TIIE MORNING OREriOMAy. FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 17, 1911. V ) CITY NEWS IN BRIEF PRECOMA Tt urHON tS. Wr1nttn-r'Tn . Main TOT A A "3 A A A 6i'J A Ctr ctrculatifm Viniflnf Kduor BjnJay Editor .. romp!lil-rMB .Mln TOTO .Main T"7l Vila T7 Mam "T0 Mala T01 HnUI TfTEATm fSaT.nth an Teylort ..irf: Cpp In -Pony of the Circus." To aicht at 1.13. BAKER THEATER (Klnth end Mor rt. .n The Psa.r Stock Company in Tin brut Jobs Canton." Tooicnt at aw vnv . wi ,Ywlft and V mm Tnii Gulnaa In "The lv-asing Glii." Tonlxht at 8:13. 0PHEUM THKATER (Mortlann. betw blvtn ana wvtmiii - . . .. m l ia and toniKht at l:U This OR AND THEATER Park and Waahtii Inn i.hi a i T 3il and a. FANTASES THE TER (Fourth and Stark) vauaariu 'i nix uiuowh m - - -nil ft l at T 10 and ft, LTF1C THEATER .eTnth and Alit.rli-Z-yrlo romul r Company In Wihiand Tni af;.rnoon at i.iO and tomiit i T 1.1 w,A O TAR THEATER Park and Washing-ton) . ' . i . i'...llnu.ii. t rum 1 At) 1 to 10 jo p. it. AdrrrtUesaeata lateaded fr tee City Km la Brief eolsaaaa la Saaday'a ts aw snasi be aaaaedi la The Oresjoalaa aaalaraa atOca ky arlock Saturday Ctvrt. War Vetera.- PtE. John rn rm llcO!r.n:a veteran of the Civil War, d-d at hu home In St. John Monday. He H M rt old. lie t Arvieo. "I Ms widow. Mr. H.uina McGinn:, and the following children: Mrs. AKnra Brownley and Mies Mollis McGlr.nls. of St. Johna; Mrn Sua Mi-O.nnl. of Prattle. Was.i.; Mrs. Anna Hannan. Mr. Fndle TaWwn. of srockton. Cal.; Mra. r. F. McGlnnia. of rloreston. CaL: J. T. McClnnla. of ilmd. Wssh.: Carl.'S McOlnnia, of r!aTriflcl.I. CaL The body will be re typed Id the r-celvlnt; ault of Zeller Fyrnej,' establishment preparatory to be ne sent to Oukland. Cal., for inter ment. T BAsmorr to UrTCRI o Lrxoot-X. It. T. I. Bancroft, who was In Ford Tenth-Street- Theater In Washington, tt.e nlg-fct L.ncoln wan waliutJ, will lecture at the, Hr.coln lit?!, Hrhool. at t o'clKck this mornlnf. He will tell of Uncnlr.'s life and of tha assaas! nation. Mr. Bancroft aaatated In removing- Pretel dent I Jncoln from tha theater. Ha was nreaent at Lincoln's first Inauguration, heard nearly all the farewell addresses of the Southern members of conrresa ana was a member of a volunteer company of t!0 Kansas men who aerved as a bodyguard to Lincoln befora troops ar rived In n aalilnitton. Nn-Hiiri Claim Not RtrvsBO Tha ofTlrera of William Tell Lodge. No. 2. Sons of Herrmann, announce that tha order baa not finally refused to pay tha death claim of a deoeaa.-d brother, as wai published In tha pajwrs a few days irn. Tha officers or tr.a looge pay mere are two claimants for the Insurance money dua the beneficiary of the deceaned arid as two claimants are now contea'.iniT for tha benefit, tha order haa declined to pay the claim until a decision over w merit of tha rival benrflclartea 1 "n, dared by the Circuit Court, MomrnT to Brrs Historic Tract P.wMwm. Joseph Buchtel. who nntler took to secure an appropriation of to buy ten acres at Champoes" wr.ere the historic convention of May S. I1 i held, was Informed yesterday that the bill bd been hopelessly lost. Mr. Buchtel will trr to secure tha tract through aub- scrtpllons. The ten atrea will coat l.teJO and Mr. Buchtel thinks thta eum may ee cured at the annual celebration next May. He will try to bold htm option oa tha lac a anUI that time. Max Dijm Arm SfrrscRR. Palling In fit at Th.rd and Bummde streets yester day morning. Allen Bartlett. a transient visitor to the city, died In the patrol, wagon while on tha way to Ft. Vin cents Hospital, from chronic alcoholism. Selective Hawley aaw BartU'tt fall, and railed Patrolman Hlrsch