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About Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 4, 1911)
TITE MORNING OREGOXIAX, SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 4. 1911. mil attractive do pot In the Northwest. Six hundred rosebushes bloom during the Spring and Summer, and many beauti ful buds and tloituni wer la evidence during Dwmbr. In addition to being- the home of the tate untversttv. Eugene contain the Northwest school of the Christian t'hunh known aeatne Eugene Hlble fntverslty. the Alrmr of Our Lady cf Vli lorr. a Catholic ichool. two busl ni n.ll'in. and a thoroughly organ ised public irhuol mitrni. The High hchool baa a membership whlh la es reede.l In Oregon or.ljr by the Port land high K-t.o-in. and the five graded a. butldtr.g. containing about !i pupils, are crowded, and provision must soon be made for more room. tuiftia tin a lara-e number of rhur.-hes. The I' terlan Church. rontru-ted of atone, la probably the beat building to be found In a city of i:uene a ill In the Northwest. The thrlrtan Church haa a building In coarse of construction, and the Metho dist will build during the comlnc eiirnm.r." A J'.O.OOO Young Men's Christian Aoaoctatlon building was re cently completed. was the flrt rlty outside of Cortland to pave lis thoroughfare., and did not stop until It had many mite of aplendld streets. In addition to the paved streets, macadamised roads have been laid la several tocaltlle. Kucene owns and operates Its water systegt. and 1 j-ist completing the In stallation of a filtration plant that will have a rsparlty for o').00' people. T!ie Portland. Eugene A Eastern Railway, whlrh ('can Its operation In Kasene ahoal three years ifn, haa paid dividends from the time tue first car was run. Through the ro-operatlon of the company and the clt liens In and about Kucene. lines have been extended until It la stated by the manager of the company that Eugene haa the larg est numher of miles of streetcar system lr operation of any city of jta stse In the t nlted States. Fprlrs-neld. which Is situated across the Willamette Klvrr from Eugene. Is the manufacturing renter of the county, and as the two municipalities arrow. It Is believed that this will be tbe manu facturing center. Eugene and Sprlng flei.l are connected by three lam arldces which cross I lie wtilamrtta althln yards of each other, af fording facilities for wagon, steam and electrt.- trains. At no other point on the Willamette River are three bridges to be found so close toe-ether. Sprlng fteld Is practically on both the main lines of the Southern Pacific and train coming In on the Natron-Klamath cut off must pass through Springfield. The Portland. Kucene it Kastcrn Hallway haa Just crossed the river, and entered Spring-field. It Is a question of only a few months until this extension Is made Into the HcKerixle Valley, which llrt east of the mill town. Cottage Orove Is the largest town In the Southern part of the county. It I situated on the Southern Pacific Railroad, and the Oregon A Eastern Railway has Its terminal grounds there. Cottage t!rove owns atul operates a splendid water system. During the paat few months It has entered the paved street class. Every year this little city holds a sweet pea show. As a result of this probably more beautiful sweet peas are grown In Cottage Grove than In any olwr Western town. In connection with this event, prlxes are not only given for the finest sweet peas and the best decorations and floats used In the annual parade, but for the best planned and best kept dooryards and gardens. Junction City i on the main line of the Southern Pacific and Is the center of a rich farming district. The town Is also In wagonrosd communication with the Sluslaw Valley, and many tons of cream, butter and cheese are brought to Junction City for the cream eries further down the valley. A colony of Scandinavian farmers settled a few years sgo near Junction Cltv. and established a precedent Tor di versified farming which has already 'meant much to Lane County. Junction City has an excellent school system. Kvery Fall Junction City holds an an nual pumpkin show. This event really amounts to an agricultural fair, as prlxea are given for all kinds of prod ucts. Coburg Is the site of a large lumber mill. Coburg Is surrounded by a fine lot of farm land, and some of the best orchards In this part of Oregon are tributary to the little town. Florence Is the seaport town of Lane. County, and It has experienced a re markable growth In the last two years. Florence Is situated on the Sluslaw Hay which Is being Improved. The people tributary to the port of Slus law bonded their property for $100,000. which Is being spent In co-operation with the I'nltcd States