TITE 3IORXIXG OREROXIAX TIItTRSDAT, FEBRUARY 2, 1911. WASH NGTON ROAD TAX CUT IN TWO Senate Passes Bill Fixing Highway Levy at Half-Mill Instead of One. MEASURE IS FOUGHT HARD fropod Law Assailed as Slrp Hark want and Menace to 1'arincrs, but KroDomy Prevails Paul Iiamas Anions Adrocatcs. OLTWPIA. Wash.. Fb. 1. (Splal-V Advocates of tha Good Roads movement In Washington received a mild shock today whfD tha 8enate. after lengthy discussion, passed the Daaaett bill amending the present law to cut down th. levy for road purpuaes from ona mill to hslf a mill. Stewart of Cowitts wielded tha cudjel In behalf of the Good Roads enthusiasts, d. citrine that U''h a blil meant a step backward for Wsshlnetnn- He salj rr d development of the state depended upon the poll.-y of cltifns on hlKhwar Im provements. He offered an amT.Jmcnt to the bill to tncreuo the tax levy from half a mill to a levy not exceeding one mllL In another amendment Brown, of Whatcom, wanted to eff.-ct a compro mise by placlric the levy at three, fourths of a mill, s-ivln that tUure woout be sufficient to raise funds to carry on tha work of the blahway de partment. The Stewart and Brown amendments wra Toted down and tha b!.l passed In Its original form. One-Mill Tai I'avorrd. "Tlila bill opened before us tha rreet et question that has yet been brousjht to the attention of the Senate.- sU Ftevenson. of Car-fluid. "The subject of cod road. Is a most Important ona and arxiuhl affect every community In the state, tv.rvor.e knows that tha roads In Eastern Washington are bad and It t. not necessary to refer to tha condi tion of the roads on the West Side. Farmers In my part of tha state want bett.r roads and are wtlllnc to psy for their share of the work. They ask the state to do Its port. Filler road would mean a slti of an averse of 4 cent a huh-l on grata moved to tha shipping points." (Senator Stevenson favored Increase of the levy to one mllL ITestdent I'aulhamus took tha floor In support of tha bill, declaring that It was tuna to exerriae better Judgment In the expenditure of money on the public highway. raulhamae Acaln.it Klc. "tt'a have heard a great deal about tn roads and In that connection much haa ben said about the highway depart ment." aa!! President P-aulhamna. "There Is not a member of this Senate who can take bold of that department snd conduct tha work as It should be t.ne. Tha fault is with the policy we lave been following. Lei us practice eonomy by reducing the roa.1 tax and x-rt better results with the funds that are available. If wa vote to appropriate rtore money than wa can use and dis tribute equltahly. we. shall increase our troubles and do more ruirm to the cause cf aood mada than In any other way." Flshback. of Lewis, held out for a Msher levy. "We would save money by advancing the salary of tha Hlshway Commissioner so that we could secure the services of men competent to conduct the wtrk." be said. 'One trouble haa been that the assessors have not been doing their duty In assessing property at Its actual valuation. Hence wa have failed to have as much money for roads as we ought to have bad." Original mil Fa. Rosephaupt of Spokane, Jackson of King, and Falconer of Snohomish spon against a higher levy. Idacusslon here closed and the bill was passed without amendment. The Col Una bill to amend the const I -. tutlon to permit aliens to own property In the state brought out much opposi tion and tha bill waa mada a Sic!al order f r tomorrow. Senator riper objected ta the bill, saving It would p-rrntt Japanese and Chinese to buy property in cities. Hi s-ld that the people of Washington dj not want such a contingency t. arise. "If a foreigner wants to on prop , erty In this state, let Mm become a rl'lien of his country first." ho said. Senator Ruth opposed the bill, while Rosenhaupt and Jackson thought It should be passed. AHJl"TANT'S PAY KKDllfD Senate Kavor Slashing of Washing ton Militia Salaries. OLTMPIA. Wash- Feb. 1. (Special.) The House made the National Ouard of Washington the subject of discus sion for the second time within a week when the bill to reduce the salaries of the Adiutant-fleneral and staff went to Its third reading. The bill passed by a larue majority. It provides for cutting down the