Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, February 04, 1911, Section Six, Page 22, Image 126

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Double-Tracking, Deschutes
and Cutoff in Rail Task.
Official r Ilarrlman floade Cr
lain Thai rorf land-Frlio. Cen
tral Oregon and Xntron-KIa
math in Improvement Plan.
Ixfinit knooleds In th local flar
riman offices of tl.e work to be dun
In orecua aa a rnull of Ih impront
rnenis authorised by th Union I'acific
directors lo .Saw York Tuesday la lim
ited 10 in priod double-tracking of
th Columbia River Una belsreen Port
land and fccho. in completion of tn
Lehutes alley roal to Redmond and
the Bulidina of lh tap of the Natrun
KUmaEn cutoff lhal will be unfinished
when lh present contract hall Kit,
been carried out. late In Jun of thla
Whether the east and rt tin
throuan in atat from Ontario to
Crania fas ahall be constructed with
In tn alx-year period specified by Pres
Idem Lovetl arill depend largely on
conditions arising In tha future, ac
cording to lh opinion of local offi
cial. Tha aama uncertainty appllea to
th proposed southwesterly line from
Redmond or aoma other convenient
point on t he rr-hute road to connect
with toe aaat and west line near Hurna.
It I pointed out lhal th construc
tion of thla Utter road la ITinevllle.
aa auggested by fastera official, la
almost Impracticable, aa a part of th
country throush which such a road
weuld ha 10 be built la rough and
broken and not encouraging lo railroad
construction at moderate cost. While
much of thla port inn of lh atat la
well aalted to aartcullural and graiing
purpose, local railroad men say that
tha Intervals of this section could bolter
he serred by a road built from lb eaat
than from Redmond.
rian Not Feasible.
In th report from New Tork. a road
from Lebanon, on tn present Southern
pacific system, to a point near Red
mond, also waa aucgratad. but thla
roe. 1 I not taken seriously by tha lo
cal official To reach th Deschutes
Valley ruad over thla rout II would be
necessary to croe ih river at a plac
whar II la estimated to b WO fret
dee a. aa well aa to penetrate th moun
tains whara they ar ao precipitous aa
lo almost preclude th possibility of
construction work. ty building toward
tha seuta. and following th line of th
Crobd River. It la pointed out. Red
mond migkt b reached from Lebanon,
bat Ihera la no reason why such a road
ahoald be built at alL local man say. II
la believed her thai this piece of work
waa Ih theory of an k-astern official
who la not well acquainted with lh
topography of tha country and that no
a who understands th altuatlon rec
mmeaied it.
Only Doable-Track Inf Connt.
rrtket than th double-tracking
scheme, th work on th Natron-Klamath
Una and lh chut Valley road,
tn local officers ar not concerning
themselves with reference lo Ih Im
provements authorised In tha Cast.
They will not consider Ihem until they
recelv official advice. In Ih absence
f a definite financial programme II la
not likely that oilenslons further than will be given serious thought for
aeveral years al least.
However, th double-tracking policy
wilt be followed out with enthusiasm In
th Ionian 1 off. cos. and this featur
alone will demand much attention dur
ing tha present year. Thla detail of
the work will be fins need by lh near
ly -oraaalsed Ox-W. R. N. Co.. for
which a bond Hsu Is to be mad soon
It s aiperted to car for th entlr
line between Portland and Huntington
with n tha all-year period, but only
that portion of the road between Port
land and Kchs. tth t enception of a
.'i-m:le gap between lionnevlil and a
point five m'les west of The talles. and
a 4-mile stretch between Blaise and
Corot. will be laid this year. These
unfmshed sect ons. II Is announced,
will b provided for In 111
Branch Honda Possible.
TXe Deschutes construction alao la
f nanced by the new corporation. Th
plans already approved provide for tha
completion of the line lo Keomona. out
how soon anything can be don beyond
that point Is uncertain. It la confident
ly ei peeled, however, lhal some branch
roada can be built lo connect with Ih
Oaschut property within lh neil two
r three years.
Th Natron-Klamath work cornea un
der th Jurisdiction of th Southern Pa
cific, although the local officials of th
O.-W. it. at N Co. hav authority over
tha construction and operation.
Besides th work Immediately pro
vided for. th estenslve prorramm au
thorised by tha Eastern directors la
subject to th ability of th subsidiary
cosspanis ta provide finance. While
lh report of earnings on aom of Ih
affetJ line are not highly encourag
lag for an actlv bond market. II la em
pec led. nevertheless, thai when th
bonds f th new company ar Issued,
within the nail few weak, they will
find a ready sal at fl cures that will
permit all of lh itaiv Improve
ment utlinad.
an roLDFJis to appear
Ore;oa Washington Company Is
Printing Handome PamphleL
New faldsrs for lha Oregon-Wash-lactea
Railroad .N'avlgatloa Company
ar oo Ih presa and will be distribut
ed In a fw daya
These will take th plac of th eld
O. R N and th Oreeon A Washing
ton folders, th timetables of th two
roada being combined All of the sub
sidiary lines In Orc. Washington
and Idaho will be represented. Th
same color scheme red and whit
will be carried out on th cover page.
