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About Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 11, 1911)
1 - : f . . - - I or le l,r.. t.sln bad -,'", " IT.I.H w.r. 1- .... J" "'' .1 s eiovt l. ear i .d.".r." . --.a, ta.aoc is raiu .' ' 11. a.-,l e.f Tri i. . l 4:a U lU'.liT a.S IIJVV .'lloKMi n-T"Kt: H LI-1 Nr.-- S1TH. tit... d.-a VT. .... bock. - l- froat-a... " " ,., b.- k bom. kt k lo- " ' ma.!V., . - " I"""". In I- "" '"TV, .-.. m d '"'xr; p. r- nd l '.-.! l....iaa.aal .-. ' ,a Wi t HM'Lulii). i.:r;."-. r iV-v On b-J" I - " ... :-l rj. r H I""'-' r .nr 1.x. : Mnr k fr.-m far---) .-. tto t-c-r t-r-r. M ! M of A Ai4 tvr lf. Caihf - I,. CASH. ritMr m-t at tr rooma. r -p'ion bail. :pm porh lrra rrr .-,1 front ..reliea. c-m-r lot. a-.r-n. r.r..r :... .lan-lT fr- r bi'.M.- fln'- .-J .M.!r. " ! A 4J U.b"mw Mi !. A ""- r 1 "' lii'tLU NUV. If A N I.KT '9 TELL TX; W HI. IV) AMI CHINO All. W A;" 1 tr wg r.fii-&. ir ror o s i. R. F'AIt-FY O. INC, n.J r. ;t. !IVA layuir 14V4 VK PFV I'KKTT. -ri bui;-:iT. n! f-w from i .t- nfi..-. pv $l...-vO NKT. l''t; t iy. pA(..FI(, ,. vaTr CO.. V!n A i.ur. ! -i c; r . ri,, ,irt rv frr-M. K T4 i.rr tn. ir Nob t i : I. b-"1 lo- nT V 734. nmnlan. ArrrMt. fr.KOV rtTT A'lKACM 5 Brw 1 -i mi frotn orcn rTtr. f.r inm-i.:t P" ; 'ir-!; p-.r.rtT 'Uinc in imall P' at lo lt w nd lrsr trrta t rr c. tM i r-i "j-trt .ihr pro-rt; look. Liq-jir r. I b roo- in--J. ti:. f.r ul-OilUT. than h f fi-rr. Jortlin I Pt'iH) rnatmwt '.. l r.lly tichn Yii'K' Vrfi AritSA';;: n r. On cr, .l e'r 1. lrl nl mt nt ;h li!f !! ihrr--r.trn n:r. tt n-i w(-r pii--'l in ki'ih; Pri rry w.rtft I -n ).x! It vv--r .D m mn rrr Ti. to in W ooit k Jupltw-U. A -t n "r --- UMLLKT WHITVrR C'" . TM'h t. iL AUIT t- trt jk.n hftnrft). 14 train n Jjt. a.-r .! r-i rL -1 wi in B S-room p!.-?-tr-.I )hu. b-tt f auil. brla orc'.ird, !- Bp. P mt ". i f rt Ad t H 'it K rf. rtr fr-oatn. lot -4 nt R':t ftr?un. on orj f-ff c"i.n. mo.!ro -rnm buo c ! ( k iir'u, m'.l "B ifm an I' J- trw-ihr t f.i y ' ton. Ihna mil tiru- ::ack 17. I M-innuk K F. I. .No. 1. f" R A !K C frM f:n rind In Ti-1-m r. 'i'unn tr fr'm 1'ii' mll 'U'. -jt J. ft limtr up-m It. irt i'r rir. bT "" b-! i mill fo ?ij-Timr m or An-r Yr n'it. vU t4k Ojv cn. A 4 orir. V i I'rrtoti) jiu. " . At'KF: 5N VrV 4 ir (! if i - i star ton. Orn 4tf r-.tiv. all lv I ckarwtl. Rart r- a-a-i-n till. t only p-r ' x. u.t Mki.k'X tM . n I .If -:. n. 1 A i'.r.H f lii tHtWN !! U b..a tn -r trnn. n 1 &-t fr citir tri. bnlnac n7 Vunta4j or ptymntl 4 i I'.'Ucn M. 3 t - r ttil tn cuiti vt ...n . C W "r. r. . M.iui- R. r t. 1- I" : 04k i;rk. K4 li. , W II. t. p i: In po ion f ? t---t tr l'urt;nt n r-c-n 'r.'s t r . v 1 n fT rU t mrftf p r i ; run b..- nil ;n c i.ia:.n. ma (My fjmnt 4- 4un blU. A f N A P. A a'r trtt '-rrift on let ri linn ln t dp t o4 ri'M to rortUnd. Kin ttf A A'.nuitnr, 1 L4imr 1 "a.Mj :J-A Ktu lri.-. r . XT pcrUn4. fin fruit Aui i rm In4. f.. to f pr --. 14 pf tfnt kJ tti bAlnac to Hi ton iiuuc luiua Trust Co.. lv j n nt AlC KKVT Olt LKA.OK. Ita i- .N"fh V-i itinn fc HOi tM I.L trn-. ! nt. bum iu- rat. lkr n A CUa v n.ui. a W .nncton t.. t(vai 31 J. 4 A"KF. 12 ria houia ta4 nnrn. t2 1 nn-l sun Kjm;, 1 r-itnu(n from llounl - 'tt l-.uirn i'.Ji.n. A. Oincn. It ACHKl ' IS nrn e'.rvl. ru;.oln wm:T. nnf Fvrt n. by wnr. Tabor lno. on i-;ta. a. J linn. hiv. hn.f cn-ftti. A 12 ADVI.WAOS.H C- OHc;o.N lon-nc nook f ! niuunt of Got.nmiBl Inad opn in fc Jtni4. la nach count 7 tn thn ntat -nt ur i nad W hLc r t -rv. tad dMcnp ion of nniu; bomntd. donort. tiinbr. ftito. coni and miami ia w , t mp of Omoa ta colors 2HJ4. ttowlng R R. la opi Alton, on nhowtas; all pro tiM4 K. H. and oloctna liana, taclndiof Fatrn and Coniml Orvroa. ion nacb. or tbn Utrnn A4c bias of WuMcitoa la coi- rn, ZlEit. XlC k'ULUB,o Kunnj A Ck. Hamilton bile lITi li.T V rt-At. n ha( laji.l in Or- op a for ontry by ordor of thn bc rtnr of tho Interior; couid nil bo m Kit'd. H. K. and una in tbo tract: our p-- ial rinrti ma, p. iovtcf mil tbn I ana a, wttn informntton artrhU. to nnb: yon to tu-t i-ir- f oa ttaia land; prlc $1; ou havn tbaa tvo tnonthj to locntn and fl on tnl land. N mm Kuaajr A lo., Hxirtltoa. b:'l- CuVfcir.NkKST LAND Official lUt Th Uon--k-r dacrttn nvory, ncr In ry county tn I aitnd itat-n. tntalna lat-nt rat nf all map. tonhip and tion P Ata, nlATad bomtad. Otbr Und Tan a. Gnvnrniuant tmratad prolate, fu.l Information bnw to aavurn Cran Iania frim I be .-am. pricm 2-c. pcatpnid, )iomorar Pub. C.'. Ht. 1 auI, Minn. 0r b omaat M'1 La I tic C for o la "antral Ortgoft; 320 nrr of food b-at lirxl fro. can locnt yru oa Una; nfactu4l ajaxavtaaL 4 at, i'oxt- UnO. or. " I me havla t ruH lnadn. 1k;TIH loMMHIA fruit farma y114 f 10 f pr acm , FJan ood or- c arda la Arrow dia:rtcU Waat K wt-nay. ra-q airn no lm tin; bavo a 1 .-n(id maraatm. Ural cum at a. (ood trri'orU'-"a, c od aocfal aUvantajC-o; e,(.tvt Land only Si p-r acrn; aaay t"i nlfhjl Intornat. ' ran aokit V" " Inatra Truat a atort M C'n-fat!n. Ltd.. 1J4 liaauac at. aat. flcwutr, ItC JOIlqlk aa'n. 3 K a era a, nJltnlnc flna-l x-rhard in licuo M-r Vi.y, X2i par a-r. w" carry thin tar an yaaxa. A. II. HAN.-iS. XIZ FToitrronara ltnk Madford. Or. ryt r..;:an lid fm'i land. In ro-n-sanrOA. oxcaxO. AI.Vva. J ii, VriiA I REAL fTrt 1 """" .--a r- I - " " For rmlt Land. FlViC acrtt In anp -a X y-ra oM. $?T par nrn. a vlnwid buy; S-wil can. U . i -r-ror.!an f or nl I nrma. waLn' T :Hyv;:s PAT. MARCH OVH tho aalo npna on O a. rta f lha fln-ai aalnut land In aitfrr.ia, tNoKl la I- p.a and .t m oniy -I m;.- bark of oak. and tn thn beauti ful Vunt 1- an.o lactry 11I.AH-uil OhuVFii- acrro arn tn fcnit.a nainuta. graftrd tn b.a. r'-'ta. n:. h nt.l bo prodarn S..i Ir aero In fur -ar aad Incr-aaa rarr yr f.r tho nt y-ara. pro- aJu'-ina- oar A 1" p-r Iff . r..a ymrf oaporton- hmm r-ovrn t .-t maiButa or. in tfco V-unt country wutrUal tnn famoua Grabla vaiuvt nf Knn.A brimrtn- a batur pnr th n tr Import af But. AN IIKAI. Hollt wltblo 45 mlnrtar r: ! of otau. on tha nn Oak and Anrforft Ha laay and 1T in ofa of tht luoat baaut.TuI of Ca ifornla. lifi a ciinaia unaurpaaad In .no at to nnl nil tho ndvanto of achooia. rhur-ia. kanka, m-rrantu hua-a an 1 th a-M-lal hrtf artJ from rontaM n1lh tho fcat tuniM ni-n f-T th- n-lj--nt cl'.'-a a- fat a-.