i r - . BIDS ABE FEW ON REBUILDING BOAT Firms All Busy; Only Two Make Tender to Reconstruct Hull of Wenona. . CONTRACT PRICE IS $4395 Thompson Stout, of Vancouver, Gltro Award Proposals .lo nirrlird by I'ort of Portland for Stock and Supplies. Prosperity has ihntrftM contract on Portland shipbuilding firms with such generous hand that n:y two tenders: vrn filed with the Port of Portland Commission yesterday for rebuilding tm, hull of the tar Wenona, tender to trie dr'!ite Portland. When the Com Intsatoners asrertalr.ed that the couple of bid repreent'd tho full atrength of romnetltlon fur the undertaking there waa genuine eurprtse expressed I and. aa it trarsplre.i. trie joo waa awaided to a Vancouver. Wash, firm. Thompson Jk Sund. Th!a firm offered to build the hull and shift the machinery and present nhlii for a consideration of while Knutson. Abraham Company, of IJnnton. made a price of $'0. That there I not the most mlW rela tion between the bidders waa made evident wnen Knutson. on leaving the Commission chamber, asked to scrutl nlae the ereel firm lone of Thompson Found. President Swlsrert asked Thomp-n If he waa areeal)Ie. and the latter replied that Knutson had the am gift of heartnar as himself and he tiiouxht the first readinsT of the bid waa sufficient. Knutson contented himself with rra.llng the total. Award Not Pinal. , Engineer J. B C. tckwood aald that In view of the fart he M not familiar wt:h the riant and fictlltles of the Vancouver concern, the award would riot be finally n.ad until he had Inspected the plant, but he said he waa convinced all waa satisfactory. It waa bid day with the Coir, mis ion. ts numerous tenders were opened for urplJ'ng provision to the dredges, tun and other vessel durlna: March. April and Mar- For lit Pair" Son will furnish fruit and vegetable and the Canyon Meat Market freab and cured meat for li:ii.ii. t'n butter and the I .a Grande Creamery Company waa the only bidder, quoting egg at II cent a dosen and butter at 19 centa a pound. Allen lwta waa given the rrocery contract for I14SI J and the Northwestern Import ing Company that for supplying lea. coffee and spires, of f 1 1 2.20. Low lllddcr Not Contractor. Thontb the Nott. Atwater Company fctd !seS for supplying the Commla- lon with rubber dreda-e aleevea. the fact that the wares of the concern had not been tested here loat for it the contract, which went to the New Y"rk Belting Parking Company for IJS-X) It waa ordered that sufficient aleeve be purchased from the former plant o that In the future the wear f the sleeve would be a guide In pur chasing. There wa presentej from the office of Major Mrlndoe. Corp of Knctneers. V. S A., a lease covering the propoaed operation of the dredge Columbia by the Government for about two months, beginning April 1. aa the steamboat channel to the wen of Swan Island will be dredged to a depth or eight feet. l,ast ifon the engineer were tampered In the work bcauae the eight-hour law operated against Gov ernment dreda-ea. but that ruling has been abrogated, so the digger can work day and night with the same crews as carried under the Port of Portland sys tem. As C. P. Adams, treasurer of the Commission, la absent from the city, he was given t days' vacation. (.OLDEN GATE MEETS ACCIDENT Steamer Strike In Tillamook Baj and Is leaking. Two mlshapa In one visit to Tilla mook Pay waa yesterdays record by the ateamer Golden Gate, the first when she rendered her wheel useless through resting on the bottom while lying at Garibaldi dock, and the second when In tow of the gasoline schooner Oshkosh he struck on Oxbow Ilend and opened up at least one seam, causing water to pour Into the liol'L but her pumps proved of sufficient capacity to keep 1 cr fairly free. It la proposed to beach the vessel at high tide and make what repairs ate possible and she may have to be docked on returning here. It I the Inst voy age of Captain Levi Snyder aa master. Captain Errlckson. formerly of the steamer Northland, having been signed to assume command. Captain Krrlck aon said yesterday that he would take the vessel at the first opportunity. Me ha enjoyed wide experience on