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About Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 3, 1911)
in t the morning onrnoxTAX.. fkiday, February 3. 1911. I - wrwrww I FOR KENT. to irMxr.E. I-A a'r-a fru -. Uad. 4 mH-a frm :fnt i'a. i -,r"a r.-ar- lTr 1 hu an! barr . U .! Vri-a f;-- t r : i t.a:- -n r-t w4 huM and IX and irn dirr r -n r a-ra fruit larwj P-ir otf.- Orv. r . . p-r ar-. ( l h.n- f V..u and Wt. f 'r;;and. and aaauuia bi- anc a m -r t c r. ;:v k-ain-rH HYKVE. WHAT haa tou "( to tra fr a.1 or part cf hr f mintr. i- n xrl us W--.ii.ra ;r.;ai:l. a jt Ttwo'.i or trd prf. rrri. fj.i particulara. BjI i-p fc ini h- 21 4 V K cfc. t m-rr tmm $; d j la rnntv.. pr rrnt Mt:, a. ill rr bn-ict for -m ini f urcitur. wKr jt:tr view i.ot. TV:i! p-.l fr , h ar-a rf J.'inO fr -,"m- n-r v trim-, will un: niv. ? i ",r"rljn. j'lfT t" ft- rU n i::t'l K;f. to trad f-.r rra' , n.l -V !.': mi"-- m riih, n;'ii ( d Main VTr:! Tn rvniT t'.urr.Va, raphi- f r.. m itlt On- i C--rda r..t orft f 5' I i,h tt for or C-n. at 4 l i . f 1 1: t- r at I'E fT-ai-i. Vol:-. J t 4 - t $'. itou: J. ik Tw. t.ijln. . r :.- n f t filt ti P-'t vu t-'rr. (.rhw.t Fu-'iiinc. fi'tirv M't. vTTn T K i L-t r . r c- r.ri p)mmt "n r- '"-n r -rn J-t c ruvr VT- - - 1 1 i ( I . , , t S a f't'i I H'lC l r !i Vr. vi-t. V' XTKI-;'prn; -in-U tor- lr. r r I ino-m . it y I ri rt. ..iv 'r K-r.ijn. Vi TN"V,MI" r- nl. jr-'-U T - n V'.I. 1Ill'K r:urnnt f r r nml'ir- u rr.t I uwr a !.-; .r LO!'. 'i --.! t ir. .; ' a K-Ml. hir-J u: f r . i 1 a:il t- p . I. ."! J" f. . v . " . a tin f-r rau. t a J ,;i(i. IS )a w:.l t i ALiriO 'NfOV TRUT COl. IT' : -i t. V. h tu'm r -f-lr-t. ff pur. hiifi j n m ; r ' rn . i.iu It ; u;1 ri ! rn n t i i-n r'tUt. 1 m n. . A M 'ii. "J l I -w: i -Ttf.. r---:i '!....;. .'-r. tn vi.-iur V in : 1- N. .. S t- - - '"It . .I I'liT f i n p . i t t'T D LPf If' 'r :. 41 . UATKI'r:'. V.-: ur n fr jrt - u-r.i. 1 4 itiro ct. Ak j 'at. rn m 1 ai"i i;. f r a1 i ia. inf tp:n ti..Q f ..r-l r.-w l'i.'l tnf tfv kn r-f. jn,.rli bis .tag 4:' . 'r c". !" -iri.iB ati in,--. V T-'H, vr- ' - r v X '. i ;' r '.. ' i win r I Mjrcr jt Wcn-ln i. !).; i"r,iTi rrt:Hil. nr. T t" - l."t rt if .ar.JT ri In i i pi . A ! 1 T 1. r-1 n r. H ' I I. ik- rp'i f-rria in Uur;hi,ri h""i- or Vl Ft-i. .'a- t-i" i::. OK Mil! TtMBiR in. rivnKK, Ur-I jtI t l r-" I "'. n". r rt r-4 !. ..r.h f J :h.a n t-trrtn f r t . .i -r lu r r : h v r i ' an4 1 1 it or 'i ri I j r..i flu I iri t i !'( r : t m a .r .i ttr l(.t:urnt f r t4.r i'. '"all Al-ti t T..' !'if t . ir.l-r . . r .a .i water, n - a i .: f i 'r.nn I' rt: r rr r. n,m fruit t-i. it. lr Nairn. Am:tj, Or'')u. 1 ar?r p-itnp f . r r i pt M. i: r. W&a.i r-a- irAr:' !". t b-. 4 4. ri' Oui i t :vhei: ! an: r ; m k m r t.rx tT.-..p- 'ill tt ofcrfff biJfc. t nll K J R 1 i. h a r.l a n iDinn !! -4 13 roil m rnirr f -tf t. can, p''.il t y oar u n J UV. il i.E.VfSN . nth h. n ri'-r hflti !.!; 7 m i f''n rn mi ri. H RD of 4X3 t . tenant mut aho il c J. tc.'racka. lot i)Kti il 1K Mf K. 1 AN I-.i - n-l rtr-. r'. t2V 'J pp m. f' i'i..-av 9 . 1 PL n r . c-. i - 1 irn L: a, f inx. - J 2 pjn iy jf ...(. .... $- 1 r i :. r. r- n. tft;.i. . 1 .r ft.i iJi if ;. fJ-X t p- . t I- i MlA.-B. - .i.". 1 ar i a. b ic jl) rv ." -T3w I ;n rw- -.'. " 1 pe ri "0, I P-a - P. 'it ;". ;. mu -1 t-1 J' A.i a' ! . " tr jraa- l V. linXAfi r a t -U.Ai Aa. ; ; C - T -'. wiM n-n . t ' fc . i h. a-i ! a" triirt, ' s a fip i. al r. in !! , i IX BJ d- r ! e ta"-"".. A1-r A. 1 J P(,.t f4-. ; m c la- f T i M if it UtNKv-l !"" l"arn ? r; r. tr-n ar I 7 n.i p n l a t tr.4 th.n i- f i .i f .r I i. r J i- - i . u h f'r i.m. Al M : :r.I. f n chi.-Af ;7v;s t t rt . nu" ir I h' 7 :i J t ' oi-f. t I' . -r. f.t. r-i r rr ir- . a I . fH .. ram - t'--" t Itt.fJ. ' . r r l-r -d-t f $.' I ' 1 ! I . r . " V V rr-. r . '..! ai4 -w -n i v r - !. inn tn fl.pi. in. 1-U . a,. !r t- h iiv 7 o -l r r at. 'I t a.-i ; ;tu - - n ' r rji',1. . a I If A.ft'". S V At-"' "f. f -i K-A: T-i :-p - rt- - r. I ififi ri - "i hi a - I in r- w-.jc -. i l- - . I'Hr ,tv C a : . r.' I r b - a a" I r;ar rr-rn o t H i J't rri-d fr' n f. 4a.rri mrr Kl- K . --ir-. tt pa r r I t t". i Ma: -4N Fiwn at. 4.,. . i- ; ar I c- l'nr. 1 I. am. r !- tu . l'--- ri.a(-A to ora a-..r. a." w3--a a-'-l n udtj at cur.njjv; 1 ftiota. Alirt st. .".r1 marra. rlr ar. I harrr for a'. W .-.I m-ry - K 1 i h " 1 - . f - n iin.r and -r -r en-, burf n. x.!-. au' ' -' H... TCrf l,. fr.DI f t. A . - t I r 1. 1 .f---' ' f rria. h r n a:.U l-P 1' buS t uitf.t Kat I. ft V A J.T of s-'d o- hf aud niuf f -r ni. --a, c .rr.?"d aa r a ran td. f. mi't hv.. fr. JTOK Tm -ar- mil.J ivura w ais&iiiAt 904. AumU al. 1 I I r M.m n.VTl-ll MAf.K. I w 1 . Hor. aol UjnifM. rHria !..- tins -n a Uti Ir. fr..nt 1 fr-m r-niaiit uo uq pae- ti A-tlr at. XH oLi; 2 Hartkrcfl l' .itd"llvry auto mar-.r-.s. ill rarry at ojt 1 pund; It'KiJ f'r -"ry or laur.rtry. Also ort 4-jji-nrrr Krr't. rn i-i-t.t?r fcl. M. r'.. id I o 4 iaMrr.crr lxl.s. All of t- tan mt"t Ixvllr IM b "!- t tar drain. A l.'.M. .VMn Jtlli. Ad Jr a itiii tun n.. a:5- "..:; Ai'.f. Ta it ;a!N ? in us Ji.ito tirs and Inner lr-a. tin!n ur lUHrk be-r you buy; n. rtra1ir-K ani ryatrlr.. il t"T A. iturner. i i- lton A t4. , ly ou ant to aU or trada n auto. ar.c. tnw broker. I hava many ex tr ito"J buja. l'boc Main 2kJ. WJ T ' ; ! r d P- Iil'N'CH ! " id iita and aom cvsh to trada f r rura jat or f .ur-Fapa-ri Fr auto; at or .- ks Uuii t mi'.lrr, lnt must b la A-i r.n.t ion. K T-'l. rritonian. 'fi-:ii I'hilinrn pony t inn-nu. 10(0. i.l i v cas.i. A 1. Ores .man. : H orcant aod M tilral lBcrumrtt. j iiAVK T tiotf c-f.d only at th ISd Kr. nth IMnn Iua-. on .T1. hl.h -x-I.r. Ktur.-iry 11: I wiil s H It f'r $.. t- rirar rair. tall at Carl W. tator. IL . Trutu.ii liux 10, C"r. rU s LP A !' draft as part j mnt on n-w Jird-t'r och piano. AN 7-7. Urc K . n l a n. Tj7 I 'RAFT. Kdlrnh piano very ri-.. nuka m n wi:. T 7:. ur.Ko- niun. . $l".t r--.1't !. on ii. Kimh T.arij rrnp..ny for ;! to b- a oRrr Lifor n IV M. .