg marksta have turaed Brmer. Tha Chicago quota "V, twn yesterday was IP cents, aa advance rf cob' aver tha middle of last week. The Saa Fraaclsco market waa armor at 22 cents. Only a few coops of poultry wera received and the prtcoa of Saturday were rrpevted. Flutter and cheese wera steady and both were In good demand. Good I -reduce Rr-reipte. Testerdxy'a receipts of fresh prod ue In cluded a car each of cabbage, lettuce, cauli flower, mixed regetabl-wc and oranges. There were no chana of Imuortanca la any of the prlcee. Business was on a fair scale. Baak riewrlBgw, Rank clearings of the Northwestern citlea yesterday were as follow: Clearances. Balances Portland ....42.1.W12H i17 .Vn) l-cattle a...2-l..MI lacoma 4M 5okane T11.V42 l"4.'el i.27 71.171 PORTLAND M VKKET. Vegrtablre aad Fruits. APPLES Fsney. 11. JO ej 2. 50; eholos. fttf L23; common. 3clll per box. SAfK V&:E7ABLK--srrots. 00c$l hundrvd: parsnips. 11; turnips, 90ci; beets. 41. TS. ORKKN FK7-tT Pears. 41.SO JH.T5 Pr box; M alaxaa. 44V7..V per sbarrsl; craabor ties. $1:1.30 par tarreL , TROPICAL, Mini Oranges. navels. 920230 per box: Florida grapefruit, 93.S0; California grapefruit. 9Jo3.: bananas. 60 per pound, pineapples. Ac per pound: lemons. r4.;2''4: tenscrine-i. 41. 7i per box. VB.iETAuL.i-Jj Cabbage. 41-23 9 1.30 per 1a. cauliflower. 92 v XI.'. per crate: celery. California. 139X23 per crate; cucumbers 91 per box: eggplant. 130 per pouad; garlic. POTATO MARKET EASY LOVER rniCKS QFOTKO BY SE ATTLE IEALEi;S. Egg Sellers Are Rorlh. Itut I.o eclpts Are Not Ilcarj Hour Trade Ji.tprovinjj. SEATTLK. Wash.. rK a Sp-rt4U Tb do-Br.r.rd ttn..4m-jr In th tg mirkt continued today, althoupth uipliea wrrj not off ic lent ta brrakt markft tad th 4mef.DJ was act it. Sntinie-nt, however, vu emtrrnitfr beartah. Frrah ranch wera qooted at 3T cents and fresh K a tarn at Si and t-fnta. Tha built of ttia cheap Kaaiern ;( ara not tlua to arrive until late ii the week. rouliry. butitr and chet-atp war la food demand at unrhaajttMi ruea. tteveial carlo. of finer a;plea reached tha ettv ttxlav. and atl-d materially in rellevlr.r t!i hortne of fancy fruit that baa esiat4 for f .-ral t!it A! extra f4.r1.-T fruit wa hll at The market la nearlr haro of bAuaiuiva and ttuaa ara d ua un t U Kr: Ua y. Cucumber an-i itmatftea war srarra, Cloutly w rat her haa prevented the develop mm I of cucuml era in lcal sreenhouaea. Oo-d ra!lf'rnla and Kaatera ctibck aold to dar at Tha potato market waj easy with Wet oftVrd at U'tj3i Tba s rain market were nomlnallr chanced. Tba demand tor flour ia provinf. FRODVCK AT S.Ut FR.NCl.SCa ta4mtla-aa CnrrvaH 1 " Ui-a Bar City Mar kcta. FRANCIeSCO. V. Tha folloar- tug prrduc prlct-a were current today: Vesetabit- Cucumber. $1 y I tO; frarlic, 4jc; cren p-aa. tjlOc; atrtnc beana. nominal; toiixatKia, Tlcj$l.l5; Kg plant, 19 i l.'c. ..utter Fancy creamery, 57c. Ktttca Store. TOc; fancy ranch. J'e. t t hreer Voung America, lUt 17 Sc. MillaLutra Braa -ti27; miudJXnia $32.59 Fruit Applaa. choice. II; common. Tic; alKican lime, iXjO?; ralifurnia lemons, choice, 1z common. $I.5o; oranfea, navel. Ikioty i.JO.'ptnppplc, J ij irotato4fe jilina. l-:urbanic. 1X10 9 SO; aweet, JJijf:2i; Ore con Bur bank. $L.0(1 Ma onion $:.:s Hay W heat. $s U 13 per tnn; Wheat and oata. $vtl.&e; alfalfa. $rll. Keceipt Flour. 