Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, February 10, 1911, Page 19, Image 19

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Cotton Clique on the Trail of
Coffee Bulls.
l:ran for llic nrrnk in Prlcce (
New York Valtifa An T.lkcljr
l II Forced Hljlirr
H.prl Jn.t to fund f-m Near Or!rn
an-1 N.w Tola Indicate Irat Clliu ?
eett.ia eulla. tiont tleaned ap a !'
mount ef anT llln rettoa. hare
etermiad either t la It er mat a
1-t mm tr eesrlrf wfM. It wfll M
t4 that reffea hare
c'lnm ttr ..-n lilt; tim aa4 eeer since
Ihia r4 ef rotloa men have started to-a-tr
Th ta n rmtvia ahstever that tn-re
a ta a eraee cufr anslneer-d br
ral bit t"f lo". as ha been oftea
e-ated la Iheea coJamaa T-
e'alme.l that the sl,U:iial p---:lo the
cr- niri-l aaa tnat Ihe Iirastllan
were li-.:'f!e.l In rle-iaa-Hn- ami etlla
l-r prl-aa and tear, as paella
a milwn ..r t at of IU r.ei-ed the
Uraili'sne alone br auym. t!emsla and
S''' In t 1
i:rrtnin went N-rc In oa erir anil!
Ms rot n a erawil rani la and bct hero-B.r1-i
le tnarsel. Wha the outcome
will W It la 'irf.eult to tX Xanjr predlet
trie: wfc -a IS e.itr.o c:mu ha to a-.aa
pet wlt te a bi epwarJ tare,
and tT la aa tSe reaarn that In S'a-
t '! t.-tnn nt tea market continue to
few h!h prl.'ee.
H sum kimi of th East ' '"a
atirr. pfloa) f ee'f-e baa semeail de-reaee.
aa ar-ouat of hul prle and miiea mised
..fra haa tn ul. Ta'l hoVa awl t
1M alnt aa toa I'artfle f-t.
but th d.-rmaa la ao nominal hr that
It ngll n-n m.mnl ta Bt'- la tha
rat. -.r It waa ba-y that chl.-nr.
tha ancci;al I'i'Irrinl fir effa. b'l-
.rr naltr. A far aa plca In
t".m -at in rm-m-l. a h ajanr tlm
ba atalot. thar rra aaant-l
anything t'ba if tntrkrl : aij for
ti'la raaaa tara haa ba n
r,.-.. aa rat a-r ara thara Hbaly l- b
anl-n thra ahmjla ba rarr mo. a arrat-r
4 r m-a m tof-a lhaa a
li: I .f'aa !" In arrta IT aiivfc In tha
I n.t4 -ji:--a tuan tftar ha ln fr W
-ara. an I Mhar ara real'.j aar-
r "n r.f"a ta and Iba
U mother r-a anr rorfa of a"-H qual
ity i-a h I !. -i to ,-nn piatarvaMr.
Tha t al ca- in ! data baaad oo yaa
lrtii nr.t.'i na la tl'rM't 0'r I pr
a-iinU ..ti ml. I cf.- an.i a hat mora
faa thit ' a f!l. r"r Tkraa lattar rof
f Ara nt At .l uri on tha ra.-lftc
1 1 i,l r-.ft. a lik-ri It.a n.l'iral ouraa alth
ut " ba.T' an --rint. Iha prlra mllnf
t Hfay a .;-! hnr ba in"ufl". ra--had
at-l aarrtr'-.l a- that fiaa prl aa ara
tara r-wt ;ua anJ ara filr to ti
a-..wr. i' i tn rar til an tuatr aliha.
Tut ha hr tara war ra-lara thain
f jrthar a" I ha l ul.a tham. i'iaa
mk fi- f-"-! n.arli'! mu'h ao
av rat-nni-f
Mlla) Mlalar aalbar (Man 11
T-t" ha mrh praa-ira ta aall har aa
tha part f crnwara ill aparalalara la tha
rwin'rv i 1 pra af ml tarlatiaa ara
a'it VI nr a waa X Tha
pa w n -r ha r-trwifitu f-ir tha an?oa4
Ina oa-- awa-aaa taat af tha moaatalna.
bra h a a lr aupp 7. ara
trr'.na la ltn-1 buF iwa fr a part af tbatr
Tha w K't KMrk-t a aalaf ifll tb
taa.l-ri' y rt prUa wa .:.iwnwrtL IasL-ra
uoia4 cub at caa'.a A llt'la tra.tln
waa 4na tn b:oat-m at 2 ranta.
ara aa4 barlay war aloa aad awbansad.
W'b tha t"-':r aaab.
I .or xi r.-a'pra. In cra. aapa r-po-trd by
tha M'rrhanta. Ki' luttt aa fllwa:
W h- it lur'..
Xanlif H
t i: i
...(--. .ir ... I
fh fa it ..... I . . .
T-r aao
a-aa-n to Ja: - T3 ll:i
i; 4 n
I 7
1 T
i3 n. 2.u;
VOIt UK lnXC.4 INTO M1U R l E.
IWaaaod tai tha laalrra Narkrt la Uaaxl aaa
I'rW-aa Ara r nraa.
Tba strnnc p.iaitioa of th- Ftaatarn mohair
ajtarbat la raporta.1 by tha lloatoa Commar.
ctal Hallatta of K-bruarr aa follows;
"Tha donanj for mobatr rontlnuaa af
t od prooor'i nr In tha tioaton mirkri th'a
a k an.i daa.ara raport ao difficulty (la
Iwrrtaf a.a'a fr uol domaatte combtnd
aAlr. Tha d"irtAnd la wall arattarad amort c
tha Tri.-u linaa of mmutnlura, aa wall.
hl'4 tha u.-ra of h itr ara pal. I 1r bo rapid
ly larraaainc t'.ol rar.lintf hair ramalna
ataafy aa 1 fomca hair la a:aa la fairly
iw4 ilimind.
""tomaal. qootadoea: Itaat tombinr. 3V-;
fooi camh na. -J M : ordinary C')inhing.
3j ft 3.-. caruina. "A: foralca. t'apa
rrsta, c; Turkay. fa.r ararac. i: 3 lie."
