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About Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 14, 1911)
tite morxixg onrnoxiAX, tttesday, February 11, 1911. HOUSE IS LAVISH Islatlon at thla seaslon of Conrrea pro vtdlag for tha opaolsc of the Klamath T TO SELECT Indian Raeerratloa to aettlament. Canadian Money Taken at Face Value Monthly Accounts Solicited Last Week Pre-loventory Sales Secre Lary ballincer haa made aa ad Tana report, boljlna; that tha reserva tion can better be opened under the WITH STATE COIN E eiMticar ceneraj law. Mr. Ualllnaer report that there are no aarrirulturml land on the KJamata Keeerratlon. other than thoea hereto' fore allotted, hence aa openina; of the usual kind would aenre no purpose, lie beliere It advisable to hold the Umber Appropriations for $516,000 land for the Indiana, aell the mature timber Bow atandinar and apply the re ceipt to Irrigation and drainage of al lotted lante. When thla I dona, he AH Members of Port of Port This changeable weath er mak3 shopping un pleasant. Phone us, we will deliver all of your purchases free of charge A large Art Gallery, on the Fourth Floor, filled with beautiful pictures. We invite you to come in and inspect them. Passed Without Whimper, Despite Warning. land . Commission File Their Resignation. ad rise that allottee sell all but acre of their clalma to white settlers. la thla way opening a major portion of the agricultural land to ettlment. Thla will require no further legislation by Conrress. and It la expeotea tnia COSTLY FOREST BILL WINS plan wiU be pushed. OOXSKRVATIOX BODY DYIXZ ELECTIVE PLAN DROPPED Fourth and Washington Streets WES iv o Mriaarc Allowing f .0O for State Hoard Approved. Aflhoafb Rank Would Cat Kand In Half. fw for Kronoray. TATE CAPTTCI. Salem. Or, Feb. 11. ipecial Tun' of the atata need iptx-t little consideration from tha lltw la tha matter of appropriation! at this imi.oh. Evidence of an Invin cible cornblriakfi with aptroTe1atlon. rather than be.eflrb legislation aa the g"al nxt'j In that body thi morn ing ln.-hi.1d la the allimment are Influen tial ftepresectallves from all sections of etat. Ta:n tha floor. Speaker Ruck thla mfr:rc sonll tha wsrtiinf and I mortUre.J. tha members of tha Jlouaa t pwee.! rautltusiy with their expendi ture of t';a taxpayers funds. Thla an nouncement frn tha Speaker rama r. i: the House waa considering I'u ehanan'a bl'l anlarslnc tha powff of tha fttate If.iaril of and apprnr-rlat-Ing li.'V" further Ita work of pro tc(m tha forest t'llili of tha atate. Hoalir I'.uak tnmred that tha appropria tion be reduced to- .M.t"0. but tha mo tion was defeated br two to on and tha bill flaat.y pawed by a vote of 41 to It. Thoa voting with tha Dpmkrr gainst tha bill were: Carter. Chap man. Hotha. Ubr. Mirn. Millar of I .inn. I'elrea. ahaw, Ulnlfcuimer and Ttgard. Jlcqueat Called Xcrry. Trie timber bnrone have gobbled no ail of tha vaiunMe timber lanfls of the scat al a s-rta.t prt.-e and ara holding theea larMs for speculative purpoa..'" aaert, Haker Husk. In ara-utng for a rattUL-tloa In tha appropriation, "i think they are rihtMtlng a r-markabie nerve In mralin before thla I-ctsature and a.ktng an appropriation of ISO.Ooe with whiih to prte-t their own private In terests. Junt aa soon aa the btlla pro viding for lnrraae,l and deserved ap propriations for tha Ptate I'nlverslty ol tna Aarlrultural College have p.uiae) br tr-.U liotue. your Speaker for one propoaea to be heard from. I shajl appoaa to tba beat of my ability every appropriation that l not aaiutrljr oesaary. Tha tttemhera of the llouea should read tha editorial In today's Om gontaa and