rlTif tamllr- tl'K r.K.T In a p tulta. two fc-ut.. adjoin ia bath, in mil or a tt. iv family of fmo f-raihcl room . nw. in-Mra flat. nbl fr or J; .Nardil t.. 1 block t of lutU r4 f-I:nun. WEUj f um u.i1 n-i Wfli htatH rwm. with boar!, to private fum.y. ht nr tr ba'h ml a. I time : fc-rae privilege and nmm of piano, f'huna K 1 . club i bach.r. hav on nics for 3 ppl-. K-t board la town. -svcrr m4rrt f invnin". 4,".,7 I'srk St. and board la prlvats family. t. r t'.'.'.l t. As-art 1IADDO.N HA!.L APARTMENT, corn-r lit and Hail sts.. !. modern brl. k buiMlrtf. w tt n 3 aud inm ap Art meat a. j with priat btf. aewly furnished. trri ly mwCfcctt la eerjr raapet; ta in ii vtdu il telepooa in ear apartment, very larca and airy rooms with prU ate baUny prcha W hav only 3 apartments va rnt nw and on will be .ni tha 14th. If you want ona of the choir apart menta you will bar to call soon, l'bona Merhl !!:. TVK IM KKK-trner '.Mil ard IrTlra sts, Tfil near 4-s'ory br1 k l" ""d J-n. 1. I'.MI. t irnUheti and unf urniafie.t In two. IDro and f xir-room i('-j with rr (, tin hiiL P-tnc phone In 4-r nirtmrit. ete,-tr!.- a, of. Tlmea !i"-- ppearl n be I a. built-in buff"! ami ri:iru )eak. ii ran. 1. r. i'nty of c ! t room. If J-u wa it Burnet Ma -r rrt ;ilt e. com t- Q.t I'rfc iv-,one Manha l ITt. "tf?S Mfc-RKDITIl. Til ax. L !Yer brick apartmacta, Jut ftntshe and farniid cniOta fur :nnied!at boua beeptna . ba u t . f uil r fur niched, a'l la 3 ard a room ui:a wl'h priat baha and racar ion balL H--c pUon la tack apartment fr: othin la ta city l-i a. it foe In prica. C"a4 and aa fur jrjrselff. n P.N?rU APAK1 y KNT Nar build m. Ft bid. - AlMn bt.; take Mil- a;itppl. L. or s:. Johns car. 13 minute r.via from -id and Uimniion ;a 2. a and room a riinptetely furnisheU. $7S to d per monta. ail m o. i m convenience, uo f 'irnlabed npavrtmenta. 1'nat Woodlaa a East 7th and Tay.ur at. nw. b-anrt f'il and ry elaborately f urnish-d apart mn '.m if 2 and 3 rooms. tiuctning en tirely d:Ternt from usual run or apart man:. Thi t worthy of InOvtisTation if you are looking fur aomethtC eaception ay good. LEINZ A PART 31 NTH. 14th and Columbia. 4 bloc as uta frona Marrituo at. ; ae brck bulldicg. complatelv first -claaa; fur- atahed la 2. 1 acd 4 -room family apart Bieaia. privat ban. reception ha.L sta-a beat, hut water. ieator. free pnoa. jaa Iter ervi-; rent vary rraaoraie. LLCilETlA COIRT. Oa Lucre tt s;rMst. near Waahlngton. air on of lb large, outaide. a -room apartment left la thia aaw a.egant and auudera anartment-houaa Apply to a-enntendnt. at. 1. or phoue Marshall JOI ; reference renulrvS. Cor. th and ilontgomery St. Near, modern. igaiitty f urn 1 he J. 3' room apart men :s; a.i outsid rooms; pri vat bstna and teivphonea. l'nn Mar anall u;t CA RMA LET A APARTMEXTfl. Will be completed March 1. lull. Tor apartment a inquire of M:aa Allen at th bui.dln. H. fcl. corner of 15: h an l Jerferaoa ata. or phon? Main t744t Tb Kd Inatl- tr. 4'2n Abmaton bid. ORDKKLrll'iH A PA HTM CVT9. Car. O rand ava. and H btark at. New fireproof brick building beautlfult fsraUhtd. Two and th re room apart- meats; privat bat h, hot and cv. waxar. at earn beat. I h o d e. r.aat guui HK-l K ANTMarahall bet. lth and ?th modern. Isborately furnished front apart ment. 3 rooms and pn at bath; some thing real aire and n.-ineuk at a reason abl price. Main i'V.2. a 3!yl. V cur. INulU Apartment. 7 Trinity pla. . b- tMO lwth and th, off WaftluaKLon n 4-room apartment, beautifully lur atshed; electrtc leatr and pritat pbone. LANDORE APARlsFSTS. 2-v Ter.th at. near Jeff; son . nw iy furnished a -room arartment. with slecbloc pore a; locauoa central. APARTMKNT. 4 room, new (um.ture. or I- cntaU Ni-ajo, fur rue. rust sll f-r i;.-lu. Would acll separ-iteiy. 1 Teaedai Apartments. 3u North -'h st. MaJFSTIl' A ITS.. 3 flay, comer V -t I-mrk- A strictly modern, four room and bath apt. Kcft-ren: required. M'KINLET Apartments, new and beautifully furnished apartments; steam heat. priat bach. 4J - Morrison. WELL-Kl'RN ISHKI. ateain-he:ed apart ment.' all conveniences. 7 IS Johnson St., Apartment 2. 1 j) LLKuANTJ.Y furnished th re-room auartmenu Sunlight Apartinnta" li Belmont. Tabor 1 JtOHDICA Axtaxtments. corner Grand a . and Belmont: modern, very reasonable, phone fcast 341. THTS -CTCDAB U1L.U" Oreen av.. bet. Washington :. and Park av. ; 3 room a bath, furnished: all convenience. A 7o34. OXklO.NTA. 1ST 17th. near Yamhill, p"cmlr.d ai srtmenta tem-heatV x s-zw TOKlv Apartmrnts. 2 and 1 rooms fur nished sod unfurnbrd. ate ra baaU Xe phone. fc.at tn anu j.nnnu ll'sAPARTM E NTi, 3d 'and Mill Bt. t room, unf urnisned apartment. 1 43; mod rn improvements: adults only. ROIAXTA APAKTMKNTS. newly furnished. slrt-tiy modern. r"aonatte rent; va-tmle How. I V .. -J. jmr"ii a i . 1. Clti.uiA Apartments. auu Oiima, reons apartment with all aodara oav Bkenc a. rn reasonablaw GNSC furnished SjrUncDL "Th Cecelia," t.d and cilan- BTLAV MAR apartments, 2- North 20th; f-jrntahed ayt. phone Marshall 2ir7. It UK AM furnished 4 -room apartment com plete ; Nob H t.U phone M arshall :l. I lata. FOR RKXT. "Nice, modern Oat of four rooms, close) la on West Mil: 4- per montn. OTTO ak UAKKj-on KKAA.TY CO.. 1JS rlrst tit. JTL-A TH oa taat Sid, furnished or uif ur auihed; reaaunabie. Inquire bet. 7 and 9 A M. Phon Mrehd l',"M. Koom 41 h IElT furnuhed 6 -room Cat. all modern, cloo tn. r- Morrison. Call morning or evening. riTE-POOM upp-r f: t. 4- S Easi llurn s '1 at. Kus'-il A it.ytb. Commonwaith bidg . th and Ankeay. JsfcW. modern u-roorn fiat, ivaat lath and Ash. Phona B Zw. FoL'R-V.OOM Tat. 12th and Iklmom. Phon A 7iV.V Main ItKll. R IL Hwmtn. fc'.V flat ciitap. Mi in ljj or taal 117. W. KeiOt, IrtJthchild bldg. I-ROOM flat, good ronditioo. fireplace 4J Glisan st. Main 1:33. MOt'KHN 4-room lower fat. 24 North luth. near Huraide;dult only. HOI-LA DAT A I'D. M-.irn. new. unfur blsued. 7 rom. adul's. rhon Kast 11.17. SI -Modern 4 -room CI adult. 