Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, February 21, 1911, Page 14, Image 14

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TO FT CTIA OR. I TTR WALR. I I I , I Furnished Rooms. I Awrtmem.
Ci ME st one, on chanc la lifatim.
o ircnunt alckne mult ll or trad
-r. fe ttoa-rr. caieteri. rgturmnl end
a .--. all combined . th flsluro coet
ovrr $550..,; in a trad tlojO wWl . :
rrrr H!vrid City. Cm!., or any thin
within lo mii of Portland; wining o
Mdm mortvK. Addr room 17 i.u
:. b.dg.. 15 S t at., or phono sl
tXHACE 7 -room modtro house. lro
lot. 33 lot In htolom'H Addition;
tm ;.intn Dot yet platted: w
-re ad ininiP city Hmi'i of canna?.
Mo., also t O. K. and R C. min
Aloa. Mo., will acoaro or part
for m o4 Portland or Western Or n
prrprty. I- E. St int, ownr. 4U
Jrllngr hU'.g
fro ail la cultivation, cr-p all In;
--wd iT.prevmnu; wlil tak $V" worth
of Portland property. balanc of $.. at
per rent fr.ter-t for fir yer. plar
i:i r fr l:elf In years, prie $12 w stock, hay and imp.mntt;
f-m Canby; on of th best farm
in C.ackamia Count?. It. K. L. Canby.
A baut tful a-roow. homo In Roe
hit ail Uicit eotinlnr-i and comforts,
two biKki from rtr. Will trado for .
Trn hunniow. Main MWd, or A 6-.L
Aa f-ar Mr. "rlton.
Tt"ard of Trade. M Fourth st.
, ACKLS of ood :!. all under cu'.tiv
t! n on 't"' trlo carline. near Korcat ;rov.
rru-a $-; will exchantfo aqutty of $llOO
f.r lot or lots In Portland. Ksulmtna
Vorw. 3-3 Lumber Kichtngp.
$:ft0 TO $-i. wortli of unincumbered
property In Tolalo, Ohio. fr property in
Vnr-land. Orern; will bear proiial In
v-tiar?ton Address F. P. Respaas. Toledo,
Uio. f14 West ;rov Place.
tf yoa wxnt to esrhs?.( yuur property,
roaj'-ut our excharic :.t.
p. J. H ENiiCRO.
6 1 $ Lum be rnxni P Id .
H acres, a.l .n cultivation, well Im
proed. Srt ruliea from Portland; wlM trd
f r h'-us and lot In purtland. R. it- I-a.
ant-y. t'r
TTVO h"Uc. nrnrr lot. i;.SOO; 4'"' cah
nr tr bai.rcw 7 pr cent; can b- m.i-t5
I. t iut payir.c 10 per cent. :i.uv.
o-wnr. r.ast z, 41.
1 ltW LOTS. Columbia IlelicVs Addi
tion, Vancouver. tVai ; Taluo 4wX: will
rhinn for porttand lota or arreuce.
Oilars-Murton 'r.. r-pltina; mii
XVTUt, emchanir real estate f r -coaui In
th Commerct.-O Pack of Vancouver; 10
rnti on th dollar. ;us Eniilh, I3 Cor
-"t blrir . Portland. Or.
lt.WK fine eiecrric pUno. as baby up-
r'cht piano: will irhnr same, acreatfa
or iota. V 7 44. Urtconnn.
rOB n Al.Tav
rbh l- and Hrwa.
1 HTI.AMk RTAl LUS. 2Ji N. 15T11 6 i
2t horea. from 1h pounds to l'OO
pnnIa, prices r-m f-tJ to per nore.
erml !i-d team of horwi and
ina'ea. a.l sold mitii a written sjuaraatea
l as represented or your money ra-
I indl ; farm and C-nvery w aeons, oua
and all ktrds of harness also for saie
atik sml buiiocM rerren. e XurnLsbed.
TiAK'lAlN ts K L Fh l O f-f K It E L.
;-4-lh. tam. lullt and closely
rv.a:-I. trui an.l r-ibi. to otill aincte
t 'nMe. Tri team I as ! ftneral
j'trpoea fam a efanis in portinnn. sr-
rtatH and trial alit rd. I Tics
iso btrni-M at p ir. haser option. Ftatla
"r. loll anj AUiT mt.
1 patr horsea, suits.e for farm.
1 pair mare, suitable fr farm,
1 Cn Dt.&T. 2 line drivers.
Hvral d'-'tvery eaii and barnesa, 4
bust tea. sevfrai sadi vi.
Ir h and Courti tsta.
K'H eAl A- Lm borMt. welcbt narif
!o "wnd scb. and food iravtrs.
liat back witn barnesa, all w, la
.dei. r sold separately. IX taaeo a
ul t offered at a bar gala. Addr) A
P. TLacr. &;. Clark am as. Or., or la
tt-itr at roon 2H iTrgonian bide.
" $ : -Ci t :kXm"a V DHA"iTx KSH
Mare and a-ldlne. at an-t 9, welsht
! b-u used on delivery wan
the pt Var anj ttai bcora a itttl
irr-,d?r m xroot iret. cor. aoia wa an.
S' s.
la 1IKAP of horses and mares. aee frorn
6 t 1? yNrs old. weiartlnc from
t. lioo P. som a little thin In ri-n.
ni t:. Jr In frrnt fet; prices from
fw to :a. trial allowed. Corner lta
sti. i ;r s'-s.
A e-.-epttoraily hne rtrtln; bore, tocethee
wta butaT and nrne: nors a
id. 15 hanis. ifM llV: euarant-d
-und lu trj way and afraid of oo'n
irc. lady can dri Address P- O. box
4ii. ci'JT-
. .O- 1 'UTki KAN 'II Ot TPl i I
' of rr.aro and cldinc. 7
and V, trje an I r ntie. act of harness
In A -1 condition and .1-lnch wan. al
m t new ; trial a i lowed. Cor. lbth and
A'-'r .
4 li-:r of first -cU horses and mar.
r..,n( from 4 -ars to years old.
wint 1 :ss to li'O; svery on ts b
o,1 wtth a irnaranteo as represented.
C S yta&le. Prvnt St.
Vi'OI'lil'HV farmers" Mc ho re aai will
b held at K armors Feed Hams. Wood
bum. baturda. Fo. ?S, with the lirfat
1-tt of hors-s ever offered. D. at. Kai
ei'Te. manager and auctioneer
1 vK 8AI.!-: l.t bwrss and inane.
f!lht loOO to lb. Inqulr at offlcO
TraMa Proa. WooU ard. S. ata and Hw
t'tn vi
Los r matt, mit ell handaom 1 JiO-tb ,
-year -o.J bur. s-und and jntl. work
sins;; or doubi; Cost $220 4 months
asa 112 );uMt st
IP''R S A UK tkn )un drat ltri s.
meighir.g Jl'. I tcim )0'inf h"res welifh-
Inrf l'-; o- S-var-old black mars,
w ching 1 - V-H us 1 1 st.
li.'HSK, mar, rlcs and harres for ;.
40 and up: trams and dump wagons
fj-r tir. -4 M titaoracry.
e TEAM of horca fihlnr pun'ls.
$ I jo . work s:n cl or u'i.ble; WUI se.l, r 1 1 1 st. v
li 'HSk woi or.vl harness; a bargain;
V L-ns prumb-nc Co.. i.ent. or.
Urgaa bik 2nlrt lnatntsawataV
PIANO chcrk for hefor Saturday.
Mrs. Thompson, .P Ruk-1 I st.
l"OR F AI.K Litrtc piano. i-tric baou
and eiectric harp, at 471 Washlnfton.