Large ouantltlea of other literature
bearing the title of the new company
will be ready for distribution before the
en. of th month, email local time
table hav been la circulation for two
Police Record Show Decrease In
Influence of New Tear' resolutions
upon th number of arrest for drunk
enness la seen In th Jsnuary report
of the police department, completed
yesterday by Bailiff C rele For many
montha past casea of almpl drunken
neas have been almost aa even half
of all arrests, while In January they
fell to a little over one-third. Ob
server aay that Ih decline la notice
able at lb first of every year and
that II la du to th fact that many
Inebriate climb aboard the "water
waroa at las beginning ol vry yax
and glv no offense to th peace of
ins Cliy lor some -"-
That lha mthlcal water wagon Is
holding It own very wall la evidenced
by the fact lhal there haa aa yet been
no showing of tendency to Increase In
the number of "drunks."
A contributing factor of greater or
lea force la the recent campaign of
the police against saloonkeeper who
sell liquor to men already Intoslcated.
YVhtlonly two were arrested for thla
offense, a warning was given to all.
and It la aald to have had a wholeaoma
effect, which may be noticed In tn
Out of 1 arrest 111 were for elm
pi drunsnn and I for bin
drunk and disorderly. Al ens kept up
their average of a shade over one-half
of all case. J persons being arrested
who gave forelsrn nativity. Only (4
women transgressed, of whom nine
wer minors. Male minora numbered
41. Vagranta were . arrested lo th
number of 202.
Th aggregate for lh month rail
notably below lha general average,
there being but Mi arreta. aa against
an average of over 1600 fur the montha
of 111. .
There were 47 wagon call and II
ambulance call made by the police.
Seventeen accidenta war reported.
In the number of prtaoner aent to
th city quarry at Llnnton. ther la
also observed a marked diminution,
only Ml men having been aent to hard
Ubor at the rock pile Superintendent
Brlag report lhal hie fore la run
ning low. especially ao ainre a aub
sldiary camp haa been eatabliahed at
Rocky Point.
Th dtctlv bureau maintained a
high average, clearing up 120 case
out of l0 reported to It-
I.t-M 8alr by Northwestern Frull
Exchange Show a Rising
Scale of Price.
The appl market bulletin f th North
wester Fruit Emenange. of thla elty.
The market to Improving eteadity. ana
tbe demand active aod satisfactory. mill
held te storage at shipping poiat. which caa
ke centered I lh market on tha through
rat of freight. Is in esoeotaly strong de
maaa. and ws are realising some vsry hand
some price for frull at alv fair uallty
aod grado.
II is month! thai th January clearance
u et cold aiora( la large Kaatero centers
has beea eireediai
ear and the laaltallon ar insi
in. .. ilscl baa seen put OB
t '
..rh usvisc a clear field f
keeping vai'ieilee. whlcB should enable tne
waeie asarset to take a eubeiaatial advance
la the aer future. The only weaa spot In
ne etorege sitiexiloa u fouod la SVsa
berga. of whicn there are too many la eight
la errant tne usual high prices.
glace sr last report, we bare made tae
following sales:
p. r. K- lit, from Cava. Or.. January IT.
ss esira fancy, al tancy Rome beauties at
1 iO tt esira fan-y. 47 faocy Mammoth
ttlacb Twigs al 11. W. o fancn Hide slings
and IO! esir laaiy Vor Imperials at el-s.
I. e. k. Oregon, to a buyer la Olioma.
p g. g, ivJa. from Cove. Or.. I d. 103
fanes Hyde Kings, lit esira fancy tiaaue.
aw lancy Oaaoe. It sstra fsa. y York Imper
la I fancy atammotn Ula.k Telga. ail at
I.JO; a laacy Hume lleaullso al l iO; 111
estra faney Hellsllears at gl.eO: Sa emtra
fancy Ilea Uacla. SO ellra fsncy KBod
Island Oreeaa al II. la. M fancy Bene at
l.oi II ehoue lerks al II. W ebelc Ben
ai oc. all f- a. oregoa. ta a buyere la
tne Kietnct of Columbia.
p y. g, IJsa, from Cove. Or.. Sth. 141
estra faney Oanoe al 11.4 as cboioe I
fancy uaaae. 11-20; 1 choice -ller Oanoe,
II I J estra fancy Vera imperials. 11.40;
1IT choice to fancy Torks. II.JO; enolc
tier Tors l 10; 2 esira faacy Claytona.
