v-rj- r t- nnrn avt 4 V fTTtm?cn 4 V TTPHTTAP V i ? 1911. . - l ii i'. Yiiiii t i .ir ink r.iiir. ii .1. i i ..!. r: . -- WXTn TIMBER X.KXV. lltlSER lands -anted. C J. McCrack-, :4 taKr tioc to rxriir.r. lot up to f lort-d In "VV. T""" "....f.o hnm .04tl !t month. !E LOT TO "EXCHANGE. . . -.. ft ' .WO will fMl - 1 put lot in a pari payment; not over 3!T Pri of Trade HM;.. - 4' .U'RES :f:f .and In TuHo- VaHer. i rni. one of b--t lir! t ton ' :-h r!.ia and turk.e; tvhn W i v .... i rrn.n fftrm. ITU 0H. v .r..nt- A 10.. IliWin . C-XUbriiS L lf .rnr K-io. V pArtir imrr-'1. - mi fro-n Wn.. o county r-iaa. wnn rt- r. and btrn. 4 irrra orr-mra. j irhitr.ra f f Fortl.il 4 pr-p- -. d'fUri-nc. If RW'MlT. K t firg-. firton baiii l.-t In KinturB. Wash nnprovf.1 with ooi ihat-r bui-'-icr. no t nri-1 for To pr ymr. Pric te. will fv-rri fr I'ort'.anJ pnjrty and oin -..-;. KuffaLana A Moor. ft: llAVi in ftrm Un-I lo xchn for r-T of nr.I itiT-hn(J. tor; $.-. in ctv property to rhr fr A. aa. til lrl bl-1. WHT hmr you t irfcn- for V-rm rn-a r-nf: tM Iiom is rar .f ir-u3i&ra-. fe-s l'Hnir of tow- r Cr 1- f"f r--p or !rr!rvtl fn:lt ai alfalfa fa.-m ortr TiVrai. Was). . ir Hroj. TRAPS A walnut r'1 nt jo-xl lot. H- C. L4'ili. 3 VI llta an.i to l .rtn t --hnf fr ;m I on to p:i. lot. BO in for of ,iv ii-n.'n. fin r..t.t hu acj (bambr r. trai" try ;'i!ty : In a r."lra rotl h'inAl-i: ni a romtn ou. T. J. Wra. 4.' LumfT tf c h n HWR fn ..-trlc rrtt itano: will or lota. V 7l. (hah a. liy up it hric Mmi ara r on:in, w y, ftcbjrr rur rrprt for what yo f r r. l orl.taa Kurhinft. 1T liar4 ! Tr' 1 c. P Mr- V Irlt. t II V !' to a--hng, for m floo! f artn ar J'ort;anJ. -; Clumber wX Coia- mrr. rn 5 t.K on ev trrma, t( 4 f r r thn- f a:;. rrr ht Uil T ftru SANTA PARllARA-ri!f-nr r!hl arr-a t.-r Pklr. or wou.i1 tk 1'ortlaad property. V. It. Uwia. 3 in hutm Tk" V-hna your prvprty rrcrd;o of j.rtiofi fr that Mch aulta you bttrr. Northwt rictia. 9 llnry bld. W K ran mat-h up ouf tr'V; i havo 1M oi our lit. 11. A. t'hamilor. ; l,umbrmni biJ . ith and Starh Tlt.r. rt-ham huiMio mai-rlftl fr r l rttt up " ' A Ft 7 V . fp'pmn INK l'i f- r J . r. lot. T 7 C can trad your proper tjr or buata la-1 Hoord of Trada. )t)R II I.E. Hursr. Vrblrlra aad ljraa. TI-A N"T FT A BUT, t N f'TI! fit. pour) rl wll-mau ii-1 taro of hr and a. a;i Id with a written uarania j m rprrntl or your nony r ld ; farm and dllvry waun. f f 'ind Mirs and a.l fcinu Ol nrnri mi fr a 3d bu'noi rrrp-ra rurnnnra. H U KVANA a0 HK.r horsa at th ol -J r-Uah'o rrd man iat-. lK'.rn i:ttn nnd 14tn. 0-r-toa . Wo win nt -pU)tt thff hnrara; t-ir j ipnk f"f thintx". from 3 to t rr o-i. from to im lb. ; roma . th"- hor-a in th narn. A f.r Mr. Huh. vr Ai.C i u aura. Wint nr 10 por4a each. aa4 rol tralar. Kent ba- k with hatnewn. all a. la cliaod. vr aold sparatoiy. IX takra lot m ui to vT-rd at a larain. Addrooa A. P. I-anfcnur. ClCKrna. Or., ar In Jlra at room Z Ur.-Kou.an bldf. XI'.T a-ll f!na chunky " In. tm. mar ard hor. A anl ram "Id. pull ton a-wh-rr, a!mot iiw hrnr; all JVu; .o ftro trrr Juunr mulr. fHiJ harnosa. all - S lumber waon; m T'jjrt ihf49 1 all ZiJ K. 3d U N.. tar r-a'lway. I'. l:lT YH mar an. I b.r. with ne tur-n- . a and t Mirs old, we:uht ?!. Mt 1-th acd Mltoi hua to l'rk. IiX'S P VUr, VlN Tain. mar and horo. . ih-. truo pul'ra. hm aud Hen, Tko o.Mio. a rr. &;;h and 3d a. f'hon rllw.'d 17. fA LI 4".'lir' wimvUji. f ?2 . tatn. !tv bok. wrtht '4Hk Kia.; han.raa; 4 D iia. l.i Kat 14tb . J. Hart. Ti "K f Al-E 7i t. hori and mif'i, 'tRht li to i..m lb. Inquir at nf?lr Tria Itra. oxxi Yard. K. htn and liaw "on a v . liLk.. maroa r nd hirrrit for a:o. $t ard up: Uamo and dump wtjoai f r tiro. 4 Monir"nrr " i k? K l.ll n team oun. wea n'rhl b-.r. w-ichtn 2- . on- &-ar-old r:.-k rrre. ifiMrc l' i;uelU J" . tt r A I-ti Tam br mrra. H a . and h i rn'. :v, aouad and aol workera. r.-t Jlrh V aiARf: $4o by aoro-foo-rd m-ire; 11 ti tkr munkjr l-HVIb. whit mara. ai Pt ixtV ' jor f- a T. K O'"od horao inanura. I'hna t".t 4'4. TrM f-r aao tri'iiit be id at on 'V-V car to liladsitono a. IC'H.-F: an4 mre. w.ht. U. mxl ex or diMffjf tm. Main 0l. H S.st flora. hrnM and top tuy. r, low r'a'.itnc W,MEl A ! l"i 1 nr a. uul and -nte. W t-d.a u I . ! f;K. w an l braii. a bra4tn; V l-n'r I'lu -none 'o ,Unit. t 'r. AatmoiUaw BARGAINS la ua-d auto tiro and laaar tjba: rumlfl our ot-k ba'ora ya bui uktli a(. riraa-Jiar an-1 rpairtD. tl ton i i raar. 4i etark at. Pbooa A IF u want to aeil or trada aa tula ae Vane, tha brker. 1 bvt many ira fM buy. P&4ao Mam Xia. 3JJ Tnird ml. NT.w'i pi"r 3A-Ji IV P. au la ax'-el-ier i ccBditi-'i f'r cAh or cioao-ln real aaiate. O T. 'rr nltn T ; r. V O'p." lT7K. hrap." l . V i ntt.n. I m -wi i -ared: f.D condition. pbona Wo.lan 7 jt t t. -!:l;.;:. ixurit and oi 1. or writ fr h-arcAtn lt. utort-Houaa Aato fo. JSl Kv. reft at. yin IMJ. 1 it WE aevra! o-vi bA- in v.'d au'-, wli-r ri-h t.iJfc. Phone rPt 1 i:V B 111. plino. OfiBt ml Mnifwt laairumaaiaw fUr.s'K. ir. V. roo. on fed Frarh pl ate a or, for aa i 1 10. Art 77 J. Ort- i.r-t F. piano, cowl aa new. $ 1 V; t ' rrrv. ownar. J I . Hayaa. Koom 17. RuM'i bMr V' Ht?. PA"XAF-P upr'.eht pino rh'ap; rub , or im; will rnt aH Alikr Pi-la- "wVTLt t-tc-ifTro uprifht piano. popular m4 beajtif l ae. I1T-. ;:i ith at. pop SALE E-trc o-u.o. alertrlr banjo rM ,-:rt hji-i. at i71 Waahinaton. Hlrda. Iitoca and pet ?Mo-k. Ff'R fAl.E Mala St. Hernard do; taufi f i.;t c irked- Ca.l at Lr. C. lirowit. fcW E- Wth. M L-r r 1 lannws. Orri'- furntt'ir. rolttop lfk, tyewrltr ate. -.: 10 A. M. to 4 P. M. 3J0 I tTleTrna bMa. Av. T' 1 :t V reb.nu typewriters. lo lQ SUhTH' KST TYPEWRITER CO.. reo pifh at. M. ysj. A 1474. i i -"N'Tfl hth-rad wheal. -.Mutrr, l'arttf l tlrea. fin condition. l" 4' h. P-m(m -apre-l or t.nia.l. in-lu.:ing tua- 1 1, i up. N . Oregnnian. X.F'"'C Jwfl fmm ranff. for Mlt chap. TWO e!a naa lo ihr.f. oah Bor r bu7, Xt lliA . 1 ) - -, . ftft..,- I KlTTlnnV WATrKTW-MALKi ? ' FOR HAI R- I nr. -a- r... -.y" I ....... " "-- I a Furnished Boom.. iwlmrni ., ,.. I I I al2 HRt8SF:L8 ruca, $T.50 to !.'; Wition rur- $1:0; f3U2 art aquara. ! drMMn fmi i-v to buff Ml.lM rtnlak. V'-.n.. mlrmr Chlf fonlm SL'k f o aidMt: round woatborod oak podoatal aitrnvion tabla, $10; dlnlnC rha:ra. to 4 SO each; rocainp; cu- II ':. to fin; box wardrobo couch, with ratrt inrinv Ilfta and aortna 14.00; Iron beia. to all braaa bela. two- ln-h poata 10: conulna leather Turktah rorker US: i.rflro daka. flat top. $..60 to ITJ: roll top dealt. -2-V to Enp ik Kti.riii tatiia. 