Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, February 16, 1911, Page 18, Image 18

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    nrrr.nvTAY tttttt? sn A Y. FEB K CART 1G,
. i i T " -
Willapa Bay Buoy to Throw
Glare and Whistle.
rioncfr Pacific Coast Station to Join
Flrt-Orur CUs of Warning
Soon Combination Bea
con on War Her.
Willapa. Bay lighthouse, pioneer of
Tactile Coast stations, la destined to
be a fourth-order lltrht for a short time.
Thla la officially announced by the Bu
reau of Lighthouses In advices to Com
mander Elllcott. Inspector of the dls
trlrt. saylna; that It had been deter
mined to safeguard the entrance tem
porarily with the establishment of a
combination whistle and sras buoy to
replace a whlstllna; buoy now In serv
-The Illumination of a fourth-order
lighthouse can be, seen for 10 miles at
sea. while the lantern used In flrat
order stations has a ransre of J miles,
but the establishment of an acetylene
a-as buoy, as authorized, will virtually
cover 17 miles, as It Is unusually oru
llant and can be seen seven miles from
the deck of an ocean-aolnr vessel." said
Commander Elllcott. "To" place the.
Willapa. station In shape for admission
to the first-order class meane pram
rally the reconstruction of the light
house and other buildings, aa they are
old. When the change, la provided. It
will undoubtedly be a complete one.
Since the Bureau of Lighthouses was
riven over to the management of civil
lans last year a campaign has been
waged for the betterment of aids gen
erally, and It Is hinted that this sea
son's dralna have been such that there
Is not a sufficient surplus to provide
for the rehabilitation of the Willapa
Bay plant. . No time was lost by the
bureau In ordering the equipment after
It was decided to use an acetylene light
and one being available at the Tomp
klnsvllle. N. Y- buoy station. It was
ordered at once and Is on the way
across the country.
Prapod Rock. In Rosarlo Strait; Puget
Found. Is also to have one of the mod
ern lights, but It will be simply an
acetylene gas buoy with no whistle at
tachment. A pnetllght Is used at pres
ent, but the Bureau has authorized
Commander Elllcott to make the sub
stitution on a showing that the lo
cation la Isolated. Strenuous work has
been necessary to maintain the light
because of Inability to And keepers.
Oriental Wncr to Complete Hat Kill
ing When Cargo Is Ont.
After having steamed for more than
U hours at full speed and unable, be
rause of the terrific gale, to gain
steerage way. the Oriental liner Her
cules yesterday began discharging 00
tons of cargo at the North Bank dork,
after having nnloaded all but that
amoun "f a toll cargo at Pan Fran
elsco. in the run from Yokohama. It
la said, ordinary weather was met. but
after leaving the Golden Gate the
storm was felt and the steamer stood
out to sea.
Fumigation carried on at San Fran
cisco, because the vessel hailed from
ports where bubonic plague Is reported
on the other side, resulted In the death
of only two rata. The hold waa not
Included In the fight against germs,
only the forecastle, poop and cabin
being covered. As soon aa the cargo la
pn the dock 400 pounds of sulphur will
be burned below de-k and It Is ex
pected that there will be a big cleanup
of rata, as the fumigation on deck Is
believed to have driven many below.
The work la carried on by means of
kettles. In each of which Is placed
about 40 paunds of sulphur, the ket
tles In turn resting In tuba surrounded
by water. When the fumes reari the
rata they seek water and crowd Into
tile tubs.
The Hercules' company officials say
that the first intimation had of a fam
ine In China waa on reaching Portland,
as the report was not discussed when
they visited Hongkong more than a
month ago and during their stay within
the Golden Gate they had not been
asked regarding the situation.
First Officer Rasmussen. who has
been In the Portland Asiatic service
2 months, and who has been away
from Norway five years, will return to
his native land this trip and will be
succeeded by Second Officer Ferro. A
ew second officer la on the way from
The Hercules will load about 220.000
feet of lumber and the remainder of her
pace will be filled with general cargo.
8he is expected to sail February 25.