the Coast, and Captain O. W. llnsford. man actnc owner of the Golden Gate, aaya that there will be no reason why the coming season should not be decidedly successful with the vessel. JfETV LINE WILL- IT AVE AGENT Traffic Manager for Date A Trreb rough Due Soon. In advance of the ateamer Stanley iMllar. h:rh U due In Portland Feb ruary H nllh the first cargo handled bv the California-Atlantic Steamship Vmpjy. Traffic M-inearer chapman will reach the city In a few days to ap point an ager.t. A permanent schedule will then be announced covering the ar rival and departure of vesevl north of tn Francisco. The Ptjnlry Dollar left Balboa Febru ary 1 and ar ranajements have been made to d.scharae her cargo at Alber dock. While future d- k ie facilities have not been determined. It la thought that the fl.et villi pitronlie berth at Alberw. The litest schedule of the Amerlcan Hawal an Steameihip Compnny, which Is . tie direct opponent of the Bute Cheesebrouch line, cover the arrival and dcp-irture of tt steamer Falcon her" until November and the sa.iirrn are every 1" day J'atee A tTieeaebroiigh will operate on a f.ister schedule to San v Francies-o and perhaps Portland will be sj'.ven a service as frequent that of the Falcon. AI-EXANDliA LODINt RAPIDLY Elfrleda XVIII IlnUh Wlwat Today and Invermay Arrives. In stowing aboard JJ.o feet of lumber In a day at lnman-Poulsens t&rouga loading from both the stream and Jck and building the plies matrlal on deck aa well aa In the hold, the Hrltlsh tramp Queen Alex andra la making auch headway that Captain McDonald aaya that If the Teasel la not wrll on her way to Cnlna In two weeka he will be diaappolnted. Through a delay In arrival of the tramp, due to an accident that neces sitated repalri being made In the north, her cargo at Inman-Poulsen a waa ready, and more to be taken on at the Portland mill hae been plied on the dock. o he will not be detained after shifting acroaa the tream. It la unusual for camera to be given auch dtspatrh with lumber. She will carry about S.SOO.oos feet. In the grain fleet the Uerman ahlp Elfrleda la taking on the last of her wheat and will finish today. The French bark .llosetiet made two movea yesterday to load, flrat srotng from the e'evator to Martina dork and then to Montgomery dock No. . The lirltlsh bark Invermay. which crossed Into fie river Wednesday from Junln. left up yesterday In tow of the tug Wallula anl waa transferred to the Steamer o.klahamn at Westpnrt. r-1e will be at Llnnton today. The French ahlp Iavld d'Angers finishes discharging yesterday and went to I.lnnton to un load a email lot of bailaat. Cliostcr Stop Itunning. Kven the famed lightdraft steamer Chester in at la been forced off the Kelo-Cst!e Hoik run by conditions on the fnwllts River, for the Kellogg Trans portation Ctompnny yesterday ordered STEAMER IN-TEIXJGENfE. Doe t Arrive. Name. From Pate. Yow-mlie F. a Francisco In port :wr !a l'euro...ln port a. .11 Hn.ln Feb. I Hue II. n:mor. Tillamook Feb. Hreakaaler iv lsy... r eh. iex W. Ekler. Can fe.iro. . . Feb. H. .r fsn I'ed r. .. Feft. Oil. lea (lat.. . .TllUnii.oa .... Feb. tlereules H on ' fal.on Sa Francisco feb. Allsanca Kur.sa Feb. Hii City hn r.dro... reb. etrathlvon Honk..n. . Feb. Koanoks Jaa Pert ro . . . Feb. 1 11 11 11 1 1I 14 19 Brhedmled te iwvart. Name. Tor. Tt.arer fed re F. U v Kan Vrsnclsco Feb. IS Ann. hlJ"t reb. llrekster. . ..' " liar - ?u H. i:!mor. T-llmik. . . . r et. O .Iden r.le. . . Tdlam-x-k . . . . Feb. (;. W. KdJer.sn Fertro... Feb. Hereul-s H.nsk"l. .. .". i.r n l'lro... ffb. Fslcon ....... Ssn Fraoclsco Fb. AlUanre Hureka Feb. Hna. I'liy n I'edro... Feb. !.nok n fedro... Feb. fetraiilon Hunson Mar. her out of .commission to tie up at Kelso, because the atream stood at but an Inch above extreme low water. Lst week the Chester ae unable to reach Toledo with ease and linaJiy that point was eliminated from the schedule. The sanation 1 uniMual at this season and uniem heavy rains set in. It I feared that the river district will be without transportation facilities for some time. Cold on Middle Columbia. Captain Krn.e- Kellogg, who yester day returned with the