Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, February 02, 1911, Page 11, Image 11

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r nt.r en-m M!n T'T') A
I it .. .'uij-i"B VUT T'i.') A ..
V,-,. - ..:.:ne Van iM A
.-. i K ! t tr Vtea
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r-.C b.J.&s
:n !: A "!
H.Fl TMtATER irin:h an! Mat
r , n. . i:.rr I 'om j-n JT la
'."iti-ia N-l.'" Tumght at a..
I'.l Vi". Lvf TH w: ATKIt (Twelfth and Mot.
r i' ri- V n i.f te.. ILaiar.- Hatlaaa
a: 2 13 and .r.:r.t at a IV
CC'liKl VI Til1: ATrit 1 M rron. between
e:,T"i nd ---oifta u.1.;la. Tiiia
:-.riii at 1 ii and rm;M at 11.
C:i(D TlHATS:t-M.- and Waahln
t ,o . Va a.l-v .; .. Th.a tllnwdt at 2.11.
t nlnt aa 7 n1 l.
LTi. t." TH KATKIt a Seventh and !!!
I rir a' i-n': a uffipw in "Tie Ma a. fa.
TK t a''-ruwua aa - aad tubaa-tal at
T 3 sr. 1 !.
ST A F. Tlir.ATrn tPs'sj and WaaMuiMni
MN ra i4 -urae, Cuounuaua Iroua I a
t. :u .; x
Fiftieth Anniversary Number
Wall Be Issued February 4
Fri-e 5 cr.t. I'ost.nro ia Uni
t.'.I Statf-. Canada. Mexia-o and
the Il.iril x..-.ion., S eerit.
M cam no to Is 1 1 nun t Mom
t'j.. A ma.-s meettnf, of the property
err ia rWi:ian'a Uuich sewer
Cirt. I ra:aar) fr.ra liaat Thirty-fiftn
T-et wl.i be I rll tttinorruw ptic,"t under
t' at.r,;.-ee of .r Montv-!;ia H'ard of
T-.a '.e in a,ret.ert hail, at tr.e end of tr.e
M fa;l nfl, t te eewar
ta ?n. Cl.arj In t'wnter
AM tior.. aV l ark. North Mount
Ti!ir ana Mor'.avi:: are Invited tta at-
t:. tn.-'.r. Tre Cltjf litr:nr.
cr a ri t,rci'i.ta:va from h'm ofTtca. !
:.. H to ta rrranl a" taan J''
I tr-f roj: r t.". trunk aaafer
vim :...!. T;'rtjr onrr In t
:..-'rl.t :ar !!- :i ba hvi:y laviJ
l: : pn.p.'i- ! rout la uaJ.
"Mtb li"'' Si.jt ITT o Ot
.r:-rrnat i o; a hut iKtt fr tria off If of
J of ts l''ti at laat Novtmbf
r t..n. la fjn.l In a m ter '..-u into
mw rvalvrj tr.rout; . ih.e malt by Jui:.
rltiin jravri!). H ali!raaied to
' Ju!-- of t.'a P:r. r" n and tora
tr. t. a rri: t iil kt Kn and
t a or.l "i; ra " In ltter
t- ixiiika ii rrpejt'-t. with tta
wiirdV "The I t.J. an aiaca for jrou. Ten
.:a a yo-a p-omL-c-l Rot to run for
off- a tin. !.y ilon t you krep your
fro:tai-rn-!ol aa a pictura of
II i.-ry Tackaai'-h. o'n opponent at
t ti.uii. ra.-lr. tl rd "tic
Ji'm.o." olaon .a not know whara tha
PiKKr.T la ajivwstx It haa tx-'n nacra
aur ti ci.a up kn S.nlii atreet. tx
lrrn tf. norta tn.t of tta iminnlmtiH
.-ru. St- ptaana o.ouatM and Woodward
avn'it. Tta breawk In Ka-H Ninth atr-t.
at T fcaa rstruVl P-arly arroaa
tra rci'rt atrt. makinc It duxajrroua
f r a ii. iw. Tr: tnp of tr lunnal In
wti.cfi tl.a main cvndull of t. Urooklyo
,-wrr aa laid fca cavrd In. Tha aarlb
laas cot packed aruur.d tha aawer and
w , a iturat-d w'.ta watar tfc trounj Ml.
ti L Ta amallar whlrh was laid
ioi; t.-a mam cor.vlu.t aw alo brtkrra.
