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About Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 4, 1911)
V 1 " 1 ITNACI . BUSINESS DIRECTORY. 1 . . t ,..-r. v i-nva I nrsiXESM OPPORTUNITIES. I SPECIAL NOTICES; I . ia-.i " ChlroDody. ..n . - - tl.oaea. I I WHfX mm yaa-1 ! MW FT w- !TI'Tl!C- lnv ft -.dicloual th lags wit; ei.eed your ro nng cinM Mr bnainaa tar Ulo. a ' third rear, lace anB th -! fiotehartr la t- farBiture bu.ineet la Portiea WH aid It"' he w ul..l..l aa fir ID ? Vk.rH si Pl.t' If we sn lb ra kailae aa "ft V. . Mel cur expense au 4 b $2"i"e mora each year. Natural ly w bar aaaai aa: la Bail mat ft cueapa aid Iba Seville vara aat a a a la una 5J .VA.v-ATcni.i:T rcaiNiTTR co. 41 ; v. .and aa.. car. bi stark at. Last Ana-ay. oalaillla aod KuSBtla t)i .r unifl paa ul Hoi. H' U S r-'. S. J room. Sid I7tn .r $10 rat v r -ma. 412 L- North I1''"! a r..ri... I E. iior -., a r.-ma. .: E. --'1 .North ;J- room. lo2 Air .". tonn. J.-tntna l- T romi. J .: neteri at ..... - "" a root:... Krr.rv at .l.l- i rw"Ut(, I.. la'.n at rouiut. J a-i n 'f irn1e.i. imir.a, Ui..l.t a.ij I'th l-.OOO r n.a. K. arnhi I at aw.'al i .;.. II AM-i S.W INI- a TKLT i ..VPANY. WE l.l.I.' T ItLNTMJ r . I. Nl.-H HD if" si.". JO rfCVT A nana a pe"allT fr B'irie. a-! uBfurn i4 fcouea, flat aa iia-tii. rollKl ur real a ul ri a j ,.rirraptTy. I rw aara T.-at ben, flat a t-trjirji. and will lei rt a deacrt t. a at it. tin baat aenav-ea axa ai au-" tauJ. C. TTIXB CO.. ybaaaa A 4. HaraaaU Ml jnfrvv ri i:n.-h tovr none at a r.t tanr. i;t our sricaa. Laah- r -ourt-y. at. cI'"W '. -a4 XortS la !. pr-ca T. trTOa. llKKr.i" M '.. In a a l tpplntr.1 a-il'a ...... n i. .!. of lhin an.l t'n- b'tainr. AG tj. a." liinvn AVE. N. T-ronm houa. :. h i n art mra r.l I .H ninth. all a. I n...n Ih.-n. oo1.b "a!l if M. t -- 11-MiKKX t room hou. 3 E H-tin. al'h r.- ,irr.n .-r all .1 tUH ' nuu. rti "a E . r.m h.u.. :o li. Tasaart. n r ::u t.. 1 l..a Irm - V. car. it f : r. . ... r a r -.ti houa at rrni'-nt ".. riio.crn. r-rii ma - ton war. i.'I HIlX r;oa cl.iaa IB. 0 I ara:a."Ml llaaaaa. Sir. tl'Ttn i.LT furn'hJ 4 -roam roriw-r 411., tin- ! ' "0' H i. .i.. ,.t m t. it-a a.h to I'. . an.l tf to rjrlin-L prv' hona an.l ail ri'...!rn cou oir oc. a Tboaa A J"! tr Miin . KI'W mn.l'rt. T-rvon h'o. rnrrpl'l'' an.J 'irArti..'T ,irnl,J. l"ly lt'l In lrlnroi. 1 1 W 1 ml. Taaa Hrto a at rc. a.fjtf r.nly li.ii tKr-!-tm fl. furnl.a.1. Wt J miniitaa- aialh tn rarUB: m Bir.!h. ottrr, a Touch bluf. 1PVni:tx hu T room alcaty far Di-n.. mt t.i.b from H rt. ail cua- yanirir. I'hon liatt i"TV ;"l 'V-! cT; '-trl fiirniti4. Kl '.'. n--!rn. Jwvtrie lifhta. feaitL. I'hana Min tTn Itli .i. ir-autifulir iiroihr. ro.m b. .!. Iiora -. i. fr ronr. i pr ma. AlAltt 3l". j'-"M..l TJrnll r.."n flat. 1 B1tfhl; bn-Kt. yaiklnc Ji-faaca. ! Ha4- 'h.n I:jt rtlt KENT ow p!t: r furnlh-l bou f.r : Bi"i"i. rtit a manth; auuJ mj! A M1I TWI. 7'VN K W l.T romrl.t' r furnha rt-room n o-1 . r n ho u -T-t M ill t. Main V:1 A lt''Vl.- luin and Tlluoio... or aill aa.i. 1 art -uiart w. T.l.l. JiJ.'rrloa il Haaaaa far Rral rorallu'ra fr FI"tXIT1 RE of a trl.MT m.lrB tj-room fl,i for ail- for S of r.iat. aTarrthln Brt-rlAjta in-l pt-ntf of II. Ha II. v. ilAKIJIMl A ' I'-'l "l I'i' RN TVl' l: K nlvr l-roi.m rial for nip. walainc rtitat).a Wrtt 8ulr: rrnt. Inriu.t.n ai.-r and puona I: manth. ha own.r. i;i Millt. a"?" fc ircilow for rant, furnitura for rr ...i onlv la rurchaar of fur- mtura. atl rnmn. o, 1 01. Bwn m f.'irf. t'T':an.l lUlchf T KM I i I. ri a? four room, cooblntl otrn- n. ail ponioM .l for aolT li tf ia:-n at ot.t. rct !. :o fnloa a. NoMX yl 'RMTI'RK f rooroa piano and ophol at', in .o. shapa. a har- 4liv. !j r..t nth !. North. .Kimim hou wil furnlh4: blra rl-an p:-.-. ail n furnllur ownc-r 4mi to 1.4i. ci:y. -"I 7th tl- LT-ri HN.SHEti mortem T room coi i rrat.!. rarln $!. p-r mo.; a.iiir.: 'I lan-. oanrr. ii Morrlaoh. S,-f.-ior f't. rwpl'.t'tr fumlthail. rant p. r mM; r-i. riah. Ja ocond t: liunl li.ill and Lincoln. g r '-tr rurntuhlny a-raora bouaa; ,M.r. furnl1 naatly and It's .... will in.ll It. ; . ..I'i " i nmin flat for aalr; raot 1 1 : in, :; tt t. Ft UIH -lt mnvlrrn l-roortl Hit. a barcata if a i t at on. J) J.l t-. rial C I . ... i i.MVI ! i: of i ro..rn flat. i V rn-i-.' r. 'l f..t X. I"i il Ob bar .lummrr Krarta aKIiSiIPE ll'VTEU FOR HA1.K fi room, morlra, hot tairr haiin plant, rircanttr fumlthrd. I.h-aul )u-t t'Ulh Jlortrr llolrl; kokI o.--an ri: r low prlca: nu tarma. ,rlr r arlta OBba.r. J. E. Uataa. Sra tUa. irr. HAi y ef S-atery brt-k. V00: plata i lax froat: 1th and MaranalL tnltaMa tr liahl totblbr;. maaufartartns or ratal I; vlll toaaa aaa-balf: Ulvtda apa ( aall ' tnant or tnanta; Iob laaaa.A.0. Laa. JUK itl'.XT-tora with aarallanl 1-roorn fumlh.l partmbl: ood oi-n!n ro r.rv. nvltln.ry. dry aoaiia. li3 UalmooV Tabvr KIC brick ttora. llth and Hawthorn -. Infant lo-aton for fina arocarT. App.JT L. K. Fairc hlid. ii3 hrl"ck ltld. mflE In cantral rta!l batlna d!trt for I for trn of iar. 1'arruh. Wal klua A Cv. Atdar. K-TAt BVl. IH Vorrtaoa at., rant ran ovtaulv. i atl li Morrlano mu wTi.nwooD'ixix.-iw-in" ii at.. Aprll I. Dr'FU'rUH and p.ibiK- ba It. mortrta ranta. Ai.-y Mu 3 i and Mornaon ill. M E f r rnt. Phona Eatl IZi. Irfflc- MK HAVK offKra tuitohta f a phytlcLin. Iivi.r cr otti-r pro(itotial mn. In th of '..-a dlvl.o.n of ha Hotel Talt'Ot. Utiilama ntnt.. &-ar laaa ran ba obtained oa raaaoaab.a urml O I liK.H'N't fioor offlc. fin p:a--a for nfinu-fai-tuttr al"nl; rltra aartbnua apart t b ha I la aav auanuty. Van 11 .ni Trabafit C. IU d tt. lITiT car.tratly 1 catd offtcaa. att-b.abl ala talur tent -a i. J arcUand hide., ar Jaa Hof. St.n a.-.l ftaaMaitofl. l'K.-K matn In wall equipped efflcaa. Iloth piionaa Srnoatraphlo anrlc. l9 Luxn- H .; iiKNT ta room, both phonaa, with n - w.-hout . aiaa Mr. ULaoo, 11 I'imr o runmf a btut:. I i ri r.X X A l alt IMia laaii afilcaa la Caaob bid. KOit I EKTli.a..T3 IKIST BLtXl H-'.-K room, fin licht. l-al famih 1 o.'ti--. rn: rrai'.naLl. IT l.aaia Hi-It:. ni: rtKNT Warahou with trarkac en l.i'h .. all or pirt. or will iora any thin at !.. i rat' Van Horn TrBaa lar -o.. it ll: A It. F(,t RF.NT !sop. 3.ii.'2i. aoutd y -t Million at. I.ri.lra Appty - Haot.iorn aa. Tai. F.jit i.',wl tx irir. l.n.NtJ t.EASf lil"i. Waal I'ara an.l Taylor: Tary fnonh.r trrn.i. Vanuuyn A Walton. alia 1 tumbrr lumm.m, KXT .Xf I1H XO. rOt'NP I.ay aracll. A."' Ornriath and Marihall. oT einiil Mack lrathr curat la i'oat offlca. Kaward. Eaat MX -fTit-NtiK.marald cuff UaaT la Overtook. . aVhon naUi Uad. LOST A HE--IPT POOK rtNTAINIXfl ItKl'EIPTS K'R EES "APE TOBJ UN MOKXI.X.iKllaB l-OTS. .XAMK OX l-oVEK r 1H...K. IU"X ,,AI"i?cK l!KWAi:t OK 1U f-oi; ITS I.ETLK.X TO RAR1 MAN A TH'-MTSoN. ' 1 II A Ml EH OK LOMMEKt-k- Ol'ND Wbara you can buy aanulne ' anaitraaa-a rata l at fcholraala prlcat: r-nuiat maltrrtaaa and rat urn dy. w aiaa fta-hara. portlana furlad Ha.r Fa tory. II. Matxr. Front. Fhon Main T4i A . LOST Oold "chain. Elk charm and I lt h .rkcl b'tixo E. I'Mh and la,T.1""' !..! or i.rund na and Mornaon. Kccp H.iurn io E. llarron t- K a ard. 1 IiST a rial aom tlma In Pa.