llovernment In enlarging "n1 Improving the Sluslsw Harbor. The only connection which Florence has with the Willamette Val ley and the Interior I a wagon road, but a permanent survey for a railroad haa been made from Eugene to the const city. In May of every year Florence and the neighboring country hold a rhodo dendron festival. This unique event Is attended by hundreds of people who make the trip by boat, by wagon, by automobile, and on foot. At that time of the year the hills are glorious with the lovely flower which grows to per fection In Its natural home. MANY NEW RESIDENTS AREJxAINED BY LINN Farms Are Divided Among New Settlers and Cities Build Up Rapidly Fine Buildings Are Erected. i.m Cot TT. IjfH-ation Central Western Ore yon. In Willamette Valley. Area 1.4.50 acres. Population 21.HZ. NOT all of Oregon's remarkable progress during 1I0 and the month Just closed was made In the new undeveloped counties. Linn County was comparatively old a quar ter of a century ago, but ISIt was the greatest single year of progress It has ever experienced. There haa been a large Immigration to Lino County during the past 11 months. There has bee a a consequent unprecedented era of building through out the county. I. Inn County's cities and towns have grown wonderfully and farmhouses hav sprung up on va cant fields or newly cleared spaces In wooded tracts, as the big farms of a pasting era were being subdivided to support a greater population. The splrtt of civic Improvement has been everywhere apparent. More mod ern and systematic methods have been railed Into use on the farm. In the rule and towns there has been rapid development, many towns adding elec tric and water plants and sewerage facilities, while the cities which have heretofore enjoyed those conveniences have embarked this year on wholesale street Improvement, erection of tnunl ctkal buildings or other Improvements unthought f even five years ago. The present unparalleled prosperity of Ulna County Is Indicated In the Im proving appearance of every town and of every farm within Its border. Hut the prosperous conditions of Its cltl sens Is nowhere shown more clearly t.n In the statistics of Its courts. Purlng the entire year of 110 only one suit was filed la I.lnn County to foreclose a mortgage. In 10'. 39 such suits were filed. Though the number ef foreclosures ha been growing less each year, since the panic of the early 'Hi. this year's lone numeral break all record. More mortgages are be Irg made now than formerly, as more b:lne.s enterprises are being launched, fc i' business ventures are proving sue cVfut. f r men have the money te meet rhetr obligations when they fall due. Ten years ago 4 actions at law ware filed In the Clrrult Court of this county to recover money, and In ll only - 2 such cases were Instituted. Notwithstanding the big Increase In populat the number of legal actions for recwery of money Is only about J per rent of the average annual num ber of soch cases from lit to 10S. The banks of Linn County also tell the story of progress. A little more than a year ago there were only six banks in Linn County, two at Albany and one each at Lebanon. Brownsville, liarrlsburg and Sclo. Now there are 1. Two new banks have been estab lished In Albany, one In Lebanon and one In H-Usev. while the other Lebanon, bank has developed from a private banking Institution Into a National bank. Not only has each of these new banks started out with a good business but all of the olJ banks In the county have also Increased their deposits ma terially and the amount of bank depos its per capita Is now higher In Linn Countv than at any former date In the county's entire history. Receipts In every postoffic In Linn County snow a material gain over those of a year ago. In some office the gain In receipts during the months of It over the corresponding periods ef 10 ts as high a ) per cent, and tbe average gain I over 10 per cent In almost all of the postofflces of the county. Rural free delivery routes show a remarkably heavy Increase In the amount of mail matter handled and new routes are also being established, owing to the Increase of population In farming communities. The big farms of early days in Linn "ounty are now passing with a bygone jsdusirlal era. Immigration and di versified farming are the factors pro luclng this change, which portends great things for this county, for Linn, while It possesses many most valuable natural resources. Is primarily an ag ricultural county. Ten years ago the ' average Linn County farm embraced at least Io acrss, anl a great many farmers had ranches of from 100 to 400 acres. There were many even larger. In the last few years the tendency toward subdi vision of these large farms has been