and Sera-eant Kllev. .The patrol wagon was called and started for the hospital at a gallop. Be fore It arrived there Bartlett woa dead. S-rnEtrr TVipe.xijio) OrroBt. A remon rrance attaint the proposed wldemnj of Oregon street from Adams street to Orand avenue has been tiled with the t'lty Auditor by property ownrra. It is declared by them that only the railroad romranles would benefit by the wijenlng. should It be done. an1 that It would be expensive to move sldewsiks and curbs, many of which have been put In already. V i l.t a Avon to F ExTiynerx rro-ree-.ngs sr under way for the exten sion of Villa avenue, between EasI Kin VT-aeoon.l atrt ro tha dry limit a ri'sianre of ten btpeks, or 5t-O feet. The rounfv a puar:1ng the extension outside the city to Katrvlew. In the course of ihm present year there wilt be an tit-foot boulevard from tha west s'de of Laurel turst to Fairvtew, nearly It miles. BoximjI Wsnruxo: Cri.t.-atisi-s CLfsa AviTtl n CKAMrtONSBtra. Tits Boers. MiRRrtj,' Haul, evx.vth aid Oajc. rajDAT. Kesrcart 17. T. M. AnstiaSiow f! axd tl.'A tiCAT AT SctllU.tR S. tTH A.T TI AMD WASHIXrjTOM STRirrTS- Miut Waiv rstvgsi llrsT ts CotustO!. In a calll.ion between a Vancouver ele-trtc ear am! a milk wnstort at I'nlon avenue and t'erett slrcel Wetlnday rlcht. Andrew Hnher. a driver for the a:sa Da;ry. wia knocked from Ms seat and suffered palrful hruWs about tha lr?. Ha was aent to St. Vincent's Hos pital. fr. Roesj Paxor to Bi rr-o Cmapei. Work has ben stsrted on a two-story chapel to be erected on Alamerla avenue. Itms Fiist nfty-fourth and Kast K'fty Pftb streets. Rose City Park, to coat ltA. This bulldirc will be used by tha new perwh until tha paraaa can build a church aad acbooMiOusa. QrARTKa BTynca: Fxrxoe SHOOo, A. 'W. Srcit.t. a Portland Investor, bas bought the southeast corner of tst W Mh and rst Oak streets, from Mrs. Helen la fkratton. Tha quarter Is covered with a frame building. Goodard at Wledrick made the aAle and the price Is given as $:vxx Cftruo Maxu FYvsj GrHCSATifXI Lnrtxo. Mr. anj Mrs. H. K. Hays, of H Union avenue North, are recrlvirg corgratula. lions upon tr birth of a son. The child baa a grandfather, great-grandmother and greal-grcat-grandruother, all living In f'ortlar.d. WowAjf Ct.rw to JIest The literature department of tha Portland Woman's Cub will meet th afternoon at 1 o'clock, at ITO Thirteenth street A review of tha 1 f e of Pn-.l.p II wiu be given by Mrs. Grace Watt Ross. VotrfcrriR Ftiunrsr! to sirrr-Mem-bera of tha Wooilawn Volunteer Fire De partment will bold a Joint meeting with tr.e Woodltsa Improvement Association, Friday n frit at o'clock, at Greene's haU. Dekum avenue. rxsiRASLg Chinese and Japanese rurtoe being aoid less than coat, at Si Oak St.. from the barkrupt stock of Andrew Kan Co. No retail sales after FVbruary 15. Buy cow. Tr Oe-raorATtnc 8pciai.ist. Dr. W. Arnold Lintay. tteumatlc stomach and nervous dl senates. 113 U Maclaajr bldg. Maraaail T4S. For Eaxjj Bar fixtures and furniture of first-class saloon, going out of bus! neea, Addresa O. TM, Oregonian. D. B. FucKrxnxot. architect, has re moved to lot Lumbermen's building. Flfto and Stark. Hsar Dr. S.