14 THE JfORMXR OREfiOXIAX. WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 8, 1911. PUBLIC SERVICE BILL ELUCIDATED Senator Malarkey Upholds Measure as Having Stood Frequent Tests. NINE STATES ADOPT IT Autltor of rrop-d l aw for Oregon Sm Plan Work lhl When Sot C'onf inrd to City Alone and Unr iommllon Snffirr. 5TTF CAVtTOU PIni. Or.. Krb. 7. i S.c.L) IaJiut r of municipal rrulartno to r th fTils com- rIaini of I one of nerrral reason urrel by hnmor Malnrkr why ht bfil for a I'ubtte Service Commlsiion hoult t ractel. In tfljuintc th merit of his meas ure today, Mr. Malarkey further ro'nt vut that If any rcuUHon of public tmltty romtnlvs t nredrd It should hm ?At-w !! id 4t upe. .Mr. Malar key ukM the poit!on that iT rcula-tl-.Q rrnvi.l..! for In hli Mil ran reltly b provldr! throuirft the ttallruaif 1'um miMlon Jum a at)factnrily n and with far I ft'fn than through rparat mmminirtn created In thone munlrl pttt.a dBtrin iurl refutation. He rawm that the fiat .road Commllon U the rropT authority to drleaate tht authority f. from the fart that one tirh romn)l.ii"n in all of the othrr lare staten of the country I mrow- rmX with the rrjt'lUtlon of all pub lic !ertce corporation In thoe atatea. Mr. Melarkey. In dlcusMn hl bill today, aa'd: , C My avl4U ret He. t Krtv tt public err i'- corpora.. tn r.rtni huil be p'.erO under the rn' ml mnt rcu itiQ a tat rummif n wtta J ir;.ti-:B ovrr e l t iut.c tit tutl t: htt tt rarr. m prop"! t 9ni bill IX lntrxJ-U by m. tir the ri'inrtnc r-afcf If w uai-lpl feul-m-m wnuld re-h th i tim4 mt It w.mjM only b iMfeff . vniarc the pwr of he oun.t!. tut urn' fa tAutfht tVt i'ounci.e ere to nn Umlnt4 an. tnaum-4 by the pa toll.- irnt- rorpor.it to a. Tn earn r"v eil rn4iMoBi tits-t enable lurl) cor y-n tia to lain 4 t-tr frioJ In th 'wuffll ou.'l niM ltm to Ian thvlr frto-i la li hir a t Am UctK4( that woul r tn-. mfmhri nf otn bl- H.try ir a that thr ! mre pltt:-: rcr u j t n tit I ir ctt l laa la rwrai i trie ta anil -r;:i loaaaaadthaith voter ( large fit ie re mir ape l b If " onrd op rearheJ kf p-tl lntrMt lhart th rfre la "MUrr Prta f th atai. U ha la ana of . Kitrn4 1 mimtioafi who bJl. Uur Irc h prviov avrvlc ae the appoint at t r- ti: Huurti. ihnwn hinei( a wnp t-r. i nl f jtr nflt ial Uairinc to make te m -t ! tir.o m mint of arvl- to tho pubha ti.'n, h wae oppnM by a crntmaa who bn fr inv Tear a tigt r.uirail fi it iu4 w t -odd mt w rr pu d t bo the raniit-itt f t rac.rajt. The lot:er r rtt m"r te tr ia th former In the it of Portias L and had It nt ben for the t la th rt ef tt d:artrt wouM aoa? b a mrr.ber cf tha KatimaJ Commiaaion. Tfl pn4in bill f Uooa la l ie main th n i.-vnt t n!r thm ralrhip i.jiof i.a Kol!tt u itmntln be bn the pt"o-r anJ moat prirn of all tho i:tt in tho matter t tbe refutatloa of puttUc crporatlQa VI earoaMla Today airwJt, 'la.-nnata hae fr aoreral ?4ra vucrraa f't'i tnl eatif torltv rvulatd and rua tm d all public eerntco ck pora iocj of v.-y tin I to tt bjr and throucti a 'it Mmmiii-n of throe mmhra. en uf birw. I. II tyr. a r-nt I jr appointed a mrat-rf of the Inter!! t'mmerc 'm-mito.-o by rTi'Ieni T?t Tb 'itr of Wil- In lb zate of WlniD ta m-h tiirr than our porriaad. and Vi-nto hae a any r::.s and toona oat!J of Vlloukee t are Irtr tha anvihinr e .a tn i rcn ui lo of P'rxland. in tike man ner, all puMt- er ice rorpratioe la the tr r tuccnfii!lT and aatl(a''torklp rec nlai and cntroill by out atalo romm Hon inrt:ir cvimpotwj of thrwo r-n hero m trie fi;.otrg Drr.1 'm'.cm lienrr'a. Vtrvland. tr JrT. oklhm. Neraka. Nwrfc Carolina. V trstnta. Vermont and N a.!a. A I the att b-it th lat two nm-d aro lorar than yrfon and pearly a!i of ihm contiin ritte trirer than l'n Ijnl If nn