Y V rR RFNT. Huktrplif K-wcco l a anally. ON first floor, suit of lhr rooms, nicely and completely furnih-l for housekeep ing; oairaM location. walking t tnc; ho:r..llk n 1 quiet; beat, light, phone, bath fr'. 347 Hall st- t. a OR 4 conn-tins rmnii in mo-iera h. or unfurnished; rent raa Mntal. Ilea N. 17th t. ' TliRKS splendid rooms rompiele for living or housekeeping, bnl, llgti-.a. bath, phon Included i.'i Cuuch, N. corner lath. TURKS well fuTntaned housekeeping nni in quiet net,t:-.rorttwod; no cbiWrtn wanted, S4 N. Twcotleta st. KEVTI.T (urnlilinl aoueekaeptr-g-roome. phone, hut water, walking diatatic. 4v. Iloliaday It. - I'l.ARCt finely furnlalied front rooms. first floor, ail cr.VfRiftirtl; prlc rol vim .n r,:. i i.vh. . FK"NT aull. two b-.i " rooroa: 13 per 3'J 2 K. tiumai-o. two lars rooma with alcove, $Ju. on aingl room. JS FlanuT. taw THE CREATftt MEIER FRANK STOR8 HbNTAL AND l.sr--KATlON 'K-Ac. Homa-huntrra. visa: our up-lo-dala ren tal and Information department. 4th Boor, mala building, and l! vacancies w bat lia'.ed f deal.ab house and Cala. You'll M tlmo la getting properly and wmljnuir localc-a. W aep " tcuel iui ail icinl IwiW. flat and apart ment in th city w kp l.at of Dew buildings la course of construction. Th comb;nd lits of ail rl ata:a oralcra. Thia tafurasatlou la aMolutaiX '-iTilM TOU WANT TO BENT A HOC3B SKS US." THZ MEIER rKANKCOMPAXT. WHEN you mo yoj ll nd NEW FL'R MTLhli Buy It Ju ii:lou1y (on tha Eaa liiJi and th. sain(a xcd eur movtna xpasra. Our LoW FKirEf. wblch In t yoara tnado ua ono of rortlaad'a laricaat furnl turt bowB!, ro mail poaaitu bacauaa a bulit on tha Kaat Sid, tuarwby aavtna; a aar rrni. kOKOAV-ATCHLJif FIRNITfRK CO. OtanJ A.. Cor Kjit tilrk HI HOL "and fltt -ar rem. aoma I or u Mr:r.' HANTS SAVIN. ,S a. TKLdT COMPANY. S. TT. Cor. 6t a ar. l WaMnto n C CAN Fl KM."il tOLR IIoMS at a crvat aar.nf. tit our iricaa i-oofc-ra gr.ona mcmrj rourtaay. tt. 0?TKOW at CO.. t-d Xorth 34 t. Raaaooanio prlcra. F' l,nM- )f tKK Vi-roor bouao to rnt on ldbo and Vlrclnla :a. ; laa Kultn car. 2 and M'rrtat,n. Intuira A4i Varniont at. H'm f!..ii A a T I . S-Ili M bouaaj Vita atr.a carpta and milt Iojt ah.l. larc lawn, on pved Btr!. witb cnr.t wanca. m location on xaat 11.1-. I'hona Vain 'iK RENT ni'viTn new bouaa on JTlli. b-twa Ronc and Bianiara. brar rlrook:yn and tf'UWiMxl car. l'bon tII- NfcVV. mMrn fl-r'vom hno, C'mforlah;y rurn.ahl. iirooillyn Itatfnta. i'hooe bil w.-l i(,il).K.. !alrb. a-room hua. c!nja in. ( S-ri ran Rafael at. K.att llx. VK kK.NT l-room bona oo fma lot. baar fafl.Bi-. fll 4.I4 ypil'lin b!dc. li; -i:nm ui.Mtrn cotiaao. cornar Caat T'tl an.1 t'ou h ata. lR M M ir.ntl'in ctt4". crnr L'olon a. an'l r-'ph'Ta at M iln T"7. J..K K.'J.NT iltKl.rn t-room bouat. TiS Wla aurt aa. I rwihd lluv. J:l.r;". ANTl.T fiirn!hd bouao of T rooma. Tjrfeti ruaa and nna piano: all moVrn lniprom.-nta. aar North and Ollaaa ra . t.l rwnt utittl rturn of prwnt oi.. cupaala. ftNwil f-ptn; l-r 1. to rrapobalh: prty wu.1 inn;! faiti::y; rol ., Al drras l'ua:aKa ilol 111. (lln( tlapbob numptr. J'l l;.M-Htl houao In H 'Madar l ark, al trartlva IrH-alion on t'.arkamaa. aovvtn rooma. til'! furnlhal. both Kaa and w K-l raD. and l cnnifnwilcn; will root for )tt or I'-mcir. M'- argar. Itatea LlTOlr. 11- ralUn b'iiulln FOR RENT or f r a!. hunaalow. A rma. roniptiiy fumiahd. hot air fumaca. all rii.nl m lraprovamnta. In ltoomro. on Mork from rara. Inqulro t'llrm! HotL NEVV. mo'f-ra. .romad, blahad. Una vUw. two out. rarJao. Ions laaao. cuaillt fur-ca.-linoa. 2d min. rwfarencaa. Main ''' CHTrEI.T lo-rad ft-room furnlahfd f:t. with piano, rant raaaooabla. i. b. Ilantary. ttar& bld. T-KimiM furnisa-d homo In fif ttantt for board anil room for two alulta. Call M4 Kiat !.m'n. or ph-Tn 1 1 II V F.I.IVfT rnIHEIi Iiou. 1J mlnuta r:i. chiT-k-n ard and fro garden apaca. phona Sollwood !$ brfora 1 : P M. S-Ri'iw DiKltra hou.. elrcur.tly furnlaliati. awll dlatrlct. to rvapouaiti partlra. A "r-T. NKtV. modarn. bawiy furnuhad flat. 4 rooma. rloa In. 1 . t: :! blX rootna. fD rajonatl. 40 raat bib m N'tr'tv Kay wait dor. T-Kvmm furntahau f'st for rant: would aolt; very dealraMl trrma. 4-tl 11th. Ihawa fur flrnl lurnilm forrial. Hr.KK la your ftiani-a; furnttura of an a. -room houao. li miwutea from l. C ; Olca home, fine location, rooma ranted to al m.at doul le rent; cheap for quick aal. l-h.one A S-l. Na.W l.V-fi.rniahed fiat. ai:l aacnfk for raah. 17 S llth at., between Morriaon and Alder, dally a to 10 I'. M.: Sunday, a to i V. it. M iDKKV private houa. lncTm IO mnnlh. cloee In. cheap rent. nKely fur hine.l. bico belcbborbood. W 711. Or S'jnian, FIRST-CLASS-oMen k rurnltura of S room f at. cn:ruy l-n-ated. on W'eat Side, or will rent tbe flat ready f urnlaned. Vr-rnm Marahall :U'f. U.S. THIS and 'tie ood aa aoid: rooma. beet Iwaiit'n. XVeat M-le. clean, now. com ' piete. wort.i Hloi: $ takes It. Owner. All 771. Oregonian. NalWLT Curntahed modrrn 7-room flat, walklnc diatanca, batn. vaa. electricity; S rooms rented clearlnc rent. e l N. 1trh s:.. near Haaimcion. -KAl t at for rent, with Uo worth of new furniture, aa'-rtrled at lJH; 440 down, baiani-o $'e per monta takaa it. hono Marehail 3'73- N K vv furnlturo of 5-room bouaw for sale. cheap. 4 rooma rented ptrs the rent. Call ntei prs the r Eoet flay. rtween and 4. t34i Ttf'TS furrittur a-f-Tll f:at. cNiao In. K.aat aide. Kenta for 930. Call 57 Kaat la '..-non Pa me H A "J. I'C - room bous for rent, furnlturo for aole. rent tit; walking diatanca. I hone Eaat 7J e-K'"rt hmue for reat. furnitur for aala. ' . M Al ter at. 4 Koovs, new furniture, cheap: apartment ri- 3tM Ootid a:, and Thurmjin. TO I.EA.XK etor. Front atreet." "S by 1. In brick buiMinc; good location, elooa to !aladla brldse and Jeffereoa street detvrt. Kent rvanio.a A. it Burrell Company. -)3 lioKay Bids- Tblrd and frtaxk atreeta HAtF af new j-e:ory brtca. 40xloa. piaia suae front: 1th and Marshall, anltasl for Ltcbt Jobbtns. manuf i.-turiBf or retail : will leaaw oao-baJf; dtvldo apaoa to ault tenant or ter.at.'.B: lnog leaaL A. O. Iaaaj. SMALL ator and Ilvlnc-rooma with con yenience. sod location f"r rroccr or biker. lt. ri)tt line; $li per rrronth. 'w n-r v. kolpb. lor East ZAth St. 1'bon li. 1-.V CORNER erore. nw con-rto bui:din. ;io-c-ry and butcher ah T located In satna hulldlna ;-.l loc-.rMn. 1'ail Eaat r.',4. OrFICCS and public ba'ia. mderat rala Allaay bbls d and Mornaon ata. t-'.'Rl. f;rrent. "l'bonaLajt 1-3. Office. kfi.i.T contrary located ofncoa, all-nlcht aie eator aer-lre lol Mwetl-nd bids., or Jaa llor. 4tn and WaaMnctoo. DEK room, bright, cheer.''; ef.'ue. t ir nlaneel: front of elevat'T. r-? Henry M-lr. FI'KNISHKD office. se-.TCTt f; or Meriuaia b:-I. lniulr phone Sellwood lo'.l. nwbaaan. IV. O welj llirhted floors In tr k balldlnc. tnauranr rat only JO centa Oc ri'teatai w areboua Cetrpaar. 