TUESDAY. JANUARY 31, 1311.- TTTE MOTtXIXfi Oni-OOXIAX, - CITY NEWS IN BRIEF onxr.oM.jc TctxrHONt. rrmMr.lrwm ... t -lr-ulatln . . Mnai!n rMltoe enl r Cdltor . .. ('mpc-!r.-rioai buL b-iilD- ...Mln T'T A W ...Main T"TO A -- ...Main T"T' A '- ...Main T A .. . Mala T"Trt A ...Mala Tw: A -V. AvrsirwKSTs. PJIKTR THKATKR trroT-rith -i1 -tr-r'l-Tli Hkr nt-a nrrt-ji- In tt.Ju-n Nl" Tom. at at .l- HI Nrt A LOW THEATrK Twalflh and Mr r. "Tha Man ot lb. Hour - loaunl li. onr-HEUM THKATrR-()Cims. Mt Mailt and S.olhl u.llll. Tlu (icrnooa at -. 1 and toaigUt al 1:13. GAAND THEATER (Park and Vaahlns- iai TauWtl:aw This aTtarnooa al lnknt at T.JO and 8L .TWIT Til RATER a-et and AHr l.-n Comaly c'ompnr la "Thr V-era Thia afirraooa al -JO and toou-i at T 3o ard . TAR THEA ER P-r and Wa'MustolO Mitta pictures. I'uatln.oas from 1 Ii J. 1-, M. . Can RowrT Hjio Jta Thre. members of Hit Spokane Club rr-IJlns; at the club quarter at S.12 Clkaraa ilml. plari prank on a Broadway car. Sat urday avrnlnc until Patrolman Iyon r iMWd their rtns;!rsr for disorderly roruluct. The captive wxi H. La Dobbin. rtur ul-aman for Kleischner. Mayer Co. At the time of hi arrest he Rave Ms name a Henry D. George. Dobbin, with ttree friend, after a visit to a theater, started home, rtdlr.it In live front testioul of the cor. Dubbin hooked his arm over the bell rope and kept the car crew a-uessinr by Vrklnc the bell. lie was commanded by the conductor to deMat but repeated the oflenae and I'a trolman Uon ou summoned. The pollrraian found that some one had rrt rated in the fare-box. Dobbin em ployed an attorney to defend hln. and sought to show that rlnrlra; of the bell as aecl4entaXi Judge Taawell Imposed a fine of flu. Pioxcta PtES at Damascus. Mrs. Johanna Weddeler. a plor.ecr. died at her home In Damascus. Clackamas Coun ty, a few days aco at the aee of Tl years. Ph was married to Cliriatian Weildcler In Germany, and came to Oreson 33 years ao. They settled on a farm near Da mascus soon after reacnlna; Oregon, where they remained for years. She was known as Grandma- Weddeler by the neighbors. Mrs. Weddeler was a wo man of unusual physical endurance, often walklna to Forirts: a distance of three mile from her home and then taking the train for Grredira. returning the same day. The funeral waa held at the Vnloa Church of Damascus. Rev. F. 1L und conducted the services. Mrs. Wed deler Is sajrvlved ' by her husaand. 77 jeara of ace. who was too feeble to at tend the services. Distal St it Rmnxon).-Thomas C. Poster's C5.J0 damaco suit asamst the Coos Bay Gas tc Klectrlc Company has been remanded from the Federal Court In Portland to the State Circuit Court of IVa County. FederM Judee Been sent the case bark yesterday mornlna-. holding that It was Improperly removed from the Circuit to the Federal Court. W. 8. Harrington, an employe of the company, la made a co-defendant. Foster a:iec) he waa assisting In setting a telephone pole, but was not provided with strong enough p'.ke poles, e that the heavy pole f-U on him. He says be has loat the ose of his right arm and leg. GcxcKors Brother KruuffKO. That he had paid f'O for surgical operations on Ms bruther. .waa the defrnae f Charles .TturUth. a iarmrer. srralcrcd for vagrancy In the Municipal Court lesterday. He was) released. The brother ait present tn court, leanlrg on a stick nd bandaged heavily, to corroborate his benefactors testimony. Working for tlw Portland Gaa Company. Hurltrh had honored th bills for h:s brother's treat ment, until be. -hlmewlf. nusKained a slight Injury and waa compelled to quit work. He spent his idle time about North End resort, which caused Patrol man Burrt to pick him up as an undesir able. He was released with the earning that he tnuK go to work. AssESfHEtT ilADI FOR SrwiM.