February's Cleanup of January's Worthy Merchandise V . . . -i r i Cleanup of Ribbon Remnants At Half Price From 5c to 75c a Yard Remnants of ribbons from one to six inches wide. This as sortment consists of plain satin taffeta ribbons, taffetas and fancy ribbons with dots and stripes and attractive combinations in figured patterns. Odd Pieces of Ribbons, Cleanup 39c Ribbons that sell from 50 to 1.00 a yard, pure silk taf feta fancy ribbons and satin finish stripes, polka dots, checks, plaids. Dresdens and Persians in all those pretty light and dark colorings and lovely combinations. From five to seven inches in width. A Cleanup of Odd Waists at $2.95 Selling Normallu From S4.50 to $8.50 In this final clean-up sale of waists you will find four distinctly different models in soft chiffon taffetas, mes salines, nunsveiling, flannels and chiffon over silks. All are this season's newest and most popular styles. The newest colorings of blue, brown, green, black, grays, car dinal and Persians. All have high necks and long or three-quarter sleeves. Some are modeled in the plain tailored styles with stock collars and long shirt waist sleeves; others have fancy tucked yokes; many trimmed with bias folds and pleats. All sizes in the assortment. FRIDA Y Selling Normallu at 25c and 50c Each "i r An assortment of Persian and elastic belting in I I 1" a gteat variety of colorings and widths and from inches to 32 inches in length. Big Cleanup of Undermuslins lilf 50. 85c and $1.00 Gowns Cleanup Ladies night gowns, of good quality long doth, in slip-over styles with cir cular necks and finished with feather-stitched bands or lace and insertion. 1 55 N;rht TA Gown $1.59 Ladies gowns of long cloth in slip-over 6tyle and button front. Has elbow, puff or flowing sleeves and circular or V-shape necks. Trimmings of lace insertion or embroidery. $1.50 to $2.00 no Gowns . . 'JC Gowns of cambric or long cloth in the circular, square or V-shape neck styles. Daintily trimmed with laces, embroideries, insertions, medallions. headings or ribbons. $2 to $2.75 Gown . . Fine nainsook or long cloth gowns, with square or circular necks. Some in Empire styles. Trimmed with laces and insertions and all-over embroideries. 75c Corset Covers. Cleanup 49c Ladies corset covers with circular necks and trimmings of lace and insertions, beading, ribbon or embroidery and insertion. 75c Drawers. Cleanup 49c Ladies circular and regulation drawers of good grade of long doth. Has deep ruffle of lawn which is hemstitched or tucked or embroidery ruffle. SL50 Combinations. Cleanup 98c Ladies' Princess combination corset cover and drawers of nainsook and trimmed with lace and insertion or embroidery. S2.75 to 53.00 Combinations, Cleanup $1.95 Corset cover and drawers combinations or corset cover and skirt combinations in the Princess or waist styles, with trim mings of all-over embroidery or laces and insertions. ALL ODDS AtD ENDS in Ladies' Handmade Under wear at special cleanup prices. Cleanup of Leather Handbags Friday $3.95 These hand bags are all the new Fall styles of genuine seal and goat seal, pigskin, calfskin and patent leather in ten different distinct shapes and many sizes. These bags come in black, lavender, brown, cardinal, blue, tan. green and patent; overlapping leather frames or metal mountings in gold or sil ver finish. All have nrf aai 1 1 am n straD handles, either dou ble or single. All fitted with change purse and many have mir ror, card case and salts bottle. Cleanup of Hosiery and Underwear CHILDREN'S 25c, 35c and 40c Underwear in vests, pants, shirts and drawers, in cream, white and gray, for children from 2 to 10 years. Clean-Up price 18 LADIES VESTS and pants in ribbed cotton, a medium weight, in cream color. Sizes from 32 to 38. Clean-Up. . . .18 UNION SUITS for ladies, of white or cream cotton and lisle, in knee and ankle lengths. Clean-Up price 79 LADIES HOSIERY in lisle and cotton. Black