A C : i . f SBBBSJSSJSISSSISsasasaalSJSsasaiSSSSSssa MORROW GOES EAST Government Prepares for Bids on Coos Bay Dredge. DESIGNS MAY BE CHANGED Engineer Jjemre for Washington to Explain P Ircd Alteration. East to Hid Agalpt West In Construction ot Craft. On business concerning tho comple tion of plans for an oceangoing dredge to b operated at the entrance to Coos Hay. Major J. J- Morrow, Corps of Engineers. U. 8. A- will leave tor Washington. IX C. this morning rar ing been summoned by the chief of engineers by wire. Major Morrow does not firt that he will be absent for a lengthy period. The 1re. Ice was authorixed last year and $1'0. Quo appropriated. The plana re being drawn under the direction of the Chief or Engineers and it Is proposed to k for tenders for con struction on both the Pacific and At lantic Coasts. ItMders on this side will b allowed a margin of about $.0.0OO. as It Is estimated that to transport material required for the type of dig ger decided on will approximate that amount. Major Marrow has written to the department concerning changes In the- specifications and he assumes that the Chief of Engineers feels that tho requirements for a dredge to work on tha bar can be best explained In per son. 4t was but yesterday morning that Major Morrow returned from an In spection trip along the Upper Colum bia and of the Celilo canal. He says dredging on the rapids above Celllo Is progressing aa tbe river Is at a low stage and falling, while the weather Is not as cold as last month. About a year will be required to fin ish the dredge from the time plans and specifications are distributed, and it Is the Intention of the engineers to have her at Coos Hay by June. 1912 She will b made as staunch as possi ble, as she Is expected to work In all kinds of weather and under conditions that would prove Injurious to tho or dinary bar digger. Work Is already being carried on In tho harbor and when the entrance Is deepened to the depth recommended It Is thought the larger coastwise vessels can make that port, while It will tend to develop an offshore trade with smaller carriers, such as Tillamook Bay Interests hava sought in the cam paign being conducted for Government aid on bar and harbor Improvements. DCNSYRE TAKEN FOR IXMBEK Alexandra and Wand'bck Will Bo February Cargoes. Another Sydney lumber cargo baa been provided through the fixture of the British ship Dunsyre. which J. J. Moore Co. have chartered to load hero with tho option of Puget Sound, while the charter provides that she may be dispatched to South Africa in stead of the Australian port, the rate being 3Zm d. The British steamer Strathblane Is at San Francisco, hav ing arrived there with the Dunsyre from Newcastle with coa'. After dis charging it will start loading lumber at Eureka and then shift north to either the Columbia River or Puget Sound. There is no change in the offshore lumber market as reported by local mfllmen. who say they do not care to bid on rargoes at ruilng price. The British tramp vuen Alexandra and the German bark Wandsbek will carry away the only full cargoes for February- The Oriental liners Hercules and Strath lyon will be dispatched with combined lumber consignments aggregating less than l.OOO.Ooo feet. One reason as signed for light lumber shipments coastwise Is the backward movement among logging ramps, only a few of which have started working and more will not be li full swing f-r a month. STRATIfXESS CREW IS SCRLY Skipper A.k Official to Return Oplnni Seised Wednesday. Stirred by the appeals of Ma Celestial sailors, who were denied the use of opium Wednesday througa the seixure of about eight pounds of the drug by customs offi cials. Captain Roberts, of the British tramp Strathneew, yesterday filed a com munication with Collector of Customs Malcolm, applying for the restoration of the opium aboard his vessel and promis ing to enter It on the ships storea as contents of the medicine chest. He avers that the Chinese did not Intend to smug gle the ''poppy" product Into the Federul domain, but bad evocked up with the material Just for the;r own benetll on the voyage. It has been conveyed to the customs officers that unless restitution Is made, the skipper fears he will sail shonhsmled. as tie almond-eyed tar are In anything but a cheerful frame of mind. The offi cials will today consider returning