tiie aronxnra . oregoxiax. "Monday, February 20, 1911 12 RF.AL F.TATF.. TTSTANTIAL HOME Vl.l i AN IN E3TMfcT. fl2 oi l'""l'AJ. corner, on TU'eme eloea in; It l a fart that tbt 1. without tny bulidinirs. orin 9 1 Z. Xx Oft It is ft 7-cpom Jjo" and etabi. An epar:ment-hou on this i the next tep In I'J adven-emeot. lo ya at Ul I NV K 1 T i'JATT. I - 11 KT MAN THOMPSON. HKAL WTATE DEPT. C.i.nbr of Commtrv. JtT-XJAI.nw-IRVINOTON J. Fin i-r.M.m bunalow . on TlUem ook trproverneat ail in cd paid fr; larse living-room, fireplace bui'.t-ln and win.L.w seat; paneled dining-room, bui.t-tn buTt. luic a kitchen, large airy b.Iro.rns wr-n cloata. enameled bathroom, roil -top enara natures, full cement NMmiDt. furnace. eh traye. larse fin ished ettie. combination light fixture ihruei'ut. Tnia ta dandy. iimi:i fift payment en-1 gj rr.r'h will ha die. F. J. K riKNH KR'J. Is tumtwrmrna Bldg. . caiss Vott age. 9W cal A b-ury. Ju romi!. ft room. bath-r- . and b,-in-jnt . cnomt founda lion, enamel bath. &uih toilet, drain 'nk. warer heater, run fuDbunl. handy Iutch kiu-r.cn. wred for riwtne, rwmi we er rand rod il' lot. block of ear HA.fc mm doan. I5 monthly; b tfiar-mjrtt f r iJ cash. Portland liomn Co. Z"4 Mirrisoo at CT.I NTON ST, SNAP. A fin T-rom houw. gat and lertria. full basement. 2 b1 rooms down stairs. ? bd ro ins u p sta tra. on ft lot tix ' - r rt imDWl nice lawn, eome fru treea en c;intrn sc. near lith, el- In prt- only 9. 9 cuti and 9-5 pe IT Board of Trad, li.de. 4tn ard Cm. lRVlr.TOV 9i lin and monthly will bay i1iq.Iv hoar on E. 2th at., hardwood fl wri. two QrP.Acri. furnace, built-in buf- 11. electric light fixture and ail mod era CvBTtJ):OCA H. P PALMER-JONES CO.. I1J ?IJ ('ommrr!l Club Pldg.. 'on. Ma.n A 29. tu.K CITT PARK Fin residence proper- ti, eay trma rinry . Prod horn ma i tx. S it Prniia, mar. raal aatata dapu 0 Spa M-i AN I.Vfr'TU:T U'llRTfl HAVINJ A lara corner Mt an Kofttr road. ML eott car Una. Im proved witb targ two torr I ram ator buHdlna aaw. From Xarrh l. 1 1 1, th.m Drowrtr will brlna rtatt of at lat pr month and will rnt f r mor Utar Tht prica U on.y iJi nD l.txtrji trmi uf caan. Whtt !ntrat dofi tJil InvfitmDt brine you PomiMt oo iKlnk thra ta SOMTHIN) K rT E.N IN DE.NMAKK in thifc liow- ar It ta worth lnwt (Atlnf. UMHKKT-Wllli'MKH CO.. 4t4 Kat Aldf-r at. f f'R brOkti AM APARTMENTS Thit vary dairabla property oa tha ftortbwaat comr of Hfimont and JStb ata. hvin a frontaa of ITS faat on Hl- m"ni an-i iu- rt on 3tn at.. ia no fTarad for aala aa a whol : It eontalna thra eottaaa but la in tha hart of bun' r.yaida aad la ri pa for food Improvtmtnta. Wa can quota a vary tow prica on aama. K.Mii i or lull pnrTiruiara. RTRONO A CO.. Financial Aa;nta. "i Concord btda;. HAWTHORNE AVEMX 'Wa ara oT-rinj a vary valuabla aita at tha lntar-i.n of Hawthorn aa. Lftdd ava and 12th at. It haa US faat frontaca ea Hawtnom ava.. lil fat on ladd a' ana an aiiy in tha rear. To affact aa trnmadiata aala wa are quoting- ft prica of vvv, run. baiaot a l par cou a i Ku.M c j Concord bide- 0m INVESTMENT. 4 tcta en Tork at. H. H. awitch; ldaal for warvhouaa or factory, anduya A Walton, i9 . nampar or 1 ommerc. Arrracftk CITT ACPEAOE. PL.1'3 A llEAL'TlFI'L HOWfL f It.OvO Tbraa arr-a of land: In ona of tbo moat r ipiilty arrow In a aactlona Itrtlanti; land valuca ar advano Intt rapidly and thia la rod ln vtatmant Tha houaa la new and rrodara In tha atrlrtrat acnaa of that much-ahuaad wrd. Haa bftuttful rom. ft I'W II A HTM AN THOMIN. K K A L rT AT K I HPT. Cham bar of Commerta I l.ol ArRFW. on tha bat altrlo lino, tho 1 nna naiiwaya. in ona or tha bat aac ttona art jar ant to Portland, only ltt mlla vu. ma iann ia a 1 clears, apiandid aiopa. rich black aoil. a ftna old appia orchan. arrrjr foot ta under cultivation, prlra IZlaVi ft tak-a only I' caah to Haadla th!a choira iraot and tha balanca fn ba paid on very aaay terma; tha beat amaa acrat buy lr. l ty on tha mark at. CHaPIN a HKRI.OW. ("lumb'f of Cmmcrra. FOR PLATTINU. 19 acrea of Dnt-cUi clraral land, rnrt Ty improved on Mt. Haod carlina. cioa to. win aa.i ror par acr on tarma 13o a or a of od 1 aseil-ort land a Columbia Hirer. Urt cheap. Iat ua tall you uora of U.eaa iracu. thay ara apa- JUAMPERT-WniTMER CO 4 Kaat Aider at. I'NE-ACUr? T H ACTS. 26TH ol'.. ttlT SIUR P ftr fare, u mlnutea from bnatnaaa renter; ob car ana: cleared or uncleared; par acre, i ton't ta foulJan and buy lota whea jou ea yet aa acra at lot prirea and ci-aer la. Kaay payment. JiATlU.NAL KEALTT A T Rl "ST i'O- VVnmr.ton St. Room ftla. ArREAiiS. Mora than 4--u acraa In oar plattlnc. rompietad roaia atone ona or mora aidea of :o lot. I'lw to Portland, no rock, r ravel or httlaulea. but deen. black atl and abundant aupply of .od water at 21 feat. Sea tha crva for proof aa to aolL THE fcllAW f i: R CuMPANT. Vatn 3 i.t 4tn at. A 3ino. A A'KIFirE. 1 Ntfc.'l MO.NET. Mtat aall ImmeO.aieiy fiva rholca acTaa oa finest road, ona mile caat of city Itmlta. baa iucn! f ur -rvxm bouae, tarca barn. numeruua outhnaa, atj fenced, titca and let; worth $0MM. pru-a $A4Ad If taken at once, owner. 171 Tl.ixd ar near Tvnl! 1 A M'VNEY-MAK Eft. Tha beat iraf on the market rloaa ta Portiaad on carl toe: ru-inw water and wait located for cr?t nf up; aar t-rma. c!oa-ia rwaii ant m-t with. ?ealy aaie thia fprlna. far whici tLera ta a h4 demand. aaduwa A Waiton. 13 Chamber Commerce. !. A Kt-S in Alberta; level, cleared, bd bottom land. 3i brok; irood aprlnc. houaa and barn; all fenced. 1 14 miica frm Btauffer. 4 ml lea to awmlll. 6 tnllea to railroad. Thia ia a!) very fertile land; wt;i traile for home bene; prtre $2 per a to M. V- Thorn pa-in i'o.. Henry bid. acreaxa. river frontaca. and lota aad block at Fiaiey Station, oa Oreoa 1 .iy carlina; a;o modem a-roona bun aalow at Oak Grove; all on aaay tarma Call oa H a. Starkweather at htaley btatton. Phone Oitt iiroe. back 1 7. poetal addraaa. Mile auk:. H-F. i. .No. 1. CONCORD. OREGON CITT LTNW. tt acrea la cultivation; I3T30. 9 t-a acrea, ail la cultivation; STlSo. C W. Rtaley. owner. P. O. MHwukia. ft F. D. No. l. Phone Oak Grove, had 12. 10; 2 AND 40-acra tiacta. all good aoll. To rocka or gravel, cood apiina water. build In on eome of them, one mile from graded school. 4 mllea from thriving tow a a-a railroad atatioa. $ii u $; acre. Box 3y Houlton. Or. " A SNAP. A mleo III tie ftcreaga oa el c trie tin a aloaa to depot and rloaa to Portland. Klft nay A Abaaapbar. kl Lam oar kaabaaaa blC. CLOSE- TV AOREAOrE, 23 arrea near ML bcoit iiua, for quick: aa. pr aa. GRlI 7. A DOW. IT Board of Trade Hide.. 4th and Oak. QUICK SPCCC'LATION tn chicken ranch. 