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About Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 1, 1911)
THE 'MORNING OREGONIAN, WEDNESDAT, FEBRUARY 1, 1911. Girls' Story Contest Closes Feb. 10 $100 in Prizes; First Prize $30 Boys' Aviation Contest Open Until Saturday for Proven Flyers Free Lessons in Art Needlework from 2;30 to 5 P. M. Daily, Third Floor, Main Building Sole Portland Agents Ostermoor Mattrgsses 20 Our Restaurant andTearoom SO often n woman remarks "I agreed to meet her here," and then -waits comfortably in one of the roomy rocking chairs in the lobby of our Tearoom. Have you thought of the conveniences our Tea Room offers T Eay access to all theaters, writing tables, comfortable rocking chairs and settees and then a dainty, refreshing cup of tea, or a delitrhtful after-matinee lunch. Special Direct Elevator Service Daily 12 to 1:30 P. M. .y uJtV- "'?'T.'.TrjriZ. J...'. '"" "" i ..iii" '"in ."'3rytfr;a $3 to $5 Bracelets at $ 1.98 FIRST FLOOR, SEW BUILDING. ORDER BY MAIL. ANOTHER of the Pre-Inventory sacrifices $3 to $5 gold-filled Bracelets at near-half and less than half price! Prettily shaped affairs with plain stone settings or neat signet-engraved patterns. Usual $3 to $5 (t -t QO grades. On sale for our Pre-Inventory sale atOX70 75c Gold-Filled Beauty Pins in pretty designs for 49 Fine Genuine Seal Hand Bags. Extra special at $3.98 Big Pre-InveMory Cleam-Up. Sales m Full Force Tc m&yl a 1 SI 1 c II n ii; i' i in inis I 1 i; I 1 n fetas mj III mr yvi Ft Pre-!nventory Dress Sale $20 to $35 Garments, $12.45 ECOXD FLOOR. MAIX BUILDIXG. ORDER BY MAIL. ST think of buying a beautiful Dress for $12.45 which up ! 1 1 t AO A. I a iew weeKS ago oore a ?oo price-iagi icr lot of Street Dresses. Evenincr Gowns and Dresses are the season's handsomest models in ilessalines. Serges, Eolians, Panamas, Taf- ? 1 O f C AH shades and sizes. Finest $ JU anu $Jo uarments, at oniy u x aTr To $20 Dresses $7.85 JILsess and Women's One-Iiece Dresses of Serges, Panamas. Challies, Eolians and Silks. Some plain tailored for street wear, others more elaborate. Wide range of colors. JT QfJ Reg. $12.50 to $20 Dresses O .OO $L50to $2 Waists 82c IJT hrtrain tb!e filled with incomplete lines of While Lingerie VYawU. Fine batiste, lawn and mall. Lare and embroidery-trimmed. R?nlar $1.50 to $2 kind, today Rf offered at 0 $15 to $25 Suits $8.95 Handsome Tailored Suits at a fraction of for mer price. Of fine serges, broadcloths, chev iots and tweeds, in styles which differ little if any from new Spring models; $15 (Q QC to $2-j Suits ro.uJ V fit II 1 WITH our annual stock-taking only two days away, the big Pre-Inventory Cleanup Sales are attracting thousands of people to the store. No let-up to the compelling economies- today bargains by the hundred-fold await you in every department. ' And remember, back of every printed statement every purchase and representation made by us, stands the 54-years'-old Meier & Frank guarantee of absolute satisfaction or your money back. Visit the Annual Pure Food Fair Today The Great Sixth Annual Pure Food Fair with its nearly 80 gayly decorated booths, its unique displays, its daily throngs, is the Big Store's principal attraction these days. Daily concerts by the huge Military Band Organ. Come today! And Specials in Pure Food Grocery Butter, 2-lbs. 63c Mild Eastern Hams, sweet and sugar-cured; medium size. Special, lb., 16 Fancy Eastern Eggs, every dozen guaranteed. Special at, dozen, 23 Alpresco Jam, regular 40c jars at S3 dozen, each 29 Every household should share in this big special on, Butter. Our famous Butternut or Royal Banquet brands, cut from fresh Creamery ffQp Butter. Special, 2-lbs. VJOC Pint Bottles Catsup, the