I.t'.la vara b d-irw in mat r. lapalra
.-.: tta praacnt aiorm U
Mioit S.-i.ou BfirrT (iiuDCiTi.-lo.-ty-ono
nitirw of tha tU of I'jll
rf tf.a WaMr.-!.it H h sVr.ooJ w:ll
rrcrava dip.o.-naa tonight, wften airaduat
Irc rairt-ira w.:i b t'i J In ti Men
a. ."..Mil ai:'!.'.'"r!um rmmanolnar kt i
o c ;.tla. M'tri'-ara of t." cika will carry
baxrta of y.ulr'a. tta cli r.owar. Mti4
ral nuintTa .it f irn:a.d by tha
; t lua. unalr t!.a ulractlon of Mra.
! . i.iarawn ltr.l-ltana;):r,b. Nlraa t
v. -,t.n. k!rrTlan of th Pojard of
r-iura Lion. w:ll p!nt tha fHplwria.
trt. lV'iimt'trr V!xrt. r.a'.atiraa
of ritl formcriy of K!vr
K')ua. ItUlv. would hear from h'.m
.i.,ra aa p.iui. an I h.aa wrIMan to an
a- j ja:nan -a In -ortird aaklr about
tl.a f -at! T-tn-taw and ona of cl
a-.ia ara ry ::i and M w;f la analoi-a
tAt h aMi.iil commu.i!"ta wltia ar.
Hoart-t W. h 'raia r.arly a yar o
and ma Uat bU wlfa haard of him
wa laat July. I!a w ana In I'ortland
two " a by an acquaintance,
an.l la airp wd to ba tara now.
Varrraja.a TO H woii CrrxCKAl. iTfraa.
-Mm.r' arr.t wtil bw hld rt-ruai-r
1". for tha lata ;nraj ."nma r
bv tha sr,ar:ah-Amar:ran War Vatarana.
A-nour..-rraTt wa yatrdy rf
rltr.a f r tha atrv:iv In wh.U-h tha
r!oiaa Spar.aah-Amerifan War Vataran
rinipa of t :ta and tsa Grand Army
c. i: com bin a. fhaplain Ulltert.
wr.o iarvd on ticnaral tunarnra staff
In tha rhiilpp naav w .11 act aa naastar of
crai'nu .
TArrin Txn I DiTiau.-r. A. Tup
p. r h.-ai a-.rrtary of tha a.".ty Civil
aa.rvloa fomnil-n yst-rvjny. wueerrd
I: t J. I. who r.nrd to ac
r.;t tla poa.:.-n of MucUjal Judate.
Tha Natality of Mr. Knnf.!v a appoint
ment aa Ja.!( wiit tx Jater
rr. nd nxt M n lay. .. ha removal
rt Mur.1. rl J ain Taswa'j by Mayor
a?.mon wnl ba paaJ tiixao by tha Clr
cu't Court.
I'mvtMiK rr Fuxf"" to Pc TVrif".
-a-Araaul i-y K:a of New York, secre
tary cf tho I'-partmrnt for tie rreven
,:,, of b..njrr. In tha lUaell
K.)un '-at!-n. wl I apeak at tha tt;urch of
t.jr 'a.t.-er irn.uruni, next Sunday
r. -t a: ' vl o'cSo. k. lie Will apaat to
r.arht In tr rhutvh rarlor on tha en
eral nature and wora of Ui Uuaaaa
fcae Ko-jn Jatlon.
j0,K' 4a ITavrirTa Protaarta
a'.nrt tha :antln of a franchise to
t:.a MTint Iio.l KA:lway Company for
a cre.-:ear track on ?eenth street for
a irrekt'r d atanoa from tha weat ap
proach of the HroaJway brtd-e than two
lo-k. were filed with the- city yester-
by a co-Timi!tee. Neadad by R. W.
lloyt. repreewr.tmc tha fcevanttwfcraet
Irnprovament Aiaoc!stkn.
