17 THE MOKXIXO OKEGOXTAX. THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 16. 1911. MILLASSEHTS'ITS RIGHT TO STREETS SCE2TES AT BUEN SIDE-STREET FIRE. WHICH STARTED FROM-ACT OF CARELESSNESS. The Highest Priced Piano in the World Inman-Poulsen Company Says . It Must Close if Injunction Is Enforced. . j ' - r 4 t, f - LEGAL STATUS REVIEWED, it - . " t)i - - rNe. ,..1,111 i.u u - 74-"j?fr "'''yri f ' : '-? - - ' T-- vV.V H : - f r I j, If r t- i ; -.-- . -. , ' - - ,v -.Am- - I J lav K (Represented on the Pacific Coast exclusively by the Wiley B. Allen Oo.) Same Price to Everybody, Everywhere No Discount .J. Contention I That Thoroughfare In Fast Portland Xevc-r Were Pedi- rated City'a Good Faith Is Attacked. !f tlie c!tr succeeds In forcing tbo In man-Poulsen Lumber Company to top using the streets In the vicinity of lis mill. aa it la now trying to do. the plant must cloae. at a loss of 13S0J to I .'Ho) a day, throwing; out -f em ployment a large number of men. ac cording to an affidavit thai Jonas Fuulsea. one of the mmli of the firm, filed yesterday In the Circuit Court. Whether the temporary Injunction re cently Issued br Judge MrGlnn. pre Trnlinc the company from using the street, should be made permanent waa argued before Presiding Julg Ganten beln yesterday afternoon, witn tlie re sult that George S. Shepherd, attorney fir the rompany. obtained la days In vMrh to file a brief. Five days were allowed the city n answer It. Kollow in this another fire days will be Riven f'-r a reply, and aoon after Judare Gn. terbeln tolnka he will be ready to de t'.Ji. Trmportrr Truce Declared. It a determined yesterday by con srt of the city that the compauy May continue to operate Ha mill until the esse U settled, on condition that no rru-s shall be placed so aa to enclose the city's streets. Plnce November H. 10I. the city has been endeavoring to force the cimpan to remove Its lumber from the s'.reetJ r-irroundtng the mills and at present there are 11 complaints attains! trie con.pany In that reaard. llr. 1'otslaen in his affidavit, aives the history of the use of the streeta and contenile that Ms company Is legally entitled to The streets In question were a part cf the Stevens Addition to the City of i:at Fortland. platted In Hi) by Jme II. Stevens. It Is contended by Sir. FouL-en that tiie flat filed by Mr. htevens simply contained dotted lines to show wh-r street might be dedl rated lattr by the owners of the prop erty In case they eo desired, but that t.:ere was no word or rlause In the sordine of fie dedication of the plat taat Indicated that the streeta men tioned bad been appropriated to public u. A Urge part of the around now used by the lumber company. Mr. Poul sen says, was a slouKh. which hi com pany na f.lied at an approximate cost of 1 .00.000. Place Once Ball Park. Before the Inman-Poulsen Lumber Company became tiie owner of the land the place. Including the streets In the I res-nt controversy, was used as a baseball park and was enclosed by a fence. ben the company took possession of the land. It waa assured by Mayor Stewart, of Last TortUnd. that the city would neter want the street, and Councilman Hardy was sent by the Mayor to Mr. Poulsen to ask that the nw mill planned to be constructed be rlaced on the east side of the river. It was only with, the assurance made t the company at that time by the officials of Kaat Portland. Mr. Poulsen ays. that the rompany was Induced to place the mill m Its r"t situation. Good Faith Aooallrd. The chief plea made by Mr. Poulsen tt the court Is that no restraining or d r be I. sued to prevent the use of fie street for the piling cf mill products. In one paragraph Mr. Poulsen at tacks the city'a good faith by declaring that It garbled the wording of a peti tion filed by the company for the va cation of the streeta and supposed to be copied Into the ct:y"s complaint. Mr. Poulsen declares that the petition for the vartlon was not like that present ed by the city and that It waa simply In the form of a compromise. C'ourlhoue Note. Patrick Twohey filed suit yesterday alnt the Culled Railway Company for Ji'WO for damages h alleges he re ceive.! February . when a handcar, on which he was rlrtina while belne em ptor e. bv the company, waa overturned h- a second handcar and both were thrown from the track. Emofry Orlek sued the Eastern' A "Western Lumber Company yesterday for StOtOe for Injuries he allecea he aua talned on July (. 