Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, February 07, 1911, Page 12, Image 12

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Joint Legislative Committee
Votes to Retain Present
Two-State Pact.
Lawmaker Favor $100,000 'lh-
wsy at Olllo ana After Appeal
bjr Federal Salmon txpcrC Ke
fu to Chans Sason.
After slapping Oreon for lt fallur to
kep Its, compact of two year aco,
re)ctlnc .th rniiH! of the Asrtarla
Oihrimto for a longer 0h!ra season and
rxnmnoa'tlm that a Joint fishy b
rorrwt4 at th Olllo .ede at a
ct of finvsui the Joint legfcrfatlv com
mirt of Urron and Washington ad
journed yesterday to carry the result of
the conference to their respective -wmM!n
It hi a lone maliin and It wa evident
from the start that the contention would
f"u;it bitterly by the minority. The
old Ins of demarcation with regard to
tie iwhln eaon which ha alaay
existed between th I'pper and Loner
Columbia wa emphasised. x
The committee atood II to 4 In favor
.rf refectine; Astoria way of conervn
the nthinc Interest of the Columbia for
future generation. lVailerw In the fint
for Aiior were Representative Meaner
of Brookrtetd. Wash.. Represwntstlv
pel'ard. of Astoria, and Senator later.
of Warren ton. Or. They advocated re
vtral of the fish question by euKceetlnc
amendment to the present U alnc
tra: la their Judgment unices these ki
sts t ion were mult law It would be oclr
a matter of time for salmon-fishing to
become a lost art.
"Uentlemen I am no pmphrt or a son
f a prophet." aald Mr. lielland. "but I
o'clock last night. They held th
sessions In the Imperial Hotel. Th
personnel of the Joint committee la:
Chairman. A. B. Eastman, of Vancou
ver. Wash. (Hep.): Secretary. F. M.
GUI. of Dufur. Or. (Rep.).
Oreaon Senatora N. J. Slnnott. of
The Dalles: H. n. North, of Grant
Pa; c f. Lerter. of Warrenton:
Representative J. O. Smith, of Grant
Pass: M. A. Ms cone, of Oregon City:
y. M. Gill, of Dufur: 51. E. Miller, of
St. Helena: L. O. Bel land, of Astoria.
From Washington Senators A- B.
Eastman, of Vancouver: II. A. Kspcy. of
Oystervllle; F. G. Stewart, of Kelso;
John E. Chappell. of Goldendale; Rep
resentatives J. G. Megler. of Brookfleld:
S. R. Christiansen, of Snohomish: E. I.
French, of Vancouver: F. A- Driller, of
Conclusions of th Joint flah com
mittee a .prepared for submission to
the Legislaturea of Oregoa and Wash
ington are:
We. your Joint committees appointed by
reooluttoa. met In the Cur of I'ortland. Or.,
oa February a. 111. In the parlor of the
Imperial H"tel. In that city, where we held
a public bearing for all parties Interested
la nshlDf leaislatloa for the two states.
After taklug the evidence of all perllea
who desired, to speak oa thia subject snd
givlo the remarks our careful attention,
w met la eseeuMve lesion aod decided
by ballot to recommend te our respective
!esMitura the followine:
That the concurrent laws governing fish
ing oo the Colombia River which were en
acted at the sessions of luofl bo continued In
force and that no chsnge bo made at the
preeent eeeoioa of our respective Legisla
VY recommend that the Iglslsture of
the stats of Oregon enact a similar law In
reference to the Willamette and Clackamaa
vera, sold laws te have the effect of clos
ing said streams at all limes when the
ctnoed eeaeoa Is in effect on the Columbia
That proper flshways and flah laddere bo
provided on all stresma where lleh are now
prevented by natural or artincial obstruc
lions from ascending the streams.
That during tbe closed season all persona
fco prohibited from In any way holdlog or
restraining nah In fl.risrbeel leads, irape or
etoec nsbine appliances.
Association Charges Faction
alism With Delays in
Dr. A. C. Smith Stales Object of
Securing Highways In Stale and
Holds That Movement Is En
tireljr Free From Politics.
Petty politic and factionalism are
standing In the way of the five bills pre
sen ted In the Legislature by the Ore
gon Good Roads Association, according
to charge made last night at an in
formal meeting of association members
In the Beck building. The meeting was
held for the purpose of planning the cam
paign whereby It la hoped to put the
measures through the House of Repre
enlatlvea thla week.