Adjutant-General's salary from I2i00 to I MOO. Salaries of other officers are affected proportionately. The House bill providing for public parks In subdivisions to cities of over 14.00') population was given considera tion Oils afternoon and was referred to the Judiciary committee. RAINFALL BELOW AVERAGE Astoria It coords ShowPrrolpltallon of 10. Inches la January. ASTORIA. Or, Feb, 1. (Special.) According to the records la Weather Observer Gllrnore's office precipitation In January waa 1 it Inches, or . of an Inch below the average for tha corresponding month of previous years. The greatest amount of rainfall dur ing any 2 hours was S M Inches, on the ISth. There were Zi days on which more than one-hundredth of an Inch of rain fell, five days were clear, six war partly cloudy and Z0 were cloudy. The minimum temperature for tha month waa It degrees, the coldest of the present Winter. WAGON PASSES OVER MAN Hor.ee linn Away: Prlver Thrown I'nder M heels; Arms Broken. WAIJJt VTAl.UA. Wah. Feb. 1. (Special. Falling beneatli his own wagon, which waa being drawn by four runaway horse. Frank Waddtrrham of Conns! I was run over and both anus were broken yesterday afternoon, while he was driving from Connell to Touchet. After ridding themselves of their driver tha team ran for several miles before they were stopped by Ed Ttmrncrmun. a rancher, who lives near Kennewlck. Tim-Herman, after a hojf hours search, discovered WaUdingham lying n the road apparently dead. The Injured man was placed In a wagon and brought to the Walla Walla hospital, arriving here about o'clock last eight. . . TACOMA DIVORCES MANY City lias 503 In 110 and 1663 Weddings Luus Alleged Lax. TACOMA, Wash, Feb. 1. (Special.) Figures Just compiled by County Clerk McKenxle show two divorces granted In Tlerca County during- 110 to every 11 marriages. There were 1CGJ weddings during the year and 2!3 divorces granted by the local courts. During January this yesr SI new di vorce suits have been filed. Superior Judge Chapman says that tha Washing ton divorce laws ara lax and lame In many respects. "Tha court In most Instances Is prac tically helpless.' said lie. "because the law gives no opportunity to exercise Judgment In divorce rases, no matter how seemingly Insignificant ths grounds sometimes advanced. Some thing should be done to check the con- OUTLOOK FOR NOV COUNTIES GLOOMY Idaho Legislators Face Hard Problem of Making Di visions Desired. NINE MEASURES PROPOSED Members of House and Senato Say They Must See Actual Necessity of Creating New Counties Be fore Action Is Taken. HOISE. Feb. 1. (Special.) Were It not for the county divisions asked, the demands of Nes Perce and other North Idaho counties on the Eleventh Legis lature would be modest and very prob- NOTICE! The Fiftieth Anniversary Number of The Oregonian Will Be Issued February 4, 1911. PRICE 5 CENTS Owing to increased size postage will be 8 cents instead of 7 cents. The S-cent rate will apply in the United States, Canada, Mexico and the Island possessions. The postage to all other countries will be 1G cents. CAUTION! ' When buying papers at street stands and leaving them with dealers to be mailt d, be sure that the full amount of postage is afiicd. stantly growing number of dtvorca cases In our courts" VICTIM OF GUNPLAY DIES Youth Shot When Ordered to Dance Has Fatal Blood Poisoning. ELGIN. Or.. Feb. 1. (Special. V-Fred Jacobs, sged of Lostlne. died at the I.a flrande Hospital Fllday night as result of a gunshot wound Inflicted by Alvah Harris. It la reported that Hnrrm ordered Jacoba to canco. and to make him step livelier commenced shooting at Ms foet. One bullet struck young Jacoba in tha thigh. An attempt Is said to hsve been mads to keep t'..e matter quiet and to do so made medical attention impracticable ; hence, the boy being neglected, contracted blood poiesmlcg. from which he died. Har ris I" being held on a murder charge, and the only witness Is under bond to appear In the case. RAILROADS BOOM MADRAS Homeseekers and Investors Are Ki- pected Within Short Time. MAl'RAS. Or.. Feb. 1. (Special.) This city la already experiencing the thrill of Ufa that heralds tha approach of the railroads, which are expected to enter the boundaries of Madras with in two