1 to 6 acraa. cli In will doubio In value ta montha ldal home aita . aUl ready for plow. Oood aoii. Oood tarma R I'X Oregon Ian. CHEAP FOR CA!L Fiva and tt acre trarta, Improvad, 0q Powell Valley road. Call on owner. 243 Matn at. st,H mtiet aacrlflra fire acraa timbered land oa b-mlie ctrcla and county road rich aoil. aouth elope warm, aunny lo cation: 11350 caah. AK 77S. Oregontan. a rn. E A fine aoi I bat w e-a 2 ca r I loea, 4 arrea cleared, all fenced- Pbo&e Caat Owner. ONE a re, arrath elope Mount Tabor, adJo!a In park. hih. beautiful view. Tabor 16V y 4ArRES. 11-roona houaa aad barn. t2l and 4tb a re a t. 10 minut aa from Mount bcott car Inquire within. A. CI ace. It ACRES. IS a-rea Reaeertoa: cleared, running water, by owner. Tabor 1 eX 70R SALE lo) arrae TiraMvi o. uncleared. ai-h;n one ml, a Th.na A 2744. of a arkh in H!I"n. will a:i at a low figure lor aaatk. boa auomay. 414 Spaidinft- b.Oa REAL ESTATE. Acreage KLUtCEl PRICK O.N IMPROVED ACRE. A one-acre tract la Woodetock ate trie: cioaet. water piped Into kitchen, etc.: land la cleared, letel and aet out to varloua k!ndt of imill and large fruita Price re duced to Sl on teiuia. Thia tnuit au.d at once. LAMKERT-WHITMER CO.. 44 Kaat Alder at. HnnmifMila. fTSO.OO FOR A CHOICE HALF SECTION la all tillable, hoe nice and level. In good location, cloae to a new town thai la a di v ,a 10 n p- l n t on the C. M. A P. b. Hy . In tt-rn Waahington. Thia la Uovernmnt land and can be taken dtrt claim. hlh would reiuire no reaidencv or' It ran be hom-etad-d. Laay to nut In cultivation and la bvei of ui anlc a a aoii. Addraaa Box 17a. Othello, VVaeX AI A.N T aou UK oxta.vo. iva-paa alvae amount of Government land apaa ta komeeiead. la each county tn the ata tea af Oregon and Waahington. and deacr lo tion of aama; glvea bomeecaad. deaart. timber, atone, coal aad mineral lawe; twi map f Oreejon la colore. Halt, enowiaf U K. la operation, ana ahow leg an pro- r-iaed K. H. and electric tinea Including aatara aad Central Oregon Z04 each, of the three Mo. Map o! Haahingtoa la col ata. 11x14. Mmaa, Kuuey 4V Ca, Hamlltoa bldg. lfcTl HoMESTEADJ In Malheur County, tha rtrheat Und In Oregon will be open to Piiumani March 1 bv ordr of the bee- retarv of the Interior. Tbo towns of in. Ontario and Arcadia, and O. K. N. koad ara In this tract, our special anr- vay map. ahowlng tha 1073 homesteada. R. R. town a and highway, with Informa tion attached to enable you to locate your a;f. all for $L immo. Hunay Co.. Hamilton bid GOVERN M F.NT LAND FREE ttfflclal ltfll Th Homeaaekar deeenbee averyv acre every county in t'ntted eontalna lat-at rainfall mane, lownahtp and auc tion Plata. enlaraed homestead, othe land laws. Government Irrigated project a. fin) Information how 10 eacure free lania from I'ncle Sam; price - c. postpaid. Homesrvker Pub. Co., bt Paul. Minn. A MO-ACRE bom ret aad or dasart claim ra ti nuuiah men t. cloae to railroad and t In Eastern Oregon; water can he had for Irrigation; fine alfalfa or fruit land. YVj rens. i:i Chamber of Commerce. FOR SALE or exchange, rellnqulahment l'-0 acrea in Harney count r. on prtpoaed rail- road, ia mile from town, stereo and P O. I t-rfO. 11 772. Oregonian. A OOO D homestead for you In Central Ore gon. 20 seres dep rich stJ: we can lo cate on thia 2i4 Third St., Portland, or. Foil SALE Homestead relingulahmaut near Iyle. Wash. L oregonian. For Halo fruit I amis. BRITISH COLUMBIA fruit farms yield Sa4 to Sldoo per acre; Edgawood or chards la Arrow Lake district. West bvwtenav. ran aire no Irrigating ; bs ve splendid markets. Ideal climate, good transportation, good social advantages; choicest Isnd only 90 per acre; essy monthly term without Interest. Free booklet V." Investors' Trust A Mort gage Corporation. L,td . 114 Hastings St. V eat. ancouver. M. u. ORCHARD 3 years old. $0 per acre: 34 acrea In superb condition, best marketable varieties. In a section rUalllitg Hood Klvr and oniy a few hours from Portland. Wa have full confidence that an Inspection of this very special offering will make you a purchaser. Trees should produce at leaat $60 pr acre net this year. Tha Hunt Land t'o., 910 Chamber of Commerce. FOR 8AIE Hood Rlvrr apple orchard, near town and part bearing; also Klickitat farm In fruit district; both good bargains. Owner, Jlv (. ham bar 01 lommerca. So ACRES anienuid truit land. In com mercial orchard. j .ua, oregonian. For Kale -Karma, ALFALFA. IRRIGATION. 1ST arrea of bottom land, teated alfalfa soil, sandy loam, no better anywhere. h4 acraa cleared and plowed, 23 more about redy to sow; fine stream cornea throuxn the land and can easily be used for Irri gation; branch of Santiam River; plenty of water year rounu: lana iui eiopeu enougn. no waste land; good buildings, cows. horses, rigs, etc.: IvV per a.-re; terms; this doee not overflow; 13 miles south of ba- larn on 8. P. It. H. and county roads, il. Orahsra, owner, Marton, Or. phone 10x4, farmers. FARM FORT GEORGE, B. C 820 acres virgin black soil. So mile waet from Fort George. H. C, fronting on 1 River North where steamers paas. Grand Trunk Pacific survey made through south end. One-third cl'ar; balance lightly cov ered, cottonwood and willow. South one- half ertion 13. townahlp 1-. range 3. Coast lMktrirt. iru-e j'iwu. rticnaru utte, aui Welia-Fargo bldg. READ THIS AD. Tou want a real good improved farm with bearing orchard, etc.. on good county road. We have t. It is 40 acres of the beat productive Isnd tn the atate. Only aivO per acre. For price, terms, location. ate. it can't ba beat. Never offered for : aaia before. LAM BERT-WHITM ER CO.. 44 East Aldt-r at. kloUALLA VALLEY FA KM. 44 acres, all level, it miles fmm Ore gon City and 6 mli from Canby; 23 acres cleared ; good - roorn house; 3 barns: water; ran be platted in 3 and 10- acra tracts. l-rice s-t.o: terms. H. P. FALMF.K-JONKS CO.. 2.1-13 Commercial Club bldg. PhoDee: Main S.irj. A 2'3. BARGAIN IN A FARM. ISO acres fine land In Washington. Clark Co.. houaa. barn, family orchard, running water, large number bee atanda. farming Implements, a'l for 4ao on easy terma. F. J. RONKNHEKi). SI Lumbermen s HMf. 12 ACKtIS In Tualatin Valley, lo nil.a iron I'ortianu. oniy mile to eieotnc sta tion; 4 -room house and barn, family or chard; all clear and under cultivation; will ae:i cheap. F. J. ROSENFtERO. S14 Lumbermen HUlg 10-ACRE farm near Heaverton with modern t room houaa. barn, chlcfcen-notiaa, 1 acres family or-hard, balance all under cultla- tion. for ssla cheap or will accept Port land rcaldence aa prt exchange. F. J. KttetrlNBEKO. SIS Lumnarmens Hl'lg"- INVESTOR. Mxka ma an ofTvr on my farm of 109 acres. ?4 mlies of Portland. mile of K- It. atation: 14U acres bottom land. bnl. roiling . 