13 THE MOKXIXG OREGOXIAX, MdXTAl rKBKUAKY J, xzl. ma rfnt. lBfiIR4BLE INFtKMSH'-D ROOMS MtLNRH BLDG WollitlPuN -T. jtoukH x. i ksthal h :;ama LARGE unfum.sha- howkwplfH front 12 I nl"0 North. Kom Mllb Ibrd. FORT LAN T Wom-n tnwo. 1-ld )rax: rooms wxth bord. ue of !n-roro. li brary. Ho rn It F. N. Htb. sutt. YEftT choice Un corr.r ronm with nr- . suitabt- lor Inri. !- s.ngie room; TH". CAtVAHD. -- W- rron U. cor-.-T XS'h. M dro coov6itnv;i W.kng tl.ai.anca. CHOICE frr.t rv,m. -m lh Parking, aai rn(-c!m board. JT4 Park K:.f.A r rxa for or tael bar 1. J74 park. aad f.rat-ew R m Ultra In amll y. K .r;. llcbt frsl-f.-w -.lr rn a.i ra'a OHr.l. iara rloart. K-m-' Rht. "T naa h-l &! b of tld P-wd. euit a i for mar and wif. Ta W-K car r w-W car I K. rota and CUnt on. -?b . F'R RENT Neat frct'.d root. with .arrt. nirn. frae bt i an l''P on Mark from W rar.tr ApP'y NnnhniD t.. b-tweaa Dn r.d -Oth or r"n t- 4 'n 41 li. fcarJ. etj!r;a f-r J )ojrj r1 rwupie. c!oa m. 4-li rrn or tnir I'rntie Main H:riTAHLK fiTv:: aaota c d rar of a fw n:;dren. AM l-n en . . f r A or 4 yonng xh! rorr wkln. all modira rnfni-n'-r I T r- ROOM and board'wlth rtn4 unir eui e f.(r fw :ea ly youn men. r'.- la- -e.l ' or at l?l r: JI North. rl K. f- "t75"S r'i"b-FJ rHm tn rrt- h.-m. Ail r..nni-nr. ultat:a r (r'.mM. I" IIfki labia fr "ria Fat 1 2 JJ ia.e. two. bniiii'H I' bref l :i. and dinner. I'n Xtain F"R RENT Room an a hoar-t In modern home, fn ti' h-t. 7 IaJi-a or err d fu,11. l'h..ne WoiM.ifl N!'E inn rm with boara ror 3 C tnin. all rooJeru coiivenifncra. I.V4 N Mt ei. I. A t. ' K f " at ro-.ih board f--r 2. J ball -Wl llth. Bear Jf'ro.i Maeaha'.l IT.ST fwm. roncet.al h'twe. ton K---V an -i boar. I In e'rirtly pri' f.imtl for a i.i:imn. VK"n F.t ..T2. with boarJ for cntlnea. iUiO lo;h. P.fTac requlryd. Vi H warm room wlfh h"m rook tr . tlivi mrtii pr day. J.Q amon. L.AH-;F. furnishad room, with board, fcl il--"rHnn et A 3 " : Js t r aronirtt'!t n f-'T 2 anUrmen. tn. j-i.ono r".tl 4. f H?ST-Cl.AS.H room and tard In f r'.vaia fn.t!v for one or more. ii Yauihul U RCM'ii and Kard f a wk. ra Wuh. Ap rtmrala. THE EVFKETT, 4 K-rrtt '-... , Ftwn uth and EUa ta. Vacai t heb. 1. ma of t h- c holra 3 roon u:la with pnat beta, r- ttln t. U and eleeptn ('.irvi The Fwrwtt ia tha KRV EjY Kl'HNtSIIKl and e4 't ! (Tvl apartment hciw In (h city; free ti.dinint pronn with ea- ii apartment; a it r:-.auc- i-vator on firt- l wrvi.-r. ii;r mcto: l'lnt hat and hot w t-r U tia time. it -j want tii- bat. c-aie I tha Krtt. THK BAKKKH O'rner -lal and Irving m, T h la Df 4 t-ry brtrk n:td Jau. 1. 1 l 1 : furni:id and unf ur :tthrd In t ao. t'ra and f"iir-r--m e-iie w.th rtcfp Hon ba.L I'aciho phor.a tn ath aptrirnmt. i---tr;c l-a:.r. 'i.:rua J:uppr,rn bvia. fcuUl-tn buriot and writing ol M rang, ta b pirnty ct c.ueat loom. If 'u wart tunfthinj extra n: ?. cme t tha I erfc-r I h -n XlAr.ill ;jril . TUcZ Wt-Kfc.UlTIi-TIJ W lit. ' brick apartmaata. Jat fnfthed and f urate hrd ro:np;eia for Immfdialt bouea kina . beaai.lutlv furn.an a. I la 2 ard ruom uita with private ba r.a nJ reception n.i. Fa iflo ptioue in ea k apartmnt fr: aointua in -a cltv ta eal It for tha rtc. Cui and aa fur jourjtt, dbl.N AFAHTMENT. 14tb n 1 Co uraol. 4 t.-c luit.a trurn iorr i a t , a w tf.f bu:M.i.. con-p.etvly tlrat-ctaea. fu' aieAed la 2. 1 and 4 ro m family atart mnta. pntata batu. rccacioa i.a.l. a.wa bat( not wair. iaior. frra p-iuna. jaa ttrtr ar!a. int ry raoiiala L'.NTL'RNI.-MKl" A ry han0an l-ro- j apartment with btn. rafl ; r. f'irna - brat. ! trie ) . r t. lre c uaa. uoaua.iy large :vtt)-r-i ana txaro,n . fruut and ba a pnu. a .aral r)ii.ke f""ru atieat. titpbwD iin SlTJ. Frue I'mich, I bl -k from aahlfton -a ttt et. . tL iata 1 1 X a a 4-ro-.ru i"Hl-frt iriicvat. at rout ha t. trio :r-r .r. Avl an. coij w a:r. i-i', h"i) ai I Tanitor a e, Appty of manager; rt:tac re''rrd. 'Hi: HAIdOV HAM. AFTi . i.f fur ma ra. a a;id 4-rwm a partm.ie with Ir t .im ta t ha aud p.tnna. not &nti r i wtr. tam beat. Janitor ervtca end l athr Uuarrn iii,ifi. Apii at nuoAiir apu. No. J nona iarahad 11 .A . Lt RKTIA Cjt K . rn L,arvt io atrt. ar W'hintiin. n en of tha largv. outatUa. l-r-m apart m ant a if t tn ti.a new t.r(inl and m ira ay r Unn t -hu. A : ; to iu prtr. tni1nt. a;t. 1. r phuua ra t ll Uvl. rwf-rana ra4'!red. Tilfc I.A.N.N. H Ai AlU Ul.N i- rat w. t .ay at.. n-ar 14th. To-rivm acar'.manta. moirn. cottipitiy fu.'Bla.ti fwr li a-a-p.n. $Jt mtX t-4. in-lu.i;n aiactrtc UhL. ataaiu hwat. nL an- . t wa;r. phuna. hA.STil"i;" Apartment. IM l.'th at . naar MaA. I-tuotu apartmanta. f irnUMi r aruarotahad, d.aa-artua bwla. hot and '' watar. eta.n h.. Janttor aarv-I- Thia te tha -at -v) .j.;-.: aartact houaa in rtty. Mrna: : . a kuai.eta AFARTii;-:.r W..I ba co t p. -td March 1. ttt I. For a par in a a tiujutrw of u A..-u jt t r hui;utn. . r ii ctr 'f 1-tn ant J-nTrr.t a--. or phoni Main 74. in K--d Irian tArt. 4.a Aniaiton bit. THE LIU.IAN. 4th aad lucgoutry The-room wpartrnitt. r.aw and ata gaatijr f jrn.ahvd. privat pti.na and H n .Kl-ra cooveutao'a. I'-th-ai. .ar to door, manager on prrmla- OKL) Kl.Lluli A f A K 1 Ma. Ala. For. Orand ava and E Mark at. New f rap roof brtrfc bunding beautifully femlebad. Two and tara-ruoiu apt ineaia. vrtata bath, tot and co4 ., at earn h eat. F booe. Eaat SOik ANiU'LA APARTMENTS. 3T Trinity Flca. bt t ilKh nnd -t h. off aahington 2. Z and a-rooiu apartm nts, tau'.iruiiy f irnb.iU, eiectric eieietor aad private prtoac N i.VK L V furnished and threa-room apartments, ata unfurnished gn.i aorptng roin. atau beau f uauiug water, la A tn st. MLci'. A Afirtmtri f fie rorr.a. at tha Krr n. . i . rar'paca and curtair.g fur ti ne.l If d'sired. ao r:i.- j f.ve fur-r.r-. r""tu. trq iirf Lai Ial. Hit'. itaniy Ap4tiuint. 7j Woahlngtoo. tornr Klrc. -rosin apariiurnt. Ali mod -'o t toojDuoco). rent rrasonaDii; , jai tor arric. J AN MA R'.'O A 1' A iiT M V. NTS. ma and touch '.. h.t. hot and co.d watr. pr.t ttn and teie pnona. pTlca 4-- to Ul. t;un 27.il xVi AlTAV'NT. tornrr l h n. toi!rgj aia ; baa u -..y furnuhtd apart n.enia. t'.:a b:t wtr. private phone .,a ta'h. j.tmtor aervi c. hi 2a N r AA f A R T M E n T at. n w i riurnia :7d. atricl- irwUern rw iui U rn. aaut..g row lJ'i . rtn ad. Marar 24. jZi aTitOOM ttAt. elagaxtly furnished, uri- ate (tnu.f. eiderty coup. a preferred. kaat le-. LAl'RKTTR Aiartmnti. Hth. one I totiv furnta:ni a fon apartment. atrt t- .y aiodern. both piw ;ira. Ui!AR Aparttner.t. To I.ove;o b: waa j;a end a-roona furn.ahed apartirU m Mir r a. tiw . IrTl.-o Ai A.or;.Nr. i .rd and M... gta. j.,v.t. ur.furi:ahed. a; rtn.r:it. II.,. mud. rn In j: ;r.enT. j-lu.ta on:. N IX Lf fur tii hrd rooms and at anm.-Uta. g.erythiii ixioiarn. k'ba . or n-r y.trrva. n. tr n J a e. Fh ' J n E sat v u.N auN X a. lrT ITtn. near iaah:it. "are:ad ar.ment.. a.a-aaiedL KEEEFR AFARTMENTS. lth and Clay ; 1'fcoica turner apartment. Jut Uif L OU7C. ,LW YOribC Apartment. 