Itajara Aftaa- raartrwa-ta HawM Taka Ob
liaaa at l Oala
A cvl daman aa raponal yaatar.lay
fjr i hops and lUa aa M(! aa II 'a
raata wara f.r chol.-a. Thara war no
tranaactt.ina la lat yaar'p crop-
l;uar aa irioassf lnra.a d.-rtra to irat
ho:4 of cia;ra.ta. but hav aot auccaada
!a tataraatlnf many of tb growara. Thay
ara affarmr 1 aanta for ona yaar and aom
f tbara ara trying to gat option at
and 14 cn-a
Aapptla, Ara Aaaia AaraaaabMbia; aa ITwat
wua K.a 'it Biarkal grjd'ially aatillrc to
m Ijatr baais. burara ara raatrtcting thalr
purcbaaaa to tha!r actual want. Tula alow
dtiLiQj la rju:r. atocka la sraamalita
Miil on rrt;l afraaa thurh tha surplus IS
pot yat baary. Tb a-.arkat was quotad yas.
tart!sy at J to ccei.
Thar was a fair supply of poultry and a danr.and f r chl.-kans of all kinds.
Draaaad maata bald tbair own.
Ta kii'r and rhraa tnarkata war la
good shap at lormvr prlraa.
T'anr Car af Load Raasasa.
Tour rars of bananas war ya.
tardy la good condition. A car of orangas
aba arrlaad. Tha appta markat waa quotad
staa'ly to fTrm with a fairly good damand.
aat lattac. oa which tha straat has
baaa long fr sera tint paat. la now claaa
tag na and prlraa ar quotad fir mar. Othar
kints of tniab ara fn plaatiful supply.
Ptn-x ei-iin of tha Nart b trn citi
yatr-ix ac m oik
I'laarlne. Ba'anca.
rartland .....
B-aM a .......
apokana ......
....( l:aT7
.... 1.4.i I:l.7
. . . . ;,7 I ol. '7
I.J lot.iwI
Cram. IToar. I aad. Fte.
WHEAT Track prtc; Blue stern.
J-: il.b. rl Kmhi. ':; Vallay. le;
49 folJ. lit.
llAltLtl-Kaa4. IM.UM par toa; braw-
Ina aommal.
MILUll KrK Tlraa. M3rt par taa
BiM.l.ora lll; atari. ii3ai rallaa
rUJl ll- l at.ata.
ata:hl.; aiporta. al'O: '
Ur. IV JO. (num. 4.M; aho '.
OUann a.-
(VHN-Wbau. craakad. ! Pr tan.
OATH No. t whila. . T7 SO PT !
If IT-Tnrk prlfaa: Tlnrthr. Wlliamatta
Va.l-a. ! par toa: Baat.ra O"."".
t;-f II; affa.fa. i:ili; -'"
m ej 1 . cw ar. IUI-
Taaablaa aaa fralla.
rpi.r an-r. $l.St!: eblr. 1
o.caimoa. V U II par cvoa
sick vt.n:rAi;i.-
drart. paranipa. $lLio. taralpa, 1.
tata. I I 3i.
..HKKX rRPIT Paara, I JO aj IT J par
boi. Vaiar.a $.; t T .so par atirral. cranl.r-
raa. li n pV baxraL
VEii.rtllLKA aoh.ra. l.3n15 P"
. raali.'ioaar. 1 : . par crata;
C'allforaia. JfX31 par craia; cacambara 1
p-r I...1; ajlant. J.K par pound; aarilr.
1'lrrlle par pound; ra-n onlana. ro VT
da-a. h-ad laltura. J.W Pr bo.
papra. Sun p-r lo.; pumplna. 3 par
lo., nda, :io.l.--. par dwn; aprouia.
a.-. tomaro-a. $1 -' U '- par bo-
I'ota .-OK ''. ulIl: rrt--. l par hun.lraJ. lMl lolatoaa. l.a
pr lrd
TXuKU'AL rill'IH-Orinrw. aT.,
$.-ii par b"; riori-ta rrapaf.-ull. W:
Ca.lforala a.rai-frnn. banana.
par pound, plnaapplaa. w- par pound; lamona.
J 4 i : tanvartaaa, l 71 pr ba.
i.NIu.v liaymc prlra. tt-li PT Bon
drad. Iairy aad Caantry ITadaaa.
rort-TIlT I.I: liana. UV. aitr: Springs.
I4S w ITc; ttirkays. :. ducks. :ic: goasa.
l;ui:Sc; draaaad turkas. cliOlca.
I O. W ltion ranch, cand ad. 2-9-:
par d.'San. ...
IU TTtH Cuy craamrry astra. 1 and 3
pound prima. In bora. 3.1c Pr pooad; Itag
than b-nra. rartons and d- livary rt'rl.
tMKIiK u!l craain. Iwma. USJl't
par p.und. .une An-.-rlca. HHtitTc
It .r.r4 fancy. ItirllSc P-r pound.
VK.I. Fancy. V. to IS1 pounds. 14 0 13ie
per pound.
lo UkMta.
HAMtt ID to It pouarfa. IIHc: 1i to 14 ls". 1 I" poun-la. lSc;
aainnad. Use; pl-nlca. I3r; cottsv roil
11 Sc.
luruN rnrr. -: standard. .Sc;
ch- a. ;.'St; Kn lh. IS c.
hwkkii HK.irH bv f tooa-u.
driaf b-af a-ta. outaidaa. uvrn.; Irulldca,
Jc . bnta-klaa. Tc
PRV HALT OI HKD Ragular short claara.
dry salt. IsSc. imtM. l". b. k. Ilaht.
salt. HSt; smok-d. 1; ba. ks. heary. salt.
14.-. smokad. li Sc. axporla. salt. lie;
amokad. US'. ... ,
UAItl K.illa raad-rd. tl-rcaa. Hc;
tuba. HSr, iiindal'l pur, tlart as. 13SC;
tuba. 1J',; rl.olaa. tlarcra. 12 S'. tula.
i; c; shortening. iirc-s. t'e; mi !
Hap. WW. IlldVa. T.te.
If'r !! cr.p. 1c; ISO- crop.
12 J
14Si aontra.ts. 14li..
Vvxl. Ka'arn or. goa. 1 - rj 1 r par lb.,
according lo shriakaga. Vallay. 17lic P-r
M"M MB fholc. par poutvl.