9-room house, barn, atock and Imptementa A. c rlarrt. dO!3 Sotb aa. B. , A'bona &uwoon1 $1130 PER ACRE. 10 arras fine wheat land on f R. 4 V. R. H.. with house, barn, water, all fenced and under cultivation; adjoining land aell liig for 4-5 par acre. F. J. KtkSENBERO. SIS Lumbermena litlf. GOOD farm at a bargain : .4t acrea as follow s. about j acres alfalfa land on trout creek at $m par acre, and IV) acraa of upland, apart of which la farmed 1 lO per acre. If In te reeled write cara H 7ti3, oregonian. FINE 101 ACREA. All e'eared bottom land, one hoar from Portland, on main line N. P. ; ii-room houaa and good barn; S3.oO, easy tarma; no trade, c. C Aiioru. vtooaiano. v aan. A WuHU TO THK WL. Wa sell farms everywhere. F. J. Roe E.N H ii I. 1 Lumbermetis Bldg. Fort bALK lJ4 acraa choice wheat land. no waate inu. a mi-a rrom atation. bmlth. owner, Sts Hamilton bldg. FARMS, orchard tracts, rood aseortment. bea Oregon Fsrms 10.. 41; Kothchlld bldg. TO EXC HANGE. 10.to TO $-io 0"0 worth of unincumbered property In Toledo. Ohio, for property in Portland. Oregon will bear peracnaj In vestigation. Address F. H. Respaaa, Toledo, Ohio. 34 Waet Grove Place. WILL exchange my equity In new six- room house for goon du ua in r 101. im provements la snd paid. Nothing due for three year. Phone Main 130X Ask for Mr. Hurllngame. A WORD TO THE WISE. 1 you want to exchange your property, cousull our exchsnie int. F. J. KObENRERO. SI) Lumbermena Bldg. WANTED To exchange corner lot, lOoxloo. and fino l-room housa in Sell wood for flna new bouse ta Ladd Addition; will pay jltnTeroare, Fbone Seiiwood IS VIEW LOTS. Columbia, Heighta Addi tion. Vancouver. aan ; vaiuo S4(Mo; win exchange for Portland lota or acreage. Cellara-Murton Co.. 3oS Spalding bldg. A WORD TO 1 UK WLSE. Looking tor a home? Then ace F. J. ROetENBEKA 614 Lumbermen nidg HA VK line eiectrlc piano, alao baby up right piano: win erin mm mm, acreage or tola. V 744, Oregonian. . SANTA BARBARA reaidence: eight acrea for sale, or wouia t "nmoa property. F. H. Lewis. Lewis bldg. WE - change your property regardless of l-x-StiOTt for intt wnicn auiia jou saner. Northwest Exchange. 22-a Henry bldg. WK can match op your trade; w have too aschacgea on our list. ri. a. c nanaier, 414 Lumbermena bid.. 9th and Stark. FOR trad. 3 seres fruit land. Estacada Una. 2 S " asningion si., room 1 ILL trade 3. lots or acres. ah- U-g-.on st-, room 414, TO E.XCILxNGE, COME at once, one chance In ft lifetime. ln account sickness must soil or trade confectionary, cafeteria, restaurant and bakery, all combined: tha fixtures cost over .VtoO; In ft trade 93)O0 Will take. It prefer RivoraMe City, ai.. or any tnm within loo mllea of Portland; willing aasuma mortiaia Addreaa room 17 Hu aei 1 bldg-. Jm' 4th at., or phono East 2014. EXCHANGE 7 -room modern houe. large lot. 32 ota in Ftelnmetx Arlclltlon: acrea adlolnlna not yet platted : so acrea adtolnlne- oltv limits of Carthag Mo., alao tha o. K. and R. C. cine mine at Alha. Mo., will exchange all or part fnr w.wwl I'fipiland or Weatern Orego rrorartr. I- K. Steinmata. owner, 403 Oerllnger bide; EUI'ITT of nearly ona-half of purchase nrlra In three of the linear ouiiuin In Portland. Will exchange for cheaper lots or a small piece r lose-In acreage. Phone Main 15o3: A 1313. Ask for M Hurllngame. deal re. port.and Exchange. 011 Trade bids. Baa Mr. WImu FOR BALE TIMBER LAND. nu'VER will mil twa auarter aactlons about 14.000.000 teat or axcaiieni umoer near Grants paas. Or., fnr It per M. O. box 441. Vancouver. Wash. ' TIM PER LANDS BOt.'GHT AND 8OL.D. C. J. M CRACKEN. 304 McKay BldgV TIM H EH c LA IMS, homes! aad rellnguisa manta 21 Worcester bids. FARMS WASTFP. WANTED) Small rsnch; must have aom Improvement a Bui t aide ror poultry terries. tiivs full Information. X Too. regonlan. WANTED TO RENT FARMS. WANTED DA I R T RANCH to rent; furnished. W rlti Wash. K. T. Moore. Columbus. WANTED TIMBER LANDS, WANTED 3.000.000 to G. OOO.0O0 feat timber, with or without tla-mlll, near transportation. Hot i'o". Rainier, Or. TIMBER Ui.ua wwutvU. c J- Mo Cra cm a a. So4 MaKay bldg. yV ANTED REAL ESTATE. A WORD TO THE WWB. Don't list your prtparty until you ae wbeather our realty department haan't got a buyer for It. V. J. ROPENHERO. SI H Lumhmnenii Hldg. WANTED today to l-aa or ajurrhaae f;i tory aita lvuxion wan or wiinoui ouuu Inea- nn trarkaas: within 1 mllea termlnala Industrial Bureau, Portland Commercial Club. WANTED Grand or I'nlon ave.. Quarter ui single lot to valua of 4i.imk); tnuit take some cloae-tn unincumbered acreage on carllne as part payment. M 7 00. Ore gon ta n. IK YOt; want to buy or bell bunsalows. houeee. lots, acreage, farms and mean business, sa our realty department, V. J. ROSENHEIM. Si s I.timbermens HldsT- ACREAGE wanted; ZOO or 200 acres of lava W lllsmette Valley land wanted lor sub dividing; state prica and terms. AM 761. Oregonian. WILL purchase delinquent Hose City Park re hi aatata contracts from those wno win sacrifice for Immediate aala. AC 7v3, Ore gonian. GET rash or your farm and city property or logged-ofT Innda; list with us Tor quick resulta. fcureka Realty. 4U1 Kothchlld bldg. WANTED 1 or 2 lots from owner for cash In rood reaidentl.il district; must be snap, No agenta. .n tw. oregonian. CHKAt ranch, aom e 1 1 m ber, hay. f nil t ; no attention paid unless given legal descrip tion and price. A.K. 709, oregonian. I WILL buy ft lot between Hawthorne and Helmont sts. Write full particulars or no attention paid. AD Ton. oregonian. WANTED Roth city and farm property. Henry C Prudhomme Co., S. K Prentiss, mvr. real estate dpt.. 904 Spalding bldg, HOI'SK. worth S230O to J.LVW, 1-3 cash, bal ance stock in excfilmt mantiiucturuiff plant. D. Murphy. 3.1 Wasco at. FOR SAMs. llnrere, Vehlclee and if arnean. PORTLAND siTAHLEri, 2ti N. l.VTH T. 23 horses, from loOO pounds to 1.100 pounds, rjriccs from StU to 2"i0 Dfr horfo several well-matched teams of hores and mares, ail sold with a written guarantee to be as represented or your money re funded ; farm and delivery wagons, bug gies and all klnus of harneas also for sale; bank nnd business references furnlsheu. It. L. EVANS. FOR SALE. 1 pair horses, suitable for farm. 1 ptr mares, suitable for farm. 1 flna Donv. 2 fine drivers. tfeverar delivery wagons and harneas. 4 bugglea, several saddles. 