rimmlto ran haaMW avory tinf tn tha stale tn the at At- named, one --mruiion can vao.1v do Hkie la fre S n- There io n mor ron fr Port ia r.ti lo be iemptrd from the Juried Irt ton of a stt f'mn-ioo In Lr(n thro there n or la r the ! tihnc ntie In theo t1r aratre to t tlmUart.y rtmp;'il The , tbey a hall d? an ua ttn lo w Y'rk, m hlh 1 m'tlm-a . :'iu(d aa pr i !m ar juttncat:'o fr th prpet Portland rutnmiMion. baa ba ni irprf"l by a)me nnl mlmmirrttoid by mny. Tftr aro two fcrora:wntrr lo r-r of New tork. bu: b-la aro atat m .n i.'TnT. Tho No Tork lgLalature dtv.'t-d tue atat Into two dlvtrlrta aBl pr- i!-d aeprat MrntnlmUtfif for earn dia-t't-t. n d itru-t mtra-ea (h iuy of i;rr"r New Tork and the other tliatrt t m- bt-a--a tne remainder of the atate, but both mniilrtt have th pwrr and frett tf th rnnro ator bri.n lhno. aot ihy co-orJinae and cooporat la their worklef. Caeea Nat tharallet. rhaise for their aerrlca re mora than Ul ecure a far ro'ura on thalr Inreatment. 1 ho (iiini of rate to he charred by hfht aat powr rnmpanlee la one of tha tnt important runctln of a pub:r a'rT.-e com muaion. the exr-ctae of which requires an apprataement and valutlnn by the commit' poo of ail the property of the corporation. With a corvoration lka the Portland Hail eX. Ueht a powr lompanr It would be ei'remoir dirncuit for a Io-al commtaaioa w hoae opera t lone and powers are confined to the municipality to obtain the nooeaaary Information and data to enaM It to exer- cte this Important function of flatag rata. Oao Cejtaanleeion wfncee. AMumlrif that the regulation n1 control of puhllr utlllttva aoouM be be and through a aiae commiaaion. the ntit ouelon la whether a new commlaaioo staould be cre ated or ti additional powtn and dutiee atinuiol be Imposed upon the icaiiroaa miaalon aa propoaed In the pending bul lae rreatloQ of a new commimon woui mean murti additional eTpenae to the at at, rauaed not only by the aalaiies of the mem bere of tbe new commission but by the uu-rt-etary duplication of clerical and expert assistance in the two comretssKm. As" tn other states larger than Oregon railroads and all ether public utilities are nanuiou 1 y ona commiaaion. there ecems no od reason why one commission cannot band I them all In Orcaon. The present Italiroaa t ommimlon la an orcaulsrd anj sipericn e bode and Its work and experience bss been a lore lines that will enable It to hanme the nsw work iropoeed tr be given to It more efTerttve'y and expei it tnu y tnan separate eommlsaton cmpd of men ne in that line of work. It has been said ths the efficiency of the Kattroad Commission In tho refutation of railroads will be lm paired if theso new niri and dntiea are ras; upon It. That la not the eietr of th transportation commit tro of the Portland hsmher of Commerce. whlrh rentiy adopt rd resolutions kndorsins; the pending bt I and opratsir a? the creation of a lora public serice commission for Portland: and It Is well known tnst th aaid I'hamber of I'onimrrrs larcele renreoenta and care fully auarda the shipping and commercial Interests of the Mat of Dragon an.J was larrely Influential In securing In IOT the en ariment of the law rreating the present Itaiiroad Cmmlwliin. It is the view of said Chtmler of Commrrci and of many others who have given the subject careful thought that the pending bill wi add t" Instead of tic:rartlns from the faency of the Han road rommtMton'i presrnt work, as It will Justify the emplorment of ad'litlonal teen niral and expert and clerical assistants who ran devote their time to all th work em brwj-sd in the Hat: road Commission a sn- Urged powers and duties. C lUea Net Controlled. Tho Railroad Commission now has super lon of Intsmrben street r line. uch supervtvton extend to the line of the port land RaMwsy l.laht and Power Co. ope rat l.ia b-t worn Port land and Vancout er. (re gon City. Katacada. 