2 anJ 2 romg fur niahA ' i-iifuruta-d. a: vein a cat- l.ea p.i-.ie g.at ii.i and l ;mjil. roo-W av't uaal a.t litOO g .aaaoaaEa. 1-R-jOM aprtruat. fjrnisha.1 or unfur .sned. T ha CecelSa. i:d and t!ea!i THS tATTO Ftta a rom apt.. h,at, ,o4 water, etc Inquire W Flaadara. FOR REM. NEW and el-gantly , furnished tw-rom. uamhnM aiartmenie. ail modern con-ni-nces. reasonable. l'.S 2lt st-. corner T :r. I lata. riXK modern 5 roon lower flat; choice I'M atlon. 17S 23d. cor. Jonnsoo sr.; rfni $ H. Korrr.U Umbtrmeu bldg-. win anil Hark. H'M.I AlAY ADDITION, modern, new. un furnished. 1 room, adulta Phon East 1l:t7. I A PARTLY farol-hed 4-room flat, cloea In : ' no chtMroo. Inquire rear cottage. 330 j II All at. FOR REVT Reasonable, a mrdem fur mhd fiat. n lha ground floor. Phone Wk1!ib 273, M " T K R N 3-room flat. cie In. on cr;ina Ari 'r k. r.'th ndDts.A3 ON K or IDG. flat, pric $-. Main 10 or tst mdern -rotn flat. Kaat lth and Minna B . Aeh. N.OR II I mo-lrn ujifumlbH -rwia til--r nt; adulta on!y. Mn jV KI.Y mern 4 rom fu 2Mb acd at H'UeiliL rev &rom Uau Uw-lutilu ptaio. "J'-j North .1Uh. l-KO M flat. condition. firp.aca. ! a n Matn tlawaaptaa7 Baaana. VHr'iHaVEH. l?tb an4 Marshall, far rihed f r hotxaekeptng gia range, alac trtr lighta. hot watar. batn. laundry, all frea; IIS per month up. a clean place: lat In the city for mwf, ehorl dtetanra fron I'Diun Ipot. Take ' f car. or ltk l i are nortu, gal off at Mar eh all at. .Nt HOOTu IIb4 WkiKK; clean. fu role bed kcaaakaapiog; roooa. frea laundry, bat a. paone. ciean tinea. hraL 4d aaeaaraf ti .. and ,13 rtanicn;taka V car. FINK DOWNTOWN HOME. Vrt.NKK jiLi"?. mohkisov rr. JIUI.KKN. Ct MKAU REASONABLE. HflKKKIlNt;. aia- ale-plng rooma. well f urn l'hl and dairaht-. ceni rally located. r-:it r iint. lt Writ 'ark gt. I t hNhKi) ftiiufipiftj roorof aiao i)g; room a. 4j Wiuiama ia phoaa r;x NI"EfY furntah-d ateam i-hwH homVrp tr roomi, trn'ral and n atiltc. Tha N1 caeti, d grd H.irriaonata o , Lktcl'U ivooii la oaw co:k.'. bldg. I hot.a Wooaiawa W or S3T 4IK.VST MVRItISON"rcorT E.-uit Rh. eora-pN-i-lv firn!hd honkrp!ng gultea. 4'l K A T M"RR I SON. Conor F.aat Mh: comp.rtrly furniahd houak-eplng; romg FI R ISHKD houeakeeplnc rn:na. aleeplng r -t'-ma. rraaongbla. 2ii s Market it. lfooarkrplos; HooTtii H Frlreta Family. ONK. to or t h r- rvom houav Weapi"aT euit. nwly furniahd. a team beat. hot. and cold wtr. pnone. bath, alert nc ttrht 1 7J 1 a t near Waahlnf ton. MvrKRN. ntrlv furnished room fiorea, with tant and ard. adulta only. a9 Hai-r.M-k at., beta rn In ton and Orand. Ap ply 3".o Paat Firat at . N- Hi'lSKKKriN'-l roomi, adultg- bath, phona. no dogg or cata. 4u7 Holladay t TAT LX R. near 17th. nicely furnished front rom la modern flat; gaa, batb and eietrictiy. TWO nlredy furnished hotiakeeplna; roora with all mod.-rn tonrntencea; alan gioep- ln rooin- iT4 WlUlamg avcC 3 I.ARCr; clean houaek ping" ronma; frra r. phone and bath; $12 a month. 1M N. 16ih 1A o Four bright, convenlantly fumtghed houerkacping; room a. bathroom, pantry; tint floor. Forter gt. car. N y. W 1 - Y f urn i? i.d houekrr Ing; momi. 1 12 month. JJ Montgomery at., bctwvrn ttth a-. 1T th . FFHNlsrtEn or unfurnished rnodorn houaa-k--piia- room. Suitw of thtea. prUi porcu. tiKin Market. Ma-shail l-Jo. FHONT aulte furnlahfd complete fnr houea k.pinc . runnirg nalT; a dull a only ; $ I 5 month SlUi W Mlama ava.. t ear RnaaaH. tKl tr i "1 i Newly furnianed larjja front riHm, con.pieta ror housekeeping ; rirai clnsa. HI'KKKKt'lNd rmtmg furnished compieta. 14 Uth gt , nrr Morrison. M''ER N ho iiaa keeping -riKttna. I'h-n Main M3S. 14 17 th. i N!E. rVin rorn. complei'v furnished for huske-pint. t all 14 13th gt. 3-1. t 'M suit". h-at. gaa. phone, bath, hot waif-r. reaaonatle for reflnrd. 29o jth at. nTeUI.V furnlsiie.1 a -room huuaakaaplcf suite. M.vl" 7 1. FUONT sjita for h-.iakeeplna bath, gaa and phone; no cht dien. 24t rnl;m at. "": uMf-31 1-Mi at., between fcalroon and Tfciain, No children. Tll .vtr." furnlghaml housekeeping; rooms, 40d 4th at No chudrrn jover 2 eara j Hi OM fumlahe! to quiet couple: walk ing UtPtar.ra. i4 Grand aa. North. Haua- WHrN vol mora yanll aaad TftTW FTTm N I TV R K. Buy It Judiciously anJ tha aa tr ine wtd ii'fd your moving pan aea. K'ur buaineaa for 110. our tnlrd year, placed ua am ng tha "lop noicherw" la lrt f jrnlture boalnaa la Fortlaad. WHY ail H.W r.ava we bullded go rap 1dy: Viltl MMFI.E If wa did tha same buainaaa on tha Wat )da our eipeneaa autd bo IJiCil tr. or a eatb year. Natural ly we have baaa aoto to aetl much c baa par aad the paopie ware not alow ia Aod ia It out. AllMl'iAM-ATCH EST Ft'HXITTRl CO. 4V-7& Orand a., car. Eaat b'tark at. Eaat Ana-ay. Muotavi.ia aad Hoaaa 0navr cartmg paaa our atora. IO It EST Wa make g gpeclalty of fur Athd and unfurnighad kouaea, flaia aad epart.ueota. couawt our real a aad rami ou promptiy. If you bars a a ant bouaa. flat a apartment, and will let ua baa A daaorlp ti.e of It, out beat aertlcea aro at aowr c ataman d. F. K. TATIAOR a CO, 4Ci-4O-40 40i LW g HI J. Fttwaea A 4414. Mar an ail aV MTARLT acrea, house." rhtrken-houea, lotg ire . frulte an 1 barriea. n-r ic cari:ne; M niu:i ii itr ci ItO month. Fina for garden. ow. chickens. Aio Wnt iue ner. a-nom furnished r-t:a,-e. f.u. and 4 r on lower fiat. l7.i Mitiee 3 well-fiimished nouaekeeping rooms, it and $11 month. 2 tor ! month. Apply Sa4 NVrth :ib, W car from d-i o;. 5th or Morrison, to 2ih; bloik t ortn. sUlcLi and fiere rr rent, eoma fur&igbed. VERtlANlS SAVINGS A TRt'ST COMPANY. fl. W. Cor. th and Wgahlnr UTa Vt5 CAN FLK.MSii TOL'B HOM t a great saving. Oct our prloea. Lok org ahowa eeery court?. U. OHKOW 4V CO.. e- North td ft Reaaonabla price. Eaay term. ftR RENT 4 -room bouso oit lghtly lot; li p-r month. linjxlou on E. 2d gt.. for lea for a term of years: low ground rant. Call 414 hpald- lag blag. ioriERX housa. unfurnished, 4 roomi coatiB'tlr. 2 upatniig. svt Colonial aa.. t'erlok AdJ'n. Take KuaaeII-i:aver var we. 112 FOR a 4 - room t-ottage on Missouri ave.. nr iiceih. -i lor a tt-room modern house nn Cook ave. Ulani-hard Clemaon. id 6 h at. Mi'lERN 7 -room bouse. E. Mam. with new rpet. or a lil s a carets very reasouaule. Fhona E. i!V4 f37 Modern -room. i'Rth nd Raleigh. M jrion lolph. J-V Mohan k bldg. M"K 6-ro-m ho i. bath. gar. newly pa pered. ?4 F.. lT.ih. n-ar E Mnrriaon. $23. MOnKRN .