-ambrr with I nia ir..or...ilon oa iht t"P: "I"1 HO to Harry. Aut. li. Il'-" H.iurn to Harry ri Xniicl al Courttloui and t TMINI. illK PAHTV lhl look lha "" '"r oi.ra.Hit with i. fa. ln and botio- from lilnal-ra Hail Friday. January -. ell piaaaa t.ti.rt aama lo Wi HUB l- d aiohl further troub'- THK I'ARTT that look th lonu black o.arroat allh auk fic.rtT and bottom rrom tlall Friday. January 2. alii plaaa-i tttutn aama to til-Hi North lUtn al and arold furth-r trouble. ii-T Thurr-lay. black f'lr collaratt, with (m h-ad. on Mtttion. fhapmaa. w ah. at. Hatura lo Zan Hroav. 61! Front at- recall nward. . . LofT Whlf- and allow brlndl Entttlah bull.lo. ha Iccn graad for mint'i anaaica la "tikldo.- llion Tabor lial. K aard. tA.T Uoid bad eacklaf. Friday: finder pi. as laara at 111 Kallaby El'hana; bi.:. and rccl raard. l"hn ilar- I.a.l ::a3. LOST Hat. Sth and Monlso err and Malor A Prank I imil; coral I n.-r rln. a-tar-tay at S od.wh; rinuVr piaaa return ta orcgonlan and racaiia rewar.1. LOST In Maiar A Frank ttor. 1 rtlam inrl. Anrmii finilinc aama call up II 5"Oi; r ward. Mra J. H. tiullJ. , LOST llmond tro.i-h. H polo'a. 't with 7 dtnrnon la. batwaan Orrhruin and Ural at. It. aard. E. J. HalL I bono Eaat ooo. LOST Jinmrr on Writ Sldo. femala tulldoc. nark brm-llr. r-mall alula ifil oa . neat. rtiaar i. Maia to74. rTMATEIi from Eaat Mlth and MorrUron. ma. I ray hor. 1'hon Ea HI "J. J Moaa 1,1 ST III' k and a hue hnchih u..uo. Finder will ba rewarded. Mam at siNEs.H orroaiTrxrriE!. TALK WITH ri.ETCHKR. All la'ifarnia oil ftockr. 1 ooO Aiaakl Fat A Ci-al Trea. .. market U.: A' i 'on. trin I'l 2.. i A am.'. a Ton. tr..nt. Hi Am. Il..nk A Trutt ''Id 1 ih-i A.ilomaMc Tall A A'l r. flock.. bid i .--I litaiv llaa M. A l "Id - Tuif. i on. t il iHob Exana) ' 1. ii Tonittock lioidan itata. ...... X T.erman Am. Hank bid tui li.oba tirain Mural' t'd r-'ai (oi. Stan. I. r. I Md.ri. par I a I .ia.i llerciilaa Mmlnc li.-h bid Jial II. li. I'wrk Aulo heal. . .pc-cll 4 laaa Matailne I'ontol i-i Uuld Hi.) il I'eop.a'B Aniuarmmt Co bid r;i I'orttand I'-ncrat I'll I.ihmi I'ortland Tel. llon.l barsaln 1..W-.I Ivitlria I Linai I'ouiaaD Wlralata ...nap lo Kovc liutiami'in Hub. ........ bid 2J 1 stmonaona r'la It ihmi atnouatal U A C All other n.-kt and bonda: tea ma la for buytbaT. may t-e aM lo do better. 1 WAN T: Campbells A. S. O. It. Vac. state Fir In. -Itani! ar.l Fin-ler. l.XV E.-TMENTH: Htoak f Auto Ilivary toc Wl.l tand cloat Inva.tiatBTion. EXTH A.N..E: fa acre hiably lni.tcyd farm for Portland Income property. lilobo ilmlii Sep.. lilbton Mf.. ampiaeir Aut M. li. l Nat. lopper.. I'likci Adv. JJch.. Trevor and Calumet .. for lota, land and tcmi. AMnefn Hlda;. tiiNiU real atate for al. fin of fice and furnitura. plandhl location, uround II-or. four deaka. afa. ate: e:l cheap for raah or trad tor equity In Incoma hotna property; colna; EaaU Ak for J.P. vill.ur., 7th tu 11 1 ' tT' R E - FI t A M I N ! butlneaa In fin down, toan location, d.unl ooJ butlneta; all tock. pictures and tools worth mora than wai. will wall for IIOO caah If taken at once. C. F. I f1uer A Co., lult J. Mul key bld(., 2d and Morrison t. WASTE" I'artner with IVH for fin pay It. I.ualnea. No caperleac necesaary. licatiua aecured and atart Immediately, ti.ies assured. Taenly-flve year ax pencne. A .Lire a E. H-. 4-7 Salmon. 1 h " r. a A 2bll. MR. nt'SINESSl MAN. P you want a partner? Ho you want lo aall or trad yvur bul es? Tall and sea or writ ma. W. Ltwrtnrt, 111 Lumber Excbans blU(. Holh phone. PPI.ESDID opportunity for reliable party to afrura an Inlerett In a firtl-ciaa butl'ltnt: buainess In oieratloii. fmalt In irttmerit. Money fuily cured. Tarw tiau art. 4S 6lh. IUI.NiI MAN. OiKANilEK: Uaat careful lnvstltton at span f eiler bafor you lavett money In any propoaitloa. Adilaory prtmnt. T. C. A. IF TOL ha tl'-OO cash and want a binl net of your own which will net you tlM per month. Investigate thia Immediately. Vhi is absolutely letrltlmat. No asenta. A'l.lreis l 7J4. Iir-t"iilan. iTl'li.'lAI 117a caati will secure a nlc lit tle arocery and lunch buainess; easily! worth double, but stcanes lorce qulc sale. Call tliS Stark t- WAXTKH To leaal 1,W siiuara feet of pc suitable for prlntinr plant. In busl n'ia section. T, la. KoJlson. 13 Mu.key M-ir. FAKT.NKK wanted In a aood llv real es tate and business chance office; fjood A -1 proposition for a sober man. sis 9rt:and. bid. ItKI.IAni.E party daslrn to trt In th r.-al aaialt buatnias wlil do w II to con sult me. no trirlers nc-l aniw.-r. Call room 4-ia. 12;! Cilh sc. l'ora'anil. or. Foil 8AI.E roil room coffa hous lolnK itood business; good location; will all rlrnt: reason for selltnaT. part coins; K.iet. ll..J 1st. near riharlilan. WANTEU Hutcner with small capital lo run shop In connection with established grocery DM Albliia art. Phoa Wood- Un tii-IO. WANTED Fart aer with SavvO to tak half Interest In busines that pi t f 2SO m week or belter; good security for m-n.ey n yested. Call between 10 and 2. g N. nth t. WANT El Partner. IT. company manu facture patent, "sure thing." glv half to rty. finance to, aM"). I'bon Man hall too. lO Oerllager b:dg. Mr". AT MARKET. A-t location, doing good bualnei: come out and watch l.uatneaa: very little money require UI-. iialon at. Fi lt HKST Ijarae greenhouse. 5-rear bate. g.Mid hnuaa and ground a Address l't--k'nt m. Ota ago, or. FdH HALE ilrocery arore; fine lo-atton for a goo.l buinaa Inqutr cor. Cnaoa avo. ad i'ortlnd bouUvard. PARTNER wanted for light manufacturing bueinea This Is an A I proposition, lu- oulre 4lT ll.iard of Trad aii ul:iK.'EltY with living-rooms. fin place for man and wlf; ma ko 4tt dy. 411 Hoard of Trade. WILL-hue S Intereit In established real estate office doing big buslneaa; In vestigate. Address H 727. Oregonian. I ll AVE So.aa to Invest In a little, good- vlng buainess; u agcaia waatea. AC Oregonian. FuH MALE Controlling Intereat la small planin mill doing good business. C 712, a tregon isn. la; ANT to latk lo man with :0OO to In teat; It will pay you to investigate this. X 7.7. Oregonian. LL. pay ch for independent saloon li cense: state prlc and present location, A J 72. oregonian. CITT physician retiring from practice will sell Instruments, desk, bookcase, operat ing chair cheap. l S Orand , room IL Cl"' EAR stor on M irrlton St.. rent J0. do ing goo.l business. 1.7. Room 2i Lum ber Exchange. I HAVE a platting proposition lo submit lo party with li" cam, a ill pay i,o per rent prone Address M 7.'$. oregonian. WANTED Partner la goo, safe business; djtiee easily learned. l'artlculars room i;l Lumber Exchange. GROCERY r-s a One buslnets; all cash trade; owner wants reliable partner; money secured. Call 14)4 slark St. tilt CI1..VR TANP. right In heart, of city; must sell to. Lay. 413 Hoard of Trade. crHTISlrintlng Co . 