1.1 and 1.1.75 aacb -.O llnrl.nM at .1 r.n. With Wtt OOll uiMt BvMn vnnntha. HO: Other atool ransea. lrt V) to beatlna Btovea for coal or wood. to " . T nlah your houa compieta w-itn oither rew or f lrat-ciaa ionn-nmim Im at anrnrtalnr V low TtrlCoa and ITUar an too enttra aatiafartlon In avorythln wa ell. OIto ua a can ana aoa ior ow MlivJ8TrnV Bit.VAr.E rOVrAST. 4i and il7 Vhin ct on. bou 1 Ot h and lit n bib. Doth phonea: Main 110 or A aTPS. n crv PORTf.A N" D rEV EST. A frrah rarfo of thla celeiratd Im ported cemant baa Juat arrived. or brTuE J. MrrRAKEV CO., "2 Prout btreat. btwi.xa MAi'lil.NO M allirhtly uaed ma rhlna. at ery low prtcea. Mneera, bail or ac Wilaon. Near llomo. W hit. lHnea tie and othora; makina: room for no hlncr 06 aad ilnr Kotary. N rna- f-hm-a mM on fuv Davoianta ana old maorilnea takra In aichanir. Machtnaa rented by wak or month. Expert repair VlNtiCR 8EWIr, MACHIN'R STOKE. a i I'r.iorlrtur. nt", Morrlaon Vt. Phono Mam A 4A0O rw-k vnt v- vr W ABOrT Jlmrr.ia Dunn ' naW Sample Bull Shop; He la upitalr In f io-a-moi:th i-tMim. eliina men's aulta. overcoats and mtra trouaera at wboi'aala price ana U-e. No windnwo for dtpiay. You Juat t:avo la know about htm. That's alL J13 Urrsooian todg.. aUvator. 3d floor. iiriHiTiT Urn l buxlneas and wurk t rou aero that w oiiM cat jrovi S T.t 14 tiio lUM-t. mr price. SJ.a. trouaera for $ .1 Jiinmia Iuiin. room 31 iircRonlan but loin g UI.U jew.ry ncluniffl for itna fcul diamonds. anrdemd pldea for batf ortcnal prt'-ra. I nele Myara. ii am between "a a and rVnoi ft' , w KAI.ftU ( in. L-fon lcmAklnT oaulp m-nt. compltio. prir. rroitbi. Cltr Mmrki.t. OolJ tiiorna. Co.. llort Ui.a sl ana 4to. ron nn. uiri:K FtH kiAl.E. Tour rd-n. nowr or lawna will .row murh ott.r II iti'iimq. m n .! Kiclunti 4 or A ClOl. Bxr(-. N nl 2J-hnJ: all alira; low prl.raf T Mini ITKCEI.L 8 A KB C).. AM luKIUAMl MIL irrrt. Mam Tlir.tt family roma rh-ap. or will tl- rhaua fir hora 10 :ith ac; w- W car to OlatUton. ava. fll fAI.K iliv. iw Job lrlnlln ouKu, ukfa oTir oo inorta. Urn. f.r par ticular. A- C- -r. F-niirrlw. r. rOrt St-E Miuatatri, .allca-a. countxa. G-iral fttura In atocit and tnaU lo orlr at l iaxt pru r. J3 irann ava. o- ONr" 'afa 30I In., chrap: alro 1 rnamal rrfngrrator 4li' tU Call US 2d at. So-HOHsr.l'OWKIl 1 phare W cjcla trtr mlir. All -. ur'fontmn. WAXTEP MISCEU-AXKOrB. -l7T; HI' and evertthino. V.nta.1 Mn'a cato(f clothlnc and hot. and blcrla: hKhaat prlrra paid: wa alao buy lad! rlotbtnic Call Qp tha Olob .cnd-aud tora. fboca Alain 2uaX lt U B A ROKIC.4 Al'CTlUN UOlK want houoholl cooda. t urnlturo for r.ih or mmuiMon. Kaat lOVi K. M-trrlaon l- Thafa all. lloNtT fnlaaa you rail tb. ford Auction Co. an4 trt thir pric on what you haa to Mil. Main Mil. A 54-I4- - y yoL' haa houftahold furollura to sell. rail up Uaorza xiaaar at -o r.ca Hotn phon wi.- iha hlch..r cash prli-r fr lor.a hind furniture, tinier m E ;.'4. S4S lla.tnorna m. T I- Ill V MUST ANVTHI.N'cl AM) I'A V LAOIES- fanry lun"r. strictly hand work. Mra. I'oli.na. JliMlMJi. : bUIUVLKOi'K bought and aold. Ill 1 t.. nrar talmon. 161 ith U WII.l. par ra.h f.r flat-top Uak or talda. Alt 7;u. orrgonian. ... Wll.lf pr Ho fnr Tortland Jloma Tele- phon. Iwnili. ju iirnmnur wita- HF.I.P WATTKn MAI.lt ol' ar aant-d for i;ornmcnt poauion. montn. rit tor iirt ui pmviw Kranklin lnatltuia. Drpu Sli-1. Kochea-t-r. N. Y. . ft-AN"T-:l Ten men at ncr; hutlra. not runiMitv.wfkm: opporiuniiy to rmm ao"d monc ; chan- for a.lvnn.-rment. t all arly. Kmm .'!. Hotl (vklrv. WANTED hl-f rlrrk who a b .i.kriMr. fr nna of i'ortlan;a prominrni iuhhi. Slat. aaUry rmprclrd and experience. I 7vo. r-gonlan. WK. IIAV1". -itfton ipen for an Al enviopa and pay-r to miwum. ruir pftrui.ui.iift ar.d ret renct-a. lloiran Envelop.. ;.. Inc.. B7 Marlon flr-et VmdU'-t. S-ul. Wa.li. TOI'NO man. 1 to -. wholeM.e Mu. ft-rod opporiuniiy ; p:.it as. ciiTrrn... r-fertinct. phono number. AB txa Kontnn. MAN and wire lo work on farm. inuit have a Hiorouch knoaioit- oi urm wora. twi w.a-a- Apply t o.Ttce. s-hllicr Clear Mor. ftth and Waahlncion at. H ANTED ETT-erlem-td hotel cl. rk; ilvi full prtliulara In rirt leifer. aiaoie,e- number. Atinreaa i .. roster llo 3d and Ptvn its W A.TKI Steady man In manuf.rturinr bu.kn--a: axprlence not needed; will pay jou a-ui w--kly: littla plial requlrd. f'.trtlrutara M Htvth al.. room HX Vi l NO man wjni-d lo Irarn tel. irpl.y. wlrlraa telegtaphy. rnllroad and ftntion errfe. ciy an.l nlchl aftaion. Call or a d r e iJTVIe trn ph I-P H" ft h at. jltnkF.HS and ""rj wanted; Ix-at ftraaei. a:e-l employment. .'perft llnuaa ltundry. I'd and Kxrctl. WANTED A ntahl watchman; inut liow referencea and clra bon.l. M 4S. Or.- sonlan. SKVIOR accountant wanlc-l tv firm of pub. Itr accountant., write qualifications and eiperlencv. W Or.j. .nlan. itOoKKK.ITKrl. wholele houte. .lata txyerfnr. reference, phone nuni i.r" A' TT J. Orefnlan kil:N ftitit.ng to lecome aeneral con l rr l.vra l- carpenlrv and buH'llnt write l". V. IS.. -i Acmxton tldr.. 1'ortlr.d. rr. X- ANTKt ?'ce noy ! larae nrcant ile liou. I'ermanenl ;ottlou for th. rtjeut to. .Vd1re AC Tii. Orrt"til,l. W A N T E l An ettpartenced driver for a.ncle fjrnliuro wagon, alao an eiperienced ntai tre mler. Arplr Edward Co.. I'.'l III. jjjir.s wanted to work on ftirma anej to tak5 un notnxrada nearby. Call loo E. Uth. Tal-or W A NT tD Hoy over It eara old. atih a heel Apply Mr. Hal, after t A. M. Owl Prtic t'o. V NTED H"y to aork In illnarv flan inca Apply Hubilc lJUrai). 7th and V'-rk. . BiXKKKKriNd Prtva'a tuition by a pub lic ac.ountant. 411 Merchania Trurl bl'ls., ror. of rjiath and Washington. Main 3.S4. IXWAL OFFICE International Correapond enc 8-hooi. iZl Alder at., open till t p. al. (Sand for frca catalocua. SOLICITOR with b' re and wa-n; rood pav. Call between 12 and 1. Amlt'onum Cleaning frein.; Worka. rosy. Third at. VVAVTEP Al orce. 1 men to learlii to drla and repair antomohllea. Call al Hawthorne garage. 44T llawihomo ave. sTil.lCtTOIl. g''d na; call S to a A. JT. At'dl'.orium Cl-anlng and lins Work. Thlrdt. fwrt men to pell a pocket specialty; soma. thing good; sells on sight. Call w.k days. lljo Mariuam bldg. WAVTED Prunars; at tha 1-ownsdaJs orcb.