well known brand. Spe. at 22 Delft's Peanut Oil, large bot tles 70 ; medium bottles, at 40 Specials on Lard, pure kettle rendered quality; 5-lb. pails, 73; 10-lb. pails, $1.45 Pre-Inventory Sale 3 5c Stationery 23c To $15 Waists $5.85 What a .Waist bargain this is I Odd lots, of course, but prettiest models in Silk, Messaline and Chiffon in all lead ing shades. Waists made to sell at $10 to $15. Our Pre-Inventory JC QC Cleanup sale price only tyJtOJ FIRST FLOOR, NEW BUILDINO ORDER BY MAIL. FINE French Cheviot and French Dimity Note Paper quality which vou '11 pay 35c a pound for anywhere. Pre-In- OO ventory special today at, the pound, your choice for only 510 to $15 Coats $5.85 Women's and misses' Separate Coats, in long loose or semi-fitted storm models of splendid gray mixed tweeds and black kerseys. The staple models; regular $10.00 to flC QC $15.00 Coats pJ.OiJ Sale Fine Oak Roll-Top Office Desks rovrni floor, maix buildiu. order bt mail. NOT a great number of these handsome Roll-Top Office Desks left after'yes terday's strenuous selling, but the entire lot must be sold before inventory the story of the unusual prices! Made of golden oak in waxed finish with fine cabinet work and finish. Styles are similar to that shown in the illustra tion with the exception that the pigeon hole fillers are extra 30c oach. Reductions: $30 Roll-Top Desks; No. 127. Size 50-ineh. Price $34 Roll-Top D.k; No. 335. Size 50-ineh. Price $35 Roll-Top Posks; No. C29. Size 54-inch. lYice S23.98 $25.75 $26.98 $37.50 635. $40.00 637. $41.00 5S5. $28.50 Roll-Ton Desks. No. Size 50-inch: Price Roll-Top Desks. No. tf o f TP? Size 54-inch. Price DJ i O Roll-Top Desks. No. flOA o E? Size 50-inch. Price DOU0 $5 Filled Eye Glasses at $2.98 FIRST FLOOR, NEW BUILDING. ' IF YOU have a continual head ache, be sure to visit our mod ern optical department and have your trouble remedied. We offer you the expert services of a graduate optician at the lowest prices. Today we offer $5 Perfection Gold Filled Nose-Glasses fitted G QQ with flat toric lenses, pr tiJO $2.50 Perfection Mountings, without lenses, the pair for low price of $1.50 CARD-PRINTING SPECIALS Following low prices on Calling and Business Cards today: 100 Calling Cards, today only, at 39 Business . Cards, 300 for 1; 500 for $1.35; 1000 for the low price of $2 65c Persian Novelties Pretty tinted edsre Linen "Writing Pa cers in all new shades. QQ Today, your choice at Initial' Writing Tablets Best quality Linen Paper with fine hard -stamped initials 1Q. in colors. On sale at a"" Sale of Women's SilkUnder-Vests FIRST FLOOR, MAIN BUILDING. s OUR unequalled assortments of Italian Silk Underwear included in the Pre-Inventory Cleanup 1 Women's Vests, plain or embroidered in low neck and sleeveless styles. -$1.75 to $2 Italian Silk Vests, $1.29 $3.00 Italian Silk Undervests $1.87 $4.00 Italian Silk Undervests $2.19 Women's $2.50 to $5 Union Suits at 98c Of course they are in broken sizes the Inventory demands that they be disposed of. $2.50 to $500 QQ grades, special for this sale tOC 50c Congress Playing Cards Finest quality gilt-edge cards made. All new design backs, including initials. On on sale today at, the pack 3C 10c Writing Tablets Odd lots in all. sizes and kinds of paper. To close out today Today in Basement Annex uare Bargain Sq Women's House Dresses at 85c IUEAT, practical House Dresses of percale and flannelette, in black, white, gray and navy blue. Regular $1.50 to $2.00 grades. Spe- n cial Pre-Inventory price today, garment OOC 10c and 15c Matted Pictures 2c Men's 10c Col. Initial Kerchiefs 3c 25c & 50c Jewelry Novelties 1 Oc Odd Lots Wool Dress Goods 12 $1.00 and $1.25 Silks 50c FIRST FLOOR, MAIN BUILDING. MORE kinds than