2oO Third st. Phone Marshall 2JJH. General Job printing. Harrla are store, good lo-allon. I loud stock, csth or city property. Hall ZSO. Frool au lea bta.Nk.r.a cama ei-tv. yu rnusl brg iMi d Hot cut prinlery. I2i4j Tail Kt I Al'RANT. lo Morrison sL. rent reav onable. Tall 11 Morrison t. FcaoLltOOM and clear store. 4 tables, doing good, bna, 4ii Board ot Trad. 3IORXTXO OREC.OXIAN, SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 4, 1011. fSPEr-IAL) II I'M IX Kri.S OI'l-oltTLNITY; POSITIVE HARdAIN. PROFIT OVER $l.Du ASSURED. INVESTMENT ONLY iuOe CASH. BAL AM'E ( " . . " EAST TKHMd FOR CONTROLLING OWNERSHIP. CAN SHOW TOi: THE BEST 0 ACRES OF PROVEN "FRUIT LAND" FOR COM MERCIAL FRUIT ORCHARDS IN YAM HILL COL'NTY. NEAR KAILKOAJJ (about 4 mil's from Portland) PLATTED. KKVl'V FOR SM.E IN AND W-ACRB TRACTS. To SELL AT f" PER ACRE. SPLENDID TROUT STREAM HI N THRoUOII TRACT. IRRKaATION POS SIIILE. IF DESIRED HI T NOT NEEDED RANCH WELL STOCKED WITH HORSKS. WAliONS, FARM IMPLE MENTS. TOOLS. FARM Hot r-E. IlARNS. FENCES. ETC.. ALL NEARLY NEW. OWNER OULIOED TO LEAVE STATE MAKES QCICK SALE NECKSSARY. Vol- CAN CLEAR ENTIRE INVEST MENT AND A PROFIT THIS TEAR.. RANCH IS OFFERED ON ITS MERITS. MltiHT CONSIDER TRADE ON THIS. TO-WIT: :.oue CASH AND lO00 PORT LAND CITY PROPERTY OH FIRST- CL.VS.4 BONDS. ADDRESS FOR INTERVIEW. OWNER. A K 721. orogonlan. THERE are wonderful Investment oppcirtu-niti-s In Central and Northern Urltlsh Columbia, along the lines of three trans continental aad other railroads building. True vast new and rich territory of no.nou.-tX-O seres of the finest grain, fruit and mixed farming land. oO.ikni.ihiO acre of rich mineral, timber and coal land will develop with marvelou rapldlly. "J (Irorge la geographical i enter on the line of all railroads building nd pro jected and at the Junction of 1ikm nillea of navlsable waterway. You can get in now heloro the rallrosd and Share In th profits by investing ss little ss 10 P'J month. us send you a free ropy of "llrlttah Columbia Hulletln of Informa tion." containing up-to-date news of in vestment opportunities In ihl vsst. new and rich country, also synopsis of "1Y'rn" nient land, mining, timber ai d coal laws, etc. Send your name snd address If"1"!' Natural Resources Security Co . Ll'L up capital 2.Vi."O0. 4.13 Hower bidg.. ancouver, IS. C. FOR SALE. OLD-ESTABLISH ED BUM- NESS. . Wholeiala and retail with gool mall e-der trade, all over th U 8. n'c",,'i . W want to retire, about 1.15 ioJ. clean stork snd no indebtedness: will sell with lAiMiu to lloockl cash and tay win th buyer till th bjilnea psvs th rt: good real estate CO.NSIUhillELa. AJdrM li 0. Oregonian. FIRBT-CLa'ss"- book, ststloniryand music s'ore; will stand fullest investigation; in cltv of 12 fx0. sole agents for Eastman Koilaks and supplies; exclusive school book buslnets of city and county; Victor, Edison nd Columbia machines ami rec ords, largest line In county; a HI "Tf HV'lai. full Intereit; $lli"J0 down, or Interest f-.rO'rd; 7imh) down, blane .on time; business can be Increased easily by anxooe who understands It thoroughly. Sales rjn over .;o.uuu last year. AN i24. Oregonian. MIL HCSINESS JIAN'i " Art you In th market for a cigar stand, poolroom, grocery store, hardware, res taurant, rooming-house, hotel, saloon or general merchandise store In or out of city that will bear Investigation? See oar list befor u buy. Or If you hav anything In th above Una lo sell, act us befor listing sama elsewher. We have the best of locations and can furnish good references. KAHI.E REALTT CO.. ?7 Stark St. A D V A N T A l E S OF OREllON lou-page book gives amount of trovernmenl land open to homestead. In each county In the states f Oregon snd Washington, and descrip tion of lama; gives homestead, desert, timber, slone, coal and mineral laws; two maps of Oregon In colors. 21x21.. showing It. R. In operation, on showing all pro- Kosed R. R. and electric lines. Including .astern an.l Central or-.gon. 2ic each, or the three SOc Map of Washington In col ors. 21x28. 2Ac. Nlmmo, Runey A Co., Hamilton bl'lg. $4oo CASH handles well-located pool room; line equipment and fixtures, new tables, good stock ctgnre and tobacco; long lease; no competition: best of reasons for selling. See oaner today. 1243 Macadam SL Ful ton car lo iloundary St., walk one block east. PORTLAND SCHOOL OF ASTROLOGY. Distinctly an Educational Institution. FOR BALE A JO-M capacity Ruasel! portable satr- III. complete with cut-off saw. sawdust onvyor. l; also a No, 1 Northww! rlaner, with atta.hmanta. good as new; has been used only a short time. For particulars call at my office. 2--"2 Froat at pcrtland. Or. H.E R M A N M ETZOER. Owner. A SPLENDID business proposition tor a live sales manager with soma capital, to han dle th "Calculus' for th Stat of Ore gon. The machine are mathematical wond-r and appeal to every lumberman, manufacturer, merchant and contractor. For further particulars write or call, C4 cutus sales Co.. Hoight bldg.. Seattle. JK! YOU CAN'T HEAT THIS! 12.aMi stock general merchandise: owner must sacrifice on account of Ill-health and moving away! this is located In country town, and $ 1 SHJ, part cash, takes It. If you want to get Into business and looking for a bargain, don't pass this up. Gerlinger bldg.Id and Alder st. PROMINENT Chicago wholesale tailoring house will consign stock display woolens for store or display rooms. Capital neces aary for running expenses only. Large profit. Pplendld opportunity for live man. Experience unnecessary. Write J, P. T-. Portland Hotel, for appointment. Gl. phone and address. THE chance of a lifetime for man or wom mnn t no understands mail order burl net, as partner In refill business well established; must be thoroughly reliable, f lisirt cash required. Address L 72a, Ors gonian. DO TOi; want a fine grocery ? Wa are offered an elegant corner grocery with meat market. If desired, at apprai a-d vi ue. NORTHWESTERN APPRAISAL CO.. Son Hoard of Trade. HALF Interest In an old-established busi ness, doing a good business, with sal aried poeltlon of loo per month. For full parlli ulare call Kinney A Stampner. Lust ier Exchsnge bid., rooms ri31-:s2. FOR SALE The bett paying restaurant-at Medford, or., for (.looti. This Is a money meker. but the owner must sell aa East rrn Intereets require his attention. HUXTLE Y-KREMER CO.. Medford. Or. PARTNER wanted for strictly rash busi ness. Jilust ba rellablo and a worker. $2.r.O cash will handle. Half Interest clear IlliS monthly. Parti culars&4 6th: FoH SALE First-class cleaning and dye works, with up-to-dat dry-cleaning out fit; a bargain if taken at one. AL 729, Oragonlau. FOR SALE On of th nicest little stores on th market; fine trade. Will consider real estate. Must selL AF TOi. Ore gonian. WANTED Business woman with taOO to Invest, to enter employ of a lucal mort gage company. Thorough Inveattgatloa Inilted. Addra- AE 727, Oregonian. PARTNER wanted for a splendid little store; l-'TJ required, fully secured; good trade now wMch can be Increased. Call 74t 4 Stark St. WANTED To correspond with Eastern cap italist with reference to stock ranch prop osition In Oregon. Idnho, Montana or IS'e va :la. AJ Uli. Oregonian. FAHTNER wanted for real estate business. Very little money; chance to make good money. 