II. 40. I choice to taacy ilalona. II. SO.
estra taacy caampioa. tl.ttO; 4 eholoe to
fancy. 41.14. I choice to fsncy Bpllsenbersa,
I e I each choice to faacy Koines and
fclaia' Twiga al I V all f. a. b. oregea to
vfcelseule grwiery houee la Central Tessa.
Thie Is a ereekerjark" aale. Juat made to
day after offering the car In all dl
rect'laaa While the Inquiry for export ac
count commas brisk, and the Waters mar
keta show signs ot coming lo life, the mid
dle Bad aoulhweetera markets continue la
be the beat buers al long prieew.
la a recent announcement we staled tnal
ere were working oa eiaiementa of average
prliee obtained by Ih esihange from eacB
diatrlit eei-aralely. We hae completed a
statement snowing average price, f. o. b.
Hoise. Idaho, oa cars shaped by eonslito
ents of ibe wo!e Valley run roe era Aa
iatioa. and submit same hereunder:
l.ig ni
Jenathane (all siseoi . l.4
Home ttea. tall elsesi IK
hllik TsliI iall s.scsi t iO
pal bills tail Slsesi... 1.1
Kinaards (all s-sesi.. I. II
as showa. Iheee svarag
Kanry. Choice.
l - 11.10
i Include all
aiaa he rent oa Jonathans i
II M la H TO for lbs fsnc grade.
The ea hanae submits meae figures, be
lieving thai Ihey will compare esceedingly
I waa ateragee
of tne iioiee Valley
ralrago t-vewere Market.
CHICAGO. Feb. . flutter Pteady;
creameries. WwiAc. dairies, leeif.'c
fclsgs etedy. receipts, aogi caaee. at
snsis. rasss lailedsd. IsaUsc. ants, J0o,
prime firsts. Kite ..
Cheeee eteady. daisies. t40ISc: twin.
II'. ii use. Wung Amartcaa. 13V91fce;
loa horaa. 18J !.
Lewili.a vaa4 Bale.
t.O.rxV. Feb- i- Thar wer 12. (MS
bale offered at the wool auntton aalee to
gay All gradee were Included In the as
sortment and they war readily sold. Mer
ino were la geosl request for the eon Li
as si aa wall aa tha home trade.
Lead- Braille Mevwsnent.
IOXDON, Feb. g. Bullion amounting l
gl&aouo wsa taken Into Ih Hank of gang
land today and liouo waa wundrawa for
atupeaeal lo Oiora.tar.
Bsps at LsMidoa.
LIVERPOOL. Feb. 8 Hope at London
Factflc Coast firm. 14 ss in IS oa.
Oregon Pioneer Waa Prominent In
Lumber Business.
Solomon A. Perkins, one of Oregon'
pioneer, aged 77. died at hi residence,
144 Bowdoin street, laat Tuesday, air.
Pcjkln waa boro In New Brunswick
n 1411. and when a youth of 24 left
hla home to aeek hla fortun In Cali
fornia. He nggJ la th legging bualnesa
ther and after three year lost his
fortun In a flood and than moved to
Oregon and settled on Smith River.
Douglas County. He again engaged
In ine logging Industry and built up
large business In IS41 he waa mar
ried to Katharine Elliot. Ills widow
urvlv him with sll sons. Destn
was caused by cancer, from which Mr.
Perkins had suffered for four years.
Third Pier Complete Today.
Last f the com-reie for the Weet
Side pier of th new Harrlman brldg
foundat on will be In ire form thla eve
ning ard before tie month ends tr
frame will have been lorn away and the
pi ft given the hn slifng louche that
will prepare It for than L Tie L'nlon
Bridge A Construction Company will ran
ter its force on Ih laat pier, between th
(Cast Side abutment and the first shaft
flashed In the renter of tre river, and
very advantage will be afforded lh crew
lo get the foundation to th proper
height as soon aa possible. Aa th bot
tom of th raissson will rent L30 feet
below low water It mean that a maaa
of material will be required and every
acuity haa been prepared lo mis and
plac tt day and a'gbk
Sailing Vessels Bring Lumber
and Cement.
Drltlab Ship Nile, From Aotofagasta,
and French Bark Darld d'Angers,
From Hamburg, Discharg
ing Loads Here.
Two windjammer reached tha harbor
yesterday, tha British ahlp Nil from
Anlofagaata. where ah discharged apart
cargo of lumber loaded at Port Blakeley.
and the French ship David d'Angers.
from Hamburg via San Diego, with ce
ment. The Nile went to Llnnton to dis
charge ballast and will no doubt be
numbered with the February grain fleet,
and the David d'Angera will today begin
discharging at Albers dock.
The Nil reached Llnnton ghortly be
fore noon on her initial voyage to Port
land, while her master. Captain Griffiths,
la on hla first visit,. She waa 58 day on
tba way from Antofagaata. and mad
Do to Arrive.
Xsee From Da'.