etemner lloo-lloo from the Middle Columbia, having gone within a few mile of the Caesade. aaya that when he saw the Mils towering t) feet above the river covered with enow from the edge of the bank to their crest, ho marveled at climatic conditions tr.at made It pae'.bl for Winter to con tinue there while Spring weather I being enjoyed In Portland, les than to mllesi away. Tuesday night man on the steamer had to get ateam up three times In order to keep si arm Marine Notes. Cargo for the achooner King Cyru. which ha reached the river from the south, will be loaded at ft. Helena. Pilot Joe Allyn yesterday reported at the office of the Columbia Piver pilot that a spar buoy at Knapps had gone adrift. In tow of the steamer Ocklahama. the schooner Virginia was moved Into the stream from Westport yesterday, being lumber-laden for Sun Francisco, and she was later taken to the lower harbor by the tug Wallula. Frank Bollam, passenger agent for steam schooner owners, and who han dles tickets on the Independent vessels. was J T ' J -i- , . the gasoline achooner Anvil, plying - i n w r. n r r-. m m t k... I rem t'oriianu VF V ' I u . . . - l.ors south to Bandon. She will sail Monday. Captain Buchanan, superintendent of the Open Illver Transportation Com pany, yesteraay saia inn me sieauiei , i r-.r.lr- would resume one r - 1UI.IIU Itl.iJ'.i w - atlona February i:. plying between Ce- UIo and t'aaco. n.ennrsns enu io 1 .1 Tt,. .tanmee Twin CttleS nil V go Into service again as far as Lewis- ton March 1. To load lumber at Everett. Waeh.. for San Francisco, the steamer Tho. L. . . - . - .1 rl.ar.rl 1 the I'llSfOm- House and sailed last night In ballast. The steamer Kosecrans cicareu lur i. rh. Wanit entered In sren- eral cargo and the Kosecrans with 18.- GOi) barrels ot xuei on. duui uuih u Golden Gate. It waa yesterday unofficially learned by attaches of the Portland A Aslntlo Steamship Company that the Oriental liner Hercules had been detained at San Francisco In quarantine for a time, her hold being fumigated to kill rats. The San Francisco authorities have taken that precaution to prevent an other outbreak of plasrue, as cases ara o numerous In the Far East. Movements of Vessel. PORTLAND. Fe.. Arrived Steam.r Ton-mils, from ean Francisco. Sailed steamer flosecran.. for tn Francisco: slramsr W. S. Jvrter. for sn Francisco; llrinir Thos. U Wand, fur Eisrelt. Aturla, Feb. . Condition at the mouth of the river at & P. M.. smooth: wind, east If miles: wesiher. rslnlns. Arrived down durlcc the niht British ship Oluo Olen. j-ft Ep at A. M- Hrllinh bark lavermay. Arrived al T it and left up at :40 A. M. Meamer Tosemlte. from fcan Francisco. e'alleJ at A. M 8ieamr Koanok. for ean rl and way pons. Arrived at 1 A. M. Steamer tienerwl Hubbard, from Kure'aa. Arrived at t.li A. M. -honsr King Cyrus, frwm San Tedro. Failed at 1 it P. M Steamer Alliance, for C.oe Bay nJ Kurrka. Salle.1 at 1 I". M. Steamer W. 8. Porirr. for eaa Francisco. ian Francisco, Teb. . Arrived at 4 A. M teamvr Tamalpala. from Portland: at t A. M. Stesmer Rose Clly. from Portland. Falied at mldnleht lamer Washlrston. for Portland. Arrived it 11 A. at. Steamer Hear, frwm Ran Pedro. an Francio. F-h. . Arrived Bteamera F. H. Loop, from Taeome: Tamalpals. from Astoria: Kose City, from Portland: Presi dent, from Victoria; Admiral Samison. from Fealtls: ilaremoBt. from X"lllata: Casco. from folumbla Klver. Palled Steamer Asuncion, for Vancouver: i. '. Umlauer. for ur.ft Harbor; schooner llonolpu. for liana. Seattle. Feb. . Arrived Steamers Eu reka, from HumNiltit; bars luaraond Head, frm ta Francisco, steamer i anfa. from t'oniox: stearoer Cmatllla. from Pound t"rii steamer City of S-atTle. from Kasle Harbor. hailed 8 (earners Watson, OoL. . L. Iirake. for rlan Francleeo. flnap.re. Feb. - Arrived previously Pri'tes'.lav. from Tacoma. I'vnia Arenas. F--b- S- Arrived Ammoa. from lismburs for 1 acoma. llonckoK. Feb. Arrived previously Moncolia. from San Francisco. Faimouih. Fsb. Sl Arrived Penrith Cas tle, from Tacoroa. Tidea at Astoria Friday. Tlla-h. Xjow. 1: A. M l feet'4:4 A. V 4 4 feet !i :T p. M -0-7 foot Work Starts on School. ELM A. Wash.. Feb. . (Special.) Work beejan today on the site for the f 10.000 achvol building, on West Main street. THE MORNING LliTO REDMOND Operation of Trains to Newl Terminus Is Expected Next Summer. TRACKS WAIT ON BRIDGES Two Difficult Fnglneerlng Feats In volved In Spanning of Willow and Trout Creeks Further Work Is rrobablc. Work on the Deschutes Valley road of the Hurriman system has progressed so far that the operation of trains to Itedmond. the terminus of the line, is possible early In the coming Summer. Pails have been laid to the north bank of Trout Creek. 