THE MORXTN'G OREGOXIAN', MONDAY. FEBRUARY 20, 1911. 11 V GOOD HOADS BILLS HELP START WORK Much May Be Done, Says Dr. Smith, Judging by Pres ent Appearances. COMMISSION IS WEAKENED Way Made, Honnfr, to Prove Value of Policy and Lay Kou-dation for Further Appeal al Session of 1913. Loaders of tha rood roads movement have not determined how the nrovement fared in the recent Leclaffature, but Dr. Andrew C Smith, president of the Ore son Good Roads Association, took a view yesterday that was ODtlmtsUc. on ins whole. Both Dr. Smith and Lionel R- Webeter. who mas chief counsel for the movement, said they had not read the bills as finally amended and would need to know mora shout them before saying how much rood bad been done. '1 fear." said Dr. Smith, "that ths Hlshwav Commission bill hss been treated in a war that reminds me of tbs eminent plant culturlit of the agri cultural dmartment. For years he worked lo Improve the persimmon end make It a popular fruit for consump tion. Us finally announced the success pf his work. When the secretary asicea him what he bad accomplished he de clared that he had taken the pucker out of the persimmon. It looks to me as If the Legislature has ot sway with tns Diicker in ths Highway commiMion qui by making the work of the HUhway (nmmlnloner only advisory and not mandatory. If that Is true, the bill will b effective only providing the county authorities are broad-gauged enough to take a good thing when It is offered to them. Association Meets Tonight TV shall have a meeting of the Ore- nn r.wi Roads Association toniorro at 8 o"ciock In the Beck building, and at that time we shall go over tno dim .menrled thorouchly and arrive at nme conclusion aa to how wa have farA- Three bills wera passed, including the bill which provides for the creation of a state commission and ths appoint ment of a commissioner at a salary of HO. The bill carries with it an appro priation of" Ths second bill provides for a state appropriation of Mitortt. Where a county expends tlO.flOO it is entitled to drrw from the state treasury .vm. The amount as ked for by the good rosds or nniuiinn was double the amount given The third law ts the act for bonding th rnuntlee authorised under the in illative at ths last election, and this Is ia no material way changed. Beginning Can B Made. So far as I can 'judgs now." ssld Dr. cuk ! took, aa If vi had made a start that might be able to accomplish a a-rcat deal of good, providing too many puckers were not taken out of ths bill. Ths stats aid will help and ws shall set a start which will bs from the basis of aa appeal to ths next Legislature, so sdmltted at Astoria by the quarantine that we shall at that t me get more, omclals wthout llrst hsvlng to be fumi and the future will ss us on our wsy gated, ss she was fumigated Just pre- to a good rota syeiera. admit thst the sversge legislator needs .l,,ctlonal work along tha lln .e rna.le It Is a Question that . deal of atudy. Oregon must cava good roads If it sxpscts to bs in tha procession. "It is certain thst In such sections as rml Ormn. which Is practically new. advantage will be taken cf the new laws pertaining to stats sia. u me u.n not been ruined by ths amendments, in the Willamette Valley we ought to get a good deal of road building this year, and If all things ars aa we think they are. wa shall hsvs a splendid example of .. -nmA hulldlnar can icwmpn." two years." PERSON ALMENTION. r tr.ndsrson. of Salem. Is registered at the lacnx. r. w nenww. cf Goldendsls. Is at (hi Parkins. J. T. S-ott. of La Grande, la registered - at the Perkins. 2 P. Bolton, of Dufur. Is registered at ths Cornelius. Mr. ard Mrs. W. II. Duffy, of Msdrss. sre staving at ths Lsnox. F. U Zlegler, a business man of Spo kane. Is at the lyeiiox- Thomaa nonahue. of San Francisco. is registered at the Ramapo. A. M. Miller, a lumberman of Aber deen, is at the Ramapo. it Shtnn. of SL Helens. Is registered at the Ramapo. -n-iniam W. Duncan, of Kalama. Is registered at ths Oregon. J. E. Barnes and H. F. Temple, of Centralis, ars at ths Oregon. J. K. Simpson, of Stevenson. Is reg istered at ths Portland. Mr. and Mrs. A. K. McLren. of Hood 1 ver, ars staying at ths Portland. Fred L Wolf and S. J. Appleman. of Newport. Wash., are at the Perkins. A. F. Sanderson, a business man of Eugene. Is registered at the Oregon. E. I. Hudson, a merchant of Salem, snd Mrs. Hudson, are staying at ths Cornelius. A. J. Cody, formerly a Portland ds- tertive. but now engaged in business In beattle. Is al tha Imperial. T. H. Crawford, formerly Judgs of ths Court in I'nlon County, of Union. Is reglstsred at ths Imperial. t. Burpee, of Tha Dalles, who hss charge of ths work on ths csnal at CelUo Fails. Is at tha Cornelius. Mrs. Frank M. Cohn and daughters. Ulna and Ethel, left Saturday evening for aa extended trip through Southern California. B. E. Kennedy, editor of ths Bsker Herald, and family, are stsylng at ths Imperial. Mr. Kennedy Is not able to walk on account of rheumatism and cams