OREGOMAX, T.mitsilAT. FE13KUAKY 16. 1911. THE MOUSING SLAVS OF GH1CAGQ WOULD BUR COUNT Xpponyi Sends His Regrets, Which Puts End to Difficulty. nri r -rn ft 11T I HUNGARIAN HELD TYRANT Memorial to lu r of Washington Birthday Calibration Asserts Apponjl W Responsible, for Killings. CHICAGO. Feb. 15--Dclded opposition kr Bohemian. Rlpvak and Polish editor, and cltlaens of Chicago to the invitation extended Count Albert O. Apponyi. ex-Hungarian cation, to speak oa , TM.iW H:I W.ahmsina birthday celebration Chairman aimou" - i. the Inloo Le.gw CluV. sp- M p.ed . th. inter. of h'; pro". w Reived with surprise "''. iw and came al- py cr.airman at - mt simultaneous with a from CBunt Appowl : " b. invtta- t.oa to speak. Count Appony I said other enagement.wcum - - Chicago to lea. pan in No Arliuo XceOcd. . . - .Miin ar.r neceewfiy -This, or ih- Broteat" said cUrn MornJca-W. had intend ed the Count to spea "re . . .,,, --The invitation was extended after a cornm'tee meeting at which tires of nearly all European races ln Chl cm r " were pre-rot and no deh-gaie from ".8Iov.k-.xpres.ed any objection when tf.e name vm presenile. The reason, aaatcned in the rrmo. al. v. tar i fjf, DlietiJ nt.l tyranny, and. a. Minister ot Kdu- eation. led the epposmwu that klng-wn.- ' ' . ..... th Slavic dailies and .eekliea. printed In tl.lcago as rep- . the nlan to celebrate mammoth meeting .t " , " - . vu. - . Invited, oeera r, r lierty-lovlng Ctix.n. to (ct to the presence of Count Aioert u. . . . . i . ... I n . -tmr protest Is baed on the following Mcts: Count Apponxi. - location, was responsible for the fusil lade at Cernova. where so many Slovak j i..ni!. Ilka' report n pa. ri uw-u ' J ..... ihetlungartan Parliament made after Ra.e there i TemC IT) tilttl vUUe.' rather entlUed him to e the propagator of the peace OT ceam in of the nign oi NatlTfj Tongue Brrl- not allowed to read or to rlte In their nether torxue In the public scnooia. " cause of an arttliciai oriin ........ -There are more than CO.ono cltlxena of SRavlc origin resident In OOcago. In the name of all theae Chlcagoana. we pro test sgalnst the outrage on irrmwu . . . . . -1. ....i.t K. nmetrwted. If a r'epreeentstlve of tyranny were permitted to address tius nteeuna. Ex-Preeideot Kooaevelt wss sent a copy of tta pellUon on the ground that be as a speaker, and generally under stood to be responsible for the Hungarl . ..... ik. mmJi im nla ana an a iiTiwi. - . . . . with AduatL Carnegie copy was the reault of the Ironmaster lnreree In the Count's adfireas. 'XTnl versai Pesf. Twenty Slavic newspapera were re pre sented In tne s-.rnerm WOMEN FIND DEAD BODY .Suicide of K. U. Sobenck Pisclosed; Mjstcrloua Shot Explained. Strnlllng through a stretch of woods near Union avenue ana sianora sireei. In TVoodlawn. last night, two women found the dead body of K. u. ncnenca. .n triaho mining man. about 4i years old. Identification was mane by a note In his pocket addressed to John Vsn Zante. an attorney, and writ ten by fchenck's daughter. Mrs. Mary Terry, of 4J3 East Thlrty-flrst street. A single shot was heard in vicinity at 19 o'clock Tuesday morning. The shooting was reported to the police, but remained a mystery until Schenrk's body was found with a bullet la th bra I a. Schenrk's three daughter live in Portland, and two sona live at Stites. Idaho. SNOWSTORM CAUSES DEATH J 5 Frronr Also Injured on New York's ley Streets. NEW TORK. Ten. IS. One dead and IS Injured were recorded In New Tork hospitals yesterdsy as the result of a storm of snow and sleet which has raged over the city for 34 hours. The death was of a young woman hit by an automobile as she tried to cross Fifth avenue late last night In the face of the blinding snowstorm. She was picked up and had only time to say that her name was Mary Lowrle. Before she could tell where she lived, she lost consciousness, 'dying a few minutes later. The list of Injured showed eight broken arms and three broken legs, mostly caused by failing on. icy pave ments. $50,000 IS APPROPRIATED Congreoa Will Send Transport to Re " lief of Chine Famine Sufferer. WASHINGTON. Feb. 1 An Army transport and an appropriation of 5.- 00 for its expenses are i oe mati-r 1-nmedlately available to carry relief from Seattle to the famine sufferers of China. era House today agreed to s confer ence report on a bill making the ap propriation. TUB MAKINGJJNDER PROBE Government Seek Merit of Enamel Industry. Held Basis. f.