110. while employed In the mills of the company. He com plains that his feet were caught In a chain which operated a convevor. result ing in painful and serious Injuries. ELIGIBLE LIST WANTED Maniclpal Service Commission to Order Examinations Soon. Secretary Topper, of the Municipal Fervlca Commission, -waa instructed jesterday afternoon to prepare a list of a'l necessary examinations and of positions now being filled by tempor ary appointment. When this Is com pleted the commission will order ex aminations and will endeavor to fur nish lists of ellgtbles for all places In the classified service. Chief among the positions now being filled temporarily la that of Building Jri.pertor. occupied by H. E. Plummer. This place pays l.'S a mont'.i. There are positions of assistant Inspector of buildings, deputies under the same clarification and several clerkships in various City Mall departments to be filed by permanent appointments as soon as there re ellglbles. SEATTLE HALTS FIGHTS w Chief Blocks Athletic Clubs' Advertised Contests. SEATTLE. Wash.. Feb. 15. Chlef-Jf Police Bannlck today forbade the hold ing of two widely advertised prise fights by so-called athletic clubs. A policeman at the head of one of the clubs was told to leave the boxing business or the police force. All "ladles' entrsnce signs have been ordered removed from saloon doors, aa well aa all curtalna and boxes from the Interior of saloons and saloon rtstaurants. . . -i - a-a ' l - 14ayaaaauuXMSsa V AROVP PINT OK fROWn TnT GATIIKREn AnotT FIRK-DKLOW. ToVrKH OK lll"TraiC I ILDII.O. OXCB UKU AS CATHOLIC CHI MUTCH STARTS FIRE Act of Carelessness Causes Damage of $20,000. SINNOTT BUILDING GOES Noon Patrons of Rctanrnt Flee, Leaving Food on Counter Dam-' age Beond Amount Law Allows for llcpatrs. Damage estimated at cn.om) waa done by the carcleaa dropping of a match in the cleaning establishment of Rlchten aeln tc Company. It.sa4 Burnslde Mreet. shortly after noon yeajanlay. causing an explosion of gasoline, and starting a conflagration which Involved half a doz en business houses before it waa ex tinguished. Most serious damage, ail from water and smoke, waa done to the Clothing establishment of Bosmkn Bros., at the corner of Third ana Murnsme streets, while the old BUxler saloon. I.T Burnalde street, was flooded snd several smaller shops) ere gutted. A man unknown to the management, entennr the cleaning establishment with some clothing. Is supposed to have atart- ed the fire by dropping a maxen aner lighting a cigarette. Kuraes of gasoline at once caught fire and the blue ran with great rapidity to the upper part of the building. Ilrect damage from the f ames waa confined to Uie room in which It started, the RlaJto Restaurant at E Bumslde street, the pawnemop of J. Keller at V) Burnalde street, and the rooms overhead. The blaze for a time threatened the whole block. Bowman Brothers carried a stock In ventoried at tao.OXi. all of which Is de stroyed or damaged. The Minnesota second-hand store st 13 Third street, was flooded and Its stock was badly damaged. Noon patronai were at the counter In the R nlto Restaurant and fled, leaving their half-eaten meals on the counter. In the Llazler saloon and the rooms overhead, once a notorious gambling-house, the water ruined everything .snd it stood deep on the saloon floor. North lnd loungers, of whom hundreds sre always to be seen In the vicinity, turned to with s will snd assisted the firemen In getting hoae to the top of the adjoining bulldtcsa. Several hundred by standers were well soaked. All the real property affected by the fire is owned by the flnnolt estate snd the building probably will be set down aa a total loss, as it la believed to have been damagrd beyond the limit of re pairs sllowed within the fire limits. It Is well Insured. The building occupied by Bowman Brothers, at the aouthcast corner of third and Kurnslde streets, formerly was a Catholic Church and Is one of the oldest structures In the city. For many years It stood at the northeast corner of Third and Stark streets, fac ing the Chamber of Commerce. It was removed to the present site IS years ago and was fitted op aa a store building. It Is not materially damaged by the flames. PERSONALMENTION. E. R. Bryson. an attorney of Eugene, Is st the Cornelius. Rev. Ocorge F. Hopkins, of Dallas, la at the Lenox. B. E. Carrier, a merchant of Salem, n 4 f I f Z - !' ' u' r - . dfjj 1 vrf-e .-e and Mrs. Csrrier. are staying at the Lenox. J. M. Skrable. of Pendleton. Is regis tered at the Oregon. Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Manning, of New berg, are at the Perkins. 