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About Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 11, 1911)
to THE 3IORXIXG OREGOXIAX, SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 11, 1911. DEVELOPMENT IS CONVENTION TOPIC League of Southwestern Washington to Discuss Ad vancement of Section. ATTENDANCE TO BE LARGE Vancouver Make Klatmraln Prepa ration for Untertalnnicnt of Ylj.ltrr Programme Cot m Wide i;aii;c. Usser In point cf attendance and rr.ore rroaue.1 wu.l II. an any forraT ronventlon I'll be the qnarterlr ;alher ln cf the Fouthwest Wuhlnilon Ie elopnwnt Lessue tn Vanrouvtr, Wafc.. rrt Wednrs'iay. Tliuradar and Friday. ttib).-ts vital In th advancement of V Kverereen St.jte ami r-irtlcuUrly Its Mtarn p w i .1 prr r : -d. I H' le n: r- representing f wry county WMt of t'e ."a d Mountain And pom, rt of t) rane. notably Kll-.klUt. -sill b prwnl. preparations sr being; made bv tli people of Vancouver to en'ertatn ti vlmora T! rre ulll he an elaborate leoi'M t and it-rars will be treated to a pmi4 military rtid, ordered by s.nTa of Vuncouvcer H.irracks. i'omnt.on dlrt.a and vasttors will aBfmble el Vari'-uuer at 4 oVNwlc Wed n !.. h'n a'lirrss of sn-lcom and responses will be mad' by N. I. 0ff ifi4n. tf (Vni,a!U. member of the firu- tte romntti'M of the seeociatlon. and C Ward, of tlnldendale. th re I rn at loo of If. C Power aa man- ir and the selection of a new manage ment. W. 8. Norman, rarresentlnc the minority stockholders. apiard at the hotel yesterday. -Mr. Norman dentin! that his visit at this critical time bad anrthlrc to do with the hotel. "1 arn here on another business mat ter entirely." aaid lr. Norman. "and hare no Intercut In the meeting of the board of directors or the change In man- Wh'n asked If be would bring stilt atrainsl the director to compel the la pue of rertiflratee for Zi shares of old stock the Normans recently acquired In Enc'and. be said: "That matter la entirely In the of our attorneys. What they do will be ami-factory. All I know about the matter Is what I have read In the papers.'' Hr. Norman was as non-commltal con cerning the rumor of compromise that have filled the air for more than a month, saying the case was In the hanHs of his attorneys, lie alio said the tint he knew of a report that the Norman) ere willing to sell their Interests In the hotel, was when he read it in the newspapers. "We are cot going to try this case in the newspapers." finally said Mr. Nor man. "Our attorneys have all the tact and matter pertaining to It and they will go to court or stsy out. as they see fit." 16 E CONTRACT COMPLETE TODAY Mayor's Signature Will Be Af fixed, Ignoring Suit by Kiernan. Pleasant l(ereshg. Beneficial, NO DELAY TO BE SUFFERED Bayer of Bond Iloocive Letter of Warning Yom Portland All Defect Cored by Legisla ture and Congresi. BIGELOW BILL OPPOSED CHAMBKK OF COMMERCE SEES HARM IX PHOI'OSKI) BOARD. - e METHOD! t NEXT Lefl-latnre to lie Requested to Leave Law of I'ort Comnil!lon Without Change. .Military jertark Ordered. TVinulay morning will be taken up with s buine. irn:on and reports from tli d :rt.-ts reprrtsnted. KJe ilon of officer "It be held. The delrtraiei will go to tK Arr1m at It A. f. and witncia, the gurd mount, parade and renvw of trr- Thiir.;ay fernron from 1 to 1 o'clo. k will be t-iken up by a demonetratlon "f ire charptt merr:o of burning f urn e rondj-td by Tnf,,nr Sparks of tt-e frate o!lg at l'ul.:nn. M vrrJ prornl-e-nt r.eevep.r mn wtll jk. smor.g I t ht-tnc Albert Jo! njn. of the lliu. Urn WaaMrgtonian: W. A. Hupp. Atxr iin World; Trvomas r-toril. ivnlraila t hronlrle: Frank llcatn. luvmond Mr "H; H. M. IVnrnr, uth Herd I'llot; lun l:ul, Otlre!la lire.Nocgit: A. f l'ink:-y. rntrl.a NMe-Ehjininrr; V. I- Kr, KeNo Kel,onlan: J. II. Ira us, K"m Ilitlietln. ard others. A d!cuilon t .at prom. sea to be pro-4i-Me of good l that txheduled for Tnnrwiar ng.:t. tie t.iplc being: "flow to il't llor, IVople on trie Ind." Th :t be led by A. f. I-ttle. of Itaymond. ef t':e enrcut've rommtttee of tlie aK-ia-tlm. who wiil be followed by W. It. l k. a tlmher ownrr of i(amnnd: O. J t r !. of o.ymp.a. and (ieorge K. long, cf trie Weyerhaeuser T.mhr trnpar.y. T.'-i d.K-usilon will be participated In t re-! - by tho tn att'ndanre and the 1 n ' an;e of I J a, ronu.