here for treatment, CT.arls Wright, of tha Wright A Dickinson Hotel Company, and Mra. Wright, went to Seattle yesterday. where Mr. Wright will remain a few weeks to supervlss ths Esattls Hotel. owned by his company. CHICAGO. Feb. lT OpedaL) North western people reglstsred at Chicago hotels today as follow: From Portland Mr. ami Mrs. J. E. Wheeier. at ths Congress; Mr. snd Mrs. A. H. Denks. st the WslHngtoa; Mlesi I Bernard, at the Grand Paclflc; N. C Ovtatt and 11. B. Oakleaf, at tha I B:. From Salem Clifford W. Brown, at ths Cor cress From Vale CJ-erles H. Herron. at ths Congress. rerte the f T IKat t poeeeeeea eel ee e-verl-g mre than 4100 ..1 !, rmle. 5pa n '.hror's' mora inea IHi.Qvu.voo. vsorta ot Ial aca -Mm 56 HOUSES re CONTRACTED FOR IN WHY? Read ths answer above. Because the average home builder of today selects a district where the Improve ments ARB IN not Just promised. Tou will find con ditions Just right In Laurelhurst. Thst Is the reason for the great building- movement now under way there. . SALES OVER $175,000 IN TTlftlffl Because many are 11 II V p,r fent Dierount 1 1 rl I I ter for SO days to 1 1 11 A OWN RISK, longer Because many are slteT Remember, pointed. If by delay you miss your cholce. TELF.PIIOB I . Meke sn appointment to ytslt this property at once, and convince yourself that this la where the greet Home - Building movement will be this Spring. GO TODAY. Our representative will call for you with a machine. MEAD MURPHY, SALES AGENTS, Main 1S01. t!2-t Corbett Building. A 1515. STRATHLYON IS. IN PORT STEAMER BRIXGS 1000 TOXS SULPHUR FROM ORIENT. Portland Jk Aslatlo Company Liner Passes Active Volcano Aleutian Islands. on On her first trip into this port In ths regular employ of ths Portlsnd 4 Aslatlo Steamsh'p Company, the steamer Strsth lyon arrived from the Orient yesterdsy morning and tied up at the North Bank dock. The Strathlyon was sent hers to take ths pi see of ths Norwegian steamer Helja, which was rammed and sunk by the steamer Bear near San Francisco a few months sgo. Ths Strathlvon. which brought 1000 tons cf sulphur and general cargo from ths Orient, experienced a hard trip across the Pax inc. and looks rsther much in need of paint, which it la ex pected will be given before she sails again. The vessel Is only three years old. snd Is ons of tha fleet of British vessels whose names all start with Strath." Sailing on ths greet circle, the Strath lyon came near the Aleutian Islands, and the active volcano on the Islands pre sented sn attractive view from ths deck of ths vessel. The Strathlyon was V dsys In cross ing the ocesn from Yokohama, and was vlous to sailing for this port. Since ths ravages of bubonic plague began in Man churla. ths vessels from ths Orient have to bs carefully disinfected before enter- Inr an American tort- Aa soon as the cargo or tns etratniyon la removed, ths vessel will load with a little more than fr") tons of flour for vsrlous ports of ths Orisnt. In addition to Sjm.Oua feet of lumber. It Is expected that she will get away from hers ths first week in March. Although this is tns nrst time me Strathlvon has been in this port In ths emnlov of the Portland 4 Asiatic Steam ahlD Company, it Is not her first visit in Portland. Captain J. R Shaw, com manding, however, was never In thl port until ho arrived hers yesterdsy morn Ins. SWAX ISLAND PLANS VIEWED Pock Commission Retuar to Discus Membora of tha new -Dock Commission hava carafullv gone over the, plans pre pared by IS. 11. Bennett, whs J:s oeen nutUntnz a scheme for beautifying the city, snd hsvs hesrd In detsll his sug gestions for converting a sde of Swan Island Into a nuroosr or aocas w u used by tha city. Members of the commission wnen m yesterday for their views regarding tns plans prepared by air. 'eenneii. eaiu that they were not rcaay to commn themselves to any definite: statement. thsn to aay that tha p.ans presenieo. w them seemed good. It Is not the Intention or tne Mm mission to sdopt any plans for the Im provement of the wsterfront until ths members can get the sdvlce of a compe tent harbor engineer, jueners ot niviuny hsvs been sent by ths Ctommlsarion to .11 ths mors Important ports ot ins world where public docks are in exist ance. asking for augtjestlor.i regarding who would bs a good engineer to en gage for their work, and also for other ideas regarding ths esiaoivanmeni oi public docking facilities. Answers to mess letters) hsve already begun to arrive, and these will bs opened by the Commission at lis next monthly meeting a wee from next Thursday. OH Carrier Numerous. Mora oil carriers than usual were In ths river yesterday morning, there being three before ths steamer Chancelor sailed fo Astoria. Tbs Rosecrans ar rived at Astoria yesterdsy morning and left up ths river at t o'clock in tha aft ernoon with oil. Ths oil tank stsamer W. 8. Porter la now at Unntoa discharg ing. The tank ateamer Maverick arrived yesterday from Ban r'ranclsco. Another oil-carrying vessel is due to arrlvs soon from