-urlna; botnaa among tttn WAI-MT :HUVK3. luITi; MnK-ff th-. d'r lr. n amaii pit f c a !- no bavo ar- n tow nit. at.'n 'at to rjr.tlr of Wfoot l-ta. will ra'tifJ rra-a Tr--o ! T THK TW! of CONCORU and llto WAL f T tittoVr's. , . . T itiuM mi-raatrd l walnut lanrtt anfl ro-inry h'm-.t-L o havo arran;-'! f-r a apoviai train on gunday morning, ilarcb a a y-ar by buylna; tw. a no more n ran b r!'"-'-,l thia y-ar. rt- f r ir.j;a an I -k-ta. K N. MK.;Ksj CoJil'tNT. to Tirai N-tural lank luU.llng. han rr'-l'. HIO I! AH'iAIN 11 Y OWNKKH IS Land eami.y m to IKKlliATl' .N. A bl bargain b " n-r. on two county ra!a. 6 mini from I'urtlnnd oa main lino tv p.; I am fo.--d to a-ii my ptaro, 1 aT-o bla a. aandy. loin aotl. b acr-a rar-d. p; wtt now; 1 lo.ol, baiar.. o all lavrl and taar clrarrd. la arrra cf p.Itnc tmb't. n mud. no watr amading fi tlv.a land; frn-at pvaffi anl potato land on rarth. It lam rra.-ly nw. w.l ho!l r.- hrad of icvk; g'od 4-room huaa. s a;..ry ntn-lmi.l hou In ftna mndltMn. at-r prd to barn. a.-ral tw. out-b.uuh:-. n-w lo Lav-I crram aiaralor; l ra. n bo. rhi-kfna. h-y and rraln In barn. rn Brain. ! r-o-t-rd n rttma: mar.a and 1 t.o-ieJ rolta. I lp t ur . ha k. no-r. rMf. an and at farm ijKptrm-nta. o-r $ ! "J orth of :.a. otc a t T"a In at -o P-r a-ra; l-rma. Iax ti-l onr hilf mil- fr-'tn itar lan "ttth on main Una of I. : Tirxm trout itrnm on ptar-. I hona lt.4 Krmer. il. tiraham. Marlon, or, SC A'"K E-S. nar hmtlinr young city In iho Willi-notto Viii-v; kO -ra In culti vation, lii a ra ahrd and rrry oaay cirarinaT laianro nid-rowtn Or limtr; Dm ncfi.tnt bottom land, nhlrh ran to trriaa'rd. b-ua. S lara larna and outbuiM-nara. S trmri and running atroam tho y-r T'uni : mt pipd to rmuao and barn; lino mineral aprtntf; thia la -tr g -l fruit land. pri. . $35 r aero, and -ti. tako gd Portland proprrty up to S In part pun haao pr! a. i;o?rn-1-to TTuat t'on.i'My. 4-5 IkUmbormona btdg. O''- v n r, r k acros in cultivation 10 arres or e.-vrlng orchard, eiua good r-roorn hot:a. fine iarg tarn. hl aen-bouso. etc. f ma w.itr. ; horiM. 1 cow. chickena. etc.; no waa'a land. Th owner Is yuing r-at and nt uit sail. ?0vo caab. tba ba.ancc as you pAnrtO lN!ON TRl'KT CO.. Marshall II .It. K" 5th a. 71 rcllAI-K ;Ud terra, n-ariy alt flrt-ua pl-iw land. sma OareL small orchard, n tilion tnl hiif t!mb-r. ron d. raMe l.ot lom. rar riitroad town. bw; rah. ng . tlmo on fcaianc. All . HOI"! II !'!! HOI'S! rartn of l- arrea. 42 in tba flneat of tiopa. living water. aom Miriam; fma buitdlnga TM l nmney-m ik?r. ia tttn hapman. S-U1 Waanlngton St.. H 00 aa SI J, IS ACRE.4-. t cultivation, balanco tim bered. gx-d bearing orcnard. 4-room hou. tarn and oulho-a, ail flrat-claa aoit. on two court roaum. nar school. 3fc mll'-a from Portland. bargain at 0i, balf cah. Palmer. S13 Qucft 1 biilf. FOR 8t-K II arrea. It mta from alee tno lino, 14 miloa frm portlaml. very b-t aoiL 4n acr cl-arl. a choL-o trat and a bargain. It. W. Taylor Co.. 402 bi 4. UHK'iOX R KitOf Rr. Rook gi ing real jart!cu:ara of eah cu nit .t 4c. lr.fon K&rma Co., 417 HnHirhlul bl.lg.. rrtlnd. or. 10 AlRK. 11 tr rl.kr1. T-room hou. tarn. aprlng V"mhl'l 4our.'y. $vu. win. Aili.oa. - Lumber ti- TO rXCHAXr.R. t'KI'ir M I-'K KAKM. Utt rr.. l.'.o iroi In cultuaifm. 4"0 mi nw n..rlr r 1 t for in f"r. lal .n. ttmbr; ..wxl hook. l. -n raj ot.".r butl.llnr: 3 C"M atrMm rurntak ktl t!i ..r. ..v.rar fin. thoiikmlk of .. r-. of ou'.t''- ran... Tht. 1. mn -r.iirnt bur t pr we: o-kilX ck.a. 1. 1 nc. iof t.rm. C"rx-li'E rriMPAST. 4? limrnrnl 1'V'C. HM.B or lrJ rr rl'r pr.prtr or cnirkvn ranch, ccur l-ortlan.!. tt-rw, rlkn. amall at- f k.o.ral mr:hiodln; In-oi-- iihjui $;.H.; r.Q l.-alton. 20 ml!"l from I'ort'an.l. loo.l. Ur at'r. tulM It c. ftv Uv lag -rooma. $11 pr montb r.n-. Adr... H. Kallman. V.rx. OrK'-n. VAUIAHLK dr;aoii.iral.4 .tnt. k tru.t hu'boti con.ninr knii tlc snon.v fna.r; ckn ua. h'-lld'nt mkt.rlal. koi4 .orktin. and Itghl wagon or cash. X. T4t. lrron:n. OWXFK will tak rnortrar. VjO i limo. on aulrntlt'i corner im. .111 aiao ti. rant lot lor new r4Uac. AM HX 1 rT(oDLa. I1AVT jl'l l-rtck bualnr.. bulMlng. four .torio. (til:": will .I'-hana frr ims cl- to f-rllan4; location aa1 rl mu.t accompany lttij AC TS. Or-gonlkn. VKvchanc nur pr.'i..rt. rfar!!.s of IwiH-.n for that wnlch aulla ou bltr. Nanhunt rrhm. :; Henry blilc. HAVR fin lctrlc plno. .; baby up right piano; w.n . Mini, cr,i. or loia. V 744. Uofiaiip. M t rnan. your property lor what you UHlri. foreland KkcL.arg. 17 iokrd OS 1 rk4lliJ.8oJf-w.',,.. TWO $UH Taroma Ilomk T.Uphon. bonnk f.r or aubtnet for cliAiuoml. AO 74s. Or aoiuko. "i:r,0 EgfITT In -acr kpplo orchard. 3 yr.ra. for untnrumbcr1 lota or part pky- mnl on cottagk. M 74i. Orcguman' VI I L. trad, k piano chck; Rwad-Fr'-ncli l iuo t o.. alu tlM, for k cart. J-ocn. Ta l.or Si". iTl' Hulck. good condition, trai. for .tat.: atkt. locktloa and prick. Y T4. Orgonlan. LIAMomi pin fcr vyaihl typewriter or what har. yon O 741. Orrgonlaa. WE can trail, your property tar bualnrak. tall auS Board of Trad. rOB BENT-F A 1014. TT.SA.NT WAXTEO I own k ranch n )ua:rt Sound. Tkcoina. US aacrra. 10 kcrck In fruit trk. 10 cra clarcd knd S kcrc a.a.hod: new etcht-rooin house with bathro-oiia. flno water piiw.d Into tb houae; an excellent acho l with In a aaillk. 1 de.lrk either to a. 11 tvery reaaonaule term.) or a giKKl rellkMe tenant to Improvo and tak. care of the place. To r'gat peraon will glv. place on aniitll rental. Norwesl.n prrferre.l. Addre.a W. v.". aiemaour. vl ITovident Bids.. Tacoma. V kh. FAH3a1 for rent: S kcr.. keeded la..t year, fine fruit. pinty walar, cloae In. cblckcuk. tncubktora for kale. .24. WAXTKD TO KENT TABMZ. WASTED To rent five to lo kcrea ault abl for gardening kod poultry ralair.g; muat havo eoroe fralt or berrtek; within ten mile of i'ortituad; mlkht buy. AL. T54. Or.goman. WANTETD to rent fully equipped dairy farm wltb 30 or nor. milk coma, at once, ap- Lly W. H. (ijrro.L car of euncj m.ada klry Farm. Wkrreoton. Oregon. FARMS WANTTO. I AM la th. niarktl for a farm of about IvO to le tcra. a toe kod and Improvnl. If poa.lbi. within ot mla of I'orLiand; give full partlculara In Oral Utter; so cents. D 75. Orcgonian: wAMrii tj m n rR i.a r. W A ST il la-T. tTuy cedar timber; would roret'ler ahlngl. bolt cedar; give full pax tlculara ftrat letter. O 734. Or.gor.lao TIwiiEH lnd wastad, C J. MeCrackea, tu MaAvjajr bide. b A' KW. H In rultlvklion; good bungalow. I. am. hi"a-n-h.ta .r.'l '1 ntii.k fr.m rltr ll;nlt. tc r.rfar. o. goM cr rm. v.ll en . Imtl or .irfianit. for rlo-ln prorrl Bo kgrnia. lUlwir I oc.r. J4 17 - J bona kla.n the aroTtxixo okegoxtax. Saturday, February TW T.H V modern house, 3 twdroonja, futl baaornrnt and Inutulry tray a. between itnton an'! llorri-oa and lnnda of ruit h St.. for S-" caab puynrrt, balanco ntont!.:y. VUat bava you? A.S 74u, Ort gmiAn. i XN'.XT to buy a corner lot miliar nortii or a.uth f Valncton at., vat-ant or Improved, something auttabie for f 11 turn ai-arttti-nt a to: cl prc and deacrlp ttn. K Hi. urrconlnn. It I V K 1 lT' I N T WANT I K I bava a purchaaer for a location on tho waterfront and railrn.