5t. Johns and ot.ir points, t'nder the existing law tho coram la sion has no lurtsllctton over that com panya lines confined to the lty of Poland or over that rompanr'a llvnting or power 1 aJilnraa. The Intermingling and overlapping of the different classes of busini ss of and territory covered br tat company has often made It difficult for tbe rommlMloo t obtain the Information and xrMo the authority neceosary to a proper recu:atli of Ita Interurban stretrar tin-a. Fur a con ditlon exists and will exist in other parti of th state: and all difficulties of the kind Indicated will be remo cd tf 1 he power lo reu at and control all public service roeporatioris In th state ta glv. n . to the Haiircad CommiMinn. Th confusion of ! r'lias and recuiaiions and rullnit and con flict of iurletlrtlon and authority that would result from tb establishment of sep arate public sv-rviro commissions In the dlf ferert menlrlpalltles of Oregon would cer tafnlT be confounding and tend to bring to Gov err mental regulaiion of aub'Jc util ities Into disrepute. There to no meftt In the contention Mint tbe so-called home rule amendment to our constitution prevent e or In any w ay inter feres with tho stat regulatlnjr and rontmll Ire th operation of public servlr cor porations within municipalities. That amendment only InhlMte the legislature from rwtnf epertal we for any munic ipality Th law-making power of the ?ta of orron, Bieanlnc thereby both the LecL lature and the people of the entire state trtirg ttkrottch the Initiative, can still le l;ate on a'l subjects for the entir eta and no city ran prent such law making power from so leg'slating. Were It other wise, there would be foreo In tbe argument that tha tntttatlee permits the creation of separate and independent aoverelanttee. with in the atate and therefore violates the Fed eral Coast itnt ion. The Hup re ma Court of Oregon has a: ready la ev eral caeca held that the bom rule a mend men t doee not detract from th posir of th Legislature to et a t state-wld laws on any subject. One rrwvkUoai Iirwovf-oX Objection bas been made to the pro vision In the pending bill that gives tbe gpss .unscncDC2QS3fi53saimasQscrs2sa sods E2 1 fedL i, kj I -FACTS feilflfePli i compiled Nlf Ammm i for ImmmM REAL ESTATE fwm. I I brokers immVw H IN ALL THE COUNTRY fl i S NO HOME-SITE LOTS SO LOW IN fflfifiSRWf I J&M ' 1 I price as Mmm.mm 1 gggnBgngsfl-' if 1 The Addition with Character I ei ta Railroad Commission Jurisdiction over ma- r.tcipoiiy.oa Bed water and light pftnis. Thouarh that proviaion was taken from the Wisconsin law. where It baa proven bene flctaJ and aattsfa-torr. the objection to It con be and will be removed by eliminating that provision from the Mil. The initiative bill peopotej to be sub mitted to the voters of Portland for the cre ation of a local commission privi s for f hrie commissioners at salaries c.ea Von ca.-a and gUvs that cmmlaako unl.mited power of expending eur h monevs as it see nt and apparently neither th Mayor nor anv other official of the city has any veto power or check on the expenditures of the fropoaed commission. The fact that the Int'iattie bill proposes to tell th Sheriff of Multnomah County and the Circuit Court of Multnomah County and the Supreme totirt of the State of Oregon .what thy ha;l do In connection with the proposed commission's srk and orders only proves the nerwity of stats authority and power for the effective handling- of this subvert matter. And yet how can It be said that the peop of the City of Portland can by