Th tind-raisned hav opened a first
class automo. ,? paint and nuivhlns; sfiop
at corner of I'ntun av. and Kst Iavi
w. mher w are aM to handle your wcrk
and civ you results of tn highest cIass ski. I to b obtained cn ths
PariCc oasu 21 year' practical fac
trT fyrirnc ytss to thos dealrtns;
r:aaslat work and flntsh th results sougUt
f r. le--bani-ai ski L highest gruda of
mat la is an 1 personal suporviaion of
em a l le& dtJa ax in crts of our
Vnlon av and i:t I aria St.
t-bon Mala 141a.
koA!wOAIN5 in auto: 2 Part Kraft wagon;
Y. verett Vpjwnir car; also 1 4 -passenger
body. Part-Kraft Motor Car "o..
rol 11th t. I h pes. Main SI 12. A 4.'.M.
fTi Ai.UF. KjS toy loonctu, Al condittun.
fily euippd. new tire: $itOt. buyers
on y md aaawr. Addreag U 7V7. Or
I oc la a.
8 at AL4- i Uc in Canby to tra-i for auto
as part payment : 3 yvora tlmo oo bai
aace. , R. Lea. Canby. Or.
DAFOAINA la used auta t lrs said tan
tcbe; esaimin our stock btor yoa ouy ;
sicants:ng rirad:na and repairing, kl
ton hurssr. 41A Btmrm sc. Faoo A
l t.
If o want to buy. sell or trad aa aut,
a vaaco, tbo broker. 1 hav many ax
rK good buys. pna aiaia la 44
T h ird st.
N '' -paenger lo-J FI. P. anto In cel
led condition for cash or do-la real
e-tata O 74. Orrgoalaa.
A I blL-K S boucht and solL Cait or
writ (or bargain lisv Oato-n-Hooss Ant)
Ctk. S3 1 Everett St. Stain 14.
WFI ITE steamer auto. Inquir room ZTT
r- rtwtt bidr.
WANT an automobilo for oaaa
trada 21 4tA st
VAN li:U Automobila; hav real tat
ard som cash, call I Oth. near Mark.
1T is Or m Cty. near carlias, to LraU
f-r ta'o. R. L. Cssoy, Or.
CUrd. Doff od Pe fatrw-
2An.r: CD Plymouth pock, good ooe niy.
irle and fmais; ergs for hatching from
wie-e.t stock. Laddt 1Q Front st.
FOR VALE Rbod Is.ard Red ockrl. wc for Ntusi. 373 Soutb av. bU-
wjod iiaav
3ail soeoos.
sjwj paprd or tinned, tnc'ndtng ns
ftrmk up. AB T70. Oregon'aiu
0R KAXJI atVargaln, slightlr used 3-IL P.
I-.itan motoreyvt Phon East :
fi-ti gTi: a 32 -foot launch. Ca:i at
OaA ehap. now gmaollu engm. T b.p.
TOR pALS-Oood Inlaid linoleum. Pbon
Two 100-H. P. bomontftl return tubular
r-o!Jr, complete with Ir.cinMd type r -water
h-atr, &Sx3'-i Smith valv feed
pump. Dodg Injector. safety valvea,
crowD v aivts, fl-tnrh hesder and iM snsji
valves and Williams fred water regulator.
with safety water columns, in good con
Also ona 12-H. P. vertical
had tubular boiler comport with sf"r
vatva and fitting, Including Buffalo In
jector; i!mot new; only used a short
tima. For furrrter particulars inuuir
room -jui oregonian onic.
rrt rvrt w vow iRorT
J!mm!o rhimit "know" lampl ult
Phopt Ha Is urstatrs in a .u-a-raonth
room, aelllng; mn'a suits, overcoata and
extra trousers at wooiesaia pncr-
Imb V mfnHowa fnr 1ir.lT. TOU lUSt
hsv to know about him. That's all. 315
Orstoniaa biaj.. elevator, sa sioar.
NATION A I- ch rc!fr: total adders,
which also print list of sales, at f40.
jTO. j.n, wi ana
rnnf nirllnn - fn.Mw guaranteed T,
KIIev. aales ajenU Salearoom 70 3d
Portland. Or.
1 kitchen cabinet. 4-
1 sanitary couch and pad. 94.
1 aanlUtry darnport. $4.
o ciay ttrei.
ULU jewciry xcnn u jor w "
diamond. onralfmed redes for bail
oriatnal prK ea Loc; aayara. 11 via
J2-FT. CABIN. l-horsrower sjasolln
launcn rr saia: prica ..; yemrw
cost $tra0: miil st rO people. Address
J H. D.. d Williams ae., Portland. Or.
EAFtS New and 2d-hnt. nil iiim, 1"W
nrli-aa: easr t-rms. 1M KOELL SAKTsS CJ-.
street. Main C3V.
VIi'F! new hnusrhoat. 4 larra rooms, nicely
palr.tAd; owner hns not ttma to look after
It. so will sen. he ownsr any lima
r"tt fALK cheap, new Job prlntlns: outfit,
taken over on mnrt -; Write for par
ticulars. A. r. Vraer. Knterprlse. r.
Lar new r-ik douul flat-top office dek
finest finish and material, rcry cheap.
Inqulr Main Z 5.
NEW d roo-head Whit tewlnr machine. irtO,
Mrs. H li. fiould. 214 Willis boulvard.
Sr. Johns. I'hun Colambta II J-
TENTS, ll'xlo, with flis; coat used
nno n-Mon; win sul for piion 1 a
bor 8"40. day or evening.
OKFXCE desks, chairs. Remltiglon ; bar
gains 33 Kumhermens bldg. 1'hoDs to-
d.iy. Marshall Z 7.
X- k i-A I.K l)raf tsman's courso lnterna-
tioral Corrcapondenc SchooL Jl 7 d Or
FOK C UK Showcases, wallcasea. conn term.
General fix t urea In stock and mad to
oruer at loweet pri . "J 1 tirand av. tA
Ir'AC'ToHT rehullt tjpewrtter. 110 to 0i.
o Fifth st. M. :...:. A I47.
tv-HOKSEPOWEK 8phM. no-cycl elec
tric motor. AD 77J. Oregonlan.
FOR SALE tJnsolln sooUmw; must b
Sold. iast 444a.
WFT.T-R0TTED fertiliser
IkEl DaveTiport. nearly new. li. sanitary
cwur-h, 13. worth oum. 14I Irtth st. IS
STYLISH dresses. f. up; wa'ats. t .V) up
fin work. East Mill. East 2.rt.
anted Men's casioff clothing and
shoes and bicycle; highest prices paid;
w also buy ladles clothing. Call np tb
tiifb econ-nna norm iuon Main aouw
2vh 1st St.
wants hous-'hold goods, furniture for cash
or com in 1 lor bluet lOJ. 30U-47U J.
Slorrlson St. xnats an.
Mu.Ncr i.ost
I'nlsoa yoa call th Ford Auction Co. and
get their prie on wnat you nav to mil
Main ovoi. a .4A
WANTED To btiy furnf tur cf houxe or
Hata: will oav MM cah balance month
ly. Phon Marsbail , 177V, ask for Mr.
IF YOU hav household fur nl tur to !.
rail up Oeorg Uakar 4s Cm, 14 J Park si
liotn pnone.
W E pav th hi i heat cash price for second
hand furniture, fester At Martin. Phone
E. r.-o4. .14 H Hawthorn av.
&CHOOlPOOKS bought and sold. 211 1
st.. n-sr Milmon. Imfl Mi st.
ai i.KATC'KS' MOTIuX-FlCTl'Kti SCilOu,
re nur modern, practical. up-to-dt
motion-plrtur operator school, wnicn
gle you actual show rsperlnc; teaches
you to opcrat all stmmaru macninos
ur it etructlttn no than others, at
the aam t'm asjioxiatlng you with th
rnlr bona Pd booking txrhtnea in Port
land wi bout extra f e ; upvrators rec iv
from I J A to ' week!y. ll Pulalfer's
Thratrlcal Ft'httnt. 8-7 M-trquam b I
WANTED Man and wlf on farm. $30.
