THE 3IOBXIXG OREOOXIAX. SATURDAY, TE.HKUAI V ' rrrrrrrr r rrrrrrrr rrrrrrrr rrrrrrrr rrrrrrrr rrrrrrrr rrrrrrrr rrrrrrrr cxrxrrrr jm rarrn inn Mm UN I FfflFfRfffiFfflfffi ceee no: a: cnnE rrrrrrnrnzrctip: crECEUcncrcrii it rnrrnr truer ira: centra: tin nr rrrrrrrr rr it rr rrnrmimnTiffn i r-r-r-vf -Oihui iui I I HI I 'W!'"-? U B n 13a n n TTH nissrnr .rrrrr rrnri . II H H - H 1 1 -1 ! " ti ti it ... rz.riLL-L- . s IS S3 ir it n ie in ie n ie ie in IE IE IE IE IE IE IE IE IE II IE IE IE IE IE mmr rrrlrrrlrrr rrrrrrrrr rrrrrrrrr r rrrrrrrr rrrrrrrrr rrrrrrrrr rrrrrrrrr rrrrrrrrr ffl TTT mrffi H H K A H-l K ft ft a n TTT TTT TTTT TTT & & A CS - t g rfr Tff Tn BLFr rrtL mi lewis TICHNER-MAEGLT CORBET! SEUING V W -Jr.? Portland of Today Shown in Pano The photographic reproduction on this douale page comprises one contn n i t ti - j ."Ul x -11 - Ha1i1ii otai lana, as it appears toaay. xi is mipusbiuie iu uuuuo au ui rwuuu ai, this nanorama is trobablv the most comprehensive ever taken of this city. near the head of Hall street on the approach t) Portland Heights, and the g the East and West Sides are included. The lowsr harbor is shown near tne ner nicture. -while near the rierht end some of the .main business building mainder of the business district is at the left cf the lower picture. Portlan ette Heights and the southern portion of the West Side are the chief district panorama. . The sketches at the top of the page are of some of Portland's new All of these buildings are completed or weu uncer way..