Irrigation tell the of leers and courts of Multnomah or of tbe State of Oregon what a a PORTLAND COMPARED WITH OTHER CITIES Following aro the prevailing A VK It AGE VALUES of hi?h-elass. parked and EXCLUSIVELY residential property, eompjtring in CHARACTER AND LOCATION with the preat and HEAUTIFUL ADDITION OF LAUREL Hl'KST, Fortlan.l. LAl'RELIU'RST is the IItfJESr, MOST BEAUTIFUL rnd completely improved RESIDENTIAL PARK IN PORTLAND. It is located within the two-mile c-iqrle from the shopping district. These figures were all reported to Laurelhnrst Co. by. or at the request of, the Chambers of Commerce or Boards of Trade of the following respective cities: DOUGLAS FAIR DATE SET County Kxpoaltlon at ltocburg to Ito Srptruiikor 26 to 30. There w as a snciaj rnon for tb cre na of a sva-t MmmiMiun for tireater w fork. roinm.ltti took, owr f- im tUe Ran id Trant Commiaaion the wore, of buiit-'tng l'ibil and tnere was In. t. ten tally given to a Kepubl!caa Ad mm Utrtin the patronise rnne-ted with tbe expend it or of miilioni of do. tare that il taeretofore er.j-ved be Tammany Hail. Re- sardTesa of that special reason. H I rather -eu nt'.oua to rnmv tftjtt re-m uae the City f New York wt'n l'a 4k)w people bAa a . prte commiwwn. tr.e ity uf Portland ae.ia one. The second Nsw Tar it tuiunU v w u- h eir.bra es att tho (' but New l rk City, has under Ita Jurisdiction the e of Rkr beater and pL.lTlm. tot ft of rt re larr than l"or;iand. and many rtfttf rltiea and towns U -x-r than anything . irccM eutide or rcMana. hr sr other pla-e tuan Portland In tm s;i of 'rton iht h require and are n:ii:il to government.., superviaioo and rc lation of puh'lc utiil'lea. If any of the pub c scri e corporations In Oregon are u be fi Ated br the aiat al :jui 1 be. If ocL.And ta eX' luded from atai control, th powr of tne cat i onmlfian im weakened nj its innuenc 104 aign:iy leesencd. 1: ortaa.1 is accorded th rijcht of setting p a separate romtataaloo, every other mu- i.-tpaUtv wit Mo the sta:e must be aecorUd -ts s-sme nght when claamed. Th est:ib- jhmAt ef tbe princtpi eg local public rttre (ODimli',fli wl.i inevitably lead to ortii-t of juncd.ctloo between and cou- rr tv of ruling and de:iatons by different mur :cipi tommioioaj resume ting an4 oa- rukirr to recLat ta aame p a b ' l - aerv p rsrvurstMta. T b Port -and RoJ 1 way. I.icht A power Co. ta the usrgeet pubiia rt.e -portion operating in the ':tr t Portland and the one wboee poor eervb-e d iff- rent line lias given moot cause for omp-amt. Its properties and operations ra nd -er Mu.toonuD. viacKamaa. ataxtoa a4 Washlngtea Count lea. taie-t Ide 11 Tested. The power of a Portland rommloInQ iuM b confined to the cut of Portland. Ms aifef ty that corporation could be more ffectiveiy and eat tafactofiiy rcuiat4 and oat rolled br a state commjaioa. The tele hone coropaa;se' epratuae lasartabty es- ad beyond mcntctial bounder lea and there wftea ae rr. or a rseeoa for rgulatioo and control outside of th cities a withia them. f.r tar reason tn regulation of all pub utilitte tn the atate by a eate commis- n couUl not be secured, a local ro mm ta in Portland might be advisable aa a mporary expodiect. but. when that which esvertenc of otar sta:a baa shown to the wiser and the better caa be secured, nee la so reason why tne weaker and pMrer snout 4 be adopted. lb underlying r t n -1 B e 01 OTtri-ei-n rrgmauoi 01 1 ui)ii.- aervl- corpora: ioe a is taat tney must a,ut aafe and sul'aMe aad alecuate fa- ittiee ant service and must treat ail s'ml- lt.j situated Ln the aaoie majiner aad na Jet ROSKLtl'Rts. Or.. Ftb. ".