weeks. l.rKe numbers of liome- seekers and Investors will arrive soon after the railway steel haa been laid to this point. The Oregon Trunk hss established Its station grounds on a slightly high er elevation. "0 feet In width and 3500 feet long. The Farmers' Union has already built a larg and very substan tial warehouse of 250.000 bushels ca pacity. The advent of two railroads Into Madras is expected to bring about re markable changes. PROMOTER'S TRIAL BEGUN Many Juror. Challenged in Tom n alte Manager's Trial. SEATTLE. Feb. 1. Slow progress was made today In the trial In tha I'ntted States Court of Clarence . Hlll i:ian. the millionaire townslta promoter, Indicted for alleged use of tha malls for purpose of fraud. When court adjourned for the day 11 Jurors were In the box and the attor neys were still exercising their per emptory challenges. The Government haa used five of Its 18 challenges and the dcfrr.se nine of Its 15. &-oiflli Knlplits to Give Dance. At the Scottish Rite Cathedral the members of the order will give the fourth of the Winter's entertainment Friday evening. There will be no re ceiving line and dancing will begin promptly at t Cards will be played In the east parlors. The committee in charge for the evening Is composed of C. C. Newcastle, chairman: II. I. Pal mer. Robert Krohn. l. CI. Tomaslnl. O. M. Cellars. II. L. Chapln. Fred Uullettc. R. A- Miller. J. K. Locke. V. A. Avery. II. L. Plttock. W. Y. Masters, J. K. Wer leln. J. J. Kadderly. C. dl Hosmar. John Annan J. R. W. Schtneor. Richard Mar tin. J. K. Mackenxte. Robert FarrrlL Babld Coyote Attacks Handier. KIXJIN. Or.. Feb. 1.-(Special.) The coyote rabies eptdVm!c la becoming a serious matter. cXimucl Farker. who owns a ranch about three mllrei north of Elgin, was attacked by one a few days ago. Mr. Parker had been out to fcls ranch and when returning by tho way of the railroad track noticed a coyote running at fu.l speed tomaxd Mm. As the coyote neared him Mr. Parker picked up a rock and killed 11m. Coos Bay Towed In. ITS ANGKLKa Feb. 1. The tug Re dondo arrived In tha outer harbor to day having In tow tha waterlogged steamer Coos Bay. of tha Pacific Navi gation Company, which ran aground off Ventura and waa abandoned by her owners, a few days ago. The steamer waa floated under the direction of Cap tain Plllsbury. of the Marine Under writers' Association. The extent of damage tha ship has sustained baa not been determined. ably would be granted, but tha pros pects of creating Clearwater. Lewis and Craig counties make tha requests of Nes I'erca appear much larger than they really are. County division has dvtractod from the state bridge asked to span tha Clearwater, and tha dam bill, which means so much to the North Fork of that stream. If both measures are passed Nex Perce will fare much bettor than many of the other 1i counties demanding legisla tion. The county division situation is more peculiar than ever before In the his tory of the state. There are no less than nine new county measures al ready launched In the House and Sen ate. If they are all passed there will be 12 counties In Idaho within the next six months. Rut all of them will prob ably not meet with success. Those which bear on their face the most merit may receive serious consideration and slide through. r Legislature Must Bo Shown. Tho Legislature Is skeptical and like the man from Ulssorul "must be shown." This wss proved beyond all doubt when the Snake River or Donne vil'.e County bill to divide Bingham County came up In the Senate. The nov county list today stands as follows: Clearwater. Kamlah. Randall. I.rwl3, Craig. Adams, Power, Snake River and Clark. Five of the new coun ties would select as their birthplace. Idaho and Nex Perce counties: Kamlah and Randall to originate In Idaho and Clearwater, and Lewis and Cral? In Nes I'erce. Adams would be the north half of Waithlngton: Power County made up of Cassia. Lincoln. Rlalne and Twin Falls; Snake Rlvur or Bonneville County, the north half of Bingham and Clark and the west half of Fremont. With but one exception all are new counties In legislative history. The ex ception Is Power, which broke Into the 10th session and missed passing; by but one vote. Valuation Not Large Enough. It la said to he