-riMm honga. fireplace, adulia onty. 734 E. Main. cto tn. j.j:ouil cottaire. t'.s Kirr.y it, n-a. ala $- munis, jnauira --vj i. -iau o-ROoMmodrn houacT 2. Inquire Sit 4 le v e l and . car. 4.S2 H A.1.E ST.. 6-room houaa. $21. SO. Fhone A $li. NEW. m-Klern. a-room houaa, corner lot, ;i AE 74. Oregonian. FurnUheci If oneea. FiH RENT o-rooni modern houae, fur mahed. nur curtina. Fhona Wood la wo 11.4 Monday. biurar A Hart, 64 Xvm bard at. I - RO M n-.odem house, complex iy fur rthed. f'i. :t E. Slat, near Hawihoma, also 4- r.um, near, unfurnlanad. cor. th and Market. B 2 or A 747. ATTRA4TIVK 1-room California buitgalow. well furnished: gu and electricity: good ntrhborh od. Purse, bli Chamber of Co mrce bldg. FOR RENT Complett ty furnished housa for 3 months, rent 7S a month; good tr.aM. A m T V Main 797U. Fv:. RENT 3roo-n f!at. wrll furntshed. West rude, g minutaar walk to carllne; $& n'nitv i.wner. 5C Couch bldg. FXM R-ROOM roitgga, partialljr furnished; ira. a,actr(c lights. isj East Clay. otn uietely . M ln Oo o-r-Kiiu. idrrn hoj .VT4 Mill a. g r l";h ai.d Farticulara W. C. lillauiook. or will sett. Kead. Morriaoa t FOR RENT. Mjrn Tailed Hoi BEACTIFULI-T furnished 4-room corner apartment; tine view of Mt. Hood nd HHens; glx minut-g walk to F. O. and nar two carlineg; private phone jind ail modern convenience. Fhone A 747 or Main 48. ' NEW, modern. 7-room houaa. completely and attracttvelT furuiehed. nicely locatea In trvtngton. 781 Wsico at. Take Broad-w-y car; adul t on! y. Housaa for Kent Fumltura for Halo. WE CHALLENGE TOL To find a more chirmlMi home than thlg naw. ft-room, modern flat. e,horatejy fur nished: YVeat SU". walking dietancc. a- 1-ct neighborhood: rent $J.: pr(-e ; furniture valued at (loOO. Fhone Marshall 37.1. CORNER, ft-nom. strictly modern flat for rent, t0: furniture rw and of the bet and implete. for sale, $h. term can be arranged. Corner E. 14th and Madison. Inj-ilr M:J E 14th. Thone E 312. FINE suite of miaslon-flnlsh furniture, two beds, two fine rarpets. full set dih-e nd co-.king utensils. F'hI. Apply lanl tor. First Congregational Church. Park and Madison. tpoo bungalow for rent, furnltura for gale. For rent only to purchaser of fur niture. "gll evenlncs. No. 1 fci. Helen's Court. Fortland Height. FOR fei ALE Furniture of a S-room Hat, valued at 94f. will sell for t T 2 . If taken at once. fall at 297 Washington at., or phono Maraball I'M. . NEWLT-FFRNISHFD md"rn 7-room col tag. 4 rooms ranted, clearing $1S per mo.; waiklT-g distance. Qwnr. 54 Morriaon. friOOM Fat. cmplt.t-ly furnished, rent f-3 p-.T n-onth: price rush. 432 Second at. ttweea Hall and Lincoln. NlE furnltura of lo-room house: must aell at once. Mr income, cheap rent, terms, 243 S Morrison, room . HOUSE for rent, furnl'ur for anle. cheap rent ; must aeil at once on account of st kneaa. Apply t 4"7 Al'ler. n'RNFTVRB "f "-room house, rooms gll rented. 2 year' lae. H 733. Urcgor.tan Kl I - NtsTfKD i-rotm vtni for run. i-t 27 frErZ 40 Alder: i urnlshsod neatly and It a clagn: $ort will handle it. j: Ft'HNlTl RE of sn-room flat. Owner ai. k. must sell. 1? N. lth at. 12R TVO MS . a a i k l n g dlaianre 1'5 income. term. Hntfield. 1S 4th at. THREE rootng for rent, furniture for gal. Avpfr renl elntr off), e. powell Vahey. at ore. HALF of "new" 2-atory brie. KhglOO: plat g'.asa front : 7nt and Marsh)!, suitable for light jobbing, manufacturing or retail; will leas one hnlf . divide apace to si It tft.ini nr tenants Inre leaga. A O. Long. CORNER Mora In new brick bid., good Mississippi ave. and Knott st. leL Wood lawn S'fJ. STORE. 24 -U li raUee gt.. good loca tion lor any uuani-'aa, ieaa to nmu -tv, reaannnbla rent. E1M. Smith de Co., it'.-rtW Washington gt. Hom l't'1. FOR RENT "tor with excellent 3-ro furnis:iel apartment; rood ot-enlng g eery, millinery, dry good. Ul3 Helm' nt. inor iios. rtrt DriCK store, inn an ni"" elegant loetion for fin grocery. App 1 i r.tP.-hi!.l v.f khrl,trk KlriK. ve.. y STORE In central retail bualnea district 1 . .e m.h H.r.Ui W I - jit iraav ivr in iu 01 j . . . ... kins A Co.. 20 Aider. WTLDWOOD BLDG. 1st gt.. aft ;ar i' i OFFICES and nubile halls, moderate renta. Allsky bldg. 3d and Morrison gts. hiTEfTf"rent. "phone Egst !, Office, WE HAVE offlcg guitnble for a physlclnr .iw cr or ot hr profsaional men. In th off:ce division of the Hotel Talbot. Mil1 Wllllnma avenue. 3-ycur lcaaa can b obtained on reasonable terms. C 128. tiF.SKROOM. etc.. In a well-appointed suit In Sp;ild,ng bldg., use of phone ana sten ographer: reply stating your buglnesa. Marshall 215. Box AB 7rt, Oregonian. FwR RENT Privat degkroom In a well Iirhted offlca Apply Hl-'O Railway Ex change bins: MOST centrally located offices, all-night le vator service. 303 8wetland bldg.. or Jan Itor. 6th and Washington. tEHK room in well eoulpped offices. Both pnoneg. Menograpnio aervice. uuiu' farrmena F!dg. m Fuu iMr-.l A few orilcea In Couch bldg. rail pis ifwii bldg. OOOD double desk for $10. 103 Third a t ret . room A . DESK ROOM 201 MERCHANTS TRUST BLDG. TO LEAE. TXiNO LEASE. inoxlOO. Weat Fatk and Taylor: very fnvorable tentin. Vanduyn 4V Walton. A15 Chamber Commorca. Bt'rINT! OFPORTY NTT1ES. WAN1EO Party with $Wn to t.-ika half interest In a machine aiiop. tnoroucniy equipped, doing good bualnea: will stand ln-at ration. AMD MERCANTILE AGENCY, 4lo Ablngton bldg. fit v. WANTED Partner with louO for fine py Ir.g buaineaa. No egperincw net- Mury. 1 .oration aiurd and atart immedtatf l. hucceaa aasured. T wen t V -five years' f-X-1 rri-nce Address I- It., 4J7 Salmon. Phon A 2M4. MR. RCSINESS MAN. Fo you want a partner? Io you want to aell or trad yonr buai neaa i'gil and aee or writ me. W. Lawrence. tit Lumber Exchange blug. iloth phones. " MR. Ft EST A lR A NT MAN. We can offer yoi fiiat-clasa grill, doing busineaa. $1mI to 412) per day. with llquo. license, location goj. 4-)er leaae, cheap rent; I1730 alii gie you poascnaloa. ;M4 lrllnger hMg.. cor. and Alder g's. DON'T TAKE A CHANCR of buying debt. I Investigate and report, tl.lltng iam. auditor. 411 Lawi bldg., Mar shall 4.L WL.N'l MAN. b 1 KaNiIEK; Vase tareful inretiraiion at eypaoae af ga,lr before you Invest money In any p reposition. Adviaory Department, T- M. V . A. BEST business In Portland, well eaiab l.ahed. will aell lialf Interest; party ehuuid I ae 1 1 0.r-oo and mutt be aoie to give bast references as to buaineaa integrity. T 7JJ. 0-eginlan. CO TIN" ER grocery a lor a for SC le. close In. doing god busineaa, bargain If taken thlg week. Fhone Eaat LV2&. AN 744. Orego nian. WANTED Partner with a-'MMi to take half Intereat la buaineaa that pi )S J30 a week or better; gMd security for mni.rf in vested. Call between in and 2. M N. Sth st. WANTEI To buy a good paving buaiua; either In Portland or good location in Ore gon or Washington. W11 deal direct with oa tier only. AN 7oft,Orguinan. WANTED A partner in a llva real estate and business hanceg of flt ; no ex perl -en-e bevond ability; Rttle cash required. Call at H10 Hwetiand bldg. PARTNER wanted for strict :y cash hTivlneT; must be reliable and worker; $-73 caati will handle half Interest . clear (115 monthly. Particular! 