Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, February 02, 1911, Page 5, Image 5

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- 7 t
He Cancels All but One En
gagement in South Lest
Extra Session Come.
If Senate Talk r.lll to Peath. Thejr
May Pat mil Throusli at Kxtra
Sclon. Krlendly rl.psl
lloa Being Apparent.
VASHtNWmV. Feb. 1 President
Tart's announcement tort)' that the
Pouthtra tour. sVhlch he had planned
to tak early r.'xt month. would be
canceled. Willi the cTlon of the
visit to Atlanta March !. started po
litical Incurs to wasting with ru
mor thai hi. purpose was to prepare
for a possible extra session of run
term in t-as tl prrwnt session falla
t rnart the reciprocity agreement be
tween the fnited States and Canada
a anmuncr!.
lTmur rf business, and too man?
Invlt-illons to visit places In the South
while miklni the tour r the reasons
assigned for the cancellation of the
rears hare been expressed that tha
Fnai would "talk the reciprocity
mijr t.j death' or kill It In sme
tt,.er war. although It believed
t"-e House, with tha aid of
tr-.e Ierr.terats. wiuld puss It.
If this sho-ild b the ran the Presl
drni would feel. It waa ald. that ha
nuld iU-pond on a Iwmocratlc House.
icri as would exist after March 4. to
ipprrt Mm In his effort to paaa this
Iisiat!tn. An extra session would
frr artlon on the question, with tha
rhinrrt apparent? In faror of the
President's getting hla reciprocity leg
I lurk Starts) ( ihom t lili li Mums
They Favor Treaty.
W PHIN;TO.V. r'eh. I. Th attltndo
of if: lloixi Wnwral. toward. the
re:prorlty agreement with" la
being rinmue l at tl. Instance of Clark,
tfe minority leader. Td3y he risked
eienr utile i!kritlnii to take up the
inciter and report to Mm that ha
m'-ctt koow the aeneml tamper.
Nw nrk. led by !ti!arr. parted the
h ill r-nllng and the conference waa unani
mously I" f.vvor of passing the resolu
tion. Virginia delegates h'ld a meetirit
at the en me time and tha rownrii of
opinion waa for the agreement.
In-moorage from other states talked
erer the situation, and the aentlment. s
fr aa It developed, aeemed to be that
I he vmnrrats eould pass the measure.
Secretary of State Knox and fpcelnl
Asnt ". M. Pepper, of the ato Ie.
partment. In a r.e.r n before the. waya
nn.l nicirs rnrnmlitre next Thursday, urt. tie Republicans to support tha
Tradr IVxIlr of National CnpMol
I'rgr? Olrbrallon.
WASHINGTON. Feb. 1. A new aa
plrant for Govtrnmrnt recocnlilon In
connection with a eelebratlon of tha
cperlna: of I'anama Canal In 1J1S ap
peared before the Ornate committee on
Industrial expoeltlona today. Thla waa
Waahlna-ton. I. . Itepreaentlnar cer
tain trade bodlea of the rlty. ex
IMatrlet fommlsaloner S. H. K McFar
lard urged the appointment of a com
mission of nine nieml-ra whl'-h hould
drvtse a plsn for an official celebration,
distinct from any exposition to be, held
at Kracrtaco or New Orleans.
5eaker Cannon laid before tha
Mouse today telexrama of ronsratula
tlon and thanka from the LearlaUture
ef California and the r.ull.llnR Tra.l.s
of Pan IVim lsro. They expressed ap
preciation for the act of the Ilouae In
votlna; to eIt the I'anama exposition
to San Krunclso.
The House bill locatina; the pronoaed
Panama Canal exposition at San Krin
rtavo reached the ri.-nate and waa re
ferred to tho committee on Industrial
expositions of which Senator Wealey
Jonea. of Washington, j chairman.
Mme to Name- New Senatorial Can
dictate Not Wrlrouird.
A 1. BANT. N. T.. Feb. 1. No choice
resulted toda on the l!lth ballot for
("cited States Senator and there waa
no ehlftlne; of votes, following li tha
vote la detail:
Democrats Sheehan t'i. Shepard 10.
Krrnan 9. C.tyrin 3. Uttletnn .