-tur'ia. T 7--. M-i,oi;ian. C5:hTIF!OATF: fl3?"J on H-rd-Fr-nh T! ,ti.) t ; i.takv olli-f. I'll- n- talri 1 i'i N X77"l. !Kh -- - . t-'t 1 tak- ttT AD 719. r-;ian. l": :r cr--i t rn. oti p.u-i-. -:.ip. U hat - ' ; ..r-- ;-'.: . Mn.rt ."m.".. Itlrua, aa I! tocpl-. a r th of tj. imm. l--n Vr:ita:'-jrn t on'i'.irai. 4. ft-i. ; r"-.n.l ; lals at ;! .; -if I. a rn In I ii:n .Ne . rr li-.i'-. n. r:c. W. I- irr. 4: l;-ard vt IraJc b.-U- i!aio 1. i-h rr.i at-r apaiiia. I !-:. !'! anriiyw r aw. " bUca A; i.l at 7"! K ... ! it. all.. - iH PAUII. Two H. I'- ll-riz ital KrT'irn Tn- tu r i'i-ra. rtrrpi-- r: r;..P-l I VP f-xj , rr h -trr. i'-. ."'it:b - Dun:i. I'..Jr tr.J-- t .ra. s:.-t VliVr. rr-n r. in. h (i.a-l- r aiiJ l atic.a an-: uvuattn f i waff r'ATJ-a.r. f:y wairr culumua. In gwod .n- d'A 2, rn- 13 II P. Vt:;m! SnMnwri J'.a.i TuiiUr i .-.Vr o:it 1:1 af- aud fitttna-a. tn ludma; liuf.Jlo I '.c:r. a n.t arm, trv a anurt ti: - For farther ar .'Ulaa liialra t T - LU rnian lu-lj;. JJKV S"rV'M'." lul'l. fiannup ' crad ciwii and aulta. 4 ! Bulla and ..rrro-" f .r autia and ur- r-.- .' 7.'; 4 and ovrco:a, I J.i: :n 1' inn Miff"" Tamp. ut -Klr country aiai fa'!. 5;7.'. 4 ft. lU''-!. ''. : lri bb- n rd. 1'" of n-.T rj.: t:r. awo. -.. r V o.j (.. N !n 'i and ti.-saa -Vain tUiK ll-tiiw A C A-i If Kf::-TFI 'AVKKI-'AN" th.t a- a d tb- siit in In iii- ' . 1 x'-n"l I V ui 10 !7 .. W It. Ilt. nct. t-r.t .t- A- ni. K.aat Murrjon 1. 1 I'd A .! N 2 Kll m ium;i pui- l-c n i :.d.:bm. ri-ip liiuir at .rrtrr c .ar. aaup. Fua-t-r road. I.rnta. . 4j tr-in ta. iDiftu-.t plada Xtr luJ c.'xma, jrtc-p U.a. Tl 4a at- W'lt.I. . it 1 -r.l. I. rny $v-.t -l-r.r:l sra.fkln n 01. : r a w k. part !: r f r ha.(. muoa an wf.'' r. ttot ruKl - Ltt. t t) P- r.i-ri ilV ta Ki-sruvhj.r t fk w Kirth u, r Fifh et. V -"WV A I47 I4f i.v. tiw ana Mucd-baal, l r4"KH v? :7 ro. T F.'th t f. KXl.Sd ! rp. Pi 'Jl i ' d f-r p it" o-k; worn : I t (. t lt H"; t.l a-Il f r $ J .. .v.n rklra lio'H. ltd ii.t-cn--'0. t Lrji tm.rca :n rr-r .ia P4 k i a ruad ' -a"t I'll S A I.K --". Ire-h a"H. or 11! cr.,rj for hor-. K. XJtri and "UadiPou. rt-.Hf t. park. ' K S M.T-7 f ot 2 h. p. U'.inrh. rlth t .ji'i n:.. r"r:v p ntrd and u.f rliaulcU; ftr;n if ttPirt. Iimrif Mn'n $T" A K K l lari,:in. or ir. Ir 'od t- n . r 1 'i r- '.Wood .. Fii SAt.H .-mall a'o and o(i..maiioii 4irk t-oH.ap. V 7-7. urrfuii.un. t;i: Y "vrt tailor -m.idr. buat ; b.-. n .th. '.i.t M :.77. I't sai.:: i. tank, iitada wf n rurta, Addraa in .-. 1. 407 ':tt at. F H S.;.K Alaaka rUD. Oi. Mrs. 1 nii- tmr HAT t i o Ft riit-h p;an! 1 rt in f-r iJ, J ltri-rhi- k7 t 7-1. 'Mk-nntaiu W A T Flfc I h f.M.A NtOlS. i Ia. it.N "A.y"K MitTrt.XU. V. antrd at co s capioff clotttioar and hM an. I i krrit: inkht pr.cva Oa.d ' m. no tur ladi'S clotblre. Call op tna t; oba rco..d-biid star. rh.oa ata. tax I.H lit t. ATKl t'orrp rtP fnmltur fr S-room hi.. Lit itat aol price. F ti.", Ora- utaa. i; N l your a oi.l-rnd f a.'.iiura, to ita f , r At.. tlo ("rt. or uu U gt iaa. Fboaa A ?4I1 Ma.n !. WAT"r i;.u4 tor u- of motor car; mil)! b' tn u inf itf Uo 1 and ::b ata. IrVphon Main ', .j, Mt tiO'iin ;i furult-xra to aa.k rail up .r'Tk U,f A to.. 15i l'aall au !th fnora, rfiOvl.!i K lot; a-.. 1.1 jt ATT. and aold Mh at. 311 34 Ifc A I - Vtn i-a pi lur .nwhina. M utflc. flinia !.. A I r4I-niaa. iiri-rwAXTrii maije. r ;:! At or-. 1 1 - tnn to t-'rn to ,( t - "'. r-r- .r i ji tn1 ! s 1 I t rarac a Or iiit k. -Vu iuast Willi 1 .r'on at. ITI'N" rar orn for f irat flaw w :ndoar .ir.a-f and rar. W.m prrf.rrrd h- In hail m rr.- a iMrt -- In lr t . cj. : r ti l t V.' ..rri y HI St r. a-v cirtrU f -r (imrnmcni pop.tiua. pt r Wrtm trr ip: of p"ut;na orn. -a.natin liaii.-t. iJpi ho.-tt:r. N. Y. j t j a'j;Kv.U M N" wSi th.-toUrnlv undrr-i.r..:- t . fo..ualn b.i"i. p n. ..!. i:-!ra. muii b t : ai.J it. 7:j, ixur,i4n. i .nfcnrui. t'K!;:"'N'r.l trn-.c p.- r. bo .kk". pr and ' '"t- .JtD'tit-ni t! ana h.s 1 ..... . 4 1 K s 4- Vt. V I r.L.-- t onra. I ma la Iram (a t'rua and r;.a'r a it .11 -t'a. V a.l at lwnorn arara.. 4 4 ilia '..lurtia av A 1 -a Jiv l a ; I -ur rx a - ta aal iO lt -d In tat t Phr 1 ial i- t.r " 4t iia- a f i-Vk t Mx. TKt Y' rr n l I"ar t barber i-A. ;rv.' t !'; nnun shop, nit t ji.'.tn- -i 1 . '.pl ar. ANVf... la ,:' " fw.T:. a 1 an p rri - f"f . wnatrd m;:k. r l-rci,-:.. 1. 7 . rr -! . TU 'i; ' l-Tirrr r.,ijo;"d f-'r l-n:u ii- a-r t. t.on. L s prop.-.t; ti. b 7-J. , rv- a "' Zaj . - - tntroitonai Carrraaaa - a. A.u-r a... va 4 4 , t.a fur irr 1. a; t ua H. .;i: rerr -i'.ii.i eanted for 1 1 . -d of "i raUe b.a Pi l4' il b .y -'. ro. in 115. irc:rlc bi lg.. . ... this inora:c. l T-T .1 f . e .k. -est a .-ant. I To a.ij board. n. a ' " : North .M .-.t ui r I' 'V wanted at A. lle?;.,,,g. .jt s.r.i-i.'.'n St. toll, w in w I. eels a I ;jt ,. after schooL;,.er Ce . I s Washington. v.i.A.t a iitri H i at. any a:yl. or . i.. itJ a. i fikloo St. IIANTI:.' i-attr. union Ran, batuidav W al-..ton St. plIi.TxA.IIAI'H t'ip and poriralt agents, n-w o ' r . -.jil.oOt (.uj:. i.kurn S. 'Ttr.R r.:an wttb bu- ksaw for a day. 4si !...! Ycif.Ni'. roan to care for furnar. for us. of i:a leJoy .t WANT g"d d.-ugg.s! f.r cit"y Musi :. nion. y or furnish bond.V 72. Oregonian. AI'VER n-iN'J sdicltors. contract, cs.hsd. et. JoseLha Blatt. Goodnouh blug. THVNKaAKEIll waated. 'id and. Pm. sta. WHAT HAPPENED IS TBI AdvUory nd Empl'.yni.iit Dprtmnt of th. T. 11. C. A. NoTtmber and UcEbr. 1819T call, for bi.ii. JiS member. nt to position. Z.4 n.w nirmtwrf t.k.n in. xa rn.iabv.bii Ihi fCaaiuO. ACT fi!ow. Tooni or mldi11.--ck do anything wll or bttr. out or .n.ploym.nt. Huatl. will al It. and 1 t-U how or membership fe. refund.d. 8ecrtrr. Employment Cpartmaai . M. C. A- gd tlor.r. B.war.-of apvrlal offer, and .atcny WE OFFElt THE HEST AT UL. TIMfca. LOOK IT OI-K KEl'l'TATlON. WANTED TOfNU MtN TO I.KAKN to rperate nov!nn-plctur. niariilnej: from 1S 10 a 'k. OI K -'PIJRA 'J T-i , - . . .a t I. - 1 VnK O. .rh .trident on Power. Edl'n n I'ouhl. Flereptlron Il.V.ker m"tn'"' T.vr II no fouru Jf instruction po tnor; nKH Oil tne " - t ( . v- TUP .oiii n. ... nr. h.vlnc BA1LT CAl.1.6 Kl'H ol'EIUTURP: R't on of ;ir '.". ard operator.- han.l booka. Alpl; ml, Couch bld. .ih and anm-- t-tn portlind. Or. EXKY 1VSIDK WORK. BIG SALARY. 'Th.