The trltlh steamer Strathlyon. now of
the Harrtman line. Is looked for Sat.
tinlav. as she Is coming direct from
Ieal Might Itmsll In Salvage Opera,
tions at One.
That no Insurance waa carried on the
gasoline schooner Oehkosh with the San
ranctsco Board of Marine Cnderwrtt
era waa announced yesterday by Cap
tain Albert Crowe, local representative
of that body. Tha vessel waa valued at
about 1 : 5.00. It Is believed, from re
ports received yesterday, that she can
be saved, aa she Ilea Mgh and dry on
the beach and the work of lighting her
can be carried on without Interruption.
Local Interests are endeavoring to ne
gotiate for the work tC saving her and
It Is probable a move will be made In
that direction today at Astoria. Be.
cause the Oshkosh waa such a staunch
vessel of her type It Is not thought that
tier hull has suffered, although her cab
In. masts and other parts wtll require
considerable new work. If the salvage
Is begun without delay the schooner
will not have settled In the Band to an
extent that will retard operations. It
has been suggested that If cribbing Is
used to keep her from dropping, sand
can be excavated beneath her and the
bull righted without Injury.
lvmbkh oudehki) rim caxal
Stanley Dollar to Load at St- Helens
Till Month.
t'nder a contract with the Isthmian
Canal Commission, entered Into with
Corny. Markall Co.. of San Francisco,
the Charles I. WcCorratik Company has
In readme. at Its big St. Helens plant
)S.40 feet of merchantable lumber
that wtll be loaded on the steamer Stan
ley Dollar, of the Batea A Chesehrough
fleet, the latter part of the month.
Major M-Intloe Carps of Engineers.
I". S. A., was apprlsej yesterday from
Washington that the contract waa In
effect and he will assign Inspectors to
pass oa trie material provided for in
the agreement. The Stanley Dollar la
due here on her first voyage under tha
Xlr of tha fallfornla-At.anUc Steam-
shlo Company February II. and after
discharging Inward cargo, made up of
general merchandise, she will go to
St. Helena. Portland will be In excel
lent position In the future to aecure
orders for material needed on the canal,
aa It Is the first time a direct line baa
operated nut of the Columbia River to
that territory In which transshipment
at San Francisco was unnecessary. It
la expected that the new service will
cut Into the transportation of lumber
and wheat to the Golden Gate to an
Member of Crew of German Ship
Kilo Prowncd on Way Her.
ASTORIA Or.. Feb. 15. (Special.)
Captain Hammer, of the German ship
Kilo, .which arrived thla morning. 64
days from Talcahuano. Chile, reports
that on tha night pf January IS Frana
A. Wendt. one of the crew, was 'lost
overboard In a severe squall.
The vessel waa running at a ten-knot
rate at the time. A life buoy, with a
Do ta Arrive.
Name. From
Frir Sen Pedro...
Hercules Hongkong:...
Kalo.n San f'ranclaco
f ue H. Elmore. Tillamook. . ..
Alliance Eureka
tiolden Gate. . .TllUmcok. . .
Rose city fan Pedro...
firathlynn Honfknng. . .
Breakwater. ...Cooa Bay....
Knanok. San Pedro...
Stanley Dollar. Balboa
cier San r.dro...
i ..II U.nrfnn .
In port
In port
In port
Feb. 1"
Feb. 1
Geo. V. Elder.' -ban Pedro.
Feb. 2
Scheduled to Depart.
Name. For. rau
Fear Fan Pedro... Feb.
Golden iate. . ..TUlimo-ik Feb.
Falcon ....... . San Francisco Feb.
Alliance Eureka Feb.
Breakwater.. .."oa Bay.... Feb.
Kose City San Pedro. .. Feb.
Su H. Elmore. Tillamook Fefc.
Koanok. San Pedro... Feb.
Anvil H.n.lon Feb.
Heri-ule. Hnnekong. . . Feb.
Stanley Dollar. Balboa Feb.
Ieaer eaii t'edro. . . eU.
Geo. w. Elder. 'an Pedro... Mar.
tlrathlon Hongkong. . . . Mar.