- ard. Laftyetta. Ur. JllOTUKAl'li coupon and portrait agaata. aw orTer. Cutb.rth studio. Uaknm ttidg. bul.lClToBS wanted; nothing to mil h 74J. Oregonlan. WEAR K:iliaw - hat, sue. 4)4 Washington si. any siyla or Al tlHloKSA.V 4 oay. ii.. ii ftll.ua Co.. ; N. id st. WWTED Ftf'y men tor axtra work. Call llnKer Theat-T lo A. M.. slags tloor. w ivTKn Solicitor for family liquor slora. rM Washington St. Tot wanted." with whsal. 145 par month. 2V1V Alder. BOT wanted. Inquir. machtn. shop, Bup p,as yard, tool Balmont St. STOOIC SALESMAN who 'Is sureesaful n now making good, but willing to chant: connections for a better proposition. 3v3- 6ol bpaldlng bldg. UFEKATOR'S MOTION-PICTURE IN UTRITTtnV. After you have visited all beat TTlotlrm nlciiip. ..hMli In Portland, then call and aea our modern. practical. up-to-dat school; rlv Individual instruction; you a tryout In one of the best picture shows In Portland; our charges are no hither than others; glv. you a complete course and perfect you to operai. ui -.nil.wl veaehleea' make suitable Urtnl. Aleo aaaoclat you with only bona fide booking exchange in Portland; operatora receive bis; salary, short houra mske ro charge for securing positions. PUL.SI- FEH'H T1IKATKH AL fcAfllASua. Marqtiam bldg. Open Puntlay afternoons. WANT En Toung mrrr to learn to operate movlng-plcture machines. W are the ap pointed Jobtiora for th. Powers Kllcksrlees 4. arnragrapn. aiotiograpn. cu i."". 1'athe machine, also in stock. e teach you thoroughly on al! marhlnea. Get our standard Operator's Handbood. 60c Matty tn-Kun 1 choice films tor rent. ft.iii".". 60s Couch bldg., 4th and Washington st. . v t trtt vrw -ri" l.l-"JlltN' lo operate moving pictures. oPKR ATOTiS earn I.'i to :!3 per week; EAY INflUfc. WUKK shirt hours; learn businea In ten days: KAJtY TERMS; will help lo start ni in httftlne-s: also to secure io... . THEATERS MAKE t0 TO I00 IAU.. -Vft-. h.v. finest and largest equipped s hool in Portland: full particulars cheer fully given. New Tom Amusemmi ..... Kilm Exchange. s:t Washington, near rvt-vn fteeblm. emnlnvment are ror llally Invited to consult the employment secretary or th T. M. C. A. 11. can send you to It or tell you now to find it. Over s. thousand men placed Isst )ear. AHLE-HODIED men wanted for th. U. 9, Marine Corps, between the ages of 11 ana It. must be natlv. born or hav. first pi p.rs; monthly psy fit to ; additional compensation possible; food. clothing, ouarters and medical attention fre.: after l years' service can retire with 75 per cent of pay and allowancea; service oo board eh'p and ashore In all parte of th. world. ArP'y at V. S. Marine Corps Re crultlnr Of nee. Breeden bldg.. Id and Waahtr.gtoa sts.. Portland. Or. ARCHITECT' assistant wanted, mull bl flrst-rlass designer and draughtsman, nau esperlrnce In Urge bullillngs and must know construction thoroughly; ealary and commission. possible partnership. I'-e-ply stating qualiricatlons snd full psr tliulara to c:u.le P. Jones. A. R. A. I. C, Architect, s.'s Pender street W.. Vancouver, iS.C. WANTED for U. . Army, able-bodied tin ir.arried men between ages of IS and as; cltlsens of L'nlted etata, of good charac ter and temporals habits, who can speak, read and write th. Knc'.ish language. For Information apply to P.ecrultlng Officer. Ainswnrth block. 3d and Oak ale.. Port land. Or. WE NEED at once, smart, energetic busi ness man to learn our business, wnion is a money-getter: then take charge of a elster state branch, good salary and ?a:n- mlpsion to right party; must have 3"'M) cah. which draws dividends. Bee Mr. istone. aoa Couch Bldg.. eth and Wash ington. WANTF.I ft A good salesman a Ith an estab lished trade In either or tne staiea m Montana. Idaho. Wyoming. Washington or Oregon hy n well-known and long establiplied firm wllh a good trade In those slates; highest salary and expenses paid to right parties: others save lumps Address P. O. 11m Cincinnati. O. MEN wanted, ages l-i. for firemen. Ilus monthly, and brakeruen. ISO. on nearby railroads; experience unnecessary; oo atrlke; positions guaranteed a competent men; promotion. Itallroad Kmploylng ' Headquarters, over 400 ment sent to po sitions monthly; .tat. age: send stamp. Railway Association. Care Qregonlan. tTinZENS i.flTanTko want good, all-round country printer to take charge Hhaniko Star at .M weekly: must take S0 stock In corporation, composed of local men, who guarantee business and salary: man must tako charge at once; wire or phone. Tnomas K. Courteny. lawyer, fehaniko. Or. WE annt a few good sslesmen with clean record and good personality mat are cap sule sVf presenting a high-class proposition to the general trade; commission basis, expenses advnnced. Those qualifying can earn from 1S0 to 30 per month. C F. Morphea. 703-4 gwetland bldg. WANTED Delivery man. married man. llv- lnT In llontavllla or ill. tauor u 1st rut. willing to move. for laundry; good chance for hustler: give age. present past occupation, reference and phone numb. r. Aildr. sa AC 7nl. Oregonlan. CAN you nil a money-making position thst calls for a "live wire" solicitor? cjee Mr. James, after 11:30 1'. -M. m Jionawa blrlg.. 3d and Morrison sis., for full par tlculsra RAILWAY mall clerks, postofflce clerks, letter carriers, custom-houss and Internal revenue employee, to prepare for exam inations: fre book. Pacloo eiatea 8chool. McKay bldg.. clty WANTED loung man lo taka special 11) automobile course, driving and repairing; ? ixctkal experience; complete Insttuotlon; Ig wages. steaJy work. Call 31 Washington st . room 415. Iir.lJ 1VANTEP rBHALT- Two young men on ranch .n miles from I'ortlsnd desire a nouscaecper. Aouriw Kllgore nr.. Pprlngwater. or. WANTED Competent girl for goneral housework: :ooI wages; small tamiiy. Tslephoue Main 90-9. - WANTED Olrl or middle-aged woman to it., honseworK ana plain coaing; - -tmi:v. Phone C 2.S". In WANTED liressmsker's helper: must be go-d. Apply - fvlilingswortn. near Wlllinma EM'KKIKXt'Kl) stenosrapher for light of- ),- work: give tun particulars anu pnoiift number. Write AO .774. Oregoplan. MAKKEIIH and sortera wanted, best wages. steady employment. 'pri iiuu.e lauii dry. -d and K.erclt. Gini, for general housework: references re quired. Iil ccnuyicr si. leiepnon. mil 4111. 