Illt'r;. Oaitad hld-a. 7SC par pound:
aall-d calf. la--. a-ilt-d kip. ISc; Hll"l
s'asa. .-. graoa hi.iaa. 1c laa: dry hl'1-a.
l"r. dry caT. U tilac; dry stags. UllIX
l-Kt.T lr. llc. saitad. bulcnara
tk--.rT. i rl oc.
.-. !! A I1AHK 5e par pound.
ilLAl.N IACk.4 Car Iota.
l.lN.r.rrt OH. l ura raw. In harrala,
II "7. kcl'la bollad. In barrais. tl o; raw.
la rasa, tl 12; k-ttl bollad. In caaaa. (1.1.
litm of Io gallons. 1 par cant lcs Pr gal
lon. 0AI. Oil. Wa-ar Whit. Iron bbla c;
wo.. I bbls. IJa; ITarl olU raaaa 1S'-;
ll-a.lllsht. Iron bbl. He; caa. lHe; wood
bb.a. !-; Koran, rasa. U"ie; spaelal
n hilr. Iron bh a lISc. bb:a. ISHe:
l: ina. raa-s, 17c; axlra Star, caaaa. 1U -1
V M. a r. raol.ia. Iron bbls. lie: cases.
""lASOUXt Had Crown and motor gaa
ollna. In Iron br. a. Iac. raa-a. ast.
Iarl:na. brw bhia 3'c. a-ra. Jic; angina
tliatliiat. Iroa blu. J Sc. laa- a, ll'tf.
(irwrrrlaw. I rrt ad" rnrlla. Tf.
I'llIKD ritl'ira Applaa. lltyllS par
In. rurrani. US'; apricot. HSIIIfi
dat-a. pa.-aaa. Iti';e r lh.; f'r. bulk.
wM'o or Ma.-k. br aack. 7 tr He : -. II Mi
11. W II". "; lia. (ill; l-Ia.
tnir no. 1 a.-.
ALiI .V a'oluoabla RWer. 1-pound talis.
( 1- lo par do-n. J-poiind ta'.l. f 1 l. I
p.rund fat. i4U. Alaaka pmk. l-poond
ta.'a II Ji
oVKKti Boastad. In drams. S3 9 3.4c per
NIT TYalnuta. 17Slc par pound;
rtriill aota ltslc; flitrta. Itlo. sl-naipls.
14.;lftc; pM-ana. lc; cocoanuta ctft! par
doarn. -h-atnuta. Use par pound; lalckory
aata. a .y le p-r pound.
tiAt.T ;rani!ied. IIS par ton; ha:f-grourt-l.
loo. $.".0 tr ton. C'W. (: oar ton.
UKANk ctniJll whlta. 4S'; Ul r- whlt.
Sc. 1 Jma. ft lc; pink. '.:; red Maxlcana.
g4-. bayou. I'f.
Itu'K No I Japan. 4c; eheipar grad-a,
3ttU; outh-rn h-d. 3 S f
litiNrlT noir. par ran; ttralnvd.
(Se par poaada
KIMtH lry granulatad. fruit and barTT.
(". beat. I lu. a.r C. (I.'l; golden ".
14; yalioa lr. a.i; rat ibarr-lal.
l4.feO: poadorad. $4 di. T'mu aa raralt
tauraa within 1.1 da. d-duct Se par pound.
If laiar than li dars and within 3d da,,
dadurt ac par pound. Map: sugar, li i
lc par pound.
Iralt C"rrurr-r IluUt-r MtH-Wa Are
Not Ijirgr Hour Market
FEATTUE. Fab. a Kggs declined today.
Tba suppl) was haarlar and tha delr to
kaau clrancd up was almost tinlvrrsal. As
a raault. moat aal-a wara wtads on tha basis
of S3 gnd 3i canta Th murket elad
weak. Kaatarn rid war sold to arrlv
tomorrow at 37 and 2
laical craamrry butt-r Is in rathrr llmttad
supply, althouch a Urge quantity of rrram
li. at had Loan going ta con.lanaarlaa has
laa dlvactad lo rirattla eraaol-riCS. A'hreao
waa waak at laS It "" cams.
Th d-mand for froaan iutlry Is not as
brisk. Live and fraah rtreaaed. howorrr. Is
In r&rH-nt damaad.
Tha flour trad looks for a cut In ths
prtc of patanta. fhlnaaa marcrant ara
alao looking tor jowar price. aiin-r ap
pear to b waiting to ilalarmlnt whathar or
not th recent d-riln In wheat Is likely to
hoid bafor raadjustlpg valu-a
A car of cabbage will reach
tha street la tha morning and will ba of
fcred tl ! cants par pound.
Iaiona hare bean advanced S3 cants a
bos. tb fanciest fruit aow being held at
(I 2i.
Th potato market was ease. Inasmuch
as holders of wsrehoua stock tiav be-n
letline ao mora freely, track stork has
dxaaaed- 4ars wra purchsaad an track to
day at or " rants l-as tnan earner in
tha weak. Total stocks In rieattle hare been
reduced ahout 100 carloads during th last
Ihre week.
The appl market was not as strong to
dar. There la a growing sentiment among that shippers should dispose of their
apples during February If they expect to
obtain top prices.
Coffc aad H-tr.
NFW TotlK. Feb. 9. Coffee futures
dosed ateadr at a pat sdvsnc of 21 to
p..lata. February. lIoc; March. 10 '.Mc;
April. Ir7c; Slay. 10r: June. l.c;
July. lu-Jc; August. 1 r: September.
lIJc: October, ionic; Navmlar. ! .":
laramhcr. a pic; January. oc. balea.
futur-a !." bar.
spot coffee nnaattied and aoralnal. Na T 1H,diji,c: No. 4 rtsntos. 12 13c;
mild eoffee. nominal; Cordova. 13M"Vc.
Kie sugar Firm. Muscovado, .kw last.
3-P-ic: r-utrifagaL Pel teat. A4Vt; mnlaaee
sugar. .SV teat. i73c; refined sugar, steady.
Dried rrwjta at New York.
