TIIE MORNING OKEGONIAN. TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 14, 1911. 13 WHEAT CUP BIG Eifrieda to Sail Today With 102,8SO Bushels. STRATHNESS NOW OVERDUE 7 Tramp Slramrr r.tprclcil Hourly lo Take Ilea.j load High Wind la Harbor Make IlandLirg large- lu.jta Plfflrall. :'!t dr!av In arttins; her rT'"' rlx and cii!nt otrr business delayed .a dTarture of tna German h!p K! frfl fnm Sunday noCII today. VP- st:i lr down in tw of the steamer frk!tfiici !he cleaned yesterday wtiii t bn.h;. of wti'ol v:tx-. at !. I ' f ir vi'iT'tnn, Urmouih or Fal' rrv'itu f-ir orl-rs. Th n.it arrival In tha rrain i.eet hi'i'l be th ltr-.tlti itri.nr Strath- r.s. wMih Krr. .ifforl Company. art 1 lo.t.1. Iter trr la awaiting her o.t H.innirtir d-k No. 2. The tramp baa r.n on in war from Arapuk-o ln-a r-lnur 1 uval la ful'.y da. It l IhnucM th.it tr-.e biosr of tha past t' elava fcja prevented tier reporting In tha rt-r. Frtunaty. thers wr B4 crdr yea- leniay t sM.'t grain resale In the har- rr. aa the h!jr wind would have lntr- fr. materially. Whi tha eteamar Ii"".r Bi1 frm her berth at Alnsworth to Columbia tjo-k No. Z. lao tnwDoat were pressed into aervtce. owing to tha . Tha Ormxn jMj WliVtmlna la nlnt: efr.red fr;r ard bar wnra axle thi filinf r'e of :T .!.. bot exporters ara aty about rxln additional tonnage. ! uj r.prrtl that Jan Kranclseo tn - rete w.- r. nectlartns; for her and she mar bo trt this) month. lh detail work of replacing: buoya and can-vine; out Instruction of establish Ins new aids. Entriee yesterday at tha Ctiatom-Houaa were tha steamers Hear, from 8n I lro and flan Kram-!ar anil tha Kreak lfr. from I'txa Hay. Tha Breakwater cleared for tha Mm port and tha Ger man ship Klfrleda for the I nlted Kins d rn with grain. In a wireless rnrflS" yesterday re reived from the etramr Atla. It wri atat-i that th- raaa-l had pal throusn a quantity of lumlirr and aulnglea 1. ritl north of Capo Ulanco Sundar avan Ins. It la prum-d that a vaaaal loat a Irtin vf hrr darkload la tr.a atorm. Hr rrntlnultic blaatlnc tha Union j IlrliUo ; Conatrurtl-.n Companr i mak- Ina mora rncouraatnc hauaay In row arlnc a Med ralaaon for tha third pier of th Htrriman bii.!. and In anothar waak wtil parhapa hara the form rcat ln on Ita foundation. MoTcmrnta of Vraacla. roitTUXP. T' 13 Arrtd :ao!iiia ahm-T A'l. f m l:r.1'n anl way prt Ai-r-.A. II. o-i.lici'tna lit t ni"' nf turn oliTilM aa r-mO. mnl tvnrtKt: M rttlM b hour a: 1 M iimr i:o. W. FTUI-T an.t KJ -rMi. fri-v taa (Taac'larw. rtrantr Jlcaar brbnycl. an rranrtaro. K-N. 11 Sail I at T A. M. -Mimr Jtoi Hit lr f.r I'urt ar.a. Krk. rx 1L Arr!vl ianaar AtM- trm rrtland. Vt'tnna. 'b. 1 J Arrived Brttlab ataam r Knia. from I orl!nrL M-n'rT. JVC I V Arrid ytr lajr ai"nr itnMc.ifli, frrr. I'nn.and. y-Bt-il1- rwh. I X Arrival prarlonaTr ri.x 'r.m haii l"rKS'-k f r llamttura. nahama. . li Arrtao F n r r-mm of rOMPUIXTS MIK i'ORWADKD Major Mclndoc Cta Iflnlt Orttrra Inm War I-pa rt m-n t- ToKtlnua firwurt.na amptalnta nf !:..) at briJara to tha .!ral fia t r!-e Attornrr f-r proa.tit!on. ttntll In trti tr. oth"riap hy tha War Ipart mn" la tf t t f ordVra rairvd hy (-r M'l-do. Corpa of Knc'naar. I". ! A. who app!l-d for rt!r'-ttona aa to what n:oaUwn to maka of rom - puir.ta attrr tha laat Kr-J.ru! Brand I'irv ifeWiniM to prraruta rotinfr ffl rijji or iriilit' for c!-iin tha br1.l-a t hora othr than wrra drxliiaatrU bjr l" . War I p'xrtm-nt. "r!a first batr-h. of rharrra wara Jrrd through tha moe of tha luuiai , torlai b -!.. but during th lattar part jf Ia-rmtr and r-r,y In January thra rornplahita wrra ftlrd bjr ownars of tha ! imr bna. t':a Wratrrn Transport' ti .n rpm.atr. and Captain O. A . lioa f'iril. cnf of tr.a tamar t l.i r,."rtl,d on. nit ltr th- Iturnsl.l'-sfrrrt brld;a. Thr wro foraardd t. I'nltrd Stativi D!.trlrt At tornar If Court and will b the frat Uirn unJr t!ia ru'tn of tha Wir Iw-r.,trtm--nt th.it rri.ata navlaatlnc tha harlor ara to bo slvrn ronaldrmtlon ai.'vanca of traffic rronaln tha brld". Fu!ura rmi'lainta wtil ba forwarded thronzh tha ma rhsnnrla. and will ba d'r-rari araint bride-t-ndrr. aa Ma r Mi tn.lx aaya ba wlil follow tha prj- umption that tha poiaon rtotatlnc tha .aw la a-!tty rathar than tha on In au taortty who dirrcta that tha atatota ba lariorad. TX-VWrit 1'TKIXIUEXCE. Pwa to Antra. m. From Data. lrwatar....Co fa... In prt l'ar ... . ...... Pmn Plra. . . In frt nc :n..n. . . . . . In prt Hat it Etmor. Tlllaaiook . . . .Fob. 15 - V KMr. l'"Jro. . . tvb. 14 llxrralfa HunriloRK . . rt. 11 ( .......fan r fDi-ia:o I'rb. 1 4 ...n- : irKa K-fc. la i..an ata. . .T.ltm.nk . . . 