1VANTKP ilirl for genersl housework In suhurbsn home; wsgea .r per niontn. Ai ply btsrk st. GIRL for genersl housowork. four adults; aga f:i.; telereni-e "in .i"Mn.on. maid- -prefer French, for chlltlren. ii led. Celesta luvi Mli.l'lNEiiY arntenticea llrue. 34 lsnmiMJ WANTED Ciiocolate dipper. Coffmnn'i Uashineton st. VEi-:hlLY. mnt!ng formulas; horn, work; must call lortay. 4"S Cou.-h at. WANTED Al Slstere Hospital In Calco. CaL. pupils to enter scnooi oi nurain g. WANTED An experienced waitress at Main 7i4. EX I'E ft I FN 'ED girl for geneial housework. ! K. l a lor. OIK I. lo-asslsl with general housework. Ap- plv C-IJ Johnson St. bV ITi U KS. u.e; puffs, curls. 7Sc. of comb- tnss. sanitary tiy. far.. iregum ping. yOl'NT. girl for light housework In small family. af- ftiperi. i. i or. r.. i?in si. VTEP 7lrl for general housework. ArPD' - Maransii. petween ;jsi ana a. 1SICE girl or woman for light service to exchange for home. 7t Marshall. WANTED A ladv to rk on ranch; aates '.'. Inquire 44o rtneriock biiig. WANTED Olrls for shooting gsllerr. Ap ply 4th and t ourn. net w e-n in anij 1. COMPETENT head waitress. Apply Wo men a a.xcnange. im nin t. WANTED Flrat-cla.e tallcresa for dress making. IJJ aiorriaoo. rinT to take chArge of small rooming- V . - , . . . II ') L . ft, , - VI K.W hOUSe; call ftl v sa. iu ... mo eft. HOUSEKEEPER for widowers family. Call after o f. si. iiimmsii v. WAMTED Skirt and waist help, alao ap prentices. ftpiunmie oiog. CERalAN. 21. wlshework at anything; L.N I'lKIKNCKU waltitss. Thompson's Res- laurarl. It - 1 " ' aTTiOOK KEEPER, stenog rnpher. (14 Luiu- bermen s D:ug. GIEL for general housework, family of 2. Inquire room nnmiiuin mat. OJHL to assist with general houseworat. family T two. ti nawiiionil ave. PRIVATE .School. SHORTHAND and TIPE- WatlTAJat-a e-a ma ittu st, tm. ta WANTED Toung ladles for telephon op erating, with or without experience. Ap ply Paclfld Telephone Telegraph -o, lh and East Ankeny sta. ETUDE.NT NURSES WAMED On account of several rd!n' aoOed to this Institution, th. Training School for Nurses Is about to Increase lis membership, and la now ready to receive applications for th. BDrlng classes nor particulars address: Superintendent oi kj , . r. o.n Tii..n rnuntv Uenarol Hos pital. San Diego. CaL LADIES of good address and appearance who are willing to add to their Income In spsre time, will find It worth while to call and see us. . J. SI. EHRLICH CO., 83 Fifth St. WANTED STRONG, HEALTHY WOMEN. OVER 1!.'.. WHO UNDERSTAND EN t l.ISH AND WILLINO TO WORK HARD AT CAR-CLEANING: 00 HOl'KS I PbK WEEK: ISO PER HOUR. APFLi FORK MAN. PULLMAN CO, jlTllA N I? R W ANTED Middle-aged housekeeper to keep house for two single men. on ranch In Hood Klver Valley near town. Modern hous.: good position lor right person. E. I. McClaln. H. 1. N. 1. Hood River. Or. GIRL! tor light housework, small family, good home. Apply before noun, Ap.. 4. lenlnsuia Apia.. 1135V Alblna ave, rake L car. , WANTED Competent girl for general housework: private family of three, 4.- Morrison st.. cor. 13th. West Side. V-all after 1 o clock A. M. EXPERIENCED girl fr.r telcprione ex change; must be acquainted with city: give reference and telephone number. AD 773. Oregonlan. WANTED A girl for plain cooking and housework. Mention age and references. Jlve phon. number. Wattes 3U per month. W 771. oregonlan. HANSEN'S LADIES AGENCY. 143 li. Washington su. cor. 7th. upstairs. Phon. Main 1102. WANTED An "experienced girl to do cook ing and general housework; good wages. Apply 7 Flanders st. WANTED Marker and sorter, on. who haa had conslderaM. experience marking. 1'aclflo Laundry Co.. 2.H Arthur st. MRS.-HOWE'S LADIES' A(iB.CI, S-lu'A Wsshlngton St.. Room 314. Mala Shin or A 82tt. GIRL for cooking and general housework, family of two. Call mornings, uiM Over ton at. WANT a lady to work In boardlng-houa. for her and husband's room and board phone East 187S. 1J1 Russell St. WANTED Girl or middle-aged woman for general housework: private family; food home to right party. 7tH Lovejoy. WAN TEL1 Refined, laj able woman for re. sponsible position. Vlavl Co.. 009 Roth child bldg..4th and W'ashlngton. GIRT, for cooking and general housework; must be experienced. 161 14th st., cor. Morrison EXPERIENCED girl to do plain cooking fc.est l'M4 COMPETENT girl for general housowtrk; family or rour anuits. len-piinuu r.j,i lulu, or call o75 liraxee, corner E. 10th. WANTED Experienced operatora to work on sniria. Apply oiaHuftm a...,, Grand ave. and East Taylor. HELP lYAVTCli MALI OB ITEM ALE. laooo POSITIONS-for sraduatea last year: men and women learn barber trade la 8 weeks, help to secure position; gradu atea earn from 15 to $iS weekly; expert Instructors; tool, free; writ, for cata logues. Mohler System of Colleges, 83 North 4th st.. Portland. Or. MAKE money writing stories for newspa pers; big pay; send for free book'jt; tells how. L nlted Press Synd.. San F.anclsco. WANTED Prlvat. teacher for English. A-N 771, Oregonian. riSK TEACUaHd' XtfSOCiAZlUM. U1A awft Isnd bldg. 6ITDATIOX WANTED MALE. Hookkeepers ftvnd Clerks. YOUNG LAWYER, three years' experience at bar. 15 years as law stenographer and court reporter; also abstractor of titles, wants to come to Portland; will tuke sal aried position In law office. Address AD 774, Oregonlan. POSITION as bookkeeper or accountant by voung man 3); eight years' experience In several lines of work; first-class refer ences. Can use typewriter: now employed, wish change; city or country. AM 772 nrcROnlan WANTED By thoroughly capable book koeper. extra bookkeeping to do after noons and evenings, also secretary work for corporations; eight years' experience; best reference. N 70. Oregonlan. WANTED Several small sets of bonks to keep by expert accountant: satisfaction guaranteed; reasonable. AE 71, Ore gonlan. WILL audit, open, close or write up books. prepare balances and statements, install systems. Consult me. Gllllngbam, au ,ltor. 411 Lewis bldg. Marshall 41. EXPERIENCED bookkeeper and office man desires temporary engagement: ramuiar with all office details. AN 773, Oregonlan, BOOKKEEPER and stenographer wants work; .HI furnish machine; moderate sal ary. AC 772. Oregonlan. . STENOGRAPHER. assistant hookkiepeer a Ith lumber experience wants position. Main -77. Codwajladcr; ENERGETIC experienced young man desires position as clerk in notet. ail ioi ire gonlao. MiscrllanewiU. Al PIANIST, picture tone, tenor with best of sonKS. man with long experience, imm New York City: small town preferred, 317 Flledner bldg. Marshall ltf'ii. WANTED Position a. flume foreman or anv work on Irrigating works, uy lrngai gatlng engineer. Ad,lr-ss T. J. McGlnnls, bin Willamette Boulevard. MAN. 30 years of site, .tiling to work. wants any kind oi a position, r.. tvraicr. 