rery marked and now many farmers, and particularly those living near the cities and towns, cultivate consider ably less than 100 acres each. Immigration Is In part responsible for this subdivision of the big farms. People from Eastern and Middle West ern states, who ar accustomed to small farm, seek only a small tract when locating In the Willamette Val ley, where soil and climatic conditions are most conducive to profit In small farming, and then cultivate their tracts scientifically, utilising the land to Its fullest extent. The filling up of the country with new people has naturally caused smaller farms, hut the Ideas of scientific agriculture -which these new comers have brought with them, have accomplished more than the number of Immigrants. The growth of thl Idea of diversified farming Is the chief cause of this dawn ing era of small farms In this central portion of the Willamette Valley. For the fact has been thoroughly proven that diversified farming means greater profit per acre and requires less land. Farmers In this county for half a cen tury raised only wheat, and perhaps some oats, for market and grew Just enough hay to feed the stock needed on the place. Now they raise both hay and stock for market and the Idea of growing wheat, year after year, on the same field without alternating crops Is rapidly disappearing. New crops have been tried and found successful. Clover raMIng has become a popular Industry In I.lnn County within the last five year and the annual yields of vetch and alfalfa in this county are increas ing rapidly. Hut dairying and poultry-raising have become the leading adjuncts of diversi fied farming In IJnn County. Kvery railroad station In the county now has r sktrnmlrg station or eream. collect- Ins; rout for the city creameries. The exnortatlon of eggs and chickens has also assumed remarkable proportions. Raising of blooded stock Is fast be coming an Important Industry. The de mand for draft horse here far exceeds the supply, and Linn County I fur nishing hundreds of big horses every year for the PorUand and Seattle mar kets. Hog; raising ts also proving a profitable industry and last year big exportation of blooded sheep were made to. the markets of the Middle West. The standard of stock In this county Is being Improved rapidly and Linn County now boast as many if not more high-grade animals than any county in the state. Many farmer have Imported blooded horses, cattle, hogs and sheep and breeding of good stock ha become a leading adjunct of scores of farms. Llnn County stock and poul try have been prlxe-winners at every fulr In the Pacific Northwest this year. Many stockmen have won big prlxes with their leading breeds of livestock. The experience of breeders Is typified by that of Ed Schoel, who conduct a stock and poultry farm near Albany. Schoel began exhibiting 10 year ago. when he entered one hog at the Oregon State Fair. Since then he has been ex hibiting every year and has gradually Inoressed the slxe of his exhibits until for the past four years he has taken at .least a carload of stock and poultry on a tour of the leading fairs of the North west. Last year he won IV" 40 ,n prize money with an exhibit of hogs, sheep and poultry. In each of the past four year he haa cleared more than 1100 In prise money above his traveling, ex penses. Hardening Is also an Important In dustry In Llnn County. Its rich bot tom lad raise vegetables unexcelled for slxe and quality and thousand of bushels of potatoes and large quantl tlc of onions, celery, melons and other vegetables are exported annually. Ber ries, the equal of any grown, are raised here and o many tlrst-clas straw berries are raised and exported annu ally from the rich Santlam bottoms that Ichanon can Justly claim the title of the "Strawberry City." While all line of farming hve pro gressed In Llnn County In the past year by far the greatest farming de velopment In Linn County In 1910 was In the fruit Industry. For several years past the Increase in commercial orchards In this county has been marked. A few years ago very few orchard were operated on a real com mercial basis. Systematic, scientific rare of trees and fruit were almost un known. Now the latest Improved methods of horticulture are In vogue. Old orchard are being cleaned up and cared for properly and new one are being developed. Several commercial orchards have been established In the last four or five years and some of them are now comlig Into bearing. While the greatest Increase ha been In apple orchard, many cherry, peach and pear trees are being set out and walnut growing 1 becoming popular. Prune-growlng has been a prominent Industry here for several years. But while these smaller commercial orchards have been