then govern themealvea ac cordingly befora voting liberally In pro tha many appropriation that ar ! of thla !. n. Iiefore thea wealthy timber men ara siren further a'.l front tha atata. I would Ilka to ara something dona by whl. h they will con tribute more to tha public tre.iaury. la the meantime. I favor giving tha ama.'l homeowner an I tha taxpayer me coo- 'deration." Ilowae Contmlttre Wool AboJlll Stato .juanrtaUon Aa rrgrd. STATE CAPITOU Salam. Or, Feb. 1J. (SpeolaL) Senator Norton's bllU abolishing tha ptate Conseryatlon Ao- oK or oii)ET M.aowe or OIICGO UIO ToriSALREST. Warning So lire tied. Tbi vermna on rrtrenchmrnt and 'nmi fe.'l on .taf (an, f r tha bill went tnrougk with a wh.p. i"arter al. eppoaexl taa bill fr tha reaaon. ha sal. I. that adequate provtaioa waa a!raly pro- ilti anfer the lawe of the atate for protecting the for.-te of the atate. H nnl.n.l.,1 that It wa a phraH-at Im I-oetDUltT ti rhek firet fire aft t hey had once acarted uul for that rea tha large appropriation asked for c mil not a-t-onipllhj what waa e pectei la suppreaalng auvh conriagra- iona. Hm-naaaa mala an effective right f'r tha bill, maintaining that the a r propria tioa aaa-1 for i tor tna protection the :atea greatest lie lt s eled that tna money In It cspen.llture au!d fimlari protection to the horti entr la timbered areaa and waa not for the benefit of the wealthy ttmher men Keilri, Sewaer and Ambreee supported tha bi.l for the same reaon. Mate Iloard Inldrd. aa it paaei tn it now. the bill pro- lea foe a fate Hoard of y con sisting of tha tinfriwr. the acting bead of the forest school of tha Or-on Airl cultural olicce an. I nve ei-ctora t ba appointed by toe ovrrnor ni the recom- "lUli.ia of tha T-gn ftate Orange. the fre-n Fre f'.ra Asm l..tion. t threaon V VVaebingtow Isirher Macufar- turers' A.sw-tl.n. tt-.e kregTn Vol ro.rV ajtU:i..o and the Inlt.d bi'ifee roreet Servl'-c. im of tha members of the board. In the original bill, waa to be recommended by tna te'foa Conservation Association. bt la tha way and means committee this organisation waa eliminated Speak- K.s an.t (ii:i this morning In the lliu.'Mt undertook to so amend the bill aa tr nav a i or tna app.iT ;mnt on the poaxl made direct br tba taovernor without any ai.gges':on froj t?:e d'ffer- ant orcmntsailona Tula waa voted dow after tha tieeon W .rrowtr' As-soi-latloa. peopoee.t by Mahoney. bad been InsertJ In tha bill In place of the airecoa tnervatnn Association. It Wa the conei Jcra:!on of 1M1 feature of the bl't that charaee of playlrc politic wa pasacd between J;raker Kuik and !ucbanan. Ku-k Insist tint politics bad not been pla'r l when the at Ion Aasocla'.lon waa eliminated from among tha orcamsa .one that were to uc-t caniilatee for memhervhtp on tne boani. In ftfTva of bis position. Ilu- rhama sal.l the only reason the b'.'l proviie i h a mefho.1 for determining the member .hip of tha tourd was to kc-p propise.l law out of politics. SSlw.OOS I (.ranted. FM'le carrying arproprlat lona aggre gating j.le were paese-t by the House to-lay Not a stnt'.e bill asking an appropriation waa turned down. Neither wsa ti.e amount requested In a ir.c.e bill cut down. All got what t ry aeI for so far aa the House wee ron, f nT. although a few redur- tionej were majde by the ways and means committee, befora the bills were finally reported to tha House. Included la tha lill.Ni) appropria tions of tha day by the House were the following Item: Ft-anr.h aevl'im at Pee t' : l ivui; '.. Mer4 ef yorf-v. e: laterefete Xt. llu. dfu:tt Central ir. e. B-.' sllu: ft.-uliur.I In- ;iare-t ii. v. t'"; ttekee i'i4Rtr !.