5330 quarter sacks; wheat. S7e cent 4.1; barley. cental; oata, 2iw cental; potioea. h'Jil sacks; brmn. fcw sacks; bay, 23 tons. th an lru- BUYERS PHY WELL Choice Vethers Are Taken a Dime Advance. EWES BRING FULL PRICES Harvester in vi dead lnrrenacs. XIIT TORK. Feb. 2A. Ths International narvester Company today declared a quar terly dividend f li per cent on the com mon stock. This Is an Increase of one quarter of 1 per cent In the dividend over Uiat declared the previoua quarter. Hope at New York. NEW TORK. Feb. 20. Hops Steady; Pa cific Coaat. llo. lSa21c Wool at t. Lonls. "T. LOU 1 14. Kb. 20. W.k.1 rnchanced. Temtorv and Western medium. 15 tl 2-c; ana mediums. Italic; flue. 12 -a 12c Hop at London. LIVERTOOl Feb. 10. Hops at London. Pacific Coast, firm, (4 4s t3 3s. Eastern Butter Market. FLOIS'. IlL.'Feb. 20. Buttar atcsdr. 3d He; output 433.0UO rinds. Cattle of All Kinds Also Sell at Firm Rates la Spit or Liberal Of Jcrlngs Xo Hogs Recelred. Business opened up on a lively seals at tha stockyards yesterday. Over 1404 bead of aheep aad cattla were at tba disposal of tha buyers and with an active demand evidence prices were on a firm basis throurh out. No hogs wera offered. Tha sheep market showed an adTanoa over last week's prices, whsn a bunah of 31T head of wethers wera gold at 44 44. Other wethVrs brought 94.94. Ewes Bold at 92.10 and 94. - About Ave loads of choice steers wars old at 94.73 aad from that Bgura tha prlca sans-ed down ta 13.24. Cows. Duiut aaa stags brought good prices Tha receipts over Sunday were 444 cattle. 11 calves aad HIT sheep. Shippers of tha stock were: Sam Han-la. St. Anthony. Idaho, 1 cars of cattle: L O. Hod Ins. EL Anthony, 1 cars of cattla aad calves; J. yf. Stoddard. St. Anthony, 1 car of sheep; J. B. Saylor, Echo, 1 ears of cat tla; J. K. Smith Livestock Company, Bern hardt. 1 car of aheeay; 'Wood Livestock rem nan r. llarkst Lake. 4 cars of sbeap; R. 11. citanaeld. 1 caa, of aheep; C S. 'Walker. Echo. 1 cars of cattle; K. J. Brown. Haines, 1 cars of cattle; Kldwell at Caswell. Baker, 1 caxa of cattle; W. T. Davidson, Montague, Cal.. 1 car of catlle; C. S. Hammond, Mon tague. 1 cars of cattla: T. T. Cox. Falls Bridge. 4 care Of alieep; W. yVetsh. Lowdsa. Wash.. 4 cars of cattle, and w. Bonner, Joseph, 1 car of sheep. The foor ear of iheep brought In from FsUs Bridge by V. T. Cox made up tha first ahlpment ef livestock sent la over tha new Una to Madras. Tha day's sales warn as 1 j cows .. 1 7 cows . . 2 4 heifers 21 calves . 14 steors . . 21 steers .. 4 bulls ... 1 steer . . . 1 4 steers . . 21 T aethers S'' caes .. l: ewes ... 1ID ewes . . . Ill wethers 2 wethers 1. ewes ... 13 7 ewes .. 1W4 ewes .. 10 Steers .. 1 stag .... 1 slug ... 1 stag .... 1 stag ... 1 Slug ... 24 Steers .. 24 Steers . ;'! steers . . 24 Steers ... 24 steers .. 7 j steers ... 2 .1 alt-era . . , follows Weight. Price. 44.35 s 4.74 4.00 4.4a 4 34 4.64 I 75 4 40 4.40 3 .44 3.84 4.10 4.30 4 00 4.00 4 00 4.73 4.00 4 4.75 4.7S 4.74 4. 4.75 4.30 4.00 4.00 a. SO 4.26 4.40 4.00 4.0 4.1.1 4.00 4 00 a oo 4. 4.74 4.7S 4.74 440 1.4.0 1 OO 4.0 100 00 , 43,0 vsrlous clssses of L'oion Stockyards . .. 1U"3 1014 72 Il M 01 1127 1140 1024 lOt 104 it 120 S 44 121 Ill 127 31 1260 mo .....1400 171 11S0 124 12S0 1240 1146 1072 142 121 no . ....10 4 1071 1H 1U6I .....1"77 li)4 1T14 is ....1240 1J70 ....1.14 .....1400 ,....121 ..... 44 ...l ooait li ... 