rrrr MnTrvrvri nnEROMAN. SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 11, 1911. GRISCOM ELUDES PERSISTENTPRESS Reputed Lover of Dorothy Ar nold Flees From New York Reporters. SEIZED BAGGAGE IS LEFT Aftrr Ilrnialnlne Ilrhintl t'.--l onr4 Throughout H U'tr Ailanik? City Proc- Sfnrr Attrrw- Property. NEW TOKK. FeS. 10 Without bl4 t'iria. which bad bera arlaed In debt srocce Unit. George 8. Crlscom. Jr.. lurrledly le.'t New York f"r Atlantic C ity at J 01 o'clock thla afternoon. He fcad arrived from Italy only laat. right, aith the epred purpoae cf aiding In the aearrh for Dorothy Arnold, who. he u corfldcnt. la alive. Wklte bla father win engaged In a riea of conferences with the Arnold frrlly and omwirl t-xiay. the mna lajl mill h1. mother In their room at n apartni.nt hool all fc..rncn. pr. tl.-ally In a atate of elege. T.'ie hotel runl. :it the rj'il of tn i;ririm. tlenl'd any r .rrmtml. ati.-n with them by newpt' rcr-M-trre. t.r..hil . rr.v-e n er walled In ... tij. r.nm.nir.1 a Fifth 'avenue ha tardea her with a claim rh.."ed bv truir,m five yrara ago. .Vbandorlrg hope of eervlng tlie pa pr on ri.'-rim In pnr. h rlrr. 4 biinki Mtltohmnt on all r.n.vnmi brc n4 U; tom ma! tb lrl to rhtiA't'-tphtA mlh nnty Ir- t oths h ir. rii m m fw nritt luj:ril on lh ty to thf ef-tion. tn hi son off. but rfur1 to talk richer of hts son a muvtmrud or tf l!e I ;iff'hmr rortfr rn''' whi-h Ihr ftii-r fc.1 h1 with tii Arnold Avetrd rotnt b.ank. "Wltl your son Tr:rrv M' Amoiftr Hi c!l-r Urijrotu I konv of n wfMln.H Jhn W. ArnoM. m brother f Tvr ot ir. mt1 ftr thr rnnfrrnf 1idV I " a! from now on th family wotiUt a t without l atU and a-1vlr of taw yrrrn, H wo jM not hflhfr th roti mtnt th fmlly - certain of UICt.'0 IlKJXsJJi TO TALK ll Denim (onncHlon With m4f (r a( Allantir- City. ATLANTIC CITT. V J . b. 1 nri ri:om. J r.. of irfburc. nm hm Nrn tlnkrd with th ctrprn- f Ml Iorthv ArnoM. of Nw Vrk. ra:bid hr tontcbt from Nw orh rf-;ii't to dl-ua tia Aront.l r in any nnnrr whitov-r, "I ha not ltr.ff whatever to do with I Arn!. . and hv no ronnrr t'fi w.t if I am down hrra on pri Ir i Aaffrntt'd to tlrlwom that a T imrr w urrrr.t tat ho had coma t t.it cttr to b nirrlfd to tfio nji." In aTtrt. In trpy ho Mht: t r.v air.lr atacd tht I am rot r-oro ;n onn' ttn wirh llin Arnli. KurthT than thU I will not d iv u n v ni t anion hro." CHILD'S DEATH NATURAL late Health Offirrr Sa) nnmin'i Murriagf stirred Neighbors. Returning from Rainier laxt night a'ter an examlnarion of the b!r of an Tearo!, girl, the dauciter of leaa J';t?Inder. wlo recentlr arrived In Oregon from Finland. Ir. t'alvln S. White. Slate Health officer, expreaxed t: e opinion that the child had died from natural rau. iroNahly pneu nittrita. The content of the atumacti e I be analyied t.'d.iy. Ir White .IJ that the nelghh-rhooI wet prefudlced agalnat tlie oulfiander femi'.y for the reaeon that Mra. yutf lender eent to KlnlarJ fr her present I jiUn.l within a few day of the time hr f;rt huaband died. The fact that tMe the tnlrd of Qilf landcr'a four rhildren. whom he brought from Fin land, to die within three month, arouee.l ansiplclon. tr. White a.,1.1 he Keliee.l that the "ii'l ci.H.lren died from naturat raiiaea. Tlie father and mother, he eald. were lK:iorant .f the nlmpieet lawa of health. Two of Mra. uuirUn.lT a three children are uf'erlng from pulmonary tuOerv u I i. the dieae which calmed the u-atn of their father. 30-FOOT CHANNEL IS SURE Committee ltearlir Agreement on Columbia Work. nr.Klii '.VI AN' NEWS BIRKAl. Wash ington. Feh. lo. -The conference rom ni'tee on tbe river and bwrbor bill to da agreed to the ienate amendment autloruipg the construction of two ire.fe IntepdeU foe use on the new t camel project from I'ortland to the sea. The House members of the confer ence committee. In confirming the as S'lrance given Representative Kill nie !) ago. accepted the term of f!:t Senate amendment becauae thl work l Mghlv recommended by Army engineer and tl-.e reject la deemed r.'