K V i V ' THE MOTtyiXO OKEGOXIAN. TUESDAY. FFDHUART 21. 1911. ' , L , , - . - Rg ESTATE, t RWAXeTATB. . sfii KTATR. 1 REAL ESTATE. I , I t.i. t jrrrr ToixtT. A SNAP? IF TAKEN BY THE FIRST OF MARCH Centtlnf ef i' acres; J acre In prune or 19.009 tree; wlj yield 1100 per rr: freea Jlna pruned now and la firs-cls condition now; to T yar old; about miles ' f Man roe. Or., lylnc on K- ao4 ehip plng poiate; about 100 acrea in bottom land: Tl to 10 acrea In ecrub oak. bal anre under eultlvation 'n erop: good anil; aoll flrt elaaa for fruit; good running- water the year around; $4006 worth Improrementa; 1 drier. 1 atore h.ui.. 1 ham, t now house; od IvifM; all In flrl-t-!a onrfitiot. Owner want to leav. Urnl w'Mn, Hi mil. ae-lllng from 1150 to 1210 per acre In Ii) and 44-eore trarte. Thl t an A No. 1 proportion If taken before V(reh . Can be had at $7 per acre. Term, one-third cash, balance at per cent, from I to $ yrar. JU C KEXXET CO, I-- Or. ft K. T. Taylor, room 111 Oregfon Hotel. IRVINGTON HAS Asphalt Pa?eraenls Cement Sidewalks Complete Sewer System Bull Run Water, Gas Mains Euildiag Restrictions Low Prices TeroslSCuli,2aMo3ib A. R. Diamond & Co. Irriri'ton Office Cor. E. 13th and Knott St. 13th Street Near Main, fine apartment site; faces east; 5 minutes' walking distance from post office; 75x100. 21,500 E. J. DALY 222-223-221 Failing Bldg. ProfitsinFruit? Tea; If yen plant to ault the dimtadi of th market. Bundale. on tba North Back JKy, produce aplendld Grape. Almond. Apple. Apricot. Feacnea. Fears. Charrtee. Suodai' climate la Ideal for people, fruit, chlckena. Ha dally train and water competition for ever oa the grand Columbia. We guar antee work tor purchaaer with team. ) owner. HI'TTEB UXD CO, 4QT Well-raro bldg. INVESTOR! TM U for your pedal conaiisratioa. 125x150 ON UNION AVENUE rir Incoma. A baiiain thai woa't lag. long. Terms. $30000 Northern Trust Co. 870 Stark Streat. Washington St. Half lot between Elev enth and Twelfth sts. For price see Russell & Blyth .Commonwealth Bldg. Irvington Home Jfew. very w.l 7 -room house, with furn.ee an? fireplace, hardwood floors, bullt-ln buffet and bookraaea, panel f'ntng-ro-m. beam celling. Putrh kitchen. elee-plng-porch. fine fixture. In fact nothing; nilaslng: on a lot (Ox M0. at front, on K. ISth et , near Thnmpeon. A fin neighborhood. Price ITOvO, only IliGO c GRtM st (1DOW, ir Hoard of Trade BH-t.. 41b and f.k. Union Ave. Corner flHxTO. PRICKS360O. GODDARD A WIF.DRICK, ' 43 atari t. MORTGAGE LOANS Lowest raa mm4 term. fe tti eta I laid aa4 tavaraal twaaa luci Waaa baale pr.perHoe. KmaaW Ueeet lor frlvat. Im.ataie. A.H. BIRRELL CO. Bag McKay BUi. l A Btaeav $12,000 Union Avenue, 40109. South ef Bumid. KAXXOPr ok KOrr, S2S Kj Ezck. Top- r ?,w . o s.iHoa.: .. . S450 50x100 lot on Tortland ITeiphta; jrrrlfd street and eity water, tasy terms. 51730 50x100, bran ti ful trsiilene lot, in Nob Hill if5trictea district. All street improvement paid. 54000 Lot on Savier at., rear 27th; rot re atrioted. 820.000 3 acres on Basa Iioe road, partly cleared. SSO.OOO lOOilOO corner, 011 Petty;rrove at.; baa trackage. 510,000 Corner, Upper W'a.hinfton at.; fine apartment site. t KEASEY 1 HUMASOHsjEFFERY J) 32 Chamber of Oommaree. nvesfaiient Comer, 100x100, improved .with 2 apartments, $50,000 Some terms can be aranged. HARTMAN STHOHPSOH Realty Dept. Chamber of Commerce. 300 Acres on Peninsula tnilo deep-water frontage, $400 PER ACRE. Lies between Oregon and Columbia Sloughs. Imme diate action necessary. W 776 Orcgonian. STORE FOR RENT 60x100 nVB STORIES AND BASEMENT Laxre elerator, first-class ahippinj facilities, heavy mill construction; very low insurance, rate, absolutely first-class. Tbia building ia situated within one block of principal freight bouses, and within half block cf new I'ostoffice aita. Will leaaa for fiva years at a Tery reasonable rate. The W. G, Kc Pfierscn Co. 32S Clisaa Street. Union Avenue Snap Lot 1000. With Store Building;. rniciB S40OO. GODDARD a YVIF.DIUCK. 3 as Starfc St. ;B FLOORING M'VJLr-Jew ."W'e ml and lay Masneette rioor. I.lshter thn til nd a durable. Far uperlnr to linoleum. Can be laid In any form or color. W can lay thl over old floors. WEITOJI SCMIFiWE, 34 Chamber ( Comaaaroe. TcL Mala K-X. HOLXADAY PARK RESIDENCE Lot 50x10". T room, furnace, fireplace and all moUern Improvement. PRICE SSOOO GODDARD M1RDRICK. 34 aiark at. I hare a most beautiful home on Portland Height; ground (gxlOO feet, northeait front, ten-room bouie, built on honor, for owner's nee. with trejy modern convenience. The plaoe la worth tlf.000. but owing; to the fact that I am leaving the atate. will sell for a lltl leaa. on reasonable term. Addreeei J 7S. Oreg-onlan. One of the beet home la Kolladay Addition. See H. Make me aji offer. Owner AL . Oregonlan. Mike Your Owa Terms to Cwcer Have two lota near K. 40th at., on Montavtlla car. Will (U on or both; ta0 each, worth t'QQ. KCTII. K34 Worcester Bldar. Gilt-Edge FREE EXHIBITION! OF East Indian Brass Arts Commencing From Tedy b SI We hav. Jtwt received a larjre (toclc of variou ort of braa arts from Hindustan. Hulllo are rordially wol cnm. at III. Couch atr.et, between Fifth anil rilxth. REAL RMTATH PKALRRIl rierW. William O.. ail K.llln, bid, ttlrrell. A, H. C, IO-I JtcKar bldg- R- eelataTlaeuraaea. aiarlKa. loaae. .te. Br-ih.k.r at Seaedlct. )A McKay bid, M. Cm Harlow. SS miamber Caja. Ceaa. B. a. a C. SU( C.raett kl4(. J.ealnee j Co.. Mala IU V Oraaaalam. hAI.MvH-JONIca CO, U. i