4 and 11 4th at. North. lost ash roryrt. LOST From aa apreea aigoa Tuady n.sht. aNiut 7 o'cio-k. on either Hum aid or .North Teird atreet. a black lcatn-r f-l.tt ba. Kinder pieaae brins to lull Chamber of Comn-.oce bulldtns. and re reieo reward of 4realr ralue than th bag could bo to any on cscept tb owawr. PhooMala JilO. LOST La render namld bow knot, dla- mood setting; lineral reward for Its re turn. Mrs. O. Rittonherg. .Nortonla Hotel. a'.cb. o;en face. Initial oi N." pieaa return room '' back "A. V. E'eetrle b!dg LA-.T Th varaon that found bon's red oaerccat near Sumner and .t'Mnai ave.. wl.i pieaae call Wvodawn 'JJV J .s T illrl'a aKver watch Wtth sold heed fob chain. I'l -.e return to Silvcrfleld s otorw. offlc 4th r oor. and receive fenr.i. X.ST OoLeretl cn Tuee.'.ay ovenlng. oa .Broadway car. Fhoa C 1457. sutwaru, tOST AVD IWIU. I HI"-" umnu.i. . i 7 .- r.iii-..... FOUND Wh.- you can but snoln fcalr iBltr retail at who'.eaale price; w I iraonK mat tresae and bb " W lSO MBO'iH 1 - . 7 CirH Hair Fsclory. H- Wasr. 4A Front. Phon Mala 7jA 13.4. ttr-HVr-.! orrORTTN ITIE-O- THERE are wonderful Inv-etmcnt opportu nitlca In Central and Northern Columbia, along th lln t hre continental and otber railroad hJJ" Ti.s vast new and rich trrltory "'.0U. tei acres of th finest ', mlil farmlns land. d.oO0.iK0 acre of rich mineral, timber and coal land will develop with marvelous rapidity. fort C.-orge Is til seoaraphlcal center on tn lln of all railroads bulldins and pro jected and at the Junction of l000 ""?? of nevlui.l waterway. Tou can r ot in row befi.ro th railroad and "harw m proflta bf Investing aa lllt'.a a l' per month. It ua aend you a r copy of -Hrltleh Columbia Hnllelln of Informa tion." containing up-u-dat nww oi in-ya-ment oprx-rtu&.tles In this vaat. and rich country, also synopsis of " ment land, mining, timber ar.d coal laws, etc Mend your name and addreea touay. Natural Resources Security Co.. Ltd. ram up capital IiS.000. 41J Bower bidg Vinfouvar, Li. C AT THE NEW townalt. of To -!:-T,,"n-th center of our Wl'lametta "llI lrT1 gated Land. oplortur Itle for General Meichandla Store. Irug store, liar J are Stor. Hotel. Blackemlth Shop. Oarage, Livery. Carpenter. Etc. Free town lot to dealrabl partle. plr to Farm Land D-p'" . KAHTMAS THOMPSON. Pankera. Chamber of Cominrrct Bids- LIVERT atahl and stock for sale, one of th best business.- In the state: can buy all or one-half: no opposition; can recom mend to any proapectlve buyer: this bual- . ness will pay 2.1 per cent on th Inveat rnrr.t If properly run. 1 have other Inter eats and for that reason want to get out. as I have to depend entirely on other, to take car of my Interest- Ther U 3d head of horse, and plenty of rlss of all kinds In tlret-claas condition. At. Vakencld. Elma.Wash. LIVERT. FEEO AND llOAP.DI.Sa PTABT.B. In sood location on West bldo; weii eatebl.Uied trade: ! stalls. 7 boardara at present. Trie I.JoO. Including S horses, 5 buggies. 1 wagons. I cart. T sets or mil harne.a and 4 s-ts of doubl har-D-u. 2 aa.l.lle and all ncaaary tools. A wry good place. - KAI FFMAN.V MOORE, l:s Lumlier Kxcliant. FOR VALBV A JO-M capacity Roaawll poetmhl aw still, complete with ul-off aaw. aawdost conveyor. to.: alaw a No. I Nortbwt r latter, with attm. h mania, goer a) saw; ha heen used only a short time. Fr partlcT-iar call at my offio-a, St-tZi Froat St pcrtleod. Or. HKKMAN MrrrrOEW. Owner. 'VVENEr.'l)at once, smart, energetic busl nca man to learn our buataeea. which Is a money. getter: then take rharg of a siater slat brsnch: good s.-xlary and rum. miaaion to right party: muat hav J-ieK) raeb which draws dividends. be Mr. storve. &jS Couch illdg.. 4th and Waah-Ing-on. A-HAHOAIN. Orocerv. deicatea.'n and bakery, a year leaae; fine location. icllent trade; must sell cm account health, reaaonabl prlr or will trade for city property Eastern Weatern Trual Co, 'Jul Cham ber of Coir mere. I V VKSTM ITU THIS. 1 mart sell my bakery and confectionary bualneea at one: eatabliahed 4 years; cash bustneaa: no credit; no deliveries: Invoice atiout $3J4: will clear over 4-;t per month; good location. 8e agent. JAlr. Helt-.hml.lt. " 4lh st-. Lewis bhig. 1AI.(MN for ssie at once In city; Inde pendent llcena. good location, medium aock; po.l table, safe, lunch fixtures; must be eold at once: doing good hualneaa: reason for selling, sickness, inciulr til Swetland bldg. Will take horses for pari. P. F. Fonta A RARE opportunity. a few good people with some capital wanted: come In ground floor with us: new mineral springs; un eoualed water: heart of fine city hear Portland: 11 arses f rult-bearing orchard; a b:a and quick money-maker. AU 770. Oregonlaa. OFEVINO for an experienced warehouse man one who will take Block In th company and manage th business; must b a man who can control soma storage, H 7'". Oregonlan. "HOT El- -LEARINi 3ikk PER TEAR. I!) bua It. $4iO caah. 7.U mllea from. Portland; has all th commercial trad: a Mg money-maker for hotel man. AC tiregonian. riOVT TAKE A CHANCE of buying debts. 1 Investigate and report. ' oillliigharo, auditor. 411 Lewis bids, Mar shall 4il. FOR SALE OR TRADE. $irn equity In good hotel or roornlng hmise in balem for aale or trad for real eatate near Portland or Salem. Addree HOPKINS, lull) t COP1-EY, 3V, State St.. Salem. Or. FOIl SALE. Weekly I-eader-Nuggct, atab lished II va paiier In a liv town; job printing plant In connection. -'."H), If taken soon. W rit Th Leader-Nukgel. Cottage Urov. Or. WE WILL mak an agreement with anion who will Investigate our proposition nnd lnvst .M0 with us. that they will double their money Inside of one year; money secured. Y 77a. Oretrnilaa FOR SALE A thriving grocery buelnres. good location, cheap int; man and all ran clear $-" per month, lnvolr about l.'ioa b lr. A. Hlgg. Curbett B'dg. clOAR, confectionery and stationery store doing good business; erlll Invoice lm: owner win lake -o0 today. Call 417 H isrd cf Tra f YOL'Nil MAN. STRAKai-.ER, atak careful Inveat igatloh at xpens4 of s-Iler befor ou Invest money In any proposition. Advisory lMpmruueot. Y. M. C. A- . PH'MWINU bualueae. nice Jobbing trade, fin chtna for a new beginner; l.-raon l..r selling. 8-l Williams ave. Hunt l with living room. PO-Vlp.OOM and cigar store. 6 tables, one with 4 tables; cigar aod lunch counter; cleared last month 427a. Price tlSuU. 41H Hoard Trad. -,VU, vauarante an Inveatmenl from $luO to 4..' to mak a return of 41no within sia months: monsy amply secured: re far -ences exchanged. T 7'.J. Oregonlan. W ANi El To sell II. O. Peck Auto Wheel sto. k. Chrlstofferson-Woods Carbureter .lock and raaiadia Mining and Uevaluli mert Co, M Til, oregonlsn. TftAVTKH A partner la a llv real eelele and business chances office: no experi ence beyond ability; little eash required. Call at nlo ywetlaad bldg. VAIITnIeR wanted willing to drive delivery wagon part of the time: require vary little money; can clear 17 J week. Call .4S Stark st- SMALL Jewelry store, 411UO cash, sux-k n-arly thst tuuch: keeps two men busy. llo.M location. Have Z years' lease ea building. Add re ee Al771. Oregonlaa. BROKERAOB btrslneas: owner wants ener getic partner to tend office, show property, etc. Call axe Investigate. 