'b. 11 I'tfy ha . . ro. 17 Ntrthl.a. . . . It iMnr. . . fob. 14 K.tan fmr fdr. . . "b. I t"r!y LMltar. Itaiboa b. St tar ha fwd-o... Fvd. 3 Arkadalod la Ix-part. Nama. Tr tata. Anll 'ar.d-n 1". b. 14 1'nak talir . . ( Etar....F. 14 i:.v W. Kitiar. Smn I'e.lra... '-- 15 trrula tlonahnna. . . .Vb. IS rn i"dro. . . ". Id Fu If. E'faora. Ttttamiw-h . . . . 17 iildn tiata... TiiTo.k . . . . r"u. I1 Fal.-xa Fin rtaacX'4 I 1 AIUlir rurtkft r'K I !:- t Ity . . . . . ,Hn pr.ro. . . rb. rt !'"',"l. ... "if f'wdro... KK. JT2 Ft ini.y iK)iir. lirt.) .Ft a. ;j ... fori l-odro... F'b. atralhlyoa lionckaac . . . .Xar. 1 EXPECT 11 REACTION I Ccffee Market Depressed Heavy Bear Selling. by 10 & 12c pr pound; gren onions, 20o per docen; nvd lettuce, 50 per box; pepper?. 24c per lb.; pumpkins. 2c per lb.; radishes. SOtfi .;o per dnxen ; sprouts, Sc; tomatoes. 1.7.r2..r Ter box. rOTA TOES Oreron. buyinr price, $1.23 (rl..M per hundred; sweei; potatoes, $4 per Hundred. TROPICAL FRUITS Oranges, navels, $2f2.3n per box; Florida rrapefrult, J3.50; California srapefruit, $Xo04; bananas, &e per pound; pineapples, 6c per pound; lemons. 131 3. AO; tancerlnes. per box. ONIONS Buying price. $2.&0 per hun dred. CAUSE OF RECENT BREAK Statistical Pooltlon Is Strong and Iealrra Be Hero tlie 3Iarket Is Itonnd to AMrrl Itwlf Before Long. Dalrr and Coantry Produce. POIXTRT I.lve: Hrna. 17c: PnrlnRS. 17c; turkeya. 2c: ducka. 23c; ireese. 12ft 12Sc: dressed turkeys, choice. 2 Or. KCiiJti urefton ranch, candled. 28 3 30c par aoz-n. BLi'TTKR City creamery extra. 1 and 2- pound prints. In boxea. 83c per pound; leaa than bntpi, caj-tona and delivery extra. CHtoSU Full cream, twins. lSHglto per pound; youna America, lHtfl7c PO K K Fancy, 11 U 11 So per pound. VEAL. Fancy. 65 to 13 pounds, la a 13 He per pouod. Kaasnan. Ta- fhlna. fram Vancourar. 12th llocsk-nc. Fu IX 5alld Empraaa of 3 I an. fT V r.co ll.r. i.itr:fr. Fb. 11 Palled alabrta. for N. Y-rk. ran Frn.-l.-o. Feh. IX Arrlral Stera- ers Ftrt-lt. fr m Hel.ino. 'ann flmlth. from Ij'-m liay ; eanta Unal-s, from I looms ro ; ,oonr Tllon. fftm Ja.utt. Haiied Tur iHjluh. toartns; ship K. II. afoody. for rucl aonn.l. l....it... Wash.. F!. IX Arrived Brit ish steamsr tttrattitar. from Saattl. atramer Ariaonaa. from r alt Is. Ttdra al Astoria Taaaday. Iltch. Low. 1 .15 A. M 1 faat'T-at A. M SS feet l.i V. It VII fs.t 15 p. M. ...-. feat SETTLER IS LET OFF K tIT AGAIXST UXE COIXTV MAX DISMISSIII). Judtro I Iran Holila Governmrnt MuM Prove Wilful x'raad IVcforo SrUliiK llomcMrad. DEMAND FOrt Olli IXCUKASF-S Sl-amcr Coming to toast Will lie Iinpllcatr-d la Two Year. Hard y bad roasala of tha Aso-1ated Oil Compr.y'a Ht raportad at tha Southern oil t:!n last week when thy wera ordered hara asraln with fu;l car- 'koaa. tas steamer W. R Iortar belna s-haduil to !! from il-ntarry yrater- day. tfa i. earner Hiaerran tlay and tha J. A. i hanslor tomorrow. They carry a combined consignment of S.'Jm fcarreia of th product. Tha raw a'eamer w. r. Hcrrln. a llstrr ht of tha Chanalnr. la about to bs launched .wport New a. aad It I planed to p her leara tha Atlantic Coast b.-f y rl l 1. Sha baa a capacity of to so bt . as has tUa Chantlor. but f'i'i r. ara not carried aa a rsia In another two or threa ysara a taird new carrier la to bo turned out. aa tha corr.pir.y baa extended Its sta tlona to Itriiuh Cuiurnbta an t Ataaka. Wl;s cia fleet will operate most of tha t.ni" between Monterey and I'ortian.L aom of t.ta vesscia will ba diverted to tsse nri of tha northern market and !naui'i a. welL lcentlr the rommnv p a el a tank at ilestttle. w hl'.a other points alone tha Coast are bains; forced Into l!na t".rvu'i tha Increased usa of fuat oil. Tha o.l feet of ailed Inter' Ifumlwi ty tro to creat alio In a few years. Lths-I ( aae DUrtUi-scfU label f rJ!r;j Instituted by own. -a of tha steamer Merchant against tu t.eoria . osbur wara ys- 'ay Itmlss.j by dral Judaa Tna action waa (Had in Sep . !;. and In June. 1944. Judtr .user iir.in . . . w iui.i.. sue MS&a tar's death delayed tha rase. It waa rharced that tha tut; waa responsible f-r tha wrecklrx of tha Merchant on Nehalem bar. but Judca lican aald t!ta captain of tha tuc was reiulred to usa only ordinary h;ifnce and that ha did so. Tha wra. lt oocurrrd August 11. ls-C t. C. fr.-he-n. K'brt Minor. Feter XT. Mathtej.