- . V- i Committee of Fifty and Chamber of Commerce CompromlM Each Body to Suggest Six Xames for Gorernora Cliolce. i - Rlle-y Meal taa. ORFOON CITr. Or- Keb. IS. (Special.! The funeral eryce over tha body of Riley Moulton. c ne of the oldest Mason In the State of Oregon, were held e tcrilay from the f.nmlly residence at Kern Kldge. Many member of the Masonic Lodge attended the services at the houee and at the cemetery. The service at the house wa eondueted by Rev. S. A. llayworth. pastor of the Bap tist Church. At the cemetery the service were conducted by the Mason. Mr. Moulton having been a member of thla lodge for the past fr T year. The pallbearer wera William Gardner. Uvybtlpp. lr. T. F liaard. C. W. Kvans. P. Icand and Jobn K. Hum phry a. 1 t.ttfat ll . -. in -Teaae$ prpru ton fr ft."mrr ct ror ifrrii.i irnj fm'r, jum); TU m )! Vr in - i r cq S a4 0'-4 trmdf'sJfX $ lmcmm "ii'f r r Aw"'tui ; n-tr-t ik ya a.rrr 4JI mm 1 : : L rn rnunl I 'yif . dAf (" t M(-silh Rat NofiUaVl irhagl. ki-mtii iu:kuvk ur.rtmT IX o Ihjrllatkwi fnr rpenlng of Tract I TbercXora tjpec-teiL OTtEOOVTA? SCITvVa TrrjRiAtj, wMb. tngtoo. Feb. UThere will be ne Jeg- ciatlon. will be reported favorably from the House Judiciary committee tomor row. This bill haa already paused the Senate and Its rhancea are considered good In the House, where there la atrong sentiment against not only cra ting additional commlealon. but for abolishing uselrsa commission now malniamej at the expense of the tax par ere. This committee will also report fa vorably on Cole'a bill requiring ab stractors to be bonded, and Malarkey's bill removing the rive -day limit In whl.h deed and mortgage must be re corded. An nnfarorable report will come from the same committee against Clilea bill, which prohibit the im portation of atrikebreakara. IltS II OP BILLS IS OKttKRKD Iloaerrosn'a Motion Tin a I All Sen ate leasarea from Committee?. STATU C-UITOU SsJem. Or. :b. IX I.A"laI. To expedite bualneaa of the Senate and to give aeauranoe that no b'.Ila would breathe their laest breath through a amotherlng proeesw In com mittee. Senator Ilowerman move.1 thla aftrrnooa that all Hcnste bllla roiul be reportfil bark from committee at the night aeaalon toalcht by t o clock. Aa a reaejlt all commttteee of the fn ate put In heavy work during tha early part of the evening. The value of iloaer man'e plum ae chairman of the public lands comm.Uee be.-ame evident tonight, when It waa discovered that during the the committee had received but t o bilU and these went to him during the latter part of laat week. They were both of an unimportant nature. The me-tlrg he.d tonight for the pur pose of rona:Jer'nf thraa bllas la tha onlv meeting held by tie public lanls committee ainoe the arselon opened, ami bids fair to be the JaaU STATE CAHTOU fkilem. Or., Feb. 11 (Special.) I'nder the condition of a corn- pro nil sa reached between the repreaen tatlvee of the committee of fifty and the Portland Chamber of Commerce, the pres ent members of the 1'urt of Portland Commission are to realgn and tha Gov ernor 1 to appoint their successor. This nut the Information conveyed to the -ii-micra of the Multnomah delega tion tonight, when M. O. Munly and other Portland cillxena who have been contending for a new Commission, ap peared before the delegation. ll haa been agreed between the con tending faction that there will be a new Port of Portland Commission appointed Instead of being elected by the people. The committee of fifty and the Chumber of Commerce ar each to submit to the Governor the naraea of aix. person de al red for appointment as member of the Commission. Prom each list the Gov ernor la to