-rrtBt-BO. Pa.. Feb. 15. The merits mt enameling bathtub by; band and I . . i i nanii narv ware brought out In the hearing ot th Gor erBment against the Standard Sanitary Manufacturing Company. oi -". and 1$ other concerns, at the econd a.-: thm Investigation to whether the enameled ware firms of the country are engaged in a acy In restraint of Interstate trade. The Government charges violation of the Sherman anti-trust aci. During the conduct of the Govern ments case recently. Kdwln T. Orosve nor. special assistant to the Attorney-General of the United States, close ly questioned Edwin L. Wayman. as- m IIM.I. han signee of three patents, to ikui " enameled ware industry. It was by means of these patents that the defend ants managed to combine. The Government conienuea tni. p.. .u. -.etui. w.r not ...en- II tax ina umw M arman for the iole purpose of evad ... . . .. .rt Ing the enerman "'-' screening the real Intent of the defend ants. MRS. KLINE TESTIFIES RT1T Oral WIIX SHIFTS TO CAM. FOICXIA METROPOLIS. Widow Say She Pld Not Know Hus band Cut Orf Daughter With 300 1'ntll His Death. FAX FRANCISCO. Feb. IS. (Special.) .Th. ni of the flrht made by Ilaxel Kline Tavlor to have the will of her father, tilmon Kline, of Corvallls. Or., set aside on the ground of undue influ ence, was shifted to San Francisco to day. With Charles J. scnnaoei. oi run. land, and Henry G. W. Ulnkelsplel act ing as attorneys for the contestant, the deposition of Mrs. F.mma T. Kline, the widow, was taken before J. ! Brown, a notary public. J. F. Yates waa present to represent Mrs. Kline. This is the case in which the will or Simon Kline practically dtslnherlted Haxel Kline Taylor, who was given 500 "out of an estate that Is estimated k. Mrs. Kline at 175.000 and by her daushter at I1S0.OO0. because the daugh. ter married a Gentile. In lu: sne weu ded J. It. Gift, of Vacavllle. from whom she has since been divorced. The widow was not present at the hearing at Corvallls. and it was neces sary to take her testimony nere. Ing sensational occurred, as Mrs. Kline waa evasive at times in her answers. Attorney Schnahel. however, says that i. .n satisfied with the deposition and declares that Mrs. Klines testi mony does nof coincide with that of her son and that he may bring proceedings to Impeach the witness. Mr. Kline denied that she exerted any undue Influence over ber husband. but said they were in accora in ters. he denied that her husband was disappointed with his daughter because she married a Oentlle. but declared that It was on account of the character of the man. The widow. In the deposition, say she knew nothing of the will until alter the death of her husband, and when asked If she approved of the disinherit ing of her daughter, said that she had nothing to do with It. and merely ac cepted what her husband had done. 8he denied absolutely that she pur posely absented herself from the Cor vallls hearing, ana earn " -know why he disinherited his daughter, although she said that "Haxel continu ously disappointed her fatner. She admitted that tne leners rei-eivm bv Simon Kline from Mrs. Relnsteln, the marriage broker, relative to Haxel's actions in the East, disappointed Mr. Kline, but could not say to wnai exieni. She also said that in spite of what had happened, the member of the fam ily still loved Mrs. Tayior. "The deposition suits me." said Schna- bel. -I did not expect that the witness of th other side would bo favorable to us, but her evidence la so contraaicxory to what testimony has been taken that I think It will help our case. Mr. Schnabel and his wife left this afternoon for Los Angeles, where they ill remain for a week. ADOPTION STORY TOLD BOSTOX WOMAN AVD BALDWIN'S DAl'CIITEn IN CASE. Deposition of Easterner Denies Mrs. Turnbull Ever Tokl Her Sho Wa to 51arry Turfman. LOS ANGEI.ES. Feb. JS.-The reading of the deposition of Mrs. Maria 8. Thomp son, taken In Boston on February 8 last. occupied most of the morning session In the case of Mrs. I.llllso Ashley Tur Vult. contesting ' for the "Uicky ' Baltfwln millions. Mrs. ThomMn deposed to the effect that she became acquainted with Lillian I Ashley in the Fall of lsl. through a newspaper advertisement inserted by the latter requesting that some agea couple adopt her. 6he said Mlsa Ashley after ward came to her home in Westminster, near Boston, and later on helped In housework, for which service she was paid. The witness said tnai wnue vin Asn ley lived with her she never informed her that Colonel Albert Fopo had 111- treate.l her. She aalit