San Psdro. it bslng ths steamer Roma, which will sail from thst port for Portland Wsdnssday.. Marine Note. The steam schooner Westerner ar rived yesterday at Astoria from San Francisco. Loading of tha steamar Hercules is nearlne- completion, and It la sxpected that ens will bo rsady to sail by Wsdnesdsy. From Eureka and Coos Bay tha ateamer Alliance arrived early yes- tsrdsy morning and is at ths North Psclfio dock. Harborrosster Spslsr, who has bsen 111 at his boms for a fsw days, wss reported better yesterdsy. and ia ex pected back to bis office todsy. Ths steamer Roanoke did not arrive yesterday from San Diego and San Francisco, as sxpected. but will be in port tonight. Se was deUyed in San Krnnclsro for one day. itarca i it is sxpected that Uie T -itT IN THIRTY OA IS THIRTT DATS taking advanti plan being offe home builders. delay the matti taking advantage of ths Epeclal IS jrrerea in me a. r.. quar- fan you. AT TOUR itter of selecting a horns you are the one who will bs disap new extension of ths Alnsworth dock will bs ready for use. Whether this will result in changing the docking of the steamer Breakwater from the Alaeka dock to the new dock has not been determined by tha management of the Harrlraan lines. Movcments of Vessels. PORTL.ANI. Feb. lfl Arrived Steamer Rreakwater, from Coos Ray; British steamer fetrutblyon. from Yokohama; stramer Al-lln-e. from Eureka and Coos Bay; steamer Maverick, from Ran Kranclsco; steamer Rosecrans, from Ban Francisco. Astoria. Or., Feb. 11 Condition at ths mouth of the river at 6 P. M . moderate, weather, clear; wind, northwest. Pelted at 8 A. M. riteamer Jim Butler, for Grays Harbor. Arrived at 8 A. M. and left up at V 90 A. M. teemer Breakwater, from Coos Bay. Arrived at A. M. and left up at 10 A. M. meamer Maverick, from San Fran cisco. Sailed at 7 A. M. -eteamer J. A. Chanslrr. for Sen Francisco. Left up at 3 p. M. ejteamer Rosecrans. Arrived at Jl 30 p. M Steamer Westerner, from San Kranciaeo. San Francisco, Feb. ID. Sailed at 11 last nlirht Steamer Yosemlte, for Portland. Ar rived last night titeamer Bear, from Fort land. I .os Ansel ea, Feb. 19. Arrived Chahalle. from Aberdeen; General Hubbard, from Co lumbia' River; Santa Barbara, from Grays Harbor; Centralis, from Orays Harbor; Ad miral. from Mukllteo. Sailed Bsaver, for Portland; Ruby, for Coqullle River. Tides at Astoria Monday. High. Low. fS A. : P. M 7.S feettlJ:2S A. M. . . M..'...6 6 feet)ll:4 P. M... ,1.T feet ,S.6 feet SAMSON'S LIFE IS. SHOWN Dr. W. II. ninaon Tells of Man Who Couldn't Come Back. For ths nrst tlms In several weeks Dr. W. B. Hlnson occupied his pulpit st ths Whits Temple yesterday, having returned last week from California. H subject lsst night was "Samson, ths Fighter Who Could Not Coma Back." He said, in part: "The atory of Samson, given at sur prising length in the Scripture, is ths tsls of a light fought in the arena of emotionalism. For Samson was ever but an overgrown child, doing tha thing he wisr.ed snd seeking thst which pleased him for ths moment, with an excess of feeling thst wss ever uncontrolled by an Illuminated, trained and disciplined wni. "In this region of the emotional the great majorlly of mortals fight and fail. Lv sees ths forbidden fruit to b pleas snt; buu sells his birthright for a meal; Noah plays the fool through appe tite, as did Nahab ths Churl; Moses shuts Canaan against himself through snger; David grovels In the n.lre of snlmaMsm for the seme reason, and ws moderns by the million srs perpetrating the same foolish blunders. "Being conquered, this ancient fighter songhl to get bsck. and failed. He went out with the old-time swagger, but slss ths strength had fled. Very pitiful- tragical even Is this sight. To bs on the down grade and the brake gone, to have attained such momentum in evil ss to be unable to atop or Changs the course. "True, he partially recovered himself. He prayed to Ood, Ood hearkened, and a part of tha old power returned. But tha lost sight was never restored, and Samson for all time and to all the gen erations is the awful example of a fighter who, through his own folly, lost himself to such an extent that he could never 'coma back.' " DAILT MITKORO LOGICAL REPORT. PORTLAND. Feb. 1. Maximum tempera ture. 6 degrees; minimum. 31 degrees. Ktver reading. A. M.. I I feet; change In last 34 hours, II foot fall. Total rainfall. ( P. M. to 6 P. M . none; total rainfall since September 1, '1M0. 2S.1S Inches; normal. Is.ieo incbes; aencienoy, 1.77 inonee. Total sunshine. 7 hours It minutes: possible. 10 hours Ss mlnutea Barometer Ireduoed to sea level) at 4 P. M.. Inches. THE WEATHER. e u tare el weaiaes STATIONS. Boise Bosten 3;0.0i : S.gv'lt.NW o;0.0;- 18 NE JUiO.Ot lI.VE ! 0.0l I N E 14 0. SO 12 NW 42 U.U0 It X l 0.14 14 NW 10 0.U2. 4 NW T 0.l't!lNW 11 0.t7;lg..V 14 0. 00 I NW 14 0. 00 la SW Pt cloudy Clear Snow Snow Chicago Denver Des Moines...... Duluth Eureka Cloudy Clear Clear Galveston Pt cloudy Helena Clear Clear Hnow Clear Clear Cloudy Jacksonville Kansas City , slarshfteld. . ... Montreal New Orleans SOiO.12 IS W 4'0.00i I .V New lora K'loudy North Head North Yakima... Phoenix locatello. ........ Portland. .. RoseOura. .. 46 O.OO.ltiNW 44 O.00 4 W 4'0.00 'NW n ciouar Clear Clear 10 O.Oll 4;W 10 O.Ou 10 NE (Cloudy clear 104.00 12..W Pt oloudy Sacramento. . . . S 0.001 I NV Clear tit. Louis. J.IMIMi tl O.00 14 N 4 O.00 20B II 0.0010 6W Id O.OO' I W 40 0.00' Calm Is 0.001 4 44 0.00 10 N 44 f.0 lfXE 14 O.OOj 4 SB 40 O.OO! E 10 O.0OI 4 W Snow Clear St. Paul Oalt Lake (Cloudy Kan rlego Han Francisco... Bieklyou ft ciouay Clear Clear Clear Clear Clear cloudy fnow e po kane Tacoma Tatoosh Island... Walla Walla Washington Winnipeg Clear WEATHER CONDITIONS. The pressure has decreased rapidly over the raciOc Slope, and from the Northern It'w-kles 10 the East Oulf and Kouth At 'r"'1 l "f 1 ' 4 JkMutmAll bigH pressure ob AMTJSKMEXTS. HEILIG THEATER 7th and Taylor Phones Main 1 and A 1122. 6MCHTS BEXil'LXG Tonight! Special Price Matinees Wed. snd Sat. JAMES T. POWERS IN THE MUSICAL. PLAT SUCCESS "HAVANA" SO PEOPLE SPECIAL ORCHESTRA. Evenings: Lower floor, except last three rows H: last 8 rows S1.S0: balcony, first 5 rcl (1.30; next 6 rows $1; following 8 rows Too last ft rows fine- an lire caller? 60c Wednesday and Saturday Matinees: Lower floor 1.50. II: balcony, llrst S rows II; next 6 rows Toe. last 11 rows 60c; gallery. served 8c, admission 25t BAKFR THEATER UrLlVi a.V Morrl.t. .nd Eleveata Mala S and A M60. Tonight all week, matinees Wed. CZ5e. Saturday 5c. 60c). Baker Stork Company In New York's latest Western success. "PICK RE OF THE PLAINS." rtram.tiud from ciliivrt rarSers ner ek Superb scenery, fascinating plot and char acter studies. Evenings. 2c. .Vc, 7c Nest weak "The Christian." Bungalow Thai traslir ter I4B4 Return of popular favorite. AU this week- Richard Jose, America's noted Tenor. oorted by Louise Kent. In the beautirui ew bngiano ri.. Hear Mr. Jose sing the old son us. Evenings. 36c. 80c 7Jc. II. Thursday Bargain Mat., 2Bo. Eat. Mat.. 36c. ooo. nut w. "Max Dill." Main S, A lets. MAIUtu S.V nsi vai TOW mot WEKK FEBJttJARY 0 The Four Huntings, In the merry tomfoolery "The tool li. Hernam M weelon. Mr. maa -" .: - ltarry Meertll A Otto. Corione rvancea, The rire t ommiwHwer. ine u' u"" GRAND Week of Feb. 20 4 Riusical Avolos Weston Young Boraghaa I-eimox. MHe. Slvlerado Eva Mndge. GRANDASCOPB Premier Xylophone Artists, liulmea Riley Mstlnee every day, a:S0: any seat. lae. 'T80 and :1S) Evening performances at baJcony. 16ol lower Boor. aSo; box aeats. Stea, to. Week Commencing Monday Mat., Feb. Attraction Extraordinary, Intematlonni iioooee IX "TKA-MPLAM. Anderson and Evans. Klccl Haxaphnna ir tet. The Girl With the Double Voice. Kay Pamuele. Hap Handy and Company. The frnrnwaUl Ponular prices. Dally. Curtain 2:30. T:0 nd . f "O- X3 T g rORTLA D"SFAM JLs I rV 1 1LY PLAVHOC8B. ALL THIS WEEK. France Paon And the Lyric Musical Comedy Company In McCarthy's Troubles Three performances dally. 2:45, 7:45, Friday night. Chorus Girls' Contest 0:15. after eich performance. tains over the Plains States, the barometer reading 10.14 Inches at prince Albert, Sas katchewan. A moderate depression is over Southern California and Arizona, and an other deeper one Is central over the south eastern States. Precipitation has occurred nulla severally from the Rockies to the Ap palachian Mountains, a snowfall of 2.02 Inch es (melted having occurred at Durango, CoL. within the past 8 hours. The weather Is generally cooler throughout the country, and except in the extreme Southeast, tem peratures are below the normal In nearly all sections. Although high pressure still obtains over th. Pecino Northwest, atmospheric condi tions are becoming unstable, and Indications are that the present fair weather will not last longer than li or 45 nourv. ufnunuea fair weather la expected for Monday throughout this district, with no marked temperature changes, and variable winds. FORECASTS. Portland snd vicinity Fair; northeasterly Oregon. Washington and Idaho Generally fair; northeasteriv winos. THEODORE K. liRAKC, Observer. CLASSIFIED AD. RATES Daily or Sunder. Per Line. One time (tame ad two consecutive times three consecutive tifnM ISO xae . . .noo Same ad six or seven consecutive times. .6o Remittance must accompany out-of-town orders. Mx words counts as one line on rash ad verllsemrnts aad no ad counted for leai Ihu tan ltnr. When an advertisement is not mn consecu tive time the one-time rate applies. Oa charge of book advertieements the rttnrse will be based en the ax-tual number ef lines appearing In the paper, resartUeaa of tbe a am her of words in eecn line. In New Today all advertisements are charred br measure only, 14 usee to the l.rh 1 he above rales apply so advertisements nntler "New Today" and all other classifica tions exreptlns tbe following: Pltuntlons Wanted. Male, situations Wanted, Kemaie. f-'or Rent. Rooms. Private Famlllea. Hooma aad Hoard. Private Families. n.,nUk-nliiv Kuome. Private 1 umiliee. The rate on tbe above classification la 7 Hnm MAh Insertion. In rase box office address is required, rnunt this aa part wf the ad. Answers to advertisements will he forwarded to patrons. provided eeu-aaai seats envelopes mra iu closed. ACCTIOX SALES TODAT At Oilman's suction rooms, 128 Second street at 10 o'clock A. M. 6. L. -N. GUman. auctioneer. At private resldsnce. T43 Hoyt St., furni ture, etc Sale at 19 o clock. Q. n . Salter Co.. auctioneers. At Wilson's auction house, comer Second and Yamhill. Sale at 10 A. M. J. T. Wilson, auctioneer. THE diamond tag auction of furniture at 111 1st st. Male. I f. M. rora Auction t.o. DIED. , PARK In this city. February 1, at bis lets residence. l Vermont street. 