-n and th i'.ol,ln Oats .. .i's , .yiuvi w-jw me iii'e.aii(s. Federal Judca JVan dismissed yester day mornlrc the suit of tha Oovcrnn.ent acalnst Charles P. Whitney to cancel patent to I'M acres of land In Lane County. The evidence showed that Whit nay did not comply with the homestead reel lence and cultivation law. but the court held he acted In good faith and with no Intention to defraud the Govern ment. The court ought to and will set aside patents for Government lands upon clear nd satlsfaclory rroof that they ware obtalred by fraud and false swearing. said Judge Itaan. "but the Government s richts as a suitor are to be determine. tha santa as any other litigant', and when It has accepted payment for th land and Issued a patent to one who Intended In good faith to comply with the public land laws, and probably did so comply aa then administered by the department, tha courts ouk lit not to be over-astute In voiding a patent because of a failure to comply strictly with the law In the matter of residence and culti vation, which facta could have been as certained by the complainant's officers and agar.ta by tba xerrle of ordinary diligence before the right to It became fixed.- l"nltl Ktates I'lstrlct Attorney Me- Courl aald yeaterdnr afternoon that th Whiskey case wilt probably be ap pealed to tha I'nlted States Circuit Court of Appeal. I shall not recommend an appeal. be s.ild. I shall simply state the fact to the Attorncv-Oeneral." Assistant Culled Slatea District At torney Maguira Is In Grants Pa, where he will take tcstlmnay today In the case of tha Government against Harry C. Lewis. The suit Is one brought to cancel patent. It Is not a strong a case as the Whitney case, aa Lewis ba planted an orchard on the homestead claim. He has not lived on It. however. having another ranch near by. Whitney, while proving up on h's claim, lived In Aberdeen. Wash, and his wife and children are said not to have visited the homestead. Th eorfe trade Is confident that thi market will recover a part or all or It; recent losa aa soon as the tact Irs of tha bear cease. The statistical -position of tha market could not wall be stronger, so it difficult to sea how tba bears can main- their poaitlin. one of the leading New York brok.re wrltee: -Influenced by .continued sailing of coffee fil ores by Oa boar clique, prlcaa have de clined Si to We durlns- tba weak, with very llttia demand and few sales. No at tentloa la for tha sresent given to the SI rone statistical ooettlon of coffee, which sooner or later la bound to assart Itaelf between now aad next August. The world's visible supply decreased dur ing January oSl. ?9 bar, making tha via- IMe ntDlr at tha world on February 1. I.S74.:i4 bags. The available supply of rraxtl oorfee la the world's principal mar kets on February 1 was only 2.1i.o0 baga about two montha supply; and tha avail bla supply In tha world on July 1 of all ktnda of coffee in ail porta will probably be about 4.&a.ooo bags. Europe has de livered X 63.1 SB base and tha United States 135.432 baga lesa than for tba seven montha last year, and to equal last year's crop deliveries F-urope should drllvar 4.0O0.00O bass and tba I'nlted Stataa 2.600.000 bag between February 1 and July 1. The market for actual coffee has de clined ie to lc from th blsheat point and present prleee are comparatively cheap and hould ba higher aa eoon aa confidence la recovered. Note that the buyers In the nltsd Stats ara purchasing vary Uttl IlraslI coffs. which will soon show In the decreased supplies. It rax Li so far has shown no weakness and prices show So to e feo a parity of spot prices. We advise our friends not to let thslr storks get below normal, and If thay have made purchasea at blither piicea It Is ad visable to average tha cost down by new purchaeee." NO WHEAT IS BEING OIs-'F.KEO. r arm era Will Not Consider Current ltids. Coarse (. rata Slow. There waa very llttia trade In tha grain market yesterday. Dealers offered TO cents for club and SI centa for bluestam. but thsre ware no sailer at these prices. The Kaatern exchanges were closed on account of tha holiday. Th coarse grains wara quiet and quoted at laat waak'a prices. Tba hay market In California la dull and weak, according to the following trade re port from baa Francisco: "It Is generally thought that a loarer range of value will become established. and therefore no buying I being don ex- to fill Immediat and most pressing ilttes. There Is no lite to tha market he Interior, as apparently the price that are being asked In the country for hay do not permit of satisfactory trading from a basis of tha present range of values of the Han Franclaco and Oakland markets. The demand for export and coastwise ship ments haa beea a little lighter this week. although there has been quite a little go forward on small. sised orders. There Is no chanxa on alfalfa hay. and the market Is ruling filrlv steady on this article. Local receipts. In cars, ware reported by tha alerchanta Kxi-hance as follows: Wheat MarUr Flour Osts Hay Mnndav S3 4 13 4 IT Year ago -8 4 15 6 15 fieason lo date.stluo 42 1.1 Ml (1.