Ceouaae- cUI Club blda. . Tbe Own Heal alftata Co.. Oran4 aea. am MuKnnmah !. rHalladar AdilllloB.t M. B. TUOMPMOaT CO.. Mr. 4rh a ad Oa ., RBAt, KHTATIC. .r Mala T'OR bAl.t UT OWNER. Vl'i Lot In pcdriionl. tloie fe Aln- worih; I block from Union eve. Ilioo iiHrto. KllllnwortB avenue. fliiuO Ik. of tiie ti.t lots la Alameda P.rk; all Improvement Incluil'd. I2SO fcqultr In 8 lata In test tu Johns; prlie ITNI. . . liOOO Sloil.rn i-rwm boua In Overlook; all tmprovemeate la and paid. lOOsloo. buplneas corner, en ftuseell and Vancouver eve., for leae or sale. Call Woodlawn ttS IM)0 IX)TS; tiiO BACH. Iocatrd In a elexant reeidenr e Inn. where there are oi4 reeirtejlone. every modern improvement, lot BCjw ft ntl lay beautiful; twenty mlnut.e from oin and W aelilngtnn and od car ervica Every lot can be resold lor " Hhln mouths. , This Is, a cah deal and If you hav tne raoney drop . line and set In toucs rarllculare. W' 775. Oreonlan tin r.nvv"i mTi.VTHLI. FNAF I'.NLV llw; D"-ft. It in "Iskl rou AJiIUIkm: cloee to Koee City Hal It tar at.loinlu Hll Cr.et ; all ready t. ujld noon; water In: aaoth.r, ONLY ii. hind and elshtly for home; no reeirlc lioae; It's your chance o get trted with out paring hlh price; ulc home all round. Uo with me to see them at once. Jaa. C. Un. :V. Vfaeh. St.. room 4". fEIXWOOD IT. HH)U. BOxlOU feel on oornr of a h na Marloa sis.; ea frelirht sidetrack nd irlthla H bloek of O. W. P. earilne; this Is tuslneee piaparty with a future; price tlOou. t.rrjia H. V. PAlAfER-JONES CO., Z12-1S Commercial Club Kldg. fnone Main k'lw. A -"j-v- - 1-OTa. UOT8. I.OT8. Huy aow. Uta IM. Weet Starle and ;d street, ml of city Vara; only l ir.inulee from Washington. St.; beautiful view lots; money-makers; Ism I) per month. KAIIONAT. RSAI.TT TRfST CO., 329 Washlnton SURoom JIT. TABOR I superb building sites from 1 Co 4 lots, at end of Murrlson-et. cariin. Klnast location on test bide. KHher on or close to rarllne. Hard-surface psvement to elty. I'rlce away below surrouudln prop ortles and' your own terms. The lluot Land Co.. 10 Chamber of Commerce. FOR BALK A business lot on Mississippi v... near Itussell. 7 blocks from new yrnaawar brldire. 4000 l 4 slhtly lots on Vlllamette Boulevard, overlooking elty. IS minutes' eU from new Hroadaay bridge, g.iwu. require A. R. Seller, ma William ave. Phone Knst 4457. LADtra ADPITIOH. Iltlll ob aoia si. Bear Hawthwna av. A very dxelraltle home elle at the low price of Wit, 7 cash, baiaao at par cent, PTRONO CO., v5 Concord bldg. OLAI'HTUMS AVE. Tg cash and balance monthly pay meats tuvs a fine residence lot &Zxi4'.i on thla beautiful street, fronting on the car una. This offer le loo ol to last loug. UEISKK & tTRACHAN. IJl'j vorrn in il IILIUHIA HEIUMTg LOTS 4 fins lota. l(HiJi.n. on K 11th and ytolman ts., 100100 for Ji); Inside lot f .r leoO; corner lot lil. Thl U a snaik. JJettar look It ua- UUL'Kal IADOW. glT Board of Trade Bldr-. 4th ,nd OaV. A gN'AP Two rholoe lota, k.xluo. fee I tin east, betweea Tillamook and Itaneoek. on kiast 27tk. In a choice reetrli-ted dletrict; price for both. 2a.V). one-tlilrd caeti, bal ance 8 per cent. MeCargar, Hwm Lively, 81 rallin kl. . I.OT yon CASH. Have you Tnn? I aeed It and need It badly. I will sell you the best lot In Hose City Park for It. No aitent. Johnson. 101 fleennd et. Main liv.i. BliST HUT ON I'OHTLAMl HKIUHI'S. CJI'ArtTETl IIIVCK UM PI'l-l.T IM PROVKO tTREKT, rlNB VIEW. 2.'0 Jlh.I.OV MAKKiCT VAJ.V.E. ilAl.V ItOii. A aa. LOT. and lo, block 24. Kalrport Addi tion, for sale by owner; price 7i0; on bloc; from carllne; must eell; leaving oily. Address B. V. Uoldsworth, As aonla Hotel. TWOTtToic lots at Tlllamoiik Iteach. ad Jotnla railroad and ocean; price $17A each, part rash, balance 9., per month; owner needs money. Telephone B 2'Xil or O 777. Oregonlan. aiO.OO DOWN. 13.00 per month, level lot, near ood car, city water, street graded and paved. hh;l ur a bis hop. i . aTh ira st. E. 6ih AND SJORRI.ON. gOxI'fO corner: I110O: cheep. HHUIIAKER BKNKDtCT. B02 McKay Uldg.ld aad gtark. 1300, 110 "DOWN. 110 MONTHLY. Full lot. Railway Addition, close to new lit Hoou Electric: a good buy. Fred W. Uermao. 81) Hurnalds. M. 2770. - FO RTLAJf DH E I OMTS PROP ERTT. Homes, lots, quarter blocka, tracta aad acreage; all parts of heights, all vlsws aad pncee; some bargalaa alaln gofil. A SA A BAROAJN. Must ssll 50x1 w. on K. 17th, 9 bloek from Uswthorn l'Ki. Also loux 100 for g7'. T 77H, .'reiintn. 6SA1 Lot AOxlvO, near Oilsan St.; cars every t mlnutos; must sell at one, leav ing cltx, '"e owner after 6 P. M. IS li Soth at. (Hotel.) A WORD TO THE WIS!. If you are going to buy a lot. V. J. KOSKNIifcR'-i. Ill Lumbermens Bldg. WATCH Hawthorne aval 1 7 00 handle leant future bualne.s lot; am foroed to eell. Owner, 10 771). Oregonlan. 100s 100 HAWTHORNE U730. On 47 1 h. m blocks to car: terms. Fred W. Oerman, K2? BurnsHs. Main 2770. 10x100 CORNER lot, Ejst J7th. close to new car enope, fisv; tiruu. ee i,uaiDw a.x change LAVHILHI. UST. tos low, eijully for orlslnal amount paid; bought year .go. AO 744. Oresoolaa. I7.'.i EACH will buy 2 Ana lote ooxlOO feet each, on E vtn et. 1 nis is a nut ouy lor ee.h. Call 414 gpaldlng bldg. IRVINGTON Beautiful building lot. near Thompson st. and Broadway car; a bar sain for cash. AM 7tf, Oregonlan. KILLING.TtVohTH ill. lot, fiuxluo: a an buy at II SOO. call 414 Fpaldlng bid. For bale -Hons ilORHl.S street, close to Union ave., new. modern 8-room home, whlrb w mill sell at 10-00 and take a smaller house or vacant piece of land ae part pavment. Western Hocurltle Co.. 414 Bpalding bldg. 1R.VINGTON. -room home. Just completed, located at 4-1 K. 20th et. North, near Braxee et. IX ooodss'.l. Jr. Fbocea Ualn 6427 or evenlnse Rest 106. N K A It L V new modern 7-room house on lit. 8-ott carllne. 