7 Wiiaama a nth baa Wood las n.ent ; n 4Jd. NOB UILL nppr f'-ar. modura unfurnished s-fwoin aauits only. Mam ssOJi. Me rmptac stssnaa, TH r. PEAVER. l?th and Marshall, far :shsd for housekeeping, gaa rang. ! trie lights, hot watr. hath, laundry, ail fr: $13 per month up. clean plac; beet m th city for money: short distance from Union D?ot. Tak "r car. or loth au cars aorta, get off at Manual! sc Ne 4 S- Vi K ULr-F U R N I H K I b -roo m cottage. j0 month; lower furnished 4-room dat. $17..d month. well-furnLshatd housekeeping suites, 2 room. t and 12 month; 3 fr tia. Apply 364 North 2tKh. W car from oepot. ith or Morrison to Ihitu. block north. yS liN laiife. L housekeeping rooms; alo single room. 34- William av. Phun 1VJ.X tl4 IO C.e UKlS.lt; claa. furaisa Booe keeping rooms, free laundry, bat a. pboaa. clean linen, heat. 4o4 Van eo a tar ava. and 23 Htntoa;tk U car. TWO nice;y furnished housekeeping rooms, downtown, for 3 gentlemen. Call 4 Hwetlan l bld . ith and Washington sta. Phon Main 7774, 1 E. Morrison st.. cor. V. 1 Hnuk. p inx suit, completely furnished, ronabl; adults, FIVE DOWNTOWN HOMk MIl-NclH Pt.lHl. 1S MKK150M 8T. itOrjgRX. fKNTHAL-i hKASONABLS.' N1CFLT furnished housekeeping rooms. ci-e !n Th Wendhurst. Wash, st. FKO.M s nte. ni ely fumishd housekecp- o 4'.h st. ing rooms nt KICIC light modern (urn la had houaekeapinf room. hron d at. bOVfKKLsPINu rooms la a cunut.t bid. Phon Wood -a w a X9 or 237A WeejaekeeTyln; Rmin In Privat Family. yi H $ TCI-A furnished apartment tSrT rooms, heat, lights, bath. phon. A i-"--375 t'ouch, N. fcl cor. isth. S rr'RVTSHED houkrm rooms at rur-.!i n H 20TH Urc Bwlv furnished front rooms, eonipii't. Tor riousrK.pinc. IRRFT3 fure!hd hou.lrnr rooms, t. adults. Appr svftornooo, Ibi Tamhlil Rmim With Hrij la f Honhrt.ic Kum in trrtwmtm Family. I NEWLY furnish ixl 2 or J-roora ho:iskpln(C ...... k. rt.rnir witter, strictly modern. 17S .1st. bait block south of aii:ntoo. vrwf.T . fin'... hourk,Pinir-rooma rhonM. hot viur. valkinc distancs. H oils-lax ave. i 2 LAKCrT. finely fnmlohrd front rooms, f Irst fioor: alt cunvertienc; price reasonable. .Vain -.4.1. 313 itj. . NFtW,Y furniahed 2 and S-rvm apartmanta. a. so unfurnished anfl aie-pin rootna. steam h'it. modern. 1 5' K. "t h au TWo lovelr fumiahed housekepln-room. in private family, flrat floor. Inclnsad. atnk. warer. batn. nnme. i---; a-- THK;ti spleivlld rooms, fnipltl fr llvtn or housekantna. h-at, light, bath, nhona Included. iT tvi. h, N. E- corner mn. rnvT KAMiakninr.tni)mi. fumac heat. batn. phone, vary desirable. 47 Morrt- jfn sr. L. . t u Knuakeenlna room. STTOUn f nor. nu e lurroucdiuil. -U lu. 4oth. It TWO or maro cnnr-tlnic front room. -om plt". burke p!n. runniitf wafr, ld N1 KI.T furuished. modern, lower 3 room. large yard; ! in. aauita. rt 4 lo SAf.Mi'N 3 nicely-furnished houe.kep tng r .ir, central. r"aoiiabla; no chUdreq. FH' NT auite, two houskeeptna; rwmi; $i per W-'K, a.' k. fiurnm'if. tw Iatm rooms with alcove. 30; on smcl ro"m. ti.""i rum-icrs. FRONT a) room, furnishad for liaht hoo-keplng. bath, phone. S Yaretiili. liouaeaw WHEN ..u movs ou':i im1 NEW FIB MTl'Rt bur It JudK-lou.ly (on tho Last fc.J. an.1 tn. savlocs will axcrod your uoilnr T?Dif Our LOW TRIE. wtl'ct" T mad us on of Portland's largest furni ture houses. ,.re nia.l. poe.iblo borausa , built on th. Kast Bids, tuereby sa.lns .o a er reol. aloHOA.V-ATCHLr ITRXlTfRE CO. -;i uranil Ave.. Cor Eaet StarkHt. WE CAN KK.Mfll VC.UR HOMK at a rreat n' n(. Get our prteaa. leak ers s::owa etsry rourtcsr. al. OfTMOW a CO.. - ?ortli Id UU I:eaaooani prices. Esr terms. I'rooU h otie. '. t h some carpets and win. doa shad-s. larse lawn, on paTed street, with cm.r.t auks; nh-e location on East I'hon y.tn h'il. FOliT iTENT modern n.w boues on 17th. Uittta Khun. and lliautark. near llrookirn and hcllwoud car. 1'hun iHJll- ..'! 17. t'iit KriNT 4-ronm hone on fin lot. nsar larllD. C;i 111 Ppaiainc WLF.iS. utlr.Me. H-roum house. c!os In. I 13. San Hafa-I st. Kast lns-V. lioi sKo7li room and hath. 71 lvJ"y. cor. Inquire 13J Sixth t. Main BJTt. 5i:rcM inod. rn cottaa'. corner Union av. n.l Mr-phn. St. M.iln t i KlfXtM rottsce. 2 blocks from Kst Kurnalde; walking distance. Call Kast M. FOK KENT Modern S-roora house. 7i3 Mis souri vf. S-HUuM nr"lern hius. West Slrte. 114 por month. Chanvber of Com mere. " I- urol.hrnl If oiiar. EI.Ki! ANTl.Y furnlsh'd house of 7 rooms. Turkish rues and fine piano; all modern Improvemenia; near North 3d and (i)isan s:s. ; will r.nt wait! return of present oc cupants, about EUptember 1. to responsible party with small family; rent Ad ur.. pustolTica ilox 111. giving telephone number. KLHMSHKI HOl Sii For rent or lease, d r'oma. nlraly fur nished; good neighborhood, fin view, g od rar scrrlr. Inqulr of C 11. Lucaa, 11 Corbett bldg. TOR RKNT or for sal, bungalow. 5 rooms, comp'etely furnlehed. hot air fumac. all molern improvements. In Kossmere, An blovk from car. Inqulr Calumet IToteL CIIOICf:l.Y located-1 fc-room furnished flat, with piano, rent reasonable. M. &. Kentary. Mearna bldg. NI-'El.T furnished l-roorn house. University f'ark. month, ootlriard. 61a Board of Trade. This is a food home. ( 2 1 VI V E -lioo t furnished cottage: electric lights, bath and hot water; everything clean; good car service. 731 Brooklyn St. 7-IUh"m furnished hous hi eichang for board and room for two adulta. Call el Vl Salmon, or phone U 17.V. . KOK KK.NT A modern eight-room hous at "'th and Kearney; completely furnished. Telephone Marshall 2rlX S-KOOM moilern house, elegantly famished. swell district, to responsible parties. A 7-I-7. Nt.W. modem, newly furnished flat, t rooms, elos n. C I74. bi rooms, rent r.-asonahle, ooO Kast dth ak. virth. Kev next door 7-UOOM furnished flat for rent: woald sll; very deslrabu; terma. T1 11th. MODEitN 7-room house; south exposure; carpets, gas range. XI E. Main. K. Hon. for Kent furniture for Sale. &.HOOM new lower comer flat for rent; mi tlern and clean; walking distance, Kast Side; a rooms of which are furnished com plete for housekeeping; furniture new, mo curtains. 11 ruga elegsnt hrasa bed. every thing a family of a would need to keep house; l-.M ch or jov oa easy terms. l'none Slareha I not. -R'OM lower flat. East Salmon and 14th gaa range, water heater; 20 yards lino leum, lvo yards Wilton carpets: can be bouwlit for 7e; complete furnishings for SJ'io; Bit rents SJ". Call Hi Kast al- ma. 1'hnne B 24S1- liiKE Is your chsnce; furniture of an a-room hcuse. 10 minutes from P. O. : nlc h'jm. fine ocatln, rooms rented to al most double rent; cheap for quick sal, phone A S" NLU i.Y-f urnlsae.l flat; will sacrifice for rash. Iim 11th St.. between Morrison and Alder, dally to JO P. M.; Sunday. 9 to 3 p. M. NKWI.Y furnished modern 7-room flat, walking dl. tance, bath. gas. electricity; - rooms rented clearing rent. 32 Vj N. V1:h ... near Washington. $1M) CASH, balance $20 month; $.loo for hire furniture, complete, nve-room nat; West ShI; rent $.'u. owner, 8-S II U I st, M.vln D012. Fl RMTCRE for si Je cheap; newly fur 30 North 20th St., or nlshed apartment. A 7:.V MODERN s-rootn Viouse, new furniture; must gi; oa ner wants to leav city, leas f r year. 2u 7th st. FOR KKNT fix-room flat, modern furni ture, for sale; five minutes walk from Postoffire. 4j3 Taylor st. 7 NEWLY furnished rooms, good location. with years less; X biocots from Ma-lfson bridge. 2iWH Madison st. Wll.L sell at a aacrifl- new furnltur of a -room cottage with lawn and lot of n.-s. East 5124. t-hooll cottaa for rent, furnltur for al; J0 cash; rent $: 4 Clay t. FURNITURE of a rooms, price $60; hous for rent; bargain. Irom E. Morrison. FINE furniture of 7-room corner hou owner, uarsnan i;3. i TO LEASE ator. 2ol Front atreet, 23 by 100. In brick building: rood location, cloe to Madison brldg and Jefferson street depot. Kent reasonable. A. H. Burrell company. 