-7 231J Year ago 7 11. .J 145 t4 eorsisn crOD conuitlona are eummarizrd by tha Liverpool Corn Trade News aa fol lows: Called Kingdom. Tha lata sowing of the crop is progressing under favorable weather conditions. The wheat already sown shows C-Kxi conuillon. trance. It la nredlrtrd that there will be a larzer area sown to Snrlns whsat and nata to offset tha decreased acreage undnr Winter due lo the heavy f.oods at tna time er eee.llng. .Th weather Is seasonable. Oermany. Italy and Hnumanla. Tha croo ogiinflK continues lavoranie. Hungary. There ara further reoorta of damn lo the wheal croo ae a result of xrsvKins ismperaturea ana lack of sum clem snasr cover . Russia In tha southeast th weather Is seasonable, srllh the crop outlook favor- Amvaie from tn Interior are liberal. In the uthwat the weather la mild.r and p conoicions are ravorabto. Arrivala from the Interior are small, but stocks have increased. 'aln and Asia Minor. Tha hob ontloolc North Africa. There has beea too much itn ror the growing rropa. India. There have been thunder storms with heavy rain, but according to official report no damage has reaulteo. Tha croo vuikivb generally im very xavor-ioie. Provlaloaa. If A Mil 10 to 13 pounds. 17tyc: 13 to 14 pounds. lTu-c: 14 to In pounds. ITijc: skinned, ITSc; picnics. 13c; cottage roll liiic. JiMOKED MEATS Beef tongues. B.1c: drlcf beef sets, Jc; outsldes. num.; inaldee. -3c : knuckles. c. BACON Fancy. 23c: standard, 24'.,c; Choir. iVio: Knallsh. ISWo. DRf HALT CL'KKD Regular short clears. dry aalt. 14tc; smoked. ldVtc; backs, light. lit. 14e: smoked. 10 We: backs. Heavy. salt. 14Vc: smoked, l5Vc; exports, salt. 16-c; smoked. 17sc. LAIID Kettle rendered, tlarces, liVie; tuba 14Hc: standard pure, tierces. l.'I'ic; tubs. 1.1Uc; choice, tierces. IzHc; tubs. 13 He; shortening, tierces, 10Vc; tubs, loVtc. v 1 Bonds ;.. Investments TimberLands RIcGRATH & NEUHAUSEN CO. 701-2-3-4-5 Lewis Bids;. Portland Oregon 129 Hop. Wool. Hide, Etc. HOPS ISIO crop. ISc: 130t crop. I4e- contracts, lduldc. WOOL Kaatern Oregon. 130 lie per Ib according to ahrlnkaga; Valley, IT 0 lo per pound. MOHAIR choice. 3oo ner pound. HIII..- Salted hides. 74o per ponnd; aalled calf. 15c; s.ltsd kip. Tfec: aalted etngs. So- green bides, lc lees; dry hides. lie: dry calf, litrlsc; dry stsgs. ll12c I'ELTit lry. losc; salted. butchars take-off. BOSjsOc. CAMOAItA II A UK 3c per pound. GRAIN SACKS Car lots. 6 '4c Oils. LINFEED OH. lure raw. In barrel. 11.07: kettle boiled. In barrels. 51.00; raw. tn cases. 51. 12; kettle boiled. In cases, 11.14. Lou of I'OO gallons, 1 per cent lass per gal lon. COAL OIL Water White. Iron bbls. 9e; wood bbls. 13c: Pearl oil. cases. 10Hc: IleadllKht, Iron bbls, 11c: cases. 18c: wood bMa. 16c; Kocene. cases, 9tc; special IVhlte, Iron bbls. 124c. wood bbls. ISUjc; Llalna, cases, 37c; extra Stnr. cases, 10Hc; v. M. ak P. naotiia. I run bbla 15c: cases. 2ic. O.ISOLINE Iced Crown and motor gas oline. In Iron bbls. lOVic cases. Xi'hc; ti gasoline. Iron bbls. SOc. caes. 37Vic; engine I distillate, iron bbls. 7 fee cases, 14'.c. Speaking for bi tulitliic pavement in most cities of the country, one might trathfully say, "Once tried, always used." low: Drafters, extra. 1500 to 1705 lbs.. $16$ ulIM: drafters, fair to good. 511151200; chunks, good. 5100tlTo; chunks, medium. SaUUlOO: drivers, good. 5125 up: drivers. medium to good, HutillO. plugs, fl040. Crocerlea. Dried Fruita, Kte. DrtlKD FRCITS Apples. llfillSe per lh.; currants. 13Sc: apricots, liU'dldc; dates, package, llit-e per lb.; figs, bulk. white or black, by sack. 13c; 5-tii. IL0d"r 1.75; 12-l-'s. Bic; 3U-l'Js. ii.25; 10-ls. S3-.; fimrynas. lhc PALSION Columbia River. 1-pound tails. 12.10 per dosrn; 2-pound talis. 5J.P5; 1- pound flats, $2.40; Alaska pink. 1-pound talis. $1.2.'. liiFKEE Roasted, In drums, 23 c 34c per pound. NITS Walnuts. lTttfMSc per pound; Tlrusll nuts. 14WlRc; filberts. !Uc; almonds. Idrlsc; pecsns. lMc: cocoanuts. 0oc4i$l per doxrn: chestnuts. 12Ur per pound; blckory nuts. 8'cilOo per pound. SALT Granulated. $15 per ton; half- ground. 10u. $- 50 per ton; 90s, $9 per ton. LtKANS Small white, 4'4c; large white. 