-id from two to f.- irrt. Writ or apply to room 017 l.umlermna bldg. VA'TKI-Kractlonal corner or lnldo lot; from 3d to 1 4th and from Jtiftcrson to t;rnt: wul conaldor Improved or unlin p rov.-d lot. (HAS. lUNCI-Krt ft CO.. Sll Iwls BIdg. V K hato a client who would Invost $15 00 or irtatiy a Ittlla rtoro In West t0o property; would asatiina soma l:debiU ntta : need rot inivr unUa you bava a good bargain. O Tt. Ore con an. 1 AM looking fnr 7 or ft-room houao on eitnar ltroadway. Irrlngton. liawtborno or Mount labor carlina: n.ust bava 4 bed rooms and to modem In 'Vory reaport. ;iv pnro and terms. C 71''. Qreronmn. V A X T fc I l:a or con.racta in Kooo City l ark, f-w raa.t. CAHI K A MLTI.LHAfPT. lo ti t'hani'wf t Nun merce. 1 WANT to buy a b or t-rooin bungalow or bouao aot over 1.1 or -0 minute from cen ter Ot city; prfro not ovor 40v0 CASH. A 71. oregonian. 1 liAVK l-K) caah and corner lot 4ux.l'U. valua I'UV. that I will mako aa nrat tar tt.nt on .1-riom bungalow to coat from liwo to .;oou. O 7l.i. oregonlsn. oTif uil bungalow, by rellabla party. Ituao i'lty 1'ark district preferre!: no paynst-nl rtuwn. aud 13i month ; rlva and ligation. V 4S. orrgonlnn. vT NT l.I 4 or 7 -room bungalow la Kosa City 1'ark. must be modern. CAMIAK MtKiXHAUPT, lO&2 I'hnmbrr CotiipiTco. OVVNnrt'wlIl'tako" mort irage. f.V to $l.v0, on ap'.endid corn-r lot, will also gl va cant lot fur aw rvalues. AM 741. Orcgontan. W'ANTKIvlfemall hme; can Invest $:-t.J or g:u"0; must ba from owner. E 747. oregonian. r.ST of I nlon kv.. lo .mall pawmmt down, w Ith atuull houe, balanco monthly. 11 orefcontan. riVF:-llMM cottag. or bumrnlow o.r'V I'k'l'nunt ckrbina; ktat. locavllou. AC 747, Orcno'lian. . UTT. liou.e, el-uu to lOt: no Ifnl a. Mnr.lmll r.ti.'t. HAVK-buyer lor hou-e. elil -J monthly; not over -"v0. Marshall 17i-t- XI K SAI.K T1MBKK LAND. OVYNKK will sell two quarter sections of kbout li.ouO.vuO feet of excellent timber rear Oram I'aas, or., for 1 per S4. f. O. box 441. Vancouver. Waah. A Ooon logelng proposition of 40 to BO mll:ion ft., on good stream H0 miles from lortlund. Just what you want; Ilo.wO will handle. E 74:i. Oreronlan. llMI'Kit 1.ANKH POI OUT AND bULD. C. J. H '.11 A' KF:X. S04 McKay Bld. TIMHER rijllMS, homestead relingulili m.mi. 2".'- Worcester bldg. OB P At.E. Horses, vTiilclra usd Ilarneek. PUHTI-AXD FTAHLKS.-2" N. HTM PT. 1 ai an geldint,. weight CK), jiric. $'-' 1 r'n. horse and uiare. welalht 7o0. price $ iUA. 1 span gelrlinr. weight Soo. price irtiis. 1 .pan neltllina, weljht l'. price JL'r.ia. gelilmc, weight price .;.. 1 r an gebllrga, weiKht rice I span gcl.lliiaU, weight J-.i. price ... 1 Sl'tn geldlliK. weight 2 ioO. price I'.'i. 1 n an mares, weight ":(m. prick f i'J.". 1 ap.n mares. we.fcht siH.rt, price J.lL'S. I s.i'gle mare, we.rht IliO, jirlce Sl.. 1 single g'ldlng. welRht ll'.w. price Jl'lS. 1 single gelding, weight 1 10O. price $1.. llilaa hor.ra just In from Kaatern l)ik gon and all soM wlta k writtra guarktitek to be kk represented or your money re funded, r'nrm and delivery wagons knd bua;;ics. all kinds of harness, also for sale, llack and business references furnished. It. U EVANJ. oit SALE Two hone, weight nearly UMiO po-nda each, and good travelers; light hkek with hkrnesa. ail aew. In cluded, or sold eeparklely. if tkkea bos will b offered at a tarsaln. Addrosg A. V. l.kngeno-rg. C'lkCkamkS, Or., or ! quirk at room VM) Qregonlan bldg. 18 HEAD good work mule, t knd fl yeark old; 3 troo. neck furniture wagonk. from J a-, to 4-lon caiarity, express and deliv ery w.gons, baruesa. bumk good horses from looo pounds up. lii ;.;;itT hall. b'j 'rout bt. WANTED 4ood second-hand wagon. S or CH.n.( set good harness, also bugiry ir I'Uggy and b.arness; aomn cash. but. good 1: C copper mlnlrig stock; v til trade for any or a. I of aoevav. All 74i. ore goiilan. pant SALE Hlack nuare, 7 years old. weighing ll.Kl pound, tnik and good work er; owner Ins no farth.-r u. for her. Ap plr White Kuel Co. hlkblcs. 41 b-. ilorrl .ow St. c:tj. boT heavy sound bore, and rn are. for al at reasnbla prices: all kales guar anteed. Aoauil Cainpbell. 6Jd and y Road. Take Hose City 1'ark car. Lrl A "I II causes m. to dispose of fine 21oO it. l.iiu. sound and gentle. ;7."; cno lJf-lb. horse, set doublf harm as and wagon, chrap. Mrs Hiirna. 81J Kus.ell at. BATl'liUAV and buniUy. gasoline d raw and de.l'-.ry wiacon lentn. hame.s, J .Ti; t-aro. harnees. 17. 1-J Ivast loth, t.. .nines. E. J. Hart. 7I'TAliK alamo collection at a bartiain. oaer 4ikm il.fferent klnd Want cash or Portland proierty Id exchange. P. o. y-nx I'arlton. or. UAH-iAlN Team brown geldings, chunky, rio-. mateJ. oyer 3 loo lb..- aiound and tri9. B years, -a,v). -hon Sellwood 60 ,)t fTA l.K 1 srnltll young turn, doabik harne., S expreas wagona. Call 11O0 1 ::.:h N. I'bonk Woodiawn 1!S1. l5HKAnilr Oregon horsca. kccli mal.d and broke Inqultk of N. . llo-lL, Mllwaukle. Or. ll A ajlIt'lC buy. two lotk MontavIHa, g l.'.o. g-nultik hargln; Po kecnta. eoay Lumbermen PlOg filt SALE Horses, wagons, burners and second-hand busglck kl aU W. Todds Skik 1'arn. 334 rrmit. llolts. mar. a rigs and harre. for sale, 4 and up: teama and dump wagons for hire. '.J4 Montgcmery. fThsT-CLAS.'' team, :i'H) II. a cheap; also wagon and harne :;il Vjast Morrl.on. HEAVY loK.u.g te.m and harneaa. oo4 1 M orrlson and Water t. Full SALE Good burs, mauure. I'honk East 4-StH. FOll SALE I Inrge gookcnecll. wagon. O. K. rttabl.s. Jerterson. Autoreabtlna. OX-" Rambler. onk Ilu t ck.