that Mlsa Ashley explained to her the possession of money, with wnlcn sne looa inps 10 me South, br saying that she got it from an "old. old man. who lived up the Hud son, and who wanted to marry ner. Mrs. Thompson said that "UicKy Baldwin had luncheon at her bouse in 1CC and that afterward Lillian told ber that Baldwin, whom she said was mar ried and had grown children, wanted to adopt her. The witness denied that she had ever received a letter from Mlsa Ash ley saying that Baldwin had married her or entered Into a contract of mar riage with her. The deposition of Mrs. Clara Baldwin Stocker. Baldwin's daughter, waa read at the afternoon sesa'on. Mrs. 8tocker wss unable to attend, being 111 as a re sult of an automobile accident. She de I nled any knowledge of the alleged mar riage and declared his children would have placed Baldwin in an Insane asy lum If he had told them he had married the mother of the plaintiff in the case. Depositions were also read from Mrs. Grace Armstead Brown, of Boston, and Judge Charles W. Slack, ot San Fran i Cisco. MULTNOMAH SLICE LARGER (Contlnned from First Pge. Joined with T am hill. Is gives a repre sentative of its own. Losers Are Fighting. Strong opposition Is developing to th bill as proposed, particularly from those counties whose representation is re duced. If the bill gets through the House In its present form the vote will be close. There Is an apparent disposi tion on the part of several of the coun ties affected by the new bill to Insist upon letting the present apportionment stand rather than to enact any bill which will five to Multnomah an In creased representation la either bouse. KNOX FORESEES T United States and Canada to Remain Separate Political Units, He Says. ONE FOR DEFENSE ONLY Secretary Si -outs Idee That Reci procity Will ' Lend to Political I n Ion Broader Market Will Keep Down Living Cost. CHICAGO, Feb. 15. Though the people of the United States and Canada are "a substantially homogeneous people," with "deep moral and racial reciproci ties." the benefits of the proposed com mercial reciprocity with Canada "ought not to be endangered by the fear of re lation too cordial and conceivably dan gerous to the great Canadian loyalty to England." is the opinion expressed by Secretary of State Knox in an aaaresa at a banquet given by tne cnicago Assoclatiou of Commerce tonight. Mr Knox and James J. Hill Joined in urging the" adoption by the United States Senate of the reciprocity agree ment with Canada, and 1000 persons. reDresentlng almost every big commer cial and municipal organization from a score of Western cities, listened and applauded. Annexation Not Probable. Mr. Knox declared that, while mlgra- tlona proceeded as constantly and as freely between Canada and the United States as between two states of this country, and while the two peoples have been welding together lor two cen turies, "there la not the slightest prooa- blllty that this racial and moral union will involve any political cnange or an nexation or absorption." "It Is an ethnological fact that polit ical units of the English-speaking peo ple never lose their autonomy." said Mr. Knox. "Like bees, they give off their swarms, who et up for themselves Inriaminilantlv. but they do not make political combinations among them selves. Since tne Kevoiuuon men been almost undisturbed peace and amity between the two countries, and however governmental cnanges have been bruited in the past. It Is probably more true today than ever be fore that th weight of sentiment and opinion, both In Canada and the United States, while desiring closer rotations in all other respects, is crystallised in a belief that the present politics! separa tion Is desirable and will lead to the best development of eacn nation and to better and more satisfactory relations between them. Countries One for Defense. "In the higher atmosphere and broader aspects of the situation it Is certain . . mm . . i i aw r . . t world If 1 . 11 tnT IHWUiu ' ' - movement Involving this continent. Canada and tne ib oi"" w-.-. a matter of course, act In th most per fect concert In defense of the common rights of a common Wood and clvlllia tlon." Declaring, however, that the reclproc; Ity proposition was 'economic, not po litical." Mr. Knox asserted: "The Unl- . I - - - with atlfffacUon xea Diiin in-ue'"'-- that the Dominion of Canada is a per manent North American political unit . la aaetire. The ana tan ow u"u., ...... c; . . - .nnMl.utAi the advantage to the common welfare of the Continent that canaaa romnuuir. strength plus tb strength of Great Britain. Larger Market Foils Monopoly. Mr. Knox said of the reciprocity Recoxnlslnx the condition which exists In ou" o-n country end without undertal flnir IS, saeT S of iivYnsT th. ..