417 Hoard of Trade. ATEl Iartnr with I-ihmi to tak ha.t Intereat In buainese thst psys l(Xi a w ee g or belter: good security for money in vcated. b I- 1 and I. M N nth St- PAKTNER wonte.l. restaurant ; want a cook: 4 17 reoutrvxl; bueineaa averages So5 ilar: don't overlook ttia, illl 414 Board Trap. , . H HALE Two-chair barber shop; good location. Call at l Russell St. after 4:14 P. M SALOON In coj-itry town, 110 lo 75 day sales, rent 1 month; will sell chsap, el! S4 Stark st- Aii.i-' klKY and onfec ttooery. luvou-e. lluo: aal-s airraia 4io day; no better place la clt. HI"! Iloird Trade. Ct 'NKECTIONEKY and groctr; g-od thing. Call and see ahoi't It; only S-ot: terms. N. T. Ha.L 8-1 Lumberrnena Hldg. IJE lITc AT ESS KN for fit, big trade, very little oppoalllon, la growing district. CaU 2n mark sr. Fl'RNITl'RE store, new and second-hand goods, good aocalion. long lease; any rea aonnMe offer conaldered. IV 5 Grand art, P'Ol ball for sale $2400; s tables, fine location, rent $:.'; best money-msker In city. lvr Fourth st. n EST A CHANT and horn bakery for sal at a bargain; range, etc., $.10: good loca tion. Owner. Q. N 704. Oregonlan. REAL ESTATE, baaineee. opening for enr getle man who b willing to show land. etc Particulars 1S blirk IL $liev Want a sood salesman In Oregon; ownr will show you fH) per month prof.t. Partlculsrs 417 Board of Trad. tihr 'ERiliS. hottest, Mrs. tc. : partner wanted for a strictly caah store; profits m larye fsll 7ti v, ntsr Itj REST A I' RANT FOR SALE INuLIHS 141 No. lOth. yn SALE Snap, cigar store. J 4th at. Inquire Inalde; owner. PARTNER with ;00 to Inveet In a good payias busiaa. AC TiS, prcgoalaa. ..' 17 - THE MORXiyq OTtEflONTAy, TnUHSDAY. FEBRUARY 16, 1911. 1 ' ctvivntl. t BUSINESS DIRECTORY. Hi 3 sole owner of a manufacturing con cern, having an established trade In Ore gon. Washington and Idaho for 10 yars. would Ilk to get Intareated with a p11' who will b able to manage th financial part of th buainesa; alao bs a salesman for tba city; capital required 5f"H to 7OO0: th very highest of Portlsad bank ing reference given. Address F it" Oregonlan. WE hav 'clients ifor rooming houses ss follows: One It to 24 rooms. West bid preferred; one to 40 rooms. If you wsnt to sell send us a description and price. THE McKENZIB REALTY CO.. H)i Ablngton Bldg. HALF Interest In an old-established busi ness, doing a good buslneae. with sal aried position of Sloft pr month. For full particulars call Kinney at s:ampnr. Luna ber Kxcuaag bldg.. rcoms 33I-S3I. MILLINERY SNAP. Neatest and beat place on East Sine, low rent; will Invoice over K): quirk sale price 40d. N. T. Hall. 321 Umber mens Bldg. POOL ROOM. Two tables, cigars, etc.; no competi tion: IV.O. about half cash. N. T. Hall. 8-1 Lombermena Bldg. . GROCERY STORE Everything new. horse and good location: low rent; Invoice alovo, N. T. Hall. :i-'l Lumbermens Hldg. PA r:Tyhol.lIng-ari" Interest "in on of the beet known real estate firms In Portland will sell al a great sacrifice, so"" reason for selling. Particulars 54 j tth. A DANDY candy kitchen, two cot.fectloliery stores and several first, second and third -class rooming-houses for Immediate sule. Inoulre room .101 conch bnlhllni;. Al PIANIST, picture tone, tenor with heat of sorira. man with 'ong experience rorr New York City, small town preferred. 317 Fltadnor bldg. Marshall 190. GOOD caah buainesa wants partner, trial glvn before Investigating to show you that you ran mak gino monthly. Room 123. Lumber Exchang. TAILOR shop orT Washington L for sal at sacrifice. rlht man can clear 140 weekly. Phone Main 3023. LIVE real estat firms wanted to huaJI best fruit and walnut prolect. Southern Willamette Valley. Hog .141. Eugene. Or. ('Oil SALE Controlling interear. la email planing mill doing good business. C TiA Oregonlan. Ll'MBERif you would be tnterssad la new sawmill ar.d timber proposition, ground floor, address J 714. Oregonlan. HT'STI.F.R-wanted- foe- tha map business; chance to make big money; Ilttl cash required. Particulars US 4th st. SMALL, grocery and butcher, rush business. U dally, oo delivery. KKiO. Tapf. r 4s kaar. 141S First, ro-im 4. U IN TE.lt E.ST In good garag and agency, $1.K will handle If taken at once. Ad dresa H 7'lf. oregonlan. $0x S Interest In light manufacturing business: sn opportunity to mns uis money. Particulars 41 P.onrd of Trade. EASY work, money-making bualncas; aell all or half Intereat. you had blir In veatlxate today. 413 Couch lllrtg. NICE llTll grocery that I doing cash bual ncss of f.". dally, at Invoice. Koom tZI. Lumber r.xcnange. WANTED Small Job printing oulfIL Hs city property and aome- cash lo trad. Wood. 31Q Kpabllng Bldg. AtlNINU AND IMiLsriilAU BTOCK. llphon and other bond bought aaa old. Fletcher inv. Co.. 225 Ablag.toa. FOR-SALE or" trade One of the beet lit tle Store in cny; w im sect oo e. e-T', Bom tnis nii'mii. i. t i i. PARTNER wanted to ngag In cement business- profits very lame; money ae cured. Call 248 S Stark al. SAIXION" for aalc 2li Front, cor. Sainton St.. I'ortlnnd. Or. 4iMl p.LS'NEri earcla. 1 0O: yoa must brtag Ibis ad Ifoas City primary rJH Third. ol.i .tt reetaurant. dolnr eood business. O. E. Metier, prop.. JOS lllh St., Astoria. Or. TOR SALE Shooting gallery and doll rack combined. Appiy 4th and Couch. Hariw"areeiore. good location; 440O0 stork; cash or city property. Hall, 3u Front st. CLEAN 1NO and presalns business for sale Owner, 2"H Union ave. N. CIOAR stors. your own price. sy term. Apply i N. Becond st. ROOMI?fO-IIOL"SEti. HOTELS. APARTMENTS AND KOOMlNU IIOUSEJi. y.Z Chamber of Commerce. HOTEL ON WASHINCTO.V ST. Corner brie bullrtlng. bS rooms, office and lobby on firat fUor; splendid location for transient trade; long lease; reasonable rent; 4iiK cash will baudle: balance on caicy terins. Sea us at once for price. 13-KUOM UOlr'B. Residence district: mahogany B. E. mspls snd oak furniture: Wilton velvet; body bruasels rugs; house In good condi tion; rent only 100 with lease; 37i caah will handle this If bought at ones. Id KOOMS ON WASHINGTON ST. Close In. good location for transient trade; furniture nw and good; rent only )4U; two year' lease; tooo rash. See us at once If you want a snialr house for transient trade. 12 ROOMS. Arranged In apartments, good location; furniture hew and good; rent only $nA; long lease; price only ft0u; can be sold on terms. M. RUNNEL. 2" Ch amber of Commerce. JUST FURNISHED. 42 rooms, new, corner brick; 4 years lease; rent 4o0; steam heat, -ot and cold water In all rooms, private baths, beau tifully furnished; all brass beds. Blgelow Ax. carpefa and fumed oak furniture: very central location, only 2 blockB from poet office: if you want a gllt-edgo propo sition here It la; can be handled on easy ttrma. DIETZ-MUELLF.R CO., 814 Ablngton ltldg. GOOD INVESTMENT. 