-s to be txioU Hnads to Ro I)l-urd. ,.;.vi will have sn Inning Frl dy morning. Jiainuel Hill, whose hobby l better highways for the Northwent. w I rit on his favorl'e topic Herbert Mrrt. k. author and of New 1or. who rankeas an authority on agrU ctnre-al sublets, will d'Uver an a'blr lnay morning alonr the lines of ke-p-Ing trie Amem-an firmer In the Nortif wt Instead of allowing him to cr t.i line Into Canada. r urher demonstrations In burning "iffs win te carrlnl on from 1 to I. M. on rldy. and at 1: o'clock there in o sev-ral notable addresees. o. C. (-rutxnan. mnj(-r of the Portland Com mercial flub; A. I. Som triers, secretary the T-eoma Oiamher of Commerce: Toni Kicnardson. father of the ttrvgnn -.r.'ipmrni l.'tur. and Wallace It. t rub!., formerly pui.ll.-lty manager at A any. Or. will speak. T,.e rloe of t!e convention will be marked by a banquet KTiday night at J o clock, given by the Vancouver C'ammv!al Club, and on Saturday night the I'ortiand Commercial Club will en trtaJn Its Wahlngton neighbor, with a banquet arvrd In the main dinlcg-roorn of the Portland organisation. "WHITE SLAVER" PUNISHED Federal Authorities to Aet on Cae Tried in Toilce Court. Addition was made to the colony cf nMte s!avers"'at the cKy quarry ye tidar warn Joxrpii a. Sarcch rrreivrd In t'ourt irniir.i-, of So davs an l i nne.l :. living upon the uniaeful earnings of bis wife, a servant at Tannrnsee'a restaurant. Fourth and Taj lor struts. The man and woman were arrested early )rcitrday morning bv ftergeant Klenlen. Sarecn was een t'nred oa a charge of vagrancy, and In addition his case will be taken up for Investigation by the Federal authorities. Th woman sail that she bad been rnarrtd before, la Spokane, and that her firt husband waa In the penlteu- i;ary. s-iie waa married to tiarerti last ear and went to work at the Interna tional Hotel. In Spokane. She said that FarecH dt 1 not work, but aeceptrd ber money, knowing boar It had been ob tained. fartch Induced the woman a few weeks Ho to come to Portland for the same purpose, thereby bringing the case within tr vlw of the Federal authorities. William Irvin. an ex-convtct. accused of a similar offenie. a not ptaced on tnl yeatrrdny. lie and Ma wife are held a: City Jail. Fearing that Judge Munly and his friends who are tn t-'alern seeking; the pan-tage of a law for a new I'ort of Portland Commission, known as the BIkcIow bill may succeed, the Portland Cbamber of Commerce held a special meeting of Its trur-tees yesterday noun and adopted a series of resolution re questing the Legislature to make no change In the present law. The Chamber of Commerce believes that the city cannot afford to "swap hornes while crossing the stream" as !Teldent ilaller expressed it. The resolutions pasr-ed on Tuesday were di rected to the commission Itself and re entered that the members reconsider their plavn to resign. The resolutions pa.ued yesterday were addressed to the l-ett-lature The peculiar situation of the entire membership of the commis sion resigning and offering to appoint any successors, which might be named by the Governor la said to be the result of the vigorous contest which grew out of tie Broadway bridge fight. "he main purpose of the resolu tions.- said Mr. Ilaller. "Is to secure a hearing before the legislative commit tee so aa to present our side of the question, IVe do not want any change In the commission at the present time. There are many projects under way with which the member are familiar. A new commission coming In. t rear. would have something to do with poli tics and then they would nut be la minar with the business on hand. The Hlgelow bill provides for the election Instead of appointment as now. of five members that they shall re ceive a salary for their servlcea and must give all of their time to the work at hand. The terms of office are fixed at four yehrs. It Is the salary of I2i0 to which the Chamber of Com merce seriously objects. It la their opinion that the desire for the office would result In polltlclana getting ine J obs rather than the men best quail fled, un the other band appointments without salaries It Is contended, would bring out men of a high type of cltlxen