O'Hrten 1. Parker 1. Sulx-T 1. Taylor 1.
Republican Depew 77.
Total vote caat 1SJ. Necessary for
The movement for w conference of
the Repuhtlcaa membera of the Legis
lature, with a view to reconvening the
KrpuMlran caucus and nihil Itutlnc a
new candidate for Chauncey M. Ix-pew
for Crltrd Statea Senator, received a
s. tha. k today from Minority leader
"In my Judcment." laid Senator
l:ra kett. "the lime li not ripe for
such a irovrment"
Settler May Soon Take Tract Cat
Out of Forest.
WASlUSaiMS. FVb. L Secretary Ral
1 ns T Uxlay restored to entry the unap
propriated public landa recently elimi
nated fro-n the Chelan National Forest.
Vah!r.rton: ! Stanislaus and Trinity
.rsta In California, and the Oxark
forest. Arkansas. aggregating 4o.U
The landa In Washlnrton and Arkansu
will be opened to aettlement on April H.
151 1. and to entry on May 14. 1311. Those
In California will become tubject to
aettlement on April 1. 1311. and to entry
on May UK 1511.
Woman Ilrpnrtrr Who lias Smnllitox
Causes Scare
SEATTLE. Wain, b. 1. SpeUL)
For nearly two hour thia afternoon tha
CTry Healta Department Halted tha ma
chinery of the eonrta. so far aa the
conduct of tha County Clark'a office waa
eoneerr.ed. by temporarily quarantining
the office and allowing none of the oc
cupants or visitors to leave.
Karly In the afterroon It waa learned
that a esse of emallpox had been trtpplna;
Hxht'.y abejt the room fr the pi t
ili tLumhlna the r-corda und hanlllr.g
ti:e m'nuie hMluw Word waa aent to I'r.
J. n. rlcht')n. who ord-rd the clcrk'a
office locked at one. with Its occupants.
After a force of physicians had vacci
nated every orcupucl of the room who
could rot slow it tood fear, ard hail
sprinkled all ilott.lmc with formaldehyde,
the fiuar.iniliie was released, and a doxen
frantic laerei and 30 or more cU-rks
were allowed to leave the bulldinc.
Grat Scoit. I can t tay here."- aaid
Aforr.ey Andrew Kltck. when l.e waa
stopped at the rla ard told to remain.
I vr sot a:t eti.i cement down low x."
But IHack stayed.
One or lo clerks. with evruples
itiinit vaccination, dropped out of a
wmilo-.v brtore the quarantine officer
The caiL-e of the dleturbance Is M'avs
Kalne ftradshaw. an einploe of the
Times ITInllns; Company, who waei de
tained at home three days last week
with a fever. She returned on Monday
mornlnic to her work of handling- the
rourt proce.-dltii.-s for her paper, evident
ly in r od health, except for the appear
ance of blotches upon her face. Siie waa
at her desk In the clerk's) office on Mon
day and Tuesday, but called a physician
on Wednesday morning before going to
work and was toid her ailment waa
smallpox. S"-e was removed to the Isola
tion hospital and meamirew were taken
wt her home and at the Times office to
prevent the s;ead of the Infection.
sii-.Nn OP PKMISK.
Of fleere Are Sliexketl at Sudden
Pa-sng of P.rlllant StratesWt
an J Tnetlclnn.
WASHINGTON. Feb. 1. Rear-Admlrol
Charlea S. Sperry. retired, who success
fully piloted the United Statea fleet
Rear, tdralral C harles . rrrr,
Hetlred. bh tiled Veaterday.
around the world In 190S-9. died today
of pnrumnnla In the Naval Medical
School Hospital here.
He arrle.l In WashlnRton on last Fri
day from Ills home In Newinirt. It. I..
for special duty In tho Slate Depart
ment Incident to his representation of
the I'nlted States at the conference of
naval powers of the world at London.
He was taken 111 shortly aftt-r his ar
rival and yesterday afternoon he en
tered the tiavnl hospital.
Tho death of Admiral Sperry was a
shock to hia fellow officers in tho Navy
and a Mow to the Stato Department,
which ruid counted much upon his ss
stetarice In perfecting tt translation of
what Is known as tha Declaration of
Admiral Fperry was bom In Ttrook
lyn, N. V.. in 197. grnduatrd from Iba
Naval Academy In 1m.
