mr. morxixo onrjnoxiAX.' Wednesday, tebrtjaiit is, ioif. V V LEGISLATORS WILL ATTEND MEETING tnln I up. So!ons Invited to Southwest ern Washington Develop ment Convention. VANCOUVER IS PREPARING i'rlar ttt .AwncUtlnn (Watlirrin; to B IrmonlriUn of Clearing HarnrJ - (hrr I.nd. Programme oni'k(). AX'tTEIL Waah . 14-'.--etal -Vnrou-re weicwme to the cjf.cra: ar.rl vtaiuir of tl. tuth- wetm Waa.Vr.cVTi I eTrlirment w- r.-t oq rnnt on. tia seeitn of a ma tomorrow an 1 m i;j continue fr thr !. will ba Ivju-ty ar.d eutnusla tic T.- of e rity isi.l b- trt drrM tfiii An. I a..i-feilow .!p will b in, nk. A largo ker. mbolis!ng t freedom, haa b-n nwltf and a 111 ta pre amai ty M tyur of Vtnruuvrr JT. :rl Vn-. ;.!. of th association. a ft prvr-rr rf rrmorjr. T degat--r w.. bnrfn In arrive to- rtv.-r')-a niorr'rc. Aa Ir.a l.otrl accotu ru:t'.on wul t taed to th limit. let of 60 rrwuM ha been eacurrd In rrtTata homea. and bWe thia mat.y r.Ka vfattnr will ba cntertnel by f nen.!. l-rctslalurr Invited lo Ilaoqut-t. T .a ntlr Legislature has bMn Id -ifed to vla-t Va-uouvrr am! attend t.i Ktnvji to ta In Columbia Kr:i-y ,na:i;(. It let expected nut lea tiian membera will be praeunt. ar I c ou a special train from Ol) rapta at ti'ul T I. M. Saturday morning the tnaiator "II be tnTlt.l to lu th fai 8.:fcool for the lef and lUInd, t'.at they uiay aiiow txtter tha require nn:j of Uire Inetitutlona. A bill rrirriling for an atproirt-ir:tu from tba l cmturi to build a buiw.r. tor tba H- fi(hl for the iuind la (o ba Introduced. Tna prrent bu.WinJ la wholly Icade opiate, an. I ran but S3 purl'a, wnu trier ara :! raora on th irtr.g llal not aola to anlar tha school aa th appropriation for ita maintenance a baD aar.austcd- in, of tba Interesting features of tha roatraetloo of t.'ia Moutnwaararn Wulv Instoo Oarviopmcnt AaaoclaUon w!l ba tna damonatraiioa of irufaor IL W rprl In tna ctrpltlj-. of a:umpa. tnua claxlcK tha land for aattiara ao t'f mar farm It and m&ka tha aoll rroduct)T. A OaM cf stumiai at Th!n tn:r4 am; rrankl'.a atrrata baa brn a lactad and a number of tba bi atumpa war ty tna cbar pit matbod laat laurjr. ily Thurolar afternoon thT UJ ba !n flna condition to (how to tba- d-k(ta and taoaa lalcraatvd la ta aorkla of tbla mvtbod. Corporatiotsa to I3 Organised. la eonnactja with tbla will ba ba t" oriraxJaatlon cf a corpormtloa with rapl:a.uUoB of I l.0t0.0-o. mi lb which to feaAd.a tha thouartda of arraa af "-ofr laaja ta soulbwaatara U'ub- !nton. Hr cootrollira tna Uuida and burnlnc off tba atutrpa rhaaply by th c.-.a-pii matho-L tna laada caa b aold at a low pricat to tha Kjj;rn homa- a-ar. wao ar baln attrart.1 to tMa aactlaa of tba Writ by JudUloua and tuoroui adaartlaiac Tba tonvra. tia U bav apaachaa farorlca put nt p larco tracta of land Into mal.r farina and tnaa n-aka mora room for tha korcaaaoltara. ao much dolrad by this "ln( aiata. J. r rlarnaa. rarratary of tha floalh. waatara Waablnatoa Ifaralopmaat Aa - cation, today app-lntad by " rnor nay aa roraania(ta from tha ftata of WaaMnctoa to tb Northwaat Waalopmaat Aaaoclatlon. comprta- ta atataa. Waanlnctoa. Dricon. Nbraka. Xor.taha. t'olorado. L'tab. t al. IfornU. Ilabo. Iowa and Narad. ;,.r-ir J-a Ftra.Iy. of Idaho, la pr.l.!..-.t of tha a,aoriatton. which I torliM Id"c ttna atmllar to that of tha touth wajtrra WaaMoatoa ITlop. i"t Aocttton. and for a almtlar pur p. but on a r'.cantlc aaia. ilr. Harna accaptad tha appotntmant. rmcrunma la Intrrrattng. J. It. -: 1 1, f-r tha Vancouror Com ni'rrLal t."iub. will dallvar an audraaa of alm. Tha Mayor will wclroma tha d'iata for tha rlty. r. C Ward, of '!...n-l4 a. will maka thk rrapona and N I1- t"rTmn. of rhal.a:ta. will ,mk of Tna Work at Hand." followed by a fBtrl ct.,cvalon. Mulr throua-hout th ,Y,nlr,i- wtil ba fumlahad by tha orritra from tha Klrat Infantry band, af iinmutrr Harrarka. 