120 rooms, new. corner brick: steam heat, private baths, hot and colfl run ning water all rooma: beat furnished house In the city; brass beds, hair mat' re sees. Axmlnster and velvet carpets, all oak furniture: ft-year lease, gross Income finoO per month; rent $o."0; will clear above all experaea Hoit per month; price $16.HK, H cash. DTETZ-MCELLER CO.. 14 Ablngton Bldg EXTRA BIO MONEY-MAKER. For a young person that understands th buslnees: 00 rooms, modern brick building: very nicely furnished: ten years' lease: best transient house In th cltv; never clears le than 17.V per month, outelde of all expenses; been under the same management for 10 years and the owner baa made a fortune snd now re tina; this Is s pUkup st I.mnmj, cash. DIETZ-MCKLUJH CO., 314 Ablngton Bldg. GOOD HOTEL BLTY. 7fW rooms, now. modern corner brick; very beautifully furnished: 0-year lease; private baths, hot snd cold water; all rooms: elevator, nice large lobby; groas Incoms $-'3oo per mo.: rent $n0; located In the very center of business at Spokane, Wash. This la gilt-edge: price $17,000. HIETZ-MUELI.ER CO.. gig Ablngton Hldg. APARTMENT-HOUSE. RT rooms, new corner brick, all In 3 and S-roora suites: private hatha, very finely furnished end brand new; every room taken and a large waiting list; 6-year lease: rent only $4"t per month; clears shove all expenses g'uS. per month: price 7ryi; 44000 caah. baU monthly. per cent interest. mr.rzy,trt:1A.BR ro.. 814 Ablng'.on Hldg. P.iibMINlt-HOt'SE. A good one and a money-maker for sale or trade for good building lot. If you want a snsp come In aud Investigate ,hl" McITENelB REALTY CO., 40s Abington Bldg. 44-ItOOM apartment house, celatrally lo cated, houae Is full all the time; rent $l-': Income fltoft per month; good long lease: price t.'bOO; terms. 4J0 Chamber of Commerce 12 ROOM S."s!ee pi p g snd housj keeping, hot and cold water In all rooma, slesm heat rent $la. Price gjOO. Terms. 420 Cham ber of Commerce $.VIU HANDLES Tins. Fourteen-room house, well furnished, cloa In. on West Side, phon Main 4H.U lu RoTMi. all good furnitur and carpets; running water In rooms; hot-water heat throughout. 841 Harrison, ,cor. 7th su Phone A -'. In. APARTM EN T-HOUSE of 7 rooms In . S and 4-room suttee; electric elevator, new and strictly modern; Nob Hill district. bl 7oO. Oregonlan. GREATvslua: hotel, ft" rooms; long lease; central location; clears better than (2o0 month: prtc 837SQ. 417 Board of Trade. 40DOVVN secures nest, "homey." Big-room nice home, no work, and you'll say bar galn"; rooms rented. 413 Hall. 8a ROOMS, all housekeeping; long lease; rssy walking distance; cheap rent; terms. 417 Board of Trale, FOR SALE Hoomlng-houae. 11 rooms, well furnished, cheap rent. lll.V Call at UV First st. rjiASH customer wants rcximinr-houae, about IS rooms; principals. X 7 Orerronlan. W ANTED e-mail roomlng-houae. Apply 6-4 Hlxth St.. room fila. Main 604, , es'AP rooms, housekeeping; good rcaao&g for selling. 107 Harrison, ROOIINO-HOrSE. m rtonraaTTNn CO.. ma uniun osr- TR A ill? BLTX1. PHONE MARSHALL, 4oS. A 1059. 10 ROOMS $300 CASH. Balance $750 payable $24 month, good clean up-to-date houae In a fine ciose ttt West Side location: rent :.. Income $143; furniture very good. 12 BOOMS, $750. Forced sale, owner must leave the city at once: verr fine West 6lde location clears $ik month. 14 ROOMS ISO CASH Balance $KX monthly payments; rent $0; 2-year lease; all housekeeping, -ew furniture. A nice, clean place. 17-ROOM TRANSIENT HOUSE Just think, rent only $7o. wit It a 2-Ff" lease: located near the pcstofflce. A big money-maker: price $1n(,i 'Tcil.sb,. 18 ROOMS. SWELL FUKNITTUF.. LOCAT ED NEAR 16th AND MORRISON. You can't beat this location, the rent Is $r3 month. 2-yetr lease; clears ioo s month. This Is without doubt ore of the best furnished and wrll arranged houses In the city; price $2200; terms l-iio cash. Alk to sto this IS ROOMS. ONLY $400 CASH All housekeeping rooms, fine, close-in West Side location, rent $00, lease. Pr.ca $10"0. $400 cash. SO-KOOM TRANSIKNT HOUSE. Located near postofflce. rent $l-i. gooa lease; prloe $2400; .terms $1000 cash, tan you beat this? . 40-UOOM TRANSIENT HOUSE. Well furnished, steam heat, runnlna; water all rooms; rent $150 month. ycar lease; located on prominent down town corner. A big money-maker. Price $4oOO; terms. B5 ROOMS. NEW AND FLEOANTLY FURNISHED A FORCED SALE. For the beat of reasons owner must sell this house containing 65 rooms, new snd elegantly furnished; located In a brick, building on a prominent downtown cor ner. Strictly modem In every way. tele phone in all rooms. 24 bathrooms. 'Stiar antee clearing $000 a month: rent right, 6-year lease. If you havs JTkiOO cash you cannot afford To miss seeing this be fore buying. APARTMENT HOUSE. A small apartment house, located near 20th and Washington, rent only $10O, i'i year lease. Carpets and tumlture the verv best: clears over $200 a month. I20O0 cash: will consider some acreage for balance. M-ROOM APARTMENT HOUSE. MOST LY ALL 2-ROOM APARTMENTS Here Is vour chance; first time offered ' for sale: 54 rooms, all furnished very finest; West Side close-in location, mod ern house, rent only $22o a month, good long lease; price So.'OO: terms $2."' casa. APARTMENT HOUSE ELEGANTLY FURNISHED A FORCED-? ALL. Owner leaving the city Instructs us to dispose at once of her elegantly furnished apartment house, located In the very best West Side apartment houae district. Con tains 30 apartments; new brick building, strlctlv modern. 30 baths, electric eleva tor; telephones In all rooms. Tho rent Is only $075. which Includes steam heat, hot water snd telephone. You can't beat It, Guarantee clearing $42S month net. If you have $400t cash and 4""t In prop erty, we can put you In possession of 'his place. ( . ' PACIFIC REALTY CO. MARY E. LENT 4r COMPANY 822 Falling Bldg.. 3d and Washington. Phones: Main 8540; A 347.. "A SCil'AP.E DEAL OR NO DEAL" Come In and let us show yon around In our auto. It will save you time and worry. We have all the good buys la tho city at G HOUND FLOOR PRlCi.8. LET L'3 PROVE THIS TO YOU. A NEW ONE. Here Is your chance to buy this psrtly furnished apartment house of PI rooms. 80 apartmenta. modern brick building: w elegantly furnished apartmenta; S-year lease; clearing $300 per month; can clear $0 by furnlahlng completely. First time offered, price $42011. Kent $8 per room. TRANSIENT HOUSE. Clearing $000 a month; 05 moms. 24 baths. 5-vear lease, corner brick' building ; 7or prlvste reasons this must be sold st once; price has been reduced to-- $1100: terms arranged to suit. ROOMS AND APARTMENTS. 84 rooms, 6 apartments, balance single rooms, located In close-In West Side resi dence district; you can clear $225 a month and have a nice home for your family. Rent $15; 4-year leas. Soe this today. $0000 required. DON'T FORGET THE NUMBER 322 Falling Building. ONLY $2J'I0 PUTS YOU IN POSSESSION of one of the best 40-room. new. corner brick places In city. All outside rooms, elcgsntlv furnished: 6-year lease; rent g.;;o. If you want a suap, call early. It will not last. BIO PAYINO TRANSIENT 30-room corner brick, furntahed with mahogany furniture, brass beds, etc.; 8 yesr lease; clears $373 monthly. If you're looking for a money-maker, see this. $475 CASH Puts you In possession of the most ele- fanily furnished Ill-room place in Port snd; excellent location; lease; rent $40. Place Is selling at So cents on the dollar. Investigation will verify this statement. Hurry, this bnrgalk win not last. DEVLIN at FIKEBAUGH. 