4.74 ty 4.0 ... 0.23 i 4.74 ... 4.O04? 4 00 ... 4.00 0 0 75 ... 4.7&Q 4.00 ...er.OUU 4.09 ... i 4.40 ... 4.0y 5.15 ... 4.25 4 60 ... 1.75 4 00 1.00y 1.50 7.76 V 4.00 7(K 7.60 t iit 6 6 1.76 t 4.76 6.00,r 4 26 4.00 tt 4.40 1.251 g 75 .00 1.16 t.SOty 1.30 IS steers It steers 32 steers steers .............. 27 steers 24 steers 74 steera 27 Steers ?4 steers .............. 2 J steers 1 stag 1 stag 1 etg 1 bull I bull 121 ewes horses 1 horse, chunk !rlces current on tha stock at the Portland were aa follows: i'rlme steers Cood to choice steers .. Fair to good steers ... 'iHnnmn steers 'holes to prime cows tioml to choice beef cows... in m on to fair beef cowa... holce spared heifers teHat to choice heifers...... 'holes to good fat bulla Fair to good fat bulls ommen oulls loo.l to choice light calvea. Fair to good light calves... rod to choice heavy calvea. '( m in u eslvea Clo..d to choice stsgs ralr to good stags Hogs a Cholco hogs t.oo.i to choice nogs ......... Poor hogs .................. e'hreo Choice yearling wethers, grain fed 4.250 4.44 1.1 werncrs 4.004. 4 2 J 'h.tlce ewes, grsln fed ........ sun, ana rajr 10 medium awes, grala fed 2.7C4S I.2E hoice IarU.. grain fed.. a. 76 &a s ne O.Md to choice, grata fed 4 50 r a7R Fair to good i iu X Lt -o..r lamoa . . 1.604 1.6 Hay-fed aheep and lamba 40c n,.n grain-fed. 1 urrent prices In the horse market fol- ow: r.itra nea-y drafters. llT.OuJTt: l4na to Mo pounds. tISOtiltiO: IL'00 n lun pounds. 4l00i 240; chunks, 99044 140; drivers. 41C up: saddlers. 140 up; plugs. 9 10 40. Chicago IJrewtoek Markets. rillCAOl). Feb 20. I'alf le n.,.1.1. ! mat c.l at loo.to. kfnrke-. ataadv to trie n. Ueeves. 45114.75: Texas i..n una 6. AO: Westera steers. 14.60STX4X- mtJ.t.Z. and feeders. 42. It t i.70 : coBa 'au'd hollura Utii..g; rxivss, 47. Hogs Kecaipts estimated at 14.000. Mar- airong to a afiaoe up. Light. 97.20 mixed. 17.1047.12: h - . . 7. rough. 97 f ..IS; good to choice heavy. 97 is 7.40; bulk of sales. 47.1001.40. Pheep Rocslpta eat 1ms ted at 22.000. Mar ket arm to loe up. Native, 11.1004 75 Western. 9J.10t4.0: yearlings. 94 105.76: amoa. native, saws 40; Western. 41.26 4.40. EARLY LOSSES REGAINED STOCK MARKET IS XEHVOtS MOST OP DAY. ket 6 leavy Buyinff of tho Could Issaesi IHH-llne la Time Loans Bonds Are Irregular. NEW TORK. Feb. SO. Increasing re lurtanco to aator on fresh speculative ven ture, at the present uncertain period was Indicated by tha small volume of trading today on tha fc'tock Exchange. News from Washington of tha Increased likelihood at an extra session of Congress added to Wall street's nervous apprehsnston. Prices declined swiftly In tha first hour. St. Paul. Reading and Consolidated laa broke a point at tha outset. Prices Improved slowly until . Wilted fttates Steel. Union Pacific, Lehigh Valley and Missouri Pacific bsd gained a point, Reading two points and the list, as a whole, hsd reached or slightly bsttered Saturday's last figures. Toward tha clos. heavy buy ing of the Gould stocks aad bords led to the bidding up of other stocks to tha high est level of tha session. International Harveatsr was ths central figure of tha mornlnr trade. It rose mora than three polrMs while tha market was awaiting word of tha directors action on the dividend, -report havtng had It that tho dividend rata would be increaaed from 4 to 4 per rent. When It became known that tba dividend declared a-as at tha rata of S per cent yearly, the stock dropped quickly, losing mora than tha amount of Its earlier gain. Flotation of new securities. Including non.fW) 4 per cent bonds of the Chicago. Biu-UBgiAi ax Qulncy, and 99.000,000 S per cant bonds of tha Consolidated Coal Com pany waa a-inouDced.