-.aw today. U: noon. T. M. C A-: tonlgr.t. 7 9X at First Presbyterian Church. e anas WATCTt R wr air cro. C. Chrtstaa aea. ad floor Corbet t bldg- Take alavaUAT. Vxitersaust Missio.x Ciscix Mitbts. Enihuesosm was evoked by the reports of the Florence Meade Mission Circle of the L'niversailst Church of the Good Tidings, at lt annual meeting, more than 0 having been earned. Mra W. II. Meade was unanimously re-elected president. Mra. J. D. Corby vice-president, Mrs. 1311s McLean secretary and Mrs. Alex ander Scott treasurer. New members of the executive board are: Mrs. G. ,W. Grldley and Mrs. J. S. Elder. It was voted to carry on the work next year through neighborhood groups ajid the fol lowing leaders were choeen: Mrs. E. E. Leonard, of Mount Scott; Mrs. Ellis Mc Lean, of Suncyslde; Mrs. El 9L Ferguson, of Couch; Mrs. W. H. Meade, of Holladay; Mrs. J. D. Corby, of Irvlngton: Mrs. H. Laraway, of Kenton. The annual recep tion will be held next Thursday at the home of Mm. ti. E. Thomas, 573 East Sixteenth atreet North, near Braxee. ClTT AfTTR CO.OOO OtvgD Br B. P. City Attorney Grant la awaiting word from W. D. Fenton, counsel for the Southern Pacific Company, before taking action to collect JIO.vjO due the municipality from the various steam railroads In Portland as special occupation tax. City Auditor Barbur recently asked Mr. Grant, to pro ceed to collect, saying be would sign a complaint. If necessary to get action. Mr. Grant had word from Mr. Fenton that he would soon present a proposal for con sideration, but be haa not aa yet done so. We REQrinB Two A-l Experizncsd SALEsyzx with ability and of good ap pearance, we want men who can create new buslneesj as well as close sales with customers who have already expressed an Interest In and a dealre to own our properties. Tour Income Is limited only by your own efforts and efficiency. The right man will have generous support by the larsest and most completely equipped organisation In our line on the Coast Permanent employment- See sales man ager i!0 Spalding bldg. Academt or Scikxces to Manor. The regular monthly meeting of tlie Oregon Academy of Sciences will be held Feb ruary la. at 5 3 P. M- at the Toung Wo man's Christian Association, at the cor ner of Seventh and Taylor streets. The meeting will consist of a supper and an address. President Foster of Reed Col lege, will neak on "The American Col lege." Those wishing to attend must notify A. L Knlsley, Worcester building, aa to the number of places tney wsnt reerved. Street Aajemevt Is $TT5.TiVi. Assess ment for the East Ulisan street Improve ment district in Laurelhuriat has been made and total PTu.Tb4. This covers the man portion of Laurelhurst north and south of East Glissn street between East Thirtieth and East Thirty-ninth atrecta. Hard-Burfare Improvements have been made In thla district It I only part of the Improvement 3t Laurelhurst. which will com pries a total of 36 miles of paved axreets when completed. Faixiko Got Wire? Da.xoerodb. A ruy wire holding a trolley wire In place at the Intersection of Grand avenue and East Burnskte street broke yesterday after noon and formed a circuit wlib the car tracks An automobile containing a man, woman and child paaalng up East Burnslde street were nearly under the wire when It fell, but tha machine was stopped In time. Travel was suspended until repairs were made. Tint Oreook Statb Board or Rxam ikkrs Iff Optoxktrt wl'l hold sn exami nation at Imperial Hotel. Portland, com mencing at A. M., February U. 21 and 3. Any one contemplating taking the exami nation will do well to be on hand prompt ly at the opening hour. Herman W. iiarr, secretary of board. LOGGERS ARE ENTERTAINED Portland Delegation Inspect Grays Harbor Methods. Members of the Columbia River Log. gers' Association who left Wednesday to pay a fraternal visit to the Grays Harbor association returned to Port land last night, reporting the trip a pleasant one. They were met at Aber deen and taken to point of Interest in tha city, afterward making a trip to Hoqulam. All tha large lumber mills In both places wsre visited and log ging methods were discussed. The banquet at tha Hotel Washing, ton. In Aberdeen. In the evening was a pleasant affair. The menus were print. 