-t merltortou. Tae amerdmert as agreed upon ap rrcprlt"s Ilirt.D iO r.tii and authorises an f-t'.".ional expenditure of j;t) iA. t t this total. 110. te expended on, 1st dredges, as recomn ended by f engineer and the remaining l!So.- wi;i be applicJ t- dredicir.g ucdr e:d e. detracts. Acceptance rf thrs pro vson by tve conference committee it!tnt It wl.l be retained In the bill aa f1n'.'r accepted by both; houses and as It be nrr.td by tae President. Tr-e Senate amendment was the ore t:-et Chairman Alexander, of the House ron-rnlitee. dtscuyeed with President Tsft and It 1- knowrt that the proposi tion meeta executive approval. OLD IU t.l UTIONS TO rilCVAII. Portland Official of Railway Mall Clerk Iar Washington. . Cr.F'.ON! N NrTV- prnKAiV Wash-l-g'on. F"x M John Rjtt-rwort h. of J'.jrtian.i. rrHcient of tie I'tn division Of, the Railway Ma. I Aw-tatton. after two days' conference with the Postof fire Jtenarvner.l. In conjunction with other railway mail officials, left for home to fi'sht. carrying the assurance of tr e)e partment teat live old regulations that aj'pUtvl to railway mail i jerks prior to the reorganization !at Xowmbtr will f ror.d. TM t In ao-ordanr with th. rnlrral ltMn of the lrka of ' the Northweat. Mr. putormorfi a!n find that pr vtj.tinn havt twn lr.ertcl In t h pocal aprprl'tlin Mil. making an allowance i'f It pr day In ad.l.ttnn to culary to ralimav mall rlrrka for actual Mpen ln-urr.d by tMm while on duty, after r'tt-.t Lour from beginning their -Initial run. Thre ta evrr Indication thla provllon will be rrtJind In ttr bill It gwi to the rreaittent. The )lou struck out a Hmllar provision f"r 73 centa per day. but Chairman Peiro bellevea the Sen ale amendment will prevail. rreored. Thl 1 In accordance with tne j Ad V C I KJ i? I vu'..'n have r-en Irrrrted In the poetal 16 KM L" 9 I H S Rfi 8l . 1. sS E W I V A11V if iJ M E J H tl Si AU aprropr!!lon Mil. malting an allowance II j IV Hi (if J VJ H lit XJ LB 3 J KJf I 11 I Xabafifil vJ? &ml3k i'feaaf i'f II per day In add. linn to culary to aafl 1 . asfl giaTi mm aa- a waa.a iw - Sllc t ltoM-nfor Abcr.Icrn Building. nr.KlSOMAX NKWS HUKKAf. Wash ington. Feb. 10 The Secretary of the Treaeurr haa approved the purchase of the fmil'l Benn alte. Sec ond and O atreeta. for the Aberdeen pnMoflre building. The conalderatlon I. $12.5fi. The poetofllce at Robert- i lll. Kllcltltat r.nititr. Waah.. will be j diacnntlnuerf February 7 anil the ja trona nuppli.-! from Snowden. VICOROIS CAMPAir.V WILL be .vr.itTi:i WKD.N'ESMY. Subribcr to tic Ktrmpt lYorn T'nrthrr Prmgfidit on Act-oont of His Convention. With almi'M a complete attendance the lull xinve(itlnn committee of Porti land IIse No. 14. vf Kkl laat night adopted plane for the campaign to be In auaurated next Wvdneaday mirnlng when a lhonuJh rHnvaM of the cltv will be made to ral.e the remainder of the r I i :.".' re-iulred to entertain the grand . -s i r. ... A eteicmuuc rnv u he made and every committeeman haa pledEed Mm.elf to aaalet vlcorouly. to aaalet vicorouiy. 