(fecial.) At a stcial me tin a; of the Rou-burg Fair Association, held here today. It tva.e decided to hold the Initial Douglas County Fair on September 2 to 30 In clusive. Action relative to fixing the dates for the southern rc(con trlct Fair wae deferred awatinj; the disposition of appropriation Mils now pending1 before U.e state Legislature. K. K. Alley wan re-elected a mem ber of the Second Southern Oregon Dis trict Agricultural Society, which meets In Koseburc on May 4. K Auto Truck Hants C'orUwootl. VA.NCliL VKR, Wash.. Fe b . 7- S pe dal. An experiment of hauling cord wood from four miles out of Vancouver to cortland on an automobile truck Is being tried with success. While the road a are almost Impassable ln places It Is expected that three loads a day can be made with the truck. Three cords each trip Is hauled. ft a tr ex g-3 Til tZ rr t- in u ITl -J r. ra tJ ra a a id rn ra n ra ui ca a .$ no . 100 . 90 125 to to Dayton, O., (population 116.577) , Denver, Colo, (population 213.M81)' Kansas City, Mo. (population 213.81) Kansas City's best residential seetions are lo cated beyond the 2-mile circle and upon her system of magnificent boulevards, making an environment similar to Laurelhnrst. Indianapolis (population 224.32(5) Jersey City (population 2f)7.779) Memphis (population 17.",000) Restricted residential areas located beyond 2-mile circle. .Minneapolis (population 310,000) Milwaukee (population 373,8."7) Newark, N. J. (population 347,460) Newark has several prades of high-class resi dential districts inside the 2-mile circle. "New Orleans (population 330,075) '. Oakland, Cal. (population 150,106) 50 to, Omaha (population 124.096) 90 to Portland Latirelhurst (population 207,214) 18 to Providence (population 224.326) 100 to Seattle (population 237,381). 2 miles 100 to miles 70 to 3 miles 60 to St.Taul (population 215.744) 30 to Spokane (population 104.402) Taconia (population 83,743) 50 to Washington, D. C. (population 331,060) 100 to Los Angeles (population 310,198), 3 to 4 miles out $ 75 per front foot 200 per front foot 110 per front foot 250 per front foot 150 prr front foot 75 per front foot 80 to 100 per front foot 400 per front foot .1000 to 1200 per front foot 250 per front foot 100 per front foot 150 per front foot 50 per front foot 200 per front foot 150 per front foot 100 per front foot 75 per front foot 400 per front foot 100 per front foot 120 per front foot 350 per front foot 125 per front foot ' LOCATION Right in the center of the best East Side residence district. Is reached by the East Ankeny, Rose City Park and Moutavilla carlines. Best car service in city. PRICES AND TERMS Lots 50x100 at $900 up. Terms: 10 per cent down, 2 per cent per month. E3 3 13 ca ra ca K3 l?3 ca E3 K1 TM C3 ca CM 14 era m CJ t-3 & u tr c-a EJ m r?a 13 ca - ETJ a ELI E.VJ PHONE MAIN 1503 A 1515 MEAD & MURPHY Salra Aurnim, 51S- CORBETT Btll.DIXG. K-3 OJISOiliy5 A lOlO Bl-2-0 CORBETT Btll.DIXG. 3320121 AMVSKMENTS. HEILIG THEATEK 7th and Taylor I"h3fin Mala 1 and A Tim. "p rial pr. Maun.. ToUa. Toilhl Cv.rr Niht Thi. It. tut: ursirAi. (WEnr pro'K-w "THREE TWINS" ICTUK MOKU t u4 BE.HM1E t I-I f xi r.o. JlitlM lTl-.: lA.r floor. flrt 11 rows. ISO; lul 7 row.. 1 (Kit K.lronr: Klr.t II r... Tie. lul 11 row, toe. oall.ry: Sic an 4 - '-C- . K.nlnr PrlcMr Flr 11 rtw. $2.0O: ll.t 7 rw I14 Kairoay: Flr II rows, l; .. rvwa. Tic: U.I . raw. Juc Wntlr. 0.iry. 6oc BAKER. . CEO- I. BAKEK, f.naOT. Main t au.1 A Toatght. all w. alata vl. and Sit. liahr Pta ronNar la 'BILL V. Th 1 1 .aj aiod.ra corn U y aucc-ra. Flrat tim. la v Er.ry act a rr-ara. KT.aina. . 7.V-. wl. Mar. ISc. atunlay. 