Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, February 10, 1911, Page 7, Image 7

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Washington Legislators' Try
for Ross Scalp Provides
Opposition to Measure t'rt-atlng
Thrre Appointive Commissioners
Call It Sclirmo to OWe Gut
rrnor Jlore lorr.
f'imllr.i solid in tr.e administration
1 n-up. with th exception of tiro Srn
t-.r. the Striate today passed the bill
4-rratini: an appointive board of thre
Inl Cotnm!ssloners. the vote being; 1
to :i It a. the f rt llm that politics
played a prominent part in the pnate
tM. session and each of (Governor Har'a
Triende went down the line to got Land
Commissioner Rons' alp except Stewart
of CnwlUi and Stevenson of GaroM.
who lnantrd upon fair treatment to th
present Incumbent.
liotti denounced the bill on the ground
that it was another step to place more
power In the hamli of the Governor, in
far of the people's demand for direct
Hitter orpotlon to the measure was
rna.le by Ruth of Thurston. Kan: hum of
:.trk. HMstrom of i'lerce. Huxtable and
if itt-htnson of Spokane and Stevenson,
ail that tia bill could accom
plish aVtr.tnr save to place the Wov
ernor In a position to tlve his personal
fr:en-! fat berths In the event that the
hilt beentites a law. Ther maintained
ttat such a mole was acalnst the wish
of the p-opIn and that Senators who were
supporting If could not vote for It with
No Attai-k Mail on CoinnilsMouor.
A I en of K'nsT. Ftshback nf Lea la and
Jarkiun of Klvf led the il bat foe th
b'll and were recurred lu br Nichols of
Klnc. Brown of Whatcom and kper of
1'acinc. Although reference was mad
rpeatedlr by A im and Kiahback to th
report of the legislative Investlratlna
committee, they refrned from making
any attack upon the Land rommlsM'tner,
nt wlthstandlr.; f uti"h!'s attempt to
draw them out. Boca were members of
th Commission.
They confined their arrument princi
pally t" the statements that th rotate
lanj fffl. was the state's most Impor
tant department and that the duties In
volved upon U were too numerous and
onerous for on) official and one asstietant
t, manac proprly Kor that reason
they aald that tn office emuM be to the
lianiii of three Cnminlaaionera, so that
n d-iartment of the off ice -coulil be
looiwd aTter to better advantage. p!eat
InsT that larse sums of money could be
saveU to th state) annually.
Iilitl.-al SclM-mo ( luarccHl.
"I know what this blU U lr tended for.
. Ilmd tJthira. "It Is simply
tfes.s-ned to build up a political machine
for the Governor, who aishca ! ho the
d ominant factor In It. You (enclemen
wbo are supporting this bill are nut
artiraT In S'xhI faith. I am decidedly op
posed to exicn 'a proceed ure.
PraaMeot Paulnamts cautioned th
rVnaror to refrain from Impugning; the
motives of the supporters of the bill and
the Speaker cave way to Huxtable who
mad the ansational speeca of the day
I am aheo.utely oppuwd to 4 one-man
power In state affairs." declared liuxta-
.-." lntrailxed political power don't
Ri with us any more. I contend that
th peopst ar broad-minded enousTb to
ronduct taelr own affairs and It is cer
tainly rot the dceer of the people that
tr is measure should be passed. The only
feature of the bill is that ll elves the
governor the rtarht to appoint three com-
Riiastoners. Ther Is nothing els In liie
bt.i that haa any bearing on th matter.
'If you would be roiuutent. wl.y
d.dn't you provide. In this bill to mike
th office elective. Talk about th Ini
tiative and referendum, whv. if we keep
up th lick, the pcopie will rlaa up in
im nHiy and demand that they be hevrd
en these matters This Is one of -lie
most and damnable measure)
t ist was ever broucht up before this
r'enate. This Mil was descned to get
one man's scalp In an under-handed
A Urn of Kln: explains.
Allen of King explained that h had
found Irregularities In rruMiii of timber
lands and mm a result, prospective buyers
rad ben able to purcham lie" lands
at pen far below their real value, lie
:id that the Mate had suffered from
V acts of dishonest cruisers, lie con
tmled that tf more officials were In the
Itnd Department, a closer check could
b kept on this feature of the work,
lie denied that th bill was directed
acilret Commas loner Rose). Both he and
Ksrsack said they did not question the
tntecrtty of the COmmlsstoner.
