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About Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 18, 1911)
' TITE MORNING OREGOXIAy. SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 18, 1911. 11 Store Will Be Open Tonight Until 9.3Q o'CiocK-Evenin Concert From 7:3Q Until 9:3Q-Tea Room Luncheon, 4th Floor The NewSprinGoodsAre Arriving Daily-MariicHr New SPrin TrimirsArejn K The Greater Olds,' Woirftin&ainr 4F 99 Fine Products Great Sale 'and 66 Exhibition of aim of A in Mad. O v For Today's-Sattuar day IBuj3.ll Olds, Wortman CD. King B "Underprice" Store Specials 5Qc Chocolate Chips 3Qc At the Candy Counter in the basement underprice tore we offer real brittle Chocolate Chip; the regular 50c On. kind that everyone likes, for only''' WTT.lC CHOCOLATE Nut Bar. It's Q simply delicious; regular 5c each, ipl Gray Enameled Ware In the basement nnderprice store today: lSe Milk Fan. 3 and 4-quart, each 10 lie Pudding Pans, 3 and 4-quart, at 10 20 Pudding Pans, 5-quart, epecial at 13 1(V? Rice Pans, 9-inch size, special at 5 15o Enameled Wash Basins for only 10 25c Enameled Sauce Pans, 3-quart, at 15 70 Gray Enameled Tea Kettle, only 45 35e Enameled Coffee Pots, 2-quart 25? 35c Tea Pota, 2-quart size, special at 25 40c Dish Pans, 10-uart size, each, at 25? S5e Salad Set, 7 pieces, special, only 4S Mes saline SilKs 75c Values 5Qc In the basement nnderprice store, 3000 yards of Messaline Silk,- direct from the mill. Plain eolorr and hairline stripes and checks, 36 distinct colors; also black and white, rich satin finish, perfectly dyed will give excellent wear. Bought especially for the "Underprioe Store." Good CL(( 75c quality, special for this sale at,u 51.5Q Corsets 98c In the basement nnderprice store, 3 dif ferent models in popular Corsets Royal Worcester, Marquise and Warner Rust Proof, made of fine eoutil and batiste, high or low bust, long hips, perfect fitting, with 4 hose of porters; sizes IS to 26,00. reg. $1.50 values; special the pair70' Women's Waists $5 Values $1.98 In the basement nnderprice store, a sen sational sale of Women's high-grade Waists in Silk or Nets. Plain and fancy plaids, modeled according to the latest rogue. Some are prettily trimmed with lace and buttons. A splendid range of colors. Reg ular values to $5.00 and some-CI QO worth $6.50; very special, each rA70 Child's S1.25 Dresses 79c In the basmpnt "nnderprice store," a sale of dainty little Dresses for children 2 to 6 years old. They are made of fine percale and gingham, in pretty, neat checks and stripes, trimmed with braids and bias bands; will wash without fading; 7Q our regular $1-25 values now only ivl S6.5Q Petticoats at S3.48 In the basement "underprice store," a sale of women's Silk Petticoats, made of French taffeta with deep flounce and dnst ruffle; black and all colors; regular CO 4. ft $b50 values; special sale only PO,0 35Q Men's "Slip-On" Coats Jist Received A very special purchase by our buyer who is now in New York $2Q Vals. $13.95 A very fortunate picKup on our parti 35Q genuine Priestley crav enette coats; all the firm had on hand, and by taRinrf the lot we got them at our own price -which was less than the cost of produc tion For today we will pass them on to you at the same pro portionate reduction There are light tans, olives, drabs and browns in' the lot also some striped effects In fact the best line we have ever had the oppor- tunity to offer Actual g2Q values. special for a Satur day crowd bringer $13.95 See our Displayof "Ma de in Oregon Products of all Hinds Sale of Women's Fancy NecKwear 65c Values for 27c 5000 Novelty Jabots in a wide range of styles and patterns. Lace and Lawn combinations in Black, White and Ecru. Onr regular stock values to 65c; 0 7 special for this sale only, each " $lEmbroidery37c Today, main floor, a special clean up of Embroideries and Edges, Corset Cov ers and Bands, Open and Floral effects in Swiss or Nainsook materials, 2 to 18 inches wide ; our regular values Q r7f to $1.00; specialized now for only $1 Perfumes at 69c 25c Cold Cream at 13c In the Drug Sundry Dept., main floor, a sale of L. T. Piver's high-grade French Perfume. All new stock just arrived from the manufacturer. Safranor, Rosiris, Yivitz, Violet, Rose, Mugnet, Pomeia and LUierre Fleuri; all CQ 75c and $L00 odors; the ounce vlivC COLD CEEAM "Vel-vo," a first quality; it makes