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About Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 6, 1911)
THE MORXIXG OREGOXIAX. MONDAY, FEBRUARY 6. 1911. Agents for Libby Glass Haviland, Lamoe and Royal Do tilt on China Rogers' Silverware and Universal Percolators Reznor Gas Heaters, American Electric Irons, Parker . Co.'s Bathroom Supplies, Landers, Frary (SL ClarK's Cutlery, Etc. Oldls, Wortman ma Store il Greater Felb run airy RusmgrnLsi ale AND INTERNATIONAL PURE FOOD FAIR' A Sensational Sale of Beautiful Furs - -- . . .. .- - ... , Our Entire StocK for Women and Child- .1 rT ren at One Half Their Regular Price There's plenty cold weather ahead and you will need Furs Beginning this morning we will offer our entire gtocK of rich, cozy Furs for women and children at half the former prices This will be our final .effort to pricing 5125 Russian Bony Coats at 362.5Q $35.00 MlnR Scarfs for only gl7.5Q II 322.50 Fox gets for Misses $11.25 $25 FV. netail Coats at on y 5125. v O .S75.QO MinKS:arfs for only $37.50 $4Q SKunK Opossum Scarf S2Q.C O b35U Hudson Bay Seal Coat 3i75.QO $2QO MmK Scans for only $100.00 $25 SRunK Opossum Muff $12.50 g75.Qc Lone Raccoon Co ts $37.50 $2QO Mink Muff -- for only $100.00 25 Jiplin Scarlloroniy 12.50 $125 MuKrat Coats for only $02.50 $125 MinK Muffs for only $6;.5Q $35 Jap MinK Mull for only $!7.7o in Children's Coats iri Thibet, Krimmer, Near Seal and White Coney, Sizes 2 to 4 Years, at Half Price Annual February Sale of Household Needs9.Chinaware9 Crock ery, Glassware, KitcHeni Goods, Cutlery, Lamps, Cut Glass, Etc. Only a Partial List of the Great Bargains Is Here Mentioned Watch the Papers for New Items Sale of Miscellaneous Needs 75c Mirror reduced to only, 60c 35c Potato Rlcer t low price of 27c S5c Bkeu reduced to only, ek, 27 75c Wood Carrier, special price, 60? 15c Polish on special tale at only lit 25c Enamel ii reduced to only 1Q3 Bejnjar $1 00 Food Chopper only 79 EefnlaT lf25rood Chopper only 9Sf 10c Garment Hooks, special, only 8 8c Vefetablt Bnishesreduced to 5? 15c Scrub Brnahes. special at only 10 SOcDntBrnhe. special price, S- S5c Floor Brooms, at low price of 1 )t 60c Floor Brooms, special at only 39 25c Store Brush, special at only 19 15c Towel Roller, on sale at only lit 7c C ak e Turners, at low price of 5 8c Flesh Forks on special sals, ea.. Cc i5c Kitchen Knjyes, special price 1 1 10c Caa Openers on sale at, each, 8 35c Butcher Knives, special for 275 6c Asbestos Mats on sale at, each, 3 10c Dish Mops, on special sale, ea., 7 t be Toothpicks, on special sale, only 3 2c Sink Brushes, special at only 1 10c Gas Tapers, on special sale at 8 15c Bug Beaters, on sale at only 1 ljt 45c Wash Boards, on sale at, ea 35 Reading' Lamps Are Reduced $ 9.75 Electric Bead'g Lamp 3 O.OO 110.00 Electric Eead't Lamp 8 6.50 $ 1 3.50 Electric Read'j Lamp S 8.00 $19.00 Electric Read'c Lamp 313.QO $18.50 Electric Read'f Lamp S12.0Q $25.00 Electric Read'c Lamp 18.00 $2100 Electric Read'g Lamp 316.50 $32.50 Electric Read'g Lamp 824.00 $34.00 Electric Read'g Lamp S 25.00 $36 00 Electric Read'g Lamp S27.QQ $30.00 Electric Read'g Lamp 836.00 $57.00 Electric Read'g Lamp $45.00 Great Sale of Our High-Grade Enameled Cooking Utensils Kice or Milk Boilers, five pieces, ?-quart tAf size; regular 80e value, special price only 35c Royal Steel Colanders, special for only 27 ISc Royal Steel Dippers, 1-quart, for, each, 12 20c Royal Steel Funnels, 1-pint, special at 16 33c Berlin Kettle, 3-quart, covered, at only 2(C 50c Berlin Kettle, 6-quart, covered, at only 40 20c Lipped Kettle, 3-quart size, special for 16 27e Lipped Kettle, 5-quart size, special for 19 13c Deep Ladles, 4-inch size, special at, each. 9 30c meaiurea, 1-quart size, on special sale at 24 28c Cake Molds, 3-quart size, special, each, 20 80c Water Pails, 14-quart size, on sale for 64 Lipped Kettles, 