and plain colors and fancy patterns. Clean-Up price 18 50c FANCY LISLE HOSE for ladies, in a variety of shades and patterns, including black. All sizes. Clean-Up price 25 CHILDREN'S 20c and 25c fine ribbed cotton hose, in black only. All sizes. Clean-Up 15c or 2 pairs 25? A Final Cleanup of One-Piece Dresses SELLING NORMALLY TO $25.00 At One Price Friday $12.50 Stunning new Fall models of velvet, silk and serge dresses fashioned in all the most popular styles with straight skirts piped with satin or trimmed with satin bandings. Many are adorned with silk cord. Made with high collars and long or three-quarter length sleeves and yokes of dainty laces or nets. The color range indudes such shades as navy blue, wine, brown, amethyst, black and green. Sizes for misses and women. All Lingerie Dresses Selling to $22.50, Cleanup $ 7.75 All Lingerie Dresses Selling to $42.50, Cleanup $15.00 Selling Normallu at 25c and 35c Yard YARD 12 Tuxedo mesh veilings m both small and large weaves. Jiotn plain ana aottea styles in ugnt anu dark colors. A line of odd pieces only. Cleanup Silk and Dress Good Remnants AT HALF PRICE Lengths long enough in a great variety of patterns in both these silks and dress goods for skirts, suits, one-piece dresses and waist lengths, also misses and children's dresses. The most desirable weaves are represented in tnis onering. Black And colored wool dress goods in every and color, serges, broadcloths, cheviots, panamas, poplins, Scotch and English tailor suitings, plaids, checks, stripes, diagonals, hopsacking, voiles, taf fetas and henriettas. That sell from 50 to $3.00 a yard, all at HALF PRICE. Broken lines of silks in colors and plain and fancy pieces from one to ten yards in length at HALF PRICE. In this offering every yard of dress goods and silks are brand new this Fall and bear proof of their popularity by being remnants. Remnants All Kinds of Printed and Woven Wash Goods'One-Third Off COTTON DRESS GOODS REMNANTS in lengths from 2 to 7 yards, consisting of ging hams, in plaids, assorted stripes and checks. Percales in light and dark colors. Cotton challies in Persian designs and a variety of colors. All rrfarked at one-third off the regular price. REMNANTS OF WHITE GOODS Lawns, madras, batiste, poplins, handkerchief linens. Rega'ar 25c White Good; Cleanup, 18c Regular 30c White Goods, Cleanup, 20c Regular 40c White Goods, Cleanup, 29c Regu'ar 50c White Goods, Cleanup, 35c Regular 3 Sc White Goods, Cleanup, 27c WOVEN AND PRINTED WASH GOODS REMNANTS of printed lawns, dimities and batiste. Regular 20c to 35c Wash Goods at 10c Regular 50c Madras, Cleanup Price, 19c ODDS AND ENDS of short lengths of flannels, white and colored, white linens, lawns, batiste, white fancy novelties, colored batiste, silk mixed materials, outing fia"n1f;TcVIt!' poplins, cotton pongees, kimono cloths and bathrobing, all reduced from ONE-TH1KU IO ONE-HALF THE REGULAR PRICE. REMNANTS TABLE LINENS. FANCY LINENS, TOWELINGS ODD TABLE CLOTHS from 2, 2V2 and ZV2 yards long, with a border on all four sides. $2.50 Table Cloths, Cleanup at, $1.98 $5.00 Table Cloths, Cleanup at $3.75 $3.25 Table Cloths, Cleanup a', $2.50 $6.00 Table Cloths, Cleanup at $4.50 $3.50 Table Cloths, Cleanup at $2.95 $6.50 Table Cloths, Cleanup at $4.75 NAPKINS. ODD DOZENS; 22-inch mercerized regular $1.25; clean-up, dozen, 98. $3.5024-in. All Linen Napkins, Dcz. $2. 70 $3. 75 24-in. A 11 Linen Napkins, Doz. $2. 95 $5.00 24-inch Alt Linen Napkins, Dozen, $4.19 LINEN TABLE DAMASK, short lengths and odd lots, bleached and silver bleached. 