ZZ I ilLl JlWU.ll" T--1 ) -.-- I . I . . l,.tl-. I Acrraxr. . l to be s?nt in douMe-tracklnf -arWI-TtoI in I'd I. Sandy HoaJ wilt t W; ened and hard-surfaced to 7Sd ., on of th p-innpai nnxii m r,rrr Height. If hr not already bought. il o NOW; $? will buy a fin lot; ll Is per month. All lot are high, cleared, level and piped wit- Bull Kul """r com out today. Toko Ho City 'rli on- at sth ana Wasa. R:d t end 01 line CHEGORT INV. CO. HAVt A BLOCK CONSTSTTVO OT V LOTS. SOxloO EACH: JUST TH8 THIVI A HOVF.-BllLDFR TO DU OR H'lTABl.E tX.lt AS INVESTMENT U rt'XDS UT A gTXnlCATE. TOTAL PRICE $l.4'X. .,,, ONLY $t40 CA-H REQUIRED TO HA.SILE THIfl. N :S. Or P-Ian. SAFE SPECUI.ATION. VCe will sell choice rU'r ind MH nee Iota at th bualnej renter of the lentnul at th lowest price, on "" of one-sixth cash, balance on or before r ira Think of what thla property ri! bo worth In Ave years from now. Hy fn-tklac a small Hnn-nl down you can get ail thia uicreaa- In valu-. COB A. MrK KXN A '0 A 2143 Main 4.I.2. all Commamal block tiEHVIluBt else ta bavins a clearanc aa:: coma and our; hava a bunch of odd l-la In various parta of the I cut. moatly with tmprovemente In and : paid for. for which no reasonable eff-r will be refused. All witam two dipt-, -r car aarric. R APR PATTON. n T.'."nrm-n M.l... .'.th and Stark. cor.NEn 4Tii Avr sanpt road. so feet frontage on 4.th at. Tt 5. Mo-k 30. Rose rity Park. $..v: $."- rah. halaaea flu par rountb. AH 10. Oraffonlan I WtT.!, par raah for ona lot In Rora rny l'atk. uio lot. Mock and prt.-a: If prlra la nht. th cash u your. C Oro- IRVINOTttN FAROAIN. :2. It S"aI"K ft. 00 l near Tilla mook at.: aurrounded by handaoroe real-d.-n-ea. all atrcet Improv-ni.-nta In and Paid, on carhne. I'm fV-' caah. H. P. I'Al.MKIt -JOVKS ".. 21-213 Com'ii-rclal t'lu Bids. .Mam jv.K A ji;: , LOTS. LOT?. LOTS. TIot now. Lota iMX. We.t Stark anfl Sid tr.-t. wcat of Cl'y Park, only IS minute from WaahlnRt-a t. IteauUful view lota Money-maker. Term f- per N.t.oral Rra tr Treat Co.. 3JS WaiB lrr'rn t room ilo . A fin lot. litl.. eaat front, on Vary land .. nr naver. a wml-run lot. n reatrlctlona Thla lot !'! OW ln value very rapld:y. ITIce $IHJ. ba.f tMh" fjRI SSI 7 A DOW. -7 Tlartl of Tnlf Hldr . 4th ami Oak. IHVI.MlTit.V L"T SNAP. Ili'-O. Vvl"o. on K. ath near Stanton t (en t:o. ka frotti rurline. oa pavad atreet. lrtce tcrmt H. P PALMKR-JONTS CO.. 2 1 2 -'. 1 t'omnicrct.Tl t'lub H'dC. fhon- Main A ?-i:a 1RVIN1TOX. 70al0 ft. on E. 1J.I t- pared atreet. carun-. aeil 1. ai-.I. I'rl' .". H. P. PA I. W KB-JONES . :t'i-:3 t'mmvri-al Club llM. 1'tiou. a Mala b'iy. A In-'O. r"X choice !. atTIIImook rtcacb, a.U Jolnisc ratlr.uid and ocaan: price 11.5 e part caati. baiam-e i P-r month: owner nerda money. Telephone II S01 or AM 71. ronian. LAPP'S AIt'TIO.S Muat e!l my beautiful corner fn bet part of tract; al v12t; will aacrtflre aereral hundred dollar. K 713. Ire- aoaiaa. 7iO r:At l'. ror 1 nn- i"' . - only a ehort walk from fnlon ave. Thla ta a caah price and wl.i n.it ba open lon. t--e ownar. 414 raM'n M-la ?TV:ks cioelns out -foot l.t Ln.n f.uaro. on rt. John carltne. $100 nnder wiue: eoay term, a real enap. Callara-Vu-'on Co.. 3" fpaMlnif bll. at.. LON'l-TlME LEASE. Quartara and inIe Iota cloee In on V.n stle. Valid urn a Walton. 1J Cham ber Cwimcfra "" PORTLAND HBIIHTJ PROPERTY. Husiej. lots, uoarter blocka. tracta aa4 acreage, all part of helahla. atl aiewa and price, aom orca;na. Alain A 3AJA CHOICE 5mloft on Portfand Boulevard. Bar etreet-ar Lne; wuat aell at once; will take I'-od caah. tall 414 fpaldln Hd- IO I-KASti Kt ye, ond uro'l 1'1'. a line corner: l'l laaae for a term of year for any .unable purl-oar. VYealera heruriti.-a ;o . 4'.4 S:'all.t bld. ' viT-T PAIlk-ST LiT Cheapest lot left on thl Invincible thor ouchfare. anduyn ai Walton. o!3 Cham ber Commerce. ""WEST StlrE AFART1! EXT CiRXER. On Tepth for full partlrulara aea Vanluyn Walton. MS Chamoer of Commerce. fi'K SALE f1.K equity In S Iota, r.a Inau'a l.trt't. near carllna: will take I n.icl Wireieaa atork part payment, u Tot. 1 rrcntan; i''ltIONT lot. rorner Holman and lialcht. at front. atraet Improrementa paid. H.'W: caah. s t;erllrccr Mda. ,: SALE Lote on Albert at. Call l a-h at.. ron- I. Two lot, each ioi loo. on Sc rarllna. ctty; bargain- Ca;i A 1"A - Hale Monaea. HAKTIi'iKSK AVE. HCS..AI-OW. Nice A-rom bunaalow. nearly new. on a lot 40-100. on stephene at-, near 3th; prlra A.v; a nap: I1J) can. or will taice ol lot aa part payment; Owner leavlnc citv. mut aell. ittrs.-l A 7. A DOW. tlT Poard of Trade H;t.. 4th and Onk. iMON-AV ENl'H PARtSAIN. 1t-mom houae. practically new. with en tire furmahlna; lot !tOal. on th weat aide of Inlon. near Cook: bualneee Inler-e-la lake me Eaat Immediately; will aell at a M ia.-rir.ca for quirk deaL Call c,o Cnlon. 'uKTlAXD HEIGHTS anap. 17th and F.ilmaoeth: beautiful m.dem a-ro.ini houae. leyel quarter block, all Improve mente In. rhob-eat neljhborhood. (rand, unobatructrd view of city, for Hula mora tbao crtc of round, term. Matn aiil. A -l. . , ee tnvee'menta cr hornea. SCI fBTSCM A WITT. -R. oeclU.:a la Kaal Eatata Wee toe maa of. modetaie meaaa, FOARD OF TRADB B-Jtt Hl E.tata. Btaiala Ineurance. T " MlT f ELL. Modem S-room bunaalow. f 34V). on Eaat frtverman t-: houae worth th rooeey a-rnu-r, lor ft ITTF R. 4 t.qmber Harhanae tldc . -d and Stark. 'rs CASH foor-room furniahet houae oa iT. be" of the Willamette River. Take Vu to- car. Ind and Morriaon t. and get et at Hobaea fark. Inquira for H. K. ileedner. BAIOAlN New i-room bungalow. 3 blocka from Roee City car. one block from launtlhurat: flrepla.. bullt-ln bookcaaea. 1'nen rloeet. all modern eonvenienrea. tnrgw attic, tin vlw. Owner. Taoor Ilil. ,,-oi-OCTH " PORTLAND! 7oo " s-rootn cottage, fractional let. im provement In and paid, including hard 1 eupfece pavement: worth Inveattgattng. I , red W.Oern.i- 3rHurt.le!a u "w . x H modem bungakw. minute out. near car. full lot. etc. I aekcl .o; now I hold tt at I-! but can t ear what I might take: term to right part. 430 Worceater btdg. TOR QCI'-K SALE. .roem modern Cat. new elaborate fur niture ao arranged to let- room now rented l-u Hat rent HI; Wrat etJa. walk leg dieiaeva. MarahaU oT. A SNAP A a: a -room houae on Eugene t.. . feet from I'nion ave. : price .-Woo. l.e ca.h. ba:aare per cent In 2 year. ,.-on i- .t: or ra'l at ptd H'h N. s e eea the t-eet boma f-r th money la Irviag'-on. II..00 caah. balance liae rent Iiutt.rwortb. Mala H19. Si Lafayetta blug-1 "" rl'R PPAl'TI FT." I. home, eleaeal.y f.niahed. oak ana man-gear cboi.