'n T';uriU. In tt:a Grand Tftaatar. I'r..l.l.r.t tiieartci wlit rail tba mart. t-s to ord'r and faratary Barnra will maka Ma flrot annual raport. (ncrr win ba rlactrd. c"tnmlttra will ha ap-ptnt-d and routlna bu,lnana wt!l taka t-.a tima ur.:It II o cl. k. whan all will witnaa tha suard rcoont and draaa pa -rada of tha troopa at tha barravka. ua ur toonl ior;t K. Mctiunncffle. rorrtrnanilnc ofricar. Th b wpAprrnin'a aaaalon will ba h:4 In the aftroot. wrtaa many adl lr and wrttrri In tMa aoctton will rk and rad parra. brcinntr.c with A i 'art J"Snmr.. Amonc thoaa to apaak wl'l ba Ian Hush, of tna 't.rtall Nnccat: w. A. Itupp. of tra Aberdcan World, and .l ort taik by Z ') ptbara. . C. Utt!. of Raymond, will talk lt tha oiniinj on "How to ;t tha Man on tha Ijtnd " T:a "Good Koada" elon will b bald tdjir mrrnlnc with a-ldrraav by ma nual Hi I and A. W. I'arlay. Jtata K :roAd orcmlaalnnrr. and R. II. Thomaon. flty Kn(lnr,r of Fatt)a. In t.-.a t.'trit(xn fia or(nl njtloia of Taroma. ..! tl. Aibany. or. for: and. and aral othvra, ml.l bar raprarntatlvaa aprak. A bantul to tha TIMtor will ba hald in Columbia Hail In tha avanlnc undr tha aupla cf Ih Vanponvar Ccrti marrlal Hub. whan many apaaehaa will ba madr. A banquat ta alao to ba ('ran Krtday ayanlnc by th Portland Cham bar of Commarca. hald laat Dummar and tha itardr contaat that la just balnc taken u Thar la a!ao an lntrri;lng arti-I en th work for boya. mphnilnc tha ood that ha baan accompltahad by tha boya' homo, which wa recently founded, and by the Bljr Brothers' InoTement. Thar Is Important Infor mation about th Tartoua bora' clubs, under the expressive title. "The Club iMaplaclsa; th Can." Tber la a complete aummary of ac tlTltlaa In tha educational department, with many pictures of tha various classes. Th Summer ramp maintained for boya I touched on. as well as th numerous1 'hikes- that ara conducted. Statistical tables show that the re ligious work has crown immensely. Th booklet Is a work of art. both as to Illustrations and arrangement of text. Anions; the prominent feattirea ar editorial and news Item about th T. M. C. A. reproduced from Port land dally papers. SUITOR TOO PERSISTENT Man Atrealcd Third Time for An- noyln.. .rl Who Hcjrct.a lllm. Though twice arrested and once ex amined aa to his aanlty because he per a: led In har.jlr about the corner where one upon a time his fair Inamorata liTd. William Garbenkamp. an em ploje of th FortJand Lumber Mill, was araln arrested yesterday afternoon by Patrolman VanOvern. fcla first captor. ANGHY AS IS TOWN OF MOGUPS Schoolhouse, Hotel, Cottages and Even Lots Swept Away When Wall Breaks. BELL RINGS OUT REQUIEM a : --..- r A V X. .e a, f an 1 i a t J. K. Barwea. Vaablaarr' Hra reaeatatly rthweatera DeTelowaaeat Aaaaetatsea. and la now In th City Jail, awaltlnic another appearance before County Juda Cleeton. Complain was mad recently by Captain Menlcie. of th Shaver Transportation Company, that for a year hla family llvlnr at 12 hat Twenty-fourth street had been annoyed every Htinday after noon without failure, by Curbenkamp. tandlnc In front of the premises, all bedecked In Ma ftunday finery, waving hla handkerchief and blowing kisses at upper window. When VanOvern ar rested him. he was given a lecture and a good scare by Captain imiiey. an.i promised lo abandon th practice. A week later ha was at ma post and t'a- trolman I-yon again arrested l.lm. l.x- amlned aa to hla aanlty. ha waa re leased and for several weeks did not appear. Testerday he attempted another meeting. Carbenrmmp told the officer that