- N.v Vork Kllrn Co. Mnvlnx Pic ture i h.x.l mil muke a re.lur-uon on r. -ul.r prlt e on l-.!..n. In mo lnR-plrture op erull..n nur.ns till. w k : fln-.t and lar k rt e.i;ilp..d eclool on Hi- foam, compe-t-nt Inmrui lor. velio t.ach the l.inln... n ev. ry detail: rini lent nr-.:itor nre in rtemand and earn :i to $3i weekly; h.ln ir.- p...lrlon: Inveatisnt our p!nn .1 VnrUnit pupil, in the n",''',n-:';;'':! 1.U.III. tree ..f chunre; mot le.n-pictui H !l,..,.r. fro,,, (IO to 1"0 dally; tlieater. fuily equipped on eii.y lcrm. In formation and i-rma ltia.1l- a.ven. -1W YamiiK'.on at. Open evenlnga. CITY HlKK EMrUlVMKM UI UUAU V AXTJ J experienced Janitor, with reference, i.l..itor for city. l.-lter boya. HJ.'lller. t m':n VJr farm work. ! a month and b -aril. II f ire. . : men ana wive., farm work. to f6J rn.'titli. . M-n to clear land ard rut e.irdwood. aa.o.lne enKln.jcra zor Dru.i.'w No fee. rhartc.'d. :7u--.:.' st. AHI-K-IIDUIRU men wanted for the L. y.xrn Con... between th. ae of 11 ana li. mu.l te nail., bom or PT per., monthly pay IK. to ; ddltloil c-mr'r.atlon .aailila; food. clotlllna. quart..ra and me.l:il attention free: after JO yenra" iw.rvlce rn retire with .0 per rent of pay an.! allowance.; rrr ' board Mi. and a'.ore In ail part, of th. world. Applv at I' S. Marlr. Ccrpa Re-e-u;tln f!lre. Ilree.len bbl.. Id and 1.:.. Portland, or. O V rf th. beet rompanle. tn th. City of Portland I. to .elect two or three al'lltional .a:c:iien rpr..en t attves : her. la a remarkable offer for th. man who can wll. men hav'r. bad a real experience preferred but not rerjulred Ask for W. It. Tovrnxnd, 122 Corbett bldg. l"nVll.fvrj wanted A firm !! Itic be.k and munlr .up;llea. printtric. I.thecraphtnis. ei.v. ileslrea to engage Hi. err;f.i of a traelln salesman. A.ldress, rl.tnr experleuc. and references, C on gouuu. TIIK VRIIIII U FRANK COMPANY reflnlr. a tborouirri'y cntnpetent furniture sales min. Apply at superintendent office. l;h Door, k A. II. THE MEIEn FRANK COMPANY reoulro a th'.iouchly competent auleeenan for their boys' rlothlnc department. Apply H A. M. to superintendent, on did floor, annex. LEA1IX wlrel.-.s and railroad teburapliy; tr eat fieniaitfi for t eleuraphers account -bo-ir Uw nnd extenle n Ireless develop ments. We operate under direct sxiper-1-I0n of telegraph nITI. Inls. Main Hn. wires In s-liool. Ponlllolis Guaranteed. Kor particulars oldres letegraph Dept.. IIH i.h St.. 1't.rtland. tlr WANTKil for U. b. Altlll Atie-i.odld un married men between are. of IH and 45; cit'r-ns of I'nlted Htatee. of rood charac ter and temperate hnluts. who can .peek, -art and write th. Kni ah lar.iruaze f or Information apply to Kocrullli.c Officer. Aln.worth blov. Sd and Oak ata.. Port land. Or. WANTEIi Tounc man" al.le to take dicta tion and keep a double entry set of books for a ivllabie firm. Tills Is a splendid 1 pportunlty for a ounK man to learn a di-Dirable business Oive references and n!my enj.ected. R 7ro. t.regonian. Y 'I N'l man of '.'rt w Islie extra work In rventufB from f. to l'J; Is at present em ploved diirlns: day as salesman, and la thorouKhly experlnced us bookkeeper and feher.ii accountant. Address AN 1'Mi, Ore ronlfin. LAM VI 10.. whol. ale tollers. t'hlctKO. .f:.-r sple-olii! opportunity 'r larito m ron.e in seillnn made-to-ot der clothes. J. 1". T.. Portland Hotel, for ap pointment. Clve phone. IF you ar. a "live wire" with eollrlttnir ex perience and wish steady employment with a good financial return, see Mr. James, after IS an P. il. Ala -Mohawk bids.. 3d n n d Morrlwon. kA.LiAV mall clerks. postorTle. cl.raa. letter earrJera. ruatom-house and Internal revenue employes, to prepare for ex. ru ination.; free book, paciao Htat.a School, XeKay bids., city. FOREMAN wanted, middle ae. alucto. all round meehanl.-. understanu.. crusoler... steam, welis and Keneial farmlnn. a work er w-'inte.t who can superintend and bulid klmsrlf If necessary. 1) Ur iron Ian. ' WAXTKIV Competent m.vlrK-.i-turo onerators at utl tiin- e: r-rm.r' names with us: posi tions f irr.l.n. d nr. us. !t.e City Film .ompaii. .'..''Pi Wi.shlncton, near ITth. THE BfSINKcS nCRKAC. 1I.;II-:K AliK OFKICK HELP. 01s I.L JIllt.KMENa UUli. WAMKl' Yonna man with some exierl eu. e or abtllry as show card writer and'aut wltiilovr-titmmer; stste If at I teenf r pre. loudly employed In fl'Jcil .at... 'v. A.I T3T. I'leeol-lan. VlAtl.-l.'.nf to lake special 41. 1 automoolle coore. dr.vln. and repairing: j'.! experience, ron.plwie Insttuctlon: j l. waes. siea.'.r won.. e. n a.'j n asl.l: aton St.. r.m 41. TIIF ni ANK "lZHMlT t " E VT'o.. "-St .: ler el., wants :. f iiit Is s. honest fluh t .-r: and fust -cls.f ineatrutlers. Ai;j!v at i ."k inooal toa; only soLor mea need fcail. WANTEP Ttoys with wheels, for messenger .or': wheel repairs palu. I -a a month guaranteed, hustler, can doubl. that. C ..leen. T C J st. W" Mi;P Man to drive wacori experlen.e.l la s..;!.iij buLter srd eggs, must Lave ref eren e.. call Wimple produce Co.. .i0-o7 l aetiincton .t- WANT an A-I I ot.d and salesman, wen Portland list of lrvestrs; must iiave b. st tri .rrtir. Ask fir Mr. Karnnton. ail af er I P. M M? M.lg. WANTED Young man l(h exp.-ii-enee tn the l.ut'-her busln- ss. Call Popular M.rk't. alOt L lt. Noitb. near Ka.- W A NTE I Inleillr n t ilnitlo young ran w r :. e'a as partner lo travel, clean, l.-srlm.ite money-making business. Room te.l. J4.".' YamhlU. MAN' or woman to take restaurant (naily furnished in hotel. Rent Is board one. s . epiug-rcono Inrlud.l. Arpiy .l"4 .No-tfl ;'i:.h. car rlorth to -'f.tii. block south. W.x yTET" Experienced farmhand to work irar ivit una: younc Saede preferr.d: KJre g.K.-l. APp.y todsv. 77- Marshall if. T P. M Telephone Main a-.sL Y ANTED' A nlifht wst.-hman; must be so be'r honest and willing to glv. bonds; mention our sc and reference In wrlt lr?. M IV. oregonian. CI TTKK and designer wanted: must bea n-st-elass man. a chopper wanted. Ame-tcan G -ntiemen Tailors. tin and S' a Jc. WANT"!. P.-iystctan aa an assls'ant .In a so., la.lst's of?!.-.; must he registered In I'r-g.n. good salary to the right man. H T t .. t.regonian. COlT NT X and district managers; aisi city men; exri-isl.e territory, permanent: un usual opportunity. Call l' to 4 I'. M., room ft Ho el Itu.hmark. g.'