4-J Mnln St.. Oregon City. Or. MILiDI.E-AGED msn. neat appearing, capa ble of doing any lift nv wora; uuica sou cuiate. K 7,i2. oregonlan. ioD butcher wishes position In country town; an ail-round stesdy. safe man. Ad dress AB 7-13. Oregonlan. AUTO-TRUCK driver withes a position driv ing light delivery truck. Will keep it in p sir; experience,!. J i'K, tire g ilia n. POSITION wsnted by young man as cliauf- our or work In garage; wui go any pi ce, 3.R. Olson. 403 tub St.. city. RELIABLE man with his own horse and buggv, wante position, aqu aa in, iTcgontan. BRICKLAYER, good mechanic all est! mator. warns wuik. i per day. AL 775, Oregonlan. YoUNO man attenl:ng Holmes Business Culleg desires a place lo work for his room and board. Call A 2 ."54. Main 813. YOUNG man desires place to work part time, for room and board; good references. Ad dreas AH 770. Oregonlan. , WANTED Position as logging foreman; will also take contract; referencea furnished, T Toft. Oregonlan. bHOWCAKI) writer and window trimmer, experienced. Write II. C. Ketelson. 604 Hawthorne ave. m GOOD Japanese couple want place, msn to take care of garden, wife cook;; both sptvalt English. Home A 6052. BY man snd wife, cooks In camp; good bakers, etc.; no children. AN 7J0, Ore gonlan. MAN with 3 boys, oMist IS years, wants work on farm, dairy or orchard. AX 773, Orsgonlan. COOifTnd '"helper, man and wife, rirst-clasg In all branches: good baker; sober, re liable, city or out. J. Grimes. Main 274. MAN and wife. German, want situation In hotel or family at housework- 84a E Burnslda. SITUATION wanted as fireman or engineer of small plant; can also look after all electric wtrint;. AF 734. Oregonlan. BY YOUNG man. experienced janitor and elevator operator, good references. V 743. Oregonlan. rl.ll.MBEU. (Irst-class on lead work, also Iron ur galvanlxed piping; haa a union card. V 7ou. Oregonlan. YOUNG-man. good habits, wants steady po- sltlon at anything. A. Myera. 830 Hall St. a JAPAN EriSJ boy would Ilk to cook for mall tamilz la oily. Writ, e 6th li., eUA. COOK, country hotel. 145 and 3r.. Camp waitress. 35. 3 hotel waitresses. -. v .np . -fi Hnii.kaaDpr ..uie. a"", . ftiiu . - , Yin for 4 men. :o (city). Family cook. fan. lilrls general housework. 1-0 to 30. Hansen's Ladles Agency, 14',4 Wash. St.. room 7. AGRICULTURAL' expert wants position a manager ranch or In development work; Iowa State College Graduate, Eastern and Western experience. What have you to offer a hustler; (26). 6 756. Oregonlnn. rlRSTCl7AR3house-to-house mechanic will flx your little tlnks for reasonable price; sewing machines, stoves, locks, suitcases, scissors, saws at your home. L&ndway. 10S Couch. Main 7735. BLACKSMITH who has not followed trade for some time would like work In coun try shop where all kinds of farmers' work Is done, as helper, etc Address At, 754. Oregonlan. EXPERIENCED orchard man wishes posi tion as manager or fruit ranch; refer ences furnished. Address Fred Haralson, Experiment Station. Bt, Paul. Minn. CHAUFFEUR. 32. drove In Kansas City last year, would like position as driver: can do own repair work; strictly temperate. Address Box 247. Eugene. Or. WANTED by young man. Job on cattle ranch. Oregon, Washington, Idaho or Cali fornia: am experienced. Call or address 4U North Third St.. city. ELDERLY gentleman would like position In good home; has no bad habits: willing to work: wage? no object. Phone Wood lnwn 1205. . SUCCESSFUL salesman desires line ns man ufacturer's agent, or would consider sal ary. AE 7(ly, Oregonlac. JAPANESE good, flrst-claas cook wishes sit uation In hotel. AL 772. Oregonlan. PAINTER, paperhsnger, wants work: haa experience. E. Mcves. Woodlawn iT. GOOD-carpenter and finisher wants work. reasonable wages. AF 730. Oregonlan. WANTED Work on farm, near town. Ad dress 410 Falling st. SITUATION WASTED FEMALE nookhcCfaCTS and Stenographers. RELIABLE woman wants position in real estate office where she can get small sal ary and chance to work on commission. Know the city and have had experience In this line of work; referencea. N i2o, oregonlsn. POSITION by young lady stenographer; have had 2 years' experience, with lum ber firm; referencea furnished. V 7li4, Ore- a-onlan. Drew ni alters. EXPERIENCED dressmaker would like en gage m e n : sbthdaJarsh PL I N. fancy dressmaking; suits, altera tion work. 273 7th St. A 4rtn3. STYLISH dreases. ir, up: waists. S1.50 up; fine work. H2tt East Mill. East .V3fl. ' Housekeepers. GIRL wants general housework In small family. Call tioO Ualelgh at., between A. M. and 5 P. -M. WANTED By young woman of refinement and education a position as governess. AH 772. Oregonlan. FOR an experienced nurse, phone Marshall 2457. Domestics. TWO girls wish general housework and cook In rrjlt gTrl wishes housework with private fara lly. 527 Clay at. Main 3'JSO. Miscellanea. YOUNG girl wants position as waJtress In boarding-house or bakery: willing to work for small wages with room and board. Y 771, Oregonlan. LADIES wanted, any kind housework, by the day or by th. week. Call 141 N. 1-ihu EXPERIENCED cook, with city references, desires position with private family. Phone Marshall 13S0. LADY-wlth comfortable horn and without children would Ilka tha car. of a baby. Phone Tabor 2725. JAPANESE woman wishes situation In family, to do cooking and housework. R 703. oregonian. WANTED By young woman of good family and education, a position aa companion. Allt 773. Oregonlan. EXPERIENCED Swedish girl wants place to do housework. 130 per month. Phono E. 201. GIRL wishes care of child or Usht house work: references. J. W-. 825 Commer cial st. FIRST-CLASS laundress wishes work Thurs days and Fridays; references. Wood lawtt 1611. ' LAOB curtains laundered, 30c a pair; called for and delivered. Marshall 3tio. RELIABLE woman wants day work, clean ing preferred. Main 83H8. EXPERIENCED waitress wishes position. Ca 1 1 Marshall 21161. 