shlp. who would be willing to serve for the honor of It. OF BRIIMiK OPI-O-DFCLARKII "IX- d:riiam." The following night lettsr wss forwarded to Farson, Bon at Co.. of Chicago, bond buyers, by City Au ditor Barbur last night: "Supreme Court of Oregon In two opinions, felled states Circuit Court, bare declared Broadway bridge amendment legal. No new suits be gan since these decisions. Attor ney Wood, of Chicago, declined to approve last Issue for reason no act of Congress or 8tate Legislature, legislature ef Oregon passed act. Act In Congress passed Senate Feb ruary assured it will pass House this session. If you think necessary, the City Attorney. I'ortisnd. with sll documents and papers will person ally confer with jour attorney Chicago. Story, palmer. Thorndl and Xodge. attornes. Jtnstoo, sp prove quarter million Usui ssme bonds before decisions rendered. Party referred to sole obstruc tionist, will stoop to underhand methods to prevent sals of bonds: wholly unreliatde In ststemsnts' Court baa decided every question raised or that csn be ra.'sed la favor of city. Syrup of Figs and Elixir of Senna appeals to rfie cultured and the well-informed and the healthy because its component parts are simple and whole some and because it acts with out disturbing; the natural func tions, as it is wholly free from every objectionable quality or substance. In its production a pleasant and refreshing syrup of the figs of California is unit ed with tbe laxative and car minative properties . of certain plants known to act most bene ficially, on the human system, when its gentle cleansing is de sired. To get its beneficial ef fects, always buy the genuine, for sale by all reputable drug grists; one size only, price fifty cents a bottle. The name of the company California Fig Syrup Co. is always plain ly printed upon the front of ev ery package of the genuine. s V t. . e,. j i V,.c -V .'4' i A v I , ,r-e . . W. ,f atMr . e. J; - ! -A t - v ' y S i ke Qfom& fSveuD (o. LOnSVILLE. KY. SAM FRANCISCO. CAL. NEW YORK, N. Y. GRIP IS EPIDEMIC Physicians Included Among Victims of Malady. MEAT POISONS FAMILY CHII.n DIKS. OTIIKHS OF HOVSE- iioli srrn-:u agony. Fallier Alone Koape Kffecta of I'toinuine nroiiglil Alxiut by luting Tainted IJvcr. EX-WIFE TO BE DEFENDANT en Arte as Asrnl la Contract Be tween Dlvorred I'arrnts. ieorga F. flitter, n Portland pioneer, f ied suit yesterday against Marr 1 I:. tier, from wMn be was at one time d:orced. for the collection of $0. wdicri he asserts Is still due him for work performed for her tyr construct ing a house. lutter la a carpenter, and his for mer wife had contracted with Mm to Mabel King, five year, old. is dead, and four other members of the family of Tho.iiaa King. Til's Williams av enue, are In a critical condition from ptomaine poisoning, supposed to have resulted from eating liver, at noon Thursday. Soon after eating all were stricken with agonising pains, and at night the youngest child died. Though the father, who purchased the liver at the market of II. O. Klrach ner. 731 Wllllama avenue, ate with the family, ha alona suffered no ill effects-King left the house immediately after lunch, to go to his work at the yard of the Fremont Fuel Company, near his home, and did not return un til evening, when he found all the members of his family suffering fear ful agony, lie learned that the vic tim were seized in the order of their age. the little girl who died being the first to suffer. All were so 111 that ther were unable to call for help. Kins', frantic with fear and grief. called physician, who were able to ctve relief to all except the little girl. 11. O. Klrschner showed by his re ceipts that he had had the liver la his shop but two hours, and that it waa purchased from SvrsrschllJ Jt Sulz berger. The remainder or in liver, still In th shop, was turned over to Mrs. Sarah A. Eva res. market Inspector, for examination. Th member of th King' family ar positive that their sufferings arose from th meat they ate. Coroner Norden took charge of th body of the little girl and may call an inquest today. ADMEN INVITE ROOSEVELT Mayor Flmon will l;n the contract for the substructure of the Hrondway brldge this morning, and, as S. L Stew art, president of the I'nlon