the scixed cans. The intent to smuggle la questioned and It la also admitted by them that the product is crude and cot the sort usually offered for sale. FORT BRAGG LOADS WIIEAT French 'Ship Finishes Cargo and Kilo Reaches Harbor. Considerable wheat waa Included In the cargo of the American-Hawaiian steamer Falcon when she sailed last night for San Frnr.eisoo and the shipments for February will be increased through ne gotiations closed by Balfour. Guthrie & Co.. for loading (00 tons aboard the new steamer Fort JBragg. which will get away next week. The llarrimnn coasters im transporting large consignments of the cereal each voyage and there are excel lent prospects that Spring buying in Cal ifornia will continue. The French ship tjavid d'Angers, which arrive.! February 1 from the Vnlte.l Kingdom, via San Diego with general cargo, made good time In load ing outward, as she took aboard the last of her wheat cargo yesterday and will shift to the stream today, leaving tho harbor tomorrow morning. The German ship Kilo arrived up yesterday and berthed at Linn ton to discharge ballat and she will be ready to load next week. The Oriental liner Hercules began work ing outward cargo yesterday afternoon, having shifted from the North Bank dm? to the Portland Flouring Mills Company's plant. Golden Gate Being Repaired. On the arrival yesterday of the steam er Golden Gate from Tillamook, where rhe met with an accident through strik ing on bottom, arrangements were ma. I f.r lifting her on the Oregon drydock and before dark she was high and drr, An examination disclosed that the Jar irf striking had damaged a small portion of her keel, which will be replaced, while ih. aternDoat and rudUarpost were V -l. - . . - I 11-V.tl. .. win VUfc VI WCBIIIVH .Hk; . . .. have to be resecured. The work will require about two daya and when next the vessel goes to sea she will bo In charge of Captain Errlckson. late of the steamer Northland. Captain Snyder hav ing relinquished command yesterday. Wllhclmlna to Resume Route. In a letter received yesterday from Captain Trier, master of the gasoline schooner Wlihelmlna. recently stranded at the entrance to tho Cmpqua River, and which was rioated and proceeded un der her own power. Captain O. TV.. Hos ford was informed that the vessel would proceed to Coos Bay for repairs. Captain Tyler says he will have the craft in Portland within ten days and resume the run. saying that she is not damaged materially. Marine Notes. Having discharged TOO tons of cargo here the steamer Johan Poulsen left last night for Kalama and the steamer J. B. Stetson went to Westport, both to load lumber. Captain David Smith today takes coin mayid of the Open River Transportation Company'a steamer Inland Empire, on tho I'pper Columbia route, succeeding Captain Arthur R I tuts. Commander Elllcott departed yester day for Grays Harbor to Inspect aids to navigation. If weather conditions are BTKAMKR IJiTKLLIGENCaV. D te Arrive. Nam. From Tatv OoMrn date. . .TilUmcok. . - In tr: J. H. Htvtson. . .Han Franclac In port tlercul-s Honskon. . . In port llo. City fan Pedro... Feb. II ue H. Eisners. Tillamook Feb. It Alliance Eurka Frb. 1 Mra-hlvon Hongkong... K-b. 1 Ilrvk water.... Coos Ha. . . Frb. 1 liMnnt. yr. Pedro. .. HVb. IS Stanley Dollar. Balboa Feb. 21 lieaier !an f'-d-o r o. -a Anvil Harden K. V4 Falcon San Francisco Feb. i r..o. W. Elder. Ran padro. . . Fee 'J J Bear baa Pedro. .. Feb. 17 Scheduled to Pepart. Name. For. Pate. Cl.l-n Oate... Tillamook Feb. Is AIManc F.urrka Fr. 1 J. B. Blatson. . .San Francisco F-b. JM Itreak aier. . . t'ooa Hav....F-b. 1:1 Koae CUT n Pedro... Fb. It Sue H. Klmore. Tillamook Fet, 21 Knokt San Pedro. . . F. 72 Anvil Jlandon F-o. 2J M-rrulea Honakong. . . -Feb. '- Ftanler Dollar. Balboa Feb. 23 4-air. ....... Sar I'edro . . . I" er. -S Falcon Jan Francisco Feb. as Oeo. W. Elder, "an Pedro. .. Iar. 1 Ftralbl)on Hongkong. ... Mar. 1 Dear baa Pedro... Mar. favorable he will board the lighthouse tender Manzanlta for a trip to Puget Sound stations. Most of the lumber cargo of tho Ger man bark Wandsbek has been loaded at Llnnton and she- will probably haul Into the stream Tuesday, leaving for the United Kingdom the following day. Officers of tho steamer J. B. Stetson reported having passed a number of Tleces of lumber en route from San Francisco, which they opine was