TUT! MOttXIXCr OKEC.OXTA THURSDAY. FEBRUART 2, 1911. t i Pure Food Fair on 4th. Floor POSTOFFICE ROT JxidslgiAirsKipsTomorrow Judgir.f? of Models of Airships entered in our contest for Boys trill take plaoe Friday afternoon at 3 o'clock. The foiloirinf well-known men will act aa judges nd prizes will b awarded accordingly: Professor Robert Krohn, Physical Director of Portland Schools; Profeor J. R. Bynhold, Manual Training Instructor, Portland Schools; Mr. E. L. "iVienderman, of the Vonder 'Werth Boat building plant Come and see the great display. Afternoon Concert by "Rnzzi's" Orchestra Crowds are increasing daily at our International Pure Food Show. The most attractive displays are here. Coma and sample the goodies which are being served-You could not spend a few hours better than at this FAIR. TO ED Tike Greater Olds, Wor fman (EL Kisig Store Present Building to Continue Permanently in Use as Central Station. All I RE ABAiiDUr De Sale ptSo NEW PLAN IS TIME-SAVER rollcjr of Government I to PellTcr Mall, ami "Working Wirohouw" Will Mean Great Gain in Expediting Sorrier. TTere 1 no prospect that Portland' poetofflce will b rmcrti entirely from It present location. When the new "working wuhoo of th postofflce 1 completed on a sit ear th railroad terminal station, probably on Mock S. In Couch. Addi tion, which th Government la now seeking to ren4emn for that purpose, la mailing and delivery dpartroonta wt:i be moved to the cot building. It la Intended, however, that a atatlon ehal be maintained at the rresent peetoffU-e. and people may continue to buy etarrpa and n.o:iy ordrra and to mall Hits there. I'ck boui In suf ficient cumtirrt for all needs will also be maintained. "Vroni who orP" removal of the rentral pvi-f fire t-j a location nearer the rallro-vd eiatlns do not understand the con.itMor.." i!d postmaster Mer rick yesterday, "la my opinion It will be the policy of the department alwara f maintain a poatal atatlon whore the central office la now located. Hut to facilitate rapid hr.i'.'.r.t of mall It will he nf4fT to have the mailing and deUry department nearer the point C arrival and departure. Time) Wilt He Sated. "At present 11 minutes la allowed after tralna arrive for the waif on a to reach the postofflce with the mall. tHirlr.g that IS minutes no hand can touch the rr.all. When the central of fice la located aa near the railroad nation aa block three mlnutsa wt;l he ample time to make ti transfer' from the train to the poatofflcr. The difference la IS mlnut. long enough for 3 clerke to art the mall. to un der the new plan the carriers will be 1-avlae- the office at a time where now the eortln- of the mail la Just begin-Blne-. "The Poatofflce Per-arlment hat adopted the plan cf constructing Fed eral bulldtngt exclusively f,-r postof flce purposes In the Tnrre cltlea and of locating these bulldlnse aa near aa possible to the principal railroad ata tlon. It la a tlecl.led compliment to Portland that the Importance of thla ;lty baa been recognized to thla ex tent. The flrat of those exclusive post efflce bulldlna-a la now nearlng com pletion In i-t. Louis and will be ccu Died In April. Doll cry I.s Main Object. "It la the general policy of the Post afflce Department to deliver tne malL and that tlieory la being worked out all over the countrv. I'ostal Inspectors who vlett I'ort.and aay more people ae the central office here than In any thr city In the country. In Port land, for example, we have four tltnee aa many general delivery clerk aa they have la the central office In New Tork. In that city they are working on the theory of delivering the mall at the home or place r-f buelnesa of the peraon addressed. The policy all over the country la to discourage a targe general delivery at the potoff Ice. In Seattle a rule la rlgorouety enforced requiring persona to give an addreae for mall delivery, use of general do livery being permitted not longer than tn ?y. "Such a rule In Portland might Im pose some harilshlp because of the In adequacy of the working force of