610-011-612 Bwetland Bldg. APARTMENTS SUPERB. 64 ROOMS, new brick; mostly .1 rooms each, some 2 and 4; very BEST Nob Hill location; furnished with the BEST of EVERYTHING: fumed oak, BRASS BEDS. ELECTRIC COOKER in every apartment; In fact, nothing to be desired In a modern place is omitted. Receipts, $855 a month; $5&u0 eash, balance easy monthly pay ments, price, $e,1o0. ELLIS. SMITH CO., 826tt Washington St. Rooms 201-203. MUST SELL. SO rooms, all on one floor; steam heat; 2-year lease: rent $100: the very best transient house In the city and the beat money-maker; never clears Jese than $300 per month. If you want a snap, here It Is, as the owner must leave the city by th 1.1th. Call early and get th first chance, DIETZ-MTJELLER CO.. Sift Ablngton Bids. $400" PER MONTH PROFIT. 84 rooms, new brick apartment, elegant ly furnished; 4 & years lease, very low rent. Including heat and hot water: pri vate baths with every suite. Can be handled on terras. For particulars please call. DIETZ-MUELLER CO., 816 Ablngton Bldg. DO YOU WANT SMALL HOUSES? If so. call. We have 3 very fine small rooming-houses on the West Side; remem ber we don't handle any roomlng-houae un less It's nice and stands Investigation; only first-class places are handled by tag. P1ETZ-MUELLER CO. 816 Ablngton Bldg. o ROOMS GOOD AND CLEAN. Nicely located, close In, Nob Hill; rent only 40; fine place for either roomers or boarders: furniture and carpets extra good. Price only 75; terms. ELLIS. SMIT4I CO.. Ki Washington St- Rooms 201-20a. taNDY little a. -room house, good money maker, and fine for a borne. Everthing In firat-clase condition. Must bs sold this week. Price $530. Splenold location; this tnrludea a good piano, and you owe It to yourself to Investigate this. 822 Falling llldg. ROOMINO-HOUSE. 18 rooms, rent only $50; nice modern bouse and well furnished, light and clean rooms: downtown location. West Side, good money-maker. A-T.ce only $llo; terms (3oO cash. 11. W. GARLAND. 111 4th St. 14 HOuMS. Beautifully furnished, rooms all fulL right down town, and a splendid Income. All rented but two rooms; muat sell and It goea at the right price for you. Main SSO. ROOMING-HOUSE. 11 rooms, fine modern house, close In. West Sid, all well fur nished. ' room all open 4n halL Price all complete. $600. H. W. GARLAND. 7I 4th St. GOOD BUY. 12-room flat, rent $45, net profit $45: rrl-o $550. N. T. HalL 821 Lumbermens Bldg. 70 ROOMS, corner brick; hot and cold water, steam heat: Ions lease; cheap rent: nearly new; $5000 caah will handle. L 74. oregonlan. 24 ROOMS, coruer brick; good leas; cheap rent, steam heat, hot water, close In on good stret; money-maker; $3000 will handle. M 703, Oregonlan, MUST sell my 2S-room apartment houae, onc-balf newly furnished; all full. Call at grocery, 60 Grand ev. North. Eaat Side, cloa In. No agents. FOR SALE or trade, my 30-room rooming house, very cheap. Phon Main 527a. art.;' : 'w. MiTirr Miscellaneous. IN THB COUNTY COURT of the State of Oregon, tor the Couoty of Multnomah. In the matter of th eatat of Abjo S. Watt, deceaaed. Notice Is hereby given that the acutrlx of th estate of Ahlo B. Watt, deceased, has filed in Che abov ntitled court her final account of ber administration of said estate, and the County Judge of said court has appoint ed Monday, th 13th day of March. 1811. at f o'clock A. M.. aa th time for the hearing of objections to said final ac count and for the aettlement thereof. GRACE WATT ROSS, Executrix James G. Wilson, attorney for aald estata. Tat of flrat publication. February 0, 191L fat of last publication. March 2.191L BLUMAUER A HOCH, wholesale liquor dealer, hav removed to their nw quar ters, 1-1T 12th at. THB FIRST MEETING OF TE STOCK HOLDERS OF UNION PACIrIC LIFE INSURANCE COMPA N Y. Notice 1. 1 here by given that the first meeting of the stockholders of Union raclfic Life ?r.ur ance Company, the articles o lnrP'f" tlon of which were fl.ed In the ' of the Secretary of State of the total of Oregon on the 2;th day of March for the election of directors wi 11 be he.d on Saturday, the 11th day of March l.lll. at 2 o'clock P. M.. at the borne office of said company, rooms 604 and 605 O.ego man building. In the City Multnomah County. State of Oregon more .than one-half of the capital -.tick of sald company having been subscribed; and tno corporators of the said company heri-by give notice to the subscribers for the capital atock of said company to meet at the time and place above designated for the purpose of electing not less than five directors, as the stockholders prKent shall determine- There was Irregu arlty In tn meeting which the stockholders of saio. company attempted to hold on tne tn da of May. loon. Intending the fame to be the first meeting of the stockholders of said company for the election of . di rectors, and the publication of this notice and the holdlna- of this meeting will have the effect of curing all Irregularities in the organization of the company and 01 ratifying all the actions or attempted ac tions of the stockholders and of '.he ojre--U rs of said company in the past. MARK T. KADY F. H- W1ENCK.EN, I. M. WALKER., Corporators of Union Pacific Life Insur- ance Company. ' I WILL not be responsible for any bills con tracted by my wife after this date. J. K. Tobor. Proposa Is Invited. , 6EALED BIDS will be received at the office of Bridges Webber, architects, room 422 Hamilton Bldg.. Portland. Or., yntli lo A. M. on Wednesday, March 1, U11 for the construction of the Tuberculosis Bulldlnz at Multnomah Farm, one mile west of Trouttlale, Or. Plans and speci fication's can be Ken at the office of the architects. No proposal will be consid ered unless accompanied by a check, pay able to the order ot the county Court of Multnomah" County, certified to by a re sponsible bank, for an amount equal . to 30 per cent of the aggregate proposal, and which Is to bo forfeited as fixed and liquidated damages In case the bidder neglects or refuses to enter Into contract and furnish a suitable bond for the faith ful performance of said work. In the event the contract Is awarded to him. The county reserves tho right to accept or reject any and all bids. T. J. Cleeton. County Judge; W. L. Lightner. County Commissioner; D. V. Hart, County Com misalon e r. BIDS for tho purchase or wrecking of gas schooner Oahkosh. Bids are Invited on or before February 20th for wrecking gas schooner Oahkosh. stranded on ocean beach one-quarter mile south of Columbia River Jetty; length 00 feet, beam 24 feet: depth 7tt feet; gross tonnage 145; stranded bottom up above low-water mark. Bids for purchase bull and engines, two 100-horse-power Standard, bolted to bottom, as sh la, will be considered. S. Elmore Co., General Agents, Astoria, Or. FINANCIAL. A HIGH-CLASS BOND ISSUE. Bonds secured by over $1,000,000 worth of Portland real estate: bear 6 per cent Intereat and are on the profit-sharing ba sis: will earn a splendid dividend; this proposition Is Indorsed by leading banks of Portland; anything from $100 up ac cepted. Drop a lln to us and receive full Information. AG 712. Oregonlan. STOCK SALESMAN who Is successful and now making good, but willing to change connections for a better proposition. 