1 j
light that bums as aoon aa It strikes
the water, was thrown overuoara. i
boat waa launched as quickly aa possl
i.ta mA iha search continued for threi
hours, but no trace of the man waa
found, although the buoy waa picked
Tha night waa dark and Captain
Hammer aaya It waa miraculous that
tha small boat was able to reach tha
ship again. Tha Kilo was In the recent
big gale off the Oregon coast, but was
not Injured.
Five Illtf Vessels Wcnlhep Storm.
NORTH BEND. Wash.. Feb. IS. (Spe
elal.) Five big vessels safely entered
thla harbor Tuesday after weathering
the atorm of Kunday and Monday, iney
reported a terrible gale, but none of
them suffered any serious inconven
ience. The fleet consisted of the steam.
era Uulnault. Grays Harbor, baginaw,
Carlos and Dorla. the last arriving, lata
in the afternoon. The barkentlne Am
aranth. carrying a million and a half
feet of lumber for bydney. is. 3. -haa
been barbound slnca Saturday. She
went to sea this morning.
Schooner Pulltxer to lie- Docked.
Arrangements were made yesterday
to lift tha Port of Portland pilot
schooner Joseph Pulitzer on tha publlo
drydick today, aa It waa reported from
Astoria that repairs to her runner couiu
not be made by beaching. Tha craft
was ordered Inside Saturday for sup
plies and It was decided to overhaul
the rudder, which suffered from bad
weather encountered off the river. Be.
cause her place will be tilled by tha
lui Oneonta. which la required lor tow.
Ing. the work will be hastened and she
may return to sea this week.
Marin Notes. '
Lumber laden for San Francisco, the
schoonerAlvena waa yesterday towed
from Goble to Astoria.
Late arrivals In the river yesterday
Included the schooner Irene, from San
Francisco, which will ba loaded wun
lumber at Kalama.
After being delayed three days at
Neah Bay. owing to the gale of Sun
day and Monday, the lighthouse tender
Columbine entered the river yesterday.
Coming from Acapulco, the British
tramp Strathness docked yesterday at
the Eastern & Western mill to be lined.
and sha will start working wheat to
On a resumption of her run to Wash-
ougal. following the Installation of a
new boiler and a general overhauling,
the steamer Jessie Harklns got away at
4:30 o'clock yesterday afternoon. The
steamer lone, which haa covered the
route the past ten days, will resume
her old schedule thla mornjng.
General cargo for New York to tha
extent of 600 tona and 120 tons of
bonded merchandise made up the load
of the American-Hawaiian steamer
Falcon, from San Francisco, which yes
terday began discharging at Albera
dock. An effort will be made to have
her loaded so she can sail thla evening.
With the fleet that went to sea yes
terday wsa the German ship Elfrieda.
which left Portland Tuesday morning
and was In Astoria before S o'clock that
evening, having been towed by the
steamer Ocklahama. She waa to have
crossed out yesterday morning, but her
skipper did not give the word until full
high water.
There yesterday entered at the Cus
tom-House the Oriental liner Hercules,
from Manila and Hongkong via Yoko
hama and San FranclscoiBrltlsh steam
er Strathness, from Acapulco; steamer
Geo. W. Elder from San Diego and way
porta; steamer Johan Poulaen. from San
Francisco and the schooner Anvil from
Bandon. The latter cleared with 250
tons of general cargo for Tillamook.
Florence. Newport and Bandon. the El
der In general cargo for San Diego and
the Poulsen In ballast for Kalama. to
load lumber.
Movements of Vessels.
PORTLAND. F.b. 15 Sailed Steamer
Ov W. Klter. for San Dleeo and way
porta; allne arhooner Condor, for tVal -
port; caeolln. schooner Anvil, for Haadoi
and. way porta; steamer Washington, for
Ka y m nniL
Astoria. Or.. F.b. I J. Sailed at 7:30 A.
M. Steamer K I more, for Tillamook. , A th
rived at a A. M. tl.rmaa .hi? Kilo, from
Tavahuano. Hailed at :!.! A. M.