NEW Tolls". Fab. Frartoratxl apples,
quiet, slesdv: oa th- spot funrv, 12Sial3c;
I elarlre. lluli prime. le(lac: cold
storage. Hsloc.
l'runea y-iiet, steady; quotations. dHne
for i-ali.'ornlaa Bp to 3u-ua and I'ttllt
for firagons from SOa
Peaches Pull, easy; choice. 7tt7Sc; a
lii choaca. 7Wlia:; lanty. t lac.
Livestock Receipts Are Nearly
5000 Head.
Of tli Cattle ArriTal, T-reny Card
Are Sent on to the Sound.
Fancy Calrt. Bring a
Illtrh Price.
The North Portland yards wer wall filled
with stock yesterday". The arrivals of cat
tle were the heaviest In aereral weeks, but
a good part of the receipt, later went oa
to the Sound. This lightened the local mar
ket censldcrably and aa a result prices were
maintained oa a fairly steady basis.
One loaj of (ood s tears sold at an!
ether offerings brought (S to (- Cows
old at (S.:s lo IS. A feature aale wss a
lot of J fancy calvea. averaging" 13 pounds,
which brought (Vie. A big bunch of 7
bead of ewaw ware sold at 11114.
The receipts for the day wer 113 cat
tle. : calves. 3 hogs and 1720 sheep.
Twenty carloads of the cattle received
came from Frank Price, of Center City.
Ms ho. and were shipped to Fry. Brnha
Co. of Pealtle. Of the hog receipts, six
cars came from Nebraska.
The day's sales were as follows:
WalrhtL Price.
1 steer
t steers
7 4 coal
1 calvaa
z mixed cattle ..
1 SterrS
itrrrl ........
; li.00
loi: too
33 4.SS
11134 5.7S
in I And
11 steers
3 calvaa .'. 1S J9
I cair
i bull i70
J bull. l'
J bull 15 a J
J7 strs II" 14
ri cows
ewe 11 3.12.
I draftar. earh ....
Prlt. current on tne various elaaaee of
stack at tha Portland V'nton Stockyards
. i ...... in wet7 on
l7cod to choice ateera 3.7.1 (I n.iyfi
Fair to gfK'o: steers ............. o - v
t.'ooian atear 4.1k) e fl.OO
fholce to prima rows ft.lKl o 6.23
-.. he.- enwa 4 72. IS ft 1MI
Common lo fair be-f cowa 2.ixl y 4.l0 '
"'polo spayed belf-re ......... ft 7" t
t'.iioa to choice ..-lf-ra ......... ft..1iHr ft.73
Fair to good f. 2.1
t.'ommon to fair hellers ......... d.Oot 4.2.1
Chol-a lo good fat buns a" tf
Fair to good fal bulls 4 V 4.2-1
("onimoa bulls 2.5orr 3.2-1
:.od to eholca light calvaa 7 76 . " 23
Fair to good light ralvae T.WI t 7.30
Cnod to choice heavy calves 5 2."it "
Fair to goo.1 heavy calvaa :' 3 21
Common calves (7.1t 4 75
I'.ood to choice stags 8 l ft 23
F.'r to good stage 4.00 9 4.30
Choi, a hoxs (ISO a IS
;o.-l to ehulee noga .... wo r io
Po .r hogs 7.00 g.oo
' h a a p
..." ,. ... . r . . a one a. i
1 null e ir arnoa ..--- .....
lioo-l to choice wethers, grata fed 4.fttr o oo
tl. Watll-rS tr a...
Chol -o ewee. grain f. d 4 2.1 4 io
c.oo.1 to choice ewes, grain fed.. 1 Ml 4.0
Feeders 2.2-1 3 oo
l l.o.. . lamia, grain fad 2.1 1 B
tl.eMl to choice, grain fad...... n oo if H 2-1
Fair to good ?-': 5 7il
pie.r lambs 4 H. B oO
llay fe-l ghsap and lamb Soe lower than
grain fed.
Current prices In tha horse market fol
low: Kraft-re. ritra. to I70O lh.. (Itt.1
a..VO. drafter, fair to good. (l-.'.'.f2M;
chunks, go.!. (10"173; hunk., me.lium.
medium 'to govd. '(-lualio; plugs, (louto.
f'hleag IJvaatock -Barked.
CHIi.'A'jil. Feb. . Cattle Becelpt. eatl
mIed at 7tx; market slow ami ateadv.
ILma liadttO; Tessa steers, 14 HO &..'.:
INeitrro ateers. Il.40u3.70; stocker snd
feelers. ln5si": cows and heifars. 12.3
a1 wo; calvaa. 7ttH'-
Ho. lleceipi aaiimatad at SO.OOO: mar
ket Ifln- lov. er. l.lrht. (7 431J7.7.1; mli'd.
(7 .ft i: heavy. 7i7i'-; rough. (7 ni
f T J.I' g.iod to ch'dc heavy. t7'j3O7-H0;
pira. (T4ii7 -.l: bulk of aia. (7 4(1 7. ay.
r.neep lieceipt estimated at 20.oi: mar
ket w-k l' loc lower. Native, S2Mier4.0;
Wratarn. ('.MK4.4--: yearling. 4.5u.MJ;
lambs, native,. (4.2i0d.2a; Western. 4 S0t
tjuolallons Current la the Bay City Mar
ket. SAN FRANCISCO. Feb. (. Tha follow
ing produue prices were currant today:
Vegetable Cwramharf, 7&ctrfl; garlic 4
IAc; green pens. Slfloc: string beana. nomi
nal: tomatoes. "3cu(12i; egg plant, lotj)
1-" He.
Hotter Fancy creamery. 3oe.
K..s More. I5Sc: fancy ranch. "HC
( he-H Young America. 1.1 S 4 14 S
Millstuffs Ilran -3d 27; middlings $32 341
Fruit Apples, choice, "be; common. 64c;
Mexican lline. I.1..1U rd; California lemons,
choice. (3; commons. $1..V; oranges, navel.
(Loo 2.2.1; pineapples.
l-otatoe t-nllnaa. iiuriianka (1.10OJ30;
sweat. (393.23; -Dregon Xiurbanks, tl.(0
m lona ( 4rt 6 S SO.
Hay Wheat. (yl Rrt . per ton; wheat
and oata ; i 1 1. 3i ; alfalfa. 1.