lost from the deckload of a lumber vessel during the recent gale. To complete her lumber cargo the Brit ish tramp Vueen Alexandra was shifted yesterday afternoon from Inman-Poul-sen's to the dock of the Portland Lum ber Company, where about 1.000,000 feet of material awaits her. In general cargo from San Francisco tha steamer J. B. Stetson entered at the Custom House yesterday ana win san with cargo ana passengers uauaj. lii. .... t.i. -t - m flrrathneas en- nniia hid i..ou - ...... . tered In ballast from Acapulco. Tho only clearance waa inai oi m . Bear, for California ports, with general merchandise. . . ..... . ni..tt r Hawaiian jiruiuci. vi - - musicians rendered -Aloha" and other naure selections yesterday afternoon as the big steamer Bear was about to swing away from her berth, and Captain . .A lmnrad with the opanatrr v ....... - - Impromptu serenade that he waited for three extra pieces oi wwss" hauled aboard. Tha psasenger list num bered Juo first-class and W In the steer age. Movement of Vcsscla. PORTLAND. Feb. !, Arrived Steamer Oold.n ate. from Tillamook; oerman ship Kilo, rrom u-"i from San Franrlaeo; atelmer J. A. thanslor. . .. i Rtuotr livar. for Hn Kranrlx-o and baa Pedro; steamer Falcon, for Han Francisco. Astoria. Feb. la. Condition at the mouth of the rlr at 6 P. M-. smooth, wind east S mll-a; weather cloudy. Balled at 7:.s A. M Hteamor C.eo. W. Elder, for ban Dleso and war porta, called at a A. M tYaahlnirion. for Kermond. Arrlvad at 1 and led up at S P. M. Steamer Sho shone from Fan Francisco. Sailed at 1.1 J yi. Bchoonof AJvena, for San Francisco. Arrived at 4:30 P. M. and left up Steamer J. A. Chanslor. from San Francisco. ban Francisco, r-6. 14- Arrived at A. M steamer Heaver, from Portland Fallea at 9 P. M. bteamar Westerner, for Port- ,m"'oos Bay. Feb. 1. Arrived Steamer Al liance, from Eureka; steamer Breakwater, from Tortland. . Mont-rey. Feb. Kt Sailed at last night Steamer Rneerrans. for Portland. South Bend. Feb. 16. Arrived at I P. M. yt-amer Washington, trura Portland. San Franclaco, Feb. IS. Arrived bleara rs Heaver from Portland; Thor. from Nan-almo- Hiirkmin, from Seattle; schooners lassie Prlen. Oakland, from Sluslaw River; ottlllle Fjord, from Cooullle River. Sailed Steamers Westerner, for Astoria; Maver ick for Portland; Raymond, for Wlllapa; schooners. W. H. Smith, for Apia: Spokane, for ;amMe; Mabel tiale, for Fusel Sound: Ma McKav. for Coqullle River: sp. Marlon Chllcott. for Honolulu: barkentlnes Archer, for no. he Harbor; Fullerton. for Victoria. Vt paraUo. fb. 14. Arrived previously Herm. from Port Townaend. Las Paimaa, Feb. M Sailed SerapU. for "oid".CUVeb.- 1- Sailed Orterlo. for set"ler' Feb. 1. Arrlvad steamer Ra mona. from Skasway; steamer Itaurl. from Hamburg: steamer Wellesley. from baa FrsncWco; ship Shlfrbek. from Port Town send. Sailed st.amer Noma City, for Port Ludlow; steamer city of Puebla. for Sound porta: steamer Admiral Sampson, for san praoclsca; steamer Northwestern, for aloes- sl-amer Wrllaaley. for Tacoma. Callao. Feb. IS. Arrived Belle of Spain, from Tacoma and San Francisco. Tides at Astoria Friday. . i nM S:M A. M.'....4 ft;9-M A. M . ...- f-t I n - U-L. l M 1.4 fMt : I . Jaa. --- - PLANT TO BEJUILT HERE Seattle Man Thinks Portland Is IMace for Cornice Works. A. J. Welffenbaoh. head of the Seat tle Cornice Works. Is In the city, look ing for a site to build a plant in Port land that will give employment to 75 to 100 men. Manager Brayton. of tha Stone & Webster Interests, that Is put ting up a number of larrfe office build ings in th city tor which tho Seattle concern has contracts for furnishing the sheet metal, fire proofing, copper roofing and such materials. Induced Mr. Wolff enbach to come here with the object of having a look over the cltr with a view to building a plant. Mr. Weiffenbach said his company had so many contracts here and the building outlook for Portland for the next few years is so encouraging, that It was decided to build a local plant. While Seattle stockholders in the com pany will be Investors here, it Is un derstood mat locsj men win also do interested. Medford Hospital to Be Built. MEDFORH, Or. Feb. 1. (Special.) Work will be commenced upon the new hospital to be built by the sisters of Charity as soon as the J10.000 sub scribed by local business and profes sional men is collected. The