11 of uat nuht. meeting It ' ht the campaign be concluded In rec- ord time. The JUka lliemclea eel me m.irk by owtetrlpplng every Individual lodge In the big organliatlon of KIk or any other ora.inlntlon hl.ldlng for runvptiiton. by voting l.'a.ouo from Ita own trenaury. TTil anm la calculated to atiiuulate the buelne. men of Portland when aollclted l.y the member of Hie canvaaatng committee. The grand loige reunion of the KIk mean th coming to Portland for a week of more than luO.Ov'i peraona. The grand l-vltio officer and dlegatea will tve entertained on an extenalve cale; the mmr parade, ex. ureloni. bandx. concert. advertlliig the event and many Incidental will require $t:s.00cv. The commute la't night went on rec ord with the following reanlution: KM-'Ir- l That tt I her"' ileclared to be tS- vner ..f thi rcniimlltrci that ailbecrlber lo th l?li con cr 11 1 ton fund h'.l nct he eMel itCHn f-r anf adttti tonal rootrllcutlona t- pr-eTcm--e. ouviiir. or edvertuina en. lrprle ef inr hind, end that the. commit. I n 4lecaunen..' anv etteini'le br any ore to prexurt ubcrlpiun lo any urli .-hTr In Ihe am of tlie Henevolenl a-in f'rot tlT iror of fcla. I:ee.i:e-I. further. Tfcei en offclel pro- nnmf ehall t nn""neI in cne nerrtw r:'." :;,:m.?.Jr:..vswKB": i li. itcd for or r'ini'"'"i in i. prorm.-nu PORT IS DISAPPROVED KST MIK ASSOCIATION CON IIFMNS I X DOKSKMKNT. liamlwr of Coninirrrs IXrlard Not to llaxc ;icn Volt-c lo True Nrnllmenl of .Members. Resolutions were adopted Iat night by the North Fast Side Improvement Association condemning the Chamber of Commerce for Its Indorsement of the port of Portland and asking that the Legislature pass the pending bill for the reorganisation of the I'ort. It wa set forth that the Indorsement of the Chamber of Commerce Is not the senti ment of any considerable number of the member of that body, and that a the members of the Port of Portland had signified their d-slre to resign, they snould be permitted to do so. After tiie adoption of the resolution It was voted tiiat a luit delegation should attend the meeting of the Mult nomah delegation when Ihe bill Is con sidered and urge Its favorable consid eration. St. W. Walker, secretary, and J. IT. Mask, president of the t lv'lc Council, presented the subject of the bill reor ganising the Koird of education. Mr. Walker read a resolution Indorring the pending bill and It wa adopted. It wa voted also to senj a delegation to Salem to work for the passage of the school bill. M. (i. M'inly. who had Just returned from the Fast, spoke In sever-? terms of the men who are trying to prevent the construction of the Broadway bridge by attacking the sale of the bond. "Thee men." declared Mr. Munly. "are traitors to the beat Inter est of the city and are not good citi zens and ought to be condemned. In early days they would hve received rough treatment. I hope, however, that their ability to obstruct the will of the people haa nearly come to an end and that the bond will be sold and the bridge btitll. Judge M'-iilnn la to be highly commended for not allowing his rourl to be used lo further obstruct or endanger the sal of the bridge bonds." CHAGRIN SUICIDE MOTIVE Laborer Trie to May Srlf .When He Cannot bet In Sanitarium. Chagrined because he wa refused readmittanre to a sanitarium at 493 Fast Twenty-third street on returning In an Intoxicated condition, last night, after two days' Jsence. William Uas tii, a luborer. aged 4i. tried to kill himself with a pocket knife. He In nirte.l two nasty gashes on himself, one est above the heart and the other in the forehead. He was picked up by Patrolman GUI and taken lo the police station, where hi wounds were dressed by City Phy sician Sigler. tiaaton will recover. He appeared at the sanitarium three or four day ago and made arrangemenla to .board there for a few day until he had recovered from an Injury. Woman Hit by Tax lea b. Mrs. Iauise Toung. employed as a waitress In a remaurant at 110 First street, was knocked down, at Ihe cor ner of Fifteenth and Washington street last night, by a taxtcab driven br George Stevens and owned by the Oregon Taxlcab Company. One of the woman'a ankle waa sprained and an arm waa severely bruised. Patrolman Stuart, who witnessed the accident, and the driver took Mrs. Young to the Good bamarltan hospital la the taxlcab. How to cure a rld la a question In which, many are interested Just now. Chamberlain's Cough Remedy haa won Ita great reputation and Immense sale by Its remarkable cure of colds. It ran alwavs be depended upon, tor sale by ail uralcra, ELKS TO SOLICIT FUND I !