clearly tmposslblo for the creation of three new counties out of Nes Perce. The members of the Legislature declare that the valuations are not there and o.ily a hardship would bs worked. Old Nex Perce would be sadjy deserted by Its foster chil dren If Craig. Clearwater and Te wis were allowed to secede. As It Is the county will probably lose at least some of Its territory. The Nex Perce delegation feels con fident that two of tho new counties, Clearwater and Lewis, will be crested, but the legislative atmosphere will have to be a great deal clearer than It Is now. They assert that Clearwater and Lewis have the assessed valuation; that there Is a untted demand for the new counties and It Is logical that in view of the segregated Interests, of tha respective localities no harm can be done by creating them. Yet long peti tions bearing the names of prominent Nex Perce residents have been received opposing Lewis County In particular. With Clearwater tne situation Is dif ferent. There are few If any remon strances and no petitions on file for consideration by the Legislature. It Is also a strange fact that the committee on county lines and boundaries in the House has held up both bills for the past two weeks. When they are rec ommended out next week both will be sent to the committee of the whole without a report favoring or opposing their passage. It will therefore be up to the House to conduct the killing If one Is to be done. Craig County a Puzxle. All of tha members of the Nex Perce delegation were taken by surprise when Craig County made Its appear ance. They, of course, had heard of the possibility of tha bill bring Intro duced, but had never taken the matter seriously. Accordingly when Repre sentative Nlhart, of Twin Falls, pre sented the Craig County bill they were dumbfounded. Craig County really absorbs all of ths territory that Lewis County wishes to Include, although It confines Its boundary lines almost entirely to terri tory within Nex Perce County. Rue bens, the proposed county seat. Is but a village, but centrally located so far as the territory of tho proposed county Is concerned. That there ara a number of prom inent Nes Perce residents behind tne latest creation In the county line is known to be a fact, but In legislative circles, generally speaking. Craig County Is not taken seriously. It Is asserted that this division bill or.. eeks to Jeopardise the prospects of Clearwater and Lewis County hills. It Is placed on a same footing with Ka mlah and Randall County measures, botb of which ara also considered COULD NOTSTAND SUFFERING fRflH SKIN ERUPTION Red Blotches on Face and Scalp. Disfiguring, Scaly and Dry. Be gan to Itch and Burn. Scratched Until He Drew the Blood. Cuticura Soap and Ointment Entirely Relieved "That Awful Pest." "I have been udng Cuticura Soap and Cuticura Ointment for the past three months and I am glad to say that they cured me of a most annoying skin eruption. It began by my noticing red blotches appearing on my face and scalp. Al though tliey were rather disfiguring, I did not think anything of them until they began to get scaly and dry and to itch and burn until I could not stand the suffering. Then I heran to use a different soap, thinking that my old kind mis ht be hurt- Jng me, but that didn't seem to do any good, went to two different doctors but neither seemed to relieve me any. 1 lost many nichu' sleep In continual scratching, sometimes scratching till I drew the blood on my face and head. Then I started in to use the Cuti cura Remedies and In two months I was en tirely relieved of that awful pest. "If anyone seeks Information as to how good Cuticura Remedies are, refer them to me as one who ued it successfully. I am so delighted over my cure by Cuticura Remedies that I shall be glad to tell anybody about It." (Signed) C. M. Macfarland, 221 West 113th St., New York City. Oct. 6, 1910. Cuticura Soap (25c.) and Cuticura Ointment (SOc. ) are sold throughout the world. Send to Potter Drug A Chem. Corp.. sole props.. 