-e loeatloaa. Irvtngton. C ld F.avt o agenta. W. II. Hrdman. vTTr'tKV a'ne-room houae and 4 lota fi-la t Mh an and f'lviaioa at., one bio. k vaat of Ml. Scott car line. Very roeoooable tma Taor Wl. nR I A "ew -r-om houae. aim bara. lot 7i;o l nivei-aity l ark, few block from car line Infilre N. i at. vTTl t. tuiid ho.iae to coat to ault. inatallment plaa. Home tnetallment Cfc. aoa .-kr Phone Marahall TioOk wr W It L build you a bunga'ow or f at and hei finance It. PMaeer ilulldlas Ca aia Haary bldg. aTB.VVin1era hoiae tn heart of J'ob Ullli jju.itKl. ;g; Set;a4 bl.l. LAirr addition home. onlv i CA.-11. Exceptionally wrll built houee with 8 fooma. sleeping por h. large attic, fin light roomy butrmtni, llrinc-room entir wflt h of th bouae. with nrepiacc: dining room pan-led. with bam'd ratline: fur nace, gaa and electric fixture, aplendld outlook, faring park: ctii ptiooil oppor tunity to eecure a fin home. strong a company. FlnanrUi Agents, a.". Concord BMf. 7 -room airirtly modern houao. on Tilla-mo-k at.; Cltwi. about Tw riah. balanra monthly. Thia la a vory dralraola Pr"P ariT and In nrt-claa nrtahoomood : hard aurfara airt. remrnl aiorwalka. tc. A RiOiVrn five-room n;fiM, not far out on ML Scott lln. for !". frma about -) caah. balance monthly. Thl la lc ciallv priced to acll. bee It at once; rruta lor 41. per month. LAMHEHT-WHITMER CO.. TO 4-n St. 44 E.Alder St. 17.Vl .'. -Jmx.' " :wo 5-Uoonia. 7-ltooina. J- Hooina. T-Kiml ALL. new and modern In every way. bunira tw atyle. Th-aa four houeea are ejuaily aa crood s buva aa the thr wo aold laat w-eok. are from to 4i W-a than what othra are aaktnc for almllar hotiaea. 'ome In and aeo the ptiotow and plana. hir houea a.11 each wc-k aa we only ll"t aood buya. We make bulldinit loana. )'hon ua and a;rt tho lcation of the houaa you want, ilam'iall 273U. O. W. TAKR. Snt Mi Kay Bulldlnr. -ROOM modern houae. new. bullt-ln buffet, fireplace, paas pantry, furnace, gaa. elec tric Mature-, wa.la tinted, full cement baaemrnt. furnace, waah trav. lot Im proved with fruit tree, roae tree and lawn; ell newly -e-l.-il: lot 10"; re stricted dlirlrt. all Improvement In and Included: orlce 4.i. Hinki caah. balanca term, phone Woodlawn lw,tj or cail KU'EEK A HVRNE. 1 S-vet:and Itlclg. FOR SALE Home on Kins Height, n.ra rooms and bath, modern and fine view. rho:cet of location, nui-t be -en to be appreciated; term If dealred. 41S Spald ing bldg. FINE HOME. $.V" CASH. Brand new A-room modern reiuae wlrl gaa and electric, fine fireplace, bullt-ln china cloaet. paneled dlnlntt-room. 1"P Ing porch, laundry traya. on a let 4- 114. on Eaat 3'.d. near Hawthorne ave.: a fine location; price only H'JOO. -it cash and - per month. fJRI'SSI & ZADOW. ?!7 Poard of Trnrte Bldg- 4tb ar.d Oak. HIV NOW. ROSE CITY PARK. K.VST TFRilS T room, .vuliaj lot: Improvement in and paid; Berlin bullet and took caaea. "lld oak fl'iora. hatha, furnace, fireplace, laundry trava. mirror ile'H etc.. term 3i down, balance .i per monlh. National Realty & Trust Co., 3-0 VV-Mngton el., room Mo. DLILD NOW. WE CAN SAVE YOU MONET. THERS IS A T.EASON. LET V? TELL IOC WHY. OIK REPUTATION FOR FAIR DEAL 1XO AND CIVINU ALL WE A-Rit. PKINO 13 Sllfll PUSINESS. t REE IF WE HL ILD. IF TOC OWN LOT WE WILL FINANCE IT FOR -OL. 1 rt. PAII.ET CO.. INC I?4 ARINUTON F-DG. 1RVINGTON HOME. 'V7.V. 7-roim modern house. large attle, lot Hntn feet, bard urfc pavement, on carllne: larea E-at. unobstructed view of Ml. Hood; Joat completed and ready for occupinc. price J'lTOO : term. H P. 1'ALMER-JONKS CO.. 51.-211 Commercial Club hide. Ph.me Main SHJ9. A 265.1. INLY .lOOi Ho.se of X large rooms, cement baae-tr-nl. cistern ar.d city water, lot I2S III eence.l. on new Mount Hood Elect rlo lln-. 4 blocka from elation: location Ea.t t:h and Halsey eta. owner on premise; th.s prlra Is for cash. A FINK INVESTMENT on East 2th . No. 124. that b-auttfut large bungalow on sroiinde facing IVH feet on th street, worth d.vu; price If sold eoon T.M; terms; will be worth J 10.000 Inalile two eara for buelnei property. Phone Knst 21o- or Main 4.V2. Bueiee property. FOR ft TORES ANI APARTMENTS. That vary desirable prop-rty on the northwest corner of Belmont and Sim t. having a frontage of 1.13 feet on Hel mont and l' feet on .V.:h t.. la now offered for ale aa a whole; It contalna three cottagea. bnt I In the heart of Sun nyal.te and le ripe for good Improrementa: we are uthorli'd to quoto what we con eider a low price on aama until lis. 1. Call for full particulars. PTH11NO A CO.. Financial Asenta. to5 Concord Bldg. INSIDE INVESTMENT PROPERTT. fcio.ouu Several adjoining blocks. rtgnt down town, on East Side; 2 acres In all. In the venr heart of icaent and future developmenta. Thla oSCers a magniOcent proht f.ir any one prepared to handle auch an Investment: l3.00o caan rciulred. Invejtlrne IIARTMAN THOMPSON. REAL ESTATE bBPT.. Chatnher of Commcr-e. ."OR SALE Euulty In bua.nisa lot. long time lease: paved dtstrlct; all Improve menta In. fin proposition: muat aelL 00 McKay bl Ig. Ph or.eI araall 2 1"0- Acreage. ONE-ACRBTRACT . IMPROVED. A one-acre tract In Wo-w stock dla.rlct Improved with lltt'a houae. shed. all clear-!, level and set out to various kind of large and amall fruit; water piped In houee; price for no'-'k eaie. $!' on reasonable term a Spring gardening will oon b here. See thia now. An unimproved, cleared, level arr la TVoodetork district; price luu. on reaon able term. Two ore-acre tracts, eloae to Ho fare, level and cleared, for $1200 each. ay terms; worth Investigating. 2. 10 acre of choice rich land at Tlgard station on Palem Electrlo line; prlc"d for Immedlaie sale at !. H cash, balance a pee itm intcreat- Thla ha been held at alot'O. Look It up NOW. acre of good cleared land on Johnson Creek and the Caaadero Electric line, cloee In: cnljr 4iOO, about 1-3 caah. bal ance easy. acre fin land at Llnneman etatlon. on I'a.a.lero electric line: prlre .""J per acre. Nothing around aa good for the money. A level cleared acre near Mt. Scott car line. So fare. 2.' caah. balanca ll Pr month; water piped to acre. Fee our Improved farm bargains. i mar have what you want. 1. AMHEUT-W H ITMER CO.. 70 4ih St 4H4 Aldar SL ACREAGE NEAR CITT LIMITS. 4 MILES FROM POSTOFFICE. $40Ot -Id acre, on the hill west of tha center of Portland. a be:iullful ecenlc road which sklrta McLeay park lea. la to thla: tha property looka rougher than It la. It com maods menlflcent vlewa. The In trtnalc worth of thla property la far In cx ca of 4tK) tor IJ."h) per arrei. and the man who buya It will be fortunate, only part cash. In veatlgato. FOR PIATTINO. t.J.OOO 2 acre thl aloe of Lenta; sub dlvtslona In demand there. Price 9I04 per acre permits Immediate and aatlsfactory profit. Ttme. plara and condition favorable for aub dlvldtng thu. HART MAN A THOMPSON:. REAL ESTATE 1EPT.. Chamber of Commerce. Telephone. K-. 