the office here. We have nover been able to Institute carrier a. rvlce In Arleta. f-r 4mp. because we have not enough carrier. Many persona who have homee In Arleta live a mile or more from the Arleta postofflr-e. and to get their mall there Involves an extra carfare or a long walk. These people get their nvall sent to the xenral de livery department of the Portland post office. City Outgrow t'arllltlr. "Since It la the policy of the depart ment to deliver the mall rather than ts have It called for. It la cVar that every Improvement that f vcllttatcei eortlng cf mall In the postorfice and quick hand ling by camera Improvre the aervl.e. "A great many reldnre of Portland dr not reiltze that the city haa grown Into a large metropolis and that the p-vs'al businvae has a-rostn with It. In fact. It la difficult f.r the pnetoffU-e to keep up with the rity'a rrowth be ri'ji cf e difflcultv In setting att thortj.:lon tor aMltlonai employes. Last year I askri f r 1J njire carriers. An lnsr"tor 'va e.-nt "to I'ortnd t pusa on the request, and reported favorably. Iter a aecond tnpe'tor was aent. and he also rer'rted faorbly. Now there are three Inspect ra at work here to decide finally whether the additional carrtet-a shll be alwsd "When I became Poetmaater. It waa my orlnlon that to remove the cntril I-Det.":te tt the I'nton Iepot would he a crime, fftnee I have become familiar with postal a .-fairs I reollae that that la the only thing to do. flonnse Paid for Speed. "The Government I paying la-ge nonusee to get the mail here on time, and I wou! t be poor economy not to ev-.'dtte delivery in every poselbie way s-'l-r It le here. -An.t;irr thin that many f.vil to realire is that Portland haa more pop- nUtion north and eat of the Vnl o i Ix-p.t than eouta and weat of It. The Pme.dway brtdae le now to be built. It will be a fcu- artery feeding a ppulooa terri:ory on the East fide. The irod way br:df will start on the West Side f-on fleverth atreet. and If the Pot offioe Is lo.-e.ted on the site that haa beea recommen.tel. the carriers can atp from the office and get on a car for the Eat Side without delay. "The railmad brtOae. which la now under way. villi land at Gll.an atreet on the Weet Side, and thla atreet also la one of thoee by which K'ock 8 Is bounded, whi-h la another point In fa vor of that location.'" First to Establislh tlhe ILorna'. Distance Telephone Service inOreg'oB-Now ExterLded toWa sllilligtOIli Many months no we established a Long Distance Telephone Service to many cities in kjitv&vt " JW tilar with our customers in other towns and brought tis sxich good returns in the way of satisfactory service, that we now P,tr.nd this excellent service to the state of Washington-Following is a list of cities and towns to which the service extends: -Oregon Albany Amity. Ariliftsa, Ail'rii, Ash lee. Aerera. Iieavertra. lirtdal tell. Frowwe-rtTle eeeede lekm, 4 larakaete, raellaa, errallls t'otteae GreT Hellas Uaytew Irala Klk ttry Kalis llfr FstmI Orors Oaeloa irerrale t.eld Hill t.leadaje (mail Iaaa ttrtsaam ITaleey Ilarrlabarg, llermlaton HI I Is bore. Hood Hlver, Ilonltoa. Hubbard. Indepeadeace Irrlaoa, JaekeouTUIet Jef f ersoa. 'junction City, Orearon City, I.atourrle Falls, I'hilomath, Lebanon. Me.MlaaTtlle, Maya-er. Medford, i ill tier. Mt. A aar I, New berar, Oakland, llalnlrr. IteedTllle, Kiddie, Hoeebnra, St. Helena, Mesppooifi Sheridan, berwoud, bllverton. afanfleld. The Iallea, Trontdale, Tararrt Warreatoa, M" eat port, AVIllamla, A'oodbnrn, Yonrallo, Yamhill. Washington Aberdeen, Battle Oroaad, Bar Center, BeUlnsham, ElchJeton, Brush Prairie Bneoda, Bntler, Carrollton, Caatle Rock. Catblamet, Central la, Chehalla, Cle El am, CoamopoUa, Davenport, Dayton, Dryad, Klleaabnrs;, Klnin, France a. Goldrndale, Iloqaiam, Ilnaco, Kalama, Kelso, I, a Center. I.lttle Falls, McCormick, Montesamo, Xapavlne, Oak Point, Olrqua, Olynipla, Oatrander, Pe Ell, Pnyallnp, Kldsefleld, fiataop. Seattle, Skamokawa South Bend, Stella, Stevenson, Tacoina, Tenino, A AMhouarnl Yhite balm on