202 McKay J31dg.. Third and Stark streets FOR RENT Dluat.'en and bakery, fur nished complete, good location. Call a 14.12. OFFICES and public balls, moderate rents. Atlsky bhig. d and Morrison sta STORE building, living rooms; suburbs; rent $20. Phone K. 213. 123 Store, fine locality, dry gooua. grocer- t-s. notion. 121 Belmont. Tabor 17c-1'. mohE for rent. Phone East 122. Of fir MOST centrally located offices, all-night ele vator service. ?0 swetiand bldg., or Jan itor. $t h and Washington. FURNISHED o.'fite, second fioor Marquain M.lr. inoulre phone seiiaood lo.l. t'Vr'h'K for rent. Apply I - j Worcester bldg. Warebooa TWO well lighted floors in brick building. 43x1.r0; Insuranr rate only $0 cent. Oc cidental Warehouse Company, 1 and 11 4th st. North. Bl SINFt OPPORTUNITIES. U00L1 restaurant, doing good business. G. K. Metier, prop.. Ion llth t., Astoria, Or. CASH grocery. 3 living-rooms; Invoices $900. ' ni; 2 1 . 1 : stark st. FOR SALE Shooting gallery and doll rack combined. Apply 4th and coucn, Hardware store, good location; $4000 stock; c-tsh or city property. Hall, oo Front st. CLEANING and pressing business fur sai. owner. 2S Union ave. N. FOR SALE Snap, cigar store. S3 6Lh SU Inquire inside: owner. MANUFACTURING C- n clear $'lO0 month; I4--i Stark St. requlres $vm.il Call RU.-TAURANT for $S.V; big bargain at thl price. i. an - - Mitri t. PARTNER wanted, small amount required. fine opportunity. Cail 32 Worcester bldg. HALF Interest In established real estat busln. Call 44 3 Commercial block. r.wpRar uk RrHANnrSE STORSL Slnod eenerml merchanfl lae Store. InclUrl Ing one a-r of land, store building with o living; rooms, barn ana cnicaen nouso, Inr.tecl on It R not far from Portland. Thta store has tho agency of the R. R. tiret ofTIre on n.rcentage basis, rto'ng e-od buslneaa Dries Including everything. .'..".ii0. . one-half cash, or will trad for real eatat. riHTTSSI A 7.ADOW. MtT Tloard of Trade Bldg.. 4th and Oak. LIVERY stable and stock for sale, on of the best businesses In the state; can ouy an or one-half; no opposition: can recoup mend to any proepectlve buyer: this busr nesa will nee 2.1 ner rent on the invest ment If properly run. I have other Inter ests and lor tlut renson want to get out. as I have to depend entirely on others to take care of my Interest. There Is 30 hesd of horse and plenty of rigs of nil kinds In nrst-class condition. ai. au Wakefield. Klma. Wish., JOB PRrxTINO AND NEWSPAPER. A pood small country weekly newspaper and tob nrlntlra Dlant- official county paper, established six years. averacs monthly proilts are IJ7.V. price ia wo. IneiutU-a romplet newspaper and Job printing office, building and lot. For full particulars see OKCSS! ZAPOW. SI 7 Board ..f Trade Bl.lg.. 4th and Oak. bAKKKY and confectionery store, that cleara f.v ner month during the Winter has . fine soda fountain and Ice-cream parlor that will Increa.e this considerably during the Bummer; best location in pun. nyside; if you want an eetabhshed bus. nesa. Investigate this; will sell at Invoice take about 40(0. phone Sellwood 1. FOK fLB. A SO-II rapacity KiumII port abl saw ' irtll. compl.t with cut-off saw. sawdust eoneeyor. etc: alao a No. 1 Northwest planer, with attachment, good as new; bss been used only a short time. Fr particulars call at any effloa. Si-SiS rreal au. Portland. Or. HERMAN afETTZOER. Owner. SALOON-for sai at ooce In city; Inde pendent license, good location, merflum rock; pool table, safe, lunch flxturea; must be sold at once: doing good business: reason for selling, sickness. Inquire 612 Swetland bldg. Will take horses for part. 1. e'onta, rOR" SAl-E-Spiendld Job office and busl neaa In beet town In Oregon outside Port land: nets owner better than 1"0 per month; about gioeo cash doalred. but smaller amount will clue th deaL K 72, firegonlan. rvON'T TAKE A CBANTB of buying debts. I Investigate snd report, flllllnghsm, auditor. 411 Lowls bldg., Mar shall 41. FOR KALE OR TRADE. $4000 enulty In good hotel or rooming house In falem for sale or trad for real estate near Portland or t'alem. Address HOPKINS. IMU3 COPIJST, 3v rtst St.. Salom. Or. WASIIINOTON-ST. CIC.AR 6TOKI3. Z-year lease; fin buaineaa; cheap for cash. BENSON ft CHAPMAN. S26V. Waah. St.. Koom 313. FOR SAI.F. Weekly Leader-Nugget, estab lished 1S. live paper in a uv town; Job printing plant In connection, IL'.'.in). If taken soon. Writ Th Leader-Nugget, Cottage Grove. Or. GENERAL merchandise atore for aale by owner, cheap rent, douDi. store, nne iront. good location; stock and flxturea $12,000; wilt make good price on business. M. M. Wakefield. Klma. Wash. HALF Interest la an old-eetabllsned boil- bim dulne a sond buslnesa. with Sal aried poaitlon of $100 per month. For full partlculara call Kinney at niampner, ber Bxehange bldg.. rooms 531-331. AN exceptional opportunity for a good business man to make irom eo to .'"v per month In retail bualaesa; will Inks about $.hmj0. Call room 434. Hotel Oregon, mornings. Hoi'EI. CI.KAR1NO $3000 PER TEAR. $'taHH buva It, $4o0 cash, so mile from Portland; has all the commercial trado; a big money-maker for a hotel man. AC 122. Oregonlan. A NICK. CLEAN tlROCERY STORE. Fine location, good trade; rent. Includ ing 3-room cottage. : for $u0O; terms on part- Bloch Realty Co.. 221 Lumbermen bldg. "REST ACR ANT" FOB" P A LE " BT OWNER? Established IS years: good business: cheap rent; clears $350 month: with lease, $110(1; owner leaving city. Apply 42 N. id. GROCERY atore. new stock, big cash busi ness, brick bldg., lease, lively locauon; never offered before; worth $2tM. for $1000. sjoddard. 61 S Board of Trade. CIGAR STANDS. Three good ones, ranging from $275 to $looo. All fine down town locations. Bloch Really Co.. 221 Lumbermen bldg. FOR BALE A thrlvlnr grocery business. good location, cneap rem; man ana wn. can clear $2o per month. Invoice about $2500. Bee Or. A. Hlggs. Corbett Bldg. TOl'.NO MAN. STRANGER, Make careful Investigation at expense of seller before you invest money in any proposition. Advisory Department, Y. at. c. A. WANTED A partner In a live real eatst and business chances ortice; no experi ence beyond ability: little cash required. Ca'l at 610 Swctland bldg. BROKERAGE and general 'ommlssison business wants partner to 100a alter or ders. Partlculara room C23 Lumber Ex change. W ANTED Partner with $2000 to tak half interest In buslnesa that pays $100 a week or belter: good security for money ln vested. Call bet. 10 and 2. H8 N. 8th at. yTii CAVT BEAT IT for an Investment of $13o0; It Will pay you to Investigate this. Bloch Realty Co., 2'-1 Lumhermpni bldg. SMALL-"jewelry store. $1500 cssh. stock nearly that much; keeps two men busy; -rood location: have two yesr-r lase on building. Address AI) 771. Oregonlan. CIGAR ana confectionery stores; ill sell below Invoice If sold this week. 417 Board of Trade. TAILOR shop on Washington st. for sale at sacrifice, right man can clear $40 weekly. Phone Main 302S. PA"rTNER wanted for manufacturing busi ness: a good chance for a young man to make money. 