417 Board of Trad. LUMBER If you wculd b Interested In new sawmill anr- timber proposition, ground floor, address J 716, Oregonian. FOR SALE All or pert ef art-room mod ern flat, with lesse, central, bargain. Owner retiring. Call A 1S.".6. WORKING partner with I2'IX In old. re llable business; glv reference; no ageats. AF HUH. Oregonian. SEE this load bargain. Fine corner gro cery In Al residence district at a snap. O. W. Scehr. uOu Board of Trade. MINING AND INDUSTRIAL alOCES. telephone and other bonds bougbi aad gold. Fletcher In. Co.. 223 Ablngtoa. FOR SALE A One bakery and coafectioa. ery butlneaa In a hustling town. Inquire ;iv. ilclin a Percy. Ill 113 X. 41 FOR RENT Clsr and bootblack stand; fin Iwatlon: long lea-e; chairs furnished. Phone M.ii:ii.i4 Wssii. st. ftt'AXT lo buy from owner direct, gro rerv stote on East Side, which gliton to g-' will handle. A J 721i, jOregonian. WAN! ED Ten men lo Join an aviation class- Coat for UJe of machine, etc.. $230. No trlfiers want-d. V tlsl. Oregonian. WANTED A man to ct a treasurer for elcknes and accident insurance company, with small capital. F 721, Ocgonian. W VN'TED Steady man to drive delivery wagon, etc.: pay better than wages; $33(1 required. Call 2 Is 4 Stark St. FOR SALE Ctean stockaof medium priced ehoea. about $IAIOO; good location, o 71 1. Oregonian. FXPERIENCED laundryman as partner, good business; $1100 required. ,AK 724. Oregonian. DOCTOR: splendid location for one a will buy drug stor. F. A. Evarest, 4 ho 414 Rothchlld Diog; RFSTAURANT . al $1"0 reot. good bar gain. W K. H- -. '. WANTED Man with limited amount oi capital to help perfect and put to Prac tical test propeller for boata. for shallow water: It will give navigation of shallow streams at least iiio per cent over Pres'nt. methods of propelling; boat can be built lhat will carry 200 tons with 12 to 34 Inch draft, loo-horsepower can make lo 30 mile per hour. Offer will be open Just ten dys from dat of notice: win offer one-half Intereat to right man: roi erence. Salem Bank - Trutt Co.. Salem. Or.; Capital National Bank. Salem, or.. Psrlln A Orendorff. Portland, Or. ; Marshall-Wells Hardware Co.. Portland, or. As many others as deslrsble. Answer must be accompanied with satisfactory refer erences and able to furnish laoOO. uso. B. Jacob, tftlcm. Or.. R- No. 8. FOUNDRY for sale." "doing good business: well located, good reasons for selling, this, will stand Investigating; no agent. Address X 723, Oregonian. BOOMING-HOUSES. DIETZ-MUELLER CO., 31B-.117 Ablngton Bldg.. HEADQUARTERS FOR HOTELS AND ROOMING-HOUSES. Do you want a good hotel, roomlng houae or apartment-house? If so. we can give you the best In the city and the largest list to select from. Below; Is a partinl lisL Head curefully and act quickly. GOOD INVESTMENT. 120 rooms, new. corner brick. steam heat, private baths, hot and cold run ning water all rooms, best furnished hous In the city, brass beds, hair mattressos. Axmlnster snd velvet carpets. all ".alt furniture. 8-year lease, gross Income lloiio per month: rent .'.o0: will clear above all expenses JOOO per month; price Jlo.000, cash. JUST FURNISHED. .'.2 rooms, new cor. brick, 5-year lessa. rent 4o. steam heat, hot and cold water In all rooms, private baths, beautifully furnished, all brass beds. Hlgelow Ax. car pets and fumed oak furniture, very cen tral location, only 2 blocks from Post office: If you want a gllt-cdge proposi tion here It Is. Can be handled on easy terms; for terms snd prices please call. BIG MONEY-MAKER. BS rooms, new comer brick, steam heat, hot and cold water all rooms. 2D private baths. 5-year lease at low rent, house, positively clears $n0 per month above all expenses: the honks are open for Inspec tion; house brsutirully furnished and ns clean ss a whistle; csn be handled on easy terms. FINE HOARDING-HOI ,-E. There are 1H fine rooms, good furniture, steam heat, always full of first-lass roomers and boarders: location can t be beat: closa to Huh and Morrison. This Is a monev-mnker. worth $2ioo. but ltuo Uk'EXTrCHIG MONEY-MAKER. SO rooms, modern brick 1.1. Ig.. very nicely furnished. 10-ycsr lease; best transient house In the cltv. E-ier clears less than I7.MI per month: been under the same management for 1" years rind Iho owner has made a FORTUNE. Uu can bur It for IMxki. S rkjh. Can you heat It? 7 $4.111 1 PER MONTH PROFIT HA, rooms, new brick apartment. ery elegantly furnlihed. 4", years lease, very low rent. Including heat and hot water, private baths with every suite. Can be handled on terms. For particular pleas C"" MUST SELL. 0 rooms, all on one floor: steam heat. H-year lease, rent 1160 the very best transient house In the city and the best money-maker; never clears less than .! I per month. If you want a snap, here It Is. as the owner must leave the cltj. by the 1Mb. Call early and get the nrst Ch"V-LEGANT HOME. WEST SIDE. Furniture and carpets extra fine, ten rooms, modern, worth IIS'IO: Prl" ' will trad In on a larger house; don t miss ,h"" GOOD SPECULATION fcT rooms, new. modern. rlck btinrtlng. S-vear lease, rent :HKl Pr rnonth. prlvata baths, steam heat and furnished eau-tlfullv- hero Is a .chance to clear up $1nV- the next fjo days: clear, above all expenses $3oo per month; price JojOO. w ""investigate THIS ONE. 25 rooms, fine furniture and carpets lo cated on llth st. This Is a fine p ropo. tion and a good money-maker. Price ,, l,,TM--.orRi .nToonT"., ind reception halls, completely furnished with up-to-date furnishings and It Is cer rlniy a llrtlc beauty. Now If you nl J snap here It Is. It w M clear k""?; " ! expinset J2r.o per month. Price "'. $4.MK cash, balance $K0 per month. 8 per Cent Interest. . -n CLOSE TO PORTLAND. S4 room, nicely furnished steam heat, rent only S140 per month. Thli il Plck ud at I-20O- fs.'.'i cash, balance time. UP " GOOD HOUSEKEEPING. There are 14 rooms, always full, best W'est Sin. location; will clear 7S per month.' Price $1200: $SoO cash, balance monthly. . ,STEN. If you don't see anything In this list that suits you. come In. for we have evJrv good rooming-house. "nd apartment-hoiiw that Is on the markeL IUKTZ-Ml ELLER CO.. 3H.-3I7 Ablngton Hldg- AM leaving city and will soil my 14-room A lodging-house, well furnished; good lease steadv and transient; close Olds. V. ort mrin A King. 107 West Park SL $o00 cash will handle. ROOMING-HOUSE. 