Toledo, Troutlalro, ViucOBven Veneaa, Wnlville, Wlllapa, Vlnlock, AVoodlanaV 1 acolt. CooKing School To d ay.ThrceP. M. traS In Basement "Underprice" iStore Ilouiitkecpcrs will find easy choosing in the basement underprice store. In the Chinaware Section will be shown a line of Japanese Decorated China priced for Housekeepers' day at: He Ilrrad and Kuttcr Plate at 5 I'm; Tea Cupa and Saucers at f 2oe uplr and I ream, per pair t C Z'c Itcrry or Salad Bowls at 14 10o Saltd and Peppers, at only 5 Blue English Semi-Porcelain 7 Tnn T1na atrwfr. ft at. Srh f-if , I - .m ( sHt w j". e -f -w 1 J-Inch Plates, special at, each 7? Frnit Saucers, specially priced ti 4C Tea Cups and Saneers, special at f) iWp Ilowls; rummage sale price 1m Oat Meal Bowls, specialized at CJ Bed Sheets 48c In the basement underprice store, larpe full size Bed Sheets; torn and hemmed, ready for use; no acam in the center; at only SHEETS Very heavy, unbleached ; extra pood size; specialized AOr for this sale at only, each-" PILLOW CASES Size 4ox36, made extra well, with 3-inch hem; pood L minlitv; sneynaJized for 1 s"i i thia sale at the low pnee, each y w BED SPREADS In lull doume size, white or colors; Mar-PI "tO seillcs patterns; special at V Aa Bath Towels 17c Good heavy qnality Bath Towels, size 20x40; exceptional size and "1 value: specinlied at, each ' TABLE CLOTHS Of pood qnality Linen, 66x72 inches: very choice pat terns ; very special House- CI adR keepers' rummage sole at Groceries in "Underprice" Store Cloverleaf Butter 69c EGG 5 Fresh Eastern, dozen 23 BACON English style, pound '20t JELLY Pure fruit, put up in 10 pound paila; our xrpu- CI f( lar $1.' kind only, pail iA.VV Tapestry Remnants ST Values at 12'c Today in the basement underprice store, a elean-np of Tapestry Kem nants, size 2-1x27 inches square, just riirht for pillow tops, cushion or chair covers; worth to $1 each; "I Jlfof very special for this sale e5V CURTAIN SCRDl in reversible pat terns, 3(1 inches wide; choice 1 Q of manv deijrn: per yard at LACE CURTAINS in white and Ecrn, 23 to 3 yards lonir; full width, many pood patterns to choose from, OC at the extremely low price0" w- I 1st 1 . ."ei M 1 iursday, a day for featuring House. hold Goods Torilty houseKeepers are advtsed to 100K to their needs, tor there wilt never be a more opportune time tor aavir.fi -Wisdom bids you come to the store and study the character of mer chandise and reduced prices Quilts, blanKets. sheets, pillow saps, dishes, cooKlnrf utensils, curtains, draperies, etc.. and high-class groceries, reduced 4 hSZ3 iTZaU Tahe Lunch in the Tea Room, 4th Fl. Rummage of Fime Wool BlamKets There is a lot of cold weather ahead. But suppose it was mid-"VVinter, you'd need these blankets just the same. There is not a month in the whole year when you can entirely discard your Blankets; you know it m 1 Hiph-prade white wool Blankets in broken lines a saving as follows: $ 4.50 "White Wool, pair S 2.95 $ 5.00 White Wool, pair S 3.45 $ 7.50 White Wool, pair S 5.75 $10.00 White Wool, pair S 7.35 $12.50 White Wool, pair S 8.75 $13.50 White Wool, pair S 9.75 $16.50 White Wool, pair 811.75 $18.50 White Wool, pair S 12.95 $22.00 White Wool, pair S15.S5 $2.25 Pillows $1.45 $8 Pillows $6.5Q Housekeepers' Day for thrifty women. In the Beddinp Store, 3d floor, we offer pood clean feather filled pillows with fancy art tick covers; our regular 0?"1 AIZ $2.25 values; sp'l pair SXataJ Down Pillows Excellent quality, with fancy linen ticks; our regular $S.OO values; sn'l the pair; today only, l.t $6.50 Fancy Biuple and pray wool Blank ets; also tancy plaid as rouows: $10.00 Fancy Single, at S 7.35 $13.50 Fancy Single, at S 9.75 $17.50 Fancy Singlo, at S12.95 $ 6.50 Fancy Plaid, at S 4.95 $10.00 Fancy Plaid; at S 7.35 $ 4.75 Sanitary Gray, at S 3.65 $ 5J.0 Sanitary Gray, at S 3.95 $10.00 Sanitary Gray, at S 7.35 $12.50 Sanitary Gray, at 3 8.75 bleached or unbleached, $14.00 Floss Mattresses at $9.5Q $3.50 Bed Comforters at $2.75 Sheets, Pillow Cases and Fine Table Linen This Housekeepers' Sale