-The North Branch of the Brooklyn Sewer has been completed and the assessment for It Is tr;.wM. This amount l larger than the tiwajirant for the tnsln con duits of the Brooklyn sewer. It eajppltes a large territory, part of Mount Tabor and Suth Tabor. It start. at Division street and Marguerite avenue. Assess ment for the iitst Twenty-elghth-rtreet district hss been made and Is tXL It supplies tne d. strict between Hawthorne avenue and Division street weet of Mar guerite avenue. Work has been started en the Holgate-Kenilworth sewer, which wttl cost a little over lWO,a ("r.i.Ea-ruu- Reasmd Tramp ptrxtsHiiD. A fhlnrse tramp, lacking nothing of the traditional comic paper regalia except the tomato can. appeared before Judce Tazaell yesterday morning. charged tth vagrancy. He give has name as Ah fng. L'nllke most of his countrymen, lie had a beard, which had been neglected for a year or more. Ah Sing w ac cused of having estAbllshe.1 an extensive free lunch route tn the North Knd. lie pleaded guilty and was sentenced to serve 30 days on tl Tockp'.le. MorsT EJOTT CVnzi.vs Await Mtn n::xens of the Mount Soott district be tween Anabel and Ler.ts are wailing the action of the postal authorities to start mail carrier e-ervlre In that section of the city. Rev. W. H. Meyer, president of the Mount Soott Cltis-tie League, said yesterday that the people had contled with the requirements of the depart ment put mail boxes and placed num bers en their' houses. Also the streets) have been numbered. Inspectors recom mended the service some time ago. Post to Observe. Iaxcou Birthdat. Sumner Post. No. Tl. O. A- R-. will ob serve LJncolnw birthday by holding an open meeting February It. In the hall on t southeast corner of Grand avenue and Raaat Pine etreet- At the regular Ae iha md flnturdav nlcht G. Difruna - - A. Prentice was appointed to Invite a speaker to address me meeting aim -cure appropriate music for the occasion. tr. nubile will be Invited. CVjcaOO Partt Not to Call IItre. Chicago's Chamber of Commerce party scheduled to visit the Orient to return th call of the Japanese Commerce Com missioners will not come to Portland. The excursionists will leave Chicago on in (anh IS and arrive In ftaaitle March 19. This information ls conveyed In a letter received by the Portland CTaamoer or. tuuuiitivr. . ri iu tn Meet. The psy chology department of the Woman's 1ub will meet today at 3 P. M, In - PrafMior Rlvln Tausch !ll be turn leader. Tlie art department will meet at the same piace at a mt. r TV m 1 mf mT leader. Amu January SU 1511. carriages to or from parties, tneaiers. etc. wm o each way. Round trip or exclusive use. a includes Inside the two- mile circle. Central Stables. Anderson Brosw Portland Carriage Co. r- tt-.....w ir FTtiTurca will give his lecture and stereoptlccn le of the Obersmmerxwu raseion ru. t -cu.ru-siry Methodist Episcopal Church. Ivaat pine and Ninth atst. W ednesday evening. Tickets Sc. After JrcaRT Jl ftr-HWAB Pristi.no Co. Wim. B Located at u: Stars: Strxrt. On door East or Presejct Locatiojc. " w-y 1 1 w t ft arnre and baaement. Washington street, between Stxth and Seventh; long lease, appij .t " Ir. r inn. For Sale. Two mahogany standing nokkeepers' desks at a bargain. Apply Vntted States National Bank. - . s, Wmrrri will open their stables. 