Steamer Hrwakwater. for Coos Pay. Pallvd
at 10 A. at Steamers General Hubbard and
Toeemite. for san Pedro.
ean Fran'-leco. Feb. 13. sailed at 1 P. Jf.
eteamer Htf city, for Portland. Sailed
a.t msbt ateejn.r Shna Yak. for Colum
bia Rlter.
Eureka. Cal . Feb. IS. Sailed Steamer
AP'-anc. for Portland.
Point F.b. !. Paee.4 at 10 A.
M Steamer Francis M. from Co
lumbia Klver. for San I'edro.
I-oint Looa. reb. i raeeets stteamer
W. - Porter, from Monterey, for Portland.
okobama. r eb 13 AmvM previously
Kor'a. rrom ran rraarisco; Aa slant,
from Seattle: Americ. from Seattle; Pan
ama Marn. from Seattle.
tfonakuns- Feb. l.V Arrlce.1 previously
Minnesota, from Seattle; Tacoma Mini,
from Tacoma, Tcnyo Mam. from San Fran
cisco. San r ran Cisco. Feb. IS. Sailed P teem era
Wllhelmlna. for Honolulu: Siberia. f .r
Honolnla. Siberia, for Honkon. Nlafara,
for Taka: llv Fryman. for farmel;
Kheon.r Rnr soia era. for Grays Harbor;
ho, t itr. for Aatoria; F. S. Loop, w arson,
for Sa'tle.
LA9 PAt-MAS. Feb. J I. Arrived. BJornst
Jarne HJoraeon. from Portland. Or.
Tldea at Astoria Thursday.
tilth. I-ow.
03 A. M ,. fetS:1S A. M I.T feet
2 i p. M S.O iHl.t.U p. M-....U.T Xaet
Chemawa School Official Sees
. Farming Progress.
Assistant Superintendent Investi
gates Munip-Pulllnir Method on
Behalf of Indian Fnplls YVI10
Own Barned-Over Land.
To Investigate the method of pulling
stumps In burned-over land. William P.
Campbell, assistant superintendent of
the Chemawa Indian School, Is in Port
land today on his way to attend the
demonstration of the new method at the
Southwestern Washirgton Development
Association, to meet at Vancouver this
afternoon. Mr. Campbell Is making this
Investigation In the Interests of the In
dian pupils at the Chemawa school, many
of whom own lands which require clear
ing before they can be mode pro
ductive. Mr. Campbell takes an optimistic view
of tha progress and possibilities of the
Indian along farming lines. Holding
that the Indian had undergone a decided
change In his attitude toward farming,
he said:
"The authorities In Washington. D. C.
are much gratliled with the progress
made in the last year. Assistant Com
missioner Abbott, who made a tour of
all the Indian agencies In the West last
Summer, and Investigated farming con
ditions, has made agriculture among the
red men one or his specialties. He has
Just Issued a bulletin on the progress
of Indian farming which shows an dp
parent awakening by the employes in
the flrld on the subject of 'agriculture
for Indians. The Indian, he points out.
Is rapidly approaching a condition of
self-support and chiefly through his tak
ing up farming.
Expert farmers have been placed
among the Indians and Mr. Abbott haa
been Instrumental In changing old con
ditions so that now thorough instructors
are provided for the courses In
Farms Are I'p-to-liate.
"The bulletin on Indian farming
points out that In the last year more
Indians than ever before are Inter
ested In and engaged in farming, that
a greater acreage than ever before is
being developed, that better methods
and diversified planting are the rule,
that Indians are taking up the sub
ject of apples and other fruit culture
and that the grade of stock has been
considerably Improved.
"This bulletin is certainly Justified by
tha conditions throughout the entlro
Pacific Northwest. In fact through Ore
gon. Washington. California. Idaho and
Montana. I find the - Indians more
thrifty, their farms well developed and
the methods of tha white man being
adopted more and more every year.