th girl bad favored Mm with her company onca two yeara ago and that he had been seeking another reoontr ever since. OREGON IS REPRESENTED Hood Itlvrr Men to Prccnl Apple) Claims at Sacramento. Oregon apple Industry '"I be rep resented at tb Western iTultero wer's oc I at Ion convention at rVarramento. Cat, by E. II. it'iepard. of Hood Itlver. editor of Batter Fruit, and C. II. Fprol, o of that rlty. and manager of the Hood Itlver Applegrowers' Association. Mr. Shepard left laat night for S ac ra in en! o. wher ba will Join Mr. Pproat. who la already there. Th convention data la February li to 1. Mr. tthepard will glv a hla lecture. Fruit Induatry of tb Northwest, tna Ialr and Urowr. Mr. hproat baa sclented aa hla topic. "Marketing rult." These men. two of th most widely versed In fruitgrowing and tha rult Industry In th Northwest, ar x pec ted to bring much good to Oregon by their speeches before th many ruarketmea who will attend this con- en t ion. I.llllc Burg on Washington Coast Meet 9 4 0.000 Lor Populace Kir. lit Vainly to Save Vropcxtv 1-Yoni F'ury of Slorni. HOQCIAM. Wssh Feb. It. (Special) Mocllps Is today at th mercy of the ocean, after six weeks of Winter utorms. mlilch hare pounded In from the sea on after another, culminating Sunday night In one of the heaviest gales ever known along the coast. That night wns one of terror for the people of the little ctty by the sea add the next morning found them worn and tired but fighting bravely to save their possessions, while all about them was the roar of an angry sea and the crash of falling timbers. while the school bell tolled dismally as the building .rocked and swayed and pitched Into the ocean. The school house floated out with the bell still ringing, and 10 minutes later was caught by a monster 40-foot wave, dahed in against the piling and smashed like a bouse of cards. The Mocllps Heach Hotel waa at noon today one-third gone, with a large part of the south wing dangling over the water and ready to full at the next high tide. The entire hotel, ac cording to Dr. Edward I, yean, th owner. Is doomed. Windows and doors have been taken from a large part of the building, and the remaining part of the structure stands hollow and wrecked, looking like the deserted castle of some old feudal chief In the Scottish Highlands. Seawall Breaks to Piece. For a week Dr. Lycan and the cltl rena had labored with might and main to stop the break In the seawall Nearly 20.000 feet of heavy timbers were driven ten feet Into the sand by hydraulic pressure, tit 111 the wall would not hold and when the final break came theee very timber acted aa battering rams and came pounding In on every wave to do further destruction. To say that Mocllps haa been des troyed. or half destroyed, or nearly wiped out la wrong. The disaster 1 fearful, th scene awe-inspiring and fearful. The property loss In Mocllps In th past few days la estimated 15.000. and will reach the 1 10.000 mark before the sea has finished Its work. In addition to the building losses. !l lots, valued at 1200 each, have been cu away. There Is not a cltlien of the town mho haa escaped loss. The stores on the main street south of the hotel ara standing and much land must fail before tbey ara In danger. ESTATES Special provision is made through the Trust Department for the economical care and disposition of Estates of individuals, firms or corporations.' This Company re ceives with the Estates no committed instruc tions as to what it is to do. and then does it. Rave expense, time and trouble by placing your business w ith us. Merchants Savings & Trust Company S. W. Corner 6th and Washington Streets xx. II. Fear, Prealdeat. Wlllard