11th and East v.a.iiera. February ! rt tin. riimlhel home. West Fde- C. K. Henry Co, Henry bldg.. 1 ourth and Oak. Mrs. Catheri R. Chapman Dies. T Mrs. Catherine It- Chspman. well known In women a club, so ial rerorrn ana social , settlement circles In Chicago and Port- j land. iei ust evening; at me ruruim Sanitarium, after an illness of ten e-ks. Mrs. Chapman was born In Albion. N. T.. April 1. ISM; was a novi tiate cf the Slsterw of Mercy at Buffalo, a settlement worker In Trinity parish. New York City and In Henry Booth House, onicago. She was an active mem ber of the Society for Ethical Culture In New York and Chicago, of the Portland Woman's Club, and of the Equal Suffrage Associations In all three cities. In Chi cago In 15&C she married CharleeJ Clarence Chapman, a newspaper reporter, and l:h her husband came to Portland In 14. Mr Chapman wss a woman of unusual force and brilliance. wa an agcresslve champion of equal suffrage and other social reform, and was be loved by hundred who had come rn know her Intimately through her reform work. In conformity with her own tiiat science snoum nave mo h.r rm.M be learned from her Illness. an autopsy will be performed and U'.e remains will be cremated. Hats Sbixed for Dcrr.-Hss selxed by creditors as security figured In two cases before Municipal Judge Taxwell. yesterday. One was a feminine head piece and the other a masculine fedora. t- r t,.A,Tr a rutin ter. Rad- ding of accompanied by a young mt i .I,, aurnmobllo of W. I H. Granklyn to go to the railroad tatlon. He aid that hTanklyn ran off and left him and !;! companion and fhen tried to collect IIJO for fare. When Raddlng re fused payment. Frankly n seixed his $6 hat. Judge Taxwell dismissed the charge of larceny agalnsk Franklyn on condition that he cturn the hat. The litigants de parted, but In a moment Raddlng waa ba.-k. saying that tTinmyn -"-' . k Hat a bench warrant was laaued for his resppearance In court . . rrt.,,.1, nAf . nt'td this mornin. n."' - . L . . Kill fnr rent, and On her failure to pay. the creditor seUed her bonnet. A cnarpe ot ""' . . . k... rfiamiixed. the defendant proailsSne- to return the headgear. A FRAOit-n Rom-ict-He purchased a doxen cf eggs-Eastern K'-f'1? economical young bacneior ana ii. h or. one In a dainty hand Mlna Johansen. Glenwood. Neb." The girl for me thought he. He wrote to came the answer that after Mlna de livered that egg to the packing plant Phe met her husband to be, was courted, married and now the happy mother of two fine boys. What was the age of that cold storage egg? The bachelor now 1. t ewaitt.'s. ssrrrlrt.T fresh OT- DUfl T t Mil a. A-ak - gon eggs for Sio a dosen; fresh butter for 65c a square; pu.- rendered lard, three-pound pail for 4oC. ' . ten-oound a nve-pouna twit ' - . .. - .. . - .. c.nk'. wnnderfully-aweet pail iur i - - - . sugar-cured bacon Is 1THC : and ErC. round eteaa ana wniu -' v. .-a u ir. of mutton are lie; rk chop."'.r; ITWc" and pot roast. ... ...t... Kaaf to boll ana are l"c. itc ' - . . stew Is Ac and K)c: mutton stew is c. shoulders) of mutton are ac Oiueoo! Street TO B W i rirET Ore gon street Is to o vKdoned from W to .0 V . , . .i rr u nrand avenue. a distance of six blocks. Oregon Is the street that extends to tne cam. 7 ii .j kH,!!. and the nroD- to toe new i - - erty owners have decided that It la too Important a street to oe oniy .. , cim i- K. liankln and W. v T.rrv are ti e viewers to aaaeaa the damages and benefits. Ten-foot atrlps will be takn rrom tne aouttina on each side of the street. Objection- If any are to be filed by February la. All the atreets at the east approach to the railroad bridge are to be Improved with hard-surface pavemeuta. Fir la No MtstkRT. statement man that the fire In connection sum tuo Peary Camly store in tne jtaqu-... . . .i .nmm mritar'oui features In that they reflected upon the o-ner of the stock l object eo to uj o- who has been a resident of Portland for 17 years. For many years ne ua engaged In tne canuy - : -- sens that he clod the store h rid ay night at 11:16 o'clock, ana ti.e curred at 6 o'clock In the morning. His r r .K.. , had In stock IM00. invoice auu-a w. . u-- The insurance amounts to I'J00. Hence there could be no "mysiery so " be a concerned. t,n Mil Draa IK SHACK. in a wny shack in Marquam Gulch, near First street, Philip Geyer. 