64 oth FOR SALE Flrat-clnss cleaning and dye works, with up-to-date dry -cleaning out fit; a bargain If taken at once. aL 79. Oregonian. pARTN"ERwanted In light manufacturing business; doing good business, wide field to develop; well bear Inw-sttgation: nt required. Ca!l 313 Lumher Exchange bldg. CFIAtt stund. aniail restaurant, three liv ing -rooms, all combined ; rent $ I .". ; price S-loO; worth $.'. A K 7 ."id. Ore onlan. FOR S.VT-E Regtaurant in food brick bldg. t;ood hwlni-w. rer.t $::o.oo. Price $12:.vo. Portland Hom-a t.. -4 Morrlwin at. LL'MLttR ll you would be Interested In new eawmlll a timber proposition, ground floor, addreaa J 7 Id. Oregonian. A4 IN! NG AN D IN D U8T R f A L. S T O C T" lelephona and other bond bought aad gold. Fletcher in v. Co.. 223 Abingtea. FOR 8 ALE or lease, fln locatlon".gultahla for hotel or apartment. AC 7o. Ortgv n.an. FOR RENT Large greenhuuae. 3-ur 1-ase. god house and ground. Add res TH"ktngon. Oswego. Or. FOR ALE Grocery store; tine location for good busir.v. lnqutr cor. Union ave, and Portland boulevard FOR SALE Controlling Intereat In email planing mill doing good bualnea. c ;u, Oregonian. CITY-pnritctan ratlrlng from practice will aell inatruments. desk, book c a, operat ing chair cheap. 91 kt Grand ave.. room 1L CL'RTIS Printing Co.. 230 Third st. Phon Mars l'. a II So -H. General Job printing. Hard"ar store, good location. (4otu a lock, csn or city property. Hail 3o. Front st. ftou c o N wo car a a. 4i.ou. yoa Ira4 t-t ad Itose tt hnr.ter l.-, Tmrx Hi. & A I RANT. 1" Morrison at., rent rea- -nable. Call Isl Morr.son s t. HAlH PARLOItS for salt; will sell cheap tf sold at once. Main 29$. tVNKK'tTluNKHT. lunch: n;odt-rn numi, lease for aai. Osncr, Hussell u BTSTXEeX OFPORTTX1TIES. THERE are wonderful fnvaatment oprxtrtu nttle in Central and Northern British Columbia, along the l'ncjt of three trans continental and other ra llroadg building. Thig vast new and rich territory of ao.OOO.e OrtO acres of the finest grain, fruit and mixed farming land, nO.OOO.oOO acreg of rich mlnerg). timber and coal land will develop with marvelous rapidity. Fort George la the geographical center on tha line of nil railroads building and pro jected and at the Junction of loOO mlleg of navjpable waterways. You can Ket In now beforo the railroad and ghare in the profits by Investing aa little aa $10 per month. Let tis send you a free copy ot British Columbia Bulletin of Informa tion." containing up-to-date newa of in--atm ent opportunities in this vast. nw nd rich country. Jso synopsis of govern ment land, mining, timber and coal laws, etc. Sen 1 your name-and address touay. Natural Hegourcea Security Co., Ltd. Paid up capital J.10.000. 412 Bower bidg, Vancouver, B. C. . for sale, old-ftablished blsi- Wholes I and retail with good mall rrder trade, all over the U. S. and Cana da, We want to retire, about faS.OOO. All clean stock and no indebtednese; will sell with l.vwHft to $10,000 cash and stay with th buyer till the business pavs tha rest; rood rag estate CONSIDEK-w-A Addraas B ft38. Oregonian. LAUNDRY FOR SALE. A flrat-clae email laundrv. the only one within 2 mllee In a thicklv aettled dis trict on the Eaat Side; laundry is fully equipped with latest machinery. 3 hors'e. 2 wagons, on a paying pasle. clearing per month: price S.'COo; -."00 (fh. bal ance monthly, or will aell lot 3010 and tulldln for flCOO additional, or will rent the building. liRFSSr A ZADOW. 31T Foard of Trade Bldg., 4:h and Oak. 4mW ILLARfi PER ANNUM So'iml cnmmrclal busineaa. Director of Brltlfh corporation shortly arriving New York, with patenf invention awarded prlxe medal Hrtuse'a Exhibition. 1!I0) prepared to grant to one person In each town aole working license. Marhln capable of yield ing licensee ah ive return In a single town. A 1 ply at once, with ref erenceti. to ' Di re, tor." care T. P. Browne's Advertising Office. 7 Knt 421 street. New York city. FOR SALE. A capacity R'jiel! portable w- ffUI, complete with cut-off saw. aawduat conveyor, etc ; aleo a No. 1 Northwest planer, ' with attaciimenta. good aa new; ha a been used orly a short time. For particulars call at my office. 22-22$ Front at,. Portland, Or. HERMAN METZGER. Qwnr. 1 .130" DA I L V" 8 " " GenoraJ gro ery business for sale a t invoice, guaranteed aa represented; stn a month before buying. Call room 13, Lumber Exchange bldg. GROCERY. A dandy flna stfre, turns Itself every month ; fry It out before buying ; in vole snout i.'.vhi. Jall room 5la. Lumoer tux change bidg. HALF Interest In si old-estaMlshed busi ness doing a good bu sines, with aai aried position f loo per month. For full particular call Kinney a titampner. Lum ber Exchange bldg.. rooms 331-332. BIG PAYING HOTEL. Tn town 3000. ft -year leaae, rent only $115. clearing $30O0 yearly; owner groin to Alaska; buyer must act quick; oXo; f4.r.v ra-h. If 731. OrcRonlan. SPLENDID opportunity to scur an Interest with on of the most reliable real estate firm a In Portland; must be reliable and a worker; little cash required. Partlculara 04 H orn. WANTED. Would purchase d:rect from owner, stock general merchandise In country town where profits can be shown: pood sur rounding country. B 730. Oregonian. CA F"ETER I A. well located, with Ion leaae. doing gd huslnen; part cash, ba lance real estate or monthly payments. 303 G.rllnger bidg., cor. d and Aider sts. i Oh bALb A rtne rak-ry and ouulrci.ui ery busineaa In a hUFtlinc town. Inquire Oray. McLean A JPrcy.l 13-115 N. 4th. FOR RENT Ogar and bootblack stand; fine location: long l-are; chair furnished. I'honeM.M-..34 Wash. st. RESTAURANT for $ft"rt that Is paylnc the best, on the East Side; owlnu to other business; some terms. Phone i 2o;i7. WAN1ED Ten men to Join an aviation class. Cost for ue of machine, etc., $2jtX No trlflera wanted. V tii4, Oregonian. EXPERIENCED laundry an as partner, jcood buaineaa; 150O required. AK 7it4, Oragonlan. DOCTOR; splendid location for one who will buy drug alor. F. A. Evert-at, 418 Itotucnim ROOMING-HOUSES. EAGLE REALTY CO. Main SS77. 31i) Board of Trade. A DANDY CLEARS I3M. 3R rooms, corner brick, long lease, hot and cold water every room, elegant furni ture and carpets; beat place of Its else In city ; only $;1.a;0 cash required. See thla si; re. BEST BUY IN CfTY. 27 rooms, elegantly furnished, velvet Brussels rarpets. running water in rooms, alt fUb-d. clearing $'-. good leaae, cheap rent: cash handles thi. SEE THIS TRANSIENT HOUSE. 1i riomi, corner brick, steam heat, oak furniture, Brusaels carpets, iron beds and all new, long leaae. cheap rent; JIM), caV: worth $2o. FINE HOME. BIG INCOME. 14 rooms, rent leaae. elegant furni ture and carpet-, running water In 3 rooms; $ld00. $!oy down. A LITTLE BEAUTY. 