He was a recocnlxed authority on tac
tics and one of the moss brilliant strate
gists In the service. He also was an
..ui ority o.j International law.
Admiral Sperrv was retired for age on
September 13'i9. .
txKitirvnov disposes of si a,.
600.000 BLOCK.
IlaiiklrvK Synillt-ate TaLrsi Over 7 Per
tent t'umulatlvo rrefcrred
NEW YORK. Feb. I It was announced
today that a harking syndicate com
posed of Goldman. Saclis St Co. and
Lehman llrothers. of this city, bad pur
chased jn.j".iX of 7 per cent cumula
tive preferred stock of the Studebaker
Corporation of Svuth Bend. lnd. The
Issue Is $;5.0-V. )f which tl.SwO.Ou) la
left In the treasury.
It was announced .also that the Stu
debaker C-rp. nation had authorised an
Issue of MX'sju.-jw of common stock to
be offered at public sale.
Proceeds of the sale of the preferred
stock will be used to purchase control
of the Kverett-Metsser-Klander (E. M.
F.) automobile plant In Michigan, and
also to Huuulate bonded obligations in
curred hy the latter compsny. Arrange
ments are now under way to charter the
new company with an authorised capital
of Uj).u. or which la.'.Jv will be
common shores.
The sale of the large block of stock
of the snudebaker Manufacturing Cor-
... . i .... .A V v Vortr h.nlr.n and the
wiiulrtug of the control of the E. M. A
IK. automotive plant win maxe no u:i
ference In the local agencies, of tho two
companies, accordinit to the statements
of those in i hargo here.
Princes Adelaide Goes on rtox-k In
IUIndlng Snow Storm.
SEATTLE. Wash.. Feb. 1. A United
Wlrelesa message from the Canadian
raclfle steamship Princess Adelaide
says that vessel went ashore at Apple
Tree Tolnt during a blinding mow
atorm tonlKht.
A hurried survey of the steamer"s
position lesds her msster to believe
that s'.:e can be floated without diffi
culty at high tide tomorrow.
Austria Favors Disarmament.
BUDAPEST. Feb. 1. Tha committee
on foreign affairs of tha Austrian del
egations at a session here today
adopted a resolution In favor of Presi
dent Taft s disarmament proposition.
' a
if - !
1 v.- ft
Senators Each Recommend
Different Men ' for Mar
shals of Court.
Jone Likely to Have Way as to
Wctrrn MarshalMeLenn Slated
to Siieeeetl Wll-on as
Bank Kxanilner.
ington. Feb. 1. Senators Jones and Piles,
after conference today, found they could
not agree upon candidates for appoint
ment ns I'nlted States Marshal.-, for
Western snd Eastern Washington and
decided to file separata recommenda
tions. Plies will urge the rea.pc'ntmcnt of
C. It. Hopkins as Marshal for Wertern
Washington and George H. Uakcr as
Marshal for the eastern d'Slth t. Jones
recommends the. appointment of Joseph
It. 11. Jacoby, of Seattle, as Marshal for
Western Washington snd W. A. Halle
mun. of Spokane, as Marshal for the
Eastern district.
Jn the Eastern district, at lenst. Jones
will win. for It is understood the Presi
dent will not reappoint Hakcr. and Indi
cations are that his candidate In West
ern Washington will alfo be named.
Land Office Jobs"F1Ilcd.
On all other offices th.5 Senators .wro
In agreement. They have mnJe the o'
iomirg recommendations: John C. Ocr.
ncy. of Everett, to be Re;jittr of the
Seattle Land Office, sucovodlng Hnrv
Pmlth; A. I. Stelnman, to l.e renppo'nied
Kece'ver of the North Taldma Land Of
fice: W. F. Hsynee. to be reappointed
Krglster of the Watervllle I-and Off'ce:
J E Shore, of Leavenworth, to be Re
ceiver at Watervllle. succeeding Walter
A. Henry; L. It. Nnsh. of Kporane. to be
Receiver of the Spokane lallid Office,
succeeding ft. A. U'ells: !I-nry Mclean,
ol lavenport. to be Nat'onal Bank Ex
aminer, in place of H 1. v'llson. re
signed. Matt Piles Provided For.