will afford universal opportunities for saving on Sheets, Pillow Slips and Tablo linens. Some odds and some regular lines 500 dozen Heavy Welded Sheets are offered in the Domestic Aisle Very durable quality, size for double bed; lay in. a (SOf supply today at this wonderfully low price sale at only-'' Pattern Cloths for the dining table ; slightly soiled; to close them out at 2x2y2 yards; $1.50 values 3.75 2x3 yards; $5.25 values 54.50 212x212 yards; $7 values S55.50 2V2x3 yards; $9.50 values S7.75 $3.50 TEA CLOTHS AT $1.98 Very fine quality linen Tea Cloths, trimmed with Irish Lace, slightly mussed but perfect otherwise; our regular $3.50 values; (TI QQ !64c First Quality Sheets 2x 2V2 yds. ; Housekeepers sp First Quality Sheets 2Vix '73r. 2V2 yds.; Housekeepers sp'l aJC Pillow Cases Extra heavy, size 54x36; special at, each Pillow Cases Extra qual-OQ ity; size 50x36; special at Pillow Cases Ready for 1 O use; size 45x36; special at Pillow Cases 500 dozen, 1 On at In the Bedding Store, 3d floor, very fine grade of Silk and Floss Mattresses, made of best art tick with heavy roll edge finish, fJQ Cfl weight 30 pounds; they are our regular $14.00 values for only S,'-',-' Mattress Made of art ticking, filled wifh excelsior center JC ff and cotton, well padded on all sides; $0.50 values for only Comfortera Light and dark colors, with fancy centers and CO '7EZ plain borders: best quality silokene covered; $3.50 values at Va I J Comforters In light or dark colors, filled with cotton, fancy J0 OC Silkoline covered; exceptional $2.75 values for this sale at pJ for this sale at only $7.0 0 Beds $535 $15 Beds at $11. OO Surely every one who has any thought of buying new beds will be here today. . A good substantial white enameled bed, full size or three-quarter size; our CC OC $7.00 values; offered at wU.nJU Brass Beds Satin finish, full size, 2-inch tube standards, -inch tube fillers; our regular Cl 1 ff $15 values for only P Auv $50 Portieres at $35 $6 Madras Curtains $2.49 $12 Couch Covers at $7.5Q In the drapery store, third floor, a sale of imported Jute Portieres, double-faced, very rich color com binations; our best regular $50.00 values, special rum-COC f( mage price, the pair ?JJ,J V MADRAS CURTAINS, imported, in very artistic designs and colors; splendid for the hall, library or dining-room; regular $10.00 and $11.00 values are priced for rum mage at $29 pair, and our best regular $5.00 and $6.00 CO AO values at only, the pair '-' Fine Tapestry Couch Covers in beautiful Oriental designs, extra heavy materials and full size; our regular $12.00 values C(l on special sale at, each P aJ TABLE COVERS, in fine grade of tapestry, for library and dining tables, rich floral and Oriental effects; our $3.50 values are re duced to $1.79 and our JJO ff regular $6.00 values at CRETONNES, imported, in beau tiful floral effects and rich color ings, suitable for window draperies and bed sets; our regu- OC. lar $1.25 values, the yardJU Rummage Dinner Sets Res. $5.Q4 Values at $3.6Q Reg. $35.5Q Values at $11.35 Johnsen Bros.' best quality of white English Semi-Porcelain, in the latest plain or oxford shapes; unequaled glaze and finish; on sale at these extremely low prices: 50-piece set, $5.04 value $3.60 CO-piece set, $6.40 value 84.60 100-piece set, $9.95 value 7.13 Border pat'n, lily of the valley, full gold lines and knobs, fancy shapes : 50-piece set, $5.00 value $3.76 60-piece set, $6.40 value 84.80 100-piece set, $9.95 value 87.45 Grindley's English semi-porcelain, plain shape border pattern of con ventional designs and lines at: 50-piece set, $7.85 value 8 5.95 60-piece set, $10 value 7.60 100-piece set, $15.50 vaL 8H.80 Gold border patterns of small vine and gold line; fancy shape. Choice design white and gold, as follows: 50-piece set, $7.85 value $ 6.25 60-piece set, $10.50 value 5j5 7.95 100-piece set, $15.50 val. 811-35 MANY MORE AT THE STORE Extra! Pure Food Groceries FotxrtH Floor Extracts of Quality "Van Duzers" for over 63 years have led all the world' for quality