JraT th.ree f.y mora and our sale cf
Tertian and Turklata ruaja knd carpet
Is of tha pauat. Tha moat successful sala
arer e.d in Tortland. Why? Becauaa
the reduction of 5 to per cent below
our urjal low pracea was ra-nulna and
rr"av:jt! if ei p-r'.enced ru buyera. Eros.. "1 Waafu. near Uth st.
CHt.-oo U-SAMt IVarrto -"UnJ I.
I via;. lira. ani. y la dytn of p nal
manlnaif. . - an d a t.Ir.m received
.T Cjai'iaan of IWectlv.e M.ora yeater
. ,y fr -m Mr. U I: !tap.!n. of Cht
caco. furl n la believed to ba In this
, :v ar.d no's r.'aa ma. I at tha KeneraU
ce'l'ery. i ' mrewiice.
.Vaowrt-y JtrcTf.. Lrii. HaTxtx-Re.
II -a. ril.tta la..i-Booker l to.d.r rt-htty
r-eefraji at tho Immanael Hapilat
a - irt-n. Ja'nnl and Meade streets. se
a jied "y fr nuar.a.r.'1' who rar.dvra
jcal ruinhera.
i'aTTos I!caa SooirrrT TO MatCT. Tha
moau' iy -ss m.atlrf of tu. Pal
ton Horn- A'aav-iatinn wl.a ba bald at th.a
t-onvt. t Michigan Avenue, toaaor-
ro at ! A. M.
Fm ntvr-Itxi store and basement.
V a. .inaslora street, between Sixth nd
ratentn; locat lease- Apply iZ WJh
liT-noiir Cu to Mrtrr Todat
T e Ftvch.oiosv Club will meet today In
t. e r--t-c J-irry a.-lroom 4 P. M.
WtU-tAMa W'rsamcn will open their
new fas.-.lon staMea. llta and ast
I.iaJtra. Kebruary 1.
11 k. ?4c.r!T ha.a rem-re-1 hi law
ctfica to t')l Chaaaber of Cotr.merca.
i'. oce Mala
Taii-'' ewl'wnan wanted by Oregon
C-T Uwifi M.iia. urvon City. I'hone
Jua r:. ' ChrUtenawa. secon4 Cm
Ccrbett build. nat- Take eieeatoe.
W ooa-raua a bread, cakea. pie etas.
mBCT RotTx FatYirn ron Raiuhoao.
KeelJenta of tha eaat of Halaey
atreet to the city limits are anxious
that the City Council enould TT'.ve the
Mount Hood r.aJlaay Company s direct
a route to the river aa poeMtne. i no
Roae 1!y Park ImproTement I-arue
pavwaed resolutions fsvorlre a dlre t route
and corwlemnirs; the route proposed
which w-.Il carry tl.e track north to
Knott atreet. nearly a mUe out of the
direct route, and then hack asaln In
order to reach the I. roadway brldare. A
the Montavllla Hoard of Trade. speakinB
for a larar- territory, has pa.wied reolu
tlora a.klnc that tl.e line be not di
verted eo far north. There are mora
than b!o-ks between the city limits
and tl Willamette Ulver and practically
all the territory t of Kae Twenty
fourth street la very anx'.oua to secure
additional streetcar fawiaatlea for that
arowlnat se-tan.
Gcnaaa Xrjrni'l Ffrrr.. a, llatt-D T
atoaimw. The boaly of tjeorace Newell,
the Portland younat man who rllod at Le
Anateiea. CaL. suddenly a week ago, baa)
arrived, and the funeral will be heid
from tha ch.ap-l of the East P'de rM
neral lairectora. r.t Alder and i-aot
Mxth streets, tomorrow afternoon, and
the burial will be made In lne Fir
Cemetery. Mr. Newell was a native of
lTrtland. and waa a eon of the late John
A. Newell, a pioneer.
llortL Gbabhakt open aa tea year.
Steam heat, hot salt baths.
C'hatnabrr of fannrucrce) Transporta
tion Coininlttc frgce It.
Fire reasons are ien by Ihe Port
land Chamber of Commerce In a reso-
Rose. Festival Colors Will Be
Red. White and Blue.
A . f
Late J. M. Setlraky.