1'ACJr IC UJAST STAKLE3, Vth nnd Couch ts. Fok feAl.if lao nurses, weight aearly 1000 EC.rds each, and cood travelers light back with hainess, all new. In eluded, or sold separately. IX taksa now will be offered at a bargain. Address P. Langenberg. Clackamas. Or., or tl-alra at room 200 Oregonian bid . 40 HEAD of flrst-claas horses and mares. ranging from 4 cars to 4 years old. weight 1200 to Muo; every one to be sold with ft guarantee as represented. U. S. Stables, 2M Front st. GCKD work team, weight 2HtM) Ihs., fin condition ; ;t-A; 8 gosenck furniture wagons, express and dlivtTy wikoiu, har as and saildla: also some small horsei Hubert A Hall. So Front. W OO DDl'lt N farmers big horse sale will be avid at Farmers Feed Barns, ood burn, baturday, Feb. 25. with tne largest lot of horses ever offered. D. M. Hat ch ff a, manager and auctioneer. FUR SALE Oood borae. weighing about 1 t(M, 1- yenra old ; tiio ti&rcm wagon. sJuO; for sale becausa wa are using auto truck. James 1. alarsball aire. Co.. etn and Couch. I HAVE a choice lot In Hose City Park that 1 would Ilka to trade for a team of young mares ; must ba not lesa than 1400 pounds each, true and sent!. bOU McKay bids. FoR SALE Gasoline woodaaw, ; team. city broke, weight S40 lba; harness; sjuu. ill eveilags. 1Z3 aat icth su . J. Hart. JUST arrived, a carload of general purpose horses, rrom liw pounas to jow pounoa G. hi. How itt. both and Bumside. Monta vilta. FOR SALE 1 team young drsft hoi-a. weighing 3 loO. 1 team young norsea, weltn- Inc .00; ona o-year-oiu 01a c a mure. weighing 15QO. Address X 3SO. Oregonian. For bALK 20 head horses and mares. weight 1000 to 1200 lbs. Inqulrs at office Travis Bros. Wood Yard. , btn and iiaw- thotne ava FiK SALE Mountain hack, with bew leather carriage top. eton curtaina; sou. Htolx. 240 East 3'Uh st. 1 EAM of horsea weighing 2000 pounds. tlO; work single or double; will sell eparate. 3o rJ. litn su 0. marea. rlga and harreas for aala. 0 and up; teama ana aurop wxgoua for hire. U4 Montgomery. FOR SALE or exchange. 16-passenger car ryall; axchsnge lor norsea or smaller car ry al 1. H u bert A Hall. IlbP Front. TWO mares, brown and aorral. 1100 lbs. 2rt lrtth st. I HOKSE, wagon and harness; a bargain; iX ients fiunuiing k.o.. Ltnt my r. piauoa, orgftua and Mualcal lnstrumrsts. NEW 940 Edison phonograph 925; must sell today. UTS Lowrnouin. FOK eALE Electrio piano, electric banjo and electric harp, at oil Washington. Auto moh Ilea, WIIL trade a nice acre tract In ft rapid y- growlng diatrict of fortiana xor a goo a modern-priced auto, roadster preferred; must ba lats modal and good condition; my acra tract 1 free from all Incumbrance, with carlina touching ona side and streets graded; state modal and price in first let ter. Address W. B- Linn, gen, del., city. BARGAINS in used auto tires and Inner lubes; examine our slock oar ore you buy; vulcanising, retreading and repairing. El ton A Huraer, 414 Stark sC - Pbona A 444. . WANTED Good flva-psssenger car, must be In flrst-claas condition, nave equities tn finest building lots in Portland to ex change for same, Mnln 1603; A 1313. A sk for Mr. nuriingamo. IF ou want to buy. sell or trade aa auto. aee Vance, tn proxer. a nav many ex tra food buy. Phono Main 133. Third at. I NEW 3'passenger 10-99 H. P. auto In excel lent eunullion ior caaa or cue-i real estate. O 740. Oiegonian. WANTED A good runabout; write full par ticulars, condition, prica ana make. Aa- dreea AM 764. Oregonian. A I. TO MOBILES bought and aold. Call or write for bargain liet. c ustom-liouaa Auto Co.. Sit Everett St. Main l4d. WHITE ateamer auto. Inquire room 327 Cftrbett blng. VNT an automobile for cash and part da. 211 lh SU FOB SALE A 0 to mo bllaa. autonhdfit7bVwners. TAKENOTICE. Tha undersigned hava opened a first class automobile paint and finishing snop at corner of Union ave. and Eat Davis st., where w are able to handle your work and give you results of the highest class mechanical skill to be obtained on the Pacific Coast. 22. years' practical fac tory experience gives to tho-e delrlng rlaaslcai work and finish the results sought for. Merhsnical skill, highest irrade of materials and personal supervision of smaileet details are the secrets of our success. THE W. FLEETWATER AUTOMOBILE! PAINTING CO.. Union ave. and Kaat Davis St. Phone Main 141S. Birds. IKga and Pet Stork. FOR SALE Rhoiie faland Kwl cockerels, alao rgga for aettlng. 67ft South ave, Sell wood line. FOR SALE 3 fine thoroughbred. B. P. Rock cockerels, reasonable. I'hone E. 43 WS Miscellaneous. SECTIONAL bookcase In fumed oak. three sections, top and base, 912.30; solid oak wardrobe, double doors and drawer. $12: aolld mahogany parlor cabinet, plnta glasa all around. 4 : dressers, full sire, from 43 to fjr; extension table. 9"t to 813: din ing cli.tlrs. 7r.c to 94; rorkera. 91.25 to 4-.: 94 Eclipse steel rnnge. $22 Z": gas r inges. four-burner Jewel or Reliable, Sfi.M; Iron and brsss be . 81.00 to 927.50; library and office tables. 94 to 8L: ma hogany bedroom suite, three pieces, 8-2.30; 83 combination desk, bookcase and fold ing; bed. all Irv one plvc 830; roll-top desks. 82.30 to 8w; sectional document file, four section. 922 50; gas water heater, 93: Brussels rugs. Uxl2. 810 to 913.30; ln graln rugs. Pxl2, 93; Brussels, Ingrain and Axmlnster carpets, various sixes, linoleum and matting, all aorta of both, new and fine eecond-hand household goods. WESTERN SALVAGE COMPANY, 243-1:47 Washington, between 10th and 17th. Both phoiia. Main 1108 or A 37li:i. WE PA V G OD PRICES FOR NEW OR FINE SECOND-HAND FURNITURE. FOR SALE. Two lOO-H. P. horlxontal return tubular boll ere, complete with inclosed type feed water hf-ater, 5US;i Smith valva feed pump, Dodge Injector, safety valve, crown valves. 6-1 nt h header and all angle valve and William feed water regulator, with safety water column. In good con dition. Also on 12-H. P. vertical submerged head tubular boiler complete with safety valve and fittinira. Including Buntio in Jector; almost new ; only used a short time. For further pnrtlcular inquire at room zui oregonian hi?. at.sftv pnnTf.An CKMENT. A fresh cargo of this celebrated Im ported cement haa lust arrived. For sa'e by THIS J. McCRAKEt CO 72 Front Street. OFFICE furniture for sale: 2 5-foot book rases, glass fronts, one with filing a raw era below; one with paneled sliding doors be low; 1 four-foot cabinet, fitted with shelve for lawyer's banks or office stationery; 7 flat-top desks. 