While today waa Bet down for the ell-
Workmen Slay by Hollers Day and
'lglit to Kuth Anniversary Num
ber "o Mlhap.
While alj department of The Orrgonlan
venture to prophesy that as yeanr go I punt worked hard in getting out tli
mammoth annual edition that baa a
traded such favorable comment In
part or the Northwest, th greatest
train, probably, was borne by the corps
of pressmen who labored Incessantly in
the basement amid the roar of the nion
star machine that print the papers at
tno rate or nearly uttfv an hour.
5me of the men remained on duty
steadily for 4 hours, while many among
them did not leave the pressroom for S4
hour. F. K. Young, the foreman, after
working overtime nearly every day last
week In printing the six section of the
anniversary number, went to bed at 11
o'clock Saturday morning. At 4 o'clock
Saturday afternoon he waa called bark
to his post to superintend the press work
on the supplemental edition of 40.OJ0
copies which the steady demand for
paper necessitated. He arrived at the at o'clock Saturday evening and
did not leave again until 7 o'clock Mon
day evening. , In that time lie alept but
three hours, taking an occasional nap on
a heavy roll of paper in the room adjoin
Ing the coner In which the machinery la
located. Although the pressea rumbled
long with th present law In existence
that the salmon Industry on the Colum
bia River will decline and decline until
It lo simply a by-word
The prnt law of th two statea
provide for two frWiIng season the
Spring and th Fall when spawning
salmon a .rend the river from the ocean.
In the fiprlng tie law fixe the open
season from February 1 to May I and
In ttm Fail from August to E-ptember
I. The proposal submitted by t. lower
river advocate warn
first A Spring rinsed season from 13
noon, March la. te 12 o'clock noon.
AP'll 11
Wac4 A Fall closed season from 11
evieck noon. August 14. to 11 o'clock nana,
September SO.
Trvrd That all fishier for commercial
purposes be stopped above the Cascade
l.e.'a from Aufjtl IS to Novemter I.
"irth A sundav closlna sesn er!c-k
1. yt Saturday of every week to
o ei.-, k p M. the Bunday following belweea
April is aad Ausoet li.
With representative from Astoria
delegation from th Columbia River
Flabermen' Protective Union, waa on
I and to present It view. II. M. Irent
n. cretary of the fishermen, waa one
f the epeakera. He aatd that the Joint
A. C. Emery, a Portland architect
and builder, with offices In the Lum
ber Exchange building, waa lbs
plaintiff and not the defendant as
set forth In the court cilmun of The
Oresonlan of January 20. which set
forth that A. C. Emery had been
aued for flOOO by Charles P. Whit
ney. Through an unfortunate error
due In part to the blunder of a pub
lic stenographer, Mr. Emery was
made lo appear aa defendant, when
aa a matter of fact Mr. Emery waa
tbe plaintiff. Mr. Emery la suing to
recover $10n0 from Qeorge Arthur
Brown, a local stockbroker, whore
Mr. Emery charge defrauded him uf
llOOO. The statement staa also made
that Mr. Emery was Involved In sev
eral suits. Mr. Emtrj Is Interested
In two other suits, that of the 11 ol
den Investment Company va. A. C.
Emery, and Jerry Bronaugh vs. A
C. Emery. Jerry Bronaugh being
president of th Holden Investment
Company, which are aulte for aa ac
counting under a trusteeship. Mr.
Emery did not learn until yesterday
of tbe error, his attention not hav
ing been called to It until yesterday
by a friend.
legislative committee of two years ago I on,y a few feet away he slumbered peace-
luuy in nis improvised Deii. awaaening
only when a break In a "web" or the
finish of a run caused th presses to
H. Shower, the assistant foreman, went
to work at 7 o'clock gumlay morning and
did not leave again until o clock Mon
day evening. C. J an Hen reported for
"waa packed by th special privileges
and that the recommendation waa all cut
anil dried.
TMi statement aroused Senator Stewart,
of Kelso, who asked the labor delegate:
"Kor whom art you lobbying here
"For th Astoria fishermen?
"Are you a paid lobbyist?"
"Te. air."
"Who pay yoo?"
"WrlU ttere waa a uharrlption raised
f r m and I am to render my bill.