Bridge Construction Company, the contracting firm, affixed his signature last nlk'lit. there will be no furtber delay alone this line. The Mayor and member of the bridge committee of th Executive lioard ranged all of the preliminary details of the contract In the office of City At torney Urant last night, and all there waa left to do waa to typewrite the few changes that were ordered. The Mayor will Ignore the effort of R- R. Dunlway. on behalf of Frank Kiernan, to delay construction of the bridge. and wil proceed aa rapidly a th charter will permit. The fact that Mr. lunlay has written to Farson Hons aV Co., of Chicago, pur chaser of the last block of the bridge bonds, trying to stop the sale, will have no effect. It Is believed In official cir cles. The true situation will be In their hand tht mornlns; when they receive a letter wired last night by City Auditor Earbur. Bond Bayers Approached. Mr. Barbur received yesterday morn ing a communication from Farson Sons A Co.. In which they said they were surprised to receive a letter from ,-a party" In Portland, saying he hnd filed soma kind of a suit afrnlnst tho sale of the bond and that the former Is sue was declared Illegal. They asked for full particulars, which Mr. Barbur telegraphed. The fact that If there were any de fects they have been cured by onnet ment of bills by the Oregon Legisla ture and by Congress as well, was con ta.ned In Mr. Karbur's night letter t the bond buyers, and it Is believed here that , they will pay no further heed to the Dunlway communication. I shall pay .no attention whatever to Dunlway' actions," said Mayor Si mon after rending the letter from Far- son Sons tt Co. "I will sign Hie con tract for the construction of tho sub structure of the Broadway bridge to morrow morning. I have, no reason to believe the bond eompany will not fulfill Its agreement and believe It will accept the bonds and forward the money at once. Charter Provisions Slot. Mayor Simon also mad clear Mi opinion relative to the awarding of the contract for the substructure aa to the popular Relief that the cash must be in the treasury before such action Is taken. He declare that, as Ions a the city has ordered the sale of the bonds, which are perfectly legal, the charter provisions have been fully complied with. In official circles, the Dunlway suits ar receiving; no attention now, sine Congress gave Its consent for the con struction of th Broadway bridge and th Legislature of the state has sanc tioned It. It I the determination of the administration to proceed with ac tual work and to Ignore the obstruc tionists, according to Mayor Elmon. SPREAD SEEMS GENERAL Health Officer Ilcllcrcs Wave Will Soon Be Spent -Ho-pltals Care for Many Resulting Ca-es of Pneumonia. Fully 5) per cent of the population le In bed or wishes It had time to be there, on account of an epidemic of th grip which Is sweeping over the city. Kvery physician has been kept on the Jump the past three weeks attending to cases arising from severe colds and running into the more evrious illness. In some Instances, the physicians them selves have felt the disease and have been laid up or would have been If they had had time to leave their practice. Among theea are Dr. C. H. AVheeler, City Health Officer, and Dr. Andrew C. Smith. However, both are too busy to give in to the malady and nave eon tinned at work, although at tlm scarcely able to do so. '.'I suppose that it is no exaggeration to say that 29 per cent of Portland popu latlon Is afflicted with the grip right now," said City Health Officer wheeler yesterday. "While It lis not alarming, It lei nevertheless bad and causes a great deal of Illness of a severe character, sometimes running Into pneumonia. have been afflicted with it myself, but It was along: at the first of the month when I am always too busy to be sick or to leave my dutleex I therefore con tlnued at work and am feeling much bet ter. The disease this Winter lasts from three to ten days, and I think it safe to say that the wave will be cone In short time now. art It seldom ever lant longer than a month or six weeks." Inquiry at Good Samaritan and St. Vlnccnt'a hospitals developed the fact that there, too, people have miffered with the epidemic, and