site for the new building Is oa Capitol Hili overlooking tho city; 3I0RXIXG OREGOXIAN FRIDAY, FEBRUARY JAIL ROOM LACKING City Bastile May Not Be Put in New Courthouse. COUNTY GROWTH TOO BIG Commissioners and Architects Fig ure Removal Would Be Required in Five Years Conference to Decldo Other Flans. Rapid growth of Multnomah County will probably prevent the installation of the City Jail and Municipal Court In the new County Courthouse. In a con ference yesterday between the County Court and Whidden & Lewis, architects, it was estimated that if the City Jail Is placed In the Courthouse it can only remain there about five years, wnen the county will be required to have the space used by tho Jail for Its own departments. It was estimated by the arcnitecis that It will cost about 1100.000 to Install tho City Jail and court in the Court house and remove them again ana m the nlace ud for the county's" purposes. It Is the opinion of County Judare Clee- ton that It would not be worth while for the citv and county to go to the ex pense of placing the municipal depart ments In the Courthouse lor so snort a time. Frompt Action Required. The County Court will take the sub ject up wltn the city authorities as soon as we get our estimates compieieu in detail." said Judge Cleeton. "and hava it settled definitely if we should mage arrangements for the City Jail in the new building. The subject must be de termined as soon as possible." Rids for tha construction of the remain der of tho new Courthouse will bo opened by tho County Court February 15. It Is essential that at that time the exact specifications of the building will be completed, though the bids will be on specifications already made. Thus the city and county authorities will deter mine within a few days whether Port land Is to have a separate City Jail from the county building. It had been planned to have the city Jail built in connection with the Coun ty Jail, which must be In the basement of the west wing of the new Court house. This would bo of great con venience as well as economy, as prison ers are almost daily removed from ona Jail to the other. Central Station Proposed. If the city is compelled to build lt own Jail. It has been proposed to make a modern hall of Justice for the city containing an ample central police sta tion. Since the present City Hall was first constructed there have been sugges tions made from time to time to place the city Jail in the City Hall, but this Is not looked upon with favor by many. who show that the association or crimi nals and, criminal courts with the city affairs proper would not be wholesome. t STREET SUIT WILL BE TEST Hearing of Ilall Roadway Improve ment Begins In Court. Hearing In the suit filed by 65 Inter ested property owners to enjoin tho city from collecting more than the con tract price for the improvement of Hall street, from Fourteenth street to Heights Terrace, was begun in Judge MWjinn s department of the Circuit Court yester day and will probably be completed to day. The case is considered to bo of moro than ordinary interest to property own ers for it Involves the right of -the City Engineer to authorise more expendi tures In an Improvement than were au thorised by the Council. When the city began the proceedings to have the street Improved, the City Engineer estimated that the cost would be a little more than $12,000. The con tract was let for about J1000 more than tho estimate, but the property owners were finally assessed for $30,844. or nearly 250 per cent tho amount they had been made to believe originally they would have to pay for the work. The difference In the coat was due to the determination of the City Engineer to have the retaining wall, which waa an Important part of ths Improvement, placed on bedrock, and the additional excavation and cement work more than doubled the expenses. Tho property owners charged collu sion between the City Engineer and tho contractors, and refused to pay. Efforts were made to have the matter compro mised and the city offered to lose one fourth of tho excess cost and the con tractors made a similar offer If tha property owners would pay the original contract price, plus half the excess cost, but this the property owners refused. Tho sentiment expressed by property owners was that the matter should be tried out In court and If possible a stop