&6S f i eawaBBBBBaa aBaawaaaaawaMBBwaBBaBBl awaBBaaBBaaBBBBaaBBBaaBBBaaBBaBBaaaaBl , HaBBBBBBaaB When you can clothe yourself so inexpensively . . See our special offerings today Choice of odd frrl ' ''-U H fl IFB i fl iou"$30, $25, and $20 Suits and Overcoats at 1 H " sC 1 df 111 H lip iL -ir Armffk . 5:2 Also a lot of good Suits and Overcoats that sell regularly at $18 and $15 Go Today at As Displayed TREATY IS IGNORED -. D Parsons Proposes Russia Be Called to Account. RIGHTS DENIED TO JEWS Resolution in C'ongrcs.a Irojosc Trcely B Annulled Reruns IIc MrkMlona Plarrd on American as Ru!lan Jew. WASHINGTON. Feb. 10. Maintain ing that RiUKla haa violated the treaty of 132 with the I'nlted State by deny ing Jewish citizen of this country the privileges extended to other American traveler. Representative Parson of 1 Vw Vnrk Introduced a reollttlon to- pn iTwem T.ft t d- clare the treaty -.old. ririoni resolution oeciares h t a fundamental principle of this Gov ernment that the rights of Its citizen shall not be Impaired because of relig ious belief. The government of Ruseia has violated the treaty of 1R32. the rea olutlon sliiles. by subjecting American Jew to lice ame restriction that are placed on Russian Jew. The i'renldent I asked to notify Russia of the ter mination of the treaty within one year. The nuetitlon will be discussed at the White House next Wednesday at a con ference. It Is because of Russia's refusal In certain cases to honor passports III Ihe hands of American Jew that this c -mand upon the fjovernment Is heiuir made by the Jews of the I'nlted Stales. J. JOHNSON STOPS NOT FOMCKM.Vjr INDIGNANTLY RE PORTS AITO hPKKDING. Blark Champion Gets Away hut San an-lsro Patrolman Says He Will Get Illm Yet. SAN FRANCISCO. Feb. 10. (Special.) An unbelievable and almost unthink able thing haa happened. Jack Johnson, incentive for "hope of the white race" and motorcycle "cop." exceeded the speed limit today, ant! did it with uch gusto that he wa not caught, but i to be arrested tonight on a warrant worn to bv Patrolman Celnar. who re- ported at the Central polh-e heartnuar- .... ,m. .r,rnoon to tell a tale of ters thla afternoon to ten a taic oi "Spo'tln Jacks' iniquity. The time was shortly after 3 o'clock this afternoon. Jack was in a hurry. H drove his big touring car down( Mc Allister street at a recorded speed of ;S mile per hour, and when Patrol man relnar aaw the dusky champion on the hill route, he called out: "Stop, Jack. stop. I say." However, nothing like that happened. J. Johnson Just threw his car "Into the high" and van ished In a cloud of gasoline and dust. The officer at once reported at head quarters for a warrant and hopes to be able to prove to the offender that a friendship spumed I an awful thing. FOUR HURT BY EXPLOSION Gaollne Tank at Pasco F.xplodcs lom Unknown C'aune. PASCO. Wash., Feb. 10. (Special.) A gasoline tank, thought to have been empty, exploded while workmen were repairing It today at Northern Pacific roundhouse. It was a SOOO-goJlon ca- : paclty tank. m Timber were blown 208 feet In the I air. the blast coming without warn- Ing. As nobody waa smoking, the cause Is unknown. The Injured are W. B. Hawkins, stunned and bruised: Round- j house foreman L. Reld. compound frac- i lure of both ankle and hack badly in- j Jured. 