417 Board of Trade. LIVE real catat firms wanted to handle best fruit and walnut protect. South am Willamette Valley. Bog Ml. Eugene. Or. PARTNER wanted for a atrlctly cash busi ness; $2.'V0 required; can clear US to $2$ week. Call 24S Vi Stark st. POOLROOM and cigar store, big future for this place; price asked below Invoice. Call 61 Board of Trade. REAL ESTATE Opening for energetic man in reliable business; give bank references; profits large. Particulars, 24HH Stark st. 'OR SALE; Controlling Interest la ainall planing mill doing good business. C 721, Oregonlan. KESTAUBANT. doing good business, for sale cbesp: owner has to go to CallfornlX L 774. oregonlan. LIVERY and sale stable; half Interest cheap: good location, doing good busi ness. Mctjvern. 1020 Board of Trad bldg. GROChlflY Ure. one of th best on East Side: about $.1000; invoice. 417 Board of Trade. LUMBER If you would b lntretd ta aw sawmill and timber proposition ground floor, addr J 716, Oregonlan. $25o"BUYT"half Interest In light manufactur ing business which ha larga proms. Xtthi Washington Ft-, room 415. $30014 INTEREST 111 auto brokerage busi ness; owner will guarantee goou man iu per month. Inquire 417 Board of Trade. RESTAURANT. located right, re:it $15: good business; world $500; yours for 1175. C,od!ard. 61.1 Board of Trade. SllNlNU ANU I.NULalUiAL. MlOCKj 'ieleplione acd other bndj bought 1 sold. Fletcher Inv. Co., 223 Abington. $650 GROCERY with llvlng-roomn. (in place ror Diao inu . no; .0 uuy prow. 61S Board of Trade. PARTNER wsnled for a strictly essh store; requires $12'K: good trade; bank refer ences. Call 24"S'T Stark St. $175 BUYS restaurant that s neat. well- located ana malting money; .nap. forriana Home Co.. 204 Morrison t. FOR SALE Two-chair barber shop: good locstion. can at v? nusseii st. arter s:30 P. M- ; FURNITURE store, new and second-hand goods, good location. long lease; any rea sonable offer considered. 205 Grand ave. RESTAURANT and home bakery for sal at a bargain; range, etc., $.'150; good loca tion. Owner. G. N 764, Oregonlan. CIGAR STOKE, centrally located; owner Is going In sawmill business and will sell cheap. Room 623 Lumber Exchange. ' RESTAURANT, $1000. central, big money, maker. sales average $53 day. 61$ Board of Trade RESTAURANT FOR SALE INQUIRE 142 No. 10th. PARTNER with $20O to Invest In a good paylng business. AC 741. Oregonlan. DELICATESSEN Extra good plac for -iit. Call 248 Stark st. SALOON for sale, st.. rortland. Or. 215 Front, cor. Salmon CEMENT business; very large, call partner wanted; !S4 Stark st. profits $00 BUSINESS cards. $l.ou: you must bna. this ad Rose rlty printery- 1f'iH Third, CREAMERY Price $1500: clear over $2t0 month. . Call 24SH Stark sU THERE are wonderful investment opportu nities in Central and Nortiiern British Columbia, along the lines of three trans continental and other railroads building. Thl, . ..linr, nf rttl.OOO.- 0O0 acres of the finest grain, fruit and mixed farming land. 50.000.000 acres of rich mlnoral, timber and coal land will develop with marvelous rapidity. Fort George is the geographical center on the line of all rallroada building and pro jected and at the Junction of 1000 miles of navigable waterways. You can get In now beforo the railroad and share In the profits by Investing aa little as $10 per month. Let us send you a free copy or. 'Tteiri.h fAittmHi.. rii.iie.tfi of Informa tion," eontalnln g up-to-date news of In vestment opportunities In this vast, new and rich country, also synopsis or govern ment land, mining, timber and coal laws, etv Bend your name and address today. Natural Resources Security Co., Ltd. Bald- up capital $230,000. 412 .Bower Vancouver, B. C. AT THB NEW townalta of West frtayton, the center of our Wl'lamrtt Valley Irri gated Iind. are opportunities for General Merchandise Store, Drug Slor, Hardware Stor. Hotel, . Blacksmith Shop, Garnge, Livery. Carpenter. Etc Free town lot to desirable parties. Ap- ytr j r aim lanu jriu.. ui HARTMAN A THOMPSON. Banker. Chamber of Con-.merc Bldg. LOST AND FOUND. FOCND Whirs you can nuy genutn hair mattresaea retail at wholesale price; w r.novat mattrasea aar return same day: we also ranovat feathr. Portland Curled Hair Factory. H. Metxgar. 4$4 Front. Phon Main 474: A 1374. STRAYED, from East ISth and Knott sts., Irvlngton. gray and tan Airedale pup about 5 raontha old. Return to 376 K. lvh st. North and get reward, or phone LOST Wedneadav night- lady's small gold watch with pin. between Baker Theater and Steel bridge; Under please return to 141 S Russell st-. room F. Libera reward. LOST GoH watch, ot.en fare. Initial oa baok "A. V. N." Please return room 808 Electric bldg. LOST Lavender enameled bow knot, dia mond setting; liberal reward for Its re turn. Mrs. O. Rlttenberg. Nortonla Hotel. LOST Bull terrier pup, dark brlndle. four wntt feet, wnite nose ana wnite tip on tall. Reward. 2!H 4th St. LOST At Primages Theater, lady- black fog rus muff. Reward If returned to Gen- eral Him Co.. 1411V, 4th at. LOST A bunch of keys, one of them marked "2010." Return to 42 Second at. and re ceive reward. LOST Tuesday, Eastern Star pin; return to Oregonlan. Reward: Inltiahi T. B. ROOMINC-MOrSES. PORTLAND ROOMING-HOUSE CO 313 Henry Mil if. BIO MONEY-MAKER. It) rooms, down town, comer brick, 20 nrlvate baths, steam heat, hot and cold water In rooms, four-year lease at IfloO per month, which Includea heat and hot and cold water. Thia Is the easiest house In Portland to run and is the biggest money-maker. See us about price, SOMETHING GOOD. 32 rooms, down-town location, splendid transient house, four-year lease at $15 per month, corner, rooms all on one floor. Ihls house clears $20o per mouth. Se us about It. A LITTLE BEAUTY. 24 rooms, good lease, at $1A0 per month, which Ineludea steam heat, hot and cold water. Janitor service. This place Is ele gantly furnished and ia neat and clean a a pin. A swell home and a good Income. See us about price. NEW APARTMENT-HOUSE. 62 rooms, five-year lease, rent $300, modern throughout, newly and elegantly furnished. This is a good one and $4000 will put you in possession. A GIKT. 57 rooms, three and four -mora apart ments, corner brick, steam beat, not and cold water, up to date In every respect. 4 S -year lease at $32 per month. Spu ria! price this week. SWELL LITTLE APARTMENT-HOTjSB. 1 rooms, rent $M. good lease, steam heat, hot and cold water, electricity and gaa, elegant new furniture and carpets; this Is a little beauty; $1000 will put you In possession. PORTLAND ROOMING-HOUSE CO.. .11.1 Henry bldg. THE PACIFIC REALTY CO M F" LENT & CO 822 Faillng Bldg., Third and Washington, Phones Main 85U0. A 8475. "A SQUARE DEAL Oil NO DEAL" A BIG SNAP. ' 74-room apartment-house. partly fur nished; 10-yeur lease; clear $230; can b mad to clear over $3.o by furnishing completely; rent less than $6 per room; new brick building; modem throughout; line furniture; dandy location; close In; a fine deal for someone; can't last long. Call and see us for partlculara A DANDY TRANSIENT. 