put to "I Suffered Years With My Back.' Backache reuking from weak kidneys, a bad cold or other cause, usually renders the sufferer unfit for work and often results in per manent disability. "I suffered for years with my back, or kidney trouble, and have tried a number of remedies from different physicians. More than a year ago, one of our local druggists induced me to try Dr. Miles Anti-Pain Pills and after using them some three months I found a decided improve ment in my kidneys, and I am glad to say that I hope soon to be fully restored to health." J. P. ALLEN, Ex-Judge City Court, Glasgow, Ky. As long as pain is present in any part of the body rest is impossible and the system becoming weakened is exposed to any form of disease to which the suSerer may be inclined. Dr. Miles' Anti-Pein Pills by steadying the irritated nerve centers, make refreshing sleep pos sible, thereby enabling the body to recover lost strength. As a remedy for pain of any description Dr. Miles' Anti-Pain Pills are unsur passed. Sold by all druggists under a guar antee assuring the return of tha price of tha first box If no benefit results. MILES MEDICAL CO., Elkhart, Ind. CATARRH OF THE STOMACH A Pleasant, Simple, Bat Safe and Ef fectual Care For It Catarrh of the stomach has long been considered the next thing to In curable. The usual symptoms are a full or bloating sensation after eat ing, accompanied sometimes with sour or watery rislnara, a formation of gases, causing pressure on the heart and lung-a and difficult breathing, head aches, fickle appetite, nervousness and a general played out, languid feeling. There is often a foul taste In the mouth, coated tongue and If the In terior of the stomach could bo seen It would show a slimy, inflamed condi tion. The cure for this common and obsti nate trouble fs found In a treatment which causes the food to be readily, thoroughly digested before It has time to ferment and irritate the delicate mucous surfaces of the stomach. To secure a prompt and healthy digestion is -the one necessary thing to do and when normal digestion Is secured the catarrhal condition will have disap peared. According to Dr. Harlanson, tho saf est and best treatment is to use after each meal a tablet, composed of Dias tase. Aseptic Pepsin, a little Nux, Gold en Seal and fruit acids. These tablets can now be found at all drug stores under the name of Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets and not being a patent medi cine can be used with perfect safety and assurance that healthy appetite and thorough digestion .will follow their regular use after meals. The plan of dieting is simply another name for starvation, and the use of prepared foods and new tangled break fast foods simply makes matters worse as any dyspeptic who has tried, them knows. As Dr. Bennett says, the only reason I can imagine why Stuarfs Dyspepsia Tablets are not universally used by everybody who is troubled in any way with poor digestion Is because many people seem to think that because a medicine is advertised by a trade mark It must be a humbug whereas as a matter of truth any druggist who is observant knows that Stuart's Dys pepsia Tablets have cured more people of catarrh of the stomach. Indigestion, heartburn, heart trouble, nervous pros tration and run down condition gen erally than all the patent medic'nes and doctors' prescriptions for stomach trouble combined. Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets is the safest preparation as well as the sim plest and most convenient remedy for any form of digestion, catarrh of the stomach, biliousness, sour stomach, heartburn and bloating after meals. Send your name and address today for a free trial package and see for yourself. Address F. A. Stuart Co.. 1R0 Stuart Bldjr.. Marshall. Mich. such practices of Increasing the cost of Improvements. Court Notes. John Jaklsha was found guilty of a minor assault with a pocket knife on Loulo Battaninl by a Jury In Judge Kav anaugh's court yesterday and will be sentenced Monday. Nellie E. Queries obtained an order from County Judge Cleeton yesterday, changing her name to Nellie Harriet Starks. She complained that her name waa so similar to the word quarrels that she was Incessantly teased about It John Dordlg was acquitted by a Jury In Judge Gatens' court yesterday of the indictment charging him with