W hat la left Is returned lo th ub-
riber". replied Lorentson.
enator Lester, of Warrenton. con.
tended that If It waa desirable to per
petuat th salmon Industry of th Co
I n Tibia River It waa absolutely neces
sary lo protect the spawning grounds
or the mother salmon. Ha said he aw
no hnp In artificial propagation
through th aid of hatcheries to main
tain th supply of salmon for th fish
ermetv. II wanted a better sea eon for
FaMrg. saying that from March IS to
April li waa long enough for tbe Spring
closed season Instead of th day
iiowtd by law at present.
"la other words." aald Senator Sln
nott. of Tb Dalies, "you are perfectly
wiiiina; to eloso the spawning grounds
at tie Cascades and widen the season
for fishing; at Astoria so aa to make It
printable, or rather, more profitable
for t:.e lower river fishermen at th x.
pene ef my constituents."
"That It. If you want to put It that
way." said Senator Latcr.
"It looks lo mo as If the men from
down the river." said Senator Mnnott.
"want to stop the leak by leaving atl
the wheat for themselves and only th
craff for the up-river fishermen. I am
oppveed to that method of equalising
t?te law which pot make It as
gcM for one man as It la for the other."
Henry OMailey. field superintendent
of th felted States liurlau of Flahrr
said th Oovernroent had appropri
ated, of waa about to appropriate.
' for th establishment of salmon
hatcheries along the Columbia River.
it ail above Cascade, and that If
tiers were to he made any rhangea la
the law It wa woubtful If the Oovern
rnent would contribute l(a effort to
get th appropriation.
max of the contest assurance wa given
the good road workers that the lower
House will not act before Thursday.
Accordingly plana for a decisive mar
shaling of forces for the crucial test
were deferred and an hour or more was
devoted to Informal discussion of the
ttuatlon. Another meeting will be held
Wednesday night, or at the call of Dr.
Andrew C. Smith, the president.
Politician Cause of Delay.
Dr. Andrew C. Smith. In discussing
the present status of the measures, said
he thought any objection to them must
be baaed upon lack of understanding of
the purpose af the proposed laws. Added
to the few who fail to recognise tbe
duty at a o'clock Saturday evening and merits of the good roads movement ra
did not get awsy until 1:30 Monday morn
ing. Others worked with similar faith
These extra hour and added "over
time" were occasioned by the special run,
but even had the second edition not gone
to press the men would have performed
a remarkable feat, iney worked vir
tually 10 extra days In running of the
five special sections f the anniversary
number. It generally required two
daya to a section. Two of these section
contained four colors each, and much
extra time waa required In preparing
them for the run. Three sections were
printed In two colors and on In plain
In running the special edition of 40.vO
copies about X hours "overtime was
consumed. This was broken up by Inter-
ruptlnns to accommodate the regular runa
of The Oregonlan and the Teiecram after
being given a late start by the run of
The Sunday Oresonlan.
In thla wonderful -rnmpllshment not
a nil'hap occurred. Not a single piece
of machinery waa broken and not one
schedule waa miscalculated. Ureat skill
and nerve were required, but the staff
waa equal to the occasion. In addition
to those already mentioned, the crew la
mad up f J. M. Rrooks. O. H. McCoy,
It. A. McCoy. C. Alsop. Thoma Hlnes,
H Marts. M. tejgt. K. J. Thompson. A. K.
Allen. R. Burnett. . F- Isler. O. Walsh.
P. Peterson, H. Hober. U. McCoy. Jo
Ilaya and Otto Kenner.
Multnomah Typographical I nion
Adopts Felicitous Resolution.
A remarkable tribute to Mr. II. I-
Plttock'a considerate attitude to hie em
ployes I contained In th following set
of resolution adopted ty aiuitnoman
e - . ... .1 iJr"'i 1 "'" -
" oi vregon win regard I .t ik. n.met tendered him Sunday
w ua isnura to provide lor the law I
menu ig in vtiuameiie and Clack
amas rlvsra was then taken up. Senator
s,,wart. of Kelso, expressed the be
lief that It would b proper to hint to
tie Oregon Lgls'atur that It has
fa led to carry out Its har of to
"I am not her to y." said th Sena
tor, -why It waa not don. That la for
the Oregon member of tbe Legislature
to explain to their conscience. We know
It has not been done. We. on the other
hand, hav compiled with every letter
of the demand, compact or agreement-
w.-iatever you might call It.'