1 YOUNG woman wants day work: no wash ing. References. Phone B 2538. EXPERIENCED filter wishes position In suit house or department store. Phono East 3764; POSITION ns cook, hotel or boarding-house. Call or address ill North 17th St. DAY work, apartment, rooming-house, car. children. MalnlS)5. LADY wishes day work. Phone Main 10C2. WANTED AGENTS. WAITED Canvassers to sell from factory to users direct, th only guaranteed medium-priced continuous suction vacuum cleaner on the market; gets every particle of dirt; canvassers selling as many as five dally; quick seller: big profit: write for territory. O'Neill-James Co.. 258 Madison st.. Chicago. WANTED Able agents, managers of farm land salesmen for all points In California, Oregon and Washington. Have: 200,000 acres of the best land In the Nechaco Valley, British Columbia, on th. Grand Trunk Pacific R. R. Ground floor prices and easy terms. X 747. Oregonlan. MAKE big money taking- subscriptions for the Novel Magazine at the circulation get ting price of 25c a year; our agents are meeting with great success. Apply circu lation department, the Novel Magazine. 6111 California -treet. San Francisco. Cal. AC11V1C canvasse.-s can maKe 5w weeaiy selling trees for the Oregon Nursery Com pany. Liberal propoa-tion; good territory. Address Orenco, Or. WANTED TO KENT. House WANTED To rent, by mun and wife, five room furnished bungalow; it will be well taken care t. V 7'iJ. Oregonian. WANTEp 6of aj-room modern house, close In. West Side. Main 5315. Apanmenta. W ANTED Three or four-room unfurnished front apartment, close tn, moaern apart ment house; lease If satisfactory, o 753. Oregonlan WANTED 5 -room flat, steam-heated, ciose In, reaaonaoie. yvv. io", vrcuvuiftu. Rooms With Board. WANTED By gentleman of clean habits, .oKee and auict. board and room 'In pri vate, refined family; would prefer an elderly family where there aro no small children; reierences lucuiaucu. -u m,, Oregonlan. Ton REST, Rooms. PORTLAND ROOMING BUREAU. Rooms, flats, apartments, furnished, un furnished, board, all parts of the cltyi sav you money, time, trouble. Let us lo cate you. 2bui, Wasnlngloa at. R. 30Z Marshall 21SW. A 5243- DON'T OVERLOOK THIS TODAY. "MILNER BLDG.." 350?, MORRISON ST. MODERN, CENTRAL REASONABLE. i urmsiied Kooma. THE WEAVER, 71U Wasnington -. near King; a perfect modern home; private bath, steam heat, hot and cold water, and telephone in every room; finest part of the city th maximum of conveninc. the -minimum of expense; w make you feel at home: dining-room In connection; best in the cltr for the money. " HOTEL SAVON. 129 Eleventh St. New. modern brick building, steam heated, private baths, hot and cold water In rooms, beautifully furnished, coxy and comfortable. Rents very reasonable. Call and see us. Regular and transient trad solicited. HOTEL BURGOYNE. S. W. corner Twelfth and Stark streets, strictly first-class pri vate hotel, new and handsomely furnished, hot and cold watet. telephone In every room. .levator, rooms with or without baths, phone Main 5753. HOTEL ANSONIA. 124 14th St., cor. Washington. Furnished and unfurnished rooms: pri vate baths, free phones In all rooms. am FIRST Furnished rooms, steam heat, everything new. L75 and up; alngle; housekeeping. THE HOLLY HOTEL. 105 12th New and modern In every way; elegantly furnished. rates reasonable; transients solicited. LA RRABEE Hotel. 227H Larrabee st. New and modern, nicely furnished, free bath and phones. Double rooms 13.50 and up. THE BEAVER, 12th and Marshall sta, wo.l furnlsned sleeping rooms. 12.50 per week; electric lights, hot baths free. llOD-SN outside rooms, ii to (5 per week. Including baths: also housekeeping roeau. Mi. Washington st. VOW OPEN! NOW OPEN! NOW OPEN ! Those three beautifully furnished botcia. HOTEL HOTEL HOTEL MINOOK. PARSONS. ROWLAND 213x 4th St. 211Vi 4th st. 207 V4 4th st. On Fourth st.. running from Taylor to Salmon st. Brand new brick, elegantly furnished; steam hest, private baths, hot and cold water In all rooms; strictly up-to-dats In all respects, and at popular prices. If you want eomethinK out of the ordlnarv In th heart of the city at reasonable prices, give us a call as we know you will like it. Rooms by the day, week or month. Tourist trade solicited. HOTEL, CAFLE3, Residential. biO Taylor. Transient. Bet. 7th and Park Sts. Opposite new Heiltg Theater, one block from Portland Hotel; brick building, just completed; handsomely furnished; every modern convenience. elevator service, steam heat, telephone and hot and cold water In every room; single rooms and ultes with or witnout private baths, etc.; centrally located, near Postolnce; Just off all carlines; very quiet; low rates by -ay. week or month, phone Marshall 2200, ANGELA HOTEL. Permanent and transient. Just opened: brick building. beautifully furnished; everything new: steam heal, hot and cold running water and teiephonea lu au rooms; fine lobby and ladles' parlor. Suites and single rooms with and without private baths; very reasonable rates by day. wek or month. Phone Marshall IBjO. 625 TA8HlNUYO N ST. GRAND UNION HOTEL, 3S7x East Buruslde. Come to the East Side and save money on your room rent; w"e have 120 modern ateam-heated rooms with hot and cold running water: single and en suite; rooms with private bath; 15 minutes' walk to business center of city: rates 12.50 to 7 perweek, East 5B40, B12 5. BUSH MARK HOTEL, 17th and Washington Newly furnlsrled rooms, single or en suite; private baths, steam heat, hot and cold water and phone in all rooms; rates reasonable; transients solicited. FURNISHED room with private bath. Call Manager, ROSE FRIEND, 7th and Jeffer son sts. IDE HAZEL Nicely furnished, eten-n heat, running water. 3d and Montgomery. HOTEL NOUR1S. Rooms $160 week up. 132 V, 17th st. FURNISHED, heated rooms, transient, Una up; week 12.5Q up. 31 Yamhill. THE PALMER, 850 hi Alder, rooms by day or week. 13 per week and up. "" Furnished Rooms' in Private Families. HOTEL ALDER, Permanent and Transient. We aro devoting several of our choicest rooms to permanent guests for the W in ter; will mako special low rates by the week or month; transient guests given the best of service and shown every courtesy; located In center of shopping district, con venient for out-of-town people; rates by the week. 4TH AND ALDER. . a LAHUE comfortable rooms, with bath be tween, hot and cold water, modern house, good home-cooked meals: desire 4 em ployed young men or ladles. Phone Sell wood 1 tnot In Sellwoodl. ; GENTLEMEN who con appreciate the com forts of pleasant and nicely furnished, well-kept, modern rooms, with gas. elec tricity, furnace heat and bath, call at 86 North 15th st- 2 blocka from Uasn. TRY-the Maxims for the best furnished rooms In city. 149 7th St.. bet. Alder and Morrison sts. ; :.50 per week, phon and bath In each room. CHEERFUL, clean, well furnished frunt room, gas. phone, bath, close by. on West Side, to two orderly persons, $2 a week. Phone A 2089. 