70 years old. waa found dead yesterday afternoon, sitting on the floor with his head resting on a chair. Death apparently waa canned by heart failure. Fred Hupplch. hla son-in- law. formerlr a policeman, v. j ... fiirrLiiiiMl most of the aged man", 'support, found the body Oeyer h.sd lived alone m trio """"--iiva with relatives. A .ltar, MrX F-gH. - Arthur street. The cwroner i. ' ' ' body. Mua F.mma Butler to Speak.-M1s Emma la. Buller will talk on her work t f-nurt- at tlie unitarian in tua - Women's Alliance meeting, tomorrow at j o clock. In the Unitarian chapel. Judge Gatens may Meak of the same work from the viewpoint of a court Jurist ,M!s Honey, recently irui "'""-"- " ...... m?rm reading, and Mrs. Vvinr Dnsmore will sing. The pro gramme will be followed by a social hour to" which visitor, are Invited to re main. , MAsa MEE-rcto TononT. The regular . , .t. rhrl.tlin Endeavor Local Union will be held tonight at 8 o'clock, in Hawtnorne ri . .7- Church. East . TwelTth and Taylor j, eeu. Dr. Luther it- ijyoii. t . -gregatlonal Church, will deliver an ad dress. The committee ras arranneu ra cial mus c mciuuinn vi-.rran Mandolin Club led by Mien Ethel Obrlst will assist In the programme- There will DO a DEPARTMTKT STORE" IS ToPIC-The Roard of Educations free Tuesday night t. on Cureer. for Men " wlllclose to- . .. . ... - i.iri br J. R. Campbell. nha laat-tlirA Will PrTace Toclock tonight. In the uCLionu u v. " . " .. AMar atreetS.' A mUSt- al fXlunaruMi -" cal programme let being arranged. Salvationists to The dedication of tlie Salvation Army I new hotel, at 210 First etreet. will take place tomorrow anemooi, t r " , .h nn Presbyterian Church, w'ni' preside and Brigadier Emll Marcuseen. rrom r .. .v . c..i..iiii Armv'a social opera- TOIr lUfJ A3a-A V (BahAvaa aaa ar tlons, will dedicate the building. Tk.aws a F rM A If 1B.S. VI U haVbee'n rtceJved here of the death of Mrs. Incx E. Love, which occurred In Dos" Angeles. January Ii She wn the T" ,".m- n t.ra. formerlr of Portland. Rcr. Mr. Love Is the son of the late Captain Lewis Love, ana crossed the plnlns to Oregon m t. H K. SaRoext hss removed hle law office to 1016 Chamber of Commerce, phone Main SjSJ. " Fraxk L. SvrTH's Cloverteaf butter a freph birttcr-not a tub butterIs Jfxa Drltrorroe.-C, Chrlstenaen. second Coot CorbeU building. Take elevator. WHERE JO DINE. All the delicacies of the season at the Portland Restaurant. Fine private apart ments for ladles. 06 Wash., near 6th at. Reek Sprlaa-s Coal. The beet house coal. Liberty Coal Ice Co.. exclusive agents. 25 North Fourteeuth street. Main 1662. A Jll. a When her child la In danger a woman will risk her life to protect It. No great act of heroism or risk of life la receasnry to protect a child from croup. Give Cnamoerlaln's Cough Remedy and all danger la avoided. For sale by all dealers. Plant ETbsoa rosea. Phone Sallwood KO. New Bills Open at the Vaudeville Houses Orpheum. . AS Frank Tlnney would put It, every act on the Orpheum bill this week is a hum-dlnger. Du Callon. dressed aa a bell-hop. opens the package of good things with his "top-of-the-ladder act" In a perfectly dare-devil way. thia cheer ful chap chases up and down a tall, un supported ladder, balances nonchulently on the top and dona feminine attire, the skirt of which envelopes the entire lad der, and while the audience cits In open mouthed affright, ho playa gay tum-te-tums on a mandolin. Mignonette Kokln. a French (real, not Imitation) soubrette. follows next with a lot of royally good entertainment in tha way of Impersonations inai miru duce clever dance steps and new songs. 