"s hen you conducted the Investigation.
ttl you end any tn th
jnd t"omm'aloner officer aakd
Hut. hlnson. The question was put to
"Wei!. I found something wrong; with
t cruisers." replied Ktshback. T do
not believe Mr. Ross did anything
wrong, but Ms connection with a land
dal In Cowlita County mar bare been
t'l-advtse.l. when. I ant told. lhe com
pany la which he Is Interested, pur
chased some state land.
"I hare known the cruiser you refer
to for many year." retorted Kastham.
and ther ar as square and honest
men as I bave ever met. This Is all rot
about the state not getting Its money's
worfi for the timber lands that were
Acc-uvUn Arc Drs-rictl.
Ruth said that the accusation that
large amount of money had been lost
br dishonest cruising were not well
founded. He maintained that when
timber was cruised several years ago.
different method were used then, and
that If rrutalngs wer mad of th
sam timber now. If kept Intact, woul t
show a doubi amount of commercial
timber, a th people had learned it
ralue and had become less wasteful.
"I Insist, gentlemen, that this hill
should not merit our attention t all."
continued Ruth. There Is no d niand
on the part of people for the cfaii?n of
more offl'es. and eepeH lly appointive
offices. Kurthermore. the scheme pro
posed by these men will fall of it pur.
pos: It will hamper th work nf the
office an 1 make affairs more compll-
more to add. except that he at'll Insist
ed that the bill would. If enacted into
law. be the means' of simplifying the
work of the Land Department.
lluth changed his rote from nega
tive to affirmative upon scelnir that
the bill would carry, and then served
notice that he would move to recon
sider the bill at another time.
Previous to the consideration nf lhls
bill the Senate passed a bill taking- con
trol from the Land Commissioner's of
fice of the state funds and putting It
In the hands of the State Treasurer.
The bill provides that the funds must
be Inrested without delay ana to draw
at least I per cent.
The Senate Indefinitely postponed the
bill providing for an approprla'lon of
1000 for the relief of the Chinese
famine sufferers.
The House indefinitely postponed the
bill which provided that the. Supreme
Court could declare no act of the
lslature unconstitutional.
Governor Hay today Hsued a procla
mation appealing for aid for the fam'ne
sufferers In North China. The appeal
asks the people of the state to rend
supplies to the Seattle Commercial
Club, which will forward them 'o Chira.
and money contributions to the Vai-on-
al Red Cross headquarters at Washing
ton, 1. C.
Hot Debate Precedes Passing
Public Service Commis
sion Measure.
Drafter of
Own Commission
and Fallacies
Proposed I. aw IMddles
Dill, to Give Portland
Legislators Pass Prlrce Measure Op
ening Kocuo River for Commer
clal Fishing Purposes.
STATE CAPITOL. Salem. Or.. Keb, .
(Special.) Ity a vote or S to 15, 11 absent,
the House today pasned a bill by Bepre-
sentatlre Pelrce repealing the Initiative
law passed by the people last November
and throwing the Rogue River open to
commercial fishing. Fouts. Bryant,
Chatten. Clemens and Cole. mem
bers of the ilultnomah County dele
gation elected on a platform embracing
t';e initiative and referendum. Statement
No. 1 and other of the people's laws,
voted for the repeal of the Initiative
niesesjre which was adopted by a ma
jority of over 1.M) votes.
Tiiompson. In arguing for the bill, said
the people undoubtedly had made a mis
take in passing the Initiative measure
s.oce It put out of business an Indue ry
at the mouth of the river that repre
sented an Investment of &T4.CMX Kuuta
id that wi ll he firmly believed In the
Initiative and the referendum, he was
convinced that a serious Injustice bad
been done to the owners of the cannery
operating at the mouth of Kogue River
since In Its operation the law would
amount to a confiscation of that prop
erty. Cole called attention, to the fact
that the owners of the cannery had
been for years operating a private
hatchery with which the stream was an
nuaily restocked with the reesilt that the
park was increasing erery year.