10 rooms. n modern house snd rent only west S le furSltur. I. fine. ''vvh In- a grent barraln for only S150. see H.' w. oTbuxo.wjL a-rprTanresnnp 1'ft In the rooming-house ni?. 10 beautifully furnished rooms on '"th. Modern UouU $-;V cash balance payable monthly Particulars o40 lil'ST sell my 28-room apartment house. ''onJ-h.Tf n?Jly furnished; at grocery. 40 Grand ave. North. Last S I de. close In. No agents. von SALE or trade." my 30-room roomlng- Fous- with a good lease, on Morrison st. TO, a.. .a Main 52.S. . T hoom house, modern, well furnished. ' S 'IW Dandy little money maker. Price $2oC $i:aj cash. :.4 Vi th. $175 Cash buvs a dandy 6-ronm flat, well fJrnlshed. Higgest snap for many days In a place ojtlils tlxe. ..4 flth; 101 ROOM hoGse." good location, always filled, party leaving town. 367 3d sL ROOMING house. 17 rooms for sale or rent. Owner. 203 Vi E'rst sU SPECIAL JiOTICESt. M lice I la neon. REMOVAL NOTICE. John Blled. successor to Sutcllff & Blled. wail paper and painting ha re moved from 4u5 Morrison street to 1-li Eleventh strL between Washington and Alder. NOTICE Is hereby given that I will not t responsible for any debts contracted by mT wlf. ilra, N. Q. Velguth. B. O. Vel- gut ; MULTNOMAH COUNTY COURT HOUSE. WEST WING. Sealed proposals will b received at the office of Whldden A Lewi, Architects. 701 Corbetl Building, Portland. Oregon, until 12 o'clock noon of Satutday. February 25. lull, for the following works In the west wing of new Court House for the County of Mullnomah. State of Oregon- The wrecking, excavations and foundations; the structural steel and Iron work' the granite, terra cotta, brick anil concrete: th Bedford St. me work; the roofing and sheet-metal work: the metal frames, grilles and sashes; the tile par titions, lathing and pl.istenng; the marble work scsgllola and floors, together with such other work as msy be railed for In the specifications in connection there with Plans and specifications may b ob tained at the office of the architects. No proposal will be considered unless ac companied by a check payable to the or der of th "County Court of Mullnomah County." certified by a rcsponslol bank, for an amount equal to 10 per cent of the agreg'.e proposal, and the check Is to be forfeited as fixed and liquidated dam agea In raja the bidder neglects or re fuses to enter Into contract and to furnish a suitable bond for th faithful perform ance of lh said work, in th event the contract I awarded to htm. The right 1 expressly reserved to reject any and all bids received. T. J. Ultetoa. County Judge- W. L. Llghtner. County Commis sioner.' and U. V. H.iru County Commis sioner. , . CONSTRUCTING Quartermaster's Office. Vancouver Barracks. Wash., February 3, lull Sealed proposals, in triplicate, will ba received at this office until 11 o'clock A M., March 3, 1911. and then publicly opened, for the construction of a sewer, manholes, houso connections, etc.. In con nection with the staff officers' quarters. Department Headquarter, etc., at Van couver Barracks. Wash. Plans, profiles and specllicallons can be seen at this of fice or will be louned on deposit of $5 tj insure safe return. The United States reserves the right to reject or accept any or all bids, or any part hereof. Envelopea containing proposals should be indorsed. "Proposals for Sower." and addressed 10 the Constructing uartermasler. CALL OK BONDS BKrOKE MATLKH 1. Sealed proposals will be received at the effute of the Lewlston Land and Wster Corapsny. limited. In th City of Lewis ton Idaho, on or befor th 4th day of February, lull, for the ssle of bonds of the Lewlston Land and Water Company, limited, dated- January L 110. Tbose bonds offered at the lowest price not exceeding, however. pr. with Inter est accrued to th 4th day of February. 1911 will b accepted and paid for to th extent to ten thousand 110.000) dollars, or any sum In excess thereof on band on aM 4th day of February. 1911. In th sinking fund created under article of the trust dead securing said bonds. LEW ISTON LAND AND WATER COM tf ANY. LL1ID. IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF THE ITNITED STATES FOR THE DISTRICT OF OREGON: In the matter of i red Myers, bankrupt: Th undersigned will receive sealed bids at his office. No. 7 First street, room 8 up to " p clock noon of Saturday. February 11. 11 L p' the following described personal property belonging to the above entitled estate, to-wit- A stock of merchandise consisting principally of shoes, furnishing goods and notions, of the Inventory valu of 'e4.17 and a lot of store fixtures of the In ventory value of 2U.9S. ail located at The Dalles, Oregon. Cash or a certified check for ten per cent of the amount offered must accompany each bid ana th right is reserved to reject any and a I bids. Sale Is mad sublect to con firmation by the Court. Inventory may be seen at the office of th undersigned and the property Inspected on applica tion at th store In The Dallas. Dated at Portland, Or., tcb.- 1, 1911. R. L. SAB1N. Trustee. FINANCIAL. MORTGAGE LOANS. ., On Improved city property or for building purposes. , ..v COLUMBIA LIFE A TRUST COMPANY. DIP Spalding BW CONTRACTS are now being mad for th first allotment of treasury stock of the Oregon-Arizona Gold Dredging Company. 503-5IM Spalding bldg.. Portland. WILL pay cash for builders equities or first and second mortgages or contracts. Call 008 McKay bldg. Phone Marshall 2.-.00. . QUICK loans on real and personal prop erty, strictly confidential, evening appolnt jnents made. Main 2S41. 423 Spalding bldg. CONTRACTORS AND BUILDERS Irvlngtnn and ML Tabor lots to ex change for mortgages. R 728. Oregonian. MORTGAGE LOANS. JOHN BAIN, 5i5 Spalding Bldg. Money to Loan Real Eelale. BUILDERS. ATTENTION. Have money to loan, any amounL small or large, loans: will buy first and second mortgage building loans; money advanced as building progresses. O. W. TARE. 1U! McKay bldg ON IMPROVED city property or for build ing purposes; 3 to 5 years' time: liberal ro-paynient privileges, money advanced as building The Equitable Sav ings A Loun Association. 24Q Stark St. To Ul'tX- Large and small amounts at reasonable rate of interest on good city and farm property. 0. F. pfluger & Co., rooms 4-5-0. Mulkey bldg-. 2d and Mor rlson st s. Established l(.a3) PLENTY of money to loan at 6 and 7 per cent on real estitte security. EDW. P. MALL, 104 Second SL WE HAVE plenty-of money to loan on city property In sums from $1000 to $.".0,000 at lowest current rates. Morgan. FUedner A Boyce, bldg. fsno.ooil ON improved city or farm property; building or small loans at lowest prices; large loans a specialty. J. H. McKenxie Co.. M4-13-10 Gerlinger bldg. FIRST and second mortgages and contracts purchased on farm and city property any where In Oregon or Washington. E. L. Devereaux. Fcnton bldg., r4 Oth st. IMPROVED or unimproved property; small building loans; contracts and mortgages bought. W. H. Nunn. 448 Sherlock bldg. $2(MI otKi TO LOAN", large loans a specialty, building loans, lowest rates. W. G. Beck, 812 Falling bldg. MORTGAGE loans on city property; lowest rates. A. H. Blrrell Co., 202 McKay bldg.. 2d and Stark. PRIVATE FUNDS to loan, any amount; terms reasonable; mortgages purchased. Henry C. Prudhomme Co.. Spiilding bldg. SMALL and large amounts to loan on real estate. J. H. Tipton Co.. 1108 Spalding bldg. Aak Mr. F.aston. $ta00 TO LOAN cn suitable city real es tate security. parrish, Watklns A Co., 230 Alder St. TO LOAN Several sums of money; will buy some mortgages. J. S. Wells Co.. OolJ Chamber of Commerce Bldg. $1230 $2.