4 He; Lima, S.WOc; pink, 6'ic; red Mexicans, tlUc; bavou. 5Wc. KITE No. 1 Japan. 4c: cheaper grades. I3.MIi 4.55: Southern head. 3 U 7c. HONEY Choice. 53.75 per case: strained. BSe per pounds. bUUAR Dry granulated, fruit and berry. $5.:in- best. J.i.in, extra C, $4.HU; golden C, $4 70; yellow D, $4. fid; runes (barrels). $4,115; powdered, $4.65. Terms on remit tances within 15 days, deduct He per pound. if later thsn. 13 days ana witiiin so days, deduct Ho per pound. Maple sugar, 151 lac per pound. Chicago Livestock Markets. CHICA'JO. Feb. is. Cattle Receipts es timated at 30.0O0: market, steady. Beeves. tv d.SO: Texas steers, $4. 13 f 5.50: 'Western steers. $4,4045-70; stockers and feeders. 3.H.j1i3.Mi; cows and heifers. SL'.'5.7i. moks itecelota estimated at oU.OOO: mar ket. 20o lower than Saturday. Light. $7.15 7.45; mixed, $u.i 7.35; neavy, so.so o) 7 so; rough. $.1to.95; good to choice heavy. Sti.u5r7.3U: pigs. I7.i5i7.UO: bulk or sales. iLioU Liij. Sheen Receipts estimated at 20,000: mar ket, steady. Native. $J.fl0r4.40: western. t2.50fr4.4o: yearlings. ti.M'fti.r.0; lamb. native, $.21jU.25; western. $4,504(0.25. STOCK miCES LIFTED BCTERS PAY CP POIt HOGS AXD CATTLK. Condition of th Treasury. WAPHINGTON. Feb. 13. At, th begin ning of business today the condition of the I United States treasury was: Working balance In the treasury offices $t,o,in In banks and Philippine treasury. 33.042.545 Total balance In the general fund. 8a.889.9oS Ordinary receipts Saturday 3.343.6.18 Disbursements 1.31S.71I2 Deficiency this fiscal year 1.478,713 Last year 24.742.430 Thes3 figures exclude Panama Canal and public debt transactions. Grain Market of the Northwest. SEATTLE. Feb. 13. Milling Quotations: Ttluestem. bftc; forty-fold, 84c; club, 83c: Fife. 83c; rod Russian, 81c. Kxport wheat: Wueatem. 83c; fortyfold. 81c; club, 80c; Fife, 80c; red Russian, 78c. TACOMA. Feb. 13. Wheat Export:. Bluestem. 82c: fortyfold. Klc: club. SOc: red Kusslan. vBc. Milling: Hluestem. He; club. 79c; red Russian, 7Sc Receipts, wneut lj cars. Three? Load of Prime Steers Find Sale at $ 7Shcop Market Shows LesKened Strength. Chicago Produce Market. CHICAGO. Feb. 13. Butter, firm. Cream eries, 17s2HHc: dairies, lfli22c lKgs. weak; receipts, lu.ou -cases; at mark, rases Included. llH13Hc; firsts. 15n; prime firsts, inc. Cheese, steady. Daisies. ISWIS'Ae: Twins. 13lfl.iHc; Young Americas, 14yl5o; Long Horns, J4tiiBc. Wool at t. Louis. fT. LOC1S. Feb. 13. Wool, unchanged. Territory- and Western mediums, lvt?22o; line meoiuras, lottiso; nne, ljrijc- TT7SCIXG DEMED t.alc Iclij Goldrn tialr. V Thimjii Captain ". W. Ilosford Is at Tl moi)k s H'erlntendirg repairs to the st s-jnei- t;.iid-n ate. no word has been receive 1 bv te- I'h at o"T..-e of the Tort I r;d-Tia:noiik Transpirtatlon Company . ... w :ef tl. Vessel Will 1.4- . there ires are diwn as a rri.it rf tha storm ji.lAf an-! yesterday, this preventing omrr-.tiriicition. and it Is certain t!:at no -i.n wtl: b male ! s: th-s Steamer t sea urttl the present bmr s.irwiile. The d.ittiage istaln.-d hy tha vcsei in frt':rl!if tttere a -ya not si-r!.us. btit am la'.cltit t- ne.-jjti:ate a email amount t f raulkirc. Marine N'otr. To have a new proplr 'ilpr. and her hull cleaned an. I pln-l. the steam er Washington wi'l ba lifted on tha Ore gon dry-iiM-s; today. t n lr th dire, tl.m of IK-al Inspec tor Lilwa-ls and Fulr- the steamers Kaacot ami Stranger were given their annual scrutlaiaation yesterday. To have repair mails to her rudder n.l tata on upp;iea. th pilot schooner Joaes Pulltxer waa onler-d to Ato-1a lattar part of last week an.l waa auc--de-t outs;de by th tug Oneonta. l-k- H-trt. chief clerk tn tha offl-a t'crtmander J. at. K .lcott. lighthouse npa-vv. yest.roaiy i-i i'r f I onni-iis. - . h . s . ... w ' t ... e...... . SST " M mJ ae u-'ill Tito Dcfrndanls Say Incloturra Kept Stot-k ni Weed. William Jonea and tha' Harnsy Valley LVvelopment Company filed In the Fed eral Court yesterday their answers to the charges of Illegal fencing, brought acalnst them or the UovemmenL Jones says that In hts case th fences were erected to protect roaming rattle front a poisonous weed, which grew par ticularly rar.k within the lncloaure. The fence was a benefit tn th community, he sav. and his neighbors assisted him In maintaining' It. Hut since anion In court was commenced against hjm he sayj he has removed the fence. Hefore Ita removal, he asserts. It dll not prevent free acre ss to tha property by the public, as the county road ran through tha land, and was used freely. The Hirney Valley Development Com pany say Peter French erected the fence which It I charged with tllerally maintalning. The f.