325 Seventh St. WELL-FURNISHED room. In private fam ily, with or without board, modern con veniences, easv walking distance, reason able. Phone Marshall 1018. IDEAL bachelor quarters; beautifully fur nished room for 2; largo bungalow room for 2 or 4; breakfast and dinner If de slred. Tel. Main C1Q4. NICELY furnished room for gentleman; all modern conveniences: walking distance. 427 Clay, bet. 11th and 12th. THREE wcll-furnlshed rooms. od 16, IS, HO mouth; bath, phone. 311 Main St., bet. tth and 6th. WELL furnished front alcove suite, private bath, for gentlemen only. Hoyt St., near 23d. Phone Main 3144. LARGE front room, facing east. modern dwelling: walking distance; modern con venlences. tttt N. 21st St. IRGE room in steam-heated flat. King Heights. reaaonable; wall'.ing distance. 715 Wayne st.. Apt. 6. $10 MONTH7brlsht. pleasunt corner room; everything convenient. 475 Clay st. FURNISHED suite ana rooms. 511 U ! Ai bina ave. 110 MONTH, bright, pleasant corner room; everything convenient. 475 Clay st. ELEGANTLY furnished roams for or 3 gentlemen. 454 Taylor St. $10 MONTH; fine front room; bath; walk Ing distance. 45- Fifth. FRONT room, modern conveniences, break fast If desired. 543 Johnson st., near ltitn, LAHGB room, pleasantly located, price rea sonable. 321 W. Park It. NICELY furnished large room, ciose in; furnace heat. 473 Alder. LIGHT room, one or two; heat, phoue, bath, walking distance. 202 12th st. NEWLY' furnished rooms, all conveniences. East Side; resonable.Tabor1910. LIGHT, well-heated furnished rooms; five blocks P. O. 251 7th st. FURNISHED rooms, one or two persons, ex cellent location, all conveniences. 303 12th. NICELY furnished room for rent. Call A 5102. LARCB front room, suitable for 1 or 2; walking distance. .-sorin oixteenin. WELL-FURNISHED rooms, sleeping porch. use of kitchen, close in. iuain VERY pleasant, desirable room, 3 week; gentlemen prererreu. gua j-tn st. NE WLY-f urnlshed rooms, very reasonable. -27 3d b, between k-my aim jiai.e Jnlurniftdicd Kuuuift. DESIRABLE UNFURNISHED ROOM. VILNEK BLDG.. S50Vs MORRISON ST. MODERN. CENTRAL. RTASON ABLB. Rooms Wllh Board. PORTLAND Women's Union. 2Gd year; rooms with board, use of sewtne-room. li brsry. 610 Flanders. F. N. Heath, supt. ELEGANT furnished room for 1 or 2; first class board, reasonable. 374 Park. THE CALVARD, No. 452 Morrison, cor. 13lh St. Rooms Willi DtMHI. w-livioift -iwidlicq. DESIRABLE rooms, suitable for 1 ' or 2, good table. 33 North Seventeenth street. IliomsWltbJoajlLuI'rivaU l-amily. WELL-FURNISHED room. In private fam ily, with or without board, modern con veniences, easy walking distance, reasonable- Phono Marshall 1019. SMALL-cTub of bachelors; have one nice for 2 people; best board in town; every modern convenience. 4'iO1 Park St. NE-ATLY furnished bedroom, with breakfast and dinner. l'liraAM FRONT room; board for two; splendid lo cation; 25 each. 549 Taylor at. ROOM with board In home of youn. peo Dla. Phone B 36. 546 E. Davi.i st. ROOM and i,oarU in private family; bath and phone. 552 Morrison. Rooms. With Board in Private Family. TWO elegantly furnished rooms, aiijoinins hath, single or en suite, suitable; for two or three; best of board: 15-min. walk. West Side. Marshall23J. WjvXT f "w select roomers and hoarders, pri vate family, strictly first-class residence; very best home cooking. 131 23d st. N. M. 3727 TWO nice large rooms with board for two gentlemen; all modem conveniences, fur nace heated. Phone 7793. 154 N. 10th. A 66S1. ' BOARD and room with private family: 125 a month. 4V4 E. Washington, near Grand ave. ROOM and board for a gentleman: all mod ern conveniences; walking distance. 366 7th. LARGE room with or without board. In re fined private family. 595 E. Taylor, cor ner East 15th. Phone East 2006. SPLENDID rooms with board, all modern convenlonces. gas and eleotriclty. 531 Taylor st- A 7uS7. FURNISHED room with board, all con veniences; reasonable. 107 16th at., near Flanders. 16Si 10TH ST., pleasant rooms, with or without ooaru. TWO large connecting rooms, suitable for 4; breakrasl ana uinners. Aiain .oil. " p:irt mri! 1 . ROZANTA APARTMENTS, newly furnished. strictly modern, reasonable rent; vacancies now. l"'Jvt zon. -larsnaii 2S21 CECELIA Apartments. 2.d aud Glisan. -room apartment with all modern conve nience.: rent reaaonaoie rwE furnished apartment. Th. Cecelia." con axtd GUsan. THE MEREDITH. 71'4 Wash. Bt. New brick apartments. Just finished na furnished complete for Immediate house keeping; beautifully furnished, all In 4 and 3-room suites with private baths and recertion ball. Paclhc phone In each apartment fsee; nothing in the city to equal It for the price. Call and see for yourself. PENSLLA APARTMENTS New building. East Side. HJoH Alulna ave.; take Mis sissippi. L or St. Johns car, 15 minutes' ride from 3d and Washington sts. 2. 3 and S rooms cimpletely furnlsned; $17H to $40 per month; all modern conveniences; un furnished apartments. lTione Woodlawn 2259. THE CODY". East 7th and Taylor sts., new, beauti ful and very elaborately furnished apart ments of 2 and U rooms; osmethtng en tlrelv different from usual run of apart ments. This is worthy of Investigation if you are looking for something exception ally good. HEINZ APARTMENTS, 14th and Columbia, 4 blocks south from Morrison st.; new trick building, completely first-class; fur nished in 2. 3 and 4-room family opart xnenls; private bath, reception hall. aiea heal, hot water, elevatur. free phune. Jan ltor service; rent very reasonable. " LUCRETIA COURT. On X.ucretia street, near Washington, only one of the large, outside, 2-room apartments loft in this new elegant and modern apartment-house. Apply to su- ferimendent, apt. 1. or phone Marshall 601; references required. CARMALETA APARTMENTS. Will be completed March 1. 