Caae, Vlre-Prea. O. C. Mortsmeyer, Caabler. E. ml. Uulden, Asst. Caabler. HANDSOME JJOOKLET OUT Portland T. M. C. A. rubtlc-atlnn Trl! of It Work. ny far the most handsome and com P ratalogn er Issued by the Portland Tourg Mea's Christian Ann. n-;:..Q ws published yesterday and wi.t ba dtatrtbntee) among th friends ant supporter of tna Institution. ery department la described In de tail and nvi-n ta said of th practical reu:t thai ara being attained. onm cf te Interesting featnrea c tiia publication Is aa article teiitng rat the Y. M C A. Is doing to make rrn rreatora of wealth. I'nner f ! bead attention It railed to tha various ptriic ! t u re rouraee that ar being cohdoctad in apple-growing, ptultry-ralainc. gardenia and similar ent)ec:a. Referent la also made to t.". potato-growing cue teat tat waa EARL GEER IS MURDERED Ikxly of Oregon Man Pound .Mutil ated In rhillppitiea. According to advice received In Portland yesterday, Karl Ceer, a ton f J. P. Gear, an ex-member of the Oregon Legislature, who now lives In Seattle, waa murdered at Mindanao. Philippine lalands. Karl Ueer was a cousin of ex-Cover tor tierr. News ot Ills ocatn was re ceived In a communication to Mrs. I K. M Menus, of Portland, from .Mrs. Beatrice lwla. who Is now In Min danao, till wrote that tieers body waa found horribly mutilated on th West coast of th Island. When the letter waa written scouts were search ing for th murderers, inspects had been caught- Th exact manner of th Oregon man's death was not known. Mrs. Lawi saya that teer is survived by a wife 1 years old. YOUR VALENTINE. Tour valentine not half so funny and Interesting aa cartoons being drawn dally by th Nye In Kohler Chae window. Were you among Ih hundreds to tee the exquisite work being done by the artist in window at I'.t Washington elreet? Are yu a good guester? An oppor tunity of winning a valuable prli awaits yea bring In your gooses who tie cartoons represent w will gladly glv you Information as to prises. Pri vet sittings In your horn given for free offer of a valuable photo In oil of yourself or friends. Com down town specially this novel dlspjiy will greatly Interest you. logging Camp Opens Soon. ASTOKIA. Or, b. U. i.-pclal.) lleidt Bro.. who recently completed log ging a tract of timber In the upper l4wtia and Clark Hlver tltotri.-t. ar niovfrtg their d-inkey engine and other equipment ta liray's River, where they have a tract of about i0tv.-H feet of timber to log. They expect to hav their new camp running In about as it or ten day a. Cottages) Swept Away. Sunday morning the sea. Ilk a rav annus monster, began sucking away the land In great gulps. The bathhouses and cottagea just north of the hotel disappeared. Th sea aft or tearing away the shore under the north wing of th hotel, retreated In the afternoon. A respite waa expected bunday night Tut the wind Increased In fury at sundown, sweeping across th seas at a velocity estimated at from (0 to 5 miles an hour and soon one of the cottagea tumbled Into th sea. The whole populace remained awake nd In frightened silence huddled In the lee of th building, watching the wave. At midnight It was seen that the wing of the hotel was, doomed. It swayed in th wind like a drunken man and at 2: It, aifh a crash that could be heard for block, it toppled Into th unconquered ocean. The picture waa on never to be for gotten. In the moonlight the great green wave thundered in. every sixth or seventh one appearing 50 feet high. tumbling and breaking and sucking up pile aa if they had been but at raws. The thre floor of th hotel fell out one by on and th third floor remained hanging for eonie time, while the room, looeened. flapped upand down with a htdeoue clatter, looking and aoundlnc In