01 - .n k.. nimhia toe aa the ot-heard-of thistle-down, and her "Im pressions" of the dancing of Genee and Bessie McCoy are wonderfully artisuc. A duo of amusing Jugglers, whose an tic hold rapt attention from entrance to exit, la comprlsea ot neaioro. v. nnth tf aotiallv Brood, so It doesn't make any difference If the audience can't tell which Is who. They Introduce lots of clean-keen-comedy, be .1.. ,iln an exhibition of Juggling skill that la unusually meritorious.. Bemlce Burnham. a tan, iooe-juim damsel who makes great stock of her assumed awkwardness, is a k--i with the audience In an act with Char lotte Greenwood, an overly plump naid who "presides at the piano." Mlsa Burnham'a catchy ditty about her "girl ish laughter" puts the house at her feet. She Is a living picture of that "every little movement. Fannie Ward, the English actress who i i v. w in um own risht as the ru ... - r a.m t . m-1 the turf-man. that she "doesnt have to act unless she wanta to," appears aa tne neaaime at traction. That Is. the bills say so. but ti . i..ih. ir nn amonr several tnw BWHcino u ..... . -. r " other good things on the Ust. Not that Miss Ward Isn t beauuiui ana u -j , .i i..in,iii,i. and her sup- iiu . . ... . porting company In the playlet. An Unlucky Star." Is reauy goou. uuv playlet stretches out too far and arrives ..i !... . -r-r clever denoue- uuiiric. - j ment In Its long-drawn-outness, but the author falla to taxe aavanuK- a finale, and crowds on more conversa tion. The audience Totes btg. however, that Miss Ward'a undoubted charm ami personality, to say nothing of her abll- Ity In dlssemnnng, is m- . about her play Galettl's Simian circus. In whlcn aev eral aacrlleglous monkeys caper and ca- . ...... . oaiiad "A Day at a Country Fair." la away above the ordi nary. The big hit of tne act ia cal number, tn which two little monks ..i.nn on hajla. rendering In perfect j-hythm familiar tunea. Franaf Rogera Is a negro ventriloquist whose act naa muoa mat is new. Grand. TqE audience at the Grand yesterday afternoon waa atlll ungrateful when tha Majestio Trio refused to respond to the seventh curtain call, but then lt'a tbai- fault If thar are ooDular. Vocal duets aung by the extremely musical baritone and the unique sort 01 wour, who were accompanied by a third man on a piano, composed the melody and mirth that appealed ao vastly to their heart r. Superior, however, to these men waa the bit of femininity In blue silk and largo black bow that executed w.n a.f. mntf rafl- selections. UDOI1 a deep-toned cello almost larger than her- aelf. Clara Kogere nas every rigm iv call herself 'The dainty little mistress of the cello." and her classical, popular and original selections make much of a hit with all who listen to her. This week's bill baa also to oner two catchy, clever sklta. Tha first la en titled "What Monoy Cannot Buy." and Is the atory with a moral of the boy born to ease and wealth who loves an actress and bravea hia father"a ire to wed for sentiment Instead of the golden dollar. The other la a matrimonial mix up provocative of a good laugh. It la called "What Will Happen Next?" The troupes presenting them are Mr. and Mrs. Robert Keano and company and Wilfred Clarke and his support. Not to be Blighted Is the tiptop num ber full of variety acts. In which the "Mimlo Four." Cook, Clemence, Groh and Brook Introduce the pleasures of maids, when mistresses are away, as well as doing bowery, ylddlsh and "Sa lomey" songs with appropriate dancea to the delight of the audience. Juggling, and right skillful at that, is the opening feature, when .Nelson haa bis way with silk hats of all heights which skip about off and on his head, cane or arm. and even the floor with almost uncanny response to