11 liarn Park, sued 8$ years months 29 days. formerly a resident of Carson Heights. Announcement of funeral later. GOODWIN" In this city. February 1. at 410 East Ibtn street, ( nrisiina js. uoou- wln. aged 69 years. The remains are at Flnley's parlors, funeral notice in a later Issue. COX In this city. February If. at Good amarttan nospitai, winner si. ox, aaeu 9 years. Announcement of funeral later. MEKTPfO KOTICga. WILLAMETTE COUNCIL. ROTAL ARCANUM, meets at K. P. Halt, lltb and Alder streets, the first and third Mon days of each month, at 8 P. M. P. H. Noltner. secretary, care Crlbben A extoa Co.. lTtb and Uushur streets. HARMONY LODGE. NO. 15. A. F. AND A. M. Special communi cation this IMonuay) evening at 7-80 o'clock. Work In the E. A. degree. Visitors are cordially In vited. W. M. DE LIN, Seo. WILLAMETTE LODGE. NO. 2. A. F. AND A. M. Special com munication thla (Monday) evening at 7:S0 o'clock. Work in M. M. degree. Visiting brethren welcome. FIRST HIVE.. NO. 881. La dles of the Modern Maccabees, win give a hist social Monday evening. u. at their hall. 131 H 2d at., between Alder and Washington. Admission 15 cents. Prixea, refreshments. WASHINGTON LODGE. NO. 48. A. F. AND A. M. Special com munication this (Mondavi evening, 7:80. Eaat 8th and Burnslde. F. C degree. Visitors welcome. Order W. M. J. H. RICHMOND, bee. CAMELIA CHAPTER, NO. 27, O. E- 8. Stated communication this (Monday! evening at Masonic Terr.ple. 8 o'clock. By order of W. M. LTDIA BUTIERWORTH. SSA .c3k r IWTTlAm RAVeTr fj m esa, afm W StA A FUXERAX KOTICXS. CRAFT At Los Angeles. Feburary 17. Mary A. Craft, aged 62 years, beloved wife of Paul C. Craft and mother of Charles A. Craft Mrs. Katherlne Willsher. Mrs. May C. Etgelow. Mra Rose C. Hlbbard, Alice fi. end nertrurie CraTt. Interment todav Monday) at Ml Calvary Cemetery, Los Angeiea. COLE In this city. February IS. at the residence of W. w. Thomnson. Covell Sta tion. William C Cole, aged 67 years. The funeral services will be held at Pilgrim Congregational Church. corner Shaver street and Missouri avenue, at 2 P. M. to day (Monday). February 20. Interment Rlvervlew Cemetery.. COMBS In thla city. February II. at his residence. US North 2Sd St.. Russell E. Combs, aged 80 years 8 months. Funeral services will be held at the above reel denoe at 1:30 P. M. today (Monday) February 20. TLVESTER In this city. February 18. Ed win M. Sylvester, aged 40 years. The funeral services will be held at Flnley's chapel, Tuesday. February 21. at 10 A. M. Friends Invited. Interment Lone Fir Cemetery. XON8ETH FLORAL CO.. MAKUCAM BL1X)., FLORAL DESIGNS. Phenee: Mala Slug; A I10. rHinnlne- A Montee. Funeral Directors. 7th and Pine. Phone Main 4i0. ldy ae- Ifttant. Office ef County Coroner. EDWARD HOLMAX CO., Funeral Direct ors. 220 Id st. Lady assistant. Phone M. 6u7. J. P. FIXLEY BON. Su and MadUon. Lady attendant. Phone Main . A lSKt). EAST HIDE Funeral Directors, successors to F. D. Dunning. Inc. . fit, B 2523. ERICSON CO. t'ndertakers. Lady aasist ant. 400 Alder. M. S1SI. A t23S. ZEI.LER-UVKNtS CO., Funeral Directors. g94 Williams ave.; both phones; lady asst. I.K.KOI. Undertaker, rnr. Sixth. East 711. B 1868. Fast' Alder and Lady assistant. OREGON HUMANE SOCIETY ornca citt ball Main SOS. A 158a. HUMANS OrVICRR. KAST4774 NEW TODAT. 13th Street Near Main, fine apartment site; faces east; 5 minutes' walking distance from post- ofnee; 75x100. 321,500 E. J. DALY 222-223-224 Failing Bldg. Yes; if you plant to suit the demands of the market. Sundale, on the North Bank Ry produces splendid Grapes, Almonds, Apples. Apricots, Peaches. Pears, Cherries. Sundale's climate is ideal for people, fruits, chickens. Has dally trains and water competition for ever on the grand Columbia. We jruar antee work for purchaser with team. Sea owners. Hl'XTER LAXD CO 07 IVella-Farao bide. Double Your Money Quick THE ONLY ONE LEFT 100x110 near new postofflce site, slao close to the North Bank depot. Now Is your opportunity to get a very fine quarter block at the bottom price. Can not be duplicated ior me price asKea, $45,000, good terms. PORTLAND REAL ESTATE CO, .'