growing In number, the crowning achievement of the past year ha been the launching of proj ects for the largest orchards in tho entire world In Llnn County. Experi ments have shown that the mil of the foothills of the east central portion of thl county I excellent for apple cul ture and It 1 now planned to utilise thousand of acre of Llnn County land, heretofore used only for goat-ralslng and cattle grazing. The Llnnhaven Orchard Company, a corporation formed by Albany men. ha secured 2516 acres in one tract which It will devote entirely to orchard pur poses. Thl land lie northeast of Crabtree and extends northward to Lacomb. This company will plant all of this land In fruits, principally ap ples, and will cultivate the orchards until they are five years old and then sell them In 5-aere or 10-acre tracts. The work of clearing the land for this purpose Is now under way and the planting of the trees will soon begin. The Llnn County Orchard Company was organized here thl Fall and will handle a project similar to that or the , Llnnhaven Company. A tract embrac ing about I6"0 acres, lying northeast of Lebanon and Just south and east of the Llnnhaven tract, has been secured by this company. The Ideal Fruit Colony, which embrace 40 acres and which launched the first project of this kind undertaken here, ha already planted almost all of it land and ha It trees growing. Theso orchard proj ects not only mcn an luimonse In crease In the fruit yield of this county, but a each five-acre tract will upport a family they also assure a big In crease in population. IJnn County' greatest natural re source I Its timber, for the entire eastern part of the eonnty. which ex tend eastward to the summit of the Cascade Mountains. Is covered with one of the very finest timber belts In the entire world. - These mountains also contain many valuable minerals. An' Immense waterpower. yet unde- DONT THINK YOU HAVE SEEN The Best of Oregon UNLESS YOU HAVE LOOKED AT THE Willamette Valley Write the IJnn Benton Real Fstste Co.. at Albany. Oregon, tell them fully Jl T WHIT 1W W.T. They will answer fully and tell you Just what they have to offer for the amount you expect to Invest. A diversified Fruit and talry section and irrigation not necessary. Write today. r We Would Like to Show You We have for Bala large stock ranches, fruit ranches, farms, and city property of all kinds: also timber lands. Call on us, or write and wo will answer all questions. The City of Albany Is the Hub of the Great Willamette Valley Tebault Real Estate Co., Inc. Office) Down Street From the Depot Albany, Oregon. ALBANY, LINN COUNTY, OREGON THE HUB OF THE WILLAMETTE VALLEY Population 70OO; ha about IS passenger trains dally: hss about SO manufacturing establishment and four banks a thriving little town. Albany Is In the hesrt of one of the most fertile valleys In the I'nlted States. Land around Albany ranges from 130.00 to $1,000 per acre, according to location and Improve ments. If you are looking toward the 'West and r. desiring Information, write for booklet and printed matter and ask all the question you delre. aj 1 will cheerfully answer all questions to the best ol my ability. I am your for business. J. A. HOWARD, ALBANY, OREGON. ALL ROADS LEAD TO A EAWY : There's a Reason; It Is the Natural Commercial Center of the WiUamette ValleyThe Point Where the Lines of Transportation Cbnverge-Albany Is the Crossroads for Railway Traffic in Six Directions, Besides Enjoying Steamboat Transportation to Deep-Sea Ships at Portland, 80 Miles Distant County Seat of Linn County Four Banks with Over Two Millions of Deposits Five Miles of Bitulithic Street Paving Public Library r ffar 1 The HULAM Thirty Passenger Trains Daily Three Graded Public Schools, High School, Albany College, Academy, Hospital Albany is in the midst of a region adapted by nature to the successful raising of fruit. , The natural conditions fur dairying around Albany are not excelled anywhere. A dairy expert declares that the Willam ette Valley, of which Linn County is the center, is destined to become one of the largest stock countries in the world. Linn County contains in its eastern section one of the finest bodies of standing timber in the world. Albany is the natural outlet for this vast forest. A variety of activities, including Bee Culture, Poultry Raising, Truck Farming, may be engaged in by the fortunate resident of this region. For further information address Albany Commercial Club, Albany, Or. veloped. 