21 year old. lngle. Reld may not recover. Is- C. Johnson, carpenter, skull fractured and received compound fracture of both legs, badly lacerated. He probably was fatallv Injured. II. Tamada. a Jap laoorer. received a scalp wound, will recover. The Injured were taken to a hospital at Walla Walla on a special train late this after noon. VETERANS HONOR SUMMERS Comrades of Two Wars Hold Memor ial ' Services. Sorrowing comrades gathered at the Spanish-American War Veterans' Hall last night and paid tribute to the mem ory of General Owen Summera. late commander of the Second Oregon Volun teer Infantry In the Philippine Island campaign. The memorial services served U bring out one of the largest gather- LEO in Center Window N Clothing Co. 166-170 Ihird Street Inga of veteran, young and old, of re cent years. Inasmuch am General Summer wag a veteran of the Civil War.. a well as of the Spanish War. the several Grand Array posts assembled with the younger veterans. In the abtience of Chaplain Gilbert, who had been called unexpect edly to the deathbed of his father in Ohio. Colonel C. U. Gantenbeln presided. General Summer' valorous record In the Island campaigns waa recalled and his con-elderatlon for the men under him waa told by many. Tributes were paid by Major-Gcneral Anderson, Colonol James Jackson, Colonel Gantenbeln and Colonel C. K. McDonell. Colonel Gan tenbeln commanded the first battalion of the Second Oregon and Colonel "McDonell was a company commander under Gen eral Summers. Resolution were adopted aumm,ng up the valiant achievements of the General and quoting worda of praise from re ports of General Loiwton and Wheaton. DECISION IS UNPOPULAR .MOmtlSSKY CAIXKD VICTOR IN BOLT WITH COXROY. Good Ring Genera Nil I p and Clever Holing Seen in Lively Contest in Vancouver. VANOOtrVBR. Wash.. Feb. lft (Spe cial ) Two knockouts and one decision were scored In tonight's sparring con test In the Auditorium. An unpopular decision waa given In favor of Kid Mci'riasev, of Spokane, over Wllley Con roy. of San Francisco. In the 12th round of a scheduled 15-round bout. Conroy wa outweighed but not outclassed by the Piokane youngster and twice fell to the floor before the referee stopped the bout. Conroy proved himself to be a clever lad on his feet and thla tribute raved him defeat at the hands of the aggres sive Spokane boxer. The bout was one of the best seen in Vancouver and waa fast throughout, in troducing good ring generalship and clever boxing. Conroy went down before a couple of lefts and rights delivered to tlie face, falling across the ropes, when Referee Smith declared him the loser. Conroy alleged he a given a wrong decision. The declnion met with the un popular approval of the crowd. Private Gregory, of Battery B, waa knocked out In the second round of a six-round go by George Blliston, colored, of Portland. The negro had the advan tage of the two rounds of clean fighting. The blow waa delivered to the point of the chin and several minutes were re quired to revive the soldier. Private Jennlrgs. of Company G, First Infantry, knocked out Gene West, of Portland, in the fourth round of the sec ond preliminary. West knocked two of the soldier's teeth out with a right swing In the second round. Jennings had the better of the previous rounds of fighting and in the fourth delivered a right swing1 to the Jaw. sending the Portland man down for the count. Kx-Soltlier Makes Gold Strike. va.uu vtK bakkacks, Wash.. i ren.10. (Special.) Homer A. Russell, of Vktor-Vtctrola XIV. $150 Other styles of the Victor S10 to J:J0 T Do you know the rare voices of Caniso, Melba and FarraH- Do you delight to know the deli cate beauty of tone and technic displayed by those master violin ists, Mischa' Elman and Fritz Kreisler? Do you know the fine humor of Harry Lauder? Then be sure to hear them on the Victor Victrola, The absolute perfection of this wonderful musical instrument will surprise you. Come and hear it today. STORE OPEN TONIGHT Wholesale and Retail Sherman J?lay& Co. Morrison at Sixth the Fourteenth Infantry, who served five enlistments In Company A, all in foreign service, and who was discharged in North Dakota last August. hH9 struck a rich placer bed In Death Valley. He has staked out four claims. He says the ground Is rich and Is in the Scott dis trict. INDEMNITY SELECTIONS UP Oregon Slay Get 48,000 Acres in Cascade National Forest. SALEM, Or.. Feb 10. (Special.)