There is absolutely no comparison with
tha Indian farm of today and that of
ten years ago. Then It waa a shack.
a bunch of horses, some poorly-fed and
poorly-bred stock and a little hay and
pasture. Today this la changed. True,
the numbers of the red men have
dwindled so that they are no longer real
competitors of the white men, but thoae
few in tha field are able to ahow about
the same grade of farms as the better
class of white men."
Willamette Iron Works to Build Two
Lines Each 2116 Feet Long.
What Is aald to lead all contracts
of the character secured locally haa
been closed by the Willamette Iron &
Steel Works with the Stone & Web
stering Engineering Company, which
calls for two pipe lines each 211
feet long. The material Is to be used
In conjunction with two 20.000-horse-Dower
units In the hydro-electric plant
of the Pacific Coast Power Company.
at Bertnger. Wash.
Delivery Is to commence st Beringer.
on the line of the Northern Pacific
between Seattle and Tacoma. April 15
and the material Is to be on the
ground by August 15. Double shifts are
to be employed In the boiler shop and
there will be an Increased force needed.
The pipe la to be manufactured In 30
foot lengths and the field work of Join
ing It la Included In tha contract. Suc
cess attending the bidding for the busi
ness la particularly gratifying to the
management of the local plant, as tne
bid waa won In the face of keen com
petition by firms in the East and on
Puget Sound.
Inspector Shows Changes.
R.cnt changes in aids to navigation
Pains in the Back?
Thousands of men and women have
it until it is too late, ram in
that your kidneys are affected,
If in doubt as to the cause of your
to learn for a certainty if
Are you tired? Low spirited? Weak
ache In the small of the back? Have scalding pain when you urinate and fre
quent deetre to do so? Are you troubled with sleeplessness? Have you head
ache, with deep lassitude and drowsiness? Js your digestion Impaired and your
tongje deeply furred? -Do your feet and ankles swell? Is your face pale and
maible like? Have you cold feet and dry skin? Have you puff lness under the
If you have any or all of these aymptoms you have Brighfs Disease and
should take Warner's Safe Cure at one
the kidneys are healthy and strong they remove the waxte material from the
system, and none of these symptoms will appear. Many of the cases of sudden
death frujn heart failure mentioned In our daily papers are caused bv uraemic
poisoning resulting from Urlfcht s disease.
This dread disease Is carrying off the flower of our manhood, but Warner's
Fife Cure can stem Its ravages and restore Its victim; to health and vigor.
If every one . suffering from BrlRht's disease were wise enough to take
Warner's Safe Cure thousands of valuable lives would be saved every year.
Warner's Safe Cure Is made from
plants and medicinal roots, gathered st the proper season
In various quarters of the globe. Men skilled In pharmacy
and chemistry compound it It Is pleasant to the taste and
agreeable to tha most sensitive stomach.
and f 1.00 edges snd sold by druggists everywhere.
Constipation and Biliousness
WARNER'S SAIL' PILLS for constipation and bilious
ness, purely vegetable, sugar-coated, absolutely free from
Injurious substances, are a perfect laxative. They do not
gripe or leave any bad after effects. 25
r 1 r 441 -f to convince every suiterer rrom
bample bOtlie and diseases of the kidneys and liver
Driv nf Pillc f-rPP nI tne merits 01 vtarners rare
DUA Ul mid II CC. Cure a .,mp, bottle and a sam
ple of Warner'a Safe Pills will be sent free of charge, post
paid, to any one who will write Warner's Safe Cure Co.,
Rochester, N. Y., and mention having seen this liberal
offer In The Oregonian. The genuineness of this offer Is
fully guaranteed by the publisher.
Smaller Feet
Sore Feet, Tender Feet and Swollen
Feet Cured Every Time TIZ Makes
Sore Feet Well No Matter
What Ails Them.
Everyone who is troubled with sore,
sweaty, or tender feet swollen feet
smelly feet, corns, callouses or bunions
cap Quickly make their feet well now.
Here is inetant relief and a lasting,
permanent remedy It's called- TIZ.
TIZ makes sora feet well and swollen
feet are quickly reduced to their natur
al size. Thousands of ladles have been
able to wear shoes a full size smaller
wltn perfect comfort.
t' s the only foot remedy ever made
which acts on the principle of drawing
out all the poisonous exudations which
cause sore feet. Powders and other
remedies merely clog up the pores.