the skin as smooth as velvet; a toilet cream of merit; 1 O regular 25c article; special, jar 8c Toilet Paper 4c A sale of finest grade Egyptian Tissue toilet paper; strong, soft and antiseptic; large 8-ounee rolls of 750 sheets; A sells regular 8c a roll; special at" See'Window Displays of 'Made in Oregon Products Women's $2.75 Waists for 98c In the big garment store, second floor, an attractive line of Women's Waists in Batiste, Lawn and -Madras materials, neatly trimmed with Valenciennes Laces, Medallions and Ruffles, . Long or short, sleeves; some buttoned" in front. QO Regular values. to $2.75; special70' RaiiiLCoats $28.5Q Values $14.95 $22.50 Values $9.95 Saturday sale of Women's Raincoats; large assortment to choose from; some have eapes attached; cravenetted, home spuns and other reliable materials. All good styles. Values to P "J A Q C $28.50; to be sacrificed at P LOT 2 A line of Raincoats in the plain mannish styles or with capes attached; good grade ppplin cloth in tan, blue, gray and black. Regular PQ QC values to $22 0; special at Aviation Caps $1.75 Values at 98c Knit Leggins 68c Infant's' Dept., second floor, children's hand-crochet aviation caps, made of good eiderdown -wool yarn; sizes 1 toQO. 10 years; regular $1.75 values at70 Knit Drawer Leggins, sizes months to 3 yearsj just received v"- Dinner Sets Now Greatly Reduced la the big China Store, third floor, a sale of Johnson Bros.' best quality of white English Semi-Porcelain in the new est shapes, very special as follows: 50-Plece Dinner Set, $5.00Valn 83.60 60Plece Dinner Set. $8.40 value 84.60 i0(P"Piece Dinner Set, 9.95 vaL 87,13 25cToastersat lQc $1.1Q Coffee Pot at 59c 5Qc Wall Mirrors 29c In the kitchen poods department, third floor, a sale of "Pyramid" Bread Toast ers. Will toast 4 slices of bread to a rich golden brown in a few minutes. For gas, gasoline or oil stoves; our 1 Cr regular 25c values, now only, ea. vfv COFFEE POTS AH eopper, nickel-plated, double seamed, satin finish on inside and heavy nickeled outside, with ebonized and always cold handles. OurCQ regular $1.10 values, on sale at"7" WALL MIRRORS Size 10x14, framed extra good; these mirrors are thaOQ extra good 50c values; special at7 Calling and Business Cards Printed to Order 75c Cards for 39c Today only, we will print to order 100 calling cards, using any style type and best linen stock, such aa we sell reg ular at 75c a hundred; we willOQ print 100 while you wait for only' 17 300 Business Cards, worth $1.25, Sl.OO 600 Business Cards, special for $1.35 Grocery Specials Phone Your Orders Fancy Fresh Eggs, special dozen 30 Tillamook Cheese, very special, lb. 20 BACON Swift's Sugar Cured, OK 7 to 9-pound strips, special at " BOHEMIAN BUTTER The 7C best on the market, 2-lb. square -Clover Leaf Butter, 2-pound square 69J Sale Suit Cases $8 Values at $6.48 In the Trunk and Bag Dept., 4th floor, a sale of 24-inch genuine cowhide Suit Cases, with brass lock and catches, 2 straps all around, linen lined with shirt fold and straps inside; our regular $8.00 value for only PV.0 SHOPPING BASKETS Made of. Jap anese matting; they are our reg- Cfjp ular 75c values; special at only"71' Men's 5Qc Ties Special, 3for $1 500 Dozen Men's Four-in-IIand Ties in thousands of choice patterns to choose from. Don't fail to see them; shown for the first time today; flji fC actual 50o values; spl 3 for ? Men's Underwear $1.25 Values at 85c Men's medium weight Gray Merino Un derwear, Shirts and Drawers; stand ard, well-known makes, all sizes; OCr reg. $1 and $1.25 val, sp'l gar."7- Great Saturday Sale lOOO Boys Blouses $1.QQ Values for 49c Just received from our New York office a special pick up of 1000 Blouses. Pity we couldn't get more there are all sizes in the lot, splendid shades of blue and gray, styled with or without collars, some "BusterBrowns" with military collars. It's putting it mild to say "they are the best we ever saw at the price." AQn Actual $1.00 values are selling, while they last, for only T"?- ww-' o--1" I I i m i i . ... .-, - - - ' I'1 .:' ' Men's-Young' Men's Suits $ 2 O.OO Val u es, $ 9. 