Tamalpale Pan Francisco In port
Falcon . . ...... -fcn Francisco In port
Keee C-1 n retire In p orl
RmIisbIm I am Rav. . r eo.
Roanoke ..Pan Psdro. . . f eo.
lue H stlmrTillamook... Feb
s'llaiire tureka eb.
Pester ran Pedro... reb.
tlnten Oate. . .TiMameok . . Feb.
u.riulM Hdnrkoni. .. .Feb.
lr.ui ttsntloa rro. iv
Oeo. W. Elder. San Pedro.. Feb. 12
-ar esn fence.. Feb. 12
gtrathlyoa. . . . -Hongkong. . . .Feb. II
kckedaJpd I Dewarl.
csma. For. Data
rslmn. . .... "an Frandseo Feb. 4
Tamalpale f aa Francisco Feb. 8
ttus. t in ....-a.i eor Feb. e
Preakwaier Coos Bay.... Feb. T
Sue H. Kimor. 1 inamook . . Feb. 8
Hoenoke can Hedre. .. Feb. B
alllence F"reue ... Feb.
nxiden Oala... Tillamook. ...Feb.
Beaver ban fedro. . . Feb. It
Anvil ttandoe .... Feb. 11
nee OT Cider, .nan Pedro... Feb. 15
Hercules Hongkong. .. .Feb. 15
peer ran Pedro Feb. 14
Btrathlyoo. ....Hongkong. .. .Mar. 1
tha run from Port Blakeley to Callao
In days, discharging a portion of her
cargo and proceeding. Anlofagaata being
reached X daya later. The voyage to
the-Columbia Klver was attended by fair
condnlona. and it waa not until tha ship
reached this part of th Coaat tbat ah
ran Into foul weather.
Th David d'Angera left San Diego
January I? after having discharged con
siderable cargo loaded at Hamburg. She
brought to I'ortland (0 barrels, con
signed lo Meyer. Wilson A Co.. and de
spite the fact her charter had expired
January 11. Captain Griffon waa yester
day Informed that ha would bo loaded
with wheat by the Northwestern Ware
house Company as .Intended, the cargo
having recently been Bold abroad. Cap
tain Griffon waa here last aeaaon al
male on the Marechal de Castries, which
la now on the way from Dublin, and filled
th same berth on th David d Anger
on -th occasion of her visit here two
yara ago. Th ahlp ran Into soma rough
weather and waa II daya rounding the
Horn, but the skipper la congratulating
himself on the fact the Portland cargo
waa not damaged and thai h paid but
K in clalma al San Diego for lossea.
Th principal event reported by the
crew of the Nile waa the birth of 11
plga while the vessel was In the South
8-as. and the mother and large family
have been accorded considerable atten
Snake River Rises 20 Inches In Few
Days, Hampering Operations.
Damage to th steamer Lewlston.
which struck a rock and sank In the
Knak River Sunday morning, was yes
terday reported to be confined to her
hull, there being a hole extending aft
from the galley, on the port side, a
distance of 10 feet. At the office of
Superintendent George Conway, of the
O.-W. K. N. water lines, a message
received stated -thai the vessel had
been raiaed at 1:30 o'clock In the morn
ing and towed to Rlparla.
Th work of floating the Lewlston
was hampered materially through ris
ing water, aa the Snake began to climb
the banka soon after she struck and
by the time the steamer was raiaed It
had Increaaad Its stage by 20 Inches.
She will be repaired aw once and will
be given a general overhauling also,
tier place on the run being taken by
the ateamer Spokane.
Fortunately, the Lewlston reposed In
about five feet of water, as sh was
headed for th beach after striking.
As the aceldent happened after the
rush of transporting wheat In the
Snake River territory had terminated,
th company haa not been placed at
great Inconvenience other than the
damage and work on tbe vessel, as
one ateamer can car for tba business
Domestic Exports From Portland
Are Valued al $I.1S.84.
Domestic exports from Portland dur
ing January reached a value of II.
I11.S44. and aggregate receipt at the
Custom House wer t4l.48S.8S, as
shown In th monthly statement com
plied by Collector Malcolm to be for
warded to Washington. There were
cleared direct for foreign port 10 ves
sels, but the German steamer Serak.
which loaded grain for Europe, was
cleared via Puget Sound to finish,
making th total 11.
The Coastwise fleet to enter com
prised CI carriers and of the number
it cleared, other having proceeded to
lower river point to take on cargo
for California. There ware 111 entriea
of merchandlae, and documents were
Issued to three vessels. The duties paid
reached I4i.ll4.5i and other receipts
wer S3S1.S0, while navigation receipts
were IliZO.Id. Aa there wa but one
Oriental liner to enter In cargo the
dull were cut down, but thl month
there will b two from Ih other side
In cargo and there are prospects that
cargo shlpa from Europe will help en
rich the Government.