Hand rc.iwycr. $.
pacific kmpiaytmfnt ca,
Mala Offlc. 12 N. Second.
WANTED 5aJmen. all lines, txfu tires.
b k keepers, stenographer, men with in
liiatlv. proven ability, good appearance
and personality. o mm ere a) Abstract low.
son Commercial ciuo uuig.
IF you ar a solicitor of experlenc and
Aestr steady employment, wan big finan
cial returns, sew Mr. James, atfer 1 P,
M . 414 Mohawk bi!g.. 3d and Morrison.
WANTED Mcady man In light manuUc
t urine business: w.U pay !2 weekly: ex
perteuc not needed; small Investment re
quired; particulars t4 Mxtn st.. room M.i.
IF loii ar a nv wire i(n soticniug ex
perience ana wia wwiy nn'i)mrni sua
a good r.nanclal return. s Mr. Norwoou.
ti'ti Mln st.. Vnncouver. Wash., room 4.
MtAKTSMAN. prof 'Tab; v gradual f en
gineering school, to leaxn beating and Yen-
Olisan st.
mALK-MAN wanted who knows well ths am-
luon trade: com m lesion basis. Dutch 2ior-
rng Co. 370 North ltth.
tTEADT, r Ilabl man wantd for Janitor
w or a; references required. call alter
lo 3u. Itath. 107 Fourth il
WANTED Ood. all-around tntlor; sod
wages for right man. Au dress uo. kowi,
feaagma-. Aiaska.
WANTED Steward for first-class grill;
must furnish re fere nc a. Addr F. A.
Foley. La Grande. Or.
WANTED Honest partner In wU cstab-
Imbed real sstaxs uffic. 4o2 CommarciaJ
WANTED Partner for traveling show prop-
oat tkn witn . w; local references glrn;
money secured. J 7 . Oregon lan.
Jul VE solicitors sialyl, city and country.
for Success Hand icuum carpet clemn-T-
Mill Inveatiasnt Co , Ilnry bldg.
VA NTEl Two caidnet makers; must b
fimt-cuis: no other nd ajpply. 21! J
Grand av.
IF you mean business and can invest
In a legitlmat proposition that will net
you $169 monthly, call Monday H I th.
b want an Al magasin aollcltor; ij a
wek ana commission; rexrucs r-
Quired. AD 7V Oregonian.
WANTED Two good porter at one. Call
after 1 A. M.. 14U evventh st. If ywu
don't want to work stay away.
WANTED otock salesman; on who can de
liver th goods in a legitimate proposi
tion. Call at 616 Lumber Exchange bUtg
A UVEWIKE specialty smieamau- sunelUing
good tor nsni wu. xx. i tuple, C-U
Mar qua m bldg!
BAKPER WANTED st once: non but first-
class ne a app.j. v. lajior, indpo-
Aence. r,r
LOCAi- OFFICE International Correspocd
nc Schools, SSI Aluer st., opa till
f. J. rDU uiiviuo,
WANTED At one. men t learn to
C ' anu o?i"ir uiuaiooim. Call t
Hawthorn garaga. 448 Pawthom .
WANTED OfT'c boy for larg offlc; pr.
Disnrui pmiuU au uv. si VOOa
mrcial Club bUlg.
WAXT ED Eiiwlmf .J :.vmtor opcrklor.
H.H.I Kmto. Wt nj WMh.
W ANTKD Eiprlnc4 ut unu for
BUY to work ,1) Uuil h.T, whwvi.
Kalsbt Bho. Co.
WASTED rirt-c;M lih bud. Apply
7 F-.'ti
WOI.UKiui w.nlxl m.1 Mn. Call 223 Com.
m.rcti Clut
lAUVAN "ho brok. to M.i rl
t.u. f"r t'"M' firm. r 7i. Orc.nln.
PJl.EtRIVEK niuiwr II Any. i'iocr
Kmpior"" Co.. l North td .t.
VA.NTKD Tcam.t.r for plnlnm;ll who
kao. rltr Artnrton bide
NEAT. ,n.rctlo rna to ml.k and
ch.r- K- STlq. N.
f bOTVOHAJ'H coupoa ,nl portrait
li. .ff.r. Cntb.rta ,tu3lo. Dtum btu
BOX masu!. T. W. baits. A Oo. M 1st. c
Of.'Ir, F.eratarr Kmpiojrmant Depart
jnftit. T. M. c. A. a
Touni man. atranr". oot of work IJn
hl total caah axaM If I Py yj"
for ,po-lal emrloynint mmberh!p I will
only cava i left betwaan ma and taxa
tion ti.-r.tar7 If you pay 95 Tor ,pa!aj
mployment m.mbarahlp you will hav. tn.
T. M. C A., with all Ita reaourca, !
you aad starvation.
What happan.lJT '
Touni man took m,mbar.hlp. Inslaa of
two hours ha found aall.lactory ampioy-
""urliif Jinturr. toll. 4 other found
mploymant In a Ilka mannir.
Llmploymant or rafund of membership
fee (uarajiteed.
6.. Secretary Employmant Dapartmant.
T. la. C Jl.
TOCK PALESMAf who Is siiccrssful anfl
now makmc Rood, but wtlllne to cbanxa
conncti.ns for a better proposition, ava
6u bpaidinc bldg.
In ev.rv city throushout tha world. Tow
IS VOI'It Ol'FOHTL'MTV to learn a
oonn-PAVixo track, Oi:R s-"'-"?1'
Kli'i GNIZiiD In the Kast aa the bTAN
Ii.VUK. We ar. tlie factory Johbere for
rowers- Camercraph and Votloaraph.
also Edlaon and I'athe machines In stock.
Many thousand beautiful Mine for rent.
Kach atud.nt examined by expert.
LAtMMl.K for Hquare Deal.
Mi8 t'ourh Building.
th and Wg.ningiun.
flat our standard operators' haad-booit,
WK HAVE vacancies for two or three clean
cut, active, enf-rretlc men of tact ana
e-ond sense who are willing to devote th"lr
entire time to our Interesis: to such men
we offer permanent positions, with a gen
erous, steadv Income; .xperlenc. In any
epeclal line of work not necessary; If you
are a worker, come and us and w.
will satisfy yon that this Is a rare opper
tunlty to secure the best proposition now
onvrlni- In Portland. Th, Spanton Co..
I'll Oak st. ,
I WANT eoupl, of men lire ones fel
lows not burled wav down -deep In the
cold, cold (round. If you've srot la'trlc
Ity In vou. you can make 300 or 100"
a month even more. The proposition Is
alive sllve, I tell you make me prov. It.
It's sllln real estate the flnert.
Talk to W. R. TOWNSEND.
S12 Corbett Bld.
1PI.E-BODIED men wanted for th O. R
Marine Corps, between the ages of It and
; must b native born or hav. Brat pa
per,; monthly pay IIS to l9; additional
compensation possible; food. clothing,
quarters and medical attentloo free; after
! years service can retire wltn 7 per.
cent of pay ana allowances; wmi;. w
hMrd shin and ashore In all Dart Of th
world. Apply at I.'. 8. Marin. Corps Ko
crultlna; Ofnce. Breeden bids'.. Id S&J
wasainxton sls.. roruino. -
rxr k "vr a tai v:n vi a v rvF" APTL.ITY.
MEN wanted, age 1S-J-. for flrmn. $1
monthly, and brakemeo, 180, on narhy
railroads; experteuc unnecssary ; no
strike; positions guaranteed competent
men ; promotion. ttauroia r.mpioyins
Peadquarter Over 0U meat sent to po
sitions caonthly; slat ag ; send stamp,
hallway As-clatlon, car Oregonian.