3-quart size, blue and 0O white enameled ware, 40c values, at only -iC 47c Lipped Kettles, 4-quart, special, each, 35 55c Lipped Kettle, 7-qnart size, special for 42 40c Sauce Pans, 3-quart size, special, only 32 80c Covered Berlin Kettle, 3Vfe-quart size, 64 $1.10 Covered Berlin Kettle, 8-quart size, at 88 80c Covered Berlin Sauce Pans, 3V2-quart, 64 $1.10 Covered Berlin Sauce Pans, 8-quart, 88 95c Milk or Rice Boilers, 1-quart size, only 75 $1.60 Milk or Rice Boilers, 3-quart size, 31.28 $1.25 Covered Straight Pots, 8-quart size Sl.OO $1.65 Covered Straight Pots, li-qt. size, $1.32 Sale of Aluminum Ware f $2.30 Coffee Pot, 2-qnart, $1.84 $3.60 Teakettle, 5-qt. size S2.88 $2.60 Coffee Pot, 3-quart $2.08 $3.95 Teakettle, 6-qt. size $3.16 85c Sauce Pan, 2-qttart size 67$ $4.35 Teakettle, 8-qt. size S3.48 $1.05 Sapce Pan, 3-quart size S3 $2.50 Rice Boiler, 1-qt. size S2.00 $1.35 Sauce Pan, 5-qt. size SI. OS $3.25 Rice Boiler, 2-qt. size S2.G0 $1.25 Covered Sauce Pan 81.00 $3.85 Rice Boiler, 3-qt. size 83.08 $1.55 Covered Sauce Pan 81.25 95c Fry Pans, 8y2 size, only 751 $1.90 Covered Sauce Pan 81-52 $1.30 Fry Pans, lQi2 size 81-04 Decorated Cfcina at Less $4.50 Fern Dish and Lining S2.25 $1.10 German Cake PIate3 at C5 $1.75 English China Chop Dish 88c $1.40 Salad Dishes, 8-in. size 89 30c English Fruit Saucers at 15 90c German China 9-in. Plate 55 $2.30 English Candlesticks 8115 $5.50 Bread and ButteFPlatea $340 $4 Sugar, Creamer and Tea Pot 82 $1.75 German China Cel'y Tray 98c $1.50 Eng. China Lem'ade Jug 75 $1.25 Fern Dish and Lining 63 $1.50 English China Jug at 75$ $2.50 Fern Dish and Lining 81.25 50c English China Plates at 25 $3.00 Fern Dish and Lining $1.50 A Condensed List of a Few of tKe Many Specials Offered Today Women's $1.50 SilK Hose at 95c Pair Wayne Knit Hose for Women 31c Pair 5QQ Pairs oi &13.5Q Portiers $6,89 Pr. Regular $1.25 Lace Curtains 79c Pair Regular $2 Lace Curtains $1.29 Pair Regular $2.5Q Lace Curtains $1.89 Pr. Regular $3.25 Lace Curtains $2.29 Pr. CooKing School Today at 3 P. M. MENU Fig Paste and Fill ing, Caramel Custard, Tea Hunt's Supreme a.rd Monopole Canned Goods Special Today. Phone your orders: Ex. 12, A623i Women's $2.25 Umbrellas for $1.69 Reg'. $3 Linen Mesh Underwear 98c Women's $4 Chemise Now at $2.98 Women's $1.95 Chemise Now at 98c French Combinations Reduced V$ Women's $1.50 Combinations at 84c Women's $2 Combinations for $1.27 LUMBER KING DIES Robert Laird McCormick Suc cumbs at Sacramento. LOSS HITS WEYERHAEUSER Twelve Million Dollar Timber Com pany W Flrt Organised by Tanuu Ilrsldenl; lie AV. Eiorted Mayor When ST. TACOMA. Wh.. rb- 9pMlal.) Robert Laird McCormick. crvtarr uf tb. ViTKUtuHr Tinbr Company and prlJrot of a number of bank and promlD.nt bualnr.a companlia In Tairoma and Wniwn WuMmton. died In 8arra-nnto early yesterday mornln followlnc ( o dr" of nflerln from an acuta attack of Brlht a dtavaae. Th. body la bln brouht north on th. wvaata IJxnlled. Tb. funaral will tak. pla- har. McCormick tti born en a farm In F.nnjrlvanl. OctoUrr 2. 114T. and hla arlr ltf. waa apvnt lo that (tat., noon art.r ha left Kkocl fca beaan working- la a railroad otace. and whan It wast to Winona. Minn., and took a poaitlon In th. cfflc.a of th. Laird Nor ton Lombr Company, which had bcn offerrd htm by hla unci. - HI. work ultlmataly tmrm him a roBstdarabl. Intaraat la th. Laird Nor tea Company, and ha alo chtalnad ax taaslv. tntaraata In th. Kirk atone auarrlaa. ear Mankato. Minn. H. ard aa Mayor of Waseca alx ytara. from 1J74 to US, oaring- first baaa alaclad when :7 yaars of a- So fflclsnt an iK-ut:t did he pro, that whan h. waa 13 yaara of aa ha waa la which ha earvad throuch two rtgu- Jar and two spaclal seas loos. At the cioee of the last session he abandoned. politics to become eecretary and treas urer of th. Northern Wisconsin Lum ber Company. This