2 4x3. three deep drawer on on side: 1 glass-top directors laoie, SSxtl. All of dark oak and made to or der for a trust company which did not materlallxp. Will sell all or singly at bargain. Jamea I. Marshall Mfg. Co., 4th and ouch. DO YOT7 KNOW ABOUT Jlmmte Dunn's "knew" Sample Suit Shop? He I upstair In a t-'io-a-month room, selling men's suits, overcoats and extra trousers at wholesale price and less. No window for display. You Just have to know about blm. That' all. SI 5 Oregonian bldg., elevator, 8d floor. CASH RtPrsIBTF.RJl. AMERICANS. We are not reducing our prices. See the point? We protect you. Oregon Suit Agent. W. R. Hignett, 3ol Vi East Morn- eon at., Portland. NATION A L cash register; total adders. which alao nrlnt Hat of antes, at S40. SoO. 800. 870. SR0. $1M and 9 loo. All types of con at ruction; fully guaranteed. t. 1. Kelley, sals agent. Salesroom 70 Sd at., Portland. Or. OT.n len-elrv exchanged for watches and amnion as; unreueemea pieages ior osis original prices. uncle Myers. 71 Ota su. between Oak end Pine. 22-FT. CABIN, 18-horsepower gasoline launch for sale; price 834; 2 years old; cost 81230 ; will seat 20 people. Address J. H. !.. 604 Williams ave.. Portland, Or. MANURE FOR SALE. Your gardens, flower or lawns will grow much better If fertilized. Call Pri vate Exchange 4 or A 0101. SAFES New and 2d-hand ; all sizes; low prices: easy terms. I'l l! JELL SAKE CO., AND PORTLAND SAFE CO.. 65 6th street. Main &iu9. FOR SALE Fine fresh cow, brown Swiss and Guernsey, big milker. Address N. H Hsrvey, Milwaukee, Oregon, Phone BUf-k 232. FOR SALE cheap, new job priming outfit. tnken over on mortgage. rite for par ticulars, a. i. eer, enterprise, tir. CHINA CLOSET, bent glass and quartered oak; also .New Home machine and roll top deak. Call 394 K. Clay. FOR SLE Showcaaes. wall cases, count ara. General flxturea in atock and made to order at lowest prices. 222 Grand ave. S. FACTORY rebuilt type writ era.. $10 to 9u3 MJKTHrt tai 11 rftWKl JcK CO., 90 Fifth st. M. R328. A 1476. 30-HORSEPOWER 3-phase. 60-cycie elec tric motor. AD Ti:, oregonian. ROOMS papered or tinted. Including ma terlal, 4.00 up. Ab i.u, ureonian. 1 H. P., SOO-VOLT, D. C. motor; A d'Jll. Main 4011. good oonuition. FOR SALE Alaska Indian curios. Ungefruren, Ksmona Hotel. 912 Oent' wheel, coaster, Hartford tire; girl's wheel, 9. -'S 4th st. STYLISH dress. s. 93 up; waists. 910 up; .'U East Mill. East 536. fine work. 2 WANTED MISCELLANEOUS. CLoTHlNO AND EVERYTHING. Wanted Men's caatoff clothing and hoe and bicycle; highest prices paid; we also buy ladles clothing. Call up lb Globe second-hand '.ora, phone Main 20 aO. 2yo 1st st. WANTED Light grocery and confectionery with living-rooms, goo a location ; give particulars and phone; no agents. M 783, Oregonian. BARGER'H AUCTION HOUSE wants household goods, furniture for cash or commission. East 1U2. & 69-470 E. Morrison st. That'a ail. - MONEY LOST TJnlesa yon call the Ford Auction Co. and gat their price on what you hava to.aalL M al n b931. A 2443. IF YOU hava household furniture to sell. call up Georg liaker at Co.. far St. Both phones. WE pav th highest cash price for second hand Turniture. oeaier Mt usrun. ftxonm E. 320-4. 3 4S Hawthorne ave. WE BUY MOST ANYTHING AND PAY THE PRICE. PHONE MAKSMALL lOO.i. 6CHOOLBOOK3 bought and sold. 211 3d U, near Salmon, log 3th at. HELP WANTED MALE. WANTED Salesmen, all lines, executives. bookkeepers, stenographers, men with in itiative, proven ability, good appearance and personality. Commerc.al Abstract Co., 4H Commercial Club blug. IF you are a solicitor of experience and desire steady employment, with big finan cial returns, see Mr. James, atfer 1 P. M . 41S Mohawk bldg., 2d and Morrison. OLNG man for porter work and bottling In liquor store; muse oe a worvcr; state age, wages expected, address, phone num ber, L 7i4. Oregonian. . IF YOU are a "live wire' with soliciting ex perience ana wisn aieaay employment wna a good financial return, see Mr. Norwood, 600 Majn at.. Vancouver. Wash., room 4. HAS or woman to take restaurant (nearly furnlsheai, in rouii.inniiuuBj; riii im Dosru one; sleeping room Included. Apply 364 North 2ttth. S car to 26th. block south. IF you mean business ana can invest 3oV In a NKiiiiiiBm yitiua(iiuu iubi win net. yon 9li0 monthly, call Monday 94 6th, A L1VEWIRE specialty salesman: somethlni; good ior nsui v.. n. x-iiiiiie, ovi XI arquam blug. A R B ER WANTED at once; none but first- class neea npp. v. njwr, inuepen- dence. T. ANTED A night watenman; must ahow reference and give bond. M 468, Ore gonian. .. MEN wanting to become general contractors 2.S Abington bldg., Portland. Or. OFFICE International Correspond- ence oc". ' -wu p. M. Send for freocataJogue. 'ANTEP At once, 2 men to learn to drive and repair automobiles. Call at Hawthorne a-arase. 443 Hawthorne ave. WANTED Office boy for large office; per manent poamon "i nifc u;. oiu v,uu mercial Club bldg. BOOKKEEPING, private tuition by ptiMic bldg.; accountant. ia i-n.uaiiie - ua. also tuition by mail. ALELF WANTE1 MALI Office Secretary Employment Depart Young man. tranger, out of work ($20 his total cash assets) If I pay you 85 for special employment membership 1 wn only have 915 left between mo and starva- Secretary If you pay $5 for "P11 employment membership you will have the T. M. C. A., with all Its resources between you and starvation. TV htm h.nn.n.H Young man took membership. Inside o: two hours he found satisfactory employ During January, 1911, 94 other found employment In a like manner. Employment or refund of membership fee guaranteed. See Secretary Employment Department, X. at. O. A. STOCK SALESMAN who la uccesfil and now making good, but willing to change connectlona for a better proposition. bu 004 fapaiding bldg. WANTED MOVINO-PICTTJRB r d t- o a m n a In verv city throughout th world. NOW IS VOITR OPPORTUNITY to V GOOD-PAYINO TRADE. OUR SCHOOL DITi"'! U1V1 T C I - In Ha l'.Alt M th STAN DARD. We are the factory jobber for Powers 6 Camergraph and Motlograph. also Edison and Pathe machines In tock. Many thousand beautiful film for rent. tach student examinea oy o t"" LAM MLB for Square Deal. OS Couch Building. Get our standard operator hand-book. 60c WE HAVE vacancies for two or three clean cut, active, energetic men 01 m-hn -re wllllna to devote thel entire time to our Interests; to such men we offer permanent positions, with a gen erous, eteady income : experience in any special line of work not necessary; If you are a worker, come and see us and we will satisfy you that this Is a rare oppor tunity to secure the best proposition now offerina- in Portland. Tne opanion vw., 269 Oak at. I WANT a coup! of men liv one fe! low not burled way down deep In thi tiA rAnn it vou'va rot electric lty in you. you can make 9500 or 81000 a month ever more. The proposition i Hve alive, I toL-you