having been one of three men who stole goods from a car of the North Bank road on January 10. Dordlg was defended by Attorneys M. O. Wilkins and L. C. Mackay, who proved by Beveral witnesses that the prisoner was playing cards with friends at the time of the crime. Four cases Involving the title to three blocks In Waverly Addition to the city were merged by Judge Morrow into one yesterday. The suits Involve ho-ises and lots valued at 114.000, tho original title of which is claimed by H. M. Ccren. The merging of the cases, which were largely to satisfy mechanics' and other claims, brought nine lawyers into the one case, but four were eliminated and the case Is being tried by Ave. SEWER COST PERPLEXES Centralla School Board May Have to Pay Assessment Twice. CENTRALJA. WaBh., Feb. 16. (Spe cial.) By a curious twist of munic ipal technicality, the School Board of Centralla now faces the necessity for paying a second time for the same sewer system. The amount Involved la S600 ' When the sewer was built on Oak street two years ago the Board wished to gain connection for the Edison School, and made a proposal to the city whereby the school district was permitted to extend a lino from tho school to the main sewer by paying the cost. At that time it was customary to assess the cost on a lineal foot basis. Recently a new sewer district was established, tho division lino bordering the school property, and a contract was let. The present arrangement with the city assesses the abutting property Wv35AiiLrv' v,'F r-j ? r p 11 A Cure Without Drugs NaturVs Remedy Rsaom Haakh WUU Ya SUep -GrJl body. Elaotra-YIta ! a scientific de-el ce for saturating tha narves and vitakJ wKu a steady, anbroksn eurrent of elo trtV life for hours at a time wale rou sleep, without the kut " bock or tmplsMsst saasatlon. Electra-Vlta build, up vitality and strength and. gives to every waak or Inact ve ,' . th power to do Its work properly as nature in tended. When your body aaa sufficient electric, energy to satlsry tha damiada erf nature, waaknaaa and disease can not exist. Eletra-nta dftrt from eWetsto belts, faradle bat tarlaa and other eoutrtvanaaa you may have sera or uaed. It makes Its own power and is always charged ready for Let us send you the name of eurad patients. They will teH you what Kkectra-Ylta did for them. m 17osa Just pat your name and address on uiven rree thU eoBpon ana maji u to us. wn send you our big free book (elsaory sealed), whtoh tells all ?3 about Bleetra - Vita, berw It cure and what It costs. Tblsbaokla finely llluatrated and explains many things yon should know re garding the disease of men and women. Cut out tha coupon now. -1 1911. $5 to $10 Fees in Simple Cases Afflicted Men Has Your Physician Failed to Core You? Refuse to Suffer Longer on Promises Call Today on The Reliable Specialists 17. Men Heed Competent Advice WHen Others Fail Call and let us give you a careful, painstaking examination absolutely rree. Our opinion and advice will cost you nothing. Perhaps a little Ldvice is all you need. X-Uay examinations when necessary free free. money required to commence treatment, fee wnen curea HI! M.HI1 ICl U " " . doctors and SPECIALISTS nave laiiea. uy iiciuum. . refer you "2 cured patients and show you letters we are receiving from cured and grateful men. If your case is curable we can cure you. but ff it is not we will frankly tell you so. Examination free, and you will be under no obligation whatever to take treatment II r aff cted do not delay nor neglect your condition, fur i quick and lasting euro means a great deal to your future life And happiness Remember our charges as fpeclallsts for a guaranteed cure a far less than those charged by family doctors and surgeons and other specialists. No matter whom you have been to see or what you have tried, I can and will cure you, or I will tell you It cannot be done. 17 Years of Success in Treating Men Cures Guaranteed or No Pay WR H RE BY SEW SCIKNTI BI.OOD AMD SKI AILMR.MS, kVnTTF.II VEINS. OBSTRIO ;.ANIS, PII.KS. KIDNEY AND MENTS COMMON TO HUN. We are permanently located, laws of Oregon. MEN, IF IN TROUBLE, CONS write for free book and self-ex home. Hours 9 A. M. to 8 P. M. OREGON MEDICAL INSTITUTE 21H MORRISON ST, Bet. Fourth and Fifth, PORTLAND, OR. $10.00 X-RAY EXAMINATION AND AN HONEST OPINION OF YOUR .CASE GIVEN ABSOLUTELY FREE