select three names and him self appoint the seventh member. la consideration of this arrangement, the present members of the l'ort of Port land have filed their resignations, which ar la the hands of tb Senate commit tee on Judiciary. In accordance with the compromise. Judge Munly and hta aaaoclates tonight left with the Multnomah delegation an other bill which will be substituted for the one already Introduced and provid ing for an elective Commission. The substitute provides for an appointive Commission and prescribes the manner of Its appointment and at the same time returns the referendum and .initiative features which will permit the people through the Port Commission or the County Court either to Initiate such amendmenta aa may te deslrea or reier t. the people for tbelr approval any of the official acU of the appointive Com- mission. Closing Out Entire Line of Wood to Burn, Vz and Less Burning Outfits at One-Half Price SSc Glove and Handkerchief Dose, atrovgly built, aa sort eg deal ana, tbree for 5O0 Paaela, TaIaea to DOc 10 Dread Pi a tea. aeweet ahapca, res: fi lar eoe, wow a for 254 Panels, values to Soe, S for. . . .254 Nat Bowie, valnea to 75c 254 Paaela, Hack, Match Holders, rula eellaneoue assortment, values to Coo, four for only 254 Varied assortment, Including; many Bjovelttee, values to 25c 54 A BIG LINE OF NEW VALENTINES One-Half Price for Any Piece of Metaiography We are closing out this line of Brass to Pierce and make no reservation. Every piece of Metaiography in the store--Boxes, Shades, Book Racks, Candle sticks, Trays NOW ONE-HALF PRICE BIST WAIIXS LEGISLATORS "Salary Grab" Bills Made Subject of Comment by Kxecullve. PTATR CAPITOU Balem, Or.. Fob. 11 (Special. Kfforta on the part of some of the legislator to override the state constitution In their "salary grab" bills being made the subject of comment by tlovernor West, and be la culling attention of the legislators) to these) de fects aa fart aa the bllas arrive. In three of the bill he baa discovered that pro vision la made that the people of the respective counties might use the referen dum providing more than the constitu tional limit of petitioners signing refer endum petition In one Inatanre aa mm a r& per cent la reoulred. and In another Instance 15 rer rent le required while the constltu- kinal limitation la per cent. The rx- ecutlve atatea that It Is not to be con strued as a tacit admission on hla part hat he wlU approve such btlu. but In nformlng the Introducers and riving hem aa opportunity to make me cor rection, he la doing so solely to place ne bills In shape that they might come before him In proper form for hla final consideration of tltem. Pre-Inventory Sale Fine Irish and Scotch Makes Whiskey and Liquors $1.25 Scotch Heather, sale price SI. 00 S1.25 Munroe's White Label, sale at S1.03 $1.25 House of Lords, on sale for S1.04 $1.25 Dewar's Special, during sale for...S1.07 $1.25 Black & White, offered for only... SI. 12 $1.50 Dewar's Extra Special 81.23 $1.50 Usher's Old Vatted, daring sale...S1.27 $1.50 Sanderson's Mountain Dew S1.29 $1.50 Haig & Haig, 3 Star S1.31 $1.75 Simpson's Elue Seal, only S1.41 $1.75 Dawson's Perfection, during sale. . .S1.43 $1.75 White Horse Cellar, on sale for 51.44 $2.00 Clan Mackenzie, That Old Scotch, never before offered at this low price. . . .gl.47 $2.00 Haig & Haig, 5 Star, low price of . .S1.5J) $2.00 Dewar's special Liqueur, sale for. .SI. 57 $2.00 Crawford's Special Reserve, 10 years old, on sale for. . .Jj?1.4J $2.50 Crawford's Extra Special Reserve, 20 years old S1.9S $3.00 D. 0. L., 20 years, offered during this sale for only S2.ll $3.25 Dewar's, in