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About Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 4, 1911)
ff TITE MORXIXO OREGOMAX. SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 4. 1911 College City Makes Rapid Progress in 1910 la .! Aaa4 . Bafara. BallalaaT jya tLJ) climate, productive aoiu rnoa f1 era educational and aoclal ad tiotipi and Taorblr-pri'l Und are among the mort attractive feature! v( Lane County. Oreaon. of which the City of Eun la the commercial me tro pol'a. Tha clir rw rapidly In 1I. and 1911 U teln a continuation of I h la movement. The county wn one cf tha flrt aettlad In the Willamette Valley, and. la krepin with thla fact. Kucen liaa aiwaya maintained au Ierlorlty In the matter of Improve ment and population over rival cltlea of the Willamette Valley founded at a later date. Eot-ne la the dtnlrlbutlnc rolnt for a larje territory. It la aerved by tha main Una of tha Southern Paclflc and tnree bram-h roadj. Within a abort tlma the mala line of th ireon Elec tric Hallway, now operating .between I-or1!and and Salrm. will ban been ax tended to fcul'li". The city haa aeveral lare Induatrlea. tnclu.llna; four mllle. a grain elevator, mlaaion furniture plant, butter fac tory. ee:lor plant, woolen initla. fruit cannery. Iron worka and aeveral plan ing and lumber mlll- The Induatrial rayrolla. In.ljdlng thoae of hprlog fleM. nearby, aggregate l.O0 aWW t la Kugeno la tha l?e of tha fnlreralty ef Oregon, an educational Inatltutlon which rank, with tha beat Hale unl. verattlee In the Cnlted Matea. Tha etudent enrollment Is about . Among tha rltT'a mora prominent buildings era a -i.o V. M . A. atruclure. a lTi.e rederal building, and a H-i.-ee brick hotel. The lumber output of 1-a n County la etma.l at eon a wr HOTEL OSBURN Eugene's New Hotel KOW OPEN WITH OVER 100 GUEST ROOMS. Room rnuite or itiarlei private bath.; all ont.i!e morne. Elec tric lisht, Mrani ' lirat ; telephone. Modern Sample Appointment. ' Ens Meets AH Trains. European plan, 91 upward. American plan. $2.50 up. I. H. BINGHAM TIMBER LANDS BOUGHT. SOLD AND EX CHANCED ESTIMATES FURNISHED CORRESPONDENCE SOLICITED Eugene, Oregon V tRIEKI IX Mil tavHal EUGENE REAL ESTATE AND INVESTMENT CO. 1XCORPORATKTX DC HAKE A UrtXIALTT OF ORCHARD LAS DS. ALSO FARMS, TIMBER LA5DS CTTT PROPER. -TTt FIRB IXsrBJaXCX. LOA9 WRITS IS FOR UrOHUTlOt. s.1 tni LAMrrTT, st. rkeae Mala TS. EUGENE, OREGON "In Sunny T7 V Life Is Worth the Living " Home and Educational Center of Oregon. Oregon Electric Railway System Bonded to Build Into Eugene hv Feb., 1912 it. t ia fti lit New Gateway to Klamath Falls and Southeastern Oregon Country, via Ore gon Eastern Ry. (S. P ) now approaching completion. took ble Familiar Scene of a AVtatrr Day la certain Kaatera Cltlea a a Then on tbla familiar Picture ( the Year 'Round tTerrr ttawa la Eugene's Substantial Growth at a Glance- Popula- Postof fice Yo;ir. tioii. Receipts. 1900 . .W $ 9,664.00 1905 T,400 15,704,00 1907 7,(XK) 20,710.17 1908 8,800 25420.09 1909 9,500 30,079.77 1910 11,000 " 35,431iio - New Buildings. $ 250,000 600,000 1,000,000 700,000 Bank Deposits. $ 722,4S7.15 1,268,090.22 1,480,289.02 2,493,477.09 2,581,955.00 2,600,000.00 Assessed Valuation. $1,491,150 1,853,695 3,513,487 3,509,620 4,740,645 8,000,000 . 'First bunding permit ordinance. "Exclusive of $300,000 of railway and public utility betterments. f a k 1 aa-T - -v it i - 7 W - APPLE ORCHARD SCKAK, El'CUE, Oik Eugene is the natural trade and distribu tive center of five, splendid tributary agricultural valleys. It will be the Gate way to Central and Southern Oregon via Klamath Falls cut-off. One wholesale jobbing concern begins business here January 1 and others will follow soon. Why do Lane County apples win cash prizes over other Willamette Valley County exhibits? WHAT'S THE ANSWER Low-priced valley lands are plentiful in Lane Cqunty. Asparagus Farming, Truck Gardening, Dairying, Orchard and Wal nut Culture, Intensive Farming and simi lar opportunities offer, in addition to an ideal Summer and Winter climate, the best inducements for home-makers. Ad jacent to the University and Home Center of Oregon. The Eugene Commercial Club, ' D. C. Freeman, Mgr., will answer inquiries and send complete descriptive information. fa 1 dSaaaaaataaaal VIIXARD IUIX AXD DEADT HALL, STATE rXITERSITY, EI GKSE, Olt. The First NationalBank EUGENE, OREGON ESTABLISHED 1883 CpiuU Surplus and Profits $245,000.00 Deposits $1,500,000 THE JACK RODMAN CO. Eugene, Oregon. iSSrE?.J5 ORCHARD LANDS We aLso Wve for eale T 71 "MP1 fnTTMTY H- C. GALEY H. H. WOOD GALEY k WOOD HEAL ESTATE AGENTS NO. 19 EAST EIGHTH STREET EUGENE, OREGON Prompt Replies to Correspondence. . Come and See Us OREGON HOMESEEKERS CO. Gty and Country Homes, High-Class Land Timber, Fruit, Grain and Chicken Ranches at the right price. When in Eugene look for Red Sign near depot. Write for free booklet OREGON HOMESEEKERS CO. EUGENE, OREGON IF INTERESTED IN EUGENE AND LANE COUNTY WRITE MELVIN HANSEN THE REAL ESTATE DEALER FOR FREE BOOKLET AND PRICE LIST 474 WILLAMETTE ST. EUGENE, OREGON CHERRY BROS. EUGENE, OREGON Good Home, Farm Land Oty Lota, Acreage, Business Property Don't Freeze, Don't Roast Don't Blow Away COME TO EUGENE, LANE CO., OR. A city over 12,000, fine water, no better fruit, farming or dairy land, large timber belt. Good markets. City property, acreages, farms -terms on all buys. II. E. J0WEN, 536 Willamette St., Main 475. OREGON POWER COMPANY MAIN OFFICE, EUGENE, OREGON SKHVICB FCRXISHED to 30,000 people in Willametta Pal ley. KlKCTRinTV At iSuf?ene, Springfield. Coburg; Junc tion City, Harrisburg-.' Albany, Corvallis, Dallas, Inde pendence and Monmouth. WATER At Springfield, Albany and Independence. GAS At Kugene and Springfield. , ELECTRIC CAPACITY 5200 H. P. GAS HOLDER CAPACITY 150,000 cubic feet. CORRESPO.DECE SOLICITED. EUGENE BOARD er TRADE Anyone desiring reliable informa tion regarding the resources of the great Willamette Valley in West ern Oregon, write to E. J. Frasier, Secretary and Manager of tha En gene Board of Trade,, for a de scriptive booklet, sent free on application. Write Today Dont Delay