MAN to sell established and well-known
lines of marhlnery and equipment to
contractors, logging and railrad . trad in
Portland and vicinity, on commlwlno ba
sis only: must be man with practical x-
TTlence or technical graduate; good open
ing for th right man. Aal Orego
WANTED Man who understands farm nnd
rag properties nnd who Is cupahls
of managinir th sole of su-n properties
for reionsiol ival estate firm. A fine
opportunity for th right man. K 77U.
LIA'E ' representative for the hlghesi-clas
Teciaty proposition ever oirerc.i in vr
gin; a htg money-maker. V 111 stand close
Investigation. be V. II. Wallers, port
land Hotel.
WANTED An elderly man of gmj siand-
ing capable ot handling lonns and mort
gage for a reliable reul estate firm. A
good proposition to right man. A K. 77 U,
hAlLWAY mall clerks, postofftc clerks,
letter carriers, eustom-hous and Internal
revenue employes, to prepare for exam
inations; fre book. Pacirio States School,
TUcKay bldg.. city.
WANTED Ttoung man to tak special li
utomobll cours. driving and repalrlnc;
pi actual exyarlenc; complet lnstiactlon;
Vlg stages; steady work. Call
. nsMriaflon St.. room 4I.V
1WO licensed dentists, on Oregon, other
Washington; no others need apply: must
be A-l operators; good sslsrles. Alveolar
Dental Co.. SM Ablngton bldg.
WANTED Salesman In general retail store;
want man capable of writing signs and
advertisements, also must b posted on
shoes. Address A F 703, Oregonian.
MANAGERS wanted to handl best-paying
business known : legitimate, nsw, perma
nent demand, parlflo Sales Co., 6 Grand
ave., Portland, Cr.
2d AN to represent on commission well estab
lished trade magazine; advertisements and
ttiwi; give reference and full particulars.
Address V 7vfl. Oregonian.
TO! : ar a anted for Government position.
g0 monui. u rit tor use or positions open.
Prank lln Institute, Dept. 310-D, Hochea
tsr, N- Y.
WANTED N'ght watchman not afraid of
work. .0,oo per month and board: ref
erence re-iulrtd. prls Cafeteria, 104
6th street.
YOUNG man wanted to learn telegraphy;
wireless teiegmpny, railroad ana station
service; day and night sessions. Call or
sJrees Tlegrsph Dept., 148 Pilth st.
MIDDLE-AGEl3 or elderly woman wanted
to help car for baby ana assist in light
housework; no washing, good horn and
nm wages; after 10 A. M. Phon Mala
67 1.
WANTED Girl to take car of baby In
th afternoons. Apply room 3e, Tn
l.lll. 2-ld and Wash., mornings.
W a. 1 kl Ktnnvd. capabl woman for re
sponsible position. Vlavl Co., oo9 Batik
child bldg.. 4 th and Washington.
WA.NTS D Experienced operators to work
on shirts. Apply stands ra J actory. x
Grand av. aud East Taylor.
WANTED Immediately, good girl for general
housework. Phon ivast ss.z. 737 liroadway
s treat.
BY w holes. ho us, an ambitious woman
willing to apply nerse.r; sapsnsnc not -tntUL
R 7o, Oregonian.
WANTED Experienced girl for general
ho use worlt. pnone t-aat das or inqulr
24d East tlth st. North.
A GKD reliable girl for goneral house
work; must d good coo. Apply t9 jsurth
23d St., prtmnt 5; referenres.
GOOD girl for general houiswork, S in fam
ily, nam ij.v.
I"' ANTKD Girl to aasist wlta bouseworav
Ij) i nn si. i uuiib j.
XPERI ENCED girl on ladles tailoring. 1
nUUIII, w' 1'a.minnni m i-
;oL NO lady of ability to sell peal estate,
W 7S1. oregonian.
GIHL to assist with housework; no washing;.
;II Prfr French, for 2 children,
rV ANTED At Sisters' Hospital In Chic,
Cat., pupils o enier scnwi oi nnninf.
GIKL wanted for general housework; re f er
ne a. noii a ivw.
LADY teaoher for M. E. Chines night
school. Apply ! Jiomson.
TWO laboratory girls. 94 Union ave., cor.
East " asningion. Biarxui-riuitinsiacaa V.O.
'TEl A pprsntlces to learn ladles
tailoring. J. r-nriioo v-o., ptn su
WANTED Girls for shooting gallery. Ap
ply 4th ana couoa, oeiween iv ana i-.
WANTED Girl to do second work In small
family. Apply 7 .Norrnrup st.
WANTED A girl for general housework.
mall family; -.-u. ps Minnesota y.
SHTRT-M AK-EKS waxti. Jaoobs Shirt Co.,
b3 6th st. m
GIRL wanted to do light housework. 307
WlUTlAG. 6 mo. XbV aOCA BU atalB s.
WAVTED Tounr ladle, for telephona op-
eratinr. with or wltnont experience
ply Pacific Talepbon. A laiecrapa Co.
ta ana oat Ankeny sta.
HOT EI cook. $4a
JiAnrrj cook, two men. .- .
3 waitress (out of ettyj.
Nur. e airl. $25.
2 kltclien helpers. $23.
Olrl, for pceneral housework. 2
oeos asninicton pi.,
nen.-ce...-. , u J H ta 1X7 A NTRfl.
Bi V MJ Bill 1 flUnOOO Wa,l-i
On account of several vru V'
added to this Institution, lh Tralninf
s - w.. -. Inrrail ItB
rcnooi ior nurse -mivu-i v -.
snmbrsnln, and Is now ready to rc
appllcatkona for th Spring cla. J
partlculara address; huperimwucu. .
Nurses, Ban Diego County -tistiral Hot-
WANTED Experienced hand sewers; none
v. ... . i .-nil- Isva ex De
but experienced neea can; a.ew . .
rionced talloress to help tailor and that
i i u Mnrln 17 ntl la-
dies Jacket. 447 Alder. J. K, btcrn.
ultra tauur.
BY family of S adults. Koso City rark
uunguiuw, neat gin ior
w orrv. experience uui i cm -,
preicrreu. tan oiwrvu -'- " - .
ci ay. t. -itftn in.. c-r -j-"'"
v t n r k .
CARS; must understand English; loc por
hour. Apply loroman, -uiia.ii .
and irvicg,
aHOHOL'GHLT competent family cook and
second girl, test wages, Deuiu f
ferred. tt. louis Agency. 3034 Wash
lngton. Main ..
WANTED A competent woman to do hous
work. 619 21st st. North; take Broadway
car. ret off at 2 4 La and Braze, Phon
East 1078.
US 7k Washington St.. Cor. 7th. upstairs,
phono Main 2002.
GOOD girl for genoral housework ; good
wages and small family. Call mornings.
Mrs. strong, 777 iAvejoyr.
GIRL, for general housework, family of 4,
near E. Pith nd E. Couch, wage $23
I'hone East or li JbH4 tonay.
IX a vt vn afllrl Ia anatnt with housework
and care of two children. Call East 2710
In morning.
Washington St., Room 314-
Main f.m or a o-oo.
I WANT to take plajio lessons from th
BEST YOUNG lady pianist In ths city
1 hone air. bawanis, iariuM ovi
HuL'aaEKEEPER for a middle-aged bachelor
OI gOOa nai'lts on rant:, wmuw " "i"
f child preferred. V 7&o. Qregonlnn.
'WANTED Experienced stbnoi.raiher for
light office work. Air. Jierse, ii xioaru
of Trade.
YOUNG German woman wishes position for
general housework or assistant. i. uo&a,
Box 43. Lenta. Or.