Buchanan admonished the Legislators
pot to Interfere lth the lav as It was
loptcd by the people end In sarcastic
vein extoUer the Initiative and the ref
erendum. Vt esterlund mad a sgrong
talk acainst the bill but the odds were
against him. fie ssld that the fishing
In Rogue River, under the prorlslons of
the i'elroe b.II. would be 'controlled by
the monopoly owning th cannery at the
mouth of that stream with the renult
that the Ju.OM people rees.llng along that
stream and Us tributaries would be un
snie to get any run. Jle said the can
nery people controlled nine miles along
one Mde of the river and It miles on the
opposite sde with the remit that by the
us of seines and other lulling gvar It
was a phydcal Impossibility for salmon
to ascend t.. river and Its tributaries.
The l'eirc bill provides that only Chi
nook salmon can be taken from the
river for commercial pucposc
.Tli vote by which the bill passed fol
Ayes Abbott. Ambrose. Relknap,
Pryant. Chambers, Chapman. Chatten.
"hurch. Clemens. Cole, Katon. Fouts.
t;:ll. Graver HuntlnK'.on. Johnson. Ubhy,
Mann. Manner. McKlnncy, Miller (Linn),
Miller (Columbia!, lvirce. Powell. Hack
le ff. Shaw. Simpson. Smith. Stcelhammer,
Sit:on. Thompson snd Tlgard. Total, H
No Amme. Belland. U.gelow, Rone-
brak. Urooke. Hromnhlll. lluchanan.
Carter. Cottel. Derby. Lelnenweber.
Peterson. Reynolds. Wealerlund and
Speaker Rusk. Total, li.
Absent Ahrams. (teals, Buckley. Clyde,
roinns. tiriimin. Hoills. Jones; Msgone,
alahoney and feuner. Total, u.
Governor Approve Object, but Dis
like Form of Measure.
STATK CAPITOL Salem. Or.. Feb. .
iripeclal.) Uorernor West today. as
expected, vetoed Hens tor Nottingham's
bill prohibiting the sal of adulterated
Unseed and flaxseed oil. th veto being
as follows:
I herewith return Senate bill No. It
with my disapproval.
This In a bill which evidently haa
as Its object the creation of a standard
of purity for Unseed or flaxseed oil. to
prevent adulteration of such oils and
to provide a penalty for the violation
of these prorlslons.
"The object of the bill Is meritorious
and. properly drawn, would serve
good purpose. -v originally Intro
duced, I see no objections to the bill.
but as It now appears the provisions
fixing the standard of purity for these
oils have been omitted. In my belief.
therefore, the only object to be served
by the bill In Its present form would
be to still further cumber the statute
books of th state with Ineffective
laws, and without the expurgated pro
visions the hill would be weak and
practically Inoperative.
catrd tuan ever.
In th midst of th debet Stewart
aros and asked for an Indefinite post
ponement, doping to deprlr All'n of
making the closing speech. 8om ef
t'i .-Senators thought that this priri.rge
should be granted, and Allen was tp
parvntly plud and refused to ep-ak
until the question was put to a vote.
Th motion was lost. It to it.
Piper Gain Floor.
Piper Immediately gained th finer
and said that. Inasmuch as Al'en hid
been preparing th speech for t ar j
years, th Senate was entitled to hear
It bow. Ailea said, be bad notu'urf
Mahonry Mould Make County Con
stitute Third District.
8TATH CAPITOL Salem. Or.. Feb. .
Cpcial. e Multnomah County k created
as a separate Congressionsl district In
reapportionment bill presented In the
House today by Mahoney of Morrow.
I'nder this bill, all counties west nf th
Cascade! with the exception of Multno
mah, are designated a the first Con
gressional district; those counties east of
It. Cases J- will constitute th second
district while Multnomah alone will be
the third district.
The proposed Congressional apportion
ment follows:
llrri district Benton. Clackamas. Clat
sop. Columbia, Cwe, Curry, Douglas.
Jackson. Josephine. Lain. Lincoln. Linn.
Marion. Polk. Tillamook, Washington
and lamhilL
cood district Baker. Crook. Gilliam.
Grant. Hood River. Harney. Klamath,
Laike. Malheur, Morrow. Sherman. Uma-
ti.a. Union. Wallowa, Wheeler and
W aeco.
Tulrd district Multnomah.
(Continued From First Pass.)
the Wisconsin law, of which its framer
said It Is a copy, and in a number
of sections pointed out omUeiions from
that law.
One of these, he said, was the changing
of the word action" to "twit" which,
under the procedure In this state, places
the esse before the Judge Instead of be
fore the Jury.