Keceipts Flour, ll.'li uuartT sacks: wheat,
4'.u rentals; barley. 1.440 cental; oata,
tp.ii cenia!; pot.Atocs, 3'.20 sacks, bran. 5
sacks; middlings. Ml sacks: bay, 194 tons.
Jdetal Markets.
NEW TOHK. Feb. . Standard copper,
di.IL Spot. February. Mar-h. April and ilay,
11 73tf ll-OOc. London, quiet. tjpot tie;
future. 113 Is 3d. Arrivals reported at
New York today. 813 tons. Cu.tom-houae
raturna now xDorta of . 1M-02 ton so far
thl month. lJika copper. 12.62S 4l 8Ttc:
electrolytic. 12.37 H t 12,2-sc and casting.
12 Ovfj 12.23c.
Tin Weak. Spot. 87.0.103R.2.V: Febru
ary ti.Miri'H.I': March. 7..Kff-i7.o.'-o;
April. -IJio.to7.OOr: May. 37.4-H37.KK-.
London. v.ak. Hpot and future. 1 17 1 l"a.
Lead Uull; New York; 4.23jt
4 Doc Eaat SU Louis. London, lead, 13 2s
f-jelter rirm, 5-.'.0j 3.800 Ne TorVt:
5 3jdi.40c Kt St. Lou I a London, 23 7s
Iron Cleveland warrants, 4(a M In Lon
don. I.ocally Iron was rjulet. No. t foun
dry. Northern. (13.33 1D.2S; No. 2. $14.73
ul.7:.; No. 1. bouihern and do soft, (13.23
il 13.73.
btork at Itoaiata.
TinsTON, b. t- cioalng quotations:
Alloueg Mlaml Copper... 204
Amalg. Copper. 0.1S , Mohawk 41
A 2. I, t jim.. JV4S i Nevada Con. ...
Arli'ina Com. .. 11a ..Nlplaalnc Mlnra. lot,
Ath.ntlo 4 Si North Kutte 23 S
It t C C H at. lsSStN'orth Lake S
Putt Coalition. l-'SjOid Pomlnlon. . . 4M,
CaL A Arlxona. 3d oceola 107
Cal. A Hcla...SM Parrott (8.
O 12
t'entennlal 13 yuincy ..
Cop Han. C. Co. 07 'shannon .
K. Hutt Cp. M. 12S, Superior .
. (
rmnmiB - 1 .......
fllroux Con. .... '. 'aiL". S. B. R. A M .tai4
tlrsnby Coo. ... (IHl do preferred .. 4S
Oreene Cansnea. HSII'tah Con 12
I. Koyale (Cop. Udll lh Copper Co. 43i
Kerr Lake 7 Winona
Uka Copper ... 3d 1 Wolverine 120
La dalle Copper 4 Si
CosMiltlon) af the Treaurary.
WASHINGTON. Feb. 9. At the begin
ning of business today the condition of the
l'nit-d State Treasury was:
Working balance In T.-easory of-j;
In' banke'and " Philippine Treasury 32214.lii
Total balance In general funl 8.2i3.447
Ordinary recolpU yeteri'ay were 12.224.
Co. with ordinary disbursement of (2.0$!,
2ia' The deficit to date this fiscal yesr Is (.1.
0i. lu. aa against U."2'T.144 at this time
last year.
These figure. rgrTude Panama Canal and
public debt transactlona.
New York Cattoa Market,
NEW YORK. Feb. . Cotton Spot closed
nulet flv points lower. MM-uplands. 14.33c;
do gulf. 14 eoc Sale. 1200 bale. r
CoiWa tiuur closed firm. 2 (rouua Aaa ex
Franklin . .......
to 1 point higher. Closing bids: February.
14-iloc; March. 14.1V; April. 14 23c; May.
14.32c; Jane, 14.S.'.c; July. 14.3lc: Atifml,
14.08c; October. 13.17; Uecember, 13.0c
Mnsey, Exchange, Etc
NEW TORS. Feb. . Money on call
steady. Jt2 per cer.t; ruling rate. ;
closing blu. 2m; offered at Zi. Time Kan,
easy: CO days. 3 per cunt; lrl day. 3'4; six
months. 34 U. .mi.
inme marcantlla paper. e,V par
cent. Hterllnv exchanee steady, vith actual
bualnea In bankers" bill" st (4. 4.6333
for C day, and at (t.SflL'D f..r demand.
Commercial bill 1 4.b2 is -k2 1.
Har sliver 111 Sc.
Mexican dollars 45c
BodOs Govarnment and railroads, stesdy.
lNTON. Feb. . Bar silver uncertain at
(4 11-1M P-r ounce.
Money. 2S P-r cent.
The rate of discount In th open market
for ehcrt hula Is 31 per cent; for three
months' bills. Shm P-r etnt,
PAN FnANClSCO. Feb. P. Slerllnf on
London, bo days. 4.M": stcht. H.1C.V
"Drafts cilslil. 7c; telegraph. 10c.
rrnCAOO. Feb. (.-Exchange on New
York. 23 par cent premium.
ftitrmgo Prod oca Market.
CHfCAtlO. K"b. V. Uutter Steady;
era am or lea. 17j2nc: dairies. 1H0 22C.
Krir Weak: rrcetpts. .Hrr,; mats; at
mark esses Included. 14SUlbc; ftrsts.
lhc; prime lira la, liar.
,'h-. Steady; daisies. IStrlSVar: twins.
imtili'.Sc. Voting Americas. 14Wlic;
long horns. 14Vtrlic.
Early Losses Are More Tlian Wiped
Out Reading Shows a Gain of
Xearljr Two Point.
NEW YORK. Feb. 9. The anpect of the
lock market changed decidedly during tha
rours of today' operation. At the open
Ing. btar operators, encouraged by the ad
vantage they had gained yesterday, re
sumed their operations with Increased ar
dor and forced prices downward rapidly.
Toward midday, however, the list gave
evidence of .trength. Reading rose nearly
two points from lis low figure of the day.
1,'nlted stales Steel and Mlaaourl Pacific
gained a point and" othar lue Improved
so greatly that most of the day- losses were
wiped out and some gains established.
Weekly report from Paris and Berlin
gave evidence of easy money conditions.
Ktrength of United Stntes Steel reflected
expectations of a favorable monthly state
meat tomorrow, when a report of a large
Inrroaae In unfilled orders Is looked for. If
this be no. the Increase will be the first re
ported ince the quarterly statement of De
cember 31. HXM).