No further recommendat' aia have been
ma.le for Collector of Customs to suceeel
Harper, whose renomlnation was yester
day rejected by the Senate. Mies will
stand on hs recommendation of 1 is
b-o'her. Matt T!!c. of Seattle, and Jones
will keep hands off unless it should be
decided Matt Piles Is not to be appoint
ed. The understanding Is. 'towever. that
Matt Piles will be nominated, out cf
deference to the wishes of SonatJr Plica.
If Matt Plies Is made Collcrtor of Cus
toms It Is practically certain Jones) can
didates) for both Marahalships will bo
(Continued from First Taee. )
related to the ways and means ncce-j-aary
to win votes for Lorlmcr. On no
rational theory can anybody conclude
that Lorlmcr was unadvised by Hrowne
of anything that Browne did for him,
and whatever ltrowne did and what
ever difficult fts Browne encounterod la
his canvass for support among his fol
lowers for Lorlmcr must have been
made known to him at these confer
ences!, and Independently of any direct
testimony on that question. it must
be concluded In all good reason and
conscience that Browne concealed noth
ing from Lorlmer and that Browne did
nothing to further the election of Lorl
mer that Lorimer did not know about
at the time. This construction is sup
ported by every undisputed circumstance
surrounding the transaction."
Ifinoraicrf) 1 Unbelievable.
Quoting then Browne's admission that
he did make reporte to Lorimer. Brown
Browne waa making hla report to
bis chief, and It Is utterly unbelievable
that ho kept from Lorlmcr the Informa
tion about the bribery of Heckemeyer,
White. Link and Holstlaw. lrlmer is
boun.l by the testimony of this witness,
the Senate Is bound by it. It has been
a compelling force that cannot be re
sisted In the light of this record and.
when It la established. In the proof that
Ixirlraer knew what Browne waa doln;?.
It la established that the bribery of at
least four members of that Ieglslature
was committed with the knowledge and
with the consent of Mr. Lorimer, and
when that fact is established all dis
puted questions of law are taken out
of this case.
"The only theory on which the elec
tion of Mr. Lorimer can be sustained is
that no one was bribed by Browne to
vote for him. If Browne bribed any
body. Lorlmcr knew It and consented
to it and thereby forfeited all title to
the ofrice. And when the committee
agrees that with four, votes bribed by
Browne.- Lorlmer'a election la still valid,
the conclusion must fall, because, under
the direct and undisputed evidence of
Browno. as well as under sail the other
oouvtnclng circumstances and proof, it
Is obvious that Lorimer knew all. that
Browne did.
People Betrayed Wholesale.
There is no escape from this con
clusion. A Legislature composed of
men chosen by their neighbors to act
for them as legislators, under oath to
discharge a public trust with honor,
forgot and betrayed that trust. The
betrayal was on a wholesale scale and
after tho Legislature had been dead
locked for nearly five months. It was
out of reason. If not Impossible, for
an honest election of anybody to re
sult. The silent and Iron hand be
hind the scenes, knowing all that was
being done for him by bis agents and
consenting to. If not directing, their
every act. was Mr. Lorimer himself.
Much la tbe story of this record and
such should be tbe verdict of the Sen
ate." So serloua did Brown consider the
questions Involved In the Lorlmer
case that he declared that a wrong;
Judgment In it was likely to moan
and ought to mean eventually the end
of the Senate."
He asserted further that the Lorl
mer election "tells a atory of shame
and Ignominy unparalleled In the his
tory of legislation."
No Lorlmer Vote, No Appropriations.
In declaring his determination to ae
cure a vote on the Lorlmer case and
the other questions mentioned, even at
the expense of the future of appropria
tion bills. Brown said:
"This la not aald as a threat, nor In
the nature of an ultimatum. I am
stating a simple fact, and It la well,
with only four working weeks ahead
of us, that wa understand now what
tha fact la In that regard. If Con
gress adjourns without action on these
measures. Congress will adjourn with-
Do You Breathe
Like This?
It's Catarrh
I Send You Absolutely Free a Trial
Package of a RemedyThat Cures
This Distressing Condition.
It Comes Prepaid to
Your Door.