BY THE BRITISH-ELECTRO MEDICAL CO. PAY WHEN CURED The object of this offer l to prove to the sick and ailing citizens of Portland and vicinity we have the grandest, simplest and most success ful method of restoring health and curing ail ments known to the scientific world. Many of you who have been taking medicines and so called treatments for months will be absolutely curd in a few treatments. Have you varicose veins, blood poisoning, general debility, ladder or prostatic trouble, frequent urination, burning, pain and itching? All can be stopped in 24 hours. I lies, rupture and rectal ailments cured with out the knife or detention from business. Are vou in pain from rheumatism, lame back, eclat lea, lumbago, locomotor ataxia or weak kidney? Have vou constipation, stomach or liver trouble, catarrh or deafness, skin ailments? If so there Is quick relief and a permanent cure in store for you if you call upon the British Electro-Medical Co. who will give you an honest opinion and nonest treatment, v. men cuipo w mj -ui cm. .... Why not call today and be cured before thia grand offer is withdrawn! Remember. SIO X-Ray examination and consultation absolutely free. If the British Electro-Medical Co. cannot cure you they will tell you so they do not believe in treating people if they cannot benefit them. THE BRITISH ELECTRO-MEDICAL CO. Rooms 407, 4HH and 409 Hothoblld Bliig, Portland, Or. 3H7V4 Washington Sit. Take elevator to 4th floor. Hours D to 1, 2 to 5, 7 to 8. Sundays, 10 to 1-. Instead of paying on the .former basis. The sewer has been laid by the new district and somebody has to pay for it. That is the view taken by the City Council. The matter will probably find Its way into court, but as matters now stand the obligation rests upon the School Board. OREGON CITY PIONEER DEAD S. D. Richardson, Reported as First White Child Born There, Passes. OREGON CITY, Or., Feb. 16. (Spe cial.) Sidney Daniel Richardson, who died here this week, was 67 years of age the day before death. He was born February 11, 1844. Mr. Richardson was reported to have been the first white child born in Ore gon City. He mada his home here con tinuously, living at the home of his sis ter, Mrs. Theodore Clark, at tho corner of Sixth and Monroe streets '? '-' t r rj r-:-r ,r . To people whs suffer from ohroalo troubles of any kind, rhaumatupm, nervous complaints, lost stratta-th. dobtllty, waaknaas an any fern, or stomach, kidney r ttrar disorders, we. offer a ours at a pr'oe within tha reach of all. Tt hava ne drugs to sell yoo. Tha retuady wa offer la electricity that's nature's medic In . It Is impossible to sure any all naant sy doping tha nerves and vttala with stimulants or poisons. Year body needs new life and strength. Our Eleotra-Vtta gives that. It helps nature care by re rtortna: tbe energy and activity of i every weak, sluggish orgaa of the THE ELECTRA-VITA CO. 20S MAJESTIC BLDO. Seattle, Wash. Please send me. prepaid, your free SO-page illustrated book. Name Address .' CURED FOREVER ! Reliable Treatment. You Need My Advice.' and you can arrange to pay where other . ., , -or. t FIC MFTHOflS WHICH CANNOT FAIL Kfc'HVB WKAKNESS. VAItlCOSR OR TIONS. SOKKS. IUEKS, HWULI.KS BLADDER AIL.ME.MS A-U A1.L A 1 1.- incorporated and licensed under the ri.T l"S TODAY. If you cannot call, amlnation blank. Many cases cured at Sundays 10 to is. DONT BE DISCOURAGED Dont Give Up Hope There Is Help for You ACT TODAY I will treat some of your ailments for as low a fee as $5 and 10. I will make you an ex ceptionally low fee on any ailment you may be suffering from. Wltb this low fee and my long and successful ex perience In treat Ins; ailments of men you need not suffer another day. I don't, care who has tried to cure to., ana has failed 1 will ftlve you a sure euro and a small fee. Don't lv up before seeing me. By the latest methods known to MEDICAL science I soeeessfullv treat VAKJLCOSE VKINS, flLkS. Vfjt 61 S AILMENTS, SKIN Al L.MKJTS, K1DVKV, IlLAlIkK. LI t AND BLOOD Al I..MENTS, Rll EITM ATI M. LIVER AILMENTS AND ALL CHRON IC AILMENTS OF MEN. Come in snd see me, Hve a confi dential talk and be examined wltnout cost nr obllsation. I wUl cure you. DR. LINDSAY The Old Reliable Specialist. Comer Alfler and Second streets. En trance 12Shi Second street. Portland. Or. Office hours 9 A. M. to 8 P. 34. Sundays. 