-1 woFran k 1 1 na. alt s-passenger; on Victor, one Mitchell runabout, one Cadillac, single-cylinder, for deliver-. All for sale or trad for city properly. Uelmoot Auto Hchool a. llealty Co.. Eat T3d amd ilorrlsoa sua. ll.ooe JCaat .! U UAKUAl.N- in used auto tires knd Inner tubes; examine our stock be!ora yon buy; ajulcknlxing. retreading and repairing. .1 ton aurn.r. 41 -uark su Phon. A till. IF you want to buy. sell or trade an auto, m Vane, thk broker. I hkvk mnny ex tra food buy. rhon iluia 3Jj- 1 Third St. FOR SAU: Hancock Electric runaboat, good condition: guaranteed; kultablk ternaa. Iiosk City Electric Garxgc. S4 ailthktiN. ls'ay COU'MHIA electric car. in perfect or der for gboaJ: must be sold; will glv. written gukrantee. Phone Main or call 3d at. Ai."ToiloHll-LS bought and kold. Call or wrlle for bargialn list. Custom-llouae Auu Co.. 3-1 Everett kt. Main l'W9. CaMU.aO 1o. four-pasaenger, detkchabl. tonreuu; fully equipped, fin contlltleoa. Siuvi): terms. II 74:. oregonlkn. -PASSENGER; also runabout for Chicago Auto Co..22SSlxtb at. trade. WANTED Automobile, aecond-hand. Chi- -Vgo Auto Co.. il8 Hlxth su Mr. In 3P4B. pt-no.1 4rgmn. and y uslcal lnsla-nii lentk. lo DI'.As-T on all new pianos In stock. 4th and Bumslds, kt oue-flfth prlc. prion. A 1447. fTne upright cabinet grand pluno, $lllo. Afternoon or evening. -0 Itliig. Ir'oK SALE Electric piano, electric banjo and electric harp, at 671 Washington. Ulrrt.. tng ilk-t Pet rlloea. WANTEIe-A thorouchbrea pup or kn -A tborouchbred breed that Will man a rwiu n'myauiuu for a child. Phon Marshall arOH PALE Fancy pigeons of all kinds. homer, runtg and fandalcs. Call Private Exchange SI or 1110 E. ..Mli N. TMJ IIUL'0 11 UK E I) cocker spaniel pupa, lal- tlk bekullek. 6. N., lotb kt. FOR e ALE Boatoo bull puppy cheap. Cavil A 31. rj. lgUcellataeoaaav ROOMS pepra p. red or tinted, Including ma- terlul. 'J JO up. 4S. Oregonlan. Tll"!'.il GH HKK.H barred rock egga, tl.ZQ a.lluig. o k kallwwd Xoow. , 1 I HELP WAXTEI FEMAI.E. WANTruD xo lu- l. . .. . .. I rnv l T H I XI - - a r... - - i . Mlwellaneona. , FOR SALE. , Tvro 100 H. P. horlionlal return tubular boilers, complete with Inclosed type f'ed-wiat.-r heai.r. Ol-xa Smith valve feed pump. Hodge Injectors. saf-tj valves, crown valves. 6-Inch header and all anaile valve, end Williams feed water regulator, with aaoVty water columns. In good con dition. . . AImj onk l.-H. -P. vertical submerged be. id tubular holler completo with safety valve and nttinK.. Including Buffalo In jector; almost new; only used a nrr tune. Kor further pnrtlculars inquire at room 201. Orciiontan bldg. NORFtlrt PAKE at LOCK CO.. Blxth and Ankeny streets. Portland. Or. The largest safe dealers on the PuciJIc CoaM. becond hand bark aafea for aale. Three Meter -.-rew Uoor. three Mos'.er Screw Jaoor. tv,o Hll.bard-l;.d:nar.-Elv. two New York and on. National Manganess Steel safes, a.po a. I sixes of Steel Plat Hank safes, and all sizes and in u-es kecond-hand fire proof safe. All to b kold kt HALF PRICE. vVrUk or enlt. CASH registers. -Americans." (that caul smaah In price.) from one to four toual adding counters, latest visible detail strip; no crank to yank around and around; ree -large lliiirtraied advertisement In this week's Saturday Evening Post showing thl. splendid cn.rr r.-glrter. Oregon Stat Agent. W . it. H. Knelt. tul Easi ilorri; son st. Portland. FINAL CLEAS-rP. Men's suttk overcoats and extra trous ers, clearance skle at Jlmmle I'unni Knkw" Sample Mult Shop. You get thk very best bargains In the city from Jlmmle. Remember bis rent Is only $3'l k month. Take elevator lo third floor, room 815. Oreg-onlan bldg.. knd kavk money. . ONK or two good live men to sell kcreaate. al.o one to handle exchange dei-t. It's kolllty and executive power wk want, not lnom-y. PACIFIC VNION TRUST CO.. 17o ih t. FOR SALK e.. ..' o c. old. medium aixed. good milker; must sell; price rea sonable. Apply A. Lukax. 43 W est Skld more sr. OLD Jewelry exchanged for watches and diamonds; unredeemed pledges for haU original prices. 1 ncie Myers. 71 Oth St., between a ink and I'lne. EA FEtj New and id-hand; all sizes; low prices; eav terms. ITKOELL SAl'tl CO., AMI PORTLAND SArE CO.. S4 Oth street. Main u-lc'9. FliR SALE Ono 6-ton Ice-making equlp nient. complete, price - reasonable. City Market, Ice A Cold Storage Co., Hoyt St., bvtween Id and 4th. Portland. Or. WHriN you want second-hand machinery of any kind call A 7"S3. The Ma-mnery Kxehance. 113 Lafayette building, Oth and Wa-hintf ton. - lyrEWltiTHIt for sale; new. No. o. lo0 Oliver- grewt sacrifice for cash. Seo Mr. Maiden, --- Falling bldg. FOR SALE .4 baoy bjg.:y. lor twins, good aa new, for JJJ. Phone Sellwood 123 s. FACToKV rebuilt tpewrllers. 110 to eoo. NOHTHWEoT TYPEWRITER CO., HO Fifth t. M. .t.-.'JS. A 1478. TWO-CHAIR bootblack stand for salta, to I. t.iUc-n out. Inquire for Greeoo. 60'ii 7th st. Fv-'R SALE Showcases, wallckaca. counter General fixtures In stock and made to order at lowest prices. 2.2 Grand ave. 8. WirfTE sewing machine, fine oondltlou, for 15. Owner. S2i Mill St. DIAMOND ring for tlo; bargain. O 740. Oregonlan. FRESH cow and calf, good rich milker. 4.r.S Vancouver ave. ' aCVSEBOAT, 12x33. varnished Inside. cheap. Foot of Lincoln St. ELECTRIC Job office, r a,-s. JOxlo, will trad for l"t. i-oo. woodiawn 1S75. XT" C. roOPKIl-HrTW-ITT lamp, nlso photk gallery outfit. W Ecertird. M N. Tarlt. FOTT SALE Hraua-new .National cash r-g-Uter. D 740, Oregonlan. JWANTED MISCEIXAXBOC9. ,-LoIHIMI AND EVERYTHING. Vented Men's castoff clothing and shoes and bicycle; hiitliest prices paid: we also buy ladles' clothing. Call up th Globe second-hand store. Phone Main 20&0. 20 1st st- PARTY anticipating chipping hou.ehr.ld roods to S n Francisco on or before Feb. .V would do well to correspond wl'.h A. 717. Oregonlan. Have space left In car for ID.Ooo lbs. GREAT DANE Pl'P WANTED: not too young; must have good dlsp sltlon and price low. Send full particulars A 71.". Oregonlan. i MONET LOST T'nleaa yon call the Ford Auction Co. and ?et their price on what you have to eel I. lain 1.M. A 2445. WANTED fl h. P. gas engine; must bo, in ffojd shape; also 3 or o'.j ceutrifuaral Pump; AoO ca.h. bal. god JJ. C mining eto-k. AL 7oO. Oregonlan. 