Royal Doulton Ware Jugs, during sale for. ..S2.23 $1.25 Burke's 3-Star Irish, on sale at low price of only SI. 07 $1.75 Bushmills, the Best Irish, offered during sale for SI. 29 Order by Phone if You Wish. We Deliver Free and Promptly. Clam Macgtaicia ova nTiiiia Scotch Wumv auuewn wee. l'W)fa'..ay, Pre-Inventory Sale of Drugs Dozens of Items on Sale Not in Ad. 10e Glycerine aad Rose Water, for the hands, the bottle at oaly...6st lOe Hay It am and til recline, for sore llpa, bottle for only 6e 10c Ray Run, a pleaaaat shampoo, bottle tic .1c Ray Hutu, bottle 16C lOc Heda lllcarboaate, for baking, package 6? hoe I'ure Cream Tartar, pkg. .33 Joe Kpaetn Salte, for home or vet erinary oace. the package at..f lOe Campbaraled Cballc Powder, a good toatk powder, at only.... via? lllc Com pen ud l.leorlce Powder, a laxative, the package only Je loc 4 a scare It ark, whole bark for ateeplaar. the paekaae at only.. 7t lOc t a a r r a iratrd lyc, Habbltt'a beat, raa for only 74 Oe hlorlde I.lnie, ponad cs. .gc te aaaafraa Hark, a natural bprlag tnedleiar, package at tig lOe eana Leaves, for Infusions, fresh, the package for oulr....SC 10c Soap Bark, It removes the dirt, package 2.c budlam Phosuliate, fresh and Pure 23c Dorais, flue bath preparation, pound inc Washing Ammoala, bottle, jc lc Hewlnar Macblne (Ml, and for other fine machinery, bottle. 5 2T,c Mitch llaiel, Ulcklnaoa'a very beat, pint 17 eOe Iteh llnsel. quart TtftC 2llo .plrHa Camphor, bottle.. X&C Be Kerinaldchydc, for dlnlnfert- -toe lOe Loofah Kponaea, a Japaneae epoace, for the bath, at, rara. .7C IKic Floor Wax, all good daarera demand thla wax, the eaa....-J0 loc Coeoanut OH, bottle 7 2.c lllrd Tonic, canary bird lllmu. t 200 Great Sale of Toilet Articles Now Is. the Time to Stock Up. 25c TVMlluma' Talcum 15 2Re Mcnnen'a Talcum. 15 2Se Nplehler'a Talcum, Lily of Val ley Violet, apecial at 1 50 HOc Pebeco 40t 2Xc Eutbymol Tooth Paste. ... ltjtf 2.te Paaterlne Tooth Paste. ... 19i 2c aoaodont 2.1c Hublfoam 19f) St Ay era' Ilalr Viator 6tC ft Potter'a Walnut Statu 80d Me Cuplllarla .'S.".ri gt tebefflrr'a t olorlne ri."C gl Pinaud'a Kan rie HulnLne. . . 75? 60c Ponipellnn Cream FIlKli SAMPLE UAKDAS COLD CHKAM HOc La Rlacbe Face Powder. . .40C Bfte Woodbury'a Facial Powder 1 7 ire Swauadowu Face l'owdrr...9! 0e I'oxxonl'a Knee Powder 35f l..0 lira He's Illualoa SI. 19 at.OO ox. Yamato Japanese Per fume -4i)S Ox. Eoalman'i Cruahcd Rose Per fume 2) 75c ok. Piaauda Royal Lily Ki- tract. 59e TSC Ploaud'a Lilac Vegetal. .. 5 T5c Imported Vcgetnl for 55 Houblguut'a Ideal, oa S1.K9 75c Murray Lauuean Florida W ater at 50 e-'.OO Perfume Atomliera 9St 25c Talrolette Violet Talcum. .15(7 2.1c Violet Borax 15C 50o Germaa Silver Powder Ilioka for y;? l Maubert'a Face Powder. ... flOc SOc Maubert'a Face Powder 296 6uc ox. Sachet Powder, Hose, Vio let 14c 5o Box Cream Crcta Powder Sonp at 60c Camel Ine 35c 5llc Dlckry'a Creme Be Lie. ...'$ " fl.r.O Oriental Cream SI.IO SOc Iliud'a Honey aad Aimood liTC CROSS ENGLISH GLOVES S1-5Q THE PAIR AND UP L DBBY CHARGES OU T rOKTUM MAY VI. POCKS I'atuama Canal Argurremt Aids mil's rajMavce In Senate. STATE CATlTOI, Balem. Or, Feb. 1J. (fpeclal.) Ilcturlng the Immensity of the ocean-going veeaala that will ui-h the lor Hand harbor when the Panama Canal la completed and shorn-- Irg forcibly what a wonderful de velopment that canat will lin un for tne Orrgon metropolla. Senator Malarkey'a plea caused the Senate to naaa spelling's public dock bill tonight when previous ly It bad appeared as though the bill would have hard sledding. The bill provides that the right of eminent domain may be exercised for