85 miles south of the Columbia River. Track laying Is held up at the point to permit the construction of the viaduct across Trout Creek. Grading beyond that place has been completed and as soon as the chasm is bridged the crews that place the steel In position will pro ceed at the rate of more than a mile a day. Their next natural barrier will be Willow Creek. 102 miles south of the Columbia, where another viaduct wlil be constructed. From that point to Culver Junction construction work will be compara tively easy. The rond south of Culver Junction to Redmond, a distance of 20 miles, will be operated Jointly by the Mill and Hnrrlmnn systems, although It will be built and owned by the Harrl man Interests. Bridges Are Difficult. Spanning Trout Creek and Willow Creek entails some difficult engineer ing work. The first bridge will be &E0 feet long and will be luO feet above the bed of the stream at nign water. The Willow Creek viaduct will be greater In both length and height than the one over Trout Creek. This struc ture will be 1050 feet long and ?50 feet high and will be built of solid steel. An outfit will be started south from the present base of operations to start preliminary work on the approaches to the bridge next week. In this construction work methods somewhat different than those tsed on some other bridge construction In the Northwest will be employed. The piers will be sunk Into the bottom of the streams and made to project only a few feet abce the water just high enough to be above the hlsrh water mark. The main supports of the su perstructure, then, will be built of steel. The material for this work al ready has been ordered and will be on the ground within a few weeks. It Is figured that six weeks will be required to complete each bridge. Track laying between the two streams proceeds at a comparatively rapid rate. Trnck Used Jointly. In building south from the Columbia River the Harrlmnn line occupies the east side of the Deschutes River, while the Hill road Is built on the west bank. At a point "1 tnilea south of the Co lumbia the Hill system crosses to the east aide and for ten miles both lines will operate over a Joint set of rails. At the ftl-mlla post the two lines branch out ngaln and run over separate tracks to Culver Junction. 130 mllea south of the Columbia. From Culver Junction to Redmond the grading hns been completed and track-laying depends upon the time the bridge acrosa the Crooked River Is finished. This struc ture will be put up by the Hill .lnt-?r-eets and will be of a single arch. 3:10 feet In length and 300 feet above the bed of the stream. Both systems will operate their trains across it. Construction trains alone are now operating from the O.-W. R. & N. Co. line to Willow Creek, but as soon as the road Is completed to Redmond a regular freight and passenger service will be placed in effect. It Is yet too earlv to determine the time when Red mond will be reached, but Portland Hur riman officials are confident that they will be able to operate into that city early In the Summer. This will complete the Central Ore gon project of the Harrlman system as at present outlined, but It la believed . v. . . i .iew rtt the heaw appropriations voted by the Union Pacific directors at New York last week this is only the be ginning. Jlcdmond Center of Progress. Redmond. It Is expected, will be the center for extensive developments by this svstem that will reach all parts of the suite that are now without and in need of railroad connections. The line from Redmond to Odell on the Natron Klnmath cut-off