1 W ANT to buy k piano contest chock; In annwerlng please give value of your check and amount you will sell for. All 748. Ore gon lan. WILL buy a second-hand I. C. S arrhl ttctural library If complete end cheap. N 7 W. Oregonien. IF TOU havo hou.ehold furniture to keiU call up George Laker aY. Co.. li'J Park st Holh phones. Se'HooLHO iKS bought and sold. 211 ld st.. near Salmon. 16S oth su nill.P WANTED M.AJLE. WANTEI Agents for the best selling arti cle in domestic use; l.M) per cent profit; .ells Itself; no demonstrating necessary. 41 Union ave. WANTED At once, tbre men to learn to rlrtv and repair automobiles. Call at geraara after ta o'clock. 0 East Wash ing tonst ' TOT ark vknted for government position; 10 per month. Write for list of positions open. Franklin lnstllulk. Dept. Slit C Rochester. N. Y. YOt.'NU men wkntlng lo become general contractors In carpentry and building v. rue to V. C- ... 12 j Ablngton bldg., Portland. Or. T'0 young mi-n to solicit scholar.hlps; ex Iterlence not required; a good pnaing prop ualttnn. Call 9 to 1 1 T 1 A. M., 7 to 9 P. M. olv Marquam bldg. WANTFri At once; upholsterer nnd couchmakers: steady work. Carman Mfg. Co.. isth and I'hur. MAN and wife for farm, worman work for board; state wages; no children; steady work. Ilox 19. Reuben. Or. LJTTl.E money will boy half-Interest In profitable business: duties easily learned; mii.t be ties t. '.H Fifth St. LOCAL OFFICH International Correspond ence Schools, 233 Alder st., open till 9 P. M. Send for f reecatalogue. WANTED Flrst-clnss steward and pantry man at once. Write Hotel Osburn, Eu gene. Oregom vPEr7enCED kollcltrr to soil apple land proi.osltlon In Orcnon. 302 Lumbermen's JJldg. TJMHREI-I V repairing, solicitor, trood prop osition. Ioxvy's L'mbrella Works. 40 Waahlngtkn at- BOT or young man to work morulngn and evenlnr for board arid room. Phono Fun l'Ll'MBERS wanted. A No. 1 larze build ing; wages j; nonunion men ouly; give experience. Address F 743, Oregonlan. WANTED Six younar men to solicit; experi ence unnecessary. $la per week. Address AM 74S. Oregonlan. . WANTED A number of competent younff men to sell real estate. Call o-l Board of Trade bldg. SOLICITOR wanted, city trade, established business; steadv ta right party. oO Lumbermon's It 1 d c. WANTED Hoy about HI or 17 to run er rands. Apply American Type Founders Company. CHIROPRACTI'" doctor wants partner; will teach the business. J. B. Gable. Boise, Idaho. MAN and wife (no children for farm, close to city; permanent recommendation nec essary. C 74'i. Oresonian. WANTED Competent girl for general housework; must be good cook; good wagk.CallB JifOj GO TODAY 327 Marquam bldg.: grand op portunity to learn operate motion-picture machine. Special terms. See Pulsifer. WOODCUTTERS wanted at Kelly Horne stead Farm. Kelly iutte. BARBER, first-class union man, Saturday. 070 Wahlnstont. HO lisE K EEPER wanted to take car. of children. c:3 E. -Jd St. H1UH-GKADE representative wanted for good proposition. (521 Hoard of Trade bldg. FlRST-CLAiS salesmen wanted: not order takers; good salary. V 741. Oregonlan. UMBRELLA repairing solicitor. 4d Waah Ingtun kt. WANTED A few flrst-cla-s solicitors for big money. N 747. Oregonlan. FIRST-CLASS, experienced real estate sales man for a good thing. 907 Spalding bl'ig. PH OTOCKAPH coupon and portrait agents, new Qger. Cutberth studio. Dekum bldg. WEAR k Ken-haw S2 hkt, kny style or s:tc. 4 III Waahlncton st. BAlci! EK. lor voetay. . Cna-Iea iaotau. 1911. WANTED YOUNG MEN TO LEARN TO operate movlntr-plcture ?,rUnpV r from (15 tn (Hi a week. OUR OPERA I ING SCHOOL EECWXIZED ALL uUl THE EAST A3 THE STANDARD. teach each student on Powers. i.dion ana Double Etereoptlcon Dlsolver machines. There Is no course of instruction so tBor ccgh on the Pacific Coast. Vvj ab THH LARGEST FILM RENTERS IN TH WORLD: we are having DA JLT,CAind FOR OPERATORS: get one of our krd operktors- hand book. APP ml. G98 Couch bldg.. 4U knd Wkshlng ton Its., Portland, Or. -, TOTTNO men seeking employment '' dlally Invited to consult the employment kecretary of the Y'. M. C. A- -how He ean send you to it or tell you now to fhjd it. , ... - Over a tbousand men, placed Ikxt year. ABLE-BODIED men wanted for the TJ. 9. Marine Corps, between the ages of It knd 36; must be nktlve born or hkvk first pa pers;' monthly pay 115 to $IS; additional compensation possible; food. clotntr'g. quarters and medical attention free: ' 30 years' service can retire with .a per cent of pay knd allowances; service on board ahlp and ashore in all parts of the world. Apply kt U. 9 Mkrlne Corp Re cruiting Office. Br-eden bid;.. 3d kna Wkahlngton sts.. Portlknd. Or. WANTED' for U. S. Army, able-bodied un marrled men between ages of 19 knd as, citizens of United states, of good charac ter and temrerato habits, who can spea.n. read and write the English language. J or Information apply to Recruiting Otncvr, Alnaworth block, 3d and Oak sis.. Port land. Or. MEN wanted, age. 18-36. for Bremen. (10 monthly, and brakemen. 380. on nearDy railroads; experience unnecessary; no strike; positton. guaranteed competent men: promotion. P.ailroad Employing Headquarters. Over 4u0 meat sent to po sitions monthly; slate age; send stamp Railway Aisoclatlon. care Oregonlan. JalEN-FOR FAIRBANKS AND IDITAROD, ALASKA. Here Is a chance to get there ch"ap. Need a few more men to com plete our party leaving Seattle with large horso outfit February -4. For full particu lars write C. K. Hammond, 1245 Railroad ave. South, Seattle. Wash. WANTED MEN TO LEARN to operate MOVINfl PICTURES; easy in side work- xhort hours; operators earn (j to JUS weekly. SFEc'IAl, low price on LESSONS. N. Y. Moving Picture Co., r. -tiS wasn.. near lit it. WANTED At once young man about 2 years as lodgerman by wholesale house; must be experienced and able to handle about 1500 accounts; state salary expect ed; none othera need apply. AK a. 2. Ore gonlan. REAL estate ealeamen. If you can produce results we want you and can offer you Just a little better proposition than any one else In this state. We don't want your money. Paclno Union Trust Co., 170 5th st. ' ORDER and bill clerk in wholosalo pack ing house. Young man nbout 24. must be quick and accurate at figures; a good penman and wide awake. W 78. Ore- aronian. RAILWAY mall clerks, postofflce clerks, letter carriers, custom-house and Internal revenue employes, to prepare for exam inations; free book. Pacific States School. McKay bldg., city WANTED -oung man to take special 113 automobile course, driving and repairing; piactleal experience; complete Instiuctlon; blc wages; steady work. Call S2ie Washington St.. room 415. IF you" areT k live wire, with soliciting ex perience and wish steady employment with a good financial return, see Mr. James, after 12:30 P. M. 418 Mohawk bidtf.. 