42-room corner brick; running water In all rooms: best location In city; cleara $300 a month; good lease; $30oo cash re miireri! let us show you this place: fine chance to make a quick turn and clear at least $1500; best buy in city. Let us show you around In our auto saves you time and worry; It's a pleasure to be of ervlc to you, whother you buy or not. We can sell you any hotel In the city at GROUND FLOOR PRICKS. NO, THIS IS NOT A PIPE DREAM. A family hotel, clearing $r.ll per month: rent only $210. including heat and hot and cold water; good lease and a - flrst-clasa plac at a very low price. Let ns tell you the rest of the story. R. K. NICHOLS COMPANY, 270Vi Stark St. SUMMER hotel, beach resort, over 50 rroms, well furnished; will sell cheap; present owner has made enough to buy the ground and bulldin-s. anil will glvo buyer long lease and cheap rent; best-paying place In the West, and It only take $2.".oO cash to handle. Walter McGovern, i2 Board of Trade bldg. Phon Marshall DIP. TURN TOUR SEARCHLIGHT ON THIS. A fine new apartment-house for $5S0oi clearing $12V per month and $3000 will handle: rent only $3u0: good lease. R. E. NICHOLS A COMPANY. 270,-i Stark St. ROOMING-HOUSE. 13 rooms, rent only $50; nlc modern house and well furnished, light and clean rooms; downtown location. West Side, good money-maker. Price only $UoO; terms $3o0 oash. We have others. . H. W. GARLAND. 11)1 4th St. DANDY little R-room house, good monej maker. and fine for a home. Everj-thlng In first-class condition. Must be eold this week. Price 1530. Splendid location; thl Include a good piano, and you owe It to yourself to investigate this. 322 Falling Bldg. LOOK. THESE UP. 0 rooms, near cor. 23d and Washington, $000. 8 rooms, pear West Park, $700. Cheap rent: furniture as good as new. Bloch Realty Co.. 221 Lumbermens bldg. TRANSIENT HOUSES. You have looked at all the others, now look at this; 24 rooms, well furnished. 4 years lease, cheap rent; good location; $20O0 will handle, McGovern, 1020 Board of Trade bldg. 14 ROOMS. Beautifully furnished, rooms all full, right down town, and a splendid Income. All rented but two rooms; must sell and It goes at fhe right price for you. Main 50. 70 ROOMS, corner brick; hot and cold water, steam heat: long lease; cheap rent: nearly new; $5000 caah will handle. L 704, Oregonlan. APARTMENT-HOUSE of 79 rooms In 2. 8 and 4-room suites; electric elevator, new and strictly modern; Nob Hill district. tC 70O, oregonlan. WANTED A respectable 20-room rooming house, has to make a living for small family. F. FUCHS. 221 H Morrison St. 26 ROOMS, corner brick; good lease; cheap rent, steam beat, hot water, close In on good street; money-maker; $3000 will handle. M 7C3. Oregonlan. MUST sell my 28-room apartment bouse, one-half newly furnished: all full. Call at grocery. 60 Grand ave. Nortlt, East Side, close in. No agents. 12 ROOMS. Washington st., worth 7"0, for $.V0 cash; snap it up. Goddard, 615 Board of Trade. FOR ROOMING-HOUSES See BENSON & CHAPMAN. 326 14 Wash. St.. Room 313. $150 DOWN secures neat, "homey," 6 rooms; nice home, no work, and you'll say "bar gain": rooms rented. 412 Hall. FOR SALE Half Interest In rooming-house, S3 rooms, buyer to take charge; also own property. N 770, Oregonlan. FOR RENT Large furnished dining-room and kitchen; fin location for boardlng hous. 150 llth st. FOR SALE Rooming-house. 11 rooms, well furnished, cheap rent; $35. Call it 9n First st. WANTED Small rooming-house. Apply 84 Sixth St., room C14. Mala 8334. Proposals Invited. SEALED- BIDS will be received at the office of Bridges & Webber, architects, room 422 Hamilton Bldg.. Portland. Or., until lO A. M. on Wednesday. March J. l-'lj. for the construction of the Tuberculosis Building at Multnomah Farm, one mile west of Troutdaie. Or. Tlans and speci fications con be seen at the office of tne archltecta No proposal wHl be consla cred unless accompanied by a check, pay able to the order of the County Court of Multnomah County, certified to by a re sponsible bank, for an amount equal to 10 per cent of the agcrcgate proposal, and which Is to be forfeited as fixed and liquidated damages In case the bidder neglects or refuses to enter Into contract ' snd furnish a suitable bond for tho faith ful performance of said work. In the event the contract Is awarded to Dim. 1 he county reserves th right to accept or reject any and all bids. T. J. Clceton, County Judge; W. L. Llchtner, County Commissioner; D. V. Hart. County Com miaal oner. BIDS for the purchase or wrecking of gas schooner Oshkosh. Bids are Invited on or before February 20th for wrecking gas schooner Oshkosh. stranded on ocean beach one-quarter mile south of Columbia River Jetty; length SH feet, beam 24 feet; depth 7H feet; grosa tonnage 143; stranded bottom up above low-water mark. Bids for purchase hull and engines, two 100-horse-powcr Standard, bolted to bottom, as she Is, will be considered. S. Elmors & Co. General Agents, Astoria. Or. KAT.KL) proposals will be received at the office of the Lighthouse Inspector. Port land. Oregon, until 12 o'clock M.. March 20, 1011. and then opened, for furnishing and delivering fuel and provisions, for vessels and stations In the Seventeenth Llrhlhouse District for the fiscal year ending June 30. 1H12. In accordance with specifications, copies of which, with blauk proposals and other Information, may be had upon application to Commander J. M. Elllcott. U. S. N Inspector. IN THE matter of the bankruptcy of the Bargain eUioe Store The undersigned will receive sealed bids at his office. 2!1 Mor rison, up to 12 o'clock. Tuesday, February 21. 1011, for a stock of shoe. Inventory value of about $73H. located at 173 3d at. John Dellar. trustee. Miscellaneous. I WILL net be responsible for any bills con tracted by my wife after this date, J. IL Tobor. BLUMAUER & HOCH. wholesale liquor dealers, have removed to their new quar ters. 105-107 12th st. ITXANCIAL. BONDS FOR SALE. A small amount of money Is needed to complete financing a local enterprise, and bonds secured by over $1,000,000 worth of good Portland real estnte are being of fered to investors for that purpose. Bonds bear b per cent interest, are on a profit sharing basis, earning a splendid divi dend. Similar investments have paid as good as 100 per cent. Indorsed by lead ing banks. There are many other splen did features, and If you are seeking ' a safe and profitable place to Invest your money you should Investigate this op portunity. See MR. GASKILL Main S9O0 14 4th St. A 61 STOCK SALESMAN who Is successful and now making good, but willing to chance connections for a better proposition. 