Silas R. van Dnzer was the first white man to manufacture extracts having been previously made by In dians. Van Duzer was also the first man to use "Perfectly Pure" on la bels, long before pure food laws com pelled others to do so. These extracts are used and indorsed bv the United States Government. For sale OC in our pure food grocery at A sample bottle of lemon given with each bottle of vanilla purchased at the booth in our pure food grocery. JELLICON Assorted flavors, pC special at 3 packages for aWJC Free samples at Pure Food Fair. CRAB MEAT Choice pieces in tins, 20o each, or 2 for OUC CATSUP Faust Brand, always good, demonstrated at the Pure Food Fair with Olvmpia oysters. Try it tJff today. "We sell 25c bottles atC Sale Bohemian Butter 75c the 5q.-NuffSed EGGS Best Oregon ranch, Oft guaranteed fresh, the dozen at JvC Today Is "Sugar Day" DRY GRANULATED. 18 fljC Ofl lbs for $1; 100-lb. sack, PJaOU DRY GRANULATED, Cane Sugar, 17 pounds for only $1.00, &C tZf or 100-lb. sack for only PJ.iJl 3-pound Can Lard, special at 50 5-pound Can Lard, special at 75 Demonstration of the Dtxstless Dusters See them on the first floor, near the elevator. A revolution in the treat ment of dust is being demonstrated. Dust with one, you'll have no other. Sensational Sale Kitchen Goods Take the Elevator to Third Floor. 12c Gray Enameled Jelly Cake C Pans at the special price of only 10c Gray Enameled Coffee Strainers, special at only, ea. 90c Aluminum Ladles, special at 65J 30c Large Size Whisk Brooms, 15 15c Wood Handle Ladles, special, 82 15c Hot Pan Holders, special, ea., 8 7o Wood Handle Coffee Strainers, 4 5o Fancy Cake Cutters, each at 2 25c Egg Poachers, special, ea., 157 20c Shallow Sauce Pans, each, lOc $3.00 Covered Roasters for 81.50 BIGGEST Y..M. C. A. IS NEAR SCorkbnlrirr Inspect Plant. EUGENE. Or. Feb. 1. 'Special.) K A. paaaher of Petrott. Mich.; J. W. IUo!a-ett and Mark Morrle of Grand Hsp.Js. Mich.: J. Keibow of Dxluttj. Minn-, and Ge,re II. Kellv of Tort land, all ettKL-kWrtere la th. Pooih Ksllr Lumbar Company, are In Ko cene to Inspect the plants of the corn pa or In Lane Cojn before the annual msetlnr of stock holJera. which la to be beid here Tjs.!ar. February T. Onlr routine business la eipecttd to come before, lb tockholdera thla una ecica i Today Campaign lUpcctetl to Plac Portland at Coveted Goal. If tJio rortland Toung- Men's Christian Association alrne T1 members on thla, th laat Aay of th campaign. It will reach te S"1 that It haa a at and be come th lara-eet association In th world. An Increase of in members waa reported yeeterday. raialns; th total rrftetrallon to icn. If th desired tU member are slimed today, thla will b th eecond beat showing In any on day sine th campaign atarted. It 1 prob able, however, that the full cumber will be ad'led. as th boy' department haa been bo'.dlng bark a Urge number of namea that will be reported today. All of the members signed during- th present rarrpa'ga will attrnd a supper In the T. M. C. A. auditorium tomor row night at At thla time General Secretary Htone and other officer a 111 apeak, welcoming th near men and tell ItiC them tow they can get th moat out of th association and put th moat Into IL It Is probable that several hun dred men will attend th supper. LOW BIDS ARE DEMANDED Board SJ Other! Water Pipe Will Be Laid by Iay Labor. It contractors expect to secur Jobs of laying watr pip for th city under th terms of th new law. they will have to make their bids so low that It will not pay th city to hav the work don by day labor. At th meeting; of th Water Board yaaterday afternoon it was agreed that btda ahould be solicited for th mor Important mains to be laid by th city, and that If thee wer not within th amounta It would cost th ctty to have the work done by hiring men. the bid ahould b rejected. On email Joba the city will not adver tise for blda, but will eimply have them don by the laborers of the department. In thla way It la expected to facilitate th work. Th Board authorized the employment of two new