4 on spruce veneer, and tl:a timber Idea was carried out in every detail of the dinner. The Columbia River log. gera explained fully to their Grays Harbor brethren the workings of the leg-scaling- and grading bureau, which has proved such a success in this dis trict. The loggers from Portland who at tended were: IL D. Clair, president of the association; W. C. Hammond. D. S. Collins. R. F. Fsrrell. J. A. Byerly. I. J. Baldridge. P. J. Brlx. A. W. Clark, Albert Brlx: George Johnson. D. Coma rher. J. P. O Gorman and A. B. Westell, the secretary. WHERE JO DINE. Ail the delicacies of tha season at the Portland Restaurant Fine private apart, manta for ladle t Wash, near eta at Rack tifasTB CaaU The bast house coat Liberty Coal Ice Co.. exclusive agents, li Norta Fourteenth atreet Main 1(2. A III. Flant Sthson roses Phone Sell wood Sa F. P. YOUNG 290 Morrison Street PRETTY WAISTS 4 'The Most Exquisite Hand Work I Hare Ever Seen" is the exclamation of every woman who sees these waists. They are new arrivals from the Philippines hand em broidered by the natives, on dainty French Perline. New even to the East shown nowhere eke in Portland. Direct from the Islands to Young's. Priced at $7.50 to $15 . fa, . SAFE IS WRECKED Skilful "Yeggmen" Have Trou ble for Their Pains. JOB' DONE BY VETERANS Entire Neighborhood or East Fifty Second Street and Foster Road Aroused In Early Hours by Heavy Explosion. "Yeggmen" of notable skill blew open the safe of the Mount Scott Feed & Fuel Company, East Fifty-second street and Foster road, early yesterday morning, alarming the entire neighborhood, reduc ing the Interior of the amall office to a wreck and getting nothing for their pains. Tha Job was performed In a very clever manner, equalling the neatness with which the safe at the Hellig Theater was blown open last December, and there is some ground for the theory that both Jol were by the same hands. The loud explosion', beard shortly after t o'clock, aroused everyone in the neigh borhood from aleep. but after looking around and hearing no further noise, all returned to their beds. That the noise came from the explosion of nitro glycerine in the fuel company's office, was dlscovereu after day light, when a clerk employed by the company arrived to open the office. Work Pone Skillfully. The dial plats had been skillfully cut from the safe, snd nltro glycerine had been poured Into the crack. The quantity was well calculated to open the door without doing other damans, and papers inntde the safe were undoturbed. Every window In the office was broken and light articles were thrown about In a small compartment In the aafe was an envelope containing IS but this was overlooked by the thieves. There were no other valu ables and records and papers were un disturbed. Fragments of soap and fuse were found lying on the floor. That the yeggmen have been quartered In till city for some rime, is assumed from the faot that glycerine was u3d. Detectives) ssy that the making of soup," aa thla explosive la called In yegg par lance, is a slow process, requiring secrecy and care. "Soup" Made From Dynamite. Tha thieves buy dynamite In the open market and boll it, to free the nltro glycerine It contains This Is carefully skimmed off and is usually placed in fluid-tight bags, rather than In bottles, as the danger of explosion Is thus lessened. Great care is exercised not to excite sus picion In buying the material, as aafe blowers are frequently brought to the notice of the police In that way. The making of the "soup" is usually done in some retired shack. Several men are tfcually In on the Job, a "locator." who by observation and In quiry finds a likely place for attack, a "soup-maker." usually a dean of the fra ternity, and one or more "fall-guya" who do the actual work. In the present case. 6th and Alder FRIDAY AND SATURDAY Suits and Dresses Worth $20 to $25 You 11 only need a glance at these gar ments to know that they're worth about three times the price we ask. The choicest will $?o quickly, so you'd best come early. See Fifth-street windows. Suits and Dresses, formerly 4j7 QC $20 to $25, 2 days at. V Women's $20 Coats $5.95 Fine $15 to $20 Coats. Good tfjC OK range of styles and materials $7.50 and $8 Skirts at $3.45 Materials are panamns, worsteds, etc.; styles, plain, pleated and pleated flounce effects. CO Best colorings, $7.50 to $3 values V"'" EXTRA From 3 to 4 place on sale Jo all-wool uoats and Short Jackets, formerly $10 to $15, at...: DESKS DESKS THE KIND THAT Quartered Oak and Manogany. Dull brass drawer pulls and brass leg sockets. Thorough In construction and finish. BUSHONG & COMPANY SSk PRINTERS. BOTH PHONES ! II SI L Mayer & Co. Portland's Oldest Grocers. 148 THIRD STREET. Phones A 4432; Main 9432. WEEKLY SAVING BULLETIN See our Window Display of "CORNER STONE" MAINE CORN, of -which we have sole distribution in Portland. We of fer this corn at 3 cans for 50 For Friday and Saturday we offer yon: Gifford's Ripe Olives, 50 per quart; regular 60c- Strictly Fresh Ranch Eggs, 2 dozen for 75J." Shelled Pecans, 75tJ per lh. Eezier's High Quarter Cans, Boneless Sardines, 30 each; regular 35c. California Olive OH, "Our Own," Sl.OO per quart; equal to $1.25 quart. Oolong Tea, 60 per lh.; regu lar 75c. Coates Plymouth Gin, $1.25 per bottle; regular $1.50. We carry a full line of Cottled Beers. Call us up and we will deliver any brand you want. We promised to advertise a "Pine Apple" Day this week, but the shipment we received was inade quate for the demand, so WATCU OUT NEXT WEEK. Try St, Johnsbury Crackers. Mayer's Special Blend Coffee. Granucci Olive OiL Columbia River Salmon Bellies. We are now taking orders for . Simon & Weil Matzo. It Is supposed that the gang encamped In the timber, swmewnere adjacent to the settlement of Mount Scott, and probably remained there for days or weeks, se cure from the observation of the police. Jackson Clnb to Meet Tonight. Jaekson Club Democrats will gather In the Medical bonding tonight for their monthly smoker and political pow-wow. An Informal programme has been planned. Elbert Hubbard and John Henry Stevenson, corn-cob pipes and a discussion on Canadian recl proclty will make up the programme. 5th and Alder SUITS AND DRESSES P. M., today only, we we will 81.95 WILL LEND DIGNITY f $7.95 it f -' 1 ' " : wm.sjiwsp'i i ' ' i pa ' ' '- '; -- . - " . - - .. .". ..-.J.rrl z i r, -.. . ....'-- - "- .. - ,. ) '.v . - ' l V-v: 5 7 crtW , .,. i..-; a i-v.l.0;a( ft ' ' 1 J ., m mw, a ' ... .iimsmUSBI-V t .f.. j, 's. LITHOGRAPHERS AND BLANK BOOK. MAKERS Today and Tomorrow Last Two Days of Odd Suit Sale Let every economist take advantage of these reduced prices. You don't have to be an expert to get a good one; they are all Rogers Peet, Brokaw Bros, and our own special makes, and we guarantee satisfaction with every suit Odd Suits that were $15.00 now -Odd Suits that were $20.00 now -Odd Suits that were $25.00 now -Odd Suits that were $30.00 now Topcoats at One-Half Our 1911 Spring display of Cluett Shirts now on sale, $1.50 P.W.BALTBS AND COMPANY PRINTING- Main 165. A 1163 First and Oak Try the ALBA BROS. Reliable Painless Dentists Entire Cor. Second