503 604 Spalding bldg. FIRST mortgage of $l5o0 drawing 4 per cent In Improved Yamhill County farm to sell at a discount of $100. First-class security. Address Joseph R. Robersou, 4 Symons Block, Spokane. . MORTGAGE1 LOANS. On Improved city property of for bulldins purposes. COLUilBlA LIFE A TRUST COMPANY. 810 Spalding Bldg. WILL pay cash for builders equities or first and second mortgages or contracts. Call 60s McKay bldg. Phon Marshall 25QO, MORTGAGE LOANS. On Improved city property. UNION PACIFIC LIFE. 605. Oregonlan bldg QUICK loans on real and personal prop erty, strictly confidential, evening appoint ments made. Main 2S44. 801 Spalding bldg. MUST sell two nrst-closs mortgages. In qulre QUI Lombard st.. University Park. MORTGAGE LOANS. JOHN BAIN. 505 8paldlng Bldg. '. Money to Loan Real Estate. ON IMPROVED city property or for build ing purposes; 3 to 6 years' time; liberal rc-payiuent privileges, money advanced as building progresses. The Equitable Sav ings Loan Association. 240 Stark st, HXvET$i6T000 to loan at 7 per cent, S years, nrst mortgage, close In. Hafrtman aV Thompson, loan department. Chamber of Commerce. LARGE and SMALL amounts to LOAN, Portland and Suburban Real Estate. J H. TIPTON CO., U0S Spalding Bldg. l'hone Marshall 2745. Ask Mr. EASTON. PLENTY of money to loan at 0 and J per cent oa real estat security EDW. P. MALLT 104 Becond St. WE HAVE plenty of money to loan on city property In ums from $1000 to $50,000 at lowest current rates. Morgan. FUedaar 4 Boyce. 003-509 Abington bldg. $500 000 ON Improved city or farm property; building or small loans at lowest prices; large loans a specialty. J. H. McKenxl Co., 514-15-16 Gerllnger bldg. FIRST and second mortgages and contracts purchased on farm and city property any wher In Oregon or Washington. B. . Devereaux. Fenton bldg.. 84 6th st- PRIVATE FUNDS to loan, any amount: terms reasonable: mortgages purchased. Henry C. Prudhomme Co.. Spalding bldg. IMPROVED or unimproved property; small building loans; contracts and mortgages bought, W. H. Num. 448 Sherlock bldg. 1200.000 TO LOAN, large loan a specialty, building loans, lowest rates. W. U. Back. 812 Falling bids- MORTGAGE loans oa city property; lowest rates. A. H. Birr ell Co., 202 McKay bid. 2d and Stark. 13000 TO LOAN on good city property; will spilt this amount for something good. Bee attorney. 414 Spalding Bldg. HAV Iif$ 10.000 TO LOAN In one piece at 7 per cent. 3 years, first mortgage; close in. AF 727, Oregonlan. MORTGAGE LOANS AT REASONABLE RATES. FHLEWIS. 8 LEWIS BLDG. LOANS ONINSIDE PROPERTY AT 6 TO 7 PER CENT. 814 LEWIS BLDO. $-000 and 1300" to loan on realty. Ask Mr. -n ASTON. 1 lt'S Spalding bldg. f HIVATE money loaned on real estate mort gages. H. MUley. room 2Q4. Oerlluger Bldg. state fund loaned, 6 per cent, W. E. Thom as, itat. agent,MuJtnomah Co.. 400 C, C WllMoan $10,000 or lose, real estate security. Farngton. 419 Commercial Club bldg. uilNET. any amount, 6 to 8 per cent, Good pough - Belts. 810 Spalding bldg. MORTGAGE LOANS. AND 7 PER CENT. LOUIS SALOMON. 233 STARK ST. LOANS on real, peraonal, chattel or collat eral security, C. W. Pallet-, 808-9 Fenton. jr av $4000 to loan. 8 years, at 7 per cent, Urat mortgage, close In. D 761. Oregonlan. Money to Loan Chattels and Salarlea. a i $ $ $ $ $ $ ARB YOU LOOKING FOR MONEY? If you knew how easy our terms ar vou would not be short or money. Don't be bothered with a lot of small debts; let us furnish money to settle them, let us a WB QN Fornltura and piano, torag receipts. livestock, rooming-houses and all kinds of securities: terms to suit; also easy weekly or monthly Installments. W buy and loan on firat and second mortgages and equity l? l?nREAL ESTATE BROKERAGE CO.. 812 Hamilton bids.. 131 8d- Main 2064. f $ $ $ $ . $ ji'oiKY advanced salaried p-rople. house keepers and others upon their own names without security; cheapest rates, easiest payment; offices In 66 , principal cities; save yourself by getting' my terms first. TOLMAN. 817 Lumber Exchange. uoNEY Loaned In amounts from $10 up on all kinds ot securities, furniture, piano or Zny personal property. Easy weekly or monthly payments; low rates; confidential. Gray at Cunningham, 201 Rothchlld bldg, northwest corner 4th and Washington. ' DO YOU NEED MONEY? I loan immediately and confidentially; no wait or delay; reasouiibia rales or pi anos furnitur or diamonds. If yoJ want money quick see me. Mr. Maiden. 8l Fali- lng bldg. " MONEY ADVANCED On furniture, pianos, storags receipts, ata; lowest rates. HUTTON CREDIT CO, 807 Spalding bids. LOANS on diamonds. Jewelry, furs, suit cases, trunks, overcoats and musical in strumnts. Uncle Myers. 71 6th, between Oak and Pine. Mam 810. ' ALOAN for the asklns. salary or chattel. The Loan Co, 414 Pekum bids- tq yy rates we loan money on diamonds and Jewelry. Marx - Bloch. 74 3d at. LOANS on diamonds and other securities. JUllam Boll, room V, Waahinxtoa bldav Money to Loacn Chattels and Sad rle MONEY FOR YOU MONEY. WHEN YOU ARE IN NEED OF READY CASH. CALL AND SEE US FOR A CONFIDENTIAL 1X3 AN , ON YOUR SALARY. YOC CAN REPAY US IN SMALL WEEKLY OR MONTHLY PAYMENTS. LOWKST RATES. BEST TERM STATE SECURITY CO.. 3Q8 Failing bldg. LOWEST RATES Loans on all kinds of se curity, chattels or real estate. Union Loan Co , 85 Lafayette bids,. 6th and Wash, st. Loans wanted. LOAN wanted of $4300. first mortgage, se cured bv farm property consisting of 207 acres, house, barn, saw and shingle mill - 4 ntlA nun feet of cedar timber, lo cated in Clackamas County: worth $12,000. C. F. Pfluger at Co., suite 3 jaumey oiu5., 2d and Morrison. WE have a client who wants to borrow $11000 at 7 1 per cent, giving Irvlnston property as security. And another who wants to borrow $4000 at same rate, giv ing irvington property as security. McKENZIE REALTY CO., ,08 Ablngton Bldg. WE can Invest your money at good rates of Interest- Gilt-edge securities. First mort gages. Long-term Investment, PROVIDENCE INV. & TRUSTEE CO-C24-5.6 Board of Trade bldg. WANTED $1000 to $2oOO to invest in man ufacturing business; position as treasurer, handle your own money; will guarantee returns from 4"0 to 800 per cent annually; references exchanged. X 771. Oregonlan. INVEST your money In gill -edge securities: dally application, 12 per cent interest guaranteed. CaU and see us. J01 bpaid- lng bldg , If you have money to Invest ASK Mr. EASTON about PREFERRED MORTGAGE O AN 3 J. H. Tipton Co., 1108 apaidlng Bldg. $noo DISCOUNT. Will sell $6.V first mortgage, two -a mortgages of $500 and $5S0. all for ,l-00 cash. H24 Chamber of Commerces $3000, 8 YEARS at 8 per cent, lnorlgase on good real estate security. See i 1 Bamberger, room 3. Lumbermens Bldg. $100. 