20: A 2ofe. OPPORTUNITY IN Ai l;KAt We have aome very deelrable acreage fronting on "Section Line" and running through to Powell Valley road: o!l la eaeeiient for fruit and produce; only four mile from Mt. Tabor reeervoir: will aell aa a whole or In amall tracta: thla la an exceptional opportunity for tha large or amall Investor. STRONO CO.. Ftnane la I Agenta. 's Con cordBl d g. to ACRES, all good aoil. no rock or rough sand fin spring wter on the land: on nvle from good school; X mile from Portland. 4 mile from railroad atation; price "-o per acre, half cash Two 20-acr tracts, one $.v per acr. th other ta per acr. hair cash, balance eaay term a. Addreaa I. O. bog 3, Houl loii. (ircn. " " I too. HALF AC-RE. Fin fruit and gardea land. alt tn cultivation: 19 mlnutea out: &c commu tation fare. 1-3 rash, balanca easy at per cent. B. B. Cook 4s Co.. bus Corbett fcldg. ACREACK FR "rHPIViniNUv Well located on Salem Electrlo road Running water, orchard, etc Price and terma attracttv . If yoa ran appreeiata a bargain, see ua at once. Vanduyn A Waitoe. M3 t'hamber of Commerce. OlVM'.Tl muat aell five acree A -1 fruit and gardea eoil. cl'ee to city llmlta. Weat Side; tnt aouth elorve. DO canyons. rock or gravel, on county road, wood enough on It to pay for the land; $12.0 caan takes It A K 711. Or--gonian. A SNAP. A Dice little acreage an electrlo Itae. doe to depot and cloee to Portland. X la ne. A Stampber, ftji Lumber Kacbaag bl-g FOR SALS A Ana tract of acreage, suit able for -ibdlvision: will take part In come prooeetr and lrma 00 balance. l vl. regwnlai. -ytt- vrtivTvr. nifPftOVTAV ' MOXDAT. JANUARY SO, 1911. ' I ...... FARMS WANTED. " 1 r.J or.-., r.. ,.v,r .,. I I i,LL,r. nd SMocniDlln 1 a(rea. IS area cleared, running water, near Beaverton: by owner. Taborl-oiX Xoraeateada. ADVANTAGES OS" OMEliO.N" 100-page Book five amount of Government land open to omestead. In each county In the states ef Oregon and Waahiu.ton. and descrip tion of sa.11 ; glvs homestead, desert, timber, stone, coal and mineral laws: two mape of Oregon In colors. Xlxit. showing H. R. In operation, one showing all pro posed R. H. and electric, lines. Including Eastern and Central Oregon. 2 On each, or the three iOc. Map or Washington In col ds. ;ia:s. inc. NLmnio, Kuocj Ca.. Hamilton bldg. KoK the best ."!20-acre homesteads. Cen tral Oregon, call OoO Henry bldg. For Sale Fruit THE CHANCE OF A LIFETIME. For ale. apltndld !."-acre. -year-oI apple orchard. Crand Homle Valley, one half mile from town, on railroad: no bet ter aoil or fruit dlatrlct In Oregon; or chard of Rome lteautle. Yellow New town. York Imperial and Genoa tree, which are In fine condition, no Insert pests; price .:0.0AO. and can be paid for from the crops grown on orchard. There la a fortune here for the right man. This la no wildcat fruit venture, but a solid business preposition that on a very con servative estimate will double In value Inside of S years.. Future absence from srate makes sale necesaary. W. A. LAIUI.AW. 0i Commercial Block. Portland. Or. FRUIT LANDS. Met productive fruit land tn British Colt-mbla. "Cariln Orchards." Upper Okan ogan Valley: requlrea no irrigation; mild climate, fertile soil; fruits of finest qual ity produced In abundance; railway sta tion on property; low prices, long terms of payment. Writ for Illustrated pamphlet -B 4." Rogers, Black & McAipln. Van couver, British Columbia. SO ACRES ON COUNTY ROAD. In famous Klickitat County. Washing ton, apple district, 3 miles from toan; M acrea cleared, -ton apple trees 4 to 7 year old: all gentle rolling with right slope; a bargain At Soil per acre. STHONG A Co.. tiu5 Concord Bldg. TEN acres, smooth, tillable land, uncleared near school and county roads; soil, eleva tion and drainage perfectly adapted to fruit: running water and some timber; two hours from I'ortlnnd; price .",0i. part rash, palmer. 518 Couch bldg. SAVE $500 on Mosler orchard. Tou can secure my in-acre tract, fe-mile from Moaler for l.vto lesa than It will coat you after February 1. 410Corbettbldc. SO AfRES splendid fruit land. 30 In com mercial orchard. H2.tM)0. J 7"3. Orcifonian. For Sale -Farms. VINE farm for Bale. In- Po!k Co.. one of the famous Shadelnnd farms, containing 2o I U acres, over 2H under plow, balance Tine oak: new house, good buildings and ne-v fences, running water; land been In pasture S years, la rich and eu.ua! to new, will groyr heavy grain crops; fine dairy farm: only 106 per acre; adjoining land held at 1100; owner retiring. See timber 1 and. C. P. NAWIR. Amity. Oregon. Route 2. 24 ACRES. For ! by owner: 24 arres 2 14 mile from Oregon City In Ml Pleasant lgh borhood. Nearly atl cleared ami in culti vation. No waste land. A 1 soli. on main road. Cream rout. R. F. I. and (telephone. No buildings. Good fence; t mile to good school. Prica sHrtoo. Come out and we will show you. - Address Coff man and Henlxman. Oregon City. Oregon. In rare of J. AI. Olds. K. F. 1. 1. No agents. KLICKITAT COUNTT. WASHINGTON. FRUIT. GRAIN. STOCK FARM. l&CO acres. $12 acre, eaay terina; about ..no acres plowed: Joining land, planted to fruit. aeP for $30t acre; no timber, beat of fruit soil; will consider trade; plat thla and make a fortune. Near R. R. and river. Hanalmair. 32B Washington. FOR PALE 0 acre. 2.1 mile north of Portland: lu arres In tine state of culti vation, all easily cleared, plenty wter. no buildings. 2'j miles of R. It.: elioo. easy terms: will discount for cash. B CJ4. Oirgonisn. IMPROVED eft-acre farm 15 mllea from I'ortlnnd. on Oregon Electric and Southern Pacific; half beaverdarr: : will aell cheap. Owner. 201 Swetland bldg. TO EXCItANOE. FOR SALE or exchange for Portland prop erty Well-built s-roorn residence In Peoria. Illinois; all modern Improvementa. on rarllne. aud alao easy walking distance of business center. t all or addreaa & Brooklyn st.. Portland. Telephone Sell wood ii. lit' NG A LOW bargain; S rooms, modern, walking distance, lot SrtxIO. tinted walis, polished dining-room, Iutch kitchen, only l:loo. Illun down. W. Lawrence, 113 T.ttmbes Exchange bldg. W II AT have you got to trade for all or "part of si). Alio share of mining stock In various Western companies, automobile or land preferred; give full particulars. Box 211. Spokane. Wash. 19 VIEW LOTS. Columbia Uelahla Addition. Vancouver. Wah. Value lwl. Will ex Chang for Portland lots or acreage. CEI.I.ARS-MCRTON CO.. 34 Spalding Bldg. 11 LOTS WEST PORTLAND PARK. Will trade aa first payment on house and lot or vacant lot. not over $2onO; X7"l for the 11 lot. Fred W. German. 