503- 504 bpalding bldg. FIRST mortgage of $1500 drawing 6 per cent In Improved namnitl tjounty larm to sell at a discount of $100. Flrrt-class security. Address Joseph It. Roberson, 4 Symons Block, bpokane. MORTGAGE LOANS. On Improved city property or for building .purposes. COLUMBIA LIFE ft TRUST COIIPANT, 916 Spalding Bldg WILL pay cash for builders' equities or first and second mortgages or contracts. Call 60s McKay bldg. Phon Marshall 2.-.00. . MORTGAGE LOANS. On improved city property. UNION PACIFIC LIFE. 0O3. Oregonlan bldg. MORTGAGE LOANS. JOHN BAIN. 005 Spalding Bldg. Money to Loan Real Btate. ON IMPROVED city property or for build Ing purposes: 3 to 5 years' time: liberal re-payment privileges, money advanced aa building progresses. The Equitable Sav ings A Loan Association. 240 Stark at. LARGE and SMALL amounts to LOAN, r-oriiHnu unu r-uuuroii i.i cnimc J. H. TIPTON CO.. lios Spaldlnc Bldg. Phone.Marshnll 2745. Ask Mr. EASTON. PLENTY of money to loan at 6 and 7 per cent on real estnte security. EDW. P. MALL, 104 Second St. WE HAVE plenty of money to loan on city firoperty In sums iroin xiooo to x.-xi.uou at owest current rates. Morgan, Fltedner A Boyce, B0S-5Q6 ACIngton bldg. $500,000 ON Improved city or farm property: large loans a spec iinjr. . ui;A.iuifl Co.. 514-15-16 Gerllnger bldg. FIRST and second mortgages and contract purchased on farm anu city property any where In Oregon or Washington. c. i Devereaux. Fenton bldg., 84 8th at PRIVATE FUNDS to loan, any amount: terms reasonable: mortgages purcnasea. Henry C. Prudhomme Co., Spalding bldg. ttiPROVED or unimproved property: small bulUUng loans; contracts ana mortgages bought. W. rt. INunn. iio c-nerioca uiog. "iio 01MV TO LOAN, large loans a specialty. building loana, iowcii rates, rv . mci. 812 Falling bldg MORTGAGE loans on city properly; lowest rates. A. rt. mrrell -o., zu:- aicivay otog, 2d and Stark. RESIDENCE bulldln-rs financed and built. A. C. Furlong, contractor, tiou cnamDer ol Commerce. Main 4.104. $30110 TO LOAN on good city property; will spilt mis amount l"r .uiiiciiimg uuu. OCT attorney, 414 -.panima hoik. . GILT-EDGE mortgage: vill goll outright or excnanire 101 ioin. 1 10, v, v&iuinn. MORTGAGE LOANS AT REASONABLE KATKS. r . 11 - x-r. " r, ' Ajc . lo 1 l Lu. LOANS ON INSIDE PROPERTY AT S TO 7 Pfcjrt lr. 1. an - . $2000 and $3500 to loan on realty. Ask Mr, K AS l Q-N. H11 crmoius, ws- State funds loaned, 6 per cent. W. E. Thom as, State ageni, jhukhuiiihu sow t, 1, Will loan $10,000 or less, real estate security. Farrlngton. SIO i.ommerciai ljuq. piqg. MONEY, any amount, 6 to 8 per cent. Good- nougll ec ceita. 010 PI'a'um. "lug. PRIVATE money loaned on real estate mort gages, ri. illiey. room ii, -jerunger oicig, MORTGAGE LOANS, 6 AND 7 PER C JON T. LOU 13 artWJiu.i. 'o " . .. ox. LOANS on real, personal, chattel or collat eral security. C. W. Pallett. 303-9 Fenton. Money to Loan Chattels and Salaries, $ it $$$$$$$ ARE YOU LOOKING FOR MONEY T If you knew how easy our terms are you would not be short of money. Don't b bothered with a lot of small debts; let us furnish money to settl them. WE LOAN ON Furniture and pianos, storage receipts, - livestock, rooming-houses and all kinds of securities; terms to suit; also easy weekly or monthly Installments. We buy and loan on first and second mortgage and equity in contract. U S REAL ESTATE BROKERAGE CO., 812 Hamilton bldg., 131 Sd, Main 2oa4. t $$8l8 $ M ONE! FOR YOU MONEY. WHEN YOU ARE IN NEED OF READY CASH. CALL AND SEE US FOR A CONFIDENTIAL LOAN ON TOUR SALARY. TOU CAN REPAY US IN SMALL WEEKLY OR MONTHLY PAYMENTS. LOWEST RATES. BEST TERMS. STATE SECURITY CO.. 308 Falling bldg. WHY BE BROKE? Tou can have money for the asking. I loan on furniture, pianos, autos and other securities in amounts from $10 up; low rates of interest; loans made Immedi ately and confidentially. M. Maiden. 322 Falling bide. cor. .'Id and Wash. sts. MONEY advanced salaried p;ople, house keepers and others upon their own names without security; cheapest rates, easiest payment: offices in 08 principal cities; save yourself by getting my terms first. TOLMAN. 317 Lumber uchange. MONEY Loaned In amounts from $10 up on all kinds of securities, furniture, piano or any personal property. Easy weekly or monthly payments; low rates; confidential. Cray A Cunningham, 201 Rothchlld bidg., northwest corner 4th and Washington. MONEY ADVANCED On furniture, pianos, storage receipts, to.; lowest rates. HUTTON CREDIT CO- 307 Spalding bldg. "LOANS on diamonds. Jewelry, furs, suit cases, trunks, overcoats and musical in struments. Uncle Myers, 71 6th, between Oak and Pine. Main 910. LOWEST RATES Loans on all kinds of se curity, chattels or real estate. Union Loan Co., 35 Lafayette bldg.. 6th and Waji. sta LOAN for the asking, salary or cbatleL The Loan Co.. 414 Dekum bldg. LOW rates; we loan money on diamonds and Jewelry. Marx & Bloch. 74 3d at. LOANS on diamonds and other securltlea William Holl, room 9. Washington bldg. Loan Wanted. WANT LOAN. $500. second mortgage, good real estate security. X 70S, Oregonian. Loans Wanted. LOAN WANTED. C30.0OO loan. per cent, flv to ten years; property worth $209,000, bearing net Income $20,000 vearly; substantial build ing, very desirable location; In surance carried $100,000; corre spondence confidential. D 774, Oreftonian, $S50O If you have that amount to loan at 7 per cent on $20,000 security. 3 or 5 years, we will furnish abstract to date and pay for the examination by your own attorney. Drop us a letter. Y 730, Ore gonlan. WB can Invest your money at good rate of interest. Gilt-edge securities. First mort gages. Long-term investment- PROVIOENCS INV. & TRIiSTEB CO, t24-520 Board of Trade bldg. INVEST your money in gill-edge securltlea: dally explication, 12 er cent Interest guaranteed. Call and see us. 301 bpaia- Ing bldg. , If voii have money to Invest ASK Mr. EASTON about PREFERRED MORTGAGE LOANS J. H. Tipton Co-. llOS SpaldingBldg: WANTED $4000 for 3 years. 7 per cent, on -rood Williams ave. quarter block aha house. Call 317 Board of Trado bldg.i 4 th and Oak- WANTED $2000: Btate rate of Interest, 2 years' time. No broker apdr. security best to be had. AF 735. Oregonlan. WANT $10,000 to help locale manufacturing plant: 50 per cent pront guaranteed. K. 702, Oregonlanu MONEY WANTED Applications on hand for desirable loans; mortgage for s-e. Henry C. Prudhomme Co..Spa)dlng blag. WANTED $1200 for 3 years. 7 per cent, on new bungalow, close In. Call 31i Board of Trade bid--.. 4th and Oak. . WANT $"i"0 on new 4-room house and-lot. Mount Scott line; value $1100; will pay $20 and S per cent. 615 Board of Trade. LET us place your money, good mortf-anes; references. F. M. Le-vis. .1 Lewis bide. $200 for 3 years, from private party; no bonus; ample security. D 773. Oregonlan. WANTED A loan of $S0O on 6-room mod ern house. AE 773. Oregonlan. WANTED $1000. 