"At th regular meeting- of Multno
mah Typographical I'nlon No. IS. held
February k. 11 1, the following resolu
tions were unanimously adopted:
Whereaa. The Oregonlan celebrated
Ita fiftieth anniversary February .
11I. by the publication or th on
largest newspaper ever Issued on tb
pacific Coast, and
-Whereas. If. I- Pittock. proprietor
and publisher of The Oregonlan. has al-
waya maintained amicable relatione
with Multnomah Typographical Union
No. IS. therefore, be it
"Resolved, that Multnomah Typo-
It waa then decided to Incorporate In I rrPhlcl t'nlon No. &$. hereby extend
a number of demagogue and peanut
politicians. Dr. Smith said. .
'There Is no Intention, said he. "of
providing for a state highway or high
way. Our puropse Is to secure a series
of county highways leading to the prin
cipal markets. These highwsys. as a
aeries of units, form tha state system.
The good road movement has nothing
to do with politic. It must be kept free
from politics. Our ultimate aim la to
maintain a system of good roads under
in efficient head and under the super
vision of three unpaid cltlxens of the
highest type. The good roads movement
Is of vital Interest to all the people and
means the greater and broader develop
ment of the state.
John S. Beall expressed th fear that
the billa are being held up by petty
politicians. -I have reasons for believ
ing." said he. "that they are being held
up aa a whip to drive favorable legls
la tors Into line of support on other
measures. There la a decided factional
ism In the Leglalatur this yeur. I
think, though, that tonight tha outlook
la excellent for the passage of th billa."
Commission Bill Important.
The most Important of the fire bills
that th association Is fighting for pro
vides the creation of a commission to
supervise the construction of highwnya
In the verlous counties of Oregon with
the co-operation of a salaried supervisor
who shall receive I40DO a year. The su
pervisor must be a competent engineer
and road builder. t
The second bill provides for the ap
propriation of SKRO.vOO for highway. Thla
la double the amount that was decided
on at first by th association and the
increase waa made at the auggeatlon of
some of those who alnce have ahown a
tendency to fight th appropriation, it
la aald.
The third bill make possible the Is
suance of bonds by counties for construc
tion of roads, giving; the county exclu
sive right to decide on Issue and direct
the course of the roads. Two smaller
bills give the state and counties au
thority to uae convicts and c,tv pris
oners In the work of re.f- .ng.
Take What Pill ?
Why, a Dr. Miles'
Antl-Pain Pill,
of course. Good for all kinds of
pain. Used to relieve Neuralgia,
Headache, Nervousness, Rheu
matism, Sciatica, Kidney Pains,
Lumbago, Locomotor Atijcia,
Backache, Stomachache, Period
ical Pains of women, and for
pain in any part of the body.
1 have used Dr. Miles' medicines for
over is years and find them excellent. I
keep Dr. Miles' Anti-Fain Pills in the
house all the time and would not think
of taking a journey without them, no
matter how short a distance I am going.
I cannot praise them enough."
63 High St, Penacook, N. H.
At all druggists. 25 doses 25c
MlLES MEDICAL CO., Elkhart, Ind.
causes of your election In a district thre i
and one-half to one Republican malorltv.
We alfto respectfully request you to tender
to rresiuent ieinnc or the senate our
respects and bent wishes for his Just and ,
timely rebuke to one who la. to the bisi
r our Knowledge and beiier. . seir-anpolnt-
tl lobbyist, for his obstructive and "Holler
than theu methods on good roads legisla
tion. We resent the Imputation that the
ounty Courts of this state have been or
are dishonest or incompetent.
What me want la rood roads lerlslatlnn
and we trust to you and to your colleagues
pood juaumeni to aetermine wnat tbe meas
ures shall be.
Dally or Bandar.
Per Line.
One time It
earn d two consecutive lives.. ........szs
ttame add three consecutive time ..see
Same ad six r seven consecutive times. . a
Remlttaace muss accompany eot-ef-tewa
Mz words count as one line oa rasa ad
vertisements and a ma couateu lor leas
than two lines.
w hrn aa advertisement Is net run eonaee
alive times the one-time rate applies.
On charge ot book advelleementa the
char ire will be based on the actual number
at liues appearing in we psicr, reKuruie
.f 1 lie nniuber ot words In eacn line.