make me prove it. It' selling real estate tne imen. Talk to W. R. TOWN3END, 822 Corbett Bldg. wiVTrn unv TO T.FARN to operate moving picture. OPERATORS earn 925 to 93 per week; EASY INSIDE WORK; short hours; Uarn business in ten days: EASY TERMS; will help to start you in business; also to secure fr-ucifoi-tc. t t- l- 1 n TCi c 1 nn D AIL I. W have finest and largest equipped school in Port lana; run pirucuwi " -fniiv riven. York Amusement Co. A Film Exchange, 5264 Washington, near 17th. ABLE-BODIED men wanted for the U. S. Marine Corpa, between the age of 19 And 94; rauit be native born or have first pa pers: monthly nav SIS to 969: additional rnmnaniailnn rwaa hl f Ood. Clothing, quarters and medical attention free; after 80 yeara service can retire with 75 per cent of pay and allowance; service on board ship and ashore in all parte of the world. Apply at U. o. aiarina vm crultins Ofttce. Breeden bldg- 8d and Waahlcgton st.. Portland, Or. MEN wanted, agea 18-35. for firemen. 8104 monthly, and brakemen. 880. on nearoy railroads; experience unnecessary; o strike; positions guaranteed competent men; promotion. Railroad Employing Headauarters. Over 400 ment ent to po sitions monthly; state ags; send stamp. Railway Association, care Oregonian. k FIRST-CLASS automobile salesman wanted for a medium-priced car; sell on sight; salary and commission to liv wires, other don't bother. Apply Aj 767, Oregonlaa. RAILWAY mall clerks, poatofflc clerks, letter carriers, custom-house and Internal revenue employes, to prepare for exam inations; free book. Pacific State School, McKay bldg., city. WANTED Young man to take special 2S automobile course, driving ana repairing; piactlcal experience; complete lnstiuctlon; big wages; steady work. Call 3246 wssninirion si., room aia. LIVE representative for the highest-class specialty proposition ever onerea in uro- ?;on: a big money-maker. Will stand close nvcatigatlon. See D H. Walters, Portland Hotel. 1 WO licensed dentists, one Oregon, other Washington; no others need apply; must be A-l operators; good salaries. Alveolar Dental Co.. 814 Abington biag. YOUNG man 18 to 22, wholesale house good opportunity; state age, experience. references, puona numuir. tv two, lire gonlan. vol ; are wanted for Government position. H0 month, write tor list 01 positions open. Franklin Institute, Dept. 310-D, Roches ter, N. Y. WANTED Salesman to sell second-hand automobiles, salary ana commission to rlKht party. Apply at once. AJ 708, Ore gonian. YOUNG man wanted to learn telegraphy wireless teiegrapny, raiiroau ana station service ; day ana niffnt sessions. Cull or adress Telegraph Dept., 14S Fifth st. LIVE solicitor wanted, city and country, for Success liana vacuum carpet clean er. Mills Investment Co.. Henry bldg. GROCERY CLERK An experienced man. sober ana inuustrious, wun gooa reierence. AM 700, Oregonian. WANT a good general agent or crew man ager for Oregon; should have from 91300 to 910.00Q. AH 7wi, oregonian. OFFICE boy. wholesale house; good oppor tunity; state age. experience, references. phone number. w mo, oregonian. BOILERMAKER, locomotive, who can lay out p tehee, etc iut ox 10 wn. ah; 77a, Oregonian. MOLDKRS wanted at once. Call 222 Com mercial UUS OlUg. PHOTOGRAPH coupon and portrait agenda, new ouer. LUiuarm nuuiu. iea;um otag. SOLICITORS wanted; nothing to seU. H 763. Oregonian. WANTED Boy in factory: steady Carman Mfg. i-o.. jn anu upgnur. WEAR ft K ens lit w 82 hat, 449 Washington st. any style or slxe. HELP WANTED HALE OR FEMAXJB. 10.000 POSITIONS for graduates last year; men and women learn barber trade in 6 weeks, he Id to secure position; gradu ates earn from 815 to 923 weekly; expert Instructors; tools free; write- for cata logues. Mohler System of Colleges. 35 North 4th st,. Portland. Or. TWO young men wish to have a practical private teacner in ngusn language, am 4 0. oregonian. MAKE money writing stories for newspa pers; big pay: eend ror free ooox. it; tens how. United Press Synd., San Fanclsco. WJtNTED Man and wife, mlddleaged, for ranch; good wages. Aiv 7 u, ora- gonlan. FIEK TEACHERS' ASSOCIATION. 611 Swat- land bldg. HELP WANTED FK-M ALE- WANTED Refined, capable woman for re sponsible position. Via vi Co., 609 rtota cnild bldg.. 4th and Wxhlngton. WANTED Experienced operators to work on shirts. Apply standard factory, s Grand ave. and East Taylor. WANTED Immediately, good girl for general housework, pnone ;asi oat- -ji uroaaway streot. "R v whoiesala houss. an ambit ious woman I willing to apply herself; experience not ea sentlal. R 769, Oregonian. tx-a VTPll Rtnfrlnced air I for a-enera.1 housework. Phone East 4512 or Inquire 240 East 6th st. North. "VVA NT ED Middle-aged woman or German girl for general housework, can morn ings. East 1-64, 715 East Couch. WANTED An experienced girl for general housework. Call 709 Schuyler. Phone East :S29. w A GOOD reliable girl for general house work; must be good cook. Apply 69 JJorth 23d apartment 5; references. GENTLEMAN of 34, with no children, wishes a housekeeper; a good home for the right party. V 799. Oregonian. GOOD girl for general housework, S In fam ily. Main 4839. WANTED Experienced waitress at The Hill. 2"d r.nd Washington. Apply at once. WANTED Young girl to assist in care of bnby; references. 601 Kearney st. WANTED A good skirt maker. Room 5o5 Hamilton bldg., 5th floor, . HELP WANTED FEMALE. WANTED Young ladle for telephone op A. uviAut -nrlnca AP ply Pacific Telephone A Telegraph Co-, 6th and East Ankeny its. "Mrr.-xr- tfTTDSVH WANTED. On aun rf several wards being added to this Institution, th Training a.w-.i . vi 1 .va.i tn increase its membership, and la now ready to racelye application for th Spring clasaea or r.. rri,, 1--. Ru oerln tendent 01 Nurse. San Diego County General Hos pital. Ran Diego, cat. wa VTSin ir-rneriAnred hand sewers; none Kn r -v-.--tA-.H en 11 also expe rienceri tnilnrt-ai to helD tailor Rlld that has experience in mans tailoring on iB jackets. 447 Alder.. J. K. Stern, uies' tailor. la THOROUGHLY experienced . stenographer and bookkeeper for office work; must be experienced and competent: "v-. nTiAnr and anlarv wanted, V Ub. ore gonian. - piuir.v a ault- Rosa City Para, hunvolnnf nva o-lrl for S-eneral HOUSe, work, ex'nerience not required; German preferred. Call between 8 and 6 P. M. Mod Oav. 405 13. 4'JTh r.. nearcniiu WANTED A girl for plain cooking and housework. Mention age and references. Give phone number. Wages 950 per month. w 771, Oregonian. TC A VTfn A triwl An eenernl ht.USeWOrk German preferable; references required good wage. Call 016 5th at. alter o'clock Monday. Anna M. Kelly. UAN6-.N & LJVOiiitt' AGENCY. 