12 rooms, rent $:0; $1130. terms. A REAL SNAP, ft rooms, clohe in, $M). Wa have others, all aizeg and price. See us. 3l Ronrd of Trad. FIRST-CLASS APARTMENT-HOUSE. NCR HILL DISTRICT. Brick building consisting of f0 rooms: electric elevator. Axminster carpets, brass b'-us, fumed oak furniture, long leaae a only $ per rom; la clearing ;;.'0 to J4u pr month : $30K caah will handle and will also consider some reol estate In ex change. If you are Interested, Investigate this; the but buy in the city. M. BUNNELU 232 Chambur of Commerce. I WANT a good morning or aiartment nruee on Weat Side; good lease and not lfa than So roma. If your price ta right you get the caah. No ag.nta. AL 7 i.'. Orepr-nian. ONE more snnp In a dandy little roomtns- nouxA on eai oie , yritQ a .-.-v. hi,iu"ijis GOOD piaoio. This must be sold to lay; $130 ch w ill handle. 'all r.4 lt h. MUST sell my 2S-room apartment huu;e. one-hair newly furnished: all full. fall at grocery, 40 Grand ave. North, East ioe. c.oae in. . o iruit. t KOOjJb, 'i.o cash, finely furnished rent $ $, good location fur right people. Own er, So 1 Front St. FOR 8 ALB or trade Tbo best paying 30-room roomtng-houaa on Morrison at. thnn Uain ."'7. K 73. Oroeonlaii. ll-ROOM house, houaekeeplng. rent $50; lease; income $130. anil 2 rooms uaed. i:o0. Hatfield. 145H 4th at. 10-ROOM house, good location, alwaya filled, U.vlnr ffnwn S47 31 at. LOST AND FOUND. FOUND Where yon can buy genuln b!r mattressea retail at wholesale prices; wi renovate mattresaea and return aame day; we also renovate feathers. portlandr Curled Hair Factory. H. Metxgr, 3 F ron U Pnone Main 474: A 1 374. I LOST a rtne aom time In December with thla inscription on the top: From Homer to Henry, Aug. 13. LG0." Return to Henry bZ- McGlun at Courthouse and get reward. LOT A while and brindle English bulldog, has been greased fr manne. Phone Tarn r 17ol. Unabie to find address of party eiiwenu i woj-j. l0 T Friday about 3 o'clock between ,"ih and Montgomery and Meier & Frank's, smatl coral finger ring, please return to oregonian and receive reward. . NUGGET fblrtwaist ring with engraved M" J.nd small diamond set in. Finder return to SI 2 Board of Trade or phone Mam 257 and receive reward. LOST Black and wtnte English bulluog. Finder wilt be rewaraeo. iiaiu SPECIAL NOTICES. Proposal Invited. IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF THE UMTtU MAILS r yJt 1 M Ci Uir- inn-i OF OREGON: In the matter of Fred Myera, bankrupt: The undersigned will receiv sealed blda at hi office. No. 7 First atreei, room b, up to 12 o'clock noon of Saturday. February 11, 1911. for the following described personal property belonging to the above entitled estate, to wn : A stock of merchandise consisting principally of shoes, furnishing goods and notions, of the inventory value of $1464-17 and a lot of store fixtures of the in ventory value of $2dfttf. all located- at The Dalles, Oreieon. Caah or a certified check lor ten per cent uf th amount offered must accompany each bid and the right Is reserved to reject any and ail bios. Sale i made sub lert to con firmation by the Court. Inventory may b seen at the office of the undersigned and the property Inspected on applica tion at tha store In The Da Ilea. D&ted at Portland. Or.. Feb. 1. 1!1L U. L. SAB IN, Truslea, IFKritl. XOTIFF- frM CONSTRUCTING Quartermaater's Office, Vancouver Barracks. Wash., b ebruary 3. 1911 Sealed proposals. In triplicate, will be received at this ofiice until 11 o'clock A. M., March S. 1911, and then publicly opened, for the construction of a sewer. manholes, house connections, etc. In con motion with the etarf ofticera' quartera, T..rrtment Headauarter. etc.. at Van couver Barracks. Wash. Plans, protiles and apeciilcations can be seen at this or fir or will be loaned on deposit of $5 to insure safe return. The United State reserves the right to reject, or accept, any or all bids, or any part hereof. Envelopes containing propoaala should be indorsed. "Propoaala for bewer." and addressed to the Constructing; wuarterm aster. th tr. attention of sanitary engineers ii called to the fact that the city of New port. Or., desires engineers to inspect the city, prepumtdry to making proposals for constructing a reer -sie:ii iur "-'i cixj. feigned GEO. H. WILCOX. Mayor. MJecellaocooa. TENDERS FOR t'LEARINO RIGHT OF W A V. Tenderg will be received up ;o noon of the tr.th dav of February. IWll. by Measra. rnitn. Kerry and C'nace. engineera. till rnmrncr'-iiii bloek. Port and. for clear ing right of way on the Mount Hood Jiailwav Sc Power Company's tranamission line across the Sandy Ulver Valley In the N. of section 1. township 2 south. range 4 east. Willamette meridian, u nrv to ho done la aa follow-: Clearing approximately 22 acrrs. of which approximately 3 4 acre are to be stumped. , . Product of rlearini1, to b) made Into cora- wood. tiee and ceaar poiea ana posia. Work to he completed May 1. 1UL Specifications and lorms of tender may pe obtained ai m si'iuni nwu nni.oj & power Company 'a off lueg at Portland. Gresham. J'lenaant nome ana nun kua PORTLAND. Or.. January .Id. 1911 By mutual consent the partnership hereto fore existing by and between us is here bv dissolved. The Italian Information Itureau and the Kose City Investment Company will ba conducted at the pres m L.mtlnn thereof. 32-32 Henry build Imr, Portland, or., by Arthur B. Btnatnl and Louis Deluehl: and L'llallco shall ba hereafter conducted ty yi- t. iinntrexxa. M. G. MoNTREZZA, ARTHUR B. BIG NAM I, LOUIS DELLOHL REMOVAL NOTICE. John Piled, successor to Sutcllffa & E:iei. wall paper and punting, nag re novd from 4i5 Morrison street to 129 E'eventh street, between WashiCarton and Aluer. I WILL not be responsible for any debts contracted by anyon unless by an order from W. Jt. fcmitn or mysen. v . SmiGi. HEREAFTER I will not be responsible for Mils contracted by Mrs. V. Edward. KiKned, Mr. L. V. Edwards. FLNANCHL. MORTfiAOE LOANS. On Improved city property or for buildlns; purposes. COLUMBIA LIFE ft TRUST COMPANY, 910 Spalding Bldg. CONTRACTS ara now being made for th first allotment of treasury stock ot mo Oregon-Arizona Gold Dredplng company. 503-04 Spnldmg bldg. Portland. WILL pay cash for builders equities or first and second mortgap- or contracts. Call bu6 McKay bldg. Pbona Marshall 2.-.00. QUICK loans on real and personal prop erty, gtrictly confidential, evening appolnt- menta made. Main ZS44. 