Consider my offer. I willingly send
you free of charge a trial treatment of
the wonderful (Jauss Combined Catarrh
Cure. You have everything to gain and
nothing to lose. It's up to you. If you
wish to be cured of that foul spitting
and hawking that wretched depressed
nensatlon that "don't-dare-look-any-body-ln-the-fare"
feeling then fill out
the "coupon without further delay. I
possess the remedy that will cure you,
but as I have not your address you
must supply it. That's all I ask. Sim
ply fill out the following coupon and
mall It to me today. It will be tho
means of restoring you to a perfectly
normal condition, giving you a sweet,
pure breath.
This coupon is good for one trial
package of Gauss' Combined Catarrh
Cure, mailed free in plain package.
Simply fill In your name and address
on dotted lines below and mall to
C. I- OA IS. er7 Main St.,
Marshall, Michigan.
out action on some of the appropria
tion bills."
Hale, chairman of the committee on
appropriations, answering Brown, de
clared that appropriation bills never
were used to consume time and there
by block legislation. He added that
for the rest of the session they would
be pressed whenever they might be
ready, no matter what else might be
before the Senate.
Brown then reiterated his position,
say Ing:
"If there Is a disposition shown to
defeat a vote and force over to an
other session the bills I have enumer
ated we may as well face the fact that
some of the appropriations bills will
go over with them."
Iloot to Denounce Lorlmer.
Root of New York will speak on the
Lorlmcr case Friday and It Is under
stood that he will oppose Lorlmer.
Burrow.s, chairman of the committee
on privileges and elections, after an
early call at tho White House today,
said he expected a vote would bo taken
within a few days on the Lorlmer
Borah Takes Seriously Threat to Kill
Direct Klcctlon.
WASHINGTON. Feb. 1. Senator Bo
rah today made an effort to get the
Senate to agree to vote February 9 on
the resolution iwiui's 1 u
tlon of Senators by direct vote of the
people, but met objections from his col
league. Mr. Heyburn. Contending for
the right of Senators to be heard on the
resolution before the vote, Mr. Heyburn
said he would be prepared to speak un
til "about the 4th of March," when the
session will terminate, and the resolu
tion die if not previously acted upon.
"Very well." responded Mr. Borah, ' I
will call up the measure and give the
Senator an opportunity to apeak 'until
the 4th of March"
President Nominates Judge George
E. Martin, of Ohio.
WASHINGTON. Feb. 1. President
Taft today nominated Judge George
Martin of Ohio, to he Associate Judge
of the United States Court of Cus
toms Appeals to succeed Judge William
H Hunt, who was confirmed yesterday
by the Senate as Judge on the new
Commerce Court.
The President also named the' fol
lowing for promotion:
Alexander B. Hayward. assistant
urgean in the Navy, to be a passed as
sistant surgeon.
Paymaster Edward W. Bonnafon. to
be a paymaster Inspector.
Naval Constructor uy .Rissel, who
now has the rank of Lieutenant, to be
naval constructor with the rank of
Senate Confirms Cottrill.
WASHINGTON. Feb. 1. Charles A.
Cottrill. the Ohio negro who was ap
pointed In PecerVer to be Collector
of Internal Revenue for the District
of Hawaii, was confirmed by the Sen
ate todav. Some time ago a protest
was made against the appointment on
charges which were investigated and
Take a little Diapepsin now
and your Stomach will feel
fine five minutes later.
As there Is often some one In your
family who suffers an attack of Indi
gestion or some form of Stomach
trouble, why don't you keep some
Diapepsin In the bouse handy?
Thla harmless blessing will digest
anything you can eat without the
slightest discomfort, and overcome a
sour, gassy Stomach five mtnutes after.
Tell your pharmacist to let you read
the formula, plainly printed on these
(0 - cent esses of Pape's Diapepsin,
then you will readily see why It makes
Indigestion. Bour Stomach. Heart
burn and other distress go In flvs
minutes, and relieves at once suoh
miseries as Belching of Gas. Emcta
tlons of sour, undigested food. Nausea.
- i i
Abandoned by Government, Town Is
Awaltlnc Capture by Bonilla and
Ills Rebel Army.
PUERTO CORTEZ, Honduras. Feb. 1.
