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About Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 3, 1911)
f 1 See Special Notice Page 14-Our Free Long Distance Telephone Order Service Now Extends to All Parts Oregon and Washington ThTcirls' Aviation StcTCcntest Closes February 10-$ 100.00 in Prizes- First Prize S30-Full Particulars at the Office, Sixth Floor Lunch Today in Our Big, New Seventh-Floor Restaurant-Da ryLuncheon in Basement-Women's Shoe Shining Stand m Basement ATTEND THE GREAT Pure Food Fair Today Come, Order by Mail or by Telephone lioSA Chain of Matchless Bargains for lg I S0? IS Great 1096th Friday. Surprise STEADILY, persistently, honestly, this Great Store for 54 years has been forging the chain of value-giving and good service. And now for the Great 1096th Friday Sur- SUCIl US iUrUdllU UilU. an uiw iuiunvwoi uaa en forging the gm Gloves M nrKP SnW tndav we nrescnt a chain ot matchless economies learned to expect of Meier & Frank's. Read the details be here! Embroidery nonnans at 39c Yard v-inrr tu. MW IttlMN, A rom 1 v Ax n 1 isa 1 narpru J K.U f wji 1. 'J wvw TIIUI r . ... J to Men's Finest $15 Cravenettes BY MAIL ORDER wWa IM R THIRD FLOOR, NEW IU ILIJIXO IGIIT in the niidst of the rainy sea son, -we offer these finest $15 genu ine Priestlev Cravenette Raincoats for the Great i09(th Friday Surprise at the phenomenally low price of $9.33 1 Made of splendid dark mixtures and plain black fabrics. 52 inches long with satin lin ing. Every Coat bears the famous Priestley Cravenette trade-mark. Every JQ OC one a $15 Raincoat, Friday only pZJJ Boys $10 to $12 Long Pant Suits and Priestley Cravenette Raincoats for $5.98 Boys' and Youths' Long-Pant Suits of ex cellent wool worsteds, cheviots and tweeds in medium and dark patterns. Snappy, mannish styles. 14 to 18 years. Regular C QQ $10 and $12.50 Suits, for only aDDJCJ Raincoats Are Genuine Priestley Cravenettes, full lencrth with ?i satin lining. Plain dark grays, gray stripes and plain black. Ages 6 to 14. Friday only S5.98 Womeh's $3 5 and $40 Suits SECOND FLOOR, MAIN BUILDING. WE D'ONT believe finer or more distinc tive Tailored Suits have ever been sold in Portland at .a lower price than this! About 200 beautiful Suits which bear our regular price tags of $35 to $40. Fine imported Cheviots, Serges, Broadcloths, Tweeds, Zibelines, etc., with short or medium length coats models which differ little, if any, from those for Spring.' Black, navy, brown, gray, .Copenhagen, olive, reseda, wistaria. C "1 Q AZL For the Great lOUbtli F riday surprise x s s:j Women's $8-$ 1 5 Skirts $4.98 A Skirt bargain phenomenal! Just 200 Women 'a and Misses' fine Walking and Dress Skirts of fine all wool Panamas, Serges, Velvets .Tweeds, etc. Plain gored, cluster plaited, plain flounce and satin and taf feta trimmed models in black, navy, brown, tan, gray. Positive $8 to $15 Skirts, for the Great JA QO 1096th Friday Surprise Sale "at only DTTi0 $2 to $2.50 Waists at $1.28 41 Ms M Kid I Clores, of mocha, suede J jl Y-artA U(' hamdia in all ize. iff. 35c )M fj. Only ' ' ! I sic M J FIRST VVtHOC. . ff, MAIM BUILDING. n j , ftribats. Jabots and &t- ' 11 ara a Valeneiehnea. thfi jSt Venise and Swiss laces, ' '50 tna daintiest of nevt W'lk ove'tv Neckwear' in fi'ffj It'-A this reduction. Best 35e V'J grades, special: for the jhffil great lOflfith Friday fWg WRurprise S a 1 eO 2M $1 jjjtmilyi each. . ffl !.75-52,50 M Long l III Kimonos U Glove: fit Pair MAIN BVILDINO. A- determined price-cutting section of this Fri day Bargain chain! Bro-i Jjen .lines of .Women's best $1.50- and M-.75- Glores of mocha, suede and chamois in all size. riday Surprise- Q' pnee, . pi'. v ' f )1 I -.V broidery Flouneinr i rJJz J I - 1 dainty eyelet and floral I : 3 lns. RrrnUr & u f ,'7 V 4A rrades." lOXtbttS A Sorpria Sals O Q J . AtyaTdr :i socio HtStv W 1 s Russian Hammered Brass V2 Price FIRST FLOOR. MAI5T BlILDIXG. ORDER BY M