422 spaiaing oiug. I DESIRE to sell a well-gocured mortgage of yiTrOO. AD 740. OreKonlan. MORTGAGE LOANS. JOHN BAIN, &00 Spalding Bldg. Money to Loan Real Estate). ON IMPROVKri citv nrnnertv or for build ing DurDGSfs: 3 to 5 years' time; liberal r-'-payment privileges, money advanced a buliumg propresses. The Kquttamo pit- Ings 6l Jan Association, 240 btars s PLENTY of money to loan at 6 and 7 per cent on real estate security. ED W. P. MALL. 104 Second St. WE HAVE plenty of money to loan on city property in lumi from $1000 to $50,000 at lowest current ratea. Morgan. Fliedner & Boyee, r(ni-.vm Ablngton bidg! $5tHt.tM0 ON Improved city or farm property; build in a or amnll lnuni at lowest prices; lurge loana a specialty. J. H. McKenzia Co.. 514-15-10 Gerllngor bldg. FIRST and econd mortgagee and contracta nurchased on farm and city property any where In Ore con or Washington. E. L. ievereaux, Fenton bldg., 84 tith st. IXI PROVED or unimproved property; email building loana; contracts and mortgage nought. W. II. Minn, 4-4 mmtiock mug. 0"M TO I.OAX on good city property; will split this amount fo something good. Se attorney, 414 bp:iidiuc Plug. $20o.00 TO LOAN. ln9 loans a specialty, building 1 ou i. a. lowesT" ratea. W. G. Beck. 312 Failing bldg. MORTGAGE loana on city property; loweat rat.". A. ll. Blrreii Co., -uj civay oiag., 2d and Stark. PRIVATE FUNDS to loan, any amount; terma reason able; mortgagee purchased. Henry C. Prudhomme Co.. Spalding bldg. TO LOAN Several sums of money; will buy some mortgages. J. S. Wells Co., H3d Chamber of Commerce Bldg. MORTGAGE LOANS AT REASONABLE RATLS. F. H. LEWIS. 3 LEWIS BLDG. LOANS ON INSIDE PROPERTY AT B TO 7 PKK CENT. 814 LEWIS BLDG. PRIVATE money loaned on real estate mort gage. H. Milley, room 204. Gerlingcr bldg. Btsfo fun.i loaned. pr cent. W. E. Thom as, state agent, Multnomah Co., 400 C. C. Will loan $10,000 or leas, real aetata security. Farruigton, 416 Commercial Club bldg. PRIVATE money loaned on real estate. llmtt & Sivwrlght. .'04 Dekum bldg. MONEY, any amount. 6 to 8 per cent. Good'- nough & Seitx. 3iu paiaing Plug. MORTGAGE LOANS, 0 AND 7 PER CENT. LUUIS S A 1 ,U.MU.N, .'.? ft I A Ktv tr l LOAN'S on real, personal, chattel or collat eral security. C. W. Paliett. 3iS-J Fent,on. Money to xoau battels and Sul-uriea. $$$$$ $$$ ARE YOU LOOKING FOR MONEY? If you knew how easy our terms ar you would not be short of money. Don't be bothered with u lot of smail debts; let ua furnish money to settle them. WE LOAN ON Furniture and pianos, storage receipts, ltvt-atock, rooming-housca and all kind of securities: terms to suit; lsu easy weekly or monthly Installments. We buy and loan on first and second mortgagee and equity In contracta. U ti. REAL ESTATE BROKERAGE CO.. 312 Hamilton bldg.. 131 Sd. Main 2US4. $$$$$$$$ MONEY FOR YOU MONEY. WHEN YOU ARE IN NEED OF READY CASH. CALL AND SEE US FOR A CONFIDENTIAL LOAN ON YOUR 8 ALARY. YOU CAN REPAY US IN SMALL WEEKLY OR MONTHLY PAYMENTS. LOWEST RATES, PEST TERMS. STATE SECURITY CO.. 30s Palling bldg. MONEY Loaned in amountg from $10 up on afl kinds of aecuritiea. furniture, piano or any peraonal property. Eaay weekly or monthiy payments; low ratea: confidential. Gray & Cunningham, 201 Rothehlld bldg.. northwest corner 4th and Washington. Mt'NEY advanced salaried people. house keeper ana omen uyun intr own namca without suruy; cheapest rate, easiest payment; office In 6 principal cities; save yourself by getting ray term tfrsL TOLMAN. H17 Lumber Exchange. " M ON EYAD VANCE D On furniture, p anos, storage rectjpt, etc.; loweat rates. BUTTON CREDIT CO.. 307 Spalding bldg. DO YOU NEED MONEY? t loan im mediately and confidentially no watt or delay; reasonable ratea on pi-. unos, furniture or uiamunuN n you want money qulca. see roe. Mr. Maiden. 32! Fa.il lng bldg. LOANS on riiamondg. Jewelry, furg, guit cases, trunks, overcoats and musical tn gtruments. Uncle Myers, 71 6th. between OtiM. and Fine. Main yiO. LOWEST RATES Loans on all kind of se curity chattels or real estate. Union Loan Co.. 35 Lafayette bldg.. Hth and Wash, sis. LOANS on diamonds and other securities. William Hoi I, room W, Washington bldg. LOW ratcs; we loan money on diamonds and jewelry. Marx c Bloch, 74 Ud st. LOANfor the" asking, sa'ary or chattel. The Loan Co.. 414 Dekum .bldg. Loan Wanted. WANTED l'."yw. 3 years, to build flats on Morrison near 23th. Phone Marshall 1231 or address M 7."X. Oregonian. MONEY WANTED Applicatlona on hand for desirable loans; mortgages for li t. Henry C. Prudhomme Co.. Spalding bidg. $2 a) 3 years, from private party, new residence property; owner1! own borne, now occupied. Oregonian " MORTGAGE LOANS. INVESTMENTS. 1!08 Spalding Bldg. ASIC MR. E ASTON. WOULD Uke to borrow $5000 from pri vate party on close-in acreage; have plenty of security. Call 6JS Hamilton bldg. $2500 3 YEARS, 7 residence security. per cent: high-cla G 733, Oregonian. $"l000 WANTED at once on Improved city real estate. F 73, Oregonian " afk'm r.'easton. ilud Spalding Bldg. FLN AN CL "Loans Wantd. AN 8 per' cent, four-year, first mortgage for $12.r.OO. secured by a large income producing ranch In the center of Hood River Vallev; property recently sold ror $32,000: Is centrally located, is an income producing property and very rapidly in. creasing In value. I wish to realixe on this mortgage. Will deal with principals only Positively no agents or commis sions. J. O. Goldthwaite. K. F. D. .No. Hood River. Or. $H.G0O FOR TERM of from 1 to S years, first mortgage on 1600 acres well-Improved wheat farm. The personal in dorsement of responsible city parties on note If required. Security Bilt edge . atate rate of interest. Address AG i3S, Oregonian. WE can Invest your money at good rate of Interest; best Portland first mortgages. want $1000. $.000. $3500. $6000. 10? J. H. TIPTON CO.. 1108 Spalding Bldg Phone Marshall 2745. Ask MR. EAST ON. WE can invest your money at good rates of Interest, Gilt-edge securities. First mort gagee. Long-term investment. PROVIDENCE INV. & TRUSTEE CO.. (24-526 Board of Trade bldg. LET us loan your money"at 7 and Sc.'e on gllt edge first mortgages, income-bearing prop erty; no charge to you; -ank references. Cellara-Murton Co.. 3U6 Spalding Bldg. INVEST vour monev on gilt edge securities, dally applications. 12 per cent interest guaranteed. Call and see us. 431 spaid Ing bldg. $5000 WANTED at once on first-class West Side Improved residence property; value, $12.000. C 723. Orego nlan. LET ia placa "our money, g"od mortgage; reference. F no wis, 6 Lewis oidg. PERSONAL SPIRITUAL adviser; Dr. Jefferson cures all troubles quickly; Jefferson guarantees to place secret knowledge and power in your own hands, to remove the cause of any trouble, doubt or misfortune caused oy anyone or anything, and open up a quick and sure way for the contentment, happi ness and good lufiuence for success that vou desire. Call and consult him dally or Sunday. 