his will. Following several rather inferior bills this one cornea aa a pleasant surprise, for from beginning to end It Is an all round laugh and well worth seeing. LYRIC'S BILL MOST FUNNY Dillon and King la "The Mashers," Make Decided Hit. Keating and Flood are offering a new attraction at the Lyric this week In An gelo and Barnette. who sing pleasingly and also take part In the little aklt. They both possess clear, strong voices, and won special favor In their duet, "If All Moons JVere Honeymoons." The Mashers." In which Dillon and King are appearing this week, is a hodge podge of nonsense and tuneful ditties. There Is no plot to the playlet, but It contalna new Jokes and comical altua tions. Aa a fun-producer It lacks noth ing. Maud Rockwell appears as Lillian Devere. an actress, with whom "the mashers." Dillon and King, become in fatuated. The actress Is engaged to Ned Singleton (W. E. Barnette), who la found to be already married when Alma Single ton (Lucilo Angelo), his wife, appears on the scene and wlna back hla love. Things reach an extremely funny atage when Ike (Will King) promises to marry a "chromo" for $10,000, and Mike Ben T Dillon) IB to set off an explosion be fore the final "yes" la aald that both may escape with the money. Fred Lancaster deviatea from his usual acting this week aa Maurice Duval, the manager of a French cafe. Mlsa Rock well's excellent voice Is at Its best In her solo. "Lollta." wh'ch she was com pelled to repeat tnree um at jeatcr ..... fin, also won rounds aay a jwiiuiw.. of applause In Gee. But Tou Look Aw- "-a"- TJ".- T sannna-ta-t fully uooa xo ju.b. a pleased Immensely with his "There a a Better Time Coming for Us All. He was assisted by the chorus. The beauty chorus made a hit In "Ob, Tou Rah. Rah Boys," and "Follette." ANGORA CAT FUND GROWS Orpheum Theater Floor Strewn with Pennies Found by Mrs. Foffue. Almost another hundred pennies were yesterday added to the hoard with which Mra. Adah Pogue expects some day to purchase a white Angora cat to be the object of her love and affection during the days when she can no longer earn a living by aweeplng the floors at the Orpheum Theater. The exact total of the pennies which the cheerful old woman picked up was 8. They were all found on the right-hand side of the house and In the vicinity of a section of chairs occupied by Colonel William Hanly, of Burns, and t n i F. P. Young 290 Morrison St. The Style Shop for Women Neckwear 14 LESS Tes, the en tire stock of w o m e n a smart neck fixings go at this re duction to day. Rabats. Jabots, em brolde red linen collars and all the most clever conceits. Long Jabots and Embroid ered Linen Collars are among the best styles for Spring wear there are plenty of these in this lot. Your choice of all. at V. LesS. Last day of the Clear ance Sale. Everything in the store reduced with the exception of a few contract goods just today though.. a party of friends. The Colonel dis claims any knowledge of the transac tion. The total was increased 10 cents by a donation at the box office. The discovery of her gold mlna caused Mrs. Pogue the greatest excite ment. She found five pennies within a yard and then kept picking them up almost with the removal of every pro gramme with which the floor was strewn. Whoever was guilty of covering the floor with pennies had evidently read the little story In The Oregonlan on Sunday, telling of the great ambition of the hard-working old woman to own an Angora cat. JOY RIDE COSTS HIM $300 Minneapolis Man Misses Money as Woman Leaps From Car. Loser of 1309 through a night trip to Lakevlew, H. O. Mopre. a National bank examiner from Minneapolis, accompanied by May Harvey, appeared In Police Court yesterday morning on a charge of being out after hours, and