In Xew Touay aU advertlaemeala are
charged by lucaeure only, 14 Uuea l tbe
Ibe smii rate apply to advertieemeutt
ander .Nn Todav" and all other claaaltioa-
tluna ex re pun lue following.
bltuatlous vtanteo, iaue.
bltuatlons Wanted, Female.
tor Kent, Kooms, Private Families.
Hooms and Board, Private Famlliee.
Monsekeeolns Kooms, Private FamiUee.
the rat on the above classifications 1 1
cents a line each insertion.
In eae box office address Is required,
count this as part of the ad. Answers te
advertlaementa wlK be forwarded Ml patron.,
orovlded eell-Addressed envelopes are In
K. S. Officers and memDers are re
quested to attend the funeral ser
vices of our late brother, George
Hartness. st Scottish Rite catnearai
this (Tusadavl afternoon, 2 P. M. By order
W. at.
KASSAT.O LOrXJE. NO. 15. I. O. O. F.
Member are reuuested to meet at una-
fellows' Temple. First and Alder. today
(Tuesday), February 7, at 1 o clock P. M.,
to attend the funeral of our late brother,
Oeorne Hartness. P. G. Services st tha
Scottish Rlto Cathedral. Interment at Rlver
vlew Cemetery. Car will be provided for ail
Oddfellows. F. COZENS, Sec,
bers are requested to attend the
funeral of our late brother.
George Hartness, S2d degree,
from our Cathedral this after
noon at 2 o'clock. Fy order
a a I i
Special rates made
to families and sin
gle gentlemen. Tbe
management will be
pleased at all times
to show rooms and
give prices. A mod
ern Turkish Bath
establishment In the
Fifth and "Washington Sts.
A hotel in the very heart of Portland's business
activity. Modern in every respect. Rates, $1.00
and up. Moderate price restaurant in connection.
L. Q. Swetland. Secretary and Manager.
M 0O,0OO Recently Spent aa It Interior. Atl Furnishings and Appointments
New, Modem aad Splendid. Headquarter for Portland People,
Both Hotels Coa ducted by
NO. 1. Regular meeting In
Memorial Hall. Scottish Rite
Cathedral, this evening at 8
o'clock. By order
ARCANUM, meets at the Audi
torium. 2US Third street, the first
and third Tuesday of each month
at 8 P. M. Visitors cordially wel
come. O. O. HALL. Secretary.
Car Honeyman Hardware CO.
Owners of Block Kile Answer Set
ting Ktirth That Improve
ments Enhance Value.
Op a showing; that recent Improve
ments and developments have served to
greatly enhance the value of the east
alf of Block S, the site of the pro
poned new postoffice, $250,000 Is now
eked of the (Jovernment for the hold-
nir by the owners Dr. Andrew C.
Smith, the Security Kavlnrs . Trust
Company and the Pacific Coast Trust
Ac Investment Company. The new flK-
re Is named In an answer filed with
the United States Court yesterday to
condemnation proceedings recently
brought by the Treasury Department.
In establishment of the claim that
the land is of more value than even
he new price asked, the owners show
hat the new Broadway Drldfte win
ead .onto the property, the new Harrl-
man bridge is only three blocks away
hile the new depot grounds Join the
property on the north. Streetcar traf-
c. It Is averred, will be routed largely
hat way In the readjustment to new
These developments have become lu
ll red facts, it is shown, since the bid
f $215,000 was made to the Govern-
cnt. At that time the Broadway
bridge was by no means an assured
fact. The Government originally had
an option on the half of the block for.
$200,000, but the option expired with
out being taken up. The bid was by
far the lowest on any of the series
of blocks looked upon as ponntble sites
for the new postoffice. The owners
of the west half asked $125,000, their
half facing on Park street and being
considerably less valuable. The east
half faces on Seventh street and the
owners contend that $250,000 Is a bar
gain price.
O. F. All membera are requested to meet
I. O. O. F. Hall, tomorrow (.Tuesday).
February 7. at 1 iKO P. M. sharp, to attend
me funeral of George Hartness, r. j i .
it. USVVL.U. DCriDS.
their card and dancina- rart.v in Masonic
Temple. West Psrk and Tamhll! Sts. All O.
A,, b. members and friends Invited.
GRANT At residence of her sister. Mrs.
It. J. Macdonsld, 111 E. 8th street. Julia
Orant. aaed &8 years. Funeral win be
h"ld from above residence Wednesday.