. R. De Rnrti, Manager. Central Business Property If you deairs to purchase vacant or improved property in the business dis trict, it will be to your interest to call ana see us. .o pnone lniormation. Interviews confidential. MERCHANTS SAYIXGM A TKIST COMPANY. We Collect Rentala. FOR SALE con nnn cash buys a h -story vsiuiuuu brick with V, lot on hirst street, near Yamhill. Bal snce of 112,600 secured by mort- f age ior o years. t.ntlre Duild. ng rented under lease. FIHT STREET IS AWAKE ONCE MORE SINCE OPENING OP MADISON - STREET BRIDGE. R. H. BLOSSOM 3 1S Chamber of Commerce. Washington St. Half lot between Elev enth and Twelfth sts. For price see Russell & Blyth Commonwealth Bldg. FOR SALE UNION AVENUE BARGAIN. I O rtflrt for SO by 100 on lm 9 I aCJUU proved h a r d - a u rfaced street, near East Oak. A rare opportunity to acquire a cloae in business LOT at n LOW PRICE. DO YOU WANT THIST No phone information. R. H. BLOSSOM 818 Chamber of Commerce. FOR SALE FINE WEST SIDE APARTMENT SITE on rtfl ft tor 100x100-on corner. D5UUUU Excellent view of Mounts Hood and St. Helens. Present monthly income 1100. N o phono information. R. H. BLOSSOM S16 Chamber of Commerce. For Sale Reven-room modern house. East Sixth street, north Holladay's Addition. Price 18000. J. L. WEI.I.S A CO. 83 Chamber ef Co: MORTGAGE LOANS 5 b04 Spalding Bldff U Profits nFruit? TW TODAT. FOR SALE If EAR CASCADES OF COLUMBIA RIVER. ' 900 sores of choice land in excellent location on the 9. P. & S. Ry, 49 miles from Portland. Rail way station on property. It Joins the famous Moffett Springs, now called Table Rock. A most excellent location for hotel and Summer cottaeres. It has health-giving- warm and cold mineral spring, the waters of which are curative in rheu matic, stomach and other trou bles. natural surroundings , are most The beautiful; historic peaks, ths lordly Columbia and Castle Rock. Several fine lakes and creeks, containing black baas and trout and suitable for rowing. A, large pure cold water spring ia on premises with sufficient flow to fill a 10 - inch main and which can be piped by gravity system. State Road Ko. 8. beginning at Van couver and ending at Golden dale has been surveyed through property. An excel lent highway suitable for au i tomobilea. 8105,000 baa already been snent thereon. $30,000 worth of timber accessible to railroad. Property can be subdivided. Thla is a rare opportunity to acquire a mountain resort proposition, either for speculation or per manent investment. An exceptionally low price and favor able terms upon application. Positively no phone Information. R. II. BLOSSOM, 816 Chamber of Commerce 8-room house .well built, facing east on 19th North, between Thompson and Brazes. $6500; terms. -room house on East 20th North. High and sightly location; particularly attractive neighborhood. $6500; terms. MERCHANTS SAVINGS TRUST COMPANY. We Collect Rentals. Broadway 100x100 southeast corner East Sec ond and Broadway. Both Mount Hood and Portland Railway, Light & Power Co.'e cars will pass this property. PRICE! $13,500 $SOOO CASH. T. J. BYRNES 425 Lumber Exchange. REAL E8TATR DEALERS. Beck. William O.. 812 Falling bids. Blrrell. AH Co., 202-8 xlcKar bids. Real estate. Insurance, mortgages, loans, eta. Br u belter Benedict. 60:1 alcKar bids. IL 64U. i on pin A Herlow, RSz Chamber Commaree. Cook. B. 8. 4s Co., too Corbett bids. Jennings A Co.. Main 18S sua Oregoniaa. PALM EH -JONES CO. H. 1'. Hi Conuaar- elal Club bids. The Oregon Real Estate Co.. Grand avow and MuKnoman .t. (Holladar Addition. J M. E. THOMPSON CO.. cor. 4th and Oak sta. NEW TODAY. For Sal Lot. VACJLNT LOTS. HOSE CITY CITY PARK. FAHK. Prices from $550 up. Do you want a lot enjrwhera In Port land? Do you know all about Rosa City ParkT ROSE CITY PARK. ROSE CITY PARK prices surprise all residents of other cities because the prices are so low and the terms Are so easy. INVESTIGATE. Sea the great amount of building golny on there. Call and ask for a Rose City Park map and price list. See what we have to offer. MORNINGS IDE. The view lots in Murmngside are not sur passed by any lots on the East Side and our prices are the lowest. There are a few lots lft. Investigate. HARTMAN A THOMPSON. REAL ESTATE DEPT. Chamber of Commerce. LARGE RESIDENCE LOT. This lot faces south and east. Is high and sightly, a corner that will please the most particular buyer. In district where the best home of Portland are being built. If you are looking for something that Is choice let me show this. Slxe biix. luu. Price .'120O. Phone Main 1003; A 1515, ask for Mr. Clements. GOING TO BUILD? I have three very fine lots In a highly restricted residence district, at a price actually below the present market value. If you Intend building this Spring I will help you to finance the proposition. In vestigate my easy payment plan before you decide on building. Phone Main lu03; A 151 5, ask for Mr. Burlingame. DOUBLE corner 123x100, all street im provements contracted for and nearly fin ished. Two feet above grade, 3 blocks from street carline. building restrictions $200. Price for Immediate delivery ll'OTO; $07 cash, balance easy payments of only $40 per