85 $32.50 Values, $16.45 Every real, thrifty fellow in town will investigate this sale tor to day lOOO sui'9 to choose lrom, everywantedstylanrt all "Union Made'. Strictly hand tailored the materials employed are all wool The linings are the best The patterns are neat and tasty Styles for men and young men of every taste, not one in the lot marKed ess than S15.QO. most of them are $16.00 and j'O.OQ val ues Special lor to- O day only, come early P JmKJJ 5QO men may join in this feast of bargains NewA'prinj clo h:ngis crowdinguponus,altnough these suits are up-to-date styles, they must give place to the new arrivals For tody we witl group 5QO suits in stouts, sums and regular sizes, new Fall weights. 25. a27.50.$32.50. vals. A special for today at Pvtt a .- CLenr&f, Olds, Wortman EL King v e ning- p ecials From 6 to 9;3Q P.M. CKoice Candies At the Candy Counter, first floor, wo will sell assorted cream caramels, 40c OC grade, special, the pound, only ECHO BELLS Something new. (?h-So-Good. The bestests ever. Sells regularly at ' 40c the pound. Our special OC. evening price for this sale is only"''' Novelty NecKwear CjSc Values Now for 9c 6 to 9:30 P. M. today, main floor, an evening sale of Women's Novelty Neckwear in Jabots, Stocks, Cascades, Dutch Collars, etc., in Lawn, Lace and Persian ef- Q fects. Regular values to 65c; sp'l ea. 25c Toilet Soap Now 9c 25c Hair Rolls Only 6c 6 to 9:30 P. M. today, a sale of Binders' Tar and Antiseptic Shampoo Soap. A com pound of pine tar and vegetable oil; re stores the hair to a healthy condition, thor oughly cleanses the scalp; guaranteed free from all injurious substances. Our Q regular price is 25c a cake, now only HAIR ROLLS 24 inches long, made of crepe wool, all shades, full size, sanitary. Our. regular 25c values; special for C the evening sale at the low price of " ,5c Sewing Needles Special, 2 Papers 5c 25c Tooth Paste for 16c 6 to 9:30 P. M. today, main floor, a sale of regular sewing needles, finest grades, silver or gold eyes, sharps or betweens; they are the full regular 5c paper; Cp for this sale at the special price, 2 for TOOTH PASTE "Sanitol" Tooth Paste, Tooth Powder, Face Cream, Face Powder and Cold Creams; all fresh new stock, just from the factory; our regular I ? 25c grades; specialized at only Grocery Specials Don 't fail to visit the fourth floor Grocery Store" and leave your orders for Monday's delivery Many grocery specials found here Regular 20c Fartf Dates, the pound 16 Crosse and Blackwell's Olive Oil; '7Cr, special for this sale the bottle, only Stuffed Olives at three bottles for 25 Sale of Women's Shoes $3.00 Values for $1.98 6 to 9:30 P. M. today, in the basement underprice store, a sale of Women's Shoes in Patents, Gun-metal and Kid Kid with cloth tops, etc., in button or lace styles. The latest lasts, all sizes and T-1 QQ widths. Regular $3.00 kind at PX.i70 Men's 15c Socks for 11c 6 to 930 P. M. today, main floor, Men's Cotton Socks, Black, Blue, Tan and Black Tvith white feet, absolutely seamless and stainless, extra spliced heels nd toes; will wear equal to the 25c value, special 1 1 -evening price 65c box ; or, the pair Sale English 'Scratch' Hats $3 Vals. S2.Q5 Mating room for the new arrivals calls for speedj closing out of these very popular English "Scratch Hats." They come in light and dark gray, tan and brown shades. They are snappy, np-to-the minute styles and ready sellers at $3; for a Saturday crowd- J0 C bringer, we price them at CD.vO Great Saturday Sale 3QO Juvenile Siits $6.50-$10 Vals. $5.95 In the Juvenile Store, main floor, a great cleanup of 300 Suits for little fellows. Buster Brown," Eton and Russian blouse styles. Very high class, in fact the best little Suits in our Children's De partment. Attractive, clever; grays, tans, blues, modes-and fancy mixtures, also shepherd plaids, sizes 2Y2 to 10 years. DCQCI Values $6.50 to $10.00 very special for today at only PJ7 BOUT CLOSERESTAURANT Jim Harris Waira Money on Brother BatUInc." and Lose. pctuM Jim Hirl bet his money on Battllnn" Oorje Harris, his brother. In recent boxln- match and lost, tha old -White Corner" Grill, run by tha brothers and formerly a notorious South End dive. Is ckwed by attachment with one salt superimposed upon another n Justice Court. When action of the police caused the dtTe to close as an adjunct of s saloon, the Harris brothers took possession and tried to run It as a regular resuursnt. Then George Harris, who la a pusllist. was matched to fight another star, and Jim backed him heartlx- When "Bat-t'- " felled to "come back," Jim sot "sore." he says, and aued him toi ISO. alleged