-nces were In bad re pair at the time the suit was filed. It Is alleged, so that they did not fully In cloao th land. The company- demies that It ever intentionally excluded anybody from the land. The public road betweem Wlnnemuo-a. Nevada and Lakevlew runs through the property. ICnail Bonds Orr-raunacrihed. I.OVtOX. Feb, 12. Subscriptions for th i k.ov of Kansas City Southern Railway refunding and Improvement mortgage I per cent gold not: ta cloead at noo-i today, having b en largely over-suasorutast. tAUiH ARE OFF ANOTHER CENT. aUea Are Mad aa the Street at tl Cents Chcee la Steady Tha egg market dropped anrther cent yesterday, with aalea made at 2. centa Tha hlrhest quotation on tba street waa SO centa Lggs ara going Into consumption good rata aad tha dealer look for th present prices to hold for a fia days. Receipt of poultry wer vary small and th price of Saturdry were repeated. Tha butter market waa steady, with good rlsan-uo of fresh creamery. Cheese Is eeliing fairly well, the bulk of the bull osas being done at 151 cents. LAT CARLOAD OF Bttr.KT POTATOF.8. Price- Is Advaaeed la 4 Cents Per Found. Other Arrivals, la aplta of the stormy weather, business is very fair on Front rtreet yesterday. The arrtvale Included one car of oranges, on car of lemons, on car of cabbage, one car of cauliflower and mixed vegetables, and one car of sweet potatoes. The ship ment of sweet potatoes will probably be in last or tna season, td price was ad vanred to 4 centa Orangea continue to be the flrmrst feature of the fruit market. Dealers report a good movement in apples al steady prlcaa. Baak tirarlaga, Pank clearings of the Northwestern allies yeteruay were aa follows: Clearings. Balances. ..SX.Oirii.172 $t3.74S Portland reatlie 1 aconta Spokane . .Holiday . .Holiday ..Holiday PORTLAND MARKET. drain. Flour, Feed. Fte. WHKAT Track prices: Bluestem. Al S 2e; ciub "Uopoe: red. Russian, 77 ft 7 fie: alley, aoejsir; 40-fold. tMc HVKl-fcY Feed. $-3 per ton; brewing, nominal. il I LLFTCFFS Bran. $234)23 per ton: middling. ti811: shorts. $3325; rolled bariey. ;37. Fl.ot'U 1 stents. $5.15 per barrel; straights. $4-104.5O; exports. $3-T0: Val ley. $V20: graham. $4.8U; whol wheat, quarters. $5. CORN Whole. $: cracked. $20 per ton. OATS No. 1 white. L'ISJIM per ton. HAY Track prices: Timothy. Willametts Valley. $lw'0 per ton; Eaetern Oregon. $-'-'-;.'l; alfalfa: $12612.50; grain hay, $1S CUJo; clover. $1111. Vegetablea aad Fruita. APPLE Fancy. $I.302.5O; choice, $14) 1.25; com men. 5H:$1 per boa. g ACav VEOETABLLS Carrots. $1 hun dred; parsnips. $1,350 L50; turnips, $1; beets. $1.25. CiHElv.M FRCIT Pears. $1.30el.T3 par bog; atatoca. $! U 7.51 per (barrel; cranber ries. $13.$o per barrel. V SG STABL K8 I'abbaga. $1.3501.50 par loo. cauliflower, litllj per 'crate: relary. callforola. $3413-35 per crate; cucumbers. $4 jrar Irvai gvr'"w aws teg "uad; garlic, , The bos; market at the stockyards showed unexpected strength yesterday. More firm ness also developed In the rattle market than waa shown at th close last week, Th.rs was a moderate supply and a good demand. Two bunches of choice hogs, one sverag- Ing 20$ pounds and the other 114 pounds. ild at f.50. a good quotation above the best price of last week. A few heavy weights brought $ The feature 'of the cattle market was tha of three loads of prime Steers at $7. The same price prevailed early last week. but since then nothing was offered that would bring tha figure until yesterday. A load of choice steers went at $C.40 and some fair animals brought $5.50. Cows sold at $4.75 and $4 85. There waa one deal In the mutton line. a bunch of 4to yearling wethers, but they brought only $1.25. The receipts for Sunday and Monday were 4S2 cattle. :5U sheep, 101 hogs and ho: Shippers of the stork wore: Kid well Caswell, Los Hanoi, CaL, 10 cars of cat tie: 51. K. Hntchklss. Arco. Idaho, 1 car of hogs; R. L. Has icy, Hlackfoot, 1 car of cat tie; J. lloyer. Ht-ppner. 1 car of sheep Minor, lleppner. 3 cars of sheep; H. H. Co- ford. Shaniko. t cars of cattle; R. 51. etan- field. stanneld, 1 car of sheep: B. C. Har- berder. llaksr. 1 car of sheep; C. B. John son. Baker, 1 car or sheep: w. 1 Tipton, l.a Grande, 1 car of horses: W. W. Cooper, l.'nlou, 1 car of cattle; Rob Starkweather, North Powder, 1 car of sheep; J. L. Cox, Laston, Idaho. S cars of cattle and sheep. II. ki. Manor, josepn. l cae ol nutl Tha day s sales were as louows Weight. Trice. 