. 4 Washlngtsin. bALt-.M AN Country .tore. A young tr-aa with general experience and honest, who I. not afraid to work. Apply Lo Bil gt vacua Cuw GasLon. ursgoa. ilE.S" wanted, ages le-5. for flremen. 100 monthly, and brakemen. $0. on nearby raliroada; experience unnecessary: no atrlke; position, guaranteed competent men; promotion. Kailroad Employing Headquarters. Over 4oO ment tent to po sitions monthly: state age; send stamp. Railway Association, care Oregonian. JCET.P W A TF O I KM ALE. WAMTEIJ Tooijc ladle, for t.lphon "9 rating, with or wltiout eipertenca. Ap ply lacillo Teiephos. Tclegrnpo Co Alb aaid Kut Auk soy st. PTl'DENT NCRSES WANTKLX On account of aeveral wards being added to thli Insl.tu-.loa. the Training School for Nurses 1. about to Increase Its membership, and Is now ready to recelv. applications for tn. Spring classes. or particulars addresa: Superintendent ot Nurses. Kan Ulego County General Hoa Vllai, San Diego. Cal. . CITY FREE EM PLOY MENT BUREAU WANTS Middle-aired housekeeper for country, no children. IJi. , , . I second -girl, private family. Oirls for housework. No fees Advice given to stranger.. S70-1'7J Madison Sit. WANTEIi An experienced and capable tookketper nnd ashler;, a g'x'd position for tlie rl:;hl pally; give full particulars .and salary expected. Address A JJll. Ore- Itonian. uDDUE-AtSElt lady. Rood repute, to make house-to-house lanvass In smaller towns one wiilliiK 10 leave the lt ; 00 bond miulred : 10 a day guaranteed. T Jl. Oreg .man. INT KlJLlOEN'T Bill who wants to earn pood wage. In factory. 1 a day at start: liKht work, but must be fast and accurate. Apply Western Mantle Co.. :s Kront st. WANTED A schoolgirl lo In House work; some wages. soS Third. Phone Main 471;. WANTED A compttent mnld for general hous.evork: three uduits In family. 1 loll Erankiln st.. wlliamelte Heights. WANT a lady to work In hoardlng-house for her and husband', nnini and board. Ul'.i Hiis:.;l. I hone East 3lS. STKNOC.itAPIIEl:. beirlnner. opportunity J or advaneemeut; kiv. phone number. O --. ireconlau. EX PER lENl'KD ualtes wanted. n.t over -o. in restaurant buslntss. Apply 04 North flxlh at. Mr. John Ivanotf. WANTED An eld.-rly woman to do houso work for a; wages jd month. Phone Ta bor aid. HOTEL COOK and helper. c-l:y; two kitchen helpers, w ulr. ss. country; housekeeper. llowe s l adles Agency. 314. 3-tr-s Wash. Yol'N'l lady partner, vnudeyllle act;no experience neeensary; state age. N -. Oregonlan. f EX I'EKI KNEI bookkeeper and cashier: some knowledge of shorthand. AN 7-. Or.eonlan. WANTED Experienced girl for housework; email famll; Rood home. Apply till K. ITtli at. N.; take lrvlr.gton car. UK F. HOWSS LADISS- AOENCt itH Washington bl.. room .! Main lieaO or A -'. HANSEN S LAUiliS Al'.ENCI. I4IH Washington st.. cor. 7ta. upstalrm. Phone M.:n2'Ji WANTKD An Intelllitent girl to hold on at Portland Linotyping Co., Room 64-ud. J7 u l a r k . . . WANTED Neat, experienced woman for rooking and general housework. Best of Wage. CUll laJ E. -Ulh St. WE want a clrl for bookkeeping tot about A j.- d nours a day. : E. ad su Call 1 1 o'clock A. M. WANTED Refined, capable woman for re sponsible position. "l.vl Co.. ;op Hotl-i-cnlld bldg.. th and Washington. WANTED Experienced operator, to work on shirts. Applv Standard Factory, i (liana ve. and East Taylor. WANTED-Vg-ian for general housework, good w:;es. East Ankcny su GIRL "terras'! I ft with housework. In smail Apply 777 Hoyt. GirtL for general housework, 1 adults. Phone East !t':i. r'a WEEKLY mailing formulas. Will start you Immediately rartlcular. 4C'H Couch. A C.IRL to assist with housework. Apply tw.J Johnson st. WANTED At sisiere Eosp'ial in Coisa. I al.. pupils 'o enter school or nursing. CIKL war. ted for general housework" 1013 K. 15th St.. N. EXl'EKlENCi-D dlitlnp-room KllU Tue LamiMTson. o.M Couch. . PI'IVATE Hchool. SHORTHAND and TYPE WH1TI.NO. 5 mo. :iia14th. Main SX LA Ml Eli PON. 5i4 Couch, a girl for second woik. to sleep at home. HOUSEKEEPER wanted, good family, small family. O '-. Oreeonlan. WAN" ) ED Girl for yeneral housework. N. C. Lorton, take Ml. Scott car ta l.ents. GTKl7or" woliiau for general housework; 4 in family; no children, tiellwood slti. LADIES: I.enrn beauty culture. Sanitary Beauty College. 4ou Dckum Bltlg. First-class drapers ami gown makers. Teesdale. at6 Marquam bldc;. 'slR'. JONES to call at booth S-H. Wash ington market. Mr. Dame. VANTEI fllrl to" uaslEt with housework. 3..0 11th st. A l-l.tB. WANTED CnaiiiL. riiiuld. lt7 lith st. HELP WANTED MALE OK i EMAEE. lo.uoo positions' for graacaie. last year: men and women lo learn oaroer trado la U weeMa. help to secure position; gradu atea earn from 115 to -l weekly: expert Insiructurs; tools freer writ, tor cat., logues. Mobl.r System of Colleges, al "North 4th su. J'ortland. Or. BOOKKEEPERS. BANK CLERKS. AUDI TORS. Out of work 7 ant more salary I can p'ut you on to something worth your while. C. H. Kimble. Marq.uam bldg., o:i0 to 1 1 :m. 7 tow. is. n l. looriey rvriiii.g sturlxs or for newapa pets; big pay, aentt for free booklet; tells hew United Press ynd.. Sag Franclsou. ANTED Pianist and chorus girls at once. 3jti Marguain Jli.j. TS"TTEACliE"uS' " A.-aOC.ATlO.N. tUl Uwel- ISLd bldg. HITTATIOX WANTED-BAU. Bookkeeper. ..d t 'erka. PtiSITION wanted by capable, conscientious nn-l r. I. al.le l.ookkeep. r and A No. 1 ir.n e:l o::ii- a'toutnaul. have ex;.ei;tnce 111 inn .-u ing sveteins of cost and pr-.fll and os3 accounting. 16 years ma :i "f at: I ur ing alio exi'.M tence. v. HUns to start at bottom, best of lefcrcncea. Ad dress S. G . Hooker s;. THRti:t;lIL experienced man wanla re sponsible position, educated, reflned, has executive anility, good manager: many years' experience In lumber in California and Oregon; lully equ.l.ped tor ofice or outside; offer. entertained only frota trlcily reputable tlrius. J 717. Urs goulan. WANTED POSITION BY TO! N'.J MAN THl:orllLY FAMILIAR WITH HI Y IN. AND S.71.LINi; HI" HitlNTlN'l. l'ti;PlLIN'J AND JIAXl'K.VTi J:ING OK cAT.viAi.ii and booklets, am TIj. OilEGuNIAN. WA NTEH I'osltlon .. assistant bookkeeper ur eternal work of any kind If It', atcady: t xperien. e. best of references. Address A 1. 