at both establish ments there are several case of pneu monla. arming from the grip. fryec!ans throughout the city were asked yesterday whether their communl ties had suffered and without exception all said they had. The disease seems to have treated all sections alike, none escaping. In some Instances, mercantile and manufacturing establishments have been running short-handed for several week because of the illnes of numbers of their rmployes as a result of tlie grip epidemic. Sneezing Rnd couching are the rule on etreelcans mid. In f;ut. every where, ar.d it Is not difficult to realize that the malady Is abroad. of honor at a surprise banquet on Tues day night. A loving cup was given him. Mr. and Mrs. Williis are preparing to depart for Southern California, where they go to spend several weeks on pleas ure. Tuesday the local Shriners belong ing to the Ashland lodge prepared and had spread a sumptuous banquet with i plates for 34. Y. M. C. A. IS RAISING FUND Local Association Contributes Missionary In Japan. to Portland's Young Men's Christian As sociation expects this year for the first time to contribute all money necessai y for the support of J. Merle Davis, its foreign secretary. Mr. Davis is sta tioned at Nagasaki, Japan. 3 'or scveial years the Portland Y. M. C. A. has sub scribed about $1000 annually towards this work, but this, year it Is desired to raise $2250. Already the Y. M. C. A. has secured subscriptions totaling $1200 to be for warded to Mr. Davis, and an effort Is now being made to complete the amount, a pledge to do this having been made at the first of the year. R. R. Perkins, religious work director. Is now taking; subscriptions forv this purpose. Mr. Davis, .who Is known as one of the most able Y. M. C. A. directors In the foreign field, will visit Portland within the next few months. While here he will make several addresses on tho Y. M. C. A. work In Japan. This will be his first visit to America since he took up his residence In Japan, sev eral year ago. GOOD SAMARITAN ROBBED Aed Derelict Steals Clothing of Man Who Shelter Him. Mysterious Telephone Call Secret Is Out. Freak J. MrCrlllxsa, of The Ore goalaa staff. Proud Father f Twelve-Pound Baby Girl. Colonel Asked to Attend I.nncheon on lay He Heaelie Portland. Vigorous efforts are being mail by the Portland Ad Club to secure the at tendance of Theodore itoosevelt on April at one of their luncheons. In conjunction with the decision to Invite the ex-President, announced some ttme a so. a dlspatcn was sent to mm yester day by ITesldent Morsesohn. Th tele- trrsm was: The Portland Ad flub, the largest. bmM fcer a house f..r $:iDa. a part f ! llvrst. most enthusiastic and most orlg l nil live-wire organisation In the est. cordially Invites you to be Its guest at luncheon on the djy of your arrival In Portland. An early acceptance will be appreciated Colonel Itoosevelt Is scheduled to ar rive In Portland on his trip up th Coast from Los Angeles. He may de cide to go to British Colombia for a hunt. wrh-n he a-knots ie.i tree has been raid Mm. Tae cm-lint in the suit filed In the I'lrc-Hi Court asserts that K. L. !.ttr acted aa an agent between his mother and father In framing th contract. NORMAN IS NON-COMMITTAL Storkholdcr of Portland Hotel I Here: Denies Wanting to Sell. Ce'nrldent wfh fe meeting of th toard ef directors Cf th Portland Hotel. Constipation Is the cause of many ailments and disorders that make life miserable. Take ' 'hamberlaln'e ctom ach. and IJver Tablet. keep your howela regular and you wiil avoid these diseases. For sal by all deal- Though Nicholas Grebe I six feet tall and broad In proportion, while Merrltt Mead ta about & feet 4 Inches short and narrow In proportion, Urrlie told the Judge In Municipal Court yesterdny morning that he had taken Mead's clothe and put them on by mistake, leaving in exchange his own red Mackinaw and overalls. "How about that bath-robe and two hats?" nsked Deputy District Attorney iiennessy. "They must have been hinging on the same book I took the clothes from," re plied Grebe. "How about the $: was that han;lnff on the same book, too" Grebe was unable to explain how Mead's money came to be In lit pocket Mead, who Is a grocery clerk, had been to see