12700; fOQO eaan. balance oa term to suit. E. F. TAGGART. 41 Chambsr of Commsrca. SEVEN-ROOM bungalow, corner lot. Pert land Heights, st ll0 less than value; g3o0 casa. balance t:i miwvth Including Intereet. Ooddard. 610 Board of Trails. tl 2H 0- lioOil cottage with bath, iuxluO lot. fenced; strawberries, fruit: very essy terms; near Mt Scott car. Cllur-lur-ton Co.. i' Bpalding bldg. glOo"rOWNi balance easy; new e-room houee, lot OOxJOO, near good lo car; only 1 riioriET A BISHOP. 132 Third Ft. alODKKN 7-room house aJnd lot on Halsey t f furnace, fireplace, ess. electricity. M730. half cash, balanc. to sulu X bar guln. Marshall SM. g MEACTIVUI. homes, alcgantiy finished, osk and ma hoeany, chuce location. Irvlnglon. C 18iid. Eaet7. Jiojsgcntaw. H.H.rdman. TOU mu st see thl to pprclt It. For ea! .1,.., k, owner, modern ft-room bouse, IS mlnutss- walk from Poloffloe; low rat of Intereet, easy terms, roone .nam w. jjYE a few chole. hargalna In reeldenc propertle on the East Side. Ohio ln- vsstmsnt Co.. 421 AMnton Bldg. Br'JAWW on It. t?cott line for loo, V down and 110 month. Owner. Ood- dard. 1 Board of Trade. g-ROOM house, nearly new, modern, gofd location. North fortland. 4"0O. term. Muet eelL Hatfield. 103V 4th St. IN rrvlngton" Park; new. modern eeven-room bouse, 1 blo-k from carlln. Owner' sheoe .Woodlawn M. A BEAUTIFUL HOME IN LACREXe. HURST. Thl home I everything that th head line Implies, which Is sufficient to satisfy the most fastidious mind: anil It can be rroeured for the Insignificant sura of ihX), which Jiuji pays for the material and lot. Let us show It to you tuUay. R. E. NICHOLS CO.. 270 'a Mark ritreet. 6-ROOM BUNOALOW. Modern and complote, . all on ground fl'ior, large lot. cement basement and floor, nice fireplace, bullt-ln china clnset. one hloik from Hawthorne ave. Price j7o: terms MK ca..h. balance monthly payments t-9 and interest 7 per cent. This '-n a l.unicalow you will like. be. Crawford, eor. E. S4lh and Hawthorne-.ve. Tabor 1B. B 2H07. BUY NOW. ROSE CITY PARK. K A3Y TERMS. T rooms HnlOO lot; Improvement In and paid; Berlin buffet and bookcases, solid osk floors, bath, furnace fireplace, laundry traye. mirror doors, gas. etc.; terms two down, balance ;5 per monta. MATloNAL REALTY 4t TRCtiT CO.. flgOHi Washington St. Room lldj " UTJILD NOW. Wt CAN gAVBt YOU MONET. THEB1 18 A RIAKON. LET UB TELL TOTJ WHY. OUR REPUTATION FOR FAIR DlAlr JNG AND OIVINO ALL W -9R feRINO US MUCH BUblNBbH. PLAN JFRSK IF WS J3UILD. 100 OV.S Lot wa will financb it ro oo. L. R. BAIIEY CO., 1N&. ae A D i Mi i u FINE HOME. 5O0 CAH. Brand new -room modern house wltn gus and electric, fin fireplace, bullt-ln chin, closet, paneled dining-room, sleep ing porch, laundry trays; on . lot -X 114. on East d, near Hawthorne lij. a fins localion. price only t00, JW cash and -' per month. anuwi a zadow. II T Board of Tra deBldB.. 4th and Qek. tl A 1 llllt.". ej AV(.ni;c $1200 TWO HOrbBej I12S0. One 4-room bungalow and lplng porch, the other le a 2-room coltege, rent ing for li.&u per month; lot 60aloO, on. block from Hawthorne ave., close la.; prtc gOOO, gloO cash, balanc. term KAkNOPF KO!r, SSI II y. Exchange Ultlg. "tiT'x-ri a t .nu a VI LOT. ONLY 11700. IliO DOWN. Keat 4-room modern bungalow en view let one block to car. North Mt. Tabor; ountalns poroelaln bath, toilet, sink, hot nd oold wtr, Dutch kitchen, eto.i Bn. snade trees, easy monthly payments; BtATS PAYING RENT. 2 day only. See J as. C Logan. S2l Wash, st.. room 404. 4 A WADU. Balanc. Ilk. rent, and much easier than paying rent, as you get something for your nionsy. It's a EE-room modern bunga low between Hawthorne ave. and Clinton at. For particulars, phone Tabor 6iO, or eall 1021 llawthorn ave.. eor. K. Itth U Price J000. FIVE-KOOM modern bongalow. nsw. fire place, bookceses, walls tinted, full ce ment basement, lot GoxlOO, being lot I In block X0. Terrace Park. ThU Is a flrst clsss home. Can be bed on essy terms, :M dawn, law per month. Call or ad dress, Horn. Installment Company, Btl McKay Bldg. Marshall 2100. " IRVINGTON. 1500 down and 110 monthly will buy a dandy home on E. 24th St., hardwood floors, two nreplaces, furnace, bullt-ln buf fet, electric light fixtures aad all modern conveniences. H. P. PALMER-JONES CO.. 112-tlS Commercial Club Hide, Bit AND-NalW l-ROOM HOUSE. CvOvloo corner lot; good oar service; lo cated 1b Ht. Johns; good aidewalk; two block echuulhouae; shade trees and plenty of wood, houee -well built, but not fln Islied Inside: water In bouse; sv rent; 7J0 only; :0 cash, 110 per month. Own er. Ill Lewis bid. H0OO LAUItELHURfiT HOUSE 41000. Eight rooms and altlc. three bloiks to a carlln; a dandy and Just completed; price giHioO. glovm cash, balance terms; a house of this character In Irvington could not b. purchs.rd for less than 53ov. KAKNOPP KOHF. 823 Hy. KxcbanjT, Bldg. U:,W1 NOB HILL HOME. Situated on Koarnoy st.. near :5th: thl I a rare opportunity to secure on. of th. most attractive and flnat home In this choice neighborhood; $7400 cash, balance at I par sent. tiTRONO CO.. cue Concord bldg. A BNAP. $300 CASH. 115 A MONTH, Will buy a swell new 4-room bungalow with full basement, bullt-ln bullet, fire place, Dutch kitchen, shades, etc. . corner lot, 1 block to carllne; 17-mlnute ride; price 12800. Call Main !00 or V 271 nd ask for Mr. Ward. CLOSB TO VNION AVKNUE. $8200 will buy Brand new 7-room hons with full cement busement. taunilry, fur nace, combination light hxtures, bathroom with latest plumbing, large front porch, term. GODDARD A WKIDRICK. 