"This bill from the time of Its birth."
h said, "had th eyes of the Portland
Railway. Light St Power Company and
public service corporations upon It. Now
It in worth little more than the paper It
Is written on and an increase in the
alarles of the commissioners."
Kellaher Interposed when Joseph
closed and asked .Vularkoy if he under
stood him correctly in averring that Kel-
iaher's statements were untrue.
abatements Held Vnlruc.
"Yea. all the statements you have
made In reference to this bill have been
untrue. I declare that you have not
acted In good faith. You have trespassed
on the Senate and treated the Senators
unfairly. You have been falew In every
thing you have staid concerning this
Kellaher asked the Senate why Presi
dent Josalyn, of the Portland Railway,
Light A Power Company, places his
stamp of approval upon the bill.
It Is a round bill to fit a square hole.
ho said. "You ask us to place these
regulations under the State Railroad
Commission. Why Is It that the Baker
rate case set seven months ago has
never been disposed of? Why were other
rate casosi heard In the O. R. & N
offices In Portland? These have never
been decided because J. X. Teal comes
In with his Intervenor and tf this bill
becomes a law It will never be effective
because this same Teal will come In again
and again and the people will never
get results.
'We know how our present Mayor of
Portland went Into the O. R. & N. offices.
even excluded the newspaper men snd
plugged the keyhole, and- what for? To
give, away lUiSa-wO worth of streets.
Portland will be In a most damnable.
plight If this bill passes and the people
will never get redress. The telephone
companies and all of them are 'kongaroo
ing' against us."
Fenders Called Meatchoppers.
Calling the present fenders on the
streetcars of Portland "meat choppers-'
and the Taxpayers' League the "Tax
ledgers' League." Kellaher made fur
ther allegations that Interests are be
hind the bill.
It has been alleged that the pro
posed Initiative bill for Portland will
cost the city 150.000 a year, -but Joe
Teal didn't know, when he told Louis
Goldsmith to get busy, that the bill
would not cost the people of Portland
cent. Lnder this act Ifwe try to get
relief, the minute f are close to It
th gumshoe and pussycat artists of
the Portland Railway. Light & 1'ower
Company will be up here Intervening.
Why this bill Is so full of Jokers you
could get no more In It unless you en
larged the size of It. And who did
you find supporting It before the com
mittee? None other but the Mayor of
Mllwaukle. the creation and creature
of Josaelyn."
McColloch asked a few questions In
connection with different phases of
the bill, which were explained by Ma
larkey. Malarkey responded to the at
tacks made by Joseph and Kellaher,
Iurlng the morning there were a num
ber of keen situations when Joseph and
Malarkey and Malarkey and Kellaher
were standing close together, shaking
hands and pencils at each other and
was necessary at one time for Presi
dent Selling to order the Sergeant-at-
Arms to preserve order.
Reasons for Attack Are Cited.
The sole reason for the attack on
this bill." stated Malarkey In Musing
the debate, "was because the name of
Pan J. Malarkey Is sttached thereto.
That Is th reason why my friends.
the conspirator on the left (Kellaher)
and the conspirator on my right (Jo
seph), have taken their stand and this
shows the venom and the vlciousness
of the opposition. Seldom have I heard
men speak In such Ignorance and their
Ignorance Is only exceeded by the
utter disregard for the truth. I waited
II th afternoon yesterday, while
this bill was being read section by
section, for either Kellaher or Joseph
to make some criticism, to say one
word which would Indicate some of
the alleged Jokers In the bill and
neither of them spoke. They were not
acting In good faith and when they
say the bill is wrong they are false
and they know they are false and they
are wasting the money, and trifling
with the time, of the people of Oregon
But they are acting only upon the
orders that they receive from the
throne In an attempt to do some jn
political Injury. These men have set
themselves up as the self-appointed
spokesmen of the people of Portland.
but there are five men in this delega
tion beside these two that also con
sider themselves somewhat associated
with the people of Portland and they
all stsnd firmly for state-wide regu
lation. But these two. regardless ' of
what they believe. Intend to vote
against this bill.
Courts and Supreme Courts and that
from cover to cover It Is filled with
provisions not only impossible but un
tenable. "And l.ere let me show you a copy
of the "Weekly Doughnut,'" continued
Malarkey. holding in his hand a copy
of the Optimist, with a flaring litho
graph of Kellaher on the front cover.