JAN1TRESS to take charge of an apart
ment-house lo city; m arris a preierrou.
AN 7tU, Oregonian.
BILLING CLERK wanted; on who Is ac
curate and can operate typewriter. pera
House Laundry, 2d and Everett.
w a VTRn Woman to embroider mono
grama on shirts. Jacobs Shirt Co., S3
bih at-
GIRL to strip Havana tobacco. Xlose City
cigar Tobacco Co.. ia asq su, cor,
2d., room v.
lO.Oon POSITIONS "for graduates last year
men and mfn learn barber trade in
S weeks, help to secure position; gradu
ates earn from 915 to $13 weekly; expert
Instructors; tools free; writ for cata
logues. Mohler System of Colleges. JL3
North 4th at., port. ana. yr.
MAKE money writing stories for newspa
neii: hit- nay: send for free book: si; tells
now. i nut'd I'rees rnu.. c-n r ncw-u,
riSK TEACBEliS AiOCUTluX till tow!
laud bldg.
IVookk capers sod Clerks.
YOT'NG LAWYER, thre years" experience
at bar, la years as law stenographer anu
court reporter; also abstractor uf titles,
wants to com to Portland; will take sal
aried position In law offlc. Address AD
774. Oregonian.
WANTED Elret-class bookkeeper wants
several small sets of books to keep; sat
isfaction guaranteed; reasonable. R .Si.
WILL audit, open, close or write up books.
prepare balances and statements, install
svsttjms. consult me, uiiiiiignarn,
riitor, 411 Lewis bldg. Marshall s-L
POSITION wanted; first-class bookkeeper
and stenographer; eight years' experience;
at present employed. X 7S5, Oregonian.
WANT EI Situation as city salesman or
collector; reference, bond, AC 7tu, Or'
STENOGRAPHER and bookkeeper wants po
sition, city references. Main 82. 7.
EN EHGET1C married man, 20 years es
perlebce In street paving, aewer construc
tion, etc.; also general merchandise, seeks
permanent position; first-class references.
4 ail Columbia or au areas aai .oo,
FIRST-CLASS house-to-house mechanic will
fix your little Unks for reasonable pne
sowing machines, stoves, locks, suitcases,
scissors, saws at your horn. LanUwajf,
106 Couch. Main 7 zb.
YOUNO MAN. 21 year of age. Russian,
speaks and writes gooa Jr.ngnsn. expert
penman, wishes position or employment
or sosn Kind, writ jl. jl. x.ittor, uos
Washington st.
CHAUFFEUR want position with privaio
family; drlv any car and Keep in re
pair; age 30. Address . E. Witty, Hood
Iviver, or.
YOUNG man from British Columbia, Fort
4;eore district, wishes to correspond with
land company wishing reliable Informa
tion. B 7J5. Oregonian,
EXPERIENCED movlns-Plctur operator.
married wants steady worn; reasoname
wages. Einll itainier, -a 2a street,
WANTED Position as lotrnina: foreman
have had 7 years experience and can taae
ntlre charge: best of references fur
nished from Dig camp. a iv. oregonian,
A.-1 PIANIST, picture tone coloring and
tenor, Deat or songs. long experience, irora
New York City; could furnish trap play
er. 817 Fliedner bldg. Phone Marshall 190S
WANTED Position, experienced, roou fam
ily rook. XTn startc st, u. . (.nines
M lsaion.
MEAT CUTTER, all round shop mac. In
city or country, eteaay, souer. witn oou
references. AN 74, Oregonian.
YOUNG man desires to work fur room and
board after school. Call or address H. JL.
B.. 141 6th su
YOUNG man attending Holmes Business
College desires a place to work for his
room and board. Call A 2554, Main 613.
EX.P E R I BNCE D chauffeur with first-class
references w lanes position wiia privat
famiiy. AM 7t5. Oregonian.
SITUATION" wanted b' baker, hotel or out
of town bakery. Joe J. tties, 247 y ota
st., city.
WANTED Position in family; experienced.
good cook. 247 stark St., ai. i. enmes
M ilon
JAPANESE wsnts position as schoolboy or
gensral house w ora. Main j.
GOOD Japanese wants cooking or general
housework. E 72. oregonian.
WANT situation as cook, any place; good
all-around man. pnone wain jZ.
J A PAN KkZ wants position In family, has
experience as cook. ah 19. Oregonian.
WANTED A place on delivery wagon;
know city wu; ag it, Ar tvs, oregonian.
EXPERT furniture packer wants position.
Apply R 100. oregonian.
A JAPANESE boy would like to cook for
small family !n city, write 5tn city.
BokkeveTS andbteoogruphers.
WANTED, by young lady, graduate of
Holmes Business College, a position as
stenographer; will start on small salary.
Mr. Klepper. Main 122S. A 12U8.
1) rea mak en.
DTEPSM.KER wishes work In families or
wit h dressmaker; alteration, repairing
neatly 1"ne; $1.50 day. Main 7043.
DRESSMAKER, first-class, by ths day. 370
Grand ave. South, phone East 3801.
DRESS MAKTNGan d pJaTn" swing, at rea
onabl prices. 233 Fifth st. Main 5QQ.
jyp. EMJLKING Chlidrii's oaothes a sp
clalty. art 687ft.
WANTED, March 1. by young marriea
couple, 3-room unfurnished apartments,
AVest Side; rent reasonable. Full particu
lars first letter. AL 7v$. Oregonian.
EXPERIENCED practical nurse; best of
references. Call C 2772. -
NURSING, day or night. Phone A 4929. .
RESPONSIBLE middle-aged woman would
like an Invalid or aged person to car for.
AN 7 52. Oregonian. ,
COMPETENT, practical nurse desires few
more engagements. Phon Tabor 1084.
WIDOW lady, ape S7. healthy, willing, in
dustrlous. on farm or ranch; will not work
for woman; good cook; state wages nnd
work required. Mrs. Sarali Williams, 13o0
LoruEt St.. Kansas City. Mo.
AN ELDERLY woman wants a place to
assist In general housework: Is a good
Plain cook; a nic worker and willing. P
716. Oregonian.
RESPONSIBLE middle-aged woman would
like care of widower home, on or two
children. AC 7'J4, Oregonian. m
MISS ELISE ROLAND, formerly at tb
Waldorf-Astoria, New York, specialist In
manicuring, facial and scalp treatment,
halrdressing and shampooing, will do work
for ladles mornings and evenings at their
hemes; latest electrical appliance, ou.,
room 42. Y. W. C. A. Main 12u5; A 6144.
A GIRL wishes a position In Dr.'s office
at ..slstnn' rn Tlirlfinf P iTOOd ref eT"
enc. phon Sellwood 797 between B
and 12 Tues. A. M-
INTELLIGENT, capabl woman. 6 years'
experience In grocery as saleswoman,
needs work; capable along other lines.
Address AF 7'J4. Oregonian..
Vr-'V'S naililrv- v-nrwl work done. 67 Jnf
ferson st.,. sld door. No. 3. No Sunday
WANTED Ladle' fancy lanndry, strictly
hand work. Mrs. Collins. Alain uj.
FINE laundry or other work" for Tuesdays
and Thursdays. Phone Maranau l. o J-
LADY' wishea hour or day work. Phono A
2mi?. Room 6.
NORWEGIAN woman wants day work.
Phone mornings or evenings. Main -mi
YOUNG woman wants day work washing,
Ironing, cleaning, i 7i. oregonian.
TWO girls want general housework. t2!)
North fcavier it.
8 GIRLS would like to do general house
work. 617 Union ave. phone h-ast suit.
FIRST-CLASS laundress wishes to work by
th day. 23 i Union ave.