month. Location East Couch St., 2 blocks Jrom Ladd Park, the best buy la Portiar.V Phone Main 1003 or A 1515. Ask for 'r- Hanrahan. JUST ONE LEFT. Do you want a fine east front Tie lot In Laurelhurst? If you do you will have to act quickly, for I have only one left; one block from car. easy terms. Phone Butterfteld, East 683. take Monta villa car to E. S9th and Ullsan. LOTS. LOTS. LOTS. Buy now. Lots $30. West Stark and 52d streets, west of City park; only 15 minutes from Washington st. ; beautiful view lots; money-makers; terms $3 per month. NATIONAL REALTY & TRUST CO.. 32B hk Washington St. Room 516. PAY CASH BUY RIGHT Beautiful corner, e3 feet front, taper ing to forty feet And loO feet deep for $1360. cash. Improvements all in; 15 minutes to 3d st. Worth $2000. First come first served. Address XXX Ore gonian. A SNAP IN LOTS. A fine corner, 75x100, on comer E. 12th and Going fits.; price $1600, $300 cash and $10 per month. GRUSSI & ZADOW, SvrBoardofTrade Bldg., 4th and Pak. "BEST BUY ON PORTLAND HEIGHTS. QUARTER BLOCK ON FULLY IM PROVED STREET, FINE VIEW. $2000 BELOW MARKET VALUE. MAIN 8551, A 3839. LOTS. 9 and 10, block 34. Fair-port Addi tion, for saie by owner; price $750; one block from carline; must sell; leaving city. Address B. V. Holdsworth, An sonla HoteL TWO 'choice lots at Tillamook Beach, ad- Joining railroad ana ocean; price $175 each, part cash, balance $5 per month; owner needs money. Telephone B 2U61 or O 777, Oregonian EQllTY in flna corner lot on East. Side; good location, near car; Bargain n latten at ones, Call afternoons. 2o& Ro the hi Id Bldg. A WORD TO THE WISE. If you are going to buy a lot, sea F. J. ROSENBERG, 618 Lumbermens Bldg. $300. $10 DOWN, $10 MONTHLY. Full lo Railway Addition, close to new Mt. Hood Electric; a good buy. Fred W. German, 329 Burnslde. M. 2776. "PORTLAND HEIGHTS PROPERTY. Homes, lots, quarter blocks, tracts and acreage; all parts of heights, all views and prices; some bargains. Main 8551. a 3 S3 a. LAURELHURST, 50x100, equity for original amount paid; Dougnt year ago. AG 746. Qregonian. LOT on Marrrrette ave.. near Division; $1250. lng.u"0 joe . -roweu. Irvington REAL ESTATE. For Rale Lots. THREE LOTS. S6xS3 EACH FOR 12000 EAST TERMS. A CHOICE RE-SUBDIVISION OF TtVO LARGE LOTS AT MT. TABOR. jrST THE LOCATION TO BUILD BUNGA LOWS FOR THE MARKET. F1XJ5 VIEWS TO BE HAD. OWNER. P. O. BOX aiL PORTLAND. FOR SALE BY OWNER. 91175 Lot In Piedmont, close to Alns worth; 3 blocks from Union avs. $1200 100x90. Kllllncsworth avenue. flSOO One of the best lots in Alameda Park: all improvements Included. $230 Equity in 2 lots in East tit. Johns; price $750. $4000 Modern 5-room house In Overlook: all Improvements In and paid. 100x100, business corner, on Russell and Vancouver ave., for lease or sale. Call Woodlawn 1492. $4500 Walnut Park, southwest corner Sum ner and Williams ave. $1250 Piedmont, corner Haieht and Holman. $1160 Lot adjoining- above, bove prices include street Improve ments. I30iX Quarter block, northeast corner Mallory and Alnsworth. t2 Gerltnger Bids;. . 8ELLWOOD LOT. $1000. BOxlOO fet on corner of E. 9h nl Marion t.; on freight sidetrack anl . within block of O. W. P. carlino; thi la business property with a future; price; lOO0, ter lias. H. P. PALMER-JOXE9 CO.. 213-218 Commercial Club B.4T. Phones ilaln 8ftl9. A 2653. -UT. TABOR. 3 superb buIMInpf sites from X to 4 lots, at end of Morrtson-st. car i lne. Finest location on East Side. Kit her on op close to car Ine. Hard-surface pavement to city. Price away below surrounding' prop-' ertiea and your own terms. The Hunt Land Co.. 910 Chamber of Commerce. FOR SAJLaE A business lot on Mississippi ave.. near Russell. 7 blocks from new Broadway bridge, $4000: 4 sightly lots on, Willamette Boulevard, overlooking city, IS minutes' walk from new Broadway bridge. C4OO0. Inquire A. R. Zeller. oJ WUllams) ave. Phone East 4457. LADD'S ADDITION". 60x118 on 2uth Bt. near Hawthorne av. A very desirable home site at the low price of $aiou, $786 oasU, balanoe at per cent. STRONG A CO.. SOo Concord bldg. ARS you looking- for a bargain? Must los part of equity on account of slokness 150x100 corner lot, all Improvements paid, 3-minute ride froon Laurelhurst. wood lawn 1203. ' A BARGAIN. Fine corner in Kose City Park district: 8 choice lots. Improvement paid, beautiful view, near carline. See owner, &10 Board of Trade. Phone Marshall 88. For Sale Houses. SNAP SNAP SNAP SNAP SNAJ $8700 $700 DOWN $25 PKR MONTH. Handsome 7-room house. hardwood floors, paneled dining-room, fine big bed rooms, handsome lighting fixtures, sin en did faculties for heating, brand new through out. This Is without doubt a bargain for the man looking for a home, and to buy now also means a splendid lnveatuiant. fee 1 this today. P. J. ROSENBERG. 618 Lumbermens Bldg. BUY NOW. ROSE CITY PARK. EASY TERliS. 