company waa controlled by aucn notable fig-urea In Mississippi Valley lum bering as Frederick Weyertaeuser. W. H. Laird. M. O. and James L. Norton. Mr. McCorralck's position as secretary-treas urer necesslutad hla residence at Hay ward. Wli, where the company's main mills were located, and It was In Hay ward that he began a long and active Identity with Wisconsin affairs. With the Bearing exhaustion of the standing timber supply In Wisconsin and Minnesota. Mr. McCormick. with many other lumbermen, turned his eye to th. Pacific Northwest and. In In ha decided that th. Northern Wisconsin Lumber Company should transfer Its activities to western Washington. Through his representatlona and own Investments. Frederick Weyerhaeuser, of St- PauL and the other members of th. famous lumbering group commonly known as Th. Weyerhaeuser." Invested heavily In Washington timber. v. -. .. V'"' ' '. ji FUN D S AH E ASS U H ED lilral MrTarastk, ker Klas. w he Dl4 at Bae. rasaeatav. B.a. T Reclamation Officials Favor Klamath Project. WORK WILL BE RUSHED Landowner Told That Government Will Commence Operations aa Soon aa Contract for 13,000 Acre I Signed. KLAMATH FALLS. Feb. 5. (Spe cial.) T have positive assurance from Secretary Bellinger that the Upper Klamath project will have ample means from the Government, and that work Is to be rushed thereon aa rapid ly as It ran poaalbly be done," aald Jacob Rueck. the special representa tive of the Yonna and Langell Valley landowners, who was sent to Wash ington to confer with the reclamation officials about this part of the Klamath project. He returned to Klamath Falls yesterday. "And there la but one string to this promise, that being that the land owners sign up on a special contract now being prepared for at least 15.000 acres of the .0.000 acrea to come under the Horsefly rsservolr . Work to Be Started. The Government will commence this work as soon as the owners sign con tract, which is not to have any con nection with Klamath n ater Leers Association, but Is to be handled sepa rate from the rest of the project. I be lieve that there will be very little trou ble In getting- the landownera who come under the Horsefly project to sign, and If this Is done I have the assurance of the entire reclamation force la Washington, from Bal linger , down, that work will be started on the reservoir dam early this Spring." Mr. Rueck left Klamath Falls for Washington on the morning of January S. He was sent there by the land owners of the Langell and Tonna Val ley country with two objects In view, The first was to make every effort to get the Government reclamation offi cials to agree to put water - on the lands that were estimated would come under the Horsefly reservoir site. In case he could not get the Government to build that part of the Klamath project be waa to work for the release of the water covering the Horsefly project, which the Government held when It agreed eome months ago to release the land under it from the stock subscriptions to the Klamath Water Users' Association. Private Capital Promised. The people of the Langell and Tonna valleys had been promised private capital to build the Horsefly reservoir site, but under the ruling of the Gov ernment when It released the lands this money wae useless, aa there waa no other water source that could be utilized. Under the basis of K.000 acres It Is estimated that the cost of building the Horsefly reservoir and placing water on the land cannot exceed 149.77 an acre. The original amount that was to come under this project waa estimated at 10.000 acres, and if this amount can be signed up and Irrigated, this will cut down the estimated cost about 10 an acre. The Government has already expend ed 121.000 on the Horsefly project In surveys and Investigating the system. It Is estimated that to complete thla entire project will