-Gov-ernor West today received a communi cation from Senator Chamberlain that the General Land OfTice would at once take up the question of school indemnity selections in Oregon. If Governor West's suggestion is car ried out. Oregon's indemnity selection, aggregating 4S.000 acres of land, will be secured in a compact body in the Cas cade National forest Gives Nerves Remarkable Vigor Astonishing Results of Robinson "Turkish" Bath at Home. Many startling results have been pro duced by the use of the Robinoon Ther mal bath. Prominent physicians are abandoning drugs in many cases for this new treatment. Open up the pores and the change seems almost miraculous; nerves are etrengthened at once, kidneys get well: eczema, plmplea and skin diseases van ish: bad colds, lumbago, rheumatism, dyspepsia, throat and lung trouble, in aomnla and conatlpation disappear. Kvery man or woman can now have a Robinson Thermal Bath at home, at a cost of but a few cents. This can be done only by the Rob inson Thermal Bath Cabinet, which is a model of Ingenuity. No matter what the size of your purse you can nave one of these cabinets. The Robinson Thermal Bath Cabinets are now being exhibited, and are on sale in Portland at Woodard. Clarke & Co. Ask the dealer also for that great book. "The Philosophy of Health and Beauty." The regular price Is $2.00. but now free for a limited time. If you cannot go and see these cab inets, Just send your name and ad dress today to the ROBINSON MFG. CO.. Suit 000, Snowflake Bldg.. Toledo, Ohio, for full illustrated Information free. Steinway and O.her Pianos Sit! W:' Any tailor can make a suit. Some can make a suit that fits. But to have sim ply a well-fitting suit isn't all that is demanded by the man that is really par ticular. The fastidious fellow wants a suit with INDIVIDUALITY. That's the kind we make. We design our own patterns and give you a suit that matches your personality. .We want the good dressers of Portland to get acquainted with us. Later we shall make nothing for less than $40. Xow, to familiarize you with our kind of tailoring and our methods, we offer Introductory Prices $30 to $50 Exclusive 'patterns imported fabrics. The most skilled tailors. The best styles to be had. (Temporary Location) 304 WASHINGTON STREET "Clothes Built Right" NBell System, y A NEW TELEPHONE DIRECTORY WILL BE SENT TO PRESS FEBRUARY 15TH, 1911. If you desire any change in your listing, or a telephone installed, arrange for same immediately, as changes received and installations completed after February 15th will not ap pear in the new directory. The new director' will show a substantial increase in the number of telephones, attesting to the increasing popularity of Bell telephone service. The value of the telephone directory as the best advertising medium is fully recognized. Communicate with THE PACIFIC TELEPHONE & TELEGRAPH COMPANY Main 8800. 7th and Oak Streets. Beck Building. ONLY DAY TRAIN TO THE INLAND EMPIRE EXPRESS A de'ightful day trip through the wondeful scenery of the Cascade Mountains, the Columbia and Snake Rivers OWKHTAnOX CARS LIBRARY PARLOR CARS II1G CARS, Meal a la Cart. FIRST-CLASS COACHES N&RTH BANK. STATION, ELEVENTH AND HOYT STS. CITY TICKET OFFICE Third and Morrison Sts. 122 Third St. Leave Portland 9:00 A.M. Arrive Spokane 9:15 P.M.