320 Burnslde. M. S77. IIS.WO APARTMENT site, walking dis tance, exchange for part auburban prop erty, aome cash and term. II 713. Ore gonlan. TWO fine acre tracta In city llmlta of Seattle. I2000; will exchange for raw acreage within oO miles of Portland. 3o0 I.umSermens bldg: (-ROOM modem houae and full acre of fruit, cloee to car. to trade for small chicken ranch close to Portland. W. Law rence, sift Lumber a-xchange. MORTGAGE for aale or trade. In homo, lot or any kind of equity. Boggesa, 221 4 DENVER. COLO. Will exchange my beau tiful Denver home for Portland property or nearby acrcaKQ. 8-7 Board of Trade. liO0 CLOSE-IN Income property to trade for close-In acreage. W. Lawrence, lit Lumber Exchange bldg. WILL exchange fine electric piano or amall baby upright for acreage or lota. W 700. Oregonlan. EXCHANGE busineaa property for good farm near Portland- 13.0 to $2o,uuu Addreaa Box 2I7. Hood River. WE exchange your property for what you desire, rortland Exchange. 17 Board of Tradebldg. i See Hr. Wlet, FOR xrhang. clo In acreage on car llne end river, for city property. i 700, Ore gonlan. TEN arras. Hood River. tJOOO; would trade for clearing. Albert Toxlcr. Portland. WILL exchange houae and lot In Eaat for property lit Oregon. 07S Mllwaukle at. WE can trade your property or business. Call -OS Board of Trade. WANTED REAL F.HTATE. WE have clients waiting ror ho sea. ail alxe and prlca. If you want to. U, aea ua quick. PACIFIC rxlOS TRUST COL. 170 Sth St. I WANT a good-full-slxe lot on the Eaat Side, la good., reeldvnce district, conve nient to good car acrvlce; give locality and price or no attention. Addreaa a 713. Oregonlan. I WILL pay cash for 3 to lu acrea of river frontage: must have view of mountain: . prefer W'eat Side; will go 2 miles south of Oswego; answer immediately. E 71a. OreKonian. WK HAVE a cash customer for 2 to 3 acres near city, on carllne: muat be sightly and not too high In price; come In today. Brong-Steele Co..ground floor Lewis bhlg. BIO cash comnilsaion paid for reliable ad vance Informal Ion of propoeed new build ing, if you know ' of prospective building projects write today. P 7o7. Oregonlan. WILL buy for cash good agricultural or timber lands, also school land contracts or exchange good Improved Belltngbam, Wash., property. B il. Oregonlan. WANTED A lot. noxtoo or luoxloo ft. In Irvinston: eay term. Communicate with p. O. box 71.. WILL buy equity In lot for cash; non-restricted, cloee In. Home Ina'.allment Co McKay bldg. Phone Manhall WANTF.I TIMBER LAMW. 1I.MH EK LANDS BOUGHT AND SOLD. C. J. M CRACKTN, 804 -I Kay Bld. TIMBER CLAIMS, homestead rellnguUh ni. em Worceeter bide TIMBER lands wasted. C J. McCrackea. lot AlaKay bldg. FOR HtLK TIMBER LAND. Sn ACRES tin timber; cabin and water, near a depot. 80 mil. a from Portland, a better buy than fruit land: cheap; by owner. C. D. Nawlr. Amity. Oregon. Sea farms for . aale. FOR LE lf acre timber land In Grant County. Oregon. P. W. Mr-Robert. .HI I th ave.. Sea-tie. Wirt. FOR F-FNT FARM". ORCHAP.D of 4000 trees, tenant must show financial ability to hand; IL Apply R Chllcotc llui McKay ti.de. 1 : . --.--.-.-.-. 1 HH.P WANTEIV-HMAtE. SITUATION WAMEP-FmAU FAP.M property wanted; only exclusive contract for quick ala considered; w have th buyer. If you want to sell, se or writ ua Hall 4 Atchison. 213 Ger llnger bldg.. 2d and Alder. FOR SALE. Horace. Vehicle and Harneaa. 15PAN. mare and horse. 2S0O. ."25. 1 span bay geldings. 30UU. i5. 2 spans black Reluings. 2V0O, $4. 0. 1 span bay geldings. 3tlOO. U-'. 1 spiin black gclulngs, 2h."m, t.viO. 2 spans bay geldings. 2.V.ej. :150. 1 sua-n. mare und lidding. 2oo0. floO. 1 span eorrel geidinire, 2 rial. 32o. 1 span bay mare. 24m, e-1-"'. 1 span, black and gray. 22l. ?2J. 1 span black marts. 220, -'... 1 span bay mans. 2200. allot'. 1 span mules, weight S20. 'WX). 1 span mule, welsht 2".t0. 11-"I. 1 span mules, weight tt, foo. 1 All aold under our guarantee. HAWTHORNE STAHLfc.. 420 Hawthorne Ave. FOR SALE PORTLAND STABLES. 2d North 15th SL 1 CARLOAD of horses, all . prices: wagons and names of all kinds, very cheap. A FAIR OFFER. To Insure huvers against loss. I ofrer tne f-illowluc terms: boti'l pay me a cent for anv horse you buy. Deposit the money . tou are to pay for horse In the Portland Yrust Co. bank. Take the hone or team to your home. If they prove as repre sented the bank turns money over to me. If not as represented, the money Is re funded to purchaser. Both of ua are pro tected In this way. Bank and business rel - erencea furnished. It. U EVAN 3. WE have a carload of mare tn nge from S to 10 years, soma In foal and all broke to work: will weigh from U50 to 14H0 lbs.; this stock is Just from th country and they ar nut sore. We will make price right If sold quick for cash. IV euar ante ever, aule and give trialv before buving. Phone M. 0-27. Home A oil Front st. Todd'g Sale Barn. Ixir SALE Two horses, weight nearly 1000 pound each, and good traveler; llcht hack with harness, all new. In cluded, or old eparately. If taken now will be offered at a bargain. Address A. P. Langenberg. Clackamas, Or., or In quire -at room 200 Oregonlan bldg. FOR-SALE Draft, general purpose horses; have 14 on hand: 1050 to 18.10 pounds; 20 head will arrive about Saturday. 2Stn. All guaranteed as represented. Owner can be een 1640 Macadam St.. or 227 sal mon st. Marshal: 18J.1. WE have about 70 head of draft, saddle and driving horses; all good condition and guaranteed: prices right. Thomson & Malehorn. Union Stockyard. North Port land. Or. FOR SALE One team, young, well-matched ho rajs, wolghlng 2"00: one team young horse weighing 8100: 1 five-year-old black mare weighing 1500. 226" Russell st. HoRSC buagy, harness: line driver and saddier for lady or gent: bargain, stables 12th and Jefferson. Automobiles. SAVE X200 ON TOUR NEW AUTO. Winston. lx-oyllnder. first-clas con dition, can be had for fraction of value by quick action, or by exchange for new Wlnton 1911 model: can save you J-00 by ttansactlon. O 701. Oregonlan. BARGAINS In used auto tire and inner tubes; examine our stock before you buy; vulcanizing, retreading and repairing. El ton as Hurner. 42. Stark at. Phone A JUS. . . FOR SALE- Babcock electric runabout; guaranteed Brst-clasi condition: reaaon able term to responsible parties. Rose City Electric Garage. 34 2"th at. North. IF you want to buy. aell or trade an auto, aea Vance, the broker. I have many ex tra good buys. Phono Main 3359. 