of the Southern Pacific has been projected and Is Included 'n the list of improvements authorized by the Enstern men- last week. That this will be built within the next few yeap la th belief of local railroad men. Accordtng to plans already outlined In the executive office of the company the proposed line from Vale. In the east ern part of tho state, to the Southern Pacific, also Is expected to connect with Redmond. All the work done thus far has been done under the direction of the com pany Itself. Even the bridge that have been built so far have been put up by Harrlman engineers. The plans for tne Trout Creek viaduct also provide for company work. The Williams Creek span may be given out under contract. IHrIi School Paper Started. VANCOUVER. Wash.. Feb. . Spe- et.ii Th Vancouver Oracle. a monthly publication by the students of C Gee Wo The Chinese Dx'.k Thu irttt Chines doctor la rU Known thro u g - out the Northwest because of hit fill an J ' i r ui a r veloua cures ... t ' la todaT bar- I .. "; aided by all his - raS T- - 1 patients a t a a tid all diseases with P",r.tC,?.: nca roots, herbs and barka that art "ureVy unanown to . the midlea. science T of this country. With thes. harmless remedies he guar anttwa te "re catarrh, asthma, lung trouble rheumatism, nervousness, stomach. ii..r and kidney troubla. alo prt- COVIlLTATIb.V HIKE. Pattenia outaldo of elty writ fot blank and clrculara. Incioa lump. THE C GEE WO CHINESE MEDICINE CO. ICZVa Fir. St, ' llorrla. Partlaaat. On NEAR COMPLETION f; ,s . ? OREGONIAN, FRIDAY, -THE- DR. SYSTEM OF MAN BUILDING TREATMENT r THE SPECIALIST WHO CURES It matters not1 what your ailment is, nor who has treated It. if it is curable w will give you immediate benefit and a quick and lasting cure. Do not allow monev matters to keep you from getting well. We charge nothing to prove our methods will cure you. Our guarantee HU MONEY REQUIRED UNTIL SATISFIED is your absolute protection. Consultation, examination and diagnosis free We claim for our treatment nothing "wonderful" or secret w ia simply our successful way of doing VARICOSE VEINS tsaak. Swallow. Issilss, Knotted, Wormy-like Veto. Clotted Stasraaat severe surgical operation. Beneficial effects are Immediate. Pain Qu ciL'y BLADDER AND KIDNEY The complicated aliments of these organs are rapidly oeme- J""7. la no a-ueework about It. We remove every obstruction, stop every waste, allay a?l "motion .d Inflammation, revltallxe the weakened organ, and soon accomplish a safe, thorough and permanent cure. cpcriFir rt ODD POISON Ul awaa iv - Hash, ConMr-eolorrd ?pota, Brsplless, fleers. Sore Month Hscous Patches, Swollen Ulaad. falling m nnn po v-1 . i . i rr.iTnYVl. treatment for SPECIFIC KLiUUlJ ru. Hscous Patches, Swollen Ulaada, Falling m nnn pc Our NELCLEU-ATOXTL treatment for SPECIFIC BLOOD FL no Injurious after effect. It does not "lock In" th poison, but of the ystam. so there enn be no comeback .Being a Bloo , . ... t,, ,-.ii n.m.iv tt wives the patient a pure. of the .ystam. so there enn be no Filnr.a-Mlttnir. Blood-uell nemeay. it Stream, and reatore him to normal health. NERVO-VITAL DEBILITY parreVai 71 "r 7. '.H TtT" ill "T'U;.0wan"telfl artlVm"nUt'oknow that our ANIMAL EXTRACT treatment t. tha ide?l remedy for NERVO-VITAL DEBILITY. It does not .timulate l.mPor.rny. "S re.toreV permanently. All disagreeable mplnn. soon .dlMTOeVr. ntrre energy I regained, aelf-re.pect. self-confidence and self- control return, and the patient la preparea lor a, w j,-..v,u .. rn, ana tne psueui v -1' - - . RUPTURE AND RECTAL mr He rata. Pile, blind blmdlaar. Itching or protn b.m mr Hersilau Pile, bllna tola Uleere ana , cseTnoaiTor de,en7 snivel M'w, gv - AFFLICTED MEN w... want la a cure. Come to rnent. you will Qu o LJ,! wnnwi M.i " - . . . . . ., I . SelV.'J- . a: Offlei hours. years IV lllOl WW- ...v J Sundays 10 to 1 only. to I. DR. GREEN CO. sea wAsmxGTow st, Portland, or. v.. v.nraiivir Tilirh School. Is the lat est periodical to be started here. A staff has been elected to act. as follows- Edltor-ln-chicf. Clarke Fales; Henrietta Schane, associate editor. Bertha Lynch, literary editor; Louis Winters, sports; Frances mugs, new. f5) ISlI - ' . " -iVJBiiiiia ,;irinV-:!