the moonlight like a gigantic witch hurl ing her sharp Imprecations at the roar ing and Insatiable monater about to de stroy her. Faster work In the waves and then, one hr one, a balf doaen buildings slipped off the bank and were rauirht up and torn to piece. When the tide went out all that could be found waa th big school bell, lying In the Band. Monday the people, who had not slept, brsan to move their effects. Main street at times ran a foot deep with waves but horses ploughed through them with loads of household goods, while women and children scud ded In the lee of the buildings, still saving the lighter and more portable article. It waa a miniature reproduc tion of the scene after th San Fran cis o earthquake. On woman waa seen carrying a ca nary bird In one hand and a cake of aoap In the other. Another hurried away with two tin pots, worth 1& rents apiece. At every' atep the wind blew off the cheap ilKht covers and her progress waa marked by frequent halts and desperate endeavor to recover her covers which wcr tha eport of th wind. All Monday afternoon th storm con tinued. At C o'clock the Forewood store tipped on end, there to lie un til caught by yesterday's tide. At dark the winds weakened and the waves fell, although blowing very cold. ThU morning's tide was lighter, and cut but elx or eight feet off of th bank. Where was once the hotel lawn with a basin for a fountnln. It now the ocean. Morris Bros., of Portland, were the successful bidders for the $75,000 5 per cent school bonda to be issued by the Ashland school district. Morris Bros, agree to pay a premium of $1650 with accrued interest to date of deliv ery. The bonds have been Issued for tha purpone of erecting a new high school building. Contracts will be called for at an early date. BRIDGE WORK TO BEGIN UAJXS WJI.Ii START TODAY BROADWAY STnCCTCKE. OX First Calsyon Will lie Snnk at Al ter Dock Xo. 2 Irving Dock Site Ieased by Company. Obstructionist of the Broadway bridge will have nothing to gloat over today, for by daylight a crow from the Union Bridge Sc instruction Company' head quarters will be engnced In tearing out piling in front of Albers dock .No. 2, recently condemned by the city, prepara tory to clearing away a place for the first caisson, while, on the rear of the dock the company will have a force to con- axruct an office. Across the harbor another gang will be gin driving piling for a temporary wharf. Negotiations wero concluded yesterday between the coin puny and Captain H W. Spencer for a lease of the old Irving dock site, which haa a frontage of TOO feet and will be used for mooting (cows and Morlng material. Before the con tract waa signed between the City of Portland and the contractors, when It wss voted to award the work to the I'nlon Interests; plarut were Inaugurated for the big caissons and they ar to be assembled at once. With only one pier to be completed for the Harrtman bridge, the company has virtually a clear field and the gangs will be increased on the Broadway work as fnet as pnxalhle. so that when the ralstwn are in place the "sand hogs." the men a no labor below water, can go to work. MsW Apparel. Spring Styles, with the cut of up-to-date fash ion and the re finement of per fect taste. A splendid stock to choose from. SFEEMG WEAR If you want to know what well dressed men will wear this season, ask Largest stock of plain-tailored ladies' and misses' Spring suits in Portland. The very latest in mannish materials BEN SELLING LEADING CLOTHIER MORRISON AND FOURTH RICIIAIIDSOX POINTS WAY FOR IJCYIXG TAUK BLOCKS. PAY INCREASE GRANTED Mayor Announce Higher Salaries) in Water Department. Mayor Simon announced general In crease In the pny of employes of the water department at a session of the Water Board yesterday afternoon, when verbal application was made by a repre sentative of the men in the labo.