some friend, who served Martini cocktails. On the a ay home he met Grebe, an aged derelict, and took him to his room. In a moment of convivial hos pitality, offering a share of his bed for th night, in the morning he round his natty suit replaced with "slops" that hung upon him like sails in a calm. He .gave a description ot ureoe to Detectiv Mallet and Craddock. who found th cul prit in a North End saloon. Grebe told the court that he had served term at Kelly Butte, under similar circumstances. He picked up a stranger's knife and spectacles Instead of his own, he said. He waa sentenced to K0 days. Webfoot Oil Dressing, the greatest shoe grease maoe. ah stores. dlefsen's coal satisfies. C SJ03. E. SOX K THE progress of .the anniversary dinner given in honor of 1L L Pit tock at th Commercial Club last Sun day night and attended by The Orego- nlan-Telegram staffs, a uniformed and be-buttoned club messenger aproached to th door of the banquet hall and bellowed this: "A call for Mr. McGettigan!" Straightway Frank McGettigan's Im mediate associates of The Oregonlan staff began to smile, laugh and applaud loudly. Then they began to whisper something to their neighbors. These passed along the whisperings quickly. ind within less than a minute the ban quet hall waa In an uproar of applause, which lasted for two minutes or more. Mr. McGettigan, rosy of face and nervous, hurried into the hallway, only to find that there really was no call, for him. except one arranged by a coterie of his fellow diners, who had bribed the club messenger to herald forth a make-believe one. And yesterday the reason became ap parent why the Joke was arranged and executed and why the announcement of the supposed call brought Mr. Mc Gettigan such an ovation, when the following "personal" was handed In at The Oregonlan local desk: 'Frank J. McGettigan, 321 Russell street, of the news staff of The Orego nlan. Is th proud father of Baby Jeanne McGettigan. a 12-pound girl, who cam to the McGettigan household yesterday." Shriners Give Loving; Cup. KLAMATH FALLS. Or.. Feb. 10. (Spe cial.) In honor of his 61st birthday and the esteem in which he Is held by his brother Shriners, 1 F. Willits, one of the pioneers of Klamath Falla, waa the guest Falls Victim To Thieve. S. W. Bends, of Coal City. Ala., has Justifiable grievance. Two thieves stole his health for twelve years. They were a liver ana Kinney trouDre. Then Dr. King's New Life Pills throttled them. He's well now. Unrivaled for Constipation. Malaria, Headache, Dys pepsia. 2nc at all drupglsts. Germs in Her System Every Woman Should Read This Advice and the Gen erous Offer That Goes With It. The number of dtaeases peculiar to women is such that we believe this space would hardly contain a mere mention of their names, and it is a fact that most of these diseases are of a catarrhal nature. A woman cannot be well if there is a trace of catarrh in her system. Some women think there Is no help for them. We positively declare thl to be a mistaken Idea. We are so sure of this that we offer to supply medicine absolutely free of all cost In every instance where It fails to give satisfac tion or does not substantiate our claims. With thi understanding, no woman should hesitate to believe our honesty of purpose, or hesitate to pu out claims to a test. There is only one way to overcome catarrh. That way is through the blood. You may use all the snuffs, doucnes or like remedies for years without getting more than temporary relief at beet. Catarrh in general Is a diseased condition of the system that shews locally most frequently In dls charges from mucous membranes. Local treatment should be assisted by internal treatment for the general dis eased condition If a complete cure Is to be reached. That internal treatment should be scientifically devised and faithfully administered. Rexall Mucu Tone is scientifically prepared from the prescription of an eminent physician who for thirty years made catarrh his specialty. Thia rem edy is admirably adapted to the treat ment of the catarrhal ailments of women. - ft purifies and enriches the blood, tends to stop mucous discharges. aids in removing Impurities from the system, soothes, heals and strengthens the mucous tissues, and