8. J. Peck, a merchant of Lexington. Wash.. Is at the Perkins. Mr. and Mrs. Peter Wood, of Elms. Wash., are ataylng at the Perkins. Mr. and Mrs. James F. Hurley, of Baker, are stsylng at the Portland. red Slmmlngton. a merchant of As toria. Is registered at the Cornelius. John E. Gratke. editor and publisher of the Astoria Dally Budget, Is at the Imperial. O. W. Johnston, a banker of Dufur, and Mrs, Johnston are staying at the Cornelius. C. II. Gninwold. proprietor of the lie Clallen Hotel at Roeeburg. la registered at the Oregon. J. S. Schenck. a business man of The Dalles, and Mrs. Schenck are staying at the Portland. L. O. Wilson, who is engaged in the coal mining business at Centralia. Wash.. Is at the Oregon. J. D. Burke, president of the Boston Savings A Trust Company, snd bis fam ily are ataylng at the Seward. fl. J. Oessllng. secretary and treasurer of the Hood River Milling Company, of Hood River. Is registered at the Port land. J. L Bmlley. a aalmon packer of Blaine. Wash., who formerly operated on the Columbia River, Is registered at the Imperial. R. N. Stanfleld. who converted his sheep ranch in I'mntlUa County Into a thriving townslte by that name. Is at the Imperial. Fred I'arretU a prominent young man of Newberg. came to Portland for a bride. Miss Myrtle Young. Mr. and Mrs. Parrett are staying at the Lenox. Phil Oevurta. of I. Gevurts Sons, has returned from a four weeks' trip through the East, where he -visited the big furniture factories In Chicago and 'Grand Rapids. Mich., .and the carpet mills In Philadelphia. 'William Hi Hampton, of Los Angeles, president of the Pacific Coast Plsnlng Mill Company, the Mercantile Box Com pany and of the Pacific Tank & Pipe Company at Kenton. Is at the Seward. PAN FRANCISCO, Feb. IS. SpecL) Portland arrivals at the Palace Hotel today were: Mr. and Mrs. L. M. Scott, Mr. and Mrs. G. a Lyman, Mr. and Mrs. M F. White. Mr. and Mrs. J. G. Mack, Mr. and Mrs. C. B. Nlcolls. Mr. and Mrs. Walter J. Bums snd Miss Anita Burns. INFORMER SHIFTS BLAME Member of Auto Party Accuses Com panion, 1o Is Held. By assisting the officers In finding John Whitley, his companion In a late night raid on a North End resort. In which a revolver waa stolen, Arthur West, son of an East Side saloonkeeper, escaped prosecution In Municipal Court yesterday morning, while Whitley was held to answer to the grand Jury on a charge of attempting to commit lar ceny. ' West. Whltler and severs! others en tered the house of Freda York, on Davis street, demanding something to drink. The woman alleged that one of them efole the revolver from a bureau drawer. Sergeant Wanless chased the marauders In an automobile and over took West, who was arrested. He de nied knowledge of the theft, and the blame was transferred to Whitley. When vou have a cold get a bottle of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. It will soon fix you up all right and will ward off any tendency toward pneumonia. This remedy contains no opium or other narcotic and may be given as confidently to a baby aa to an adult. Sold by aU dt.ilera. -fi ,it -a : w . v r-.- MIXWOTT ESTATE Bfll.DIXG, WITH KCII. IX KIGHT lOHKCBOtm COST LOIR HERE Portland Run for $1,000,000; Seattle for $3,451,000. BILL FOR LIGHT STRIKING Health and Balldln; Department of Washington Town Arc Many Times as F.xpcnsivc Simon to Connue Economy. , It will cost about fl.000.000 to operate the Cily of Portland for 1911 and figures Just received by Mayor Simon show that Seattle Is spending J3.461.000. There are more departments In Seattle and all are operated with aoout twice as many em ployes as in Portland and salaries are considerably higher on the average. A striking feature is that, while Seat tle owns its lighting plant. It pays more thsn $200,000 for Its electric illumi nation, while Portland's bill for light furnished by private corporation is $121. 000, In round numbers. Portland's police force Is costing $28S, 000 this year, while In Seattle the appro priation for the peace department Is $4Cu,64a, the outlay for salaries being 1420.0S0 and the cost of supplies $35,65. The number of employes is nearly double that of the local force. Fir Protection Costly. That fire departments are expensive everywhere la shown by the fact that Seattle's, fire protection Is costing that city this year $66,3U7, while Portland's fire department has an appropriation of $ia.2S7. This Is the most active time In the history of Portland In the extension of this branch of the service. - Perhaps the most striking feature of the two clt'es as to expenditures Is to be found In the health department. Seattle has this year a total of $169,990 as against Portland's Ml.OoO. Seattle's building department has nn allowance' of $149.2jS, wh'le Portland's building department has an appropria tion of $27.0i and Portland Is under going great activity In this -line of In dustry Justnow. The Seattle street and sewer depart ment has an appropriation of $4!0.2SS, while