2 Kt WMlt-Tli. Crwt Joria Caat . Theater laa III i5 Bungalow G. I- Hak-r, Manaarrr. TonlghC. All WMk. Mala Tbura. and fat. Wm. A. Prady annoonca Amrlra'i yrralt 1'ourdr 11 IU -A V.tXTLT.M Alt UOM Ml-VHIs,5lrrl." Wlti a irlal N.m York CrtmrilT- n laxa. ZZz. fec tic. $1. klallaMa, 2io. Ave Mala . A 1020. MATl.Nl.fc tVERI OAT lM7l TWEATER TS-rt-53-Tlt WF1K miRVAKY Tti Tlr of Hir- m.n " K..U.lih llartlr . AUptaiion wio llrirna trlrrlrli and I ro) . " " " ml llliif.l.l. tVrlrh. Mml.v M.oln"W, 1J (i ll.l-. iid1iw A to.. IWnulol llrofhrra t urd Brotli.ra, Thrra tnlUnrala t.lrl GRAND Week of Feb. 6 Sherman De Forest & Co. la a "Jay Clrroa." dahKIa M I ma Krllj at IiarrtJ. Harry t.llbrt. Cjrllna llninrtIM, Baal. Voa kiuirmin. GIU.XUAM'UrC MaltrtM r.ry day. t it; any aat. 1J Craning p.rformanr.. at 7.0 and kaicoay. 16c; loww floor. gSc: koa .ta. aoo. raaMnall V aaltaM 1 1 lk iViKMKM h..M(A"i'l'i.Ani 1HK WlTTOMl. TROl TK. ... . i . - a.h.I A.rih.ta -1Uh J-aill-r Trio. Kmll Hit Co.. furry and Ktl.r. Turrally. Captain Tt.lM-r and Hit Edurai.d hra i.iona tn r. ii.iii.. a. int. t..ntil.r rjrlr.a: Mallnr. Uil: Curtain 2 30. 7 3u and o clM-h. "trr "Ty f EcniB of Musical 1m I IV 1 Comedy. On. W.k Only. Comm.nclna ilonaay Mallnr.. K.ttlna ai r looa rrwni "TIIKKK WE.4KS." By Dillon King. Tbra urfnrTuanrM dally. 2 T'4. and 1S rri-lay niant. inorm uini i.nirn i and of both prfnrm.nri. Nnt V..k At'CTlOX riAl-t TOI1AY At""TtON" SALE. February 11. of one acr. of land with .-room nouH on it in Holly wood Addition to Lnta. Or. Nil.. Helma. At tVII.on'a Aurttoo Hpui. corner Second and YamhllL Sal. at It A. M. J. T. W1LAU.N, Auctioneer. At residence. Main at., at 10 o'clock . M- B, L. N. utlman. auctioneer. rVNERAL NOTirES. MORGAN Ffbniary 7. at the home of her mother. Mrs. Ltcnjatnin Beavy, Mt:i Oreen wood ave.. Koee Morgan, afte S6 year. 1 mo. 13 duva. beloved wife of Jame. Mor tan. Frlnda are respectfully Invited to attend the funeral ervlcee. which will b. held from the above residence, tomor row. Thursilay. Keb. 0. at 1 V. M. Inter ment at KlvervU-w Cemetery. A special car to the cemetery will be provided for menus. GRANT At residence of her sister. Mrs. It- J. Macdonald. Ill E. eth street. Julia Grant, aired S4 years. . Funeral will be field from above residence Wednesday, t-enruary s. at e:4o A. M-. thence to St. Francis' Churrh. lith and Fine streets. where strvlces will he held at 9 A. U. t rlends and acquaintances area respect fully Invited to attend. Inlerm&nt Mount Calvary Cemetery. WILL At residence, 143 E. 621 St., Febru ary 6. Minnie M.. beloved wife of Kober: J. HI!!. Friends and acquaintances ar. respectfully Invited to attend the funeral services at tha ar.ore residence Thursday, February 9. at li.JO P. M. Interment Koa. t ny ceuieiery.. FINKIJiY At Salem. Or.. February 6. Kata Flmlley. mother or E. J. Flnilloy. of this city, aired J3 jrara. Funeral services will be held at Klnley s parlnrs at '1 P. M. to day Wednesday). Friends Invited. In terment Orcenwood Cemetery. ADAIR Th. funeral of Mrs. Sarah E. AOalr. widow of the late L. O. Adair, of F.ugena. will b held at 3 P.. M. today In the Presbyterian Church at Salem, ur. Friends Invited. XONSETI1 FLORAL CCk MAiUlC AJU HI AHi. I LUUAL UtM(,.S. Maia lca. A tlftx. punslS- 4C llrttlet, Funeral ulrMira. Ita aad line, i'hoo. Main 44. Lao aa. steiaal. Olflca vf County Coroaar. inWAKl) IIOLMAN CO.. Fnaeral Dlraet. ra. Xi ad at. Lady aaaUtaaL 1'lioD. M. Ml, Lady attendant, l'baaa Mala v. A lowt. EA8T SIDE Funeral IMractors. succaaurl . a- liuonlna. Inc. M. t. It Z&Zi. tRJCSOX CO. Cndertakera. lady aal. 4u Alder., M. Hits. A ZtSa. IILliR-BlUXlM CO.. Funeral Dlraeiara. 