-.- V. .. minions of waxe-eamlrg consumer, the ben.flt of drawin, noon th. aurnlua food supplies nrsraai "- ..,v; Meka. by provldlnx for th. fraeat !"'' mTerchanx. of commoditla. acro i a P'' cal boundary whlrh. when It come. I lo pro ducfon and con-mere, to an ar If rial tn2 iS- flucTUon. in prtce. which ar. narmiui hui "-"ri and to th. eonaum.r. It may b staiea .; ."a that th. nior. abonant th. soar, if supply ana .. '""'"'-,,. movemant of product, th to- dn ther. IS or oecraaain. " r th. producer snd of Inrreaslnx the cost to the consumer or anmc.a. "".". While a reciprocity aawment lhnited to natural proouc wou. --.-, thelef. in oraer mi wv - should ha really comprehenajT. th. trrri houia Include manufactured commodities Illy reduced on a larse variety of manu factures. Tn. nt larxer had th. Dominion reached the stsxe of Industrial nevii""-". - that the could Include a greater number ot aruciea. Americans Will Control Grain. Speaking of the provision for free wheat. Mr. Knox pointed out that the transportation facilities of the United States for nananng tne iuiu ., . . w. .air-,, into account, thus preventing "the demoralisation of prices which rertllia inrougn mo miniums r i.r... quantities upon the European markets, where the world's supply is fixed. He deciarea tnax mo nr. nuuus i -. ...in tmm Canada would meet the present extuatlon and place the con trol in tn nanus oi in ut" i.u growersi n v. .rln.ln.l nmnlalnts ssslnst the A 1 fTT -.--- measure." continued Mr. Knox, come . . v. mihpU.. ahA have hewn en- 1IV1U ll'O jFvmiv-m-. deavoring Xi persuade the farmer that hid Interest In tn protective tarui based on the tariff on agricultural prod ucts rather than upon the general pros perity of the country! or incy are ucaiu . ancinl Interest. 11 V ' 1 1 i Wl.lv " J i . t m r n r how little ! ssld about who got the best of the bargain. The M.r-a i Ah.arv.t1im Is one of aratlflca- tion that the arrangement is beneficial to both countries. Tne Dreaatn ana un- i ,1 v. nf th. trMin.nt has sur prised and gladdened the friends of good relations oetween tne countries auu ui concerted those upon both sides of the line who expected a borsetrader's bar gain." Th agreement I an example ot con structive statesmanship, contrasting fa vorably to many matters before Con gress, according to Mr. Hill. "It la fashioned to large National ends," he ald. "and Inspired by a policy the greatest mind ot the country have ap proved." POSTOFFICE PLANS ASKED Chamberlain's Request Is Likely to Be Tabled for Present. OREGONIAN NEWS BUREAU. Wash ington. Feb. 15. (Special.) Senator Chamberlain has asked the Department of the Interior to prepare plans for the new postofflce building In Portland to be erected on the site recently selected and now in process of acquisition by condemnation. Senator Chambertaln has asked the de partment to prepare plans ior a build- mm LECTURE NO. 6 HIH..JJI.I i i Bias I , -- Rest for the Eyes If vou will spare a minute every half hour to the eyes they may be spared to you many years In con- 'eNo'th?Se- g 1 v e s the eyes such complete rest as the habit of clos ing them occasionally for a min ute or two. In threatened cases of eye-strain I have sometimes ad vised no other cure and the patient has recovered his normal sight. Where one uses the eyes con stantly, especially for close work, as the woman who does fine sew ing, embroidery or painting, the relief to eyes of lifting them front the work and closing them while one slowly counts twenty-five can not be overestimated. Another rest Is to change the Cit of vision from time to time, k away from what you are doing and gaze blankly Into space. Do not attempt to concentrate on anything, merely look out of the wl-adow or into a distant corner of the room. ..... . Do not begrudge the time for this eye resting. It is the best sort of investment you can make, and will not take half as much time or money as visits to the optician. THOMPSON EYESIGHT SPECIALIST SECOND FLOOR COHBETT BLDG, Fifth aad Morrison. Manufacturer ef Kryptok Leasee. ing for which no appropriation baa been mad and for which Congress DBS nxeu no limit of cost. There Is no way of telllnar how much money Congress win give for this building, and