aad Morrtso. Sts. WE DO ALL OCR OWS WORK. Expert gold orownandbrldje workers and makers of false teeth. We have a lonar lease on the whole upstairs of this bulldlnp?. We are here to stay and do your Rental work for years to come. Come in now and take advantage of our special rates. Gold Crowns, 231c S3.00 Brldee Teeth, 22k. ... SJ.T.OO Cine Rubber Plate. . . -S5.00 All Gold-lined Plate, SlO.Oft liold Fllllnsjs Sl.Ort Sliver Ftlllnsr 50 ALL WORK WARRANTED 15 VRS. Lady Attendant. Bank Reference. SPECIAL ARRANGEMENTS far 1 n h I ITMn ft II f of TOWS. Morse Seeds " Send for our new Garden G tilde ef sds. plants snd trees. Contains de scriptions, illustrations and prices of tha standard, dependable seeds and plants for which we are well known. Catalog mailed free to any address. C. C. Morse & Co. tha sraat California Seed Hons. vl Market Street Saa Francisco TO YOUR OFFICE At just me dium prices. Our desks are direct from the makers. We save you the middlemen's profiL 87-91 PARK STREET ML, Advertising Means Selling Goods Through Printer Ink :cilha M Commercial Stationers, Office Outfitters, Printers, Engravers. Booklet Makers and Bookbinders. FIFTH AND OAK SEALY- LOWELL Grocers, Bakers,Tea arid Wine Merchants SPECIAL FOR FRIDAY AND SATURDAY Fancy 2-lb. Hawaiian Pineapple (do not confuee this with the common 2-lb. can) three cans for 50S or, per dozen. ........ .91.90 Lemon Cling; Peaches, sliced or halves, 2H-lb. cans, three for 504 or, dosen ' I V 81.85 Wild Blackberries put up In best granulated sugar, quart Mason jars, each 40c; Genuine Vermont Maple Sugar, small cakes, per pound 20c4 Hothouse Mushrooms, fresh today .81.25 Choice Arkansas Black Apples, box. . 81.25 Choice Northern Spy Apples, box SI. To and 82.00 Extra Fancy Hood River Spltzenberga, box 1T-3.00 Harvey's Special Scotch, per bottle 81. lO Pulled Flys, 2-lb. baskets, each 40 Pulled Fig, 1-lb. basket, ea. 20 For fifih day we have Kippered Herrins;, Flanan Haddiea, Smoked Salmon, Toncaes and Sounds, Norway Mackerel, Holland Herrins; and a larffe variety of other salt fish of the best quality. 'F.W TOO AY A fresh supply of Jones' Dairy Farm Hams, Break fast Bacon, sliced Bacon and Sausace. Our catalogue might help you in making up your order. Shall we send you one? Phone A 6181, Main 7200. CORNER OF FIFTH AND STARK STREETS r STEWART SAN FRANCISCO Geary Street, above Union Square Just opposite 3otei St. Francis European Plan SI .SO a day up American Plan $3.00 a day up Hew steel and brick structure. Furnished at cost of (200,000. Erer? comfort and con venience. On earlines transferring all orer city. Omnibus meets trains and steam era. Send for Booklet with map of San Francises KCHVAB PRINTING CO. kJSQLICITS YOUft PATRONAGE a4"74 STARK STREET - $1 l.OO - 313.35 - $ 1 6.6S - $18.85 Our printing sells goods. Good print ing always does. Quality appearance inspires confi dence and gets the orders. Quality printing invites quality cus tomers, because quality customers can and-do discriminate. Therefore, Impressive Stationery in vites trade at an impressive profit. Kilham Quality Printing costs noth ing extra, but it does yield handsome returns to you on your investment. ' Ask to see our samples. STATIONERY & PRINTING CO. Traveling Salesmen Do you Trant a clean, good paying sideline f Why not investigate? NETH & CO.. 534 Worcester Bldg-. FREE LECTURE IN DRESSMAKCVG. Full Demonstration of SEXTOXE DRESS FORM EACH DAY AT 2 P. M. S3 ELEVENTH. A T7KS The total number of mines worked la the State of New Tork is 40. Thar, are about 12 iron mines In operation. It of gypsum, a of tale, two each of salt and pyrites and 8 of cTaphlta. Wai