333 Third st. planoa. organ and Musical Instruments. STE1NWAY upright piano; rich mahogany esse, beautiful tone; family will sell on account leaving for East: to party with reference will arrange monthly payment: five-year guarantee goe with piano; also beautiful bench and mualo cabinet. AH 7. Oregonlan. ARMY officer leaving for Philippine Island must acll now Kimball piano; been used but ix months: factory cost 47f; will sell now less than half price. AH 707, Oregonlan 2 NEED money and will aacrlflce my nearly new pianola piano, original cost elloO; no reasonable offer refused if taken at once; will arrange short-time paymenia with re ponslble party. AL 70S. Oregonlan. AM leaving the city and will aell my new high-grade piano at a bargain. Phone Woodlawn 1718. BEAUtTfuL new upright: cost .370; will aell for $200. 22S Sth st. Hint. log nod Pet Stock. AT stud champion Wellesbourna Conquest, the best Collie on the Coast today; winner of 41 flrat, 7 aeconds and 3 specials at the leading Eastern shows. Including New York. Philadelphia, Boston, etc. W. L. Fulraer. 41 Board of Trade bldg. Main Wri. A 73.13. yOH SALE Thoroughbred St. Bernard dog. large and beautifully marked; good watch, dog. Will soli cheap to good ranch home. Phone C 2273. H 71S, Oregonlan. BARRED Plymouth hocks; must maka . room: big values: males and fernales. E. J. Ladd. ISO Front t.; yard Woodstock. CANARY birds, hn singer and females. 517 Mon tgomery t. Phone M ain 8209. FOR SALE Extra fine Barred Rock hen and pullets. Phone Eaat 2'iS4. Miscellaneous 2o SOLID oak dreasers. f3.30 to c?.; iu f -fets. $11 to $20; fine 123 extension table $15; Engllrh brealifast table, weathered or golden finish, $3.7J; students" writing tables. 7.1c, solid oak roll-top desks $22 .10 to $2.h: chairs Sic to (4: rockers $1.2.1 to HO; Iron beds, $1..10 to $27.io; $s.1 folding bed trine onei. Ji; $S3 massive oak aide board. $10; heavy 10-foot walnut exten sion table. $15: $10 hallrack. $13: $.10 steel range. 2o; No. cook stove. $4.30 : heating stoves. $1.75 to $lit; and numer ous other bargains. Western Salvage Co.. .147 Washington, between lGth and 17th sta. It-room furnished cottage for rent at 40 Stark st.. 133 er month. Both phones. Main IK'S or A 3703. FOR SALE. Two 100 H. P. Horlxontal F.eturn Tu bular Boiler, complete with enclosed type feed water heater. oVi3i Smith Vail feed pump. Dodgo Injectors, satiny valves, crown valves, ti-lneh header and ail angle valves, and William feed water regulator, with safety water column. In good con dition. Also one 12 H. P. Vertical Submerge;! Head Tubular Holler complete with safe ty valve and fittings, including Buffalo Injector. Almost new; only used a shurt time. For further particular Inquire at room 201. Oregonlan Bldg. BATH TUBS Cast Iron, white onamel, $14 and up; sinks, laundry tray and all kinds of plumbing fixtures, way below cost. Portland Wrecking Co. Phones -Main 37. A- s: 103-1 lth at. HEN'S overcoats, auita. Cleanup aale of high-grade coats and suits: $10 suits and overcoats for $14.76: $25 aulta and over coata $12.73: $20 sulfa and overcoats, IO.s.1. Jlmmle Dunn ""Knew" Cample Suit Shop, room 313 Oregonlan bldg. NINE II. P. steam engine, first-class condi tion for all kinds of work, farm use. clearing land. etc. Will aell cheap for cash. I M. Sheldon. 41 North 2d" au phon Marshall 31 a. FOR SALE English pit bulldog, female, ready for breeding; cheap If taken In next few days. Phone C 2273. H 717. Ore gonlan. FOR SAL-E One No. 1 Faltles stump pul ler In good condition, cheap. Inquire at Forester Shaver, blacksmith shop. Fos ter, road. Lents. W -Ij lewel.y ex'-nanaed ior iaice -i diamonds; nnredeemed pledgea for bail original prlcea Uo-le Myers. Tt U be'weew Oak and Pitt. t FACTORY rmuilt typ. writers. $10 to $93h NORTHWEST TYPEWRITER CO. 80 Fifth at. M. T..12S. A 1 47. FOR SALE cheap, nearly new M. at M. mo torcycle: a good burgain for someone. Phono Eaat fco3. Has new and aecond-baod. low prt caah or easy terms. PORTLA NO S A KB Q.. F'fth st. 60M E household furniture for sale by piece; two complete bedroom sets, other tilings; must go. 6I Gllsan. Marshall tilt. 1 r eo,A.. enowcaaea. tiib..n. ea.ar General uxturee In stork a ou mJe order at l...e.t peieea. nr.ii ave 4. A SIXLEAF solid oak dining table; cheap. eii North 10th t- - FOR SALE at reduction, business college tuition. Phone East $304. GOOD steel rang for aala cheap. J61 10th at. Main 1312. WANTED MISCELTEOfS. WANTED To give tha use of St. Bernard male dog. beautifully marked, for breed ing. In return for puppy. Phone C. 2273. H. 7lrt. Oregonlan. WANTED Complete furniture for H-room house. Glv list and price. P 67$, Oreio titan. . SEND your eecond-hand furnltur to lb Ford Auction Co. or you'll get less. Fhon A 2-iia. Main 8H5L ly TOC hav household furnltur to sell, rail up George Baker Co.. 132 Park su Both phonca. WANTED 5 to"n.-P. motor,"" direct cur rent. 433 E. Monlson. ci of uivn 1 v n r.VPBTTHlNO. Wanted Men's eastoB ciotulng and hoe and bicycle: highest pr.ee paid; we also buy ladies" clothing. Call up to Globe second-hand store. Phone -lain SOW X80 1st st, 6CHOOLBOOKS bought and aold. 211 2d St.. near Salmon. I08 Sth st. WANTED For cash, second-hand pool and billiard tables. Qulgley Bros.. 186 1st st V. AM'tiU MoviOg-piCture machine. aa outfit, films, etc. AJ 646. Oregonlan. KEUP WANTED MALE. WANTED SALESMEN. WE HAVE JUST PLACED BURI.INGAME ON THE MAR KET. IT IS SELLING FAST. BEING OK HIGH CHARACTER. ON THE WEST SIDE. CLOSE IN. AND ONE OP THE LARGEST SUBDIVISIONS EVER OF FERED IN THIS CITY. IT CANNOT BE OTKERWISK. WK WANT MEN OF ABILITY AND HONESTY. WHO WISH,! TO GET PERMANENTLY LOCA1 EO WITH A FIRM BIO ENOUGH TO OF FER ADVANCEMENT. WE WILL TRAIN SUCH MEN AND PROMOTE THEM WHEN THEY QUALIFY. NONE BUT THOSE WHO ARE SINCERE AND WILL ING TO DEVOTE THKIR ENTIRE TIME NEED APPLY. NO- MONEY REQUIRED. EXPERIENCE UNNECESSARY. HAV ING THE SYSTEM WHICH TRAINS SALESMEN. WE WILL BE RESPONSI BLE FOR YOUR SUCCESS. IF YOU ARE ACCEPTED IN" OUR ORGANIZATION. CALL NO LATER THAN 10 A. M.. WEST SIDE COMPANY. MADISON BUILDING. THIRD AND MADISON STREETS. HANLEY EMPLOYMENT CO.. 284 North Second St. Phones Main 727. A 2200. 1 motorman. $100 month, 1 farm carpenter. 40c hour. 1.1 laborers for J. W. Sweeney Con. Co.. timber, Oregon, on P. R. & N. By., 25a hour. 15 laborers for Winston Bros. McDon gall. on Nor. Pac By., double track work, $2 day. We furnish men for Porter Bros., Hurley Mason Co.. Boynton. Church & McCoy. Caitghren. Winters. Smith & Co., Grant Smith A Co.. v Pates A Rodpe-rs, Porter : Clarksen. Carlson & ChlndahL . Rajotte & Forbert. United Railways. New orders in daily. . WHAT HAPPENED IN THS Advisory and Employment Department of tha T. M. C. A. during November and December. 110T . 279 calls for men. 15 membets sent to position-. 