The body of J. M. Swlrsky.
who died In Rochester. Minn,
January IT. will be received In
Portland today. Mr. Swlrsky
waa a member of the Baron !hoe
Company and had been a real
dent of Portland for II years
He waa 1 years of aae. and Is
eur-vlred by Ma wlfo. brother
and alstor. who live In Portland,
and by his father and two slaters,
of Russia, bis birthplace.
lutlon adopted Tuee!ay by the trana
portatlon committee of the aajoctailon
for the pasjaate by tha Ix'Kla'.at ure of
the Malarkey bill KtvlnaT. to e State
Hallway Commission power to rearulate
puMIc utllltlea corporations.
The reasons are that an additional
commission would be an unnecessary
burden to the taxpayers; tha additional
duties can be performed by the State
Hallway Commle.lon If sufficient force
be provided; additional technical and
expert assistance may be authorised;
there Is no general demand for the cre
ation of a new commission; experience
baa demonstrated the best reaults are
obtained In the control of publlo utlll
tlea by placing; this duty upon the State
Kallway Commission. The resolution
was forwarded to the members of the
Icgtslature yeaterday.
Driver, Thrown Off, fcaja lie Lay
Ixanar In Street.
Failure of A. TV Cain, a driver for the
Fprtng Valley Wine Conipar.y. to return
to tie office of the company. Tuoajay
night, caused his employers" to report at
police headquartere yeaterday morning ha waa mlkalng. with a wacon. team
of torsea and load of wlnea and liquors.
Aa) Oaln had considerable money with
c m. It was feared that ha had been sty.
A few hours after making the report,
the officers of the company telephoned
thst tl.e horses, still attached to the
wagon, hal returned to their statue, but
that the driver and the lintd of goods
were st ill m!eir. This message was
fjilowed by another, that Ca-ln had put
In an appearance and that the arose waa
to be dropped.
Cain said that hla horses had run
away, while he was delivering goods In
the Mount Scott district, that be a
thrown from his wagon and lay on the
street Insensible until 1 o clock yester
day morning. Resident of the district
than found htm and cared for him until
morning. H a employers aaald thaX he
waa not seriously Injured.
Following our yearly custom each year
after Inventory, we have gone through
our entire clothing st.ack and selected
all the odd pants where coats and vests
have been sold and these, together Willi
regular lines of pants, sre now belnaf
cloned out at per pair. Thia price
will not. In many cases, cover cost of
material, but we are anxious to close
them all out and now give every one the
chance to piece out a suit at a small
cost. On sale at either store. Id and
Morrison and 3d and Stark.
Brownsville Woolen Mill Store.
Beginning Friday night at Te Ore
gon Grille. Harry Pavls. tha noted
Jewish dialect singer, and Harry
Glynn, the clever Kngilsh. Scotch and
Irish dialect singer, will open an en
gagement portraying In brand new
sonvs the characteristics of these
races. From f to 1 and from 10 to 12."
Te kind that tasea Ilka home-made.
oVd -fashioned taffy, ar.d Is pure, sweet
and good. Try It. S . Blchel Co,
Portland agenta. K. Third and Third and
Washington '
All the deltcaclea of the aeason at the
Portland ReatauranU Fine private epert
menu for ladies. Jus Wash, near Uh St.
Plant ettbeon rosea. Phone Seal wood Ka
Stops Are Taken by Management to
Secure General Scheme of Dec
oration Throughout ltetnll
liujilncis Dlftrlot.
Steps to secure a genertU scheme of
decorations for the retail business dis
trict of Portland for the week of the
Rose Festival. June 6-10, have been un
dertaken by the management. Presi
dent Hoyt s scheme, now working- out.
It Is hoped will bring all the local
commercial bodies toaji-ther to co-operate
with the bualnaaa interests In
the center of the city. The subject will
be placed before the Retail Merchants
Association with a view of having that
organisation recommend that a unl
rersal and uniform system of decora
tion be carrla-d out.
The sentiment of the business houses
west of the river will be canvassed by
the Festival and It ia planned to call
a big mass meeting within the next
few weeks so that an exchange of Ideas
may be secured from all Uaose Inter
ested In the projects.
Decoration Cost Itetluceal.