7 rooms, ftoxlOO lot; improvements In and paid; Berlin buffet and bookcases, solid oak floors, bath, furnace, fireplace, laundry trays, mirror doors, gas, etc. ; terms $300 down, balance $'25 per month. NATIONAL REALTY & TRUST CO.. 32oH Washington St.Room aid. BEAUTIFUL IRVINGTON RESIDENCE. Seven-room house, in heart of Irvington, with beautiful inside finish, for sale at a sacrifice; has everything new and mod ern to make It attractive; street improve ments all in. Including sewer, watur, gas and e lee trio lights. This is a bargain; look it up. F. J. ROSENBERG. 618 Lumbermens Bldg. BUILD NOW. WE CAN SAVE YOU MONEY. THERM Ift A REASON. LET US TELL YOU WHX. OUR REPUTATION FOR FAIR DEAL ING AND GIVING ALL Wfil AORBdl BRING US MUCH BUSiNRtfH. PLAN FREE IF WE BUILD. IF YOU OWM LOT WH WILL FINANCE IT VO& TOU, L. R. BAILEY CO.. INC.. 824 AHiNCiTON BLDG. BUNGALOW, WAVEULEIGH HEIGHTS. twell tl-room bungalow, all latest im provements, 8 bedrooms, fireplace, eleo tric lights, fine fixtures, built-in buffet, lot 40x100, all new houses surrounding; on Tlbbetta st. ; price $:mch, $r00 cash. GRUSSI & ZADOW. 3 1 7 Board of Trade Bldg., 4th and Oak. FIVE-ROOM modern bungalow, new. fire place, bookcases, walls tinted, full ce ment basement, lot SoxlOO, being lot 5 la block 20. Terrace Park. This is a first class home. Can be had on easy terms. $loo down. $30 per month. Call or ad dress, Home Installment Company, toOi McKay Bldg. Marshall 2500. $13,500 NOB HILL HOME. Situated on Kearney st., near 25th; this Is a rare opportunity to secure one of the moat attractive and finest homes In this choice neighborhood; $7600 cash, baianc at $ per oent. STRONG & CO., 405 Concord bldg. aTfnap. $300 cash, $15 a month. Will buy a swell new 6-room bungalow with full basement, built-in buffet, fire place, Dutch kitchen, shades, etc.; corner lot, 1 block to carline; 17-mlnute ride; price )2S00. Call Main 8900 or A 6271 ; end ask for Mr. Ward. " $500 DOWN, PRICE $.'1300. New, six rooms, bath and sleeping -porch, corner lot. ""cm carline, eleven min utes out over Hawthorne ave. bridge. Phone evening" Sellwood 1377: day. Main b2l. Goodsell Bros., 433 Worcester bldg. PORTLAND HEIGHTS FORCED SALE. JuOxlOO, beautiful level corner, trees and shrubbery, grand view of city, fully im proved streets with modern, almost new, desirable residence for little more than y a 1 u eo f lots. Main 3551. A 383 'J. FOR SALE New. modern. 7 rooms, 2-story bungalow-style house, 2 blocks from street car. 3 blocks from school ; price $3ih'0: $750 cash, balance easy terms. Phone Sun day. Sellwood 101. J. H. Tilcon Co.. lOd 10 Spalding bldg. - FOR SALE, at Lents, beautiful new 4-roora cottage, with pantry and closet, on full lot 5xl00; also good woodhouse; price, $1250; $o down, th rest $15 monthly, including interest. Owner, at 1033 East .Salmon St., city. $0500 Good house and one of very choicest sites at Mt. Tabor; 5 full lots; high-class surroundings, close to Morrlson-st. car. View elegant and plenty of fine fruit trees. A great home place. The Hunt Land Co., hlO Cham, of Com. $1'J00 NEW. strictly modern cottage, six rooms and bath, fiill basement. Dutch kitchen. 50x100 lot, -block from carline; in -restricted residence district; $1XK cash, palmer, 513 Couch bldg. IRVINGTON. 9 -room home. Just completed, located at 621 E. 2tth st. North, near Braxoe st. r. Goodsell. Jr. Phones Main 8427 or evenings East 2059. NEARLY new modern 7-room house on Mt, Scott carline, $..700; $500 cash, balance ooj terms to suit. E. F- TAQCART, 418 Chamber of Commerce. " $300 CASH. 5-room house on St. John carline; new ly tinted; fine lawn, roses, fruit trees; bal ance your own terms, phone East 2584. $T250 BROOM cottage with bath, 60x100 lot, fenced; strawberries, fruit; very easy terms; near Mt. Scott car. CeJlars-Mur-ton Co., 300 Spalding bldg. MUST SELL 2-room house, 40x100 lot. 3 blocks from car, 5o fare ; need money ; $375 takes It If sold quick. G 776, Ore- gon'an. 8 BEAUTIFUL ' homes, elegantly finished, oak and ma hogany, choice locations, Irvington. C East 273. No agents. W. H. H e rdman, TO HOME BUYERS A fine bargain at 1075 Schiller St.; good 6-room house, with 1 Va acres ground; can sell all or home with 1 or 2 lots. Call and see owner. YOU must see this to appreciate It. For sale cheap by owner, modern 6-room house, 15 minutes walk from Postofflce; low rate of Interest, easy terms.pho ne Main 2591. FINE East Burnside-st. home for sale, 3 rooms, hull and attic, good condition; nice lawn. 762 East Burnslde, between East 22d and East 34th. OCKLEY GREEN. FOR FOUR DAYS ONLY OWNER offers fl lots. 50x100. on 90-foot avenue, near car, for only $4500 cash. Phone East 3400. 6-ROOM house, nearly new, modern, good location. North Portland. $4000, terms. Must sell- Hatfield. 165 -A 4th st. " BY OWNER. " A bargain 7-room house. East 3d and Multnomah sts.; price, phone Main 02.".2. ANEW, modern 5-room bungalow; this is a snap: no agents need answer; price $2800, terms. Phone C 2429 mornings. IN Irvlngton Park; new. modern seven-room, house. 1 block from carline. Owner's phone Woodlawn 990. ROSE CITY PARK Home for sale, cheap oa aafij-, terms. Phxuia- labor ?,;v.9t Jj