The evacuation of Puerto Cortez by
Honduran government troops has taken
place and the town is now in tho hands
of the American and British marines,
who are awating the arrival of the
forces of General Manuel Bonilla,
leader of the revolutionists.
Several days ago trenches were dug
and guns placed outside the town and
government troops stationed there to
oppose the insurgents, but these were
..iihj.mcn xtonrtav afternoon. Protec-
i l,h for hir the United States
consul and the Marietta and the Brit
ish cruiser Brilliant lanuea marines.
Prior to this orders nail neen issuen
are linked together. The
reason is that at a period
when a girl's digestion is
Scoti's Emulsion
provides her with powerful
nourishment in easily di
gested form.
It's the food that, builds
and keeps up a girl's
Headaches, Dlsziness, Constipation and
other Stomach disorders.
Some folks have tried ao long to find
relief from Indigestion and Dyspepsia
or an out-of-order stomach with the
common, every-day cures advertised
that they have about made up their
minds that they have something else
wrong, or believe theirs Is a case of
Nervousness, Gastritis. Catarrh of the
Stomach or Cancer.
This, no doubt, is a serious mistake.
Your real trouble Is, what you eat does
not digest: instead, it ferments and
soars, turns to acid. Gaa and Stomach
polaon. which putrefy in the digestive
tract and intestines, and, besides, poi
son the breath with nauseous odors.
A hearty appetite, with thorough
digestion, and without the slightest dis
comfort or misery of the Stomach. Is
waiting for you as soon aa you decide
to try Papa's Diapepsin.
Ygu May Sesnmr
Oiras of ftHie Famratiiis
Bsim Seffimg Smites
&t a ReeSimdliioini Mw
A Gemmm Quit
Fmm th Regdl&ir
Pirko Note (the
that no fighting would be permitted
within Puerto Corteis and the collier
Caesar was sent in search of General
Lee Christmas, who Is believed to be
on hia way to form a Junction with
General Bonilla. Christmas, however,
could not be found.
Runners also were dispatched as far
as the Ulua River to notify him of the
intended evacuation and the 48rliour
guarantee of protection.
Two special trains conveyed the gov
ernment soldiers to San Pedro, and
Commander Cooper, of the Marietta, as
sumed control. The railroad requested
A Healthful Old Age for Women
The turn of life is the most critical period in a woman's
existence. Owing to modern methods of living not one
woman in a thousand approaches this perfectly natural
change without experiencing a train of very distressing
osedreadful hot flashes and the faint feeling that
follows, sometimes with chills, extreme nervousness and
despondency are symptoms of this condition.
Those hot flashes are just so many calls from nature for
help. Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound was
prepared to meet the needs of woman's system at this
trying period of her life. '
If this period is safely passed through the prospect will
be good for a long period of sound health and comparative
immunity from disease.
Here is Proof that Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable
Compound may be relied upon at this period:
Alton Station, Ky. "I want other suffering women
to know what Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound
has done for me. For months I suffered from female
troubles in consequence of my age, and thought I could
not live. I wrote you and after taking Lydia E. Pinkham s
Vegetable Compound I feel like a new woman. I thank
you so much for the good it has done me." Mrs. Emma
Bailey, R. R. No. i, Alton Station, Ky.
Kewaskum, Wis. "Your medicine was a blessing to
me in my sickness at Change of Life. I cannot describe
what I suffered for five long years from headache, backache,
dizziness, no sleep, palpitation of heart and irregularities
which are common at that period and sometimes continue
for weeks at a time.
I have been cured by Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable
Compound in dry form. I am 54 years old and can do all
my work." Mrs. Carl Dahlke, Kewaskum, Wis.
If you want, sjMwfsil. -write to Mrs. Pinkham, Tyim, Mass.
Commander Cooper to furnish a guard
at San Pedro, fearing tho road would
be seized by the Governor. A detach
ment was sent there, which is about 25
miles southwest of Puerto Cortez.
"Men or Oregon" Just Published.
"Men of Oregon" Is the title of ;i
leather-bound volume just oft the pres..
It is lwued by tho Chamber of Com
merce Bulletin, and consists chiefly of
photographs of men responsible for tha
upbuilding of the state. The book con
tains 12T, cuts.