"Here we have a long eulogy of "Fight
ing Dan' Kellaher, of his honest eyes
and of his speeches In the Legislature
which make the welkin ring, but which
no one else has ever heard. . And on
the back page of this we find an ad
vertisement of his Kast Side grocery
and family liquor store. Who Is behind
this Doughnut? Somebody with money
and somebody with an object.
"It costs money to produce a paper
like this and send out free copies by
the thousand and I would like to know
whose money It Is that is back of it
Dlmlck. asked to correct a statement
made by Kellaher that Mayor Streib,
of Mllwaukle, Is the creation, of Presl
dnt Josselyn, of the Portland Railway,
Light & Power Company, stating that
the Mayor of Mllwaukle had been re
sponsible for fighting that company In
rate cases to the highest court In the
Controversy Grows Bitter.
Kellaher In explaining his vote took
occasion to make another attack on
Malarkey. "If there was ever con
spirator born of woman in the State
of Oregon It Is Dan J. Malarkey." Here
he showed a copy of the Portland city
charter and said that Malarkey had
succeeded in slipping a Joker into the
charter which had tied the hands of
the Council and has never allowed the
Council to go back and review a fran
chise. "In three .words he bound and
gagged the Council." he concluded.
Malarkey responded that the last re
marks of Kellaher were characteris
tic and further displayed Ignorance and
venom on the part of that. Senator.
Miller in explaining his vote objected
to all the personalities that had been
allowed and urged the President to
take steps for their discontinuance in
ihe future. Wood declared he believed
the bill would result in keeping capital
away from the state end Abraham, who
originally voted In favor of the bill,
changed his Vote.
The vote stood as follows:
Yeas Albee. Barrett of Umatilla,
Barrett of Washington, Bean. Bower
man, Burgess. Calkins, Carsun, Chase.
Dlmlck, Hawlcy, Hosklns, Lester,
Locke, Malarkey, McColloch, Merry
man, Miller. Norton, Nottingham, Oli
ver, Parrlsh, Patton, Von der llellen.
Nays Abraham, Joseph, Kellaher,
Sinnott, Wood.
Yeas, 25: nays, 5.
Portland's Foremost
Furnishers of the '
Home and Office
Toll & QiTbfos, Hoc.
Easiest Terms
of. Payment to
Dolly Vardcna Vnder Ban.
STATK CAPITOL, Salem. Or, Feb. .
(Special.) Private . Individuals and
stat officials are prohibited from
propagating Dolly Varden trout n
bill Jointly Introduced by Lelnenweber
and ttellaod of Clatsop, Which passed
in nous today. This bill had th In
dorsement of th I'nlted States De
partment of FlshcrUa. this species of
trout family being recognised ss th
greatest enemy to th salmon Industry
on th Columbia . River and other
Commissioners Not Infallible.
""Why should Portland elect three
commissioners? Are not members of
the City Council elected by the same
electorate and are they Infallible? One
of the main troubles In Portland is.
according to rumor that In many cases
Is well Justified, that members of the
Council hav In many Instances been
dominated by the public service cor
porations. If these commissioners are
elected Is there reason to believe they
will be different than members of the
Here ha showed the fallacies in the
Initiative bill as proposed for the City
of Portland. He showed that tha bill
from start to finish Is an open con
fession that Portland cannot govern
public utilities without the aid of the
state. He showed that in the first
Instance the bill calls upon the Gov
ernor to sppotnt three commissioners
nd that the City of Portland has no
right nor authority to demand such of
th Gorernor. He showed that, ander
th terms of the bill the people of
Portland are attempting to legialata
for the people of the state: that the
bill attempts to dictate to Circuit
Emergency to Be Stricken Out
and Special Temporary Com
mission Xamed.
STATE CAPITOU Salem. Or.. Feb.
(Special.) Enactment of Representa
tlve Blgelow's bill providing for an elec
live Port of Portland Commission, was
approved by the Multnomah County dele
gutlon tonight at a hearing before which
a delegation of Portland citlxens ap
peared. President Selling objected to
the emergency clnuee attached to the
measures and, with this removed, the
desired legislation will be assured.
Judge M. G. Munly was the principal
speaker and strongly advocated the bills.
He urged the retention of the emergen
cy clause for the reason that with
stricken from the bill, the three months
that must Intervene pending the call In
of the referendum on the measure would
prevent the election of new Commis
sioners at the approaching city election
next June.