83H Washington SL.'Cor. 7th, upatalra. Phone Main 2692. OTRT. for aeneral housework, family of near E. 16th and E. Couch, wage 925, Phone East 1510 or B 2894 today. WANTED A arirl for general housework. Will pay good wages. Apply at 735 Irving t., near 22a. MRS. 2. HOWE'S LADIES' AGENCY, Washington St.. Room 514. Main 8830 or A S26G. EXPERT glovemakers; also beginners; paid while learning, puget ouna uiovo ja-b Co., Seattle, W ash. WANTED Kxperlenced girl to do cooking and general housework; good wages. Ap ply 752 Flanders WANTED Experienced housekeeper for family hotel, aged not more man u. 707, Oregonian. WANTED Competent girl for general housework; three in family, no children; call mornings. 411 Hasaalo st. East 1670. I WANT to take yiano lessons from the BEST YOUNG lady pianist in tne city. Phqno Mr. Edwards. Marshall WANTED Girl to take care of baby In the afternoons. Apply room 3:i3, The Hill. 23d and Wash., mornings. WANTED A girl for general housework. 50 N. 15th st. EXPERIENCED girl on ladies' tailoring. Reubin, 540 Washington st MAID Prefer French, for Davis. 2 children. 695 WANTED At Sisters' Hospital In Chico. Ca 1. . p u P i 1 to enter choolo f nuraln g. SWITCHES. 95c: puffs, curls, 75c, of comb ings. Sanitary Bty. Par.. 400 Dekum bldg. WANTED Girls for shooting gallery. Ap ply 4th ana touco, ottwetn iu ana 1 EXPERIENCED girl to work in bookbind- ery. nowa uavis o.. 111 ow-omi bi. WANTED A girl for general houaa work. small family; op- aimnesota ave. DRITATP School. SHORTHAND ttnii TVrti WRITINf; 43 mo. 2o9 14th at. Main 3$9-i. GIRL for general housework. 334 Hall IL SITUATION WANTED MAT.K , Bookkeeper and Clerk. YOUNG LAWYER, three years' experience at bar, 15 years as law aienograpaer ana court reporter; also abstractor of titles, wants to come to Portland; will take sal aried position In law office. Address AD 774. Oregonian. OFFICE MAN. experienced In office work, time and cost-keeping, also cnecaing co men t work and material, desires similar position with general contractor or con struction company; can give references. O 7rt! Oregonian. WILL audit, open, close or write up books. prepare balances ana statements, install systems. Consult me. Gtlllngnam, au ditor, 411 Lewis bldg. Marshall 41. POSITION" wanted; first-clas bookkeeper and stenographer; eight years' experience; at present employed. X. 755. Oregonian. WANTED Situation as city salesman 01 bond. AC 700. Ore- collector; reierence, gonian. STENOGRAPHER, assistant bookkeeper. lumber experience, wants permanent po sition. Main c277. Cadwailader. Mlscel tan coos. ENERGETIC married man, 20 years' ex perience in street paving, sewer construc tion, etc.; also general merchandise, seeks permanent position; first-class references. Call Columbia 213, or address AM 7uo. Oregonian. FIRST-CLASS house-to-house mechanic will fix your little tiuks for reasonable price, sewing machines, stove, locks, suitcases, scissors, saws at your home. Landway, 206 Couch. Main 7735. EXPERIENCED movlng-Dlcture operator, married, wants steady worn ; reasonaoie wagos. Emll Rainier. 282 2d street, Portland. SITUATION as cook, private or public. boarding-house, restaurant, camp or any place, city or country, phone Main 957 J 77S, Oregonian. Best references. BY YOUNG man, experienced janitor and elevator operator; references. V 74a, ore gonian. RECENT graduate In civil engineering, age 23, desires position in civil worK. def ences. Address E 707. Oregonian. CHAUFFEUR wishes position, 0 years' ex perience; best reference. AJ 7ii, oregon ian. SITUATION wanted by barber, 2 years' ex perience, will go into small country town. B 778, Oregonian. POSITION wanted by moving picture oper- tor. & years' experience, country or city. : 772, Oregonian. WANTED Position, experienced, good fam ily cook. 247 ft Stark st. m. j Chinese M ission. mi PROFESSIONAL Japanese housecleaier. cook, work, by tne nour. rnone &enwooa 112. AUTO-TRUCK driver wants position; can drive and keep in nrst-ciass condition any make of car. AC 77S, Oregonian. YOUNG man desires to work for room and board after scnooi. cau or aaaress xu u. B., 148 fith st. YOUNG man, steady, needs employment; handy with toois; not airaiu 01 worn. Ad dress ? 706. Oregonian. LADIES tailoring, first-class cutter and fit ter, wishes situation; Lonann experience, fashionable garments. L 771. Oregonian. MAN and wife, German, want situation in hotel or xamiiy at nousew ora. sis Burns id. YOUNG man wishes position aa chauffeur; strictly soDer; resiaeui ul cny o jears, first-class electrician. C 773, Oregonian. EMPLOYMENT wanted by reiiaole christian man, or position 01 irut; nut xiiaiu ok work. S. Und rill, 391 Bast 11th st, city. GOOD butcher wishes position In country town; an ail-rouna neau, ai man. An dre 31 AB 73 Oregonian. YOUNG man attending Holmes Business College desires & piace 10 ora ior nts room and board. Call A 254. Main 613. EXPERIENCED chauffeur with first-class references w'-snes punuiwn wun private family. Ait 705. Oregonian. FIRST CLASS cutter, with latest system. wishes steauy position, over 10 years in tailor business. AH 73S, Oregon Lan. WANTED Position In family: experienced. good COOk. 241 A oiara aw m. lihuoio M ission. SAUSAGE - MAKER, meatcutter. wants steady worn, ui u "oa" APAN'ESE wants position as schoolboy or ffoneral housework. Main 4282. EXPERT furniture packer wants position. Ann v R bO. urcuwnmii. A JAPANESE boy would like to cook for small lamny i" cvy. . m r.. city. MEATCUTTER want teady work. A 772, Oregonian. SITUATION WANTED FEMALE, Hoofalceepers and stenographer. WO college graduates with teaching ex perience, ages Zi ana z, aesire position as traveling saleswomen; best of ref erences. W 772. Oregonian. LADY bookkeeper and stenographer, several years experience, rest, reierences. wants emplovmant. Address Bookkeeper, 491 Davis street, phone Main 50 i 8. SITUATION WANTED FEMALE. Bookkeepers and Stenographers. BY competent stenographer, 6 years exper ience In newspaper office, hotel, fire In surance, stock brokers, commercial lines nnd law; can assist on books and do cash iering; aee 28; good address. A-l refer enceg. Address AM 790. Oregontan. ' Dressmakers. DRESSMAKER, first-class, by the day. Grand ave. South, phone East 3S01. 370 DRESSMAKING and plain sewing, at rea sonable prices. 