TIZ cleanses them out and keeps them
clean. It works right off. You will
feel better the very first time It's used.
Use It a- week and you can forget you
ever had sore feet. There Is nothing
on earth that can compare with It.
TIZ 1 for sale at all druggists -5 and
50 cents per box or direct, if you wish
from Walter Luther Dodge & Co.. Chi
cago, 111. Recommended and sold by
The Owl Drug Co.
In the principal harbors of Oregon and
Washington, are noted in the last official
statement from the office of Commander
J. M. Elllcott. Inspector of the Seven
teenth Lighthouse District, as follows:
Columbia ' Rlv.r entrance Peacock Spit
buoy, 11, reported missing. February S;
will be replaced aa soon as practicable.
Columbia ttlver Middle tJround youth
Fide buov, 7, first-class spar, established
Janu.irv 111. 1011. In 24 feet of water.
Tongue Point, tangent, tlo degrees true
( t. r. mag. 1.
Buoy depot wharf, northwesterly corner,
86 dea-reea true, IN. K. by B. mag.).
Taylor Bands flahhouse, 3.5 degrees true
(N. N. W. 4 W. nui.l.
Yaqnlna Bav Government wharf light to
be discontinued Mitrch 1, 1011.
Wlllnpa Bay Buoys replaced: Hand
Island northeast and buoy. u. February tt;
Uystervllle Channel buoy. 4. February 8.
Juan tie Fuca Hlrall Neah Bay whistling
buoy. "Neah Buy," red, replaced Feb
ruary 4.
Brlllnghnm Bay Post Point bell buoy. O.
moved and renumbered. February 6, 1911.
and permanently established. In 40 feet of
water, on southwesterly point of shoal ofT
Pint Point; its number waa changed to "2
P P."
Chuckanut Island, right tangent. 1.18 de
grees 30 minutes true (3. E. 1-10 E. mag.).
Kllia Inland, right tangent, -'IS degrees
true (H. W. 8. mag. .
Point Frances, left tangent, 253 degrees
tru. (W. 8. W. H W. mag.).
Four Bar Permits Renewed.
ASTORIA. Or.. Feb. 15. (Special.)
The State Board of Pilot Commission
ers met here this afternoon and re
newed the bar branches held by Cap
tain M. D. Staples, M. Nolan and A. E.
Cann and the river branch held by Cap
tain H. T. Groves. Tha only other busi
ness transacted was to pay the pre
mium for Insurance on the schooner
San Jose, One application for a, bar
branch waa received. It will probably
be acted upon at an adjourned meet
ing in Portland next week.
Wllhelmlna Is Floated.
GARDINER, Or.. Feb. 15. (Special.)
The gasoline schooner Wilhelminu,
stranded at the north beach at the en
trance of the Umpqua River several
weeks ago. was successfully floated Sun
day and proceeded up the stream under
her own power to the cannery of the
ITmpqua Co-operative Packing Company.
The only damage she sustained was the
losz of a propeller blade.
Cowlitz River Rises.
Gratitude is felt by officers of the
Kellogg Transportation Company for the
heavy downpour of Sunday and Monday
that has Increased the flow of the Cow
litz River to an extent that permitted
tho steamer Chester to resume opera
tions yesterday as far as Castle Rock;
She may reach other points before the
end of the month.
Centralis Couple to Celebrate.
CENTRALIA. Wash., Feb. 15. (Spe
cial.) Tho Rev. C. D. Spencer and his
wife will celebrate their golden wed
ding next Friday night. Mr. Spencer
was born In 1836 and served in the
Civil War before entering the Baptist
ministry and bears the title of Colonel.