- brunch. It will date from January 1 of this year and will amount to about 10 pe." cent. About lo1) men will be effected now, but l good many more will benefit by the ncress when water main laying sterts n earnest 'n the bprlng. "We have had under consideration th subject of an Increase In pay for laborers. clerks and others Iti th department said Mayor Simon, "and have decided to grant a general Increase, dating from January 1. A committee has the scale under consideration and the details will be inaI public later.'' City Could Hold 15 Years, He Says, and by Then Rents Wonld Pay for Ground and Buildings. To carry out the scheme of Architect E. H Kcnnott for a "City Beautiful." Tom Richardson proposes that the Park blocks which are now built up with business buildings be condemned and pur chased by the city. 'We could acquire this property in this way without It costing the taxpayers cent." said Mr. Richardson yesterday. "After the ground was condemned and taken over the city could hold It for 15 years without touching It, and It would pay for Itself In that time. Objections to Mr. Bennett s plan have been based solely on the ground that It would cost too much. Purchase of these blocks between Park, West Park, Salmon and Ankeny frtreeta is admitted to be the most costly part of the plan. If thin were accomplished in the way suggested. we would have taken a long step toward carrying out the general plan, because the remainder could follow in due course and the expense would not be' prohibl tive. "If these blocks are to be acquired It should be done this year. They are bo- coming more and more valuable, and in I few more years the cost would be stag gerlng. Taken as they stand, the Income would pay off every gent of the bonds in 15 years." district and a waiting-room and ticket office has been established at the Junc tion of Main street and the Plaza. Motor car service to and from Med ford and Grants Pass will now be operated on the new branch commenc ing tomorrow. It is the Intention of the company to erect a new depot to accommodate the suburban travel about June 1. BABY IS BORN ON TRAIN SLAYER PROTECTS WOMAN SI.OOP ADRIFT; FOCR, PERISH Boat Bottom Vp Caught In IMrlous Storm of Sunday. PRATTT.E, Feb. 14. Th power sloop W-18.13, which la the number of the fishing license 'Issued to th boat by th t-tat of Washington, waa found today bottom up In Admiralty Inlet, on th west coat of Whldby Island. and the four person who were In tb sloop when It was struck by laat Sun day's furious storm must have perished. Th craft belonged to James Blair and Charlea Drake, of La Conner. Skagit County, and with them In th boat were a third man and a woman. The sloop left La Conner last Thurs day to mils for fish In the Strait of Kuca. She waa about 40 feet long and not built to weather such gales as that of Sunday. Denver Man Sayai Ho Went lo Cafe Not to Rob but to Sleet Affinity. DENVER. b. 14. Louis -Wcehter, who fatally wounded W. Clifford Bur rows. Saturday night, in the White House cafe and was then disarmed by o women and held for the police. pleaded not guilty today to the charge f murder when arraigned in the crlm- nal court, un a piea or poverty, toe court appointed an attorney to defend Wechter and the case was set for March (. Wechter asserted that he did not go to the cafe to rob the cash register. but to meet a woman with whom hi was Infatuated, but rather than dis close her name, be said, he would suffer a penitentiary sentence, or even death on th gallows. MAJOR KENNEDY TO RUN Man Appointed In Tazvcell's