ther will be no appropriation this session for biiltillnv there, or elsewhere. Until Congress has agreed upon tms minor detail, the Treasury Department would have difficulty in getting pians. for architects would have nothing on which to base their sketches except the dimensions of the site. Nobody knows whether Congress will appropriate a'j0 600, $1,000,000 or 12.000,000 for the Port land Postofflce, and tnereiore, tne dcu ator's request for the preparation of plans will probably have to toe tabled until Congress fixes the price. EX-CONSUL J DETAINED Llnard Wanted as Witness In Hon- duran Complications. kf.w ORLEANS. Feb. 15. Drew Lln ard, ex-American Consul at Celba. Hon duras, who Is expected to sail for llon- A.,,m irMAav on the steamer Karen, was j.t,ini hv a Ttamitv United Statea Mar shal as a witness In a cose involving mo alleged neutrality laws, no expeciea f- .... t Tiirrto cortex to assist uenriai Manuel Bonllla in the peace negotia tion m-ith the Davlla, administration. It Is said Mr. Llnard was aetainea in connection with the Admiralty proceeu lated against the former United States gunboat Hornet, which cleared from this port several weeas ago and later waa seised in "Honduran .... Tnitad States naval omciats to prevent Its active participation in the revolution in mat country. i RUSSIAN "CHAIRS" VACANT Student Rebellions Cus University Faculties to Dwindle. kt PETERSBURG. Feb. 16. The ranks of the faculties of the Russian Universities are being depleted rapiuiy through resignations and dismissals re ...itinar from the student rebellion. which has become general throughout the Empire. One hundred and .twelve chairs are now vacant, STORM RAISED BY JOKE (Continued from First PareV r i -1 .. .... i. win mm the Sen ate and become a part of our statu ts. "This agreement, it n ocvuum . lo.... i nominal slarnlflcance: no thought of future political annexation or union was In the mind of the ne . i . .(h., aid. Canada fs now and will remain a political unit. "I am very sure mat it una . . i v4i Inure tn the ment uttuuim-n .. ---- --- -- - great social and economic benefit of both countries." Clark's remarks, to which the Presi dent refers, were: "I am for it because I hope to see the day when the American flag will float over every square toot m m. British North American possessions, clear to the North Pole. They are peo ple of our blood. They are trained In the difficult art of self-government. My Judgment is that, if the treaty of 1854 had never been abrogated, the chances of a consolidation of these two countries would have been much great er than they are now." Asked whether that would have a tendency to preserve peace with Great Britain. Clark said: "Why, certainly it will. I have no doubt whatever that the day is not far distant when Great Britain will lovfully see all her North American lAtz". . iurt of this Ro- public. This is the way they are tend ing now." ' "All Run Down" Describes the condition of thousands of men and women who need only to pur ify and enrich their blood. They feel tired all the time. Every task, every responsibility, has become hard to them, becauee they have not strength to do nor power to endure. If' you are one of these all-run-down people or are in any degree debilitated take Hood'a Sarsaparilla. It purifies and enriches the blood, and builds up the whole system. ' It effects its won derful cures, not simply because it contains sarsaparilla. but because it combine the utmost remedial values of more than twenty d!fferent ingredi ents. There is no real substitute tor HoorTs Sarsaparilla Get it today In usual liquid form or chocolated tablets called sarsatab. 4 i v v. ' - - a A - G R NEW ARRIVALS LADIES' TAILORED SUITS AND GOATS R.M.G Ladies' Entrance 148 Fourth COMMERCE COURT OPEN APPEAIiS IN RATE CASES WILIi BE TIMED EXPEDITIOUSLY. Only Appeal From New Court Is to Supreme Court, Which Gives Rate Cases Precedence. WASHINGTON. Feb. 15. In the courtroom ot the United States Court of Customs Appeals, the "5e"tI,.esft.: ii.h.ri commerce Court held its first public session today. The session waa uwv preliminary work. bars of United States Circuit courts and the United States supreme w introduced, took the oath and were aa mitted to practice. ,.i. Six cases pending hefore Circuit courts were transferred formally to the Commerce Court, and some discussion was had as to the assignment of the cases. j Presiding Judgre Knapp nnounc?di that the dates of assignment would be promulgated through