233 Fifth st. Main 50. NURSING, day or night. Phone A 4129. Nurses. WANTED Position as attendant or nurse by experienced young man; massage given; graduate doctor; best of references. H 782. Oregonian. TRAINED nurse wishes more engagements. Some housework; terms reasonable. Wood lawn !'7v7. COMPETENT, practical nurse desires few more engagements. Phone Tabor 1084. Housekeepers HOUSEKEEPING for two or three men. good cook, capable woman, farm or ranch; give full particulars. lo25 6th ave., room 16. Seattle, Wash. COMPETENT young glrl wants" poslllonfor general house w ork. East 401 S. Miscellaneous. MISS ELISE ROLAND, formerly at the Waldorf-Astoria. New York, specialist in manicuring, facial and scalp treatment, hairdrossing and shampooing, will do work for ladles mornings and evenings at their hemes;' latest electrical appliances. Office, room 42. Y. TV. C. A. Main 1203; A 6144. WANTED Ladies hand work. Mrs. fancy laundry, strictly Collins. Main 1134. FINE laundry or other work for Tuesday and Thursdays. Phone Marshall 175L SWEDISH girl wants cook place In private faml'. 1315 Belmont st. Ta bor 1222. FIRST-CLASS laundress wishes to work Tuesday and Thursday. Wood t awn lrtl t, EXPERIENCED hairdresser" and manicurist wants position. H 770. Oregonian. NORWEGIAN woman Phone Main 2S31. day work. SHEET music demonstrator wants situation; experienced. H 769. Oregonian. WANTED AGENTS. ACTIVE canvassers can make 930 weekly selling trees for th Oregon Nursery Com pany. Liberal propos.Uon; good territory Address Orenco. Or. WANTED TO RENT. THI3 DEMAND FOR HOUSES TO RENT IS VERY GREAT IN OUR office: IF YOU have a vacant house, flat, etor or apartment. It will pay you to notify us. We will give a de scription of your property to at least a dozen prospective tenants every day until it is rented. The same condition prevail in our sales department. HAKTMAN & THOMPSON, REALTY DEPT., CHAMBER OF COMMERCE! BLDO. WANTED to rent by March ID Five, six or seven-room modern house, prefer Sun nyside. Mt. Tabor or vicinity of 60th and Hawthorne; must hae yard; state loca tion and rent in first letter. A 770, Ore gonian. WANTED Furnished house. 7 to 10 rooms. Phone Main 1190 or A 1473. WANTED Professional man and wif want furnished housekeeping suite in rorutoa Heights district. J 70s, Oregonian. Rooms With Board. WANTED A lady to take care of 3-year- old boy without any otner cnuaren pre ferred; state terms in answer. Writ Mr. G. Clark, 09 0th at.. Portland. Or. WANTED Down-town small repair shop. email rent. 1 79, uregonian FOB BENT. Rooms. t PORTLAND ROOMING BUREAU. Rooms, flats, apartment, furnished, an-, furnished, board, all part of th cliyt ' ave you money, time, trouble. Let ua lo i cate you. 286 Waanington SU R. 3Ui : Marshall 2189. A 524X ; DON'T OVERLOOK THIS TODAY. "MILNER BLDG..' 504 MORRISON ST MODERN, CENTRAL REASONABLE. Furnished Rooms. NOW OPEN! NOW OPEN! NOW OPENl Those thro beautifully xurnianea noiei-. HOTEL HOTEL HOTEb MX NOOK, PARSONS, ROWLAND 213 M 4th st. 2114 4th st. 207 V 4th t. on t'ourin t., running irom x ji"r . Salmon st. Brand new brick, elegantly furnished; steam heat, private baths, hot and cold water In all rooms; strictly up-to-date in all respects, and at popular prices. If you want something out of the ordinary in the heart of the city at reasonable prices, give us a call as w know you will like It. Rooms by the day, week or month. Tourist trade solicited. HOTEL ALDER. Permanent and Transient. We are devoting several of our choicest rooms to permanent guest for the Win ter; will make special low rates by tha week or month; transient guest given th best of service and shown every courtesy; located in center of shopping diatrict, con venient for out-of-town people; rate by the week. 4TH AND ALDER. SARGENT HOTEL, corner Grand ave. and Hawthorne, recently renovaieu aa w under the management of Mariln A Nicholson, formerly of the Portland Hotel. Beautifully furnished roc ms, single or en suite, with private baths, hot and cold water, steam heat and private phone In every room; first-class grill and bar 1n connection. Special rates by week or month. Transients solicited,, ANGELA HOTEL. Permanent and transient. Just opened; brick building, beautifully furnished; everything new; steam heat, hot and cold running water and telephone in all rooms: fine lobby and ladles' parlor. Suites and single rooms with and without private baths ; verv reasonable rates by day. week or month, phone Marshall 1940. 625 WASHINGTON ST. THE WEAVER. 710 Washington St., near King; a perieci moaern noma. bath steam heat, hot and cold water, and telephone In every room; finest part of the city; the maximum of convenience, the minimum of expense; we make yo4 feel at home; dining-room In connection; best in the citr the money. HOTEL SAVON. 12 Eleventh St. New. modern brick building, taam heated. private baths, hot and cold water In rooms, beautifully furnished, coxy and comfortable. Rents very reasonable. Call and see ua Regular and transient trade solicited. GRAND UNION HOTEL. 387 4 East Buriiside Modern throughout, hot and cold run ning water, steam heat, rooms single or ensuite, rooms with private bath; transient rate 75c to 92 per day; weekly, 92.50 to 97. East 594Q. B 12 75. ROOMS. ROOMS. ROOMS. Moderate prices; weekly rates $3, 93.50 up. Including public phone and bath ; steam heat. THE OCKLEY. 390H Morrison St.. Cor. 10th St. BUSHMARK HOTEL, 17th and Waahington Newly furnished rooms, aingle or en ulte; prlvato bath, steam heat, hot and col 4 water and phone In all rooms; rates reasonable ; tranalents aolicited. AUDITORIUM HOTEL. 208 H Third street, between Taylor and Salmon t. Hot and cold water, steam heat, elevator; rate 93 50 and up, 50c day and up. Main 2574, A 8207. HOTEL ANSONIA. 124 14th at., cor. Washington. Furnished and unfurnished room; prln vate baths, free phones In all rooms. 661 FIRST Furnished rooms, steam heat, everything new, 91-70 and up; single; housekeeping. THE HOLLY HOTEL. 105 12th New and modern in every way; elegantly furnished, rates reasonable; transients solicited. NEWLY furnished rooms, strictly modern, nhone furnace heat, electric light, bath, beaulKul location. 3S5H Mill. LARRABEE Hotel, 227 Larrabee st. New and modern, nicely furnished, free bath and phones. Double rooms 93-50 and up. THE BEAVER. 12th and Marshall sts., well furnished sleeping rooms, 92.50 per week; electric lights, hot baths free. MODERN outside rooms, 93 to 93 per week. Including baths; also housekeeping rooms. 548 Vj Washington at. 207 6TH Nicely furnished rooms, reason able, centrally located, near Postofflce. THE HAZEL Nicely furnlhed. "teaui heat, running water. 3d and Montgomery. FURNISHED, heated rooms, transient, up: week up. 381 Yamhill. 8O0 HOTEL NORRIS. -Rooms 93. 60 week up. 132ft 7th t. A 4