75c Quality Damask, Cleanup, Yard 63c $1.00 Quality Damask, Cleanup, Yd. 85c. $1.25 Quality Damask, Cleanup, Yd. 98c 12VaC and 15c TOWELING REMNANTS, the bleached and unbleached, for dish rollers or glass. Clean-Up H ODD LOTS OF LINEN HUCK TOWELS. Regular 20c towels. Clean-Up .16 Regular 25c Hack Towels, Cleanup 21c Regular 35c Huck Towes, Cleanup 29c ODD AND MUSSED BEDSPREADS, with hemmed, fringed or scalloped edges. $1.25 Bedspreads, Cleanup, Each, 98c $2.00 Bedspreads, Cleanup, Each, $1.70 $2.50 Bedspreads. Cleanup, Each, $1.95 $1.75 Bedspreads, Cleanup, Each, $1.48 EMBROIDERY REMNANTS HALF PRICE That Sell Regularly From 25c to 95c the Yard Embroideries 'of fine Swiss, nainsook and cambric, consisting of edges, insertions and skirt ings, with strongly finished edges. Open and blind work patterns, suitable for trimmings on underwear, gowns and waists and also for children's and infants wear. In all widths. DRAPERY MATERIAL REMNANTS-HALF PRICE Fine white Swisses, scrims, silkoltnes, cretonnes curtain nets in white, cream or ecru madras burlaps, denims, drapery silks, figured art scrims that sell from 15 to $1.50 a yard at just HALF PRICE. These curtain and drapery materials come in all the new plain shades and many fancy figured patterns, in both the floral and conventional patterns. All this season's newest designs, in odd lengths left over from a busy season's selling. CLEANUP OF SPECIAL LOT N API A CORSETS $.1.15 " OUR REGULAR $2.00 QUALITY Made of Rood coutil with medium bus, extra long belaw the waist and neatly trimmed with embroidery. Has draw string and four hose supporters attached. CLEANUP OF FINISHED EMBROIDERY PIECES $25.00 Table Cover, Sofa Pillows $12.50 $18.00 Table Covers, Sofa Pillows $ 9.00 $15.00 Table Covers, Sofa Pillows $ 7.50 $12.50 Table Covers, Sofa Pillows $ 6.25 $10.00 Sofa Pillows, Cleanup . . $5.00 $ 8.00 Sofa Piilows, Cleanup . . $4.00 $ 5.00 Sofa Pillows and Centers . $2.50 $ 2.50 Novelties, Cleanup . . . $1.25 r Cleanup of Tailored Suits $20 Selling Normally From $40.00 to $50.00 Finely tailored suits at a sweeping reduction sale today. $20.00 is assuredly a most astonishing price to put on suits of such style and qual ity. It is characteristic Lipman, Wolfe & Co. "end of the season sale." There are all the prevailing styles. Every fabric is represented. Every 6ize will be found in this offering. Every color, including pale blue and cream serges. Suits that can be worn far into the Spring. Cleanup of Suits at $10.00 Selling From $20.00 to $35.00 Plain tailored suits in plain colors, and mix tures in weaves that are in the greatest demand this season. All perfectly plain tailored styles, with short jackets and the plain or plaited skirts in the newest Fall styles. We never carry suits that sell less than $20.00, therefore a customer is perfectly safe in purchas ing one of these models at $10.00, as she gets a much better suit that is seldom or never sold at that price. There are only a few of them left, so come early. All Furs At Half Price Selling Regularly From $5.00 to $300.00 Clearing of Heatherbloom Petticoats Final Cleanup $2.95 Women's black embroidered heatherbloom petticoats made generously full and long. Made with a deep flounce heavily embroidered and with a strong scalloped edge. These flounces are finished at the top with rows of pin tucking and some with hemstitched tucks and a deep under dust ruffle. Skirts that are all new this season. its ISi I Feature Week Men's Furnishings Cleanup prices on Underwear, Sox, Shirts, Ties, House coats, Gloves, Handkerchiefs. Cleanup of Odd Pairs of Lace Curtains Half Price 600 pairs of lace curtains at half price for this cleanup event. All kinds of curtains in white," ecru or Arabian color. ' Nottingham cable nets, Irish Points, Swiss Points, Marie Antoinette and Filet Scrims. Cleanup Manufact'rs Curtain Ends 47c That Sell Up to $3.00 Each These curtain corners are IV2 yards long and 50 inches wide. Beautiful samples in Irish Points, Marie Antoinette and Filet Scrims, in white or Arabian color. Just the curtain for small windows. Curtain Corners, Cleanup 23c Nottingham curtain corners in attractive samples with plain or figured centers in double threaded and madras weaves. 1 1-4 yards long and 40 inches wide. These cor ners sell regularly to $1.01) Lach '! J