- Loans mere placed for six months on In dnstrisl securities tt m per cent. This is tha lowest quotation tor thla particular claaa of accommodation In many months. Tha bond market was Irregular. Total sales, par value. 94.Sls.O00. United States bonda wera unchanged on call. CLOSIXQ STOCK QUOTATIONS. Closing Sales. Allls Chal pf ., Amal Copper .. 8,400 Am Agncult .. 4m) Am Beet Sugar. 6,400 Amer'c&a Cun., 4'MJ Am Car tt Fdy. 7m) Am Cotton Oil. 2v0 Am Hd I.t pf Am Ice r-'ecurl.. .. . . . . Am Linseed .... Am Locomotive. BOO Am bme! Hef 4,fH) do preferred.. '00 Am Steel Fdy. ...... Am Sugar Ref.. loO Am Tel A Tel.. HOO Am Tobacco pf. 4v0 Am Woolen .... Anaconda M Co OV) Atchison 3.5O0 do preferred.. ;t0 Atl Coast Line.. Vim) Halt Ohio ... . 00O Bethlehem gleet loo Itrook K Tran.. 4."1 Canadian Pac. 1 . . hj Central Leather. l.0 do preferred.. 200 Central of N J Ches 4t Ohio ... S.0 Chicago a Alton ...... Chi tit West do preferred.. loo Chicago ft N W 2i0 C. M ft Kt P .. 1,500 c, c, c a st l Col Fuel Iron 4O0 Col a Southern. Consol tin . . .. 2..1O0 Cora Products.. 100 Del ft Hudson D A ft lirande. 600 do preferred,. ...... Distillers Secur lKl Erie 17.2iO do 1st pf .... l.SxO do 2d pf .... 1.2"0 Gen Electrlo ... loO Ot North pf ... i.4i lit North Ore . . 300 Illinois Central....... Interbor Met .. 70 do preferred.. nM Inter Harvester B.500 121H Inter Marine PL 1O0 Int Parer ..... ...... Int Pump Ko Iowa fentrsl .. 10 K C Southern J.S110 do preferred.. .'i0 Laclede Ons . .. 1.OO0 Louis ex Nash... Minn a St I.... 200 M. S P at 8 8 M 400 Mo. Kan Tex 1.2O0 do preferred. XIo Pacinn .... 11.100 Nat Biscuit Net Lead ..... loo Meg N Ry 2 pf VO N T Cenlril . . . 1..HU N T. Out -a KtO Norfolk Wea loO North Ara .... 1 North I'actflo .. 4"c( Pacific Mall ... .wo trnnsylvanla ... !.ta Peoples Gas ... 500 P. o c a Ht L Pittsburg Coal.. loo pressed 8 Csr.. TOO run ri car .. ioo Ry Steel Spring lo Resdlng Republio Steel .. - 700 Ho preferred . Rock lsllnd Co4 3.TOO High. Low. "ct.h 'oi'hi MS t.14 46 V. 4.4 r.n, fid CO ID '42"" "ii" 7- 7S lo5 10.1 1 ?v 1184 IIHH 146 140 U7 W6i "io-ti 3t. 107 Vs 1"!H 1I3 102 12-24 121S itint lor.s :i2 321. 7t-, 7S 212 21 1 ii el 'H 31 S, 1U4 Vt I04 's.Vs 'si'' J41 14M 127 120' "ii k iii4 iii 14H Ui 'i-i 'is ii '?.h ".;.4 S2 SI -14 M -4 M 4iS 39'i IMS l.'4l 11-944 184. 02 ' 02 - "ii't. r.4 4 12m 1174 17 17- 'irt'C '43" i' l' 54 '4 34 7 4 . 7 ' 112Vs HIS 'ik'i 'is'i 14S 14-H ,3-- S4-. "6854 5t" SH 37 H 112 11 Is 43 42 1 lost, l"'li 71- 7114 127H l'-'r'S 2.1-4 2.".- 100 is lotj "ai)i 'io' 3s, sr.1 IHIlVs itios 3d .16 iv 84 V 34 '324 'si- 1,1 014 42', 4 'tis'" '7 r.s .' 111114 41W 214 2S 60 63 3S 4 37 1 2!'S 2S', 23 t 23- 33 .V.H 17B--. 178 '4 1)3 HIS 6H 4 s 4 4rt 44 '4 M4 f"'4 liS linv. 4." 4 43 S 6A 6.14 174 l'"-i SS4 304 "T-ivi 'ii" ii 1774 llld. 32 114 4 1.14 40 4 4 R64 .19 4 24 1 21 . 11 4 41-4 7 11)5 30 11S 14H tt-ii 33 3U4 104 102 . 