we have room to tell of for the coming Inventory demands that all short lengths be hurried out and all odds and ends be sacrificed. There arc 1800 yards of fine wool fabrics in a large assortment of staple weaves and colorings. Ail pieces contain from 2 to 6 yards and areLJ;Ii" Pfipp suitable for skirts, coats, etc. Special Pre-Inventory sale only41. ? ORDER BT MAIL. NLY one example of the many Pre-Inventory specials in the Silk section odd bolts and short lencths of our best $1 and $1.25 Fancy Silks at 50! Beautiful, shimmering Silks in soft rich color combinations stripes, g plaids and figured effects. Suitable for waists, yokes, trimmings, etc. Best $1 and $1.25 grades, special Pre-Inventory Sale Price at, the yard, Mail Orders Promptly I.U FflJed Ass3 V -7 . p . , 1 Just Inside Morrison-street Entrance Men's $20 Rain coats at $ 1 1 .98 FIRST FLOOR, MAIX BULDIXQ. A NOTHER lot of those famous Im ported English "Water-proof Coats which prove so popular whenever we have them to offer and these at prices which will surely bring crowds today! Best $20 Raincoats of wool, silk and rub ber combinations, absolutely water-proof. Ilitrh military, felt, or plain collars; cut in true English Raclan style. (ti 1 QQ All sizes and colors. Only iDl 1 jO Men's Raincoats Special $4.24 Ea. An all-important asset in this climate Men's and Women's water-proof Raincoats, which may be conveniently slipped on and off. Made of light and dark tan and gray, also black with military collar (Jy O A and pockets. Pre-Inventory at uT".Tr Sale Men's $5 Bath and Lounging Robes $2.85 S ORDER BT MAIL. TOCK-TAKING in sight our excuse for offering these splen did $5 Lounging and Bath Robes today at near half price! Soft, comfortable gar ments for the hours of indoor ease. Made of .warm fabrics in fancy blues, tans, browns and with neat figures and scroll effects. - Finished with cord and tassels to match. Regular $0 grades in Pre Inventory sale today at only Men's $2 Un derwear at 79c FIRST FLOOR, MAIN BUILDING. 5000 $1.50 to $2 gar ments at this hurry-out price ! Fine cashmere wool, lamb's wool, camel's hair, wool and worsted and ribbed 'wool in a wide choice of colors and "7Q weights. Selling at our Pre-Inventory Sale at JC l Jeavy kM:;I:!r greens uaiuu. ibcguidi pis $2.85 Remnants of Lace and Embroidery About Vz FIRST FLOOR, NEW BUILDING. ORDER BY MAIL. ft flUNDREDS of remnants, manufacturer's strips and short lengths of lace and em broidery in the Annual Pre-Inventory Clean up at remarkably low prices! Examples: Embroidery Strips Of fine Cambric, Nain sook and Swiss in pretty eyelet, filet and blind stitch designs. $1.75 to $2.25 Strips 95 $3.00, $4.50 Strips $1.39 Embroidery Remnants Including hundreds of short lengths in edges and insertions, to 9 inches wide. To 40c Grade, yard, 15 To 25c Grades, yard, 7 Children's Underwear 21c FIRST FLOOR, MAIN BUILDING. ' The . "Universal" Coffee Percolator extracts all the whole j jl some and inviporating jlj essence of the coffee be !'. fore the water boils. 17 With this Percolator, J coffee is easy to make A and is always deliciously mil "Universal" Coffee 5 i i tJercoIators are now De- S i . . ...... I ing demonstrated at ine S i ry l.' l ir; Pieab l uic x "'At -t an uu the fourth floor, mam ORDER BY MAIL. w ARM, fleece-lined little Pants and Vests in sizes 1 to 6 vears. White onlv. Also a large lot of broken sizes in Children 's Vests and Pants in white, cream and. gray. Fine ribbed; excellent quality. Best 25c and 40e grades, specially priced for this great Ol Pre-Inventory sale at, the garment AC K II I lathe fourth floor, mam ill I Hi 4-cup size, price S3. 50 ll6-cup size, price S4.00 3-cup size, price $4.50 ll I m 1 4-cup size only S5.00 '