AII- Russian YOUR choice of a biff special Jot of this popular, new Russian Hammered Art IJrasswarc for the Great 1096th Friday Sur prise at exact ly half price 1 Dozens of choice shapes Vases, Jardinieres, Flower and Fruit Baskets, etc. Copper bound. Few of the prices $1.50 Hammered Brassware now 75 $2.60 Hammered Brassware at 81.25 $2.00 Hammered Brassware at $1.00 $3.00 Hammered Brassware at S 1 .TA $3.50 Hammered Brassware at $1.75 $4.00 Hammered Brassware at $2.00 $5.00 Hammered Brassware a $2.50 $7.50 Hammered Brassware at $3.75 $9.00 Hammered Brassware at $4.50 $12.00 Hammered Brassware $6.00 Children's to 50c Hosiery at 19c FIRST FLOOR, MAIN BMt-DIXO. ORDfc.ll BT MAIL. ACRO"VD-BRINGING Friday Surprise in the Hosiery Section! Children's regular 25c, 3oc and 50c Cashmere Hosiery broken lots in sizes 5V, 7i2, 8, 8Y2t 9, 9i2 and 10. Splendid medium weight with double soles, gray heel and toe. "While the lot 1 Q lasts, x riUil v nui ii uai, j f"" " tj i-"- Women's 20o Hosiery 1000 pairs Black and Tan Seamless Stockings in medium weight, with linen heel and toe. Sizes 9, 9V2 and 10; -t OlA Friday Surprise, the pair 1 C Children's 50c Onyx Hosiery Fa mous make of Children's fine, heavy weight black Ribbed Hose with double knees, soles, heels and toes, njj Sizes 6 to 10, Friday Surprise OC 1 .00! Great Surprise Sale of 5000 Pairs Shoes at 4- $2 tn R & mmm Women's ana nuaren s anoes Q UCH Shoe value-giving as 1- -rtlana has seldom seen before! Extnordi- nary Cleanup Sale of around 5000 pairs Slioes. Stvles and leathers of every kind grades which former- dl nOliW V Jlv sold at $2 to $t a pair y1: are kid 30c Fine Juicy Navel Oranges 23c a Dozen BA9BMEST, MAI.X BlILOLXO. WEET California Navel Oranges, large size with thin rind. Best 30c grade, for OOp Friday Surprise, the dozen Butter, made from pasteur ized cream, two pounds for OOC Hams, sweet and tender, 16 Lemons, large, juicy, 17 Fancy Evap. Apples, 11 Fancy Evap. Pears, 10$ THIRD FLOOR, SEW BVILDINQ. p A IONG the Women's Shoes Datent. erunmetal and vici leathers in button and lace styles. Plain and 'Wte tipped toes. Also soft, easy House bhoes and Slippers and Misses' and Chil- dren's Shoes. $2 to $4 grades. Pair N $1.00 2 Great Friday Surprise Bargains On the Bargain Square Teapots at 37c T NGLISH Jet Pottery Tea Curtains at 98c Women's 35c Linen Initial Kerchiefs at 1 9c FIRST FLOOR, MAIN BVILDIXG. GREAT Friday Surprise Sale of "Women's fine Pure Linen Ini tial Handkerchiefs of regular 35c grades. Six dainty patterns to choose from broken line of initials. For 1096th 1 . ECOND FLOOR,' MAIN BUILD1M. Five hundred Long Ki monos ' of best outiii flannel and fleeced ducking. Loose or fitted styles,, neatly trimmed. Light or dark colbrs in trip,d, f iinired . A 1 ourprue B a 1 e f 9 f-a (fi? IWELVE hundred pairs of j to choose from broken line ol j$Sm i 1 f JiSii izea cream, iwo pounaa xor - j firpnroof and . hite and eeru. The patterns are Friday Surprise Sale J4W m Hams, sweet and tender, ze This Pottery firepr oof and neat artisti0 Urder designs with J Kerchiefs 47c . 1 fL " N. T i i- handsomely decorated with; gold and piaill and floral centers. They are 75c French Kercnieis 4?c JW R 1 ff?7 Xi.V?V Lemons, large, jUlCy, enamel embossed patterns. Assorted 50 inches wide and 3 yards long. Entire line of our 7oc fine AM' S itf 0 J rti lit) Hif : 6 JV Fancy Evap. Apples, shapes. Regular 65o and 75c 7 Our regular $1.50 to $2.50 qo JfS Mf A If f ff V TVt.'VV kinds. Friday Surprise, at J C grades. Friday sale, pair JOC initial ij men liana Ker 7 f J& V V f JJ (H( . iancy Evap. Pears, 10 y2-J12LJL ' chiefs-Fnday Surpnse 4 4 C M? K M FREE tvV , Prde. todav. for, the- preat .'.70? Sffi, V- -1 W Our LESSONS V0 C CXk M96ih Friday Kurpme Ie VJW st? -S Umbrella -9l to Art s&g . "7 Or:y Hospital Does Needlework and s.7a tauisawi'; c .ZF-ZZ ZZF- fWJ? the Best Work X Knittinx-2 to 5 - :-- - . - , ,. ,- - -- i : ' - ' - . : ,t 1 j V