puttie dorkaice purposes and la the opening wedge for a system of public locks at l'ort land. s iono is rnirrrr bench fax Senate Pajwrw Hill Iuttln Salaries) of Jodjs I'ntlcT blale Kule. STATK CAPITOU Balem. Or, Feb. 11. tflpecial.) Tha Benata tonight passed tne cut prepared by tbe Judiciary aad revision of laws committee placing the salary of ail Circuit Judges at ItOuS year. This bill provides that all Judges shall be paid directly by the state aad receive no other special compeosalloa whatsoever. , nosprTAL fi:ks rvrorcHED Senate? Placarded Illll Making; Pay ment by Railroad Men Optional. STATE CAPITOU Salem. Or.. Feb. !. (FpeclaLr Senator Klnnott ' bill allowing It to be optional with employes of rail- roatiav to pay hospital dues, waa defeated hla afternoon In the i-nnte after an xtended diaciiKsion. tbe vote standing ll noes and 13 ayes. Ry the terms of a bill Introduced by uchanan all bonded employes of rail road corporations are to be given a earing following their discharge. The bill provides thnt when auch an employe aa been discharged, the company ahull. Ithin live days. furntrh him with a written statement of the causes of surb action. Failure of the corporation to do ao gives the discharged employe the right to app'y to the itallroa.l Commis sion for a hearing at which he ahall have the right to summon wltnesBes. The Commission Wa required to proceed with a formal Inquiry for the purpose of determining whether the employe de served discharge. Railroads Would Defeat Idaho Bill, Alleged. Ing the water In the upper reachea of the stream, which U in. reality a slough. The main trouble with the shoal is that it contains a large number of snags and with these removed there will be little trouble In keeping the channel clear. INITIATIVE GETS APPROVAL Iiefrrrm Measures Com Prom Com. mluee of Whole Recommended for Passage, After Remark ably Mild Debate. PRESSURE IS INTIMATED RKXATK DISCrSSKS MULTNOMAH DISsTKICT ATTORNEY. Ita-rmtlca May Get Mora Pay. STATE CAriTOL Salem. Or, Feb. IS. Special.) teputlea la tbe of flee of restrict Attorney Cameron will receive ncreaaed salaries. If the bill paaaed br he House today gets througb tbe Sen ate. It raises tha eejary of the chief deputy front 10 IJioa per annum and gives three other deputies Increases f from I ltf' to 11400 per annum, each. Two other deputies, now paid 10v a month by Multnomah County, hereafter will be paid directly by tha atate. The rye eeep ef tr rnlied srtatee la late amounted te M.OJ,fe0 teaa, vaiueg at lii.- Mttliods In IrtwccuUna; Sailor Hoard-ing;-IIou.e Cnneg Call Oat Innuendo. STATK CAriTOL, balem. Or Feb. 1J. (Special. ) I'lstrlct Attorney Camer on, of Portland, rame In for some In ewmioea In the Slate Senate thla af ternoon when the ways and means com mlttee bill .asking an appropriation of S00 for the Sallora' rioardlng-llouae Commission . to prosecute license cases was up for final consideration. Joseph asked why the District At torney's oftice cannot handle the prose cutions. -The District Attorney hasn't done It so far." replied Albee. "You know as well as I know," said Nottingham, "that the District Attor ney baa not always been successful In these prosecutions. You don't know how much pressure can be brought to bear by the people who are being prose cuted. Not that I assert there has been any pressure brought to bear," Not tingham hurried to add. "If the District Attorney cannot at tend to his duty let Multnomah County St a new one," was the comment of Abraham. Kellaher also urged that the District Attorney should fulfill the du ties of his office, or the recall should be exercised. The bill was finally