One of the Blgelow bills proposes that
the Legislature, by Its enactment, shall
legislate into office five Commissioners
to serve until their successors can be
elected by the people and qualify. There
ia little doubt but that the emergen
clause will be stricken from the bill
when It Is passed and this will mean
that the five Commissioners who will be
mimed therein will serve until July
1913. or following the regular biennial
city election In June of that year. The
other bill prescribes the manner In
which the members of the Commission
shall be nominated In the primary, elec
tlon and elected in the regular city elec
tlon. Tho question of fixing the salaries
of the Commissioners and their officers,
If any salaries shall be paid, was left
to the determination of the delegation
in the consideration of the bills.
In addition to Judge Munly, the fol
lowing Portland men appeared before
the delegation on the same mission: F.
S. Myers. J. N. Montctth. Charles F.
Machen, A. Rosensteln Kdward A. Mo-
Urath and A. L. Snuvle.
,W. H. Chnpln. William Kllllngsworth
J. O. Rountree. H. W. God. lard and S
N. Steele, representing the Portland
Realty Board, formed another delega
tion appearing before the Multnomah
County legislators. They came to pre
sent arguments against the bills repeal
log the Torrens registration law and the
mortgago tax bill. On reaching here
they learned that the House committee
on Judiciary had reported unfavorably
on the mortgage tax measure while five
of the seven Senators said they were
opposed to the modification of the Tor
rens law In any way. As a result the
hearing lasted less than five minutes and
the realty men returned to Portland
tonight entirely satisfied.
Selling Disapproves Juke Bill.
8TATH CAPITOL. Salem. Or.. Feb. J.
(Special.) An attempt to foist a little
more "waggery" on the Senate proved a
failure today when President Selling
ordered a resolution, coming from some
unknown source, torn Into bits for th
waste-baiiket. The resolution deplored the
poor ventilation in tne benate cnamDer
and commented upon Senatorial heads
'plilhing with intellect and indications of
early piety. It also asked that windows
be opened and bald-headed Senators be
provided with proper skull cape.
Senate Seeks Economy.
STATE CAPITOL, Salem, Or., Feb. 8.
(Special.) With scarcely an opposing
vote, the House today passed Senator
Woods' bills providing that none of the
ate institutions, boards or commissions
shall exceed in their expenditures the
biennial appropriation mode by the Leg
islature and prohibiting the issuance of
warrants In payment of claims when
there are no funds In the State Treasury
for paying such warrants.
Validating BIIL4 Introduced.
STATE CAPITOL, Salem. Or., Feb. .
(Special.) Senator Larson introduced two
bills today having for their purpose
vslidatlng of all acts of deputies In the
office of tha Secretary of State during
the absence of Secretary Be noon. One
relates to signing of all vouchers and
papers relating directly to the office and
the other to certain conveyances in
Eastern Oregon.
Anti-Trust Bill Belayed.
STATE CAPITOL. Salem. Or.. Feb. 9.
(fpeclal.) Joseph's anti-trust bill was In
definitely postponed by the Senate to
day. A minority report favored the bill
and was signed by Dlmlck and Joseph.
Some discussion followed the report of
the revision of laws committee, Larson
declaring tl. bill wrong from "both ends
to the middle."
Furniture Upholstered, Repaired and Refinished at Most Reasonable Cost
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Economical mothers will
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Children's Wool Dresse3
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for 6 to 14 years. $3.95 to
$25, their former prices;
$1.98 to $12.50, their
reduced prices.
Silk Petticoats S3.4-S
A Special Group of Them That 'Were
$4.75. $5.95, $6.50 and $7.50.
Taffeta Silk Petticoats in black, rose, green,
gray in plain colors. Also in striped and the
changeable effects. Soft wearable silk skirts with
wide tucked flounce. A Friday and Saturday offer
ing from the Petticoat Section that will interest
many women. $3.45.
Supreme Sewing Machines
Supreme in Quality, in Range of WorK,
in Construction. $16 and Up. Terms
$1.00 Down, 50c WeeKly.
These Specials in
Iroim Beds
'Good Until
$10.75 Iron Bed at $6.25 Posts
in white enamel and gold. Decorated
panels at head and foot. Full size.
$23 Iron Eed at $11.25 In best
ivory enamel finish, a plain design
with seven fillers at head and foot.
Three-quarter size.
$32 Iron Bed at $12.50 Three
quarter size bed in best ivory finish.
Brass ornamentation.