135 Columbus Ave., Boston for free book oatkia and scalp diseases and their treatment. lightly because tho territory is not pop ulated sufficiently to warrant the Leg islature creating tha new counties de manded there. TRIO WANT SAME JOB POSTMASTER APPOINTMENT AT ELGIX IS FLCM SOUGHT. Henry Proctor, Incumbent; Claude lUce and R. C. Mays. Said to ' Bo Seeking Place. ELGIN. Or.. Feb. 1. (Social.) Three candidates are In the race for the ap pointment of poatmaeiter at Elgin. Those seeking the position sre Henry Proctor, present Postmaster, Claude Rice and R. O. Mays. Jutt now prospects seem to fnvor JIaye for he has received word from Repre sentative Hills that Bills had recom mended him for postmaster. Froctor ex pects hk appointment soon. On the other hand Postmostcr Proctor thle week tele graphed Representative Ellis to withhold the appointment temporarily. Kills' action In naming Mays for the position Is as serted by Proctor s friends to have been made with the understundlng'thRt Proc tor had resigned. This a as published a short time ago, but is now denied by Proctor, who says emphatically that he has no Intention of resigning, or not eveklng reappointment. Claude Rice, who aspires for the posi tion. Is principal of the Elgin schools. Mr. Rice Is mid to bnse his hope of eecunns tho appointment upon Reprewn-tatlve-elect Ijifferty, who takes office In March. Mr. lafferty and Mr. Rico are old acquaintances, and the former Is said to favor Rice. SENIOR CONDUCTOR DIES Philip Gay Took. First North Dank Train Into Portland. VANCOUVER. Wafh.. Feb. J. (Spe cial.) Philip Gay. 29 years old. the con ductor to take the first pasrnger train Into the Hoyt-street depot In Portland, upon the completion of tho North Bank Road, died here today at his home, 71 1 Harney street. The funeral will be held from St. James' Cathedral Friday morning at 9:30 o'clock, tho Rev. Father Verwlljrren officiating Burial will be In the Catholic Cemetery. Philip Gay was one of the most pop ular men on the North Rank Road and was for several years a conductor, lit was the oldest employe, in point of seniority, working for the company. He is survived by his parents. Mr. and Mrs. August Gay: six brothers, Peter. Nelson. August, John, Walter, Daniel, all residents of Vancouver: and two sisters, Mrs. 1. W. Taylor, of The Dalles. Or., and Mrs. R. A. Miller, of Portland. Or. The funeral will be Fri day niornlnsr. TOVVNSITE JtUTT SETTLED Stan field and Columbia Land Com pany Arrange Deficiencies. Robert N. Stanfleld's suit ngainsd the Columbia Lnnd Company. Dr. Henry Waldo Coe, president, and about 80 reni dents of Stanlleld who were purchasing land on contract, was settled yesterday. The suit was to foreclose a mortgage for fc'o.OOO. The City Realty Company was organized yesterday to take over a part of the towceiite property. Stanfleld Ls a new townslte covering 40 acres adjacent to the 7O90 acres wJ-.lch the Inland Irrigation company Is Irrigat ing. It Is C9 miles west of Pendleton, on the line of the proposed Stantleld Coyotte cutoff. The suit of the Inland Irrigation Company against Dr. Coe i still ponding. Attorneys- Argalus W. Gray and J. Frank Shelton brought about the settlement of Stanfleld's suit. Paroled Swindler Is Wanted. SALEM. Or., Feb. 1. Governor West today honored a requisition for the re turn of F. IL Lasher to Globe Ariz., but owing- to the fact that Lasher broke nis parole while under a 5-year sentence from Multnomah County. It Is thought the case will be fought out in the courts. Lasher was tried In Portland on a charge of obtaining snoney by false pretenses. He was found guilty and sentenced, but was paroled by Judge McGinn. After being caroled he passed another worthless check while drunk and was arrested. He Is charged with stealing a team and wagon In Arizona. Alleged Embezzler Escapes. VANCOUVER. Wash.. Feb. 1. (Spe cial V Lee Brezentlne. wanted in Law rence. Kan., for alleged embezzlement of $400. who was arrested in Camas in December by Sheriff Ira Cresap and 1 turned over to Sheriff Banning, of Kan sas, escaped from his custody In Den ver, according to a message received here today. Sheriff Banning is again looking for his fugitive. Leading Complete Furnishers of the Home and Office Toll & Cibbgp Hoc, M0ERIS0N AT SEVENTH Liberal Credit Terms Extended to Homefurnishers Agents for the South Bend Malleable The World's Greatest Range. See the New Idea Gas Ranges for Homes and Apartment Houses. They're the Most Modern Type Made. 1 J tV il 1 m in Economy News "irZev Coats Still many weeks of coat-wearing weather ahead and there are many women who will welcome this opportunity to discard their shabby coats and effect quite a saving in the selection of a new one. ,nn p. For Coats That Were $12.50, $15, $22.50, $25 and fcy. $40 A group of odd Coats in medium and heavy weipht materials, lined, half-lined and unlined. In light and dark colors. Just 21 Coats to select from, but all of them good semi-fitted models. In broadcloth and mixtures, plain tailored and trimmed. Fifty Coats Offered at Half Price ? 