8t Wllllanns a...; both phone.; lady aM. I KRCM. radertaker. ear. Iast Aider naa la. avaM ;L U ISM. LaaVjr asslsiaau welcome. R. OSV'OLD, Bee. PORTLAND COMPANY. NO. 107. W. O. W.. will give a whist and dance Wednesday. feoninry o. at . ci. w. Temple, 12S llta at. jteircsnments. union music. classified ad. rates Daily ur Sundaj. Per liox One Clin IX ham ad two conaeeotiTe Umw Mne add three cou9cutire tlma 90 bamtf ad alx or aeven conaecatkva time. .M Kmlttaaca muitt accompanjr out-oC-tawa ard49r Mx words covsita as one line oa cash ad vcriiauiciits and o i trountcd lxr Irr Uiaa tw unes. hen an advertisement Is not ran coninci Dtive times uie odc-uiuo rate appUes. Oa cbarjre of book ad-ertUements tho charge will do basea on uie sctuul nuiutoef C lines sppcaiins; in the paper, resaroisavs wf tiie number of words in each line. In ew 'Xoumj ull advertiseiuents aro I ebargea or muuiiro ny, x unes to ths Inch. The amove rate apply to advertisements i nriav fw i oaay- ona ail outer clmMMkinm- IMtam exveptinv u iouowiof. ttuauuns an(ea. jtiaae. bliuatluns Havotcd, female. lor Kent, Kooms, I'rUai families. Kuumi and liourd, Fiivate FamlUes. MousekeepinK Kooms. Private 1-amllles. Iftie rate on the shove clAMiflcalaWiia. is V cent a una eacn intenion. In cae box oflre address Is reo aired. Munt this os part of the ad. Answer to advertlaements will be forwarded to patrons I provided seu-(aurcssea envelopes are U closed. OREGON HUMANE SOCIETY OFFICE CITT BILL Mala CDS. A 15S9. HUMANE OFFICKR. KAST4T7 NEW TODAY. Hartman & Thompson Beat Eatate Dept. CHAMBER OF COMMERCE, OFFER THE FOLLOWING. APARTMENT HOUSE I (1 in nrt U A lUlUUU A well-known W'ash-ington-st. apartm e n t house; 34 apartments: shows a net Income of 15 per cent: ltrnd val ues steadily increas ing. Corner lot, 50x 100. 11203) SUBURBAN ACREAGE. $55,000 s?t $17,000 acres, beautifully a ted, and only g miles south of Port land, on West Side of river: suitable for profitable platting now; electric railway bull dins; (to Oregon . City)' in front of thi property. Ml 75) BEAUTIFUL CITY HOME PLUS 3 ACRES OF LAND. e w house, 9 rooms. u tifully finished and splendid ly ar ranged; nardwood floors; the land is equal to 19 city lots, and their value Is in creasing: day by day. This is a home that any one would be proud to own. and the offeritie: has the addi tional feature of beinjr a good and very profitable invest ment. (1109) A MAGNIFICENT BUILDING SITE ADJOINING THE CITY PARK. 4j 1 J! ff(i ar"l worth every cent. (DlUlUUU Size is 100x100. and the man who erects a home here will have the whole City Park n a part of his frrounds. If you want something; extra nice on which to build a hand some residence. Investigate this. (1153) 1911 will see fortunes made in real estate. Will you remember 1911 as the year when "I might have made a lot of money by buying" or as the year when you did? I Yon will never forget 1911 either way. Hartman & Thompsc; Real Eatate Dfp't, CHAMBER OF COMMERCE. NEW TODAY. 10 Acres Back of Linnton, partly cleared, J150 per acre. S1500 King's Hill Beautiful residence corner, 75x100. - Easy terms. 6 Rooms Modern house, 60x100 lot, Overton st. S8SOO Apartment Site Corner on Upper Washington st. at a sacrifice. $37,500 50x100 Savier-st. lot, near 26th St., cash $4000 KEASEY flUMASONSJEFFERY! 232 Chamber of Commerce. Celro se An MEETIN'O JiOTICES. HAWTHORNE LODGE XO. Ill, A. K. and A. M. Special communi cation this Wednesday evening at Ivors r c. degree. Visitimr oremrea welcomed. C. E. MILLER, Sec WASHINGTON- CHAPTER NO. 18. R. A. M. Stated convocation this Wednesday evenine- at MmnnlA remple. Eaat Elfrhth and BurnslUe flireeis. at i:au o clock. Work ln ax. v. M. aesree. J. K. MARTIN. Sec. SAMARITAN LODGE. NO. 2. I. O. O. F. neguiar meeting tnis (Wednesday) evenine, at H o'clock.. Flrat degree. Visitors always 30 Minutes From City $450 Per Acre 2V2 to 5-Acre Tracts 10 Per Cent Cash, Balance $3 Acre Per Month. This tract is only 8 miles from Portland, is located in the most beau tiful valley in Oregon. Just the place for a suburban home or a small farm. All the con veniences of the city. This won't last lone. Call and see the fruit, jrrain, vegetables Mown at Kelrose. F. J. ROSENBERG 618 Lnmbermens Bldg. 1W to k I 1L iL-aLlL THIS ACREAGE 38 acres 2 blocks from Courthouse in Hilisboro Lies between electric line and well im proved county road and street and steam railroad. Price Is right. 