was fined flO. The woman, against whom a charge of lar ceny had been made and withdrawn, was fin?d for a like offense. Moore came to Portland several daya ago and took quarters at the Portland Hotel. Sunday night he engaged a taxi cab and went out to Lakevlew. H. Hol land, a public chauffeur, was his driver. At the roadhouse Moore met one May Reed, who Introduced him to May Har vey, wife of James B. Harvey, a barten der at Lakevlew. After a few convivial hours at the roadhouse. Moore set out for tlie city, accompanied by the Harvey woman. Reaching the corner of Fourteenth and Washington streets, the woman suddenly leaped from the car. without any expla nation, and about the same time Mooro missed his wallet, containing 1300. He gave chase to the woman, who ran Into the Ansonla rooming-house. Moore ap pealed to Patrolman Frey. who made a search and found the woman. She did not have the money on her person. Moore and the woman were taken to the police station, where the loser re fused to prosecute the woman. Both were then held on the after-hours charge, and pleaded guilty. CATTLE DECREASE SHOWN Wheeler County Assessment Roll Reveals Big Falling orf. -Yisanv Or. Jan. SO. The 1910 assess ment roll of Wheeler County, aa totaled up shows sa follows: 23.579 acres tillable land. $365,995: 46S.530 acres non-tillable, J2.139 127- Improvements on deeded land. I14,0M- 'town lots. $40,735; Improvements on the same J97.3X; improvements on now deeded land, tU.SSO; telephone lines, v. i w wnl jkniHnAjs 14.275: mer- cliandloe. 97,490; farming Implements. 29.- 455- money, noie, nhares of stock, $300; household furniture, I-tt -240- SS34 horses and mulea, H60.960; 616 cattle.' $10M5o; 103.840 aheep. -S.2i0; 633 hogs; J-140; dqgs, value S2S5. The total value as equalized by the Board of Equal ization. IS W.tl,TO In the matter of liveenock an Increase Is shown over 19i In aheep, horses and hoes but a great decrease In cattle. It : " ' . . .k. -nil will show a greater dr.Tse In cattle.- The ISO roll shows 5695 horses and mules, 12.092 cattle. 95 841 sheep and 615 hogs, or an Increase of 139 in horses and mules, 7999 In step and IS In nogss out UCw.- nearly one-half In cattle over the 1910 roll. Board of Governors to Elect. At noon today the board of governors of the Commercial Club will hold it an nual meeting to elect officers for the ensuing year. It la generally conceded that H- Beckwlth will be re-elected president and Edgar B. Piper re-elected ?-presrdent. F. H. Ranaoin treasurer and If W. J. Hofmann can be prevailed f" socent. he will be re-elected THE ALLEN PREPARATORY SCHOOL, This school has won the reputation of thoroughly preparing students for col Ynd scientific t?r work it-dents that have eomnleted th J of the grammar grades of the puouo school-. Ccrner Eat Twelfth and Salmon Sts. Spring term opens February 7, insnires rfecVx First Showing wXClUSIV The New Kimono Sleeve Waist Bulgarian Bead Trimming;, Very Exclusive Designs $lSto?30 SPRING SUITS All the New Fancy Mixtures and Plain Cloths and Satin Foutre $35 to $90 WORRELL'S Successor to H. B. LITT 331 WASHINGTON STREET All Fall and secretary. Besides election of officers the board will consider the question of en larged quarters. There will also be sev eral vacancies to be filled on the various committees such as auditing, library and property. , ,, a w---?nnA call SI 303' and C 230S. Kdlefsen Fuel Co.. Inc. " MAKE PORTLAND Y. LARGEST IN WORLD By Joining TODAY $2 SAVE $2 This special rate will close Thursday evening, February 2. Yon will help give Portland the largest Y. M. C. A in the world. MEMBEES--IP PEIV-LEGES IN $500,000 BUILDING Two gymnasiums. . Swimming pool. . Ildndball court. Cork running track. Commercial schools. Trade schools. Boys' day and night school. Amusement rooms. Reading room and library. . Advisory and employment de partment. Thirty shower baths. 