Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, February 04, 1911, Section Four, Page 11, Image 67

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on TIL
(57 Miles Due West From Portland)
(A Hill Road To Be Completed Within a Year)
agm Watpr Shinmncr- rmnt racihc KV. & MV
lawf WW Ulvi xiaj u w - - - -
( A - Harriman Road Now Nearly Completed )
u AT
(From Tha Orrnlan. January 51.
lll: page 13.)
Tha Hill and Harriman ytm
will hare I hair TUIaraook Bay
line completed within the praaant
yaar. althouch the aervlre over the
Hill road may not bo Inaugurated
until early In 1912- Theae rati con
nartlona will make It polble for
Tillamook Bav to aerra the out
i.1e world with frelRht unloaded
In the harbor. . . - Taa Hill
latamla a arraaaed la ea.
let tarlr I ! Rallwaya Bay
lly at aarr. airoritlim to the in
n o u n r e m ent of John K. Steven
upon liH return from the Kat a
f.w daya mo. They have acquired
cont'lerati arreane near the
water front mutable for terminal
yar.'. and .leolare they will apend
a llt.rrai amount of money for lm
proveiucnta." From the foreitolnr atatement It
la evident that the Hill lntereta
hava planned itreat thlna for Ray
my on Tillamook B.iv. They have
purrhaaed from the hy t'lty I-and
Company two bh K f-r d.-p.t pur a right of wav !" feet In
width, and a atrip 4ioxi00 feet,
attending from the ahore line to
the a h I p channel. fr wareliouaa
purpoaea. and. In addition, a 4v0
f.iot piece adjolnlnr the aame. thua
Hlvlnir them ai' feet frontaca on
the channel. They have in all
nearly a mile cf terminal grounda
at Hay City. The record In the
Tillamook County Courthouse will
confirm the above atatement.
The I'nlted Ttaltwaya runa from
Tortland via Burllntcton. North
Flalna. thenra down the Wlleon
Rlver to Bay City on Tillamook
Bay, a dlatanc of 77 mile.
The Pacific Railway & Naviga
tion Company has announced,
through President E. E. Lytle. the
completion of its road to Bay
City by July 1 of the present
year. Practically all the grading
has been done, the tunnels nearly
all completed, and the bridges
well under way.
This is a Harriman" line and
connects with the Southern Pa
cific at Hillsboro, a station 21
miles west from Portland. The.
P. R. & N. crosses the Coast
Range or mountains via the Sal
monberry Pass, thence down the
Nehalem River, along the
Nehalem Bay, just inside the
beach between the Nehalem and
Tillamook Bays, skirts the shore
of Tillamook Bay to Bay City,
where it leaves the bay and goe3
to Tillamook, six miles distant.
The distance from Portland to
Bay City via the Southern Pacific
and Pacific Railway & Naviga
tion Company is 106 miles. It is
a picturesque route.
The strip of beach lying be
tween the Nehalem and Tillamook
Bays Is the best in the Northwest
There are a number of beach re
sorts platted along this strip,
among them being Oceanlake
Park and Rockaway Beach, sta
tions being provided for at each
of these resorts.
At Bay City the Pacific Ry. &
Nav. Co. has completed its spur
froni its depot grounds to the
Bay City Land Company's pier, so
that it may handle freight from
seagoing vessels.
1 Bay City is, by water, 160 miles nearer San Francisco and other south
ern points, including the Panama Canal, than is Portland. President
Stevens says the United Railways will build to Bay City the best road
in Oregon, will use 90-pound rails, and will make the run in two hours,
hence, by rail from Portland to Bay City and steamer to southern
coait points means a saving of 12 hours' time.
2 rThe Government Engineers' project contemplates two jetties for Til
lamook bar, providing for a 120-foot channel on the bar and 16-foot
channel to Bay City at LOW WATER. This will be ample for vessels
drawing from 20 to 22 feet of water to enter the harbor at high tide
and anchor at Bay City, where basins will bo provided for safe
anchorage for deep-draft vessels.
3 The Panama Canal will be completed about the same time as the Tilla
mook harbor improvements. Vessels of sufficient tonnage to carry
two million feet of lumber can then load at Bay City for Eastern ports
via the Panama Canal.
4 There is estimated to be about THIRTY-FIVE BILLION feet of saw
timber tributary to Bay City, the largest body of standing red and yel
low fir, spruce, hemlock and cedar in the United States. It was
brought out in the hearing before the Government Engineers that the
bulk of this would go out by water, especially that for Eastern and
foreign markets, and only the very highest grade of lumber could be
profitably shipped by rail. All that for foreign markets, of course,,
must go by water.