February 8. at 8:45 A. M.. thence to St.
Francis' Church. 12th and Pine streets.
where services will he held at 9 A. M.
friends and acaualntancea are respect
fully Invited to attend. Interment Mount
Calvary Cemetery.
COLE! In Chlcaco. 111.. Jan. 24th. John A.
i.ote. area n.1 yrs.. beloved nusband or
Eunice bylvla and father of W. A. Cole of 31
E. 2Mh st. and Mrs. Grace N. Macswaln.
all of this city. Funeral services will be
Held st Dunnlna- & MciSntee's Chapel. 7tn
and Pine ata., Tuesday. Feb. 7th. at 2 P.
M. Friends respectfully Invited to attend.
interment itose city cemetery.
GU1ETT At the family residence In Lents,
Feb. 3tn. Mrs. E.utha A. Gulett. ased 01
years. Funeral services will be held
Lerch's Chapel. 420 K. Alder, Tuesday,
Feb. ith. 2 P. M. Friends Invited. Inter
ment at Jackson, Michigan.
HARTNESS The funeral services of t'ne
late George Hartness will be held at the
Scottish Rite Cathedral, Morrison and
Lownsdale sts., at 2 P. M. today, (Tues
day). Friends Invited. Interment River-
view Cejnetery.
BEBB In this city February 5. Mary M.
ibb. aged 41 years 4 months and 14
clays. Xhe funeral services will b held
at the chapel of the Portland Crematorium
at 1. P. M. today. Friends invited.
lO.NBl.rit FLORA L CO.
rhunesi. Main tint. A 112.
Dunnlaa McKntee, Funeral Directors.
TtK and line, i'lione aiaia 4.1.
lUtauL Offlc of Counts' Coroner.
KDTVAKD UOL.11AN CO.. Funeral Direct.
er. ;zo ml si. Lady assistant, rnone M. oel.
J. I'. FIN LEV SOX, 3d and Madison,
Lady attendant, l'hone Main S, A lUtit.
HAST hIDE Funeral Directors, successor
l K. a. Uunuing. inc. E. aS. D tiZi.
l.KU t-ON CO. Undertakers. lady seals-
set. 4UW Alder.. M. 18. A 2235.
ZEl LKK-UVKMiS CO.. Funeral Directors.
i04 Williams ave. : both phones; lady a t.
I.ERCI1. Lndertaker. cor. Eaat Alder aad
rth. Ka-t u lima. Lady assistant.
ta motion of th Joint conference a
recommendation to th Oregon Stat
Legislature that It csmpty with th
original compact.
Senator IIrey proposed that tbe com
mute recommend the construction of
a Joint tlshwar at th Celllo cascade
whi-tv. It was said In the discussion,
would cost $100,000. contended that
at present tha Osh wers unst.l to get
throutX owing to the blocking of
Tate's wheel and hla leeway, or run
way, for the Bah. lie based hla argu
ment on th assertion that the run
"r waa blocked at th upper end and
triat th ash wer unabi to get
Senator Ftnnott took exception to
till, declaring; that the cascade wa
from a quarter of a mile to a mil
wld and that th Indian even fished
In th rapid for salmon.
Th vote taken stood 12 to 2 In favor
of t! Joint fishway.
Senator Slnnott declared It would
only take a little bit of dynamite to
rirlt-at evils If they existed, but to
bnfUl a ftehajsy would cost $100 00.
Th Joint commute adjourned at I
to air. Ilttock Ita congratulation upon
th celebration of the fiftieth anniver
sary of the publication of Th Ore
gonlaa: be It further
"Keaolved. that a copy of the reso
lution b forwarded to Mr. II. L. Pit-
I lock with the sincere hope that Th I buslnesa men.
Hood Itivrr Cltlsens I'rge Passage of
ood I toad a L4-gllat ion.
HOOD RIVER. Or, Feb. f. Citizens
of this city. Incensed at the delay
caused In the passane of the good roads
bill Introduced Into the State Senate,
hav been circulating petitions here
since esrly morning, to be forwarded
to H. J. Derby, Hood Rivera Repre-
aentatlv In the State Legislature.
The petltlona are receiving the sanc
tion and signatures of many of th
Oregonlan will continue Us successful
career and friendly relatione with th
above union.
Vnltetl Hallways In w orrtre.