Portland manages to struggle along this year with a total of $140.uOO for the operation of the departments corresponding to these, which are all under the City Engineer's Jurlsdict'on. Seattle's City Engineering department has an allowance of $G97,1S6. Incident ally. City Engineer Thomson, of Seattle, receives $7ou0 a year, while Portland's engineer receives $2400. In Seattle the corporation counsel cor responds to Portland's City Attorney, snd h's salary Is $4tt0 a year the sum Portland paya the Mayor. The total payroll of the legal department In Se attle is $33,000: Portland's Is J19.6SS. Mayor Simon declares that the policy of holding down expenses and In curtailing every Item consistent with good manage ment Is the only one to pursue if the taxpayer are to receive due considera tion. Ontario Club Seeks Home. ONTARIO, Or.. Feb. 13. fSpecial.) The Ontario Commercial Club Is considering the purchase of lota for a permanent home for the club. Several propositions will be offered the club at Its meeting this week when a location probably will J Style E-3 Ebonized, Upright $575 Style E-3 Mahogany, Upright... 625 Style E-l Mahogany, Upright... 650 Style G-l Mahogany, Upright... 675 Style 0-2 Mahogany, Upright. . . 725 Style 0-2 Walnut, Upright., 750 Style 0 Mahogany, Upright... 775 The above prices include freight charges from the factory in Boston to Portland. There is a marked development shown in the art of piano-making, as in any line of human endeavor. The highest type of yesterday is not the highest type of today. Old standards are transcended, new ones take their places. In buying a piano you want (he one which is in the van of progress today, the highest type which has yet been evolved. The Mason & Hamlin through its exclusive features of construction has sur passed all other pianos, and is now everywhere proclaimed the greatest piano the world has ever seen. ' It is the most costly piano in the world, but tyhen you consider the character and quality, the price shrinks to a mere insignificance. All makes of pianos may be exchanged at their real value, and payments on the balance arranged to suit the convenience of each individual purchaser. A book of appreciation?, containing portraits of the world's greatest living musical celebrities, will be mailed free upon application. 304 Oak Street be' selected. The membership has been doubled siace last June and much active work accomplished through the organi sation. An advertising campaign is be ing carried on which will give Ontario and Malheur County much publicity. The many new arrivals from the East every day say that Oregon will have thousands of new citizens this year. WOMAN IN AUTO ARRESTED Motorcycle Patrolman Says Miss A I bee Went 30 Miles an Hour! First of women to be arrested in Portland for auto-speedlng. Miss Ire"e Albee. daughter of State Senator AlbA, living at 672 Hancock street, will ap pear In Municipal Court this morning to answer a charge of speeding down Hawthorne avenue Tuesday afternoon at the rate of more than 30 miles an hour. Miss Albee was Intercepted by Patrolman Sims of the motorcycle squad, who. as gallantly as possible, told the young woman she was under arrest. This Inducement did not altogether console Miss Albee. who sought to avert the penalty by promising to speed no more. Sims was obdurate, however, and insisted upon a hearing In court. "There Is nothing to say," said Miss Albee yesterday, "except that I let my car go too fast. I was on my way to see a friend on Salmon street and did not notice how fast I was going. I have been running the car since last October." MAN MAKES CONFESSION Prisoner Says Ho Didn't Intend to Sboot Conductor Reeder. COLFAX, Wash., Feb. 13. (Special ) Sheriff G. B. Carter arrived In Colfax with John W. Burns, who made a con fession of the shooting of Dining Car Conductor D. . U P.eeder at Lewiston Junction, In Western Whitman County. Monday night. Burns gives his age as 23 and says he has worked at La Grande. Or., and has been In the West six years. His father and mother live on a farm in Marshall County, Indiana, near Walk erton and Tyner. He says he tramped into Rlparla from La Grande and waa very hungry. He crossed Snake River and saw the dining-car on a siding. He broke a window and was In the act of getting something to eat when Reeder pushed the door against him and se'd, "What are you doing here?" The door struck him am be declared he did not Intend to shoot. The bullet went through the panel of the car. strik ing Reeder above the heart. - WOMAN SAVES HUSBAND Chinese Wife Deflects Revolver While Spouse Seeks Safety. A nervy little Chinese woman pre vented the murder of her husband at