He was married to Miss Lovica R. In
graham and moved to Cntralla in
kidney disease and do not know
xne dock is one oi me wujouigs
trouble, have your urine analyzed
the kidneys are diseased.
and nervous? Have a constant dull
- and continuously until cured. When
the fresh Juices of
Put up In 60c
cents a package. f MmiisB
i " I'
Here Is an Opportunity for Any Man to
Be Cured Easily, Quickly and Permanently
NO MAN should suffer the loss of that vitality which renders life worth Jiving, or allow himself to he-
m i..e than Nntnre intended, when there is at hand a certain cure for his debility. Most of the TAIb,
which men suffer are due to an early loss of Nature's reserve power You need not suffer from this. ou
cln t restorTd. The very element which you have lost you can get back and you may be , happy ' any
man. Tou can be cured by the right kind of treatment. Come to my office; investigate my methods.
"When you are first aware of any disease or debility upon
your vitality, then yon should procure the proper medical ad
vice and treatment without delay. You will secure to yourself
that health, success and enjoyment of life which is every man's
lot, whose bright and steady eyes, clear and healthy skin, ac
tive brain, congenial make-up and physical development show
that no contaminating influences of disease are devastating his
system, that no mental, moral or physical debility is making
his life, a miserable failure.
I do not treat symptoms. I treat and cure the ailment be
hind the symptoms. If the case presents even the slightest
feature upon which I have a doubt, or if I recognize incurable
. complications, I positively refuse treatment. I would rather
give up my practice than indulge in either guesswork or make
believe cures. I have devoted years of earnest and conscien
tious endeavor to the unravelment of some of the most perplex
ing problems- that ever confronted the profession, and believe
that I have attained the limit of medical possibilities in my par
ticular branch of practice. I have brought to light the true
nature of men's ailments and the causes of the symptoms they
present. In addition I have by the scientific blending of drugs
produced remedies that meet every condition that it seems pos
sible to cure. There is no cause to hesitate. Consultation costs
nothing, and I will not offer my services unless I can cure you.
My Original and Exclusive Treatment for Men's Ailments Has Been Proven In Numbers of Instances "Where
Success Has Seemed Impossible Before. Information That Is of Vital Interest to
Every Sufferer Tree. How They Can Be Cured Without Experimenting.
Have You Violated the Laws of Health?
Corrrect Medical Methods for the Permanent Cure of Blood Ailments,
Piles and All Bladder and Kidney Ailments.
Medicine furnished from my own laboratory for
the convenience and privacy of my patients, from
1.60 to $.B0 a course.
Honrs A. M. to 8 P. M. Sundays from 10 to 13.
1887. Six children were born to them
and no death has occurred in the fam
ily during- their Ions; married life. Both
are in splendid health.
Ontario to Get Sclioolhouse Boon.
ONTARIO. Or., Feb. 13. (Special.-
Plana are now being drawn for the new
High School building; and the four-room
crraded school which will be erected and
ready for occupancy by September 1. Tho
new Hish School will cost about $40,000
and will occupy an entire block facing
the present school building:. Dalton
Bines, recently elected circuit Judge, re
signed last week and at a special elec
tion Saturday C. E. Kenyon, cashier of
the First National Bank, was elected to
fill the vacancy.
The Lending Specialist
The Man With
an Ailment
should learn and the sooner tha
better that what may seem a
trivial ailment very often has most
serious ax d far-reaching effects.
The man who tries to be his own
dootor Is always the patient that
later comes to the specialist with
the chronic, stubborn, deep-eated
caaa, which la the hardest kind to
cure. I cannot hope that all men
will accept my statement that the
quickest, the safest and the cheap
est cure Is had by consulting an
expert specialist at onre. hut the
Intelligent man will readily be con
vinced of the value 01 this advice
upon .Investigation.
Specific Blood Poison
Positively Eradicated
Others dose the system with min
eral poisons scarcely less danger
ous than the ailment Itself. The
best they hope to do by this treat
ment is to keep the ailment from
manifesting its presence upon the
surface' of the body. Under my
treatment the entire system i
cleansed. The last taint of virus
Is destroyed. Every symptom van
ishes to appear no more. I employ
harmless, blood-cleansing remedies.
They are remedies heretofore un
known In the treatment of this ailment-
They cure by neutralizing
and absolutely destroying the poi
son In the system. Such cures can
not be other than complete and
Office Hoars S A. M. to s P. H.