5 A not her fact that was brought out at the hearing before the Government
Engineers was that all the large mills for the conversion of this
timber into lumber must be located on Tillamook Bay, and not on the
sloughs or rivers tributary to the bay. As Bay City is the most avail
able site (really the only one) on the bay for a town of considerable
size, and is located about half way between the bar and the head of
the bay, it must always be, as it now is, the principal town on the bay.
All the mills on the bay must be at or near Bay City.
6- Bay City is the nearest point on the coast to Portland and the Inland
Empire by 30 miles. It is 23 miles nearer to Bay City from where the
North Bank Railroad crosses the Willamette River north of Portland,
and connects with the United Railways line on its way to Bay City,
than it is to Astoria, and Bay City is twelve miles nearer the ocean
than is Astoria. With the completion of the harbor improvements it
is evident that some of the Inland Empire shipments for export will
7-BayCifyLeautifully situated overlooking Tillamook Bay and har
bor and is the most convenient point from which to reach the nearest
and best beach resorts from Portland and the Inland Empire. The
best beaches in the state are three miles by water from Bay City (just
across the bay), and from four to ten miles by -rail. There are five
rivers emptying into the bay, affording splendid trout fishing Then
"there is the bay for yachting, fishing and duck hunting, and the moun
tains for large game. . . ,. , . f
8- .Bay Citv is the natural shipping point for a large dairying district.
Tillamook is one of the best dairying counties in the state. And lor
small fruit?, garden truck and poultry it has no superior.
... i i r r-. t a- A )Afin.1T3 er land-locked harbor,
There i no other place with such a tuture as is assnrea to nay - V--tn, nnint for thirtv-five
two -railroad an electric and steam and the other a .team road-the mMtW
billion feet of saw timber; Summer resorts, dairying, small fruits, garden atoc krai sing c, J
azures superior opportunities for magnificent returns upon investments in Bay City real estate. Bay c ty
must always be the center of activities on Tillamook Bay. Its location assures that.
Ther. are town, on this coast where people have made mora than one thousand per cent upon their invest
mentlandYheJeTi Zl I to SSit , than U back of Bay City Read that statement ..- .ndthen e
vot, cannot recall incidents of even greater profits on real estate inve. men s. No w is the ' e.t0
In Bay City that yon will ever have. The completion of the two railroad ill mark a great advance in prices.
The B-v City Land Company, owner of the townsite has more than 2000 lots from
Price ranging from $65 to $2000. and none are a greater distance than ten minutes' walk from the bank and
poi oil ice.
Terms 10 per cent down and the balance in small monthly payments, witn o per cent, iute.fc
payments. For all cash, 5 per cent discount.
Exchange Privilege-Those who cannot see the property before purchasing have the privilege at any time
within one ear from date of purchase of exchanging for an equal amount of unso 16 PIy ther By
the price at the time of purchase. The only question then for the non-resident investor is as to whether iiay
City property in general is a good investment. The foregoing facts should convince any one that it u,.
Send to us (or bring it in) the coupon in this advertisement, with enough additional to make up 10 per
cent of the amount youintend investing Bay City property, and we w :1. gion Jo wh-t
we consider the best for the money, and mail vou at once onr regular contract providing tor the exenange pnvi
H witbt one anWe ch prefer that you visit Bay City and make your own selection but yoa ennotSo
'o the exchange privilege gives you the opportunity of making a selection upon the completion of the railroad.
Our illustrated pamphlet will be mailed to intending investors who request it.
We Have an Opening for a Few Good Salesmen
701-702 Spalding Building, Portland, Oregon
Day City Office, Third and C Streets ' . Salem Office. 170 Commercial Street
This coupon will be accepted for 5. If accompanied
by a sufficient amount in addition, to make up 10
per cent of the amount of purchase.
701-703 Spalding Bid., Portland, Oresi.
Herewith is .... which, with this coupon.
Is for the first pavment on lot or lots in. Bay City,
Oreeon. and its additions, to the value of ...........
You are authorized to make the selection, and I am
to have the privilege of exchanging same within one
year for any unsold property on the basis of the prices
at the time of purchase. Please send me the usual
contract with above provisions.
o?2a-4e-ll This" VouponVs'void'afte'rApr'ii 15. lVll.
But one coupon to a purchaser.