passed. ROISK. Idaho. Feb. 1J. (Special.) Open charges that railroad lobbyists are working- In' the Legislative Hall to defeat tbe railroad commlnlon bill and the recommendation of the Senate to Cass tha Initiative and referendum marked the developments today In the two respective houses. The lobby charge was made by Rep resentative Crow, who stated to the House that members should be wary of the corporation representatives, who have already approached many of them and propose to resort to every means to defeat the commission measure. i:ither the majority wing of the Sen ate has laid down on Its fight against tha Initiative and referendum or the Republicans Intend to rise up and slaughter It on final passage, for today both reform measures cams out of the committee of the whole recommended for passage and after a remarkably mild debate. Senator Shawhan. of Payette. lead the tight against both measures, but received but lukewarm support. He classed the reform governmental Ideas as radical. Improper and something the people have not clamored for. nor do they want It- Senator Hornl brook championed the measures. The Legislature passed the new di vorce law, extending residence to one year In the state and three months In the county where tha application for separation applies. Corvallla G 70,0O0 Extra. STATE CAPITOU Salem. Or.. Feb. II. (Special.) Hawiey'e bill providing for 170.000 additional annual malnten anoa for the Oregon Agricultural Col lage paaaad the Senate thla afternoon without a dissenting vote. CHANNEL ISSUE GROWING Improvement by Private Contract Now Plan for Deep River. ASTORIA. Or.. Feb. 11 (Special.) some yeara ago a petition was sent to Washington asking that the channel at the mouth of Deep River be Improved, but nothing came of It. Now the resi dents of that district, the owners of li.g-towlng steamers and the transpor tation companies, which send" steamers to that stream, are taking the matter tip themselves and probably will arrange for making the Improvement by private contract. Tbe shoal la about 1000 feet across and the plan la to dig the channel about 60 feet wider and three feet deeper than at present. That will be sufficient deptb to accommodate any of the steam ers which enter that stream and to dig it any deeper would result In lower-1 Portland Men to Speak. OREGON CITY. Or.. Feb. li-(Spe-claD The leaders In the church work In the Gladstone Christian Church are perfecting arrangements for a patriotic banquet in the parlors of the church on the evening of Tuesday. February 21, In commemoration of Washington day. Speakers from abroad will be Rev. Mr. Kerr and Judge Kavanaugb, of Portland, and Rev. Charles Robinson, the newly arrived rector from Philadelphia. Pa., who Is now pastor of St. Paul's Kpisco pal Church in this city. Several local peakers will slso grace the programme and local singers of prominence will add to the enjoyment of the evening. AVelser Bootblacks Fight; Mar Die. "WEISEIt, Idaho. Feb. 13 A fight oc curred In a barber-shop in this city yes terday between colored bootblacks and as a result one Is In the hospital with eight stabs from a knife in his breast. back and head, and may die. The other is in Jail with a bad cut on his head and may face a charge of murder. The men fought over money matters,' one of them. Jack White, having purchased a ring from the other, William Taylor, and for which he had not paid. White is between 45 and 60 yeara of age. He came here about two years ago from Anaconda. Mont- Taylor haa been here but a few weeks. Canadian Pacific Pays Dividend. MONTREAL, Feb. 13. The directors of the Canadian Paclflo Railroad