Honda were te-dy. Total sale, par
value. (4.PM.OOO. Lnlted State bond were
unchanged an call.
AIM Cha! Pf .. 2H
Amal Copper .. 8.4'1
Am Agrlcult .. l'HI
Am Meet Mugar I.1''
American -Cm .. 2,4iHl
Am Car A Krty.. '")
Am Cotton oil.. ooo
Am Hd t U p! 1"
Am lea Securl.. 200
High. Low. Hid.
;i2 ;i2 1 S2
:.', ;4 tioS
Mi Mi M'
411 44 1 4.1 H
V' " S US
07 BUS Ml
tlo i Oil Oil y,
2.1 5j 2.1 S 2.1
21 20 20i
42 41, 41 S
80S 79S ""A
02 S 60 f'2'4
143S 14.1S 14.1S
11 S- t'-''S 3S
3:1 S 83 S 33 '
4is .his ;
1M7S likl'i J7
102T 1U2S 1"2S
lilf) lAI-a lliOH
33 :12 S 82
7hS "S "US
21 1 2o0S 2l"a
32 32 M
S14 83 S bd
47 47X 47
12!l 128S 12!
3d n.i 304
s ws f
143i 142S 143
14" 14", MS
171 171 170
33 S S3 S M
R2 3 821.
MS ''S ""
3U 30 li" S
12tl 120S 12t"S
11.1 112 S 02 S
l.-.r.S 13rt 1 3l'
04 v r.:i S
117 II.V4 117
17"4 17 17S
43 43 4.t S
34 S4 34S
7 7 '. S
11I nm JUS
147 147 14I
211 1 211'' 20
I.H114 Kill l.'INt;
SOS 3d Kits
67 S "7 r7
Rrt S 07 " Ort
121S 122S 1I2H
r.7 r.7, r.7s
37 S 37 S 37
113S 113 11.14
43 42S 43S
10714 loos
71 S
127 "i 126H 12-1V
12t 127S 127".
lOdH IMS I'"!"
USi. 08 S 08
:ii si 2m
3.1 S.1S :1.1s
37 37 Xfl S
1'iiy, l.v.ts lt-.i
3.1 34 S 34 H
8HS 0'i 8 S
3'.' '4 32 S 32 S
03 S K3 S 03
4'.' 42S 424
32 712 Si
67 17 177 S
.IrtS B-'V
mis ms i's
oss -8S 28
."" mil fi"'
.18 37 S 7 S
211 28 2-i
24 '4 24 2:1
0.1 S f'3 H M
l'l 17SS 1TS
114 nis I'.IS
It 1 d
4IS 41 41
hl 8014 814
litis no no
4.1S 4-1S
0.1S M tl.l
1S 1 1"4
.17 S 3S .'17'.
50 s Coil r.ns
74 74S 74 S
iin" irk" 17
Am Linseed . . ..
Am Ixwomollve.
Am Smel A Ref
do preferred..
Ara Steel dy ..
Am Sugar llcf..
Am Tel gi Tel..
Am Tobacco pf.
Am Woolen
Anaconda M Co.
du preferred..
All Coast Line..
Halt A Ohio . .
llelhlohem Steel
llrook K Tran..
Canadian Pac ..
Central I.euther
' V.bOO
2i Vi
do preferred..
Ches A Ohio ..
Chicago A Alton
Chi Ot West
do preferred. . 200
Chicago A N W
C. M A St P . . 2.700
C. C, C A St L.
Col Fuel A Iron
Col A Southern.
Consul lias ....
Cora Products..
Pel A Hudson..
do preferred..
Planners' Secur
41 ar
r. .
do let pf
do Xd I f ..
al Lice
lit North Pf ... 2.000
Ct North lire . . 1.4-aJ
Illinois C-ntral. l.l"
Interbor .Met . . 7oo
later Harvester 4.000
Inter Marino pf loo
Int Paper
Int Pump OuO
Iowa Central ..
bL C Southern.. 8(,0
do preferred.. l'HI
Laclede Una ... 7.''"
T,ouls A Nash.. reK)
Minn A St L.. 3'-1
M. S P A a S M o
Mo. Kan A Tex l.f-'O
do preferred.. 2M
Mo Pacific a.!")
Nat Hlacult .... 2'
Nat Lead I"
M-x N Ry 2 pf 1""
N Y Central . . . 2."i
N T. Ont A Wes 2-"l
Norfolk A West 60
North Am
North Pacific .. 2..o0
Pacific Mall
Pennsylvania ... 2..100
People's tins . .. I'.oo
P. C C A St L. IOO
Plttaburg Coal. 4'el
I'r.wa.d S Car.. 3m
Hy Steel Spring 200
Reading 125. 7O0
Kcpubllc Pleel .. fi"0
do preferred.. 2oO
Rock Co S..VX
do preferred. . 3M
St L A S F 2 pf . 3ihi
St I. Southwest. l'"
do preferred.. !.2o0
Sloss Shef.'leld. . 300
Southern l'ac .. S.0im
Southern Hy .. fl.'"0
do preferred.. 1.7H)
Tenn Copiier . .. l.e'k)
Texas A Paeltle 1.2
Tol. St I. A We 2"l
tlo preferred.. 4'MI
Union Pacific... SO.iHmi
do preferred.. T.0
IT H Healty ... 7l
XT S Rubber ... 1.""
U S Steel S'l .t'H)
do preferred.. 1.'0
Utah Copper . .. 7Kl
Va Caro Chera. 1.4WI
do preferred., l.-'tiai
Weatern Md ... 1O0
Westing Klec
W-.tem Union. 400
Wheel A L E V.lli v . 8.800
Total ales for the day. 441.400 shares.
VFW YORK. Feb. 9. Closing quotations:
Ij.'s.' ref 2 reg.ioo N. Y. C. gn 3. SH
do coupon . ..I00VN0. Pacific 3s... Tl
r 8.51 reg loSH'No. Pacific 4...l"-4
do coupon ...112 Union Pacific 4s.lOi,
V. S- new 4 reg.Il'l Wls. Central 4s. tj.i
do coupon ...llrl Japanese 4s .... 8UV4
D. A R- O. 4s. 81HB
Wool at St. IauIs.