Cars ot t!i I'nlted Railway now hav
their starting place on Stark street In
front of the new ticket olUc recently
opened In the rooms vacated by th
Hank of California. Th first stop on
Stark street Is st Fifth street- Stops
also are made on Twelfth street at Burn
side and cllisan streets. The new ticket
otn.-ea hav been flt'.ed up with benches
and comfortable seats, ample facilities)
for the accommodation of travelers, com
fort statlona and other convenience.
When the new North Bank ticket office
I opened at Stark and Firth streets
I'nlted RaCwaya transportation also will
be sold there, but th sale at th present
waiUag-reem U1 he continued.
This action Is the result of th re
cent friction caused In the legislative
halls by the lobbying of A. I. Mason.
a prominent orchardlst and good roads
enthusiast of this valley, who. however,
has been urging that the bill be so
mended that the location of the road
be taken out of the hand of the coun
ty court. However meritorious Mr.
Mason' suggestions may have been tha
friction hla persistency aroused In the
Senate has caused hlra to be severely
criticised by his fellow citizens. The
following Is one of the petitions that
will be forwarded to Judge Derby:
Hood River. Oregon. Feb. . lull.
Hon. A. J. lMby.
Houes of Representatives.
Halem. Oregon.
Dear sir; We tske this means of resssur
Ing oa of our confidence In your ability
to represent us In the legislator, especially
In all food roads legislation.
Tour known esperlenco In making good
rasas la Mood silver County la ooe ot Ibe
C. W. Kent, of Hubbard,' Is at
J. M. Sloan, of Condon, is at
John Merlne, of Marshfleld, Is at the
Dr. It. a. Gale, of Medford. is at the
George Monroe, of Tarkdale, Is at
the Lenox.
M. R. Matthew, of The Dalles, Is at
the Oregon.
W. B. Hill, of Lewiston. Idaho, Is at
the Portland.
Frank A. Kelsey, of Cottonwood, is
at the Lenox.
N. C. Westerfleld, of Oregon City, is
at the Rsmapo.
A. H. Miller, of Seattle, Is registered
t the Ramapo.
F. H. Mohr, of Salem, la registered
at the Perkins.
H. Zetgler and B. M. Van, of Wasco.
are at the Cornellua.
Alex White, of Westport, la regis
tered at the Oregon.
J. W. Bennett, of Coos Bay, is regis
tered at the Portland.
V. G. Miller, of St. Helens. Is reg
istered at the Imperial.
George T. Wllloughby, of Eugene, la
registered at the Cornellua
Dr. and Mrs. H. K. Clay, of Salem,
re staying at the Portland.
Mr. and Mrs. R. Newton, of Wasco,
are etaylng at the Perkins.
John F. Hall and George Watklns, of
Marshfleld, are at the Imperial.
Mr. and Mra. W. R. Howard, of
Boise, are staying at the Lenox.
Mc. and Mrs. H. C. Grady, Mr. and
Mrs. W. H. Bohnenkamp and Mrs.
Jennie G. Rlnehart. of La Grande, are
staying at the Imperial.
NEW YORK Feb. . (Special.) The
following Northweatern people are reg
istered at New York hotels:
From Portland At th elmperlal, O.
K. Sailor.
From Seattle, Wash. At the Breslln,
J. B. Stockton.
From Medford. Or. At the Wolcott.
J. F. Reddy and wife.
From North Yakima, Wash. At the
Martha Washington. L. James.
From Tacoma, Wash. At the Em
pire. Mrs. J. Doren, W. S. Kennedy, J.
Mcilugh; at the Grand. W. Fink.
From Spokane. Wash. At the Fland
ers, Miss C. E. Reese; at the Wolcott.
Miss E. Copeland. J. Goldstein: at the
Imperial, W. J. Harris; at the Broztell,
A. L. Hendee, II. W. Kldwell: at the
Hoffman. X. Well. Mrs. N. Well; at
the Union Square, A. Coll.
CHICAGO. Feb. . (Special.) Hotel
arrivals here today from Oregon were:
Portland Mrs. Richard Koehler, Miss
Koehler. at the ' Blackstone; Mr. and
Mra. W. 1. Zimmerman, at th Great
Northern; G. H. Kleinsorge, at the Shor-man.
Salem Clifford W. Brown, at the
Baker R. A. Ha r mail, at the Laaalle.
SAN FRANCISCO. Feb. 6. (Special.)