122 4 100 4 32 4 7R-S 2114 31 4 lo." 4 2K1 M 34 22 H 4.1 14-('i 127 t'.4 34 Ml 141 4 14 4 Jim 4 834 72 4 30 32 4 614 40 4 1M 124 f.2 4 135 14 634 1174 l'lB 11 43 4 1S, 34 4 312 4 1404 2H4 ltd - 4- 7 122 4 5i4 SI 4 112 41-4 1h(4 71 4 127 4 23 4 127 3 OH HB 4 204 SV.4 3 no 3l isn't 34 4 4 81 41 32 4 6714 K4 4 11114 2" 4 63 ' 34 21" 23 '4 r.2 17!4 1)3 4 67 4 4.14 SI lli4 43 4 on 17 '4 3S4 Ml 4 70 4 74 4 r. 4 1774 3 4 do preferred. . .1"0 St L a S K 2 Pf bOO St L Southwest do preferred.. noo Sloes Hhcftield.. 10 Southern Pnc 2.3M Southern Ry .. 2.f.'iO do preferred.. 2,H Tenn Copper ... r"0 Texas a Puc . . 1.2"0 Tol. St L ex We 2o do prererreo.. iat Union Psc . 12. eon do preferred.. f S Realty ... 2"o U 8 Rubber ... .oO V S Steel 82.IHK) do prererreo.. e.-o T'tah Copper .. 2'H) Va-Caro Chem.. 8.2oo Wabaah t" do preferred.. 0, i'Hl W.-stern Md Westing Llee Western Union.. 400 Wheel A- L E v.n.v A Mril Total galas ror tno aaj, ooe.uvw NEW YORK BONDS. .- - e. - ml lTC sen 24. Kt A n eonnon ...101 ......in . u n . : ; -,. iuia. do coupon . . . J"--)-, 1 1 ----- - U 8 now 4 reg..llO is cent mm. do coupon ...J") h"!""1 v- .... D ft R CI 4S.... !' I Money, Exchange, Ktc. NEW YORK. Feb. 20. Money on call. '. C24: ruling rate. 24; closing oia. o. rT,meUloanV.r 60 gS ccnt; 90 days. 3(34: lx ""i11'- ,!nV . . - 1 I a i4tiap alrrrisx Ls. Txaaf 4 V M I " ' ..-..a firm with ftntUtt bUS- 60-day nine, ano ai -"-' Commercial nnia f..oTi Bar stlvsr 32 4c Mexlcan dollars 45c. LONDON. Feb. 20. Bar stiver Steady, 24 3-lrtd per ounce. r.ta of discount in th a open market for snort dins is ier , ... bills. 1 1-1 par cent SAV FRANCISCO. Feb. 20 Sterling on London, so uajs, n il's : siani, .... Irafts Slgnt, c; leiegrui.o, iu OHICAOO, Fob. 20. Exchanga on Naw York, par. Conditio ot tba Treaaory. WASHINGTON. Feb. 20. At ths begin Ing of business today the condition of tha nited 6l.tes Treasury wsa: Working balance In Treasury of- floe --'J-',l In banks and Phlplpplno treasury 32.13s.n.iii Totsl balance In general fund... 84.H31. Too . UAint. ...rnliv 3.020.6111 The deficit to date this nnauce year, 10.ii31. aa against 926.377.025 at this time last year. These figures exciuae x-snania i.mi public debt transactions. . Boston Mining Stocks. Iloueg SC ,'Mohawk 44 mil Copper... 44.N'ev Con 10 Am Z I. A Smlt. 24 .Mpisslng Mines. 114 Arli Com 15 N Putte 2 llsntlo 34 North UKe B A C CSM... 124'Old Dom 30 Bu'.te Coal. IS 4 lteeoia w- lu Jr Arlg ... 314;Parroit (st;)... ia .5115 -Qulncy G7 . 124 shannon 11 r? 1: r-o. . . . OS ..sunertor So Ri.tt. Con af. 121i.--u A Bos M . . . 54 Franklin lo I Sup ft pitta Cop 14 4 Ulroux Con . .61 l-16:lamarack 43 iranby Con .... A L omicor.vi ... ; v ireeno Can .... 6 I do preferred .. 47 le Royalla C) 134 Utah Con 13 Kerr Lak 4iUtah Cop Co ... 4.14 Iaks Cop 86"4Wlnona t k Salle Con .. .1 woncnui ......jv Miami Cop S4l aiu Arix . . ill Hecla... enrnnial .... Metal Markets. NEW TOP.K. Fab. 20. Standard copper. quiet. Spot, Fsbruary. March and April, 12.20912.30c London, stesdy. 6pot, fo5 bs; futures, 133 17s 6d. Arrival reported at v,v York, 500 tons: custom-housa returns show exports of 11.674 tons so far this month. Lak copper.' 12.624 0 12-8T4c; electrolytic, 12.37 4 12 62 4o and casting 12 v 1 2.25c. Tin. unsettled. Spot. 44ff45c; February, 43 7544c; March, 42.25y43e: April. 