7.1Q. oregonian. Yol'N'l rmtrrled man wishes empln mo.nt ; cl.rlral wor't r-referreil. Experienced la lunioer and Itcferenees furnished. AM 7d. oregonian. EXP7":RIENCED grocer, retail or e holesaio, young man, honest and reliable; inu.t hay. work a.once. V "Zi. Oregonian. MARRIED man of 50. ofIce experience mostly, desire, position. References. P 7-1. oregonian. STENOGRAPHER nd bo..kkecper. experi enced, wanta any kind of work for 2 or I houra evenings. I. 7::. Oregonian. EXPERIENCED stenographer. cumpetcut and rauid worker. AH iltf. Oregonian. b"'i'liANG young mn. 23. experienced baker', helper, wanta work. AF 7oJ. Oregonian. Miscellaneous. W A NTE Positions, t'rst and second rooks. man and woman, ritv or country, hotel or camp. J Oregonian. JAPANESE, first-class eook. wants Job for tamlly. AM 7-. treBonian. ANy"kIND of janitor work. p.ter Yova, Bid Wamut at.. corner Nlcolal. JAPANESE, experienced, want, position as cook and housework. H.. 273 PurnsMo. MAN and wife, cook and heifer, want work. ciLy or oounuT. 7aV. utc.onlan, Mlacellauaeoa GENTLEMAN, ag. 33. of nlc. appearance, well educated and Informed, good habits, 10 yeara' experience in hotel busineta, Ie ires employment. References, A 71U. Orgonlan. EXPERIENCED grocery clerk wants posi tion: good worker: can help with books; flno penman: spcaiil English nnd Swedish; best of references. J. Ocklind, 110 at. North, Portland. POSITION '"wanted bv an Al accountant from Central States; seven years' experience In bookkeeping and auditing; best refenences. Addreaa L. L. 11 H E. Malu su. Port land; . YOUNG man. good sal. sinan. w ants position with wholesai. or retail firm; drug store preferred: t year." experience. T Oregonian. FIRST-CLASS meatcutter wishes position, city or country: alt around shop man; can manage business: sober, best refer ence. AdrtreAC-2rJ3regcgian. BV CHAUEKEUR with 10 years experience In driving and repairing, all make of cars. AL72tl.Ore.onlan. HALF or full days work as prescription clerk wanted by registered pharmacist 's, c 714. oregonian. . COOK wants work; pood all-round, sober, city or country, hotel or restaurant. .1.H 7JQ. Oregonian. BY ALL-ROUND farmhand. Eastern Gor- . man wants work on ranch or cairy. AH 7'J4. Oregonian SCHOOLBOY of 15 would like to work for room and board. Address Mrs. A. E. C. King, general delivery. "YoUNG man wants soma kind of work evening.. Can give best of references. Address W 7111.Oregor.ian. EXPERIENCED houso cleaner, window washer, by hour or contract. Martin. Main SS55. YOUNC, man wi;hes position In city; no inciting; Al references. V Ore gonian. POSITION wanted, first-class butter-mak er. Inquire nox i"t. . "i a.op. v-.. BRICKLAYER, good mechanic wishes work, per day. AN T-'t. Oresonlan. SITUATION want.Nl as camp steward; ex perienced: references. Call up Main 64 1 7. SITUATION WANTED-FEMALE. Bookkeeper, tsnd stenographer.. GOOD accurate stcnoirrapher with aome ex perience desires pcmiuncnt position. Mar shall -.751. WANTED Position as filing clerk or gen eral .ffico work; experienced. Phone Main lj3o7. . EXPEitlENi ED stenoKrapher desires posi tion; can furnisii references. X 717. Ore gonian. EXPERIENCED stenographer and general office lady wishes pennanent position; reie reilf.'.'s n 1.". o. -oo.. --. EXPERIENCED stenographer will start at l.".; reterenies. Address S oregonian. Insssniuker. DRESSMAKER, experienced, will sew in shop jr in families. Phon Marahalj 17U. N NUR.'TN'G by practical nurse; hospital ex perience. 2&H 14th t.Pone Main 6i83. EXPERIENCED, practical nurse. Be3t of leierencts. . an u . . MIDDLE-AGED practical nurse; doctors' refer I'hone Main tWaT Housekeeper. WANTED Hy experienced lady, cooking anil nousekeeplng for gentlemen or In club, or will take charge of rooming house for gentlemen. In or out of city. Cull at St. Charlea Hotel, between S A. M. and 12. Call for MtNeti!e :x!ann. POSIT'ON wanted by middle-aged lady In gentleman's home; experienced housekeep er, good cook, beat of referem-ea. t all from a A. M. to 8 P. M-. Mix. Anna. McElwain, at St, Charlea parlors. A REFINED' English widow, with boy. de sires a position as housekeeper to refined w blower. Address M. Koe bmlth, 301 E. Davis st. . REFINED widow with boy. desires position as housekeeper to refined widower. Ap ply A. 3111 hi- Davis si Ml DOW with boy years old wla'i:s posi tion us housekpK.lmfct4J-. EXPERIENCED Swedish girl deslrca family second work; references. M. 2u3'.lA 4i . A YOUNO lady to assist with housework In a small family-F 72U.qrecy Ian, I lomeet lea. "YOUNG lade with 10-mi nthsjpold baby wishes housework In private family. I'hone Mar shall "gf.a; nhune evenings. A S709. TWO Norwee'lan girls desire general house work. Call at 12 Monroe au Miscellaneous. Yt-iUN'tJ lady wishes position as assistant In physician's office: knowledge of atenog raphy; wages reasonable. G -i. Ore goulun. "SORWEGIAN sir! wants general houso work. Call, at 342 Eusene. Phone East 3o. EXPERIENCED woman dishwasher, also chemburmald, laundress. Main 20:19; A POSITION as manager in fltst-class hotel or rooming-house, an) where, by experl- 1 ....... ver T 1 ireeonlan. EXPERIENCED girl desires situation, hole! tantry ork. rooks, nurses. St. Lous Ak-ency. 3'3S Wagh. M:ti 'J0-.: A -loo- LACE ; "curtains" washed, stretched. 40 cts. a pair; called ror ana ueiivcreo- jmm WOMAN" wants day work. 821 Mississippi ave. wootliawn iiza. WANTED By lady taking business course, placo to work for room and board and small wages. V 7:5. Oregonian. coil PFITEXT woman wants .day worlt. I'hone lanor o.'a. evemutje. WOMAN wants work for Saturday. Wood lawn 1011. . GOOD ' girl wl.jhes cooking and general housework. o- Michigan ave. v6.MANwant. work by hour. Phone C l.i.'i'.. WANTED Gents' waelnng. 