9 1 hogs 3 hots 10 hiK 1 COWS steers 7 steers 1 bull IS COWS .............. 1 csir 3 calves ' S heifers 24 cows , 4vt yearling wethers ... 2 4 steers 41 steers 9 steers -. . 24 steers 2 driving horses at.... Prices current on the stock at the Portland were as follows: Cattle Prim steers Oood to choice steers Fsir to good steers Common steers Choice to prime coa'S Fair to good beef cows..... Common to fair beef cues.... Choice spayed heifers ........ flood to choice heifers Fair to good heifer ......... Common to fair heifers Choice to good fat bulls Fan- to gnod fat bulls Common bui:s Good to choice light calves. Ftilr to gnod light calves.... Good to choice heavy calves. Common caivea Good to choice stags ......... Fsir to goud stags Hogs Choice hogs Good to choice nogs ........ poor bogs e-heen Choice yearling wethers, grain fed 5 00 ?, .1.25 ;ood to cnoice wetners. grain tea 4.7is 5.00 Old wether 3 7; tit 4.13 Choice ewes, grain fed 4.!6tr 4.50 Oood to choice ewea. grain red. 3.25 it 4.00 r seders Choice lambs, grain fed Oood to choice, grain fed.... Fair to good Poor lambs 4-t 5.00 liay-red sneep ana oraos too lower than grain-fed. current prices ia in. noree market roi- Wheat at Liverpool LIVERPOOL. Feb. 13. Wheat March. 7 d; 3iay, is 11 a. weather, nne. Hop at London. LIVERPOOL. Feb. It. Hons at London: Pacinc Coast, firm. 4 4d Da No Reduction of Bank Rale. BERLIN. Fb. 13. It was made known today that the rate of discount of the lteiehsbank would not be further reduced from 4 's per cent tomorrow, as had been predicted. Money, Exchange, Ftc. LONDON. Feb. 1J. Bar silver Steadv. 23 15-16d per ounce. Money a Vi per cent. The rate of discount In the open market for snort bins Is Us per cent: three months' bills, 3tt per cent. $x.50 7.25 S.OO 4 (.50 5.50 4.2.1 4.7. 1 l"J 4.00 5. oil 4.8 4. 25 (.40 7.H0 7.00 7.00 2 '! 413 114 10U5 1090 S9 lr.Mi , 1124 270 3i0 -0 , SI0 ........ 1 1332 1321 13S0 1312 145.110 various classes of Vnion Stockyards . .$6.30 tf $7.00 . . d.Suil- 6.24 . . 5.3:, li 5.65 .. 4.00 i L.OO .. '!.:: v i.iD . . 6.00 ft 5.25 .. 2.00r 4.00 .. 6.00 .. t.lOV 5.75 . . 5.2a 'o 5.50 ,. 4.00 in 4.25 ,. 4.50-, 4.75 . 4.00 jf 4 25 . 3.50 ft 3.2". . 8.00 'u 8.23 . 7. Ow 7.75 . 5.25 r 6.00 . 3.75'ai 4.75 . 3.00 -ir 5.23 . 4.00 if 4.50 $.000 8.50 7.7SV S.O 7.00 7.511 25 3.00 4.25 rr 6 50 00 4 (.25 0.25 w 5. BUTTER PRICE IS CUT SEATTLE CREAMERY REDCCED TO TIIE PORTLAND LEVEL. Eggs Decline to 32 Cents on Heavy Receipts of Fresh Eastern. s Oats Are Firmer. lumbermens National Bank CORNER FIFTH and STARK STREETS PORTLAND, OREGON Capital $500,000 UNITED STATES DEPOSITARY THE BANK OF CALIFORNIA NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF SAN FRANCISCO FOUNDED 1864. ;4,:i..-. $8,500,000 $7,914,401 Capital Paid in a a Surplus and Undivided Profits e . BRANCHES Portland, Seattle, Tacoma and Virginia City We buy and sell Foreign Exchange; lssua , Draft and Cable Transfers, Commercial Cred its and Travelers' Letters of Credit, available In all parts of the world; make collections on all points and conduct a general foreign and domestic banking business. INTEREST PAID OJT TIME AND SAVINGS DEPOSITS. ' PORTLAND OFFICE Northwest Corner Third and Stark Streets CHAMBER OF COMMERCE BUILDING. (I'M. A. MAC RAE, Manager. J. T. BIRTCHAELI, Asst. Manager. Lackl S Tilton Bank Established 1859. OLDEST BANK ON THE PACIFIC COAST Capital $1,000,000 SURPLUS AND PROFITS $600,000 Tc is. Ladd, President. It. 9. HnvenrA, Jr.. Ass't Cashier. Edw. CeoklDKham, Vice-President J- W. Laild, Assistant Cashier. YY. u. Duncktey, Cashier. . Walter 51. Cools, Ass't Cashier. UNITED STATES DEPOSITARY. erchants National Bank PORTLAND, OREGON, Capital and Surplus $350,000.00 TRANSACTS A GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS. 4 INTEREST PAID ON 12-MONTH CERTIFICATES OF DEPOSIT. LETTERS OF CREDIT ISSUED AVAILABLE THE WORLD OVER. COLLECTIONS A SPECIALTY. We Invite Accounts of Individuals, Firms and Corporations, Assuring; Them of Courteous, Considerate Treatment and Every Accommodation Consistent With Conservative Banking. OFFICERS AND DIRECTORS. Joseph M. Healv, A. F. Smith, Wm. T. Mulr, A. C. Mowrey, John S. Beall, J. F. Watson. R. I. Durham, Pres't. M. L. Holbrook, Vice-Pres't. Geo. W. Hoyt, Cashier. S. C. Catching, Assistant Cashier. First National Bank Capital $1,500,000 Surplus 750,000 Oldest National Bank West of tha Rocky Mountains SEATTLE, Vaih., Fb. 13. (Special.) The knife w&j applied to -dairy produce prices late thta afternoon, when two cent waa clipped from butter and three from