0 MONTHS, at 10 per cent, security worth $i'40O. See L. Bamberger, room 2, Lumbermen's Bldg. WANTEDlmmediate loan of $12O0 for 3 or 6 months; best of security given: will pay 12 per cent. AC 771 Oregonlan. WANTED $2500 will pay 8 per cent quar: terly and expense; $4000 insurance. X 770, Oregonlan. , WANT flO.OOoTto help locale manufacturing plant: 60 per cent profit guaranteed. K 762. Oregonlan. $3000 LOAN wanted on Irvington district property worth $6500; advise terms. At 771, Oregonlan. MONEY WANTED Applications on hand for desirable loans: mortgages for a Henry C. Prudhomme Co Spalding blag. LET us place your money, good mortgages; references. F. M. Le-iris. 3 Lewis bldg. WANTED A loan of S00 on 5-room mod ern huuse. A 773. Oregonian. $6000, 1 year. 8 per cent, on Improved acre age worth $20,000. c 760, Oregonlan. PERSONA DR. JEFFERSON cures troubles quickly, worries, habits, derangements. Mrs. Wil cox. Dr. Jeffersen la genuine. President Cleveland. Dr. Jefferson, the great spe cialist, has no equal. Miss Morgan. There Is none better. Dr. RuBsell Pierce. Dr. Jefferson helped me, Sarah Bernhardt. Dr. Jeffersou has a physician's license. Mr. Borbur. V. S. Supreme Court deci sion rendered Nov. 17. 1902, makes his work legal In all states to practice or to teach; dally. 492 Washington, above 14th. DR. ALICE A. GRIFF. Diseases of women and children, sur gery; chronic and nervous diseases treated according to the latest methods; prlvste hospital accommodation: confinoment cared for; consultation tree. Room 10. Grand Theater bldg. Main S'JJS, A 560T. SWEDISH TRAINED NURSE Helslngfors graduate: rheumatism, nervous and tom 5ch ailments, under physician s dire, c tlons; baths, masseuse. No. 7 East . llth St.. second door south from East Ankeny carllne. Phone East 260. B 103- DR. D. . LEWIS. Diseases of women and children, clectrlo treatment of nervous ailments. Pt" hospital. Room 610 Merchants Trust bids:-. 6th and Washington. Main 4047. A 1- WANTED Pupils to learn halrdresalng. manicuring, facial massage, scalp treat ment, weaving; great demand for gradu ates. Sanitary Realty College, 400-12 D0 kum bldg., overLlpma WoHa t,o- SWEDISH graduate medical gymnast and scientific masseur, over 15 ea ence; digestion, nervous and chronic dis orders successfully treated. C. Holm strom. 302-3 Oregonlan bldg. Marshall 2e-a. 1CMENTU . . , Guaranteed to cure plies, bolls, felons and all chronic skin diseases By mail 60o per jar. Address The Icmentum Chemical Co.. 708 Dekum bldg, Portland. Or. FEB VET - HANEBUT. Leading wig and toupee makers: finest stock of human hair goods; halrdresslng. manicuring, face and acalp treatments. 147 7th St., nerMorrlBon. Phone Main M8. MASSAGE, vibratory and scalp treatments tlven by graduate nurse and aaslstant. Baldness cured. 422 Washington su. rooms 69 to 82. HAIR The largest stock of pur hair, all shades, to be closed out at less than whole sale prices; free halrdress gl""- .AH' Rlbbeke, Grand Leader. 6th and Alder. DrTwALKER. specialist for men. quickly cures blood and skin ailments, kidney and bladder troubles and plica Consultation free, 181 1st sUPortland. DRESS suits for rent. $1.60 month; keep your clothe, cleaned, pressed, buttons sewed on, rips repaired. Prompt calls and deliveries. UnlquejTallorlng Co.. 809 fctark. bTvT? FLORENCE URY. late of New York, manicure, face and sealp treatment. Suite 27 Sellins-Hlrsch bldg.. 88tl Wash. St. Phone Maxsnau auc-. LADIES No danger with i.orena Antlsep Uc Cones; are soothing, safe snd sure; $1 box. 8 for $2.50. Btlpe. Taylor Drug Co.. 2b9 Morrison st.' DR. R I. GILLESPIE has opened offices at 603 and 604 Marquam building; nerv ous disease, drug and liquor cases spe cialty. -Tj, t a. APPLEWHITE has opened of fices' at 603 and 604 Marquam bulldins: Sours 10 to 12 M; 2 to 6 P. M. CALL Main 3388 and have a Beauty Dr. call at your home and do your work. Reasonable prices. VyjJ ISABELLA MACKIE'S private hoa- o'ital for woman, open to any physlclan. ?ilm V0.1. -t -Phon Tabor 880. moo r- w"' MME Courtwngna. -v "-- .nents facial deformities corrected, plastlo "raer'v. 453 Morrison st- Main 6042. ivCERS removed without aid of knife or ol.ater Consultation and examinations free. V" Hat-tie Lichens, 3512 N. 24th. Tacoma. cwvJnE Jurvas Natural sanitarium. 17S B. auth Apoplexy, appendicitis, tubercular gy.nd.apeclalty. Tabor 2608, B 2513. " STANDARD BRICK 4 TILE CO. REMOVED TO 809 HENRY BLDO. tj a TTLE CREEK bathrooms, formerly Or SgtgU: Drexell bldg. Main 1931. jic AGO Painless Dentists, established IS years. 823 Washsum. cor. 6th. ,e, WALLACE, agnatic, electric treat- mtn' 7roenUtLrprltt-.l. scientist. 190 lit 5" RET CHUM treats women's maladies. 179 VA3da.cor.Y am hllL tTTTm OF FIGS Remedies for dlseasea of Bjwmcm 632 Davis Main 9216. 77 rosa HOWARD, electric, vibratory and massage. 66 Selllng-Hlrsch. Main 672. uni vs wrinkles, superfluous hair removed. Mlr HM. ' Flledner bids. M. 3473. BUSINESS DIBECTOBY. Accoun tan Is. "MACKENZIE. BAIRD BERRIDGE, PUBLIC" ACCOUNTANTS. AUDlXOKii. , 224 W'orcester Block. Main 73S, A 1449. Counsel and expert In all matters per taining to municipal, commercial, factory cost aad industrial accounting. it H. COLLI3 - CO.. ACCOUNTANTS. Coru-arcial, county and Municipal. Auditing, Investigating and Systematizing. 4 Worcester Pluck, Phone Main 600 7. Aasayer and Analyst. Wells A Proebstel. mining engl'jeers, chem iat SJid assayers. 204 Waihington. MONTANA ASSAY OFFICE Laboratory and pra-testlng work. Ia8 lorr laon sL Attorneys. A. E. COOPER, attorney at law; practice In all courts; abstracts examined. VJ8 Cham ber of Commerce. M. 71. A 207L , " Batue and Swimming. Portland 6wlmmlng Baths. 167 4th Elegant pl-og. atoamtu b and shower hatha c Bras and Machine Work. HARPER'S BRASS WORKS Brass casting and machln work. 106 N. 6th. Main 370. Chiropractic Fhyslcl a. -CHI-RO-FR AC-TIC TICK-NER"; Say It last and renierjmbiabia T.H EVA MARSH, first lady chiro. Dr. In Oregon. 23Fllednr bldg. Hours 8 to 6. " Civil Enclneers. ORRIN E. STANLEY, civil engineer. 1005 Chamber of Commerce bldg. Chiropody. WILLIAM. Estclle and Flossie Devecy. th only scientific chiropodists In tho city. Parlors 302 Gerllnger bldg.. S. TV '. cor. 2d and Aider. Phone Main IDOL Chiropody and pedicuring. Mrs. M. D. HilL room 420 Fleldner bldg. Phone Main 8473. CoaL COAL $7.90 A TON Others charge $a.50 and $10 for the ssme grade: we are In the transfer busi ness and sell -coal to keep men ajd teams busv during the dull season, Ord er NOW. Van Horn Transfer Co. M. Ibis. A I'JM. Coal and Vood. DRY BLOCK WOOD, mixed with smaller wood. 84 per load delivered any p ace In the city. Portland Wrecking Co 105-10T North 11th St. Main37.A3i.t COAL ALBINA FUEL CO. BLOCK WOOD BRANCH E. 33D bT. WOOD. GOOD Coos Bay Coal Co. COAL 101 Burnsiae st. CommisBlon Mediants. TAYLOR. YOUNG CO, ship brokers, com- mlsslon merchants. Sherlock bldg. Contractors. WANTED Artesian and draltage wells to drill. 