WANTED Situation as second glrL J 100,
WANTED Et a half-milllon-dollar corpor
ation, a representative to carry a side
line of high-grad advertising novelties
in State of Oregon. Our novelties are ap
propriate for every business house and a
live man can maice irom iw io -v a uaj.
Liberal commission. Bastaln Bros. Co.,
Rochester, N. i.
ACTIVE canvassers can make $30 weekly
aaltlHa- 6 eaaa s- Vta slMtwnn Kill r-aiasT-V rnm.
pany. Liberal proposAtion; good territory.
Address Orenco, Or.
WANTED S-room unfurnished cottage on
East Side, near car and school; must be
modern ana reasonaDi rent, onaries iv up
per. Main 1602. Chamber of Com
merce. WAVTED A or 1-room furnished flat-
house, or apartment, on West Side, walk
ing distance, reason&Die. ad hjj., ore
WANTED To rent modern 5-room houna,
Kits Side, desirable locality, reasonable
rent. pnone Alain
WANTED By young couple, nicely fur
nished modem 4 or 5-room apartment or
fiat, irood loc&tion, 3u or o lr. o.
Box 52i, city.
TN'O or thre housekeeping rooms in vicin
ity of Wlllama ave. and Itusseli st, phon
A 713.
W ANTED Professional mun and wlf want
furnished housekeeping suite In Portland
Heights dint net. J lu, oregonian.
WANTED A suit of two small house
keeping rooms, walking distance from th
business center, by two young ladies. Ad
Rooms With Board.
WIDOW lady-would like board and room in
private ramny; 110 oojecnuna 1- auuui m
reasonable. Phon Eust 4H3L
FOR T LA IN D nuuij i. l ui'-cjau.
Rooms, llats, apartments, furnished, un
furnished, board, all parts of the city;
sve you money, time, trouble. Let us lo-
. .i.ui. U-....lnVt.m mt R Sill.
lain iuu. -'v 7j nasin-i"- -
i .v. -1 1 1 M.i a r."Ai
Furnished Room.
T 1m. iheaa K..a 11 t f f n 1 1 u flirtlillha.1 hOtflJI.
213H 4th st. 2-11 4th st. 207i 4th St.
on ifOunn st., running irora -ji"r v
Salmon su Brand new brick, elegantly
and cold water In all rooms; strictly
Up-to-Uttlw I il ail rcsei, w .
prices. If you want something out of the
ui u i i:ui y lit i nf iicm i wa. j -
reasonabl prices, give us a call as ws
Know you win iiks uuuio uj ,
week or month. Tourist trade solicited.
SARGENT HOTEL, corner Grand ave. and
Hawthorne, recently renovateu aua u-
under th management of Martin A
Nicholson, formerly of the Portland Hotel.
Beautifully furnished rotma, single or en
suite, with private baths, hot and cold
water, steam heat and private phone In
every room; first-class grill and bar In
connection. Special rates by week or
month. Transients solicit ea.
THE VY E A VEIL 710 W as a lngton St.. near
King; a perfect modern home; private
bath, steam heat, not ana com war, aua
telephone In every room; finest part of
the city; th maximum of convenience,
th minimum of expense; w mak yo
feel at home: oining-room in cwmicutia,
best in tn cftr for the money.
12 Eleventh St.
New. modern brick building, steam
heated, private baths, hot and cold water
In rooms, beautifully furnished, cozy and
comfortable. Rents very reasonaoi. can
and see us. Keaular and transient trad
3o7 r.ast XJuri:siue du
Modem throughout, hot and cold run
ning water, steam heat, rooms single or
naulte, rooms with privat bath; transient
rate 7.1c to $2 per day; weekly, $2.00 to
7. East S944. B 127
HOTEL BURGOYNE, ' southwest corner
Twelfth ana tarjt street, one uu. su
ing new and handsomely furnished,
eieain heat, hot and cold running water
and telephone In every room, elevator,
close In, reasonable rates by the day,
week or month, phono Main 5753.
Moderate prices; weekly rates $3, $3.60
up, including public phone and bath;
steam heat-
ISO-, Morrison St.. Cor. 10th St.
BARGAIN day in furnished rooms; modern
Up-to-date, 3 diockb.oi pusiuim-e, not aim
cold water, telephones In room, steam
heat, $4 per week and up. 246"-, Yam
Mil at.
BUoHJJARK HOTEL, 17th and Wasmngiun
Newly lumisneti luuum, em me or so
suite; private baths, steam heat, hot and
cold water and phone in all rooms; rates
reasonable! transients solicited.
AUDITORIUM HOTEL, 2o8b Third street.
between layior anu .wmwa .im
cold water, steam heat, elevator; rates
$3 50 and up, 6oc day and up. Main 2374,
A 8207.
Br ittIFULLY furnished, steam heated
AU 7. lo. e hath fltr. hlrtlr- -r-
rOOm, Willi lflitt-w 4.-a..., ... x.waa., ..was.
Hotel Portland. Madison Park Apart
ments. Main 6533.
661 H FIRST Furnished rooms, steam hear.
verytning new, .
THE HOLL HUit-U iw i-m sew aua
moaern in eve- w.s-fc., a-
rates reasonable; transients solicited.
NEWLY furnished rooms, strictly modern,
phone, furnace heat, electric light, baths.
beautiful location. 885 Mill.
LaRRABEE Hotel, 227 Larrabee st. New
and moueiu. hht . u ""---.. a..w
and phones. Double rooms $3. 30 and up.
THE BEAVER. 12th and Marshall st.. wtl
lurnisnea siecjnn 'wiu-, waw,.
eiectrio lights, hot baths free.
MODERN outside rooms, 3 to $3 per week.
InClUdtn g Lat l i 1 B , .MU uuuwnwj)iu . uvula.
54a'j Washington t.
1 NICELY furnished room; can be fitted
for nousaee1""'- lum u
TBS HAZEL Nlcelx furutshed. teaua
ASta) i.aUliSf wa.4 n u awuiftviaHji
Residential. 330 Taylor. Transient,
Bet. 7th and Park Sta.
Opposite new HelMg Theater, one block
from Portland Hotel; brick building, Just
completed; handsomely furnished; every
modern convenience, elevator service,
steam heat, telephone and hot and cola
water In every room; single rooms and
suites with or without private baths, etc:
centrally located, near postofflce; Just off
all carllnes; very quiet; low rates by day,
week or month. Phone Marshall g200.
Permanent and Transient.
W ar devoting several of our choicest
rooms to permanent guests for the Win
ter: will make special low rates by the
week or month; transient guesta given the
best of service and shown every courtesy;
located in center of shopping district, con
venient for out-of-town people; rate by
the week.
FRANKLIN HOTEL, 13th and WaihinrtoTi.
Beautifully furnished rooms at reason
able rates; phone, hot and cold water In
very room, clean and modern.
124 14th st,. cor. Washington.
Furnished and unfurnished rooms; pri
vate baths, free phones in all roomi
FURNISHED, heated rooms, transient. 30O
tip; week $2. up. 3S1 Yamhill.
Rooma $3.60 week up. 1J2H 17th at.
LARGE light well-heated furnished rooms,
b blocks from P. O. 2.'1 7th st.
Furnished Rooms In Aiivale A-aiuilies.
GENTLEMAN who can appreciate the com
forts of pleasant and nicely furnished,
well-kept modern rooms, with gas. elec
tricity, furnace heat and bath, tail at SS
North 15th St., 2 blocks from Wash.
YOUNG attorney wishes room nuui, pleas
ant room, electricity, gas. furnace heut,
bath, bo N. 15th, two block from Wash
ington, TO RENT 1 or S rooms In new, modern
home; all conveniences, strictly private;
1 or 2 gentlemen. Will give breakfast; 1
block from carline. HQS Ellsworth st.
FOR RENT Pleasant furnished room, suit
able for one gentleman; references. 2-3
14th st.. near Taylor.