-'- ;" :-Vj( JwfiaiS" This Book Free To any man or woman who 'will mail us this coupon we will send free (closely sealed) our finely illustrated book regarding the cause and cure of disease. This book is written in plain language and explains many secrets you should know. If. tells how you can cure vourself in the privacy of your own home without the use of drugs. Don't spend another cent on doctors and their -worthless medi cines. Nature 's remedy cures to stay cured. You should know about it. If you suffer from weakness of any kind, rheumatism, lame back, nervousness, lumbago, debility or stomach, kidney, liver or bowel troubles, you must not fail to get this book. Don't wait another minute. Cut out this coupon right now and mail it. We 'II send the book without delay, absolutely free. THE ELECTRA - VITA CO. 3e Majestic Bid;., Seattle, Wash. Please send m. prepaid, your free, 0-pag Illustrated book. Name Address FEBRUARY 10, 1911. Ts Ti TT a T tnings. er Throat, POISON leaves it Hrlvea it out cora'Dac .e - -f'Bh" Blood ivc e . nttaiaf, ivc-iobj v - ,.,i,.r.. nn.eeasarv. In moat Q "d ua and get It. . Once under our .treat- ' jx. unci! unaar u ui hi om- ng It Is to get well In the Our cures add not only 1 eila. h nrr 1 builneii. I dally t to 5. Evenings 7 Frances Barrett, society; Cecil Knapp, business manager; James O'Donnell, advertising, and Shirley D. Parker, fac ulty advisor. Cough Stop la sure. Third street. Plummer's, 260 Go to the Reliable Specialists men SYou Run No Risk -AAv ie vaii iIa-iIt-s to nrnvi thousands to develop my treatment and I know what it will do. Don't experiment elsewhere. Try my treatment free, and be convinced that I can cure you. While the ordinary doctor 1 experimenting and making mistake, I ac complish enrea. See me now. Out-of-Town Men Visiting the City Consult me at once upon arrival and maybe yon can be cured before re turning home. Many cases can be cured In one or two or more visits, continuing treatment when home. Consultation and Advice Free, IMPAIRED VITALITY I promise you results so prompt and positive that you will not need any one to point out the improvement. In short I will give absolute results In every case and a written memoradum to refund every cent if you are not perfectly cured. itJ . I want to talk with the men who have tried other methods and found them unavailing. I want to talk with the men who have almost given up hope of being cured. I can convince them by actual cures. ' CONSUlTATIOX AND EXAMINATION FREE at office or by mall. One personal visit la preferred, but If thla 1 Im practicable, write me a full and unreserved history of your case and get our opinion free. Many case enred at home. Medicine fresh from my own laboratory, fl.50 to S6.50 per course. Hours 0 A. M. to 8 P. M. Sundaya, 10 to 13. ST. L00IS MEDICAL CO., Inc. 230 YAMHILL STREET, PORTLAND, OREGON D0N7 BE DISCOURAGED Dont Give Up Hope There Is Help for You ACT TODAY I will treat some of your aliments for as low a fee as to and 10. I will make you an (i ceutlonally low fee on any ailment you may be suffering from. With this low fee and my long and successful ex- a U A nerlence In treai- suffer another day. T .Inn', oar. who has tried to cure you. and has failed I win nlve you a sure cure and a small fee. Don't give up before seeing me. By the latest methods known to MEDICAL science I successfully treat VAKJCOSE VEINS. TILES. N'KKV Ol W AILMENTS. SKIN AILMENTS, KIDNEY, If LADDER, T.I N(i AND BLOOD AILMENTS. RHEUMATISM. I.IVEK AILMENTS AND ALL CHRON IC AILMENTS OF MEN. Come In and see me. llnve a confi dential talk and be examined without cost or obligation. I will cure you. DR. LINDSAY The Old Reliable Specialist. Corner Alder and Second streets. En trance T-S1 Second street. Portland. Or. Oifflce hours 9 A. M. to 6 P. M. Sundays. 