243 Stark eilreet. ONLY I4L-.10. Larg 2-story, d-room modsrn hous, full basemsnt, on R. tth St. North, near JJurnstde; cw-ner must have money; good term a Phone Marshall 11:13. A 71 IS. PACIFIC UNION TRUST CO.. 170 Fifth t. WAVERLY HEIGHTS BUXUALOW. With Quarter block, for aula cheap on small payment down and balanc. month ly. This is n.w, modern and up to data. If you want a home, here is your chance. F. J. ROSENBERO, dig Lumberman Bldg. MODURN and atlractlv. six-room dwelling on Claekamas, near East 20th: lot 3nxl2S; fine location, houee practloally new and very attraetlvely arranged. Price, with street Improvement all paid, I470; good term. Mrt'argar, Bates A Lively, 111 Falling buildlne $2.'iOa. East 40lh and Division, nsw. modem bungalow, 80x100 lot. There I notbing as good In thl neighborhood for th xaoney. Terms. BRU1JAKKR BENEDICT. Q2 McKay Bldg.. Id and Stark. " $300 DOWNrpRICK 13800. New, six rooms, bath and sl.sping porch, corner lot. on cariin., eleven min utes out over Hawthorne ave. bridge. Phon. .venlng Sellwond 1877: day. Main 14 27. O oodsull B ros.. 4SI Worcester bldg. PORTLAND HEIUHT) FOr.C'S.D BALE. lOOxloo, beautiful level corner, trees and shrubbery, grand view of city, fully Im proved street with modern, almost new, desirable residence for Utile mor. than valu. of lota Main 8 Col. A 383B. FOR BALB New modern. 7 rooms, 2-story bungalow-tyle house, 2 block trom treet rar. g blocks from school; pries $3250; J7.v cash, balance easy terms. Fbon Sunday, bell wood 1801. J. H. Tipton Co., 11US-10 Spalding Bldg. GOOD APARTMENT SITES. 1 lot 501145. cottage. Russell and Union ave; $Suot, terms. 1 lot, loxioo, siors and house, Missis sippi ave. and Beeoh; 10300. Allison, 42$ Lu m her Exchange. 4-llOOM COTTAGE. AN All EL, 11500. Concrete foundation, fin. lawn, flower, etc.; fenced. He. photo at office; $.v0 cash, balanc. 8 to I years, 0 psr cent. Fred TV German. 339 Bumald. st- Phone Main una. FOR SALJk, at Lente, beautiful new 4-ruOtn cottage, with pantry and closet, on full lot 80x100; lso good woodhous; price, $1250: fKX down, the rest 111 monthly. Including Interest. Owner, at lout Avast Eslmon St.. cliy. Iu-'joO Oood bouse and on. of very choicest site at lit Tabor; S full lota; hlgh-cias surrounding, clos. to Morrtaon-su car. View elegant and plenty of fin. fruit trees. A groat horn, place. The Hunt Land C... Kill Cham, of Core. 7-HOOM hous. and lot 100x100, full base ment, bath and trdlat. steel range, linoleum on kitchen floor, shade on windows, 1J350; .-cent car far; easy term. Phon Main 6&. t BRAND, nsw 2-room houses; lots .1ixl06: 6 short blocka from 5c carfar; $575 and too, terms, hee Mr. Cranford. RABB ft PATIOS, H?2 Lumbermen Bldg., 6th and Btarfc. aVNAP for quick aal., n.w B-room bungalow, exceptionally well ouilt. tiri;ace, book case, linen eloaet, wood elevator, good location, close lit. Owner. Tabor 2101. A BEAUTIFUL elose-ln, modern, new aweeproof bungalow on terraced lot, block of etreetcar, for fll&O: 1700 down. See, Portlsnd Homes Co., 204 Morrison et. A WORD TO THE WISE. Looking for a homeT Then F. J. ROSENBERG. 618 Ltimbermens Bldg. NEW modern 6-roora house. 2 lot. 12.001 down. US a month, 6 per cent In terest. Bennett Wells. Stewart Sta., Mt. Scott line. Phone Tabor 8o. EL.EOANTnew t-room modern home, very choicest location In Irvington, $7360; terms. J 7e. Oregonlan. i-BOOM modern house, lot 50x100, J2 5 00 ; ,160 cash, balance easy payment. Sit Corbett bldg. BY OWNER. A bargain 7-room house. East Id and Multnomah sts. phone Main 12. $2 MONTHLY buy 5-room bungalow, bath, pantry, bssemenu Owner. East X741. HAWTHORNE ave. bungalow. $700 down; buyers only. Owner, b TSl, Oregonlan. 2040 FOB $ lei and I -room house. II Cook ve $1100 for this B-room cottage: good so xlit) lot, right in St. Johns and 1 actua.ly worth $1800 to $1700; fin. chance for an Investment or a good chesp home; terms $400 ch. balanc. $10 per month. $S2.10 A beautiful 7-room bungalow In Irvington Park: nice parked lot; you annot buy a better home for the money, $127 cash, balance $30 per month. M.-.00 for an A-l 6-room modem bun galow; this I on of the very flneet homes In Rossmer; .very modern convenience; $1800 csh. , $SW CASH. In Rose Cily Turk, a -room bungalow, you bad better see It, it's a snap. $1000. flno eash. balanc to ult; S-roorn hous. 60xS5 lot. Alberta. $1900 New 4-room pood house, bath, basement, etc.: lot 60100; 1 block to bellwood esr; $800- eaeh, -balane. to sulu NORTHERN TRUST CO.. 270 Btark St. BEAUTIFUL EAST BIDE HOMEv g-room hous at 96S E. Alder st.. cor ner lot. This house is a cozy little hom. In every respect and I -worthy of your immediate Investigation, as at the pres ent price, which is $500 under market value. It will sell very - quick. Prlo 3800. HARTMAN THOMPSON. Beat Estate Deat Chamber of Commerce. HAWTHORNE AVE. tl)TH. 61HT. S2D ST3. See eur new bungalow just building. 6 and 7 room. Hrlc tlOOO. I340OO and ttliloo. Terms. These are attractive, well bulH houses, with every modern con venience. Street improvements all m. Best car service in city, close to the fin) mansions on th. west slope of Mount Tabor. If the houses we are building do not suit you In every particular, we hav. few vacant lota and will build tor you to ordr. BRUBAICKR BKTNEDICT. 