St. Johns vo esterday morning, when Charles Moy. another Chinese, pointed a big 44-caliber revolver at the head of W. Jower. a Chinese merchant, and told him he was no longer his friend and that he was going to kill him. Mrs. Jower Jumped in and pushed the revolver away, while Jower ran out the back door. When Jower was In the Peninsula Bank later Moy again at tempted to shoot him. but was arrested. The trouble arose over money, Jower having Indorsed Moy's note. KLAMATH GRAND JURY BUSY True Bills Returned Against Alleged rVjrgers In Hour. KLAMATH FALLS. Or., Feb. IB. (Special.) Two true bills were filed against alleged forgers by the Klam ath County grand Jury within less than an hour when It convened the first of this weekj. These were against F. E. Stanford, charged with forging a check for a small amount on a local business msn, snd the other was against Will Wlllson for a similar offense. Several other cases, one of obtaining Style A Ebonized, Baby Grand. . $ 850 Styie A Mahogany, Baby Grand. 1000 Style AA Ebonized, Semi-Grand.. 1000 Style AA Mahogany, Semi-Grand. 1150 Style BB Ebonized, Parlor Grand. 1200 Style BB Mahogany, Parlor Grand 1350 Style CC-1 Ebonized, Concert Grd. 1850 Style CC-2 Ebonized, Concert Grd. 1850 rm mi aar -' - '-vaji - 'J- "-'- money under false pretenses, and one of burglary against W. N. Norrls, are to be investigated along with the charge of burning the Dave Shook house and barn against Cora Seaton, she being the confessed firebug and the only witness v-ith direct testimony against her, are to be looked Into by this body. St. Louis Gets Convention. PROVIDENCE, R. I., Feb. 15. St. Louis will be the next meeting place of the Religious Education Association, the directors decided today. The new president of the Association Is Chan- Let He Send You ' a Treatment of My Catarrh Cure Free V C B. tiAtSS. I Will Take Aar Case of Catarrh, Ne Matter How Chronic, or What Stage It Is In, and Prove ENTIRELY AT MY OWS EXPENSE, That It Caa Be Cared. Curing Catarrh has been my business for years, and during this time over one million people have come to me from all over the land for treatment and advice. My method Is original. I cure the disease by first curing the cause. Thus my combined treatment cures where all else fails. I can demon strate to you In Just a few daya' time that my method is quick, sure and complete, because It rids the system of the poisonous germs that cause catarrh. Send your name and address at once to C. E. Gauss, and he will eend you the treatment referred to. Fill out the coupon below. FREE This coupon Is good for a package of GAUSS COMBINED CATARRH CURE sent free by mall. Simply fill In name and address on dotted lines below, and mall to C. E. GAUSS, 65S Main St., Marshall, Mich. 'ID LIQUID CLRE3 ECZEMA SUa Sufferers.' Drop Greasy Salvea and Nasty Medicines. That mild, soothing Hquid. D. D. D. Prescription, stops the awful itch with the first drops. A prescription of ac knowledged value Get a trial bottle at 23c. It will take away the itch right away and you will sleep soundly. We assure you person ally of the merits of this remedy; for we KNOW, Woodard, Clarke & 'Co Skldmore Drug Co. MOTHER CRAY'S SWEET POWDERS FOR CHILDREN, A OrtainRalief for FeverUhnran. ranafinntlnn. II na darhr. aomarh Triable. Terihinj Oiiordert, and Destroy Worms. ThTT.rtaik nn Cold Tnd Mark, in 34 boor. At all V)ruzc,v Sbct. Don't accept 8uspl mailed FRE. Addreaa, m.ubatiUit. A- S. OLMSTED. L Roy. N.Y. I 3 4W RAtwrOATi Fifth )w ana aixtn cellor James H. Klrkland, bllt University. of Vander- Not Always Easy It is not always easy to tell the truth. There is no ques tion, however, about its al ways being the right thing to do. The object of Pabst advertis ing is to tell you the truth about Pabst BlueRibbon He Beer of Quality The truth ia that Pabst Blue Ribbon has won the world's highest prizes for quality is as rich in food values and as per fect as scientific methods and brewing skill can make it. The truth is that Pabst Blue - Ribbon has a smooth, agreeable flavor and a delightful after taste which distinguish it from all other beers. Made and Bottled Only by Pabst at Milwaukee Telephone the dealer below . to deliver a case of Blue Ribbon beer to your. home. Prove to yourself that we are justified in making the above statements. S. A. Arata & Co. 104 Third St TEL. Main 480 HOME A 1481 L. T. YEE & SONS The Old. Reliable Chinese Doctor spent lifetime study of herbs and research in China: was cranted diploma by the Emperor; suarantees cure alt ailmenta of men and women when ottera fall If yon suf fer, cali or write to TCEK M SON'S KEP1CINE CO.. UtH Ftrst. Cer. Alder. Fertlaad. OB. re . I