T LOUIS. Feb. S. Wool Steady; tar-
L - tl' mertltlloa 1 U '"2 1-' An
j tned.ums, 104 lhc; fine. 12 . 13c.
Iruluth Flsg Market.
TJULtTTH. Feb. B. Flax, on track and to
arrive. I2.0U; May. (2.68 asked.
Hops at New York.
NEW YORK. Feb. 9. Hop Firm.
Good Government Association 'Xovr
Has 200 Members.
KUMATH FALLS. Or., Feb. .-Spe-clal.r
The recently oreanixed Good Gov
ernment League now holds weekly meet
ings. IU membership la close to 200.
It is expected to Increase this to 400 or
500 within the next few months.
At the last meeting; the league de
cided to take up the matter of beautify
ing; the city cemetery plot. It also In
structed its executive committee to se
cure a copy of the old electric light and
water franchise under which the city
and Klamath FaJls Light & Power Com
pany has been working lor years. It
Is Intimated that this franchise Is with
out force In case the city wishes to
ta-k It into tha courts.
Improved Demand Strength
ens the Option Market.
ruexpeciodly Higber Quotations at
Liverpool and Weather Reports
Are of Assistance to the Bulls.
Primary Receipts Short.
CHICAGO. Feb. 9. Improved domestic
call for cash wheat strengthened the option
market today and caused slowly-rising
prices from the otart. There waa ald to
have been much buying of Canadian wheat
for export account. Local sales of cash
grade reached a total of 33.000 b'"-f-with
the purchaser, widely scattered Indi
cating a general demand that of late has
bean conspicuously miMlng. Primary re
ceipt, were short of a year ago and there
was a noticeable let up In country offer
ing, rnexpectedly higher quotations at
Liverpool formed another valuable source
of awl.tanc to the bulls. Moreover, for
different reasons, wet weather In Argentina
and dryne In Oklahoma were both fra
.trued against the bears Th. fln.1 ton.
waa firm. May fluctuated from 94H91!4:
to OJSc. with lat sales c up at 9oc.
Corn wa. dominated In the end by wheat
strength. May ranged between 48c and
41Sc. closing .teady. tt"4c net "'""her at
4Sc! Cash com yas firm. No. 2 yellow
finished at 47947SC.
Oats, although under speculative pressure,
effected by large sale from country com-mls.ion-hou.ea.
rallied with wheat and corn
M.v varied from 314C to 32 e and closed
at 32St32Se. a "et saln ot wc;
.In the provision pit th competition be
tween buyer resulted In a sharp advance
In around. At the final gong pork was
5..Ve t .too higher, lard up 1012Sc and
Lrlba dearer by a dime.
The leading futures rangea as iui"...
WHEAT. Hiirh.
( .94
( .93
( .94S ( -93S
ML. .93S
.82 -S3
.49S .9S
.60S .00 S
.SIS -61
.32 .32S
.3.' .32 S
.Jli -31S
Sept. . . .
18.07 17.J0
17.17H 17.50
9 55
8 57 S 9.70 9.65
9.42S 9.60 9.4J
. -. r 0 -.-U. Ill
Sept. .
Cash'quotations were aa follows:
live No. 2. SIC.
i.:.i c.,4 ne mlvlna. 60a lOc
fair to
choice mailing. ""--- .....
Flaxseed 1. 1 iuin"w'. a ' -
.orinRieiiii ... i.
Timothy seed (11.
Clover 1 4.75. ..,-..
Pork Mesa, per barrel. I219-1.2S.
I.ard Per 1"0 pounds. (9.6...
Short rH.s Sides (loose), .019.
Side Short, clear tboxodj, (10.17
drain statistics:
... e w i anna wara
Total ci'jaraniw ... ' -- ---
eciual to lll.Mt bu.hela. Primary receipts
were tjl.uuu ouaueia. i.iiion;u m....
buaht-ls the corre. ponding day a year ago.
- - J f . tomorrow: Wheat.
in cars; corn, 2S cars; oats. 80 car; hogs.
55.000 head.
Receipts. Shipments.
... 1 1. is sun 13.I1M)
n., . 1 AllO 65.400
' h,he . " ."jr'.Ol.O (41.000
Oats, bualiela .'XXX
. bo.hel. 4.00O J. 900
n.ei.v hushels (3.000 49.100
final n at Man Francisco.
BAN FRANCISCO. t Fob. . Wheat and
's2' n'untutlnns: Wheat Shipping. (L450
1.11 par
tiariey r eeo. ..... -a ..... - - .
brewing. 1.20fri P-r cental.
Oats Red. (l.lOifi 1.27 P-r cental: whlta.
(1.50 per cental; black, (1.11'1.17 per
C"call" board sales: Darley December.
(1 12S Per cental bid. . 13 . asked; May,
(L14 per cental bid, (1.1(1 asked.
Grain Markets of the Northwest.
- . . ... 1 - O U' nina-
stem. gJiilc: fort'ifold. '2c: club, 81c; red
Receipts Wheat. 11 cars.
8EATTLE. Wash.. Feb. . Milling quota
tions: Hlueaiem. 8i5c; fortyfold, S4c; club,
l 1 . -- .a., 1 1 1 ! n 11 Sir.
Kxport wheat Biuestem. 83c: fortyfold.
Sic club. Hoc; flfa. hoc; red ltusrlan. 7Hc.
Yesterday's car receipts Wheat. 10 cars;
oats. 2 cars: hay. cars; parity, : car.
Esrooess Grain Market.
LONPON. Feb. . Cargoe A Brmer feel
ing. Walla Walla for shipment. 85s ttd.
Kngllah country market, quiet; French
country maraeis. quiet.
LIVERPOOL, Feb. 9. Wheat March, 7s
ad; May, O lla. weainer, ciouujr,
Mlnneapolla Wheat Market,
MINNEAPOLIS. Minn., Feb. . Wheat
May. H.01102; juiy. iwn. ll.uatL: No. 1 Northern, (loi.
it 1.03: No. 2 Northern, 98yL01; No. 3
wheat. l)C8''"Sc. .
Scuttle, Tacoma and Intermediate
.a .1... Cnnrlnv Vchriiflrtf Flth
"O.-W. Owl" on O.-'W.-R. & N. "Puget
. t. . . " ..-Ill lAov.a Pnl-tlonJ ..
sound nuuiti. . . ' . ' . - " .