102 McKay Bldg., 8d and Starts, THE following home for al on easy term; these are modem and hv. every convenlence- 7 rooms, Rossmer.. $700 down. 0 rooms, Irvington, 1 1000 down. . g room.- Bossmere. $300 down. 5 rooms. Terrace Park, $100 down. And 20 others in prices ranging from a $looo up. all good and all modern. F. J. ROSENBERG. 61$ Lumbermen Bldg. BEAUTIFUL HAWTHORNS BUNGALOW g rooms, modern In every way, polished , floors, blrdseye maple, paneled dining room, cement floor In full basement, Dutah kitchen, buffet, beamed celllug. furnace. Owner must sell this week; $500 down, balance to suit. Don't tail to see it be fore you buy. Call Main S00O, or A 827. ask for Mr. Carlton. COLUMBIA TRUST CO.. Board of Trade. b4 Fou rth a C 8UNNY8IDB BUNGALOW $8360. 6 rooms, flrcplacs, large attic, built-tn china closet, cement basement. laundry trays, large lot, pa.ved streets, sewer, etc, all paid. This house cost x:i370 cash. For quh k sale t'lnno, $50v) down, 2j per month and Interest. J. P. FORD CO... US Board of Trade. Main or A 2057. NICS HOM B CHEAP. Nsw T-room, two-story house, built for a home, double floor and walls, china closet, gas and electric piped tor furnace, 4 bedrooms, a nice home on a lot 10x100. east front, and walking distance, on E. 27th, near Oak. Price only $4110; past cash and $2,1 per month. flHUfSI a ZADOW. 117 Boards; Trade Bldg., 4th and Oak. MAKE MB AN OKEEK. Must sell beautiful new fi-room bunga low, close In, near good carllne, bard wood floors, buffet. Dutch kitchen, hot wa star heating system, full basement wltn meat floor, 'fireplace, every convoiil- eem ence. If Interested call Main 9200, A 4271. Ask for Mr. Carlton. COLUMBIA TRUST CO.. Board or Trade. 84 Fourth at. FOR"8ALE A flat," a fin-view, ' good loca tion and good income. See owner, 410 Commonwealth bldg. Bunlne property. ' FOR 8TOBE3 AND APARTMENTS. That very desirable property on the northwest corner of Belmont aad SMh sts.. having frontage of 133 feet on Bel mont and 100 feet on S6th St., is now offered for sale as a whole; It contain three cottage but I In th heart of Sun nysid. aud Is ripe for good Improvement we can quot a very low prlc on same. Call for full particulars. STRONG A CO.. Financial Agent. 106 Concord bldg. HAWTHORNS) AVENUE. W. are offering a very valuable sit at the Intersection of Hawthorne ave., Ladd ave. and 11th St. It has Ida feet frontage on Hawthorn av., 143 feet on Ladd ave and an alley In th. rear. To effect an Immediate sale w r. quoting a price of $SU00; $3000 cash, balanc. at I per eent, STRONG A CO.. t5 Concord bldg GOOD INVESTMENT. 4 lot on York st. R. B. switch; Idsal for warehouse or factory. Vanduyn ss Walton. fl Chamber of Commerce Acreage. A MONEY-MAKER. Th. best acreage on the market clos to Portland on carllne; ru-inin water and wll looated for cutting up; easy terms; close-in acreage vviil meet wltn ready aale this Spring, for whlc.i there Is a big demand. Vauduya U Walton, S15 Chamber Commerce. TIMBER land near Portland: B. W. slope; tine fruit soil; close to railway. In a high ly developed farming community; sold in mall tracts: a chancs for a cheap rqtur home site; 100 per acre, easy term. PAC. IS. w. DEVELOPMENT CO., 40 Couch Bldg. CHOICE acreage, river frontage, and lot nd blocks at Rlsley Btatlon, on Oregon City carllne; aleo modern 6-roora bun galow at Oak Groy: all on asy terms Call on H. O. RtArkweather at Kisley Station. Phon Oak Grove, Black 17. Postal address. Mllwaukle. R. F. D. No. 1. FINE ORCHARD LAND. 40 acres close to town of Whit. Sal mon, commanding supsrb view; all tilla ble and flrst-clsss soil: aotn good tim ber; only $100 pr ac on -ry easy term. Vanduyn St Walton, tli Cham ber Commerce. ONION41.. celery and asparagus lands, rec ommended by responsible experts; 20 mile from Portland, clue to town and railway station ; 1200 per aero. PAC. IS". W DEVELOPMENT CO., 405 Couuh Bldg, CONCORD. OREGON CITY LINK. tH sores in cultivation: $3750. $ 1-8 acres, all In cultivation; $3330, C. w. Rlsley. owner, P. O. Mllwaukle, B, F. D. No. i Phone Oak Grove, Red 12. II ACRE3 on Tualatin River, 20 mile from Portland, on the Southern Pacific; nearly all In crop; $271 down and monthly pay ment, or $1)80 down and yearly payment. PAG. K. W. DEVELOPMENT CO., 40S Couch Bldg. 10 20 AND AO-acre tracta, all good soil, n rock or gravel, good spring water, build ings on sum of them, one mile from graded school, 4 miles from thriving town and railroad station; $31 to $70 acre. Box .15. Houlton, Or. 1 4 OR acres. Just west of city, near Cor nell road. In fruit and vegetables; will - sacrifice at 1390 per acre; terms. 101 Commercial block. Phon. Main Kit or A 434. Big snap. ' A SNAP. ' A nlc. llttl. acreag oa eleetrlo Una, cloe. t. depot and clos. to Portland. Kin ney 4V fitampber, 131 Lumber xobag. bldg. QUICK SPECULATION In chicken ranch, 1 to I acre, clos In; will doubl In valu In 6 month. Ideal hom site; all ready for plow. Good soil. Good term. R 77a. Oregonlan, OWNERS, we want farms and farm lands in Oregon and Washington that will sell un der 1100 per acre, also som. low-priced lands, from $5 to $50 per acre. Purs SS Co.. 818 Chamber of Com. g 1-8 ACRES on crllne. not far from Ladd's Addition: $5000, term. This platted into lots would sell for 1 700 a lot. John B. Goddard, 615 Board of Trade. THE Bunnell tract at Oak Grove now for sal; H to 40 acre; all In cultivation; close to car. Prices and tsrms to ult. See W. E. Thresher. Mllwaukle. Or. i ACRES. 