44 42c; May, 40.5Oif 41.5oc. London, atrong; spoL 1104: futures, liss 15s. aid. dull. Soot. 4.40b 4.40c New York; 4.2&V4-30 East St. Louis. London 13. ejpelter. dull. b.otfa.ou flfw mm; o.w 93.43 Esxt St. Louis. London, f'23 5s. Iron Cleveland warrants, 40s In London. Locally Iron was quiet. No. 1 foundry Northsrn. 413.60016 25: No. 2 foundry. 15.25416: No. 1 foundry fcoutneru ana ao soft, 916.25 15.75. New Tork Cotton Market. vrtr YORK. Feb. 2t. Cotton closed steady, net one point hls-her on February, but generally 1 to 11 pwinia "t luwer. February. 13.70c; March. 13.86J; April, itHOc: Mnv. 14c: June. 14e: July. 13.9c; August, 13.67c; October, 12.65c; December, .15c 14. Bonds Investments TimberLands KcGRAlH & NEUHADSEN CO. 701-2-3-4-5 Lewia Bldj. . Portland Oregon for Callfornlas up to SO-40. and 944llHo for Oregons from ROs to 30s. Peaches, quiet, barely steady. Cnoics, T4474c; axtra choice. 7a88c: fancy, 84c . SNOW IS AID 10 BEARS GOOD WEATHER FOR WINTER WHEAT tTROP-. Spot cotton closed quiet; mid-uplands, i.10c; mid-gulf. 14.3ic. Sales, 100 bales. Chicago Produce Market. CHICAGO, Feb. 20. Butter Steady. Creamsrles. 17214c: dairies. 14922c eg Firm. Receipts. 4271 cases, at mark, cases Included, 124114c; Ortts, 18c; prima firsts. 19o. unoese oieaaj. uaiaica. 1 'a u wins. 134 0124c: young Americas. 1449 16c; long horns, 14 4jloc Irled Fruit at New York. ' NEW YORK. Feb. 20. Evaporated apples. rm. with small onerings: on tne spot. fancy are quoted at 124 613c: choice. 11 &114c:; price. 1040104c; cold storage. 4 l"c Prunes, inactive, firm, from 6 4 8114c September Option Sorters Most by tho Heavy Selling at Chicago. CHICAGO. Feb. 2. Snow aided tha beara today in the wheat market. Throughout Kansas and Oklahoma, especially, tho white covering, followed by cold weather, made an Ideal condition for th Winter crop and started much selling of deferred futures. Southwest orders to sell wheat were In evi dence from the outset. Pressure wa by far the greater In tho new-crop months. September suffered most and tha activity In that option received particular notice, the . trading hretofor having been Usht and wholly In th hand of specialists. It was said that a part of th Southwestern contingent bought July and sold the later delivery. The pit watched, also, with sharp eves, tile progress of the bill for reciprocity wilh Canada. Closing figures wer nearly the loweat of the day, but the final ton was stesdy. May ranged between 904c and 91c, with the finish 44o down, at 90 c. Coldor weather weakened corn. Country sale. Increased a little. May fluctuated from 4Sc to 4S4.C, closing stesdy at 4S4l8'484c, a net loss of H4c. Cash offerings were li?ht. No. 2 yellow at the end ot tha day ass quoted at 47 44c. In oats there waa considerable reselling by shorts, who covered laat week. May kept between 314c snd 31 i.e. with th close a shade net lower at 81421e. Provision dealers took a waiting attitude. In tha end pork was the sama aa Saturday night to 740 up: lard. 24c to 6c down, and ribs unchsnged to 240 higher. Tha leading futures ranged as follows: WHEAT. Open. High. 4 .914 9 .91 .9 .894 .49 .19 CORN. .494 .44 .50 .50 4 .il .51 OATS. .314 .314 .314 .US .114 .114 MESS PORK. 17.S0 17.S0 17.70 17.05 17.07 4 LARD. 9.42 4 4.424 9.40 1.40 Cssh quotations were as folio r lour Hareiy steaay. Rye-l-No. 2. 83c. Barley Feed or mixing, ctioice malting, 86 ra 93c Flaxseed No. 1 Southwestern, $3,614: So. 1 Northwestern. 92.74 4. x Timothy seed 99 9)11. Clover 914.76. Pork Mesa, per barrel. 