Petition Is Signed for Aid al Fox
Going the rounds of the principal
etsamahlp corporations of the Pacific
Cos! snd signed in turn by officer) of
Ih lines and navigators who operate
between southern CoaaX harbor and
Oregon and Washington, a petition made
It appearance yesterday In Portland. It
already bears SI name, which wlU be
forwarded to Commander Eilieott, in- f
epector of the aeventeenth lighthouse !
distrtc. urging the establishment, a soon
a practicable, of a light veasel to gnark .
Fox Rock. Ave miles off Cape Blanco. J
Tnat subject ha been given coneidera-
tlon by Commander Elllcott and In hi ,
Latest report to the Bureau of LJght
roirxea. forwarded in the early Fall, he
p'aivd emphasis on the need of the vea- '
ael. The Chamber of Commerce recom
mended It Mrongly to Washington and
commercial bodiea of Oregon coaat cltiea
have been Baked to take similar action.
The petition, which ha been circulated
quietly among the most prominent marine
Interests, sets forth thst Fox Rock marks
s grcup dangerous to navigation. In
thick weather ther I absolutely oo
guide, aa Cape Blanco lighthouse la five
rn'iea away. Even if a fog eagnal wa
Installed there. It Is asserted by masters.
It rx-ulb not be beard In tha vicinity of
the recks.
Captain Mason Compares System
Tbat at San Francisco.
One of the most recent changes the
waterfront contingent la bent on obtain
ing Is either the shifting of the portion
of the Government time ball or Increasing
th height of the frame that It may be
seen on the river when the ball falls at
noon. Its location on the roof of the
Custom-Houae Is regarded generally ss
undesirable under existing condition and
a movement for the change may be In
augurated. "I do not understand why tbe time ball
Is maintained In Its present location, as
it Is my understanding that its purpose
Is primarily to aid marine men and It
certainly I not of much service where
It la." raid Captain Mason, of the steamer
Roae City. "In San Francisco the time
ball waa on the Ferry building for a
time, but It was not satisfactory in that
position because It could not be seen
from all partei of the harbor. Now It haa
been established at a hotel, which oc
cupies one of the highest sites In that
section, and It csn be sr-en plainly."
It ha been suggested that the ball be
established on the Union Depot, the
WelLs-Fargo building or on one of the
bridges In the center of the harbor that
Its fall could be witnessed for the full
length of the port In clear weather.
Nester Damaged on Snag.
Its bottom half gone and damage to Its
frames being apparent, the steamer
Nerter, owned by Smith A Collins, of
Rainier. Is on the ways at the St. Johna
Shipbuilding Company's yards as tha re
sult of having struck a snag In the
Cowllts River. The vessel was raised and
towed to the yards between two scows.
It Is estlmsted that It will be out of
water about ten days. Repairs to the
cabin and a general overhauling will 'be
Marine Notes.
For the f'rst time In a number of
weeks the tug Wallula was in the
Wlllsmett yesterday, having towed the
British ship Nil to Llnnton.
It Is reported from Marshfietd that
the ateamer Kllborr recently damaged
by fir at Oakland, is to be placed on
the run between Coos Bay and Port
land, alternating with the Alliance.
Captain Good, who has been 111, re
appeared on the waterfront yesterday
and says that he will not move Imme
diately to rebuild the steamer Batsman,
which recently burned at Vancouver
and has been hauled out there.
Acting on a report made by Pilot Joe
Allen, a log was removed from tha
main channel between the Hawthorne
avenue bridge and tha I'ortland Lum
ber Company's plant yesterdsy at the
direction of Harbormaster Steler.
At the office or Major Mclndoe, Corps
of Englneera, U. 8. A, plana have been
started for building a new tug lo re
place the Mendell, now at the Govern
ment moorings, and bids will be asked
for In a few weeks.
It Is anticipated that the British
steamer Alexandra, which la to load at
Inman-Pouleen's and th Portland mill
for the Pacific Export Lumber Com
pany, will reach here Monday, as she
la coaling at Tacoma, where she ar
rived yesterday from Vancouver, B. C.
Henry Lund Company has char
tered the Norwegian steamer Solvelg,
which sailed from here In December
with wheat for Europe, to load at Ant
werp and Gothenburg for Pacific Coast
porta She Is to take additional cargo
at Genoa and Marseilles.
Entries yesterday at the Custom
House were the French ship Iiavid
d'Angera. from Hamburg via San Diego,
the ateamers Rose City. Klamath, Fal
con and Maverick from San Francisco,
and the British ahlp Nile, from Anlo
fagaata. The Maverrrk cleared for the
Golden Gale and th Klamath for Ray
mond. In th latest Issue of Lloyd's weekly
Index Is a brief report covering the loxs
of the British ship Ardrncraig. which
foundered January 8 on Crlm Rocks,
near Bishop, Scllly. the southernmost
point of England. The crew waa aaved.