Portland arrival at the Palace
Hotel here today were: John S. Biddle
and child; Miss T. R. Goodman; Miss
Jeanette Goodman, H. H. Walt.
Architect Bennett to Come Soon Wltli
City Beautiful" Plans.
E. H. Bennett, the Chicajro architect
who has charge of the designs for the
City Beautiful, as provided by the
Civic Improvement League, is expected
to arrive In Portland today or tomor
row. He comes with his sketches of
the Improvements, which Include all
those pertaining to a civic center, the
provision for creating diagonal roads
In the central district and the sugges
tions for boulevards to be known as
They provide for a roadway of good
width running on the top of the hills
which border the city to the west and
'.he north. The plans as devised and
drawn by Mr. Bennett are said to be
something unique and wonderful In
suggesting a plan for Improving the
artistic side of the city as it might
be viewed by visitors and tourists.
During his stay here he will appear
before the dock commission and pre
sent his plans for the improvement of I
the wharfage lines.
Frightened by Robber She Tramps
AVIth Babes Through Snow.
SPOKANE, Feb. S. Crazed by fright
and worry caused by the efforts of
a burglar to break Into her home seven
miles from Colvllle, Mrs. Charles glass,
a farmer's wife appeared at a neigh
bor's house -Sunday morning, barefoot
and violently Insane.
W 1th her were her three little chil
dren with feet frozen by tramping
three miles over the snow without
shoes or stockings. The demented wo
man was taken to the asylum.
. Low Water Halts Chester.
With the gauge at 11 inches at Toledo
and the steamer Chester, smallest of its
typo on the globe, drawing 14 inches, the
Kellopsr Transportation Company faces
the dilemma of being unable to proceed
to the usual head of navigation. Freight
is not being accepted for that point as
the last landing is four miles below.
Cold weather and an absence of hevy
rain Is given as the reason for the un
usually low state of the Cowlitz.
The Imperial
Oregon's Greatest Hotel
350 Rooms, 104 Suites, With Private
Moderate Rates.
Phil Metschan ft Sons, Props.
..hi i uSaa a aya'agjijj a. u m
0 i. JV
7 fj 1 JM a " -v v
"The House of Welcome-" corner Park and Alder. Port
land's newest and most modern hotel. European plan. Bs
flnnlnr Msy 1st oar ratss will be a fallow: All back rooms
without bath, single, 11.00 per day; double. $2.00 par day.
All front rooms without bath. L50 psr day, slnrls; (2.30
per day double. All OUTblDK rooms, our omnibus insets
all trains.
Cor. Fourteenth an Washington
Neve Hotel, Blesaatly Furnished.
Rates $1 and Up
European Plaa. 'Boa Meet All Trala
E. D. and V. H. JORCEXSKN,
' Prop, aad Mar.
Hot aad Cold Water.
Lsns Distance Phone
Itt Every Room.
91.00 and Up
XV. D. Wood, Mcr.'
American Plan 1I f T" P f European Plaa
as.30 Per Day. nU 1 EiLi ,1 and 1.50 Per Day
"It's All Comfort."
Our Table d'llofe Meala On Feature.
In heart of business district, center of city, half block
from G. N. Ry. and N. P. Ry. Depot, close to all steams
ship wharves and C. P. Ry. Depot. ,
Hotel Donnelly
Most Centrally Located Hotel in the City
Recently Modernized
RATES 75 TO $3.00
European Plan Free 'Bus
-m tall fr-7 -r- t- -
V 4
; t a
I. . S i Kt.rts.AS?i if ;
V, Hotel Sherman
and College Inn
Clark at Randolph. Chicago
Jr HICAGO'S Newest
most beautiful and
most conveniently located
V i t f J O . . . . .
note! ana rxesiauranu
757 j Rooms, every one
with bath. Distilled ice
water in every room.
Large Convention and
Banquet Halls on second
floor. Moderate prices.
Now Open to Guests
Aches, Sprains, Bruises, Stiff
ness, Soreness, Neuralgia,
Lumbago, Sciatica
Day after day some kind of pain stands
oa your threshold. But it won't stay
after a vigorous rubbing with St. Jacobs
Oil. It won't return in a hurry, either.
Price 25c., 50c.
Vhe 50c Bottle Contains 3 Times ss Vnch
a th 25c Size ,
Awarded SDC COLD MEDALS at Interufkmsl Expositions for being the best psia car.