420 2L Lard Per 100 pounds. 99.25 $7 9.274-' Short ribs Sides (loose), 99.25 (a 9.62 4. tildes Short, clear (boxed), 99 75&9.174. Grain statistics: Total clearances of wheat and flour wera equal to 2 64,000 bushels. Primary receipts were 659.000 bushels, compared with 1,081. 000 bushels 'the corresponding day a year ago. The visible supply of wheat In the United States decreased 655.000 bushels for the week. The amount of breadstuff on ocean passage Increased 1.920.000 bushels. Estimated receipts for tomorrow: Wheat, 18 cars: corn. 273 cars; oats, 214 cars; hogs. 28,000 head. Receipts. Shinmenta. Flour, barrels 12.8H0 4.80 Wheat, bushels 19.200 21.100 Corn, bushels .......... 4.".7. 500 172,500 Oats, bushels 309.600 123,300 Rye. bushels .......... 3.T.00 Barley, bushels 14.500 11.700 May July Sept May July Sept May July. Sept May July May July. Low. I .904 .884 .44 4 .48 .49 4 .504 .214 .114 .314 14.99 9.J74 S 30 Close. .90 .81 .174 .4H .494 .50 "4 .11 .814 .114 17.70 17.05 9.37 9.30 46 75c: fair to Vf!hlo finpply of Grala. NEW YORK. Feb. 20. Th visible sup ply of grain in the United Statea Saturday. February IS. as compared and compiled by the New York Produce Exchange, was as follows: Bushels. Corn ................. 7 1.3 S3, oon Oats 16.2'.l.mx Rye 310,000 Barley 1,333.000 Increase. 418.O0O 1.000 esl.ooO 91.0V0 Decrease. The vlsiMs supply of wheat In Canada last Saturday was 0.770.000 bushel, a de- oc 13.000 busneis. Minneapolis Wheat Market. MINNEAPOLIS, Feb. 20. Close: Wheat. May, t7Sc; July, 9S4r9S4e; September. P24c: No. 1 hard. 8c; No. 1 Northern, 74ttc; No. 2 Northern. 9349ac; No. 3 wheat, 02 4 tf lH4c European Grain Markets. LONDON. Feb. 20. Cargoca, firmer: sell ers firm, buyers quiet. Walla Walla for ship ment at 35s. English country markets, quiet; Frsnch country markets, steady. LIVERPOOL. Feb. 20. Wheat. March. Ts: Msy, us 10 d. Weather tine. Grain at rlaa "Francisco. SAN FRANCISCO. Feb. 20. Wheat Easy. Barley Steady. Spot quotations Wheat Shipping, 11.4. 1.524 Per cental. Barley Feed. 41.12 4 i.U per cental: brewing, 91.2041 1.25 per cental. oats Kea. fi.iutti Zi'A per cental: white. 9150 per cental; black, 41.124 p 1.174 per cental. Call board sales Wheat No trading Barley December. 11.12 "bid 31.13 asked per cental; May, 9L18 per cental. Grain Markets of the Northwest. TACOMA. Wash.. Feb. 20. Wheat Bltie- HE adoption of bitu lithic streets in the "City Btjauti ful" plan will help contribute permanency. Lumber mens National Bank CORNER FIFTH and STARK STREETS PORTLAND, OREGON Capital $500,000 UNITED STATES DEPOSITARY THE BANK 0E CALIFORNIA NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF SAX FRAP" CISCO FOUNDED 1864. $8,500,000 $7,914,401 Capital Paid in . .' J . - Surplus and Undivided Profits . . . BRANCHES Portland, Seattle, Tacoma and Virginia City Wa buy and sell Fo rei-rn Exchange; lssrua Drafts and Cable Transfers. Commercial Cred its and Travelers' Letters of Credit, available In all parts of the world; make collections on all points and conduct a general foreign and domtstio banking- business. INTEREST PAID OX TIME AAD SAVINGS DEPOSITS. .. .. J; PORTLAND OFFICE Northwest Corner Third and Stark Streets CHAMBER, OF COMMERCE BUILDING. v VTM. A. MAC RAE, Manager. J. T. BURTCHAELL, Asst. Manager. UNITED STATES DEPOSIT ART. Merchants National Bank