The Ardencralg waa one of the best
known vessels that waa numbered with
the grain fleet from this port.
Captain G. B. Macdonald, master of
the Associated OH Company's new
tanker J. A. Chanslor, has been suc
ceeded on that vessel .by Captain
Holmes, of the steamer W. S. Porter,
and has proceeded to Newport News to
superintend the launching; of the new
tanker W. K. Herrln, which he will
navigate to the Pacific Coast- She will
go Into servlc between California oil
ports and Portland.
After reaching Washougal tonight
tha steamer Jessie Harklns Is to return
to Portland to have a new boiler In
atallad at th plant of the Willamette
Iron V 8teel Works. Later she will
proceed to Joseph Supple s yards for an
overhauling. The steamer Ion will
look after her business, beginning Mon
day, when she will depart from the
Washington-street slip at 2 o'clock.
Movements of Vessels.
PORTLAND. Feb 8. Arrived British
ship Nile, from Antofagssta: French ship
Dsvld d'Angera. from Hamburg, via Han
Diego; steamer J. A. Chanslor. from San
Francisco. balled Ateamer Klamath, tor
Raymond. Wash.; steamer Argyll, for Sao
Francisco, steamer Maverick, for Fan Fran
cisco: steamer Golden Cste, for Tlllampolc.
From Kalama steamer Noma City, for ban
Francisco. From St. Helena Steamer Sho
shone, lor n Frncis-o.
Astoria Feb S. Condition at the mouth
of Ihe river at I P. M . smooth; wind north
west 4 miles; weather clear. Left up at
midnight French ship David d'Ancera.
t-alle1 at 7:80 A. M. Steamer Johan Poul
sen. for Ban Franelsoo. Arrived at 11 A- M.
and left up at 1 P. M. Steamer J. A.
Chanslor. from San Francisco. Sailed at 8:30
A. M. Steamer Elmore, for Tillamook.
San Francisco. Feb. 3. Sailed at 12 noon
Steamer Roanoke, for Portland. Sailed al
V P M p,,ms- VoeHlflid fer PirMwnd.
Hi U
.-ijufj . Mia 'wmwvu
Tn Piopl' ErvaDY for Couehs. CoMs.
Croup, Vhooping-Coiigh. Bronchitis. Gnppe
Cooalh. Iloarsenees, eto. Bale aud sure, liolA.
Writ for tt today. Meatloa this paper. A ddres
I Hi U g
I i s eiiiei a .
may reasonably b Judged by a crowded Ton know I hav
been In th same location for many yeara. still every day la the week
my offices ar thronged with th alck and afflicted, availing themselves
of th liberal low fee rat extended to th public by thl eminent specialist-
Why 1 thl o? Simply becau my reputation for cures haa
stood th tet of years. There are no extra fees for complicated casea
Yu may hav on or a dosen ailment the price Is tit ame. I have a
apeelal treatment for each ailment I treat- A pafent remarked In my
reception parlor: "Doctor. I do oot see how you can give ueh thorough
and painstaking treatment and devote eo much care and attention to
each patient for auch a very low fee." I replied: "My profit lie In th
large number I cure every year."
Many caaea accepted for lea than 111 sow.
Not a Dcl'ar Need Be Paid
TOU NOTHING. I cheerfully five you the very best opinion, guided by
years of successful practice. Mv cures are permanent and lasting. No
tonics thst stimulate temporarlHy. but thorough, scientific treatment
for the removal of conditions reponslble for functional derangement.
Call If you can. Write today for eelf-examlnatlon blank If you can
not call. No business address or street number on my envelonea or
packages. Medicines from 11.50 to II.BO a course from our own labora
tory. Hours from A. M. to I P. J, dally. Sundays from 10 U 11.
and schooner Irene, for Columbia River.
Coos Bay. Feb. 3. Sailed Bleamer Alli
ance, for Eureka.
Beattle. Feb. 3. Arrived Steamer Chart
Nelson, .from Tacoma. Sailed Steamer
Charles Nelson, for Mukllteo.
Tacoma. Feb 3. Arrived 6teamer Me
teor, from Alaska; Brltltsh steamer Queen
Alexandra, from Vancouver: steamer Hy
afles. from Seattle. Departed dteamer
Charles Nelson, for San . Francisco, via
EM.'vincent, Feb. 2. Arrived Strathberg.
from Pan Francisco.
Wellinaton. Feb. s. Arrived e.orangl.
from Sn Francisco.
Tides at Astoria Saturday.
High. I-"7- ... .
l 14 A. M g.s feet' 10:3.1 A. M l. feet
4;36 P M 7 .? reel!lO: -s P. M 1.7 feet
Athena Election Is Nigh.