FURNISHED rooms, modern convtnienrts,
walking distance, board optional, 209
14th near Jefferson.
NICELY furnished front room, also actio
room. $6 per month, 611 Morrison st.
. Phone A 5o31.
LARGE parlors, well furnished, 11 replace,
xurnace heat, suitable ror stuuio or ousi
nesa people. Main 81S3.
LARGE front room, bay window. Ml
Glisan st.; suitable for couple, ladles or
gents. Phone Alain 44 va.
NE VVLY-f urnlshed rooms, very reasonable.
'27 3d st.. between t -lay and Market.
FINE large outside rooms, gas and elec
light; turnace heat. 32 N. 10th st.
(10 MONTH, bright, pleasant corner room
everything convenient. 475 Clay st.
ELEGANTLY furnished rooms for 2 or
gentlemen. 434 Taylor st.
685 H GLISAN ST., clean, modern furnished
rooms, bath, phone, walking distance,
Main 47U1.
403 West Park.
NICELY furnished room for renu
LIGHT, sunny room, heat,
phone and batb.
walking distance.
62 lth st.
FRONT room or back parlor. $13; auitabio
ror two. no lbtn, st. ortn.
NICELY furnished rooms, private family,
lbS 23d at. North.
$10 MONTH; fine front room; bath, walk
ing distance. 42 otn st.
LIGHT, steam-heated room, hot water.
electricity, phone. 66S Kearney, Sd be!
CHEAP room, cltoan. 2GS 12th st.
Cut urn I tali ed liuums.
Rooms With Board.
PORTLAND Women's Union, 23d year;
rooms with board, use of sc wins-room, li
brary. 6 JO r lanaers. r. is. rieain. supt.
ELEGANT furnished room for 1 or 2; first
class board, reasonable. 374 Park.
NICELY furnished rooms with board.
12th st.
DESIRABLE room, suitable fur 1 or
good table. 33 North Seventeenth street.
Rooms With Board In private Family.
PORTLAND HEIGHTS carline; elegantly
furnished rooms with Doaru, moaern con
veniences, mountain view, veranda sleep
In.? Dorch If desired, private residence.
walking distance. 609 Ford St. Drive,
LARGE sunny room, suitable for two gentle
men, homwcooKing, ncune privileges, mod
ern, easy ' walking distance, bath, $5 week.
East 4240.
ATTRACTIVE rooms, fireplace, sleeping
porch, good meals, splendid residence. 6io
NICELY furnished front room and board
for three gentlemen. East Side; 22.
Phone Ea5t4JtB.
6MALL outside room with excellent board
and bath, 1 or 2 gentlemen, in privat
family of aauits. A v. j oapman:
FIRST-CLASS room and board for one or
two gentlemen, walking distance, V est
Side. Marshall 2123.
FOR RENT Nicely furnished room with
board private family. i&4 Belmont
Phone B 1210.
ROOM and board for two gentlemen In pri
vate family. DiO Ladd ave.
ROOM and board for two business people.
712 HoytsC
ICS y 10TH ST., rooms with or without
board ; running water.
BEST accommodations for young man of
retlnement, March L Phone last 143,
FIRST-CLASS room and board in privai
family. 545 Yamhill St.
ROOM and board for a gentleman accus
tomed to refinement. 3tl Seventh.
NEATLY furnished room with board, home
comforts and privileges, pnone A 3U3H.
TWO large connecting rooms, suitable for 4;
breakfast ana dinners. Main )
WANTED, by widow, care of children. Call
or address SS East 72d st. North.
Cor. Grand ave. and E. Stark st.
New fireproof brick building beautifully
famished. Two and three-room apart
ments; private hath, hot and cold water,
team heat. Phon. East 800.
between 10th ana zutti, on atnington,
one 4 -room apt., also one 2-room apt.,
beautifully furnished; lctrlc elevator,
private phones .
RE-UKAN, Marshall, bet. 19th and 20th;
modern, elaborately rurnisnea iront apart
ment, 3 rooms aud privatu bath ; some
thing real nice aud homelike at a reason
able price. Main 6u32. A 3111. "V" car.
NEW and elegantly furnished two-roum
aDartment. with fireplace ana an moa-
ern conveniences. Marshall S70. 320
Mon tg ornery st. .
AJiCADIA APTS., 7crti Everett st., LelweeU
21st ana T-a; z ana a rooms, neaiiy xur
nlshed, privat bath, phone aud janitor
APARTMENT. 4 rooms, uew furniture, ori
ental, Navajo, lur rugs, cost tou, sen ior
$550. Would sell separately. 1 Teaadale
Apartments. 30 North 2ath st.
GRACE Apartments. 24th and Northrup
sts,; new ana strictly mouern, a anu o
rooms, verandas and sleeping porches,
roof garden, hot water heat.
iJsIBLEGANTLY furnished three - room
apartment. "Sunlight Apartments." I2i5
Belmont. Tabor l
BOZANTA APARTMENTS, newly furniaiied.
strictly moueru. imiiiiuio rem, araiiuies
now. lHQira N. 23d. Marshall 2o2l.
MAJESTIC APTS., 300 Clay, corner West
yaxUL. A strictly muueru, luui-iuoin ana
bath apt. Reference required.
CECELIA Apartments, 22d and Glisan; o-
room apartment wua su momro cooiv
niences; rent reasonabl.
IRIS APARTMENTS. 3d and Mill sta.. 5-
room, uniuroiaiitju Bymuimin, ; moa
arn Improvements; adults only.
KORDICA Apartments, corner Grand ave.
and Jtjeimom; muuwn, v-y reaaouabie.
phon East 341S.
THE "CEDAR HiLL,' 187 Green av., bet.
Washington u anu, rai. avo. , a rooms,
bath, furnished; ail conveniences, a 7534.
187 17th. near YamhilL
F urn I shed apartments. : team - ha td.
NEW YORK Apartments, 2 and 3 rooms fur
nished ana uniuinuucu, -iem neat, tie
phone. a cimuuu
MAJESTIC APTS.. 800 Clay St., corner Went
ParK. a aincu "'""ci u, iuui -room ana
bath apartment. References required.
FURNISHED apartments for rent, new
bulicing. w ainnig v. a man.
NEW furniture for sale quick. Apartment
fur rent. jying-uavis Apartments.
ONE funitPhed apartment, "The Cecihi
irJd ana ciiican.
THS BERYL One apartment for rent. C&5
Lovejoy st., near iist.
K keleh Apartments, 14th and Clay sta., I
a nari i afaiie flcaat. ioam Klltt I
644 Everett St..
Between 20th and Ella Sts.
Vacant Feb. 21, one of the choice R
room suites with private bath, reception
hall and sleeping porch. The Everett is
equipped apartment house in the city: tree
Independent phones with each apartment;
automatic elevator and first-class service.
Our motto: Plenty of heat and hot water
all the time. If you want the best, come
to the Everett and you will look no farther.
THE BARKER Corner 2lat and Irving sts.
This new 4-story brick opened Jan. 1,
1011 ; furnished and unfurnished in two,
three and four-room suites with recep
tion halL Pacific phone In each apartment,
electric elevator, Tolmes disappearing beds,
built-in buffet and writing desk, gas
ranges, ice box. plenty of closet room. If
you want something extra nice, com to
the Barker, phone M a r s hall 2961.
East Side. 1135 Alblna ave.; take Mis
sissippi. L or St. Johns car. 15 minutes'
rid from 3d and Washington sts. 2, 3 and
5 rooms cimpietely furnished; $17V to $40
per month; all modern conveniences; un
furnished apartments, phone Wood lawn
Formerly Blan Myr.
220 North 20th.
Elepant!y furnish d 3 and 4-room, all
conveniences, electric elevator. privat
baths, quiit and in best residence dis
trict; references required- Phone Mar
shall 20J8.