3d and Morrison. WASTED Competent woman for cooking nnd general housework to go to Walla Walla. -Wash.; family of 3. all adults. Phono East Sn22. 3-7 K. 9th st. North. WANTED At once, partner for good pay ing real estate business; will sell at sac ritlce; must leav at once. Call 208 Board of Trade. WANTED Shirt finisher and body Ironer. Call the Palace Laundry, Sunday, East . loth and Everett. - . HELP WAXTEH FEMAtJE. WANTED TODAY Cook. (45: second cook for camp. 140. 2 waitresses (.fare advanced). $40 each. Waitress for country hotel, (25. Camp helper. (-5. Cook for private family. (35. Chambermaid. (30. Colored chambermaid, (t per day. Good general housework- PACIFIC EMPLOYMENT CO.. Ladles' Dept. 20oV Morrison. CTUDENt " NURSES WANTED. On account of several wards being added to this Institution, the Training School for Nurses is about to Inorease lt rocmcersnlp. and Is now ready to receive applications for the Spring ciassea For particulars address: Superintendent of Nurses. Ssn Diego County General Hoe- pllal. San. Diego. Cai. CooK for Institution, $40; country hotel. (40 and (35. Chambermaid. $1 day and room. Cham bermaid. (JO board and room. Waltresi. (8 week. Family cooks, $3a and (30; second girls, tZi ami (30. HANSEN'S LADIEST AGENCY, Hi, hi Washington St., Room 7. BOOKKEEPER First-class; must be thor oughly competent, good character and fur nish best of references; large office; sev eral places open: steady position to rlgnt partle.. Address AX 743, care Oregonlan, ccnfldcntlal YOUNO lady aua blli clerk in wholesale liquor houne: must bo quick and accu rate at figures; salary $00 per month. Ad dress in own handwriting. H 747. Ore goltlan. WANTED Woman betweeu 23 and S3 years of age for welfare work: must be capable stenographer and furnish refer ences; salary (00. Address P. O. box oa. COMPETENT lrl for general housework; no washing. Call 210 Morrison after 11 A- M.; after 6 phone Tabor 1633. Mrs. . - .. D.Cll.HU. S LAl'ir.3 .ACi.-e.. S43Vi Washington St.. Cor. 7th, upstaJra, Phone Main 2i'j2. ""jlBS. H OWE S LADI ES'AG E N CT, 3-On Washington SU, Room. 314. Main y-.ic or a o-oo. EXPERIENCED girl wantid In book: bind ery. Apply Lincoln, JloCord Co., 213 Washington St. COMPETENT girl for general housework; must be good cook; family of ft adults. l hone B 177J. YOUNG lndy to take chartre of novelty de partment, best of references required. tAN T-.-t Oreeonlan. WANTED Girl to assist in boarding-house. (2: and rooin'ouu 203 0th su, corner of M e.dt.on. LOST Watch charm, eagle claws. Initial J. A. G. ennraved. Reward. Call Main 4S2. Oregon Casket Oo. WANTED A German, Swiss or Swedish clrl to cook on ranch for 3 people. (Jail M onday afternoon. 44 5S h erloc kjjld g. tv a vtI'D A girl for general housework. Phone Ea-t 2384, or call 408 East lth st. N. WANTED A young lady for billing; must be rapid on typewriter; state age and sal ary expecteo. flr. e.-,.-. tocnii ladv wanted aa clerk In our candy department. Call after 11 A. M. Swet land s. 209 Morrison st. WANTED Refned. taxable woman for re sponsible position. Viavl Co.. aoa Both child bldg4tri a-id Washington. WANTED Experienced operators to work on shirts. Apply Standard Factory. 1 craid ave. and East Taylor. FRAMEMAKER and matcuttter; must be tirSt-ClaSS, lemperaie. aea.'a' ea.. at. 74j. Oregonlan. GIRL for general housework. . Phone East 23-9. or cal76S Schuyler. WANTED At Sisters' Hospital In Chlco. Cel.. pupils to enter school of nursing. ttAVTTCHES 5c: puffs, curls. 75c, of comb- lnVs. Sanitary Bty. Par.. 400 Dekum bide-. xtt -ROUND printer wanted, country oi- f ireVjM Tator atS13. Sunday morning. OIRIj for general housework, 8 In ImnUy. Sao East Couch. wTntEL) Girl fr general houseworiu Apply 7U2 Marshall, between 2qst and 22d. prSvATirSchool. SHORTHAND and TYPE- WR1TING; (5 mo. 2iit 14th SU Main 88-3. WANTED Girl at Se2 Minnesota ave.; must be" good "plain cook. COOK and waitress wanted at once. 431 1 Morrison. McKinley Bids. f-APABLE girl for general housework; 8 tn timTily. Maln- gToo MONTHLY distributing formulas by mall. Mtcaltoda08Couch st; jAID Prefer French, for 3 children. 693 Davit. ; WANTED Middle-aged chambermaid. S72 Washington at. Inquire from Hi to 11. c.'iiool G1R1 to work for board and room. S3 1 West Park. Phone A 41)3- JT GIRL to assist with general housework. Apply 662 Johnson st. ifiVTED Girl for light housework In ail tamlly, ..Woodiawn 63G. 11 WANTED Young ladles for telephone op erating, with or without experience. Ap ply pacific Telephone -k Telegraph CO.. flth and East Ankeny ata. HELP WANTED MALE OB FEMALE. 10.000 POSITIONS for graduates last year; men and women learn barber trade In 8 weeks, help to secure position; gradu ates earn from (IS to (25 weekly; expert instructors; tool free; write for cata logues. Mohler System of Colleges, 33 North 4th St.. Portland. Qr. (0 BUSINESS COLLEGE STUDENTS (5. This ad worth (5 for one week to stu dents taking or having Just finished a course in bookkeeping. 020 Marquam biug., 4 to 5:30 P. M. AGENTS for household necessity; enonnouk profits- sells at aithu Send dime for sam ple and terms. Rose City Novelty Co., AJept. . oox o-aao. " - MAKE money writing, stories for newspapers- big pay; send for free booklet; tells how. United Press Bynd.. San Francisco. NIGHT school of languages, class and pri vate; low rates. AJ 747. Oregonlan. F16K TEACH-BS' ASSOCIATION. 011 Swet land bldg. S1TTJATION W ANTED MA T. rT Bookkeepers and Clerkk. THOROUGHLY competent sober man with several years' experience In leading hotels, desires position as olerk. or manager. X 74o, oregonlan. YOUNG married man wants position In of fice or store as clerk; has 6 years ex; perienca and can use typ-writer. Ah. 7 46. Oregonlan. CLERK, office or grocery, age 24, rapid at figures; good penman and typewriter. Clearances. X 740. Oregonlan. POSITION as salesman or in office; nine years' office and one year road experience. Apply box J 745. Oregonlan. FIRST-CLASS stenographer; three years' experience; competent; best of references. 