172 living-rooms. Lectures, concerts, entertain ments. . Over 100 different lines of work. Boys ages 10 to 18. Senior ages 17 up. Call and be shown through the building free. TELEPHONES A 6561. Main 7065. Neth & Company Collectors Established In 100. How about those old accounts B35 Worcester mdg- Portland. Or. California Metal Plating Works A. Methlvler. prop. GOLD, -H-VEB, BRASS A.XB K1CKEI. FI-ATING. Jkletal Coloring a Specialty. "48 8ECOSO STRE3T. Main 721 Portland. Oregon M.C.A A LETTER WITH A MEANING estimate the character of yourself by the character of your letter. Kilham Quality Stationery confidence. T-T it A1 STATIONERY & iKILHAM PRINTING CO. Fifth and OaK. Ml Winter Goods h lVVflfSPJ J Si PORTLAND TO ST. PAUL.-. ....... .9:00 P.M. PORTLAND TO SPOKANE. . ...i.: 9:00 P.M. PORTLAND TO LEWISTON .T...9:00 P.M. PORTLAND TO WALLA WALLA.. .11:00 P.M. THE SOO-SPOKAXTE-POHTXAXD "Train Do Luxe." between Portland and St. Paul through Spokane, is one of the most splendidly equipped trains In transcontinental 1 service, con sisting; of Compartment Observation Car Standard and Tourist Sleepers. Dining- Car and Day Coach, electric lighted throughout, through without change.- PASSENGERS TO SPOKANE HAVE THE FULL BENEFIT OF THIS FINE SERVICE Through Standard Sleepers to Lewiston and "Walla Walla. Purchase tickets at City Ticket Office, Third and Washington Streets. WM. M'MTJRRAY, General Passenger Agent, Portland, Oregon. Reduced Rates toLos Angeles First Class $21.SO, $23.SO, $26.SO, including Meals and Berth (Second Class $1Q.35) Fare to San Francisco $5, $10, $12, $15 JEW S. S. "BEAR" Sails 4 P. M. Wednesday, February 1. SAN FRANCISCO & H. G. Smith, C. T. A., MS Third St. Phones I Mala 402. A 140-. THEVERYBEST L.-lkniir nT. Anr rAnntc-tion on It. Yon can depend on quality and cannot get betttf JmUUM r c ;7.. nnnt rt bettca I IUU V . is - I no siatter bow much you pay. work U-TWiierei ap ajjw.'! Wa flniih pUte antl ' ' . J brldg work for out. a of -towa patron la wU. - 1 Amm Z : 'SpalnlpM srtl-etloa ii de-ired. A!-.; free wbm plates o bricLKe work ia order- 'V-': ii C.-IUIion ( ,K-;v--,0l---t 55. a. oootulUiioQ tree. LOO 22-8ridiTMt-4.00 6MrillIn( 1.00 E-umI Rllinn 1.00 1 Silvtr FlUlnji .50 JGooJ Rubbar nn fillet wvu 1 Bit Red Robbw n P-inlati Eitr'liea .50 BEST MBTHODa Wise Dental Co.,mc Painless Dentists FiIITne Biill-lnc, Third tn. WashlnB. MRTIANO. OR A Clear, Perfect Skin RCSULTS ONLY mOM Skin Kept Clean, Very Clean A BATH WITH HAND SAPOLIO thoroughlT cleanses and invigorates every pore, revives circulation and exhilarate! the entire body. Delicate enough for a babe's skin. -Ill Grocers and Druggists lULMf.-L WISE, PmH urn Miaun Mtnmmuumnm rmtum Price and Less OUR NEW SERVICE WILL PLEASE YOU NOTE THE CHANGES tears Union Depot PORTLAND S. S. CO. Jl. W. Ransom, A rent, Alnswortft Dock Pkonen Mala zos, A x--. A Cordial Invitation is extended to the people to call and inspect our new banking quarters, at the corner of Second and Stark streets, to -which we have recently moved, and where we have provided every modern facility for the prompt, efficient dis patch of all banking busi ness entrusted to us. Accounts subject to check are cordially invited. Cor. Second and Stark Sts. Portland, Or. WOMAN'S CROWNDfO GLORS la her balr. If Gray or Bleached, it can be restored to ttm naturaS color without Injury to health or scalp by one application of tha Imperial Hair Reirenertttor THE STANDARD HAIR COL.OR INQ. It ia absolutely harmless. Any shade produced. Colors dur able. When applied cannot be detected. Sample of your hair colored free. Imperial Chem. Mf. Co., 13S W 23d St., . T.