brings about a feeling of health and strength. We want you to try Rexall Mucu- Tone on our guarantee. If you are not benefited, or for any reason not satisfied, simply tell us and we wtll hand back your money. Rexall Mucu Tone comes In two sizes, SO cents and $1.00. Remember, you can obtain Rexall Remedies In Portland only at The Owl Drug Co., Inc. Cor. 7th and Washington Sts. A Clear, Perfect Skin acsuLT only rson a Skin Kept Clean, Very Clean A BATH WITH HAND SAPOLIO thoroughly cleanses and invigorates every pore, revives circulation and exhilarates the entire body. Delicate enough for a babe's skin. All Grocers mad Druggists Saturday Only This Stand $1.65 This solid oak Parlor Stand in golden oak finish, with very neatly turned legs, iM-inch book shelf below. A very adaptable piece of furniture, useful in almost any room. Well worth $3.50. Our spe cial price today $1.65 THE SALE DaveriPort Beds continues to be the greatest attraction of any fur niture offering in Portland. Have 3 011 been in to share? " Godsby ells it forJLes r Breakfast Try "Suiiidsi" Oransres i I 1 ' Jill I I w V 1 1 .1 , ' m w fZaaataSBSBS Luscious Tree-Ripened Fruit It is not sufficient to know that oranges are, the most healthful of all fruits. It is quite as imnortant to know tho kind of oranges that are most healthful and most palatable. 'The very finest California oranges are now packed under tho label "Sunkist." Please serve "Sunkist" oranges at breakfast tomorrow and learn the superiority of tree-ripened, seedless, fiberless oranges over tho commonplace kind. Don't fail to save the wrappers. There is so much "meat" and nourishment in "Sunkist" oranges and so little waste that, in addi tion to their extra fine flavor and goodness, they aro really the most economical oranges to buy. "Sunkist" Lemons Juiciest Lemons differ as much as oranees. Pithy, thick-skinned lemons contain very little Juice. You waste money when you buy them. Please ask for "Sunkist" Lemons and note how uniformly sound each one is, ana wnac a smau percent age is skin ana noer. Get This Valuable Orange Spoon , Save 12 Snnkist ' orance lor lemon! wrappers and send tuein to us, with 12 cents to pay charges, J lacking, etc., and we will present you with a genu nm Ropers Oranpe Sooon. of beautiful design and highest quality. Begin saving wrappers today. If von desire mors than one. send 12 'Sunkist" wrap pers and 12 cents for each additional spoon. In remit ting, please send one-cent stamps when the amount is less thun 24 cents; on amounts above 24 cents, we preler money order, express order or bank draft. Don't send cash. We will be glad to send you complete list of valuable premiums. We honor both 'Sunkist'.' and "Red Ball" wrappers for premiums. 32) California Fruit Growers' Exchange 34 Clark Street Chicago, IlL 223S2 s 0 TsJsIlk A Made from the finest rye grown the - purest or pure water aistiucu uy iuc '' most scientific method tested and tested, time and time again, maae, aged and bottled without being touched by human hands that is Good old laiiUiisa ,4 Hli Bottled In Bono The V. S. Government bears witnrs to its purity when it places the little green stamp over the cork of every bottle. This signifies to the world that Government inspectors have su-' pervised every step in the making and aging of. the whiskey, and know it is pure. Take a bottle borne. You'll need It. nOTHCHILD BltOS, DISTRIBUTERS PORTLAND, OREUO.V. sJ' if ii r!s iv . ii OUR NEW 017071.017 WILL PLEASE YOU NOTE THE CHANGES ' T . i i Leave r ( -?,. Valon Dcpet PORTLAND TO ST. PAUL...... ...9:00 P.M. PORTLAND TO SPOKANE 9:00 P. ML PORTLAND TO LEWIST0N.... 9:00 P.M. PORTLAND TO WALLA WALLA.. .11:00 P.M. THE SOO-SPnKAE-PORTI,AXD "Train De Luxe," between Portland 'and St. Paul through Spokane, is one of the most splendidly equipped trains In transcontinental service, con sisting of Compartment Observation Car. Standard and Tourist Sleepers, Dining Car and Day Coach, electric lighted throughout, through without change. PASSENGERS TO SPOKANE HAVE THE FULL BENEFIT OF THIS FINE SEEVICE Through Standard Sleepers to Lewiston and "Walla Walla. Purchase tickets at City Ticket Office, Third and "Washington Streets. WM. M 'MURRAY, General Passenger Agent, Portland. Oregon.