10 A. II. to 1 P. M. THE DR. GREEN OFFER TO MEN Our offer No Money Required latil Satisfied Is your absolute protection. Con sul tation, exam ination and diag nosis free. Our s p e c 1 alty is All Ailments of Men. What you want is a rure. Come to us1 and get it. Hours daily, 9 to o. Evenings, T to S. Sundays, 10 to 1. DR. GREEN CO. 363 Washington St. I I I I I MEN Pay When Cured The Leading Specialist. I Tou should learn snd the soon er the better that what may seem a trivial case very often has most serious and far-reaching effects. The man who tries to be his own doctor Is always the patient that later comes to the specialist with the chronic, stubborn, deep-setted case, which Is the hardest kind to cure. I cannot hope that all men will accept my statement that the quickest, the safest and cheapest way 1 by consulting an expert specialist in men's ailments at one, but the Intelligent man will read ily be convinced of the value of this advice upon investigation. Contracted Ailments In no other ailment peculiar to men is a prompt and thorough euro so essential. Contracted ailments tend to work backward until tho most vital nerve centers become in volved in the Inflammation. Then follows a chronic otage that stub bornly resists all ordinary treat ment. Safety demands that every vestige of Infection be eradicated at the earliest possible moment. My treatment is thorough. The remedies employed have a moro positive action than has ever be fore been attained, and o perfeot Is my method of application that even chronic cases yield com pletely. EXAMINATION FREE. I offer not only FREE Consulta tion and Advice, but of every case that comes to me I will make a Careful Examination and Diag nosis without charge. No ailing man should neglect this oppor tunity to get expert opinion about his trouble. If you cannot call, write for Diagnosis Chart. Office hours from 8 A. M. to 8 P. M., and Sundays from 10 to 1. The DR. TAYLOR Co. 334 ft MORRISON STREET, PORTLAND, OREGON. RECEPTION ROOM CROWDED His Practice Constantly Increasing Be cause of the Wonderful Cures Effected by SIMPLE, SAFE AND SURE METHODS THE CHINESE DOCTOR In gratitude to this wonderful man his patients speak volumes of nralse for his skillful and satisfactory services In earn of their cases. Other patients have snt him nersonal letters and testimonials, many of which are on file in his office and will be shown on request. His treatments consist of remedies com pounded from Roots, Barks, Herbs and Buds lathered from even the most remote quar ters of the flohe and prescribed by him at his offices and laboratories at lbJU, Urst street, corner Morrison. Remedies for near ly all :he dUcases In the whole category of medicine at his hand. CONSULTATION FREE I If you live oui 1 , , , write for symptom blank and circular, in closing COlllB " The C.Gee Wo Chinese Medicine Co. 102 14 M st-' Cor Mo"180". Portland, Oregon. CURED $10 Pay When Cured W have every known remedy apn pllance for TREATING VOU. Our ex perience is so great and varied that n one of the ailments of Men is new to ua, COME IN AND TALK IT OVER. General Debility, Weak Nerves, In somnla Results of exposure, overwork; and other Violations of Nature's lawr. Diseases oi ..ladder and Kidneys, Vari cose Veins, quickly and permanently; cured at small expense and no deleni tion from business. bFEClAL AlLiUlENTS Newly con tracted and chronic cases cured. All burning, itching and Inflammation stopped in 24 hours. Cures effected la seven days. Consultation free. If un able to call, write for list of questions. Office Hours 9 A. M. to 8 P. M. Sun days. 10 A. M. to 1 P. M. only. Pacific Coast Medical Co 324ft VAMI!N;TO. STREET, Corner First. ci n n?ii tixt nrk U. lie fTt-l JiA VJW. Chinese herb and root medicine for men and wo men with any internal, ex ternal or eruptive disease Our Chinese doctor lately from New York Oriental Hos pital also has 30 years' ex perience. If you suffer, when others fall, we wish you to call or write to 301 M First St.. Portland. Or. Free con sultation and examlnatlen L.T.YEE&SONS The Old. - Reliable Chines Doctor scent lifetime study ot herbs and research in China; was OT-nnted dlDloma by to Emperor: guarantees cure all ailments of men and women when others lan i you ui fer, call or write to YK RON'S MEDICINE CO., liSVa first. Cor. Alder, Portland. Ot. Gee ti f Gee Wo Wo M EN C5