to be due aa for his work in the restaurant. "Battltnc" says hla brother was not aa employe but a part ner. Acting upon this presumption. Attor? ney Powers, acting for Georre Miller, the landlord, filed another attachment over the head of the former one for rent unpaid, and the restaurant Is closed. The Constable who levied the attach ment says that In addition to tha fix tures, he foJnd four pork chops, one T-bone steak and a loaf of bread. Wife Gt Ti To AdvW. "My wife wanted me to take our boy to the doctor to cure an ugly boll writes D. Kranktl. of Stroud. Okla. "I said 'put Bucklen'e Arnica Salve on it.' She did so. and It cured the boll In a short tlrre. Quickest healer of Burns, HcaM. Cuts, C'orn Bruises. Spralne, Swelling- Best Pile cure on earth. Try It- Only 25c at all druggists. RESTRICTION IS RELAXED Pending Ordinance Proposes Easier Terms for Film Theaters. Motion picture establishments where It Is Impossible to provide side or rear exits, as required In the building code, will be permitted to run. under the terms of an ordinance recommended by the City Council's committee on health and police. If they will Install a stand ard lamp room In the rear of the house and place a screen In front. Houses not being able to comply with either provision will be allowed to run only until the expiration of their present leases. If this ordinance passes the Council and becomes the law. It will give some of these establishments a new lease of life. The Executive Board recently or dered all of them that could not comply with the provisions 01 me nww uuuujwb code closed. An appeal was taken to the code committee without avail. SPECIAL TRAIN SATURDAYS ' To Clatsop Beach Points. 'Hotels at Gearhart and Seaside are open all year. Splendid salt air resorts for Winter rest . and recreation. Astoria St Columbia River Railroad trains 8 A. M. dally, t:0 P. M. Saturday. Round trips $S weekend; t dally. "I had been troubled with constipa tion for two years and 'tried all of the best physicians In Bristol, Tenn., and they could do nothing for me," writes Thos. E. Williams, Mlddleboro, Ky. "Two packages of Chamberlain's Stom ach and Liver Tablets cured me." For sale by aU dealers. FRA AND ELEPHANT GUESTS Hubbard Talks to Press Club; JUttle Hip Also Entertains. Little H'p, an Intelligent elephant of African Jungles, and Elbert Hubbard, an educated bard of East Aurora, were guests of honor of the Portland Press Club Thursday afternoon. Immediately after Pra had done his stunt at th Or phsum he and Little Hip, who is ap pearing at the Helllg, were taken to the Press Club rooms In separate automo biles. Hubbard was taken In custody at the theater by two uniformed officers and handcuffed. It was planned to put Fra and Hip In the same cutomoblle, but Hip bucked, even with Fra's bands manacled. H'p was glren tha boards first and bad tha time of his life, eating candy and peanuts out of the pockets of club members and keeping Hubbard cowed In one corner of the stage. Hubbard be came Jealous he wanted some of the candy and peanuts', or thought the ele phant was-receiving too much attention. Noting his discomfiture and wishing to have the reception run along smoothly, the elephant was led away. But Hub bard was given an equal show with the elephant and talked to the 'newspaper men tor a half hour. After the address there was an all-round hearty handshak ing and Hubbard left the Press Club With the biggest gr'n on his face since he discovered that -he was s? genius. When given as soon as the- croupy co"ugh appears Chamberlain's Cough Remedy will ward off an attack of croup and prevent all danger and cause of anxietv. Thousands of mothers use 1 successfully. Sold by all . deal- NEW DINNERS ARE POPULAR Table d'Hote Service on Shasta Lim ited la Established. Table d'hote dinners something new in the Northwest have been estab lished on the Shasta Limited trains of the Southern Pacific lines between Portland and San Francisco. Commencing with the train which left San Franoisco on Wednesday, the new service was given Its first trial. Reports are that It at once proved pop ular with patrons of the road. The Shasta Limited which leaves Portland tonight likewise will inaugurate this service. Breakfast and . luncheon will be continued a la carte as formerly. Webfoot Oil' Pressing, the greatest shoe grease made. Ail stores.