24 new members taken In. H members-ID feu- refunded. Any fellow, young or middle-aged, who , can do an j thing well or better, need not be out of employment. Hustle will get It, and we will tell yon how or membership foe refunded. Secretary. Employment Department x. M. C A,. 2d floor. Beware of special offers and catchy adds. WK OFFER THE BEST AT ALL TIMES. LOOK UP OUR REPUTATION. WANTED YOUNG MEN TO LEARN to operate moving-picture machines: wage from $13 to $.1.1 a week. OUR OPERAT ING SCHOOL HECOCNIZED ALL OVER THE EAST AS THE STANDARD. We teach each student on Powers. Edison ana Double Stereopticon Dlssolver .nachlnes. There Is no course of Instruction so ru ough on the Pacific Ccast. Wt ARE THE LARGEST FILM RENTERS IN THL WORLD; we are having DAILY CALLS FOR OPERATORS: get one of our stand ard operators' hand books. Apply Laem mle. DOS Couch bldg.. 4th and Waahing tonsts.. Portland, Or. ; ABLE-BODIED men wanted for the 0. S. Marine Corp, between the agea of lw and Xf; must, be native bom or have first pa pers: monthly pay $15 to $0; additional compensation possible; food, clothing. Quarter and medical attention free" after 80 years' service can retire with 75 per cent of pay and allowance; rvic on board ship aad ashore In all part of th world. Apply at U. 8. Marin Corp Re cruiting Office, Breeden bldg.. Sd and Wasulng-on ts.. Portland. Or. GET OUR SPECIAL. OFFER. MEN ME.?i-. WANTED WAN 1 ED To learn to operate moving-picture ma chines. Operators earn $25 to .I5 weekly, learn business in 10 days: DAI ana NIGHT classes; OPEN SUNDA if. N. Y. MOVING-PICTURE SCHOOL, 526'.. Washington Street. BELMONT AUTO SCHOOL. The only thoroughly equipped school ON THE PACIFIC COAST. Thorough Instruction, competent man agement and practical work. EAST 23D AND MORRISON 6T9. Take S-S or ML Tabor car ar.d look us op Detore oecioing 10 em o" MEN wanted, age IS to S3, for firemen. $100 monthly and brakemen $S0 on nearby rail roads; experience unnecessary: no strike; promotion to engineers, conductors. Rail road Employing Headquarters over 309 men sent to positions monthly. Statag; end stamp. Kail way Association, car precoma-. WANTED Ambitious workmen; work oa actual Jobs psys for teaching trade eleo tricity. automobiles, plumbing, bricklaying: few months required; 700 student last four years. Write for Information. United Trad School Contracting Co.. Los Angeles. WANTED First-class window trimmer and advertising man, for ladies' ready-to-wear store: steady position and good future to tho right party; state full particulars and salary expected in first letter. S 709. Ore gon ian. RAILWAY mall clerks, postofflc clerk, letter carriers, custom-house and Internal revenue emplove. to prepare for exam inations; free book. Paclflo state School. McKay bldg- city. WANTED "Young man to take special 123 automobile course, driving and repairing; piactlcal experience: complete Instruction; big wages; steady work. Washlngton St.. room 415. Call 326 a IF you are a "live tvire" with soliciting ex perience and with steady employment with a good financlr.l return. ee Mr. Jame after 12:30 P. M. Monday. 413 Mohawk bldg.. 3d and Morriaon. HIGH-CLASS man to handle proposition roverine Portland and entire Northwest: one who works his own solicitors pre ferred. Call 1105 Spalding bldg. COUNTY and district manasers; also city men; exclusive territory, pernmneui; un usual opportunity. Call 10 to 4 P. M, room B Hotel Bushmark. fiftl 'j Washlniiton. WANTED Salesman to call on hotels and reataurants. Portland: one who has had experience In calling on thla trade in Port- . 'j TIT rteeeortlnn. t:PERIENCED card writer and window dresser; stato age. experience and salary desired. Rosenthal. 406 Riverside avenue. YOU are wanted for government position. IPO per rrcnth. Write fcr list of positions open. Franklin Institute, Dept. 31S C. Rochester. N. Y. . WANTED A man who understands burning charcoal. -Call at 300 Grand ave.. be tween JO A. Al. ana o . jm. opi Long. WANTED at once, three men to learn to repair and drive automobiles. Call at Garage after 8 o'clock. 330 Eaat Wuh lni?ton ct- , yVicTED Market gardener that under stands raising truck for local trade; farm about S miles from city. T 716. Oregonlan. WANTED Good solicitor for fraternal nork" big money for the right men. Room 31. Oregonlan bldg. Call 1 P. M. WANTED At opce, I men to learn to drive and repair automobile. Call at Hawthorne garage. 445 Hawthorne ave. w A N TED M od el to pose nude for an artist. Boy preferred. Call Monday noon at 102 Ford -t.-PA lit your shoes, .107 Gllsan 1.1th men's half sale 50c; t.. corner -rst-class woi K guarantee d. LOCAL OFFICE KehoolS- 2 'FICE International Correapoaa oois, 233 Alder St.. opea Ui i nd for tree catalorua. . , w nfl for tree catalorua. HIGH-GRADE representative wanted for Eood proposition. "21 Board of Trade bldg. WEAR a Kenvhaw $2 hat. any t3-le or sTie? 49 Washington at. CHOCOLATE dipper wanted. Call at 390 K. Ah st! WANTED A boy with a wheel. Ruwe As Martin. 323 Washington rt- PHolOGRAPH coupon and portrait agents, new offer. Cutborth studio. Dekum bldg. WANTED Janitor, alnftle man. at once; Stanley Apartments, 701 Washington. ADVERTISING -solicitors, contracts cashed. SL Josephs Blatt. 30$ Goodnough bldg. WANTED Painter for Inside work In ex- r h an ge for dentistry. J 718, Oregonlan. yOl'NG man to work In drug store; must h-ve experience. Cottel Drug Co. PAPERHANGER wanted at 671 Sth st. HELP W A N TEI KITH A I.E. EXPERIENCED second maid: wage $30. Apply 215 Ford st. Phone Main 739. WANTED Girl for general housework. 2 In family. Telephone Main 4660. WANTED At Sisters Hospital in Chls Cel.. pupils to enter school of nursing. WANTED Experienced walstmakers and tailor holpcr. F. W. Patt, 75 '. loth su WANTED Toung ladles for tele-phoua op erating, with or without experience. Ap ply Pacific Telephone A Telegraph -. ia and East Ankeny ata. STUDENT NURSES WANTED. On account of several wards , , 5 added to this Institution, the Training School for Nurses ia about to Increase us membership, and Is now readv to receive applications for the Spring classes tor particulars address: Superintendent 01 Nurses, San Diego County General Hos pital. San Diego. Cal. WANTED Capable woman as housekeeper for ranch; must be good cook and willing to do washing; good wages to right party; German preferred. Call 1.10.1 East Sth rt. North. Take Woodlawn can HIGH-"school Yirl or woman wanted who will work afternoons and some evenings, but llv. at home: doctor's house, Hign land district. Phones Woodlawn 1743 or C 13.19. . WANTED Girl for general housework; must be good cook: good wages, small family: two In help. .Call between 10 and 12 at 720 Corbett bids. WANTED Girl for cooking and general housework;' no children, no washing, gt'Od wages. Phone Bast 631. Apply 61o East 9th North. ; . WANTED Thoroughly competent and ex perienced cook: must have references: small family; second girl employed. Min J3ii. WANTED Toung lady stenographer wh experience. Apply by letter, giving age. experience and references. R. D. -tone. lotn ana tarsnsii. $25 WEEKLY mailing formulas; must call Immediately; full particulars 40S Couch street. GIRL, to assist with house work; small fan Ily and good home. Telephone A 0393, or call at Fourth st. MRS. HOWE'S LADII13' AGENCY. 