I'ndor the scheme that Is to be fol
lowed out this year, the cost of doc
orstion of streets, building fronts and
display windows will bo grently re
duced, as the Festival haa decided that
the patriotic, or National colors, red,
white and blue, shall be used In pref
erence to the official Hon Festival
colors, which are petal pink and leaf
green. It Is contended that nearly
every store and business house In the
Inside section of the city haa an abun
dant supply of the National colors,
which can be used In all sorts of artistic-
-We are rery confident of getting
the lowest rates ever given tourist
travel by the railroads for the Rose
Festival." declared President Hoyt last
night. "Aa everybody knows, the use
of tha red. white and blue Inspire the
spirit of patriotism and rayety more
than any other combination of tints
possibly can. We have gone carefully
Into the subject and find that It would
coat a grent deal more If we attempted
to maintain the use of the official
Festival colore. They are hard to get;
they are expensive and the supply Is
rian to Aid All.
"It Is hoped that all the business In
terests of the city will take this matter
up at once with ua and see If we can
not work out a scheme whlc'.a will give
us uniformity and convert the whole
city Into a wilderness of fluttering
beauty for the week of our celebra
tion. We are going to be called upon
to entertain many thousands more
Eastern visitors than ever before and
we must figure on that."
President Hoyt urgea that erery per
son who haa any Ideas In the way of
making the city attractive to outside
visitors for the Festival communicate
with lilni at once.
Coin In jr to Portland In April Ia An
nounced Lecture on "White
F!a-ne'' New I eature.
Postmajcter Merrick announced at the
Portland Ad Club luncheon yesterday
that ex-President Roosevelt would be In
Portland In the first week of April and
Inasmuch as ha wss "the beea; advertiser
In the world and therefore one of ua," a
special effort should be made to se
cure a promise from him to attend a
meeting and deliver an address. The
propoaaj waa received with cheers and
the officer were Instructed to do their
utmost to get his consent to attend a
big banquet in haa honor.
Ur. 11 A. Pierce added a new feature
to the noon-day luncheon by giving a
stereoptlcon lecture of S minutes upon
"The Klght Against the White Plegue."
He argued for a wider knowledge among
advertising writers) of the battle against
tuberculosis. Dr. Calvin 3. White talked
on "The Food Vnlue of the Wily Coyote."
!e contended that the honest advertises
was tie- one all mankind ehoutd honor
and that the covoto of the human family
was to 1 found In the "lying ads" of
fake" curea C. C. Craig tslked upon
"The Realty rosnlbllltles of I'ortland for
lli." He pointed out that within the
next few years Portland would benefit
by the completion of enterprise, the
cost of which will amount to 7O.000.0uX
The deepening of the Columbia River to
the sea. the completion of the Cellln
Canaal and of the Fa.nama Canal, the
electrifying of the Willamette Vallry
and the opening of Ksstern Oregon by
the construction of railway lines were
"The construction of these enterprlases.
said the spesker, "all of which sre the
product of man's Ingenuity and which he
l.aa been working upon for years. Is
soon to be an accomplished fact. With
the Industrial activities) which will follow
the operation of tliese enterprises Port
land la bound to come Into Its own
and be the largest city on the Pacific
School Bill ConiprmIe Now Ready
for Legislature.
The proposed new school law for
oltles having a school population of
more thsn K'.OX) Is now complete and
probably will be presented to the Legis
lature today or tomorrow for considera
tion The committee to which the one
remaining point In the law a reduction
In the terms of school directors and an
enactment that would legislate present
members out of office before their terms
expire settlod the differences by com
promise, the bill making the term four
years. Instead of three as originally pro
posed. Under this provision a new mem
ber will be eiectsd each year until tha
fourth year, when two members will be
elected. This arrangement fits Into the
system now In vogue so that each mem
ber of the present board will be per
mitted to serve his term.
The committee chosen to sett.e the
point In controversy at the conference
Tuesday was composed of J. V. Beach,
a member of tho school board: L. E.
Latonrette. representing the civic coun
cil, who drew the bill, and H. S. Piatt,
representing Independent taxpayers. The
school board announced at the confer
ence Tuesdsy that the Mil as approved
by It in debate and lb setUemc-nl af
fected by tho committee would go to the
legislature with Its approval. In view
of this fact advocates of the bill think
there will be little or no opposition to
the measure in either house of the Leg
islature, aa H 1 agreeablei to all con
cerned. There has always been a question
whether the school board had authority
to conduct trade schools and nte1"
schools under the present law. To re
move all question as to. these branches
of the public school clrriculum. the com
mittee yesterday 'nserted a section mak
ing specific provisions for such schools.
