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About Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 4, 1911)
row. GO. T. HOOD RAIL Map Showiug Location of Power Development of Mt. Hood Railway & Power Co. and Location' of Electric Railway From Portland to Bull Run and Sandy, Oregon. Drainage Area, 400 Square Miles. WAY M W A - 7y A " xv $ it'1'! itfaTA Directors E. P.CLARK R.CCI1XIS W. D. FENTON C. B. SMITH C W. MILLER F. C FINKLE A. H. TREGO OFFICE: Commercial Block, Portland, Or. TAKE CONTRACTS Company Is Now in a Positibn to Take Contracts for Power in Any Quantity for Delivery Next Summer WORKS UNDER CONSTRUCTION 4000 HORSEPOWER Steam Plant. This first unit of the auxiliary steam'plant is being built on a tract of land purchased from the Peninsula Lumber Company and will be in operation not later than April Ull. ne machinery is beinS installed by Chas. C. Moore & Co., Engineers, and this plant; when completed, will be one of the most modern and up-to-date steam plants on the Pacific Coast. 60 000 HORSEPOWER Hydro-electric Power Plant on the Sandy and Bull Run Rivers. This power will be developed as rapidly a the market demands and transmitted by a number of transmission lines to Portland and vicinity. The first development of 16,000 horsepower at power-house No. 1 will be ready for delivery to our prospective customers not later than September, 1911. ELECTRIC RAILWAY SYSTEM The first section is now well under construction and will connect Port land with the company's power plants and with the scenic beauties of Mount Hood, tapping an immense lumber, farming and tourist district. Future extensions of this line and the building of other proposed lines will make tributary to Portland rich and, as yet, undeveloped sections of the country. Staff C B. SMITH, General Manager E. W. BOWNESS, Mgr. Light and Power Departm't SMITH, KERRY & CHACE, Engineer. WORKS: Bull Run, Or., and Portland, Or. PORTLAND PACKING HOUSES MAKE EXTENSIVE MARKET FOR LIVESTOCK Farmers of Pacific Northwest Are Unable to Supply Demand for Cattle, Hogs and Sheep, and More Stockmen Would Profit in Oregon and Neighboring States. nnntha Allf nt th. VeT hSCaUSe fttten- tlon Is largely turned to production of wool and not to the feeding of the sheep. While the demand for dressed mutton Is more readily supplied from Oregon and the adjoining states than are the demands for either cattle or hogs. It is not unusual for local slaugh terers to reach out as far as Montana, Idaho and even Denver during the Win ter to secure their supply. It Is worthy of note here for those who have over- looked the fact in the local newspapers that an Oregon Cotswold ram at the recent midwinter sneep snow, nem . the Armory in this city, defeated the grand champion ram which had taken first premiums at the Royal Sheep Show In London, at the International Livestock Show in Chicago, and in fact everywhere he had been exhibited. This home-grown ram Is considered by judges, the finest in its class which has been seen for years, and this alone should speak volumes for Oregon, and the possibilities in the sheep ana mut ton industry in thi community. Passing over statistics which would not be of interest to the average lay man, I wish to say that we realize changes are taking place In this great and growing state of Oregon, and that while we have been passing through a pioneering stage In the livestock and packing industry, we feel that the dawn Is beginning to break through the darkness of the night and that we may confidently look forward to the time when the districts which are now uninhabited and Isolated may be thriv ing communities and great producing factors, which will cause Portland and Oregon to be held up to the eyes of the entire Nation .as at least one state In the Union which has reaped the bene fit of her wonderful natural resources, and as the most desirable place in all the wide world to live and die In. By C. r. CeJI. rrestdewl XnUm Meat Ce. FOR the past two or three years, or since the advent of the packing house and stockyards was first a theme of conversation in Fortland. there has been a good deal of comment, many Interviews and much speculation as to what the future of the livestock industry w!U be In the Taclflc North west. There are men who doubted the optimistic beliefs of those who had seen the proposition worked out in oth er places, and. strange to say, some people most vitally Interested had much to say against the prospects of the livestock Industry ever amounting to what was predicted. For the past year, or since the Union Stockyards In North Portland were opened for business In September, ltot, Portland has ruled as the highest live stock market in the United States. There has been a large and growing demand from many sources, which had never patronised Portland In previous years, with the result that the market has broadened into proportions which are little short or marvelous, consider ing the few months that -this Industry has been in exigence. The establishment of a modern pack ing house In Portland with its facilities for finding additional outlets for manu factured product has been partly re sponsible for this, but not altogether, as the Impetus which the Pacific North west, particularly Portland and Ore gon, has gained In the last few years, together with the rapidly-Increasing population, has tended to create a local demand far in excess of the supply. The result Is that those In the livestock Industry who have listened to the voices of the prophets, are reaping handsome returns for their far-sighted policy and are obtaining prices which were never before paid In this com munity for cattle, hogs and sheep. Cattle have not been produced In quantities In keeping with the rapidly Incrs-ed demand and for the last three years there lias been a tendency toward higher prices. Kacb year the slaught erers find It more difficult to obtain their supplies even at the handsome prices which are being offered at this time. This is partially due to the fact that hay has been selling at extreme values for some time and many of the stockmen who formerly