Place Will Seek Election. Major J. P. Kennedy, whose appoint ment s Municipal Judge to succeed Judge Tazwell is now a matter of litiga tion, announced yesterday his Intention of making the race for election to the place In the coming primary campaign. Mr. Kennedy has taken up the practice of law In partnership with John C. Shll-Ioclc. His petitions will be In circulation dur ing this week and formal declaration of Intention will shortly be filed with the City Auditor. BIG FRUIT TRACT BOUGHT Morrlt Bros. Hoy Bonds. AbHLAXD. Or, ib. It. (Special) Orchard Aggregating 1500 Acres to Be Planted In Klickitat. Dr. J. M. Hanslmalr and Mrs. B. McN. Moore, of Portland, have bought 1500 acres of fruit land a few miles east -of Mary hill, near the line of tha North Bank Railroad, Klickitat County. Washington. They are now preparing the ground and will plant 1000 acres with peaches, pears, grapes and Eng lish walnuts. The tract la to be laid out into 20 and 40-acre parcels. The Northern Trust Company of Portland will act aa the selling agent. The land has an Ideal situation, being only a Yew miles from the Columbia River, giving ship pers access to the great waterway and six transcontinental railroads. Motor Line Branch Completed. ASHLAND, Or., Feb. 14. (Special.) The Southern Pacific Company has completed the work of building a spur track, which extends to the uptown The Wretchedness of Constipation Caa (pxilj ba ovtKoma by CARTER'S LITTLE LIVER PILLS. Purely vegetanl -act surely and aatlea tb bear. Cant Stork Welcomed Xcar Baker; Con ductor Gets Added Title. BAKER. Or.. Feb. 14. (Special.) Mrs. R. Kirkland, of Austin, last night gave birth to a baby girl on the Sump ter Valley Railway train. When it be came known that the stork was about to alight, the car was vacated and given over to the woman and the little babe first saw the light just before the train reached Baker. A telephone message was tent to the hospital In this city and an ambulance was in waiting at the depot and the mother and child were taken to the hospital, where both are doing nicely. A strange coincidence In connection with the hlrth waa that it occurred on the ISth day of the month and in car number 23, so It seems hardly possible that ill luck can follow the Ufa of the little one. Friends of Conductor Pave Ralrd have added "M. D." to his title, and he will hereafter be known aa "Conductor Dave Balrd, M. D." I Physical Valuation Bill Loses. WASHINGTON, Feb'. 14. No action will be taken at this session of Con gress upon the bill introduced by Mad den of Illinois, directing the Interstate Commerce Commission to make a phys ical valuation of the railroads of th'' United States. CO kHE Big Man re spects time. His enerasrements are reck oned by minutes and met on the moment. He came? a WALTHAM and acts on schedule. "It't Time You Oicntd a Waltham." WALTHAM friisTTyrin WATCH tstsmmu - - 1 fl eyTrrCl est, and lnrE-vef" v. We get eur products to tba consumer by miles or rallraa. which Is throe time th railroad mileage of Great Britain, i jrraoa ana utnsur oomnmea. Tbey do their dot. 8mal Pitt. Saaell Dee. Sonfl Frie. Gennine Butur Signature Compared with all other new-born towns, North Plains is a giant Daily trains from our office Call or write for descriptive folder Ruth Trust Company 235 Stark Street, Corner Second BANKRUPTCY SALE The Referee in Bankruptcy has ordered a 10-day Trustee's Sale of the Bankrupt Stock of ANDREW KAN & COilPANY, Bankrupt. Sale ordered from February 1 5th to February 25th Everything must go. Nothing reserved. Now is your chance to huy Chinese curios at less than cost prices. 252 Oak Street. I. JAQTJA, Trustee. A good offer for the entire stock will he considered.