10 A. M. to S P. M-. at 4--Washlngton st. ( above 14th st.) DR. ALICE A. GRIFF. nmaii nt i-nm n nd children, sur- gerv; chronic nnd nervous diseases treated according to the latest methods; private hospital accommodatten ; confinement cared for; consultation free. Room Grand Theater bldg. Main 3J23. A 5bUi. MISS E7.TSE ROLAND, formerly at the Waldorf-Astoria. New York, rpecialist in manicuring, facial and scalp treatment, liairdressing and shampooing; will do work for ladies mornings and evenings at tlndr homes: latest electrical appliances. Office room 42 Y. W. C A. Main 120T; A 6144. SWEDISH TRAINED NURSE He'.singfors graduate; rheumatism, nervous nnd stom ach ailments. under physicians oirec tlons; baths, masseuse. No. t East iitn St., second door south from East Ankeny carllne- PhoneEast 260. B 1S03. ELITE "beauty" and massage parlors. Mrs. A. M. Park. prop. Hydrothripic. electrical and vibratory treatments; gradual male and female nurses In attendance; opn day and night. Rooms Gt! to 6' Hotel Breslin. 422 Washington st WHY have your hair dressed at the par lors when you can have It done at home. Face massagos. scalp treatment and man icure all done at home at reasonable prices. Call M aln 33bS. . MISSOLGA PASOLA. Finnish trained nurse. Helslngfors graduate, gives massage treat ment to ladies only at residences; been Inst year at Collins Hot Spring-. 81 E. 2Mh st. North. Phone Ea st 40.6. DR. D. L LEWIS. Diseases of women and rhildren, electric treatment of nervous a'.lmenis. private hospital. Room M0 Merchants Trust bide. 6th and Washington. Main 4047, A 22-1. WA NTED Pupils to learn hnlrdreysiUK. manicuring, facial massage, acnlp treat ment, weaving; jjreat demand f r gradu- ' ntes. Sanitary Realty Collepe. 40O-12 De kum bldg., over Llpman & Wolfe & Co. " ICMENTUM. Guaranteed to cure piles, bolls, felon and all chronic skin diseases By mail yOc per jar. Address The Innentum Chemical Co., 708 Dekum bldg.. Portland. Or. FEB VET A- HANEBUT. Leading wig and toupee makers; finest took of human hair goods; hatrdrnesing. mnnlcuring. face nnd scalp treatments. 14, 7th st., ner Morrison. Phone Main 54. HAIR The largest stock of pure hatr. all shades, to be closed out at less than whole sale prices; free halrdress given. Asa H. Rlbbeke, Grand Leader, 6th and Alder. DRESS sultsfor rent. $1.50 month; keep your clothes cleaned. pressed. buttons sewed on, rips repaired. Prompt calls and deliveries. Unique Tailoring Co.. Bin Starii. DR VVLKEIL-specialist for men. quickly cures blood and skin ailments, kidney nnd bladder troubles and piles. Cousultauan free 1S1 1st at., Portland. MME. FLORENCE URY. late of New York, manicure, f.ice and scalp treatment. Suite 27 Selling-Hirsch bldg.. 386 Wash. st. Phone Marshall 1012. MRS SOPHIA B. SKIP, mental and spirit ual" scientist, permanent resilient and re liable adviser. 22 Helling-Hirsch. Main 624- , . LADfES No danger with Lorenit Antisep tic Cones; are soothing, aafe and eure; l box. 3 for $2.50. Stipe, Taylor Drug Co., 2b9 Morrison st. 4 MASSAGE given at reside. ee, hotel, club, by experienced masseur; fcraduate doctor. Marshall li08. DK ISABELLA MACKIE'S hospital for wo men, open to any Physician. 300 E. ftoth st. phone Tabor 890. MME Courtwrlght. skin and scalp treat ments, facial deformitlea corrected, plastic surgery. 453 Morrison st. Main 5042. CANCERS-emoved without aid of knife or plaster. Consultation and examlnationa free. Mrs. Hattie Lichns. 3312 N. 24th. T a com a. NEW "remedies for rheumatism, blood pol gi m and special weakness, at $5 per mo. Dr. Pierce RemedyCo1.245 Morrison st. O ONNE Jurvas Natural sanitarium, 17S E. 60th Apoplexy, appendicitis, tubercular glandgaBpeclalty.Tabor 2008. B 213. STANDARD BRICK ft TILE CO, REMOVED TO 300 HENRY BLDG. CHICAGO Painless Dentiata, established 15 year. 823 Washington, cor. 6th. DR KETCHUM treats women's maladies. iVftV. 3d st.. cor. Yamhill. Ii LM OF FIGS Remedies for diseases of women, oi. i DR" ROSA HOWARD, electric, vihratory a"n.i massage. 06 Selling-Hirsch. Main 672S Snecial 30-da v course manicuring and halr- MANICURING, face and scalp treat nent. Miss E. Kuh warth. 422 Fliedner bid-:. vOLES wrinkles, superfluous hair removed. Mrs. M- D- H1U. 423 Fliedner bldg. M 3473. MISS Wallace, magnetic, electric treatment, mental. BDlrltual scientist, 100 11th st. "RATTLE CREEK bathrooms, formerly Ore- Xrt 1 , KlrW Vain Ifl'lfl goal an dij. wv.. BUSINESS DIRECTORY. Accountants. MACKENZIE, BAIKD & BERRIDGE. PUBLIC ACCOUNTANTS, AUDITORS. 2"2 Worcester Block, Matn 7.ioW; A 1449. Counsel and expert in all matters per taining to municipal, commercial, fac tory cost and industrial accounting. MACKENZIE. BAIRD & BERRIDGE. PUBLIC ACCOUNTANTS. AUDITORS. 224 Worcester Block. Main 7301, A 144U. "counsel and expert in all matters per taining to municipal, commercial. fac tory cost and industrial accounting. JOSEPH G- GILLINGH AM. Public accountant and auditor; special ist In cost systems, monthly comparative gtatements; labor-saving office equipment. 411 lewls bldg.. Marshall 421. CRANDALL & ROBERTS. Public accountants and auditors. Com mercial, county and municipal work. 4uu Concord Bldg. H COLLIS & CO.. ACCOUNTANTS. Commercial, County and Municipal. Auditing, Investigating and Systematizing. 3'4 Worcester block. Phone Main 6507. A s waver and Anal v a t. Well A proebstel, mining engineers, chem J. BRKavers. 204 W ashinff ton. MONTANA ASSAY OFFICE Laboratory a n q urr-icjn. w Attorneys. A- E- COOPER, attorney at law; practice in all courts; abstracts examined. 71 B Cham ber of Commerce. -M. 71. A 2071. Batb and Swimming. Portland Swimming Baths, 167 4th Elegant plunge, steam, tub and shower baths. 25c. Brass and Machine Work. HARPER'S BRASS WORKS Brass casting and macnine wom. vv um. -.m jiu. Chiropractic physician. CH1-RO-PRAC-TIC TICK-NER" ; Say it Lut and remember Columbia bldg. 12 to 53v. DR. EVA MARSH, first lady chlro. Dr. in Oregon. aJ x neun-i ows- "ma to o. " Chiropody. WILLIAM. Estelle and lossie Deveny, the Only BCieniinC cuiruywuiaia m ine CiLy. parlors 302 Gerlinger bldg-. S. W. cor. 2d and Alder. Phone Main L30L Chiropody and pdicurfng. Mrs. M. D. Hill. room -v m; i-t-' .o- j.-,m Kit t it. Civil Engineers. ORR1 N E- ST AN LE 1 . civil engineer. Chambex of Commerce bldg. BUSINESS DIiCORY. Coal. COAL $7.00 A TON. Others charge $9.50 and $10 for tha same grade; we are In the transfer buM ne5s and sell coal to keep men a.id teams busy during the dull season. Order NOW. Van Horn Transfer Co. M. 16 lb. A Hs4- Coal and Wood. DRY BLOCK WOOD, mixed with smaller wood. 4 per load delivered any place In the city. Portlund Wrecking Co., U'5-l j7 North 11th st.Main 37. A 3736. ""('OAL ALB IN A FUEL CO. BLOCK WOOD BRANCH E. 33D ST. WOOD. Commission Merchants. TAYLOR, YOUNG A CO., ship brokers, com- m'.sslon merchants. Sherlock bldg Contractors. WANTED Artesian and d rale age well to drill. 420 Board of Trade. - Consulting Engineer. C. S GOLDBERG & CO.. 312 Couch bldg. Ooncrete warehouses, power plants, con veyors, elevators, patent devices, all kinds of machinery. Phone Marshall 302G. Dancing. 