ATHENA. Or.. Feb. 3 As the time for
the city election Is drawing near, next
Friday night Is the date set for the mass
meeting of the voters of this city st
which lime the candidates will . be
chosen for the ensuing election. Mayor
McEwen will not be In the race thla
year. There will also be a change or
two in the Council, but as yet It is not
known who the possible candidates are.
Catarrh is a deep-seated blood dis
ease, one which no amount of local
treatment will ever permanently cure.
The beneficial effects 'of washes,
sprays, inhalations, etc., are only
temporary, and when left off the old
condition returns, because the blood
is infected with catarrhal matter and
impurities. This impure condition
f the circulation irritates and in
flames the delicate mucous mem
branes and tissues and produces the
Well known' symptoms of ringing;
noises in the head and ears, mucus in
the throat, headaches, watery eyes,
partial deafnesi, sore throat, general
impairment of health, etc. This con
dition will remain, growing worse as
long as the catarrhal matter is al
lowed to remain in the blood. Being
a specific blood impurity, there is only
one way to cure Catarrh, and that is
to purify the blood. Nothing equals
S. S. S. for this purpose. It attacks
the disease at its head in the circu
lationand by thoroughly renovating
the blood and
cleansing it of all
Impure, mattet,
makes a perma
nent and lasting
cure of the dis
ease. For forty
years S. S. S. ha3
been recognized
as the best blood
purifier, and the thousands of cases of
Catarrh it has cured is proof that it is
the very medicine needed by those
who suffer with this trouble. Book on
Catarrrh and any medical advice free.
X2B SWOT 8PECU10 CO- Atlanta, fia.
"I have used tout valuable Cascareta
and I find them perfect. Conldn't do
without them. I have used them for
. . In. inil in.otiin mrA Viill"r,1CT. KC
uiuc uu .i .f,---""
and am now completely cured. Recom-
mend them to erervone. once tried, you
will never ' be without them in the
family." Ed ward A. Marx, Albany, N.Y.
Pleasant. Palatable. Parent. Taste Good.
Do Good. Never Sicken. Weaken or Gripe,
luc.ttc. 50c Never sold in bulk. The gen
nine tablet stamped C C C Guaranteed to
ur or your money back. 839
X Bwrolrl GeMraae X
m W - t""
m J K safe and simple remedy foe
fW BrwdtkU, CstorrK Haw ctwr U
I Vs I satluM of ALL maoMi m&mbrmamt
mssi I or ot tbe iom, trot,
I I I tionih or of br orguiv
fg W nfit cn ymrsZf mmmmm
or mailed oa roquawtw l 1
. Tin Evim CMral Civ
Eb 5p ci I L'w Fees WO
In.ere.t YjU Now
I concentrate my faculties on a
single line of ailments. I treat
Varicose Veins, Hernia, Kidney
and Bladder Ailments, Files, Blood
and Bkin Ailments and their AL
LIED AILMENTS. I am certainly
prepared to cure by experience and
equipment, which are the keystones
to success. I hare the best-equipped
medical office in the city.
Contact with many patients has
given me practical knowledge. I
have records to show that I hare
treated. more eases in my specialty
than any other specialist in the
A few honrs or days under my
treatment may add years and
health to yoar life. If you are
suffering from any ailment I will
examine you free. Every man
should take this opportunity to
learn his true condition.
3d cured
Pay When Cured
We uav every stuuwn leuieuy ap
pliance (or THKATliXU lull. Our ex
perience I so great and varied mat aj
us, of the ailm-nts of Mm l new lo us.
LWAtc; IA AAU TAIl.Iv tT OtikM.
General Deuility, tovait ISsrvea, la
seiauia Kvsuna t ivur, ovrwra
an oilier Violations vf Nature a law.
Ulaeases .ader and Kidneys. Vari
cose Veins, quickly and permanently
cured at small expena and no deiea
lion from boelnesa.
bl'twClAL. Ait-JtsiuVra Newly con
tracted aud curuuic caaea cured. Ail
burning, itchiug anu lnliauiuialtoa
aiuupeu In 24 hours. Cures effected la
seven daya Consultation free. If ua.
able to call, write for list of question
Office Hour A. M. to 8 P. M. Sua
dsys. 10 A M. to I P M. only.
Pacific Coast Medical Co
mi, . . .4 .; r,
Coraer First.
Wonderful C hinese I
va arrrvsif mr I
8. H. W'AI JING.
& H. WaJ Jin a; Co.'s Chinese
Herb and Root Medicine haa been
used in China for over 4000 years
and has cured more men and wo
men than any known treatment
now tn existence. The Chinese
doctor and pharmaceutist of 8. ft
Wal Jlng- Co. waa permitted to
practice in the Canton Medical Col
lege and to study the eminent phy
sicians' prescriptions of centuries
during the early days in China and
six years in charge of the Oriental
Hospital In the Great New York
City, where he had such wonderful
success with his medications. Any
man or woman with any internal,
external and eruptive disease can
be cured speedily and all traces
eradicated from the system by S.