426 Board of Trad. " Consulting Engineers. C. S GOLDBERG CO, 312 Couch bldg. Concrete warehouses, power plants, con veyors, elevators, patent devices, all kinds of machinery. Phone Marshall 3H2S. Dancing- 25e PER lesson, or 4 lessons for $1; waltz, two-step, three-step, stage dancing, etc, every morning, afternoon and evening for beginners. Including lady and gentlemen teachers. Prof. W'al. Wlllson's school, old est and only recognized leading academy for correct dancing. Washington sL between West Park and loth st. HEATH'S DANCING SCHOOL. 109 Second st, between Wash, and Stark sta. Stage dancing taught; waltz and two-step gua r anteed In four lessons; class and social dance Monday, 8 to 12. Lessons dally. Dentists. ALVEOLAR TEETH where bridge work Is Impossible; does away entlrel with plates, brldgework; we cure pyorrhea (loos teeth) absolutely: terms to reliable P,P' Alveolar Dental Co, Abington bldg. 106 30. Dog and Horse Heap! la Dr. Brown. D. V. S-. office 120 N. 11th su Main 4086; res. E. 5440. Hospital bV 12th. JElectrlc Motors. PACIFIC ELECTRIC ENGINEERING CO. Motors for rent or sale. 213 2d st, ' Engines Gas and bteain. ROBER Machinery Co.. Coast agts. SeaburF steam engines and boilers, gasoline en glne. 281-283 . Morrlaon st- Phone t 613j- Feed Store. ZIGLER Mlsner. hay. grain, feed, ce ment, shingles. li4 Grand ave. - - Glaring. PLATE glas. window glass, doors, windows, new. second-hand. Portland Wrecking Co.. 105-107 N. 11th st- Main 81. A 3i39. Leather and Findings. CHAS. L, MASTIC CO, 74 Front. Leather of every description-taps, mfra. findings. J. A. S TROWBRIDGE LEATHER CO. E tabllBhed 1858. 1S9 Front sr. Machinery. B. TRENKMAN CO, hydraullo and spe cial pipes, screens, bagging, mining nia chlnery. AU kinds ot repairs. 10-1 N. 4tn. Jdasical. EMIL THIELHORN. violin teacher. PP'1 6evclk. 9(0 Marquam. A 416j, Mar. 1B-9. Musicians. UP-TO-DATE, experienced teacher (piano) Deginnera a apcciaiij-, e- dress Thorough, T 757. Oregoulan. Osteopathic Physicians. DR. LE ROY SMITH, graduate! Klrksvll. Mo., class of 1S08. post-graduate 1001 . un der A. T. Still, the founder. Sl-lo-sl Swetland bldg. Main 1987. A rrD r r VftnTHI'P. 415-416-417" Dekum Bldg. Phone. Office M 340,Kes- East or B 1023. Taints, Oils and Glass. RASMUSSEN CO, Jobbers painty oils, glass, sash and doors. Cor. 2d and Taylor. Paperhanging. TINTING Rooms tinted $2.50 per room. Phone Marshall 60. Patent Attorneys. PATENTS procured by J. K. Mock attorney at law. late of U. S. Patent Office.- Book let free. "719 Board of Trade bldg. V 8. and foreign patents that protect ar secured through Pacific Coast Patent Agency, Inc., Dept. A, Stockton, CaL R. c. WRIGHT, domestlo snd foreign pat ents. Infringement cases. 6Q4 Dekum. Paving. THE Barber Asphalt Paving Company, , 605 60S Electric bldg. Oscar Huber, Portland. WARREN Construction Co. Street paving, sidewalks and cross walks. 817 Beck bldg. Pawnorokers. UNCLE MYERS Collateral Bank 40 years In Portland. 71 6th St. Main 910. Pipe. PORTLAND WOOD PIPE CO.-Fac.tory and olce near 24th andYork stsM.81S. Rubber Stamps. ALSO seals, stencils, choice stationery ate Cunningham's, 231 Stark. Main Iu7. Kng Weavers. NORTHWEST RUG WORKS Rubs from old carpets: eonnial rag rugs. Last 3jo. B : 2b0. 153 Union ave, nr. E. Morrison. ' Safes. KORRIS SAFE-& LOCK CO, Sixth and Ank eny streets. Portland. Or. Tho largest fato dialers on the Pacific Coa-.t- Second hand bank safes for sale. Three Victor gcrew Door, three Mo.ler Screw Door, two Hlbbard-Kodmac-Ely. two New York and one National Manganese Steel safes, a.ao all sles of Stel Plata Bank safes, and Sll sizes and makes second-hind fir.- PTlf toa'be sold at HALF PRICE, w.rila or call. THE MOSLER SAFE CO, 108 2d st. Safes at r.crorvprlces: second-hand- safes. " Khnwcasesjganlt and iow ITxtures. the LUTKE MFG. CO, branch Grand Rap "ds Stowca-e Co, 6lh and Hoyt- K. Lutke. manager; . iHTBIRDSALU 2Q8 HAMILTON BLDG, showcases in stock; prompt delivery, bales agent. MWlnter Lumber Co. vTaWkhaLl MFG. CO., 4th and Couch; new Uini Tecumi-hand. Main 2703. Cabinet work. btorago aud Traifcr. MOVING STORAGE MOVING. FxDerta, reliable men, no bocze-nghters. will move you quicker, cheaper arid bet ter than anyone else, phone us for aa estimate; storage rata tho very lowest. van Horn Transfer Co. Both phones. r ci PICK Transfer - Storage Co, offices and commodious 4-story brick warehouse Mi urate Iron rooms and fl.eproof vault for valuables! N. W. cor. 2d and Pine sta Pianos and furniture moved and packed for shipping. Main atfo, A 1906. M'RTLAND VAN STORAGE CO, corner 1 lib SJid Everett sta Just optned newest and most modern storage warehous In ,itv every convenience for safe and proper handling of goods; lowest insurance rate In NortnwestT free trackage: vans for moving. Mai- or A 1620. " OLSON-ROE TRANSFER CO. General transferring and storage, safes. .,,. ad furniture moved and packed fir slpen 87-S9 Front -. Telephone Main 547 or A S4i. 7.r, f-r.oN TRANSFER CO, established 1870. Transfer and forwarding agents citoraga o7c 310 Hoyt st,. between 5th and utn. phones Main 69. A 1169. Ty pewritors. WE are the exchange for the largest type writ" concerns on this Coast: investigate; 111 makes, ail prices. The Typewriter - change, 2S7.Vashlngton st. - TVPrWRIIESS. all makes. $20 to $90, fully 1 guaVI easy payments, rentals. $3 00 per month, paclfio Stationery at printing CO., 203 2d St. at-c-w rebuilt, second-hand, rentals at cut N?.W-.. Til C. Co, 231 Stark. M. 1407. Well DrillliisT. TiRll UNO wells a specialty; priced reason bleT call Main 1340 or write Miller West, lb Morrison St.. Portland. 1K1A1 RAILWAY. LIGHT POWLW Vancouver Line. . M 6:15". 0:30, 7:2o. 6:00. 8:35, 8:10. S-B0 10:30, 11:10. li:50. 'T' fii:30, 1:10, 1:60, 2:S0, 8:10, 8:50. a -Ml 6-10. 6:50, 6:30, 7 :OS, 7:40, B:15, 8:60. Z'-",' 100b. 10:35. 11:10. 11:45.x on tha third Monday in every month tha last car leaves at 7:o5 P. M. Car for Vancouver nana no stops on Union avenue, between Burnsido street and Portland boulevard to let off passengers, but make 'tops to Plck. UP passengers at aU transier points. yrry leaves Vancouver to connect with, cars for Portland. V m. 6:O0". 6:35. 7:10. 7:45. 8:20. 8:55. U 1:10. 10:60, 11:30, P vi 12:10. 12:00. 1:30. 2:10. 2:50. 8:80, 4-11) 4-50. 5:30, 6:10. 6:50, 7:25. 8:00. 8:33. J-10 9;45- 10:20. 10:55x. 11:30. 12:U5xx- On third Monday of every month the last ' ferry leav Vancouver at 7:25 P. M. Leaving tlmo In black type, double trains. Cars fro.n Vancouver make no stops oa Union avenue between Portland Boulevard and Burnsld street, except to let off paa- fo except Sundays. x Dally except Mondays. xt aa local oa Uuloa avaaue,