the clerk of the "in general way the jurisdiction of the Commerce Court extends over all litigation involving transportation by common carriers formerly exercised by circuit courts. . The Commerce Court is composed of Presiding Judge Martin A. KnHPP. of ORIGINAL PLYMOUTH DRY GIN The Critical Consumer Always Specifies Plymouth . The Eigtest Quality Dry Cn Shippd to the America Market ALEX. D. SHAW t CO, Pacific Coast Agents, 214 Front Street, Saxt Francisco. Painless Dentistry Is ear pride oar hobby onr stsdr for tssis an BOW our auoceaa, and oan is the baa palnjaa, work to be fonnd aarwhere. no smatter sow auKh rest psy. Compare tir Fripas. I bridsa work for out- of-town patron, la on day it desired. Paialeea extraction, frea when plauw or bridge work i. order, ed. . Cenalutioa Ires, MokrOrsns $5.00 22kBrkliTartk4.09 SaU mrain 1.00 EsssmI FlWnf 100 ' SIbwFiffiar. .50 Gsod Rabat? PUtM 5.03 Bttt RadRnabar PUtM 7.50 Ptinlm EitrM'ws .50 BBST HBTMOOS AU work four zwaranteed fox fifteen, years. Wise Dental Co.,mc Painless Dentists F(lflnf Bulldinf. Third snd Washinctoi MtMlan; I A. St. ts t. U. is PORTLAND. ORt IvBAayt, tea aa-aaaaaaaaaaaSSSSSaaaaaSslaa 2 :- f a, w. i. win. iism at nas anaajaas ranum AY Latest style modes from London, Paris and New York now on exhibition at our exclusive shop for wo men. You are cordially in vited to call and permit our salesladies to show you the Soring models for 1911 Priced $27.50 to RAY -v . D.h.,t TV Archibald, or rtew iwi., . . - ... . Pennsylvania: Julian W. Mack, of Illi nois; John E. Carland, of South Da kota, and William II- Huna, of Mon tana. The court will sit In Washington, p. c.. but sessions -may be held any where In the country. .Maj that a final Judgment by the decree of the Commerce Court mav be reviewed by the Supreme Court of the United States, if appeal be taken within 60 days. Bucn appems YOUR UPSET, SOUR, IS RELIEVED Take & little Diapepsin now and your Stomacn will leei line in five minutes Erery family here ought to keep A, . n in ha bouse, as any SOm Uiavi. - one ot you may have an attack of In digestion or Bioroacii time, day or night. This harmless preparation will di gest anything you eat and overcome a ji .....c nnt.of-order stomach five minutes afterwards. If your meais awn t mmn , what little you do eat seems to fill you. or lays like a lump of lead in your stomach, or if you have heartburn, that is a sign of Indigestion. Ask your Pharmacist for a SB-cent cas of Pape's Diapepsin. and tak a Artificial Eye maker Here This is the opportunity of a lifetime, for anyone wearing an artificial eye, to secure an article abso lutely perfect as to color, shape and size. Having realized how unsatisfactory it is to make a selection from the unusual stock on hand, we have secured at great expense the services 0$ this expert eyemaker to visit our stores in Omaha, Denver, Salt Lake and Portland. Every effort should be made by wearers 6f artificial eyes to take advantage of this rare op portunity to procure one or more of these made-to-order eyes, during the four days. They are as per fect as human ingenuity, skill and experience can make them. Perfect fitting, life-like eyes, guaranteed, s Thursday, Friday, Saturday and Sunday, February 16, 17, 18 and 19, 1911. Columbian Optical Co. 133 6th Street Oregonian Building 9 $100 273-275 Morrison Milk Dealer M'ins on Appeal. VANCOUVER, Wash.. Feb. 15. (Spe cial.) The Superior Court today dis missed the case against O. B. Hatha way, a milkman, charged with selling watered milk Instead of milk below the legal standard. In the Justice ot the Peace court Hathaway was fined $75 and costs, hut he appealed. GASSY Ifl A FEW iflUTES little Just as soon as you can. Ther will be no sour risings, no belching of undigested food mixed with acid, no stomach gas or heartburn, fullness or heavy feeling in the stomach. Nau sea, Debilitating Headaches, D laziness or intestinal griping. This wiU all go. and. besides, there will be no sour food left over In the stomach to poison your breath with nauseous odors. Pape's Diapepsin is a certain car for out-of-order stomachs, because it prevents fermeatatlou and takes hold of your food and digests it just the same as It your stomach wasn't there. Belief in flv minutes from all stom ach misery at any drug store, waiting for you . These large SO-cent cases contain more than sufficient to cure almost any chronic case of Dyspepsia, Indigestion or any other Stomach trouble. criminal cases. In th Supreme Court.