2d fct. WANTED AGENTS. ACTIVE ennvassers can malte $50 weekly selling trees for the Oregon Nursery Com pany. Liberal propos.tiou; good territory. Address Orenco, Or. WANTED TO RENT. House. WANTED Modern five or six-room fur rlfhed flat within walking distance or postoiflce. Give phone number. It 72i, oregonian. , "vyAN"TiiD 5 or tj-room modern house, by February 15, with small yard. West Side. I'hone A 8091. WANTED- Furnished house or cottage for s, e al months. A N 72.Oregonian. WA N TED Furnished house, close in. good location: state price. W 520. Oregonlan. WANTED To rent, furnished house. 4 or 5 rooms. West Side. AM 7127. Oregonian. AuarraDenla. WANTED, bv February 15. furnished 2. or 3-room apartuent. modem and reason able must be on the H' lutits: give lOL-a-I "ii and pru-e. K 721. Orcgouiau. FURNISHED apartment, 3 or 6 rooms, modern, by couple, no children; references gl.en. Bilt. Oregonian. lvXn'7"ED-To relit unfurnished d-room fiat, walking distance: ti.e location and tele phone number. P 720. Oregonian. TWO- or 8 nicely furnished housekeeping rooms; walking distance business center. V 72o. oregunian. Rmum. TENANTS waiting for all kinds rooms. What have you? Rooming Bureau. 2S'"' Washington at. Marshall 21att. A 6243. YOUNG lady wants an IS or J10 room In a clean home. G 7: 4, Oregonian WANTED By vocal teacher, suite of mod ern rooms close In. Phone Marshall 173a. " Rooms With Board. WANT room and board, man and 6-year girl, where gni can go to school; terms; reliable: in tamlly wm-re no small thil-dr.-n. V 720. Ortgonlan. GOE eoupie 4 or 1-room. nicely furnished steam-heated flat and some compensa tion, in return for board for 3. Tabor 2-. I "I. BY man of 40. room with srtov. or grete. In prlvat. family: preferably with board; West Side. j'SO. P 725. Oregonian. MOTHER and daughter wish room and hoard in good private family. AL 727, Oregonian. yOUNG man wishes board and heated room. State tenna. O 72U. Oregonian, WANTED - Furnished flat for several months. AM 72. Oregonian. " Business Places. BKTCK FACTORY BUILDING 50 by 100 feet, one to four floore or larger: 5 to 20 years' lease; must be modern and cen trx'lv located on East Side, Address AH 717. Oregonlsn BACK STORE or small building between Second and Park. Davis and Taylor. W. Offer, with price. P 722. Oregonian. FOB BENT. Kooc TOVT OVERLOOK THIS TO DAT. -allLNER BLUO.," IS OH MORRISON 9t, MODZ&X. CB.NTR4I. XJiAJHiH Dl.aa. Rooms. PORTLAND ROOMING BUREAU. Rooms, rials, apartments, furnished, un furnished, board, all parts of the city; gave you money, time, trouble. Let us lo cate you, 2od! Washington at-. R. 30 Marshall A 5243- Furnished Rooms, HOTEL CAPLES Reldentlal. 350 Taylor. Transient Bet. Tth and Park Sta. Opposite new Heilig Theater, one block from Portland Hotel: brick building. Just completed; handsomely furnished; every modern convenience. elevator service team heat, telephone and hot and coli water in every room; elngle rooms sol suites with or without priate baths, etc; centrally located, near Postofflce: juai off all carlines: very quiet: low rates by day, week or month. Phone Marshall 2200. HOTEL ROWLAND 2U7 '3 Fourth street Just opened, new brick bulldlnj-r. steam heat, hot and cold water ail rooms, pri vate bath, best furnished house in tne city: rates very moderate by the day, week or month. If you want a nioi. warm room with all the modern con veniences at about the same rate you wxiuld have to pay in some cheap lodging house, call at the Rowland. You will like It. HOTEL ALDER. .Permanent and Transient. We are devoting several of our choicest rooms to peruianent guests for the Win ter; will make special low rates oy the week or month: trans. enl gues.s given the best of service and shown every courtesy; located In center of shopping district, con venient for out-of-town people; rates by las week. 4TH AND ALDER. GRAND UNION HOTEL. Stii1 East HurnsiUe. Come to the East Side aud save money on your room, rent; we haye 12U moUorii, ateam-heated rooms witli hot anu coid running water; single and en B.iite; rooms with private bath; 16 minulcs' walk 10 business center of city; rales $2.59 to $7 per week. East B 12V5. ANGELA HOTEL. Permanent and transient. Just opened; brick building, beautifully furuiahed; everything new; steam heat, hot and cold running water and telephones in ail rooms; fine lobby and ladles parlor, tulles and singje rooms with and wlmuut private baths; .very reasonable rates by day week or month. I'hone Marshall lifao. 025 WASHINGTON ST. THE WEAVER. 710 Washington st, near King; a perlect moceia iiome; privaie bath, steam heat, hot and cold water, and telephone in every room; finest part of tne city; the maximum of convenience, the minimum of expense; we make you feel at home; dlliing-room In connection; beet In the city for the money. HOTEL SAVON, 120 Eleventh et. "N'.w, modern brlcit building, atea heated, private baths, hot and cold wat.r In rooms, beautifully furnished, cosy and comfortable. Hates very reasonable, call and see us. Regular and transient trade solicited. NEW fireproof building, steam heat, elec tric elevator, hot and cold water and tele phone in every room; central location; only three blocks from posto'ftce; $4.o0 per week and "P- ZtH'n Yamhill at. fllE ASSEMBLY 205 6th atT furnished rooms, running water, bath, phone, heat, 1 purlor room with fireplace. S3 to S3 week, fine yard, 4 blocks to Postof nee. NICELY furnished rooms at Maxim's. 14U Seventh St.; few left at 3.;".0 and 4. Steam heat, electric light, phono in every room; free baths. 11U1&U A.NSUliA, 124 14th at., cor. Wash. Furnished and unfurnished rooms; pri vate baths. Ire. phoue. in all rooms. 1 HOTEL EDGERTON. ' Furnished rooms, steam heat, bath and phone, cor. MlsBisipplteKliott st. UAKHABEU HOTEL 227 is Larrabee St.. team heat, electric lights, hot or cold -water, bath nnd phone; reasonable ratea. THE HOLLr HO'lEL. 10J 12m New al modern in every way; elegantly Xurnlahsd. rat reasonable: transients solicited, THE BEAVER, 12th and Marshall sta.. wall furnished sleeping rooms. Sou per week; electric lights, hot bath.f.ree. lioUEKN outside room., t'i to SO por wee. Including paths: also housekeeping rooms. Li1 Washington St. HOTEL NQRRIS. Rooms S3 60 week up. Ii!' 17th St. NICELY' furnished room's, furnace heat, close In; S3 and up. 21) 17th at- Furnished Booms tn IT... "fHmlr- GENTLEMEN who can aprreclate the com forts of pleasant and nicely furnished, well-kept, mouern rooms, with gas, elec tricity, furnace heat and bath, call at SO North loth at-, 2 blocks from Wash lr.gton. SS-A MONTH, larse. nicely furnished front room, with phono, bath, electric Uitht. suitable for 1 or 2. waiKln-r distance, near carline. 