Cnny Slore Owner Wants $54.75 for
Simian's Depredations.
For depredations committed by
mischievous monkey in one night of
riotous freedom, damages In the sum
of 154.75 are claimed by Peter and
Colcho Stancheff In a suit filed yes
terday In Justice Court against Fred
The Stancheff brothers recite that
they were until one night lost week
the proprietors of certain candles, to
baccos and cigars, deposited In a store
room at 7J North Third street, and
that Neeme. who runs a movlng-plc-ture
show In the neighborhood, was
the owner of a monkey. Through his
carelessness, they allege, the monkey
was allowed to stray and entered their
store, where he "broke., injured, de
stroyed and ate" stock of the value of
151.75. . M ,
In addition It required one full day s
work on the part of both proprietors
to set the store at rlathts again after
the simian had done his worst-
Would-ne Cltlxen, Ignorant, Judge
llcconimcnds Offspring as Tutor.
When LadlslaT Horecny appeared be
fore Federal Judge Bean yesterday to
be examined as to his qualifications for
naturalization It was found he had
never heard of the Legislature, did not
know Tuft ia President of the Cnlted
States and could not tell much about
Congress. He could neither read nor
Aa one of hla nine children had writ
ten answers to questions Horecny
thought would b asked him. Judge
Bean suggested that he educate himself
on citizenship with the help of his
child, and return in two months for
another examination.
John Oaman and Wllhelm Ehrenfried
Falzwedcl obtained second papers. Wal
ter Albin Felix Grutter'a witnesses not
appearing in court, he was not ac
cepted. Several others were to have
been mnde citizens yesterdoy. but failed
to appear in court.
Verdi's Famous Opera Xow Feature
of Performance at Star.
Verdi famous opera. "II Trovatore." Is
being exhibited at the Star aa the fea
ture reel, ahowlng the ploy in nil Its
attractiveness, made realistic by special
music and singing and being closed with
Uie well-known prison scene, while the
song "Lee Miserere" Is beautifully sung
by Lynn F. Cowan ond Miss Evalyn Dins
more, two well-known operatic stars.
Thle) picture Is one of the biggest suc
cesses ever perfected and will continue
at the S".ar the remainder of the week.
Besldua this reel, there Is a strong blo
graph, "Orans Blossoms' and a full
reel comedy.
Rock Springs CoaL
The beet house coal. Liberty Coal A
Ice Co, exclusive agents. 2 Nofth
Fourteenth street. Main 1662. A 3186.
Mr. Wilcox Is going to build a
12-etory building where we have
been located for 14 years. So
we must sell our large stock of
before March X. and to do ao wa
are giving
312 Washington, Bet. 5tl and 6th
Is having a big sale. Ask
your dealer what his other
customers think of Mendota.
Ask him how Mendota is sell-
Ask him if it makes
Then try a ton your-
Phones: A 3887; Marshall 2635
Order From Your
De-aler Today
Portland's Largest
Commercial Stationery Store
Portland'a Popular
Pioneer Book Store
Portland's Greatee
Office Furniture Store
Portland'a Leading
Architects Engineers Stores
At the Corner of
Third and Alder Sta.
" (Bills its leliabllitrl"
Mnln 8500 A 0069
Y. MX A.
By Joining
$2 SAVE $2
This special rate will close
Thursday evening, February 2.
You will help give Portland the
largest Y. M. C. A in the world.
Two gymnasiums.
Swimming pool.
Handball court.
Cork running track.
Commercial schools.
Trade schools.
Boys' day and niirbt school.
Amusement rooms.
Reading room and library.
Advisory and employment de
partment. Thirty shower baths.
172 living-rooms.
Lectures, concerts, entertain
ments. Over 100 different lines of
Boys ages 10 to 18.
Senior ages 17 up.
Call and be shown through the
building free.
A 6561. Main 7065.