25e PER lesson, or 40 lessons for $1: wait, two-step, three-step, stage dancing, etc.; every morning, afternoon and evening fM" beginners, including lady and gentlemen teachers. prof. Wal. Wilson's school, old est and only recognized leading academy for correct dancing. oSt Wash. st.. bet. W park and loth st. HEATH'S DANCING" SCHOOL. 100 Second st.. between Wash, and Stark sis. Stag dancing taught; waits and two-step guar anteed in four lessons; class and social dance Monday. 8 to 12. Lessons dally. Dentitsi " ALVEOLAR TEETH where bridge work Is Impossible; does away entirei with plates, bridge work ; we cure pyorrhea t loos teeth) absolutely; terms to reliable people. Rex Dental Co., Abington b:dg., lot)1. 3d st Dog and Horfe Hospital. Dr. Brown. dT V. S., office 1 2r N. Ut'.i at. Main 40S6; res. E. 5440. Hospital SO 12th. Kleetric Motors. PACIFIC ELECTRIC ENGINEERING CO. Motors fiir rent or sale. 213 2d st. Kngin las and bteani. ROB ER Machinery Co., Coast agts. Seabury steam engines and boilers, gasoline en rlne. 281-2?3 E. Morrison st. Phone E. 515. e Store. 2IGT.ER & Mlsner. hay. grain, feed, ce" ment, shingles. 204 Grand ave. E. 4?2. Ci lazing. PLATE glas. window glass, doors, windows, new. second-hand Portland Wrecking Co-, 105-107 N. 11 ta St. Main 37, A 3736- Leather and Findings. CHAP. L. MASTIC & CO.. 74 Front. Leather of every description, taps,, mf rs. findings. J. a. strowpridoeTeatheh CO. Es- tahlished 1S5S. ISO Front St. Machinery. B. TRENKMAN & CO.. hydraulic and spe cial pipes, screens, bagging, mining nia chiriery. All kinds of repairs. 101 N. 4th. Musical. EM IL THI EL HORN, violin teacher. pupil Sevclk. 900 Marquam. A 410, Mnr. 16Jtf. Osteopathic ltiywiciana. DR. LE ROYSMlTH. graduate Kirksvtle, Mo., class of 1H1S, post-graduate JDo7. un der A. T. Still, the founder. 317-318 319 Swetland bldg. Main 1987. A 1 DR. R. B. NORTHUP. 415-416-417 Dekum Bldg. Phone. Office M. 340, Res. East or B 1A23. ralnts. Oils and Glass. RASMUSSEN & CO.. Jobbers, paints, oils, glass, sash and doors. Cor. 2d and Taylor. Patent Attorneys PATENTS procured bv J. K. Mork. attorney at law. late of U. S. Patent OfTice. Book let free. 71 Board of Trale bldg. U. S. and foreign patents that protect are secured through Pacific Coast Patent Agency, Inc., Dept. A- Stockton, Cal. R. C. WRIGHT, domestic and foreign pat ents. Infringement canes. Qo4 Dekuin. Pnperliiingiiig. ADDRESS Rain Painting Co.. room 9. 165 Stout st. Papering, tinting done very cheap for the next 30 days; for reference as to neatness and quality work. Mr. Castle, proprietor of Buslnnark Hotel. A 7632. Pn v In g. THE Barber Asphalt Paving Company, 605 608 Electric bldg. Oscar Huber. Portland. WVirRHN'onstructlon Co. Street paving, sidewalks and cross walks. 317 Beck bldg. " Pa wnb ro k era. UNCLE MYERS Collateral Bank. 40 years in Portland. 71 6th st. Main 010. Pipe. PORTLAND WOOD PIPE CO. Factory and office near 24th and York sis. M. 34SO. Rubber Stamp. AISO seals, atencils, choice stationery, etc. Cunningham's. 231 S t ark. Main 1407. Kug Weaver. NORTH WEST RUG WORKS Rugs from old carpets; colonial rag rc.gs. East 3.s. B 1280. 153 Union ave.. nr. E. Morrison. ' flrtft.g. PURELL-S"AFE'C0.. S3-S7" 5th St.. exclu Mve agents Herring-Hali-Marvin Safe Co., manufacturers of genuine Hall Safe Ac Lock Co.'s safes and vaults. THE MoSLER SAFE CO.. 108 2d St. Sates at factory prices; second-hand sufes. Sbowcaseg. Bunk and Show I-ixtureh. THE LUTKE MFG. CO.. branch Grand Ray ids Showcase Co.. 6ih and i'.oyt. R. Lutke, manager. R H- BIRDSALL. 208 HAMILTON BLDG.. "showcases in Mock; prompt delivery. Sales agent. M. Winter Lumber Co. varcii ALL" MFG. CO.. 4th and Couch; new and second-hand. Main 2703. Cabinet worn. Storage and Transfer. MOVING STORAGE MOVING. Experts, reliable men, no booze-fighters, will move yu quicker, cheaper and bet ter than anyone else, phone us for an estimate; storage rate thu very lowest Van HrrausfeCo;Both phones. cT0 PICK Transfer & Storage Co.. office and commodious 4-story brick warehouse, separate iron rooms and fi.eproof vault f'r valuables. N. W. cor. 2d and Pin at, l'lanos and furniture moved and packed lor anjpping.r.ViCIU PORTLAND VAN STORAGE CO. corner run and Everett sts. Just opt ned newest and most modern storage warehoue m city every convenience for snfe and prop-r bandlin- of goods; lowest insurance rate In Northwest; free trackage; vans for moving. Main orA 1520. ' OLSON-ROE TRANSFER CO. General transferring and storage, safes, nlanos and furnJturo moved and packed for shipment. 87-8 Front g Telephou Main 547 or A 247. . OREGON TRANSFER CO., established 1670. Transfer and forwarding agentf Storage office 310 Hoyt st. between 5th and 6th. Phones Main 60. A 3169. Storage. STORAGE, with trackage. Telephone Sunset Grain Co., E. 655, C 2313. 'Typewriters. WE are the exchange for the largest type writer concerns on this Coast; Investigate; all makes, all prtces. The Typewriter Ex change. 287 V4 Washington st. TYPEWRITERS, all makes. $20 to $10, fully guaranteed, easy payments, rentals. $3.0O per month. Pacific fctauouery at -Timing Co., 2U3 2d st. v-FW rebuilt, second-hand, rentals at cut rates. P. D. C. Co., 231 Stark. M. 147. Well Drillin. DRILLING wells a specialty; priced reason able Call Main 1S46 or write Miller A West. 12 Morrison St.. Portland. PORTLAND RAILWAY. LIGHT FOMLR C OM PA N Y 4 IT V LiN Eli, . Vancouver Line, A yi fi lO. 7:20, 8:00. 8:35, 3:10. 9:50, 10:30. 11:10. 11:50. 1 m. 12:30. 1:10, 1:50, 2:30, 3:10. 3:50, 4-3D 5-10 6:00. 6:30, 7:X. 7:40. 8:15, 8:0, 10:00. 10:33. 11:10. 1V43.X on the third Monday ta every month the last car leaves at 7:05 P. M. tjg.-g for Vancouver make no stops on Union avenue, bet etn Lurnside street and Portland boulevard to lt off passengers, but make Jiops to pick up passengers at all transfer points. Ferry leaves Vancouver to connect with cars for Portland. A Mr,:0M'. 6:33. 7:10. 7:43, 8:20. 8:33. 9:30, io:10, 10:30, 11:30. P M 12:10. i2:5u. 1:30, 2:10, 2:00, 3:30, 4-10 4-"-0, 3:30, 0:10. C:?0, 7:2". 8:00. 8:3J. ft-'io! fl:4. 10:20. 10:.r.5x, 11:30. 12:00xx. On third Monday of every month the last ferrv leaves V-nouver at 7:2o I. M. Leaving time in black type, double trains. Cars iron Vancouver make no stops on Union avenue between Portland Boulevard and Burnside street, except to let off pas sengers. Daily except Sunday. xDaily except Mondays. xxHuns as local on Union avenue. Change in Time of Oregon City Train. Commencing Wednesday. February m h. 1011, Oregon City trains will leave First and Alder sts., Portland, at 4:00 A. M. and 6 30 A. M., and every 30 minutes ur to B:h P. M., then 10:00. P. M 11:15 I. M. and 12:00 midnight. Will leave Oregon City 5:46 A. M., 6:58 A M., 7:26 A. M., 8:07 A. M. and every 30 minutes until 0:07 P. M., then 10:07 P. M. and 11:07 P. M. PORTLAND RAILWAY. LIGHT A POWER COMPANY.