9.SS for $19.75 Coats. $12.50 for $25.00 Coats. $32.50 for $45.00 Coats. $25.00 for $50.00 Coats. Mixtures, broadcloths and double-faced coatings are the mate rials in this half-hundred group of "Winter Coats, plain tailored and with coat and shawl collars. Also the comfortable Presto collars. Many of these Coats are guaranteed waterproof. S22.50 FOR $35.00 ALL-WOOL SERGE COATS those wide-wale serges in black only. Full lined with good quality silk serge linings. Strictly tailored and semi-fitted models. Opportunities in Women's Tailored Suits SI 7.85 for Suits That Were $25, $29.50, $32.50 and $35. 27.85 for Suits That Were $37.50, $40.00 and $45.00. $31.75 for a Few Suits That Were $45, $65 and $75. $18.50 for $23.50 AXMINST E R 9x12 -Foot RUGS Just twelve of them that the carpet store will offer special today. They all have mottled centers and are bordered on the ends only. The colorinffs should harmonize with any color scheme of walls or haninps. The same size and same grade of Rug with fig ured centers pell resru larly for $30. Convenient time payments if de sired. Carpet Store Sixth Floor Oresserso Clhlf f orairs Spe'l Opportune Bargains for February Homefurnishers ?17.00 Chiffonier lor MU.iio uoiaen oak, with five drawers and hat bos. No mirror. $16.50 Dresser for 10.75 Golden oak. the front and top quarter-sawed stock, lias wood drawer knobs, oval mirror 16 by 'JO inches. S22.50 Chiffonier for 12.75 In birds- T . ... T T r' "eve manle, witn lanre mirror, lias ino a I drawers with maple pulls. a s "jOiSt? V.. S25.00 Chiffonier for 13.25 Golden oak, with quarter-sawed serpentine front and claw feet. Has five roomv drawers. $21.00 Chiffonier for 12.75 In quarter-sawed golden oak, with four large and two small drawers. Plain front. $22.00 Dresser for 14.50 A large piece in quarter-sawed golden oak. with pat tern plate mirror measuring 22 by 23 inches. Wood drawer pulls. $23 Princess Dresser for $16.75 In golden oak, with one large and iwo smaller drawers j 18x40-ineh mirror; oak drawer pulls. Convenient Payment Terms Supreme Sewing Kacbincs on the Liberal Terms of $1 Down and 5Cc Weekly-Six Different Models-Priced From $16 Up SCORES FLEE FL GOD Inkom Washout Inundates Part of Pocatello. PORT NEUF RIVER RISES been washed out and every brldg on Mason Creek and tributaries. MoCammon 'a absolutely cut off from communication with the surroundin? farming country. The people ot the Robin country are Isolated. The County Commissioners are rushing? men to the scene of trouble and temporary struc tures will be thrown across the stream as ouk-kly as possible. The Port Neuf River at Focatello today reached the highest flood staee In history. Every home along the banks of the stream In the northwestern portion of the city had been abandoned. Scores of people have been compelled to flee their perlsh- abte household- goods to safety. The-' washout at Inkom liberated a tremen- : dous volume of accumulated flood water and tho crest of the flood appeared In this c'ty about noon. All records for ' continuous rainfall in this section of tho ! Mate have been broken within the past i 10 days. Pilot's Body to Be Cremated. ASTORIA, Or., Feb. 1. (Special.) The body of the late Captain Arthur I.elghton, the bar pilot, who died here Monday night, was sent to Portland tonlnrnt to be cremated. Trains on Short 1.1 no Held at Di vision Point Wagon Bridges Swept Away All Kocords for Continued Rainfall Broken. POCATELLO. Idaho, Feb. 1. (Special.) Traffic on tho Oregon Short Line east and south of the city is absolutely sus pended today on account of a washout at Inkom. 12 miles southeast' of Pocatello. Unprecedented high water In the Port Neuf River, along the canyon of which the railway runs from Pocatello. 