-.)0. $12.300 Seven per cent on city property. S. S. Gillespie. 300 Henry Bldg. MORTGAGE LOANS AT REASONABLE RATES. F. H. LEWIS. S LEWIS BLDG. LOANS ON INSIDE PROPERTY AT 5 TO T PER CENT. 814 LEWIS BLDG. PRIVATE money louned on real estate mort gages. H. Mllley. room 2CH.Gerlingcr bldg. State funds losned, 6 per cent. W. E. Thom as, state agent, Multnomah Co., 400 C. C. Will loan $10,000 or less, real estate security, Furrington. 410 Commercial Club bldg. PRIVATE money loaned on real estate. Hlatt A Slvwrlght, 504 Dekum bldg. . MONEY, any amount. 6 to S per cenL Good nough fc Scltx. 310 Spalding bldg. $800 TO LOAN on Improved real estato security. Call 315 Commercial Block. $7ioo TO lend on city real estate. 812 Chamber of Commerce. MORTGAGE LOANS, 6 AND 7 PER CENT. LOUIS SALOMON. 233 STARK ST. LOANS on real, personal, chattel or collat eral security. C. W. Pallet. 3S-9 Fenton. PRIVATE money to loan. East 2053. "".Money to Eoart -Chattels and Salaries. $ $"$ ARE YOU LOOKING FOR MONEY? If you knew how easy our terms are you would not be short of money. Don't be bothered with a lot of small debts; let us furnish money to settle them. WE LOAN ON Furniture and pianos, storage receipts, livestock, rooming-houses and all kinds of securities: terms to suit; also easy weekly or monthly installments. We buy and loan on first and second mortgages and equity in contracts. V s. REAL ESTATE BROKERAGE CO., 312 Hamilton l.ldg.. 131 3d. Main 2084. $ $ $ $ $ M O N E Y FOR TOI' MONEY. WHEN YOU ARE IN NEED OF READY CASH. CALL AND SEE US FOR A CONFIDENTIAL LOAN ON YOUR SALARY, YOU CAN REPAY UK IN SMALL WEEKLY OR MONTHLY PAYMENT LOWEST RATES. HKST TERM STATE SECURITY CO.. 30S Failing bldg MONEY leaned In amounts from $10 up on ail kinds of securities, furniture, piano or any personal property. Easy weekly or monthly payments: low rates; confidential. Gray A Cunningham, 201 Rothchlld bldg.. nor t li w est cornea m quo qiqbw.i. MONE Y advanced salaried people, house keepers and others upon their own names without security; cheapest rates, easiest payment; offices in 00 principal cities; save yourself by getting my terms flrsL TOLMAN, 317 Lumber Exchange. MONET AUVAftt On furniture, pianos, storage receipts, arte.; lowest rates. Hl'TTON CREDIT CO.. aul apamm uma, DO YOU NEED MONEY? I loan immediately and confidentially; no wait or delay; reasonable rates on pi anos furniture or diamonds. If you want money quick see me. ilr. Maiden, 322 Fall Ing bldg. . ,"7NS on diamonds. Jewelry, furs, suit cases, trunks, overcoats and musical . in struments. Uncle Myers, 71 0th, between Oak and Pine. Main 910. LOWEST RATES Loans on all kinds of se curity chattels or real estate. Union Loan Co.. 35 Lafayette bldg.. 0th and Wash. sis. .,v on diamonds and other securities. Wi'niam Holl, room 9. Washington bldg. ." rntes'we loan money on diamonds and jewelry. Mar A Bloch. 74 3d it. . t oAN for the asking, salary or chattel. A T'ne Loan Co.. 414 Dekum bldg. Loans Wanted. LOAN OUT YOUR MONEY ON GOOD INTEREST. We receive continually ap plications for loans on gilt-edge real property security, paying 7 and 8 per cent interest. Information furnished on appli cation. C. F. Pfluger A CO.. rooms 4-o-6. Mulkey bldg.. 21 and Morrison sta. (Es tabllshed ISM).) WANTED To borrow $200 for six months on furniture of 9-room house. Including piano; will pay 10 per cent interest and brokerage. R 72 Oregonian. $3000 WANTED at once on first-class W'est Side Improved residence property; value, $12. "On. C 728. oregonian. WANTED $1200 for o years. 7 per cent. on nice bungalow, close In. Call 31i Board of TraJe blda- 4th and Oak. MONEY WANTED Applications on hand for desirable lonns; mortgaets for s e. Henry C. Prudhomme '.. Spalding olng. ,..,-, 3 years, from private pacty new residence property; owner's own home, now occupied. C 72U. Oregonian. . MORTGAGE LOANS. INVESTMENTS. 1108 Spalding Bldg. AS K M R. 'EASTO N WANTED $1200 on good real estate se curity; will pay 8 per cent: no commis sion. T. Dubois. Wash ingon bldg., room 3. WOULD "Tike to borrow $3000 from pri vate party on close-in acreage; have plenty . , ....... 1,.. Tuii H'.S Hamilton blda. QUICK loans on real and personal property, strictly confidential; ev?ning appointments 1. u.i. &.ia aiS linnirinj rldj $7500 ON $2'i000 suburban property: will . a a rent AB 711. OrOgOElan. $')(00 WANTED on Irvington realty; 8 pea cent to private party. F 727. Oregonian. ASK MR. EASTON. 1108 Spalding Bldg. WE can Invest your money at good rate ui interest; best Portlanfd first mortgages. WANT $1000. 12000. $3500. $6000. $10,000. t u TiuTdv cn 11 na Snnldlnrr Bldg. Phone Marshall 2745. Ask MR. EASTON. WE can Invest your money at good rales of , . . r-i.. ...i. ..n.,-l.iAa Viral mort- UllCCCBl, VJIIITU5C " .11....". - gages. Long-term Investment. PROVIDENCE INV. - TRUSTEE CO.. 24-528 Board of Trad bldg. FOR SALE $3000 mortgage on 40 acres worth $5000; close to city and carline, to net purchaser 10 per cent; 2Vi years to run. G 726, Oregonian LET cs place 2-our money, giod mortgages; references. F -L Z-cwls. 6 Lewis uldg. PERSONAL. SPIRITUAL adviser: Dr. Jefferson cures all troubles quickly: Jefferson guarantees to place Becret knowledge and power in your own hands, to remove the cause of any trouble, doubt or misfortune .caused by anyone or anything, and op-n up a quick and sure way for the contentment, happi ness and good influence for success that you desire. Call and consult him daily or Sunday. 10 A. M. to 8 P. M at 4K2 Washington st. t above 14th st.) MU-AB, the new -nntiseptic catarrh powder, the different kind, is a scientific remedy for the treatment and cure of catarrh, hay fever, rose catarrh, cold In the head, nervous and neuralgic headache and all other catarrhal affections of the nasal pass age; contains nothing injurious and is guaranteed under the pure food and drug act. Send for a free trial iample. AH dress Mu-ab Remedy Co.. Portia nd. Or, ROOTS, herbs, barks. Indian herbal baths cure dropsy, gout, rheumatism, paralysis. . nervous prostration, varicose veins, male and female ailments. Mr. Jos. Wolfe. 