8 per cent, on good city residence property. F 771, Oregonlan. WANT to borrow $400 on 2 lota at North Bend, Or. B 700. oregonlan. $0000. 1 year, 8 per cent, on improved acre- rKRSONAL. VR. JEFFERSON cures trouble quickly, worries, habits, derangements. Mrs. Wil cox. Dr. Jeiferson Is genuine. President Cleveland. Dr. Jefferson, the great spe cialist, has no equal. Miss Morgan. There Is none better. Dr. Russell Pierce. Dr. Jefferson helped me. Sarah Bernhardt. Dr. Jefferson has a physician's license. Mr. Barbur. V. S. Supremo Court deci sion rendered Nov. 17. 1902, makes his work lesnl In all states to practice or to teach; dally. 492 Washington, above 14tn. Diseases of women and children, sur gery; chronic and nervous diseases treated according to the latest methods: private hospital accommodation: confinement cared for; consultation free. Room iu. Grand Theater bldg. Main 892S, A 5607. s"VEDISH TRAINED" NURSE Helslngfors graduate: rheumatism, nervous and "tm ach ailments, under physician's direc tions: baths, masseuse. No.. 7 Last llth st,. second door south front Ea3t Ankeny carllns. Phone East 260. B 1S03. THE STRONGEST power on earth Is water; when rightly applied will cure all dis eases; I cure you at your own home; nave studied all systems of water cure ana mental science. Address Prof. Henry Humphreys, 430 Alder at. " DR. D. L. LEWIS. ' Diseases of women and children, electric treatment of nervous ailments. Pva hospital. Room f.10 Merchants Trust bldg-. 6th and Washington. Main 404 1. A 2-1. SCHOOL of human scler.ee, plircnology, psy chology, and kindred sciences. phie noloslcal examinatione dally; also scnooi of elocution and expression. 430 Alder st. Prof. Henry Humphreys. W'ANTED-Puplls to learn halrdresslng, manicuring, facial massage, scalp treat ment, weaving; great demand for gradu ates. Sanitary Realty College. 400-12 De kum bldg., over Llpinan AJrVolfo & Co. SWEDISH graduate medical gymnast and scientific masseur, over 15 years' experi ence; digestion, nervous and chronic ills orders successfully treated. C. Holrn stroro. 302-3 Oregonlan bldg. Marshall 2h2ti. JCMENTUM. Guaranteed to cure plies, bolls, felons and all chronic skin diseases By mall 50c per jar. Address The Icmentum Chemical Co., 708 Dekum bldg.. Portland. Or. .-.i a. i 1 vrRTTT Leading wig and toupee makers: finest stock of human hair goods; halrdresslng. manicuring, face and scalp treatments. 147 7th at near Morrison. Phone Main 546. MASSAGE, vibratory and scalp treatments given by graduate nurse anu Baldness cured. 422 H Washington St.. rooms oil to tw. HAIR The largest stock of pure hair, all shades, to be closed out at less than whole sale prices: free hairdress given. Asa H. nihhelte Grand Leader. 6th and Alder. DR WALKER, specialist for men, quickly - . . . 1 , I1. nt. Irl ilnav . M A CUreS DIOOU an4 BR'" .IHUUW, n.-'J " " - bladder troubles and piles. Consultation free, 181 1st bU Portland, DRESS suits for rent. $1..10 month; keep vour clothes cleaned, pressed, buttons . . ..... ....I 1 . n . n . poll, can't sewea on, iii- . . . ..... - . . deliveries. Unique Tailoring Co.. 809 t tar it. MME. FLORENCE URY. late of New York. manicure. lace anu .c.-v ""'"- 27 scliing-niracti otu.., ,,-.. SL Phone Marshall 199,:. LADIES No danger with Lorens Antisep tic Cones; are awto.oe. " . '"..."--."..- box, a ior e--"v'. - kq Morrison St. TR R, L GILLESPIE has opened offices St 6U3 ana wt ...... vi... ou8 diseases, drug and liquor cases spe cialty. . DR. J. A. APPLEWHITE has opened of flees St 6UO BUO W wttiyueuu uuuuiHK . ., 10 ir- 9 In K P Xf hours to - - - 1 CALL Main ooaa "" . " , 1 u L J " .al at your homo and do your work. rteaaot-.o y DR lhAI.at'L.t J"1"' VIO.IO OOB- Dital for women, open to any physician. n unh at Phono Tabor SOU. ,m zj. uv... .... 7 fnurtwright. skin and scalp treat merits, facial deformities corrected, plastic surgery. 453 MOrrlaon St. Main 0042. CANCERS removed without aid of knife or nl.ster. Consultation and examinations free. Mrs. Hattie Lichens. 3312 N. 24th, Tacoma V-- " . .nnenHlclfl. titK.nr.Ml.. n ri . i. .itirvsa n.iui.i hhiumiuiu, og x. eotn. aooocaj. -- . .-lands a specialty. Taoor iuus. a zois. STANDARD BRICK 4 TILE CO, 809 HENRY BLDG. TtiTTLE CREEK bathrooms, formerly Ore gonlan bldg. Drexell bldg. Main 1938. rwirAQO Painless Dentists, established 16 years. 823 Washington, cor. 6th. MISS WALLACE, magnetic, electric treat- ment, me at at. .o .j. m. DR K.ETCH UX ireata woutcu a tusuvuitja 179 4 8- -- cr.Yamh.lO. piiu OF FIGS Remedies for diseases of . . . ,. Ualn OO IK OA. lttvi. nt. v .w. DR. ROSA HUlAtiu, electric, vioratory "-viv- c,iiin.-Uir.,H nr. in H71B ana massage, ou .... v.,.. MOLES wrinkles, superfluous hair removed. il r3. JU.. XJ. i", -"-e . ... BUSINESS DIRECTORY. Accountant. MACKENZIE. BAIRD & BERRIDGE, PUBLIC ACCOUNTANTS. AUDITORS. 224 Worcester Block. Main 736 a, A 1449. Counsel and expert In all matters per taining to municipal, commercial, factory cost and industrial accounting. EL H. COLLIS 4 CO.. ACCOUNTANTS. Commercial, County and Municipal. Auditing, investigating and Systematizing. 324 Worcester block. Phone Main 6067. Assayer and Analyst. W'ells & "-Toeostei, juiiitua eugineers. cnem- 1B1 S anu " J 1. wiistuu. MONTANA ASSAY OFFICE Laboratory and ore-teatios notn. ao amiti-un St. Attorneys. A. E. COOPER, attorney at law; practice In all courts; ubiikib uamiucu. , j u unam ber of Commerce. M. 71. A 2071. Batbs and Swimming. Portland Swimming Baths, 167 4th Elegant nlunge. stea u. tuo atttt auower oatns. jc. Brass and Machine Work. HARPER'S BRASS WORKS Brass casting and macam. worn- mo out. Main aiui. Chiropractic Physician. CHI-RO-PR AC-TIC TICK-NEH"; Say it fast ,nn -.m-rnK-r Columbia bldsr. 11 in a-3, DR. EVA MARSH, first lady chlro. Dr. In Oreeon. 223 Flledner bldg. Hours 9 to g. Chiropody. WILLIAM, Estelle and Flossie Deveny. the only sclentinc cniropoaiEis in tae city, parlors S02 Gerllnger bldg.. S. W. cor. zd and Alder. Phone Main 1301. Chiropody and pedicuring. Mra M. D. Him room 20 r ieiuner oiug. s-none jaain 847; Clvll Engineers. ORRIN E. STANLEY, civil engineer. 10u4 Chamber of Commerce bldg. CoaX COAL $7.90 A TON. Others charge $s.50 and $10 for th same grade; we are In the transfer busi ness and sell coal to keep men aad team busy during the dull season. Order XOtt. Van Horn Transfer Co. M. 1613. A Hb4. Coal and Wood. DRY BLOCK WOOD, mixed with small."1 wood. $4 per load delivered any place In the city. Portland Wrecking Co.. 105-1'JI North 11th st. MaiJLA"-"- A 8 ' ' COAL ALBINA FUEL CO. BLOCK WOOD BRANCH E. 33D ST. WOOD. GOOD Coos Bay Coal Co. prompt service), COAL 191 Burnside st. Both . phones. Commission Mnxliauls. TAYLOR, YOUNG & CO.. ship brokers, com. mlsslon merchants. Sherlock bldg. Contractors. WANTED Artesian and dr.-tlrage well tdr drill. 