'Mig-ht take some Portland real estate in trade. HENRY C. PRCDHOMME CO, Loana, Investments. Fire Insurance, OOO Spalding; Bide. TO HOME BUILDERS and , CONTRACTORS The Addition with Character Offers special inducements and dis counts to parties building at once. We are prepared to finance first and second mortgages to responsible par ties. Bear in mind, Laurelhurst is now by far the finest place In the city In which to build for quick sales. It has all modern street improvements, asphalt paving, large water, sewer and gas mains, cluster lights, shade trees, building line and restrictions 2 miles of tiieso beautiful im proved boulevards and an elegant 31-acre city park. All street Im provements Installed by the city under the 10-year bonding plan, one tenth payable each year. LOCATION Right In the center of the best East Side residence district. Is reached by the East Ankeny, Rose City Park and Montavllla carlines. Best car service in tho city. PRICES AND TERMS Lot9 60x100 at $900 up. Terms JO per cent down, 2 per cent per month. Mead & Murphy Sale. Agents. Telephones Main 1503, A 1515. 5.1x50 ft., on E. Tine st., between Union and (irnnd ave., income $65 per month; terms $2500 ci:sh. $21,000 Corner, 60x100 ft., at 13th and Mar ket sts., income $70 per month; on carline, in best apartment-house dis trict; $7000 cash will handle. $25,000 Corner, 100x100 ft., at 21st and Kear ney sts., apartment-house district; present income $145. H. P. Palmer-Jones Co. 212-213 Commercial Club Bldg. Corner 5th and Oak Streets. a aral a V4 rSIock a Soul Portland Excellent Location FOR Tenement Bldg. $1000 under the next best. ; Price $9000 $4000 cash, balance 6 per cent. CHAPIN AND HEB.L0W 332 Chamber Commerce. Irvington Home New. very swell 7-room house, with furnace and fireplace, hardwood floors. built-in buffet and bookcases, panel dining-room. beam ceiling. Dutch kitchen, sleeping-porch, fine fixtures, ln fact nothing missing: on a lot 50x 100. east front, on East 15th St.. near Thompson. A fine neighborhood. Price 17000, only iauu casn. GRCSSI & ZADOW, 317 Board of Trade BldK 41 b and Oak. $20,500 lOOxlOCr corner, Flanders, near 23d st. A beautiful home site. KARXOPP KOPF, 35 Railway Exchange Bldg. low About a Living? the first four years after planting a frill farm'' Tliuf j th mini: inn. S unr ale answers: First, we didn't lose a chick from roup, or pneumonia las) season. Second, our early vegetable crops are three weeks earlier than Western Oregon ami bring the highest prices. Simdale" Sunshine, Soil and Moisture in Alarch, April and May give Ihn hAcrlnnnr hi flnniirtiinltv Tli. Hit markets close at hand, and the best r.ll anil n-oti.r Ironsnnrtcitlnn i a 1 ri a producer. Our commercial products ar. European Grapes, Almonds, Apricots, Apples. Peaches and early vegetables. Chickens a specialty. We guarantee work to purchasers with team. Hunter Land Co., Owners, 407 Wells - Fargo bldg. Glisan Street 110x100 . apartment site, near North 23d, $16,000, or will divide. 60 feet at $9500. 50 feet at $0500. MERCHANTS SAVINGS & TRUST COMPANY We Collect Rentals. Fractional Lot Jefferson street, near 5th. $9500. Income $35. A great bargain for a small investment. GODDARD & WIEDRICK, ' 243 Stark Street. i t 1