113S Louis S., Chchalis, Wash., cured of rheu matism 20 years apo. cured to stay cured. Indian doctor When ley Howe, herbal san atorium, 293 'j Wei.iler; "U" car to Weid- ler st. Phone C 1903. MN7GET WISE When you get tired of handing your money over to the big ad vertisers, come to me for a poo. live cure. I can show you results. Satisfaction guar anteed. Modern methods, latest electric apparatus. Consultation free. . Howard, M. D.. 304-0 Kothchlld bids., 4tll and Washington. DR. ALICE A. GRJFF. Diseases of women and children, sur gerv; chronic and nervous diseases treated according to the latest methods; p.lvato hospital accommodation; confinement cared for: consultation free. Rjjom 10, Grand Theater bldg. Main S'J2S. A 060 1. SWEDISH TRAINED NURSE Helslngfors graduate: rheumatism, nervous and stom ach ailments, under physician's oir,' tluns; baths, masseuse. No. i Last lltn St., second door south from Ea3t Ankeny carline. Phone East 280., B 1803. DO WRITE "to Individual order, club papers, commencement parts, speeches, toasts, poems, songs, lertures. address, on any subject for any occasion. sl ices strictly confidential. Phone Tabor 110i) for Interview. "BOOK of Nature." "Love Adventures." "Bel-Ami." "Heptameron." "Decameron, "Fannv Hill." "The Adventuress. htory of a Slave." 50c each; catalogue of books free. A. W. Schmale Co.. 229 First st.. Portland. Or. WHY have your hair dressed at the par lors when vou can have It done at home . Face massages, scalp treatment and man icure all done at home at reasonable prices. Call Main 338S. ISSOLGA PASOLA. Finnish trained nurse. Helslngfors graduate, gives massage treat ment to ladies only at residences: been last year at Collins Hot Sprints. 81 E. 2sth st. North. Phone East 40.6. DR. D. L. LEWIS. Diseases of women and children, electric. treatment of nervous ailments. Private hospital. Room 510 Merchants Trust bids., 6th andWashlngtonMaln 4047, A 2 L W A N TE D Pu p i Is to learn halrdresslng, manicuring, facial massage, scalp treat ment, weaving; great demand for gradu ates, sanitary Realty College, 400-12 De kum bldg.. over Lipman A JA'olfe A Co ICMENTUM. ' Gnnranteed to cure piles, bolls, trim and all chronic skin diseases Hy mall 30c per jar. Address The lementum Chemical Co.. 708 Dekum bldjgPortland. Or. Leading wig and toupee makers; finest stock of human hair goods; halrdresslng. manicuring, face snd scalp treatments 147 7th St.. near Morrison. Phone Main o4tt. ' established'io years. Corespondence course. Book department. Send stamp for prospectus, catalogue and magazine. Address P. S. A., box 573, Portland, Or. pXrTY going to Hawaiian Islands to take land would like to communicate with others Interested in that subjecL E 7-u, Oregonian. MRS. SOPHIA B. SEIP. mental and spirit ual scientist, permanent resident and re liable adviser. 22 Selllng-Hlrsch. Muln 6S24. . HAIR The largest stock of pure hair all shades, to be closed out at less than whole sale prices; free hatrdress given. Asa H. Kihhoke. Grand Leader. 5th and Alder. DRESS suits for rent. $1.50 month: Keep your clothe, cleaned pressed, buttons Jewed on. rips repaired. Prompt calls and deliveries. uniquei ""b ..r ' . . . . aa. -ainted hnOn. scaln treat men?, also electric and vibratory Mrs. M Parks. Hotel Preslin. 422 V, Washington ::' r. 10 r.. Assistant wanted. I DR WALKER, specialist for men quickly ; " ...j 1 a i mania kirinev fllld bTadder troubles and piles. Consultation free. 181 1st St.. Portland. MM E. FLORENCE URY. late erf New York, manicure, face and scalp treatment Suite "7 Selllng-Hlrsch hldg.. 3S0 Wash. St. Phone warsnau ma- LADIES No dinger with Lorenx Antisep tic Cones: are soothing, safe and sure; $1 box. 3- for $2.50. Stipe, Taylor Drug Co., 2S9 Morrison St. MASSAGE given at residence hotel dub. bv experienced masseur; graduate doctor. DrTTsABELLA MACKIE S hospital fr wo men, open 10 ... 1' SL Phone Tabor SHU. HIVE Courtwrlght. skin and sca'.p treat ments facial deformities corrected, plastic surgery. 433 Morrison sL Main 5Q42. CAVCERSnremoTed without aid of knife or ninster Consultation and examinations free. MrateLlchis,3312 N. 24th. Tacoina. NEW remedies for rheumatism blood poi son and special weakness, at $5 per mo. Dr, pierce Remedy Co.4jaMorr'Bon st. O ONNE Jurvas Natural sanitarium. 17s E. 60th. Apoplexy, appendicitis, tubercular glands a speclaJtyTabor26u8 B 2813. STANDAHD BRICK A TILE CO. d cvAvwn TO 809 HENRY BLDG. BATTLE CREEK baths, formerly Orego nlan bids-: ladies beauty parlors. Drexel bid. am iiroo- ,,nt t? wrinkles, superfluous hair removed. Mr? M. HHl. 429 Fliednerbldg. M 3473. r-HTCAGO Painless Dentists, established 15 years. 323 Washington, cor. 6th. MANICURING, face and scalp treatment. Miss Eluhwarth422Fldn DrI icETCHliM treats women's maladies. 179 3d st.. cor. Yamhill. E. tc "of FIG8 Remedies for diseases of women, oa- MRS. ZWEIFEL, please call at Foster Ho tel, uavis alio ... "" DR. ROSA HOWARD, electric, vibratory - . a.t c.i n..n rirh. Main H.28 ana massage. 00 .....,a - Special .iu-aay couioe (..c.....,.a dre.slng.Aza H. Rlbbecke, Grand Leader, BUSINESS DIRECTORY, Accountants. ' MACKENZIE. BAIRD A BERRIDGE. PUBLIC ACCOUNTANTS. AUDITORS. 2"4 Worcester Block. Main 73011. A 1449. Counsel and expert In all mt-tters per taining to municipal. commercial, fac tory cost and industrial accounting. C RAND ALL & ROBERTS, Public accountants and auditors. Com mercial, county and municipal work. E H COLLIS A CO.. ACCOUNTANTS. 'Commercial. County and Municipal. Auditing. Investigating and Systematizing. 324 Worcester block. Phone Main 6507. Assayer and Analyst. Wells A Proebstel. mining engineers, chem- ists ana assae.. aa...,.6.w... MONTANA ASSAY OFFICE Laboratory fd ore-testing work. 180 Morrison st. Attorneys. JOS! PH WOERNDLE, attorney at law. General practice of law in all the courts. Examination -'f abstracts of title. Of fices, rooms 5-6 Mulkey bldg., 2d and Morrison sts. ; A. E. COOPER, attorney at law: practice in all courts; abstracts examined. Jlti Cham ber of Commerce. M. 71, A 2071. Baths and Swimming. Portland Swimming Baths. 107 4th Elegant plunge, steam, tub and shower baths. 2oc. "Brass and Machine Work. HARPER'S BRASS WORKS Brass casting and machine work. 1Q6 N. 5th. Main 37Q2 Civil Engineers. ORRIN e! STANLEY, civil engineer, loo Chamber of Commerce bldg. " chiropractic Physfclan. "CHI-RO-PRAC-TIC TICK-NER"; Say it fast and remember Columbia bldg. 12 to 5:30. DR- EVA MARSH, first lady chlro. Dr. In Oregon. 21 FUedner bldg. Hours 9 to li. 21 WILLIAM. Estelle and Flossie Deveny, th only scientific chiropodists In too city. Pnrlors 302 Gerlinger bldg.. S. W. cor. and Alder, phone Main 1301. Chiropody and "pedicuring. Mrs. M. D. Hill. room 420 Fleldner bldg. Phone Main 84.3. Coal. COAL $7.90 A TON. Others charge $9.50 and $10 for th same grade; we are In the transfer busi ness and sell coal to keep men and learns busy during the dull season. Order M'Vt Van Horn Transfer Co. M. 1618. A l.'H- Coal and Wood. ,, DRY BLOCK WOOD, mixed with smalljr wood. .4 per load delivered any place m the city. Portland Wrecking Co.. 105-1JI North 11' h st. Main 37. A 3.110. COAL ALBINA FUEL CO. BLOCK WOOD BRANCH E. 3UD ST. WOOD. rnmmiuLin M ercliantN. TAYLOR. YOUNG A CO.. ship brokers, com- mission merchants. Sherlock bldg. Contractors. WANTED Artesian and draliago wells to drill. 