427 Harrison. Main 2-SH. fTrsT-CLASS large front room, cteam heat, lights, bath, phone, fine location, sultablo for one or two ladles or gentlemen. A 2."S0 or o7o Coueiu N. E. cor. 1Sth. NICELY furnished rooms, upper flat. T45H Hoyt. LARGE front room, facing east. modern dwelling; walking distance; modern con venlences. 00 N. 21st st. A FRONT room suitable for two gentlemen, walking dlstunce. block from East Ankeny car. Piione East 2oj3. DE.SJ ilADLE place to room; clean house. SiiO to $1.75 week; gentlemen pro ferred. o05 12th it. 6.1 DAVIS, newly furnished room In mod ern Iiat, furnace, also gas healer; no other roomers; $3.00 a week. FURNISHED rooms, large closet. heat, phone, batli, for one or two persons; 310 month. 17o N. 10th at. ONE nicely furnished front room, reason able; gas. bath, phone; no children. Mrs. Dark, 4.SG Flanders st., bet, l.itli mid 14th. FURNISH liD room. 521 Raleigh, cur. ltiui; also housekeeping. reasonable. House rii inni d h NK'cLY furnished front rooul, suitable for one or two, bath and phone; reasonable. 611 MorrlBon. NICELY furnished front room, suitable tor one or two people: modern conveniences; reasonable. A 7753. 33 IXth st. 54fks TAYLOR near ITtli. nlcc'y furnished front room in modern flat, gas. bath and electricity. . FOR RENT Nice largo front loom, use of kitchen if desired; convenient to car; rea , sunabie. 675 E. Stark st. 5 OR 6-room bungalow on West Side, near carline, from 'JOO to J27U0, on easy terms. AJ 723. Oregonian. NICELY furnished room for gentleman; all modern conveniences: nice location; 10 minutes from P. o. 4271? Clay hi. NICELY furnished su-ani-lieated room, NoO Hill distriet. Main 7272. S12i00 STEASI-IIETt'D. newly-furnished room, central. r..i5 1 Gllsan. ' PLEASANT room tor one or two gentle men. 711 Washington st. Marsliall 207S. NICE, light room, phone. bu-Ui. heat; walk ing distance. 202 I'Jtli.s:. NEATLY" furnished rooms, gentlemen only. 4i4 Sainton St.. cor. flm. NICELY furnished room. Nob Hill; 1. f' i e.icts. 723 's Kearney St. Main 230. S.uAl.l. cheap room. 2o 12th st Nu E room, ill" rn, r asoliaole. t mum-sued ixuotus. .DESIRABLE UNFURNIMH-.D ROOMS U1LNEH BLDG.. SaUVs MORRISON 81. MODERN". CENTRAL. KT ASON A BLE. Kooina With Board. EXTRA choice rooms, ainglo or en suite, first-class table, select place. 33 N. 17th street PORTLAND Women's Union. 23d ear; rooms with board, uso of scwlns-rooni. li brary. 610 Flanders. F. N. Heath, supt. THE CALVARD. 452 Morrison st,. cor'.er 13th. Modern conveniences. Waikmg distance. ELEGANT r.o.n for 1 or 2. and f.rjn-ca.- table board. 374 park , RoomT tVilh Board in l"rivateFniIly. ROOM suitable for two young ladies, with two meals a day. ltio lUia st. rhone A iel. NEWLY furnished alcove room, suilalle for two, business people preferred; breaivfasL and dinner. phone Main 2i)71. TWO refined young: ladies can find best ac commodations In attractive home, close 1:1. phone East 34:;. NICE furnished room with board, 2 gentle men. 34't 0th st. FURNISHED room with board. 353 11th st. A looti. ROOM and board for gentleman ot good habits. 712 Hoyt st. NICE warm rooms with good home cook ing, three meals per day. 3'2 Sa.mon. FRONT room, suitable for two gentlemen, with board. Call ll'S 11th st. VERY" pleasant room, wl'h board, furnace heat. Hawthorne and 22d fit. Ease 2:'l. LA ROE front room, good board, close in, cheap. Main 4UI3. FIRST-CLASS room and board in private family for one or more. 545 Y'amhlll st. ROOM and board In strictly private family for a. gentleman, phone East 3!72. ROOMS; 209 14th, near Jefferson, walkinaf dlatance. FOB KENT. Koom. With Hoard In Private Fnrrdly. NICELY furnished room with running wa ter, all .conveniences, best of home cook ing, suitable for 2 R-ntlemen; very cen tral; references. 2:'l West Park 501 TAYLOR ST. Phone A 70s7; rooms with board In small privute family; best of home cooking: up-to-date conveniences; easy walking distance; West Side. WANTED 2 men to occupy large room, s. parte beds., walking, distance. est Side, good cooiiiiig, reasonable. Main 213. YOUNG business woman wanted, agreeable room mate, pleasant room, choice board, relln ed home, O Tun. Orei,-onlan. ROOM-with board, all conveniences, reason able, phones and bath. 107 10th St.. near r landers. ROOM and board. 5-0 per week. 053 Washington st- a Apartments. . THE EVERETT. 644 Everett St., Between 2uth aud Ella Sts. Vacant Feb. 1. one of those choice 3 room suites with private bath, reception hall and sleeping porch. The Everett is the VERY BEST FURNISHED on. I equipped apartmenthouso in the city: free Independent phones with each apartment; automatic elevator and first-class service, our motto: Plenty of heat and hot water all the time. If you want the best, como to the Everett. filEBARKER Corner 21st aud Irving sts. Tills new 4-story brick opened Ju.11. 1. 1911: furnished and unfurnished In two. three and four-room suites with recep tion hall. Paciuo phono in each apartment, electric elewitor, Tolmes die-appearing be-s. built-in bullet and writing desk, gas ranges, ice box. plenty of closet room. If you want something extra nice, come to the Barker. Phone Marshall -SCI. THE MEREDITH. 712 Wush. St. New brick apartments, just finished and furnished complete for Immediate house keeping: beautifully furnished, all In l and 3-room suites with private baths and reception hail. Pacific phone In each apartment free; nothing la th. city to egual It for th. price. Call and aee for yourself. . PENINSULA Apartments, new building. East Side. 1135't. Alblna ave.; take Mississippi. L or St, Johns car. 15 minutes' rid. from Washlngtou St.; 2. 3. 