740. oregonlan. STENOGRAPHER, well educated, experi enced young man. rapid and accurate, de sires position, c 74a. ore, 001.0 CAPABLE stenographer desires employment, legal work preferred. W 743. Oregonlan. CHEAP, central, clean. IlKht housekeeping. 32 N. 11th, opposite Armory. Maacelllaiaeuuw. WANTEDStructural engineering or bulld in. ..m.dTn.niiiinv -vtorLsive exDerlcnce In construction of modern buildings; full equipment and machinery; references, see me before contracting. auureaa - 1 -to. Oregonlan. YOUNG man would like to have porter Job on train or wouid take Janitor work; bandy all around; understand furnace. vacuum cleaner and switchboard. AM 746. Oregouian. CHEF COOK Good all round, strictly sober, can take full charge city or country hotel or restauranu J. Gimer, 34U Salmon. Main 2748. AUTO-TRUCK driver wants position; can operate and keep in first-class condition; any make of car; 3 years' experience. Ail YOUNG man desires to work for board and room after school; good references given. Address xi. xj. x-. 't wco BAKER Experienced bread and cakes, sober and steady man, wishes position. t an 1 11 1 ; 1 1 c 11 icin . - - -. - - mator, wishes work, $a per day. W 4i, Oregonlan. GOOD butcher wishes position in country town; an all-round steady, safe man. Ad dress AB 732. Oregonlan. GARDENER, English, life experience green house work, wants place, nursery or pri vate, aged 30. Budd. 61 N. Third. BY YOUNG man. experienced Janitor and elevator operator, good references. V 74u. Ore g onlan. t A COOK, married man. first-class baker, for hotel and restaurant; best references; In or out of town. AB 740, OreKonlan. POSITION as clerk and chambermaid, man and wife, in or out of town; experienced. Address 312 Main su. Room 3. Main (illtMJ. EXPERIENCED Chinese cook wants posl- . 1 t ni.....A f.jniliu hna t- rt I n cr-boii.e ' best city references. AB 742, Oregonlan. J! 1RJ C C i-ve o .j v- . -1 . . . " - - - -.- wishes steady position; over 16 years In tailor business. AH 738. Oregonlan. PLUMBER wants position In small town; can furnish all shup tools. Address R. F. D., Box 803. YOUNG man wants apprenticeship In ma chine or plumbing shop. L 746, Ore gonlan. MAN and wife, German, want situation In hotel or family at housework. 848 E. Burn side. WANTED Position as Janitor In an apartment-house by experienced man and wife. A 44il JAPANESE wantk position in family; ex perienced 000k. H 746. Oregonlan. MAN and wife-wants to run rooming-house; city or country. Y 744. Oregonlan. YOUNG man. 21, high school graduate, wants work. L 74U. Oregonian. SITUATION WANTED FEMALE. itoolTkeepers and stenographer. POSITION by young lady stenographer, have had several years' experience, un derstand bookkeeping: xefcrences. Ad dress AN 74. Oregonlan. RELIABLE young woman wants position In store in email town or bookkeeping; good handwriting, quick at figures; references.. 11 T40. Oregonlan. EXPERIENCED bookkeeper and sten ographer desires position. Address A 743, Oregonlan . YOUNG lady wishes position ; of lice pre ferred: have had some experience. D 746, Oregonian. EXPERIENCED stenographer desires posi tion tferereceB:florieC2J65 Drestamakerft. DRESSMAKING and tailoring, reasonable Houaekeeper. LADY wants position as housekeeper in ho tel, manage rooming or apartment-house: experienced and competent; references. K 43. oregonian. COMPETENT woman with small child wishes position, housekeeper. Phone E. WANTED Housekeepeer, middle-aged wo man preferred, three aviuHa. T 744. Ora- goniau. Ture. NURSE who has a number of Tiours to spare during day and evening, would like en gagements, for dressings, care of Invadd, or anything In tho nursing line; terms most moderate. Phone Main 50SIA, and ln quire for nurse. . PRACTICAL, nurse wants case; maternity preferred. Main 147. M iscelbaneous. EXPERIENCED governess desires position; has had hospital training; skilled In phy .,,..1 care of child: teaches kindergarten and German. Inquire Y. W. C. A. WANTED By respectable colored couple a position In wealthy family; best of recom mendations. S5 T. Ninth su Phone M. 2434. . NORWEGIAN girl wants to do general housework or second work. Phone Main 0"20. WANTED Competent girl for general house work; must be a good cook; good wages. Call B 2S03. WANTED By young lady, position as Illus trated song, singer. Address 271 Markeu Misa Marro Cahlll. or M. 411-1. WANTED iiy girl, homelike place; assist with light housework; no washing. Tabor liy. EXPERIENCED cook, with city references, desires position with private family, phone Marshall 1380. EXPEBIENCED manicurist wants position in a first-class barber shop. AH 736, Ore gonian. TUTORING by experienced teacher with col lege training. V 746. Oregonlan. WOULD like a few more places for day WOrk, gOOa WUiaw. imuq jeu. GERMAN woman takes washing home. Mrs. Colas so. 4 54 Larabsr COLORED woman wishes position as maid. Phone Main 8108. WANTED AGENTS. ACTIVE canvassers can make (30 weekly selling trees for the Oregon Nursery Com pany. Liberal propos.tion; . good territory. . , , O, An o ft TO dispose of the quickest selling novel ties on the market, can clear $50 weekly. (Vol Spalding bldg. Houses. 6 -ROOM modern cottage, on East Side, near Sunnvside carllno and near school; give particulars: want year lease. Chas. Kup per 382 Chamber of Commerce bldg. Phone Main 1652. WANTED Four or five rooms, furnished or unfurnished In modern brick apart ment for a few months: must be first class. Phone Sellwood M8. mornings. l-WANT to lease for term of years with privilege of buying, modern, well-located West Side housj. not less than 10 rooms; highest references. Y 747. Oregonlan. WE have tenants waiting for furnished an, unfurnished houses. What l ave you T Rooming Bureau. 2S Washington st. Marshall 21SK; A 5243. 6-ROOM bungalow. Mount Tabor or Rose City Park, by March 1; would prefer long-term lease; care taken. Phone 0 2107. . COUPLE want strictly modern 5-room bun galow; reasonable rent. G 747, Ore gonlan. WANTED 5 or 6-roora modern house, close in. West Side. Main 5315. WANTED By responsible party, cottage. West Side. D 745, Oregonian. Apart macnt. WANTED A small unfurnished apart ment wtlh sleeping porch. 