Bandar, 10 ta 1 only.
MORRI JOX ST Portland, Or.
i TUB .
It matters not what your ailment
is. nor who has treated It. if it is
curable we will give you immediate
benefit and a quick and lasting
If we could but see and treat all
men when the first symptoms show
themselves there would be no need
for specialists in chronic aUments.
There would be few men seeking
recuperation of their physical,
mental and other powers. Few
would be marked with the in
delible tamp of constitutional ali
ment, and suffering of this kind,
would be reduced to a minimum.
But as long as men continue to
disregard the golden adage, a
stitch In time saves nine, and con
tinue to neglect themselves or be
Indifferent in securing the right
kind of treatment at the outset,
Just so long will there be multi
tudes of chronic sufferers.
Do not allow money matters to
keep you from getting well. We
charge nothing to prove our meth
ods will cure you. Our offer
SATISFIED Is your absolute pro
tection. Consultation, examination
and diagnosis free.
"We claim for our treatment
nothing "wonderful" or "secret"
it la simply our successful way of
A t- I 1. 1 V l .tie..., . . . . . . . n
rlnrnbrre, hoaeetly lnvrntiarate oar
proven methods. Yoa Trill then under
stand ton easily we cure all eurable
II L 4 I) K H and KIDNEY troubles,
PILES and all RECTAL aliments.
to us and get it. Once under our
treatment, you will quickly realize
how simple a thing it is to get well
In the hands of a specialist who
knows his business. Our cures add
not only vears to life, but life to
vears. Office hours, daily 8 to 6.
Evenings 7 to 8. Sundays 10 to 1.
362 Washington St., Portland, Or.
Chinese herb ind root
medicine for men and wo
men with anr Internal, ex
ternal or eruptive disease
Our Chinese doctor lately
from New York Oriental Hos
pital also has 30 years ex
perience. If you suffer, when
others fall, we wish you to
call or write to 301 First
St.. Portland. Or. Free con
sultation and examlnntica.
Consultation and examination. If
you cannot call, write for free
self-examination blank and book.
Many cases cured: at home.
230V2 Yamhill St.
Dont Give Up Hops
There Is Help for You
I will treat some
of your ailments
for as low a fee as
S.5 and 10. I will
SyS make you an ex
ceptionally iovr lea
on any ailment you
may be sutferins
With this low
fee and my long
and successful ex
perience In treat
ins; ailments of
men you need not
suffer another day.
I don't care who
nas iricu fcv,
you, and has failed I will Blve you a
sure cure ana '" . " - -
ud before seeing: me.
By the latest methods known to
MKHICAI, science I successfully treat
Come In and see me, llnve " r?nfI'
dentlal talk and be flammed wttnoot
coat or oblisatlon. I will enre you.
The Old Reliable Specialist.
Corner Alder and Second streets. En
trance 12S4 Second street. Portland.
Or. Office noura a A- M. to 8 P. M.
Sundays. 10 A. M. to 1 P. M.
Pay When Cured
We bave everv known remedy ap
pliance lor TREATING VOU. Our ex
perience is so great and varied that n
one of the aliments of Men i new to u.
come; is and talk it uvbk.
General Debility, Wealt Nerves, In
somnia Results of exposure, overworn
and other Violations of Matures lawt.
Diseases o. . ..adder and Kidneys, Vari
cose Veins, quickly and permanently
cured at small expense and no deten
tion from business.
bFKClAL AJLji.vrs Jewly con
tracted and enronic cases cured. All
burning, itching and intlminatiua
stopped in 24 hours. Cures effected la
seven days. Consultation free. If un
able to call, write for list of questions.
Office Hours 9 A- M. to 8 P. 11 Sun
days, JO A. M. to 1 P. M. only.
Pacific Coast Medical Co
VV AsHl.(.'I'o: s'lKUUT.
Corner Flrat.
Halifax is the Winter port of entry for
passenger ships of four large steamship
companies, namely, the Canadian Pacific
"White Star, Royal and the Alien lines.