de clared today a dividend of 2 per cent on preferred stock for the six months ending December 31 last, and 2V4 per cent on common stock for the quarter ending December 31, or at the rate of 7 per cent per annum from revenue ana 3 per cent per annum on Interest from preferreds, and from otner extraneous assets. Both dividends are payable April 1 next. The surplus from opera tion for the half year ending Decern ber il was 110,233,411. . Oregon City Resident Dies.' OREGON CITY, Or.. Feb. 13. (Spe cial. ) David Robeson died today at his home on Molalla avenue, after an illness extending over two weeks. He was born M I VVe are talking about Ayer's Hair O i 2 S v&or- Just note that word "Ayer's." You are perfectly safe with it No harm to you or to your hair. Makes the hair grow? It certainly does. Stops falling hair, too. Remember, it's "Ayer's" we are talking about Ask your doctor about your hair and about Ayer's Hair Vigor. Get his approval. Your own doctor and "Ayer's" make a strong combination. It means faith, confidence, satisfaction. Docs .not CoSor tlhe IHialr J- Oa Ayer Company, Lowell, Mass. The Grow In Ohio, March 23, 1S31, and came to Oregon In 1S53 with Barrett's train. In 1S66 he returned to Indiana and returned to Oregon January 29, 1878. and since 1SS3 hns made his home at Colton. Claka mas County, moving to Oregon City last November. Mrs. Robeson died three years ago. Mr. Robeson is survived by five children and two step-children, an follows: Mrs. Margaret Jennings, Mrs. Eva Ingram and C. D. Robeson, of Ore gon City; Mrs. W. "R. Garrett, of Bu cona; F. M. Robeson, of Colton; George Robeson, of Molalla, and Mrs. Jessie Wlnsiow. of Oregon City. Startling Cure For Ran Down Nerves Kohinson Tliennal or- " Turkish " ISath at Home, Costing but a Few Cents, Produces Aston ishing Results. Drngleas Treatment Proves Revelation In Treatment of Many Diseases. W2 Y&7 Back AB Druggists 25c. aad 50c Pain In THAT'S LUfilBAGQ Painful but not dangerons. Rub oa a few times that well tried, old-time borne remedy ST JACOB Pain goes! YouH be sorry you didn't try it ooner IT CONQUERS PAIN The Stc Bottle Contains t Times s Mnch as the 3Se bixe One . Robinson Thermal or Turkish Bath for those of weakened vitality will do more good In a half hour than threa months' vacation on a farm infinitely more than can be expected from any drug In the world. Many startling resulte have been pro duced by the use of the Robinson Ther mal Bath. It Is revolutionizing the treatment of disease. Prominent physi cians are abandoning drugs in many cases for this new treatment. Those who have tried them are astonished at the change 'n their condition. The Intense exquisite feeling of hap piness, strength and mental clearness which results are impossible to express In words. Open up the pores and the change seems almost miraculous; nerves are strengthened at once, kidneys get well; eczema, pimples and shin diseases van ish; bad colds, lumbago, rheumatism, dyspepsia, throat and lung trouble, in somnia and constipation disappear as though some wonderful force had lifted them away. Every man or woman can now have a Robinson Thermal Bath at home, at a cost of but a few cents, and without trouble. This can be done only by the Robin son Thermal Bath Cabinet, which is a model of ingenuity. No matter what the size of your purse, you can have one of those cabinets. The Robinson Thermal Bath Cabinets are now being exhibited, and are on sale in Portland at Woodard, Clarke & Co. Ask the dealer also for that great book, "The Philosophy of Health and Beauty." The regular price Is J2.00. bnt you can get one free for a limited time. A