PORTLAND, OREGON. Capital and Surplus $350,000.00 TRANSACTS A GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS. 4 INTEREST PAID ON 12-MONTH CERTIFICATES OF DEPOSIT. LETTERS OF CREDIT ISSUED AVAILABLE THE WORLD OVER. COLLECTIONS A SPECIALTY. We Invite Accounts of Individuals, Firms and Corporations, Assuring; Them of Courteous, Considerate Treatment and Every Accommodation Consistent With Conservative Banking- OFFICERS AND DIRECTORS. Joseph M. Healy, A. F. Smith. Wm. T. Mulr. A. C. Mowrev, John S. Beall. J. F. Watson, R. I. Durham, Pres't. M. L. Holbrook, Vice-Pres't. Geo. W. Hoyt, Cashier. S'. C. Catching, Assistant Cashier. Ladd & Tilton IBank Established 1859. 1 OLDEST BANK ON THE PACIFIC C0ASX Capital 1,000,000 SURPLUS AND PROriTS ?600.000 tv. si. I sd.l, President- B- . Howard. Jr.. Ass't Cannier. Edw. CeeklsEkam, Vice-President. J. TV. Ladd, Assistant Cashier. W. U. UuBckley, CasbUr. Walter IL Cook. Ass't C ashlar. atlonai Bank Capital $1,500,000 Surplus 7150,000 Oldest National Bank West of th Rocky Mountains stem. 8ltS2c: fortyfold, 81c; club. 79080c; red Husslan, 78c fiKATTI.E, Wash.. Feb. 20. Milling quo tations: Blucstem, 8k-: fortyfold. S4c; club. fCJc: fife. b3c; red Russian. 81c. Export wheat: Bluestem, S.ti;: fortyfold. 8lc; club, Oe: f!fe. SOe; red Russian. 7Se. TRAVELKJt'8 GUIDE. COOK'S TOURS EUROPE 3150 to S1270 Several Include London During- the CORONATION OF KING GEORGE V Other Tours to . JAPAN AND HAWAII IN MARCH, Send for Programme Free. Thos. Cook A Son, 689 Market St.. San Francisco. COOS BAY LINE STEAMER BREAKWATER sail from Alaska dock. Portland, 8 P. M. every Tues day. Freight received at Alaska Dock until 5 P. M. dally. . Passenger far first-class, (10; second-class, $7. Including-, meals and berth. Tickets on sale at Alnsworth dock. Phones Main 268.' A 12S4. TRAVELERS' GUIDE. AMERICAN LINE N. T.-Plymouth-Cherbours-Soutn-ampton-Philadelphla-Queens-town-Liverpool ATLANTIC TRANSPORT LINE New York-London (direct) RED STAR LINE London-Paris via Doves-Antwerp Philadelphia-Antwerp. WHITE STAR LINE WTew York-Queenstown-Ltverpool N. Y.-Plymouth.-Cherbours-South-anipton-Boston-Queenstowxi Liverpool AIpo N". Y. and Boston-Meditfrran-fan WHITE STAR DOMINION Portland- Liverpool T H. Larke. N. P. C. P. A. Office Room B, Bailey Bide., Seattle. Wash. NEW ZEALAND AND AUSTRALIA (Union Line of N. Z.) VIA TAHITI AND WELLINGTON Direct through steamers, sailing from Saa Francisco, Mar. 8 and every 33 days. Wel lington and back. 1st class, 24. Other rates also low. The line to Isle of the South beaa. For reservationa see Coupon Ballroad Agents, or address Oceanic S. S. Co., San Francisco. SAN FRANCISCO A PORTLAND SS. CO. New service to Lcs Angeles via San Fran cisco every five days. From Alnsworth Dock, Portland, 4 P. M. S.S. Rose City, Feb. 21. Beaver 26. Bear March a. From San Francisco, Northbound, 12 M. S.S. Beaver Feb. 20, Bear 2J, Rose City March 2. From San Pedro. Northboupnd, 10:30 A. M. S.S. Bear Feb. 23, Rose City 28. Bearer March a. H. O. Smith, C. T. A., 142 Third St. t. W. Kansoin, Agent, Alnsworth Dock. Phones: Main 402. 268; A Wi. Sao Francisco, Los Anjshs aoi San Diejp Direct North Paelflo a & Co.-s S. ft. Heanota aad & B. Elder sail eve- Wednesday alternately at P. at. Xk?t Uia iai Xiiiro .u, near Alder. atAxtXlM J. H1ULEX. .'. XL SLCSS&B, Freight 4VBVWC at. mi A U14,