20 minutes from th center of the city on th Oregon El. carllne: tlTOO: asv payments. This Is a choice buy. Call 414 Spalding bldg. ONE acre, south slope Mount Tabor, adjoin in park. high, beautiful view. Tabor 1609. FOUR acres within m miles of center of city. This I a bargain. I. B. Orungetad, 1024 Chamber of Commerce. 4 ACRES, 12-room house and bam. 8zd and 4iith av. East. 10 minute from Mount Scott car. Inqulr within. A. Clace. " CHEAP FOR CASH. Five and 10-acre tracta. improved, on Powell Valley road. Owner, 248 Main et. 18 ACRES. IB acrea cleared, running water, near gaaverton; by owner. Tabor 1580. .,-reca In TTfltnn. will sell St W Inv fleii,.' for eash, See attorn sy, 4J.4 Spalding bldg, A CLOSE TO PORTLAND. ACREAGE. 1714 res within 8 miles from th eeqter of Portland. Is beautifully lo cated and could ba mibdlvided to a good advantage. This is the lowest-priced high-clas acreage Iri or near "Portland hat we know of. Price $1U.."00. HARTMAN THOMPSON. Real Estate Dest. Chamber of Commerce. g ACRES NEAR CITY LIMITS OF VANCOUVER. Thl I 8 acres of the best land In thl vicinity: If you art looking for ome thlng good, this la wen worthy of your Investigation; price $343 Par acr. AG ilU, Oregonian. 6.05 ACRES, on the best eleotrlo line, the United Railways, in one of the best sec tions adjacent to Portland, only IK miles out. the land Is all cleared, eplendld slope, rich buck soil, a fine old apple orchard, every foot Is under cultivation, price 1216.23; It takes only 800 cash to handle this choloe tract and the balance can be paid on very easy terms; the best email acreag buy today on th market. CHAPIN A HEP.LOW, 832-j8 Chamber of Commerce. ONE-ACRE" TRACTS. iTH ST.. WEST 8IDB. 60 oar fare, 15 minutes from business center- on carllne; cleared or uncleared; tiooo per acre. Don't be foolish and buy ots when vou can get an acre at lot prices and closer In. Easy payments. NATIONAL REALTY & TRUST CO.. H'-'uls Washington St- Room Bin. ACREAGE. Mor. than AuuO acres In our platting, completed roaus along one or more sides of such lot. Close to Portland; no rock, gravel or hillsides, but dsep. black soil and abundant supply of good water at -I feet. See th crops for proof as to sou. THE SHAW-FEAR COMPANY. Main 85. 102 4th at. A 8500'. i ACRES, fin. soil between 2 earilne. 3 acres cleared, all fenoed. Phon i-aat lo53. Owner. Homreteads. ADVA.NTAUtiM OS' 0KI1.GO.S 100-pag ou gives amount of Government land .pen to homestead. In ch county In the states of Oregon and Washington, and descrip tion of same; give homestead, desert, timber. tons, coal and mineral laws; twe maps of Oregon In colors. 21x11, showing It R. In operation, one showing all pro Based K, R. and electrle lines. Including Eastern and Central Oregon. 100 sach, or tb. three 60a Map of Washington in ool 01 s. 11x28. 20c. Mwmo, Kuuey Co. Hamilton bldg. w 1676 HOMESTEADS In Malheur County, th richest land in Oregon will be open to gettlornent March .27 by order, of the Beo retary of the Interior. The towns or Vale. Ontario and Arcadia, and O. U. & N. Road are In this tract; our special sur vey map, showing the 1076 homesteads, R R. towns and highways, with Informa tion attached to enable you to locale your self, all for $1, Nimmo, Huney Co.. Hamilton bldg. A GOOD homestead for you in Central Ore gon, 320 acres deep rich soil; we can lo cate on this. 250 Third St.. Portland. Or. 1B0-ACRE homestead relinquishment, close . to prlueville. Crook County. Or. Se Mo Culloch. 817 Feoton bldg. FOR 8ALE Homestead reilnyuishment. near Lylo, Wnah. L TOO. Oregonlan. For hale rrull Lands. BRITISH COLUMBIA fruit farm yield 8600 to giooo per acre; Edgewood or chards In Arrow Lake district. West Avovtenay, requlr no Irrigating; hav. splendid markets, ideal oiloiate, good transportation, good social advantages; choicest land only S0 per acre; easy monthly terms without Interest. Fre booklet "V." Investors' Trust 4t Mort gage Corporation. Ltd.. 184 Hastings tit. West, Vanoouver. B. C. TESTED fruit land, Willamette bottom, dark loam, very fertile, espuclally adapt ed to berries and puaoh.a; In famous peach locality; 12 acres commercial orch ard; full bearing, balance, crop; excellent building site, hue view; public road, rural mall; near Oregon Electric anil boat land ing; Investigate; best proposition 011 mar ket; I'-'Oo acre, term. Owner, V 7T, Orcgonian. . ORCHARD 5 years old. $1)00 per cre: SO acres In uperb condition, best marketable variotles, in a section rivalling Hood River and only a few hours from Portland. We hav full confidence thst an Inspection of thl very epeclal offorlng will make you a purchaser. Tree should produce at loaat $00 per acre net this year. Th. Hunt Land Co., OlOJJhamber of Commerce. HOOD RIVBR BARGAIN. Forty acres redshot soil; (in view: 6 miles from Hood River. 1 mil to rail road; easily cleared; for quick sale will give a bargain; terms; will talte Portland jut to IJWD. AL 7IU. regopjan. FOR SALU A few 5 and 10-acre lirst-class orchard tracis, Hood River Valley; 10 per cent in cash, balance In work on ad joining fruit ranch, consult W. D. Hooton, Dee, Or., or Fred. S. Hulateen. Burling ton. Iowa ' 100 ACRES of Brst-class apple land, 20 miles from Portland; deep red soli, Jio rocks; prlc. $50 per acre. H. K. Lea, Canby, Or. FOR SALE Hood River apple orchard, near town and part bearing: also Klickitat farm In fruit district; both good bargain. Owner. 