1 person; give full particulars in answer. AG 747. Ore- gonlnn. Rooms With Board. WANT ED B y business man. room and board in private boarding-house or nice private family; two meals. C 747, Orego nian. FOB KENT. PORTLAND ROOMINO BUREAU. Rooms, flats, apartments, furnished, un furnished, board, all parts of the clty save you money, time, trouble. Let us lo cate you. 2S0ii Washington su. R. 80A, Marshall 2 1 a. A 6243. DON'T OVERLOOK THIS TODAY. "MILNER BLDG.." 350. MORRISON 8T4 VODEKN. CENTRAL REASONABLE. Furnished Rooms. HOTEL MINOOK, 413V4 4th St. Cor. 4th and Salmon: new brick, ele gantly furnished; steam heat. private baths, hot and cold water in all rooms; right up to date in every respect and at popular prices; If you want something out of the ordinary at reasonable prices, give us a call; rooms by the, day. week or month: tourist trado solicited. If you try the Mlnook you will like lu Come early, and avoid the rush. HOTEL CAPLE3. Residential. 300 Taylor. Transient. Bet, 7th and 1'ark Sts. Opposite new Helllg Theater, one blorlt from Portland Hotel; brick building. Just completed; handsomely furnished; every modern convenience. elevator service steam heat, telephone end hot and cold water In every room; single rooms and suites with or without private baths, etc: centrally located, near Postofflce; Just ore all carllnes; very quiet; low rates by day. week or month. Phone Marshall 2oC. UhTITI. WOIVI.A NO. 207 V4 Fourth Street. Just opened; new brick building, kteam heau hot and cold water all rooms, pri vate bath, best furnished house In the city rates very moderate by the clay, week or month. If you want a nice, warm room with all the modern con veniences at about the Taame rate you would have to pay in some cheap lodging house, call at tho Rowland. iou will like It. ,-,Ttrr. Permanent and Transient. We are devoting several of our choicest rooms to permanent guests for the Winter- will mako special low rates by the week or month; transient guests given tht best of service and shown every courtesy: located In center of shopping dlstrlc t. . con venient for out-ot-town people; rates by t week. . 4 1 rl A.a je occti. AiVUt-LA ne. . Permanent ami transient. Just opened: brick building. beautifully furnished; everything new; steam beat, hot and cold rurmlne- water and telephones In all Jooms'nn. lobby 6ultes and single rooms with and w Hbout ".., baths- very reasonable rates by Say week or month. Phone Marshall IKiO. day. WASHINGTON ST. sTrgITnTHOTEL. corner Grand ave. and Hawthorn recently renovated under the management of Wart'" Nicholson, formerly of the Portland Hotel. Heautifullv furnished rooniB. single or en suite with private baths, hot and cod water, steam heat and private phone a every room; first-class grill and bar In connection. Special rates by week or month. Transients solicited. GRVND UNION IIO'lEL. 3S7W East Burnslde. Come to tho East Side and save money on your room rent; we have 120 modern, .team-heated rooms with hot and cold Junning water: single and en suite; rooms with nrivate bath; 15 minutes' walk tj business center of 'city; rates (2-60 to $7 per week. Enst 51140. B 12o- THE-WEAVER. 710 Washington '- "B' King; a peneci moue... liiat h. steam neae, uoi , ;;, telephone In every room, - - .r .e -novnnlenee. the city; the city; tne . vo the minimum ot e-ijcii. . ,,'T feel at home: dining-room In connection; test In the city for tho money. " HOTEL SAVON. 129 Eleventh St. Vew modern brick building, steam heated, private baths, hot and cold water in rooms, beautifully furnished coxy and comfortable. Rents very reasonable. Call and see us. Regular and transient tradk solicited. BUHMARK HOTEL. 17th and Washington B"ewVy furnished rooms, --ingle or en .ulte- private bathe, steam heat, hot and co d water and phone in all rooms; rate. reason able; transients solicited. rVodcrn and first-class rooms lo. SSr" weeicV" steam HOTEL ANSONIA. 124 14th St.. cor. Washington. Furnished and unfurnished rooms; prl vate baths, free phones In all rooms. c, f.v neatly furnished single room; heat, l',oi and P cold water and bath, in basement ofSheffSw Apartments. 270 7th st, reasonable. . . TEN' furni-hed rooms "am0n'i7coo" Park and Couch; price (UoO. AL 11. ore gonlan , RTirFIRST Furnished rooms, steam heat, "everything new. $1.75 and up; .Ingle: houBC keeping. and ri-T, e HOLLY 1 i u 1 r 1. iv.p , , ItiE .., .. ia.mnt r furnished. moaern in 'vi, -11(,,t.(i n.onauio: u.h.i...- " Beautifully furnished room with privatk bath. Main B.',50. THC BE1VEU. 12th and Marshall sts., well T"urn!shed sleeping rooms. $2 50 per week; electric lights, hot baths free. MODFRN outside rooms, $3 to (J per week, mcludlng baths; also housekeeping rooms. MS 'A Washington ' THE HAZEL -1 .1.. r,inl,li...l Hfei,-ia hfa tf run nlng water. 3d and Montgomery. 2"rOOMS and housekeeping-rooms at High- land, .Yi ui , HOTEL NORRIS. t-.. 13 60 week up. 132 V4 17th St. e-rrFLT furnished rooms. lurnace uaai, "ISi-l ta a week. it N. 17th. Rooms In Private ramlly. NICELY furnished room for Kentlemati; all - .nv,.nipncci: walking distance. Tr U. bet. 11th and 12th. . TWb large front rooms two . mall 1 rooms one; an wen bath. S29 7th. LARGE front rooHa. racing easu mo4a dwelling: walking distance; modern ooa- -.-e-. , na 21st st. NEWLY fl-rnlshed room,; both phone,, fas. electric ugui.. .1,11 strictly modern. 8S1 Vi miii. SALMON Large front room, suitable 1. 2. 3. hot and cold water, furnace heal. tihnno ViOlh. TWO furnished fro"! T",! TIiTy able; pnone, v --. Veil I . NICELY furnished room' close In: phone. heau pain. Q"Q ' w icrc-f r V furnished front room, suitable for N 193 i.lth. near Morrison. e io MONTH; line lront room; bath, walk- ing distance. 452 5th su ."To MONTH. pleasanU neatly furnished J1 r,d?abla for two. 475 Clay su trFxrviSHED rooms, suitable for two, with .nat-0 HI iwv... . NEATLY furnished room- 414 Salmon su Gentlemen ou7. LJGHT. sunny room, heat phone, Data. .i.,-. Intance. 262 12th SU waiAma . ELEGANTLY furnished room, hot and cold wrater, bath, gas, phone. 17a 21st SU S. FRONT suite, bath, gas and phone, no chil dren. v cvjbw L.IGHT roorn steam heat, electricity, hot water, nhone. 60S Kearney, third bell. SINGLE room for gent, heau bath, phone. 52. 325 Twelfth su FURNISHED rooms. 669 Savier t., corner 21-U t JRNISHED rooms, modern, convent acea. bv 14111 L 8u; WXOU UK uuil. a, A A AJ