420 Board of Trade Dancing. 25e PER lesiton, or4il' ledums for $1: waltz, two-step, three-step, stajre dancing, etc.; every mornine.. al'tcinoon and evening for beginners, including lady and gentlemen teachers. Prof. Wal. Wilson s school, old est and only recoe,nized lcadinir academy for correct dancing. libG1,! Wash. St., bet, W. Park and 10th sL , HEATH'S DANCING-SCHOOL. 109 Second St.. between Warh. and Stark sts. Stage dancing taught; waltz and two-step guar anteed in four lessons; class and social dance Monday, 8 10 12. Lessons dally. Dentists. ALVEOLAR TEETH where bridge work la impossible; does away cntircl with plates. bridgework: we cure pyorrhea (loos teeth) absolutely; forms to reliable people. Rex Denial Co.. Abington bldg., 100 t Dog and Ilors eHospRi Dr. Brown." D. V. si, office 129 N. llth su Main 4"G; res. E. 5410. Hcupital 89 12th. "Electric Motors. PACIFIC ELECTRIC ENGINEERING CO. Motors for rent or sale. 2111 2d st. Kngine Gus and steam. RORER Machinery Co.. Coast acts. Seabury steam engines and boilers, gasoline en glne. 281-283 E. Morrison sLPhoneE.&L'- Feed Store. Z1GLER A Mlsner. hay. grain, feed, ce ment, shingles. 294 Grand ave. E. 48- Glazing. PLATE glas. window glass, doors, windows, new. second-hand. Portland Wrecking Co.. 105-lOi N. llth St. Main 37, A 3736. Labels. PORTLAND"l,abel Company, mfrs. of non curling drug labels, cartons, bottle boxes, etc. Factory and office at Milwaukle, Or. Write for catalog and prices. Leather and findings. C1IAS. L. MASTIC A CO.. 74 Front. Leather ot every descrlptlon.taps. mfrs. findings. J. A. STROWB RIDGE LEATHER CO. Es tablished 1858. 1S9 Front st. . Machinery. B. TRENKMAN A CO.. hydraulic and spe cial pipes, screens, bagging, mining nu chinery. All kinds of repairs. 104 N. 4th. Musical. EMIL THIELHORN. violin teacher. P"P'1 Sovclk. 900 Marquam. An Mar. IB-tf. MISS H. ri'RH, piano teacher. Phon Sell- w ouu. i7au. Osteopathic Physicians. DR. LE ROY SMITH, graduate Klrksvlle. Mo., class of 1SUS. post-graduate 190i. un der A. T. Still, the founder. Sl.-.tl8-Sl Swetland bldg. Main 1987, A ll'Sa. DR. R. B. NORTHUP. 415-41IVn7 Dekum lildg. Phone, Office l. 340. Res. East or B 1023. Fa!nts Ollsand Glass. RASMUSSEN A CO.. Jobbers, paints, oils, glass, sash and doors. Cor. 2d and Taylor. Patent Attorneys. PATENTS procured by J. K. Moik attorney at law. late of U. S. Patent Office. Book let free. 719 Hoard of Trade bldg. U S. and foreign patents that protect are. secured through Pacific Const Patent Agency. Inc., Dept. A.. Stockton, Cal. R. C. WRIGHT, domestic and foreign pat ents. Infringement cases. 004 Dekum. "lnierhangillK. ADDRESS Rain Painting Co.. room 9. Ha Stout st. Pupering. tinting done very cheap for the next 30 days: for reference as to neatness and quality work, Mr. Castle, proprietor of Buslunark Hotel. A .f..-. Puving. THE Barber Asphalt Paving Company. 605 608 Elecjtric bldg. Oscar Huber, Portlanc. WARREN Construction Co. Street paving, sidewalks and cross walks. 317 Beck bldg. Pawnbrokers. UNCLE MYERS Collateral Hank. 40 years in Portland. 71 6ih st. Main 910. Pipe. PORTLAND WOOD PIPE CO. Factory and office near 24th and York sts. M. 34SJ. Rubber Stumps. ALSO seals. stencil.rchoice stationery, etc. Cunningham's. 231 Slark. Maln140i. Kug Weavers. NORTHWEST RUG WORKS Rugs from old carpets; colonial rag rugs. lvis. .1.8", B 12S0. 153 Union ave.. nrE. Morrison. Safes. PURCELL SAFE CO.. R5-87 5th St.. "elu sive agents HerrlUK-Hall-MarvIn Safe to, manufacturers of genuine Hall cafe it Lock Co.'s safes and vaults. tub MOSLEU SAFE CO.. 108 2d St. Sates at factory prices ; second-hand safe. wh..o enKe."Jt'.tnlan Show I lxtures. THE'lUTKE MFG. CO.. branch Grand Rap ids Showcase Co., 6th and Koyt. R. Lutke, nianaget , . R7H.r.IKDSALL. 208 HAMILTON BLDG.. showcases In stock: prompt delivery. Sales agent. M. Winter Lumber Co. MARSHALL MFG. CO.. 4th and Couch; new "and Tsecoiol-nand. Main 2703. Cabinet work. Storage and Transfer. MOVING STORAGE MOVING. Experts, reliable men. no booze-lighters, will move you quicker, cheaper and bet Vr ' than anyone else. Phone us for an estimate; storage rate the very lowest. Van HorriarsfrCoJBo - no PICK Transfer A Storage Co., offices and commodious 4-story brick warehouse. sV-iVate iron rooms and fireproof vault for taxable. N. W. cor. 2d and Pin sts. Pianos and furniture moved and packed forhipalng. Main 596. A 1996. PORTLAND VAN STORAGE CO.. corner 13th and Everett sts. Just opened newest and most modern storage warehouse In ci"y every convenience for safe and proper handling of goods; lowest insurance rata fn Northwest? free trackage; vans for moving. Main orA 1520. " OLSON-ROE TRANSFER CO. General transferring and storage, safes. Dlanos and furniture moved and packed f? shipment. 87-89 Front si. lelephon Main 547 or A24i1 . OREGON TRANSFER CO.. established 1S70. Traii-er and forwarding agents-Storage office 310 Hoyt st. b'',tn and bth. phones Main 69. A lib J. Storage. STORAGE, with t rack a ge. Telephone Sunset nmm Co.. E. 555, C 2313. Typewriters. wtc -ire the exchange for the largest type W v. rite? concerns on this Coast; investigate; Til makes, all prices. The Typewriter Ex change. 287 Washington st. TYPEWRITERS, all makes. $20 to $00. fully guaranteed, easy payments, rentals $3.00 per month, pacific Stationery A Printing Co., 203 2d St. NEW. rebuilt, second-hand reJ"taJfs ,vrCU' rates. P. D- C. Co.. 231 Stark. M. 140T. Well DrUling. DRILLING wells aTpecialty ; Priced reason able Call Main 1340 or write Miller A West, 182 Morrison St.. Portland. Window Cleaners. WINDOW -CLEANING Expert window cleaner and janitor work by monthly con tract. 272 Burnside. A 47n. PORTLAND RAILWAY. LIGHT - POBLB 1 "ltl'-',M.AN vt IT V LINES! Vancouver Line. A M 6'13. ":3". 7 :2j. 8:00, 8:33, 9:10, 8-50. il):30. 11:10. 11:50. P M. 12:30, 1:10. 1:50, 2:30. 3:10, 8:30, 4-30' 0:10. 5:50, 0:30, 7 :o."., 7:10. 8:13, 8:30, 0:"-. 10 00. lo::;5. 11:10. 11:45.x 'on the third Monrtay in every month the . last car leaves at 7:05 P. M. Cars for Vancouver make no stops on Union avenue, beiv.ecn Hurnslde street and Portland boulevard to let oft passengers, but mane Jto;,s to pick up pa3sengers at all transfer points. Ferry leaves Vancouver to connect with curs for Portland. A M 0:ni. .:25. 7:10. 7:43. 8:20. 8:55. 8:30, io:10. 10:50. 11:30. f t M 12:10. 12:50. 1 :"0, 2:10. 2:59. 3:30. 410 4 50, 3:.:o. :1l. U:50, 7:25. 8:O0. 8:35, 9 10. 9:4.--. 10:20. 10:55x. 11:30. 12:05xx. On third Monday of every month the last ferrv leaves Vancouver at 7:25 P. M. Leaving time in black type, double trains. Cars fro'n Vancouver make no stops on TJnlon avenue between Portland Boulevard and Burnside street,, except to let off pas sengers. .. Dallv except Sundays. xDally except Mondays. xxKuns as local on Union ayeuu.