810 Chamber of Commerce. 16H ACRES finest White Salmon fruit land. acres cleared and plowed; prio $;00; will trade on good 6 or 7-room bungalow. AN 781, Oregunlan. It ACRES of oholce land, all et to year ling apple trees; will sell in t, 10 or l-acr tracts. 13 ii per acre; the olio Ice of Yam hill County; phone Main 2. K ACRES splendid fruit land, 80 in com merclal orchard. tl2.uoO.J7otjOregonian. For Salei Karma. FINE STOCK RANCH. 280 acrss in Eastern Oregon, all fenced, close to finest grass range in Northwest; two creeks on vlace. 225 acre cultivated. 170 In alfalfa. 50 In grain. 4 acres In orchard. 1 ttstory house, 8 rooms, ston. milkhouse, larg. barn, phone, necessary Implements, 8 mils from atore, school and postofflce; can be mad. to produce 1200 tons alfalfa per year worth 17 per ton In stack; prlc 125,000; 112.000 cah. R22 Chamber of Comraert. FARM FORT GEORGE. B. C. 820 acres virgin black soil. 80 miles west from Fort Gsorge, B. C fronting on River North where steamers pass. Grand Trunk Poclflo urvy made through south nd. One-third dear; balano. lightly cov ered. - cottonwood and willow. South one half section 15, township 12. range 6. Coast Dibtrlct, Price S000O, Richard Obee, 407 Well-Fargo bldg. " ROSSMERE BARGAINS. Modern six-room reldence, furnished. Must ell at one. $2900. 1850 will handle. This property Is worth $1500. F. J. ROSENBERG. ' 61 8 Lumbermens Bldg. Marshall 556: A 4227. ARE YOU LOOKING FOR. A bargain In a farm? Here it 1. 100 acres In Clark Co.. Wash., with house, barn, running water, orchard, farm lm- Jilements, for $30 an aor. For mor in ormatlon and complete description, se F. J. ROSENBERG. 618 Lumbermens Bldg. INVESTO RS. Make me an ofTer on my farm of 199 acr.s, 24 miiee of Portland, K mil of R. R. station; 140 acres bottom land, buL rolling; 8-room house, barn, stock and Implement. A. C. Harris. 5012 40th ave, S. E. Phon. Sellwood 1178. " ' FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE. 10 acres near Beaverton. all under cul tivation; 9-room house, barn, family or chard, 1-8 cash, balance easy; will take Portland property as first payment, t, t r rvc it vm it t? n 618 Lumbermena Bldg. ,29 64-100 ACRES. Can be divided Into 6 farms; $:5.000 profit by so doing; cost 328.241. $S0OO cash, -balance 4 per cent; fully $4694 carh Hems with farm; in livestock $2840: Implements, feed, grain, 81805. Phon. East 2741. FORSALB Farm 40 acres, black loam soil, deep and productive, creek running through place; I miles on Oregon Electric, near Beaverton; will sell in piece or whole; terms. Particular from owner, R 761, Oregonlan. A GOOD farm at a bargain; 240 acre follow, about 80 aorea alfalfa land on trout creek at ISO per acr and 180 acrea of upland, part of which 1 farmed at 110 per acre; If Interested writ car S 703, Oregonlan. " FINE 10 Vi ACRES. All cleared bottom land, one hour from Portland, on main line N. P.: six -room house and good barn; f 3500, easy terms; no trade. C. C. Alford, Woodland, Wash. A WORD TO THE WISE. W. sell farms everywhere. F. J. ROSENBERG. 618 Lumbermens Bldg. FOR 8ALE-:-1224 acre choice wheat land, no waste land, 3 m'lea from station. Smith, owner. 816 HajnUton bldg. 40CRESffrultTlandfor -.400;" thl 1 41 pick-on, Call 414 fepaldliig oidg, A GOOD FARM BUY. THIS 1 ACRES MADS THE OWNER $1Oi0 NKT PROFIT LAKT YEAR. Thl littl. farm of acres Is located in the fa mous Waldo fruit district. V miles east of Salem and Just one-lnhth mile from sts tion, on the railroad; no better soil In Oregon; lies perfectly; 00 rock or gravel; there ars 6 acres of splendid bearing or chard, mostly big Italian prunes, soma sppies. clierrioa and walnuts; there are 3 acres of garden, which 1 irrigated from creek; 4-room house, 2 chicken-houses, splendid prune-drior, capacity 120 bu. per day, worth $1000. PERSONAL FROP l;UTY 25 ohlekoiis. wagon, bugay and im plements: price only $2700. HARGROVE A SONS, 122 6th at. North, cor. 6th and Gllsan. Main 4381, A 7259, . BETTER THAN IT READS. 60 acres, all under eultlvation, with new house snd barn, near Hlllsboro. In Washington County; 20 miles from Port land; none better in the Willamette Val ley; part genuine river bottom land ana balance level and rich loose loam soil; a little patch of big timber covering Just a few acres and worth $ofl00 or more; (SS00O standing offer!. On good road wltrt R. F. D. and milk route; everything com plete. Including cows, horses, young stock, full set of farm machinery and other things too numerous to mention. Prlc. only $135 per acre. On terms. 1 mi can t buy other lands for lea than $200 ps sure In me locality. H. U. NOLAN. 820 Chamber of C'ommeroe. ' """alfalfa, irrigation. 167 cre of bottom land, tested alfaire soli, sandy loam, no better anywhere. 64 acres cleared and plowed. 25 more about ready to sow; fine stream cornea througn the land and can easily be used for Irri gation; branch of Santlam River; plenty or water year round; land just sloped enounh. no waste land; fcood buildings, cows, horses, rigs, etc.; M per acre; terms; thla docs not overflow; 15 miles south of ba lem on S. P. R. R. and county roads. H. Graham, owner. Marion, Or. Phone 10x4, farmers. FARMS, orchard tracts, good assortment. See Oregon Farms Co.. 417 Rathchild bldg. WANTED BF.AT, BSTATR. WANTED. ' , , A 6 or 7-room house In good, elose-tn district; I will trade. good vacant prop ertv as part payment and a-sume up 45O00 difference if price la J, iv., n.v values are cash price; prefer owners. 