$27 Iron Bed at $13.75 A con
tinuous post design, with nine satin
brass fillers at head and foot. Full
$36.75 Iron Bed at $14.75
Three-quarter size bed in gold bronze
finish and brass fillers. Has 2-inch
continuous posts.
$30 Iron Bed at $15.75 An
other continuous-post style, full-size
bed in the popular gold bronze fin
ish. Has nine brass fillers at head
and foot. EASY PAYMENTS.
Friday-Saturday Offerings From
Basemnieot Store
Three Sample Dinner Sets Special
Set of 100 pieces in Austrian
China regular price $20, special at
Set of 50 pieces in best semi-porcelain,
white and gold. Regular
$15, special $10.98.
Set of 50 pieces in semi-porcelain,
decorated. Kegular price $10.50,
special $7.98.
79 for decorated semi-porcelain
Celery Trays, regular price $1.25.
Special in French Gray Enamel Ware
6J for our 30c Enameled Tea Pots
6 for 30c Enameled Pudding Pans
6? for 30c Enameled Dairy Pans
14 for 25c Gas Globes.
8 for 15c Steel Claw House Hammers.
Bowerman's Public Commis
sary Measure Downed.
Inferences of Political Motives Re
pudiated Bcan-Calklns Pro
posed Law Finally Passes
Senate as Substitute.
STATE CAPITOU Salem, Or.. Feb. 9.
(Special.) First real blood was
drawn for the administration today
when Bowerman's bill, providing? for
the purchase of state supplies through
public commissary, went down to
defeat and the Bean-Calkins bill, a
child of Governor West, was adopted by
the Senate as the proper measure to
guide thedestlnles of the board In this
Important branch of administrative af
Bowerman made a splendid fight for
his bill, repudiated all Inferences that
he may have political motives in in
troducing the bill, and declared that
his motives were actuated solely by a
desire to protect the taxpayers of Ore
iron and do away with an old system
hlch had developed flagrant abuses
and was costing the state $100,000 an
nually in excess of what it should pay.
Pica foY Board Made.
Abraham also supported the bill.
Miller spoke strongrly against the
Bowerman measure and - alleged that
politics entered into Its Inception.
Norton favored the Bowerman plan,
stating that any business house buy
ing supplies under the present system
would soon go into bankruptcy. Mc
Culloch entered a plea to give the new
board a chance to adopt its own plan
and take custody so that it could give
an account of its. own stewardship.
A test was taken when a vote was
required on whether the Bowerman
bill or the Calkins-Bean bill should
take precedence in final passage. The
vote stood 14 to 14 on this and Selling
decided In favor of the administration
Vote Is 17 to 13.
On vote to determine whether tho
Bean-Calkins bill should pass the re
sult was as follows:
Teas Albee. Barrett of Washington,
Bean, Calkins, Dlmlck, Hawley, Joseph,
Kellaher, Locke. Malarkey, McCulloch,
Miller, Oliver, patton, Sinnott, "Von der
Hellen, Selling.
Noes Abraham. Barrett of Umatilla,
Bowerman, Burgess, Carson, Chase.
Hosklns. Lester, Merryman, Norton,
Nottingham. Parrish, Wood.
Teas 17. nays 13.
On a vote as to the passage of the
Bowerman bill It stood exactly re
The Eean-Calkins bill provides for
one purchasing board, to consist of the
Governor. State Treasurer and Secre
tary of State, and to have as a clerk
an expert who will act as purchasing;
agent, only in an advisory capacity.
Dimlck's Measure Is Put Through
After Heated Struggle.
STATE CAPITOL, Salem, Or., Feb. 9.
(Special.) Senator Dim.ick'B eight-
hour bill succeeded In passing the Sen
ate today after a struggle which prac
tically duplicated the contest prior to
its passage the first time. The vote
stood 16 for the bill and 11 against,
and was as follows:
Teas Abraham, Albee, Bean. Calkins,
Dlmlck, Hawley, Kellaher, Locke. Ma
larkey, McColloch, Merryman, Miller,
Nottingham, Oliver, Sinnott, Von der
Nays Barrett of Umatilla, Barrett of
Washington. Bowerman, Burgess, Chase,
Hoskins, Joseph, Norton, Parrish, Wood,
Franchise Bill Postponed.
STATE CAPITOL. Salem, Or., Feb.