H. Wal Jlng Co.'s Chinese Herb
and Root Medicine.
Free cooaoltatloa and examina
tion. Write If yoo eaat call.
861 First St. Portland, Or.
To Mrs. S. K. Chan:
Dear Madam: I wish to
thank you for all you have
don for me. I had been sick
much other remedies without
! git " as loon aa i had
so ions ana nau men
taken the first lot of your
medicine. I felt like a now
woman, which Is savins; gona
deal, be-suse I was so weak
. .i.i,n... snd surrered so
t muM not leave my Mil. i. L CHI
bed. Now I am stronit and entirely cured.
If I was 10.000 thousand miles away. I
would send to you for medicine when 1 were
slrk. 1 wish all people suffering from weak
ness or sickness would take your medicine.
They would bless you the rest or their lives,
ss I will the rest of mine. Mrs. O. 6.
Edwsrds. Junction City. Or. Call or writ
Tbe . K. Csiaa Cblne Medicine Co i
22 V Morrison St., between First and '
Second. Portland. Oregon. !
strowbndira bid.
133 1, First 8t.
room II. and 223
Alder St- Chinese
Root and Hera
Medicines. Cares
Cancer. Rheuma
tism. Consumption.
Dropsy. Catarrh.
Stomach. Luns.
Liver and Kidney
irouoi. All
''hronle - ailmenta
if men and wo
man ExsmlnatloL
tre. Drue store,
iti flaadsra 8k
A 1 J
V ,r? ,N'.... ""V 1
I Hi.
fw.f m,.-
The Leading Specialist.
The cures I effect are the result
of my thorough knowledge of
every phase of the ailment I treat
and to the fact that 1 apply Indi
vidual treatment to each case. In
every Instance I know the ailment
and I know the cure for It. The
fact that I agree to wait for my
fee until you are cured Is proof of
my confidence la my ability to cure
In every case. Some physicians
aasert that certain ailments of men
are Incurable. I deny that, and
atand ready to PROVE that by my
methods there is no aliment pecu
liar to men that cannot be cured.
Remember, I am treating you
fairly. I am not taking one cent
from you until you are perfectly
eatisfled that you are positively
and permanently cured. You have"
paid others for their failures: you
pay me f"r your POSITIVE and
Al my forma of treatment have
been perfected along the lines of
nature's requirements and are 'n
exact harmony with the natural
recuperative forcea. Theiefore my
cures are painless, prompt and
thorough. My advice Is confined
entirely to ailments peculiar to
men, and I cure them all.
Ptlea, Kidney and Bladder All
meata, Llvrr Complalnta, Rbeama
ttaan, Eraciaa and All Skin Troubles.
My offices ars equipped with the
most modern and scientific, device
for the treatment and cur of all
are reasonable and within tha
reach of all.
HOURS 9 A. M. TO 8 P. M.
It matters not what your aliment
M, nor who has treated It, If it is
curable ne will give yuu immediate
benefit and a quick and lasting cure.
D not allow money matters to
keep you Irom getting well. We
charge nothing to prove our meth
ods tH' ure viu. Our ruarantee
SATISFIED Is yuur absolute pro
tection. ConbUliatlun. examination
and diagnosis freo
Wa claim for our treatment
nothing "wonderful" or "secret" It
la simply our auccusiful nay of do
ng things.
ii-rt.irTKD ME!, before treating
, We n here, Boaeally Inveatlaat our
methods. You villi then under
Tfand bow eeilly we cure VAR1COSU
I ?ioS. BLADDER and K I D N IS Y
! sroVbtea, CONTRACTED allmeota, RIP.
I TURK, PILES and all RECTAL allmeate.
What you want la a cur, won
to us and get It. Once under our
treatment, you will quickly realls
how eimpl a thing It Is to get well
In the handa of a apeclaltst who
knowa Lis business. Our cures add
oot onl years to life, but life to
vara. Office hours, dally to a.
Evenlns-t 7 to 8. Sundaya 10 to L
82 VaMrto at, Portland. Or.
Dr. Lindsay
If you are worried
about a special ail
ment, organic weak
ness or any male ail-
I have so much
Dd" - faJth In my own sk1n
that I will prove my ability before I ask
one cent. You don't need monev to be
gin mv treatment. YOU MAY PAY ME
Dr. Lindsay
Tbe Old Reliable Specialist.
Corner Alder and Second streets. En
trance 128V4 Second t-treet. Portland,
Or. Office hours 9 A. M. to 8 P. AL
Sundays. 10 A. M. to 1 P. M.
The Old. Rc I In bio Chine
Doctor ppent lifetime study of
hrrb and research In China:
nan it ran ted diploma by th
Emperor; guarantees cure all
ailmenta of men and women
when others fail If you suf
fer, rail or write to YEE M
first. Cor. Aider, f ortlaad O