4 and 0 room., com pletely (urmaued, S15 to S40 per month: all modern conveniences; unfurnished apartments, cleo nicely furnished toed joums. Phone Woodlawn 2201.. LUC RET I A COURT, on Lucretia sticet. near Washington; two very choice apartmente will be vacant Feb. 1, any one desirous o securing one of these tew. elegant, modern apartments with nrst-clns. service, should put in their application to the superin tendent on the premises. Apt. 1. Phon. Marshall 1501. References required, HEINZ APARTMENTS, I4ih and Columbia. 4 blocKS south frum Morrison at,; new brick building, completely first-class; fur nished In 2, 3 and 4-room family apart ments; private bath, reception hall, .leans heat, hot water, elovator, free phon. Jan itor 'servlcej rent very reasonable. "THE CEDAR HILL" (.nicest apartment. In city). 17 Ureen ave., bet. Park ave. and Washington St., near City Park, overlook ing city; new house, new furniture, threa rooms and bath, steam beat, hot water, private phone. If looking for a quiet and cosy place, see these apartments. A 7534. PA R K-H A R iTlS "AP A RT M EN TS, corner Parle and Harrison street., now ready for oc cupancy; three and four-room suites, all modern conveniences. Including polished oak floors, llropiacea, etc. Apartments both furnished and unfurnished. Phon. Marshall 307O. A 4425. BANNER APARTMENTS. West Side, 489 Clav st., near 14ih; one 2-rooia apartment S21T.0 per month, completely furuiahed. Including electrio light, steam heat, hot and cold water, bath. " OltDE it LEIGH APAR'lMENXa. Cor. Grand ave. and E. Stark at. New fireproof brick building beautifully furnished. Two and three-room apart ments; private bath, hot and cold wat.r, .team heal- I'hone. East 300. CUMBERLAND Apartments. West Park and Columbia sts.; one 3-room furnished and ono 3-room unfurnished apartment, witn all modern conveniences; oeautiful locu tion. See manager on premises. 706 EVERETT ST. Modern und elegantly furnished apartments of two, three ana four rooms, in one of the most desirable locations 111 tiio city. Call at above loca tion or phona A 7503. 1H ALTAMONT. corner 5th and Coilego sis.; beautifully furnished apartmente; eteain heat, hot water, private phone and baLll. Janitor service. LILLIAN APARTMENTS. 6th and Mont gomery. 1 tnree-room corner apartment, new and elegant. y fuinisncd, prl.ate phono and ail modern conveniences. NEU and elc-eantly furnished two-room apartment Willi open fireplace and an modern conveniences. 320 Montgomery at. .Marshall 2575. ONE. two or three-room apartments, newly 'furnished, steam heat, modern; ulso 1 very nice front room; not and cold water; free ball'.; phone. 176 .1st, neat Washington. R E - U lv .Nb e I w cell HHh and 2dlh ; oeauti ful iront upartiuent; iurulturn modern; 3 rooms anu private batli; pnone, steam heat, ard, homelike. Malnou32, A 31'jl. ELEGANT 4-room apartment, phone, heat, hot aud coid wale:-. 5 minutes' walk to P. O. Apply Majestic Apartments, 3bo Ciay st. . FURNISHED and un.urnished apartments at The J.lanu-.r, 22s 2oth su Marshall 2027. . CHOICE board and loom for 2 gentlemen; have only the best to offer; close In. Phono East 143 jylTV furnished rooms and apartments. Everything modern. The Heaiy, corner E Morrison, Grand ave. Phono East .SS. ON EON T A. 1ST lTlu, near YamhllL Furnlshed apartments. i team-heated BOZANTA-APARTMENTS, newly furnished, strictly modern, reasonable ront; vacaucies now. ISl'.X North 23d. Marahall 2H44. KEELER APARTMENTS, 14th and Clay lB choice corner apartment. Just vacat ed, lnuulre at once. IRIS APARTMENTS. Third and Mill its. i-'room. unfurnished, apartment, J4i; mod ern Improvement-; adullB only. NEW Y'OltK Apartments, 2 aud 3 rooms fur- nished and unfurnished, sieoru heat. Ire. phone. East 7lh and Belmont. CtCELiApanmenis. 22d and Ollsan; . room apartment with ail modern conr-n-iMMS. ten- reasonable. 1m5uiIl1 ROOM. S3.50, 54.50, S3, steam heat, stood Lath and telephone Eorvlct. 105 lOlii st. Colonuil THE DAYTON I'lno 6-room apt.; heat, hot water, etc. Inquire U.18 Flanders. Flat.. YVII L SH inE our furnished fiat with de sirable couple or runt entire five room, to resie-iisiole parly. Call aX'.er tf 1". M. 2tH Glenn ave. GIVE eoupie 4or 5-roum, nicely furnished st.-ain-hcated Hat and somo conu'ens tion. In return tor board for 3. Tabor 2". 1 3. 4Itt)OM Hat. nicely furnished, on 20th. near East .Morrison: 2t per 1110.; no children. . E. R. MaiKlialli, 200 Gerllnger bids, or 703 Belmont Bt. f ONE lower 5-room new flat. !W0 Market at.. West side, one block from 14tn st. bee ..-..ricr 011 nlace. o to 4 o'clock. O-room flat' I". lit J.'!.".; ?150l ne-.v elab orate I'uriiltuie '.00. Phone Marshall d'.i.o. NEW Hat. close In, East Side. J30, adults only. -uarsuan - -t-.. NOB HILL, modem unfurnished 6-room f.'it: adults only, iiaili o89S NEW. modern 5-room flaL ash. Pnone B 2oe. East lilb, and FIRST-CLASS 4-room flat with Lath, rea sonable 271 E. SIxth St.. N. E 6477. ONE new flat, price $25. Main 1505 or East 1157. . . TEOOM modern flat. 304 12th BL; rent 510. Find Key aoupsiaira iiai. 4-KOOM fiat, large porch, pleasant out look, ten minutes' walk. 412'.3 Second. FLAT for rent. 431 Larrabee sL Tel. East r.ji ; .Main iv--. A NEW o-room fiat; walking distance; cheap to the right party. Eat 63c2. " Housekeeping Rooms. THE BEAVER. 12th and Marshall, fur nished lor housekeeping, gas range, elec tric lights, hut water, bath, laundry, all free; 15 per month up; a clean place: best In the city for money; short distance from Union Depot. Take "S" car, or loth at. cars north, get off at Marshall sLNo dogs. COTTAGE. 4 rooms, furnished, $10 month. We.l-f utnished 4-room lower Mat. $17.50 month; suites of two housekeeping rooms. S10 and $12 month. Apply 304 North 26th. "V" ear from depot. 6th or Morrison to 26th, block north. a io 10 S2.hj. WEEK; clean, housekeeping rooms, free laundry, bath, phone, ciean linen, heat. 4iitf Vancourar ave,. and 2U3J Stanton; take U car. FINE DOWNTOWN HOME. MILNER BLDG., iiOVj MORRISON ST. MODERN. CENTRAL.liEA.ON ABLE. 30 FIVE rooms, entire upper fit or of pri vate house. completely furnished for housekeeping. blij Lniun ave. j. L itN isri clj Housekeeping rooms; aisa single rooms 032 Williams ave. Phon. C 1523. HOUSEKEEPING rooms In new concrt bldg. Phon. Woouiawn 297 or 2870. 461 EASMORRisONfTcor. Eait8th, oom pletely Xu-rnifilied housekeeping suites. A A