1 one of the county' most valuable assets, for It assures many manufacturing Industries In the future. The Santlam River, with Its two big fork and many branches: the Cala poola River, Thomas Creek and Crab tree Creek are -all large streams tra verslhg Llnn County, and these rivers and their numerous mountain branches afford vast power. The Willamette River, navigable most of the year as far south as Albany, forms the west ern boundary of the county. Llnn County has almost 200 miles of railroad, being traversed by the main lines of the Southern Pacific and Cor valli & Eastern system and by the Woodburn - Natron and Albany-Lebanon branche of the Southern Pacific. And the year Just closed has witnessed the completion of plans for new rail roads which will open a greot deal of splendid country now without trans portation facilities. The new cut-off. seven miles In length, on the Wood-burn-Natron branch of the Southern Pacific, was completed from Crabtree to Ibsnon this year and placed In operation recently. This was all of the new road actually laid In the county during 1910. but during the year complete surveys have been made for the construction of the Oregon Electric line across the county and sur veys were made and rights of way se cured for the Albany & Interurban, which will run an 80-mile loop line out from Albany over the western cen tral portion of Llnn County. The Al bany & Interurban line will run from Albany to Sweet Home by way of Leba non and the South Santiam Valley and will return from Sweet Home by way of Holley and Crawfordsville and down through the Calapoola Valley to Brownsville. This proposed line will open up a country wonderfully rich In timber and In dairying and fruitgrow ing possibilities. Llnn County's educational facilities have kept pace with the county's prog ress along other lines. This county has a fine Bystem of country schools, many with full high school courses, and its cities and towns offer the best of educational advantages. Almost every town In the county has Increased its scholastic equipment in the past year. Albany has erected a new 160.000 high school: Lebanon has built a .40, 00C structure; a magnificent new build ing has been built at Brownsville, and many other towns and rural districts have erected buildings, built additions or added to their school equipment. In stitutions of higher education in Llnn County are Albany College, a well known institution with a standard col lege course, and the Academy of Our Lady of Perpetual Help, a Catholic seminary for young women at Albany. Llnn County lies in the very heart of the Willamette Valley, 80 miles south of Portland. The county is about 40 miles wide and 150 miles long and con tains approximately 2400 square miles. Within the borders of Linn County are nine incorporated cities and towns and many smaller villages. The in corporated cities and towns are Albany, the metropolis and county seat; Leba non, Brownsville, Harrlsburg, Scio, Halsey, Waterloo, Sodaville and Sweet Home. Smaller prosperous villages and trading points are Lacomb, Crawfords ville, Holley. Shedds, Tangent. Tall man, Plalnvlew, Berlin, Foster, Shel burn, Lyons. Thomas and Crabtree. All of Linn County's cities are both growing rapidly and making many im provements. In the last two years Albany has paved 38 blocks with hard surface pavement. There was more building in the business district of Al bany last year than ever before. Be sides the completion of the $60,000 high school, a $40,000 armory has been erected and several large business blocks and warehouses have been con structed. Lebanon, the county's second city, has also experienced a great growth, and Brownsville, with the awakening of the rich Calapoola Valley at Its doors, is growing rapidly. Harrlsburg, Halsey. Sclo and the other towns of the county grew materially In 1910. and with a record of its greatest year of progress behind It. Llnn County has entered the present year with pros pects of even greater growth, prog ress and prosperity. FAIL NOT TO INVESTIGATE IMC H71 flnlT Pfi 1 10 Miles South of Portland on the Main Line of Southern Pacific Railroad in the HEART OF THE WILLAMETTE VALLEY Freight Division Point All Trains Stop Over six miles of cement curbing and three miles of cement walk built last season. Six miles of street improvements under construc tion. Twenty-four hour electric power service. Graded and High schools, churches and all the various secret so cieties. Good opportunities in many lines of business. Surrounding country adapted to general farming, fruit, dairying, poultry, and truck gardening. The quality of our land is unexcelled, yet this section has not been exploited and prices are low. Large timber and lumber region tributary to town. A recent K. 11". survey from Junction City to the coast passes through this timber region. Junction City w ill be on main line of J. J. Hill's Oregon Electric Kail way. Live Commercial Club of 100 members.. Write the secretary for further information.