eK a. PreMure of Oreron butter and fear that California butter will soon swamp this market was responsible for the cut in local creamery. The new price is 33 cents. Heavy receipts of freah Eastern egs forced down the price of eggs to 32 centa. Freah Eastern were offered as low as 23 cents. a-tattle dairy produce dealers are much exercised over a bill that has been Intro duced at Olympia, lfraitinjr. the cold storage period in thia etate to liu days. An attempt will be made to kill the tneuure. The California boat which arrived today brought a light supply of green produce. Included In the consignment was a small lot of eggplant, which was quoted at 20 centa p-r pound. Xo spinach was offered. Heed potatoes were offered at f iOUs. A atrnnger undertone developed in the oats market today. Offerings were not large and frightened speculators have prac tically disposed ol their stocks. while quoted on the exchange at $27, good oats could not be obtained on the outside at less than The demoralization in the hay market continues, good timothy being offered today as low as 121. Wheat was dull and unoManged, except club, which was marked up from 79 to 60 cents. the Harrlman line officials reached here tonight after inspecting the Deschutes Valley line for a distance of 80 miles. With their arrival it was announced that traffic on the road for the 80 miles, from the Columbia River as far as the road now runs, will be established at once. The road is now constructed to about 20 miles north of this city. The party will take an automobile trip into the country about here to morrow and will remain over Wednes day to be the guests of the city at the barbecue, planned for the celebration of the arrival of the Oregon Trunk here. Xa&AVKaLJCKH UUlaOK. Sugar alone will sustain life for a consid erable time. Eastern Exchange Closed. The Eastern financial, grain, cotton, cof fee and metal exchanges were closed yester day, Lelm-oln's birthday being a legal holi day In those states. , OFFICIALS REACH MADRAS Harrlman Line to Open Traffic at Once in Deschutes Valley. MADRAS. Or.. Feb. 13. (Special.) Amid the sound of band and greeted by the ciuaeaa eX this prosperous town. GRAND TRUNK PACIFIC I Winter schedule Effective October 80, 1810. STEAMSHIPS: 'Prince Rupert' and 'Prince George' FOR Victoria, Vancouver and Prince Rupert. - Connecting at Prince Rupert with "S. S. Prince Albert" for Stewart and Queen Charlotte Islands. Daylight Ride to Victoria LEAVE SEATTLE, WASH., every Sunday at 2:00 P. M.. northbound. LEAVE VANCOUVER, B. C, every Monday at 11:00 P. M., north bound; every Saturday at 2:00 P. M. southbound. HEALS AXD BERTH WCITDED A'ORTH OF VANCOUVER. For Tickets and Reservations Apply to Local Railway Ticket Agents, or J. H. B arsis, Genl Asjent, First Ave. and Yealer Way, Seattle, Wash. Str. "ANVIL" For Tillamook, Newport. Florence and Bandon, with passengers and freight, sails from Albers Dock, No. 3, Feb. 14, 6 P. M. Freight received up to noon for Bandon and Florence, and up to 3 P. M. for Tillamook and Newport Phones Main 151, A 1902. Ticket Office 123 3d St. Phone Main 2H COOS BAY LINE FTEAMEK BREAKWATER sails from Alaska dock. Portland. 8 P. M. Dee. 13. 20. 87. Jan. 8. 10. 17. 24. 31. Feb. 7. 14. 21. ZX and every Tuesday night thereafter during tha Winter. Freight received at Alaska Dock antll S P. M. dally. Passenger fara first' class. $10; second-cisss. S7. including? meals and berth. Tickets on sale at Ainsworts. Pock. Phones Main 269. A 1234: San Francisco, Los Anj;bs an J -San Dieg3 Direct Kortn Faclfle S. 6. Co.'s S. B. 7oanoee and 8. 8. Elder sail every Wednesdar alternately at P. U. Ticket effioe las ialra c. near Alder. UAiilU i. 1U(,LV, Passenger Axnu, Vy. B. SLliSaluli, Freight Ajgeaa, f hones at. 114. A 1114. SAN FRANCISCO PORTLAND SS. CO. New service to Los Angeles via San Fran cisco every five days. From Alnsworth Dock, Portland. 4 P. M. SS. Bear, Feb. 10, Rose City 21, Beaver 26. From San Francisco, northbound. 32 M. SS. Rose City. Feb. 15, Baver 20, Bear SS. From San Pedro, northbound. lo:30 A. M. fe.S. Beaver, Feb. 18. Bear 23, Rom, City 28. H. G. Smith. C. T. A.. 143 Third St. J. W. Ransom. Agent, Alnsworth Dock. Phones: Main 403. 268; A 1403. NEW ZEALAND AND AUSTRALIA (Union Line of N. Z.) VIA TAHITI AND WELLINGTON Direct through steamers, sailing from San Francisco. Mar. 8 and every 23 days. Wel lington and back, 1st class, Other rates also low. The line to Isles of the South Seas. For reservations sea Coupon Railroad Asaoia or address Oceanic S. . Co., San Francisco,