fed their hay to cattle during the Winter have con sidered It mora profitable to sell their bar and dispose of their stock cattle. The result of this policy Is evident, and many of the ranges In Eastern Oregon have been depleted and entire herds of stock cattle sold off to buy ers who came from Montana. Wyoming and Nebraska, to obta- the class of cattle which the Oregon stockmen were a&xvons to dispose of. At the present time light Is beginning to dawn, and those mho have been unfortunate enough to dispose of their stock cattle, are realising their mistake and are snaking efforts to get back Into the business. It takes from two to three and one-half years to raise a crop of rattle, and. therefore, we cannot look f.r much relief for some time to come even If all the stock raisers who have quit the buslne.a were to resume op erations Immediately. In consequence, the slaughterers of the Pacific North west, not only of Portland. but. Tacoma, Seattle and Pugct Bound territory are forced to reach out Into adjoining states, as distant as Southern Califor nia. Nevada. Wyoming. Montana and even Nebraska, to secure supplies and care for their demand. It seems a pity that this fact should he true, for money that la taken from the consumers for their meat supplies should be turned over to the grower in the Immediate locality for his raw product. Thus, an endless chain of pros perity wonld continue and the wealth of the state would be kept at borne. Aa It Is at present, the money which Is STREETCAR HYSTEM 19 El LAKCCU, The growth of Portland Is In dicated by the spreading out of the streetcar system operated by the Portland Railway. Light at Power Company. Some of the big Items connected with the system during the past year are as follows: Construction work IJ.ono.onn New equipment $ S90.000 N u m b er of passengers ... carried S7.000.000 Maximum number of employes 4.5tA Yearly payroll. :.730.000 Miles of track recon structed Miles of new track 11 paid for the manufactured product, fresh meat and mutton. Is largely sent out of the community to distant states, where the far-sighted livestock men are reaping the benefit. For the year 110. the average price of live hogs at the Portland Union Stock Yards, was 1 10.11 a 100 pounds, or nearly 1 cents a pound higher than the Chicago market for the same pe riod. This should be evidence enough to the people who are Interested that there la a broad and rapidly expanding market for live hogs in this section, which Is being very poorly supplied from local territory, and the same things which I have said in regard to money being sent out of the state for cattle, applies even more strongly to hogs, as It Is a positive fact that the slaughterers of Portland, Tacoma, Seat tle and Puget Sound country, import from 80 to (5 per cent of their re quirements of live hogs In order to take care of their trade. Kven this does not anywhere near supply the local de mand for packing-house products, and it Is necessary to import hundreds of carloads of meats and lard, which have been cured and manufactured In the Kastern packing-house centers. We feel after careful study -that the hog Industry shows signs of Improve ment In Oregon and Idaho and the signs seem to point to the fact that within the next two or three years the local supply will be greatly increased and the community be greatly enriched thereby. It was not so very many years ago that the Immensely wealthy stock-producing states of Illinois. Iowa and Nebraska were considered poor on account of farmers turning their attention largely to agriculture. Instead of livestock, but today there Is scarcely a community n the great Middle West which la not prosperous, and the towns are rated lttrgely by the amount of livestock shipped. In direct ratio the towns that handle the most livestock are the most prosperous. It tends to increase ban clearings, and as livestock is always paid for In cash the merchants of the town from which the livestock Is shipped feel the benefit, as the farmers who bring their products Into the city patronise their home stores. A trip through the stockralslng dis tricts of Iowa, for instance, should con vince the "doubting Thomas" beyond question that the livestock Industry has made that state whit it Is and has pro duced great wealth, which Is evidenced on every hand by the beautiful homes upon the farms, automobiles owned by the farmers, telephones, electric light plants, manufacturing Institutions, etc., which have largely been the outcome of this Industry. Oregon is famed as one of the great est sheep-producing slates In the Union. While this Is true to a large extent, wo are short of fat mutton about six- REMARKABLE RECORD MADE BY PORTLAND BANKS. Few If anr other cities In the United States made such a good record in banking business during 110 as did Portlard. -At the end of 1909 the total clearings for the .year were 1391.0S8.s90.61. an In crease of more than 25 per cent over 1908. Last year, however, the .r.g.7.f.ring. Jumd to S517.171.S47.97. a gain of Ili6.143 77.3. A comparative table of clearings by or JS.I per cent In a single year. There was not a montn in iiu our Ing which the banking business did not exceed the corresponding month of 1909 Even more significant Is the fact that 1911 haa opened In a way that Indicates the mark established last year will be surpassed. . ., r.t i.rinn hv months for the last two years follow: January . . . February.. March April...... May Juse July August September. October.. . . November December.. Total. . . 1909. .1 25.709.2s.7S . 24. 4. 225.22 . 34.998 oi. 09 . S3. 566. 305.83 . 3.334.01.1 . 30.043.843.26 . 30. 105. 112. S3 . 30,743.876 72 . JO. 37. 07. E5 . 40.908. 548.21 . JS.403.5S4 .25 . 37.442.165.72 , 391.028.590.61 two years 1910. ; J5.055.R8a.78 36.o9a.724.7S - 45.343,912.91 4S.275.0S3.93 41. 393. 32.13 4i.HS.018.59 43.446.020.91 41.549.703.94 44.089.573.79 48. 344. 009.35 45.076.551.83 44.854.2S5.94 1517,171.867.97 TWOHY BROTHER, COMPANY .. RAILROAD CONTRACTORS General Offices: 213-14-15-16 Wells-Fargo Bid.. Portland, Oregon Offices: Spokane, Tacoma, San Fran cisco and Portland