60 miles east, this forenoon swept out 60 feet of double tracking. It will be tomorrow morning before the road can be reopened. Tho fast ma'l train from the east and the Idaho ex press, from Bait Lake, west bound, and east bound 1 mlted, the south bound Butte express and the south bound Utah express were all being held. Trains con tinue to Increase In the yards here. Every wagon bridge on the Fort Neuf River between Pocatello and Chesterfield has Kidney Disease and Did Not Know It Piles Quickly : Cured At Home Instant Pelief, Permanent Cure Trial Package Mailed Free to All in Plain Wrapper. Many cases of Piles have been cured by a trial package of Pyramid Pile Cure without further treatment. When it proves its value to you, get more from your druggist at 50 cents a box, and be sure you get what you ask for. Simply fill out free coupon below and mall today. Save yourself from the surgeon's knife and its torture, the doctor and his bills. FREE PACKAGE COUPON PYRAMID DRUG COMPACT, 268 Pyramid Eldg.. Marshall, Mich. Kind ly send me a sampU f Pyramid pile Cure, at once oy mall, FREE, in plain wrapper. Same t Street City. State... Many Men find Women Have Kidney Disease and no Xot Know It I'ntll It Be comes Chronic. If You Have Any Pains In the Back or Side or Are Troubled "With moating or Fermentation, Look After Yourself Carefully. It May Be Your Kidneys Arc Affeeteu. The experience of Mrs. Roso Wampner. 2521 Prospect St., Indianapolis. Ind., her mother and her husband, ehows that one's Ills are often diagnosed wrongly and might prove fatal. Read Mrs. Wampner's unso licited words of praise for the great kidney and liver remedy and what It did for her whole family. "I want to toll you what Warner's Safe Cure has done for different members of my family. Twenty-four years ago, when I was born, my mother was given up to die by our doctor, who said she had a tumor which was taking her life. She wae advised by one of our druggists to take Warner's Safe Cure. She took It two years and It cured her. She Is still living and working hard every day. "I am taking Warner's Safe Cure myself, for I have had trouble with my kidneys since I was quite smalL "My husband wa sick In bed for ten weeks last Spring. The doctor was doctor- H I K'f5- no better. So I got him a bottle of Warner's J I If r.V.T:.'3A 3SSii'.'! "I fels mnrh hetter. "If anybody wishes to write to me and be convinced of the good your remedy does, I will gladly answer." Diseased kidneys cause one-third of all deaths. Pain In small of back, painful pass ing of urine. Inflammation of the bladder, torpid liver, cloudy urine, pains In the back of the head and neck, rheumatic pains and swelling all over the body, show that your kidneys are diseased. If you have any ot these symptoms, great care should be taken to at once stop the progress of the disease, and prevent it becoming chronic, pregnating the entire system and caus ing death. Warner's Safe cure not onlv cures the early stages of kidney diseases, but it is a wonderful remedv for advanced stapes of dropsy, lumbago, uraemic poison, urinary disorders. Krikht s disease, etc., as the hundreds of testimonials we have received conclusively prove. It is a most valuable and effective tonic. It repairs the tissues, soothes intlammation and irritation, awakens the torpid liver, aids digestion, stimulates the enfeebled organs and heals at the same time. Put up in 50c. and J 1.00 sizes, and sold by all druggists. Constipation and Biliousness WARNER'S SAFE PILLS for constipation and biliousness, purely vegetable, sugar-coated, absolutely free from injurious 6ubstances, are a perfect laxative. They do not gripe or leave any bad after effects. 25 cents a package. To convince every sufferer from diseases of the kidneys and liver, of the merits of WARNERS SAFE CURE a n n;ilo Crnn sample bottle and also a sample cos or tne puts win no BOX 0l rlllS rlCC sent FREE OF CHARGE, postpaid, to any one who will write WARNER'S SAFE CURE CO., Rochester. N. Y., and mention having seen ; this liberal offer In The oregonlan. ine genuineness 01 mis oner is iuuj sum anteed by the publisher. jJpii fyj ttBI? $ Greatly Package Reduced. Sample Bottle and