.. a j 1 . ,1 nf 11-41; P M fnr
11 1 ill. '
Seattle, Tacoma, Centralis, Chehalls
and all Puget Sound points. Sleeping
cars open for passengers at Union
Depot at 9:30 P. At. as uRual and pas
sengers may remain in these sleepers
after arrival at Seattle and Tacoma
until 8:30 A. al
Another Nottingham BUI Vetoed.
STATE CAPITOL. Salem. Or., Feb. 9.
(Special.) Another of Senator Not
tingham's bills will receive disapproval
hy the Governor when hi Senate Bill
No. 39 Is vetoed tomorrow. The bill
prohibits adulteration of linseed and
flaxseed oil. Tho Governor gives his
701-2-3-4-5 Lewis Bldg.
Portland Oregon
National Bank
Merchants National Bank
Capital and Surplus $350,000,00
inem ui -u Consistent With Conservative Banking.
First National BanFi
Capital $1,500,000
Surplus 750,000
Oldest National Bank West ol that
Rocky Mountains
Bank Notice
Security Savings and Trust Compaa
Ccrtctt Building, Fifth and Morrison Strea.a
Capital and Surplus $953,003
Invites Accounts ot
Merchants, Individuals and Saving
reason for affixing the veto that it
is apparent half of the bill is omitted
as coming to the executive and In its
present form means nothing. This con
dition is due, evidently, to clerical er-
Vire Swore, Alleges Husband.
MED FORD, Or., Feb. 9. (Special.)
Charging his wife with having treated
him in a cruel and inhuman manner, and
with having used profane language to
wards him in the presence of their chil
dren Charles Rexford. a rancher in the
Rosue River Valley, has flled a petition
in the Circuit Court asking for a divorce.
The couple have five children, the young
est of which is now 14 year, old. Ther
were married here In isao.
"bitulithic pave
ment in use here
several years; more
this year; giving
general satisfac
tion," says J. B.
Perrott, of Salem,
Cook's Tours
Japan, 67 Days, $650
Hawaii, 21 Days, $2Q0
All expenses included, first-class
transportation, hotele, etc.
Europe, $160 Up
689 Market St., San Francisco, or
Local Agent.
Str. "ANVIL."
For Tillamook, Newport, Florence and
Bandon, with passengers and freight,
sails from Albers Dock, No. 3, Feb. 14,
6 P. M. Freight received up to noon
for Bandon and Florence, and up to 3
P. M. for Tillamook and Newport-
Phomea Mala 151, A 190-.
Ticket Office 128 3d St. rhone Blaln 28
Alaska dock. Portland. 8 P. M. Deo. IS. 20.
T, Jan. . 10. 17, 24. SI. Feb. 7, 14. ill. 2a and
every Tuesdar night thereafter during tos
Winter. krlsht received at Alaska Dock
antll S P. M. dally. Pasener fare flrst
claas, tlo; aacond-olaas. S7. lucludinc meals
and eerta. Ticket on aale at Alsawarta
Peck, rhvaat Mala 2S8 A 12S4i
4Al r-iCIKA "arc1 V, i JJ"
afKFS. li HAN'T March 11. 3 P. '..
tKAWEKlN AVO. W.. March 1. 10 A M.
tUrexcelled Hlta-Carltot, a 1 C"""
taurant. Gymnasium. Elec. Baths. Elevator,
Palm Garden. -Hambur "'ah.IS;oura
evvill call at Plymouth and Cnerooure.
UHv new 17.000-ton steamers, equipped with
meJn alfitF apiillances. ElecUlo Baths,
Gymnasium. Elevaior, etc
,S. 8 CINCINNATI MarcU 28, 10 A. M.
8. 8." HAM BUBO Ap
3. S. BATAVIA April Z9
Naples and ffenoa, Only.
N . Sf
K "-" saaraaa.r
tes se25 ho.e.i an' Ashore
tS "sa Will Take ou
V T -. .. r. n ,1 r-It, f .
Visiting Lisbon. Spain, Italy. Eprypt.
India, Ceylon. Striilts Settlements,
Java. Philippines. China. Japan. Sand
wich Islands and Overland American
By the Twin-Screw Steamship CLKVE
I,AXD (17.00i tons). Flrnt cruise
leaving; New V'ork NoTember 1. 1911.
Seeon.l cruise leavine; San Ilrancileoo
February 17, 191.
Send for Illustrated Booklets.
160 Powell St., San Iunci..o. t a'.,
Or Local B. K. Agents In Portland.
worth while, excelling all other fnr novelty
and pleasure. The Volcano of Kllauea. th
largest In the world. Is tremendously active
now It is possible to make this desirable
trln with SPEED and comfort and the price
Is low. 110. flrst-class. San Francisco to
Honolulu and back, and $45.00 for side trip
from Honolulu to volcano. Including; rail
and auto to Kllauea: hotel at Hilo. also
Volcano House. No other trip compares with
this Be sure to visit the Island, and DO IT
NOVV while the volcano is active. S. S.
R1FRRA (10.000 tons displacement) sails
Feb. 25, March 18. April S. Write or wire
673 Market street. San Francisco.
San Francisco, Los Anjshs an J
San Diego Direct
north Paclflo B. 8. Co.'a S. ft. Roaaolta
ul a. & Elder sail every Wednesday
alternately at P- U. Xaaaet eltiae IAS
Xaixa ,l, near Alder.
ktABXlN 1- HIGLES. Pssaeasar
f. H. SLLbfeaat, Freisht Asjeot.
afbosca St. ASIA, A ASle.
Xw service to Los Angeles via San Fran
cisco every five day.
From Alnsworth dock. Portland, 4 P. M.
SS Beaver Feb. 11, Bear 16. Boat City 21.
From San Francisco, northbound. 12 M.
SS Bear Feb. 10, Hoee City 15, Beaver 20.
From San Pedro, northbound, 10:-30 A. M.
SS Hose City Feb. 13, Bearer 18, Bear 23.
H. G. Smith, C. T. A, 142 Third St.
J. v Ransom. Agent, Alnsworth Dock.
s Phones; aain.42, 268, A 1402a
Jfft-rS.'a t