For Friday and Saturday
Rose Tooth Powder, a Delight- Q
fully Fragrant and Dependable p 6 iQY)
Dentrifice, Two Days Only at s -A tl IB.
Colgate's Tooth Powder lfi
Lyon's Tooth Powder 15
Tooth Paste in tubes 12
Llsterine 17S 33t and 66V
Woodbury's Facial Cream 16C
Squ'bb's Talcum Powder 14e
White rubber with
c o m p 1 e te set of at-
ments, 2-qt. size. pecial for two days at. each
2-quart Fountain Syringes, special for two days
(Special.) Kellaher's attempt to do away
with the H. D. Green franchise of the
Portland Gas & Coke Co., failed In the'.
Senate today when his bill for this pur
pose was indefinitely postponed.
time is valued
accurate time-keeping
is all-important
the WALTHAM is
the preferred watch.
"It's Time You
Owned a Waltliam 1
Sulphur. Cherry Blossom,
Transparent Glycerine
or Barton's Dermatic Tar Soap, the cake
Valentines From lc to $5
Tou never saw a better assortment of "Cupid's Holiday" novelties. And
never were clever valentines so low priced. The selection Includes a large
variety of the dainty remembrances that sweethearts love to receive, and
the roost original conceptions in post card reminders of the season. See the
window display of valentines.
It's Pure Drugs That Make Your Prescriptions
Worth While
Have them filled here and-we'll never substitute. We have the drugs your
doctor wants, no matter what they are. Expert prescription clerks to see
that they're filled properly.
DBH&sa WATCH csbsik
Dont't Be Bald
Almost Any One May Secure
a Splendid Growth of Hair
Tou can easily find out for yourself
If your hair needs nourishment, if it is
thinning, getting dry, harsh and brit
tle, or splitting at the ends. Tou sim
ply have to pull a hair from the top of
your head and closely examine Its root.
If the bulb 's plump and rosy it Is all
right; if it ia white and shrunken your
hair is diseased and needs nourishment.
We have a remedy for hair trouble
that cannot be surpassed. It has a
record of growing hair and curlnt?
baldness In 93 out of 100 cases where
used according to direction for a rea
sonable length of time. It will even
grow hair on bald heads If the scalp
Is not glazed and shiny. That may
seem like a strong statement it is
and we mean it to be, arid no one
should doubt it until they have put our
claims to an actual test.
We are so sure thatRexalt "93" Hair
Tonic will completely eradicate dan
druff, prevent baldness, stimulate the
scalp and hair roots, stop falling hair
and grow new hair, that we personally
give our positive guarantee to refund
every penny paid us for Hexall "93"
Hair Tonic In every instance where It
does not do a we claim or fails to
give entire satisfaction to the user.
Kexall "93" Hair Tonic is as pleasant
to use as clear spring water. It Is per
fumed with a pleasant odor, and does
not grease or gum the hair. Wo have.
It in two sizes, prices 60 cents and
11.00. We urge you to try Kexall "93"
Hair Tonic on our recommendation
and with out guarantee back of it. You
certainly take no risk. Kemember, you
can obtain Rexall Hcmcdies only nt
The Owl Drug Co., Inc., corner Seventh
and Washington Streets.
Orrine for Wilis key
and Beer Habit
Orrine Is the standard remedy and is
everywhere recognized as the most suc
cessful and reliable home treatment for
the "Drink Habit." It is highly praised
by thousands of women, because It has
restored their loved ones to lives of
sobriety and usefulness, and the weekly
wages which at one time were spent
for "Drink" are now used to purchase
the necessaries and many comforts of
home. Any wife or mother who wants
to ave her husband or son from
"Drink" will be glad to know that slia
can purchase ORRIXE from Skidmora
Drug Co.. 151 Third St., and 37J-374
Morrison St., and if no benefit is ob
tained after a trial, we will refund the:
ORRINK Is prepared in two forms.
No. 1, secret treatment, a powder, abso
lutely tasteless and odorless, given
secretly In food or drink. ORRIXR
No. 2 in pill form, is for those who
desire to take voluntary treatment.
ORRINE costs only $1.(10 a box. Write
for Free Orrine Booklet (mailed in
plain sealed envelope) to ORRINE CO.,
730 Orrine Building, Washington, D. O.
Orrine is recommended and is for salt1
in this city by Skidmore Drug Co., 151 1
Third St., and 372-374 Morrison U '