HEINZ APARTMENTS. 14th and Columbia,
4 blocks -wouth from Morrison St.; new
brick building, completely first-class; fur
nished in 2. 3 and 4-room family apart
nenu; private bath, reception hall. stean
heat, hot water, elevator, free phone, Jan
itor service; rent very reasonabl.
West e?iUt. Clay, near 14th st. 2-
rnom mouern apartment, completely fur
nished, $24 and $26 per month, Includ
Int? eloctric lights, steam heat, hot and
cold water, bath aud phone. Marshall
2074. w
On Lucretia street, near Washington,
only one of the large, outside, 2-room
apartments left in this new elegant and
modern apartment-house. Apply to su
perintendent, apt. 1. or phone Marshall1
liOl ; references required.
Cor. 6th and Montgomery Ft.
New, modern, eiegaruiy furnished, I
room apartments; a A outside rooms; pri
vate baths and telephones. Fhone Mar
shall 1375.
Will be completed March 1. 1011. For
spar i ments inquire of Miss Allen st the
Luiiulng. ri. E. corner of 13th and Jefferson
sts., or phone Main 6704. The Reed Insti
ture, 420 A bin gt on bidg.
EVELYN ApartmenT 267 N 21 at., cor.
North rup ; will be completed Feb. 2."i. For
apartments Inquire at building or phone
A 46h. 3-rooin and bath furnished or
unfurniched with all modern coaveni-f-ru:'5;
rent rcusonable.
Buy a this new, elaborate furniture, six
rooni. strictly modern flat; rent $35; three
rooms rented for $:.0; West Side, walking
distance, select neighborhood, phone Mar
shall 3073 -
FoR RENT 5-room flat, well furnished,
steam heat, piano. West Sld. walking
distance. Phone Main 59S8. The Ames
Mercantile Agency, 416 Ablngton bldg.
5-room upper flat on Lovejoy st, $.0.
Vanduyn 4k Walton. 615 Chamber Com
merce. FOR RENT 5-room flat, well furnialied.
steam heated, modern conveniences. West
Side; good location, walking distance. Call
E. 3050.
eO-GANTLY" furnished apartment flat. 0
rooms, expensive district of Nob Hill;
modern conveniences. AH 7 , Oregonian.
A 5-ROOM modern flat, c'ose in. on carline;
rent reasonable. Inquire 468 E. 12th at,,
and Division, or A 88BS.
7-l:ooM sti ictly modern, llreplaco, steam
heat, built-In conveniences; best residence
district: new and tirst-clais. East 1137.
Noli HiLL, modern unfurnished 6-room
uiper tlat ; adults only. Main 8698.
FOUROM-; f lat. 12th and Belmont. Phon
A 7;-5. Main 1001. B. H. Bowman.
$16 Modern 4-room flat with basement;
adults. 7h0 Williams ave. Woodlawn 420.
FOR RENT Throe nicely furnished room,
with piano; rent $30. 6 Union ave.
MODERN 5-room comer flat, nice attic.
475 '-j 7th.. March 1. Call 847 Clifton.
NEW, modern 6-room flat. East lflth and
Ash. I'hone B 2006.
Houjvekrepliig Rooms.
1H B HEAVER. 12th and Marshall, fur
nished for housekeeping, gas range, elec
tric lights, hot water, bath, laundry all
free; 1S per month up; a clean place;
best In the city for money; short dlstanc
from Union Depot. Take "S" car, or lfttkv
st. car north, get off at Marshall su No
WELL-FURNISHED 5-room cottag. $20
mo.; lower furnished 4-room flat, f 1..50
mc; well-furnished housekeeping suites. 2
rooms. 10 and $12 mo.; 8 for $15. Apply
8b4 North 20th. W car from depot, Oth
or Morrison to 26th, block north.
IA.5U lO $2.50 WEEK; clean. lurnisa
housekeeping rooms, fre laundry, bath,
phone, clean linen, heat. 40fl Vancoavaf
av.. and 2034 Stanton; tak U car
Fll'ST floor. 3 light, well-furnlahed rooma
suitable for three adults; uatn, gas. pno.,
good yard, central location; references.
I'hone A 2000. Marshall 1000.
NICE, well-furnished suite of front rooms.
complete ror nnust'Kecying , -,',"u''
electric lights; S4; back suite $.- Si Rus-s-11
st. East 2S65. C 207. L car.
fiUITE of 2 or 3 unfurnished housekeeping
rooms in corner iiwuae, " , :
fcide. 2 bloosth from car. Phon before If
or after 5. East 4831.
NEWLY furnished 2 and 8-rooin apaxtmeuts.
UlSO UmuruiHiicu iwiu
t.nTT. hent. modern. 189 E. tin st.
FURNISHED housekeeping rooms; also
single room. 532 Williams av. Phon
r 1.V23.
461 E. MORRISON, cor. of 8th. completely
I urn is iiea i.ou3oiyA
lloor, reasonable.
NICELY furnished housekeeping rooms;
uingle or en suite, a-i c. "v
FURNISHED housekeeping rooms, $liW t
$2 per week. Desoto House, 201 2d.
HOUSEKEEPING room In nw coacrui
vm, Phnn. Woodlawn 2097 or 2371.
Hnusekeeplpg Rooms in Private Family
DESIRABLE front room on first floor, us
of kitchen; Buitaoie tor ngm uuussmk'
lug or studio; separate entranc. 441
Montgomery st. Keierenw-.
LAiiUE. finely furnished front rooms, first
floor; all conveniences; prlco reasonable.
Main StUS. 853
2-ROOM housekeeping suite cheap; near
Palling acnooi. ---
Hooker. ,
"FIiONT suite, furnished, $4 Per week;
1 single, ;t per week; no objections to
children. 307 Harrison st.
ONE single room, and two, a good kitchen.
with water; ciea-u. u. uv.-.i-v,
reasonable. 412 10th St.
Tvk Tarce nicely furnished room with
kitchenette; gas, electric light, 834 Park;
s: lit.
bl NORTH 2uTH, 2 newly furnished rooms.
complete, iui wi.v". rf
r i u S3.
HOUSEKEEPING rooms, light, bftth. phon
anu oeuw a.-.. - -
'WO newly furnished rooms, electric lights,
phone, bath, $16. 195 21st., south of
li) SALMON Two nicely furnished house
keeping rooms, private family, reasonable,
central, adults.
;F WLY - furnlfch.a housekeeping-rooms;
phones, hot water, walking distance, 407
Holladay ave.
-ROOM housekeeping suite; $10 a month.
742 Savier. near 23d.
FURNISHED housekeeping rooms at 4AHI
Fourth at.
ROOMS, single or en suite. $10 to $1S per
montn. o, 5 tou'-n.
THREE furnished housekeeping reunify
a I U : t S . 1 to ln. cm wci pi i. a. njy .
HOUSEKEEPING rooms, nicely furnisheu.
Clean, homellKe, pnone. cioaw i". on oq gt.
TWO connecting housekeeping rooms, gas
bath. taayimtu. -
TWO modern furnisiied housekeeping roorui.
7 l union a yb. nu" -1
TWO nicely furnished housekeeping rooms,
$?0 per month; bedroom $12. 370 7th st.
BASEMENT room for rent or exchange for
carpenter rv- ' """'
140 13th, near
TWO comfortably, sunny, furnished house-
KeepiOK, fli'- ay.' . w. J -u-...,
HOUSKivEEI'lu-.LHiia ior rent, imiiiu
st. bouta.
TWO nicely furnished housekeeping rooms,
walking aistance. orj om su
HOUSEKEEPING rooms, 371 7th at-, near
THREE furnished housekeeping rooms to
adult ; xroat, conv-naon u boo X rnnui.