10 A. H. to 1 P. M. MEN CURED $10 IS OUR FEE Pay When Cured We have every known remedy ap pliance for TREATING VOU. Our ex perience Is so great and varied that no one of the ailments of Men i new to ua COME IN AND TALK IT OVER. General .Debility. Weak Nerves, In somnia Results of exposure, overwork and other Violations of Nature's law Diseases o: ...adder and Kidneys. Vari cose Veins, quickly and permanently cured at small expense and no deten tion from bneiness. bPKtlAL AILMENTS Newly con tracted and chronic cases cured. Ail burning. Itching and inflammation stopped in 24 hours. Cures effected In seven days. Consultation free. If un. able to call, write for list of questions. Office Hours A. M. to 8 P. M. Sun days. .10 A. M. to 1 P. M. only. Pacific Coast Medical Co S24H WASHINGTON STREET, Corner drat. L. T. YEE & SONS The Old. Reliable Chines Doctor spent lifetime study of herbs and research In China; waa granted diploma by th Emperor; guarantees cure all sllments of men and women when others fall If you suf fer, call or write to VEE A RON'S MEDICINE CO.. First. Cor. Alder. Portland. Or. S. H. VVAI JING GO. Chinese herb and root medicine for men and wo men with any Internal, ex ternal or eruptive disease. Our Chinese doctor lately from New York Oriental Hos pital also has 30 years ex perience. If you suffer, when others fall, we wish you to call or writs to SOI V4 First st.. Portland. Or. Fres con sultation aad examination. 1U IT- "still You Can Be Cured Other Men Are Being Cured Every Day v en positively assert that there doe not exlat a alns;le case of Blood Dleesise, Nervonaneae, Vartcoae Veins, Pile, Kidney, Bladder and other Ail ments of Men that I can not cure promptly, aafely, permanently if la reach of medical actence. Don't Give Up I am rrtorfiiK aufferlnff men every day to robust health. Many of them, no doubt were much weaker In trength than yon. Not a Dollar Xeed Be Patd I'nleas Cured. I Will Treat You Free that I can cure vou. T have spent Pay When Cured The Leading Specialist. Tou should learn and the soon er the better that what may seem a trivial case very often has most serious and far-reaching effects. The man who tries to be his own doctor la always the patient that later comes to the specialist with the chronic, stubborn, deep-seated case, which Is the hardest kind to cure. I cannot hope that all men will accept my statement that the quickest, the safest and cheapest way i bv consulting an expert specialist in men's ailments at once, but the Intelligent man will read ily be convinced of the value of this advice upon Investigation. Contracted Ailments In no other ailment peculiar to men is a prompt and thorough cure so essential. Contracted ailments tend to work backward until the most vital nerve centers become In volved in the inflammation. Then follows a chronic stapre that stub bornly resists all ordinary treat ment. Safety demands that every vestige of Infection be eradicated at the earliest possible moment.. My treatment is thorough. The remedies employed have a more positive action than has ever be fore been attained, and so perfect Is my method of application that even chronic cases yield com pletely. EXAMINATION FREE. I ofCer not only FREE Consulta tion and Advice, but of every case that comes to me I will make a Careful Examination and Diag nosis without charge. No ailing man should neglect this oppor tunity to get expert opinion about his trouble. If you cannot call, write for Diagnosis Chart. Office hours from 9 A- M. to 8 P. M., and Sundays from 10 to 1. The DR.TAYL0R Co. 234Yj MORRISON" STREET, PORTLAND, OREGON. Cures Guaranteed for $10 $10 X-RAV EXAMINATION FREE. PAY WHEN CURED. Chronic Nervous and Special Ailments STe-wIy Contracted and Chronic Cues of Burning, Itching and Inflammation Stopped In 24 Honrs. T-jTT TTCi cured without the knife or de X JXjXjO tentlon from business; consti pation, stomach, liver, gall stones, kidneys, bladder, blood poison, ekln ailments, plm nles. sores, ulcers, anywhere on body, ecze ma " rheumatism, catarrh, varicose veins, sciatica, lame back. fits, nervousness, loco motor ataxia and all chronic diseases. If away from the city, write for particulars. Call at once and be cured. Consultation and S10 X-Ray examination free. BRITISH ELECTRO-MEDICAL CO. 4th floor Rothehild Bids;., rooms 407-408-400, Take Elevator. 287H Washington St. Hours to 1, i to 6, 7 to 8 P. Ms