1911. For apurtments inquire of Miss Allen at th. building. S. E. corner of 13th and Jefferson. sts., or phone Main 6764. The Heed lostl ture. 426 Ablngton bldg. THE LILLIAN. 6th and Montgomery. Three-room apartment, new and 1 gantly furnished; private phones and all modern conveniences; 16th-8t. car to dour. See manager on premises. " ORDERLEIGH APARTMENTS. Cor. Grand ave. and E. Stark st. New fireproof brick building beautifully furnished. Two and three-room apart ments; private bath, hot and coi water, steam heatPlnezEMi300- . CHOICEST 3-room apartment in the build ing; will be vacated immediately. Apply to superintendent or phone Marshall 1501. Lucretla Court, Lucreiia at., near Waah lngtum THE-ALTAMONT. 6th and College On elegantly furnished 3-room corner apart ment on first floor; also one 4-room apart ment, ail outside rooms, steam heat, pri vate bath and phone; janitor service, . RE-UKAN. Marshall bet. 19th and 20th; modern, elaborately furnished front apart ment, 3 rooms and private bath; some thing real nice and homelike at a reason able price. Main 80:2. A 3191. W car. ANGELA Apartments. 37 Trinity Place, be tween 19lh and 20th. off Washington One 4-room apartment, beautifully fur nished; electric elevator and prlvat phones. . LANDORE APARTMENTS, 2SS Tenth St., near Jefferson: newly furnished 3-room apartment, with sleeping poroh; location central apaI'TMKNT. 4 rooms, new furniture. Ori-. emai. Navajo, fur rugs, cost 950. sell for 1550. Would sail separately. 1 Teaadale Apartments. 30 North -0th St. MAJESTIC APT3.. 390 Clay, corner West Park. A sirlctly modern, four-room and buthspt. Referencrequlred. aFKIN'LEY Apartments, new and beautifully furnished apartments; steam heat, prlvat. bath. 49 E. Morrison. i-,u(i ELEGANTLY furnished three-room apartment. "Sunlight Apartments." 1495 Belmont. Tabor litfS. " ON EON T A. 187 17th. near Yamhill. Furnished apartments, iteam-heafd. NFW YORK Apartments. 2 and 3 rooms fur nished and unfurnished, steam heat, lie. phone. East 7th and Belmont. IRIS APARTMENTS, Id and Mill sts., 5 ro'om, untuinished apartment. 145; mod em Improvements; adults only. R1 AN MAS apartments. 228 North 20th; furnlsned apt, phone ilarshall 2027. FURNISHED apartment furniture for sal cheap, au .utn ni. ,-qhq. Flula. FOR RENT. Nice modem Bat of four rooms, clos In 'on West Side: $25 per month. OTTO HARKSON REALTY CO.. 133 Vi First St. MODERN. 6-room; gas range, combination fixtures close in; three carlines; rent reasonable. 4S84 .East 12th st- South. phone Sellwood 12. . FLATSonast Side, furnished or unfur nished; reasonable. Inquire bet. 7 ami 9 A. M. Phone ilarshall 2290. Room 418. FIVE-ROOM upper flat. 468V East Burn side st. Russell i Blyth. Commonwealth bldg.. oth and Ankeny. THREE-rooms and bath for housekeeping, "linover Apartments. King and Washing ton. Phonea Main 8520. A 11-4. NEV modern 0-rooin flat. East 18th and Ash. PhonaB 2006. FOUR-ROOM flat, 12th and Belmont. Phone a T.tur. llain 1901. B. H. Bowman. NEW ilat cheap. Main 1505 or East 11S7. W. Reidt. Rothchild bldg. i-HOOii flat, good condition, fireplace. 691 Glisan st. Maln225 SWELL, furnished flat for sale, cheap. Phono Marshall io.i. 173 GREEN AVE., near near 23d and Wash- l n g t o n. ii-nim. t-t ni i a. DAY ADD. Modern, new, unfur Hn.ed 17 rooms: adults. Phone East 1137. 1 a Modern 4-room flat with basement; adults. 780 Williams ave. woodlawn -t-i. NOB HILL, modern unfurnished 0-rooin nir flat, adults only. Main 88'.'8. Houee-eeplnc Room. THK BEAVER 12th and Marshall, tar nished for housekeeping gas range elec tric lights, hot water, bath, laundry all free; 15 per month up: a clean place: . ..'. foe money: short distanc. from Union Depot. Take "S" car. or 16th t "ars north, get oft at Marshall at. No ogs. ' WELL-FURNISHED 6-room cottage. 120 month; lower furnished 4-room flat. 117 0 month well-furnished housekeeping S '. rooms. IS and 112 month; 3 for JiV Apply 304 North 26th. W cox from oep'ot. 6th or Morrison to 26th. block north. MK-.'ISIIED housekeeping rooms; single room. 532 Williams ave. Phone C 152.1. . -n Tfc. ., fua WEEK: clean. furnlsnea rooms, fre. J-j-J-phone. clean linen, heat. 409 aieott-r ave and 20SH Stanton: take Ucar. Ml E. Morrison V. -SSSr, lK B'Mt, COnipiciBi iu.u---i a an J is. --- --..-mi-v unu in MILNER BLDG . "0 .MORRISON ST. nnKB. CENTRAL. RtASONABLK. NICELY furnished steam heated housekeep ing rooms, single and suites; also sleep ing rooms. The New Castle. 402 u. -id st. NICELY furnished housekeeping rooms. Hno In. The Wendhurst. 545 4 Wash, at. nT7-E light modern furnished housekeeping room. 580 Second st. HOUSEKEEPING rooms in new coatxe-e bldg. Phone Wood! awn2997or237J. iiniLPkr-ilur Rooms In Private Family. aTT'NFURNISHED housekeeping rooms. I0 1,1 . ... ,i.., n.ht, .ml water. 4Ji) Ser monin. im-iuuini. ....... mnlun St.. UOSfllirS. BASEMENT room: moderate rein, cr ex- .vn a n.-att-Lr n7!i ( ft 114 11. cttaii;e ir -i ise...v, . . . corner i.n. ONE large w-ell-f urnlshed room. email kitchen ofr for usht nouseaeepiuis. . F.-trk. cor. Market. THREE furnished housekeeping rooms; - . i..-. V ( n tr-ia nnrl not h I 41 piano, Bti-eiiJK IU.I..IIIO-, c - -- Lan at. Take i? car. 410 SALMON &X.. two nicely furnished liousekoeping roomi, cenirai, i1"1""'' en I in ren. TWO-room front euite; bath. pan. phone. hot witter, clean, reawnatfie, -.' room. -w i-ii-i -v. NKWLY lurnisnea nouo-npu's In prlvatA family; employed coupi pri forrert. J75i- Clay t.. corner 4th. C I .KAN Turnisnesa iiwu..cftK'"j-"-KaJt. electricity, phone. 95 L. 30th. Sun- nysme car. aj uup. FOR RENT Housekeeping room, net. bath, phone ana jisik- '' cinvla and en suite. TWO DESIRABLE furnished housekeeping chanmsn st.. near Tamhlll. WANT quiet couple for 2 rear rooms, side entrance, pnuuc, u --, waterV14 per week. 244 Seventh. "FURNISHED housekeeping rooms at 400 Fourth st. TWO furnlf-hed housekeeping rooms. 429 E. Asn. rnoiie r.-. i-n EWLY-furnished rooms, $12 up. Take "Sit car. .85 N. 22d. near Thurman. 53 ";. 20TH Large, newly furnished front rooms, tuiiniitiu ii.. FURNISHED housekeeping rcoms. sink, ripci floor. S4 week. 1 Si N. loth THREE furnished houEekeepIng rooms, to NICELY furnished, modern, lower 3 rooms. large yard; close in: aouits. iast i,i.t. THREE rooms furnished, to quiet couple. Walklns dlstanca, 24. Grand av. Xortfe. nI 3T. f k A