coat $776,000 more. "Ai to the money to complete the project." aald Mr. Rueck. "we have nothing; to fear, secretary Bellinger and the other reclamation officiate have agreed to see that there Is means available for the work aa fast as It could be done." have accepted an offer of 75 cents early In the Fall. WESTON PROJECT STARTED Elgin Ranchers Sell Wheat. EIXJIX. Or- Feb. 5. (Special.) Many local ranchers are disposing of their wheat, several carloads having been shipped from here the past few days. The price being realized la about 71 centa. While this Is a good price It la somewhat discouraging to th.a ran en era, who laresuco. in ume 10 Irrigation Scheme Expected to Be Benefit to City. WESTON. Or, Feb. 6. (Special.) Organisation of the W.ston Irrigation project was effected this afternoon by the election of the following officers: William MacKenzle, president; S. A. Barnes, secretary; J. H. Price, treas urer. These officers, together with G. W. Staggs. O. M. Richmond, George Winn and Frank Greer, constitute tha board of directors. All are leading farm ers who own or represent large holdings-under the project. The sum of $6000 has been subscribed by the owners of 6000 acres, to defray the expense of the permanent survey and other work. Engineers will be em ployed by the board, which Is empow- ered to expend such portion of this fund as may oe necessary. No more land is desired, and the construction of the project is now regarded as a cer tainty. It is expected that the population of Weston will increase to at least 3000 people within three years. It was founded in the sixties, and, next to Umatilla and Pendleton, is the oldest town in Umatilla County. An International exposition of Inventions will be held at St. Louis the second weak In April. JUST LIKE A KNIFE THRUST Th. sharp twinge of pain In the small of the back that strikes you after any sudden twist or awkward movement, tells of weak, sick. In flamed kidneys. Men. women and children have bad backs when the kidneys are sick. Especially do 'older folks suffer with bad kidneys, for the kidneys are the hardest-worked organs of he body, and an active life often wears them out before there are any other signs of advancing age. , , Learn the early warnings of sick kidneys and then it will be easy to take any trouble In the beginning, and with Doan'a Kidney Pills, to make a quick and lasting cure. The common early signs of weak ened kidneys are backache, lame back, rheumatic pain, neuralgia, sharp pains when stooping or lifting, nerv ousness. Irritability, falling eyesight, sallow, drawn features, dark circles around the eyes, dizzy spells, tired-out state, despondency. And there are usually disturbances of the urine too frequent passages, That Sudden Stab of Pain in the Back Tells of Sick Kidneys "EveryPlchire Tells A Sory aga vy ci 0h. my'baclc. scanty passages, with scalding or burning pain, dark-colore heavy urine, having to get up at night. Doan's Kidney Pills euro elck, weakened kidneys,' backache, and urinary disorders. Relief Is quick, and the good done lasts. The reputa tion of Doan's Kidney Pills has been built np by years of success. Do not be deceived by similar names into buying imitation kidney rills which are new and untried. Get Doan's, the remedy that Is backed by home testimony. Portland Proof H. McCullough. painter, 1170 Omaha Ave., Portland, Oregon, says: "I re ceived great benefit from the use of Doan's Kidney Pills. My back was weak and painful, and when I stooped I had sharj, twinges in my loins. I be lieve that the nature of my work was the cause of my trouble. My kidneys were disordered and I was miserable in every way. Doan's Kidney Pills cured me and restored me to much bet ter health. DOAN'S KIDNEY FILL YtiYm Sold 411 dwJers' PriM 50 ""k- FosTiR-MiWOTH Co, Buffalo. N.Y.. Proprietors. lZe4! aaswju a IftheftlntsTJsa