Personally Conducted Tour
From Tacoma and Southwestern Washing
ton, under the auspices of Tacoma Chamber
of Commerce and Southwestern Washing
ton Development League, leaves Tacoma and
Southwestern T "
ent Jjeague, leaves lauumctttuu
Feb. 18th
O. -W. R. & N.
ITINERARY includes stops at San Francisco, Oak
land, San Jose, Santa Clara Valley, Del Monte,
Paso Robles, Santa Barbara,' Los Angeles and trip
Through th Orango Plantations of Southern California
TITIS RATE INCLUDES railroad fare both
ways, meals from the time you leave Tacoma
Feb. 18, until you reach Los Angeles Feb. 23,
as well as berth for going trip in Standard Pullman
sleeper. The final return limit is three months or
until May lo, with stop-over permits to sun.
ROdfr Trio from Tacoma. Sooth Aberdeen and In
tennedlate points between Tacoma and Vancouver
Wash., and between Sooth Aberdeen and Centralis,
dentistry en the Paolflo Coairt Is executed here.
V ebaTebnUtnpourrermUUononlt. You caa
depend on cuaJ.ty and cannot gat better paaulexa
I ..wh. no matter bow much yon pay.
' ' - -
brldaie work ror oua.
f of toara patroDB ia
ona Amy Ii desired.
Paltueaa eraraoiaon
free whan plaaea os
bridge work ia order
ed, CwtulUlioK Iras.
MolarOrant 55.00
o.u raii 1.00
EoumI Flintin iOQ
Silvw fllllftis 90
6oo Rubber -
Piatt. 5.03
Bait Rl Robber -
Pittas 7.50
Ptlnlatl Ertr'tioe .50
asr aarrMODS
Wise Dental Co.,mc
Painless Dentists
rslTInf Bulldlnt. Third snd Wsshlnftoa. PORTLAHOjORl
Oltaaa BaiaraT S a. K- te t. M. suaar.Sel
i i i a.i ai pi .i
I e, T. .r- '
-'.ry'A 'r" ' .".J
a-W.a. Will, rasaa aa Maaaan
a ius snm ann nmaae
Thla school haa won the reputation of
thoroushly preparing- students for col
lege and acientltic schools. Open to
students that have completed tha wort
of the irimmar ajradea of tha publlo
Corner Eaat Twelfth and Salmon Sta.
Sprlna term opens February T. 1M1.
A few British Columbia homesteads of
160 acres each at $7.50 per acre. One
dollar per acre cash, balance over
three years.
Here is your opportunity. "Write at
once for full particulars to P. O. Box
1756, Vancouver, B. C.
California Metal Plating Works
A. Methlvier. prop.
Metat Coloring- a Specialty.
atain 111 foruavnd. Oregon,
. ... ...a.!!..! f the aneelnl train are limited, yoa hnd
better make your reservation at once. A depoait of S10 cllnchea it.
For further Information. caU or addreaa
fiemWiTT Southwestern Washington Development League, Centralis, "Waah.
C. T. 0.-W. R. ct I Third and Was hlnaston St, Portland, Or.
WM. M 'MURRAY, General Passenger Agent O.-W. R. & N., Portland.
W D. SKINNER, General Preight and Passenger Agent O.-W. R. &
N., Seattle.
II imiMia-ailMieTsaa
.The man you write to can estimate the
character of yourself by the character of
your letter.
Kilham Quality Stationery
inspires confidence.
3 IS. 1 Li Ll afi. 1V1 PRINTING CO.
j'lltn ana uadt
i yjj-SS; ft P
Start The Day Right,
Feel Keen, Spirited FIT
375 Wtsfciiutan treca
It gives your skin aa exhilarating tingle every pore respond. It revives
circulation Invigorates CLEANSES.
J.11 Grocers tad Druggist
Neth & Company
Established in 1800.
How about those old accountaT
U5 wr scale Blatx Peftlaaal. Oak
la often distressed by Gray or
Bleached Hair
Imperial Hair Resenerator
is tha only sure and absolute
ly harmlesa remedy for either;
easily applied: any natural shade
produced; leaves the hair soft
and glossy. It Is unequaled tor
Beard or Mustache. Sample of
hair oolored free. Privaoy a
aurad correspondence. Imperial
Chemical Biff. Co.. 1S5 V. 83d St. X. X.
Fully Equipped for Operation.
For Sale at a Bargain.
St. T.
Mcaluilen. Slnser Bid'.,