14 760, Oregonlan ' A QUARTErFbiock or more, suitable for a Bvmnaslum for the Portland Social Turn Vereln; East Side will also be considered sealed offers will be received not later than Marot, 4 at Nlcklas & Son a, 414 i Mor rison St., or Ernest Miller, ti 1st si ri.ar Yamhill. WANTED At once, bungalows, houses, lots and ail sorts of farms and acroace: ir you want to sell quick and mean business, se us. We get results. F. J. ROSENBERG, 618 Lumbermena Bldg. WANTED northwestern real estate hi ex chanco for California property. 1'or sale, on terms, city, town or country property. Get our list. CHne-Hull Company, H. W. Hellman bldg.. Los Angeles. Cel. I" WANT a home in Irvinston or Holladay Park; prefer a corner, either quarter block or one lot; give prloe, terms sad . de scription and exaot location Y 10O. Ore gonlan. 40 ACRES or more with running stream, on good road: som improvements; not too far from a town; can pay som cash nno. trad in a good Portland lot. AS iat. Oregonlan WOULD like to buy small tract of uiijm proved land In Willamette Valley, and ex change as llrst payment two lots In West Portland Park Addition. Prlo $250. Lock Box D, Riddle. Or. hToHORADE player piano and $200 cash as part payment on modern -room cot tana. Mount Tabor or Mount Soott pre ferrpd. Y 782. Oregonlan. IF TOU have houses or apartment-house for sale or for rent list them with ma for quick results. C. R. Jordan, 2-3 Henry bjdff. WANTED 1 or 2 lets from owner for cash; In good residential district; must b uap. No agents. N 707. oragonlan. fioou building loan, lot lu restricted distrlot In Mount Scott, 8 per cent. AL 797. Ore gonlan. WANT bungalow In Irvington. Detwen loth and 22d and Broadway and Stanton; owner only. AH 7hl, oregonlan. I AM looking for a bargain In an S-room, houso In Irvington; can pay from $500 to 81000 down. AH T.HO, Oregonlan- . DIRECT from ewners. about 10 lots, giv. location and best cash prloa, S 71. Ore gonlan. CHEAP ranch, some timber, hay. fruit; ne attention paid unless given legal descrip tion and price. AK 708, Oregonlan. WANTED Acreage overlooking rivr or elose to Portland; state lowest price and particulars Br t letter J T.i. Oregonlan. HOUSE, worth $2500 "to $3000. 1-8 cash, bal ance stock in excellent manufacturing plant p. turphy821 wacot. WANTED- 50 to 400 acres of slashing by the acre. AC 798. Oreaonlau FOR 9ALK TTMBFB LA IBS acres. Sec. 4. T. 6 N.. R. W. 1B7 acres, Sec. 0, T. 8 N., K. 9 W . IdO acres. Sec 4, T. 12 N R. 9 W. WO acres, Sac. 4. T. 10 N R. 1 W. 10t acres, Soc. SO. T. 13 P., R. 10 W. M'OOWAN A RKN NINGTON, 8 iHealy Bldg., Cor. East Morrison St. and Grand Avt-nuo. phone Bast 2-.2. WANTED Experienced man with money to take Interest in timber holdings, to loolc after construction of mill and operation of same; $10,ooo to $15,000 coah required. C. C. Shay, BIO Ablnglon bidg. OWNER will sell two quarter sections of about 16,000,000 feet of excellent timber ; near Grant Pass, Or., for tl per M. P. O. box 448, Vanoouver. W ajh. UMBER LANDS BOUGHT AND BOLD. C. J. M'CRACKEN. 304 McKay Bldg. TIMBER CLAIMS, homestead reUnguUh ants. 219 Worcester bldg. FAR-MS WANTED, RANCH ownors. Do you want to sell? W have calls everv few day for farm which we cannot fill. If you want to sell, mak th price about what you would want to pay for a lmilar place end send In th description. Your may be th .plaoe w will hav a eall for thia Wk' M'KENZIB REALTY CO.. , 608 Ablngton Bldg. IF YOU HAVE $400, go ont with me tomorrow and I will ahow you 10 acres, planted In apple that will - mak you Independent: mak. your en gagement today. Main 7300 or East 3972. Purse, 818 Chamber of Com. WANTED Small ranch; must hav scene lmprovsmenta, ult.ble for poultry .nd berries. Giv full Information. X 76o, Oregonlnn. WANTED To rent about 10 acre with. . som Improvements, for poultry raising: nsar earitne. P 784. Oregonlan. WANTED TO KENT -FARMS. WANTED DAIRY RANCH to rent; eow furnished. Writ K. T. Moore, Columella. Wash. . WANTED TIMBER LAN DM. TIMBER lands wanted. C. J. atsCraek. 804 MKay bid. TO EXCHANQg. HAVE good suouiban lot. clear of all In cumbrances, to trade for your .qulty in building lot or hous and lot. Call 88 10ih st.. near Stark. LADY client has som. cash and several good lots to trade for rooming-house or small business. What hav. you? 615 Board of Trade- 1 WILL trade nice 4-room house free of Incumbrance and lot In Portland for rooming-house valued at $1600. Goddard, 615 Board of Trade. WE exchange your property for what yo desire. Portland Exchange, 617 Board of Trade bldg. Bee Mr. Wlest. WILL trad 8 lot In growing cosst town for good ranch horse, oow and some poultry. Addres 846 Hall st. BA.NTA BARBARA residence: eight acres for sale, or would take Portland property. F. H. Lewis, 8 Lewis bldg. SPOKANE "vacant lot, business and high class residence property for sal or x- . change. Box 2083, Station A. LOT taken first payment $2750 bungalow; bath, pantry, attic, woodllft, basement, balance $25 monthly. Owner. East 1741. WE exchange your property regardless of location for that which suit you better. Northwest Exchange. 228-9Henrybld-. WE can match up your trade; w bare 800 exchange on our list. H. A. Chandler. 610 Lumbermens bid., eth and Stark. FOR trade, t acres fruit land. Estacada line. 386 H Washington St., room 416. , WIL1, trad 85 lot or I acres. 116 a WsM logtoa -. coom ll J