Inspectors at salaries of $90 a month. CONFERENCE JOINS SECTS Unitarian and Vnlrersalist Sunday Schools Unite. Th Universalis and Unitarian Sun day School conference will ba held this afternoon from 1 to 5 o'clock at th Unitarian Chapel. Seventh and Yamhill streets. Th programme will be: l:a P. M., Inaugural address. Rev. A. II ears-ant; 1:11 P. words of welcome, Ke. W. O. Eliot; 1:1 P. M-. paper, "The I'ereonal Influrnra of Teacher on Scholar." Kar. Paul 8. Bandy; dlscuulon; 2:00 P. M., papsr. "Object Lesson." Rse. A. H. Sargent; discussion: P. M.. paper, "Boys and the Sunday School." Rev. James D. Corby; dis cussion; too P. M. paper. "Benefit to Children From the Study of the Bible," Re. W. a. Eliot; dlecusslon; 4:00 P. M.. business and eollecUon; 4:t P. M.. devotional sere Ice. Two "Wives- Sue for Divorce. OREGON CITT. Or., Feb. 1. (Spe cial.) Mary Odessa HUllard has filed a suit for divorce aalnat W. H. Hllllard for a decree of divorce. They were married In Portland. Or, September 3, 1902. She charge him with calling her vile names, having etruck her, and finally deserted her March 4, 1910, since which tlma sh has been obleged to support herself. Mary B. Partridge has filed suit for divorce against A. H. Partridge. They were married at New berg and Mrs. Partrldg says her hus band deserted her August 15, lauj. Backache, Rheumatism. Iferronaaesa Mean disordered kidneys. Foley Kid ney Pills have helped your neighbors; they will also help you. Chas. S. Pot ter, Springfield, 111., eays. "I Injured my kidneys some years ago but lately the trouble has become very serious. I had a dull pain In my back that seemed to drag me down, my kidney action was Irregular and I lost much sleep at night In consequence. I heard of Foley Kidney Pills and began taking them. Before I had taken one bottle I was greatly relieved and now I certainly feel like a different man. Thanks to Foley Kidney Pills am one more well and I recommend them to anyone suf fering from kidney or bladder trouble." Bold ty all druggists. Webfoot Oil Dressing, the greatest shoe areas made. Ail stores. CITRUS FRUITS COMPETE I "Under-Consumptlon" Regarded as Present Apple Market Menace. OREGON AGRICULTURAL COL LEGE. Corvallls, Or., Feb. 1. (Special.) C. E. Whistler, of Medford. manager of the Bear Creek Orchard and repre sentative of the Rogue River Fruit Association at the recent convention of applegrowers In Portland, spoke be fore the students of the Winter short course her today on the "Preparation and Marketing of Apples," characteriz ing the great danger to the apple Industry- as "under-consumption," rather than over-production. Mr. Whistler showed that while fewer apples were being produced than ever before, the advertising of sub-tropical and citrus fruits had drawn away the attention of the world from apples and that the great movement of apple pro ducers was but Just beginning to bring the people back to the old deciduous favorite. More apples are In storage this year In ratio to the total crop than ever before in the history of the In-, dustry, he said. The greatest shipping problem In the apple Industry, said Mr. Whistler, Is the problem of obtaining an equitable storage and transit rate from the rail roads similar to that now given for the shipment of wheat and livestock. Koad-Buildlng Bee Held. WHITE SALMON, Wash., Feb. L (Spe cial.) With some of the ladles of th Woman's Club taking the lead a road bulldlng bee was given here yesterday and today. Ranchers and townspeople turned out with teams, picks and shovels. The work was done on the highway to White Salmon from the north, and a road that was almost impassable is now In good condition. Picnic dinner was nerved by the ladles at Grange hall botn liays. A piece of flannel dampened with. Chamberlain's Liniment and bound on to the affected parts is superior to any plaster. When troubled with lame back; or pains in the sloe or chest give It a trial and you are certain to be more than pleased with the prompt relief which It affords. Sold by all dealt era