42C Board of Trade. Consulting Engineers. C. 8 GOLDBERG CO.. 312 Couch bldg. Concrete warehouses, power plants, con veyors, elevators, patent devices, all kind of machinery. Phone Marshall 3n2S. Dancing. 25c PER IesiionT"or 4 lessons for $1 : waltz, two-step, three-step, stage dancing, etc.: every morninK, afternoon and evening for beginners, ineludine; lnilv and gentlemen teachers. Prof. Wnl. Willson's school, old est and only recognized leading academy for correct dancing. 3Siiii Washington sU between West Park and 10th St. HEATH'S DANCING SCHOOL. 109 Second St.. between Wash, and Stark ets. Stag dancing taught; waltz and two-step guar, anteed in four lessons; class and socla dance Monday. 8 to 12. Lessons dally. Dentins. ALVEOLAR TEETH where bridge work IS impossible: does away entirely with plate, bridgework; we cure pyorrhea (loos teeth) absolutely: terms to reliable V'"' Alveolar Dental Co., Abington bldg. 10 3- Dog and Horse Hospital- Dr. Brown. D. V. S-. office 12! N. llth su Main 40S8; res. E. 6440. Hospital fc9 12th. Electrle Motors. PACIFIC ELECTRIC ENGINEERING CO. Motors for rent or sale. 213 2fl st. Engines Gas and Steam. ROPER Machinery Co.. Coast agts. Seabur steam engines and boilers, irasoline en glne. 281-2S3 K. Morrison st- Phone K- Feed 6tore. ZIGLER & Mlsner. hay. grain, feed 1. cs ment. shingles. 2f4 Grand ave. B. Glaxlng. PLATE glas. window glass, doors, window, new. second-hand Portland Wrecking Co 105-107 N. llth St. Main 37. A 37315. Leather and Findings. CHAS. L MASTIC & CO.. 71 Front. Lenth of every description, taps. mfrs. findings. J. A. STROWBRIDGE-LEATHER CO. Es- tabllshed 1853. 1S9 Front st. Machinery. E. TRENKMAN & CO., hydraullo and spe cial pipes, screens, bagging, mining ma chinery. All kinds of repairs. 101 N. 4:a. M usical. EMIL THIELHORN. violin teacher. pupil Bevclk. 900 Marquam. A 416o. Mar. 1BJ9. Musicians. UP-TO-DATE, experienced teacher (plano beginners a specialty. $5 a month. Ad dress Thoroil-th. T 7o7, Oregonlan, Osteopathic Physicians. ff DR. LE ROY SMITH, graduate Klrksvl.e. Mo., class of 1SUS. post-grnduate 1 !o7. un der A. T. Still, the founder. M7-JlS-8' Swetiand bldg. Main 19S7. A 1085. DR. R. B. NORTHUP. 4H5-416-417 Dekum Bldg. Phone. Office iL340.B.ea East or B 10-3. mints. Olls"anl"c.lass RASMUSSEN & CO.. Jobbers, paints, oils. glass, sash and doors. Cor. 2d and Taylor. l'aperhang ing. TINTING Rooms tinted $2.50 Phone Marshall 50. per room. Fainting. ROOMS tinted. $2.50 per room; painting anil tlntlns. Phone Marshall SO. Patent Attorneys. PATENTS procured by J. K. Mock, attorney at law. late of U. S. Patent Office. Book let free. 719 noarq 01 i-raue 00m. U 6. and foreign patents that protect ar secured through Paclfle Coast Paten Agency, Inc., Dept. A.. Stockton, CaU R. C. WRIGHT, .domestic and foreign pat. ents. Infringement cases, ou-i uenurn. Paving. THE Barber Asphalt Paving Company. 805- OUO fcJieCtriC PIUS, --rainr i""1'. - WARREN Construction Co. Street paving, . . ., , Q 1 T Duck hl siqewaiaa anu cf - - Pawnbrokers. UNCLE MYERS Collateral Bank. 40 year in portiana. it ulji t. ...... l'lpe. PORTLAND WOOD PIPE CO. Factory and office near ztn ana 1 um jl.u.u Rubber Stamps. ALSO seals, stencils, choice stationery, etc. Ciinnlncnam s. i:.n mam ..... Bug Weavers. NORTHWEST RUG WORKS Rugs fron old carpets; coi-miai rut tuna. ,,...,.. B 1280. 153 Union ave.. nr. E. Morrison. Safes. NORRIS SAFE & LOCK CO.. Sixth ant Ankeny streets. Portland. Or. The largest safe dealers on the Pacific Const. Second hand bank safes for sale. Three Meter Screw Door, throe Mosler Screw Door, two Hlbbard-Kodmar.-Ely. two New York and. one National Manganese Steel safes, aiso all sixes of Steel Plate Bank safes, and, all sizes and makes second-hand flre- PrAU wb5"sold at HALF PRICE. Writs or call. THE MOSLER SAKE CO.. 108. 2d st. Safes at factory prices; second-hand safes. ShowcasesTBonk and Show Fixtures. THE LUTKE MFG. CO., branch Grand Rap Ids Showcase Co.. -Cth and KoyU B, Lutko. manager. rj H BIRDSALL 203 HAMILTON BLDG.. showcases In stock: prompt delivery. Sales agent, M. Winter Lumber Co. ijARSHALL MFG. CO.. 4t!i and Couch; netv and second-hand. Main 2703. Cabinet work. Storage and Tranfer. MOVING STORAGE MOVING. Experts, reliable men, no bocze-llghters. will move you quicker, cheaper and bet ter than anyone else. Phone us for am estimate: storage rate tho very lowest. Van Horn Transfer Co. Both phones. cTo BICK Transfer & Storage Co., office-si and commodious 4-story brick warehouse, separate iron rooms and fireproof vault fotv valuables. N. W. cor. 2d and Pine sts. Pianos and furniture moved and packedb for shipping. Main 596. A 191'fl. PORTLAND VAN STORAGE CO, cornet 13th and Everett sta Ju3t opined newest and most modern storage warehou.-e la city every convenience for safe and proper handling of goods; lowest insurance rata in Northwest; free trackage; vans fo moving. MamorA1520. " OLSON-ROE TRANSFER CO. General transferring and storage, safe, pianos and furniture moved and packed for shipment, 87-S9 Front r. Telephon, M aln 647 or A 247. OREGON TRANSFER CO.. established 1S70. Transfer and forwarding agents Storags office 310 Hoyt St., between 5th and titb. Phones Main C9. A 1109. Tjpewriters. WE are the exchange Sor the largest type writer concerns on this Coast; Investigate; all makes, all pricea The Typewriter Ex change. 2S7 ijWashIngton st. TYPEWRITERS, all makes, $20 to R0, fully guaranteeu, ej jjiiim.o, ittw pet month. Pacific Stationery He Printing; Co., 2u3 2d St. NFW rebuilt, second-hand, rentals at cu$ rates. P. D. C. Co.. 231 Stark. M. 1407. Well Drilling. DRILLING wells a specialty; priced able. Call Main 134U or write .VI reason. ni.i. iiill Main lo-iu or write Miner os West, 182 Morrison St.. Portland. roKTLAMI K.4JL1VAY, LIGHT TOWtft iU tOJJl'ANV-CITY LLMis. Vancouver Line, a xr ft IS"1. 6:30. 7:25. 8:00. 8:35. :10- o.klo in-so. 11:10. 11:50. . M. 12:30, 1:10, 1:50, 2:30, 8:10, 8:50. 4-30. 5:10, S:50, 6:30, 7:05. 7:40. b:15, 6:iu 9:25 10:00, 10:33, 11:10. 11:45.x 'On the third Monday tn every month tt last car leaves at 1 :0a P. M. Car for Vancouver make no stops oa Union avenue, between Burnside street and Portland Douiev. to tot 0:1 passengers, but make stops to pick up passengers at all transfer points. t'.rrv leaves Vancouver to connect ltH ' cars for Portland, A. M. 6.-t:0. :33. 7:10. 7:43. 8:20. g:Sf. 0:30, 10:10, 10:50. 11:30. p. M. 12:10. 12:30. 1:30. 2:10. 2:50. 8:30. 4:10. 4:oO, 0:3u, 0:10. o:oo. 7:25. 8.00, 8:35. 810. 9:45. 10:20. 10:5.-,, 11:30. 12:05xx. On third Monday 01 every muntb the last ferry leaves Vancouver at 7:25 P. M. Leaving time in black type, double trains. Cars fro. a Vancouver make no stops on Union avenue between Portland Boulevard. and Burnside street, except to lot on pa-. engers. "Dally except Sundays. xDally exceptL Mondays, xxiiuns as local on Union avenuew V