826 Washington St., room ! Main 8S36 or A S266. HANSEN'S LADIES' AGENCY. 843- Washington st-. cor. 7th. upstair, Phone Main 2092. EXPERIENCED chambermaid at Nortonla Hotel: ood room and board. Call Monday between 10 and12 A. I. WANTED Strong girl for general house work, private family, reasonable wages. Call 874 Kerby St. COMPETENT, dependable woman, for per manent position with local buslnesa firm. AC 704, Oregonian. GIRL wanted" for general housework, two in family. Call 410 Eaat 19th North. Phone C 23S4. WANTED Refined, capable woman tor re sponsible position. Vlavl Co., 009 Roth child bldg., 4th andWashlngton. i TWO experienced-girls for dipping choco lates; good wage and steady position. 3S3 Burnslde st. WILL pay $20 per month for girl to do housework in family of four; good home Tor rignt Kin, r-noog xj .. iv mui Experienced oper-tora to work on shirts. Apply Standard Factory. 3 Granq ave. and East Taylor. GIRL for general " housework, four adults In family; good wages. Phone Tabor lt!27. GIRL for general housework. Call 1031 Quimby St. r.au 10 nip pop ooie EXPERIENCED girl for general housework and cooking, good wages. 741 Irving eu WANTED Competent girl to do cooking and housework. Apply 752 Flanders st. LADIES and gentlemen to learn Chemical Oil painting. 253te Alder SL GIRL to assist general housework aiyiall . , ., Dhnna XT n I n MUM. iamiiy. 10 vw11 p WOMAN to do washing. Call in morning. 104 18t ST- lorio. Lady barber license or permit, guarantee; call early. ii WANTED Girl for general housework. Call mornings. 11 n-uc-oriv PRIVATE School. SHORTHAND and TYPE WRITING: $3 mo. 269 14th. Main 3S93. GIRL to do general housework. Inquire 916 Helmont st. B 12S5. LADIES: Learn beauty culture. Sanitary Beauty College. 40O Dekum bldg. EXPERIENCED girl for general housework, "small family. 601 East Taylor. LAMBERSON, 534 Couch. a'irl for aecond work, to sleep at uop-r WANTED Lady for general housework. good wages. Appiy 0-0 -oo-qj WANTED A girl to wait table. 29 Russell street. HELP WASTED-MALE OB FEMALE. lflooo POSITIONS for graduatea last year: men and women to learn barber trade in 8 weeks, help to secure position; gradu ates earn from $15 to $26 weekly; expert Instructors; tools free: write for cata loguea. Mohler System of College. A North 4th t.. f ortiana. ur. BOOKKEEPERS, BANK CLERKS. AUDI TORS. Out of work? want more salary? I can put you on to something worth your while. C. H. Finiple, Marquam bldg., S:30 to 11:30. 7 to 9. ROOM tor several high-grade solicitors; no house to house work; a corking good proposition; easy to aell. Call 619 Mar 5uam bldg., 8:30 to 11:30 A. M. or 7 to 9 P. M. MAKE money writing etorie or for newspa- Rer" big p.iy; send for free booklet; tell ow. United Press Synd.. San Francisco. FISK TEACHERS' ASSOCIATION, 611 Swet land bldg. SITUATION WANTED MALE. Bookkeeper ana Clerks. THOROUGHLY experienced man want re sponsible position; educated, refined, has executive ability; good manager; many years' experience In lumber in California and Oregon: fully equipped for office or outside; offers entertained only from strictly reputable firms. J 71. Ore gonian. EXPERIENCED" stenographer. employed, studying architecture, wishes position wltn architect or construction company; prac tical experience In estimating, bracing. etc. Adores e "L" BOOKKEEPER. 12 yeaia' banking and gen eral experience, wishes position; first-class references. J 706. Oregonlan. EXPERIENCED bookkeeper wishes perma nent position; best of reference. R 707, Oregonlan. Miscellaneous THOROUGHLY experienced. practical farmer, dairyman would take charge or rent place on shares: A-l references; give particulars In first letter. AG iOJ, Oregonlan. GENTLE MAN. age 33. of nice appearance, well educated and, Informed, good habits, 10 year' experience In hotel busines, de ires employment. References. A ilO, Orgoni-in. FIRST-CLASS meatcutter wishes position, city or country; all around shop man: can manage business; sober, best refer ence. Address AE 674. Oregonlan. A Fl RST-CLASS moving picture operator wants position In city or surrounding town and may buy some interest In show, h. 707, Oregonian. YOUVO man desires place to work for board and room after school: good references ."enfMj"ewHD..14S5thsjt: HOISTING engineer. 10 years' experience bridge construction, foreman or engineer. Eat 4141. Strouse. CARPENTER, firat-claae finisher and ex perienced foreman wants situation. Sell woud 1712. COMPETENT machinist with sawmill ex perience wants position out of town. AG 715. Oregonlan. FIRSTCLASS orchard man wants work; ran manage any size or kind of farm, if necessary.C71 6. Oregonlan. YOUNT5 man with experience wishes to start in tha plumbing trade. AC 710. Orego nlan. WANTED Work: chauffeur for private family or delivery car. AF 700. Orego nian. . -CARRIED man wants farm work; no chil dren; permanent If satisfactory. T 705, Oregonlan. CHAUFKEITR, Japanese, wants position; I have many years' experience driver. F 705. Oregonlan. PAPERH ANGING, tinting, painting done by experienced man. Phone Woodlawn 477. YOUNG man wants to work at auto garage or on laundry wagon. C 715. Oregonian. YOUNG married man wants work; handy at anything. C 71S. Oregonlan. YOUNG man. steady, sober, wants work; anything. Phone Sellwood 39S. STATIONARY FIREMAN. two yeara' ex perience. Phone Woodlawn 2924. CITY salesman wants wholesale account or eiie Hue. U Quinn, Baker. Or, COMPETENT bookkeeper and stenographer wants permanent position; thoroughly business; best of references. E 705, Ore gpnian. EXPERIENCED stenographer and book keeper wants permanent position. A-l ref erences. E Till. Oregonian. HIGHLY educated young lady desires steno graphic or teneral office work. AD "A-. Oregonian. - COPYING, etc.. to do at home; will call for dictation. Main 4STH, bat. 9 and6. COMPETENT stenORrarher w-rnts permanent position: good references. B 714. Oregonian. Dressmaker. ALlT kinds of fashionable dressmaking and ladies' tailoring: reasonable. 001 Mont gomery. Main 101S. EXPERIENCED dressmaker would like en gagements by day or at home; best refcr enccs. AL 710. Oregonian. 235 FIFTH, phone Main 500 Dressmaking and plain sewing at very moderate prices. DRESSMAKER wants plain sewing by day: terms reasonable. Main 7710. iTSsT-CLASiT dressmaking by the day; prices reasonable. Apt. 40. Main 233Q. TRAINED nurse wishes engagements: some housework; reasonable; doctors' referen ces. A 37:ll. Housekeeper. WANTED, by experienced widow, position as housekeeper; gentleman preferred: must be respectable. Mrs. Schaarar, 1S9 West Park. Phone Main 3297. WANTED Charge of an alteration room by experienced woman; good references. Ad dress 3li7t 1st su. V. W. S . Portland. Or. COMPETENT Swedish girl wishes general housework; wages $35. Phone Marshall 1473. WANTED Day work. Call Tabor 11"9. Miscellaneous. EXPERIENCED Gorman girl desires family second work, wanes Sn- St. Louis Agency. 31131.. Washington si. Main 20119. A 4i 1.1. GIRL wishes general house worl 410 N. 2.1th at. WOM A X wants housework in good family. 1001x Corbettst. CHAMBER work experienced woman. Phone E. 4449. room 46. WANTED AGENTS. ACTIVE canvassers can make $50 weekly selling trees for the Oregon Nursery Com pany. Liberal propos.tion ; good territory. Address Orenco, Or. WANTED TO RENT. Houses. WANTED To rent, 6 or 7-room house, mod ern, with garage preferred, in northwest ern part of city; adults with good recom mendations: give location and price. B 71". Oregonian. WANTED 5 or 6-room modern house, by February 15, with small yard. West Side. Phone A 3591. Room. YOUNG man, best of habits, desires room in refined home. Give phone number and full particulars; references exchanged. E 71.1. Oregonian. WANTED By vocal teacher, suite of mod ern rooms close in. Phone Marshall 173S. Booms XYll- Board. W ANT ED Roo m "and board, with modern conveniences, by young married couple; with private family, Jewish preferred; ex change references, rhone Marshall 1354. or address AM 70!. Oregonlan. A REFINED young gentleman wishes board and room with private family. AK 718, Oregonlan. Business Places. BRICKFACTORY BUILDING 50 by 100 feet, one to four floors or larger; ft to 20 years' lease; must be modern and cen trally located on East Side. Address AH 717, "Oregonian. FOR RENT. Kooo . PORTLAND-ROOMING BUREAU. Rooms, flats, apartments, furnished, un furnished, board, all parts of tha city; save you money, time, trouble. Let us lo cate you. 2S6i Washington su. R. 8ui Marshall 218'J. A 5243. DON'T OVERLOOK THIS TODAY. -MILNER BLDG.," 350 V4 MORRISON SS, IIODER-N, CENTRAL, REASONABLE. Furnished Rooms. HOTEL CAPLK3 Residential. 350 Taylor. Transisnt. BeL Tth and Park St. Opposite new Helllg Theater, on block from Portland Hotel; brick building, just completed; handsomely furnished; every modem convenience, elevator service, steam heat, telephone and hot and cold water in every room; eingle room and suites with or without private baths, etc.; centrally located, near Postofflce: Jus off all carllne; very quiet; low rate by day, week or month. Phone Marshall 2200 "" HOTEL ALDER. Permanent and Transient. ' We are devoting several of our choicest rooms to permanent guest for the Winter- will make special low rate by tha week or month; transient guests given th best of service and shown every courtesy; located In center of shopping district, con venient for out-of-town people; rates by the week. (in an- . 1 ' txv.- 1 . i.--'irT A T-jn'T-TrT. Permanent aud transient. Just opened: brick building. beautifully furnished; everything new; steam heat, hot and cold running water and telephonea In all rooms: fine lobby and ladles' parlor. Suites and single rooms with and without private baths; very reasonable rates by day. week or month. Phone Marshall I80O. 625 WASHINGTON ST. 3RAND UNION HOTEL. East Burnslde. Coma to tho East Side and save money on vour room rent; we have 120 modern, steam-heated rooms with hot and cold running water; single and en suite; rooms with private bath; 15 minutes' walk to business ceuter of city; rates $2.50 to $7 per month. East 5940, B li7a. HOTEL SAVON. 129 Eleventh SL Nw, modern brick building, steam fceated. private baths, hot and cold water In rooms, beautifully furnished, cosy and comfortable. Rates very reasonable. Cail and see us. Regular and transient trad ollcited. HOTEL BUSHMARK. Washington andt7tw first-class furnished rooms, single or ea ult: all modern convenience; wy. up. A 2(147. Maln6647. . HOTEL ANKONIA. 124 14th BL. cor. Wasb. Fia m lahed and unfurnlahed rooms: pri vate baths, tree phone In all room. ' HOTElT" EDGERTON. Furnished rooms, steam heat, bath and phone, cor. jtissisippi a'J-"1 TH R Kim pTace, 414 Yamhill t., rooms; hot and cold water, steam heat, private baths and suites. t THE HOLLr HO'I EL, 105 12th Naw an modern in every way; elegantly furnish.-; rate reasonable transients solicited. THE BEAVER." 12th and Marshall sts.. wall furnished sleeping rooms. $2.50 per week; Ciectrlc lights, hot bath free. MODERN outside rooms. $3 to $5 per week, including oath: also housekeeping room. .46. Washington St. THE HAZEL Nicely furnished, steam-heated rooms; running water. Cor. 3d and Montgomery sts. . THE GAYOSA Steam-heated, running water- phones in roams, elevator; $1 week ami up. Grand ave. and East Stark. -f-iTTT. -vnrjRTS Rooms $3.50 week' up. 132 4 17th st. NICELY furnished rooms, furnace heat, close In; $3 and up. 29 17th st. Furnished Rooms In Private -Btnlly. ONE modern sleeping room and 2 attlo sleeping rooms, walking distance. 667 Everett. . FIVE blocka postoffice: 38-S Salmon; nice, clean f-rnished rooms, furnace heat, rea son a b I erateir'arshalIM5L FINELY furnished room with porch; Nob ilill, references required. 728 li Kearney. Vhune Main 2356. NICELY furnished room for gentleman, all modern conveniences; quiet, nice loca tiun. 427 4 Clay st. .LARGE front room, facing east. modem dwelling: walking distance: modern con venlences. 69 N. 21st st. YOUNG druggist wishes" room mate, pleas ant, large, modern room, two beds. I?6 North 15th st. NICE furnished room, suitable for 2 gentle m e n with or without board. 304 4 Park. FINELY furnished rooms; all new, cosy and clean, living price. 454 Taylor A FRONT room suitable for two gentleman. Call 8 East 12th St. N. 441 TAYLOR, near 12th, very pleasant warm room for gentleman; modern; reasonable. CLEAN", furnished rooms in private home; $12 to $1S. Main 4043; 140 N. 16th. SINGLE or en suite, first-class in every re spert. 57.1 Couch. N. E. cor. ISth. FRONT room, suitable for 1 or 2 gentle men; walking distance. 327 W. Park st. ONE small furnished room. $S per month. 703 Everett. Main 4023. ELEGANT room for 1 or 2 and firat-clas table board. 374 Park. NICELY furnished front room, suitable lor two; rent $10. 2bi) 13th sL i.